#dostoevsky author
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helppp, i forgot i wrote this last night. i was kinda onto something though. give that man copies of crime and punishment and the bros k, it’ll fix him.
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 months
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Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita (1967) Kafka Asagiri, Bungo Stray Dogs chapter 114.5 (2024)
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macrolit · 11 months
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Giveaw@y: We’re giving away 12 vintage paperback classics! Won’t they look lovely on your shelf? =) Enter to win these classics by: 1) following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblogging this post. We will choose a random winner on 30 September 2023. Good luck!
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velvetyvoyage · 19 days
📣📣FYODOR FUCKIN DOSTOYEVSKY! , stop making people hate you! CHALLENGE!! GO!📣📣❗️‼️‼️💋‼️‼️(IMPOSSIBLE!)
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amber-sekio · 4 months
Relationship Headcanons
Fandom: BSD -Bungo Stray Dogs
TW: none? I think? 
I said it in my Soukoku fic, Dazai wouldn’t know affection if it slapped him in the face ten times 
Like he might realize when someone is showing interest in a sexual kind 
And he would probably notice if someone is crushing on him 
But like, if he likes them back? 
Man is blind 
He’s too busy panicking over read denying his own thoughts and feelings over you to analyze your actions 
He’s busy trying to think of anything but how pretty you are when he sees you -thank you very much 
No joke though, this can be applied to pretty much anyone he cares about 
I mean he practically had a heart attack when Atsushi gave him flowers 
Anyways if he finally admits to himself that he likes you then I could see him trying to push you away if I’m being brutally honest 
He doesn’t want to lose you and he believes that anything he wants that he obtains, will be striped from him sooner or later 
But…, in a perfect world he would eventually work up the courage to ask you out 
He would probably avoid directly asking you but this is Dazai so he could defiantly figure out some round-about way to ask 
As for the relationship? 
He would still be his teasing self 
But he would tone it down 
Not because he doesn’t want to annoy you but more so because he actually lets some of his masks down when alone with you 
He defiantly is very clingy to you 
Man has been touch starved for a long time and he fears attachment too much to be touchy with the ADA members 
But now he has you, who not only tolerates him but has decided to stay with him? 
Of course he’s not going to let this chance slip from his grasp before all this inevitably ends (he’s still in denial) 
He never cared much for holidays like Christmas or Valentines 
But now he wants to experience them, with you 
He’s always thinking, plans and outcomes racing through his mind, what ifs and regrets  
But like, if you ruffle his hair, his brain just stops. 
Like no thoughts, he short circuits 
When his brain returned to him the first time it happened he panicked 
Like, who gave you that amount of control? 
After that first time he continued to try and get you to do it without asking 
He needed his brain to shut up every now and then, and now he has a reliable source 
Anyways, he likes to be a spoiled princess 
No one can change my mind 
For all his predictions he will never be able to predict your love and kindness for him 
Someone give this poor man a hug 
Ugh, my heart 
I can‘t imagine him wanting to date a normal citizen, too much of a risk 
So you’d probably have to work in the Mafia 
Even then, dating you would still be placing a huge target on you 
He would actually take you out on dates before asking you out 
Dates with him would be romantic 
Like dinner by candle light vibes 
He’d be strategic on where you guys sit 
No need to be precarious on what you order, it’s all on him 
When he does ask you out he would be slightly flustered but it just makes him adorable 
Say yes, he doesn’t deserve to be hurt any more 
He would spoil you to no end 
If you want it, you can have it 
You’re the only one allowed to call him short 
He might get flustered from PDA in the start but will gradually warm up to it 
Nothing clingy, just hand holding, a hand around your waist, a quick kiss here or there 
But if he sees some guy hitting on you? 
Down right possessive, arm snug around your waist, shoulder to shoulder 
And if he’s drunk? Even worse 
Like he’s pulling you onto his lap just to make sure that asshole knows your taken 
If you do work in the mafia with him, he likes going on easier missions with you 
And while he knows that you can handle yourself just fine, he can’t help but imagine something bad happening to you when he isn’t there to save you 
He’s lost too many people in his life, please, don’t leave him as well 
He loves when you rest your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat 
And while you do that he’ll run his fingers through your hair 
Chuuya loves to spoil you rotten as I stated, it’s his love language 
So sometimes he’ll just hand you his black card and let you go shopping with friends or something 
In fact, he encourages you to buy what you want 
Honestly? Where do I start with him? 
Like congratulations if you meet him and make it out alive 
I don’t know if I should congratulate him taking an interest in you though 
I feel like he believe that the interest he had in you was purely innocent curiosity 
But I also don’t think he would try to delude himself for as long as Dazai does 
Eventually he would notice that something was different about his interest for you than usual 
And while he would hesitate to put a name to it so quickly he would eventually give in after realizing there was no stoping this feeling from festering in him 
After coming to terms with his romantic? Feelings and interest in you he would definitely begin to manipulate you into feeling the same way for him 
If you don’t already that is 
If you don’t confess then he’ll definitely do the same thing Dazai did 
And when you agree, he of course knew you would, he makes you move in with him 
He can’t let his dearest other slip from his finger now can he? 
I feel like before ever getting into a relationship, you would have been made aware of his ‘work’  
Please, make sure the man eats 
And takes his iron pill 
Nikolai is getting a little tired of that daily routine despite how much he loves to be around Fyodor 
Anyways, dates aren’t a very common thing in fact, very, very rare 
I mean… what did you expect? 
Man’s a literal terrorist 
That being said, from time to time he’ll leave his ‘lair’ to spend time with you 
If you ask, he’ll gladly play the cello for you 
If he snaps at you for ‘bothering him with pointless things’ when you bring him his iron pill or food just listen 
Don’t bother him with such things 
And then same thing the next day 
And after some 4 or 5 days he’ll stumble from his room 
Staggering as he tries not to collapse or faint from both his lack of energy and his iron deficiency 
And when he walks into the kitchen trying to get the iron pill bottle open? 
Let him stumble his way over to you and ask for help before you finally do as such 
And he realizes just how dependent on you he’s become 
It’ll happen again eventually 
But as of that moment, it’ll at least be awhile before the cycle repeats 
(That last part of Fyodor’s was based upon some fanfic I read for him. I'm not sure who it was by, but I’ll tag it if and when I do find it.) 
A/N: anyways, believe it or not, I love Chuuya just as much as I do Fyodor and Dazai 
I’m just not as confident in his character. Since I’m a lot like Dazai, he comes easy to me and by substitute, Fyodor does as well 
But Chuuya? Despite him being one of my 5 favorites along with Dazai and Fyodor, I just don’t resonate personally enough with him to write him really well
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awanderingrat · 4 months
guys listen to me. We will NOT be shipping Jesus Christ and fyodor dostoevsky.
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s1ckstvr0s · 5 months
Real footage of Fyodor being delighted after he finally finished his 100k ao3 fic.
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charlieisverysane · 3 months
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uuuhhh i forgot to post this uhm
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deiahapmoment · 3 months
Also I can't believe we got baited soooo hard, everyone was like "omg Fyodor backstory?" only for Asagiri to turn around, give us more skk shenanigans, Sigma is actually alive and so is that guy too
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y’all are making the real dostoevsky turn over in his grave right now😭
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tulipe-rose · 23 days
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His so called 'friendship' ' with Nikolai in a nutshell:
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tolstoesky · 5 months
Raskolnikov: I know a lot about criminals and the criminal mindset. For example, one of the most frequent things criminals do that makes them get caught is return to the scene of their crime.
Raskolnikov: So obviously, I returned to the scene of the crime.
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0bsessiv3s0ul · 5 months
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It is is better to know one book intimately than a hundred superficially.
-Donna Tartt
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girlmetamorphed · 8 months
people often talk about how dostoevsky’s characters are constantly sabotaging themselves, seeking suffering But Also pleasure and how paranoiac they are and that all of this might be rooted in their need to feel they have control because of all the trauma they have endured, which i agree, but have you also considered that most of these characters are in their 20s ?
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yvehattan · 8 months
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Nikolai Gogol (the author)
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