#drop Bears are 100% real btw
olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
James’ aunt’s friend was once attacked by a drop bear
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spider-man-2o99 · 11 months
Captain's Log: been a couple minutes
hi. quick update. not dead. just had a psychotic episode nd was real fuckin freaked out bcuz of th blinding paranoia and all the other everythings for a couple months, there. i needed to take a break from tumblr for my own mental health, bcuz i was just... it just. got to be All Too Much, and when that damn movie dropped on top of it all, especially, but-- i digress. 
when i get scared, i hide. so. i took a break. because every time i logged onto tumblr, i would just purposefully spend hours looking at shit that i Knew would be emotionally distressing at best and actively triggering at worst--Do Not Do This, btw. shock, horror, surprise, CapCap, but yes, self-harm does in fact do harm to oneself--and it has largely been a long two months shivering in delusional-terrified-prey-animal-mode under a metaphorical fucking rock in the meantime... but, that said, i do still apologize to those of you who i made worry, going dead silent like that.
ep's over now. the time away was... good for me, i think. ultimately. 
even as odd as it is, as a result of it, to see the post-movie sm2099-sphere, and watch from the outside the effects of my own whale-fall as it ripples through that little space that used to just be mine to bear for so long, for the most part. funny little quiet echoes of my own ego and thumbprints i can only recognize because i see them on my own hands every day, and then idly kinda wonder if i deserve to even have had that kind of impact in the first place. the earnest sincerity of that kind of love frightens and flatters and completely, utterly, melts and destroys me, entire. it is sweet to be acknowledged. it is perplexing to Exist outside of myself, and be praised for it. 
..and it is amusing, sometimes, when i can occasionally tell that someone has just Sparknotes-ed from my fic instead of reading the comics because they misinterpreted one of the Jokey-Jokes and/or My Headcanons in there as actual 100-percent comic canon, lol (it's happened more often than you'd think?? im no snitch but i SWEAR im not making this up. im autistic i love 2 Recognize Patterns Across Multiple Bodies of Text 4 fun).
i don't know if i'm quite ready to be Back, yet. but. tonight, i am okay. and i Will Be okay, in the days to come, as well. things are hard now, but they will not always be. 
so. i'll see you later, whenever that is. i hope the future is kind to you. we'll get there together, even if it isn't.
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uncriticalbunny · 10 months
I absolutely agree with your sentiments with regards to syd's yet unexplored sexuality but am I the only person peeved at the wardrobe choices for Syd, I appreciate her quirky, nerdy vibe but she dresses like a drab middle aged school teacher. Ayo herself has such a funky, unorthodox yet undeniably sexy vibe, she is gorgeous with an insane body. while the show does not need to have her in revealing outfits, some fitted or more age appropriate clothing would not diminish her character arc. it almost seems as if the show wishes to diminish her attractiveness, to reduce her desirability as a woman and thus vetoing any possible romance with the white stud Carmy, it always baffles me that with the exception of Molly Gordon most be ppl downplay the white hot chemistry between JAW and Ayo like it is so noticeable. there is real fire between them that any show runner wold have capitalized on.Realistic audience sees it, if syd was white, ppl would be shipping it. but u know the black girls gotta stay platonic
i think syd's style is quirky and cute and very in line with her characterization. the costume designer is black btw, but she's still beholden to storer's vision and gets input from the actors. she also did an interview, it's an interesting process! tbh even if syd was in drop dead gorgeous attire, this fandom would still struggle to see her desirability [as it generally is w/ black female characters]. it would still be nice to see for sure. because you're right, there is something to be said about it in the larger context of how black female characters in media are treated.
I sense there is a desire, I guess to try to get people to take sydney seriously by making her low femme. but it really kinda just ends up feeding into certain stereotypes. black woman -> serious character -> low-key fashion -> not seen as desirable both by the cameras/fandom -> ergo lesbian storyline w zero effort/straight or ace w no need for a romance arc. [sidenote: I think ayo has been lit a lot better this season [still not 100%] and they finally got a clue to focus on those amazing eyes of hers.] which I would normally be like whatever to these things in a show like the bear, but the show and its creators are doing and saying a lot of funky things about sydney, both quietly and out loud.
i've spoken about it ad nauseum and now I'm just tired at the circus surrounding the ship. i will simply go back to continue appreciating my completed shows with satisfying romantic arcs featuring black women whose actors/creators weren't prompted about and didn't cry every 2 seconds about ships ☝🏿 [the expanse and twd to name a few]
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heezoneie · 3 years
Hello lovely! 💕 Hope you're having a good day!
Can I ask for a reaction from stray kids where they meet you at a fan meeting and are attracted to you?
Thank you so much and I like your blog!
hey babe! i’m having a great day, thanks for asking🥺! i’m glad you enjoy my blog, and i hope you enjoy this reaction! <3
group: stray kids
member: all
genre: fluff
• when you first walked up to Chan his breath immediately got caught in his chest.
• your bright smile never leaving his view for a second. he couldn’t believe his eyes.
• immediately when you reached the table he began to make conversation. “hii, what’s your name?” he said as he grasped your hands in his.
• “my name’s y/n” his heart began to beat a little faster at the sound of your voice. he has never reacted this way to a fan before.
• chan found himself getting flustered as you ranted about how good of a leader he is. “overall you are the most caring, loving, all round amazing person and leader there could be.”
• his cute dimple showed as he hid his face behind your hands that were still locked with his. he lifted his head and your eyes met with his comforting brown ones.
• “i know i’m technically not supposed to say this,” he began while eyeing the staff behind him, “but i think your super pretty, and i would like to meet you again.”
• your eyes widened at his statement. you’ve read about situations like this happening, but never in a million years did you think it would actually happen.
• chan leaned into your ear and whispered, “meet me outside after the meeting, i can’t wait to talk to you more.” with that he pulled away with a wink.
• you had walked up the table while Minho had his back turned. when he turned back around, his eyes widened.
• “oh sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you..” you said sheepishly. minho.exe has stopped working he felt his heart soften at your voice.
• he smiled, “no no, it was my fault i should have been paying attention.” as you were handing him some plushies of his cats, you happen to accidentally drop one.
• ofc minho couldn’t pass up the opportunity to tease you. “mY cAts!! mY pReCioUs cAts!” he grabbed his heart dramatically.
• you quickly picked up the stuffed soonie, and handed it to him. “i can’t believe i just did that,” you muttered to yourself.
• (he’s totally whipped already, but who’s keeping track?)
• “i think you owe me now, after dropping my car of course” he panned. quirking an eyebrow, his statement puzzled you.
• “to replace the pain you’ve inflicted upon this stuffed soonie, i think you should come meet the real soonie and give him all the pets he deserves.”
• deciding to go along, you nodded your head, “ i definitely think i should, to apologize.” grabbing your phone from your hand, minho put in his address.
• “be there by 6, don’t be late.” he gave you a smirk and sent you down to meet the rest of the members.
• we are all aware how this man is a s o f t i e as soon as he saw you in the crowd his face would immediately light up.
• he could not keep his eyes off of you (lowkey jealous when you were talking to the other members)
• but oh boy, as soon as you reached him, he would turn into a big baby, and probably tease you about not coming to him first. not like you had a choice
• he would grab your hands and pretend cry into them, which made your face turn bright red. this man knows what he’s doing to you btw.
• he would be so smiley, and makes sure to show off his famous aegyo, bc he wants to to fall for him
:((( even though you already have smh
• binnie would 100% make sure to somehow give you his number and meet up afterwards, bc he’s totally not in love or anything
• i got a little carried away with hyun’s😅
• our drama king
• ofc when his eyes found you, his jaw dropped, i mean physical fell
• his eyes followed you everywhere. he looked like this: 👀🙀 he definitely tried to convince chan to switch places with him so he could talk to you first
• when chan said no, he went 😠😠😔
•pouty baby bc he just wanted to talk you first:(((
• when you finally got to him, he flashed his always amazing eye smile. you noticed he had some makeup covering his mole under his eye, and you told him about how much you loved it.
• he:(((( wiped:(((( off:(((( the:(((( makeup:((((
• like when felix did it to his freckles in that one interview? yeah that’s what hyunjin did
• he is also a lowkey highkey flirt with you, constantly touching your hair, hands, face, basically anything he can within reason
• he got so sad when you had to leave, almost to the point where he got so caught up in pouting that he nearly forgot to ask for your number till you were already walking away.
• this boy did not care if anybody else saw, or what the staff was gonna say. he jumped out of his chair and quickly ran to you.
• gaining your attention, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of sight of all the other impatient stays wanting to see their precious hyunjin.
• that’s where he asked for your number, and went on a little rant about how he’s sorry he made a scene.
• it’s safe to say you guys went for food right after the fan sign
• when he saw you walk in, he knew. like he KNEW that he wanted to talk to you, hang out with you, etc.
• so so incredibly hyper when you got to talk to him
• this boy would be so goofy with you, grabbing your hands and flailing them around. it would just be him wanting to make you laugh :((
•jisung swore could swear that when he made you laugh for the first time, angels descended from the heavens.
• he didn’t want to stop talking with you, he just wanted to take you back to dorm right then and there, and just hang.
• you best bet this boy talked to you until finally the staff had to intervene to get the line moving again. he handed you a piece of paper, and told you to wait until you got out of line to open it.
• once you finished going through the line, you found a empty area near the exit and opened the little piece of paper.
• wrote in a messy scribe from writing fast, the paper said “meet me behind the building @ 4, if anybody bugs you tell them your with me. ;)”
• he saw you as soon as the fan sign started he basically started bouncing in his seat. (yk the vibrating thing he does? he did that out of happiness.)
• lix would watch you interact with the other members with the biggest smile on his face.
• he would admire all the little mannerisms or quirks/habits you have while making conversations. he just watches with big doe eyes full of admiration.
• he knew he n e e d e d to talk to you. when you got to him, he was so excited and giddy.
• this boy just looked at you with wonder as you talked. he would listen to you talk and laugh all day if he could.
• he thinks you are the most adorable thing to ever walk the earth. he just wants to bundle you up and feed you brownies and cake :((( (someone pls find me a felix)
• when he realized time was up, and he was gonna have to let you go, he got so sad. but was he gonna let you go? no, no he was not.
• felix quickly grabbed a stuffed bear from behind him and wrote his number on its little bow.
• as he handed you the bear he said, “pls call me, i want to see you again.🥺”
• bby seungminnie
• okay, i feel seungmin would be the best at hiding the fact that he is 100% simping for you even though he just met you 5 seconds ago.
• he would act normal, but on the inside be a complete mushy gushy mess, crying over how adorable and cute you are.
• secretly, would be cherishing the way your hand fit in his perfectly, and the way he never wanted to let go :(((((
• he would look at you with the most adorable eyes ever. he would definitely give you the sweetest most softest smile ever.
• his eyes got so sad when you told him you had to move on to the member bc other stays were becoming impatient :(
• he discreetly put his phone number in your phone, and made sure to tell you to text him asap :(
• i want a seungmin.
• bbys eyes would be literally this “🥺” when he saw you.
• he was immediately so taken back and needed a minute to compose himself before he ran up to you himself.
• when you were talking to him, he would give you the biggest most cheesey smile ever. he was just so happy to be talking to you.
• he was already falling for the way you talked, acted, looked, just everything about you.
• he would hold your hands so tight, never wanting to let you go. his eyes wouldn’t leave yours for a second, not even when the staff tried to talk to him.
• when he finally decided to listen to the staff telling him to wrap up the conversation, he made sure to tel you to meet him after the fan sign
• and who were you to pass up and opportunity like that?
• he was so happy when he saw you show up after, bby couldn’t stop smiling the whole day. :((
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astroninaaa · 4 years
clarke griffin sucks here’s why
Hi! I’ve wanted to actually write some anti-Clarke discourse for a while now, specially because I’ve hated her since I first heard her talk to someone else in the show, but I was always hesitant because of blorkes and Clarke stans and all that. Well, I’m doing it anyway.
(DISCLAIMER: all this comes from her depiction in the show. I have no idea how book Clarke is, since I’ve never read the The 100 books. Now buckle up and enjoy my angry and not-that-thought-out rant.) (And I’m putting it under the cut because it is... a lot.)
I know many people started to dislike Clarke after season 3 or whatever, but I believe she has been problematic since the beginning. 
For starters, she put herself in a position of power during season 1, and that’s a fact. People say she “had no choice but to become a leader”, but that’s a lie. Just like Bellamy did, she made the decision to bear leadership: from the moment they arrived, she was already making orders and trying to boss people around. Was she wrong? No, she wasn’t! She wanted to keep herself and others alive, which is a good thing. But she didn’t have to. Btw, if she had never done anything things wouldn’t have change, to be honest, since they did not get to Mount Weather and built their little cute camp around the dropship. I mean, Jasper wouldn’t have been speared and they would have found out about the Grounders a bit later, but I think nothing much would’ve happened. Actually, maybe things with the Grounders would have been easier, considering I firmly believe the theory that the only reason they attacked Jasper in the first place was because he was all happy about finding Mount Weather, the place that had been kidnapping and killing Grounders for a long ass time. 
My point is: I believe Clarke wasn’t actually needed as a leader when they first came down to Earth. I think she was just a spoiled priviledged girl, just like Bellamy said she was, who could not get around to letting go of the power she held. There was no more priviledged and non-priviledged, so she secured her influence by becoming a leader. 
An important statement that people tend to forget: she was just as guilty as Bellamy was for Murphy’s hanging, if not more. She was always talking about justice and whatnot, but when she had the chance to be just, she wasn’t. A knife is not enough evidence to fucking accuse someone of murder — during 1918 and 1919, there was a serial murder going around called “The Axeman of New Orleans”, who used axes he found in people’s houses to kill them (I’m a fan of true crime sorry not sorry). If police went by Clarke’s logic, the dead would’ve been the murderers, which certainly does not make much sense. The least she could’ve done was talking to him separately, conducted a trial or whatever, anything but accusing Murphy of murder before the whole camp. She knew they hated him, and so did Bellamy, and that’s why Bellamy didn’t want her to tell everyone about Wells’ yet. And yes, sure, she was grieving, but grief is still not an excuse for what she did to Murphy, it isn’t. She might have tried to stop the hanging later or whatever, but it was still a direct consequence of her actions and would not have happened at all if she had stopped to think for even a moment. The truth is that Clarke does not comprehend that she can actually be wrong, a fact that repeats itself multiple times throughout the series.
(There are other times she fucks up during season 1, but Murphy’s hanging is what stands out the most to me, so I decided to leave it on that. But don’t worry, I have many other examples!)
I can’t even express how much she pissed me off during season 2. Yes, Mount Weather was a very suspicious place and she was right to be wary, but how could she leave her people and escape? She wanted to get help and all that, but she fucking knew they were bleeding out the Grounders and was definetely aware they would soon try something alike to the 48, and she still left them. She left them alone and clueless to the danger they were in, and she didn’t even know if the Ark had come down alright or if there were other survivors. Mount Weather was lying to them about not finding anyone but she couldn’t be sure of that — everyone could have been fucking dead and she would have left her “people” to die too.
I’m not even gonna talk about Lexa’s betrayal because that wasn’t actually her fault, I admit that. Was she stupid to trust a Grounder? Yes. Should she have considered the fact they tried to kill Raven the first opportunity they got (when Lexa’s cup was poisoned) and the fact that the Grounders did not trust them because of Finn and wrongly Raven? Obviously. Does that make Lexa’s betrayal her fault? No, but she should have seen it coming, tbh.
And, again, she put herself in a position of power where she wasn’t needed. There were actual adults ready to look for a better solution, but she didn’t let them. Of course she didn’t  — how could Princess Griffin let go of her power?
Letting Mount Weather drop the bomb on TonDC was... horrible. It was not the act of a leader and it was not the act of a good person. It was selfish, it was the act of someone who leaves their people to die with the excuse of “looking for help” without even knowing if there is help waiting for them at all. It would have revealed Bellamy’s position, yes, but Bellamy would have preferred that than letting people die like Clarke and Lexa did. THEY LET PEOPLE DIE. Hundreds of people! God, they didn’t save the Grounders and the Skaikru that had come for a DIPLOMATIC AND PACIFIC reunion, but Clarke really thought her deal with Lexa would mean something if a better deal appeared, right? Damn, that was naive.
And then she left her people again by the end of the season, of course. “I bear it so others don’t have to” my ass — Bellamy still went apeshit and Jasper still got depressed and no one actually saw her bearing it, so they bear it too. The only thing girlie did was leave behind responsibility and betray her friends so she didn’t have to face regret for her actions. Meanwhile, people needed her, since she had put herself in a position of power for so long that everyone actually looked up at her, for some unknown reason, since she mainly fucked things up.
I don’t remember season 3 that well, but I know that Bellamy’s rant to her when she came back and was trying to be his friend was absolutely reasonable and true. She fucked off into the woods, represented Skaikru in Polis without them knowing for a while, came back to Arkadia and tried to get some power again, but then no one cared about her. Bellamy was too busy making the wrong decisions because of his emotional pain and sorrow to actually give a shit and they had greater things to solve than filling Clarke’s need to be worshipped.
Also, the whole “blood must not have blood” shit? Funny, real funny. It’s just like Lexa pointed out: “blood must not have blood until it applies to your people”. She is SUCH a hypocrite it pains me. And she did not spare Emerson for “blood must not have blood”, she did it because she knew it would make him suffer more and that came back to bite her in the ass. Karma’s a bitch, I guess. And she tried to make Luna become Commander against her will, which I’m not gonna talk about, but was just really fucked up.
I think my hatred for Clarke peaked during season 4. First, she didn’t want to tell the Grounders the world was about to end again and was apparently okay with letting them burn, until Roan found out and got mad about it. She tried to become Commander, blatantly disrespecting Grounder culture just so she could boss all the people in the world around. “She wanted to help!” “She had no choice!” Yes, sure, she had no choice but lying to everyone and disrespecting a whole nation. She couldn’t, you know, talk about it. Okay. I mean, that’s how Clarke does things, right? Kill and deceive first, give a half-assed apology later. It has been working so far, there’s no reason for her to stop.
Forcing Luna to give them her bone marrow? Very problematic, but “Welcome to Mount Weather” was one of my favorite Raven quotes. Abby was also a fucking bitch for being alright with killing Emori but throwing a tantrum when Clarke finally came to her senses and decided to test Nightblood on herself instead of murdering people who went all the way there to help her, but that’s not what I’m focusing on.
Locking Murphy up while she attempted to kill Emori? Not good. Emori knew from the beginning she would be chosen for testing Nightblood — she is a Grounder, and Clarke’s disregard for Grounders has been made very clear before. (And no, having a Grounder girlfriend in a very unprofessional and non-diplomatic way does not excuse her from discriminating against Grounders.)
And then she took over the bunker, disrespecting Grounder culture once again by betraying the conclave and, well, many people. (I know Echo did it too, but I’m not talking about Echo right now so if someone brings this up I’m gonna riot.) I also think it’s funny how she was always talking about saving everyone and all that shit but was so fucking fast to leave Raven, Octavia, Monty, Harper and Kane to die. You know, the people who were supposed to be her friends and all that. Oh, well.
Then Octavia won. And she still did not open the bunker. Man, opening the bunker would save so many lives, including the life of her oh-so-called best friend’s sister, but she still didn’t do it. Classic Clarke God-complex: she decides who is worth saving, and the Grounders aren’t. Then there’s the whole thing with holding Bellamy at gunpoint and then using “but I didn’t shoot!” as an apology. Bitch, it isn’t about shooting, it is about the fact you looked your supposed best friend straight in the eyes and pointed a gun at him, threatening to kill him if he dared to try and save his sister and many others of certain death.
She sacrificed herself by the end of this season, great. I mean, yeah, that was nice of her. Congrats for doing a good thing for once, I guess, even though she knew she probably wouldn’t be able to get back in time anyway so the least she could do was making sure the others lived. I wish she had actually died then, it would’ve been a great end to her arc (finally saving her friends at the cost of her life after betraying them and leaving them to die repeatedly — damn, I might had even started to like her a bit after that) and I would be able to stand the worshipping of her done at the start of season 5, since she would be, yk, dead. Sadly, that did not happen.
She was a villain during season 5 just like Octavia and I wish she had been depicted that way. She wanted to kill Blodreina (because just overthrowing her wouldn’t do) but she wasn’t okay with letting Madi take the chip. I know these are different things, but see it like that: killing Octavia was a way of taking control of Wonkru at the expense of a life. Madi becoming Commander was a way to take control of Wonkru at the expense of Madi’s childhood. Are any of them good? Not really, but Commander Madi does not envolve killing someone and even has a nice ring to it. Besides, Madi had given consent to taking the chip.
(Another point: Octavia was actually thrown into a position of power, just like everyone claims Clarke was. Octavia was the conclave’s champion and was expected and even obligated to lead, while Clarke simply decided she was more competent than the others and became a self-proclaimed leader. After that, she whined for all seasons about how she didn’t want leadership. Octavia never did that, despite being the one who became a leader unwillingly. Just like Raven put, Octavia and Clarke are the same, but Octavia doesn’t pretend to feel bad for empathy points. Damn, I love Raven.)
She left Bellamy to die in the fighting pit, because now Madi is the one she cares about so fuck everyone else. She gave over Raven and Shaw and let them be tortured for nothing. She betrayed literally everyone and was the one to put McCreary in a position strong enough he had the power to literally destroy Earth. Clarke Griffin was directly responsible for Earth’s end.
And then she said “sorry, I had no choice” and most characters fucking forgave her. I hate the way this series throws Clarke’s half-assed apologies onto us and expect us to accept them. I think it is very annoying, since Clarke would be an awesome villain, but they insist in making her one of the good guys, even with the whole “there’s no good guys” theme, which I wholeheartedly believe to be just a way to justify why Clarke needs to be forgiven again and again and again. It is not much more than bad writing, to be honest.
During season 6 she again becomes a leader without being prompted to. I loved Josephine and I think that the fact Clarke wasn’t actually Clarke was the only reason I didn’t absolutely despised her like I have done for the previous seasons. Again, I would have loved it if she had actually died then. Imagine Josephine becoming a main character for season 7 too? Amazing, brilliant, showstopping, incredible.
And she is not even there for season 7, at least until “The Queen’s Gambit” lol. Guess they finally saw how much of an annoying character she is. The only thing I remember of her is the “I don’t believe in Karma” thing, which was... expected. I mean, someone who has done as much harm as she has can’t believe in Karma anyway or she wouldn’t be able to sleep at night, and Clarke’s whole thing is about pretending to be sorry but not actually trying to change, so we can’t have that.
In conclusion, Clarke Griffin fucking sucks. She is a bad person and the way everyone always forgives every bad thing she does is bad writing. The series tries to sell her as one of the characters on the “good” side, but she actively works against it. She is not even a GOOD villain to watch, like Murphy was for many seasons. She is just an annoying character with a God complex who fucks things up, betrays her friends and lets people die again and again and then is forgiven because she is supposed to be an admirable main character. She is selfish and abusive and manipulative and power-hungry and fucking sucks, so please don’t stan her.
And that’s on that! Nice.
(DISCLAIMER PART 2: this blog DOES NOT support Eliza Taylor and Bob Morley, specially after Arryn Zech’s accusations. I know we cannot be sure of anything, but I prefer to side with a potential liar than with a potential abuser.)
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Spiderzuku
Also on AO3!
With great power comes great responsibility. One for All is certainly a great power, and being the world's Symbol of Peace is a big responsibility. It's a heavy weight for such tiny shoulders to bear.
aka: izuku fights like spiderman and is a vigilante using black whip
basically: dadmight, dead inko
Inko and Izuku get caught up in ‘the’ villain fight w AFO, that cripples All Might. Izuku is just this random little kid that stands infront of All Might when he’s been knocked to the ground because hes a hero through and through. AFO thinks hes cute and simply pushes him aside. His mother is already dead in the rubble. Izuku is begging for his heroes life and that’s what drives All Might to rise again That child shouldn’t witness any more death today.
The blow Izuku prevented it the one that took out All Might’s stomach and lung but that’s not to say he’s going particularly well. AFO is down but hes bleeding out, Izuku is trying to find someone to help. He's only nine, but already so heroic. Convinced he’s going to die, All Might gifts his quirk to Izuku.
All Might pulls through and finds out the child that saved him has no one. That just won’t do. He takes in Izuku and they learn to be a family together, and Izuku learns how to use his quirk.
Too far away from his old school now, he goes to Somei when he can reinvent himself. Given the quirk at a younger age, he has better control, even if he can only use around 1%. A smart kid with a good heroic quirk, he’s pretty popular at Somei, but the bullying still affects him and he’s reluctant to make friends. He befriends Iida – a boy most people avoided for his strange mannerisms and brutal honesty. Iida remains his only true friend in his eyes at Somei.
Nighteye stayed, All Might plans to retire when his quirk has mostly waned, hoping if he times it right Izuku will have graduated by then. Nighteye might dote on Izuku a little but the kid is delightful.
OFA isn’t happy about this. As the years pass the quirk begins to tear into him in his sleep, begging and clamouring for him to do something – anything – to use the quirk as it was meant to be used.
The past wielders watch in horror as their quirks tear Izuku parts from the inside out. Finally, they break, begging All Might to do something to save their boy. All Might had never heard the wielders before or since.
With little other option, lest he be killed by his quirk, they hatch a plan.
It's sickeningly easy. The only have to say “All Might’s son” and Izuku is instantly given a spot in the licencing exam at only 12 years old. He isn’t the only one of the heroic’s commissions dirty little secrets in attendance because that’s the year Hawks takes his exam aged 16. They bond.
He passes, just, one of the past wielders giving him a very, very rough crash course on how to use black whip. Aged 12 he gets his full hero licence, the commission skipping provisional on account of his ‘pedigree’
Anyway: this tiny underground hero running into Aizawa again and again, Aizawa doesn't believe he's a hero until he pulls out his license. His costume has a voice distorter to hide how young he sounds but he’s very very tiny.  
Izuku having a backpack filled with snacks and zip ties and Aizawa is faintly concerned and keeps an eye on him, definitely not to protect him. 
He holds Aizawa down with black whip to try and shove real food into the other hero’s mouth because he becomes fond of him very quickly. He’s like a cool older brother to Izuku.
Aizawa, hungry but refusing to give in to the gremlin "NO StOP"
He decides to live up to his “annoying little brother’ reputation and follow Aizawa around
like he talks to Nezu ab the whole deal and Nezu is like "ok, sounds fair" and lets izuku on campus to chat with teachers and stuff. but its 100% to fuck with Aizawa
so Aizawa is trying to fucking teach and he gets interrupted by a protein bar to the head. his class is shocked.
they all look out the window, no one is there but it's slightly open. Aizawa prays it’s not the new underground brat, opens his mouth to keep talking and gets hit with another protein bar
3A watches in shocked silence as Aizawa flings himself out the window to chase down the tiny hero that has just flung himself into the courtyard.
He’s really good buds w hawks, they do dumb shit together all the time
“oh yagi sensei look a flying spider!”
it’s just fucking hawks and Izuku barrelling through the sky at full speed. Shrieking
izuku and hawks go out for coffee in full costume so izuku just stubbornly holds his coffee the whole time bc he doesn't wanna lift up his mask. he’s just walking around with room temp coffee and a slightly squashed pastry
“izuku pwease ur getting crumbs everywhere”
“i p a i d f o r t h i s”
they have to fight a villain and Izuku refuses to drop his fucking cupcake
After a nasty incident after Izuku got his licence, All Might retires. His quirk isn’t what is used to be, and he’s in fact rapidly losing the ability to use it at all. He's no slouch in the fitness department but that lack of quirk isn’t helping. He ends up actually being the office secretary.
and the public is shook. in this year Nighteye stayed w All Might bc All Might passed on his quirk right after afo, and Nighteye is here to train izuku. so All Might’s agency has no All Might
izuku, Nighteye, Hawks, Miriko, w guess appearances from iidaten and hands up radio but only Nighteye knows how young izuku is
David and Melissa are part of the agency on as support staff
Nezu isnt actually aware of the fact izuku is only 12, and All Mights (adopted but still) son and boy is he going to be pissed when he finds out a child was doing hero work under his nose
Oh yeah his hero name is Legacy BTW
Aizawa makes jokes that the new hero Legacy is a kid bc he doesnt patrol during school hours and izuku is s w e a t i n g
he mostly patrols around dusk, like 4pm till 8pm, and noon till 10 on the weekends so the end of his patrols intersect with the start of Aizawa’s
izuku keeps stubbornly swinging after Aizawa demanding a high-five
Mic loves Legacy but hes lost bc hes a really new hero with ties to ua but he hasnt ever seen a student like that attending, so he’s honestly wondering where he popped up from.
but Mic is like " isnt shouta fuckin amazing what a guy " and Legacy says " yES" and Mic is like "son"
Legacy has a lil intro press conference and the whole world is instantly smitten with this sweet young hero that has All Might’s seal of approval. Legacy is everyone’s son and they would all die for him
it’s a running theory that Legacy is All Might’s kid bc,,,, his name is Legacy so like,,, they aint wrong but anyway All Might feels t e r r i b l e that his little 12-year-old is out fighting villains but OFA wouldn’t lets izuku sleep, or eat or dream unless he was doing s o m e t h i n g against AFO
izukus not alone though, when he fights he can often see ghost images of the predecessors leading him through fights. he fights so differently from time to time its a real theory that Legacy is multiple people
214 notes · View notes
somilkyshaky · 4 years
Skam España - Season 2 - Episode 1, Clip 6: Las amistades peligrosas
Hey you! Finally, we’re finishing the first episode! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go check this post; here you go for the first clip and here for the last I posted, the fifth clip.  
Well, let’s go for a 7 minutes clip (prepare yourself a lot of time, it’s going to be long, but like LONG).
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Hi everyone! Today we’re here for a new tutorial: “How to prepare yourself for a date with your crush?”. I’m sorry, but the music and the fact that it almost takes 30 seconds of the clip is clearly here to take it with humor, and tbh, I live for this shit.
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What I love is that it’s so accurate. For example, we all screamed to our mother to not go open the door for the person ringing (what I mean is that it’s great because the viewer can immediately relate to Cris).
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Another touch of humor, we discover she tried, like, A LOT of sweater. I mean, at this point I can’t say anything but that I love Cris. (Oh, and poor teddy bear who doesn’t know his fate yet.)
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“Breathe, you’re great.”
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The music stopping and coming back and stopping again when the door closes, the teddy bear and this face. You don’t know how much I’ve laughed with this clip; everything is meant to be funny.
“Now is the moment of your life.” god this song xD
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Look at her breathe out again, I love her (and wow, this door is... dark).
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Yep, you’re right my dudes, she checks her out.
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No but more seriously, look how chill she seems. The chin is high, hands in the pocket, her shoulders are opened, and I mean, this look (+little bonus for the left raised eyebrow), 100% confident; BUT I can’t help myself thinking that she must be freaking out internally (we can notice the movements (swings maybe?) she does with her body, most of the time, we let out our “anxiety”, our stress with these kind of gesture, so yeah).
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“Hello, I’m awkwardness! I’m the one who makes you pose as a dummy. I’m sure you’ll love me!”
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“OMG THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS A DUMBASS, AND SHE IS CLUMSY AND AWKWARD AS FUCK, MARRY ME ALREADY!” (I’m sorry, sometimes I think I’m funny even if I know I’m not.) 
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“I hate myself.” (relatable btw)
Everything in this clip is brilliant. It’s such a funny way to show something real and still be accurate. I’m sure we all had the opportunity to see ourselves in Cris at the moment, this clumsiness/awkwardness; I’m sorry but I’m a gay mess like Cris, I’m just happy to have my representation. (Oh, and the little “vale” from Joana is cute af, it’s not awkward or anything, it’s perfectly in character: confident but reassuring)
Okay so… the next sequence is like… we’re going to have a lot, but when I say a lot, I mean A LOT of things to say, because these two are a fucking goldmine. What I’m trying to tell you is that we’re here for a loooong time together (but I’m sure deep down you like it).
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Cris being like “Okay, does she like my room? How does she react?”
Btw, her room is like, wow. They really did a good job with the decoration. Yes, I know, we all saw it, the “LIPS”; “KISS”, I know. Oh, and I love her laptop. I’m sure I can’t see a lot of references but, yeah, we already have too much to say x)
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I love how Joana is looking at the entire room. Joana is me. I already said it in other clips, but Joana “sees” thing, she is observant (to me it’s a quality).
I’m so bad at catching it, but Cris’s reaction at the length of the film kills me. Plus, am I the only one laughing so hard as she tries to do small talk? xD (which btw doesn’t work at all because Joana doesn’t complain about the film)
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Joana, a complation: Confused Joana – “Meh” Joana – Shocked Joana. 
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God… This face kills me. More seriously, at the moment, they really aren’t on the same wavelength. Cris complains about the film, when Joana just says she likes it. Cris’ all reaction is really interesting. It’s like the “typical” teenage reaction in front of a school work, but at the moment, there’s also this need to just- say something; because she’s like this, she’s the one who talks for the sake of talking. She talks without really thinking about it; but let’s keep this for later okay? (Oh, and yes, Joana’s gaze, but it’s going to be like that in the rest of the clip so…)
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Some teasing. I like that. There really is a chemestry between these two that I love. I like how Joana is like “Oh I see, she’s going that way” and Cris is completely in character and is just “pitching into” her, in a way? (trying to translate a french thought in english is a disaster, believe me).
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Thank god, I like to see some repartee. It’s so fluid, you need to remember that they know each other for literally, 2 DAYS, and we already have this kind of complicity. Brilliant.
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Look at these happy girls.
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I don’t know how to interpret the fact of Joana’s smile slowly fading and then her gaze quickly going back to the laptop, as if she was realizing something or I don’t know. It’s impossible to catch it in pictures, but just look at her after the joke. Plus it’s hard to interpret it because we have a “jump cut”:
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We see her smiling and looking at Cris. So… I don’t want to misinterpret things so I’m just going to shut up and continue. Even if maybe (and I say maybe because the rest of the clip proves me wrong until the end), there’s Eloy and the fact that she knows she shouldn’t get to close from Cris even if she wants to.
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“Guys, you’re annoying, I’m on a date.”
More seriously, the filming is pretty nice; we have the camera moving from a shot where we have both of them to a shot with only Cris and her messages, maybe to show that she doesn’t pay attention at what is Joana doing anymore (which also means that the rest of the time she was indeed paying attention at every single movement of Joana).
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To support my thoughts, when her mother interrupts them, we come back to a shot with the two girls; she isn’t “captivate” by the messages anymore.
Little bonus for the “please Mom don’t say something stupid, don’t ruin this” face.
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I live for this shit.
Joana still being a meme + the iconic “My friend heard you” because it’s so fucking accurate (don’t lie, we all said it once + send some love to your mom btw, she deserves it, even if most of the time she embarrasses you).
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Joana’s face be like “I was laughing, but I’m trying to not show it because I know it’s already awkward enough, so I’m just going to smile and be reassuring.”
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“Stay chill. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Stay calm. Stay fucking calm. OMG is she really doing this? There’s so much tension. Send help. Please.”
I’m sorry but the “We’re good with what we have.” ? I don’t know if it’s the exact translation, but it’s so ambiguous. I love that.
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“Don’t show anything. You’re not destabilised. Stay chill. WtF the TeNsiON. I’m FucKiNG DEstaBiLIsed.” + Joana clearly looking at how Cris is reacting, she’s such a tease (not in the bad way though, I’m not insulting her calm down). Yes, don’t worry, I didn’t forget. BOLD+1500.
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Come on, just look how proud she is, while Cris is dying internally xD I’m dying too btw.
Some interesting body language though, the fact of Cris trying to get back her shit together by sitting straight and Joana having her chin really high and her shoulders open; it clearly shows who is at ease and who isn’t imo x) + (yes there’s a lot of things happening) Cris crossing her arms in front her is a way to “protect herself” (not from Joana, but from the overwhelming) and most importantly to “control” herself and kind of find a way to seem more confident or at least not affected.
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Cris coming back with her small talk and Joana being like “Yeah, act as if nothing just happened, I saw you panicking anyway.” But more seriously, it’s interesting to see that Cris is a fucking mess. I mean, she tries her best to sound and appear confident, but FUCK she isn’t xD And btw, one of Cris’ most important characteristic is her joking all the time to get rid of every “problematic” situation (it’s not something bad, but I don’t think it’s good either, as we could see in the last clips).
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Joana just laughing at Cris’ “joke” and not continuing the conversation is me in 90% of the interactions I have with people (but it’s not what’s important). The most important is that, in a way, it reinforces the fact that they still aren’t really on the same wavelenght, and I think Cris can feel it because of this little look:
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It’s also clearly a moment (before this look) where Cris is trying to get back her composure + this little look is there to check if Joana is still in a “teasing mode” or not with her (I think); but tbh, I don’t feel a lot of awkwardness in all of this.
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Her phone saving her, just look how fast she grabs it xD (Nope, I didn’t miss Joana’s thing she always does with her nails/fingers, don’t worry.)
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Yes guys, you’re used to it now, this is “worry”; not the BIG worry though, but the mouth dropping a little, the eyes openning, the movement backward. It’s not a lot, but it’s here.
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“My crush or my friends?”
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Joana, baby girl, it’s not really allowed to look at someone else’s phone/messages. She is so sneaky xD
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But yes, a sweetheart.
(I don’t talk a lot about the movement both girls do with their legs, but, well no, I don’t want to say it’s “anxiety” because in the moment it’s not, but it’s still a way to let the “pressure” out, you know? I mean, we all do this kind of things unconsciously when we are with people, especially when we “like” them. Anyway.)
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Joana smiling as she looks at the bowl (+shaking her head) because Cris just placed it between them is PRICELESS.
Btw, Cris not answering for a party is… wow? I mean, they didn’t place all of this in this clip for nothing. It allows them to show that Cris is maybe, yeah no, clearly interested by Joana. It just reinforces things.
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Cris’ little glance at Joana (did I already say she’s clumsy? No? She’s so fucking clumsy and I love that).
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Joana noticing the glance, but she doesn’t glance, no no no, she STARES guys and we’re here for this shit.
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She notices Cris’ discomfort and embrassed smile, but keeps staring.
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And then we have THIS; but this time, there’s nothing awkward, to me it’s just really cute. Oh, and of course, all this dynamic with their glances and stares shows even more that Joana is way more confident and at ease than Cris.
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(I’m wondering if it’s really acting or just Tamara and Irene messing around, trying to hold a laugh and just being two dumbasses. Nah, I think they’re just amazing at representing simple things. Yes, I’m having a debate with myself, just keep reading!)
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That’s cute.
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Look at this proud and happy Cris. We’re finally seeing her a little more at ease, her chin is higher and her shoulders starts to open, because yeah, during the past 2 minutes (more or less) we have her shoulders really tensed and closed with her head really low, kind of forming a “protection” around her; but now yeah, she’s finally relaxed thanks to Joana being all the time so chill, smiley, not awkward and reassuring in her own way.
2:50 of the clip and I already have 23 pages on my Word. We’re not even at the HALF of the clip, I’m already dying. Anyway, I already haven’t said a lot of things but everything is brilliant, so let’s continue and start having some real conversation between these two.
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FIRST. How did these two end up in this position? One of the other mysteries of Skam España.
A thought just like that, before this shot the movie was only a music, whereas here we have a conversation; maybe it’s showing that Cris finally pays attention too what is said (I don’t know).
(Little disclaimer, I never read “Les liaisons dangereuses” (because yeah, it’s French) but I tried to understand the story to be sure that I’m not missing too many things about what’s going to be said. Anyway.)
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Look at how Joana seems so interested by the movie, so “in it” (French thoughts sorry). Plus, I think it’s the first time we see it (it’s going to be recurrent later) but she plays with her necklace. It’s the first time they want us to notice that necklace btw. We know that the movie is about relationships, love, etc… and the particular moment they’re watching is important because it’s a “““break-up”””. I find it interesting to make her play with her necklace at this specific moment because it’s one of the first hints about BPD. She feels more affected than others by this kind of scenes.
And YES, Cris’ stare. Plus, we go from this shot to this shot:
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Here we literally have Cris’ point of view, what she sees + this close shot gives something really intimate. I love it.
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She can’t stop staring, that’s… wow.
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Joana noticing the stare and looking up.
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Cris looking back at the laptop. It’s not really an embarrassed smile though, there’s nothing awkward here. Yep, Joana looking at her lips.
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Joana shaking her head in disbelief is the entire fandom in front of Cris being a gay mess. CRIS’ SMILE THOUGH. And yes, there’s NOTHING awkward, that’s super cute I’m dying.
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“Is she really…?”  (I love how the close shot, which represent intimacy, is thrown away and we come back to a larger shot when the mother interrupts the intimacy)
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“Yes, she is…” + Joana being a cute adorable dork when she laughs + thank you for giving us some representation with our periods! (and yes, I’m not that surprised by this situation, my mom is literally the same.)
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(yes, Cris is looking again at Joana, but come on I can’t put every gaze in picture xD) The famous “No puedo evitarlo”… Let’s be completely transparent; this whole clip is a HUGE foreshadowing for their entire relationship, and I’m here for it.
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Cristina “seriously?” Soto Peña or Cristina “I’m judging you; a lot” Soto Peña, choose your fighter.
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Disappointed Joana (+ a bit annoyed).
Btw, Cris dropping her opinion on the characters with no argument and just saying that he is a son of a bitch and that she is an idiot, is so much in character + “I would tell him to fuck off”, well darling… you won’t... and you will, in a way.
What I love about all of this, is that this clip is here to show what is Cris’ vision of love and relationships at the start of the season because they need a starting point to show how much she is going to grow through this season.
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Still “not impress” Cris, and yes, another hint for Joana’s BPD (the fact of not being able to control the feelings, even if in this case, it touches everyone and it’s just Cris who doesn’t realize it. It’s hard to act coldly and we have here another characteristic for Cris and Joana, they’re different on this point, we have a more “mature and rational” Joana) + It’s really discreet, but Joana glances many times at Cris lips (yeah, that’s it).
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OUF. Disappointment. Again. It’s really hard to catch Joana’s “annoyance”, but her rolling her eyes at Cris’ joke is priceless. They really aren’t on the same wavelength (at least, for the movie, they really are at ease with each other, but not on their thoughts/belief). Oh, and Cris still joking about everything… (though, I think it’s just her way to “flirt” maybe) just let’s keep it for later.
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“No, I’m serious” and we go from a wide shot to a close shot. Joana brings back some intimacy; the shot makes the viewer understand that it’s going to be important in the next seconds. Brilliant.
And oh wow… we never saw Joana like that before. The head is forward, the jaw is a little clenched (what I mean is that her mouth is “hold”, it’s not dropping), the gaze is straight ahead, the eyebrows are a little frown, and maybe the nostrils are a little wider (not sure) + the tone is- I wouldn’t say “harsh”, but there’s still some anger/annoyance behind it + the big annoyed sigh before she starts talking + the gestures/movements she does with her head to reinforce what she says, they are quick and short (btw, when she said “the count is a son of a bitch”, the movement with her head says no, she doesn’t agree with what she says, yes guys, the details, it shows a great acting too) + the “right?” to end her sentence. She’s confronting Cris, no jokes allowed; and tbh, I like that, I like this part of her character.
(Okay, maybe you’re right, having such a deep conversation about love at the first date is a little bold; bold+1502)
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(Just look at when Joana sits up) she was smiling, and now we have… a destibalized Cris (yep, again). I like how she looks up, a little to the right, it means that she’s really thinking about it + yes, she’s clearly avoiding Joana’s gaze (it takes her 6 seconds to look back at her). Oh, and I LOVE how the camera is moving between their two faces. When Joana talks, she is in the shot because Cris is looking at her; when Cris is talking and NOT looking at Joana, we only see her on screen, but when she finally looks back at Joana we have this shot :
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I already said it no? BRILLIANT.
Yep, Joana seems “calmer” (good job, you see, you’re making progress!); the eyebrows are a little raised, the mouth is slightly curved, and wow, she’s like, really listening to what Cris is saying, just look at her eyes, she’s so attentive.
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Look at Joana slowly starting to smile again, we see you girl.  Oh, and Cris thinking she’s bad and talking about her grades starts to show some insecurities, even if she’s joking about it + she’s right even if Joana doesn’t confirm it, there’s revenge in the story (and btw later in the season too, so much foreshadowing).
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I don’t know why, I just like this shot/scene in general. It’s intimate, they’re really listenning to each other (those gazes god…), and their conversation is pretty deep.
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Yep, looking again at her lips.
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I love how they “exchanged” the shots, let me explain; now, when one of them is talking, we have the camera focused on the other, we literally see how they’re looking at each other and it means so many things: the most important isn’t their face anymore, it’s the words of the other, it’s how they’re touched by them; it’s deep because what we see on screen is Cris (okay), but it’s also Cris “seeing” herself react to Joana, how she feels about Joana’s words (you see? Yeah I know it’s really far from just looking at the body language, and maybe I’m completely misinterpreting, but it’s important). GOD I REALLY LOVE THIS SHOW BECAUSE IT’S BRILLIANT.
Oh, and on a more “down-to-earth” analysis, the frown shows that Cris is really focused, she’s attentive, even if her eyes and the curves of her mouth are more like “I’m not sure I’m following you.”
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Guys, I’m not joking. Find someone who looks at you like that when you’re talking. This is beautiful.
God… on close shots like this, so many things are happening; when I said “goldmine” earlier, I wasn’t joking guys; I really invite you to do the same, just take the time to look at the details (if you noticed the little eyebrows relaxing, and then raising really quickly; and her mouth opening a little and also relaxing around the words “happy/love story”, I’m proud of you!)
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“I don’t really agree with you, honey.” The raised but at the same time frowned eyebrows, and the little movement of her head shows “surprise”, or more like “um- wait.”
“But what kind of love is that?”, thank you Cris. Wow… finally we have Cris having a deep and serious talk. And I like her vision of love (because yes, she has one!); she doesn’t understand the point of suffering: “all the count does is make her suffer”; we have a really sweet and soft Cris here.
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Lips again, it’s getting redundant baby girl + when the camera was moving from Cris to her, she was already looking at her lips.
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Exactly the same face from earlier, still in the “confrontation”, but this time I also see a little more “disgust” maybe, or “disbelief” (the mouth is a little more opened and the eyes are wider) but in my head it means some kind of “are you serious?” but weaker (you know? God, I really don’t have the level to do this kind of things in English).
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I don’t know how to interpret the return to this shot; but I think it’s because they want to include these two in the same shot because the “when you love someone, blah-blah…” will have a real meaning for both of them later in the season, because they will both suffer of the absence and of being ignored by the other. And YES, Joana queen of foreshadowing.
I’m not talking a lot about what is said, because I don’t really like this vision of love. I know that suffering is a part of it (but it’s not love which makes you suffer, it’s how you deal with it) and that Las amistades peligrosas have a really “complicated love story”, but to me, it’s clearly not healthy. Maybe it’s love, but not the “good kind” of love, you know? Also, OF COURSE, it’s a new hint for Joana’s BPD; they suffer way more than others when it comes to not being able to spend time with people they love + all this conversation shows “something new” about Joana; I mean, it seems that she way more experienced than Cris about relationships, etc.
(Yep, Cris is a little taken aback by the “and?”)
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To me, Joana’s face means some kind of “You really don’t understand what we’re talking about, don’t you?” (but soft). It’s like she’s trying to find something on Cris’ face or in her gaze (it’s really a feeling I have, I don’t know why? what? how? I just follow it and I don’t think I can interpret it; I only can notice it and share it with you).
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Lips, AGAIN (and yes, her head is leaning forward). And this time, yeah, Cris was staring at her eyes she can’t have missed it; and guess what?
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“Let’s look away and try to talk about something else” (yes, you’re good, you noticed that Cris’ mouth is way more opened, congrats! A little before she moves her gaze, you can see it slowly opening, even maybe her chin “trembling” but it’s really discreet).
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(Do you realize that that there are so many things happening each second?) When Cris starts talking, Joana’s chin quickly rises, kind of a “come back to reality” – LIPS. AGAIN. – “What is she talking about?”.
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Okay, that’s cute.
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But with this joke, we come back to a wider plan; the intimacy and depth are gone.
Wait, I just realized this now but, look at their legs, they are SO close, omg.
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“Oh, maybe I was wrong, my future wife is brilliant.”
Again guys, find someone who looks at you like that when you’re talking + this “Sí”; I’m dying + on the shot before Joana looks at her lips (it’s not surprising anymore) + just look how attentive she is, it’s really cute + yes, we’re back with the “intimate shot”, and the fact that we see the reaction of one girl when the other is talking.
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“Excuse me, what?”
Look at her, she is so unconfident about everything she says, she can’t believe Joana likes her idea.
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Yep, we’re back with that. “I said it just to say something”, one of Cris’ most important caracteristic. She thinks what she says isn’t important, or serious. Joana is, right here, the only one who takes what she says seriously. We thought that Cris is someone really confident and everything, but with this first episode we already have A LOT of hints showing that she maybe doesn’t have a that strong self-esteem as we thought, and this is a really important point.
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Joana, queen of reassurance.
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Can she be cuter? Come on, that’s amazing she’s so proud of herself, thanks to Joana. They already have so much “power”/effect on each other. 2 DAYS GUYS, 2 DAYS. And, yes, close shot again, we keep jumping between intimacy and “normality”, it becomes more and more fluid and natural between these two (I love this show so fucking much).
“Vale”- “Vale”; just go dig my grave.
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Happy girl.
And OMG we’re playing again with the shots, Joana is looking at Cris and then we have this:
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And then the camera isn’t moving anymore, we only have cuts to show each girl, the rhythm is a little faster.
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Lips + LIPS guys, no subtlety anymore xD
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“OMFG iT’s HApPeNiNG!”
No but more seriously, I can’t catch the reaction in one picture; but the mouth and the smile dropping in the blink of an eye + her eyes widening + her body slowly going backward and raising a little.
The funniest is that we don’t see Joana at the moment, we only see Cris’ reaction and it only gives more “suspense”. This is BRILLIANT.
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The camera moving with Joana, WHILE she looks at Cris’ eyes + Her gaze shifting between her eyes and her lips + Cris being completely somewhere else, trying to look away; she doesn’t process at all what’s happening.
This is cute, but at the same time I can’t help but laugh and I don’t know why xD (it’s not awkward though). Yes btw, bold+1550.
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THIS. It doesn’t last long, but wow… There is so much intensity; and at the same time, it shows so many things about how they both feel. Cris is completely lost, her mouth, her jaw and her eyes, she has no control of it (wide eyes, mouth a little open; you can see this expression even more before the eye contact, because there Cris already had a little movement with her chin, kind of realizing what’s happening) + she doesn’t move at all.
At the opposite, we have a “determined” Joana, she knows what she’s doing; I mean, everything is in her gaze + the mouth and the jaw, she has a total control of it + well, she is leaning, like LEANING forward; and we stan.
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This is cute; these little smiles, it takes all the rest of the awkwardness away (and there wasn’t a lot left).
It’s hard to describe everything, so I’m giving you some leads: Joana doesn’t have a lot of things to say here, her face isn’t moving a lot, everything is in her eyes, and of course some movements with her lips. On the other hand, Cris is WOW; her eyes shifting all the time and her mouth are SO EXPRESSIVE; take your time to look at everything, because in what? 5 seconds, there’s a lot.
(I’m wondering if the smile is maybe more Irene than Cris, because it quickly goes back to something a little more “apprehensive”; just a thought like that, no real analysis just a feeling.)
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This last gaze… at this point I just let myself be carried by so much intimacy and tension.
Just a quick remark, it’s not a secret but Joana is so much more at ease, because Cris really can’t “stabilize” her gaze and keep the stare as Joana does.
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And yep, we’re back to the same situation than in the second clip. We have Cris who immediately breaks the connection, while Joana stays in it. In any case, I don’t know if she really was ready for a kiss (let’s wait 3 long weeks now xD).
When I first watched this clip, I wasn’t really surprised by the mom coming; I mean, they didn’t make her interrupt them multiple times for nothing.
Oh, and bold+1600 just for remaining so chill and keeping this little smirk during all the “leaning forward” thing.
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“For fuck sake.”
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We stan a queen rolling her eyes 24/7 – We’re used to it now guys, worry, again. Her face is really like “No come on, don’t tell me you’re leaving.”; that’s cute.
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(Okay, quick remark again with the shot, we have Cris’ pov who’s looking at Joana, blahblah, you understood.) A lot of people think “Now we know it, it’s Eloy texting her, she knows she almost fucked up and she’s just fleeing”; and I’m not so sure about that. First, yes of course, worry and annoyance: the worry is here with the openned mouth just before and the huge breath she takes, and annoyance, with the loud sigh, the thing with her lips, her eyes and the cold “I have to go”. Here is my opinion: if it really was Eloy, that she was supposed to meet him for exemple, why would she had asked Cris to watch the movie, perfectly knowing the length of it? No, I think it’s maybe her parents asking where she is, because maybe she hasn’t told them she was out because her reaction is close to a “I’m screwed” + a quick reaction and decision like that, I think hints again for BPD (when I say hints it’s stupid because it’s just her reacting to the world around her, but I think you understand what I mean).
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Cris being so desperate: “Already?”; “Um, shouldn’t we finish the movie?”; it’s cute though, she doesn’t want her to leave, but damn it’s so clumsy xD
New aspect of Joana, she is a little destabilized and we don’t have her usual confidence. She is really avoidant with a quick, low, and weak “yes”; she is already grabbing her jacket, kind of fleeing Cris. A messy excuse “I’ve already seen it” (why are you here then? xD I mean, I know it’s not a lie because there’s a chat about it, but it just makes me laugh) + her voice is “different” you know? Yeah, really, we have a completely other Joana here.
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“I’ll walk you out”, Cris really tries xD
And damn we really have Joana “pushing her away”; it’s like in the blink of an eye, she completely changed even if she’s really polite and everything, and it’s brilliant
+ Here (pictures) we have Joana with the joke and this cute smile which gives her back some confidence - but then we have the other gaze with all the “composure” she tries to keep fading again.
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Some hope with the “Well, I’ll see you on Monday, right?” + You even can see (before the picture) on Cris’ agreement, we have a smile forming and she seems so relieved, that’s cute (an yes, close shot on Joana, so Cris’ pov).
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Fuck, those pupils.
Cris’ emotional journey be like:
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“What the hell just happened?” – Queen of eyes rolling (god, this sigh).
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“It’s so unfair!” (her eyes shifting everywhere, kind of processing the situation) – The most interesting face, because I’m not sure how to interpret it. I hesitate between two things: a movement to bite her lips or cheeks or whatever; OR it’s a “common” movement, we do this kind of thing when we’re speechless, when we want to talk but nothing comes out, as if our mouth follows our thoughts but our throat doesn’t; it helps us to regain our composure in away (+ there’s so much frustration; again, all of this is here to add some humor).
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We have a movement backward, to breathe a little, to let things out; and just look at this adorable gay mess, she’s so cute + “Well… at least we spent some time together, it’s not that bad…” – “Fuck, of course that’s bad! I hate my life.” + Cris closing her eyes as the ending screen comes, come on, stop being so on top…
Bold score: 1600 (congrats Mrs. Bianchi).
What I love with this clip is that it tells us what’s going to happen (they’re going to have the “No puedo evitarlo” and the “don’t you love me?”; they’re going to suffer; Cris will go through all the stages of what she calls “idiot” here). It just allows us to have a starting point for Cris and Joana’s growth through the season; and this is brilliant. And yes, we are fucking clowns.
Anyway, we finally finished this first episode! It was long, but so interesting to do. We already have so much information about Cris and Joana, that’s brilliant. Again, a quick reminder, I don’t pretend to be an expert or whatever, I just share with you my thoughts, and of course there must be a lot of mistakes and I’m sure I forgot a lot of things.
I’m going to take a little break with Skam España, which means that the next analyses won’t come soon, and I’m pretty sure I won’t do all the clips because it takes me too much time; but yes, definitely, I’ll write other reaction, don’t worry about that!
I hope you enjoyed, thank you so much for reading!
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“So Happy Together” Analysis
i don’t sleep
tl;dr: tbh not much to go off on about. i think we see a new skin for Iron Bear, one with some stripes. amara smiles, i do talk a little bit about little sisters in bioshock but tbh i think this was all just a stylistic choice lol. oh and handsome jack’s masks- probably Mount Jackmore. i don’t want to get to freaked out over jack returning, but damn gearbox lol u had me there for a second. im pretty sure it’s just a reused cut quest from bl2 that they never got to implement. 
EDIT: here’s all the cut content in bl2 (plus all the non-cut content as well for funsies). you can go to the cut quests and see the audio files for claptrap’s jackmore quest
holy shit can i just vomit all my emotions rn, they’re all good so imma do that so im rational when i start analyzing stuff okay? okay! 
holy shit that was fucking great and im really glad i tempered my expectations to something smaller than i thought because i feel bad for people expecting something huge, i was under the assumption we’d be getting a new mechanic that was like ‘choose ur +1 and they’ll be able to play the game with you if you’re both online even if they don’t have the game’ which was what someone said on reddit. altho im sure the poor company is gonna get spammed now with hate like ‘WTF YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE BUILT THIS UP AAAA’. not to lie, i was slightly disappointed it wasn’t a longer stream, but i mean if they’ve got nothing to announce, they’ve got nothing to announce and HEY! new trailer!!! gonna be combing thru on the assumption this has some easter eggs like the MoM trailer did, just in case. i thought it was a cute trailer, gearbox never explicitly said what it was gonna be, a lot people all just assumed what was gonna happen was a demo/beta which sucks so i hope this doesn’t negatively impact people’s perspective of the game. im staying off reddit for now bc when i first checked it people were pretty pissed and i dun need that negativity lmao
okay! emotions are LOCKED behind closed doors. i am shifting into study mode. here we go boys/girls/those of us who know better. haven’t done one of these in a while, let’s see if im rusty at all.
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claptrap! and the skull on the chair which reminds me of tyreen’s “favorite skull”. 
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tv says “we are under attack, please stand by”
and afaik claptrap is near the beginning of the game, you can see part of the recruitment center behind him when the camera pans.
im thinking there might be something in the roses, specifically the hand-drawn roses later on in the trailer. will be keeping an eye open for that.
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this is specifically a jakobs brand chest. i really like the see-through aesthetic of it
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intro area of the game again. possible hint to the opening cutscene? tbh i was worried that’s what we were about to get because i haven’t finished the roughs of my mock up lol
so what i didn’t notice my first time through is that you can then see claptrap, also being shown in the chest
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waving up at the camera. that’s not trippy at all or anything lol
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this car in the foreground (with no one driving it, mind you)
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randomly combusts, looking quite like elpis in that one shot of the claptrap presents pandora trailer. wonder if that means it’s gonna ‘splode.
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ohhh it spins. please no spin imma get motion sick blech
shot of some cultists. one appears to have a jetpack near the bottom right there
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another explosion to the beat
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the shock wave!!!! that’s awesome
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shock nomads cultists are back. f in chat for our shields
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another cultist seconds before he gets blown to bits
it cuts to black for a secco as it moves thru said explosion
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another cultist, i assume a psycho
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finally some good fucking angles
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idk what i expected from someone who’s first action skill line i ever heard was them shouting MAGIC WALL!!! TAAAADAAAAAAAAH
as a side note
who is shooting those lasers
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we see them coming from behind the VHs, but
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there’s nothing there
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they’re coming from... the wall???
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tfw u shot urself in the foot on accident
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amara is not amused
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`is this some human custom i don’t understand yet`
also i hate that i’ve done this exact dance before when i took dance classes as a kid
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with less style of course, i was like 7
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moze is into it, hell yeah
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this reminds me a lot of Kingsman. where all the blood is like fireworks and stuff. i wonder if that has anything to do with the psycho brainwashing. like little sisters in bioshock. they see roses instead of blood, right? maybe there’s something like that going on with the psychos
i’d certainly hope our vault hunters aren’t brainwashed, anyway.
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this dude looking SHOCKED to see that tho, lmfao
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i relate to this man on a spiritual level i stg
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man he looks pissed
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omfg lol
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“i guess this is okay”
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the body language in this is gold i am just having the time of my life
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this is so cute
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also in retrospect, i think this is one of the turrets we see on promethea. i wonder what it’s doing here!
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moze u ok?
oh nvm she’s into it, look at her! she’s dancing! She’s Dancin’!
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oooo one of the robots from the we are mayhem trailer! okay you can totally see why i think they’re jakobs, RIGHT???
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iirc this is a maliwan soldier
man this is a crossover event, isn’t it?
i get it now. togetherness. i gotchu gearbox.
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some maliwan ships in the sky. possibly sanc-iii on the right? or a ship of the same model as sanc-iii!
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this is a magitek dropship, change my mind
eh, they both start with M, fuck it.
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no idea what fl4k is doing here
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mayyyybe shielding themselves from the ‘firework’/confetti shower
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i like that the confetti explosions are backed up by purple, you know like eridium/slag/siren powers. seriously, maybe this is just how to cultists see us Vault Hunters and the mass murder.
at the very least, the psychos.
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fl4k’s into it. i wish we knew the name of their skag, if it has one. i hope it does.
well now the lasers are coming from the other side! what the hell
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moving on
i think this is the HBC from the speakers, plus im pretty sure that skull and the stained glass are the entrance to mouthpiece’s arena
we also get a different colored explosion. im paranoid jack is somehow making a return (please god no), so i’ll just note it’s the same color as his eyes.
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AND the chests are vomiting out gold guns, which i think, gold-plated gear, is the cult’s way of signifying standing. which im sure is a tongue-in-cheek commentary as gearbox gives out a gold weapon pack as a pre-order bonus. no, like, it even shows up as an ad on the video
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smh gearbox lmao
oh, also, the cultists are doing fuckin flying impressions
im not saying its a reference to the cultist with rakk wings on the cover, buuuut
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bitch it might be lol
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it’s an upside-down vault symbol! ive been trying to figure out what that is in those screens for the longest time!
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back on promethea and we get to see fl4k’s spiderant in action
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their skag, too, of course
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the jabbermon in the back there, too! i wonder if they’re going to be shock or cryo. i would imagine shock given how they’re glowing
also i love the way the flowers look in contrast to the character models
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moze is so happy aw
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i love the way fl4k’s skag comes flying in and slides to a stop. such a good doggo ;-;
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this is beautiful, i want it as a wallpaper
moze skipping? holy shit
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100% verified the best thing i’ve ever seen
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i lied. this is.
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is this the fast travel station effect?
also! IB is looking a bit different
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i wonder if this is a redesign or if IB is wearing a new skin moze picked out
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pan over to zane who clearly doesn’t notice the being of darkness and horror in the doorway
oh also, we’re on eden-6 now. which would explain the fast travel effect
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psychos dancing on the rooftops lol
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oh god my eyes
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nothing to really say here, i just like this screenshot
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pink shields booyah
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this is so fucking cute
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we also get a better look at that one facility on eden-6
is that... red i see? >w> i won’t say it i won’t i won’t say it i swear i just- ATLAS
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i like that zane’s clone spawns with his melee attachment
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not AS excited as the real life version though
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GB pls let this be a zane emote
is that a varkid? on eden-6?
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wtf is a varkid doing on eden-6???
more shots of the facility btw. reminds me a lot of sanc-iii so maybe this actually is the supamax mfg construction facility like i originally thought. hmmmmmmm
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ah yes, of course
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holy shit what is this a reference to?
im told it’s the sex pistols
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the back of the bullet turns into Athenas
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pans in
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enemy with a top hat on. some variation of/upgraded gravedigger? it’s like a psycho but recolored with blue pants and a top hat. you can see it fall off when amara shoots him
y’know, these guys
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some rakk in the background
i am hoping bc this is a celebration of togetherness we’re seeing all enemies everywhere, not that the planets don’t have their own unique fauna.
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she’s so happy omfg
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oh, you want some?
Uhhh then there’s THIS sequence
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they’re doing the flying thing again lmao
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there’s also whatever that black blob is on the left. a spaceship maybe?
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car wheel
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all their eyes started glowing red. uh oh gamers
also another fast travel effect
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hmmmm... zarpedon is that you??
back on pandora.
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“super 87 racetrack”, maybe this is near that motorcade fast travel we saw?
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huzzah! rainbows!
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i do believe that’s sanctuary-iii
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another ship. drop ship?
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elpis is looking nice this time of year. definitely not explode-y. yet.
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pret-ty sure that’s iron bear. moze is standing atop the tower lmao
also! back to it’s old paint scheme. looks like moze was using a skin or smth
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we also have this. are my eyes failing me or is that a big cross on the left? could be where jack was buried. 
also i know there was cut content in bl2 about Mount Jackmore! and this looks like a Mount Jackmore to me. it’s a cut quest where claptrap asks you to basically ruin the thing. but since the quest was cut, it’s still here in bl3. maybe they’ll reintegrate the quest lol
i can’t imagine it being roland’s gravesite. because it looks like the below.
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i do know we’re going to roland’s grave in bl3, but the statues don’t really match up. maybe it is and the statues were broken, or ruined or something and replaced by a cross. could be then that the gravesite was defaced with, well, the guy that killed him. 
im really hoping jack doesn’t make a return. im fine with dealing with what he set in motion, and his influence, and probably even some ECHO logs and movie trailers, but please, for the love of god, don’t actually bring him back, AI or otherwise. im really excited for the calypso twins, i’d really hate to see the focus shift back to that guy. he’s had his fingers in every borderlands game. it’s time to let him go.
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idk what this is exactly. it looks like maybe that weird eye bot troy stands next to in the intro for the behind closed doors panel?
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goodbye mr magical jakobs chest, it’s been real
the RC now has red drapes going down it. have those always been there? i don’t remember those
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hmmmmmmmmm maybe we’re looking at it from the back 🤔
anyway, that’s all she wrote. i haven’t see any hidden morse code messages or anything yet, but if something surfaces, i’ll be sure to add it here.
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neondnp · 6 years
my ii m&g experience ♥
(long rambling and pic spam ahead)
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arriving + waiting in line
prior to and upon arriving at the venue, i was SO incredibly nervous to the point that it nearly overpowered my excitement. my heart had been racing all week and my stomach was in knots. i’d been anticipating this very day for almost a year and i was absolutely terrified that something would go wrong. i kept having thoughts like, “what if there’s a ton of unexpected traffic backed up for hours and i miss the meet and greet?” “what if there’s something wrong with my ticket??” “what if i forget something important and i’m denied access?” “what if i DIE before i get there!?” luckily, none of my delusional fears from my panicked state of mind came true and most of my anxiety disappeared after i was given my wristband.
meeting and conversing with the lovely new friends i made in line put me at enough ease that my ability to comprehend the intense reality of the situation was beginning to vanish. everything was too dreamlike to feel real. was i really mere minutes away from meeting my idols??
suddenly, everyone started screaming. i looked up and saw phil standing at the rail. i nearly had a damn heart attack!! that’s phil! he literally looks like an angel! i heard dan’s voice from the other corner and turned around to see him right above us! that’s dan!! he glows! o m g !! there they are!! in person! holy s*** that’s actually them!!! whatever they said to us either completely went over my head or was entirely forgotten because i don’t recall any of it. this was the most surreal moment of my life.
shoutout to the girl on twitter who filmed some of this and caught my reaction after they waved and left lmao
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i guess this is what my mind being completely blown looks like??!?
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my adrenaline was through the roof, but i was too stupefied to feel emotional yet. my throat was drying as the line in front of me gradually got shorter. the lack of air conditioning upstairs didn’t help. i was close enough to talk to marianne (a queen, btw) about what i wanted to give them. i had a letter from a friend and two of my ii themed d&p drawings that i made into magnets. she told me she would keep them and give them to dan and phil after the meet and greet. disappointing, but understandable. i wrote my name on the magnets but they won’t have a clue who i am. oh well. here’s what they look like:
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before i knew it, it was my turn to meet them. a friend i met in line agreed to film my meet and greet but was too nervous to do so once we approached our turns. although it sucks to not have footage, i fully understand having anxiety. she’s very sweet and i’d never want to cause her any stress.
the actual meeting and greeting:
before i get into the personal details and talk about my interaction with them, i’ll describe their irl voices and appearances. 
i’d say they sound exactly the same in person. they don’t necessarily look any different from how they do in pictures and videos, just more radiant; especially phil. his hair somehow looks even darker irl and there’s an indescribably beautiful contrast between his black hair, vibrant eyes, and pale skin. it makes him look otherworldly. his features are sharp. dan’s stubble is actually quite prominent, even from a distance. his features are soft. there’s not really much else to say about his appearance; he’s just as gorgeous in the flesh as he is on a screen. they were just as tall as i expected them to be so i wasn’t alarmed by their height. it did, however, feel different to look up at them and see them from a new (significantly lower) angle as opposed to seeing them from an eye-level camera angle. the same can be said about viewing them on stage from a close orchestra seat.
now, onto the good part! i wish i could remember more details, but meeting them was such a blur that i didn’t feel like it even happened at all until the next day (more on that later). most of my dreams are more vivid than this memory is. my brain was majorly lagging from the moment i was far enough ahead in line to be off the stairs, and my entire consciousness seemed to exist in some alternate dimension when i walked toward their direction to be greeted. i remember one or both of them saying, “hiii!” and dan saying “thanks for coming to see us!” i remember phil instantly opening his arms and asking if i wanted a hug. i think i said, “hi! yes i do!” i remember it being so much easier to talk to them than i thought it would be. words came naturally despite having very little awareness of what i was saying and—due to being in such a daze—completely forgetting to say any of the important things i’ve always wanted to tell them. they were both so warm, gentle, and welcoming. i was too out of it to realize this at the time, but looking back, they treated me like i was an old friend of theirs; like i was someone who mattered. that warms my heart. they genuinely care about making us feel comfortable and relaxed.
dan did most of the talking. i don’t remember what either of their hugs felt like, but i do remember dan giving me one of his awkward “dan hugs” lol. dan and i were both wearing striped shirts and he said that we were “totally coordinated with our stripes” which made me WAY happier than it should have, but oh man i was BEAMING. “we are!”
when phil asked if i’d like to have something signed, i took out a print of the two portraits i drew of them. “yes, can you sign my art please?” after handing the print to them, dan said, “oh my god did you draw these??” and i responded with something dumb like, “i did! it took me like my entire life but yeah!!” i really wish i could have seen them react to my drawings, but i didn’t think to look at their faces when i showed them. in fact, i’m not even sure if i made eye contact with them at all. they complimented me on my art but i don’t remember what they said. i'm not 100% certain, but i think dan called it incredible.
dan offered to take the selfie so i handed him my phone and we all got close and smiled for the camera. i noticed from other people’s meet and greet pics that phil had a tendency to lean his head in next to fans, but i’d of course forgotten about this detail. i was so weak later on when i saw how close our faces were in the group photo, w o w !! i asked if we could take individual pictures as well and dan said, “of course!”
this is the part i remember the most clearly. taking individual pictures was almost like hugging them again, only better because i was a little more aware—i was almost able to actually process it this time. looking at them you’d expect to feel nothing but firmness and bones, but they’re both delightfully squishy; especially dan. they’re two tall adorable teddy bears. dan fondly said, “thank you philip” when phil took our picture and it was the cutest thing. after the pictures were taken, i thanked them for about the tenth time. i remember saying “thank you” and “thank you so much” to almost everything they said and did. i probably would have thanked them if they accidentally stepped on my foot or dropped my phone. they told me to enjoy the show and i thanked them once more. i wished them a good show and at some point i think i said, “it was really nice meeting you.” we waved and said our goodbyes to each other.
and then it was over.
wait, it’s over. what the hell just happened?
i literally forgot everything on the spot.
everything happened so rapidly and it ended before i had even begun to take any of it in. i really wish i could have absorbed the moment more. i wish i could have said more. this may sound silly, but none of it felt real. it didn’t initially feel like, “aah i just met dan and phil!!” instead, it felt more like, “...did i really meet dan and phil? wouldn’t i have remembered meeting them if it really happened?” i was so disappointed in myself. how was i that spaced out the whole time? i expected a more emotional experience, but it was all so surreal that i wasn’t even in touch with reality, let alone with my emotions. i didn’t know how to react, so i blanked out into a strange semiconscious state and i hated myself for it. 
i went on to realize that meeting them was indeed a very emotional experience; i just needed to fully recover from my daze for it to hit me. while most of my memory is still a blur, several small details came back to me the following day bit by bit. it was enough for me to look back on and miss. it took me days to recall everything i wrote about above. i did cry. i was emotionally impacted, just not right away. it had to catch up with me. meeting them was absolutely amazing. looking at my pictures and signed artwork elates me. i actually met dan and phil!
even though i didn’t say what i wanted to, i’m grateful that i managed to talk to them at all. i was so sure i’d either stumble over my words or end up speaking in my stupid high-pitched nervous voice. i was also afraid i’d cry in front of them and i didn’t. it went smoothly and i survived. i have a few regrets, but i still loved it. i loved them.
i’d do it again in a heartbeat.
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yes i was very extra with the editing but these pics mean a lot to me and i wanted them to look the best they could
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what i didn’t get to say: 
@danielhowell @amazingphil thank you for inspiring so much creativity, motivation, and passion within me. you guys are the reason i wanted to start drawing again. you’re the reason why i stopped immediately giving up. you’re the reason i’ve met so many spectacular people and became part of such a diverse and extraordinary community. you guys give me a reason to smile. i love you, thank you for everything ♥ - alexis
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dangermousie · 5 years
So, I finished Prince of Dogs and Sanglant x Liath is better than your OTP ever could be
“...the heap of garbage beside the altar, which now stirred, woken by that scuff or by the perfume of her secrecy or by the music of the flutes, to reveal dogs and some kind of ghastly creature, surely not human, heavily chained and clothed in the tattered remains of a tabard marked with a black dragon. Yet it had substance and weight, unlike a daimone; it had unkempt black hair as tangled and ratted as that of a filthy ascetic who has sworn off the trivial clothing of human grooming. It had arms and legs, hands and feet, very humanlike, and a cast of skin made dark by grime. It was a hideous thing, so matted and foul that it might as easily have been a grotesque illusion born out of Bloodheart’s vile magic. Or so she hoped. Then it swung round, shoulders bracing as against an attack, and she saw its face. “God have mercy,” she whispered, the sound forced from her by a shock so profound that she forgot everything, everyone, and even her purpose for being here: The Eika chieftain who sat, unwitting, below her, an easy target. “Sanglant.”
YESSSS. Liath is the one who finds Sanglant! And the one who frees him by killing the evil magician who tortured him for a year!!! OMG I loved the trope reversal there. (Though the fact that Sanglant, after almost a year of torture, still was with it enough to try to take out the wizard on his own - I love him. But he is not a magician so...)
I also love that she realizes that OMG she vowed to love no other when she thought he was dead, which was all well and good and very safe, except now he is alive and she has to deal with a living man, and one who is quite different to the shining knight sans peur e sans reproche she used to know but is now a feral and not entirely sane wreck.
Also, this was glorious. Fucked up as hell but glorious. I am always a fan of the feral nutcases.
 She nocked the arrow, but Sanglant and a half dozen Eika dogs hit the melee before she could get a shot off. He had nothing, only his hands, to fight with. Without thinking, she swung a leg over the railing, meaning to drop down, to save him—
His attack was as swift and as brutal as that of the Eika dogs. He had laid two Eika out flat and ripped one’s throat out with his own teeth while she gaped in horror. An Eika swung hard at him, but a dog leaped between them and took the cut meant for the prince while the rest of the pack swarmed the would-be killer, bearing him down to the flagstones. The other Eika retreated.
Liath has her work cut out for her though because in addition to the whole “Henry will buck all tradition and will make bastard his heir because he loves him so” (father - son reunion made me sniffle, btw, though not as much as Henry sitting in Sanglant’s tent, comforting his nightmares) which means he has to marry an appropriate person, not a possible magician with no kin especially due to the dynastic fight this will cause, he is also deeply and long-term messed up - he forgets words, he has nightmares, he scours his skin raw, he growls like a dog half the time, and he refuses to stop wearing his iron dog collar as a reminder of his torture, among many other things. Dude is understandably a complete mess.
ALSO OMG THE SCENE WHERE HE ASKS LIATH TO CUT HIS HAIR OMG. And these sentences Then, and finally, as if only when he had scrubbed himself clean of the breath of his captivity dared he acknowledge her, he looked up to where she stood half hidden among the rest. He had known she was there all along. ‘Liath.’  basically did me in.  And I love that he’s a total scarecrow and a mess and she’s still wants him so badly:
He knelt suddenly and with a sharp sigh. A tang of the old smell, the reek of his imprisonment, still clung to him and no doubt would for some time, but standing this close was no punishment. Ai, Lady, his hair was coarse and too matted to be truly clean yet, but when sometimes she had to shift him to get a better angle for cutting, she touched his skin and would bite her lip to stop herself from trembling, and go on.
Like, you guys, I ship this so hard and it KILLS ME that nobody among my followers read these books, which are amazing and shippy and whumping heaven but also dense enough to be a Sharon Kay Penman historical novel if the history was real and not a fantasy take on it.
Oh, and I screamed when I got to this, literally screamed:
“May God have mercy on us all,” murmured Henry. He took Sanglant by the elbow and helped him rise. “How did you survive?” As if in answer—the only answer he knew how to give—Sanglant turned his head to look at Liath.
Like - she is his savior in both literal and metaphorical way and in every way that matters. My heart my heart my heart.
Also that scene at the feast where he sees food and goes crazy is awfully painful, especially since he recollects himself and then With an effort made the more obvious by the way his hands shook, the prince commenced eating again, only very, very slowly and with such painstaking care that anyone would know he could barely stop himself from gobbling down his food like a savage. Like I need a whole book where it’s just Sanglant recovering and getting better and normal and getting rid of that awful collar and having meals. Hahahahaha yes epic fantasy I am not getting that. Also I did love Alain being so good and understanding with him - I rag on him for being so saintly as to be boring - but so far he’s proven to be Liath’s savior and Sanglant’s helper. He’s a really really good dude. Though I still get bored with him.
Also, this:
He had endured hunger for a long time. He had dreamed of her, but she had been a shade, a remembered shadow given brightness by his own despair and need. Now he touched her on the cheek, as she had once touched him in the silence of the crypt. She did not respond, she did not draw back, but he felt the rhythm of her breathing. His was not so steady.
“Marry me, Liath,” he said, because it was now the only thing he knew to say to her. Hadn’t she cut his hair, back there by the stream? Hadn’t she freed him from Bloodheart’s chains? Hadn’t his memory of her been all that kept him from drowning in madness?
I knew it! Old Sanglant, who was 100% sane and functional, was never going to propose marriage or seek a relationship even, but the new Sanglant has been so broken down to basic needs, he doesn’t care for societal rules at all. Though the fact he thinks she may not want him because he’s not what he was :(
And I loved that when Hugh tried to abuse her again, Liath, who normally gets utterly paralyzed and can’t say a word, called for him and because of his insane hearing and their soulmateyness he heard and went to the rescue and she was saved, the first time during all those awful encounters she was saved. And I find it deeply symbolic that she fought so hard not to give that magic book to Hugh and he had to brutalize it out of her, but here she voluntarily gave it to Sanglant for safe-keeping (he had no idea what it was even) even if she normally refuses to even mention it.
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hepataetis · 6 years
bts as your boyfriend (namjoon.)
request; aaah this isn’t the same anon but could you do namjoon boyfriend headcannons pleeease? x
word count; 1.28k
authour’s note; wE ABOUT TO GO TO NAMJOON TOWN AIGHT GUYS LETS GO IM HYPED ! ! ! also, i don’t really write nsfw and i hope that’s okay with you because im a smol child please dont hurt me ._.
namjoon | seokjin | yoongi | hoseok | jimin | taehyung | jungkook
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your boyfriend is kim namjoon
girl (or boy) honestly i’m jealous
namjoon as a boyfriend? hA i cAN OnLy dREaM
anyways lets start
you were hanging out with your friends, just chillin at your favourite café that’s obviously dubbed ‘your place’ because you guys are literally there 25/8
(oh btw this was like last year of high school when he was still a trainee)
your best friend brought along a co-worker and at first you were like
‘y/f/n what the fucc why would you bring someone you work with that’s boring’
but they explained to your friends separately that a) he didn’t really have friends besides his flat mates and he wanted to make more (friends not flat mates lmao) but didn’t know how
you didn’t realise how close your friend was to this guy but apparently they were like siblings
he introduced himself as kim namjoon and after the first 3 minutes of awkwardness passed he turned out to talk really easily, make jokes and basically earn a spot in your very own friend group whicH iS rARe because yall are petty queens
(just go with it don’T TOUCH ME)
at the end of said hangout, you nicknamed him joon because like you weren’t going to put so much effort into saying his real name
anyway you got a call from your brother and you took your phone out of your purse
and namjoon practically scREAMED and fell oFF OF HIS CHAIR BECAUSE
once you hung up from your clearly drunk brother
‘why is he even drunk it’s like 3 in the afternoon’
everyone just turned to namjoon because everyone was like ‘why is this guy squealing’
ngl he turned like half the guys in your lil clique gay because that’s just what namjoon does yannow
he immediately starts talking to you about ryan and how much he loves the character and you were all for it because you loved ryan too and he practically fELL RIGHT THEN AND THERE
you started talking about bears and then suddenly you ended up talking about how korea is going to take over the mediterranean because you guys are weird
you learned that he’s like training to be an idol? and you’re like oh wow that’s so dope foreshadowing and you also get suspiciously close after hanging out one time
as in your friend was like “i didn’t know you knew namjoon so well before today” and you were like “uhhhhh sis i didn’t”
but anyways you guys continued to text each other every day from joking around and taking unflattering photos of your friends
to talking about your future late at night (because that’s the rite of passage MY friends have to do to befriend me lmao)
and initially both of you didn’t see each other as a romantic interest?
and you stayed friends for two years
BOOM it’s 2015 and BTS is a pretty litty group if you do say so yourself
you’re so proud of namjoon and you two are basically attached to the hip yall are like joon and your friend when you first met him
and one day you guys were hanging out at your place with your other friends when suddenly your guy friend exPOSES NAMJOON DURING TRUTH OR DARE MWAHAHHAA
“what’s one secret about the person sitting to your left (namjoon) that no one knows?”
your best friend covered your guy friend’s mouth while your jaw dropped to the floor
you went to the balcony to breathe and like throw everything you thought you knew about joon out the window
when baam there he is right next to you
the first question that you ask is “is the namjoon i know the real namjoon or the namjoon you want me to see”
he sighed
“a little bit of both. but,” he said, taking your hands in his, “if you’ll be my girlfriend then you can meet the real namjoon? promise?” 
and you had to think about it because like you cared about namjoon a lot but kind of in a platonic way and you weren’t sure whether you could give him the love that he deserves
but heck why not so you said yes and you’re glad you did because when he kissed you softly right then and there on the balcony it felt right?
it felt good is what you were trying to say
he would be so thoughtful and modest and humble you had to fall in love with him
he would make sure you were alright while balancing his schedule as well and the boys schedule too
like are we sure that namjoon isn’t a god? because like that’s not even human
he likes to kiss your cheek and then your lips and for hugs namjoon is a bacKHUG hOe don’t fight me
if you’re shorter than him, then you like to kiss his neck and sometimes it turns him on being 100% honest 
if you’re taller/same height as him, you settle for his lips i mean who wouldn’t
he lives at the dorms but your flat is right down the street from his and honestly his dorm room is lowkey yours too and vise versa
the boys adore you because you’re so caring and kind just like namjoon and it’s like they’re all being pampered by momma and poppa 
oH and namjin officially was cancelled because of you 😪😪 (jin has a pretend grudge against you for that)
you like to clean the maknae line’s rooms because lets be honest those rooms are tornado closets and they don’t even have a problem with you going through their stuff because  t r u s t  is important
you and namjoon are a couple that likes to go out
most of the time you’ll go hiking (you usually bring a small backpack of first aid and water bottles because of that one time joon twisted his ankle and you had to carry him back to the car) and you love to go hiking with him because 
you two don’t say anything until the top
you just hold hands and walk in a comfortable silence oof i want this
if you’re not hiking, then you’re at a pool or a beach
you like to take photos of the crabs that he finds and once for his birthday you took all the photos and put it into a photo album and he almost cried
but you also like lazy days, too
when both of you are free the whole day you cuddle on the dorm couch (that the boys always seem to have a problem with) and watch documentaries about nature or psychology or something smart because yall are smart
and when he’s away on tour you guys don’t really talk much and HEAR ME OUT BECAUSE
you do miss him a lot sometimes and you wish that he was there next to you but you understand that this is important to him and you don’t want to bother him
but that doesn’t mean you won’t send each other “good night/good morning” messages as well as pictures of what you guys are doing
highkey you’re his photographer and beg him to get insta so he can show off his aesthetic–ness
but he’s always so shy and humble so he says no :(
but you’re okay with that because if namjoon’s happy
and you’re happy 
then everything is right and you guys are in love
*roll credits*
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Of Binary Codes and Blue Candies || jhs
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Genre: Action, fluff (idk to what extent), gang!AU, humor (if you squint hard enough)
Pairing/s: freelance hacker!You and hacker!Hseok
Description: “Oh my gosh, I lost to you and I’m fracking laughing at it.”  —; part of the Lacerta series
Sequence of events: myg, knj, jjk, jhs, ksj, pjm, kth
Word Count: 4,726
Note/s: Mentions of characters from the other installments of the Lacerta series. Also, I don’t know a thing about hacking. I just researched at the last minute and I’m still pretty sure it’s not 100% enough or accurate. Pretty sure Google is watching my IP address, though.
The e-mail that you received had been shady enough. Yet, you attributed your lack of self-preservation to the fact that you were a month behind on rent and your bills were starting to pile up. So, without any question—just like what the said e-mail instructed—you accepted the job. You convinced yourself it would be worth it since the pay would easily amount to three average-level assignments. And above all else, hacking is delicate work. You’d rather have this one than three more of this for the same price. Or so you thought.
Now that you were staring at the computer screen, however, you couldn’t help but focus on the twitching of your left eye. Anxiety was starting to bubble up, slowly climbing up your throat. You forced it down, trying to keep calm and rational. The network you were tasked to infiltrate... It wasn’t simple, to say the least. Whoever owned it must have been a highly-cautious man or woman, seeing as the difficulty of hacking it was on par with a government system or a worldwide organization.  You took in a deep breath before popping a blue gummy candy into your mouth. Briefly, you remembered it being advertised as ‘organic’, prompting you to think about of that one, memorable school lab experiment with gummy bears.
While you chewed, you could feel yourself slowly calming down now that your mouth had something to do. Your friends had called you out, saying you had an oral fixation or something. You had never heard of such a thing before so you didn’t think much of it. That was, until another friend mentioned that she could match you up with someone who “would make full use and thoroughly enjoy” your oral fixation (which you still deny to this day since it sounds like a load of baloney).
Realizing that your mind had wandered off, you shook your head vigorously before focusing your eyes on the screen. Cracking your knuckles, you decided that it was time to suck it up and get to work.
Of-fucking-course, it would be hard to hack into right off the bat. You already wasted two hours of your life trying but to no avail. Whoever this person was that required your services clearly forgot that you needed some information so you could actually do what you needed to do. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you took deep, steadying breaths before deciding to leave an e-mail of inquiry. You weren’t prepared for the reply, though.
“Oh, are you fucking kidding me now? Really? What have I gotten myself into?” you questioned out loud although no one could hear you.  You read the e-mail again, just in case you were reading it wrong. You groaned when you deduced that you weren’t dreaming and that it was, in fact, real. It seemed that you had drawn the short lot in this life. “Lacerta. Whoever the fuck you are, I am skinning you alive if I ever find you.”
Tracing where the e-mail was sent from had been very tempting but judging the person’s character through the concise and curt messages, he or she must be smart enough not to let a hacker track them down. It was just your luck that you were tasked to go against the city’s most notorious gang. You sent another e-mail, asking if you could drop out of whatever this was. However, the response had been immediate. ‘Think about your decision very carefully, Y/N.’
Great, so now you can untangle yourself from this. Biting your lower lip, you popped another gummy candy into your mouth to de-stress. The sweetness brought a sharp pang to your senses and you positioned yourself again for work. You did your best on gathering information about Lacerta, getting in-touch with your contacts in the field for some help to acquire some data to reduce the time spent on this. The faster you finish, the better.
It was late into the night when the first stage of your hacking job was considered well and truly done. You stretched on your seat, yawning widely. Your eyes burned from reading over lines and lines of information flashing on your computer screen for the past couple of hours. Still, you’re not done hustling. It was time to see the chinks of the proverbial armor of Lacerta’s database.
“Client wants me to hack via the Internet or wireless LAN. The git. Making my job harder than it has to be” you muttered under your breath. What you weren’t admitting was that you were mildly relieved by that. At least, you didn’t have to sneak into wherever their base may be and do who knows what that might get you into more trouble or worse.
After setting up all the hacking tools you thought and knew would be applicable for whatever you had in mind, you collapsed on the couch backed up against a wall. “Alright, time to get some shut-eye, Y/N.”
You nursed a mug of coffee as you blearily blinked at the computer. Now that you had found the weakness in their system, you were determined to set your plan in motion. Yawning widely, you placed the mug down before cracking your knuckles.
“Alright, time to work” you muttered to yourself. Soon enough, your fingers were flying through the keys. The incessant clacking was the only thing heard in the otherwise silent room. And by all means, everything that happened afterwards wasn’t what you expected.
For starters, it seemed suspiciously easy to break into their system. It only took a few rifling and sorting through the data flashing through the screens in your room to find the file you were supposed to extract. Quickly, still apprehensive, you transferred it into your hard drive (your just in case Plan B if stuff happened to you) before completely erasing it from Lacerta’s system. Then, for a wild second, you paused, long enough to attract attention from whoever was keeping their database secure. And yet, no attacks were being launched your way. Either the person on the other side was a really lax one or incompetent. Still, you weren’t about to stay just to get caught. With a bark of disbelieving laughter, you left your signature before doing a scan of your own system, double-checking that you were as clean as could be.
Don’t freak out too much. I’m pretty sure no one would miss someone’s cheating footage, right? — Gray Hat
In retrospect, it was kind of stupid to think that it was the last of it. However, you were sorely wrong, as proven to you three days after that job. You had just paid your rent after your shift down the local restobar when your phone buzzed in your pocket. Closing your front door, you kicked off your shoes as you fished it out. The message flashing on the screen made you stop in your tracks.
From: Unknown Number So, Gray Hat. Let me guess, the dude in the video asked you to remove it, yes? (Received 10:13 P.M.)
It was from an unknown number. You didn’t know how that person got hold of you but it felt like a bucket of ice was doused over you at the implications. Your mind was already jumping to conclusions, thinking you were about to suffer repercussions from the job you took. You bitterly cursed your last client in the confines of your mind before the sudden continuous ping of your phone made you jump in shock.
From: Unknown Number
Either ways, that’s not the point. The point is this
How the fuck did you manage to hack into the database without setting off the alarms I placed
Dude/Dudette (Received 10:14 P.M.)
It only wailed like a siren after detecting the file you deleted without admin permission
Also, is ‘Gray Hat’ a codename or something
Or that’s just you identifying yourself as a literal gray hat
Please answer me
I hope that didn’t sound too demanding (Received 10:15 P.M.)
You decide to address each of his queries one by one.
To: Unknown Number
Gray hat as in the hacker term gray hat
It’s dudette
Also, that’s a secret I’m not sure I am willing to tell
What’s in it for me? (Sent 10:16 P.M.)
From: Unknown Number
Thank god you’re smart
Also thanks for answering
I’m a dude btw just getting it out there
I thought I had to track you down for a one-on-one
So listen (Received 10:17 P.M.)
I have a proposal, gray hat dudette (Received 10:18 P.M.)
You couldn’t help but snort in derision at his words. A proposal? Who in their right mind would agree to an anonymous person’s proposal? The mystery client from the last had taught you enough lesson. You wouldn’t fall for this kind of thing again. Yet, you couldn’t help but read the rest of his texts when you received them.
From: Unknown Number
Would you be willing to
Like hmmmmmm
Meet up??? ?? ? (Received 10:19 P.M.)
I might or might not want to offer you a job (Received 10:20 P.M.)
Staring at your screen for a full minute, it still took you some time before you could formulate a coherent answer. Your hands trembled faintly even as you typed it out.
From: Unknown Number
I don’t know what kind of game you’re trying to play, pal
But seriously (Sent 10:24 P.M.)
Please do stop trolling me 
Delete my number
Don’t even attempt tracking me down (Sent 10:25 P.M.)
I will report you to the police (Sent 10:26 P.M.)
From: Unknown Number
Thought you blocked me
That’s a funny thought (Received 10:27 P.M.)
What are you gonna tell the police
“The person I hacked is contacting me please stop him”
I don’t think you’ll get out of that complaint unscathed, dudette (Received 10:28 P.M.)
“This fucking git” you vehemently hissed. You were typing furiously when he suddenly flooded your phone again with messages.
From: Unknown Number
Okay you know what
How about this (Received 10:28 P.M.)
Let’s meet and talk in the police station
Just say at the front desk that you’re there to meet Blue
Does that make it better for you? (Received 10:29 P.M.)
If anything, it made you more apprehensive. You exited the messaging app just to check your e-mail for the details. Your client made it clear that it was Lacerta you were hacking three days prior. So, if this male was really a part of Lacerta, what possessed him to suggest meeting in a police station?
You decided to ignore his messages. Chucking your phone on your couch, you went through the motions of preparing yourself some dinner—the usual fare of microwavable food—before settling down to eat it and watch some movies. Soon enough, you forgot the anonymous person who was bothering you earlier as you got immersed in the show you were watching. However, a soft ‘ping’ sounded from your laptop. You put the bowl on the coffee table and checked your e-mail notification. What you found made your heart pound a little harder against your ribcage.
Cute mail address. Also, a friendly reminder that I know how and where to find you. :) (Received 11:54 P.M.)
Fucking hell.
So it went without further ado that you would meet him at the police station, as crazy as it sounded. Heck, even you felt like you were losing your mind at the very thought of a possible member of a wanted gang in a building housing the very people who are out to get them. You unlocked your phone and dug the messages from last night, prompted by the stranger’s unwelcome e-mail.
To: Blue
For fuck’s sake
Alright fine, you git
We already established what you wanted
What’s in it for me
And how do I really know that I am not being conned or anything into this
Be honest or I swear I will start hacking with a malevolent intent for the first time in my life (Sent 11:55 P.M.)
From: Blue
You type fast, woman
We’ll be paying to pay you whatever amount you are willing to work for (Received 11:56 P.M.)
But within reason!
We don’t shit gold nuggets okay
Also a heads up
You might or might not end up working with me 
As for reassurance that you won’t be hacked to pieces (Received 11:57 P.M.)
There will be a police officer waiting outside of the station
He’ll be sporting an outrageous hair color
Neon yellow (Received 11:58 P.M.)
Tell him that you’re there to meet Blue
He’ll take you inside
If he doesn’t he has a gun in a holster strapped to his hip okay
If all else fails, pepper spray is the way
So see you tomorrow, Hatter (Received 11:59 P.M.)
You reviewed the messages again before looking straight ahead. The light changed and you crossed the road, feeling your nerves spike up gradually. The police station was a few blocks away and your steps grew considerably slower, displaying your reluctance. Still, at least it seemed that Blue was telling the truth or maybe it was coincidence. A person in a police uniform was standing right outside the doors leading to the station. He wore a formidable scowl... which was a contrast to his neon yellow hair. People stared as they passed by, to which the man only scowled further.
You were worried his face will disappear and cave into itself when he scowled even more when you approached him. Feeling a little silly, you hesitated. However, you remembered the messages you exchanged with Blue. Steeling yourself, you opened your mouth and boldly said, “I’m here to see Blue.”
His face slackened for a moment. You worried you got the wrong person when he suddenly blurted out, “No way, it was a girl who hacked into Lacerta?”
That instantly made you bristle in anger and frustration. It seemed that there was still some prejudice against women. Also, his choice of words and his tone felt a little too depreciating and condescending than you liked. Squaring your shoulders, you raised your chin haughtily as you hotly retorted, “Is there a problem, sir? Maybe you’d like me to dig deep and accidentally unearth your secrets just to prove my skills? But then again, I don’t have to prove myself to narrow-minded moose like you.”
“Narrow-minded—? What the fu—”
“Officer? I was under the impression that you were here to escort her inside, not insult her with your deep-rooted sexism due to societal stereotypes. Hatter, good to see you, by the way. I thought you wouldn’t come until I saw you pass through one of the CCTV cameras lining the path.”
You blinked blankly at the man that suddenly appeared, the door beside the police officer held open as he looked at you expectantly. The first thing you noticed was how excessively blue his outfit was. Still, it looked good on him. Pastel blue button-up and dark blue slacks. Then, you realized he called you ‘Hatter’, the moniker Blue from last night called you.
“Blue?” you tentatively called him. You were rewarded by a blinding smile. You fought the urge to hold a hand in front of your face to block your eyes from the brilliance. He jerked his head, wordlessly inviting you inside. Sneaking a glance at the officer still scowling at the two of you, you squeezed yourself into the narrow opening. You tried not to brush against him as you took in the interior.
“We’re going to talk in the conference room. Hey, Detective! Tell Namjoon not to bust a nut just yet. Hatter just arrived” he called out to one of the people milling around in the station, a woman giving him something between a stink eye and a look of amusement. Her gaze casually slid towards yours, her lips quirking to a smile.
“A word of advice: you really don’t have a say in the matter. Just skin him alive with the benefits you’d like to receive” she told you. The two of you watched her walk away while tapping on her phone.
“Right, let’s get inside” he said to break the silence that settled awkwardly. “This way, Hatter.”
He ushered you inside the conference room and closed the door, isolating you from everyone else. You noted, with a wave of relief, that the blinds weren’t closed and the door wasn’t locked. It meant that if anything went wrong, someone from outside would see and you could make a quick escape. Your attention was caught when Blue cleared his throat.
“First off, you can call me Hoseok or Hobi. I don’t care about the honorifics or what unless there are other members around us” he started without preamble. “Also, if you want, I can keep calling you Hatter or you can share your name to me. Your choice, really.”
You snorted at that, unable to help yourself when you replied, “I’m pretty sure you did a background check on me already, Hoseok.”
Hoseok raised an eyebrow before smirking in amusement. “I see that you’re blunt and fast to pick up on things. Great. So, I’m offering you a job in Lacerta because a.) we’re kind of in the middle of a... thing right now and with the way you hacked into our system, your skills impressed me—impressed us—and unanimously made the decision of contacting you to hire you for that. Also, because we need someone else to help us in that thing that I mentioned.”
“Translation: I’m useful and it would make more sense to hire me than kill me. Next” you nonchalantly said. Hoseok shot you a look for interrupting him but nevertheless continued.
“Anyways, b.) I’m asking you to please say yes because Namjoon will throw me into a river full of alligators if your decision is otherwise. Look, I was sleep-deprived during that time and he was furious that I let such a slip-up happen. Please, save my ass. Like what Miss Detective said earlier, you can skin me alive with the benefits that you’d like to receive.”
You gave his pleading look a hard stare before deeply sighing. “Alligators only eat dead things” you mumbled.
“Is that seriously the only thing you caught from my rant?” he asked you, narrowing his eyes a little. You rolled your eyes and leaned on the table, pinning him down with your eyes.
“What does this... job entail?” you asked almost hesitantly, afraid that it might ask more than what you could possibly and are willing to give.
Immediately, he answered, “It just a behind-the-scenes thing. You’ll do what you do best: hacking. You won’t get to be sent on the field. Don’t worry about that. However, you might have to talk to Lacerta members at times.”
You frowned at how vague his description was. Unsatisfied, you crossed your arms and prodded further, “Don’t be so stingy with details. What else am I supposed to know.”
“All other things are classified unless you agree to work with us.” He paused for a moment before saying, “But all I’m going to tell you right now is that we need you because we have a conflict with Cepheus right now.”
He simply took in the disbelieving expression on your face. Cepheus? As in the rumored rival gang of Lacerta? Maybe you were in deeper shit than you thought. Still, you were still thinking of the money and benefits. You weren’t about to shoot his proposal down just because of a little danger. After all, what is life without some thrill?
“Based on what you saw of my skills, how much are you willing to pay me to work for you guys?” When he rattled off the amount, your eyes went as wide as saucers before blurting out, “Holy fuck, sign me up. Just please, can I have a bodyguard to accompany me at all times? Also, keep my family out of this.”
“What happened to skinning me alive for benefits?” he joked.
“I will, just much later when I can think more properly. Also, there’s no contract on paper yet. We’ll need that if you’re going to hire me. I refuse to go by words.”
He nodded in assent. “Alright. Also, there’s a spare room in our main house if you feel like your current place is less secure.”
You merely raised an eyebrow at his words before standing up. “I think we’re done here. I have to go now. My shift at work starts in less than two hours.”
He hummed before saying, “I’ll send you a draft of the contract later via e-mail. Also, we might need to meet again to clearly outline what you can do, will do and are to do while you work for Lacerta.”
Just before you could say that you understood him, a figure right outside the room caught your attention. Without warning, Hoseok yelled loud enough to be heard outside, “I sealed the deal, okay! Stop hounding me, Namjoon! That was just once! Never again!”
You jumped at the sheer volume of his voice, clapping your hands to your ears to muffle the sound. When he was done, you shot him an aggravated look before dryly commenting, “A heads up would have been nice.”
He huffed and muttered, “Sorry but that asshole needed to learn how to stop watching and hovering over everyone like a hawk. That’s Namjoon, the gang leader.”
“Oh” you supplied, more shocked by his usage of the word ‘gang’ than the actual information itself. He simply smiled, as if he found something funny before shaking his head in amusement.
“Alright, I won’t keep you for longer than necessary. See you next time, Hatter. And you’ll have to tell me how you hacked into our system by then” he said. You smirked wryly at the reminder as you moved to the door.
As you opened it, you paused and turned towards him. “Y/N in private, Hatter in public. I’d like to keep my anonymity. Also, I want a Jacuzzi in my bathroom."
“How do you know your room has a bathroom?”
“The twitch of your nose tells me my guess was right. See you, Hoseok.”
He spluttered. “Are you seriously asking me to basically do a renovation—”
“I am technically saving your ass” you said in a singsong voice. “Told you I’m not done skinning you alive for benefits.”
And then you shut the door behind you, leaving a Hoseok who was halfway between amused and exasperated at how things were turning out.
Your bowl of blue gummy candies was depressingly empty and you sulked like a kid as you stared at it. Settling into Lacerta’s main house was a little harder than you thought. what with everyone freely carrying their weapons around the house. It was safe to say you were terrified to your wit’s end during the first three days. It was more than a week now since you first arrived and had finally felt a little more comfortable. Still, the realization that you just willingly got yourself into this mess boggled you to this day. Munching on your candies had been your way of de-stressing even when the job assigned to you was simply just monitoring and storing the devices and the system Lacerta was tracking. However, you didn’t realize that your favorite food was gone until your fingertips hit the bottom of the bowl.
This was how Hoseok found you inside the computer room, scowling and pressing the keys of the keyboard harder than what was necessary. He took a moment to glance around the room before settling on the bowl on the desk.
“Blue gummy candies, correct? The one that tastes like mixed berries?” he asked. It made you stop whatever you were doing instantly and abruptly turn to face him.
You looked at him in confusion, not noticing he interrupted your work as you asked, “How did you know?”
“I eat the same stuff, too. I keep my stash hidden because the others like to dip in and empty my bowl out” he casually remarked. He unlocked a cabinet underneath his desk with a key, brandishing a larger bowl, filled to the brim with the same gummy candies you adored and loved. You watched with large eyes, uncaring when Hoseok laughed. “Go on. We can share this.”
You settled into a harmonious silence then. You monitored and saved data. Hoseok sorted through them and read through the ones that seemed important. He wrote down some notes on a pad of sticky paper and would often stick them on the corkboard on his side of the room. After some time, someone slipped into the room.
“Hey Hoseok hyung, have you figured— Oh, candy!”
Before he could get a single piece, you have swiped the bowl away. The young man looked at you with a shocked expression as you hugged the food tightly to your chest. You frowned at him while Hoseok struggled to breathe from laughing hard.
“Jungkook, don’t bother. Hatter is having sugar withdrawals and she won’t be sharing any time soon” he told him. Jungkook merely pouted before moving away from you, peering at Hoseok’s notes instead.
“Hmm, look’s like we’re on to something” Jungkook commented. “I can see a pattern but I can’t connect point A to point B.”
“I thought I was the only one thinking that” Hoseok said, relief coloring his voice. While eating the candies, you watched the two of them as they conversed and made guesses on what could Cepheus’ next move possibly be. You took the time to study your (un)official work partner from head to toe. At first glance, it was easy to deduce that he was attractive. However, you also noticed how lithe he was and how graceful the lines of his body were. When he moved, his body was fluid and light. You also didn’t miss the muscles that shifted under his clothes, evidence that he didn’t spend his days simply sitting in front of computer screens.
“Y/N? Am I your latest science experiment? I’m not used to the probing look.” Hoseok’s voice snapped you out of your reverie. Your eyes darted around, only to see that Jungkook already left. Upon seeing his amused smirk, you flushed and turned away, mumbling a ‘sorry, lost in thought’. You pointedly looked at your own screen with determination and continued working with vigor. You heard him chuckle and hoped that he wouldn’t mention anything about your stare from earlier.
“How are you settling into Lacerta so far?” he asked casually. You briefly stole a glance, only to see he was still looking at you. The smile was still there and it made you flush even more in embarrassment.
“Good, I guess.”
“Really? I just noticed that you eat a lot of your gummy candies when you feel stressed” he pointed out his observation. It made you flinch lightly, realizing you weren’t being as discreet or careful as you thought you were. “If it helps, you can talk to me. Rant or something. Just give me a heads up if you’re about to cry.”
You laughed at his words before lightly saying, “Nah, don’t worry too much. That was just me working both my mouth and mind at the same time.”
He raised an eyebrow at that. “So you mean to say, you’re overthinking and stress-eating because of that?”
When you gave him a sheepish look, he chuckled before telling you, “Don’t worry too much. Happens to the best of us. I’m not about to hound you for more details if you don’t want me to pry.”
“Thanks” you said with sincere gratitude. He merely replied with a smile, matching yours before giving you a salute. And then the two of you returned to your work.
“You look good in blue, by the way” you offhandedly complimented him but you didn’t miss the grin he was shooting you from your peripheral view.
“I think I’d have to whip out my signature blue slacks then. I just discovered when and where Cepheus planned to meet some of their ‘investors’.” He shot out of his seat and was at the door in a blink of an eye, hollering down the hallway.
“Namjoon hyung! We struck gold! It’s time to get Seokjin’s pretty face out there.”
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octohook-blog · 6 years
Sea Three X-Mas HC/Drabble
☆ Just as there has been a silent ban on love and affection on the island, the same went for the mention or practice of peaceful holidays, particularly those in the winter.
   ☆ Many of the children’s parents remember the days of joy and good cheer before being banished to the island—most with bitter memories, some with repressed longing—it makes them s i c k.
   ☆ Uma and Harry never heard of Christmas until Gil mentioned it. His dad was moodier than usual in the winter, and would spend many a night drinking until he was mumbling about his past.
  ☆ One of the things he let slip was how the town he grew up in sparkled and glistened like the inside of something called a ‘snow globe.’ He mumbled about how the villagers lined the streets with red ribbons, decorated trees with colorful ornaments, and hung evergreen wreaths and bows on their doors and candles and snowflakes in the windows. How he sat in the tavern next to fireplaces that roared and warmed the room, drank ale and rare, seasoned meat until he was stuffed, and was surrounded by people who (supposedly) admired him as well as feared him.
   ☆ The images that their imaginations painted as Gil went on recalling his father’s drunken monologue filled them with a cluster of emotions— confusion, wonder, and the strongest one of all, excitement.
☆ They were children when Gil brought this up. Before they were a pirate crew of the Lost Revenge, before they had control over territories, before the islanders had the sense to fear them (or Uma and Harry that is). So when Uma made the decision that they were going to have their own Christmas, it was only between the 3 of them.
  ☆ Uma would find a way to secretly cook something for them (“something that’s NOT fish and chips” she swore); Harry was in charge of decorating their hideout (Uma wanted to do it but Harry couldn’t boil water let alone find someway to turn bilge into something edible); and Gil, well Gil was responsible for their music– meaning he was to find out more about these holiday songs and teach them to Harry and Uma. And finally, for the presents, they would do the same old same old – steal something for one another.
  ☆ During following days, the daughter of Ursula, son of Hook and son of Gatson had to hide the skip in their steps with stomps, and wipe their grins off with sneers.
   ☆ They would never admit it, but on the night of Christmas Eve, none of them could sleep very well. This strange excitement bubbling inside them kept them up almost the entire night.
   ☆ Christmas Day arrives and they all wake up bright and early. They stuff their presents in burlap bags and head off to the hideout – Harry gets there first of course, making the final arrangements.
   ☆ When Uma and Gil are outside the hideout Harry instructs them to close their eyes before coming in (btw I have a hc of them having a hideout in a cave that’s in a secluded area of the beach)
   ☆ They humor him and shut their eyes– when they open them again, there are lanterns and candles of all shapes, sizes and colors scattered across the rocky ground and sitting on rocks; strips of cloth made of assorted materials slathered with paste are draped across the walls, and standing in the middle the small space was a coat hanger shrouded in a ridiculous amount of seaweed, sea shells and starfish hung by fishing hooks and lines. And at the foot of the makeshift “tree” were his gifts: one wrapped in ripped up newspaper (“let’s see you try wrapping paper with a hook.”) and held together by a limp, ragged strip of scarf for a ribbon, and the other, apparently, was somewhere inside a striped sock (that may or may not have been Mr. Smee’s).
   ☆ Uma found apples in the bin of leftovers and salvaged them as best she could and mixed them with some butter, flour and oats in a skillet the night before Christmas Eve to make some (odd but refreshing to their oil and salt stained palette) oatmeal bars. (“I still can’t believe my mom didn’t wake up at the smell of something else other than fish cooking.”) She also managed to ground up enough old coffee beans to fill a flask of weak coffee. (Tasted like muddy water, but it was warm and beat a blank —they needed something to wash down those bars.)
   ☆ Gil was excited to share his knowledge of the one song he’d managed to learn to sing and play on his harmonica (which was a hell of an ordeal of probing his dad into remembering the songs sung at the tavern, followed by listening to a slurred recollection of ‘Deck the Halls’ to get a feeling for the rhythm and lyrics—which Gil had a feeling wasn’t 100% correct because there was quite a bit of his father’s infamous vanity, unnecessary violence, and tons of expletives in there. Not to mention the weird implications of things Gaston would like do to pretty women that Gil didn’t quite understand yet)
   ☆ The gifts… Now, they weren’t expecting teddy bears and dolls or bags of gold and silver. But they also weren’t expecting to feel the slight awkwardness that came about as they handed over crumpled paper tied up with string, or taking such a liking to their presents. (I also have a hc that some of their accessories are gifts from one another over the years)
   ☆ Uma → Harry: Black and gold bead bracelet
       Uma → Gil: Golden skull ring
   ☆ Gil → Uma: Pearl bracelet
       Gil → Harry: Skull belt
   ☆ Harry → Gil: Bull necklace
       Harry → Uma: Blue nail polish (mkAY HEar mE OUt rEAL qUICk: this came from an idea that the kids have their color scheme thing going on, Mal and Uma are frenemies, and Mal being a privileged VK was probably like that girl who was the first to do/have nicer things before everyone else —first to wear earrings, first to wear makeup, first to wear heels, etc.— and Uma wanted to do things like that, but she was NOT going to look like a copycat… anyway Harry may have noticed how she looks at her chipped, dirty nails with disgust and stole the bottle from Lady Tremaine’s beauty salon… ya feel me?)
   ☆ Most of the things didn’t fit too well–they were children with thin wrists, slender fingers and malnourished bodies doing their best to grow under cloudy skies and cold, steely eyes—but that didn’t dampen their eagerness and their fascination with the trinkets. The words ‘thank you’ would never come to mind, but who needs words anyway when they had smiles pushing the apple of their cheeks to sparkling, crescent eyes and their giggles ringing in the cave like twinkling bells.
   ☆ They spent the rest of the day in the cave. Because they know that once they went back to outskirts of the town—back their reality, their lives as children on the Isle of the Lost, offspring of the kingdom’s most wicked souls—it was over. Brushed under the rug. And who could guarantee a villain’s kid that there would be a next year to look forward to?
   ☆ So they spent hours talking about nothing and laughing about everything, eating and drinking, singing, and dancing to their rendition of Deck the Halls (as told by a drunk, and equally conceited Gatson); drinking in every ounce of safety their hideout provided, knowing that as their laughter and—dare they say— cheer bounced off the walls of the small cave, their only witnesses were the flat grey skies and stagnant black waters.
   ☆ If they tried to ask each other why they willingly celebrated such a strange holiday, Uma might have said it was just for something to break the dull pace. Gil might’ve said he were in it for the part about presents and food. And Harry: just to break the rules and get away with it.
  ☆ But they didn’t question it.
  ☆ And as the sky darkened to the color of the sand under their boots, and the remaining lit candles flickered the last of their light off the limestone, they sat on a rock, huddled together as the temperatures dropped, gazing out the mouth of the cove at the darkness, postponing the inevitable a little while longer. Wishing for a moment that they were inside that tavern, with their bellies filled with candy, bread, meat and warm cider —while at the same time finding as much contentment as they could in their now.
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gurguliare · 6 years
I’m skipping all the alternate versions of her early life in Aman because I can make no jokes finer than those made in this fic.
The Dwarves of Belegost were filled with dismay at the calamity and fear for its outcome, and this hastened their departure eastwards to Khazad-dûm.
Hey so Celeborn and Galadriel stopping by like, <100 years afterward must have been horrifying huh
She looked upon the Dwarves also with the eye of a commander, seeing in them the finest warriors to pit against the Orcs. [...] Galadriel and Celeborn had in their company a Noldorin craftsman named Celebrimbor. Celebrimbor had "an almost 'dwarvish' obsession with crafts"; and he soon became the chief artificer of Eregion, entering into a close relationship with the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm, among whom his greatest friend was Narvi.
I like the workable ‘implication’ that Galadriel encouraged Celebrimbor’s dwarvish outreach stuff for strategic reasons---I mean, he probably didn’t need that much encouragement, but “enabled,” let’s say; I imagine he frustratingly turned around and parroted her own all-Arda-is-marred logic to her when it came to welcoming Sauron, like, you told me my duty was collaboration as strength, coz!
When he felt himself to be secure he sent emissaries to Eriador, and finally, in about the year 1200 of the Second Age, came himself, wearing the fairest form that he could contrive.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. He sent emissaries... from Mordor? He came himself... as an emissary from Mordor?
I know it doesn’t state that outright, but it also seems like the simplest way to read this part. I feel like this is probably mentioned in every Celebrimbor/Sauron fic and I just glossed over it, but listen. He came as an emissary from Mordor???? “Hi, I’m Annatar, Lord of Gifts, and I’ve been doing some great work out East---”
But in the meantime the power of Galadriel and Celeborn had grown, and Galadriel, assisted in this by her friendship with the Dwarves of Moria, had come into contact with the Nandorin realm of Lórinand on the other side of the Misty Mountains. [...] It is not made clear when this movement [of the Sindar] into Lórinand took place; it may be that they came from Eregion by way of Khazad-dûm and under the auspices of Galadriel. Galadriel, striving to counteract the machinations of Sauron, was successful in Lórinand; while in Lindon Gil-galad shut out Sauron's emissaries and even Sauron himself [as is more fully reported in Of Rings of Power (The Silmarillion p. 287)]. But Sauron had better fortune with the Noldor of Eregion and especially with Celebrimbor, who desired in his heart to rival the skill and fame of Fëanor.
In Eregion Sauron posed as an emissary of the Valar, sent by them to Middle-earth ("thus anticipating the Istari") or ordered by them to remain there to give aid to the Elves.
Again: shut out emissaries FROM MORDOR??? Is that... is that right? But, okay, in Eregion posed as an emissary of the Valar---that could mean he changed the story entirely and dropped whatever persona he was using w/ Gil-Galad and Elrond, except... all the language in “Of the Rings of Power” suggests that Gil-Galad and Elrond rejected the Annatar identity. Okay. More compatible would be, he came to Gil-Galad as supposedly a direct representative of (or as the king of??) Mordor, and then he went to Celebrimbor and said, no one else knows this, but I’m actually a god. Celebrimbor: ohhhhhh THUS the heat haze
That’s so fucking crazy. That’s wild. What the fuck. I’m going to be really sad if someone points out a reason this interpretation is obviously untenable. I mean I also really like all the fic with Sauron two-timing it as Annatar Lord of Gifts and Tar-Mairon Ferocious God-King or whatever, switching hairpieces in a phonebooth, but PLEASE... I JUST... “yes, I’m king of all Mordor, and this is my diplomatic visit to you which will last for 200 years.” Ok that really makes no sense but maybe like, “I’ve been working behind the scenes in Mordor to pull together on-the-ground resistance against that mysterious evil force whose center you JUST cannot place? I’M COMFORTABLE NOW THAT IT’S STABLE AND SO I’VE COME AMONG YOU---” ... like .... what ....
He perceived at once that Galadriel would be his chief adversary and obstacle, and he endeavoured therefore to placate her, bearing her scorn with outward patience and courtesy. [No explanation is offered in this rapid outline of why Galadriel scorned Sauron, unless she saw through his disguise, or of why, if she did perceive his true nature, she permitted him to remain in Eregion.] Sauron used all his arts upon Celebrimbor and his fellow-smiths, who had formed a society or brotherhood, very powerful in Eregion, the Gwaith-i-Mírdain; but he worked in secret, unknown to Galadriel and Celeborn.
In secret? In secret. In secret? SORRY I KEEP HAVING THESE AHA MOMENTS ABOUT VERY STRAIGHTFORWARD PIECES OF INFORMATION it’s been awhile. But seriously how does that even---in secret as in he lived in Celebrimbor’s basement or in secret as in, whenever Celebrimbor tried to buttonhole him at a party where other people could see them, he turned into a cat and ran away? what, come on, tell me
My new theory about Galadriel btw is Celebrimbor just. Didn’t tell her it was a Maia. Like, “oh, no, he’s on a secret mission to heal Middle-earth, I can’t out him, that would deprive Galadriel of the chance to come around on her own.” Galadriel: sweating through her clothes every night but can’t figure out why
...but Celeborn would not enter the mansions of the Dwarves, and he remained behind in Eregion, disregarded by Celebrimbor. In Lórinand Galadriel took up rule, and defence against Sauron.
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no um. I do actually love that Celeborn then presumably became Galadriel’s spy in Eregion while she battle-readied Lórinand from afar. ... ... ... How the fuck did Celebrimbor persuade Sauron to also disregard Celeborn? I have yet another theory but it pairs better with this next quote
Sauron himself departed from Eregion about the year 1500, after the Mírdain had begun the making of the Rings of Power. Now Celebrimbor was not corrupted in heart or faith, but had accepted Sauron as what he posed to be; and when at length he discovered the existence of the One Ring he revolted against Sauron, and went to Lórinand to take counsel once more with Galadriel. They should have destroyed all the Rings of Power at this time, "but they failed to find the strength." Galadriel counselled him that the Three Rings of the Elves should be hidden, never used, and dispersed, far from Eregion where Sauron believed them to be.
“revolted against Sauron” is different from “rejected Sauron.” Among other things, it sort of suggests he’d previously accepted Sauron as some kind of overlord. He’s described as taking control of Eregion for himself, together with the rest of the guild---but maybe he’d privately committed Eregion itself to Mordor’s service or aid, and that’s why Sauron was comfortable leaving to resume open rule of Mordor, with Celebrimbor supposedly in his pocket as future lieutenant/petty king? I... uh. idk I know this is a lot of extrapolation, but on the other hand, I like it because it helps me understand why Sauron might have taken such a light touch with, say, the Celeborn issue. Of course you can also explain that as “Celebrimbor wasn’t an idiot and Sauron had no way of pressuring him into it without basically outing himself as a creep” BUT LIKE ... IF THERE WAS ALREADY A COUP---hmm. Anyway, I’m just fond of Celebrimbor playing faith-and-trust chicken with Annatar even before he necessarily developed any suspicions of his identity: Annatar is asking a lot of him, so a lot he will give! But in a way that almost precludes Annatar challenging Celebrimbor’s “loyalties,” because distrust in the face of so much submission would be a sign of bad conscience.
God Celeborn must have made a crap spy, and also hated that job, worst job
I like that he doesn’t go with Celebrimbor to Lórinand either. I mean, to be fair, that would be a hell of a red flag to Sauron, but also I’m imagining Celebrimbor offering absent-mindedly and Celeborn like, “are you going through Khazad-dum???”
Celebrimbor: well... yes... they usually leave the door unlocked for me
Celeborn: FUCK YOU send my love to my wife
It was at that time that she received Nenya, the White Ring, from Celebrimbor, and by its power the realm of Lórinand was strengthened and made beautiful; but its power upon her was great also and unforeseen, for it increased her latent desire for the Sea and for return into the West, so that her joy in Middle-earth was diminished.
[ + from the footnotes: "the resemblance cannot be accidental. She had endeavoured to make Lórien a refuge and an island of peace and beauty, a memo­rial of ancient days, but was now filled with regret and misgiving, knowing that the golden dream was hastening to a grey awakening. It may be noted that Treebeard interpreted Lothlórien as 'Dream-flower.'"
+ Galadriel cannot have made use of the powers of Nenya until a much later time, after the loss of the Ruling Ring; but it must be admitted that the text does not at all suggest this (although she is said just above to have advised Celebrimbor that the Elven Rings should never be used).]
I’m counting this as support for my vague thing of “the Rings actively help revert the world to an earlier savepoint rather than just slowing decay, a la Dwarvish time magic rather than Elvish preservation stuff”; I love that it acts on Galadriel, too, to access this otherworldly young self to whom Middle-earth wasn’t even real. Also, god, I just love the feeling that Galadriel actually arrests her own development in a way she doesn’t have to, and like, it becomes a thing where Valinor is the only cure because she needs to reconnect with the reality of her fantasy/obsession, but it wasn’t---Valinor wasn’t necessarily the only endpoint of her time in Middle-earth, and it’s partly her very straightforward love of Middle-earth (for its own sake, as well as for the sake of power over it) that leads her into this situation of alienating herself from the world in order to heal it. I know this is Galadriel 101, okay, but listen. It’s a good time. I also like that what she may interpret as an overlong indulgence might instead have been a period of necessary dormancy, protective in the same way that like, the Siege of the Noldor was protective though still doomed. That separate obsession giving her grounds on which to reject the Ring, for example; I can imagine that 3000 years spent maturing more normally, without Nenya and without such a heavy burden of imposed regret, might have prepared her better for a bunch of stuff, but not for the Ring.
The scouts and vanguard of Sauron's host were already approaching when Celeborn made a sortie and drove them back; but though he was able to join his force to that of Elrond they could not return to Eregion, for Sauron's host was far greater than theirs, great enough both to hold them off and closely to invest Eregion.
I can’t believe the new relationship I came away from this reread caring about was “Celeborn and Celebrimbor.” Celebrimbor: overthrows you, ignores you for centuries, sends you out to fight his boyfriend for him in mix of trust and unwanted generosity (he trusts you to fight, and also to escape!), dies. Corpse shows up on a banner. He’s so patronizing
Then Celebrimbor was put to torment, and Sauron learned from him where the Seven were bestowed. This Celebrimbor revealed, because neither the Seven nor the Nine did he value as he valued the Three; the Seven and the Nine were made with Sauron's aid, whereas the Three were made by Celebrimbor alone, with a different power and purpose. [It is not actually said here that Sauron at this time took possession of the Seven Rings, though the implication seems clear that he did so. In Appendix A (III) to The Lord of the Rings it is said that there was a belief among the Dwarves of Durin's Folk that the Ring of Durin III, King of Khazad-dûm, was given to him by the Elven-smiths themselves, and nothing is said in the present text about the way in which the Seven Rings came into possession of the Dwarves.]
Urgh I have such a feeling about... Celebrimbor’s friendship with the Dwarves slowly deadened and crowded out by Sauron’s competing influence, while the outward form was maintained... maybe that’s an uncharitable reading of this. But like, that he was SO far gone by the time Sauron was done with him that all he cared about was dividing up his life into things Sauron had gotten into and things still untouched---the Seven and the Nine written off because Sauron already tainted them, so only the Three matter. Whereas when he gave away the Seven as gifts he must have thought of them as hallowed by that association, although the widening rift is still apparent, since at one point his first thought would presumably have been to work with the dwarves on any gift he made for them. ... Celebrimbor, bud.
Sauron withdrew the pursuit of Elrond and turned upon the Dwarves and the Elves of Lórinand, whom he drove back; but the Gates of Moria were shut, and he could not enter. Ever afterwards Moria had Sauron's hate, and all Orcs were commanded to harry Dwarves whenever they might.
Fun how this changed Celeborn’s opinions on dwarves 0% I guess. I know, I know, Moria and things, I LIKE that it didn’t make a dent but I ... feel... “sad”
[This was Vinyalondë of Tar-Aldarion, afterwards called Lond Daer; see Appendix D. p. 274.]
My boy!! My useless boy!
Eriador was cleared of the enemy, but lay largely in ruins.
...but the Red Ring he kept, until he gave it to Círdan when he set out from Lindon in the days of the Last Alliance.
I don’t know why it’s so funny to me that Círdan kept Narya. The Red Ring. The Ring of Fire. “Of course it’ll be safe with him he’s a merman it cancels out”
In its concluding passage the narrative returns to Galadriel, telling that the sea-longing grew so strong in her that (though she deemed it her duty to remain in Middle-earth while Sauron was still unconquered) she determined to leave Lórinand and to dwell near the sea. She committed Lórinand to Amroth, and passing again through Moria with Celebrían she came to Imladris, seeking Celeborn. There (it seems) she found him, and there they dwelt together for a long time; and it was then that Elrond first saw Celebrían, and loved her, though he said nothing of it.
GOD I LOVE ...... ELROND/CELEBRIAN HAPPENING IN THE WAY BACK OF ALL THIS GALADRIEL DRAMA. Galadriel: WHEN will I be GRANTED permission to cross the sea, which I did not accept the first time, and also I cannot leave because Sauron is here, that rube. Celeborn: Should we talk to Celebrian about her new habit of dropping notes tied to rocks off the balcony when Elrond is walking by--- Galadriel: WHEN????
And be­fore Idril set sail she said to Eärendil her son: "The Elessar I leave with thee, for there are grievous hurts to Middle-earth which thou maybe shalt heal. But to none other shalt thou deliver it." And indeed at Sirion's Haven there were many hurts to heal both of Men and Elves, and of beasts that fled thither from the horror of the North; and while Eärendil dwelt there they were healed and prospered, and all things were for a while green and fair. But when Eärendil began his great voyages upon the Sea he wore the Elessar upon his breast, for amongst all his searchings the thought was always before him: that he might perhaps find Idril again; and his first memory of Middle-earth was the green stone above her breast, as she sang above his cradle while Gondolin was still in flower. So it was that the Elessar passed away, when Eärendil returned no more to Middle-earth.
I Luv Earendil And Idril, also, do you think Earendil and Elwing used to play, like ... “stack the magic rocks.” “balance your apple-sized Silmaril on my walnut-sized Elessar in order to impregnate it with holy radiance!” “ok” “now we’ll shine the Silmaril---through the Elessar’s lens---onto crops! because otherwise it burns the crops because it registers nutrients imbibed from the tainted land as evil!” “mmhmm”
And Olórin said: "This I bring to you from Yavanna. Use it as you may, and for a while you shall make the land of your dwelling the fairest place in Middle-earth. But it is not for you to possess. You shall hand it on when the time comes.”
man I’m simultaneously so married to Celebrimbor-made-Elessar-part-two AND fascinated by the huge gap between “to none other shalt thou deliver it” and ............... “This I bring to you from Yavanna.” lmao. Plus the contrast between Idril giving it to Earendil NOT to pass on and Gandalf to Galadriel in trust is great, obviously. idk it’s weird! it’s weird! passionate about the idea of this lost gem rehallowed by its transformation from a possession to a stewardship, as always, thanks again tolkien. Did Eärendil give it to Yavanna in repentance of his quest or to Idril, because Idril came back?? Idril makes more sense and I love how painful that is, since she clearly intended him to keep it but left open the ‘possibility’ of her return in her phrasing! What a judgment on them both that he followed through! Also, imagine Idril immediately turning around like “UHHHH sure my dad was obsessed with bringing back the trees I’ll fob this off on Yavsies”
But he did not say to Gala­driel that be himself was of Gondolin long ago, and a friend of Enerdhil, though his friend in most things outrivalled him. Yet if Enerdhil had not been then Celebrimbor would have been renowned. Therefore he took thought, and began a long delicate labour, and so for Galadriel he made the great­est of his works (save the Three Rings only). And it is said that more subtle and clear was the green gem that he made than that of Enerdhil, but yet its light had less power. For whereas that of Enerdhil was lit by the Sun in its youth, already many years had passed ere Celebrimbor began his work, and nowhere in Middle-earth was the light as clear as it had been, for though Morgoth had been thrust out into the Void and could not enter again, his far shadow lay upon it. Radiant nonetheless was the Elessar of Celebrimbor; and he set it within a great brooch of silver in the likeness of an eagle rising upon outspread wings.
Maybe I’m not that married to Celebrimbor remaking the Elessar actually. I can’t remember why I felt married to it. Maybe fuck that. Although I like: [Celebrimbor struggling desperately to remember Gondolin-related things] “I’LL STICK AN EAGLE ON IT”
btw my official stance on “Celebrimbor in Gondolin” is no, no, never, but that he WAS basically lumped in with the Gondolindrim in Sirion, as were other survivors from Nargothrond.....
The native people were fairly numerous and warlike, but they were forest-dwellers, scattered communities without central leadership. They were in awe of the Númenóreans, but they did not become hostile until the tree-felling became devastating. Then they attacked and ambushed the Númenóreans when they could, and the Númenóreans treated them as enemies, and became ruthless in their fellings, giving no thought to husbandry or replanting. The fellings had at first been along both banks of the Gwathló, and timber had been floated down to the haven (Lond Daer); but now the Númenóreans drove great tracks and roads into the forests northwards and south­wards from the Gwathló, and the native folk that survived fled from Minhiriath into the dark woods of the great Cape of Eryn Vorn, south of the mouth of the Baranduin, which they dared not cross, even if they could, for fear of the Elvenfolk. [...] The denuding of the lands was increased during the war in Eriador; for the exiled natives welcomed Sauron and hoped for his victory over the Men of the Sea. Sauron knew of the importance to his enemies of the Great Haven and its ship-yards, and he used these haters of Númenor as spies and guides for his raiders.
ahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahaha sorry I am dying because somehow every time I forget how detailed and explicit Tolkien is about “alas for the rape of nature, which leads indigenous people without fail to ally with Satan”
(Ornê was originally applied to straighter and more slender trees such as birches, whereas stouter, more spreading trees such as oaks and beeches were called in the ancient language galada "great growth"; but this distinction was not always observed in Quenya and disappeared in Sindarin, where all trees came to be called galadh, and orn fell out of common use, surviving only in verse and songs and in many names both of persons and of trees.) That Celeborn was tall is mentioned in a note to the discussion of Númenórean Linear Measures, p.299.
On occasional confusion of Galadriel's name with the word galadh my father wrote:
in conclusion, fat Galadriel is canon: stoutest and fairest of the house of finwë
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bassfanimation · 7 years
The Final Problem: Eurus’s crash therapy session
I've written one post talking about how my husband viewed the “I Love You” scene in The Final Problem.  I wanted to write some more, as we’ve discussed TFP in depth together.  We talk a lot about the media we consume because A) we're nerds, and B) our views are usually quite different.  
It's also nice to have a male perspective on things, as it sometimes can shed some light where my female brain just bumbles around in the dark and stubs it's toe on the Feels Dresser.  My husband views things very textually, but he is also fantastic at thinking about stuff on a meta level.  It’s nice because he has no ulterior motives either, no shipper goggles or anything.  I'm going to write a bit about his theories about TFP and what it all meant in his eyes.  I'll add my own views as well, for comparison.  This is going to be a long af post, so strap in!
(Disclaimer: this post may contain more shippy talk than you want, because I am a major Sherlolly/Molly Hooper lover, but you can also disregard my feelings and read for the hell of it.)
My hub said he views The Final Problem as the final case for Sherlock, which is essentially, solving himself.  I remember when Mary's video appeared, and she said she was giving him the toughest case of his life.  I seriously thought it was going to be for Sherlock to solve himself, which is the hardest thing for any person to do...to know yourself.  Instead we got something equally wonderful, but a bit easier to solve: how to mend Sherlock's friendship with John and save him from eternal despair.   Thankfully, Sherlock was a rousing success. He solved it.
"The next one won't be so easy." -Eurus Holmes, The Final Problem
The Final Problem, as my dude talked about it, is about the Holmes family, but mostly Eurus.  It was about Eurus trying to go 'home', only she couldn't.  She had to unlock the one person who could "save her soul", as the song puzzle went.  In order to do that...she had to literally break down Sherlock's walls.  Each major emotional wall he'd built was because of Eurus, so only she could break them down.  Only she was smart enough, and ruthless enough, to accomplish this.  
“You know the problem with disguises? No matter how hard you try, it’s always a self portrait.” -Irene Adler, A Scandal in Belgravia
It's very fitting that Eurus chose to reveal herself while she was disguised as a therapist, because TFP was in essence, a crash therapy session for Sherlock.  Each room in Sherrinford was a self discovery trap.  Now, someone was corresponding with me over the "I Love You" meaning and said it wasn't real because it was manipulation.  That is correct in that it was manipulation...but that is what all therapy really is.  It is someone very skilled manipulating you into understanding your own true feelings.  As a person going through intensive therapy currently, let me tell you, this is exactly what TFP was.  A very elaborate therapy session.  
Room One: Sherlock, John, Mycroft and the Governor.
My hub sees this test as about Sherlock facing the fact that sometimes his actions will hurt his friends and family. Eurus gave Sherlock the choice of giving the gun to Mycroft or John so they could kill the Governor.  He was choosing whether to hurt John or hurt Mycroft. Either of them would be hurt by being forced to kill an innocent man.  Mycroft absolutely could not do it. John thought he could, but he couldn't either.  In the end, their inaction killed two people, but Sherlock was directly responsible for that.  He hurt John AND Mycroft without meaning to.  The consequence was real...the Governor and his wife were killed.  Sometimes your actions will hurt others, sometimes your innaction is just as dangerous. It will happen, and it will hurt you too.  I actually 100% agree with this reading.  My eyes popped out in amazement.
Room Two: Sherlock, John, and Mycroft.
My hub feels this test was to confront Sherlock with his arrogance.  Three brothers, all hanging by ropes, one of them having killed their fourth brother, but which one?  Sherlock solved the crime, but Eurus dropped the two innocent brothers, leaving the guilty one still hanging. The guilty man was eventually dropped as well, but it held a mirror up to Sherlock.  How many times did he blithely solve a crime with no thought as to who might be hurt by that? It never mattered to him. Like Eurus said, "Innocent?  Guilty? Punishing either feels the same."  This is Eurus throwing Sherlock's arrogant disregard for real justice back in his face.  He solves crimes to be "right", no matter what the consequence, no matter who he hurts.  He's confronting his arrogance and his selfishness.
Room Three: Sherlock, John, and Mycroft.  (This one may take some paragraphs, so bear with me.)
The coffin with the words "I Love You" on the lid.  Me and my hub actually diverge a bit here, but I found his reading of it very interesting.  Also, a man's perspective on love is great to have, considering Sherlock IS a man, and this whole episode is about a man’s love.  
My hub was very passionate about discussing this one, which surprised me.  Something he talks about quite often with me is how he feels female fandoms think they understand the minds of guys.  "100 travel brochures do not equal a single trip."  To understand a man’s feelings about love, you really need a man’s perspective.  I can respect that, as I’d want the same kind of respect as a woman with my own feelings.
First and foremost, he thinks Sherlock's words were genuine.  He said Sherlock's reaction was not that of a man who did not mean what he said...in fact it's the opposite, he meant it and it scares the shit out of him, hence the reaction we got.  He said when you like someone, and they like you back but, for whatever reason, you refuse to pursue a relationship with that person.  Often it's feelings of inadequacy.  Sometimes you just don't really know how you feel about that person.  Often, strong friendships can feel like love and if you are friends with a member of the sex you are attracted to, it can be easy to wonder if those feelings are love or not.  The last thing you want to do is pursue those feelings and jeopardize that friendship.
If anything, the "I Love You" test showed JUST (he typed that in all caps in his chat to me) how amazingly important Molly is to Sherlock. He "humiliated" himself just as much as she did. By finally openly admitting that he might have feelings for her, he knows that he has essentially forever altered the nature of their friendship.  Maybe it could grow into something more, but he could have easily destroyed it too. We see in the epilogue that they obviously got past it, but had we not gotten that scene it could easily have been the last time Molly ever answered his calls.  That's why he has been so afraid to even broach the subject before now. The hub added to this that once you understand that Sherlock isn't a "high functioning sociopath" like he claims, then his actions all click and you realize he is a man who is seething with emotions and desperately trying to channel them in order to keep them contained.  
"Sherlock is not all about thinking and rationality. He gets emotional, he lashes out, he shoots the wall. And when he can’t figure something out, he stabs it." -Mrs. Hudson, The Lying Detective
My hub continues on by saying that for someone as obviously traumatized by the loss of a close friend then it makes that scene with Molly so much more meaningful than just a guy telling a woman that he loves her.  Imagine how traumatic it is to force someone like that to risk losing another close friend through their own actions.  Sherlock actually doesn't consider John a friend at this point, he considers him family. They are brothers in arms. There's a special kind of relationship that guys share when they've fought alongside each other. That's what Tolkien was trying to show in LOTR. It's different from a romantic relationship. In some ways it's more intimate and closer. I think Mary saw that.  It's why a lot of cops and soldiers end up divorced. Their wives see that bond that the guy has with his comrades and it puts a heavy strain.  The fact that Mary was able to get past that and even encourage it is a testimony to just what an amazing woman she was. John was INCREDIBLY (his typed caps, again for emphasis) lucky to have her. (yay Mary Watson love)
To dovetail back to how this relates to Molly, my hub believes Molly would also be the kind of woman to be just like Mary.  She would want him to be himself, to be with John, solving cases, being Sherlock and Dr. Watson.  But again, he thinks Sherlock was just so afraid of losing Molly that he never even entertained the idea of being able to have a relationship with her, for fear of losing what they have.  He is really surprised female fans don't understand this. He's heard so many women say that they couldn't imagine pursuing a relationship with a close friend because they didn't want to jeopardize that friendship. Even when you bring up that they are essentially already in a relationship with that person in everything but name.  I actually agreed here, 1000%, because I've been in this situation myself...it is so, so, so painful...and you are always filled with regret over words that weren't said.
The last thing my husband said about the coffin test was that, to him, the coffin symbolized the death of Sherlock and Molly's current relationship, as it’s been throughout the show. It couldn't go back to the way it was, not after what was said.  There is no more unspoken feelings hanging in the air.  Everything is out in the open.  There's only two outcomes now: either Sherlock did pursue a romantic relationship with Molly, or he simply couldn't bring himself to actually commit to her, but the words being said freed Molly of her unspoken, unrequited love, thus allowing her to actually move on.   He thinks they did pursue a relationship, btw.  He wasn't sure until our last viewing, but more on that later.
Lastly, I want to add that I view the coffin as an entirely different symbol. The coffin had the words "I Love You" on it.  Where do we equate love coming from? The heart.  When young Sherlock's best friend was killed, it effectively killed his heart.  It was broken, shattered, dark, put away into a box....dead.  The coffin represents the death of Sherlock's heart. It is the box containing all the love he used to feel inside it.  The coffin test was by far the hardest test...it's the one that had the most harrowing effect on him.  Opening your heart is the hardest thing for us, as human beings, to do.  But Sherlock Holmes did it, even if it confused and frightened him to do it.  Eurus forced it open, in front of John and Mycroft no less!   Sherlock gently touching the lid of the coffin, he is feeling his heart, the heart he has missed for so, so long.  He wants to break it out of that coffin...so he smashes it to bits, screaming while he does it.  He is breaking his love free of death, out of that coffin.
"So many complicated emotions. I lost count!"- Eurus Holmes
Love is also confusing as hell for Sherlock.  It's going to take a while for him to solve that particular one, for Molly.  He can't solve it completely while in that room, so of course...he does what Mrs. Hudson said he does...he stabbed it...or rather, he dismantled it soundly. That's how strong his feelings were.
Room 4: Sherlock, John, Mycroft.
My hub felt this test was simple.  It was to demonstrate to Sherlock that there will always come a time where he will have to choose between friends and family.  He didn't have much else to say, but I have some feelings on it myself.  I think Sherlock actually managed to turn the tables on Eurus during this one.  Remember, his heart is wide open now. He busted it out of that coffin. It is confused and scared, but it is raw and beating like thunder.  He cannot, will not choose between friends and family, because his friends ARE family. They are HIS.  Their love is HIS.  He cannot choose because there is no choice to make.  He would rather truly destroy himself than dare hurt the people he loves any more. We saw this with the Culverton Smith case as well, so this one is no surprise.  It was no surprise to Eurus either, which is why she was prepared.
Room 5: Sherlock.
Finally, the last bit of really amazing symbolism I want to talk about is when Sherlock was in the fake room, just outside Musgrave.  The walls inside there were littered with photographs of the Holmes family.  Sherlock, Mycroft, Eurus, Mummy, and Daddy.  Sherlock's family.  He is forced to look at those pictures...forced to look at who he used to be.  Who Mycroft used to be.  Who Eurus used to be.  The love that existed there, the love he felt, the happiness he so briefly knew.  He had made a prison inside himself...but suddenly he realizes it...all he has to do is push, one last time.  The walls of the fake room literally fall down around him.  His prison is no more.  He's solved himself...now he must solve Eurus in order to save his family.  He could only save John, and the little girl high above, if he solved The Final Problem: himself.
At last, we hear Sherlock say to Eurus when he's holding her in her burnt childhood bedroom that she got lost last time, but this time she can do it right.  He's here now, here for her.  He begs her to save his best friend this time...not let him die like last time.  Sherlock effectively brings his little sister down to the ground again, and he did it with love.  The entirety of The Final Problem represented unlocking Love.  Love for his best friend, his inseparable partner: John.  Love for his family, his big brother: Mycroft, who isn't as strong as he thinks, and Eurus, a little girl who was lost inside her own lonely, cold brilliance.  Love for the quietly strong woman who's love for him was unbreakable: Molly Hooper. Love unlocked Eurus' prison, just as it unlocked Sherlock's.  They brought each other 'home'.
And that is the long ass tale of me and my husband's discussing of this incredible, frustrating, tragic, beautiful, brilliant, messy episode of my favorite show of all time.  I'll admit to you here, I cried in front of my hub when he compared the coffin to the state of Sherlock and Molly's relationship.  He felt so bad, poor guy.  I had also spent the day so upset over Moffat and Gatiss's flippant responses about the "I Love You" scene.  Upon our final viewing at the theater though, walking out, my hub says, "I have a new theory.  I'm almost positive Sherlock and Molly did pursue a relationship.  When she walks into 221B, she's smiling really brightly, and she's heading in the direction where Sherlock was standing in the room." He is right.  Molly could have walked in and simply stood gaping at the miracle of 221B's resurrection, or she could have stood alongside Mrs. Hudson.  But nope.  She went in the direction of the man she's loved for so, so long.  She was going to Sherlock, who is now the good man everyone knew he could be.
Louise Brealey tweeted just before the final series aired that "Molly was back where she belonged." Molly belongs with Sherlock, just as much as John Watson, Rosie Watson, and Mrs. Hudson. She's a permanent part of this Sherlock Holmes's Baker Street. Forever.  <3
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aseamxatinli-blog · 5 years
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