#dream on senator
chernabogs · 5 months
Malleus' immediate response to learning of Lilia giving a portion of his life for Malleus'—arguably one of the most sincere acts of love someone can do for another—being that of violence and a blind want to enforce into reality his own perception of what he believes Lilia's happiness to be is one of the most tragic things yet
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hanafubukki · 6 months
The Hero of a Fairy Tale
Thinking about how, right after Lilia gets his UM, he goes to Malleus.
He calls him a good boy for living so long despite the odds and how he has hope that he will find new clues to hatch him with his UM
And then he takes a break with the egg.
Then we see a scene where Lilia talks about how humans are adapting and the fae might one day become a fairy tale.
And he tells Malleus that he doesn’t want Malleus to become the hero of a fairy tale.
He tells him to hurry up and get out of the egg and how he wants to show him so many things.
How he’ll read to him and change his diapers.
(How much he loves Malleus please 🥹😭)
And then you know what Malleus Draconia does?
(Well, you know besides almost dying and then hatching)
Malleus Draconia: “I’ll make you the hero of your fairy tale.”
*internal screaming*
Just, these words?? The fact that something like this?? He remembers even from his time as a egg??
Please, this father and son ahhh 😭😭
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izzystizzys · 6 days
clone wars au where fives survives because fox is a disaster and people care about him (derogatory)
aka he hasn‘t slept in 72 hours and while every corrie understands why, that doesn’t mean they have to like it. plus, he already has borderline braindamage from not getting more than five hours’ sleep a night the whole duration of the war, and all the strange injuries and electrostaff burns he keeps showing up with, stabby the clone medic reasons. also bone density is a concern with the half-rations the guard is consistently on, so really this is all a very reasonable emergency measure, he says and cuffs fox to a cot.
yes of course, meathook and rabid nod, who pounced on the commander and pinned him for stabby and his sedation hypo the second he came through the door. very reasonable.
hnngfnhfjfj, fox grunts in the corner, already halfway to insensate. thorn, who knows better than to protest lest he become the next target of stabby’s ire, nods along while switching to fox’s armour.
which is also how palpatine gets himself caught, because of course ‘cc-1010’ activates exactly nothing in thorn’s brain except maybe alarm bells for rancid kriffing vibes, and by the time the chancellor orders him to switch off his blaster’s stun setting and terminate the ‘faulty unit’ at all costs, he’s already recording the interaction and sending it as an attachment to the whole guard command staff as well as the jedi temple.
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stromer · 2 months
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studying him like a bug ★ shane pinto pregame availability 04.15.24
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As multiple work stoppages continued across the United States, Democratic Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania on Thursday introduced legislation that would enable striking workers to qualify for federal food aid.
Called the Food Secure Strikers Act of 2023, Fetterman's bill would amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to ensure that striking workers aren't excluded from receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. In addition, the bill would preserve food stamp eligibility for public sector workers who are fired for striking and clarify that any income-eligible household is entitled to SNAP benefits even if a member of that household is on strike.
"Every union worker who is walking the picket line this summer needs to know that we have their back here in Washington," Fetterman said in a statement. "The union way of life is sacred. It's what built Pennsylvania and this nation. It is critical for us to protect workers' right to organize, and that includes making sure they and their families have the resources to support themselves while on strike."
"As chair of the Nutrition Subcommittee and an advocate for the union way of life, this bill is just plain common sense," he added. "I'm proud to introduce this bill that will eliminate the need for workers to choose between fighting for fair working conditions and putting food on the table for their families."
Workers typically forgo pay when they exercise their right to walk off the job in pursuit of higher wages and better conditions. Although union strike funds sometimes provide workers on the picket line with a stipend, it is less than their regular income.
Under existing law, striking workers and their households are ineligible to receive SNAP benefits unless they already qualified for food stamps prior to withholding their labor. This gives employers significant leverage over employees who can only endure economic hardship for so long. By repealing the current restriction on striking workers securing SNAP benefits, Fetterman's bill would help restore some balance to the struggle between capital and labor.
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"It's good to see lawmakers attempting to correct the wrongs of the past by reinstating a benefit for striking workers that never should have been taken away in the first place," said International Brotherhood of Teamsters president Sean O'Brien. "Congress should never pass laws that punish American workers and hopefully this amendment is a repudiation of that practice."
O'Brien spent the past several weeks preparing 340,000 United Parcel Service (UPS) warehouse workers and delivery drivers for what would have been the second-largest work stoppage at a single employer in U.S. history, trailing only a 1970 strike of 400,000 General Motors workers. Although a UPS strike has likely been averted after the logistics giant and the Teamsters reached a tentative five-year contract agreement on Tuesday, Fetterman's proposal comes amid a nationwide wave of ongoing and potential labor actions.
"The United Auto Workers have mirrored the Teamsters' militant stance, blasting CEOs ahead of their own contract negotiations slated for later this year," The Intercept reported Thursday. "And the truckers union has staged trainings in dozens of cities for a strike that could shut down shipping from coast to coast. In California, meanwhile, thousands of hotel workers organized with Unite Here are already on strike, along with tens of thousands of Hollywood writers and actors belonging to the Writers Guild and SAG-AFTRA, respectively."
The walkout of 160,000 writers and actors, who are fighting for improved remuneration and attempting to safeguard unionized jobs threatened by artificial intelligence-induced automation, is perhaps the most well-known of the current strikes.
Earlier this month, an anonymous studio executive admitted to Deadline that "the endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses," drawing widespread condemnation, including from star actor Ron Perlman.
The Food Secure Strikers Act is designed to counteract the delay tactics that bosses rely on to crush workers.
"Workers who make the difficult decision to go on strike are coming together to lift the standard of living and gain more respect for all working people," said Becky Pringle, president of the National Education Association (NEA). "They are prepared to make sacrifices—but going hungry should not be one of them. The Food Secure Strikers Act of 2023 will help ensure that when striking workers stand in solidarity for better working conditions and wages they can receive SNAP benefits so they don't put themselves and their families at risk."
The legislation is co-sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and 10 Senate Democrats, including Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), and Ron Wyden (Ore.). A companion bill was unveiled in the House by Democratic Reps. Alma Adams (N.C.) and Greg Casar (Texas).
It is also endorsed by numerous unions and anti-hunger organizations, including the Teamsters, NEA, the United Food and Commercial Workers, the Communications Workers of America, the Food Research Action Center, and Hunger-Free America.
"We need to get rid of the anti-union provisions in our code that starve striking workers," said Casar. "We're seeing workers exercise their rights across the country by going on strike to demand better wages and working conditions. That's why our bill, the Food Secure Strikers Act, is more important now than ever. We need to stop starving strikers, and ensure all working families are able to make ends meet."
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
okay but what if echo did testify in the senate.
what if it was broadcasted live, all over the galaxy, because they believed riyo would be proved wrong.
what if echo's words are sent out and heard by everyone, everyone listening, for once, to a clone, a clone who tells a story of horrors, of experiencing things no natborn could ever dream of surviving, of running and taking his family with him, of the desperation to provide his sister, the youngest of them all, with a life far, far away from war and harm, of watching, feeling, hearing his home destroyed, and being able to do nothing about it.
(fully imagining a scene similar to hevy’s testimony in @meridiansdominoes’s fic, just echo staring down every single senator around him, making sure every single one of them hears the words that he's saying)
omega would be standing with riyo, hidden away from the cameras, of course, but watching her brother with the brightest, most awe-filled eyes
rex, sitting in the warehouse with hunter, wrecker, and tech, watching echo and trying not to cry, because that's one of his boys up there, defending every single one of their brothers, protecting them.
tucked away, their children fast asleep, cut and suu listen, cut unable to stop the bittersweet smile as the brother he barely knows pours his heart out and tells the story of the clones.
somewhere, hunkering down, a deserter hiding, cody hears his echo, hears his ad, and all he feels is fierce, burning pride for him, and wonders about what the ramrod, reg-following shiny would think of himself now.
maybe crosshair hears the broadcast, watches it tucked away in his bunk, alone and exhausted, staring at the face of his ori'vod, and something starts to stir, something that makes his heart yearn just a little for his siblings.
and maybe, just maybe, hidden away on some isolated planet, there’s a trio of clones sitting in darkness.
one of the clones isn’t even listening to echo’s words, only his voice.
a voice he hasn’t heard in years.
far away from coruscant, fives shares a look with tup and dogma, and makes a decision.
they’re helping their brothers, continuing the fight they started.
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azertyrobaz · 8 months
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What about the conflict on Mandalore?
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jasontoddsthickthigh · 3 months
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tennessoui · 2 years
au where everything is sorta the same in the phantom menace, but it's role reversal, so it's stewjon and not tatooine that they crash on, and it's baby obi-wan that padawan skywalker and his master qui-gon jinn find.
baby obi-wan isn't the chosen one or anything, but he's this pure beacon of Light in the Force, old and untrained as he is, and that's attracted a ton of different Force sensitives to the area---both Light and Dark. qui-gon tells baby obi-wan that he'll take him to the Temple for training if he wants, and obi-wan agrees only for qui-gon to be killed by a sith there who has also been drawn to obi-wan's Light.
that's not important though because anakin absolutely hacks the sith to pieces for killing his master (and baby obi-wan, who is kneeling by qui-gon's body and holding his big hand in his baby ones, is terrified that he'll be next when anakin turns around, covered in blood) and qui-gon tells obi-wan to make sure anakin trains him and anakin, sorta mad with grief and loss, is like 'fuck that,' but he does take him back to the temple, gives him to the council and then fucks off on a deep cover mission for like ten years so he doesn't have to even think about the brat who caused the death of his father-master.
meanwhile though, obi-wan's new master thinks he's much too strongly stewjoni to be trained, but he does try for a few years before giving up, trading him to another master etc etc until obi-wan leaves the order all together when he's sixteen to get into stewjoni politics.
so when anakin comes back from his mission, he's shocked to find that obi-wan is not where he left him and is now a senator's aide, resulting in him storming to the senate building and pulling obi-wan (roughly) aside, accusing him of ignoring qui-gon's dying wish for him to be a jedi
and obi-wan, who has grown up nursing a hurt and hatred for this jedi in particular, rips his arm away and is like 'actually master jinn's dying wish was for you to train me so you ignored it first.'
#kit's silly lil aus#obikin#the senator menace au#i just love all the reverse master/padawan content ive been seeing lately#so heres another au where theyre reverse master/padawan#but not actually master padawan unfortunately#even though i can see this anakin being very close to falling#because hes bad at letting his attachment go#and also qui-gon wanted him to train him because he thought obi-wan's light would be good for anakin#and that night when obi-wan goes to bed#still seething about the nerve of jedi knight skywalker#hes visted by qui-gon jiinn in his dreams#who begs him to let anakin teach him#anything about the force at all. he needs him.#and obi-wan who has never felt needed once in his life is like......he needs me?#well....alright then#so they start doing secret lil trainings while obi-wan is still a senator's aide#and anakin just. latches onto him like qui-gon jinn sorta thought he would#but it's even a tighter latching on than he thought because this anakin has spent ten years in the worst parts of the galaxy#so he's quickly becoming unstably addicted to obi-wan's light#and then later his voice and his smile and his kisses etc etc#don't know if this would be a universe where anakin falls and convinces obi-wan to join him#(suitless vaderkin's crazed eyes in rots telling baby obi-wan this is what qui-gon would have wante#a chance for him to train obi-wan as his apprentice#but only in the dark side)#or if anakin almost falls but obi-wan successfully reels him back in#so this is nothing lke the phantom menace huh lol
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
There was a kids area underneath the Senate building in what used the be the secret-cult-meeting place. I got in trouble for hogging the Pac-Man machine.
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shockwavesluv-0ffical · 4 months
😲college Au
I don't know why but I'm just thinking about this AU where it's like ultra is like really fucking cocky for no reason.
ratchet a straight up bully kinda emo ig (will take your money)
orion is a bully as well 🤷‍♀️ but a smoker. (Will take yo' girl and laugh at you)
Shockwave (Before war) example:
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(Creds to coralus for stunning art)
He would just kinda be the Mom of the group (Will apologize on their behalf)
megatronus would just follows them cause everybot else is scared of him (Him and ultra are the type to make the teachers cry
If y'all tell me orion is a Cinnamon roll or any of such Its a AU DAWG CALM DOWN
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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John Hanson (died c. 1860) was an African American politician in Liberia. He served in Colonial Council and as a senator from Grand Bassa County following Liberia's independence in 1847. He was born into slavery, but he purchased his freedom and emigrated from Baltimore to Liberia at age thirty-six.
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 In Liberia, he joined the growing mercantile class. He also served as Commissary in the same county for several years, furnishing a house for the storage of arms and ammunition. Hanson died in 1860, and was mourned as a "faithful and patriotic servant" by Liberian president Stephen Allen Benson.
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Senator Hanson has sometimes been misidentified as being John Hanson of Maryland, a European politician who served as a President of the Continental Congress during the American Revolution.
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2stepadmiral · 8 months
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Get major Borsk vibes from Xiono.
Full disclosure, I don’t dislike the idea of Xiono, I just think he’s kind of a stand-in for Borsk, the detracting politician who ignores all the evidence in favor of forwarding his own agendas. Only thing, this guy doesn’t seem to have clearly stated agendas, she is just determined to avoid any possibility of action regarding the remnant, and he seems to do so simply because he doesn’t want to do anything. Borsk, on the other hand, had reasons for everything that he was doing, including pretending that Thrawn wasn’t a threat, namely, his pursuit of power. Gaining all the power he possibly could at all times was his number one motivation, and Thrawn’s emergence came right as he was staging a prosecution of Admiral Ackbar that would’ve given him control of the military, and made him significantly more powerful in the New Republic. He is a slimy weasel the entire time, but he’s the kind of slimy weasel that you love to hate, and his story provides so much political intrigue and background to the New Republic, and does so in a way that was really interesting and well done.  also, bringing in Borsk with canonize classic Bothans, and I really think Disney needs to stop beating around the bush and give us real Bothans already.
In short, I think that everything Senator Xiono does, Borsk would’ve done much better, ESPECIALLY getting wrecked politically by Leia.
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U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday denounced the Israeli military's total decimation of Gaza's universities during floor remarks on protests that have broken out on American college campuses over the past several weeks.
"There are no protests on the college campuses in Gaza," said Sanders (I-Vt.), chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee. "You know why? Because every one of the 12 universities in Gaza has been bombed and destroyed."
Sanders' remarks came during a floor debate over a Republican resolution ostensibly aimed at condemning antisemitism on college campuses. GOP lawmakers and President Joe Biden have repeatedly smeared campus protests against Israel's assault on Gaza as antisemitic and ignored the prominent role Jewish students have played in the nationwide demonstrations.
After Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) attempted to pass the GOP antisemitism resolution via unanimous consent, Sanders—who is Jewish—rose to block the measure, criticizing it as insufficient and proposing an alternative that condemns antisemitism as well as all other "forms of bigotry in this country, whether on college campuses or elsewhere, including Islamophobia, homophobia, racism, and the growing attacks against the Asian American community."
Sanders' proposed resolution also expresses support for "the right of students and all Americans to peacefully protest," whereas Scott's measure attacks recent campus protests as "hotbed[s] of blatantly antisemitic rhetoric and action."
"The fact of the matter is that 67% of Americans, according to recent polls, support the United States calling for a cease-fire, and 60% oppose sending more weapons to Israel," Sanders said. "And that's what the protesters are talking about: They are asking why it is we are complicit in the humanitarian disaster taking place in Gaza."
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According to the United Nations, more than 80% of the Gaza Strip's schools have been damaged or reduced to ruins by Israeli forces since October, including all of the enclave's universities.
Last month, a group of U.N. experts said that "it may be reasonable to ask if there is an intentional effort to comprehensively destroy the Palestinian education system, an action known as 'scholasticide.'"
"The persistent, callous attacks on educational infrastructure in Gaza have a devastating long-term impact on the fundamental rights of people to learn and freely express themselves, depriving yet another generation of Palestinians of their future," the experts added. "Students with international scholarships are being prevented from attending university abroad."
American campus protests against Israel's assault on Gaza have offered some measure of hope to Palestinian students whose lives have been thrown into chaos by the U.S.-backed war.
Hala Sharaf, a second-year medical student who moved to Cairo to resume her studies amid Israel's assault, told Al Jazeera that the U.S. student campus demonstrations "have made us feel so hopeful for rejecting what America and Israel are doing to us."
"The student protests in America make me feel like I'm not alone," said Sharaf. "My message to them is to keep the focus on Gaza. Don't forget about Gaza."
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marcusagrippa · 23 days
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notes from another dream
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sun-roach · 11 months
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