#draconic spirit
dragonmythfandom · 2 years
Dragonkin and alterhuman explaination theory short:
Explaining newest theory dragonkin:Read my newest theory on therians and otherkin to learn more. The true self on the deepest level is for every living being the same. But directly around it there is a layer (first layer) and it still has draconic energy. Draconic soul you can say. Because it is directly connected with the deepest "level". Draconic soul (the draconic part) Here comes your very first true and draconic personality from. Same goes for every kintype. The very first layer,directly connected to the part that we all living beings have in comon called the deepest level. This is NOT the ego if your intuition knows that you truely are draconic.
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honeydoe12 · 2 years
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Drake form of my dead, former-barbarian_PC-now-draconic-spirit Ranvier.
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ambermotta · 9 months
Working with Dragons — My POV
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When you look up "draconic magick" or "dragon magick" there is not really a lot to read. In fact, a lot of the info you'll find looks like a copy-paste from one another.
So I thought I would bring my own insight into what working with dragons feels like to me. Not exactly an informative post, just a "personal experience" one.
I believe it is important for newcomers to read about variety of experiences because otherwise, they might start feeling their practice is "wrong" if things are different for them.
If it wasn't clear already...
This is my experience only, other practitioners WILL have different takes on working with dragons.
Regarding Identity
For the majority of my journey with dragons, I have only worked with one dragon. They reached out to me, but took me years to finally feel ready to work with them, and since I was still a bit insecure, I didn't really seek out other dragons.
By the way, I use they/them pronouns because I don't feel a particular gender signature coming from them.
They are strongly tied to energies of the ocean and I have only seen them as very serpent-like.
The other main dragon I have worked with, who showed up a lot later, is a dragon strongly associated with fire and protection, and his energy is mostly masculine from what I can tell.
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As of now, this is what I can share about them. One of the things you'll see being talked about dragons is that you should not talk about the ones you work with unless they give you permission to, and for the most part, this has also been my experience.
They can be quite secretive — I had the ocean dragon very often remind me to stay quiet about the work I'm doing, and be very careful about what I share. Not just about them, but about myself.
Some things need not be secret forever, but when they ARE supposed to be done quietly, I will get the nagging, almost intrusive feeling, of keeping my mouth shut whenever I am itching to say something I shouldn't.
They have also shown to be secretive when we work together, as in I'm instructed to do something a certain way but not told why until the work is done.
And I understand why afterwards.
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From all dragons I have worked with, they have always been quite insistent. Be it regarding how something should be done, how to behave, or on what to get.
Please do not misinterpret this as being pushy or forcing boundaries.
What I mean is that some spiritual beings can be very subtle with their messages when they want to tell you something... But for me, dragons aren't subtle. They keep sending signs and messages until I get it.
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by Kou Takano
As for being demanding, it depends on your relationship with them.
They were not demanding at first because I was still unsure of what I wanted, but once I decided to commit, they definitely started communicating more and giving instructions on work we should do together.
So there's a greater degree of commitment that we both respect.
As for being "demanding" with offerings, to me they seldom ask for those. If I do it it's because I want to, not because they have asked or shown they needed it. In terms of spiritual beings I have met, they seem to be the least interested in offerings or praise. But again, this is just my experience.
It can vary drastically from one dragon to another.
For me, the Ocean Dragon is serene, regal, mysterious, but standing in their presence can also feel scary and can make you feel small. They also have a more turbulent side.
The fire dragon feels much more assertive, fierce, loyal, but at the same time less "massive" in size and less intimidating somehow. They remind me of a knight or paladin archetype to be fair.
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by Carolina-eade on Deviantart
So I assume that personality and energy signature, as well as your relationship with them, will change drastically from one dragon to another.
I have not experienced finicky, prideful, or petty behaviour from them. Dragons are often considered in media and mythology to have big egos, but to me, they feel the exact opposite... wise and humble, but their presence is so massive I feel one must be very careful not to mistake their good disposition for weakness.
Conduct when working with dragons
I find that while they are wondrous and inspiring, their energy can feel intimidating, and maybe because of that I feel like I must be more serious when working with them. I am not necessarily being formal around them, but I do have a great deal of respect for them and other creatures in their presence.
It feels more like respecting the elders than an authority figure though.
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As for magical conduct, I have never had to work with them on anything that did harm to others. In fact, they have heavily aided me in works that focused on helping others.
They have also helped me through my fair share of shadow work. So, both right and left hand path.
You may see some folks claiming that dragons have no qualms with helping mages with "dark magic" and that you actually must work on keeping balance, "working on both sides of the coin" if you will.
They have never demanded that of me, though I recognize it could just be in respect for my decision of not wanting to do most baneful work.
I can't say I fully understand their nature and moral compass yet.
Types of Dragons
So far, they seem to come in all sorts of shapes. The traditional western-type dragon is far from being the only one or the most common one. Some may look much more like snakes or birds than to winged lizards.
I can see some elemental associations, but I don't think they are restricted to working with just one element.
Unfortunately, since I don't know many dragons, I am not sure if they are always tied to an element or how many types there are.
However, the ones I met did seem to "dwell" in certain environments. The ocean dragon I only see in water, and the fire dragon I have seen on top of a rocky hill, looking down a vast, dry, sunny field.
As for dragon guardians of the elements, directions, etc – I haven't met them, haven't worked with them, so I don't know if there is such a thing.
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by Kou Takano
Mythological Dragons
I have not met a lot of people who worked with widely known dragons, such as Tiamat, Fáfnir from norse mythology, or Yamata-no-Orochi from japanese tales.
But I feel working with them would be a singular experience, just as it is with any other dragon (or spiritual being for that matter). It could be easier considering you would have at least an idea of who they are and what they may like, either from "lore", ancient worship, or SPG (Shared Personal Gnosis).
This is still something I'm thinking about exploring in the future.
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Fáfnir, found on Harreira.com
This was just an overview of what working with them feels like to me. I'm definitely not as experienced as some other folks I've talked to, and my practice is constantly constantly evolving.
So far, it's been great! I'd love to hear from other people on draconic magick.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Or share your experiences as well!
Thank you for reading!
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clericnortke · 5 months
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Okay i deffinetly feel like i have to share something SO YEAH REFS AREN'T YOU SURPRISED Forgotten realms bbs this time. This actually not all my characters, i have SoZ OCs but i will upload them some other time i guess
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uh oh actually i will post portraits of my soz girls (and 1 boi). They don't have any desing beside portraits but ummmm i wanteed
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deusvervewrites · 10 months
Failed Foresight X Guardian Spirit X Draconic Hero:
Nighteye: “He stole All Might’s quirk!”
Everyone else: “Then why did he suddenly turn into a dragon with a ghost dragon hovering around him? That’s absolutely nothing like All Might’s quirk.”
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Having a lot of fun with Fledgling dragon form (who look like a feathered worm on a string because she somehow sucks at actually taking a proper form somehow) + a base for her so I can have fun with outfits later
[Do not use/repost]
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fisherrprince · 2 months
they need to let me into the Arcadion noowwww Ari already has a wrestling gimmick. He’s a heel and he wants in he wants to play
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liminalwings · 2 years
Building Your Draconic Path
Whether you're a witchy veteran or someone coming into magical work for the very first time, you might be absolutely lost when it comes to starting work with dragons. While I have no intention of telling others how to walk their path, I do feel that a loose guide to help you start building your own framework would be beneficial. Note that this is written for those who wish to work with dragons as beings, rather than dragons as a symbol or ideal, so being able to communicate with them might be important. Also, if you're someone who already has a solid practice in place that does not center around working with dragons, it's not necessary to abandon it and rebuild everything from the ground up; you absolutely can work with dragons within your already existing framework. And even if you don’t have one, it’s alright to just dive in and start working with them. This is for those who want something a little more involved. 
The first step is to ask yourself why you want to work with dragons. Is it just because you think they’re cool and powerful? Is it something you’ve heard about from someone else and you’ve been curious about it for a while? Is it something you’ve had an inexplicable pull toward? Are you someone who has already had an encounter with a dragon and feel like this is the next logical step? 
Analyze yourself. Ask the hard questions. What are your strengths and weaknesses, what knowledge do you lack? Do the research. Being honest with yourself will get you where you want to go much faster. Also keep an open mind, not because "everything's valid uwu", but because internalizing what others say, taking it at face value as 'fact', can keep you from picking up information meant for you as part of your UPG. 
Speaking of which, keep a journal. It doesn't have to be fancy, it's not expressly a Book of Shadows or a grimoire, and it doesn't have to be physical, it just has to be some sort of log for you to keep notes. You can write down your thoughts regarding the path you're taking, but mainly it's to keep track of the information you gain, especially any channeled information or UPG, or any signs you may notice. Being able to return to these tidbits over time is extremely helpful, and you might find that some things no longer feel correct 5-10 months or years down the road, while other things remain solidly true; a changing, growing belief or system is not a bad thing, and re-examining and being able to let go of things you no longer vibe with is a healthy practice. Also, being able to refer back to your notes while doing research can occasionally have some fascinating results, especially if something a dragon told you somehow ends up in a bit of lore. Rare, but it can happen. 
Why research?
Besides learning the basics of spellcraft so we can stop repeating ourselves ad infinitum every time someone new appears, there is a rich and varied amount of dragon lore in the world, some of it symbolic, some of it spiritual, and some of it quite revealing of human nature when faced with the unknown. You may end up being someone who works best with Earth Mythology archetype dragons better than individuals from the astral/elsewhere, and knowing these myths would be quite important, especially the different variations of even the same myth through time or between cultures. Learning the lore can also help you tap into draconic energy. You also want to have practical and sound knowledge of any tools or materials you may be drawn to work with, especially in the case of herbs in which non-magical, medical knowledge is crucial if you're going to be using them for more than symbolic or energetic oomph in ritual. 
And yes, you can read what dragon magick books are out there to get a feel for what systems others have made. Do they use tools that you could see being useful to your own practice? Do you disagree with the specific beings/rulers they call on, but agree with other correspondences they use? Do they use a code/creed that you largely like? There's nothing wrong with adapting them, as long as it's not something being pulled from any sort of closed culture; seeing as how the vast majority of dragon magick systems are flavorings of Wicca or ceremonial magick, that shouldn't be too much of an issue outside of what those systems themselves might be guilty of. 
If you're not simply adapting an already existing system, you should determine the nature of your work, and the relationship between you and the dragons you work with. Some people are not comfortable with spellwork as found in Wicca and other modern pagan paths, but are okay with energy work and prayer. This is absolutely fine and something that is compatible with working with dragons. Some prefer using a Wicca/modern witchcraft-based system, with dragons as co-practitioners. Are the dragons you work with only peers, or is it more of a master-student situation? Are the dragons okay with you calling on them as friends any time? Or are they your deity, and receive offerings from you? 
These are answers you have to figure out as you build your bond with your dragons and communicate with them. Sometimes, they will have more say in what you do than you expect and be very particular about what you include. It may be things like "use this tool", "use this herb", or can even be things like following rules they give you, within reason. This includes whether or not some sort of oath or initiation is even necessary. Other times, the dragons you work with may not care about any of these things and will work with you as long as you respect them, leaving the precise methods to you and what you're comfortable with. This even includes elements: while the most common elemental model tends to be earth/air/fire/water(/spirit), this may not be the one you end up working with.
It's also good to remember that dragons are incredibly varied, just like people. Dragons can be deceptive, they can lie or tell half-truths or lie by omission, they can mean you harm and be malicious jerks, but like the people you meet every day, these are going to be the minority. I don't point this out to scare anyone off, but because a lot of information out there will try to tell you that all dragons ever only work for the highest good, and even the non-New Age sector will often tell you that dragons operate on a code of honor. This is not an absolute truth. Therefore, it is not necessary for your path to have a set of rules governing your behavior. You don't have to never lie again or the dragons will call you a sinner and abandon you. This is also why common sense, discernment, and knowing how to protect yourself is important. That said, drama with dragons is fairly uncommon, at least in my experience.
Okay, but how do I build my practice?
Decide how much structure you actually want in your practice. Do you want more ritual trappings, or are you wanting something a little more 'low-spoon' friendly and casual? Are there days that you feel should be recognized as sacred on your path? Is every day sacred and magical? Having certain days of note can help you to refocus on your path throughout the year, and it doesn't have to be the Wiccan sabbats; I know at least a handful of practitioners even observe Dragon Appreciation Day (January 16th, celebrates dragons in literature and art), or World Dragon Day (an inconsistent date in October, and established largely by 'lightworkers').
In short, reflect on everything that draws you to this path, everything that makes you feel closer to dragons, to your own power, and use what inspires you as your building blocks. It's okay to incorporate things that may be seen by others as 'cringey', because this is for you, and is all private unless you choose to share with others. As well, this is merely the beginning steps and nothing final; like anything else in life, your path will grow with you and be refined as you learn more. This might seem like a lot of footwork and effort, especially if you're coming to this bright-eyed and exuberant, but anything worth doing takes some level of personal investment.
Can… can I give my path a cool name?
Absolutely. You can also not call your path anything. Unless you're planning on sharing your UPG and whatever structure you decide to make, it's really not necessary. There are so many "draconic paths" and groups already floating around out there that it can be nice to differentiate. Because of the nature of UPG and how much of it makes up modern dragon magick, there really isn't "one true draconic path". 
The TL;DR Bullet List of Things to Consider
Why? What are your goals with this path?
How do you want to connect and work with dragons?
What do you want to incorporate? What inspires you about this path?
Take notes and do your homework.
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shroompunk · 1 year
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out of the reeds
ID: Digital illustration of a bronze dragonborn character crouching next to a pond with a massive dragon sticking his head out from the water. The dragon has teal scales and trees for horns, and his face is as large as the dragonborn's entire body. They're surrounded by brush and reeds, and a cardinal is perched in the dragon's tree horns.
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Other names: Apepi, Aapep, ꜥꜣpp(y) *ʻAʼpāp(ī); Ⲁⲫⲱⲫ Aphōph or Apophis, Ἄποφις Ápophis, Rereki
Parents:Neith (in some myths), Waters of Nun
Siblings:Ra, Serket
Symbols:Red, Black, Sometimes green, Serpent, Dragon, Lizard, Fire, Water
Powers:Chaos, Destruction
Apep was the ancient Egyptian deity who embodied chaos (ı͗zft in Egyptian) and was thus the opponent of light and Ma'at (order/truth). He appears in art as a giant serpent. Apep was first mentioned in the Eighth Dynasty, and he was honored in the names of the Fourteenth Dynasty king 'Apepi and of the Greater Hyksos king Apophis.
Tales of Apep's battles against Ra were elaborated during the New Kingdom. Storytellers said that every day Apep must lie below the horizon and not persist in the mortal kingdom. This appropriately made him a part of the underworld. In some stories, Apep waited for Ra in a western mountain called Bakhu, where the sun set, and in others, Apep lurked just before dawn, in the Tenth region of the Night. The wide range of Apep's possible locations gained him the title World-Encircler. It was thought that his terrifying roar would cause the underworld to rumble. Myths sometimes say that Apep was trapped there, because he had been the previous chief god overthrown by Ra, and had been imprisoned.
The Coffin Texts imply that Apep used a magical gaze to overwhelm Ra and his entourage. Ra was assisted by a number of defenders who travelled with him, including Set and possibly the Eye of Ra.Apep's movements were thought to cause earthquakes, and his battles with Set may have been meant to explain the origin of thunderstorms. In one account, Ra himself defeats Apep in the form of a cat.
What few accounts there are of Apep's origin usually describe as being born from Ra's umbilical cord.
Rituals Ancient Egyptian priest of Ra performed
In an annual rite called the Banishing of Chaos, priests would build an effigy of Apep that was thought to contain all of the wickedness and darkness in Egypt, and burn it to protect everyone from Apep for another year.
The Egyptian priests had a detailed guide to fighting Apep, referred to as The Books of Overthrowing Apep (or the Book of Apophis, in Greek). The chapters described a gradual process of dismemberment and disposal, and include:
⬩Spitting Upon Apep
⬩Defiling Apep with the Left Foot
⬩Taking a Lance to Smite Apep
⬩Fettering Apep
⬩Taking a Knife to Smite Apep
⬩Putting Fire Upon Apep
──────⊰Types of practitioners⊱──────
Anti-Cosmic Satanism, also known as Chaos-Gnostic Satanism and Anti-Cosmic Gnosticism, is a belief system that believes that the Demiurge (i.e. Yahweh, God, Jehova, Allah, etc.) imprisoned humans with Cosmic Chains, holding us back from our true freedom in Chaos and Limitlessness. It believes that through the liberation of our mortal chains, we will once more return to Tohu/Ain - nothingness
-Depends on the practitioners definition.
Some practioners may simply not identify with satanism and may just be anticosmic.
A practitioner may choose to work with Apep as a representation of chaos or work with their "anticosmic" aspects. Seeing Ra as a version of the Demiurge
Draconic magic is the practice of working with dragons. One may choose to work with Apep as him representing a dragon of chaos. In some books these dragons are said to be the color black and represent chaos. Depending on the practitioner they may not see chaos dragons as bad or malicious beings but a being that existing balance to the universe.
Draconian magic is, by definition, magic fuelled by the symbolism and energies of dragons. Although today dragons tend to be relegated to fantasy novels (usually trilogies, of course) or fantasy cinema, their mythological roots are deep and dark.
Some may work with Apep symbolically or not as a representation of chaos and transformation.
General Kemetics
When it comes to Kemeticism like any other religion or practice can be very individual to each practitioner. While a lot of Kemetics don't like Apep for the reason that most see him as a destructive force of Isfet that destroys Ma'at. Some practitioners revere and respect Apep for what ever reason it may be. People have different views on chaos. Chaos being a part of nature and some may be practitioners of chaos. Like any other deity people will have different views on them and wether they like or dislike them. In general I think it's important to not discriminate or harass/attack people who have different views than you. You may be able to get along with them you may not.
*For the general Kemetic practitioner who don't work with Apep you can check out the other posts on the Kemetic pantheon*
──────⊰In Workings⊱──────
Enn:Ayer serpente Apep
Offerings: Dragons Blood, Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh, Red or black candles, Cobra or dragon statue
*Please know basic protections and energy work before attempting any deity work.*
*It is important to note that everyone's experiences are different and will work with spirits for different reasons. Some people may like a spirit while others will not and that's okay. Ask these spirits what they will work with you on as well as ask them if they can help you with whatever it is you need.*
Ways of honoring or working with/worshiping Apep.
Create an altar/sacred space for rituals/workings or offerings to Apep.
⬩Altar cloth
⬩Black, red, or gold candles (you can use any color)
⬩Incense and an incense burner
⬩Statues of a serpent or dragon
For more information on basic deity work and altar setups check out the deity work post.
Anticosmic rituals
⬩For the Anticosmic practitioner. Ways of honoring Apep may include. Understanding the place of chaos within the practitioners Anticosmic faith. A practitioner may take the *Banishing of Apep/Smiting of Apep* mentioned above and replace Apep with Ra while adding their own portion of the ritual.
Some may view Ra as the Demiurge
Draconian rituals
Dragons Rouge-Beasts of Watery Abyss
*A word of caution please be careful performing any ceremony from any piece of literature or one made by another person. Invocations mean invoking a spirit within you*
The Ceremony of Apep
Envision the sun disappearing behind the horizon, in the jaws of the Serpent- Dragon of the Underworld. While focusing on this vision, start vibrating the mantra: "Lepaca Apep'. When you feel the atmosphere around you is changing and becomes tense, face the direction of west and begin the
I, (magical name), invoke Apep, demonic Serpent of the Underworld!
Every day you devour the sun on its journey through the sea of night and fight the gods of light.
Ruler of the seventh hour of the soul's descent into Amenti!
You transform the sunlight into the void of the Black Sun,
Your blood paints the sky red.
I invoke you! Come forth at my calling!
I seek to unite with your force.
To rest in your coils
To pass the land of the dead that is your kingdom.
Come to me. demon of waters and fire!
Lord of life behind the veil of death!
Rise out of the infernal abyss and embrace me with your coils!
Apep! Apepi! Aapep! Apofis! Set! Tyfon!
I summon you in the name of Darkness and Light, Fire and Water, which are
your essence! Hear my calling and rise from the abyss of the Underworld, from the underground land of Amentil
Lepaca Apep!
Lepaca Apofis!
Lepaca Drakon!
May this calling shakes the deepest pits of hell!
Ho Drakon Ho Megas!
Invision that you are on a voyage on a solar barque through an underground river. It gets darker and darker around you. Suddenly Apep appears in front of you. He drinks all water up and swallows the barque. You are now inside of him. Feel how you become one with the Serpent. Inflame yourself in the power of magic that rises in you. You are the unity of shadow and light, life and death. You shine with the light that illuminates the void and the darkness of the abyss. Gradually you are filled up with divinity. Meditate upon this feeling.
When you feel that it is time to end the meditation, close the ceremony with a careful banishment.
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is an occult group formed in England in the late 19th century. It was a magical order influenced by the Freemasons and occult Hermetic mysticism. The Freemasons are a famous secret society, and all three of the Golden Dawn's founders were Freemasons. Hermeticism is based on the supposed writings of the Greek god Hermes and Toth, the Egyptian equivalent of Hermes.
The formula IAO
This formula is the principal and most characteristic formula of Osiris, of the Redemption of Mankind. "I" is Isis, Nature, ruined by "A", Apophis the Destroyer, and restored to life by the Redeemer Osiris.
But before entering into the details of "I.A.O." as a magick formula it should be remarked that it is essentially the formula of Yoga or meditation; in fact, of elementary mysticism in all its branches.
In beginning a meditation practice, there is always
If not, one is not working properly.
a quiet pleasure, a gentle natural growth; one takes a lively interest in the work; it seems easy; one is quite pleased to have started. This stage represents Isis. Sooner or later it is succeeded by depression --- the Dark Night of the Soul, an infinite weariness and detestation of the work. The simplest and easiest acts become almost impossible to perform. Such impotence fills the mind with apprehension and despair. The intensity of this loathing can hardly be understood by any person who has not experienced it. This is the period of Apophis.
It is followed by the arising not of Isis, but of Osiris. The ancient condition is not restored, but a new and superior condition is created, a condition only rendered possible by the process of death.
The Alchemists themselves taught this same truth. The first matter of the work was base and primitive, though "natural". After passing through various stages the "black dragon" appeared; but from this arose the pure and perfect gold.
Even in the legend of Prometheus we find an identical formula concealed; and a similar remark applies to those of Jesus Christ, and of many other mythical god-men worshipped in different countries.
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offrozenmemoirs · 5 months
"Makoto," Maisie glances at the floor worriedly. The both of them have been sitting beside together. "I am not sure if you're able of this, but your tail looks like it's about to coil around my leg."
Unprompted Asks || Accepting! @allthatisleftinthedark
The dragon looks at his companion, before noticing that his tail is in fact curling around Maisie's ankle. He wonders just when he's become so comfortable around the woman, part of him feeling slightly uncomfortable with the gesture of affection. Yet, another part of him doesn't mind. How could he, when all he wants is to be treated softly?
It's stubborn pride that makes him deny gestures of affection, pushing others away and keeping the icy wall around his heart. He's afraid to lose others, and he's afraid to have his heart torn out once again. For all the power he held, he couldn't protect someone he loved dearly. So he walled himself off.
He remembers Maisie's hands cupping his cheeks, and how it made him freeze, how gentle her touch was, how warm her hands felt against him. He remembers leaning into it, a soft rumble of pleasure vibrating within his chest. Eyes closed, he simply enjoys the presence of another, for however short of a time it may have been.
"Ah. My apologies."
Makoto's voice is surprisingly soft, and he looks down at his lap, tail uncoiling from around Maisie's leg, before adjusting to wrap around her wrist instead.
"Makoto? Are you okay?"
He nods in response to her question, and allows a smile to come to his face. He doesn't know what he's supposed to be feeling anymore, however short the time that things have been, in between his training as an Astral Knight, and dealing with the ramifications of Orchidus returning to their world, there had been a growing sense of both irritation and desperation.
The prince wants nothing more than a break from all the work he's been doing, to try and live something of a normal life for once. Alas, that wouldn't happen, not quite yet. So, perhaps it's time that he makes more of an effort.
[But you can't continue to go on without properly mourning. How can you help when you can barely pull yourself together long enough to get your current work done? You've locked yourself away so long that you don't know how to live among the world anymore.]
"Sometimes I wonder if I'm still capable of changing. I know I'm not easy to deal with. That I'm too eager to jump to violence...But I...I never want to feel powerless again, to feel as if I'm going to fail the people who are relying on me."
[I don't want to fail you.]
"I don't know how else to be, and I'm afraid of what's going to become of me once I tire of fighting. Who am I meant to be, outside of a general? What place do I have in a time of peace?"
Maisie sits, and she listens, and she's always listening to the problems of others, but who listens to her? How long has she had to be the one who keeps things together, who pulls it all together and holds it there when they're on the verge of breaking? How much more could she do before she broke? Yet she gives her all to people, she gives her all and more, even when she shouldn't. He is not worthy of her, and he knows that. Yet she continues to give him chances. He feels her hand rest on top of his, and he flinches as he's pulled from his wandering mind.
Gentleness guides her fingers over his frost-like skin, barely kindling warmth to his countenance. Sunflower yellow irises train on his nearly white eyes. When she meets his eyes, it is like sunlight trying to break through a blizzard. So much intensity may be blinding, and the snowfall obscures any chance for the light to seep through or for someone to finally see where they stand in a bleak white storm.
"You are fighting for the chance of your countrymen to live," her eyelids lower, watching him sympathetically. "You are using power to what you can, but violence isn't why you are powerful; you are choosing to use it as such."
"After fighting all this time, remember that your soldiers go to barracks or home to rest, the same way you return to your loved ones to meet them. You have peace in you and the power to decide that."
"What comes in the aftermath is, hopefully, you." Her lips quirk in a shy smile.
Makoto has to stop himself from turning away at how beautiful her smile is. Sometimes he likens her smile to the rising of the sun, matched only by the sound of her laughter. Much like the chiming of a bell, music to his ears. He loves the way her eyes twinkle, and how her shoulders shake with laughter sometimes, and he likes the way her fingers feel running through his hair, as gentle as a breeze.
Her eyes draw away momentarily, "What you make of it is a mystery." But she returns her eyes to him, careful and tender in her voice. "You will find who you'd want to be in life, not what you were supposed to be in war."
"You are not alone in what comes after. You are not and won't be; you just need to let some people in, 'Koto."
He takes her hand that caresses his cheek, and turns his head and places a gentle kiss to the palm. His heart races slightly, at being so bold (for him). It was easy for him to flirt with people, but the minute there was interest returned, it threw him off. Yet, now, he wasn't afraid to give such a gesture. Perhaps it was because Maisie was a comforting presence, she could calm him, get him to see reason.
"wux re wer siksta batobot kanskaic vhira acht ve, sia mitne, kagh wux skaulix ve. si ornla majak wux wer hardric, sjek wux tora coi di ve, sia itov."
His eyes twinkle with mirth, and a laugh rumbles from his chest as he sees her confused look. She doesn't speak draconic, so she wouldn't understand him. Makoto leans in and presses a peck against her forehead, before leaning back and wrapping his tail and wings around her. Gentle with his grip, he simply enjoys the warmth of another person. He feels the gnome stiffen slightly, before she relaxes and stares up at him.
"I think I needed this, Mai. Thank you, sia itov."
He resists the urge to giggle as he sees her wrinkle her nose, but she smiles, cupping his cheeks once more.
"Any time, 'Koto."
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dndcreaturesinfo · 1 year
Tatsu by Critical Crafting
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dragonmythfandom · 2 years
Mermaidkin related to Dragonkin
Only reply if you believe in higher realms like I do. I think that the Dragon Gods in higher realm MADE elementals. Because they are the elements and they made and became the elements. You got also another Dimension/Realm wich has only the Dragons themselfs: The Dragon Realm/Dimension. Waterelementals for example a mermaid can not exist without a Water DragonGod. soooo... mermaids are made by dragons. Mermaids can not exist without water and water canot exist without a watergod/dragongod of water. Faeries are made by dragons. I like the idea of the Elemental Realm/Dimension with dragons and elementals like mermaids, faeries, syphs and salamanders. That the Elemental Realm/Dimension is different than the Angelic Realm/Dimension with its unicorns and other angelic beings including other dragons (aka Angel Dragons) Do you agree?
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ambermotta · 11 months
Meeting a Dragon (Guide, Guardian, or Otherwise)
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Disclaimer: the information I give is a mish-mash of personal experience, research, experience in study groups and other people's accounts. I don't claim to know the absolute truth. I'm just here to help!
Just like any other type of spirit work you do, to connect with the right type of spiritual being you'll need to be in the right mindset. The more powerful and high frequency the spirit is at, the harder it can be to attune to their vibration.
For connecting with dragons I reccomend you do some heavy work on cleansing the environment and yourself, as well as make sure you have strong protections (how to do that is a matter for another post). Offerings prior to any ritual are also a great idea.
And after all the cleansing you will need to keep your negative thoughts and emotions in check as to not energetically upset the balance you have achieved. Of course, it's impossible to never experience these, so when you do it will be good to remind yourself to keep calm and return to a state of peace.
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Something to Ponder
You may wonder - do I even have a dragon guardian? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, if you want to connect with any dragon willing to help you out you will need to do some introspection and evaluate things such as:
If I meet a dragon, what will I do with that information? What is my purpose? What is my goal with all of this?
Knowledge for the sake of knowing it is useless. You are far more likely to get a response from any spiritual being if you intend to do something with the information you're asking for, otherwise you're just wasting their time and energy to entertain a selfish curiosity.
Setting the Mood
After you have aligned your goals, energy, environment and mindset it's time to actually try to get in touch.
Do keep in mind that how successful you are can vary  a lot depending on how keen you are to sensing energies, experience, whether the technique works for you and whether the dragon actually thinks if you're ready to meet them or not.
I recommend you try to "set the mood". You definitely DON'T need to do all of these or get a lot of supplies, but if you think you can get your hands on these things they may help you connect more easily:
Turn on music that you think matches the draconic energy you are looking for.
Gather elements of nature such as rocks, plants, branches and crystals that you feel are right for what you are doing. Remember to always ask for permission when taking anything from nature and make sure it's legal!
Gather the four elements. Light a candle, an incense, get a glass of water... for earth you can use crystals but I personally like having living plants.
You can turn off the lights to help your mind slow down. You can focus on the candle, or close your eyes so that you can pay more attention on what you feel rather than what you see.
Dress for the occasion. No particular outfit needed, just try to make it feel special.
You can gather and use any personal tools you have, like a wand, athame, or sacred necklace.
It is preferable to have a protective token with you, if you have any. If you don’t a protection circle will do!
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Please remember you can connect with spirits without any of these, and you can have all of these and still feel nothing. These are things that usually HELP, but it's YOU who makes it happen.
#1 Divination
When I met my dragon guide it was through a tarot reading. I didn't even have my own cards, I used a website to draw my cards and after I did I felt the need to close my eyes and just "feel it". I was not yet ready to work with this dragon (damn, it took me almost a decade), and even though I doubted it when the time came it turned out my odd attempt at tarot reading was actually VERY accurate.
I did not use a specific spread as far as I remember. I was never a spread type of reader. I just pulled the cards with the intention of figuring out the energy of the dragon and the meaning revealed itself with each card drawn, as well as their collective energy.
Some ideas of what to look for in your divination session are:
Is there a particular element, symbol or environment this dragon is associated with?
What can they teach me?
What should I do to connect and work with them?
Do they think I am ready? If not, what should I do?
What are they like? Big and bulky, or slender and gracious? Do they have limbs? How many? What colors do they like most?
What do they expect from how? How are you supposed to behave around them?
These answers may come to you in the cards (literally) or through your intuition (subjectively). Both are valid, don't restrict yourself just to what you see.
Remember no two readers read the same way. If you are already into divination, work with whatever you have the most affinity with. If you like tarot spreads or boards, that's awesome! If you're more of a intuitive reader don't be afraid of trusting yourself either. As long as you are prepared, you're good to go.
If you're not a reader and would instead like to get someone else to do the divination for you, make sure you are familiar with the reader. What do they usually read? What is their moral compass like? How do your guts feel about them? And even after the reading, it's important you trust what your own intuition says about it all.
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#2 Meditation
Meditation means different things for different people.
For some it can be a state of relaxation and observing ones thoughts and feelings. Feeling energy. If this is the route you want to take, before you start the meditation you can invite the dragon to come and let you feel their energy.
You can also kind of turn this into a prayer/conversation kind of thing by talking to them either verbally, or through sharing with them your thoughts and/or feelings. I really like doing it this way because it feels very personal and emotions can get very strong. However, it is basically impossible to do if you are struggling with negative feelings or feeling very anxious. Unfortunately if you're not at balance and you can't bring yourself back to a relaxed state feeling them is going to be really hard.
The other way to do meditation is through guided meditation. With this technique you will have someone else being your guide and taking your mind on a journey. This is very beginner friendly and something I enjoyed a lot when I was first getting into meditation.
You don't have to restrict yourself to everything your guide says. They are there mostly to help you stay in the right mindset and remind you of what you're doing, plus facilitating your connection.
There are a few dragon-specific meditations online. Unfortunately there aren't many, but if the ones there are don't work for you you can either improvise with a more general guided meditation or use ones aimed at spirit guides and deities.
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#3 Prayer
I'm using the word prayer to describe "establishing some sort of dialogue with a spiritual entity". If you'd like you can write your own prayer and treat it more as a sort of reverence to the dragons, this can definitely deepen your connection.
But prayer can be as simple as sitting in silence, in a peaceful mindset, and talking to your dragon guide. I would avoid unimportant mundane matters... It is best to have a dialogue that can actually help you connect with the dragon. Telling them your goals, your thoughts, asking about them... then just pay attention to how your body feels, and what thoughts come up. You may wish to avoid talking about problems right away if your focus is to get to know them.
This sort of direct-ish communication doesn't necessarily require anything fancy. If you are able to tune in, you can do it anywhere. But as I mentioned before, certain tools can help you with that, and it's always a good idea to make sure you are protected.
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#4 Ask for signs
Be specific about it and ideally set a time period for it to show up. If you ask for a sign that is too easy to come up and easily explainable by physical causes then anything can feel like a sign and lead you into delusion. If it's too complex it can take a long time to manifest in the physical world.
Also keep in mind a sign can come in a more subjective way. For example, if you ask for a rainbow apple to confirm a sign from your dragon perhaps you'll not get a literal rainbow colored apple, but instead a crazy music video with psychedelic rainbow aesthetic and random apples (as well as other objects) thrown around. Yeah this has happened to me - but regarding Loki.
Overall I'm very very careful with signs and I'd rather try the other methods a few times before asking for this one because it's way too easy for your mind to get in your way (either making you doubtful or leading you into finding your signs) or you asking for things that are too out of this world. For the average person asking for signs is not healthy or trustworthy. Plus, it rarely gives you any further insight into the dragon.
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After you're done make sure to thank the dragons for their time and energy however you like. It is a great time to give them an offering if you haven't already.
If you did not feel anything, keep trying. Keep this off your mind for a few days then try again, or try the next few weeks once per week. If you are still unsuccessful you can ask the dragons why they are not showing up, or what is blocking you from feeling them.
If you felt something but still couldn't figure out much about the dragon, be patient. There could be a number of reasons why. You may ask them for clarification!
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In any case, the keyword is Patience. It can take years for you to be truly ready to work with them. Sometimes they are willing to work with you, but even when you think you are ready, you end up backing away... and that's okay. They are rarely in a hurry, and neither should you.
Thank you for reading!
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murmursdraconic · 2 years
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"So Rika is bi..."
"Bi-ing what?"
No one will ever believe she made a dad joke.
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deusvervewrites · 11 months
Tarrasque X Shadow Twins X Draconic Hero X Guardian Spirit:
What sort of mythical creature do you think One for All would manifest as?
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