#dramione baby
swottydoodler · 8 months
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Swotty's DH headcanon no.4:
The Malfoy line has a couple of differing curses.
1. Being able to produce only one son in a lifetime (because of something that happened hundreds of years ago) to prevent any bastards. Draco having a kid with Hermione somehow broke that because his blood disowned him for procreating with someone of Muggle decent—this one was placed by a scorned Malfoy wife.
2. The kids having the signature Malfoy hair and eyes as to know if the wives have bedded another man—done by some Malfoy patriarch along the beginning of the branch.
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iamnoctisx · 11 months
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New art for This Bitter end by the amazing @ectoheart ✨
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polluxxxart · 1 year
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"not this again 😒"
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cessreads · 21 days
Everybody seems to be so upset that ao3 is down today and I’m here like you guys don’t download fics to your phone? 😮
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one-equaltemper · 3 months
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Be My Baby
Chapter 35 - Obsessive and Possessive
A blinding pain rips through her arm but all she can focus on is the way her iced coffee has exploded on the pavement, splattering her white cotton dress…a complete and total waste of £3.50.
-read here-
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doodleholic · 10 months
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Detail of art for an upcoming fest fic.
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dhrmonth · 14 days
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Dramione Month Daily Roundup
Here is the Day 9 roundup of Dramione Month works! ⏳✨ 
AO3 Links: Cat-astrophic Conclusions by saneasluna: G, 1,539 words, 1/1 Chapters
Day 8: Contract Marriage by Brittles_06: T, 471 words, 1/1 Chapters
Day 7: Free Day by Brittles_06: G, 392 words, 1/1 Chapters
Day 6: Legilimens by Brittles_06: T, 189 words, 1/1 Chapters
Day 5: Undetectable Extension Charm by Brittles_06: M, 329 words, 1/1 Chapters
Day 4: Sectumsempra by Brittles_06: T, 382 words, 1/1 Chapters
Day 3: Finite Incatatem by Brittles_06: M, 486 words, 1/1 Chapters
Day 2: Expecto Patronum by Brittles_06: G, 291 words, 1/1 Chapters
Day 1: Obliviate by Brittles_06: T, 512 words, 1/1 Chapters
Day 1: Obliviate by Brittles_06: T, 512 words, 1/1 Chapters
granger, what did you just do? by greenappletheory: M, 899 words, 1/1 Chapters
casting a patronus 101 by greenappletheory: N, 1,342 words, 1/1 Chapters
call me draco by thatblondebitvh: M, 6,073 words, 1/1 Chapters
Letters from the past by Undercover_ballerina (undercover_ballerina): G, 1,352 words, 1/1 Chapters
Sacrifices by Hyemi_28: M, 2,270 words, 1/1 Chapters
Sunshine After the Rain by galaxy_skies: T, 1,059 words, 1/1 Chapters
don't blame me by goldrushrenegade: M, 2,670 words, 1/1 Chapters
After Tonight by Dizzle00: E, 7,712 words, 1/1 Chapters
Tumblr Posts:
Art by aplthree (Also on Twitter and Instagram)
Art by aplthree
Art by sophiesstreet (Also on Twitter and Instagram)
Ficlet by augustaoctavia87 (Also on Instagram)
Ficlet by undercover-ballerina
Ficlet by thetacowrites
Twitter Posts:
Art by omnilucieumbra (Also on Instagram)
Ficlet by grangermalfoy07 (Also on Instagram)
Ficlet by grangermalfoy07 (Also on Instagram)
Ficlet by Fifitheflower96
Ficlet by RecklessLupin
Art by chronophobique (Also on Instagram)
Ficlet by starsinmotion_
Ficlet by magicalsydney (Also on Instagram)
Drabble by BeeWitched_xx
Ficlet by brittan50044144
Ficlet by stephndrsn
Ficlet by stephndrsn
Ficlet by itsteryn
Ficlet by UnaOrion
Ficlet by missmuwrites
SocMed by DarkCloud190 (Also on Instagram)
Drabble by DarkDanna
Drabble by the_taco_writes
Ficlet by mspolapotter and ivy_and_right (Also on Instagram)
Ficlet by Emeralds_R_D
Fic by MissusBWrites (Also on Instagram)
Ficlet by mspolapotter
SocMed by lvurs3lf
Ficlet by daddydlm
Art by starlinart (Also on Instagram)
Fic by thisisntdd
Fic by palomab1anca (Also on Instagram)
Ficlet by starsinmotion_
Ficlet by PeachesnWaffles
Fic by DramaQueenLyra
Ficlet by Aivlisrocks
Ficlet by leaffhouses
Ficlet by hermionejean99
Fic by mvexed26
Ficlet by nothing_devils
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minimindi · 3 months
Malfoy Men Protect Their Women
I wrote this for one of the daily prompts during Microfic May. Hope you like it! If you feel like giving the story a kudos/comment, here's the link. The full one shot story is below, scroll down. Enjoy!
“I… I want children. Someday, when we’re ready of course. I just, I wanted to talk about it now in case you didn’t want any or whatever..” Hermione stared at anything and everything in the room, so long as it wasn’t Draco. They’ve talked about everything else during their whirlwind courtship these past two years, but somehow the topic of children never came up. And now that they’re less than a month away from the “wedding of the century” or so Narcissa calls it, and she doesn’t know how he feels about kids.
“Ok…. Granger, look at me please? You said ‘children’ as in, more than one. How many kids do you want exactly?” It took every ounce of control Draco possessed to not laugh at his fiancée in this moment. Silly woman, doesn’t she know already that he'd give her anything?
“Well it’s just that I grew up an only child and I had a great childhood of course! But it was peppered with moments of loneliness. I want our child to be spared that if it’s possible. Of course there’s no guarantee that the second one will get along with the first or vice versa and -“
“You’re rambling my love. How. Many. Children. Hermione?”
“Um well we really should have 4 to ensure that everyone has a sibling that they bond with. 3 could possibly work but it’s really not a sure thing. We could even go higher if it’s looking like our kids might need more siblings. I want to get a little higher up in the Ministry first before I leave to have our children, that way I can segue back into the workplace a little easier once the children are older.”
“And you felt nervous to have this conversation with me because?….” At this Draco did let himself indulge in a smirk just a little.
“Malfoys only ever have 1 child. I’ve researched your line and the last time there were 2 living Malfoy children was 1247, when Orwellia Malfoy had twin boys. Even then, only 1 survived to adulthood. I rather thought that there must be some sort of blood magic or curse involved to ensure only 1 heir.” Hermione had indeed researched this topic, spending weeks pouring over the genealogical records in the Manor’s library.
“Malfoys have 1 heir because that’s all that’s needed. The wives have a talisman they wear to ensure they don’t conceive, and therefore do not risk their lives in an unnecessary childbirth. Malfoy men protect their women at all costs, Hermione. Always. The talisman was brought over with the family from France, and I’m fairly certain it was considered ‘old’ at that point. There’s no record of where it originated. If you want more than 1 child then we’ll have more. We’re not having 7 like the Weasley’s, I draw the line there. But we’ll have more than 1 my love.” Draco pulled her into his arms, chuckling softly under his breath. His witch might be the brightest witch of her age but she really can be obtuse at times. Of course he’d give her babies. He’d give her the world if she wanted it.
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kaycares22 · 2 months
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“In the middle of the night, when he’s plagued by nightmares of the hell his father put him through, Hermione holds him afterwards, murmuring softly that he’s a good man, that he’s not his father, that she wouldn’t do this with anyone else.
Sometimes, he wonders if it’s as much of an incantation for her as it is for him, and if she says the words enough time, they’ll magically become true.”
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crrrybaby-ao3 · 23 days
It’s that type of love, when you know you shouldn’t be together, but you just can’t say no to it.
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wednesdaynott · 2 years
Draco Malfoy Broke The Baby
“Granger.” Draco Malfoy shook the his wife frantically. “Granger, wake up!”
After a three-day labor, Hermione Granger awoke with a start, convinced something horrible had happened.
“Granger,” Draco’s voice was now a whisper. “I broke the baby.”
Wandlessly, she added more light to the room where she saw her husband holding their newborn son, Scorpius, with a nervousness she’d never seen from him before.
He placed the baby in her arms where she saw that little Scorpius appeared to be breathing just fine with all his fingers and toes. As she watched the newborn’s tiny belly move up and down, she once again found herself in awe that this beautiful creature could have come from her and her husband.
After a moment where she was utterly unable to identify anything that could be amiss with her child, she felt an intense annoyance bubbling inside her. Did her husband, by all accounts a bright man, not realize that roughly 72 hours of labor had left her worn completely out?
“Draco, did you hit your head?”
“No!” He was completely exasperated now. “Watch more closely this time!”
It was hard to tell because of the tuft of hair Scorpius claimed as his own was so fine but when Draco picked him up, his hair definitely lightened to a pale blonde to match his father. Then, when he set the baby back in her arms, his hair darkened to match hers.
Chopping it up to her exhaustion and a trick of the light, she sighed and handed the baby back to his father. “Draco, I’m exhausted. The Healers looked him over nearly a dozen times because you were so convinced something was wrong.”
“It did take a long time for him to finally pop out.”
“And yet, none of those with years and years of Healer training were concerned. No, the only one with any concerns was the one with a Potions mastery.”
His nostrils flared in anger. “Hey! I worked hard for that and you know it.”
“Yes,” she said while closing her eyes. “But it doesn’t qualify you to determine if the baby is healthy.”
“So they said,” he mumbled under his breath before shaking his head and remembering what he’d woken her up for. “Granger, listen! His hair changes to blonde when I pick him up! And then it’s darker when you hold him.”
“We can ask the Healers about it when you no doubt call them for a non-emergency,” she said without bothering to open her eyes.
Off in his own world now, Draco began to rant, “I didn’t charm him, I swear! I don’t understand how I broke him. Maybe he got into my Potions stock? I mean, I baby proofed it a week after you told me we were gonna have a baby, but maybe I missed something? But no, that doesn’t make sense since I was holding him the entire time. But you know, kids can be little troublemakers. I wasn’t because, I mean, you met my dad, but I’ve heard your school stories. I should have guessed that our children would be prodigies at trouble making. Maybe you should be in charge of him because you obviously think like him. I’m so sorry that I’ve already failed at parenthood. I knew I would struggle with fatherhood but I thought I’d make it longer than a day before…”
Hermione impatiently interrupted him. “Merlin, Morgana, and all the other gods, you are the most dramatic human to ever walk the earth.”
“Wow,” Draco mouthed as she picked up a piece of parchment and a quill.
“I’m going to write to Andromeda and get her to visit us soon. This sounds like what Remus described when Teddy was born.”
Draco paled. “You think he might…”
“Yes, I think it’s entirely possible that something in your gene pool causes metamorphmagi.”
“So it is my fault!” Draco moaned as he sat down in the plush armchair next to her bed.
She picked up the quill and began furiously scratching out a note she also dictated,
“Dear Andromeda,
If you could please visit Malfoy Manor at your earliest convenience, Draco and I would appreciate it greatly.
I have no doubt that Narcissa has already informed you that Scorpius James Malfoy arrived this morning after an arduous labor and we’d love it if you could take a look at him. When Teddy was born, I recall Remus saying that his hair changed colors within hours of his birth and that Nymohadora did the same thing. It appears that our sweet child may have the same qualities.
If you could pop in to confirm our suspicions and impart some of the wisdom you no doubt have, we would appreciate it greatly.
Oh, and I’m sure little Teddy would love to meet his baby cousin.
Hoping to see you soon,
P.S. If you speak to Draco before you get to me, ignore him. Childbirth appears to have made him hysterical.”
“Hey!” He cried with a light laugh at the last line. “I am not hysterical!”
“Well, something is definitely wrong with you,” Hermione snapped before she handed him the letter, “Send this to your aunt immediately. And Draco?”
“Yes?” He asked frantically, clearly noticing that she was prepping to go back to sleep and leave him alone with the baby again.
“You are and will be a great father. I’ve believed this for a long time.”
“But Granger, how could you ever say that? Even my mum says my dad was awful and I didn’t have any other examples. My godfather was Severus Snape, for Salazar’s sake!”
“Hush,” the finality in her tone shut him up at once. “You are a great father who cares very deeply and I love that about you. But even great fathers need guidance sometimes, that’s why there’s mothers. So I’m here to tell you what great fathers do.”
“What’s that?”
“They let the mother of their child sleep after labor.” Her face softened into a small smile. “No, really. You’ll be fine. He’s not broken at all and we both love you very much.”
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goodnight, little lion
dramione, 1.5k, domestic fluff
James Sirius Potter, two year old son of Harry and Ginny Potter, wiped his snotty nose with the sleeve of his shirt. His mouth had the remnants of a chocolate frog and an unknown, sticky, blue substance on it. Draco only stared and curled his lip in disgust.
“He likes to be read to before bed. He may ask for more than one book, don’t feel like you have to though.”
“Oh nonsense! I’ll read as many books to the little angel as he wants!”
“Okay then. I guess we’re leaving now!”
“Enjoy yourselves!”
Draco quietly snorted as he listened to the exchange. Angel. The spawn of a Potter and a Weasley surely must be anything but. The topic of children had come up between him and Granger recently and briefly. The former golden girl, dethroned due to her ongoing relationship with a former death eater, had made him a bit soft around the edges. The thought of a baby, small, blonde, and curly haired, half him and half Granger brought a smile to his face. The two year old staring back at him quickly reminded him that they don’t stay a baby forever.
He remembered the day the youngest Potter was born very well. Ginny had requested Hermione attend the birth, as a form of support, and Draco had been dragged along to wait in the sitting room. Harry quickly poked his head in the room every hour or so to update him and the Weasley’s that had gathered there throughout the day. Draco may have thought it to be a dream, or a nightmare more likely, that he would willingly be in the sitting room of Harry Potter along with five Weasley’s if it weren’t for Ginny’s screams that he could still hear if he thought hard enough. That night, after the dark haired baby had finally made his arrival and Draco and Granger returned to their shared flat, Hermione had confessed that she had no desire to go through what she had watched Ginny endure during those hours. Draco had shrugged. Fine with him.
But about a month ago now, Hermione had made another confession. She had baby fever, she had called it. Draco asked if he should call for a healer and she laughed herself horse. It turns out that baby fever isn’t an actual medical condition. Though he thought maybe it should be as he watched James shove a finger into his nose up to the first knuckle. Hermione bounced into the room, the picture of excitement and not any ounce of reproach on his face. This was obviously her idea. She had offered herself and Draco as babysitters so the Potter’s could have a date night to themselves. At least that’s what she had told them. Draco knew they were here to see if they could handle it. Handle a child. Together. They could barely make tea in the kitchen at the same time without bumping into each other and annoying one another. How on earth would they parent a child together? It would not be the same as it had been when Draco was a child, with the house elves being his primary care takers and his mother only toting him around on a hip in front of guests. He would be responsible for a tiny, fragile, impressionable life. God’s spare that baby.
Hermione kneeled in front of James, a wet cloth in her hand. “What shall we do first, little one? She asked as she wiped his face clean of the leftover sweets.
“Fly!” The little boy squealed. Potter was already teaching him to fly? But James ran on short, chubby legs to the corner of the room where a toy, wooden, broom leaned against the wall. He mounted the toy and ran circles around Draco and Hermione. She giggled and Draco could admit, the smile on Jame’s face was priceless. “Chase me, Uncle Draco!” He squealed. A title Draco had not quite gotten used to but answered to often these days. He sighed and Hermione tilted her head at him, a silent “please.”
“Chaser Potter has his sights on the snitch!” Draco said as he started the chase, James’ answering laughter gave him false hope. Because an hour later, in the kitchen, James threw a whole bowl of pasta onto the floor and screamed at the top of his lungs, demanding chicken nuggets.
“What the bloody hell are chicken nuggets and where on this god's forsaken planet do I get them?” Draco asked through his teeth over the screaming.
Still dizzy with the after effects of apparition to and from Muggle London, Draco slumped on to the Potter’s couch as James quietly devoured four chicken nuggets, chips, and a juice box. Little devil. During the twenty minutes of silence it had allowed him, Draco helped Hermione clean the pasta and red sauce off of the floor. “How are you feeling?” She whispered, trying not to disturb the beast.
“What?” Draco asked back, not sure if he had heard her correctly.
“How are you feeling? I know it seems like a lot but –”
“A lot? He went from running around the room in a fit of giggles to screaming like a banshee for processed food in a matter of seconds. I have whiplash.” Draco said, focusing on the mess instead of her disappointed face.
“Bed time is soon.” She said.
“That should be fun.” He knew the sarcasm in his tone was dripping off of his tongue.
With the mess cleaned up, Hermione carried James to the bathroom and drew him a bath. Draco cringed when he heard another demand come from the tiny mouth. “I want Uncle Draco!” Draco moved from his leaning post in the kitchen and peaked his head around the door of the bathroom.
“You called?” He said, grinning when James’ face lit up. Draco charmed a few bubbles to float above the little boy's head. Delight and mischief danced in his eyes. The splashing began. By the end of bath time, Hermione had to cast a drying charm on all three of them. Draco wrapped James in a towel in the shape of a shark and carried him to his bedroom. The room was painted crimson and gold, gryffindor colors. Not unlike the silver and green room he had grown up in. A framed picture of Potter and his parents sat in the nightstand next to the small, toddler sized bed.
“That’s daddy’s mum and dad.” James stated. “A very bad man hurt them.” He said with the dictation Draco had never heard in a child. Clever little thing he was.
“Yes, he did.” Hermione cut in, no doubt sensing Draco tense up at the mention of Voldemort. “But nobody will ever hurt you.”
“I know.” James mumbled as Draco pulled a pajama shirt over his unruly head of Potter hair.
“And why is that?” Hermione asked. Draco caught on that this was a rehearsed question and answer.
“Because Aunt Hermione,” he enunciated each syllable, as if he had been taught to pronounce her name that way, “will hex them silly!” Draco laughed out loud. Of course she would. She was fiercely protective of those she loved. Draco knew, not so deep down anymore, that he would do the same.
“That’s right.” She nodded and tickled him under his armpits before lifting and laying him into his bed, tucking his blankets in tightly around his sides. “What book will it be?” She walked to the large bookshelf in the corner, she had no doubt been a large contributor to it. With any toy she bought the boy, a book accompanied it. Balance, she called it.
“Can I pick two?” He pleaded. “One for you to read to me and one for Uncle Draco to read to me.”
“I think that’s more than fair.” Draco finally cut in. “What do you say, Aunt Hermione?”
She only smiled and grabbed the two books James had chosen from the shelf. First, a muggle story about a young boy who wreaks havoc in his home and his mother sends him to bed without dinner. The little boy sails to a mysterious island full of havoc wreaking monsters who he sends to bed without their dinner. Draco thought “Wild Thing” was the perfect nickname for the rambunctious boy Hermione was reading to.
James had chosen a story from The Tales of Beedle and the Bard for Draco to read to him. They settled on The Wizard and the Hopping Pot. Just as he reached the part of the story when the third knock sounds, he looked over the book at James, sound asleep with his mouth slightly parted. Hermione had ventured back downstairs as they’d started the story, to await Harry and Ginny’s return and put away James’ toys. Draco closed the book and sat it on the nightstand. He softly petted the top of James’ head and looked around the bedroom once more. “Goodnight, little lion.” He whispered before leaving the room. All children were different, weren’t they? A child being the product of himself and Granger would be less rambunctious, wouldn’t they? The door to the little lion’s den clicked closed and Draco loosed a sigh of relief. He could only hope so at this point. He wondered if baby fever was contagious.
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crumbledcastle28 · 5 months
To me there is nothing more fanon draco than NFWMB by Hozier.
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polluxxxart · 2 years
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Lyra and Scorpius Granger- Malfoy
first posted : October 8, 2021
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sadbrainhappyjuice · 8 days
Depression hiatus is over, ch 4 is now live!
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one-equaltemper · 4 months
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Be My Baby, Ch. 34 - 999
He hasn’t seen her since the last time they left the courthouse, when he took the opportunity to call her something vile under his breath and glare until he was certain she’d burst into flames.
-read here-
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