#no slander intended like i said i appreciate what we got
thechaseofspades · 1 year
I always thought “DuckTales” ended too soon. We could’ve seen more of Violet’s dad. Whatever they had planned for Negaduck, and they could’ve bought Poe (Magica’s brother) into the mix making him and Magica co-big bads of a hypothetical S4
Hey so I accidentally did the thing again where I wrote like 500 words. Apparently I have strong feelings about this, so bare with me. Or don't. Either way works. But big thanks for the inbox! I really do appreciate it.
I really try to be happy with what we have, because Ducktales is my absolute favorite show and nothing's gonna ruin that for me.
But, yeah, being critical for a moment, the show ending early really messed with everything. Suddenly the large cast was fighting for a rapidly shrinking amount of screen time, and arcs had to be rushed or minimized to fit the overarching plot. It wasn't a great situation.
Like, it's not Owl House bad, where entire concepts need to be squeezed down into one or two scenes, or even montages. But the difference is that the Owl House seems to be managing that crunch a lot better than Ducktales did.
Again, the cast being as big and fleshed out as it is, it's hard to divvy up a 22-episode season where everybody gets adequate time and also wraps up their story in a satisfying way. But the DT crew decided to just keep adding and adding and adding. This was supposed to be their biggest season ever. Several ideas were thrown onto the screen and then not followed up on because there just wasn't time for it.
"Astro B.O.Y.D." is my favorite episode of Season 3. And not to diminish that fact, but does any of it get followed up on? I don't think we saw Boyd once until the finale. We just didn't have any time for that.
Bringing Poe in for "Life and Crimes" is an interesting concept. But why are you introducing that A WEEK BEFORE THE SHOW ENDS, especially if it will have pretty much zero impact on anything else.
May and June didn't even get to exist for longer than an episode. You're bringing in pivotal characters in the series finale?
Negaduck! Where was he? Oh, they couldn't fit him in the show! My point exactly.
*deep breath in* *deep breath out*
I have no doubt that the DT crew put these elements in as a love letter to the past. It's very neat that they would do that, and it introduces a younger person like me to these great characters. But it just leaves us asking these sorts of questions. Leaves us wishing we had more than just one episode, or even just one scene.
I get that Disney is weird about shows having three seasons, but I still to this day don't understand why Ducktales couldn't be an exception to that. It's a reboot of the show that made DTVA, but better. It introduced so many legacy Disney characters to a modern audience and was well-received pretty much anywhere you looked. Everyone involved loved working on it and probably would have kept doing so for as long as possible. Not only did they have more stories to tell, but they clearly wanted to tell them. I just... I don't understand it.
Amphibia ended because the story being told was over. The Owl House is ending because it's too gay. But Ducktales ended... just because.
If Disney green lights six DT17 spinoffs for D+ covering each team's post-canon adventures, I will upgrade to ad-free Hulu.
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AITA for asking my boyfriend to wear lingerie?
Wow that sounds really fucking weird and this is weird but anyway
I (31M) am dating a guy (29M) and have been for about 4 years now, and we share an apartment. He's so beyond perfect and I am insanely lucky, and I'm planning on proposing to him this June.
Important to note that he is FTM. I am not, I'm very cis. He doesn't dress very masculinely, he likes dresses and skirts and stuff, which I like because he looks fucking hot in them and it makes him happy to dress like that. I haven't ever seen him wear ladies' underwear or anything like that before, only boxer briefs. I didn't really realize that till after this conflict though.
Lately I was in... a certain store for adults, picking up some undisclosed items, and noticed some lingerie that I thought would look really good on him. I ended up buying it as a gift.
When I showed it to him that night though his face just fell. He started tearing up and said he really didn't want to wear it and that he felt really insulted that I'd ask him to wear something like that. I apologized right off the bat, but I said was confused and I told him that he wears fem clothes the time. He told me that women's underwear made him feel really dysphoric and the lingerie had this thing, I forgot what he called it, but it basically makes the breasts more prominent like a wire or something (I grew up with two equally cis brothers and a mom who never talked about any of this so cut me some slack). He got top surgery years before he met me so I'm not sure what he's talking about.
Anyway. I apologized and put it back in the bag, told him I'd return it and I intend to. We ended up going to bed without having sex like we planned. He didn't touch me at all all night and didn't kiss me goodbye before he went to work the next morning.
I want to be very clear. I'm not trans, and I would never challenge him on what makes him dysphoric. But I do want him to explain what upsets him so I understand. I want to know what he's thinking so he doesn't just shut down on me.
One last thing. I know this is the drastic actions website but I don't want to see any of the "break up" comments or any sort of slander against my boyfriend. I love that boy and I am going to marry him if he'll have me.
Was I TA for getting him a gift? I wanted to surprise him but it did not turn out well. I would also appreciate any advice, especially from other trans guys. Thank you all.
What are these acronyms?
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camryn-haitani · 8 months
Hello everything is fine? If requests are still open can I request headcanon (barou, rin and bachira: separate) falling in love with the female reader who also plays football? Thank you in advance.
all requests are appreciated and this is my first one ever so I thank you a million times<3
BlueLock Boys falling in love with another football player
Rin Itoshi, Barou Shoei, and Bachira Meguru (separate) x football player reader
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the title is pretty self explanatory so yeah<3
TW: cursing, sae slander, biting in Rins(not sexually or violently, just in a playing way), alcohol mention in barou's(none is consumed),
all characters are aged up and adults
these are going to be very long bc of the backstory of how y'all meet. so please bear with me. they may be ooc and I apologize. these brackets [ ] are little notes from me, just so y'all know
lowercase intended
Rin Itoshi
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Rin got forced to go to a women's football game because Isagi's best friend is on the team (you). Isagi physically dragged rin through security, in the concession stand line, and into their seats. Rin didn't even know who he was rooting for.
"hey dip shit." Rin asked. "what's up man?" he answered, not looking at rin, waiting for you to come out to the field. "who's team are we rooting for exactly?" he said with his monotone voice. "(whatever team you choose). they wear (whatever color) and (whatever color)." Isagi said. Rin only nodded and waited for the game to start.
he got startled when Isagi immediately stood up and started screaming your name when you came out on the field. Rin didn't even bother and only looked up at the jumbotron. you had your resting bitch face that weirdly attracted him to you. not romantically, but you definitely intrigued him. he put his phone down and started paying attention to the game, well he payed attention to you. you were the striker for your team so he was definitely paying attention to you.
Rins eyes were trained on your figure the entire game. he cheered (not as loud as Isagi did) when you scored a goal, he internally celebrated whenever you took back the ball, and he definitely payed attention when you came on the screen.
after the game was over, your team had won so Isagi excitedly dragged Rin to where you and your team was back at the locker room. you gave him access to the locker room since he's your bestie.
"y/n!! congratulations!!!" he let go of Rin and tackled you in a suffocating hug. "omg hi isa." you look over to his friend. "who's this?" you pointed to rin. your eyes widen when you realize something. you pulled Isagi off of you and ran over to rin.
you grab his shoulders and shake him. "oh my god oh my god oh my god. you're rin itoshi! you're literally sae's brother, I know y'all hate each other but holy shit! I'm besties with your brother but I know you're the better brother. and I'm rambling on and on because I'm nervous because I'm literally obsessed with you and your plays on the field. I've studied how you play and I just have to say youre absolutely amazing. this is actually a dream come true. I'm so ha-" you get cut off by Isagi. "oh my god y/n, shut up!" he pulls you away from rin.
"no it's ok, I surprisingly enjoyed that." Rin looks confused. "I'm sorry, when I meet people I look up to, I get super nervous and I can't stop saying what's on my mind. just like I'm doing right now. I'm so so sorry, I've looked up to you since the beginning of my career. and I ju-" "y/n! you're doing it again" Isagi interrupts.
"you... you look up to me?" Rin asks. you nod aggressively. "also sorry for shaking you." you apologize. Rin motions his hands for you to give him your phone. your eyes widen and your mouth drops. you start to mouth words but no sounds come out. you nod before running to get your phone from your bag.
"wow Rin you got yourself a fan." Isagi wraps his arm around rins shoulder. "did you know about this?" he asks. "maybe I did.... maybe I didn't" Isagi looks at rin. "it's also why I wanted to bring you to one of her games. she wasn't kidding about studying your plays. she's stayed up countless nights looking at your strategies and plays. she has pages and pages of her and your plays combined" he says.
Rin feels proud of himself for some reason. you, of all people, are a huge fan of him. he didn't think he was anything special. but when he hears you say those things to him, he felt more confident in himself. he internally smiled to himself.
he sees you run back to him and he pulls out his phone. "holy fuck, wait till I brag to sae about this. I'm sooooo gonna make fun of him for this." you were so nervous you absolutely could not contain your excitement. "uhm brb, imma go run around the field for a few minutes. haha...." you sprint off to the field while Isagi follows after you.
Rin soon follows Isagi after putting your phone in his pocket so it won't get lost. he can faintly hear you yell, "I did it! I win in life!" with your arms up in the air. Rin saw you run up back to him at full speed and he braced for impact. you jumped in his arms while he caught you and held his face in your hands. "you are my inspiration for this career and I'll never be able to thank you enough." you quietly tell him. Rin slightly softens when he hears your words.
you get down and he gives you back your phone. "y/n we have to go but I'll see you later tonight right?" Isagi yells. "yes! I'll make your room." you say back. you see Rin and Isagi leave the locker room and you open your phone to see rins contact
Rin(the obviously better brother✌️)
you smiled and hugged your phone.
time skip
you and Rin have talked a lot since y'all first met. like every day. good morning and good night texts, training texts, 3am texts, and all around everything texts. Isagi teases you both because of it, but neither of y'all care. Rin enjoys your company and you enjoy his, what's so wrong with that?
one thing
he has caught major feelings for you. he even changed your name in his phone to have a heart next to it. and it's the "<3" heart too. he's down bad. he's come to Isagi multiple times asking what you like, don't like, your favorite restaurant, snacks, movies and TV shows, e v e r y t h i n g.
he wanted to make sure he wouldn't upset you by saying the wrong thing or hanging out at a place that you don't like. he constantly pestered Isagi to make sure he wouldn't fuck it up.
Rin wanted to see you again (even though y'all hung out yesterday). surprisingly enough, he's never stayed the night at your house. so you took it into your own hands and texted him.
you: hey rinnie rin rinnnnn
rinnie rinnie :3: yes?
you: I have come to realize that you've never stayed the night at my place. sooooooooooo
rinnie rinnie :3: lemme guess.
rinnie rinnie :3: you want me to stay the night?
rinnie rinnie :3: I'll be over in 20
you put down your phone and cleaned up a bit, even though Rin said he didn't care if your house is clean or not, he's there for you and not your house.
you called Isagi and told him all the details.
you: "isagiiiiiii I'm so nervous... Rin staying the night tonight."
Isagi: "ok.... and?"
Isagi: "woah there, calm down. I know you're like in love with him in more ways than one, but pookie calm down. just.... be yourself."
you: "wow thanks for that cringe shit. that helps nothing!"
you heard the door bell ring and you get all excited but nervous at the same time.
you: "he's here! I'll tell you what happens when he leaves. bye isaaaa-" you hang up the phone
you throw your phone on the couch and open the door. rin has his backpack on with his stuff. 'hes so cute.' you say to yourself. "am I just gonna stay outside while you stare at me or are you gonna let me in?" he laughs a bit. "oh shit, yeah come in." you move out of the way
he sets his stuff down and plops onto your couch, stomach first. you flop on top of his back. he can easily push you off but chooses not to.
"whatcha wanna watch? or are you hungry? i can door dash?" you spurt out all the options. "I'm ok for now, but thank you. we can watch attack on titan if you want." he suggests. "season 3?" you ask excitingly [this is my favorite season, I watch it all the time :D] "always" he answers. he pushes you off his back and you land in the floor.
before he got to your house, you moved your coffee table and set down a few blankets and pillows. so you sat between his legs on the floor while he's on the couch. you wrap your arms around his legs and pull them closer to you.
"ow! you bitch!" he laughs. you bit his leg. not hard enough to cause damage, but enough to hurt. he pulled his legs up to sit criss cross. you pick yourself up and flop in top of him, going limp. "get off of me, you're not a lap dog." he smiles. "nah it's comfy here." you respond.
he pushes you off yet again and you land on the floor. you place your chin on his legs and look up at him. his gaze at you softens as he stares into your eyes. this bolt of confidence runs through him and he kisses your forehead. he stands up and goes to your kitchen. your mouth wide open as you follow him.
"what was that?!" you ask
"what was what?" he innocently says
"you know damn well what that was."
"oh you mean this?" he turns around and kisses you again but on your lips. his hands on each side of your face and your arms around his neck. "I like this" you say in between kisses. "I'm glad you do." "hey rin?" you pull back. "hm?" "i love you." "i love you too."
Barou Shoei
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barou and Raichi coincidentally won tickets to the women's football match this weekend and so they decided to go together cause why not. they get there and wait for the game to start. they introduced all the players and they start the match.
of course your team won cause your teammates are bad bitches. and wow, another coincidence, the tickets included a meet and greet with the team. barou and raichi ask staff members where the meet and greet was because they don't know where the hell to go. they follow the directions and find the others waiting for the team to come out. they stand in the back of the line and wait.
"hey man, uhm I'm actually a huge fan on y/n's so this is actually a big deal for me. so I apologize if I get nervous or freak out..." raichi admits. "nah man youre cool. I don't even know anyone on the team so you can help me. i honestly don't care, I just came to see their strategies." barou stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks around.
your team comes out and sits at the tables for the meeting. the line moves slowly and Raichi gets more jittery and shaky as he gets closer to you. "dude calm down, it's not like youre meeting the president of the United States." barou says. "dude shut up! she's amazing, she's set records, man!" raichi shoots back. barou just rolls his eyes and continues to wait.
they finally get to your table and you flash them a smile. "hi guys, it's nice to meet y'all." you hold out your hand for them to shake. raichi nervously takes your hand and shakes it. barou keeps his hands in his pockets. "aren't you... Barou Shoei?" you point your sharpie at him, "and your Jingo Raichi, correct?" you point your sharpie at Raichi. raichi's eyes widen in shock. "you.... know who we are?!" he yells. "yeah! i remember y'all from BlueLock! y'all were amazing." you compliment. "he's the fangirl here," Barou points to Raichi, "he's been freaking out ever since we got in line. going on and on about how your plays are so cool and your record setting skills." "Barou!!" he slaps his arm. "it's ok, I appreciate it." you look around in case anyone is looking as you lean in. "I'll give both of y'all my number in case y'all have any questions." you wink at them.
you write your number down on an autograph sheet and give each of them one. "dude....." raichi never taking his eyes off of the paper. "hey man, nice job. you got her numberrrrr" Barou teases him. "so did you!" he yells. "come on man, let's go home." barous doesn't want to admit it, but he had a fun time.
time skip
barou gets home and actually debates on whether to texts you. he's got nothing better to do so why not.
you: hey
y/n(that football player): oh hi :)
you: I'm bored
y/n(that football player): I'm actually surprised you texted
you: whys that
y/n(that football player): idk thought you wouldn't text me. I heard you didn't know who I was lol
you: yeah I had no idea until fanboy said something
y/n(that football player): I figured, you didn't seem that intrigued when we met. soooo, since you're bored, whatcha wanna do?
you: ion know that's why I texted you.
y/n(that football player): idea timeeeee. everyday, we have to ask each other one question and the other has to answer.
you: wtv sure
you: favorite food
y/n(that football player): (your favorite food), wby??
you: (whatever you think fits him)
y/n(that football player): oooh cool
y/n(that football player): I have training tomorrow so imma have to go to bed. text you tomorrow, goodnight:p
you: same, goodnight
time skip
the texting went on for months. he's asked you multiple times to help him train and of course you helped him, and Raichi too. sometimes all three of y'all have practice together. raichi has asked you hundreds of questions and you've answered all of them of course.
barou has taken a certain liking to you. he doesn't mind when you text him outta no where or when y'all hang out outside of practice.
y/n❤️: shoeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
you: yes y/n?
y/n❤️: whatcha doinnnnnn
you: absolutely nothing, you?
y/n❤️: good, I'm coming over
you: you have no idea where I live dumbass
y/n❤️: then gimme your address >:(
you: fine (address)
y/n❤️: be there in a fewwww
he started panicking. what if his house isn't clean enough? what if you don't like his house? what if his house smells weird? all the questions running through his head while he's picking up the tiniest of clutter around his home. he doesn't know why he's doing it but he's worried about what you think... of.. him...
he drops everything in his arms. "shit" he realizes. "I like.. no, fuck! I'm in love with her. what? no! yes? but how? I mean, I get excited when she texts, I get sad when she loses her games, I feel comfort when we hang out, but that doesn't mean I lover her." he stands still for a few seconds. "fuck" he sighs. "I do love her..." he picks his stuff back up and continues to clean.
after he's done, he hears a car pull up. his heart pounds in his ears and his hands gets shaky. he hears the car turn off and the door slams shut. with ever step he hears, his heart pounds in his head.
he shoots up and opens the door before you have a chance to knock. your hand was halfway up to knock but he opened the door. "hi Shoei!" he moves out of the way to let you in. you set your keys down on the counter and take off your hoodie. you sit nervously in one of the chairs and wait for him to say something.
"uhm are you hungry?... or thirsty?" he asks. "water please." you respond. his body softens when he hears her voice. he walks to the kitchen and gets her drink. he hears her phone ring and looks at her. "oh it's Raichi. I'm gonna take this." you point to your phone. "you can go upstairs or the other room if you want." he tells her. you (unknowingly) walk to his room and answer the call. he finishes getting your drink and sets it on the counter.
he sits on the couch and waits for you to be done. 'ah shit I forgot to get the charger Nagi let me borrow. I'll set it on the table so I can give it to him tomorrow.' he says to himself. he walks to his room and opens the door.
"yes Raichi I know. I'm just so nervous around him..." you speak while your back is turned to him. "i just... I don't know if he feels the same way. he's so.. handsome and caring and sweet. i love everything about him, jin. i love him. and I'll say it a million times. I'm in love with bar...ou" you turn around to face him, jaw slacked open. "uhh.. I'm sorry. I'll go if you want me to. i understand if you feel uncomfortable around me now and-" "shut the fuck up." he walks over to where you stand and kisses you. you don't know how to react, you're frozen. 'is this happening? am I drunk? no, I can't be, I've had zero alcohol." you think to yourself.
"no stupid this isn't a dream. i love you too, stupid" he says, pulling you in for another kiss.
Bachira Meguru
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back in bachira's BlueLock days, you were their supervisor. you know, monitoring their health, how they're doing, how they're performing, all that. you don't know how but you became particularly close with bachira without even noticing. you would make up stuff just to see team z play, or slip out of a meeting to watch him practice. he never showed off in front of you because who cares what others think of him. bachira taught you how to play the game and dribble just like him too. but once BlueLock was over, y'all lost contact.
over the years, he continued football. he constantly watches games, specifically (the team you play for). he went to their home games, he collected their merch, he even bought collectable cards, but there's one card he takes every where in his wallet. and it's your card. he thought she was so cool with her tricks, plays and strats [he forgot who you were].
bachira, of course, bought tickets for your next home game. so when the time came, he packed what he needed and set off to the stadium.
bachira always buys the expensive tickets too. he got that money money. so when he hears that y'all were having a meet and greet after the game, he just had to buy them.
bachira sat in his seat and waited for the game.
lil time skip to the middle of the game
he was watching you ever so closely and he remembers this thought every time he watches your games.
'her dribbling looks so familiar.'
time skip
the game was over and he was so excited since y'all won. he quickly ran out of his seat and head to where the meet was.
bachira groaned when he saw the big ass line, but it was all worth it to me you. he steps excitedly when he takes a few steps closer in the line, not being able to contain his excitement. you're his inspiration for continuing his football career.
finally, it was bachira's turn. you flash him your warmest smile, "hi, I'm y/n." you held out your hand. he immediately shook your hand.
your eyes widen as you immediately stood up and put your hands in the table, making your teammates stare at you and Bachira startled. you leaned in closer to his face, inches from his. bachira got flustered by this and his cheeks turning a bright pink. you're eyes widen even more in realization.
"oh my god!! bachira!!" you yell, hopping over the table and smother him in a hug. he immediately returns it but he's confused as to why and how you know his name. "it's me! y/n, from BlueLock! i was y'all's supervisor. megs, you inspired me to take in football and go into a professional career." you hold his face.
it takes him a lil bit to place you in the correct spot in his memory but he figures it out. "holy shit! y/n hi!" he hugs you. you wrap your arms around him, tightening every second.
you sit back down and sign whatever he wants you to sign. you secretly slide him your number, not wanting the other fans to see and you go back to signing autographs and taking pictures.
time skip
[I apologize for all the time skips :(]
he almost immediately texts you once he got home.
you: HI Y/N
the best football player💪: HELLO BACHIRA
the best football player💪: YES I DID THANK YOU
those kinds of texts went on for a good while. you both enjoyed them and always though about each other. you offered for him to come practice at your teams field when no one was there so he can practice with you and he can teach you more stuff he's learned since BlueLock.
these practices went on for a long while. sometimes until 2:00 am or later. but neither one of you cared, y'all were having fun and thats all that mattered to you.
bachira always loved these practices. it's a chance to get closer to you. his stomach would always erupt in butterflies when you invited him to practice and he never knew why. he always got that lovesick puppy look in his eyes when you show him a trick you learned. and again, he never knew why he would feel like that, but it was only with you
a few months have pasted since you've reunited with bachira and you've loved it. it was around 1:40 am and you invited bachira to yet another field practice, just y'all two. he was dribbling up the field while you were trying to steal the ball back. he ran upfield and you got closer. he tried to fake you out but you accidentally tripped him. he landed in his back and you fell but caught yourself with your arms. palms all grassy, knees hurting from the fall, bachira's ass hurt when he fell, but none of that mattered to y'all because you were staring into each other's eyes. not wanting to look away, you picked yourself up.
"I think we're good for today. I'll get our stuff..." you turned away. bachira just laid there staring. he didn't want you to get up, or leave. he heard your footsteps and that knocked him out of his trance.
you were about to walk off the field when you heard quick and fast footsteps. "y/n!" he yelled running up from behind you. "bachi-!" his lips crashed onto yours. you dropped all your stuff just to wrap your arms around his neck.
"I didn't know you felt the same way megs." you smiled against his lips. "I'm glad I showed you then."
"I love you, y/n"
"I love you too, megs"
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madrigaljail · 1 year
For @wdtajn: memes/comedy. The rats tell Antonio everything. Pepa doesn't appreciate it.
The sudden drop in temperature and a page-rustling breeze were all the warning Bruno got before his sister interrupted his script-writing session (which had so far consisted of him sharpening all of his pencils and then trying to line them up in order of pointiness). He glanced up, grateful for the distraction from his distraction, and hoped her scowl wasn’t intended for him.
“Bruno, stop being a bad influence on my son."
Well. So much for that. He held up his hands, placating, “Pepa, I don’t know what you heard but whatever it is, Camilo started it.”
“Not that one!’ she said and folded her arms. “I got a note from Antonio’s teacher-”
“Tonito’s never done anything wrong in his entire life!” Bruno declared. It was a reflex.
That gave Pepa pause, which gave Bruno hope that she’d drop it, but instead she formed a cloud and resumed scowling. “The note was to tell me that she had heard my baby, who has never done anything wrong in his entire life, refer to Our Lord And Savior as Quesocristo.”
Bruno was a very good actor. This afternoon he would be playing the part of a marble statue.
“On more than one occasion.” When her brother remained motionless, she pressed on. “He told her he’d heard it from the rats.”
Oh. Shit. “I…don’t see how this has anything to do with me?” Yeah, yeah, it was way too late to beat the weird rat guy allegations but he had to at least put up a fight. “I mean, I’ve been saying for years that they’re really smart, a-and I guess now we know they’ve got a sense of humor? Eh?”
Bruno gave her a toothy grin, hoping it would be enough, but the cloud flickered and thundered.
“He told me the rats heard it from you,” Pepa seethed. “Now, why would you teach them that?”
“That’s a great question, Pepi,” he said, getting to his feet and edging away from the cloud’s reach. “I mean, considering the consequences o-o-of having such an inadvertent influence on a pure, perfect, incorruptible soul, why would I even think to slander Our Lord And Savior by-”
Pepa stepped closer. The cloud expanded. Bruno flinched.
“Because you thought it was funny,” she hissed and jabbed a finger into his chest. It sparked a little.
Bruno let out a desperate, alarmed giggle. “Ha! Well, I mean, it sort of is, yeah? Just imagine those little guys going around like-” He held up his hands in a little rat-like gesture of supplication and cast his gaze toward heaven, then, in a squeaky voice: “Quesocristo, preserve us!”
As he’d hoped, but not exactly expected because he still and always had to be careful with his words, she laughed, and the cloud retracted a little. 
“Ok, fine. But, please, Brunito, you need to be more careful. Remember what happened with Lolo and Isa.”
“Hey, now, that was not me, that was all Agustín.”
They grinned at each other, and the sun came out.
From somewhere across the house they heard their mother shout “Mind your language!”
(A week later Pepa once again had to confront her brother over the fact that her baby - who had never done anything wrong - now seemed to think bats were rat angels.)
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teaveetamer · 1 year
Not trying to start anything but being prejudice against white people won't actually solve anything.
Having that kind of attitude about it doesn't actually help combat racism. I like reading your blog and all but as a POC it's really jarring, from a personal perspective, when you start saying things and acting as if being prejudice against white people will fix anything. It won't, it just makes identity politics seem like a gotcha game.
I appreciate you caring about the issue but the approach of acting like using someone's status as a cis white guy to discredit them, even if it is the asshole raxy, just comes off as needlessly instigating the issue to be worse.
Sorry if it comes off as concern trolling but it's just incredibly off putting when youre usually so caring and aren't that antagonistic about it and then suddenly you are. Again, sorry if it seems like concern trolling.
I think your perspective, anon, would be very fair IF the message of anything I’ve been trying to say was intended to be “it’s okay to be prejudiced against white people and that'll fix everything” or "cishet white men are evil". That was never the intended message of any of this. There's a cut because this got long.
Here's my main point a little more succinctly: a cishet white man can be an ally, but he can also discard his allyship if it becomes inconvenient for him to be an ally. He may see oppression, he may even understand oppression, but if he doesn't want to deal with the backlash of oppression then he always has the option to walk away. That is a privilege in itself. I don't get the option to walk away from being a woman. I don't get the option to walk away from being queer.
So if you are going to be a cishet white man speaking on issues such as misogyny, racism, queerphobia, etc., then the first thing I'm going to look at is whether or not you are being a good ally to me. Do you understand my struggle? Do you stand by me even if things get hard? Do you respect me even if you don't agree with me?
Specifically with regard to Raxy-poo: I have seen no evidence that he actually cares about these issues beyond what he can use to "win" fandom arguments. He'll use the Supreme Court potentially killing queer rights as a "gotcha" to win a petty fandom argument, but then he'll attack a queer woman for trying to voice being uncomfortable with corporations commodifying her sexuality and he'll say nothing when his buddies are chuckling in "private" about how I'm a fake queer because my favorite character from a video game is male. That is why I keep pointing out his identity. Because he keeps claiming to speak for groups he doesn't belong to and then doesn't respect members of those groups when they disagree with him.
The racism thing I'm going to address further down below the cut because it's way too long to summarize up here.
I'm not interested in prolonging anything. He's the one who continually stalks, harasses, bullies, and berates people who blocked him months ago using these flimsy accusations of sexism, queerphobia, racism, etc. as "proof" that we deserve it. I mean his buds on that server literally accuse us of being Holocaust deniers or of being like Andrew Tate or Tucker Carlson or Alex Jones. Raxy helped instigate such severe harassment that it led to two people leaving the FE community entirely. I have said numerous times that if he would just leave people alone and respect the damn block button then I would never mention him again.
With regard to race, I will repeat: his race would not be an issue IF he had not made it an issue. He has been harassing BWIIDT for over a year now specifically because of her criticisms of a fanfic. He has accused BWIIDT all over the internet of lying about Cap to slander him (particularly with accusations of him being a racist), and he's been spreading her name around to try and bait uninvolved third parties into dogpiling her and shitting on her.
So we have a white man, in defense of another white man, harassing a mixed race woman in part because she feels uncomfortable with the way one of those white men wrote a mixed race character (and she criticized that publicly). I don't think I'm out of line to point out the very uncomfortable implications and power dynamic there. Especially when he's just lying about the things she said. AFAIK she's never specifically called Cap a racist, she's just said that she thinks it was unintentional, but still the way he wrote it is uncomfortable. Which is something she, as a mixed race woman, has every right to feel and point out without getting harassed.
Keep in mind that she has had him blocked for months now. He still stalks her blog with an alt account (he's literally flat out admitted that he has an alt account just so he can keep stalking and harassing the people who blocked him). He only treats you with respect if you already agree with him, and if you don't then he's more than happy to stalk and harass you. It is literally peak performative allyship.
Now on a more general note:
I didn’t take “you’re racist against white people” anon very seriously because, bluntly, “don’t you know the REAL racism is against white people” is an extremely common alt-right straw man/deflection tactic in America. It tries to discredit the concerns about racism by framing any discussion of racism as racism against white people. Essentially, it's a shorthand to try and "both sides are as bad as each other!" racism to distract from the damage that centuries of systemic oppression have caused for modern communities of color. So I'm approaching it from that context.
No, I am not saying that it's okay to be shitty to white people. I'm acknowledging that the power differential between white people and the communities they have historically oppressed makes the effect of bias a fundamentally different experience.
Just as an example of what I'm talking about: if you call a Black person a slur then it's going to invoke that entire history of enslavement, Jim Crow, disenfranchisement, violence, and generational trauma. If you call a white person a word like "cracker", it's going to invoke that entire history of... when white people did a bunch of really horrible things like enslavement, Jim Crow, disenfranchisement, and violence to someone else.
And I'm not discounting how uncomfortable and upsetting that can be for white people to experience, especially if you consider yourself an ally. I mean no good person likes living with the knowledge that they benefit from the dehumanization and subjugation of another group of people. No good person likes knowing that people they're directly descended from are responsible for some really fucked up shit. No good person likes hurting others, even by accident. It sucks to have to acknowledge that you're still benefiting from the horrific sins of your forefathers. It's bullshit that we're still trying to put everything back together because people of the past failed us. It's okay to acknowledge that those things are upsetting, and all of those feelings are valid. You don't have to stop feeling these things just because someone else had it worse.
But it's not the same kind of hurt. It is not equivalent to the racism experienced by people of color. Feeling uncomfortable about racism is not the same as experiencing racism. Someone pointing out that you're benefiting from racism is not the same as experiencing racism. To try and equate them in the way the alt-right does is insulting.
You can see a similar thing happening with TERFs and the word "cis" or "cisgender" or even the term "TERF". And I was going to go on because honestly anon I could write a dissertation on the dynamic here because it's an extremely nuanced and fascinating topic, but I'm trying to keep it brief.
Back on the topic, the "you're racist toward white people!" seemed like an obvious troll ask to try and get under my skin (I usually get a few whenever this bullshit fandom stuff flares up again, like the time I was talking about sexual violence shortly after a different Raxy incident and an anon told me to "get over your victim complex"), mostly because so little of my original postings were actually about race. I focused on queerness and being a woman. Like. Yeah I was a little mean, because I don't view alt-right talking points as worthy of my time or patience. I generally try to approach anyone coming to me with a measure of good faith, but you have to give me something to work with. Just spewing an alt right talking point on anon and then doubling down on it is not going to inspire a lot of confidence in me that you actually want to have a conversation about this incredibly charged topic.
If you're uncomfortable with the "you get one free pass to be racist toward white people" anon - I took that anon as an obvious joke poking fun at the alt-right strawman arguments not, like, a serious endorsement that it's okay to be a dick to all white folk, or that being a dick to white folk will actually solve anything. I can see why that might be unsettling and I hear you, but I have a bit of a dark sense of humor sometimes so it didn't clock my radar as anything that would be taken genuinely.
As I said in my original post, allies have an essential role to play. They can amplify marginalized voices in spaces where we're not respected or welcome, and the ones who do so with care and consideration are welcome in my books. I also have sympathy for the folks who just haven't woken up yet, but maybe aren't actively bigoted, and for the folks actively deconstructing from harmful ideologies who aren't quite there yet.
It's the people who claim to be allies but then treat people like shit who I have the biggest problem with, because they're purporting to represent me and people like me. My cause has no room in it for stalking, harassing, bullying, or speaking over instead of with the people you're claiming to represent.
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savefilescomng12 · 4 months
Restaurant Owner Slides Into Woman’s DMs in Middle of Date
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"That’s when you know you’re with a baddie."
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A man's dream first date turned awkward very quickly after a creepy restaurant owner tried sliding into the DMs of the woman he was out with as they were waiting for a receipt.Justin (@justinassada) posted a viral TikTok clip detailing the strange experience that left him heated, as someone was attempting to hone in on his crush right in front of his face.Article continues below advertisementJustin begins his video by stating he had one of the "weirdest" first dates ever with someone he follows on social that he has "the biggest crush on."There's one big problem he says that's getting the way between the two of them being "soulmates" and it's that she lives in a city that's really far away. However, after seeing that she was in his area, he decided to reach out and try to get a date with her.He asked her out to dinner, and to his joy, she responded that yes, she would love to. So he booked a spot at this French boutique restaurant, they got some drinks beforehand, and then headed over to the spot where, from the get-go, he says things were "perfect" — the restaurant wasn't missing at all.Article continues below advertisementNot only was the food fantastic, but they ended up getting the best table in the place and the vibe was good. So far, so good, and the night was just "exceptional."Then, at the end of the meal, the owner of the restaurant came out, who Justin describes as a "bald little French man" who started asking how everything was.Article continues below advertisementJustin told him that things were astounding, but that the owner could "care less" about what Justin had to say and that his "eyes were glued" to his date. "He's kind of putting me in the bubble, I'll go f--- myself."After the restaurant owner put the bill down, Justin put his card on the table, and that's when his date decided to slap hers down as well.She said that while she appreciated his taking her out and being his guest, she prided herself on her independence. "It would mean a lot if you would respect me enough to split the bill," she said.He said that after a "little bit of playful back and forth," the two of them agreed to split the bill.Article continues below advertisementSource: TikTok | @justinassadaThe French restaurant owner then took it upon himself to poke fun at Justin for splitting the bill, not wasting the opportunity to compliment her in the process. At this point in the evening, he took Justin's card to the back of the restaurant but left hers behind.Article continues below advertisementJustin, at first, was fine with this, as he fully intended on getting dinner anyway. However, the restaurant owner came back and then took his date's card to the back and was gone for about 20 minutes.While he was gone they got to talking about a mutual person that they know who DM'd her, and while she went through her messages on her phone, she noticed that in the time they were sitting at the table, the restaurant's account DM'd her three times.Article continues below advertisementSource: TikTok | @justinassada"This short, bald, little French f--- not only shot his shot via restaurant Instagram, with my date, but slandered my f------ name too? He said, like, 'You are such a beautiful girl, I want to take you out on a date sometime and this time don't worry, I pay for the bill."Article continues below advertisementHe started to curse out the restaurant owner in the TikTok video, calling him a "weasel, f----, idiot," while adding that the man "went in the back" and used her credit card to "look up her name."Justin said that while he and his date ended up laughing about it, he was "high-key" annoyed so he decided to "say something about it."His date said that he "should totally say something this is really weird and it might be illegal.""Weirdly enough a waitress brings back her side of the tab, we pay it, and then we head out. We start heading out and there he is. Greeting people at the door as they leave," Justin continued.Article continues below advertisementSource: TikTok | @justinassadaThis was Justin's chance to get back at him. He let his date leave first and the owner gave her a "creepy stare" after asking her to "come again.""I go full press mode: yo f---face what was that stunt back there?" he says he asked the guy."Starts acting like he has no idea what's going on. Boom, receipts, right in his f------ stupid French face."Article continues below advertisementThe owner started immediately blaming it on the cooks, stating that employees have access to the restaurant's socials. "What we're not doing is blaming it on Ratatouille right now, pal. Take some ownership for your actions," the TikToker said before stating that the restaurant owner never did."We ended up leaving with not only a funny story but with a lesson too and that is to stay away from restaurants where short bald French men are the owner."Ultimately, however, he said that he "kinda respect what the guy did because game is game."Article continues below advertisementSource: TikTok | @justinassadaNumerous users had different responses to Justin's story. Some remarked that this was simply a consequence of going out with a "baddie" while others just found themselves laughing at the French accent he rattled off while telling the tale. There were some who just couldn't believe the gall of the owner, either.However the big question that you, the reader, might have, which is one that at least one other TikTok user pondered was: "So will there be a second date??"According to Justin, that's definitely in the cards: "Yes and I’M PAYING," he wrote in response to the curious TikTok user. Source link Read the full article
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writeroutoftime · 3 years
your heart in exchange for mine
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pairing: foggy nelson x reader
summary: foggy has been led to believe it's the material goods that keep a relationship alive, but you strive to prove to him that all you want is to love him and be loved in return
warnings: none (though, I apologize for the marci slander!)
words: 1.3k
a/n: this idea came from watching stardust with charlie cox! specifically the scene where yvaine is telling tristain that she wouldn't expect anything for his love - but foggy instantly popped in my mind! the dialogue from the movie is in italics. please enjoy, and let me know what you think!!
Walking into your office, you let out a small sigh the moment your eyes noticed the vase of flowers that sat in the middle. Though the tulips and daises looked beautifully arranged, you couldn't help the dismay that ran through you. As you studied the bouquet, you saw a card attached in the middle and carefully ripped open the envelope.
Wanted you to have something to brighten your day the way you brighten mine. <3 - Foggy
It was a sweet gesture, but it was also the fifth gift Foggy had given you in the past three weeks. Now most people wouldn't complain about receiving gifts from their new boyfriend, but you weren't with Foggy for the material things he could offer. You were with him because of how sweet, handsome, and loyal he was. Besides, you knew how expensive some of the gifts were and Foggy didn't need to be spending his hard earned money on 'wooing' you when he already had you.
Anytime you tried to have that conversation with Foggy, he brushed your worries away, claiming it made him happy to give you those things. It made your heart ache because you knew why he was like this.
When Foggy had been dating Marci, you saw how she took advantage of his kindness and strung him along. Foggy was the one to put all the effort in their relationship while Marci just reaped the rewards. She made Foggy believe that material gifts were integral to a relationship; and she threated to leave unless he proved his devotion through gifts, running errands, and giving up all his energy.
It was a relief to, Matt, and Karen when they finally broke up, even if it took Foggy some time to see that himself. You just wished you could help to show him he didn't need to act that same way with you.
Sitting down at your desk, you snuck another glance at the flowers. Taking a moment to admire them, you smiled at the sweet fragrance that permeated your office. While the flowers may not have been necessary, they most certainly did brighten your day as Foggy had intended.
Later that evening, you met up with Foggy, Matt, and Karen for a drink at Josie's. While Foggy and Matt left to get another round of drinks, Karen turned to you with a knowing smile on her face.
"Soooo, how are things going between you and Foggy?" she asked, eager to know how two of her favorite people were doing.
"It's been really good." you smiled. "Foggy is so sweet, and I'm glad we finally got over ourselves and admitted our feelings." you said, slightly trailing off at the end.
Karen picked up on your hesitancy, and furrowed her brows. "But?"
"But, he's been giving me all sorts of gifts recently, and I feel bad. Of course, I appreciate them, but I don't know how to make him understand I'm not here for the material things. Like, this morning. I walked into my office and there was a bouquet of flowers, but I couldn't help but feel disappointed."
Fear suddenly froze your body as you heard a throat clear behind you and an awkward shuffle of feet as Foggy came into view, setting two drinks onto the table. You saw the devastation on his face, and you felt as though you had been punched in the gut. Somehow you knew that Foggy had only heard the last part of your speech and took it wildly out of context.
Before you could say or do anything, Foggy grabbed his coat and stormed out of the bar, muttering. "I guess I won't bother anymore."
"Shit, shit, shit." you cried out, hands shaky as you gathered your things to follow after Foggy. "I'll uh, see you guys later." you threw over your shoulder to your friends as you ran to catch up with Foggy.
Though he had only left a minute before you, Foggy walked down the street with a determination to get home that made it seem like he was sprinting. His shoulders were hunched and his body almost caved in on itself as he tried to block out what you had said to Karen.
"Foggy, wait!" you shouted, as you tried to catch up. "Please, Foggy, just listen to me and let me explain."
Ready to break, Foggy stopped in his tracks and turned to see you just a few feet away from him. "I think you've made everything perfectly clear, y/n. Like I said, I won't bother with any of this - with us - anymore."
Tears welled in your eyes at the thought of losing Foggy over a misunderstanding. Without thinking, you reached forward to grasp his hand in yours. "Foggy, please, I promise I didn't mean it the way you thought I did."
"And how else am I supposed to take it?" he shot back, yanking his hand out of your grasp.
"When are you going to understand, Foggy? I don't need any of those things to be happy with you!" you exclaimed, arms flying up in the hair in exasperation.
"I'm just trying to show you how I feel about you." he retorted, arms crossed over his chest.
"But you don't need to!" you sighed, unsure of how to proceed. "Foggy, what I'm trying to say is - I love you." you confessed, shocked by how quickly you had come to that conclusion, though you didn't regret it in the slightest.
Foggy's face softened slightly, his arms dropping back down to his sides. Before he could comment, you rushed forward, letting out all the thoughts and feelings that had been weighing on your heart.
"My heart, it feels like my chest can barely contain it. It belongs to you. And if you want it, I'd wish for nothing in exchange." you explained, taking a few steps forward, a soft smile on your face.
There was a moment of silence as you reached out again and grabbed both of Foggy's hands. This time, he didn't move to pull away, and you brought his hands to rest over your heart, looking straight into his eyes as you continued.
"I know that Marci made you believe that you need to give all kinds of material gifts to keep a relationship alive, but all I want is to show you that isn't true. I'm with you for who you are, not what you can give me. Besides, I don't need any of that stuff. No gifts, no goods, no demonstrations of devotion. Nothing but knowing you love me, too. Just your heart in exchange for mine."
Foggy continued to stare at you, his own eyes now swimming with tears. He gave you hands a gentle squeeze, taking a few more steps closer until there was no room left between you. Without hesitation, Foggy raised a hand to cup your cheek and moved to mold his lips against your own. The kiss was sweet and gentle, but also urgent and you couldn't help but get lost in the warmth he provided.
Slowly pulling apart, you gently swept away the few tears that fell down his soft cheeks with the pad of your thumb.
"I love you, too." he finally whispered, so quietly that you almost missed it. "In case it wasn't obvious." he added, blushing a little.
You leaned in for another quick kiss. "Well, that's a relief." you giggled. "I am sorry, though, Foggy. I don't want you to think I don't appreciate your gifts, but I don't want them to feel obligatory."
"I know." he nodded, looking at his shoes for a moment. "But you're also right. I got scared that you would realize I'm not someone who deserves you, and I panicked. I." he reasoned, resting his forehead against yours.
"It's not about deserving." you told him. "I choose you, I always will. And I'm by your side, every step of the way."
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mochegato · 3 years
Even the Losers
Chapter 3
Chapter 1     Chapter 2
Monday morning came both too soon and too distant for Marinette’s taste.  She looked up at the dark, intimidating Wayne Enterprises building as she and Max walked past it on their way to the cafe and swallowed hard.  She should have figured she would have to pass by the Wayne Enterprises building at some point, but she still wasn’t ready to see the dominating building so close.  They were a few blocks away and she still had to crane her neck to see the top.
Of course M. Fox would want to meet near his office.  He was already being beyond considerate having the meeting outside of the office building, expecting him to meet far away from his work was excessive.  She could stomach it.  It was just a building.  This meeting was important.  This was Max’s chance to wow M. Fox and get an amazing position.  She took a deep breath and continued forward despite it feeling like wading through increasingly deep water the closer they got to the WE building.
Max touched Marinette’s forearm to gain her attention.  She nearly jumped at his touch but quickly covered with an embarrassed smile and inquisitive hum.  “Are you okay?”
Marinette glanced toward the WE building but quickly looked back to him with an unconvincing smile.  “Yeah, it’s fine,” she tried to assure him.  Judging by the frown forming on his lips, he was unassured.
“Is there anything I should know?” Max asked uncertainly.
“Nothing of consequence,” Mari promised with a weak smile.
Max adjusted his glasses nervously and darted his eyes between Marinette and the sidewalk ahead of them a few times, trying to work up the courage to ask the question on his mind.  “Marinette,” he started slowly.  “You didn’t do anything illegal for the plan.  Did you?”
Marinette whipped her head toward him wide eyed. “What?”
Max cringed under her gaze.  “I just… you’re a very devoted friend and…”  He sighed and looked away.  “I just need to know if we need to worry about the Waynes coming after us.  I’d like to be prepared.”
Marinette's dour expression turned giddy as she started laughing joyfully.  After a minute, she wiped away a tear that had started to form in the corner of her eyes and fixed Max with a sincere look.  “No.  I didn't. None of us did.  I would have, but no laws were broken in the making or execution of this plan.”  She grinned and looped her arm through his, pulling him forward with a lighter step than before.  “I just presented your work to M. Fox and he was extremely impressed.  Come on, the cafe is just around the corner.”
Max gave her an unimpressed look.  “Are you sure?  Because I’m pretty sure I may have violated a few laws tracking down the call you had me trace last week.”
Marinette suddenly froze, her smile becoming significantly weaker.  “That wasn’t part of the plan.  That was a separate quest,” she tried to joke.
“And it just so happened to be M. Wayne’s phone number.”  His skepticism was clear in his voice even if he was too polite to call her out directly.
“It wasn’t part of the plan, really,” she promised quietly.  “That was… It had nothing to do with getting you a job.”
Max opened his mouth to ask another question but was interrupted by Marinette’s phone ringing.  Marinette pulled it out and rolled her eyes at Alya’s name lighting it up.  She hit the button to ignore it with a shrug.  “She’s probably really excited to see how your meeting went and didn’t convert the time correctly,” she laughed to Max.
Max smiled and nodded in agreement.  He opened his mouth to comment but Marinette’s phone started ringing again.  She furrowed her brow at it this time and groaned.  “Very excited,” she grumbled, hitting the ignore button again.
Max opened his mouth again but again was interrupted but this time by his phone and Marinette’s phone.  He pulled it out and looked at it.  “Nino?”
“What the Hell, Alya,” Marinette grumbled.  She was about to hit the accept button so she could yell at Alya to leave them alone but got interrupted by a loud cry right in front of her.
“Hey, it’s you!”
Marinette and Max looked at each other with matching confused looks.  The man that had said it pulled out his phone and switched on a recording device.  “Do you have any comment on the story in today’s paper?” the man, likely a reporter Marinette decided, demanded, shoving his phone in her face so violently, it would have hit her if she hadn’t jerked her face back in time.
Marinette stared at the man for a few seconds, her face scrunching in confusion before quickly smoothing over into an impassive mask. “I haven’t seen the paper this morning. So no, no comment on a story I know nothing about.”
She tried to push past the reporter only for him to move immediately into her path.  She looked around as more people joined, not reporters, she didn’t think, just people interested in finding out what was going on, rather than helping them.  The reporter pushed further in front of her, refusing to let her pass.  He held the day’s Gotham Gazette in front of her face.  Marinette had to back away in order to actually be able to read the headline.
She had to consciously force her eyes to stop from widening in front of the audience.  She forced her breathing to slow as her eyes scanned the headline and picture.  Across the top of the page in bold, block font was the headline ‘More than One New Wayne Introduced’ above a picture of her and Adrien speaking with Bruce Wayne. She glanced at the caption below the picture, her nose wrinkling in annoyance at the words.  “Newly discovered Wayne, Marinette Cheng Wayne introduces fiancé Adrien Agreste to her father, Bruce Wayne.”
Max gasped at the headline and cocked his head to the side in confusion.  He looked between it and Marinette a few times.  He opened his mouth to comment on how ludicrous it was but decided to defer to however Marinette wanted to handle it.  Instead, he gripped her arm in an attempt to show support and looked around them, calculating different plans to get them out of the crowd.
Marinette took a calming breath and looked back at the reporter with a cool gaze.  “You couldn’t even be bothered to get the names of the people involved correct.  I have little interest in reading the rest, which is likely as poorly researched.  Now if you will excuse me, I have an appointment to get to.”  
She tried to move around the reporter but he stepped in front of her, only centimeters between them as he did, and leaned closer to her.  “Why haven’t we heard of you before Ms. Cheng?  Embarrassed about your family’s history with crime in our city,” he cocked his head to the side and gave her a vicious grinned.  “Or was it your family that was embarrassed about you?”
Marinette bit her tongue hard enough to draw blood and glared at the man.  “It sounds like you are insinuating the Waynes are associated with crime in Gotham. Surely you didn’t mean to insinuate such a thing, right?  Such as slanderous comment,” she tutted in a condescending tone.  “I’m sure whatever publication you’re working for would not appreciate such a careless, defamatory, negligent comment.”
The man puffed out his cheeks, which were quickly becoming red with anger.  He tensed his body.  Marinette tensed hers in response.  What he intended to do exactly, she’d never know because just at that moment, the man froze as a hand settled hard on his shoulder.  “I can assure you that is exactly the kind of allegation Mr. Wayne and Wayne Enterprises would both pursue legal action over.  Now, I believe the young lady said she had an appointment,” Lucius Fox said with a cutting smile.
The reporter scowled at Lucius, but backed away. The crowd of people around parted at his presence.  Marinette shot him a grateful smile.  “Ms. Dupain Cheng, Mr. Kante,” Lucius nodded to them both.  “Are you ready?”
Marinette and Max nodded and moved toward the café ahead of him.  The host led them to a spot toward the back where they could have some privacy.  Marinette touched Max’s shoulder.  She gave him a concerned look.  Max’s eyes darted forward to Lucius and back to Marinette. He nodded then jerked his head toward her.  The smile she plastered on was even less convincing than her earlier one, but Max pretended like it wasn’t.  He leaned closer to her, speaking quietly enough that nobody could hear him.  “You should let Adrien and Alya know.”
Marinette sucked in a breath and looked toward her phone warily.  It was still ringing and chiming nonstop.  She turned it off and leaned closer to Max.  “Markov, can you text Alya and Adrien and let them know we’re all okay but I turned off my phone for a while.  If they need me they can text you or Max and we plan on returning to the hotel immediately after this meeting.  If you both are okay with that.”  Max nodded and lifted the flap for his messenger bag to reveal Markov sitting atop her folded up gala dress.  Markov looked between the two of them and gave Marinette a resolute nod.
“Thank you, Markov,” Marinette whispered, trusting his sensitive sensors to hear her.
When they arrived at the table, Lucius waited for the host to retreat before looking over to Marinette with a concerned look. “Did you need a break for a few minutes or to call anyone?”
Marinette gave him a tight, strained smile and shook her head.  “No, thank you.  I’ll be fine.”  She would make it through this.  She wasn’t going to cry.  She could wallow in self-recriminations later.  Right now, she needed to focus on making sure Max was given his shot.
Lucius nodded and looked down at the menu the waitress brought over.  After a few minutes of silence he glanced over to Marinette.  “Always something going on in Gotham.”  If Marinette didn’t know better she would think his tone was apologetic.
“Certainly has been full of surprises,” she stated instead, focusing on the menu.
“Certainly puts certain interactions at the gala a new perspective,” he observed carefully, keeping his eyes on his own menu.
Marinette’s focus sharpened on the menu in her hands. Her jaw tensed and her lips thinned. “I’m sure you will understand, M. Fox, when I say my private life is not something I care to discuss with people I do not know well.”
Lucius nodded.  “I do.”  He looked over the menu for a few seconds, keeping his face buried in the menu, he lifted his eyes to observe Max, noting his stiff posture.  His eyes were darting over to Marinette every so often and worrying his lip.  “You understand you could have just gotten him a position.  One phone call is all it would have taken.  You didn't need to go through all of this.”  His eyes flicked over to Marinette as he spoke.
Marinette met his eyes, a fierce set to them.  “He doesn't need somebody to get him a position,” she snapped.  “He's brilliant. He just needed somebody to see him.  He just needed an even playing field to shine. He didn’t need me calling in favors.  He’s earned the attention he gets.”
Lucius stared at her for a few seconds, analyzing her before finally coming to a decision.  He set his menu down and nodded curtly.  “No, he does not need help.  His work speaks for itself.  I spent the weekend researching you, Mr. Kante, and I have to say, you are an impressive young man.  You are exactly the kind of talent we seek out.  The fact that we didn’t speaks to the utter failure that our recruiting staff has been.  And I must apologize for what happened to you.  We will be reviewing Mr. Rabler’s actions since he was employed by us to properly deal with any other incidents such as yours.”
Max nodded, adjusting his glasses with a satisfied smile.  He was saved from trying to come up with a response when the waitress came back to take their orders.  There was a brief lull after the waitress left, Max and Marinette both uncertain where to push the discussion next and waiting for M. Fox to drive the conversation.
“Now, if I did my research correctly,” Lucius started with a secretive smile, “then I expect you have someone else with you.” He looked pointedly at Max’s bag.
Max’s smile turned sheepish and he opened his bag to let Markov come out.  “This is Markov.  I was hoping he would be able to work with me.”
“Of course,” Lucius nodded in agreement.  “It is nice to meet you, Markov.”
Markov zipped up higher in excitement.  “It is very exciting to meet you, M. Fox.  I have found very exciting information about you and Wayne Enterprises.”
Lucius chuckled.  “That is good to hear.  We will have no issue with Markov working with you, but we have added several sections to your contract to cover what Markov is allowed to do and what he isn’t. We have a lot of sensitive material, as I’m sure you are aware.  We are quite paranoid about protecting it.  We have also come up with a contract for Markov, but legal says we have to add sections to your contract as well since legally, Markov is not considered his own entity.”
Marinette beamed at Lucius and squeezed Max’s hand under the table, never more certain than at that moment that Max was going to be taken care of.  Max pretended to adjust his glasses so he could wipe at his eyes.  He looked over to Markov to gauge his response.  Seeing the weepy eye display, Max smiled and looked back at Lucius.  “Thank you, M. Fox for your consideration.  It means a lot to us both.”
Lucius gave him a soft smile and looked over to Marinette.  “We also have a contract for you, Ms. Dupain Cheng.  I had legal draw it up yesterday.  Not excited to work on a Sunday,” he shrugged guiltily, “but we gave them a lot of compensation for their time.  I drew it up before I knew of any other… associations so Mr. Wayne may want to modify it, but it is there if you are interested.  We will need a designer for the project, someone with intricate knowledge of fabrics and a demonstrated ability to work with them. Given your involvement thus far and your work on the dress for the gala, you seemed like the natural choice.”
Marinette looked down and took a breath.  She looked over to Max to see how he was faring. He gave her a supportive smile and nodded to her.  “As I said before, that is kind of you to offer but I have other plans that do not involve Wayne Enterprises.  And my ‘involvement’ thus far has been getting your attention.  It would likely be better for the project if you continued without me.”
“That is not strictly accurate,” Markov spoke up.
Max nodded in agreement.  “Your help was invaluable, Marinette.  Not only your insight into different characteristics in different fabrics and how changes affected the elements of the fabric, but also the different approaches to problem solving.  I could not have done this without you,” Max stated earnestly. He turned to Lucius.  “She worked with me to explain tensile strength and different weaves and how that would affect how the fabric appears and what you can do with it.”
Marinette’s eyes widened and she looked over to Lucius quickly.  “He’s being modest.  He did the work.  He came up with the formulas.  He…”
She was interrupted by the arrival of the waitress with their food.  Lucius waited for the waitress to leave before he sent her a soft smile.  “I understand collaboration, Ms. Dupain Cheng. Mr. Kante’s words don’t make me doubt his work.  If anything, it confirms my faith in him.  I also researched you this weekend, Ms. Dupain Cheng.  You are quite talented.  Your designs are elegant and bold and you personally have always gone out of your way to help your community.  Those are all ideals Wayne Enterprises strives for.  Along with what Mr. Kante said, you should know, I’ll be pursuing you and it has absolutely nothing to do with your…. With Mr. Wayne.”
Marinette looked down to her plate with a blush and nodded.  “Thank you, M. Fox.  I will consider it, but…” she furrowed her brow in frustration, not knowing how to say what she was thinking and not knowing if she should even if she could.
“You have time to consider it, Ms. Dupain Cheng. But for now, we should eat.  The food here is extremely good.” Marinette’s shoulders relaxed and she sent him another grateful smile.  She looked over to Max and Markov and smiled before taking a bite of her breakfast.  “Now, Mr. Kante, I would love to hear more about your invention, unless you would prefer to wait until the contract is signed.”  Max smiled excitedly at Lucius and pulled out the dress as he described the process for working on the fabric while Marinette and Markov looked on proudly.
Chapter 4
@maribat-bdbwm @jayjayspixiepop @redscarlet95 @alice-hazelwood @deathssilentapproach-blog @unoriginalmess @alyssadeliv @emotionalsupportginger @frieddonutsweets @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @toodaloo-kangaroo 
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Opinions on Molly Weasley????
You know, I actually don’t think I’m too far out in left field for her. Well, I might be strange in that we tend to see very polarized opinions on Molly: either she’s the greatest mother who ever mothered and the Weasleys are a perfect family or she’s an overbearing manipulative matriarch who’s secretly poisoning Harry with love potions into marrying her daughter.
Sort of like Ron, I wouldn’t say Molly’s a saint, but she’s also not one of the truly nasty characters (she’s not eating babies or feeding Harry love potions or anything). That said, she is far from the warm, generous, matriarch JKR presented her as.
First, she is overbearing . There’s nothing wrong with this, it’s just how her and Arthur’s dynamic works, but at the same time if Arthur ever did have a spine it’s been completely conditioned out of him. It’s also very telling that Ron marries the overbearing equivalent of his mother in Hermione Granger. I suspect Ron’s spine has also completely disappeared by the time we hit that delightful epilogue from canon. 
As for the Weasleys, JKR sets them up to be the perfect family we can possibly (realistically) imagine. It’s huge, they all love each other and are fiercely loyal (except for Percy, the swine, we’ll get into this), they give Harry a sweater, it’s the family he wants so desperately that he marries the only available and socially acceptable option: Ginny (I could go on a rant about this for days, but guys, Harry shows way more interest in men than in women and I think 90% or Ginny’s attraction to him is that she’s a Weasley). 
That said the Weasleys, and Molly herself, have major issues. 
One, the money. I think JKR makes them poor to give contrast to the Malfoys. The Weasleys are nobly impoverished, they’re a wizarding family but understand more important things than money. The snobby Malfoys on the other hand have peacocks in their yard because rich people are inherently evil.  
That said, most of this is because Arthur and Molly completely mismanage finances. There’s nothing wrong with having seven children, but the Weasleys clearly cannot afford to have seven children. More, we see them spend money instantly when they have it. Ron is left without a wand for a year but the second Arthur wins the lottery, rather than save the money, WE’RE GOING TO EGYPT. Even the year before, money that might have gone towards emergency situations such as: my son’s wand broke is used to take Molly, Arthur, and Ginny to Egypt. They buy tickets to the Quidditch World Cup. The Weasleys don’t have that kind of money and then they go and are extremely bitter that Lucius Malfoy does have that kind of money. Yes, I’m sure the Malfoys were always wealthier than the Weasleys, but at the same time the Weasleys are the type to buy iphones for their kids when they’re on food stamps.
I’m getting a little distracted though, back to Molly.
I’d say Molly is far more traditional than JKR ever intended for her to be. She’s progressive enough that she supports muggleborns (they should get to go to Hogwarts and be very appreciative) but she also doesn’t think they should get too far ahead of themselves (we’ll get into this). She’s a raging misogynist (we’ll get into this). She is extremely judgmental and can flip on you at the drop of a hat with the barest of evidence. She never really does anything about Harry’s situation despite having very good evidence of its realities. And despite her family’s extreme poverty, even when all the kids are in boarding school, we don’t see her try to take up a job or even take up some etsy equivalent where she can enchant shit and sell it. There’s nothing wrong with staying home to raise the kids, but at the same time, I think for Molly it’s because “this is what the wife does”. 
Right, well, that actually was a lot.
Let’s start with Harry. Molly is witness to seven years of Harry’s childhood abuse and seems to take no action regarding it. Now, Fred and George are dubious sources, so them telling Molly that “hey Harry’s house had bars on his window” might not be taken seriously. Harry also is generally very private and embarrassed about his home life. That said, there are many many signs, and while Hermione practically lives at the Burrow ever since third or fourth year Harry has to spend every single summer with the Dursleys even before Voldemort’s return.
Granted, I have gone over that I don’t think child protection or even a good understanding of abuse exists in the Wizarding World. I think to wizards you’re stuck with the family you’ve got, and if your pureblood grandfather is raping you then it sucks to be you. That said, the Weasleys are such a central part of Harry’s life that I would expected them to do *something*. Instead it’s like Harry’s situation is... vaguely acknowledged but mostly ignored. 
Now, the Weasleys don’t have the money for an eighth kid (though Harry’s so absurdly wealthy he could help lighten the load were he to live with them) so I don’t hold this too much against them but... I would hope that a truly good family would have noticed Harry’s situation and tried to do something about it.
Right, the judgement part. The Weasley family’s unofficial disowning of Percy was horrible. This is going to be controversial, but Percy actually made some excellent points. Dumbledore and Harry’s story about Voldemort’s resurrection does sound nuts, the guy’s been dead ten years, he isn’t Jesus. More, it comes from Harry Potter who is young, traumatized, and has generally been erratic throughout the time Percy’s known him. And parts of what he says aren’t wrong. Why do the Weasley’s worship Dumbledore and listen to everything this man says? Dumbledore does do things like recruit child soldiers from the boarding school he runs. Dumbledore’s a shady guy. 
Mostly though, while Percy not believing Harry and Dumbledore is bad, I always got the feeling that a lot of the resentment and disowning was that Percy dared to do better than his father. Percy rises through the ranks quickly in the ministry, he’s extremely competent, where his father has been stuck in the same dead end joke of a job for years. Arthur even accuses Percy of having his position because Fudge is spying on Arthur. Which... no, Arthur, no. And the family just loathes him for it. They loathe him and it’s terrible. 
And I’m sure Dumbledore meanwhile is just dying that they’ve forced Percy out when Percy was in the perfect position to be a spy in the Ministry. I can just picture him drinking with Snape after Molly’s told him, tears in her eyes, that Percy is cut off because he betrayed the family, wondering what kind of morons are in the Order. 
Beyond Percy there’s what Molly does to Hermione in 4th year. And good god, this is also where the misogyny comes in. Rita Skeeter writes that Hermione, a fourteen-year-old girl, is a harlot and Molly not only a) believes it but b) becomes extremely judgmental of Hermione and essentially calls her a jezebel to her face. Molly, what the hell? Hermione’s life has been ruined by the tabloids for something that didn’t happen, and even if it did is nothing she should be slandered for, and Molly’s going “THAT WHORE”.
This is after Skeeter had slandered Arthur just that summer over the Quidditch World Cup incident and Molly hadn’t believed any of it for a second. So, either Hermione’s being a girl or her being an uppity muggleborn or both somehow makes this believable...
Molly’s very similar with Fleur. She doesn’t approve and I always got the feeling it was in part because Fleur is not the traditional sort of woman she’d want Bill to marry (Fleur is a working woman at Gringotts and more is elegant refined beauty rather than a girl next door who’d make a great housewife) but also because Fleur’s foreign. Bill should marry a nice, English, woman and instead he ends up with this French quarter-veela. 
Had Harry done anything to offend Molly, or even if Dumbledore had simply gone “You know what, Harry’s awful, we hate him”, then I would expect he too would have been completely cut off and thrown back into the gutter where he belongs.
So, Molly sucks and is not nearly as progressive as JKR intended, but is she feeding Harry love potions to marry Ginny and make the family wealthy? No.
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erectionsandtea · 3 years
Wow, this post is probably going to end up being a bad idea, because I am currently in the state of exhaustion that is telling me that this post is a good idea, lol
I'm p sure this will be pointless and unnecessary, though
The following post is an analysis, not of any ship or fandom specifically, but about me in relation to a certain ship in a certain fandom (Byler, ST). It's just a something to let my followers know a little bit more about me, and why I think the way I do, why I talk the way I do, in relation to the ship, and why I might try to avoid certain posts (theories, analyses, "proof" type things).
If you start to read this, please finish before interacting with me. I don't want anyone to take anything I write out of context.
Now, I don't know if this should be considered an anti-Byler post, because I'm not saying that I don't ship it...I guess it could be perceived that way, but it's not how I intend it to be. Bylers proceed with caution, as some of this may not be what you want to hear.
Also, I have been called out (for lack of better phrasing) for a possible trigger of calling a gay couple "just best friends" (Byler). The person who told me, said it was because they themselves had personally been in a situation exactly like that before. While I do not personally, fully know what that must be like (not having been in that situation myself, as I recall...), I CAN try to understand, and try to be more sensitive about that subject. So, I guess a trigger warning for...apparently internalized homophobia of calling a gay couple "just best friends" ???
I want to start by saying that I do not view Byler as canon (yet). That doesn't mean I don't think it can become canon, it doesn't mean that I don't ship it at all, because I do (to both of those).
Back when I initially didn't ship Byler at all, it was mostly because Mileven got in the way, lol, but the SECONDARY reason was that I saw a lot of myself and my friendships in them.
Yes, I was one of those people who thought that two same-sex people can be just friends (and I still am, but not specifically with Byler anymore).
I act the same way with my best friends, and I feel I would react the same way Mike did, if what happened to Will happened to one of my bffs. Basically, nothing about Byler specifically stood out to me as "gay". It just looked like a regular very-close friendship to me.
I was in drama and choir in high school. We changed in front of people, I had one friend who would grab my boobs on a daily basis, just because she could (it spawned from a running joke about how big my boobs are, in comparison to my tiny body). I've even seen some of my friends completely nude (and they have seen me). We've held hands. And while most, if not all of us, were somewhere on the rainbow spectrum (as I like to call it), all the things we did, we just did as friends and being friendly. Being queer wasn't exactly a big part of it.
Now, I'm not saying that all drama and choir kids will be the exact same as me. That's just how I ended up, and I think that's why I just see things differently (not saying I'm special by any means, everyone is different).
Anyway, Byler just didn't strike me as gay for each other. I AM of the opinion that Will is absolutely gay, lol, and I think Mike is definitely not straight (although I really don't see hard evidence for either, but I want it to be true). And I think there is absolutely potential for Byler, AND a likelihood for them to become canon.
I have read some Byler theories, and a lot of them make sense, and some pretty good points. Like how Mike keeps staring at Will's lips. On the one hand, I've done that to my friends, when I'm just staring off into space and happen to be looking at their lips, or their boobs, or whatever.
On the other hand, Mike was clearly not staring off into space, lol, he was focused.
But while the analyses and theories do make a lot of sense, that is just how I'm seeing them for now - theories, and analyses (which can neither be wrong nor right, usually). Until we get some hard, concrete proof, which, by my definition, is going to come either straight from the writer's/creator's mouths, or will show up in ST4, I do not consider anything I see from those theories as real proof or evidence.
I also know that it has been pointed out that the Duffers have put in certain details or, for ex., been very selective with certain music choices, or cinematography choices, etc. I totally see that. But you know, sometimes things in a book, movie, or show weren't meant to happen in the first place, and are just coincidences that we, the fans, take and just roll with (like the lip staring thing, for instance). I'm not necessarily saying that I believe everything the theories say are just coincidences (because I don't believe that at all, for some things), I'm just saying there are possibilities.
Another part of why I try to avoid analyses is honestly because I think they make so much sense, and the Mileven shipper in me wants Mileven to stay canon, but the analyses make so much sense that that shipper is afraid they might be right, lol. But that really doesn't have anything to do with this analysis.
I guess the point of this post is just to say that, I should be allowed to think that two same-sex people can be just friends, without being slandered and labeled as homophobic
(Because if you honestly think I am homophobic, I will link you to my Reddie fanfiction and all the other gay ships I ship which probably outnumber the straight ones, lol, I will refer you to my bisexual best friends and my bisexual father, I will even show you photos of myself marching in Pride parades. Plus, I will remind you that I am not at all straight myself.)
because not all same-sex relationships are gay, just like not all opposite-sex relationships are romantic.
THIS IS COMING FROM A BYLER SHIPPER. Just because I do not view them as canon right now doesn't mean that I don't think they will ever become canon. If they do become canon, the Byler shipper in me will be very happy! If they don't, that shipper in me will wish they had. Viewpoints can change. I guess it just takes more to persuade me. I like Byler, I just like Mileven a little bit more. That literally doesn't mean anything. It's nothing more than a preference.
So like, I guess I'm sorry that my life/my upbringing/my relationships and friendships have made me see things differently ?? I'm sorry that I didn't pick up on the same subtext as all of you ???
I'm probably coming off as a rude-ass bitch, but you were bound to find that out about me eventually.
P.S. I know that some of the homophobia comments are directed at shippers who are, very possibly, homophobic. But those comments do not apply to all of us, and we shouldn't be grouped up together just because we have ONE similar opinion (which isn't even based on the same reasoning).
I guess, if you can't accept and respect my opinion that, canonically, Byler is CURRENTLY just best friends (even though I do want them to be more), until we get proof from the source, we might not get along. I am willing to discuss the possibility, and even look at some theories occasionally, on why they might end up canon/together. But until then, it's only speculation to me, and I would appreciate it if I were not attacked for this (although I'm sure they will be).
I do not go around looking for people/posts just so I can tell them they are wrong, I respect everyone's opinion. I hope that the same can be done for me.
Thank you. <3
P.P.S. if this makes any of my Byler followers want to unfollow me, I understand (I will miss you, though)
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
jack gets alex a birthday gift that's a simple mug that says "I love you" and alex is like aw cute, fast forward to after dinner they're cuddling with hot chocolate or whatever and alex sees jack has a matching mug that says "I love you more"
disclaimer, this definitely happened
read it here on ao3
Jack offers up the box with a grandiose gesture, and Alex graciously takes it out of his hands. “Is it a basketball?”
“Of course not,” Jack says. “You don’t even play basketball. It’s a baseball bat.”
“Duh,” Alex says, facepalming. Jack giggles.
“Open it,” he prompts, leaning his elbows on the table, face in his hands. It pushes up his cheeks and pulls his lips into a pseudo-smile. Alex takes a moment to appreciate his boyfriend, who is the most adorable person on the planet. As birthday boy, he thinks it’s his right to take as many moments as he wants. “Alex! Open it.”
“Okay, okay,” Alex says. Clearly he is not as entitled to boyfriend-appreciating moments as he’d thought. He pulls at the taped-down flaps of the wrapping paper, tearing it off to reveal an unmarked cardboard box. Tossing the wrapping paper aside, Alex opens the box.
“Oh, I fucking love this,” he says, freeing the mug from its container, and that’s when he sees the writing. The sheer fondness must immediately appear in his face. “Jack…”
Love you, says the mug, in big, golden cursive. Its golden handle matches; set against the white base of the mug, the whole thing feels decidedly sophisticated. “This is so cute,” Alex says, smiling so hard he knows his cheeks will soon hurt. He turns the mug around so Jack can see the front. “It says ‘love you’!”
“Yeah, because I love you,” Jack says, gazing at Alex with a megawatt smile of his own. “You like it?”
“Yeah, I fucking love it,” Alex says, beaming. “It’s so chic, I’ll feel like a king drinking my herbal tea every morning. And thinking of you.”
“That’s the goal,” Jack says. “I’m just gonna integrate myself into every part of your life until one day you wake up and realize I’m everywhere and you’ll never escape.”
“That,” Alex says, leaning over the table to kiss Jack, “sounds like a dream.”
“Hey, Alex, you want hot chocolate?” Jack calls from the kitchen.
Alex deliberates, then calls back, “Yeah, sure.”
Jack is responsible for the refreshments; meanwhile, Alex pries open the DVD for A New Hope. Real birthday privilege is getting to pick the movie, although in complete honesty, Star Wars is more tradition at this point. They watch this on Alex’s birthday and Home Alone on Jack’s. At this point Alex is pretty sure he has both movies memorized almost as well as his own lyrics. 
The list of movies they intend to watch together is forever getting longer, but Alex is a sucker for a tradition. Especially when said tradition involves watching his favorite movie with his favorite boy on his favorite day. It's the full package.
A few minutes later, Jack emerges from the kitchen, a steaming mug in each hand and a bowl of popcorn balanced precariously on the crook of his arm. Alex grabs the bowl as Jack sets both mugs on the coffee table in front of them. 
“Be right back,” he says, and bustles back into the kitchen. 
Alex reaches for the mug closest to him. It’s the one Jack had gotten him, and the gilded words gleam in the low light of the living room. Next to it on the table, though, is an identical mug, the same white ceramic and golden handle. Alex can even see gold lettering curling around the edges. He frowns and reaches for it, turning it on the tabletop. Did Jack get them matching love you mugs? 
Except they’re not identical. Not quite.
Alex makes an offended noise as Jack returns, leaping over the back of the couch to settle in. “‘Love you more’? What the fuck is this?”
Jack sets their pint of chocolate ice cream on the table alongside two spoons. “Oh,” he says, poorly concealing a smirk, “that’s my matching mug.”
“It says ‘love you more’!” Alex says indignantly. “Which is categorically untrue!”
“Is it?” Jack wrinkles his nose in mockery. “Really, is it?”
“Fuck you, it’s the biggest lie I’ve ever seen in my life,” Alex says. “I can’t believe your birthday present to me was, like, a backhanded compliment at best!”
“First of all, it was only one of my birthday presents to you,” Jack says. “And second of all, giving you a mug that said ‘love you more’ wouldn’t have made any sense unless you had seen the first one. If you wanted the ‘love you more’ mug you should’ve thought of this first.”
“I’m a year older than you, my birthday is before yours, you dick,” Alex says, not that he would ever have thought to buy matching mugs, but it’s the principle of the thing. “This is slander and I won’t stand for it.”
“Uh, wrong,” Jack says. “If anything it’s libel.”
“Okay, fuck your semantics,” Alex grouses, crossing his arms. 
“Al-ex,” Jack wheedles, leaning into him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “It was just a joke. Don’t be mad. We’ll share the mugs anyway, so we can trade who loves who more.”
Alex laughs despite himself. He’s not sure why he’s bothering to pretend; even in real arguments, he can’t hold a grudge against Jack, and over something like this there’s no hope. “You do not understand how relationships work.”
“Au contraire, mon frère,” says Jack. “I understand perfectly.”
“Did you just call me brother?”
“I meant it in like a bro way. Look, it’s not important.” Jack waves away Alex’s chortling laugh. “What’s important is that you already told me you love me infinity, and I love you infinity, so I couldn’t love you more anyway because nothing is more anything than infinity.”
Somehow, Alex has managed to follow this sentence. Now he huffs a laugh. “Well, you know, some infinities are bigger than other infinities.”
Jack scrunches up his face in surrender. “I know that’s a fucking reference to something and I don’t fucking know what.”
“I can’t tell you, I’ll lose all my street cred,” Alex says seriously. He kisses Jack, and when he pulls away Jack smiles, eyes still closed, content. “I’m not actually mad. I actually think it’s really cute.”
Jack opens his eyes, but his smile doesn’t waver. “Yeah, you love me.”
Alex shakes his head slightly. His lips curl up and there’s a warm feeling in his chest. “Hmm, I don’t see any mugs that say that?”
Jack laughs. “Never mind, I take it back. I hate you. Would you play the movie already?”
Alex acquiesces and hits play on the remote. He snuggles closer to Jack, drawing his legs up onto the couch and leaning his head on Jack’s shoulder. “Okay, you got me. I do love you.”
Jack presses a kiss into his hair. “I know.”
“That’s not ‘til next movie,” Alex whispers, and Jack laughs.
“Fine, try again.”
“I love you,” Alex says, failing to keep the smile out of his voice.
“Love you more,” Jack says, innocent as anything.
Alex sighs happily. He’s got his favorite movie on the TV, the love of his life curled up next to him, and a pint of chocolate ice cream that’s just calling his name, all courtesy of Jack. 
Just this once, Alex decides to let it slide. Jack has earned his right to the ‘love you more.’
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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Thanks to everyone who's taken the time out to read my posts and has enjoyed it so far. It's really been fun and entertaining exchanging thoughts and having these much deeper ship discussions.
I thought this issue was gonna go away but I woke up this morning to more people messaging me about finding my last video analysis on several other platforms without appropriate credit.
But that's not disturbing. The disturbing part is the people sliding into people's DM'S on other platforms to get them to take down my video because they don't want people sharing my content on other platforms as they believe it would only make my blog popular.
For those worried about this whole credit business, thanks for showing this much concern for me? I really appreciate the love and concern if it's from a genuine place of concern. Thank you...
I think some of you already know this by now or might have figured it out, I am a law student, I am very much well aware what is and what isn't within my rights? Lol
I honestly didn't see this whole credit thingy as a big deal. It's not. Not to me. Lol. I repost people's photos without credit too all the time. Often, it's because I don't know who to credit and most time my lazy ass just forgets to. Lol. I think it's normal? It's inconsequential I mean.
The videos I use are usually often water marked by the appropriate owners so I don't go through the hustle of figuring this whole credit business out. If I should decide to come back here again I will check that habit of mine?
While this whole credit business is not a big deal to me, malicious slander and defamation to my character is and I don't take it lightly.
It has been brought to my attention that some Jikookers from Tumblr have since been sliding into people's DM's on other platforms asking them to take down my video and or remove the credit they give to my post.
They are telling people I am problematic, calling me the Taekook Lives of the Jikook community. That I have been spreading lies about Jikook, that the Jikook Tumblr community hates me or something like that and to further caricaturize me and make me appear more evil in order to get people to turn on me and hate me, they make up the most ridiculous lies about me claiming that I believe a notorious serial killer is innocent.
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Now I have since deleted my YT account because I don't want my colleagues to find out I am into shipping too lol- shipping is a guilty pleasure of mine and I know how this fandom works unfortunately. I've been a silent part of it since 2014. I mean it's started already. The Doxing and shit.
The original post under which these replies are from couldn't save sadly as my account has been deleted but you can see from my notifications the general feel of what my interests outside shipping looks like.
I am interested in a myriad of topics, from literature, Aliens, writing, Harry Potter, history, activism, advocacy, philosophy, law, politics, NASA, and mystery and murder among other things.
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My quora is mostly filled with notifications from my Book community and True crime community and often I do share my thoughts and answer questions with regards to the psychology of murderers, legal evidence, notorious villains in literature- well I guess now you know the kind of lawyer I want to be if and when I'm able to complete law school.
But what has my interest in these topics got to do with Jikook and shipping please?? How does this prove I hate Jikook and spread lies about them?
This Kookie Min Monsta person slipped into someone's DMS and asked the person who had put up my video analysis to take it down or discredit me because to her I am problematic. She is not the only one.
You want so bad to paint me black- no pun intended just to win an argument? You claim I am the evil malicious person here but I am not the one sliding into people's dms trying to take credit away from people for their hardwork, spreading hate and negative energy, making things up to manipulate people's perception of others and get them to hate and turn on them- and all because of A SHIP? Damn. This is pathetic.
Who died and made you the gatekeeper of the jikook shipping community? Honestly antics like these don't work on me try again.
I made a video commentary on my Booktube YT account- yes I am part of the book YouTube community as well sue me or better still slip into their inboxes and tell them I voted for Trump therefore I hate chipmunks.
The commentary I made on YT months ago was when I was in the highs of finding a new passion and it was on Ann Rule's book, The Stranger Besides Me- a true crime novel on Ted Bundy which I found so poorly written that at the end of the book it left with me wondering whether or not Ted Bundy was guilty at all!
The Author's writing style which deviates from most writing styles of True Crime novels I have read gave me trust issues as I stated in the video. It felt more as if she was writing a made up fictional novel than an actual True Crime novel but because she knew Ted Bundy in person she made it seem as if we just had to believe her account.
Then there was this whole thing about the police not being able to match the DNA samples taken from his rape victims, to his own Semen because his Semen was DNAless- in lay man's terms. I'll spare you the technicalities involved.
As I stated in that video, I do believe Ted Bundy was guilty but I do not have much faith in the Judicial system, or criminal procedures or even the Author of that book- a sentiment most people within the true crime community share as well. We just had differing views on whether the writer's style took away from the narrative and waters down on the extent of Bundy's guilt.
We had a Similar conversation about Chris Watt. If the community I was engaging in didn't have a problem with my commentary why do you? Please don't meddle in things you know nothing about. It's embarrassing.
The conversation about whether or not Ted Bundy is innocent is moot but a philosophical one. It has nothing to do with Ted Bundy's guilt but more so the criminal procedures involved in his case and the different accounts that exists surrounding his case.
He was electrocuted, he confessed to his crimes no damn person with brains would think or assume he is innocent and I never said anything of that nature drew any conclusions to that effect.
Besides, I moved on from Ted Bundy a long time ago. Now I am into the Serial Killer who writes death poems and signs it off with drawings of the size of his dick at his crime scenes- mind your own business please or don't and let's have an intellectual discourse about him? Lmho.
I am also into cat memes if you care to know and have a whole IG dedicated to cat memes. I believe human beings are the most dumbest species in all the galaxies and when the Aliens arrive I am snitching.
When my mind is at rest, I often wonder if Aliens have masculinity complex and if they do whether or not their masculinity is contingent on the size of their dicks or whether they have to engage in a battle to the death with an alien grizzly bear to determine who is the man.
I love BTS memes too- a little too much and often end up debating over the internet with random people over whether BTS memes are funnier than cat memes- I'm weird, true. But how does all of that make me a bad person?
It's crazy how these people can go on these other platforms to ask people to take down the credits to my posts as well as my posts itself but can't ask people who run to these other platforms with misinterpretations of my work to take those down.
Instead they come on here to call me out for people's interpretations of my work?? It doesn't work that way. You are the author of your own opinion and interpretation of other people's work. You don't call out the original author for someone's opinion of their work. If that were so I would be emailing Stephanie Meyer for Anna Todd and her After series. Get some education.
I have since blocked this person and others whose Tumblr I have been able to find thanks to all those that's helped me finding them on here.
My gf also tried reaching out to the persons who shared my post after we realised this was becoming an issue and had asked them to credit her or my blog- but honestly I don't care about that yet she won't give it a rest. Lol. My ride or die this one. Sigh.
However, we realized soon that this is not about 'stealing' credit- can't call someone out for not giving credit when I suck at that myself. Lol.
This is about people's malicious intentions and their attempts to silence me and take away my right to freedom of expression however way that they can. This is wrong and evil.
I honestly don't care for all these ship politics these people are engaged in. I've had enough intelligent conversations to know the distinction between arguments that flows from bruised egos and actual conversations around a subject matter.
This whole I am right, she is wrong politics... y'all get that the point of having an opinion is not to be right, right? We all cant have the same perspective and you can't call someone a liar for holding views that is different from yours. That is a bizarre mentality to have.
As I stated in my post, that content I made was a rebuttal to the Taekook theories running around on the internet alleging JK glared at Tae when he pulled on his shoulder because he was jealous Tae and Jin were having fun behind him. He wasn't. He was worried Tae was gonna expose him and JM holding hands behind Suga.
If you don't think they were holding hands then Taekookers were right and his reaction was because he was Jealous of Taejin I guess...
But thats your truth. That's not my truth. I don't believe Taekook is real. JK isn't jealous of Taejin he is not Twelve- but then again he was sneaking around behind Suga holding his boyfriend's hands so I guess he is twelve? Lol. Jikook!
Do you.
But please stop the evil malicious attacks and seek immediate help. There is such a thing as right and wrong and this is just plain wrong. Your Karma and chakra are in the negative nodes and you need to fix it. It is not funny anymore.
Thank you to everyone who has shown genuine concerns for me in the past few days and thank you so much for trying to stand up for me. There are good people on here and I have met and interacted with a lot of them and thank you so much for such a wonderful experience and insightful discussions.
I don't hate people because of our differences in thoughts, beliefs, opinions. There's always room for dissenting opinions in every sphere. At the very least, we can agree to disagree and shake on it. But You can't make up shit about people just to prove your opinion is right and their opinions and views which differ from yours are 'wrong.
I am not a victim though, and they are not bullies, psst. They are just vile pathetic human beings exposing the greens of their insides. What you do says more about who you are as a person and human being. And this is who they are.
Just be a nice decent human being. That's what this world needs. Fix whatever is broken inside of you and free your mind and spirit. Hate is never the answer.
I'm going to be away for a while because I have studies, work and other interests I want to pursue at the moment- it's just my AADD flaring up so if you see me henceforth raving about Nana at least you'd know why. Lol. She's wrecking my Jimin bias. Lmho.
Spread positivity, do the right thing, stand up for a good cause and keep supporting Jikook. Jikook is real.
Until we meet again.
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
mouth full of white lies {Machine Gun Kelly} 3
3. i thought love was a kind of emptiness
Summary: So you’re in love with him. Not great. And you wanna tell your brother about it, but that means coming clean about everything, and you’re not gonna do that! So you’re just gonna suffer, because it’s for the greater good. And you’re not gonna make things weird. Speaking of weird though, how is this even going to end? Colson sounds kind of like a masochist when he talks about it, but there must be a way to make neither of you seem like the bad guy... When this all ends. Which it will, much to your chagrin.
A/N: watch me have no idea about american geography
the brainstrust: @sataninsatin @silvertonguedserpent @juliarose21 @kellysimagines @estxxbritt @machine-gun-casie @harringtonstudios @misscharlottelee @narcvissa @hiworlditishumbleme @angelwarner28 @nevilles-insinuations @rumoured-whispers @mgkobsessed @edwardtriggerhandzz @suckerforbarnes @wastelcve @bakerkells @local-troubled-writer @freddiessmallnipples @oopsiedoopsie23 @mayaslifeinabox @mrs-machinegun-norris @hxbbit
For the record, and if anyone asks, when Colson sends you a photo of himself in full Tommy Lee makeup, your heart definitely doesn’t skip a beat. The long wig, the sharp contouring, the eyeliner, it does absolutely nothing for you. You definitely don’t spend a good five minutes contemplating how much you want his lipstick to stain your mouth. Because he’s not your real boyfriend. You’re doing this to minimize the amount of nasty messages you get online. The fact that he’s hot and funny and surprisingly kind and weirdly observant, and god, have you already said hot? Because he tends to walk around your shared hotel room in shorts and little else and it’s really not doing great things for your productivity. 
The point is, all those things are a bonus! A happy little accident, if you will, a positive side-effect of this whole arrangement. Like getting a job and realising that you’ll be working with your brother, who currently is quickly becoming very, very close with your fake boyfriend.
There’s no-one you trust more in the whole world than Douglas, but if you tell him that your relationship is fake, you’ll have to tell him why you’re in a fake relationship, and he’s not above starting an online rampage against people sending his little sister death threats. Which, by the way, you’re not getting a lot of since dating Colson, honestly you might even be getting less than before, so it’s working.
Your absolutely fake relationship with Colson Baker, whom you have no feelings for whatsoever is functioning exactly as intended. 
Except for the fact that when you’re on set, and you see him in costume, smiling, it kind of makes your day. Watching him play drums? He just looks like he’s having so much fun, and you can’t help but be endeared by it! This was outlined as low commitment, high reward, and now your feelings are ruining it for everybody. Well, just for you. Because it’s just a small crush, and he’s your friend, so you’re not going to make it weird.
Which, right now, it isn’t. He hogs the blankets, which you pretend you’re annoyed by, and sets about fifteen different alarms for himself that have you waking up at the crack of dawn so that he can go in early to get his tattoos covered, even though you don’t need to be there until much later than he is. So you grumble into the blankets, and when you get to set there’s always a hot drink waiting for you. 
He’s out most nights, not late enough that he’d need to oversleep to be functioning the next morning, but it’s not uncommon for you to be curled up on your side of the bed, usually scrolling through social media, and he’ll come in, sometimes humming something, sometimes chattering away on the phone. Sometimes he’ll shower, but he always smokes, watching the stars, right before he comes to bed.
Or you’ll join him. 
On the weekends, you’ll grab dinner together after filming, and he’s in his eyeliner, the foundation sometimes a little worse for wear, and you’ll explore the nightlife that LA has to offer, seeing live bands, or going to clubs. Of course, as a famous musician, DJs will pull Colson up into their booth, to play a song or two, and you, without fail, always managed to feel out of place. So you hang back, maybe have a dance, or maybe get a drink, or even just people-watch. You enjoy it, but you enjoy going back to the hotel more.
Tabloids, or the modern equivalent at least, get familiar with your name, and it’s not long before your image starts to change.
About six minutes into a twenty minute ‘tea spilling’ video, the host says your name.
“Now, [Y/N] Booth, DuckDuckBooth, whatever you know her as, has been all over the mainstream media lately because - shock horror - she’s in a relationship with someone with a bad reputation! Because that’s what we love here, ladies and gents; rumours and slander,” the host, a young woman with bleach blonde hair and a thick English accent rolls her eyes, sarcasm dripping from her tongue, “so a bit of a run-down for those who don’t know, [Y/N] is a lifestyle and, I don’t know, entertainment industry insider - YouTuber? She makes videos on what it’s like to work all different jobs in the industry. And her brother’s famous? I think?” She looks to a point off-screen, presumably where her laptop was sitting, letting her look him up. “He was in Jupiter Ascending, he was the weird prince-dude; Douglas Booth, and he was in a bunch of stuff that was only really released in the UK.” 
It cuts to a new shot of the host tucking her hair behind her ears.
“So [Y/N] recently started dating Machine- MG- uh, I don’t know how to say it, it sounds wrong coming from me; Machine Gun Kelly? He’s a rapper I think? He’s been in a few shows on like, streaming services? I don’t know, I don’t know him that well, but apparently he’s one for scandal - allegedly.” She emphasises, before taking a deep breath, “and now he and [Y/N] are working on the same project, and have started dating, like two adults who like each other might start doing!” It’s condescending, as if directly responding to some less than polite criticisms she’s seen online, but she shrugs it off flippantly.
“Anyways, I’ve been following [Y/N] for a while, I’ve seen her recent uploads and Instagram stories and such; they’re cute, okay? I don’t personally enjoy his music, but that’s just my tastes, you know? And I don’t understand all the negativity she’s suddenly receiving; you all know she’s an adult, right? Like not just in the UK, she’s over 21, she’s allowed to go out and drink, and be a human being. It’s not like she’s suddenly become a different person; just because she’s not acting in the way your overly-sanitized view of her should, doesn’t mean she’s a different person, or that she’s corrupted or whatever. She’s not a bad person for enjoying herself.”
“Everyone speculating about whether it’s fake or not, like they have nothing in common, well it’s almost like you don’t know them personally; if it’s fake, who even cares, that’s -” she laughs a little, “that’s Hollywood, isn’t it? I think the people hating on her, or on him, or wanting them to admit it’s fake or just break up, are jealous, honestly, because even if it’s fake, it’s a hell of a commitment.”
“Do you ever worry?” You can’t help but ask, it’s late, much later than you know you should be up, but he’s awake too, yawning, looking at his phone. Both of you tucked up in bed, he takes a moment before looking at you. There’s something about the shadow of eyeliner he hadn’t quite been able to remove that just makes him look edgy and gorgeous.
“I try not to,” he answers candidly, “but about what?”
“About people finding out about us.”
“Usually,” he cracks a half smile, “when a girl asks me that, it’s about people finding out that we are together,” and he’s smiling, but you just frown in the dark, unable to appreciate the humour. 
“What’ll they say? Of course you’ll be fine, but I-” you swallow, shaking your head, “sorry, asshole thing to say; of course I care about what they say about you, just as much me, but -”
“But you’ve got a lot further to fall than I do,” he says with a surprising honesty, and you meet his gaze in the glow of his screen light, “honestly I have no idea how this is gonna end, I thought you did.” And you feel your stomach drop. 
How were you supposed to respond to this?! There is absolutely no way you can say what you’re thinking, that you don’t want this to end because you’ve started to catch real feelings. 
“I’m winging it,” you admit softly. Something about his expression softens, but his screen goes dark before you can see it, “I know you’re a good person but-”
“Then you don’t know me that well, Ducky,” he laughs a little, though the sound is hollow, and you can hear him rustling around as he looks up at the ceiling in the dark, “kid, you don’t know me at all -”
“Don’t call me kid,” you bristle, quietly defiant, but he just seems to ignore you.
“I know I’m a bad dude, okay? And if you want this whole thing to end with everyone thinking I’ve broken your heart, then do it, I’ve been through worse. I’ve done worse; if you wanna just worry about yourself, you can.” 
“So it’s black and white; I’m red riding hood and you’re the big bad wolf? That’s how we end this?”
“You think in fairy tale analogies,” he huffs an almost disbelieving laugh, “I’m just saying that if you didn’t have to be with me, you wouldn’t be; you wanted scandalous but not a scandal, I get it, okay? I’m good at that; good at both, actually, but I guess you’re cute enough that you can pick one and not the other.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You snap, feeling angry, almost betrayed by his callous words. In the dark, you can make out the shape of his silhouette against the stars.
“You’re all clean and shiny and shit, you’ve got a philanthropist big brother, and a life in the entertainment industry without the actual pressure of being an actor, and yeah, YouTube is hard, I get that, now more than anything else, watching you ‘s definitely given me a new appreciation for the effort that goes in, but -”
“But what? It’s not a real job?”
That shuts him up fast. 
Fuming in the dark, you clamber from the bed, and head onto the balcony, slamming the door behind you. The night air is cool and crisp against the warm anger bubbling just beneath your skin, and you take a few deep breaths. Why you’re out here, you’re not sure; you should have gone down the hall and stayed with Douglas, but here you were, cooling off on the balcony. 
You’re in his seat, the seat he always sits in to smoke before bed, and it feels strange, but you’re not going to give up the seat, even as he opens the door. He doesn’t look at you, instead, he leans against the railing, looking out at the ocean glittering with stars.
“I wasn’t -” he starts, before sighing, “fuck, I know it’s a real job, okay?”
But he’s met with silence.
“I was gonna say - fuck, there’s like, a quote thing someone once told me, I think it was Shakespeare or some shit - there’s more things in Heaven and Earth, you know, than are dreamed in your philosophy.” He paused, “I’m dealing with more than just your shit, you know? Every fuckin’ person wants to hate me right now; your shit is small fish, Ducky. If you’re not getting hate, then it’s worth it, okay? And after all of this, I’ll still be averaging the same amount of hate as I always get, not that I give a shit. It’s pebble in a stream stuff.” When again, he’s met with silence, he sighs gently, hanging his head, before heading back inside, though he doesn’t close the door.
On your own, for only a moment, you feel your insides twisting, frustrated at overreacting, heart warming at his words, just a little. 
“Pebble in a stream stuff?” You ask quietly, when he joins you once more, this time with a joint and his lighter.
“Immutable,” he says, voice flat as he focuses on lighting up, before taking a long drag. After a moment of holding the smoke in his lungs, he breathes out, watching it as he speaks, “like a river, if you throw a pebble in, it creates a ripple, but the current always corrects itself. No matter what you do, the river just keeps flowing in the same direction.” 
“Deep,” you muse.
“It’s from X-Men,” he responded, and there’s a beat, before the two of you break out into laughter at the absurdity of it all, of his philosophical ramblings being ripped from a comic book movie, of the idea of the two of you ever getting into this situation in the first place.
When the laughter dies down, you find yourself smiling at him, watching him while his grin is turned up to the stars.
“You say I don’t know you, even though we’ve been doing this for almost a month and a half now; I wanna know you,” you tell him as genuinely as you can manage in your tired state, and he turns to you with an unreadable expression, and you catch yourself before you act on the fluttering in your chest, “to make it more believable.” You add, and he nods, and his gaze goes back to the sky; if it was a little disappointed, you try not to think about it too hard, “so you don’t like cutesy dates like fairs, what do you like?”
Licking his lips as he thinks, he finally turns to you, eyebrow raised.
Why does his gaze right now make your pulse race?
“Honestly.” You dare not break his gaze.
“I like going to clubs with you, to see bands and shit,” he tells you, and... oh, you weren’t expecting that. There’s that soft, unreadable expression again, though he seems endeared by your genuine surprise, “but I sometimes get the feeling that you feel, uh, out of place?” He seems concerned.
“I mean, not really, it’s fun and all!” You try, but he gives a smirk.
“You don’t have to sugar coat it -”
“It’s sticky, and it feels weird with all the dudes trying to grind up on me when I’m like, meant to be with you. I always feel like someone’s about to pull out their phone, snap a photo and accuse me of cheating.” You blurt out, and Colson’s expression turned from surprised to amused.
“Stick with me then -”
“I don’t wanna be a bother; I’m not a music person, I shouldn’t be in like, a DJ booth I don’t think.”
“You’re with me, you can go wherever you want.”
The night is cool and crisp, and he’s got an early start, but the two of you sit out there, talking, laughing, actually getting to know each other. He tells you all about Cassie, about how proud he is of her, how much he misses her, and how proud she is of him in turn. You, in turn, tell him stories of yourself and Douglas from your childhood, of how he’d always been your biggest fan, and your first defender, and how you’d been to all of his premieres. At this, Colson’s eyes glaze over a little, lost in thought.
“I have no idea how this is gonna end,” he says gently, before looking to you, “but whenever you wanna call it quits, say the word.”
But you hear I’m read to cut and run at any moment, and you know it’s selfish, but it’s not what you want to hear.
“Thanks,” you respond, with a small smile instead, “same to you; don’t just stick around for my benefit,” you try to laugh, but it doesn’t quite come out right. It’s quiet after that, though it had to be said, and it’s not long before the two of you go to bed.
It’s a turning point, it’s where you start to really try to get to know each other, rather than just being around each other. Maybe it’s just hope, but it feels a little more real with each day that passes.
“Hello! Hello and welcome back, ducklings! Today we’ve got a very special guest! And if you’ve read the title of this video, you know who it is! That’s right, my boyfriend is going to try and teach me the basics of drumming!”
The comments of the video tell you that you both look so happy, look so cute, look so in love.
“You’re a good actor,” Colson tells you, as if he believes the starry-eyed looks you give him are a carefully calculated ruse. You, on the other hand, feel like a fool only moments from being outed as being in love with your fake boyfriend, which was ridiculous; he’s the only person who needs to believe it’s a ruse after all.
Even Douglas tells you the video is good, and suddenly you’re starting to feel like an asshole for lying to him for so long.
But it’ll work out. It has to. And neither you nor Colson is gonna be the bad guy. Because he’s not, no matter what he says .
He keeps buying you hot drinks if his alarms wake you up, and he keeps you close whenever you go out, and he gives you a blanket whenever you fall asleep in his trailer during breaks, and -
“Has Duck ever told you about how she found a frog when we were little, like a live frog,” Douglas was grinning over lunch, while you were slowly becoming more embarrassed by Colson's side, your forehead pressed to his shoulder as your brother recounted one of his favourite stories, “and she named it after me, because she was always a bit of a menace, but it got free, and mum and dad almost lost their minds when she came crying about how ‘Doug was missing in the woods!’” He grinned, both fond and a bit sharp, “they only realised she was talking about the frog when I joined the search party after getting home from a friend’s house.”
You heave a sigh, but Colson gives you a gentle, reassuring pat.
“No, that’s fuckin’ adorable, but no she hadn’t told me that; but I had heard about how you made the both of you duck costumes for your school’s Halloween,” and Colson gives him a toothy grin as Douglas flushes with embarrassment, though he seems endeared by the nostalgia of it all, “primary school, was it?”
“Not Halloween, it was a book fair,” Douglas corrected, and you surfaced finally, leaning into Colson, who wrapped an arm around you, and you level a soft smile at your brother, who returns one in kind, before his gaze flicks to Colson’s, and back. A smile. A nod. A silent approval. Fuck, you hate lying to him.
But you’re not above a little white lie to the internet for some advice.
r/AmITheAsshole posted by u/idkquackythrowaway
AITA for falling for my fake boyfriend and lying to my best friend about it?
So hello, throw away account because if either of them find this, I’ll be mortified and have to run away to canada and live as a goat farmer.
So I started ““““dating”“““ my “”””boyfriend””””, let’s call him C, a few months ago, because all of our friends kept accusing us of dating, and it was easier to just go along with it than deny it - there’s a lot of extenuating circumstances here; and yes I have issues lying to my friends, but I can deal with it for the greater good. It’s better for C and me in the short-term anyways.
Anyways so my best friend, D, is someone I’ve never lied to, we’ve always been so incredibly close, but now he’s getting to be good friends with C too, and approves of the two of us, but I’m just worried he’ll be betrayed if I tell him it wasn’t real.
Also, I might have real feelings for C, which he Does Not Have for me, so I feel like I’m betraying him too, by pretending that it’s not fake. ANd I wanna tell D about this, but then I’d have to come clean about everything, which....... its a lot. 
So Am I The Asshole for catching feelings in a fake relationship, and lying to my closest friend about it?
The reaction is mixed.
And mostly unhelpful.
A lot of people are calling you the asshole, which, ouch, but you had kind of already come to terms with that. A lot more people, however, are just abstaining from making judgement, considering there was definitely more to the story. You’re not sure how to deal with those comments; you want to defend yourself, or give more context, but you also know you absolutely cannot. 
Eventually you decide to come clean.
“I’m in love with Colson.”
About the wrong thing. To the wrong person.
Douglas blinks slowly at you, a smile slowly spreading across his face.
“Really really.” You sigh, with an air of defeat, though this has him frowning, putting his fork full of pasta down. 
“What’s wrong, did he do something?” Douglas is playing the protective older brother, just as he has done for as long as you can remember, but it’s all you can do to shake your head.
In truth, Colson’s been fucking perfect; despite his reputation, he’s a fantastic - fake - partner. Perhaps it’s that you work together, so he doesn’t have to find a distraction outside of his main focus. 
“Duckling,” Douglas says it so gentle, taking your hand over the dinner table, “I’m happy for you, as long as you’re happy.” And what can you say to that? Another lie? You feel like you’ll be ill if you let another lie pass your tongue in front of Douglas.
“I love him,” you say, weakly, and you feel your eyes misting at the implication, the reality of your words. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I-” you choke on your words, and tears start to gather, threatening to spill, “I think I love him more than he loves me.” It’s not a lie, but it’s enough for Douglas. 
“I’m sorry,” he sounds so genuine, holding your hand tight in his, finishing dinner, and taking you both back to the hotel. He does the only thing he can think of to cheer you up; put on a movie on his laptop and wrap you up in blankets like he would when you were kids. The movie’s a little outdated, but he’s trying, and that alone makes you feel a little better. 
“Hello! Hello and welcome back, ducklings! Today we’ve just got a low-effort video, it’s just a top ten comfort movies from childhood that survive a modern rewatch! As decided by me and Douglas!”
Filming is set to move locations soon, from being on-location on the Sunset Strip to a back-lot about an hour away, somehow closer to the hills, and you feel like you can hear the ticking of a clock counting down.
“When filming’s over, we can end it if you want,” you tell Colson as you’re packing up your suitcases.
“Oh,” he seems surprised.
“That’s soon,” is all the clarification he gives, but he doesn’t sound happy about it, “are you sure?” 
“I mean, I don’t wanna outstay my welcome,” you try to joke, but he makes a noise that you can’t quite decipher, “what?”
“Just thought it would maybe go until the premiere.” He admits, and you pause, actually surprised at his words, and he clears his throat, “it would be weird seeing you there if I was with someone else, right?”
“Right,” you muse quietly, before going back to folding your clothes, “that’s a year away still, I’m pretty sure.” You tell him, and he hums, but doesn’t seem bothered by it.
“Well I’ve got a few events before then I need a date for,” he says, noncommittally, “and we’ll see each other before then; if you wanna be convincing you can crash at my place if you wanna, in The Hills, at least for a bit, if you ain’t got anything else to do sort of thing,” he actually sounds a bit hesitant, and you swallow hard, before letting yourself smile, pleased.
“I think you like having me around.” When you look at him, he’s trying to hide a smile of his own.
“'course I do.”
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amaryllisblackthorn · 5 years
okay so i’ve had this building up in me for too long and i just read one too many comments today and i had to vent so i did. i usually feel uncomfortable posting in like official fandom tags and stuff but like i feel so passionately about this even if it is just me being reiterating the same point and not fantastic writing.
i honestly can’t stand when people make fun of or demean or insult sakura taking gaara’s blow for sasuke. the fact that people go ‘i mean i guess she tried’ or just write it off as her being useless bc oh now she’s a damsel in distress etc like ????
sakura saved sasuke’s life
sakura was willing to die to protect him
not only was there nothing else for her to do in that situation (it was literally the only thing she could do) but she knew that she knew that she couldn’t fight him off but she stood in his way anyway kishimoto literally draws a connection to sakura moving in gaara’s way in front of sasuke --- when, by the  way, naruto was too freaked out to move and do anything and sasuke couldn’t move so sasuke was gonna die!!!! --- to sasuke’s “my body just moved on its own” in the wave arc with naruto
it’s part of the examples of people protecting their loved ones naruto recollects when he thinks about haku telling him that strength is when you have someone special to protect like ????????
temari is shocked that sakura was able to face gaara in his current state, bc yeah he was terrifying !!!!!!!! naruto was too freaked out to react in time and gaara was going straight for sasuke with a killing blow!!!!!! sakura got in the way of a killing low meant for sasuke on purpose and the fact t hat there are people who make fun of her for being ‘useless’ in this scene gets me so riled up bc they’re undermining what she did and i cannot stand for that
the only reason sakura didn’t die receiving the blow is because her act triggered gaara’s memories of love like gai did with lee at the exams he was affected by it its why he's holding his head right after he’s literally standing over sasuke’s body before naruto snatches  him away while he’s distracted, but she didn’t know that was  gonna happen she was literally facing death in the face to save someone precious to her and that’s admirable stuff!!!!
people criticizing her for getting in the way and becoming a hostage like she didn’t succeed what she set out to do and then some because she ended up not being killed -- she wanted to save/protect sasuke!! she saved/protected sasuke!!! there’s absolutely nothing to criticize about what she did because if she didn’t do it sasuke would be dead she was the only one who acted and it saved his life!!!!
you know what forget the wave arc -- how people acknowledge the significance of sasuke taking those needles for naruto, taking what he thought was a death blow and effectively giving up his life meaning of revenge, even if he ended up not dying bc the intent was there --  ----people bring up how significant sasuke being willing to die to buy sakura and naruto time to flee and giving up his life meaning of revenge during this very arc/fight!!!! the prevalent theme or whatever (message? idea? motif? thing?) during this fight/arc is protecting the people precious to you even at the cost of your own life and generally people are okay with that but like when everyone else does it it’s true strength but somehow when sakura is the one to do it it’s her being useless and stupid????? she’s literally the only one demeaned for doing the same exact thing as everyone else relevant to the theme during the arc! but she’s the only one not only overlooked but downright criticized for it and i can't stand for that.
when sasuke makes his famous ''i don't ever want to watch those dear to me die before me again' speech, naruto flashes back to sasuke taking the “death” blow/needles for naruto in the wave arc and sakura taking gaara’s blow for sasuke less than an hour ago . it literally contributes to his epiphany, alongside kakashi’s "i don’t let my comrades die" moment back in wave arc ((and we know how important that is to kakashi)).  and then he also thinks of iruka taking the huge shuriken for him back in the first chapter!! was that stupid and useless of iruka to do that??? even though naruto ended up having to save iruka??? no???? of course not !!!! and even though it ended up not being fatal im pretty sure the point is still there, that even if it had been fatal iruka would protect naruto with his life bc he was willing to die to protect him bc he was precious to him do you guys sense a theme here ??????? because that’s the whole point ??? and sakura’s act of taking gaara’s blow is a part of that ???? all of those things contributed to naruto’s epiphany, the same thing haku said, that when you have someone you’re willing to protect (fighting for the sake of others) then you become strong.
except apparently sakura for some reason ??? when everyone else is willing to die to protect their loved ones it’s true strength but when sakura does it she’s weak like ??????????
she even had the focus on the intense/determined eyes that gai had and sasuke had in the current scene and that naruto gets after the epiphany!!! “i will protect them no matter what!” ! it’s protect them and/or die trying because it didn’t matter what happened to her !! what mattered was protecting sasuke, her comrade, someone precious to her, that’s what mattered, even at the cost of her own life! it’s almost like people miss the complete point of that moment 
and then you go to the third hokage’s quick speech about real strength of a shinobi appears when protecting something precious with the montage of all the parent shinobi like it’s so thematic and good!! and it carries over to his funeral, when naruto asks iruka "why do people risk their own lives for the sake of others".' "there's no logic or reason to it. people just do things like that because they have precious things to protect” (’my body just moved on its own’)
i wrote like twice this length but i lost about half of it somehow it was mostly me reiterating that people who look down on sakura for this moment are objectively wrong and i can't stand by it 
to not acknowledge and appreciate the resolve in her eyes facing a terrifying demon as she stood in the way of his death blow, because it was to protect sasuke. to not appreciate the fact that she was willing to sacrifice herself, to risk her life, the way others have and have been appreciated for, if it saved/protected sasuke. to not acknowledge that if it weren’t for her, sasuke would probably almost definitely have been killed, because gaara went for a killing blow, sasuke couldn’t move, and naruto couldn’t react in time and literally the only thing that saved him was sakura taking the blow, her resolve in fighting for others triggering something in gaara that distracted him, and naruto taking advantage of this to snatch sasuke away. sakura literally saved sasuke’s life in that moment and people have the gall to demean that act smh
and like, this is a little bit of a sasusaku aside, but i think that’s like why sasuke looks at her the way he does when he lays her down on the branch after he catches her from the sand. because she not only almost died in order to protect him, but that she willingly did so, she was willingly ready to sacrifice her life, to die, to protect/save him and that’s gonna affect a guy, you know? like even on a totally platonic level that’s still intense stuff. (although, personally i think this is the moment something shifts some more). and that also probably contributes to his frustration later in not being able to save her when naruto could not only bc he was unable to save his teammate (sakura), but bc he was unable to save his teammate who was in danger because she took what was originally intended to be a killing blow for him to protect/save him. her life was in danger because of him, because she saved his life risking her own, and he couldn’t do anything to help her! that significantly adds to that feeling of helplessness, and then throw naruto in the mix plus the itachi stuff and gah well you know what happens.
point is, people undermine or overlook the significance of what sakura does and accomplishes here and it gets me really worked up for several reasons including that the narrative itself establishes it as thematically significant and also like facing a terrifying demon’s death blow head on  without flinching (with sweating but who can blame her) until like you’re actually hit, being willing to take that hit to protect someone else, is just a really significant admirable thing on its own in general just like it is here??? basically demeaning sakura here is slander and i won’t allow that in my house
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scriptflorist · 6 years
Hello! I have a character that had a bad childhood (He's gay and had an already bad family as is but it got worse when he was outed) and he has tattoos of flowers to cover up certain scars, plus he likes them. He also decorates with the same or similar type, but I don't know what kind(s) to use. He's someone that really likes symbolism so he'd want something as a symbol of him, his past, and/or what he's over come. Do you know any flowers that would be good for that?
Hey Nonny,
Let's see what we have for your character. This got longer than expected so I hope you'll find what you've been looking for.
achillea millefolia – war
adonis (flos) – sad memories, painful recollections, sorrowful remembrances
allspice – compassion
almond – indiscretion
almond (flowering) – hope
almond (laurel) – perfidy
alyssum – worth beyond beauty
amaranth (globe) – unchangeable, hope in misery, unfading love, immortality
anemone – forsaken, frailty
anthericum – antidote
ash tree – grandeur
aspen – excessive sensibility, groan, fear, lamentation
balm – sympathy
bay wreath – reward of merit
bell flower – indiscretion, acknowledgement, gratitude
bittersweet nightshade – truth
bittersweet – truth
brunfelisa latifolia – beware of false friends
bulrush – docility, indiscretion
butterfly weed – let me go
camellia (red) – unpretending excellence
camellia (white) – perfected loveliness, adoration
cardamine – paternal error
cedar of lebanon – incorruptible
celandine – joys to come, future joy
cherry (cornelian) – durability, duration
chrysanthemum (red) – I love
chrysanthemum (white) – truth
citronella – homosexual love
cilanthus – worldliness, self-seeking
clove – dignity, I have loved you and you have not known it
columbine (purple) – resolved to win
columbine (red) – anxious and trembling
coneflower (purple) – strength and health
convolvulus (pink) – worth sustained by judicious and tender affection
copihue – there is no unalloyed good
coriander – hidden/concealed merit, hidden worth
coronilla – success crown your wishes, success to you
echites (dark purple) – be warned in time
feathery reed – indiscretion
fennel – worthy all praise, strength
fern – sincerity, fascination, magic, confidence, shelter
filbert – reconciliation
forget-me-not – forget me not, true love
furze – love for all seasons/occasions
garlic – courage, get well, ward off evil and illnesses
gentian (closed) – sweet be thy dreams
gentian (fringed) – intrinsic worth, I look to heaven, autumn
geranium (fish) – disappointed expectations
geranium (lemon) – tranquillity of mind, unexpected meeting
ginger – strength
gladiolus – you pierce my heart, generosity, I'm sincere, flower of the gladiators
glory flower – glorious beauty
goat's rue – reason
greek valerian – rupture
hawthorn – hope
hazel – peace, reconciliation
hepatica – confidence, trust
honeysuckle (coral) – the colour of my fate
juniper – protection, succour, asylum
lavender – distrust, mistrust, acknowledgement, love, devotion
lilac – first emotion(s) of love
lily of the valley – return of happiness, the heart withering in secret, modesty, sweetness, tears of the virgin mary, happiness, humility
lily (tiger) – wealth, pride, prosperity
lisianthus – appreciation
liverwort – confidence
lotus flower – estranged love
magnolia (laurel leaved) – high souled, dignity
marianthus – hope for better days
mercury – goodness
mignonette – your qualities surpass your charms/loveliness, “without pretension to beauty possesses which command profound respect and affection”
milk vetch – your presence softens my pains
mimosa – sensitiveness, secret love
mistletoe – I surmount (all) difficulties, I climb to greatness, I surmount all obstacles, parasite, kiss me, affection, difficulties
mullein – take courage, good nature
nettle – slander, cruelty, you are spiteful
nightshade – scepticism, truth, dark thoughts, falsehood
olive – peace
palm – victory
persicaria – restoration
poor robin – compensation or an equivalent
poplar (black) – courage
poppy (red) – consolation
ranunculus – I am dazzled by your charms, you are radiant with charms
rose (christmas) – tranquillise my anxiety
scabiosa – unfortunate love, unfortunate attachment, I have lost all
sweetbrier (yellow) – decrease of love
syringa (carolina) – disappointment, memory
thistle (scotch) – retaliation
tremella – opposition, resistance
willow (french) – bravery and humanity
– Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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parkminijiminie · 6 years
2018 recap: Part 1
Hi, guys! A little late but here's the first part of my 2018 recap series that I promised a while ago. Please note that these posts are not intended to serve as a summary or a time capsule of the last 12 months but as my personal reflection on the changes and issues I observed as I closed my second full year as a BTS fan. Feel free to comment and give your personal opinion. This is a discussion! Here we go:
2018 was BTS's most successful year yet in whatever way you may define "success". Statistically speaking, they charted the highest in their careers, got their most views and sales, some amazing sponsorship deals, had their biggest spike in the gp's recognition, no doubt earned a lot of money, received a lot of home and international appreciation and attention. On a personal level, you can say they're very successful, as well because they have the opportunity to earn their (substantial) living doing what they love, the means to take care of their families' needs and the joy of reaping the fruits of years of very hard working. 
Sounds great, right? 
Well, sort of. 
The thing with success is, though, that a lot more often than not it is a very unforgiving ride. You get one thing given and three things taken. In terms of BTS, this was a year that truly challenged, rewarded and challenged them harder again. No-one can say if it was their toughest yet except for them, but it sure wasn't easy at all.
There's a lot that happens behind the scenes that we will never know of. That is something never to be forgotten. By now everyone should be aware that the beginning of 2018 was awful for the group and its members. Although no details have been given, multiple times we've heard they struggled, suffered and even contemplated disbanding. The pressure of their increasing popularity, as well as the recently discovered inside staff betrayals, combined with (I believe) personal issues we are not privy of, resulted in a tremulous beginning of the year. The extent of the severity of the situation then has only become known. 
Thank you Kim Seokjin (and the rest of the group) for being brave enough to bring this issue to life in an industry where a lot of the problems are the same, yet no-one talks about them. Partly, because kpop is a dog eats dog world and any blood in the water is a call to the sharks but also, because of the fairytale, sugary, all is well in paradise image kpop likes to uphold. 
In the second and third parts of the year, things seemed to have looked up for the group. Two comebacks, high chartings and a world tour made for a very busy time for the members. Privacy became increasingly hard to obtain, injuries happened (and who knows what more) and one of the biggest scandals they had to face in their careers - the sh**t issue (please sensor!). Much has been said about it and it truly was an awful period for the group, Jimin, and the fandom, so I’m not going in depth about it but make no mistake, what happened was as much political scapegoating as it was a deliberate try of defamation coming from malicious rival sides. On top of all - death threats, slander, using for clout, media play, crazy sasaengs.. you name it, BTS got it.
Success is a rotten apple, indeed.
Still, the past year brought a lot with it and signified an important change: BTS made a very big step into being seen as real artists and becoming known to the general public, especially in the US market. As 2018 statistics recently came out, we got the chance to see exactly how much BTS sold and were streamed worldwide and USA-wise, namely ranking next to enormous names in the industry in the likes of Imagine Dragons, Taylor Swift, Drake etc.
They really are on a global level now which must be a lot of pressure for them, as they're the first Koreans to achieve such position, the first foreigner even in a long time and moreover, the first who don't conform to the "sing in English" previously set condition. 
It cannot be overstated when we say they're making history, they are a phenomenon and be sure that anyone who is anyone in the global musical, financial and marketing world keeps a close eye on them (and us).
The group and the fandom are being watched and studied from all sides and it all comes down to one thing - MONEY. For a long time, it was perceived that in order to break into the global music market and truly rank up the cash you have to be, look, sing and act a certain way - the industry's rules. Then these seven boys came - looking differently than the perceived ideal, wearing make-up, dancing like a storm and most importantly - singing in KOREAN. And yet, they have the power of an industry giant and an ability to sale, bigger than many many known "stars". It is no exaggeration when we say that whatever BTS touch, turns to gold now - stocks rise, cars get pre-ordered, stadiums get sold out.
BTS are a business wonder and all eyes are on them.
(Which they perfectly know, hence the pressure and struggle to "fit the titles".)
No doubt one of their biggest challenges in 2018 was adjusting to this new role they had to fit without losing their core values and themselves. Many people would let the success go to their heads or stray from their direction but BTS seem to be doing fine. They stick to what has always driven them - making sincere music that touches people and are painfully aware of the fleeting and temporary nature of said success. Which is good because it means they don't take it for granted and hopefully, get to enjoy this (historical, really) ride.
Make no mistakes, though, the road is far from finished. They may be more internationally recognized and perceived more as the artists they are than “another boy band teenage girls are crazy for”, but the attacks against them won't stop, the fandom is getting bigger and more chaotic by the day (we'll talk about it more in an upcoming part) and the xenophobia against them is real. Two #1 Billboard albums and a Top 10 Song yet so little radio play? Well, welcome to the incredibly closed off and money ruled music business. It's definitely not helping that they're Asians, too, the minority with probably the least representation in the entertainment industry, in the USA at least.
So, gear up, nothing is finished and nothing is over yet. A lot of work is yet to be done.
Upcoming: Part 2: The Company 
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