kaezerdoodles · 2 years
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I’ve been slacking in the Draconic!Vlad department but all I can think of is Cheese Melt. So y’all get both!
That’s HIS baby- do NOT touch!
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 309
Danny huddled beneath the mass of warm scales, trying to avoid the rain that sputtered and hissed into steam whenever it touched the resting form of the older halfa. He choked on broken chirps, burying his head against his tail. Everything hurt, one of his paws and wings gone- what had the wanted them for- 
He sniffled, not wanting to cry. At least- at least Jordan had managed to get them out, it could have been worse. Ancients, it could have been so much worse. Mom and Dad were… Ancients he didn’t want to even think about it- 
A huff of smoke wafted over him, and he looked up into Dan’s crimson eye- the other gone to do who knows what with. It was time to go- they couldn’t stay in one place, they had to keep moving lest the GIW catch up. They didn’t have a choice, not now, not if they didn’t want to die- if they ever could now. It didn’t matter. 
He stayed limp as he was picked up by the scruff, the rain soaking into his fur and scales (and still-healing injuries) as the larger dragon launched into the sky. They just had to keep moving, avoid any people, heroes included, and keep moving. Just keep moving.
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radiance1 · 11 months
Danny is the eternal prince of the ghost zone, able to turn into a massive eastern dragon and his raw power is unmatched, only surpassed by those like the Ghost King.
He... needs a favor.
From Vlad.
They're relationship is... testy, at best. They aren't trying to kill each other, and Vlad stopped all of his attempts to get with his mom and make him his son when he got together with some warlock, but it also doesn't take much for them to go into an all out brawl.
The Prince and the Duke doesn't have the best relationship, but the prince needs a favor, and the duke is the only one who could probably pull it off.
So, he goes over to Vlad, not in dragon form (still a dragonish human form though) to nonverbally say he's not looking for a fight. Vlad's domain isn't exactly the most comfortable, intense heat and whatnot, but he'll live.
All he asks of Vlad, is that he lets him access his little warlock for a while.
Vlad, understandably, is not exactly keen on this.
There was an eastern dragon in the meeting room.
Somehow managing to bypass all of their security, who knows how long it's been squatting in the meeting room. But the Justice League was only aware of this now.
The eastern dragon was patiently waiting for one of them to step in the room, which only happened because they had to debrief a mission. It didn't seem to be looking for a fight, because if it was it was, it probably wouldn't be sitting around to plainly.
Then, it greeted them, shifting its form from that of a dragon to a more humanish form, still with some draconic features. He introduced himself as Phantom, Prince of the Infinite Realms.
Told them that he was looking for one of their members, for a request that only one such as him could take.
Who did he ask for?
John Constantine.
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versegm · 1 year
“Forgive my ignorance, Master, but what country does this flag represent?”
The Master of Chaldea turns around to follow Artoria’s gaze, focused on the large flag spread against the wall of her room. While she has been keeping her frustration under wraps, this thing has been driving her wild for weeks now; anytime she sees it, she dives deep inside herself to find any relevant knowledge whatsoever, and every single time, she comes out with absolutely nothing. The grail will provide you with the necessary knowledge upon summoning. What a scam. False advertisements all around.
“Oh!” The Master turns back to her, grinning. “That’s the trans flag. You’ve never seen it before?”
“The flag of Transylvania?” Huh. Fascinating. Now she’ll know what colors to associate with Vlad’s country-
The Master chuckles. “No, no, the trans gender flag. You know? Since I’m genderfluid?” She makes a vague gesture of the hand, prana crackles in the air- and instead of a red-haired girl, Artoria is left facing a black-haired boy. It’s a trick she’s seen the Master perform a few times before, so it doesn’t sway her one way or another.
“I’m… afraid I don’t know what these words mean.” She admits, a bit shamefully. Much as it pains her to admit her own ignorance, she knows as a warrior and as a king that it’s better to fill any gap in knowledge as she can before heading to the battlefield.
The Master stares at her for a few seconds. “You… have seen me shapeshift before, right?”
“I have.” As established before, seeing the Master as a man is an equally common occurrence as seeing him as a woman.
“Why do you think I do that?”
Good question. Artoria never really pondered over it. “I figure each form might give you different magecraft advantages?” She hazards a guess.
The Master snorts. “God, I wish, but that’d imply me actually knowing how to do magecraft. Sorry to say, the genderbending trick is the only one I know.” He shakes his head. “No. Some days I feel more like a boy, and some days I feel more like a girl, so I shapeshift accordingly.”
Artoria quirks up an eyebrow. “Feel… ‘more like a boy’?”
“I… Don’t really have any better way to explain it.” The Master taps his chin. “It’s like being happy or sad. It’s a very personal emotion. I can’t put it into words any better than that.”
Well. That means nothing to Artoria. She has a title (king) and a sex (female) but she can’t say she’s ever had any particularly strong emotion tied to either of these things.
Though… There are days where her draconic heart seems to act up. Days where she feels less human and more like a lizard- not in a derogatory way, or an affectionate way, but just… in a way. Days where she finds herself more at home with the likes of Siegfried or Elizabeth, days where fire rather than blood seems to flow in her veins. 
It’s not quite the same, but that’s the closest comparison Artoria can think of. “I think I understand.”
The Master nods, pleased. “Though I’m a special case. Most people can’t magically shapeshift into whatever body is more comfortable to them at the moment. Well, there’s still surgery and HRT-”
“Hold on.” She raises her hand palms up to cut them off. “You are telling me gender feelings have nothing to do with magecraft?”
“Well, yes.” He tilts his head towards the wall. “Hence the whole flag thing. I didn’t make it up. There are legitimately a lot of us out there.”
Of us, he says. What was the word he used again? Transgender? 
For some reason, she finds herself thinking of Sir Mordred. A king can only be male, but a knight can be of any gender- Sir Gareth had certainly proved her worth as a female knight. Yet Sir Mordred had only ever presented as male. He had Artoria’s face. Presumably he had her sex as well. Yet on that fateful day he explicitly called himself her son.
Did Sir Mordred have these? Gender feelings? Certainly they must have been stronger than Artoria’s own- now that she is no longer duty-bound to present as a man, Artoria isn’t going out of her way to look like one gender over another. Being greeted as a man or a woman wouldn’t bother her either way. She thinks Sir Mordred would have minded, though.
“Apologies, Master.” Artoria gets up. “I need to do some research.”
She doubts her knights would ever want to see her again- while she no longer regrets the path she took in life, she can hardly fault them for holding a grudge, considering how she failed them- but on the off-chance that they might be summoned in Chaldea… it can’t hurt to be informed, can it?
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katyspersonal · 4 months
I know it's too early to judge messmer's story based on his 30sec appearance in the trailer and obviously fromsoft will not spoil the entire lore of the dlc in their trailers but i truly hope messmer isn't going to be a cheap copy from Lucifer/Satan that's would be so boring i hope he would be more complex and fleshed out than whatever demonic archetype they're trying to force into his character
You also forgot a subtle inspiration with Vlad the Impaler, especially with how his nickname 'Dracula' does mean draconic which features Messmer also carries! :p
Also, in Fromsoft's defence, I don't think that taking heavy inspiration from an archetype or figure in myth, religion, other piece of media and so on is "cheap" personally! They have a big track record of referencing multiple other things (and not JUST Berserk, like some people think!), but never once the inspired character was 'just' that thing. Gwyn is just Zeus but he ALSO isn't, for example! You still see a character as themselves even after learning of who they reference, and they are never "cheap". Heck, I dived into Soulsborne completely clueless about 95% of the references because I live under the rock and only figured after the girls told me! And even then, characters in question were already interesting for me, and learning that something was an inspiration rather than 100% original invention didn't lessen the character's depth for me!
What I am trying to say is that even if Fromsoft heavily takes the figure, they do not fuck this up and give it new life and so much more else. There is no bad concept (heavy reference in this case), there is only bad execution (which Fromsoft doesn'd do). I'll tell you more: the faith in Miquella potentially being Griffith reference is mostly some Redditpants keeping flat fandomisation of Griffith in their minds, hence why it looks like such a boring, shallow idea! If Fromsoft actually ended up doing that reference, I guarantee you that Miquella would still will remain interesting and complex character to enjoy and analyse! Let alone Messmer referencing a well-known vain asshole or two would not make him a cardboard figure, just add flavour! Fromsoft never flopped in this regard, so why would they start now? x)
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ecto-stone · 1 year
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last ship request WIP. I don’t know the ship name for them so Vlad/Skulker is Gorilla Tactic
and  Pandora/Dora is Scarlet Flame?? BlueSky??Draconic Hope ??
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switch · 6 months
Heres a real question: do you think that Vlad could have any lizard like traits due to the draconic aspects of Dracula?
... Does he ... Have 2?
he's certainly got arguably "better" reason to have draconic aspects than liz does, frankly. at the least, if she gets them, by that metric he really should've as well. heck i'd say he's more on par with saber in that department. i mean, there's certainly a place writing-wise for the dragon thing to be just something that he/his father admired and not 'vlad should literally also be a dragon', but i'm always down for vlad fanart that gives him the horns and tail as well. i think it's a cute idea.
mechanically, i'm sort of glad he's not a dragon because it offers no advantages and kinda just means he would get bodied by every jackass who has anti-dragon--
... i mean. i don't think we necessarily have any reason to believe that nasuverse dragons have 2, do we. we've seen their sheaths once or twice but i think the assumption is they've just got the one. i'm not an expert in that department though.
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blaiddfailcam · 7 months
Talking about Impaler, I think that Messmer the Impaler is inspired after Vlad the Impaler who's Romanian if I'm not mistaken, cuz that means something?
I imagine so, at least as far as the horrendous executions he was known for. "Dracula" does mean "son of the dragon," after all, and Messmer is festooned with draconic imagery.
I always said Konami should just sell the rights to Castlevania to FromSoft, but now I suppose there's no need, lol.
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goldlightwriting · 2 months
Fate/Apocrypha is, unironically, one of my favorite entries in the Fate franchise. Oh, it has its problems, I am well aware, but I love so many the characters and themes it tries to set up. Not necessarily the execution of all of those, mind you, but I honestly think Apocrypha had some amazing potential.
That being said, I also definitely agree that it could have been handled better. So... Like usual, I'm gonna make a list of changes/suggestions that I think could have improved the overall story. You're free to disagree, make your own suggestions, or whatever as long as you're civil about it.
Anyways, there's a lot below the cut, so be warned.
Black Faction
Saber: Siegfried
Archer: Orion
Lancer: Vlad III
Rider: Astolfo
Caster: Avicebron
Berserker: Frankenstein's Monster (Eve)
Assassin: Jack the Ripper
Red Faction
Saber: Mordred
Archer: Atalante
Lancer: Karna
Rider: Mandricardo
Caster: Shakespeare
Berserker: Spartacus
Assassin: Semiramis
Ruler: Jeanne D'Arc
Protagonist: Adam (Sieg)
-Changes explained-
Siegfried's Role
As in the original, Siegfried would be one of the Black Faction's major power houses. He's the first to fight Karna, and his nigh-invulnerability is a major factor in the Black Faction's plan. This time around, though, Siegfried does NOT sacrifice himself just to save the homunculus, instead living to fight when the two factions have their first major clash.
Unlike in the original, Siegfried's main rival is Mordred rather than Karna. We're also changing his Noble Phantasm here. Rather it just being Balmung, Siegfried's main NP is "Slayer Balmung," which recreates the final blow he dealt against Fafnir that earned him the reputation of a dragon slayer. Though a fierce attack on its own, this Noble Phantasm becomes extremely lethal to any being with draconic blood (which Mordred technically does.)
Ultimately, it is Mordred's Noble Phantasm that prevails when they clash, though just barely. The rage and hatred that fills her blade reminds Siegfried briefly of Kriemhield, which causes him to falter and suffer a grievous wound.
Mordred's Role
Like in the original, Mordred and her Master effectively go rogue from the Red Faction, as neither cares much for authority. Even so, they still arrive to help their allies during the great clash between both sides. There, Mordred faces off against Astolfo, Frankenstein's Monster, and finally Siegfried.
Mordred slays Siegfried with her Noble Phantasm, Rebel Clarent, that recreates the final blow she dealt against King Arthur. It is an attack that gains tremendous power against those of royal birth, having felled the Once and Future King and brought about the end of Arthur's reign. As Siegfried himself is a prince, this attack is even able to bypass his armor Noble Phantasm and deliver an ultimately fatal blow.
In spite of this, Mordred does suffer significant damage herself, and is forced to retreat when Spartacus goes on a rampage. She'll later go on to ally herself with Black Faction once she learns of the Red Faction's true motivations.
In fact, Mordred will be the one to deal a lethal blow to Semiramis using Rebel Clarent just like in the original. Also like the original, Mordred will ultimately fade away due to her Master being killed, though she spends a brief moment connecting with him.
*Side note: while I do think that Mordred would have worked really well as a trans male due to her violent reactions whenever anyone refers to her as a woman, I'll continue to use she/her for the time-being since that's what she's canonically goes by in the main series... I dunno, Fate's infamously weird about genders, but just know that I would accept trans Mordred even if it's not canon.
Orion's Role
I decided to replace Chiron with Orion as Archer of Black in this version of the story; the ACTUAL Orion, to be clear. Obviously he wouldn't be summoned in the Grand Class, but he'd still be a pretty significant powerhouse for the Black Faction to help even things out against Red Faction's heavy hitters.
For one thing, I think it'd just be rad to see Orion and Spartacus having a no-holds-bar brawl. As much as I love the boxing match between Chiron and Achilles, I feel like this would be a decent substitute. Additionally, I think Orion could have some interesting interactions with Atalante, given their shared connection to Artemis. It would be especially fitting if he were the one to take her down once she transforms from Agrius Metamorphosis.
The big reason to include Orion in this story, though, is that he's one of the few Servants that could ACTUALLY pose a serious direct threat to Karna. Orion's second noble phantasm, Orion Hórkos, "negates all defensive skills and Noble Phantasms." He could fire it to destroy Kavacha and Kundala, which if nothing else, could leave Karna vulnerable for another Servant to finish him off... Though it would also theoretically mean Karna could freely summon Pasavi Shakti.
Ultimately, I think Orion's defeat should come at the hands of Semiramis, whose poison would be extra effective against him since he was killed by scorpions (in some versions of the myth.)
Atalante's Role
Atalante's role in the story remains largely unchanged. The most notable difference is the active rivalry she has with Orion, initially disliking him for being the one who Artemis fell in love with. Orion's attitude only furthers her distaste for him.
However, when Atalante turns her fury to Jeanne for exorcising Jack the Ripper, Orion is the one who ultimately brings her down in the Hanging Gardens. He tells her that Artemis would hate to see her daughter in such a state, and Atalante ultimately fades with a newfound respect for her fellow hunter...
Vlad III's role
Vlad's role will remain relatively unchanged, right up until he's forced to transform into Dracula by Darnic. Instead of being possessed by his Master, the Vampire Lord just goes on a rampage against the other Servants as he embraces his Prince of Darkness persona.
Dracula runs amok for a time, his power great enough to let him face off against several other Servants all at once. However, he is ultimately defeated when Shiro Amakusa Tokisada arrives to bolster Red Faction's strength by using his Noble Phantasm.
Karna's Role
Karna will take on much the same role as before, fighting unflinchingly for the Red Faction and acting as the Black Faction's single greatest obstacle. As stated before, though, Karna's downfall begins when Orion is able to penetrate Kavacha and Kundala with his Noble Phantasm. This leaves Karna without his armor, but that also means he is free to summon Vasavi Shakti at any point after the fact.
Ultimately, I think Karna should use his sacred spear when the Black Faction are attempting to invade the Hanging Gardens. He'll attempt to wipe them all out in one go, but Jeanne's Noble Phantasm winds up narrowly managing to hold back beam long enough for Astolfo to swoop in on his Hippogriff and deal a killing blow.
Karna will accept his defeat gracefully, but warns the Black Faction that, with a seventh Servant's defeat, the Grail will soon be ready to fulfill a wish...
*The Grail did not absorb Fran/Eve's soul since she technically still exists within Sieg/Adam
Astolfo's Role
Astolfo is another character who remains largely unchanged. He assists Adam in escaping the castle and later stands up for him during the liberation of the homunculi. The biggest and most significant change is that I'm going to have him contract with Caules after Celinike's death.
Astolfo will play several key roles throughout the story: helping bring down threats like Avicebron's Noble Phantasm, aiding in the Black Faction invasion of the Hanging Gardens, and even dealing a killing blow on a weakened Karna.
Ultimately, I'm somewhat split on Astolfo's final fate. One could have him survive and continue to exist in the modern age like in the original ending, which is theoretically fine as long as he doesn't cause any major upsets like casually revealing the existence of magic to the world. Otherwise, I'd have Astolfo perish in the final battle, perhaps after helping Jeanne break free from First Folio. As a carefree, happy-go-lucky spirit, Astolfo feels like he could plausible overcome any tragedy that Shakespeare dredges up from his past, though he would ultimately perish against Amakusa.
Mandricardo's Role
Replacing Achilles as the Rider of Red, Mandricardo is accidentally summoned to the Red Faction in place of another hero from the Trojan War: Hektor. Mandricardo mostly keeps to himself and first emerges to fight during the Battle of Trifas.
During this conflict, Mandricardo has a brief encounter with Astolfo, who seemingly struggles to remember him. The two are interrupted, however, by the rampage of the now-rogue Spartacus. Reluctantly, Mandricardo switches his focus to helping bring down the wild Berserker. Though Orion does most of the heavy lifting in this regard, Mandricardo is seemingly able to put Spartacus out of commission with his first Noble Phantasm: Serment de Durandal. This destroys Mandricardo's wooden sword, however.
Later on, after the Red Faction's true colors are revealed, Mandricardo parts ways with them in secret, stealing away both his sedated Master and the catalyst used to summon him: the red jewel Roland once had embedded in his sword.
After spending some time with the Black Faction and even forming an ironic friendship with Astolfo, Mandricardo agrees to join them on the condition they keep his Master safe and secure. He gets a new replica sword with Roland's jewel in it, as well. When Avicebron summons Keter Malkuth, Mandricardo is able to use his second Noble Phantasm, Rêve de Durandal, to slay the golem after Astolfo knocks it off its feet. However, doing so uses up all the remaining magical energy he has, considering his Master is too week to adequately supply Mandricardo with any more mana. He and Astolfo exchange some brief words, with the latter stating that he'll definitely remember Mandricardo as a hero going forward.
Avicebron's Role
Like before, Avicebron's main purpose in the story is providing golems to the Black Faction while steadily working on the completion of his Noble Phantasm. He will also capture Spartacus and manipulate him into rebelling against the Red Faction, just like in the original story.
The biggest change comes in the fact that he manages to find and salvage Berserker of Red's body after his alleged defeat at the hands of Mandricardo and Orion. Avicebron secrets Spartacus away to try and incorporate his remains into Golem Keter Malkuth, using him as the core instead of Roche (IDK I just never liked Avicebron sacrificing the kid, and they even kind of acknowledge that's not something he would usually do in Grand Order.)
That said, Avicebron does ultimately wind up letting Keter Malkuth absorb him, perhaps in response to Roche trying to stop him with a Command Spell. Now a part of the golem as well, he is no longer susceptible to Command Spells, and Keter Malkuth can rampage freely in its efforts to 'build a new Eden.'
Ultimately, of course, Keter Malkuth is stopped by the remaining Servants of Black and their Red Faction allies.
Shakespeare's Role
Shakespeare's role in the story will be more-or-less identical to the original. He mostly serves as a spectator from within the Hanging Gardens, watching the grand drama play out and adapting the events of the Grail War into a play as they happen. His major contributions to the Red Faction come in utilizing his Noble Phantasm to disorient enemies with First Folio, forcing them to relive their own tragedies.
Shakespeare's only major confrontations are against Fran/Eve during the Battle of Trifas, and Jeanne and Astolfo during the final battle. Shakespeare manages to get to Jeanne with his Noble Phantasm, forcing her to confront all those she failed to save, including the maddened Gilles de Rais. However, he is undone by Astolfo, who is unbothered by the shortcomings of his past and is thus able to free both himself and Jeanne from the illusion.
Ultimately, Shakespeare remains a spectator to the true final confrontation between Amakusa and the heroes, then flees to try and pen the last of the battle before the Hanging Gardens ultimately collapse.
Jack's Role
Honestly, there's not much, if anything I'd change about Jack's role in the story. The only details I'd alter are their outfit and maybe the name of their Noble Phantasm. Maybe something along the lines of: "Whitechapel Murder-Bane of Women of the Night."
Semiramis's Role
As in the original, Semiramis is the unofficial leader of the Black Faction, being Amakusa's Servant and the queen of the Hanging Gardens. Her flying fortress will serve as the main base of operations for Red Faction, and she will remain there for the majority of the story.
Ultimately, Semiramis will be the one to kill Orion with one of her summons. Though he narrowly manages to slay the beast, Orion's weakness to poisons and venom will cause him to succumb. Regardless, this opens the path for Mordred and her Master to face down the Queen of Poison.
Ultimately, Mordred is able to deal a lethal blow to the queen with Rebel Clarent, though due to Kairi taking a lethal blow in the battle, Mordred's connection to the world is severed and she fades away as a result.
Semiramis's pseudo-romance with Amakusa is... Fine. I don't particularly love it, but I don't entirely hate it, either. Whether you want to keep it or not is up to you.
I honestly really like the concept of Sieg: a homunculus born to fight and die for the mages who created him who breaks out and tries to find his own place in the world. Honestly, I don't even think he's AS bland as people make him out to be... But I won't deny that he definitely could have been done better.
The amount of plot contrivance that needs to happen just for him to survive and win most of his fights is absurd, and his whole relationship with Jeanne feels really, really forced. Honestly, if he's going to have a romance with anyone, wouldn't it make more sense for him and Fran to get together? While they're not the exact same, Adam/Sieg IS technically what she wants: someone similar to herself; an artificial being. Her Noble Phantasm winds up being the reason he survives his fight with Mordred, and is able to go up against Amakusa at the end.
Honestly, Fate/Apocrabridged even introduced me to an idea that could have made this work. Perhaps, after implanting part of herself inside of him, Fran's voice now lingers inside of this young homunculus, and their spirits intertwine. The name Adam could even fit, as he's the first of his kind to awaken among the Yggdmillenia homunculi. I think you could do away with the whole convoluted Siegfried transformation thing and just let Fran's galvanism be the reason he can keep up up Heroic Spirits, especially since that's all he needs in the final duel with Amakusa.
Speaking of which, Adam could serve as solid foil to Amakusa. He's a newly-born homunculus trying to liberate his people from their enslavement by the Yggdmillenia. Amakusa, having once fought for his own people, believes that Adam's quest is doomed to end in tragedy unless they, too, are made one with the Grail.
Adam rejects this claim, having learned from the heroes around him what it means to persist even in the face of tragedy and to fight against those trying to force their ideals on others. The two ultimately clash in Amakusa's Shimbara Hell (more on that later), with Adam narrowly emerging victorious by using the last of Eve's power to summon a miniature Blasted Tree.
Ultimately, Sieg survives the final battle and escapes the Hanging Gardens as they finally begin to collapse. Having used up the last of Fran/Eve's power, he sets out try and find a place in this world, free at last to lead his own life inspired by the many heroic figures he's met throughout the story.
Shiro Amakusa Tokisada
So Shiro Amakusa Tokisada has a whole convoluted backstory in Apocrypha, but I think it works decently well for the most part. He's got ties to this timeline's Third Holy Grail War and his origins as a 'miracle child' are expanded upon to be a result of magecraft. Amakusa becomes the true antagonist, trying to make a paradise by sucking up all human souls into the Grail.
The part about Amakusa's portrayal in Fate that honestly really annoys me is his Noble Phantasms. All three of them are just... Complete nonsense based entirely around Fate's headcanon that Amakusa's a special type of mage, and Big Crunch isn't even something he can use under normal circumstances. Nothing about his history is actually portrayed here, so first we're going to reinterpret Amakusa's NP a bit. In fact, perhaps his Noble Phantasm could be what allows him to take over the Red Faction.
In life, Shiro Amakusa Tokisada was the leader of a doomed rebellion. He was the one the desperate Christians in Japan turned to after enduring immense cruelty under the shogunate, and so he represented a beacon of hope for them to follow; a banner he could flock to. In fact, his very name is a reference to Amakusa Island, where most of his followers were from.
Perhaps, then, his very existence is itself a continually-active Noble Phantasm that compels others to follow him. It's effectively a beefed-up version the Charisma skill, with its only caveat being that doesn't work on those with animosity toward him. Effectively, it strengthens the commitment of those already loyal, rather than forcing people to follow him. When he speaks the True Name of this Noble Phantasm, Amakusa is able to temporarily buff the stats of all his allies to their max, albeit at the cost of (naturally) having to reveal his true identity.
Conversely, I think it would make sense to give Amakusa his Shimabara Hell Noble Phantasm. I know that's something he's supposed to only have as an Avenger-Class Servant, but I just like the idea of it serving as the backdrop for the final battle. He is ultimately defeated in a duel by Adam, but dies believing that the Greater Grail is too far along to be halted...
Jeanne D'Arc
One of the biggest immediate changes I'm making to Jeanne's portrayal is that I'm retconning Laeticia. I honestly don't understand why they felt the need to have her in the story at all, since she doesn't contribute much of anything other than pushing Jeanne to pursue her feelings for Sieg (which we are not doing this time around.) So yes, we're just going to have Jeanne manifest as a full-on Ruler Servant, no possession nonsense required.
Beyond that, her role will be largely the same; trying to make sure both factions play by the rules while also investigating Shiro. She plays a hand in helping Adam (Sieg) escape, viewing him as a neutral party after he's gained autonomy.
Another significant change is that, this time around, Jeanne will use her NP (Luminosité Eternelle) to block Vasavi Shakti instead of Crying Warmonger. After that, she proceeds into the Hanging Gardens along with the rest of Black Faction to confront Amakusa and halt his plans.
Jeanne's story will conclude with her using La Pucelle (renamed to Jeune Fille Brûlante) to eradicate the Greater Grail and prevent Amakusa's wish from being fulfilled when it seems that there is no other option, rather than wasting her big suicide on an attack that ultimately doesn't work.
Ultimately, Jeanne's role is to right the wrongs of Amakusa's sins, providing both him and Adam hope for the future and humanity.
Alright, that's where I'm gonna end this for now. Believe me, I have a lot of other ideas and things I would love to talk about, but this post has taken me several days already and I don't think THAT much needs to be changed regarding the overall plot and the Masters.
So yeah, for now, this is my version of Fate/Apocrypha. Let me know what you guys think, and until next time, stay bright.
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razzz-poutine · 10 months
Estinien is a vampire and I have prove
Vlad the Impaler, both thought to have drunk the blood of his enemies and impaled them, was apparently a member of the Order of the Dragon, a society of Catholic crusaders of sorts who, and I quote, "...adopted Saint George as its patron saint, whose legendary defeat of a dragon was used as a symbol for the military and religious ethos of the order." - from
Also this ->
- Estinien impales dragons, that's literally his deal as Azure Dragoon - Elezen Ishgardians who drink dragon blood become draconic themselves - Ishgard is hella Catholic This all means that Estinien is a vampire and is now at such an edgey level that he is off the charts.
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yukina-is-egg · 2 years
Chapter 2 - Meetings
A day after the attack on every capital, a meeting was called. The leaders of the largest 6 kingdoms were to meet and figure out what was going on with those monsters that appeared.
Kyuubi/Kitsune Kingdom 7:20 AM
"I guess I'll make sure everyone is here." Frost yawned, his short white hair a mess from his chaotic morning. His usual cold themed kimono replaced with snowflake patterened pajamas. Yet his katana stayed at his waist, the blade dragging against the floor as he made his way to a wooden podium in front of the round table.
"Over here~" The druid queen offered a wave towards the podium, her legs kicked up onto the table. Her blonde hair draped over shoulders, and a tattoo of armor could be seen on her left arm.
"Here." The druid royal guardsmen stood behind the queen, leaning on her claymore. A full suit of armor hiding all features but her voice.
"Milo- I mean Melody?" The tired Kyuubi let out a nervous chuckle.
"Over here, Frost." The kyuubi queen stretched as she sat up. "And I'm your sister, no need for the formalities." She gave her pink hair a pat, trying to keep it presentable. Her black pantsuit was wrinkled. It would seem the Queen and General had both woken up late this fine morning.
"Here." The draconian queen nodded towards the kyuubi. 4 draconic horns dawned her head like a crown. Grey scales coated her neck. "Before you ask, my guard had work to attend to this morning."
Frost gave her a nod before continuing down the list. "Nikola?"
The human queen simply offered a grunt and a nod of her head. An eyepatch covered her left eye, and a visible scar could be seen under the patch. She wore a camo military uniform with a pistol visible on a shoulder strap.
"Tech? Or do you prefer Vlad these days?" Frost looked over to the labcoat wearing blonde human. Who was stood behind the queen.
"I prefer Tech." He said, barely holding back a yawn.
"Noted. Shadow?"
"Yo!" The cloaked figure waved towards Frost. She went to continue speaking, but as she opened her mouth..
"Since when have we allowed those... creatures." Daisy glared at Shadow.
"I have a name." Shadow turned her head towards the druid, returning the glare with one of her own.
"Oh? Sorry, I don't give names to monste-"
Shadow appeared inches away from Daisy, her dagger already swinging towards the queen's neck. Only to he stopped by Clover's claymore. Sparks beginning to fly as Shadow leaned her face towards the druid queen.
"Finish that sentence, and I'll happily separate your head from your neck." She growled before reappearing behind Nikola. Who's expression hadn't changed from the start of the confrontation.
"Ha! I'd love to see it, but let's try not to bloody the meeting room again." Daisy snickered to herself. Leaning back in her chair as she did so.
"Ahem! Anyways. Sally?"
"Huh- oh! I'm here!!" The north fenrir queen was busy eating a bowl of popcorn to the sight of the fight that was brewing just a moment ago. "So uh.. i brought snacks?"
Frost tried his best to hide a chuckle from Sally's antics as he went to continue the roll call. "Cain?"
"Here." The south fenrir king sat up in his seat, his face already telling he wanted to get this meeting done and over with.
"And finally, Flame." He waved towards the fenrir guardsmen.
"Sup." Flame let out a yawn, trying to hide her own amusement of Sally's antics. Secretly giving a nod to her ex-husband to meet her after work to talk.
Frost returned the nod. "Now, it's time to begin the meeting."
Chapter End
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kaezerdoodles · 1 year
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More Draconic!Vlad because can’t stop won’t stop! >:3
(I also just really like playing around with designs for him since I’m an indecisive lil shit)
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maganne-bonete · 5 years
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Drawruary: Day 3
I am a lazy busy person yet I did this to myself.
Sorry for the colors. Anyway, I like how Natalia turned out. I wanna redo Vlad one day and turn him into a proper rogue. Might turn this into a cliché princess/noble falls in love with a rogue/thief AU.
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radiance1 · 1 year
Rearing all the way back to my I think first eastern dragon Danny au post? Yea the first one.
So, we'll say that Clockwork never reversed the Nasty Burger explosion, leaving Danny devastated. The Observants feared he would turn into Dark Danny, but he doesn't, instead he throws his all in everything that's been going on in the ghost zone under Pariah's absence.
There was nothing tying him to humanity anymore, so he shed his identity as Daniel Phantom, and was reborn anew as Danny Phantom.
The Eternal Prince of the Ghost Zone.
He threw himself into everything there was to know about being a prince, etiquette training, learning the history of the Ghost Zone (which isn't really that important since there was only ever one ruler for a long, long time.), connecting with the high society of the ghost, etc, etc.
So he's shed his time as a child and forced his way into adulthood, face cold and regal like the ice he controls, and endless majesty with his draconic features, multiplied even further when he transforms.
Surprisingly, Vlad easily and willingly submitted to him (not through combat) after Danny made the phoenix his Duke, the Nasty Burger explosion must've hit him hard as it did Danny, then.
Then he's summoned to another dimension, a ritual meant to summon the Ghost King, and usually it wouldn't work, since Pariah Dark is sleeping. But since he came into power as Prince, it decided to do the next best thing and pull him along.
Unfortunately, however, he couldn't go back for some reason. So he just, had to stay here until he found a way to go back, and the cult wasn't anything that great, just wanted the usual power and riches in exchange for the souls of others and the like.
Then a group of humans broke in, fought the cult, and whatever being they were expecting was probably not him, and yes, he gets it. Pariah Dark is a terrifying man, so he wouldn't do anything to the ones that did a double take at seeing him in the circle. Then he just, left.
There was a lot of differences between this world and the world he remembered back where he came from and before he cut out humanity. For one, there were Superheroes and Supervillains, another was that magic was apparently a common thing (mostly in heroes or villains) and that there was people called 'Metas' walking around living day to day lives.
So having to hide his draconic features wasn't something he had to do, so he didn't. Though he did, for the first time in a while, become human again, first thing he noticed?
He was hungry.
Second thing he noticed?
He was very exhausted.
Third thing he noticed?
He had no money.
Well he had some, but he didn't think that other dimensional currency would work well here. So he'll admit, he did steal a few food items here and there with his ghostly abilities, and was enjoying human food when he ran into a kid.
He was eating his last burger and walking around, looking at the city around- Fawcett if he remembered correctly from overhearing- and ran into the kid. Who looked similar to him with the black hair and blue eyes, really, someone was chasing the kid and he didn't ask any questions before grabbing him by the arm and phasing them through a few walls to get away.
Unfortunately, such things left him even further exhausted than he already was. It seemed that never sleeping in the Zone finally caught up with him, and he feel asleep on the kid.
That child was Billy, who was questioning who this Meta was and currently panicking before realizing that they just fell asleep.
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aikoiya · 2 years
DP - Team Halfa AU
What do you think about Sam, Tucker, & Valerie becoming halfas? Like, what if the ecto-acne is actually more like ecto-herpies, so it wasn't completely cured & Sam & Tucker slowly became halfas over the course of several years.
Undergrowth & Duul Aman left sort of imprints on their ecto-signatures so they have some of the powers they had when possessed, such as florokinesis (psychic plant manipulation) & dunemancy (sand magic), but once they fully form as actual halfas, they also get personal powers. Like, Sam getting ghost magic (the only names for it I could find were ectomancy & spectromancy, however they were pretty much the same thing, it isn't necromancy either) or umbrakinesis (psychic shadow or darkness manipulation) & her unique physiology as a plant halfa makes her immune to Blood Blossoms & gives her the ability to manipulate them with her powers. Also, Tucker having technokinesis (psychic technology manipulation) similar to Technus & developing a hot core with a lightning element.
As for the thing with Sam's ghost magic, I'm thinking of making it so that magic is divided into 2 columns; living magic & dead magic. Living magic is what the living uses, while dead magic is what the dead use & they are slightly different from each other. Within these columns are a list of the forms of magic used. Living magic & dead magic have many similar uses, but I suppose you could say that they have different consistencies to them. Like, there is a living cryomancy & a dead cryomancy & they do similar things, but are not completely the same in its affects.
Also, Sam's use of magic is more all-purpose than Danny or Tucker's, making her sort of the Sorcerer of their group.
If it were my choice, Sam's ghost form would have glowing yellow eyes with pale, mint green sclera. Giving them sort of a Chat Noir look. I'm divided between whether her hair should be more of a silver white or light grey as opposed to Danny's snow white or if it should remain black. Her skin would turn a darker shade of tan than Phantom's. She'd also grow fangs, cat-like claws, & a forked tongue (but not long, thin, or prehensile like Dan, & probably Vlad's, is) upon reaching Halfa Puberty.
Tucker's eyes in ghost form would be a sort of glowing orange-red color, like blood orange or ginger or something. His hair would absolutely turn a sort of platinum shade of white. The sort that has an almost metallic sheen to it. His skin would darken until it was very dark. He'd also have longer, more pronounced, sharper canines instead of just fangs, as well as dog-like nails that aren't really sharp & their danger comes from the force behind them (like Inuyasha), & a canid tongue, upon reaching Halfa Puberty.
This Halfa Puberty would also give them pointed elf-like ears exactly like Vlad's & slitted pupils.
Danny would also get these 2 features, though he'd have canines like Tucker, a draconic tongue (long, thick, tapering, & prehensile with a pointex tip), & Inuyasha claws.
If it makes it easier to envision, imagine Sam as being a fusion of Poison Ivy & Raven from DC & Tucker as a fusion of Static Shock, Technus, & Gaara from Naruto. At least, power wise.
As for Valerie, I think she’d become something more along the lines of an ecto-liminal, but a unique one. She might be able to gain a pseudo-core & ecto-signature, but I feel like her powers would be bound to her armor. (There’s this ‘race’ in DnD 5e called Animated Armor which is a soul bound to a set of armor. There’s also this homebrew somewhere that allows a character to wear said armor. So, I think of it like Valerie’s wearing one of these armors. The only difference here is that the soul possessing the armor is her own living one.)
Like, when not wearing her armor, she'd just have the typical ecto-liminal powers. Things like enhanced physicality, better senses, ability to see in the dark, able to see & touch non-ectoplasmic spiritual entities, a sort of feather fall ability, & the ability to affect people's sense of object permanence in regards to herself.
Just small, easy to dismiss things.
But when wearing her armor? She has full ghost powers, but it's done by proxy of technology enhanced with ecto-energy. So, invisibility would work using a camouflage function. Intangibility would work based on molecular phasing vis high-speed vibration (think the Flash), & ghost rays would work by using guns that are built into the suit.
It could create interesting irony & internal conflict for her character if she were to begin to exhibit more & more ghostly features.
I don't think any of them would ever have the same potential or power that Danny does, but that's mostly because of the unique way in which he became halfa. Similar to the way I think Vlad would've soon lost his edge against Danny. Though, that also has to do with the fact that he's a businessman & it's unlikely that he made much contact with the GZ before Danny opened the portal & most of his training beyond his ghost powers was in an attempt to remain fit.
Is this an excuse to ship Amethyst Ocean & Hunter Silly (Tucker/Valerie)? Partially. But I also wouldn't mind Gray Ghost or Veggie Burger (Sam/Tucker). So, take your pick.
Also, Tucker would absolutely go by Tucker Ghouly or Cyber-Tuck & Sam would be Sammy Manes.
I wonder how Vlad would react to this?
DP Character HC Masterlist
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rohanisnothere · 4 years
Feral Liz is something I've been wanting since I finished America. Yes we have Carmilla, but thats embodying the vampiric aspect of her. I want ABSOLUTE GO CRAZY GO STUPID Liz where she takes all of her dragon traits and cranks it up to 11. She doesnt use her lance and instead just uses her bare fists/claw things to trounce opponents. And her final attack animation is her getting on all fours and blasting a mini bathory erzesbet at the enemy like a dragon breathing fire.
Her NP is still called Bathory Erzsebet but instead of summoning the castle boombox she just straight up goes full Dovahkin and annhilates the enemy wave with a powerful sonic boom from her draconic roar.
Sometimes her eyes change from normal to slit dragon like with a glow in them.
Plus her teeth are razor sharp fangs now.
Her horns are more sharper and her wings have grown bigger, allowing her to fly with ease.
But due to her dragon traits being more ingrained in this form she acts more primal and animalistic. Think Fran but can still speak in full sentences
She will hoard stuff that she thinks is neat.
She has big self loathing and hates it when Guda sees them acting like a deranged beast even if Guda doesnt mind.
Don't let Carmilla in her sight at ALL. She WILL go for the kill.
She sees her lancer self the person she could never be. Doesnt hate her or envy her, she just tries to not interact with her alot.
Her and Siegfried are sparring partners. Sometimes Artoria joins too.
Has a habit of eating dead enemy's corpses cuz dragon.
Vlad is saddened that shes become the thing he once was, but still loves her because its still Liz.
Hisses at Martha because of the way she abuses Tarasque and keeps telling her to stop he has feelings too.
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