#drag queens headers
kelmiros · 1 month
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behind the scenes! a pedido da livia <3
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Bob the Drag Queen has a song called “Booty” and lemme tell you the music video is a goldmine of out of context images
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maimukaichi · 2 years
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AMeiaNoite🌙 Pabllo Vittar headers
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amuseoffyre · 13 days
Got thinking today about the first pieces of queer media I experienced and how formative they were for me when I didn't even know queerness was a thing. Double-whammy of super religious family raised in very religious community and then ending up slap bang in the middle of section 28 in the UK, where it was illegal to teach kids anything about queerness.
But it was there. It found me, even when I didn't know I was looking for it.
First up was the double-header of To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar and Priscilla Queen of the Desert.
It was 1996/7, I was in my mid-teens. I was having a sleepover at a friend's house and she asked me if I wanted to see drag queens. I didn't know what they were, so I said yes. My wee little mind was blown. Until that point, the only time I had seen anything like it had been as a joke, especially Pantomime Dames.
I know that now these films are very dated, but then? When the only other mainstream films with vaguely trans-ish characters were things like Silence of the Lambs and The Crying Game? Having some of the biggest stars of their respective countries playing sympathetic, fun, silly, loving, happy drag queens and trans characters was so staggeringly new and out of left field. I didn't even know what I was feeling but those films curled up in my chest for reasons I couldn't even understand then.
A few years later, doing my English studies and one of the assigned texts was a book called Trumpet by Jackie Kay. I had never heard of it, had no idea what it was about going in, and again, eyes wide open after it. A trans man who kept his whole life a secret from everyone but his wife, only outed after his death. It's beautiful and poignant and wrenching as his kid tries to unravel and understand their father and who he was.
It's been two decades and I've seen a lot of queer media since then, but those three pieces were the foundation of me figuring things out and realising what I had been told all along wasn't compulsory or necessarily even right. It showed me a glimpse of something else, that maybe all the parts of me that I had been chipping away at, trying to make them fit, didn't need to be chipped away at all.
Took a lot longer for me to put all the pieces together consciously. The trauma and self-hate will do that to you. But I got there :) I got there in the end and I can look in the mirror like Miss Vida and smile like she did.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Heya, Ri! Could I request something fluffy for the BTAS Hatter hedge maze date? I can’t stop thinking about it after the conversation in the server. :’D
Hope you’re having a lovely day! 💚
A/N: AAAAHHHHH YES YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN. I’ve been so excited to get a request from you hehe, if that’s not too weird to say lmao. I love doing requests for my mutuals and I’ve always wanted to fulfill a request for you! And for it to be such an adorable idea…I couldn’t say no…omg this is so cute, I haven’t stopped thinking about the scenario in my head either lmao (also this is a x reader, but like Jervis mostly refers to y'all as March Hare, more so in spirit of Marchie hehehe but it still works!)
Also, also still working on header stuff don’t mind me rip, but I am still stupid proud of this screengrab I took of Jervis from that character shot in The Worry Men episode.
Trigger Warnings: just an obtuse amount of fluffy sweetness
Word Count: 1.6 k
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BTAS Mad Hatter x Reader - Maze Date Craze
There truly was never a dull moment with Jervis. 
Even if you too fancy a night in and some reading or watching a film, he somehow still managed to make you laugh until your sides hurt or he made you think somehow outside of the box.
The same especially went for dates when you were out on the town. 
“Where are you taking me, Jervis?” You giggled, confused but excited all the same. 
“It’s a surprise, my dear. You’ll know what it is soon enough.” He chuckled at your enthusiasm. 
You looked up as you two passed the opened gates to Gotham City Gardens. You gasped when you two approached the entrance to a large hedge maze. 
“I-Is…is this a maze?” 
“Indeed it is. Would you like to uhh…perhaps explore it with me?” He took off his hat and slightly bowed to the side, allowing you to enter first. 
You beamed happily, always ever the gentleman. You hooked your arm through the one that was tucked behind him and slightly dragged him with you through the maze opening. 
“I’d love nothing more, Jervis! Let’s do it!” 
You don’t think you could ever do a maze by yourself. You could maybe count on one hand a few people you could depend on to complete a maze with. 
One of the main people being Jervis, but then again, you wished you could spend every and any waking moment with him anyway. Aside from just that, he was the best with these whimsical mazes and puzzles. They always sort of spoke to him in a way…especially to a certain theme.
"Oh Jervis, this is perfect, it's like the maze was made for us! It's designed like Wonderland!" 
It truly was Wonderland inspired. Every now and then down a certain passage there were portraits of iconic Wonderland characters. 
Alice, Queen of Hearts, the Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, the Walrus, and Carpenter…
"Look, it's you!" You giggled.
The iconic pencil illustration of the Mad Tea Party was displayed in front of you. Your finger pointed at the Mad Hatter on the far right. 
Jervis came up behind you and smiled warmly. He put his hands on your shoulders and leaned his head down beside your ear. He pointed over to the March Hare. 
"And there's you, darling." 
You snuggled your head closer to his as you giggled in delight. 
"Although, I must say," you grabbed his hands and turned around to face him. 
You pulled him in closer to you, hands strongly clasped together. Your faces were inches apart. You leaned in close, pressing your nose against Jervis'. 
"My Hatter is far more handsome." You sealed the compliment by softly rubbing your nose side to side against his; a bunny kiss. 
Jervis didn't think he could ever fall in love with you more, but yet you continue to make him fall deeper and deeper, time and time again. 
He absolutely adored you, and he hoped he was able to show it every day…and especially today. 
You two continued through the maze hand in hand. Along with portraits and decorations of Wonderland strewn about. There were also little cards that stood out from the hedges.
"I don't recall collecting things as part of mazes…" You pondered as you looked at the card. They felt oddly thicker than most cards but you figured it was to make them last through the environs. 
"Well perhaps this isn't an ordinary maze…we should collect more of them," Jervis suggested and you ultimately agreed.
It'd be a neat little momento if anything else. 
Jervis helped hold the cards for you in his suit jacket pocket for the meantime. Your hands should be busy holding his hand anyway.
You were adamantly by Jervis' side as you depended on him to reach the end. However, after a couple twists and turns you couldn't help but feel certain plants and bushes looked oddly familiar. 
"Yes, darling?" 
"I feel like we're going in circles…?" 
"Huh, really?"
"Yes…I…I recognize that red rose bush…and that broken hole in the bush.." You look up at him. 
Jervis was sheepishly looking off to the side. Eyes moving every which way but at you.
"Jervis..have you been taking us around in circles?" You asked lightheartedly. 
He bit his lip slightly, before ultimately sighing. "I'm afraid so, darling." He chuckled embarrassingly. 
"But why?" You asked, more confused than upset. 
He hummed. "I am guilty of slightly leading us astray but…only because I just…" his face started getting redder now. 
You put your hand on his warm cheek, bringing his eyes to look at your own. You smile up at him but don't say anything, silently encouraging him to continue. 
"...I just wanted to spend more time with you alone…lost and alone with you…holding my hand." He muttered his confession. 
Your heart skipped a beat, as if this man couldn't be anymore endearing. 
"You could've just told me, Jervis! I would love to stroll through the maze with you." You smiled sweetly as you tightened your arms around him. 
"Oh, if it were up to me it would never end, but there is another…surprise to come for you at the end…"
"But Jervis this maze was a lovely surprise enough…how can there be more?" 
He grabbed your hand that was on his face and kissed the palm of it. "There's always a possibility for more when it comes to you, my love." 
This time when Jervis took your hand and took the lead, you actually started making headway. 
This made you realize something else…
“Wait, Jervis!” 
You knew he was good at these kinds of puzzles, but not…not this good. 
“All will make sense soon, my beloved. Just follow me!” 
Curiouser and curiouser. 
You continued to follow him until you finally reached the end. When the two of you exited the maze, you noticed a quaint little round table with a red cloth over it. On the table a teapot, saucers, cups, and tiny finger delicacies were strewn about. The table was set for two. 
“Y-You did all of this, Jervis? H-How? When?” You slowly approached the table, almost uncertain whether or not to disturb the beautiful set-up. 
Jervis followed closely behind you as you took it all in. “I did…well with some…uhh…outside assistance.”
Surely mind control for non-illegal purposes wasn’t a crime? 
Jervis quickly went around you, and pulled out one of the seats for you to take a seat. You gratefully accepted as you still tried to wrap your mind around this revelation. 
“So…the maze, the pictures…and the cards..”
“Oh yes,” he got down on one knee in front of you and handed the cards to you. “They’re envelopes, open them…”
That explains their weird thickness.
You gasped when you opened the first card, you were close to tears as you kept opening the next few. They were all pictures either of you or you and Jervis together. Smiling, kissing, laughing, you remember the exact moment each of these was taken.
“Oh my goodness, Jervis…this is the sweetest—” 
You put the pictures down on the table to embrace him, but you were speechless at what you saw next. 
Sitting there in his palm, was a diamond ring. 
You tried to gulp down the nerves and the tears that were starting to rise. “J-Jervis…”
He chuckled sheepishly, removing his top hat. “A-All my life, I’ve been waiting for someone…to love me for me. For the longest time I thought I was incapable of finding that someone…that like Wonderland…it was all a hopeless fantasy…” 
The tears began to slowly creep out from your eyelids, as your hand covered your mouth, taking in every word he said, waiting for your moment to answer him. 
“...but I found you, and I’m so grateful every day that I get to spend another day with you. Every day I get to love you, my darling March Hare, is a day I believe more and more that my Wonderland doesn’t have to be a fantasy…it can be a reality but only if you’re in it…will you join me? W-Will you marry me?” 
“Yes! Yes, Jervis yes!” You hoped he made out your answer in between your excited squealing. You jumped out of your seat and embraced him tightly as you knocked him off his knees. 
Jervis laughed fullheartedly, as he wrapped his arms around you. He took a deep sigh of relief, although he knew deep down you wouldn’t say no…he was always aware of that possibility. 
Even when you let up on your embrace, it wasn’t enough. You were so overcome with love and affection for him, you weren’t sure what action to do next. Jervis took the moment of pause to slip the ring onto your finger. 
You looked down on it and smiled widely. “It’s perfect…” You looked back up at Jervis. “You’re perfect, Jervis…this was…I-I can’t even begin to describe it all…” 
Jervis kissed your temple. “You don’t need to say anything, beloved. Your reactions speak louder than any words. And your darling smile is worth more than any compliment.” 
Jervis propped himself up off the ground, but not without offering your hand up as well. You happily took his hand, but not without grabbing his top hat as well for your ascension.
You gently placed the hat back on his head, tentatively turning it backwards and forwards, left and right to make sure it was back in it’s proper place. He chuckled softly as he grabbed your hands back down in front of his face and kissed along your knuckles. 
You giggled at the sensation as you leaned your face closer to his. He met your face halfway as your lips finally met in a deep sweet kiss. 
After years of lonesome solitude, and almost giving up on the possibility…The Mad Hatter had finally found his March Hare. 
Wonderland was no longer just a fleeting fantasy, it was a glorious, loving, and sweet reality for the both of you.  
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bijouxcarys · 9 months
@callmethehunter tagged me to do this “get to know my blog” kinda thing, and I love this stuff so here we fuckin goooo!
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Header: 1970 Rob and Jim being handsome devils and gorgeous angels all at once 🥲
Icon: 1982 Robert entering his ultimate daddy era🔥
Description: A place where I can live my 60s and 70s fantasy with others who have the same tastes and interests in music as I do!
Content: Fanfiction. My master list is pinned. I also talk about any kind of media, predominantly from the 60s and 70s, but also British comedy from the 80s and 90s. I talk a lot about Led Zeppelin, Queen, and Aerosmith, along with other bands of the same genre. But I also enjoy later stuff such as Guns n Roses, Nirvana, Marilyn Manson… as well as some current artists I really enjoy like Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish.
I’m also a film fanatic, and have recently obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Film and Television Studies, so occasionally I might post about my favourite films and Dustin Hoffman, who is my favourite actor.
I sometimes post updates on the book I’m writing on growing up undiagnosed with autism, and my Brian May series. But 95% of my content is focused on Robert Plant and fanfiction about him. (I also post my singing occasionally)
Background colour: an earthy orangey kinda colour(?)
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URL Meaning: bijouxcarys comes from multiple sources. Bijou comes from two: the first being one of the most beautiful pieces of music I’ve ever heard in my entire life, which is Bijou by Queen, where Brian May offers a captivating landscape of enchanting melodies with his Red Special guitar. It also comes from my days of partaking in the art of drag when I was 18. My drag name was ‘Lola Bijou.’ Carys is pretty self explanatory… it’s my name :)
Blog Title Meaning: …if you know, you know. Paraphrasing The Lemon Song by Led Zeppelin, where Robert wails about his lemons… and a woman squeezing them so hard he falls right outta bed. Hehe. 🍋 🍋
I tag: @celestial-dragoness @jimmysdragonsuit13 and @whothefuckisanja + anyone else who wants to do it! Create your own post to avoid an unnecessarily long reblog thread💕
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Okay but I'm not sorry when I say the people that actually weren't expecting this and were genuinely "surprised" or even "shocked" by it are some annoying goddamn dumb asses that just can't appreciate a good trope when all the tension and subtext was already fucking set up for it to happen and if you're an adult and it genuinely threw you for a loop that it did you need to go watch Basic Instinct or something and shut the fuck up.
And I was about to tell them like, no one gives a fuck about the wiki and tell them that one of the voice actresses by and the other one is a Non-Binary Drag Queen and ask them what the fuck they were expecting from that, but then their blog header said they were 15 so I blocked them.
So yeah, I'm just saying that if OP wasn't goddamn fucking already expecting this pairing to happen and it was a highlight to an episode they otherwise hated, then they're probably also a kid who shouldn't be watching the show in the first place!
I'm only saying something now because the amount of people who were seemingly genuinely shocked by the reveal of this pairing instead of satisfied from the thrill of anticipating it happening is getting annoying.
Like I'm so sorry that you're ether too young to get it or your media comprehension skills are really that fucking low but you can stop now, babe...
45 goddamn fucking notes!
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kelmiros · 2 months
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dump de header!
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2offayyo-kzt · 1 year
do you have a favourite sean/anthony atamanuik photo?
anon I don't know who you are, but I LOVE you for this question ! you made my day fr
I'm forever grateful when I get a chance to talk about Anthony :) lmao
so actually I have 4 fav pics of the actor hehe
My favorite photo of ALL time is my current header lol
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He looks so dead inside here, istg it looks like a painting given the composition, this shit makes me laugh every time
this vibe yk
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Then I'd say this one is in-cre-dible :
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He looks like he just got married and regrets his choice, I feel like there is so much pain behind his eyes (that's probably just me lmao)
But I can absolutely see this image on Pinterest
Then this one because he really has a drag queen pose, slay 💅
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And this screenshot I took recently where he kinda has the face of an angel ✨
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honorable mentions :
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and the most iconic :
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𝕭𝖑𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝕷𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 Chapter 18: and Every Entity a Counterpart
Hero Kaeya x Villain male reader
Summary: Nothing makes sense, but you don't have the time to ponder.
Word Count: 1,196
Warnings: description of fatal injury and dying
Mayb’s notes: I knew this chapter would be short but it still feels so wrong. the header is my reference for the Queen, but poorly edited. it comes from this tiktok. (my reference for the King was not the header for the last chapter bc it is somebody else's art)
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The door to the King's chambers bursts wide open.
The two of you turn towards it with a start. Kaeya raises his dagger and you raise your hand, beginning to materialize your own sword. However, with no time to choose, your instincts take up the magic you're most attuned to.
The Smoke of Necromancy swirls in your hand, accompanied by the wicked screams of Lady Death's minions. They are loud, abundant, and horrid; the omens of death. However, one by one, the minions die off. They screech and leave, you can hear their disappearance with a suck of the atmosphere, until no more screams are heard. The failure of the spell brings you suddenly aware of the magic that it drains from your body.
Necromancy... it'd never failed you before.
Kaeya only glances at his side, at you, before taking a more protective stance while you scramble to regain your senses. Heat–the next best thing–forms a sword in your hand.
Now sufficiently prepared, shock wears off in favor of logic. You realize it's the Queen of Life and Tears that stands before you.
"No need to fret." Her voice is soft, breathy, and, though it is naturally quiet, you still hear her well, as if it booms. "I am not here to hurt you, I'm here to thank you!"
"Thank?" Kaeya blurts in confusion.
She laughs at your confusion, "Yes!" Something about it, her words, something about the way she says them, is very persuading, like anything she said was absolutely genuine.
The Queen of Tears, counterpart to the King of Blood, was joyful. She was happy, happy that her husband was dying.
Dying because he was not yet gone. The King was still alive, writhing on his bed; on the sheets the same color of the blood that spewed from his body. His neck was slit open and all the blood from his veins that was meant to fuel his brain was instead falling down his throat and choking him. Death was all he wanted, it was his wish, but instinct took over and his hands grasped at his neck, trying desperately to stop whatever was going on. He took in desperate breaths, breaths that were not only taken through his nose, but by the new hole in his neck as well.
And she rejoiced.
"You've done the very thing I've been so afraid of!" The Queen lifts her forlorn blue veil off her head, revealing her face. She looked just the same as every poster you'd seen of her. She wore a blue dress decorated with silver and tulle. Her veil was long, lacy, and dragged on the floor. Her eyes glowed blue, just like her King's. But at the same time, she was different. On one half, she mourned; her eyes spilled gushing tears like a waterfall. On the other, she radiated; her smile brighter than the cosmos. "You've, dare say, freed me!"
"Freed?" Kaeya falters. He glances back, back at the man he's just murdered. He notices, then, that his blood steams. It burns at his hands, but they remain helplessly trying to save him. And, when he turns back to the Queen, he notices that the drops of tears that leave her face freeze up as they leave her skin.
Like fire and ice, the Queen and King were opposites.
"Oh!" She uselessly wipes the tears from her eyes as they keep endlessly flowing. "Just what could I do to repay you?"
"You're not going to ask why?" You ask. This was all so wrong. None of it made sense. "Why we killed your husband?"
"Why would I question the intent behind the thing I've wanted most?" She laughs, as though you were a child with the silliest question. "But I will humor you!" She clears her throat and clicks her tongue, "Why?"
"Because he's the cause of the plague." The statement almost comes off as a question. After the King's uncombative death, you weren't sure of anything.
She gasps, "That is true!"
"And because the plague has killed hundreds."
"Oh, but not those here." She clasps her hands together, her smile turning proud. "I've done my best to save them."
Save them? After all the death the Blood Parade had caused, it seemed like it had no cure. "How?"
"Ki came up with the plague using what he had in abundance: blood from the battlefield. After my tears stirred up the world and created the Garden of Tears, I followed his example. I used what I had most, tears." She wipes a tear off her cheek, showing you her palm and allowing you to see how the tear seeps into her skin. "His blood became the sickness; and my tears, the cure."
His blood burned and wrought destruction. Her tears chilled and saved lives.
Seeing as you remain silent, she continues. "Is there anything you need? I can give you a room in the castle, or begin the construction of your very own mansion here in Life. I can give you any jewel you wish for, or simply anything at all! What is that you want most?"
With her wide smile and promise of compensation, it's like she's the receptionist at the Bounty Hunter's guild at the end of a journey, or the bartender that's sent you on a quest. She didn't care for all the gruesome things you'd gone through and the lives you'd squashed. She only cared about the end, not the means.
How could you take a reward from the wife of the man you'd just murdered?
But her voice, soft as it may be, meek as a mouse even, it was convincing. What was it that you truly wanted? Could she grant it for you?
Kaeya fights the urge, fights his deepest desires, and says, "A cure. There are still people out there, back in Mondstadt or anywhere else, that are dying to the plague."
"No problem at all."
The Queen produces a vile from seemingly thin air. It is small in size but, "Just a drop will cure anyone." she assures. She places it under the tip of her chin, where her tears bunch up and drip into the new space. It doesn't take long at all for it to fill up to the brim.
She walks over to you to hand over your reward, unafraid of the weapons you still point at her.
Kaeya receives it tentatively. He turns in over in his palm but he can't find anything different–from normal tears–about it aside from its unusually low temperature.
"Seriously, you could have anything in the world and this is all you want?" She stands back, hands on her hips, "You're much too humble."
"Oh!" She gasps, as if suddenly remembering something, "You should go before someone catches you. The citizens won't be as keen as I am once they learn that you've murdered their King in his sleep."
She moves past the both of you, again ignoring the danger of ready blades, before pushing you forward like pests. "Go on," She snickers, "shoo!"
The Queen makes you forget one thing.
"I did it all for her."
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divinerebis · 1 year
This blog is all about gender performance. The work is a blog documenting queer art, history, performance, and recent politics regarding the hostility surrounding trans rights. Gender performance is defined as something that is ingrained in our daily practices, learned, and performed based on cultural norms of femineity and masculinity. This definition of gender was popularized by Judith Butler in their book Gender Trouble, published in 1990. Furthermore, they asserted that sex is biological, while gender is culturally constructed. Think about how you were raised to play with certain toys, how you were dressed, and how you were told to act. Often times girls are encouraged to play dress up while boys are pushed to play with trucks and boy-appropriate toys. This behavior is reinforced throughout a child's formative years within their schools. We see this in Bell Hook's essay Understanding Patriarchy as she critiques how society has shaped and traumatized its children to act in rigid gender roles to avoid punishment. She writes, "Embracing patriarchal thinking like everyone else around them, they taught it to their children because it seemed like a 'natural' way to organize life"( Hooks pg. 18). Gender roles are established to maintain a societal expectation where men are in power. At the same time, women are expected to be domesticated; any deviation is considered unnatural. It also shapes how children grow up emotionally, where boys are expected to repress their emotions while girls are encouraged to express their feelings as long as it is not anger. After analyzing how children are raised in this patriarchal structure, we can better understand the definition of gendered performance and how queer artists created literal gender performance.
   Throughout the history of performance art, there has been cross-dressing, as seen in Greek amphitheaters and in Shakespeare's plays. Going forward, drag was a Vaudeville performance done in speakeasies and underground bars. In the 20th century, ballroom culture emerged, spaces where black and Latino LGBTQ+  could perform pageants to win prizes. Ballroom culture was made up of "Houses, alternative families run by an older "mother" and "father" who provided shelter and guidance to those ostracized by their families (Nasr). The history of drag cannot be complete without mentioning Marsha P. Johnson, who protested police raids on gay clubs during the Stone Wall Riots of 1969. While drag has been prevalent throughout history, it has recently gained popularity among mainstream audiences through RuPaul's Drag Race. The show has undeniably changed how drag is perceived, making the drag queen an international celebrity (Nasr). According to The Art of Activism, " We can 'queer' mass culture by making it say things it was never designed to say and act in ways it was never meant to act" (Ducombe and Lambert, pg. 126). Therefore by being outspoken and openly expressing oneself, queer performance art can make a greater change to LGBTQ+ representation and legislation. Reviewing the history of queer performance art, there is a common theme of celebration and active protest against cis-heterosexual normativity.
   Therefore, my blog is a curated catalog that not only celebrates the history of LGBTQ+ performance but uses the platform to spread awareness about anti-trans and gay legislation being discussed recently. "It is important to bring creativity, joy, pleasure, and play into activism. Not only is it a more effective way to get your message across and entice others to join us, but it is equally important because it'll keep us doing the work that needs to be done" (Ducombe and Lambert, pg. 128). Divine Rebis is a space I created to show others a collection of performance art, along with historical pictures of queer love. My project was directly inspired by Black Contemporary Art created by Kimberly Drew. The blog's header shows a group of women cross-dressing as men, a common practice amongst lesbians during the 20th century. Within this blog, I have uploaded interviews from my friends talking about their experiences with gender, their personal definitions of gender performance, and how they feel about the current political unrest surrounding trans rights and drag. My performance is curating this work while cross-dressing, actively taking interviews, and spreading the message of this blog to everyone who listens.
Duncombe, S., & Lambert, S. (2021).
The Art of Activism
: Your All-Purpose Guide to Making the Impossible Possible [Book]. OR Books.
Hooks, Bell, 1952-2021. (2004). " Understanding Patriarchy."
The Will To Change: Men, Masculinity, And Love
. New York :Atria Books,
Nasr, G. A. (2021, December 13). The Evolution of Drag: A History of Self-Expressionism. Arcadia. https://www.byarcadia.org/post/the-evolution-of-drag-a-history-of-self-expressionis
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boxycons · 4 years
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corneliaedits · 5 years
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taylor + drags headers | like or swiftgustin ♡
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realnessicons-blog · 6 years
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pearl headers;  ♡
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chewiestuffs · 7 years
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Rajila (Raja+Manila) ✗ Season 3
with best quality here.
♡like if you saved someone, thanks♡
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vittaricons · 3 years
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• like if u save :)
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