#dude i want to talk to you so badly but I don't know anything about anything you enjoy
the-cooler-king · 7 months
breaking news: i asked my crush about his baby mom, and gave him the option to not answer. Shockingly he chose not to answer and I havent heard from him since
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mrfoox · 1 year
My boy... Fabian... Needs help im crying
#miranda talking shit#I think IM autistic and thus bad at socializing and being Normal ™ and then theres him...#Hes planning to hit up an conversation with a girl at the gym tomorrow and i... He asked me how and for tips#The first things he said made me scream and i had to explain to him that he cannot say that shit#...he overheard her talking that shes planning to train at the gym tomorrow at 3pm again... And he wanted to#Open an conversation with her with that 'i overheard you saying you'd be here today so i wanted to say hi' like my dude my guy thats#So scary DO NOT !!! then i explained it and said it outloud to him and he was like 'okay now that i hear it. Its creepy'#Yeah... Dont say that shit holy hell. I know he has 0 experience with talking to girls outside of like... School#But damn my dude i fear for you 😔 i know him so i know hes a nice guy but he really... Don't ... Know how to talk to people ....#Double for girls. He have said that im his reference to ... Girls in general are and such and im feel bad for him#Im mentally unstable and ill and just has 0 filters... Majority of girls aren't in my catagory...#I really am wondering if hes on the spectrum too or just ... Extremely socially inept... Im kinda glad he tells me and asks me before#Anything... Bc that... Oh no buddy that could be bad ... I want to encourage him to step out of his comfort zone and be social with#New people but also im like bro... Be normal please i beg you... Be cool...#I gave him suggestions on what to say or ask. Aka ... Ask some gym question since you both gym... If she listens to#Music maybe ask what shes listening to? Just be... Safe and boring. You dont know each other yet so just make contact and then go#Hi i was in the discord channel in bed and he jumped into it and gave me an heart attack and then dumped this on me#My many conflicting feelings are hitting me badly like goddamn. He's obviously nervous and excited about just talking to her potentially#And yeah. Him asking me an autistic person who has social problems in my diagnose criteria is both hilarious and worrying#I think he'll be okay now tho... But damn.
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ro-is-here · 1 year
Very very silly. Just thought about how old most of my friends are and realized I'm a little fucked up.
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atanx · 3 months
James Somerton's "A Measured Response": A Measured Response
so I watched a reupload of the video because idk i like to torture myself. and i took a bunch of notes:
“I tried to be a voice for every member of the queer community, but that was a failed endeavour before it even started.”
what a strange way to say ‘I tried making it seem like I’m the only queer creator and stole from and actively harmed people in the queer community. knowingly. purposefully. and when I was called out in the past I tried to hide it.'
“I'm a cis, white, gay man. No matter how much I try to be a good spokesperson, I can never really, truly, understand the life experiences of other, far more put upon,  members of the queer community.”
so of course I stole and hid work from the people I can't understand, gutting it of their personal experiences and refused to redirect my audience to those people so that they can enrich themselves and hear about issues pertaining them from someone who actually does understand.
“...one of the reasons I used their own words. But I should have made it clear that that was what I was doing.”
“Being a cis white man I thought I might win over some people who otherwise wouldn't listen.”
Yeah sure. Because racist transphobes are going to be watching your badly plagiarised gay film analysis.
“I would also like to apologise to Jessie Gender, who is one of the kindest people I ever met. Through my hot-headedness, I drew her into this anger spiral.”
‘through my hotheadedness.’. shirking responsibility onto an ‘ingrained personality trait of yours’ I see.
if you are so honestly sorry for being an asshole to Jessie why don't you fucking apologise to her directly? privately? not as a way to boost your own fucking image??
he's trying to earn good will by complimenting Jessie Gender “oh he knows to compliment an awesome person we have that in common I guess he can't be so bad after all” fuck you I recognise your strategies and it's gross to drag Jessie into this like that, she spoke out against you and you are trying to imply some sort of friendship or something between you. okay I cannot UNDERSTATE the way he tries to make it seem like they are close in some way and sort of drag her onto his side that's so fucking despicable. as far as I know Jessie Gender does not have a relationship with him of any kind?
once again bringing up death threats I see. obviously death threats are shite and anyone who threatens the dude in seriousness or harasses him will not see the light of heaven as Hbomberguy said but IN AN APOLOGY YOU DO NOT MAKE IT ABOUT YOU THAT'S MANIPULATION
also blaming the police for not clarifying a situation in a timely manner - the police are a flaming pile of garbage and I hope the institution explodes but NOT SAYING ANYTHING WAS YOUR CHOICE. THE POLICE DIDN'T MAKE YOU DO SHIT THERE
the problem isn't that you tried to “create a channel where all queer people could be safe”, the problem is that 1) you are a misogynist 2) you yourself engaged in transphobic behaviour and 3) you also actively supressed queer people's voices. The problem isn't that you supposedly wanted a space for all queer people, the problem is that you tried to MONOPOLISE queer literature analysis. fuck, queer doesn't look like a word anymore I've written it too many times now
(paraphrased) “I should have been helping with making queer people's voices discoverable” this makes it seem like he just didn't do anything and not like the reality that he was actively trying to rewrite history and bury LQBTQIA+ voices under his steaming pile of garbage
also BLAMING YOUTUBE AND THE ALGORITHM FOR ‘PUSHING HIM’ because he's cis and white, like maybe they did, I certainly wouldn't be surprised, but that is not why other creators suffered, a large part of that can be attributed to James Somerton stealing their work without any acknowledgement whatsoever apart maybe if they are lucky, a “based on” in the credits or their name flashing on screen for half a second.
“I should have done more to share the voices of other queer people” THAT IMPLIES YOU DID SOMETHING. YOU WERE ACTIVELY WORKING AGAINST THAT YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT-
“it was just my dweam to be a youtubew and when my videos gained twaction i felt pwessuwed to make mowe vewy quickly and that's why they wewe so shit uwu” fuck off you weren't pressured into shit you just wanted to make money and that's why you were a content mill
not him using Hbomberguy's example of the DEEP CUTS: SOCIETY AND QUEER HORROR video and claiming he credited all people in the opening scene when Hbomberguy highlighted he DIDNT EVEN CREDIT MOST OF THEM FUCK OFF ARE YOU DELUSIONAL HOW DO YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH THIS
I think I'm going insane this all seems so blatantly fake. he brings up the evil queens video and how he asked Sean Griffin, retroactively, permission to include his work in the video. and he shows a ‘screenshot’ of an email Griffin allegedly wrote to thank him for putting him in the title-card and that he thinks it is ‘a very thoughtful video’. only the text of the email header, such as Griffin's name, the RE:, and the To: is a lot smaller than the ‘text’ in the email, which leads me to believe that the below text is edited in some way. And with how hard James is trying to rewrite history, it wouldn't surprise me if he literally rewrote the email or cut things out to present himself in a more positive light. obviously I can't prove that the email is fake but I'll just say that I think the likelihood is very high that it is.
the way he says this also implies that he asked for permission after he made the video but hadn't published it yet. which is also blatantly false.
again trying to waltz off responsibility on nick, saying he was much more interested in production and implying that nick did all the writing .
“nick and I had both grown up poor so when I lost my job in 2021 (approx.) we of course were desperate and turned to producing videos even quicker and plagiarising the fuck out of all of them! but we can't help it we were both poor as kids!” fuck off, you weren't poor when plagiarising every-fucking-thing, this was in “the second year of COVID”. obviously if they really did grow up poor that sucks, and that's why we should eat the rich and redistribute their money. not plagiarise people who partly are poor or not financially cushy and manipulate thousands of people into believing you are the only queer creator.
also milking his mom's cancer. if you were really that worried about your financial situation, one would think that you would get an actual job for security and not put everything into your youtube career that is unstable, especially considering you've already done a lot of plagiarism and have no intention of stopping. “oh I plagiarised because my mom had cancer QAQ” that is so digusting to use a person's medical condition like that.
“i have memory issues because of a head injury i suffered as a child and that's why I plagiarise badly. see, I copy pasted the text with the intention to rephrase it later but forgot.” that would still be fucking plagiarism if he'd done that, also, if he's so aware of his memory issues and how they lead to him plagiarising, why didn't he try to work around that? leave himself notes? or tell nick to remind him to integrate actual proper credit and citations before uploading a video? mark the plagiarised stuff in the document with like highlighter or so when you're pasting it in?? oh but he didn't do all of that because he has ADHD. now, ADHD can be debilitating, but he says it's recently diagnosed so it must not have caused a lot of problems for him so far, so it's probably not severe and even if it is, it doesn't excuse him not crediting people properly. stop fucking hiding behind things ‘you can’t change' because if you truly can't you probably shouldn't be doing this in the first place.
“my mom really wanted me to make a movie with her life insurance but that wasn't paid out so I decided to crowdfund it. i planned to underpay the actors so hard it was under union wages. we got more money than we were expecting and upgraded to wanting to film a feature (final girl) but i didn't want to start working on it until the campaign was over for some reason that totally isn't me just wanting to exploit people for money!”
I'm not gonna go into the Telos stuff but he tries to explain it by claiming it was very unorganised and that's why they constantly ran into issues and that's why nothing ever got done and they were JUST about to start doing stuff when the Hbomberguy video released. You know what, I can believe it, although I am very doubtful considering all James ever does is lie. Idk. 
once again trying to excuse his plagiarism with needing to pay two rents and thus needing to make more videos for more sponsors and not having the time to not plagiarise like please. i don't believe that they were in that dire need of money and if they were - just get a fucking stable job and put youtube on the backburner. 
also once again trying to make it all about him by once again talking about his suicide attempt and death threats. like. no one should suffer through that kind of mental anguish but honestly I cannot bring myself to feel sympathy for this man. and i see this as an attempt to gather pity points.
“nick worked very hard on these videos other three years and it's unfair to [them] (james says that they're non-binary but doesn't indicate their pronouns anywhere? and in the beginning he uses they/them but later only he/him so idk what their pronouns are but it seems like they/them is at least part of their pronouns so i'm just going to use that) that they all got taken down” well y'all shouldn't have fucking plagiarised then. let this be a lesson maybe and don't fucking show your face on youtube again!
he is fucking relaunching his channel. like james. this isn't something you come back from. no one will ever be able to trust you ever again and you don't deserve an audience. he claims all the revenue will go to Hbomberguy's fund but we have no way to verify this. we have no way to know just how much he makes and how much of that is actually going to the fund. i don't trust him with any money. which is why i watched a reupload rather than the original. he's also releasing a new video he claims is entirely by him. like?????? don't???????
he also might not relaunch his existing patreon but he's still making a new one.
he claims he will “work his ass off” to make non-plagiarised videos. like that isn't “working your ass off” that's the bare fucking minimum. I really want to trust him. and I want to believe he'll actually try to do better. and maybe he will. and i believe in second chances, even for someone as despicable as him. but throughout this video he has continuously tried to play down what he did. tried to make excuses for everything. and that's why i am not going to give him a second chance. if he can't even admit what he did i don't trust him to not do it again. and i also just plainly don't want to endorse a person making such arguments.
also, he plugs his fucking new patreon right after this.
“this video is not about me promoting myself. it's about me apologising.” the only fucking person you actually ‘apologised’ to is Jessie Gender. 
James Somerton: makes a billion fucking excuses. Also James Somerton: “These are not excuses. There is no excuse for what I did.”
this entire video was just a publicity stunt. he tries to humanise himself and repair his image. this is just a tool to be able to continue on and continue making money.
he also still claims the disney video was based on the Celluloid Closet and he credited the author and ignores that this wasn't the only author he fucking plagiarised in that video. he is trying to reduce his plagiarsm to incorrect crediting and mistakes and that is disgusting.
the least he could have done was mention by name out loud every author he plagiarised and what work he plagiarised. not just say “uuuh i'm sorry to everyone I plagiarised QAQ”
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andysorbit · 2 months
I read your Jisung sfw and nsfw post…
Jisung is totally the type of guy who has dirty thoughts about you but he would never initiate anything sexual because he’s too scared of rushing you or making you uncomfortable, but if you were to ask him if he’d feel uncomfortable with the idea of y’all being intimate he’d get shy and struggle to admit he thinks about it way too often 🫢
sooooo.... I had started this because well... I'm always soft for that pinhead and this may be a bit redundant and some of it might not even mesh with what was in the other one but whatever we love our big fluffy boi
just as before this is fluff and light?? smut, fem!reader
if you wanna read the one mentioned, go here
Boyfriend!Jisung Who...
Buys you flowers and slaps you with them because he's annoying
comes home with food all the time
and you complain but you love it because this man makes sure you're always fed
"if your tummy is always full, you can't run from me"
likes to hide your things because he wants you to ask him for help
"Andrew, I can't find my sewing kit"
"did you just call me Andrew?"
"Yes I did, Anderson..."
"d'you need help finding that sewing kit or not?"
he's a space boy so he's always talking about space and if he's drunk he's in the zone
"so aliens aren't stupid... if they're capable of creating and operating technology so advanced that they can travel all over the universe, then why do they keep crashing in cornfields? shit- why aren't they crashing anywhere else? I believe in them but I feel like mankind wants to be smarter and better than everything else so badly that they'll insult the intelligence of just about anything."
"aw babe you've really put a lot of thought into that"
"I had to... I needed to make sure it made sense before I mentioned it to you. I didn't want you to think I was crazy and dump me"
"Sungie why would I dump you?"
"for thinking I'm crazy.... I just said that but that's not important right now- you gotta keep up- this is serious, okay?"
calls your mom just because he can
"your mom said she hasn't spoken to you in a few days, why haven't you called her?"
"Maybe of you weren't always on the phone with her, she'd answer when I call her dude"
"Well she invited me out for brunch so maybe you can come along too"
"y/n if you're jealous then just say so"
reads to you because he knows his voice is one of your favorite things about him
shares his little rants, rambles, and questions with you
"Okay but instead of sending Jesus to the cross, why didn't everyone get one chance to file for like... spiritual bankruptcy and then after that for every sin you commit then you have to do something that bothers you like walk around for a week with wet socks or with a piece of steak stuck in your molars?"
"baby, are you okay?'"
"no, I need answers."
is so respectful because he doesn't want you thinking he likes the sex more than he likes you
moans in your ear when you're close because he knows you'll cum harder if he's moaning and talking you through it
he can barely form a sentence if he looks at you for too long but he can look you in your eyes and talk dirty to you while he's throttling you
he loves the way his hands look around your neck
he has a big dick
like it's fucking huge and your favorite thing is when he's telling you that you take it just like a good girl should
he's cutie pooks in the streets and Mr. Park in the sheets
no seriously one day you called him Mr. Park and he practically took you right there
he loves watching the way you take his cock so he always slides into you so slowly that it's almost torture
had you convinced that he had the equipment but didn't lnow how to use it and after your first time together he was smug af
"are you okay?"
"Jisung... don't you... I thought..."
"what? you thought you were gonna have to fake it?"
he's nasty but he's classy about it
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moonstruckme · 3 months
Dude I just get my hearing aid after have trouble hearing for some months
Could I request one for any character you like with a reader with hearing problem? When it happens they already in relationship so it a big change for both of them?
Cos not everyone in my family take it kindly... So it might happen in relationship too right?
I'm sorry you had to wait so long lovely! I don't have much experience with hearing impairments, so I apologize if anything is inaccurate—please feel free to let me know! And thank you for requesting <3
cw: frustrations around not hearing well, difficulties aquiring healthcare
Steve Harrington x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
You’re dicing onions, blinking hard against the fumes and trying to make as quick work of it as you can, when something touches your lower back. You gasp and jolt, knife slipping down the curvature of the onion and scaring you badly enough that you drop it as you spin around. 
Steve looks just as startled as you do, staring at you with wide eyes. Lately, you’ve had trouble catching everything people say when they talk, but that’s not an issue now because he’s immediately yelling. 
“Jesus—shit!” He drops into a squat, picking up the knife you hadn’t realized had clattered to your feet. Your heart’s still going a mile a minute, his panic fueling your own. “What the hell was that?” 
You press your fingers to your temples, mindless of the vegetable juice stickying your hairline. “Oh my god,” you pant, “you scared me!” 
You see it click in Steve’s face. “You couldn’t—I said hi when I came in.” He shakes his head, agitated. “You hummed back!” 
“I didn’t.” 
“You did!”
“I must have been humming about something else!” A belated, frightened tear leaks from your eye, and you take a harsh breath, trying to slow the adrenaline racing through your bloodstream. “I didn’t hear you.” 
The appearance of tears reverses your boyfriend’s demeanor in an instant. “Hey,” he says, now soft enough that you see his lips form the word more than hear it. He sets the knife on the counter, gripping your upper arms. “Okay, I’m sorry. Don’t cry.” 
“It’s the onions,” you huff, though you’re not sure that’s strictly true. 
He makes a sound that might be a word and pulls you into his chest. You fist your hands in the material of his sweatshirt, still a little bit furious at him. Or maybe at everyone. Everything. 
Steve says something else, and you sigh. 
“Can’t hear you.” 
Usually he’s better about this, but you still get sick of saying it. It feels like he’s making you remind him, forcing you to admit you can’t get on just the same as everybody else, though of course you know he’d never do that. Steve’s a good guy down to his bones. You’re just mad, lately. 
“I’m sorry I scared you,” he says at an audible volume. “I thought you could hear the door, and then when you seemed like you responded to me saying hi…I just thought I was good.” 
“It’s fine.” 
You’re shaking just slightly, the adrenaline working its way out of your system, and when Steve notices he tightens his grip on you as if he can contain your panic. 
“I almost made you cut your own finger off,” he says. 
“Well, I didn’t.” 
“Still.” He presses a kiss into your hair. “How long until you can get a hearing aid again?” 
Irritation prickles down your spine. “I don’t know. I’m still working it out with the insurance company.” 
Steve must hear the darkness seeping into your tone, because he gives your upper back a solid rub. “Let me know if there’s any way I can help.” 
You have to clamp your jaw shut, the temptation to be cruel sharp and cutting in your mouth. You could help by remembering to speak up, you want to say. It doesn’t seem like you’re asking that much of him. You can understand when other people forget, but Steve lives with you. It’s not so hard to raise his voice a little when he wants you to understand what he’s saying. Half the time, you can’t even hear yourself when you speak because you’re trying to be considerate of him and talk at a normal volume. When he doesn’t do the same for you, it makes you feel like you’re in this alone. 
Still, you know these thoughts don’t have so much to do with a deficiency in your boyfriend as your upset over your own change in circumstance. All of a sudden, the way you experience the entire world has shifted. You hate asking Steve to accommodate you, and you wish that you didn’t have to ask, but it’s nobody’s fault that you’re both still adjusting. In the time between now and when you eventually get a hearing aid, you’re just going to have to get used to this feeling that you’re a world apart from him. It’s not his fault he can’t be in it with you. 
Steve pulls away from the hug but keeps his hands on your arms, and he’s looking at you oddly. Considering. For all the shit you give him about not understanding when you need help, he really can surprise you with his intuition sometimes. Maybe he just knows you that well. 
You’re about to ask What? and hope your voice doesn’t come out as pissy as you feel when he says, in a tone somehow both loud and gentle, “Maybe I could get you a walkie talkie.” 
You blink. “Huh?” 
“Dustin just got these ones that light up when someone’s talking to you,” he explains. He lets you go, leaning back with his elbows on the counter opposite you and a pensive furrow between his brows. “So what if instead of trying to guess what you can hear, I just call you on that when I’m about to come inside? That way even if you don’t hear it you’ll see the light.” 
“That…could work.” You hesitate. “So I’d just carry it everywhere with me so I see if it lights up?” 
Steve winces. “I guess it doesn’t sound as easy as I’d thought.” 
“No, let’s try it,” you say, encouragingly as you can and nodding for good measure. “It might help.” 
“Yeah?” he asks hopefully. 
“Mhm.” You nod again. “Thanks, Stevie. I know I…I know this is really inconvenient. Thanks for trying so hard.” 
“Hey, it’s not. It’s nothing.” His voice drops until you can barely make it out, and when you look up at him Steve’s expression is softly fond. He makes sure you can hear when he asks, “You want another hug, honey?”
There’s that intuition again. You nod, stepping into his arms where he waits by the counter and wrapping yours tightly around his waist. 
“Thank you,” you say again, the material of his sweatshirt heating with your breath. 
Steve presses his cheek to your head. “Don’t mention it.” 
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blvel4goon · 5 months
Peter Parker x Top male reader
This is my first ever work so please..forgive me if its bad!!
Tumblr media
Disclaimer: NSFW,minors and f!readers dni!
TW: blowjobs,jerking off?? And its really short,Idk what the fuck
In the heart of New York City, the cold air enveloped New York city as Peter made his way through the familiar streets where he played as a child with his best friend M/N who he had a crush on..and a strong desire to fuck him...The weight of his textbooks in his backpack only reminded him of the study session that he agreed on.
Navigating the dimly lit stairwell of M/N's apartment building, Peter approched his best friend's door with a mixture of anticipation and nervous energy...he didn't want anything to go wrong..and he certainly didn't want to embarrass himself infront of M/N. The thruth is that he had a crush on his friend for a really long time,but was too scared to talk about it with him.As he reached the final steps,the worn sole of his shoe caught on and uneven edge,causig him to trip and fall a couple of steps down. The door swung open, reaveling M/N who got scared of the loud noise and decided to check what was that about..
"Gosh..you scared me Parker,you good?" M/N helped him get up of the stairs and help him into his apartment.
"Yeah,yeah, just a little..stumble on the stair. No big deal"
Peter,sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as he smiled awkwardly.
"Spider-Man stumbling on stairs? That's a headline i never thought i'd see."..Peter's face got ever reder if thats even possible.
,,W-well,all superheroes have their c-clumsy moments..right?''
M/N,still laughing: "Totally.Come on in, Spidey. Wathc out for the floor or you might trip over nothing again" Parker,with a shy smmile: "Noted..i'll try to stick to swinging from buildings next time"
After a focused study session where peter couldn't concentrate,only thinking about his friend and how badly he wanted him in this moment. M/N closed the textbook with a decisive thud. He suggested to go to his room with a warm smile that Peter could melt from. M/N lead Parker away from the living room towards the sanctuary of his room.
As they continued chatting about everything and nothing, Peter found himself stealing glances at M/N when he thought the other wasn't looking. He marveled at the curve of his friend's smile and thr way his muscles flexed everytime he moved, he felt himself getting more and more turn on by his best friend. M/N,raising an eyebrow with a playful smirk:"Hey,dude, you've been staring at me a lot tonight. What's going on? You nervous or something?"
Peter stammering as always: "N-nervous? No,no,not at all. Just lost in the thoughts. Thinking about you know..s-scoence stuff?"
M/N moved closer teasingly: "Science stuff,huh? You sure it's not more like..Me stuff?" Peter tried to help himself from this embarrassing situation: "W-what? No! I mean..yes! Youre my b-best friend,but its just..nothing don't worry!" He could feel his face getting reder and a bulge forming in his pjama pants but quickly covered himself with a blanket.
"Okay, seriously Pete! You can tell me anything" M/N grabbed him by his thighs..sending a shiver up to his aching member.
Peter tried not to make any sounds, trying not to alarm his best friend of anything. "A-alright,fine..it's just..i've been thinking about you a lot lately..about us..h-how close we are,and maybe it's just me overthinking,b-but.."
"but what?" M/N smirked, hearing his best friend like that really turned him on,all frustered and whimpery. He got closer to Peter..he sat between peters legs..slightly spreeding them apart as he saw the bulge in Parkers pants.
Peter's eyes widen open,he felt the touch of M/N's hands on his toned body..traveling up to the waistband of his pants:"w-what..are you d-"
His sentence was cut short by his own moan as M/N took his cock into his hand..long and slow strokes followed by Peters whimpers and heavy breathing.
"I like you too Parker,and i can see..that you like me too" M/N looked down at his bestfriend's cock..throbbing in the palm of his hand as he teased the head. Peter could only moan and gasp for air as M/N toyed with his sensitive member.
"i c-can't..please M/N.." His bestfriend only smirked..his lips met Peters in a hungry and passionate kiss. "You like it spidey?When i play with it like that?" M/N teased, kissing Peter's neck while stroking his cock faster.
"f-fuck..yes,yes i love it please-" Parker started moving his hips, trying to get more friction.
M/N suddenly went down on Peter..licking the slit with his tongue before taking his cock down his throat..it made him gag a little but he wanted to listen to these moans.
"a-AAH-..M/N..fuck!" Parker moaned loudly..his legs shaking as his bestfriend bobbed his head up and down on his member..his fingers found their way into M/N's hair..gripping them softly. M/N's skilled tongue teased Peters shaft..making him moan ever more,he could feel his orgams building up as he thrusted his hips into M/N's throat.
"f-fuck- ahh..im g-gonna cuuum!" Peter's body shuddered as he felt M/N's moans aroud this cock. He pulled Peter's member out of his mouth..and started stroking it again.."f-fuck! Pete,you made me tear up..i like it" He smirked as he teased Pete's dick some more before he came on M/N's face..legs shaking and his eyes rolling back in his head. "Ahh- O-h my god..t-too much!" Parker cried out as his swollen cock twitched in M/N's hand..
"Good job Peter..but were not done yet..."
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gyuranhae · 1 year
Oppa | (dino smut)
Pairing: BadBoy!Dino X Reader Synopsis: You should not even be friends with your brother's best friend. But it felt so good to tease Lee Chan about his need to be called oppa. Genre: smut Word Count: 5.6K Warning: HUGE MASSIVE EXTREME GIGANTIC OPPA KINK FROM DINO'S SIDE. protected sex. masturbation (f). teasing. dirty talk. praise. name calling (whore, slut). oral (f receiving). squirting. petnames (doll, pretty, baby). degradation. some level of possessiveness. pretty romantic smut. jeonghan smokes and dino drinks. Tag: - A/N: I could say that I'm sorry but I'm not I fucking love this one. also i'm a sucker for mullet dino
"C'mon, don't get so mad, oppa" You said, a large grin spread across your face "That grumpy look doesn't fit your handsome face" If looks could kill, you would have been dead long time ago, or maybe now, giving that Lee Chan looked through you as if he wanted to burn a hole in your skull. And he wanted badly. 
"Will you ever call me in the proper way without making it sound like I'm a joke to you?" He clenched his teeth, opening the beer can with rather force and gulping down hard on the burning liquid. 
"Who says you aren't a joke to me?" You smiled, earning a violent cough from Dino as he choked hard on his drink. You were the most impossible, insufferable, annoying, persistent, bratty person Chan had ever met. You were mean to him for no other reason than being funny, and he hated that he couldn't pay back. He always claimed he couldn't because you were his best friend's little sister, that he would never do anything because Jeonghan might kill him. You half wished it was true, and half wished it was because he liked you and tolerated your behavior for the sake of love. He cleaned his mouth on his shirt, breathing heavily as his patience was running out very quickly. 
"Good to know you see someone older as a joke" He sounded serious, and you wanted to die out of laughter "Good to know that respect is the least of your concerns" He tapped the counter, looking back with almost fire in his eyes as his anger boiled his insides with rage. You could see his tense jaw. 
"Oh please, I save respect for those who deserve it" You smirked, knowing you just had hit the sore spot. Earning it. Dino was known for being more than just competitive, for earning his spot on your brother's bike gang. He was known for doing anything to earn what had to earn, whether it would be money, respect or some random girl he found pretty. You weren't jealous, no. You could see the red rising on his skin, his fingers gripping back on his hand as he clenched his jaw even more, sharp eyes almost cutting you with his gaze. 
"Oh… So I don't deserve your respect, Y/N?" His voice dropped an octave, and you could feel your legs pressing against each other. Thank god the counter covered your figure from the waist down "Interesting… It appears like I'm going to have to show you how deserving of your respect I am" 
"Maybe" You shrugged, sounding uninterested on his offer to earn you "I guess you could show off how amazing you are and try to get me impressed so I can finally call you oppa without wanting to laugh" Your smirk was almost as annoying as your brothers, almost as punchable as Jeonghan's devilish smile. To Dino, it was more "Your need for my respect is… what do they call it? Ah! Cute" 
“Cute?!” Before any of you could do anything, the door of the kitchen opened with one motion, well, with one kick as your brother entered the room, cigar in the corner of his mouth and two other dudes behind him. Seungcheol and Joshua, you knew everyone in his gang at that point. Dino adjusted his posture, bowing in a 90º angle towards Jeonghan, making you chuckle lightly “Sir Jeonghan” The politeness that dripped from his voice almost made you laugh out loud, if it wasn’t for the fact that it made Jeonghan laugh out loud. 
“Sir Jeonghan? Do you think I’m like fifty five or something? You can call me hyung, kid” Your brother slapped Chan in the back, making his whole body jolt forward as the younger one gave him an embarrassed smile. Turning his whole body towards you, Jeonghan took the cigarette off of his mouth, putting it out on the little trail on the corner of the counter you were currently in “We’ll be gone for like, some hours. I’m leaving you some money and if you need anything…” Jeonghan slapped Dino’s back again, the clear pain being visible on the boy’s face “Lee Chan won’t hesitate to come right to your service, right Chan?” Your brother’s smile was as sarcastic as it could get. 
“Y-Yeah, I’ll come right away…” He sounded embarrassed, as if he wasn't almost shouting at you like two minutes ago.
“Yeah, that’s all. You know the drill, just doing some races for the money. I’ll be back before four AM. Let’s go guys” Jeonghan gave you a tight hug and handed you the cash, indicating the door to the others as he pulled another cigarette from his pocket, ready to light. You and Dino exchanged looks, his filled with rage, yours filled with excitement. He couldn’t help but mouth “I’ll kill you when I come back” before leaving, making you giggle like a child. 
You were extremely tempted, Dino’s number on your screen looking more delectable than ever. One move and you would cause Chan’s temper to burst out of rage, you knew how much he loved to be on those races, along with your brother’s gang, the feeling of being on a motorbike, speeding up and earning money from doing so. You knew he would never forgive you for taking away the experience of finally feeling like he belonged somewhere, even if the older one’s teased him all the time. You grunted, frustrated that your morals and stupid heart were speaking louder than your head, not letting you call Lee Chan and ruin his night. It was not your fault that you liked his company, even if ninety percent of the time he was annoyed by you.
Throwing your phone to the side, you jumped on the bed, laying spread as you stared at the ceiling, sighing loudly. You just couldn’t get him out of your head. His slicked back mullet, a hair strain that always seemed to fall on his exposed forehead, his strong eyebrows that furrowed everytime he got concentrated on something, his lip piercing that every now and then would get caressed by his tongue as he licked his lips. You were obsessed with the way he dressed too, you swore you never saw someone as stylish as him, his leather jackets and tank tops making your head spin in circles. And how could you forget the way he looked when he was on top of his motorbike? Gloved hands gripping on the handles, the way he took off his helmet, hair always a bit sweaty from the adrenaline of running around. Dino was a walking temptation to you, and it was even harder because he was your older brother’s friend, which meant he was off limits. 
Lost in your thoughts, you failed to miss the way your hand automatically traveled south, diving inside your pajama shorts and panties, fingertips lightly rubbing your sensitive clit, a soft moan escaping your lips as you closed your eyes and thought of the one you loved. Everything about Chan was too good to you, his piercing gaze as his dragon eyes looked you up and down with disapproval, his strong arms that tensed up as he gripped onto something to control himself, his clenched jaw as he bit his tongue and let you make fun of him. He was so handsome, even when angry, and that made you crazy. You let a finger slide inside your folders, imagining it was his long fingers, toying with your pussy and making you moan, your other hand grabbing the pillow underneath your head. 
“C-Chan…” You let out, hips arching away from the bed as you let another finger dip into your heat, your walls clenching from the thought of him being with you, rubbing your cunt and dragging you into a messy kiss. You dreamed of kissing his lips, yearning to know how it would taste, would his piercing make everything taste like iron? Would his plush tongue dive into your mouth, making you feel the taste of his favorite can beer? Would he drag his kiss across your jaw, biting and sucking into your skin as your hips rode his hand, his calloused fingers curling up inside you and brushing up against your sweet spot? Your back arched as you felt the coil underneath your stomach appear quickly, your fingers working inside of you just like they did every night. Your mouth stood hanging open, whines and moans erupting from your throat as your folds gripped around your hand and wet your fingers. 
“O-Oppa… P-Please…” You would never say it out loud, that you liked calling him oppa. That you were into the visual of seeing him getting full of himself as you finally addressed him the way he wanted with proper respect. That the idea of calling him oppa as he dived into your body got you turned on. You would never ever admit to him, nor to yourself, that you loved calling him like that, that you wanted to call him that while he railed you in any position “O-Oppa, I’m so close…” Your head was thrown back, eyes starting to gather tears as your fingers pumped in and out of your pussy. The gushing sounds should make you embarrassed, but they only turned you on even more, just the thought of being this wet because of him making you moan out loud again. Thank god Jeonghan wasn’t home. The coil on your stomach got tighter, your legs closing as a reflex as you chased your high desperately, needing that sweet sweet release. It wasn't long until you felt yourself squirting, ruining your underwear and shorts, your mind going blank as the wave of pleasure cruised through your body and made your legs shake, your chest moving up and down rapidly as you tried to compose yourself. Your fingers lingered a bit too long on your heat, the little shock of overstimulation making your hips halt as you stabilized your mind back to reality, eyes slowly opening to stare at the ceiling again. You wished everything you had just imagined was real. 
“Y/N?” You froze. Your mind was too foggy with the lust you were feeling, that was it, it wasn't Lee Chan’s actual voice calling for you, right?
“Y/N… did you mean to call me?” It was his voice, coming from your phone, that got tossed to the side like one of your clothes. You rushed, fumbling around with your covers and with your messy hand, cleaning on a towel you had for these occasions before grabbing your phone. You were on a voice call with him, and you don’t know how long he had been hearing you. 
“U-Uh, C-Chan! Good that you picked up! I need you to pass to my brother, need to talk to him!” You tried to cover your embarrassment, swallowing thick as you hoped he bought the idea that you called him to talk to Jeonghan. Your hands trembled, the anxiety washing over you as he took a little bit too long to answer you. 
“... Are you sure you want to talk to him?” The emphasis on him made you bite your lip, your heart beating fast. He had noticed your little plan “... I can come back if you need something. Jeonghan is busy” You froze again. Lee Chan was offering to come back? The Lee Chan that always whined and complained when he needed to get you something? “Besides, he told us that I would come back if you needed something, right?” 
“... Right” Your voice was above a whisper, your body had sunk on itself as you sat on the floor of your room, back resting against the foot of your bed. Your body was numb, both from your orgasm and from the talk. 
“Jeonghan-hyung!” You heard him call your brother, his voice sounding a bit more far away “Y/N said she’s not feeling very well, I’ll come back to check on her okay? Don’t know if I’ll be able to come back… I’ll be there in twenty” His voice sounded closer to the phone on the last bit, the call ending shortly after, leaving you holding your own phone while staring blankly at the wall in front of you. You couldn’t tell how much Dino had heard, nor what his reaction was. You hoped you weren’t screwed, the last thing you needed at this moment was the boy you liked becoming distant because he heard you masturbating and moaning his name. 
Those were the slowest and most agonizing twenty minutes of your whole life. You walked from side to side in the living room, checking the wall clock every five seconds as if that was going to make the time stop, wishing that Chan never arrived so you wouldn’t have to face him at all. But at last, you heard the bell of your house ring, a breathy sigh leaving your lips as you turned your body towards the front door, praying for it to not be him, or for him to not look you in the eye. Your hand twisted the door knob, opening just a little bit of it and slightly looking through it, your gaze being met with Dino’s as he looked back at you with an indecipherable look. 
“Hm… Can I come in?” You couldn’t figure out what the tone was, if he was disappointed, worried or just calm. You opened the door whole, turning yourself away from him and walking straight to the kitchen, not wanting to look him in the eye. You sat at the stool from the counter, hearing his steps as his boots stomp their way into the kitchen, a sound of plastic shuffling around caughting your attention. You looked back, seeing as he placed a plastic bag on another counter, checking the content on it and then turning himself at you. You quickly looked back to your front, ears and cheeks burning red from the embarrassment and feeling of being near him after what happened. 
“Ignoring me is not gonna help, y’know” He sounded calm, opposite from you at the moment. You swallowed thick before looking back again, head low as you could barely look him in the eye. He was laid back against one of the counters, elbows holding his torso up. You couldn’t see a trace of grossness or rage on his face, remaining quiet as he looked back at you, up and down “... Did you mean?” 
“W-What?” You wanted to curse at your body as your voice cracked, your hands gripping against the fabric of the pants you had changed to. 
“Did you mean to call me at that moment? Or did your dumbass accidentally call me?” Hearing him curse you felt more natural, a bit of the tension on your body leaving as you relaxed a bit. Hopefully he was still the Dino you knew. 
“Of course I meant to call you! I said that I wanted to speak to Jeonghan” You pouted, crossing your arms as you tried to keep the narrative from earlier on. You wished he would bite it. 
“... So you wanted Jeonghan to hear his little sister moaning one of his friends' names while she touched herself?” Your face dropped. He had heard everything. He even had deducted perfectly what you were doing, not that it was hard to with your moans and whines. He straight his posture up, crossing his arms and walking closer to you. You sunk against yourself again, looking up at him as he stared at you with clouded eyes “I’m not saying I liked it but… I got kinda disappointed when you stopped” 
“H-Huh?” Your voice got caught in your throat, your confused eyes searching on his for some clear answer. What did he mean by that? Did he enjoy hearing you?
“Don’t play dumb, doll” One of his hands gripped your jaw, holding your face still as you watched the light on his eyes shift “You were moaning my name and calling me oppa while fucking yourself. Don’t tell me I heard shit wrong cause we both know what was happening” His voice dropped an octave, your thighs rubbing on each other as a reflex “I kinda wished you kept going, I was really enjoying hearing you desperately calling me like that. Needy and ready to take me” His words made you want to whine, but you held back, still scared of what he would think of it, even if he had just admitted getting hard from listening to you. 
“I…” You could only muther, mind still trying to process all of the new information. His lips smirked, the piercing shining against the light of the kitchen. He let out a big sight, letting go of your face and making you lean a bit into his touch, wishing he had kept his hand there. 
“But I guess I can do nothing, since I’m not deserving of your respect, right?” His smirk grew larger as he noticed your face drop even more, your words from earlier lingering across your mind. Your mouth opened to protest, but no sound came out of it, your head burning to find an answer quick enough “What? Did the cat finally get your tongue?”
“Chan, please…” You didn’t even notice your current state as your voice pleaded for him. Your puppy eyes looked up at him, glazed with a shiny coat of tears that threatened to fall from the corners. Your legs were squished together, heat searching for friction, while your hands gripped tightly on your pants, fingers fumbling with the soft fabric. The view of you in such a vulnerable state, begging for him, made a sharp sting run across Dino’s cock, his turn to swallow hard as his bulge became even more visible through his tight pants. He straight himself, looking you up and down yet again before holding your jaw once more. 
“... You’re gonna be nice and do everything oppa tells you to do?” He arched an eyebrow, watching carefully as the light in your eyes shifted too, your throat swallowing the lump it had formed on the bottom of it. 
“Yes oppa” There was a tremble, a breathiness in your tone that made Chan hiss, fingers gripping tightly your face. He was quick as he grabbed one of your wrists, pulling you up and dragging you out of the kitchen, not before grabbing something inside of the plastic bag and tossing it in his pocket. You couldn’t even process before he threw you inside of your room, somehow managing to close the door as if your brother could come inside at any minute. His aura as he approached you, so intimidating, making you feel small, at the same time so inviting and making you want to beg for him. The feeling of his arms wrapping around your waist was wonderful, his body gluing to yours as his lips searched for yours. 
Making out with him was more than just heaven, it was borderline addicting. His lips felt so soft, with just the right hint of roughness whenever his piercing pressed against your own lips. He tasted like the most amazing mixture of alcohol and snacks, a lingering sensation of beer with a mixture of caramel, and when he moaned against your mouth, gosh, you felt your legs almost give in, being secured in place by his strong embrace. Your fingers tangled with his soft locks, feeling the texture of his slick back hair, pulling ever so slightly whenever he bit into the kiss, a soft whimper coming out of your mouth and just fuelling Dino even more. His tongue overlapped yours as you two got lost into each other's touch, his need for dominance and control making your folds get slicker and your thighs to press against each other, your balance already betraying you and only pushing you further into his arms. 
“You’re so annoying…” He said between the kiss, teeth slightly biting your bottom lip as he pulled away softly, diverging his attention to your jaw, dragging his tongue across the line of your face as you shifted your neck, allowing him more access “Always poking fun of me and making me mad…” He bit and nibbled your skin, leaving a trail of reddish marks as his kisses traveled south, the feel of his warm tongue leaping along your neck making your head spin in circles. Was this really happening? “But gosh, you couldn’t be more beautiful and tempting, could you?” His words made you blush, the crimson tint spreading across your flushed face and ears, a whine leaving your lips at the praise “Just the most gorgeous person I’ve ever met… And so funny too, just so fucking annoying, and only with me” He pulled away, fingers gently pulling your chin so you could met his fiery gaze. A mixture of lust and passion, his vision seemed clouded, filled with you, just like your senses were filled with him “Tell me, Y/N, why do you love to annoy me?”
“Want your attention…” Your head didn't have control over your mouth anymore, your thoughts spilling from your lips without hesitation as if you were under some sort of spell casted by Chan. Your eyes looked up at him, asking for more “I want you for me…” A smirk grew on the corner of his lips, the arm hooking around your waist pulling you even closer, his hand dangerously close to your ass, where you wanted it to be.
“Oh pretty, you already have me all for you” His confession made your heart thump loud in your chest, your hands gently squeezing his shoulders “Wouldn't want anyone else but my sweet little Y/N. Even if Jeonghan chops my dick off” You chuckled lightly. Sure, Jeonghan did said to all of his friends that if they touched you, they were dead, but he would never get in the way of your happiness “I’m all yours, baby” He whispered, pulling you into another intense kiss, his tongue tangling with yours as his body guided you towards your bed, laying you down as he climbed on top of you. Your legs easily spread open to allow him access, his hands caressing you through the fabric of your pants, his fingers gently squeezing your thighs the closer he got to your heat. He broke the kiss momentaneously, searching in your eyes for consent to take them off of you, eyes growing cloudier with lust when you nodded a bit too eager in agreement. His fingers hooked in the waistband, dragging the piece of clothing off slowly from you for the tease, enjoying when he saw the pout grow in your lips at your impatience. You’ve been waiting so long for this, and so was he, but he wasn’t going to give in that easily. He was gonna pay back all those years of teasing you made him go through.  
Your lack of underwear made him curse under his breath, and the wetness adorning your folds made him lick his lips, dragging a thumb across your cunt, making your hips buckle out of sensitivity. He took the wet thumb to his mouth, licking it while keeping eye contact with you, the sinful view of him humming and smirking directly at you making a breathy moan escape your lips, your fingers daring to move towards your pussy and gently touch your sensitive bud. 
“Don’t worry princess. I’ll take good care of my little slut” He sounded so endearing, all while adjusting himself between your legs, strong hands holding your thighs open with enough force to leave bruises. You could feel his breath close to your folds, your head getting thrown back when he licked a stripe across, your mouth not holding back sounds as his wet muscle skilfully worked on your heat. He gave open mouthed kisses, capturing your clit between his lips and sucking on it, one of his hands releasing your leg and scooting closer, fingertips teasing your hole with shallow touches. The feeling of the cold piercing dragging along your hot cunt sent a shiver down your spine, your mind starting to get fuzzy as he introduced a finger inside your hole, slowly prepping you while his mouth continued to eat you out like the finest dessert. His eyes kept fixated on your image, soaking in all the information, from the way your breath hitched when he curled his fingers, to how you whined when he flicked his tongue on your swollen bud, to how you were fighting to not close your thighs around his head, legs shaking from the way he dived into you with his mouth. Dino could feel your walls clenching around his finger, smoothly adding another one to the mix and scissoring them, a brief smirk growing on his glistening lips when you moaned his name as he hit yet again that spongy spot that made you see stars. He could tell you were short from cumming, his tongue dragging across your slit, only to plant a wet kiss on your sensitive spot and abruptly stop, fingers leaving you empty. You flushed your eyes open, the red tint that spread across your face and covered chest looking a bit too adorable to Lee Chan.
“W-Why did you stop?” You whined, wanting to close your legs but being stopped by his hands. He spread them open even more, making you sink in embarrassment as you felt exposed to his eyes, your hands trying to fly to your face to hide the shyness. 
“Don’t you dare to hide your face” He sounded so stern, a tone that you definitely weren't used to hearing from him “Want you to cum on my cock. I can make you cum on my tongue another day pretty” You felt yourself contracting around nothing again, a whimper being your only response as he started to take off his own clothes. He was as fit as you dreamed, his toned torso calling out to you, your arm stretching and fingers grazing lightly on his abs, his skin felt soft yet so warm. You fumbled to take off your own top, the cold breeze hitting your skin and making you hiss, the view of your exposed self sending another sting run through the shaft of Dino’s dick, his hands desperate to take off the leather pants and boxers that confined his hard on. His hand immediately flew to his cock, pumping it a few times to spread the pre cum that leaked through his tip. 
He was bigger than you imagined. He had good girth, and his tip was blushed in a pretty shade of red and faded pink, the veins popping out from how hard he was. You could feel your mouth salivating at the view, the thought of having him on your mouth making you sigh. Before completely tossing his pants on the ground, Chan rummaged through one of the pockets, grabbing what he had brought on the plastic bag earlier and finally allowing you to see it, your face covered in red. He ripped the package of the condom with his teeth, his long fingers working fast and rolling the latex across his shaft.
“Really bad timing but…” You could see the concern on his face, his eyes shifting between your exposed groin and your face “Are you a… virgin?” Lee Chan bit his lip, clear anxiety adorning his handsome features. His concern was sweet to you.
“This may make you upset but no” You said with a little embarrassed smile. Sometimes you wish you could turn back time and have your first time with him, but you wouldn’t have the knowledge you have to please him. His face relaxed, a grin slipping through his lips. 
“Not really, could not give two shits about your body count. I’m confident that you’re not gonna want anyone else after this” His confidence gave you butterflies on the stomach, your wet folds pooling liquid. 
“As if I wanted someone else” You rolled your eyes playfully, earning a light chuckle from him. His smile took away all of the angst and evil boy image he had, your heart filling up with content. Dino adjusted himself, his tip teasing your hole and making you wiggle your hips a bit. He held you with one hand, strong grip pinning you down.
“Behave Y/N” His cut-through gaze looked back at you, his hips finally moving and length diving into your heat. You two hissed at the feeling, your walls clamping around his dick like vices, the wetness welcoming him in and making you swallow him whole in a single thrust. He was right, you would never want anything else than the sensation of Chan inside you, his cock filling you up just in the right way and resting perfectly there, as if you were made for him. He supported himself by putting both his elbows on each side of your face, his strong build caging you underneath him and pushing a few more inches inside you, your head thrown back and eyes rolling back to your skull. His lips glued to your neck, leaving wet kisses and even more hickeys across your skin as his hips started to move, slowly coming out and snapping back at full force, your whole body jointing with the movement. 
Your hands grabbed his biceps, nails leaving red stripes and moon-shaped indents on his muscles while his gripped the pillow underneath your head, the tension making his forearms veins pop. Your moans filled his ears and gave goosebumps on his skin, the sensation of being the one making you almost scream in pleasure fuelling him further and making his hips pick up the pace, pistoning in and out of your cunt with force. You could feel your walls gripping him, yearning to milk him dry and to keep him inside till he couldn’t stand, the effervescent sensation running through your pussy and pilling up underneath your stomach, a coil quickly appearing as his thrusts kept typing you over an impossible edge. Dino’s mouth kept glued to your torso, his sloppy pecks and licks spreading across your chest as he spoiled your breast with attention, teeth nibbling at one of your nibbled before taking one of your boobs on his mouth, sucking and licking with no shame. Your hands traveled to his muscular back, the fire feeling of you scratching down bloodshot lines and marks shooting pleasure stings directly to Chan’s dick, balls swelling in the need to cum, his own coil bubbling right above his groin. 
“Such a whore…” His voice sounded raspy, hands massaging your chest as his lips continued to work wonders around you, head fuzzy with the sensation of him on you “My whore, right baby?”
“Y-Yes, oppa” The title made both of you moan, your eyes barely open to see how his aura got fuller of itself, knowing he had managed to make you cockdumb within a few minutes.
“Good girl, all mine…” The cold piercing dragged across your neck, his teeth biting your skin and leaving marks that would last for days. His hips started to get quicker, the sound of skin to skin having your cunt wetter and gripping harder around him, your coil starting to get tighter, just like his. His low grunts and breathy moans became louder, following right along your chants of his name and dragged out whines, your bodies tensing up as your orgasms approached faster than expected and washed over you two like a wave. The white out spread throughout your vision, the shock of such an intense climax making your legs shake and cunt clench impossibly hard, begging for Dino to cum together, which he did. His own body took a screenshot, dick shooting ropes of cum onto the protection as he moaned your name on your ear, his melodic voice gracing your hearing before he let his body relax, gently laying on top of you like a blanket. 
There was a few minutes of silence, just the two of you picking up your breaths, the sudden feel of heaviness and tiresome sinking down and settling on both of you. Your hands caressed his hair, your arms half hugging him while his did the same, caging you in a tight hug. He placed a kiss on your shoulder, lifting himself through his forearms before looking back at you. The image of him sweaty, hair falling into his forehead, blow out pupils and puffy red lips, cheeks tinted with light pink made your walls cramp again, a hiss coming out of his mouth. 
“I just…” He tried to search through words, not knowing how to express his feelings properly without sounding either corny or cringy “There’s no other way of putting it. I love you, Y/N” Your heart thumped yet again loud inside your chest, your fingers caressing his face gently before pushing him in, mouth clashing with his in a heartfelt kiss, your actions saying much more than words could. His smile while kissing made you smile two, the lovey dovey atmosphere being almost dumb. Before Dino could continue further, you two heard a loud crash coming from the other side of the house, your bodies freezing. 
“Y/N-yah! Dino-yah! I’m home! I bought some stuff for us to dine on!” Jeonghan’s voice made you bite your lip, the task of muffling a laugh failing as soon as your gaze crossed with Chan’s, you two giggling like teenagers. He slowly pulled out of you, the feeling of being empty leaving you a bit sad, but also eager to have him once again. Dino threw the used condom on the bin next to your desk, rummaging for his clothes and quickly dressing up so he could go talk to Jeonghan. Before leaving the room, he opened the door, lookin at you up and down with a hungry gaze, lips sliding upwards in a devilish grin. 
“We’ll continue this later, baby. You’re not sleeping tonight”
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Why Didn't Peter Mentor Gwen?
Back at it again with my biweekly anti-Peter B hate post :) 💗 I'm full of rage - MEDIUM length post
If Peter wanted to be a mentor so badly I don't understand why he didn't just mentor Gwen.
Like... Logically speaking there had to be a time where Gwen DIDN'T know Hobie yet and was staying on Campus.
And we already know he was in the Society when she got there - cause he was there to see Gabbie die.
Like he's always talking about wanting to be a mentor.
And then Gwen pulls up to HQ homeless, emotionally wrecked, and in need of a mentor and suddenly he's like 'You got this one Jess 😃'
'I know I literally know Gwen almost as much as I know Miles and I know you're 8 1/2 months pregnant but you got this one Jess'
Like I don't understand 😭😭 the WHOLE movie that's all he talks about wanting to be a mentor so so badly and how sad it makes him that he can't be a Good Mentor
meanwhile Gwen is literally standing there homeless in need of a mentor ten thousand times more than Miles
Why not just mentor her????? She's literally right there
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Like.... Do you only wanna mentor Miles or..
And I've heard people say he couldn't have mentored or housed her because he just had MayDay and like-
Cause there are hundreds of millions of families that somehow can raise a baby and a teenager at the same time.
That's not even a difficult feat. That's not even uncommon???? 😭 Chances are a lot of our parents did the exact same thing - looking after a baby and a fairly independent teenager isn't that bizarre
And also - Peter can go home and put down MayDay.
Jessica can't go home and take off her pregnant stomach. If anything, Jessica would be the one MORE busy and more in needing of rest.
Yet Peter still left it to her.
But sure let Peter walk around in a robe while Jessica gotta play backup for Miguel - must black women do everything in this house.
And even if we say that Jessica is there because she wants to be, which she probably is, EVENTUALLY she's gonna have to take off to have her baby. That's inevitable.
So... What were they gonna do with Gwen then???? Wouldn't it make sense to give it to Peter, knowing Jess is probably gonna be on a short or extended leave soon....
And then there's the excuse that Gwen might not have wanted Peter as a mentor, which ????? Cause what makes you think she'd want a random stranger to be her mentor or a random stranger to try to befriend her or house her.
Gwen won't even talk to her own friends. Chances are Hobie had to do MONUMENTAL work to get Gwen to open up.
So it's not like Gwen just chose to run to people who weren't Peter. Jessica and Hobie most likely would have had to approach Gwen purposefully to build those relationships with her.
Which Peter could have done as well. But he didn't.
Jessica wasn't even running and eager to mentor Gwen, but she still did her best and gave it her all.
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Meanwhile Peter B is crying and whining the whole movie about how much he missed Miles and he wants to be a good mentor and father
Meanwhile there is a homeless teenager he personally knows in need of a mentor and he pretends he does not see it
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Okay dude. Sure. You totally wanna be a mentor for the purpose of helping kids. Yeah sure, you totally aren't doing this for your own self validation bro.
I even heard someone say 'Yeah well Peter only knew Gwen one day at this point-'
umm umm umm
THE SAME IS TRUE FOR MILES??!!! Which makes this WEIRDER!!!
He's known Gwen and Miles for about the same time, and have shared a lot of the same experiences together but Peter only seems to be interested in mentoring or helping out Miles.
Is that not bizarre?????
Like realistically speaking - Hobie did not meet Gwen day one. Or maybe even week one.
There had to be period in time where - at first - only Miguel, Jess, and Lyla know about Gwen.
And we see that Peter and Miguel are together a lot -or comfortable around each other. So it's not like Peter wouldn't know that Gwen is there now.
So like ??????
Peter were the fuck were you between the dates of Gwen arriving and Hobie meeting her?
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That shit not adding up.
Peter wants to be father of the year with his daughter but he be having his daughter in the face of Miguel, who lost his own daughter, and be ignoring Gwen who lost her own father.
Like, dude read the mfing room!!!!
If Peter really wanted to be a mentor he would've begged Miguel to help Gwen.
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Instead he wanna monologue about his goddamn baby. Don't nobody wanna hear about your baby.
Matter of fact Hobie should adopt your baby too. Give him MayDay. You don't deserve no children. Actually Hobie runs a foster home now sorry. Rename her to MayDay Brown. It sounds better anyway.
Buti will never understand it
Like how the whole movie he's crying about being a good mentor and letting down Miles meanwhile I'm here like .. gwen,.. gwens crying peter. turn around shes literally about to cry maybe you should Do Something
ESPECIALLY since Gwen needs EMOTIONAL mentoring, not TECHNICAL mentoring.
She's been Spiderwoman years. She does not need Jessica's mentoring style. She needs someone who is going to make an effort to connect with her emotionally despite her difficulties opening up.
But I guess that someone wasn't Peter!!!!!
'I wanna be a good mentor'
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Well you're not trying hard enough. You might not even be trying at all. What is Miguel paying you for. He better not be paying you 😭😭
Idk what the hell they're gonna do with Peter in BTSV cause idc what he says or does every time he comes on screen im gonna be looking at him like
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'die. sacrifice yourself. dive under the rubble. save gwens life. your only value to me is the relief i will feel seeing you die.'
You don't know how much it bothers me knowing that I have to rewatch this series with him as a character in it. It's like having a shit stain on your wedding dress.
Mentor. Mentor my ass. Hobie is a better mentor to Gwen AND Miles. The dude who speaks in rhymes and riddles can somehow open Gwens Pandora's box of emotional trauma meanwhile Peter b Parker 'forgets' he's wearing a tracking watch.
I am on a war path against this man. I will not be silenced
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user2772636 · 2 months
Douzième Fille
12th girl
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A new task; Kidnap some frogs and a film to get an hour study session with the Annick Sabiani. Things are still unstable with Joseph. Maybe Callum could help. Your fear of hopping creatures makes a boy forget what went wrong.
Joseph Descamps x Reader
Warning: frogs (whoevers scared of them), swearing, boys being boys, angst
Also, yes, I do know harry potter, I was in both that and the marauders fandom (esp marauders)
Chapter six: Mischief Managed
"Sophia Loren is so beautiful." We look up at a movie poster, stating that only eighteen above can watch.
"What about Brigitte Bardot?"
"My mother says she's vulgar."
"Apparently, we can sneak in through the back door." Simone points towards the cinema.
"How do you know that?" I ask her, curious.
"A boy told me." It's definitely Jean Pierre.
"Is it Eugène?" Oh, Michèle.
"No, it wasn't." Simone shakes her head, and she's basically telling the truth.
We turn a corner. "You think I'll meet him someday?" Michèle asks Simone. I glance at the dark haired girl, worry spreading in me.
"I don't know."
I stay quiet, a one-eyed boy in the back of my mind.
Students enter through Voltaire High's gates and head inside the building.
I sit in the very front of my class, tapping a pencil against the table, anxiously waiting for my score.
"Pardine, 10." I sigh in relief, scanning the paper.
Frogs croak loudly throughout the room, making me shiver in fear. Small, slimy, hopping creatures were not my thing.
"And finally, Miss Sabiani, 12." Laubrac claps his hands, followed by the class. Annick has been glowing, much more social and vibrant. Good for her, comparing her old self to now.
I look back at my score, sighing. I could've done better. Could've gotten a twelve like Annick. I clench my jaw, disappointed.
Then, for the first time of many times today, a paper plane lands on my table. I furrow my brows, turning around to see who could've done it. None of them look suspicious, but Joseph looks nice. Too nice. And he's wearing green.
I turn back around, not knowing if I was flushed because of anger or because of him. Probably both. Annoyingly, both.
"Tomorrow, we'll all be dissecting frogs." My stomach reacts badly, making me gag silently.
Sure, frogs weren't my cup of tea, but dissecting them? I wouldn't even wish death on Joseph. Though, a part of me knows hatred isn't the reason for this.
I have noticed today that Joseph's been gloomy. He's off, and obviously not in a good way. His eyes that were once lit by its own sun dims down like when a storm approaches. And he's not smiling. I miss his smile.
No, I don't. I don't and won't miss anything. He hates me, and I guess I hate him, too. He decides to talk shit about me? The audacity of that man. I wish I could just grab his neck and strangle him and look at him and see his fucking pretty lips turn into a smile-
That god-awful smile. It ruined me. And I hate his smile. I hate it. I hate him.
We're all gathered up in the courtyard, discussing our grades, when suddenly, boys started crowding near Annick. I overhear what they say.
"One hour with Annick!"
I furrow my eyebrows. One hour? That's what they're freaking out about? Well, it was Annick, and they were boys, so I guess I shouldn't be too confused.
"Hey, what's happening?" I walk up to Pichon, and he looks startled as he sees me.
"Annick is giving out an hour private lesson if someone steals the frogs and the film from English earlier for her." Pichon stutters out.
This morning, in English class, we watched a movie called "To Kill A Mockingbird", the film adaptation of the book. I guess Annick liked it so much that she wants someone to steal it for her.
In the corner of my eye, a tall blonde's wafting his arms in the air. I had a sudden question.
"Hey, do you have any idea why Applebaum stopped talking to me? I know it was from long ago, but I sometimes wonder what happened." Pichon pales, and my brows pinch together.
"You know how Applebaum's glasses went missing?"
I nod, remembering the day at the gym.
"Well, that was Descamps. After that, he came up to us and threatened Applebaum's eye if he went to talk to you again. Applebaum whined for hours to us after that. He said he lost his chance at the only girl who's ever given him one."
I chuckle absentmindedly, shocked at the new information. Then, I turn angry.
"Descamps, did that? Why? Why would he want Applebaum away from me?" Pichon scans my face, trying to see if I'm serious or not.
"You really don't know?" I shrug, suddenly embarrassed. Pichon scoffs. "He's in love with you, that's why. Even when he looked like he hated you, from how I saw it, he was so in love it turned him into a mad man. I always caught him looking at you or being near you, even if it was a hundred feet away. Wherever you were, he was, too." It's my turn to scoff.
"He doesn't love me. He hates me. I caught him in the halls, talking about me to his friends and saying I was too clingy." My heart shatters in my chest as I recall that moment.
"Wait. How could he say you were clingy?"
"We've hung out the past few days. He's stayed the night the day before I heard him call me that."
"What? You let him stay the night?"
"Yes? What's wrong with that? We're friends. Or atleast we were."
"Oh my god, no offence, but how could you be so daft? You love him, too!" Pichon says a little too loudly, making the courtyard glance at us before returning to their own conversations.
"I don't! Now keep your voice down, or I'll rip them off." I whisper-shout at him.
"You even talk like him." I roll my eyes at his conclusion.
"Anyways, don't be delusional. He doesn't love me, actually, quite the opposite, and I don't love him. That's that." There's a lace of disappointment in my voice, but I cover it up with a stiff face.
Pichon raises both his hands in mock surrender. "Whatever you say." He walks away, a smile dancing on his lips. I scoff.
He doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.
I lean against the wall facing Michèle as we wait for Simone in the toilet.
"So?" Michèle calls out to the door.
"Yes, it's my period." The door opens, and Simone walks out. She closes the door.
"Is there a stain on your skirt?" Simone checks.
"No. But my underwear's ruined. The rest is fine. I put toilet paper" I notice how messy she looked. I comb her hair out with my fingers. She grabs her things from Michèle.
"You should go to the nurse, Simone." I tell her, worried.
"Yeah, my aunt will have pads." Michèle interjects.
"No, I'll be fine." I puff out my cheeks at her stubbornness, but dismiss it.
We start to walk, but after only a few steps, Simone clutches on her stomach.
"You definitely need to go to the nurse." She shakes her head.
"You poor thing." Michèle says as we continue to walk.
Once we make it out the door to the courtyard, Pichon pops out of nowhere. I squint at him, still pressed about earliers conversation. He just smiles at me.
"Michèle." He says. "Can I ask you a favour?"
"Sure." Michèle responds, walking down the steps with us.
"Do you know where your uncle keeps his keys? There must be spares. Y/N needs them, too." I raise my eyebrows in surprise at the bold question. Then I remember the Annick situation. I nod along.
A voice butts in. "Hey, are you nuts?" It's Dupin. "Don't involve the dean's niece." He's leaning against the wall with his hand on it, legs crossed. "She's gonna snitch."
"What's he talking about?" Simone asks.
"Oh no, not again." Pichon looks between us and Dupin then walks away. I look at him confused.
Michèle walks down to Dupin. "You think I'm a suck up because I'm the dean's niece?"
"Yes." I know that voice all too well. I look at Joseph, and we lock eyes. I scan his face. Nothing's changed much, but it feels like something did. He glares at me then stares baack at Michèle.
"Let's go, guys." Simone says, walking down the steps. Michèle follows, but I stay.
"I heard about what you told Pichon and Applebaum." I walk the down the steps, looking up at his towering figure. He glances at Dupin and his friend, nodding them to go somewhere else. They follow.
"What about it?" He tilts his head at me, hand in his pockets.
"Why are you threatening Applebaum's eye if he looks at me?" His jaw clenches.
He pauses. "Why not?"
"Why not?" I chuckle half heartedly. "Why not?"
"Did I stutter?" Wow, since when did he have sass?
"You're an asshole, okay? First, you talk shit about me to your friends, talk shit about my friends, then I'm now just finding out you threatened Applebaum?" I raise my eyebrows at this, disappointment seething through my teeth.
"Well, that's just life, isn't it?" What the fuck is wrong with him?
"What the fuck do you even mean? We were so close, Jo- Descamps. We were friends, didn't you think?" I stutter at saying his name, embarrassment coating my cheeks.
"Back to last name basis?" There's disappointment in his tone, but I somehow catch his eye glancing down at my lips. I flush more.
"Yeah. Why not?" I mock his words, jutting my head forward.
"Alright, Pardine. If that's what you want." He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. He's starting to piss me off.
"I didn't fucking want us to stop being friends. We had to because, for some reason, it's only now that I remembered you're an asshole."
"Whatever." He scoffs out.
"Fine." I stepped closer. I already feel his warmth.
"Fine." He steps closer. He smells the same. I wish things were still the same.
"Fuck you." That's the last thing I say before walking away, feeling his stare on my back.
"Stealing Herman's frogs and Couret's movie? Did Annick cast a spell on them?" I exclaim, raising my arms. Michèle and Simone follow behind me.
"And Dupin calling me a snitch. I may be the dean's niece, but I'm no rat." Michèle says over my shoulder. I nod in agreement.
I glance at Simone, seeing her clutching her stomach. "You okay?"
"I'm fine." She answers simply, face grimacing.
"You should I ask my aunt to write you a note and go home." Michèle says as she rubs Simone's arm.
"You think?" Me and Michèle nod.
"Okay. I have to go to the bathroom. It's soaked already." I nod again and lead Simone to the bathroom door.
"Michèle." I stop in my heels as Simone turns to Michèle. "You should steal the frogs. That'll shut them up." We continue to walk.
I lead Simone down the staircase, her one hand gripping mine and the other on the rails.
"Are you okay, Ms. Palladino?" Ms. Couret says, looking up at the both of us.
Simone talks to Ms. Couret and I excuse myself. Before I leave, Simone looks at me, glancing at Ms. Couret. I remember the film then nod at Simone. She nods back. I go all the way down the stairs, going out to the courtyard and on my way to the gate.
This morning, Callum called. He told me he had some news. When I asked why he chose lunch time to tell me, all he said was it was so important that he wanted to tell me face to face, and as soon as he was on his lunch break. So, naturally, I agreed.
I see the Thunderbird from a distance, its colour eye catching. A tall frame with messy brown curls exits the car, making his way to me, a bouquet of flowers in hand.
"Good afternoon, beautiful." I roll my eyes at the name, smiling. He simply chuckles. I walk out the gate. He hands me the bouquet.
"What is it?" I ask, implying the news he wanted to tell me.
"Not even a hello? I'm hurt." I stick my tongue out to him. "Anyways, how do you feel about Paris?" My ears perk up at the mention of the city.
"Paris? I miss the place. Why do you ask?" My heart beats in excitement, not knowing what to expect.
"Well, the people loved you so much. The company that released the magazine contacted me to get to you." I raise my eyebrows as he pauses. He furrows his.
"You don't get it? They want you in Paris by summer because they want you to model! Like, professionally." My eyes blow wide open and I gape in surprise. My mouth open and closes, not knowing what to say.
"Callum." I stutter out. "Please don't lie."
"I'm not." Tears rim my eyes, and I blink them away.
"I swear Callum if you're lying-"
"I'm not! I swear on my life." He laughs, his breath blowing on my face.
"Fuck, Callum." I give him a hug, wrapping my arms around his torso, gripping him to stay upright, my mind unable to grasp whether this was real or not.
He wraps his arms around my shoulders, rubbing my back and kissing my hair. "You deserve this. I'm so proud of you."
I pull away from his chest, dried streams of quiet tears on my face. Callum still wipes them away.
"Let me take you out tonight." My heart sort of drops. I can't, I tell myself. Why can't I? Then, a one-eyed boy is in my mind again. Oh. I grip my bouquet.
"Sure." Joseph wouldn't care. I then realised that he probably never did. Whatever, it's fine. But really, it isn't. I shouldn't be thinking about him, I should be thinking about the fact people want me to model for real.
But I can't help it. There's a boy in front of me, a modelling opportunity, and a dinner to look out for tonight, but all I can think about is him.
Him and his ash coloured hair, eyes that change colour in the light, smile that makes my heart clentch in my chest, and his lips. His beautiful, plump, pink lips.
Then I look up at Callum, and he looks at me the way Joseph once did. And I crumble internally, realising how much this beautiful boy will break when he finds out how I feel about someone else.
Joseph never loved me. I don't think he did. I felt used, hurt, and betrayed after what I witnessed. And what's funny is the fact that after that incident, that's when I realised I loved him. I love him.
I love Callum, too. But the way I feel for Joseph, it's different. And it's too bad I realised I loved him and that he hated me too late. I can't help but love him anyway.
That's the thing with love, though. When you realise you feel it, you can't let go. The way it feels is so different, you're too scared to let it go because you don't know when or if you'll ever feel it again.
"I'll pick you up at 6?"
A pause.
My footsteps echo through the halls, too loud, in my opinion. I follow Michèle, her eyes glancing at me from time to time. I guard the door as she walks in and grabs both of the needed keys.
She gives me my set, whispers good luck, and walks to her room. I part to mine.
I quickly unlock the room and close it behind me, a quiet click sounding around the empty class. The film was situated at the table, leaning against some books. It looked like it was meant to be stolen.
Then I hear footsteps shuffling outside. I get under the table, trying to figure out the noise. It was too flat to be heels, and it was too heavy to be a woman. It sounded like thudding than clicking. Then the door opens, and I see brown oxfords. I know those oxfords. They've been in my flat before.
I get up from my spot, accidentally hitting my head on the edge of the table. Hard.
"Shit, Y/N. Are you okay?" Descamps sprints over to me, hands cupping my head and inspecting the hit area.
"It's Pardine to you, Descamps. And no, do I look okay?" I push his hands away, fixing my hair and dress. I look up at him, and he's already looking at me.
"What now?" I groan, crossing my arms. Descamps raises his brows, crossing his arms, too.
"You think you're the only one who wants to get the film?" He bends down to reach my height. I flush at the proximity.
"I certainly was here first."
"Well, too fucking bad, because I have it now." He snatches the film of the table. I grunt, trying to grab it. He lifts it over his head, stretching his arm. He's smiling. How much I hate that smile.
"Fuck you, Descamps." I push him off, making my way to the door. There's footsteps outside again. I stumble backwards.
"Go, go, go!" I nudge Descamps to the table, planning to get under it again. Our knees push against each other as we try to fit in the small area. A couple of swears and names were silently thrown around but were silenced when the door opened slowly.
I held my breath as Descamps did. I absentmindedly grip his calf, and his hand was gripping mine. In other circumstances, he'd be whispering reassurances in my ear, holding me close with his arms, and kissing my head 'till I calmed down.
This wasn't one of those circumstances.
After a while, there was a snore. I furrow my eyebrows. Snoring? I slowly come out of the nook, not before Descamps pulls me back down and asks me what I'm doing. I shush him, going back up slowly. His hand is still gripping mine. It feels the same as it did all those other times.
I make it to the edge of the table, and across the room, one of the janitors was sitting on a class chair, snoring the afternoon away.
I sigh in relief, coming back down to Descamps. He raises his brows at me.
"He's dead asleep."
"Do we stay here 'till he leaves?" I think about it for a moment.
"I guess. It'd be too risky to leave. The door's too loud."
"Fuck. I guess I'm stuck here with you." He rolls his eye. The audacity.
"Hey, I'm not the one talking shit about my friend." He scowls at me.
"Well, I'm not the one who's fucking assuming."
We argue whisper shouting.
"I saw you! And I heard you!"
"You don't know why I was saying that!"
"I know exactly why! You hate me!" That makes him shut up.
"You hate me, Descamps."
"Why would you even think that?" There's a tone I can't tell. Like he's hurt, or in disbelief, or in denial.
"Because you're-" He cuts me off.
"Why would I ever hate you?" He squints at me a bit, voice wavering.
"You-" He cuts me off again.
"I could never hate you." Tears brim my eyes at his words. I look at him quietly.
"Stop lying, Descamps." My voice breaks.
"I-" He sighs, looking down at his lap.
I sniffle, wiping my nose. I turn around, back against his clamped legs. And he stays still. We've done this before. Except my back was against his chest, and he was combing my hair with his fingers.
"And Annick." I feel him tense.
"What about her?" I scoff in disbelief.
"You're doing this for her, right?" I turn my head, not really looking at him.
"What? Oh, no, of course not. I was here because Pichon told me, or really I made him tell me that you-" His voice gets cut off and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"That I what?" I urge him to continue. Incoherent noises come from the back of his throat, stuttering against his teeth. He sighs, wiping his palms on the cloth of his knees.
"That you were coming here." It comes out as a mumble, and I almost didn't hear it from the way my heart was thumping and blocking my hearing.
"Why would you care?" There's a pause again, and it's suffocating.
"So that I'll know how easy it'll be to get it before you do." I snap my head forward, looking at the blank wood of the table.
A few seconds pass by. I hear his voice again.
"What about you? Why do you want an hour with Annick?" I keep my head straight this time while talking.
"I need to keep up with her." I shrug simply.
"Why? You're already doing so well in class." I flush at the compliment, but shake my head.
"Well, I could do better." I sigh deeply, seemingly annoyed at the question. I still want him talking to me, though.
"I mean, sure, but isn't it draining?" My hearing blurs for a second at the question.
"Of course it is." I keep my answer plain, but my voice breaks. I hear his heavy breathing.
"You know that I know how much you study. Even if we're... not so close as we were before, I still think you should take a break."
A memory comes to mind. I lean over my books on my bed, writing notes on the pages. Feet thumping against wood floors doesn't break my focus, but a hand caressing my back does. I still remembered the way he whispered against my ear, telling me to take a break. The way he cupped my hand to stop it from writing. The way that the bed dipped as he sat down and wrapped his arms around my waist. How much I missed those nights.
"You know, I used to fake studying so you could come close." I blurt out, not caring what I say anymore.
He doesn't respond immediately. "Yeah?" I hum in response.
"I used to make every excuse to come close." I shiver at the confession, wishing I could turn back time to every moment he came close and held me.
"It's too bad you're an asshole." He chuckles.
"Really is too bad."
I guess that was where the conversation ended, though I'm not sure, but after a while, we hear the janitor get up and leave. I slowly come out of the hiding spot, dusting my dress again.
Before I leave the room, a hand grabs my wrist. I don't turn around, but suddenly, my hands clasp a rectangular object. Descamps drops my hand and leaves.
When the door closes, I just stare at it. Then, I raise my hand. The film was in it.
I walk with Pichon to the alley, watching familiar faces look at us. I avoid Descamps' gaze, focusing on Michèle and smiling at her.
"There they are!" One of them calls out.
"We've got them." Pichon answers, dropping the bag. I hand the film to Annick, leaning into her ear.
"Descamps did it. Give him the hour." I purse my lips, then walk away from her. She turns her head to Descamps, and I'm too scared to see if she looks at him the way I used to. Well, really, I still do.
I walk to Michèle, smiling at her. Then I look at Applebaum.
He hasn't changed much, and when he catches me staring, he turns as red as his name and looks away. I laugh a little, then start to feel bad about the fact that Descamps had threatened him. I'll talk to him about it later.
We all lean and look at Pichon as he opens the pouch, frogs hopping out of it. I yelp, trying to get away from them.
"It only took five minutes?" Dupin asks.
"He's smarter than all of you." Laubrac answers.
"Can't wait to see Herman's face."
They start to grab the frogs and chase each other with it. Dupin lifts it up to my face, and I yelp, running away.
Strong arms lift me off the ground, the familiar scent of cigarettes and expensive cologne fill my senses.
"Come on, go chase Felbec or something. Not her." Dupin nods and runs elsewhere.
He gently places me on the ground again, cupping my face.
"You okay?" He whispers. I nod.
"Don't talk to Applebaum. I saw you looking at him. I know you know that I threatened him, it's only because he's a fucking weirdo and you know it. Please." He reads me too well. I nod again.
"Thanks. Now go home." He pulls his hands away, grabbing another cigarette.
I stumble backwards, walking away fully.
Almost halfway home, I remember leaving something. It was a tie I accidentally dropped when Descamps lifted me off the ground. It was pretty special, so I went back for it.
Turning to the now golden lit alley, my feet stutter to a stop when I see Descamps against the wall, some girl from school splayed over him, her hand on his chest and lips close to his.
The garbage rattles and their heads turn to me. I make a run for it, leaving the tie to be forgotten.
I should've known. He never loved me. He always hated me. Since when were they even hanging out? What if they were together the whole time? I gag at the thought.
I hate him. I hate him so much. But I don't.
Fuck, this hurts.
End- Chapter six: Mischief Managed
Next- Chapter seven: Salvatore
So that took SUCH A LONG TIME. Um very angsty good or very angsty bad? Idk if I spell checked or grammar checked this well, so if u see smth, dm me PLS
Also for the F1 fans, ik im late w news, but 1-2 ferrari, carlos pole after appendix got removed, ferrari and mclaren top 4 domination, hamilton and verstappen dnf, george flipping over on the middle of the track, and fernando alonso getting p1 for a few minutes. Austrailia GP will always be wild.
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mo0nfairy · 1 year
Three words: yandere Luis Sera.
tw :: re4 spoilers, yandere!luis, obsessive!luis, kidnapping, guns, drugging, noncon touching, blood, wounds, parasites, insinuations of sex, being physically restrained.
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⸺ yall. this man. >>>>>>>> zoo wee mama !!! this dude literally has me full-on giggling and kicking my feet while i write about him in my diary. and his voice and dialogue !!!! can't get enough of him i stg- but let me chill out cuz i could literally talk about luis for hours. with that out of the way, i must address the elephant in the room. he survives here. period. (i'm still salty about this count your fucking days capcom).
you and luis had met while he was still working for los iluminados. his task was simple: lure victims into his laboratory what the sultry attitude of his, infect them with las plagas, and give them away to the saddler. and you were just like any other victim, lost and confused over what the fuck you had gotten yourself into. but for whatever reason, you didn't seem afraid at all. you were annoyed at the inconvenience more than anything.
he meets you at the church, where you had attempted to find help in the middle of your crisis. and he'd be a liar if he said you weren't much prettier than all his other victims. the way you look at him with that harsh gaze pulls on his heartstrings like a puppeteer. your furrowed brows and that adorable pout — oh, how badly he wishes to kiss it all away. but, he has been assigned a task. and as much as he wants to abandon it right then and there for you, he must persevere.
you point your gun in his direction. "forgive my manners. my name is luis sera, encantado." luis puts his hands in the air and surrenders with that all-too irritating look on his face.
he then puts on his best facade of the unfortunate traveler who got caught up in this mess. and you don't believe him for a second. you ignore his insinuations of you teaming up, as well as his obnoxious attempts at flirting and go your own way. correction, you try and go your own way. you now just have this yapping puppy dog at your side. and god, does it piss you off how flirtatious he attempts to be during such a time like this. holding open doors for you despite there being every kind of abomination on his tail; a shitty remark like "after you, i insist" with a smirk and a wink. your sneer afterwards drives him nuts.
for the first time in the entirety of this heartthrob's life, luis is chasing after someone. the pursued is now pursuing and it is slowly but surely driving him fucking insane. your resistance to his affections isn't the only thing that allures him to you, however. it's your ambition, your drive, your depth that truly thrusts him into the deep end. admitting he is deeply in love is nothing but a pipe dream, as he knows your inevitable rejection will shatter him, but he will show this love through flirtatious, albeit desperate, acts of affection. eyes softening whenever you're in his train of vision, the ardent kiss on your hand when you help him up from a ledge, doing the whole "hey, is this guy bothering you?" when there is a literal demon chasing you. (he is also 10000% a "where my hug at?" kind of guy. i am so sorry.)
by the time you two make it to his laboratory, luis knows in his heart there is no way he can hide it now. he is hopelessly and irrevocably devoted to you. so, he meticulously has you read through his notes regarding the amber. while you are occupied, luis approaches you from behind, locks you tight in his arms and shoves a syringe into your neck. you feel him press kisses to your temple as you struggle in his embrace; incoherent words of affection reverberating in your ears. soon, everything goes quiet and finally, you can rest.
a blinding light welcomes you once you wake. in an attempt to scrutinize your surroundings, you realize you are restrained to an examination table. ragged belts loop around your legs, your arm, your waist, god, even your neck. you can't move a single muscle, despite your efforts to do such. the squeaking of a stool's wheels sliding across the ground steals your attention. luis sera now sits beside you in all his glory, taking a puff from a cigarette while his other hand grasps hold of yours. you want so badly to slap it away from you, maybe sock him square in the face while you're at it, but you're paralyzed from head-to-toe and completely inexorable to his touch.
"i love you like this." his voice has that same sultry tone you're used to, but there is something sickeningly sweet that hangs off of his every word. “i'm certainly the luckiest bastard in the world to have you beneath me.”
you don't respond, only staring at him in sheer horror while he begins to caress the top of your head. and just when you think this nightmare couldn't get any worse, luis leans down and brings you into a fervent kiss. you can almost hear how his heart pounds like a drum in his chest, as it always does when you’re around. after your attempts at thrashing against him, you use all force within you to bite down on his lip as a last resort. he endures, this is worth any and all pain, before he finally pulls away from you. “mierda!” he exclaims. your mouth tastes of copper and smoke; your teeth are now painted red.
"okay, we'll skip the foreplay." he wipes his mouth with his sleeve, that smug grin returning to his lips. "come on. where's the love, baby?"
luis runs his tongue across the scar you left with your teeth and a shiver runs down his spine. your mark on him, it makes him dizzy with euphoria. and he knows how terrified you must be, considering your current circumstances and of what he is known to be capable of. but, maybe this can be a new chapter for him — for the both of you. you can continue being your most amazing self, all with him at your side. and he'll pursue a tender heart and romancing the love of his life, a major contrast to the all-too lonely, bloodied footprints in his path.
besides, people can change. right, y/n?
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disclaimer :: reader is not infected lol.
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isa-ghost · 2 months
If you're still doing Philza headcannons, how about some specifically about Phil, Chayanne, and Tallulah? I miss the kiddos...
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Those two are the light of his fucking life ok. If you were someone that had something against him, they're how you get to him. They're how you hurt him. He will do ANYTHING for them. He'll kill his friends, he'll fly on broken wings, he'll die for them. Nothing matters more than those two kids.
He's not typically a very physically affectionate person. But to the kids? Suddenly he's a cuddler. Suddenly he's head kisses and carrying them on his hip just because he can. Suddenly he's braiding hair and painting nails and playfully tormenting them with tickles. They flip a switch in his brain.
Nothing could ever make him waver on how proud of them he is. Both of them. Chayanne so brave and strong, stressed to the teeth like his dad but persevering like a true warrior. Tallulah is so loving and open, even in the face of so much pain and adversity. She's been through so much, largely alone, and yet she still has the strength to smile and be silly after everything. Ideally he wishes they would've never experienced any pain at all, but Quesadilla says Damn You All
Chayanne & Tallulah can make him laugh until his stomach hurts, and they can do it faster than friends he's known for YEARS. Tallulah especially is the queen of comedic nonverbal timing. All it takes is a certain look with a slow turn after Phil says something stupid and he's Dying.
His favorite thing is when either of them fall to pieces emote bc smth stupid happened. Or whenever they Orange Justice after smth fucked happens.
Listen. LISTEN. Don't be fooled by this man. He LOVES adventures with the kids. He loves them. The reason he refuses to venture out with them or go dungeon raiding with them super often is because survivalist brain is like if the worst happens, the Feds do not have your back. If you lose the kids you have nothing much to live for on this island. Do not risk their lives, even if it sounds fun.
He fucking loves watching the kids talk to the other eggs. The constant taptaptaptaptap of signs being placed while they chat together makes him giggle. He also loves watching them just crouch and silently communicate.
Dude Rose's love for the two of them makes his heart so full. Like legit the first time she told him "they're under my protection" he nearly cried. And not just from relief that they'd be safe from EK.
And related: Oh my GOD does he fucking love the term "fledglings" for them. It's SO CUTE. Rose was so right for that. Something about it drives home the thought of "these are MY kids" even more. He just 🥺
Chayanne's mask reminds him of Techno's boar one sometimes and it makes him wanna cry /pos. If Chayanne ever mentions being guided by Techno's spirit to fight EK Phil will never recover
He loves this "new era" of Tallulah, between her cutting her hair short a while back and now dying it + changing her hat. It feels like she's getting more independent despite everything and considering Phil used to have to Really hover around her to help her out, he's the world's proudest papa about it
He's told them stories about all the hardcore gods (that he knows of) at this point. Rose bc ofc he did. EK bc he kinda had to. The others bc at this point he's expecting them to poke their heads around at one point or another too. Chayanne loves Blaze. Tallulah still loves Rose the most. She's gone on a rant about "Papa how the fuck is Ocean Overlord a god when he fumbles things so badly???" He wishes he knew, Tallulah.
He wants to take them on a flight so bad it hurts. Literally. He's more angry EK fucked up his wings maybe permanently bc he robbed them of that than he is that EK did it to spite him.
He really really really hopes they do hatch some day and become lil dragon hybrids bc then he can watch them fly and teach them how to do it well (the best he can while he's grounded) (he might get a little envious)
He fucking LOVES sparring with the kids. He goes easy bc he's insanely skilled and experienced compared to Two Literal Children but they catch on and improve So Quick and it makes him so unbelievably proud and excited to see them demonstrate their skills in a real (hopefully non-lethal) situation.
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anarcoqueer1994 · 1 year
"Go to prom with me?" He says softly, contently holding Steve, their bodies tangled together on his bed. His voice almost sounds shy, uncharacteristically anxious to even be asking.
Steve, head on Eddie’s chest, as he traced invisible lines on his torso, stiffened slightly. God, he would love to go to Eddie’s prom as his date. His own prom, he brought some girl he never spoke to again after that night. He would love to go with someone he loves, like half the straight couples. But he knew they couldn't. Boys like them didn't get to go to school dances together in small town, Indiana. "Eds... we can't." He says sadly, like he knew he would be disappointing Eddie. He tries to lighten the mood. "Besides, didn't peg you as someone that would want to go to prom."
"Honestly..." Eddie sighs, "You're right. A few months ago, you wouldn't catch me dead at prom, other than to sit outside and make a few quick sales. Never had anyone I really wanted to dance the night away and shit, with. But now," Steve can hear a smile in Eddie's voice. "I have someone that I want to do things like that with, princess. You know, do all the cheesy things, flowers and corsages, dancing together under those stupid crepe paper decorations hanging from the ceiling, kissing you softly as we slow dance to a song I hate. " There is a l giddiness in Eddie's voice as he talks, wanting to go with Steve so badly. And the fact that Steve knows they could never really go together, kills him. Sure they could go with Nancy and Robin, and everyone could use each other as beards, but they still couldn't be open like other people.
Eddie seemed to sense the tension in Steve’s shoulders and could practically read his mind. "Don't worry, Stevie. I'm happy just being with you, I know we couldn't really go together. Wouldn't be safe, I'm not that naive. Just thinking out loud..." He squeezes Steve tighter, seemingly leaving the conversation there.
But Steve couldn't stop thinking about how excited Eddie got talking about going to something like prom. And he knew he couldn’t give Eddie that. But he was determined to figure something out that was better.
It was the Saturday night of prom. Steve was supposed to pick Eddie up for a movie. Eddie was waiting in the livingroom with Wayne. About 6:30, there is a pound on the door before it just flies open. Eddie assumes it's just Steve letting himself in. He is confused instead by the sight of Nancy, hair and makeup done, wearing a poofy light pink dress. She is carrying a garment bag with her.
"Nance? What are you..." He starts, completely unsure of what to make of what is happening.
"Come on, Eddie. Steve and Robin will be here soon and you don't even have your tux on." She says, not doing anything to alleviate the confusion. Nancy simply makes her way down the hall to Eddie’s room. Wayne smiles from his chair, obviously in on whatever is going on. When Eddie looks to him for clarification, he just shrugs his shoulders and goes back to his newspaper.
"Eddie! Come on!" Nancy yells from his room, prompting Eddie to run down the hall to meet her.
When he gets in there, she is already pulling out a fancy looking suit.. but he doesn’t hate it. It had black pants and a black shirt, but the bow tie was red and so was the velvet jacket. She can feel him staring so Nancy just says, "Don't laugh, Steve picked it out for you when he went to rent his tux too."
Eddie can't help but smile. Steve saw this and thought of him. "I wouldn't. I'm kind if into it. But... I still am confused on what's happening." He puts his hand on the back of his neck.
"It's prom night, Eddie. Steve and Robin are getting ready and then they are picking us up." She sounds exasperated, like it should be obvious.
"Okay, Wheeler, I get that. But in case you forgot, I'm dating a dude. Also, you're dating a girl. We can't really walk into Hawkins's gym with them on our arms, can we?" He says sarcastically.
Nancy shakes her head, trying to hide her amused smile. "Don't worry about it, okay? Just get ready." She hands him the suit before leaving to give him privacy before he can press anymore.
Eddie reluctantly listens to her, slipping on the tux that seems to fit him perfectly. He looks in the mirror, feeling a little out of his element but still liking it. He does decide to add a chain to his pants and ditches the bow tie when he can't get it tied. He doesn't really own dress shoes, so he opts for black boots instead. Finally he ties his hair up in a lose bun with few stray pieces framing his face. He doesn't know what Steve has planned but he wants to look good.
He makes his way to the front room to find, to his "horror, " that Wayne had dug out the old camera, aiming it at him when he walks in. "Come on, man. What are you doing?"
"You think I'm not going to take pictures of my kid going to prom?" Wayne shoots back. And Eddie can't argue with that, can't help but smile when Wayne snaps a picture.
He sits by Nancy on the couch, but it isn't long until there is knocking at the door. Wayne opens it to let Steve and Robin in. Robin looks beautiful in a little one sholder blue dress with a poof on the shoulder, hair teased, and make up done. She instantly makes her way to Nancy, smiling as she does.
But Eddie can't focus on them, not when Steve Harrington is standing in front of him, pulling him up from the couch. He is wearing a very traditional black and white tux, with a red bow tie. As usual, his hair is perfect. He has a rose boutonniere pinned to his jacket and is holding another in his hand. He is staring at Eddie with the biggest smile.
"You look beautiful, Eds..." He says softly like they were the only two in the room. The girls were too wrapped up in their own conversation to even care. Eddie feels his cheeks turning red. It does not matter they have been dating for two months, he still gets butterflies whenever Steve stares at him like that.
"Thanks, princess. So do you. You look really hot, actually." He smirks, wrapping his arms around Steve's waist, careful not to crush the boutonniere in Steve’s hands as he does.
Steve is blushing as he starts to pin the almost matching rose to Eddie’s jacket, except with one small difference. On the stem is a tiny black bat lapel pin. "Do you like it?"
"Yea, I love it, baby." Eddie smiles before leaning in, pressing a soft kiss to Steve's lips. As he pulls away, he says, "But can you tell me what is going on? Nancy wouldn't tell me anything."
"Good, she wasn't supposed to. " Steve just smiles before pulling away, lacing his fingers with Eddie’s before pulling to the door, obviously not answering either. Before they can leave, Wayne stops them. He makes all of them take a million pictures, all posing in those silly prom couple poses... and Eddie is beaming through each and every one.
When they finally leave, everyone refuses to tell Eddie what is going on. Steve had made them promise not to ruin the surprise until they got to where they were going.
What Eddie does not expect was to pull up at Steve's house or to see so many cars there. Before Eddie can get out, Steve is out and goes to the other side of the door, opening it for him, Nancy doing the same for Robin. Nobody mentions that it's Steve's house, leaving Eddie even more confused as they walk to the door.
Everything clicks when they step inside. Eddie can feel his mouth drop open. All the furniture from the open living room/dining room had been pushed away into another room, except for the table, where there were some pizza, chips and punch. The room was dark, but in the corner sat one of those plastic disco light balls flashing colors throughout the room. Hanging from the ceiling were crepe paper decorations. The stereo was play generic pop songs that Eddie "hates." On the wall read a poster Hawkins's "Gay" Prom '86
But that wasn't the most shocking part. The room was filled with at least 35 people. Jonathan(brown suit and his camera) and Argle(in a powder blue tux) were there , talking, as Jonathan pushed Argyle's hair behind his ear, standing way closer than they would in public. Corroded Coffin was there. Gareth and Jeff were there with their girlfriends, obviously preferring to be with their friends, than regular prom anyway. Plus, technically Gareth wasn't a senior. Jared brought his boyfriend, who, to Steve's surprise, was a swimmer that used to be on the team with him.
More than that, the kids were there since they were high schoolers now too. Dustin is dateless, so he is manning the fruit punch/DJing. Max, El, and Lucas are all dancing together, while Mike and Will awkwardly try to not look like huge doofuses dancing together. Eddie thinks it's cute to see.
The biggest surprise, though, were a few random people from school and their dates. Being queer in a small town, you tend to know the others. There was, of course, Vickie and some girl she was dancing with from Eddie’s first period math class. There were also a few random juniors, sophomores, and freshmen, all here being unapologetically queer.
Eddie didn't realize he had been staring until Steve grabbed his hand and stepped in front of him. "What so you think?" He says shyly.
"I...I...love it." Eddie stutters, still dumb founded. "How did you do this?"
"Just had the kids and Nancy and Robin reach out to anyone at school they knew were... you know. I figured there had to be other people who wanted to go to prom but couldn't, not really. Not with the people they want to." Steve smiles and Eddie swears he has fallen even more in love with Steve. Nancy and Robin have made their way to the "dance floor."
"You're amazing, sweetheart. Thank you. " Eddie's eyes are glowing as he leans in to give Steve a little kiss. No one around them bats an eye.
They spend the night dancing together and just enjoying themselves with the others. Steve "requests" I'd Die for You by Bon Jovi and sings it at Eddie as they dance. They all slow dance to "True Colors" by Cyndi Lauper (Robin's song to Nancy). Robin and Nancy "win" prom queens. It's honestly one of the best nights of Eddie’s life, and he is so grateful for Steve.
And the next year, they keep it going, opening up a secret queer prom for kids at the high school. It's a tradition. And now, in 2022, 36 years later, it doesn’t have to be a secret anymore. Hawkins's still has a queer prom, and the Hawkins's High guidance consoler and his rock star husband still chaperone it(grant it, in a much bigger venue than Steve's living room).
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drysaladandketchup · 4 months
Mattdrai and 14 please for the Game. Thank you 💜
Thank you, anon! Once again I have failed to understand the word 'mini'. Seriously never ask me to write something short I don't know how to anymore. I hope it's to your liking :)
14. things you said after you kissed me
He expects a lot of things when he walks into the airport toting his life behind him in a suitcase: the drone of hundreds of voices, the inevitable bustle of bodies, brightly lit screens flashing so much information it makes your head spin, lines, because there's always lines everywhere for everything, the smell of fifteen different coffee shops vying for traveller's attention. Fuck knows he's going to need one of those soon.
What he doesn't expect is to be grabbed mid-yawn as he's on his way to check his luggage. If he was already jittery about the move before, he nearly has a heart attack now when a hand latches onto his bicep and drags him into a shadowy alcove, half-concealed by a thick pillar.
Matthew's brain very unhelpfully provides him with the image of being mugged before he's even out of Calgary. Pissed off fans angry he's leaving for bright, sunny, warm-all-year-round Florida, perhaps? Some even more pissed off Edmontonian who saw he was leaving and came down here thinking now's my chance? He wouldn't put it past some of them.
He's not too far off the mark with that last one. When he rips his arm free and spins to face his assailant, he laughs right in their face.
"Jesus, dude, you look like a stalker."
In fairness, Leon usually dresses pretty decent. But right now he's in plain jeans and a thick, unassuming pull-over sweater--it's fucking summer in Calgary, who does that?--with the hood pulled up over a snap-back, head ducked low so the brim hides part of his face.
"Didn't want to be recognized," Leon says, somewhat defensively, like he's only now realising how very conspicuous he looks in a place like this.
"I got that." Matthew checks his phone. He's got a bit of time for... for whatever this is, so he sets his stuff down and leans against the wall across from Leon. It only puts a couple feet of space between them.
"What are you doing here?"
Leon tugs the hood and hat off his head, runs fingers through his hair. It's still pretty long--Leon's let it grow since the spring, and Matthew has very distinct memories of running fingers through it--but it's also uncharacteristically messy. He doesn't look entirely focused, either; there's shadows under his eyes.
"I came to see you," Leon says.
Suddenly, Matthew really wishes he wasn't here. Either of them. It's been two weeks since they've seen each other, since Matthew broke the news. Not that it was Leon's business. They weren't... weren't anything. Not partners, anyways. Not really. And this was Matthew's choice, his career, his future he was considering. That had to come first.
But now Leon's here, and Matthew has never wanted to run so badly in his life. This didn't feel like running before. The earth could split open and swallow him whole, and it would be kinder than that look on Leon's face, all anger and desperation and confusion and... God, he looks so fucking tired.
It's a 9am flight to Florida. It's just past six now. The sun's barely up.
"Have you slept at all?" Matthew asks, instead of a million other questions.
Leon shoves his hands in the pocket of his sweater and shakes his head. "I couldn't."
"So you drove all the way down here."
"Don't sound so surprised."
"Hard not to be when you haven't talked to me in weeks."
Leon's mouth twists. Slumped back against the wall, curled in on himself, it may be one of the few times Matthew could ever say he looks small. Fragile.
Sighing, Leon finally, finally looks Matthew in the eye. He's not scowling like the last time they met, the night he stood in Matthew's doorway and told him he didn't understand anything before storming out of Matthew's life.
"I thought we should talk. Before you go," Leon says.
Matthew does understand, now. He put it together staring at Leon's back as he disappeared into the night. He knows why Leon's really here. What he really means.
I wanted to see you.
It's amazing how many people say Leon is hard to read. He's always been an open book to Matthew, even when he was snapping and bearing his teeth. All his emotions spilling from the pages.
"Okay." Matthew swallows. "We can talk."
Neither of them does, for a minute. They stare at each other, through each other. Remembering. Committing all the little details to memory. Matthew's palms tingle with the urge to touch.
"You kissed me," Leon finally says, "then said you were leaving."
Yeah, not Matthew's finest moment, if he's being honest. But he didn't know what else to do. There was already so much turmoil around the trade and the shit going on with the Flames.
And then there was Leon. There was no way it wouldn't be gruesome.
"How long did you know?" Leon's voice is rigid, but still calm. "Would you actually have told me, if I hadn't come to see you?"
A year ago, yeah, he would have said it was none of Leon's damn business. Why would he care? But they've come a long way since then. Farther than Matthew could have anticipated. Farther than he realised, until he was staring at Leon's retreating back and silently begging him to turn around, to come back, to stay.
Of course Matthew was going to tell him. He's not an asshole. But that's not what this is about.
"Does it really matter?"
"It matters to me."
"You're not here because you're pissed I didn't tell you sooner."
He knows why Leon's here, and he knows why part of him is stupidly happy Leon is here. Even if nothing will change.
"Did you even think about how I'd--" Leon groans, scratches at the back of his head.
"I did," Matthew says, because it's the truth. Of course he thought about Leon. How could he not?
Leon's gaze drops to the floor, and he grits out, "Fuck. I wanted to do this better."
Matthew can practically hear time ticking by. His heartbeat makes a good clock, thudding away in his chest.
"What is this, Leon? What do you want?"
Dangerous question. Leon could say a million things that would make Matthew's entire resolve waver. If they're not done, if there's even a sliver of hope...
But Leon doesn't say anything. Instead he steps forward, cups Matthew's face between his hands, and kisses him. Not rough or desperate. There's no urgency. It's slow and deep and bruising, and Matthew melts into it because he could never do anything else, and Leon holds tight like he thinks Matthew will disappear if he doesn't.
It's an apology and a confession. It's not the first time they've kissed, but it may be the first time it's been an honest one.
It doesn't last long. Matthew barely has time to taste it, savour it, get a fistful of Leon's hoodie like he's the one threatening to leave. There's a moment as Leon pulls back where Matthew thinks he's imagined it all. Where it feels like something precious is slipping between his fingers.
But no, Leon's still there when he opens his eyes, pressed from hip to chest, noses brushing, beard catching Matthew's freshly shaved cheek. Hot breathes mingle between their mouths.
"Would you stay," Leon whispers, hand sliding back to tangle through Matthew's curls, "if I asked?"
He didn't ask the night Matthew told him. He was too angry, too upset. It took Matthew too long to realise why, to recognise what he was seeing on Leon's face was heartbreak.
But they both know the answer. Still, Matthew closes his eyes and takes the luxury of thinking about it. Considers the possibilities.
"Would you actually ask?" he says.
Leon's fingers curl around the back of Matthew's neck. "If I thought you'd actually say yes."
"But you won't."
"Because you know I won't."
"I know."
"It's not you."
"I know." Leon steps back only as far as Matthew's grip on his hoodie will allow. "Fuck, you don't make things easy."
Matthew chuckles. "When have I ever? You're not winning any awards either."
Leon scoffs.
"Still," Matthew says. "This is better than what you said to me the first time we kissed."
"What did I say?"
"Pretty sure it was, 'Get the fuck out of my arena.' And something about hoping I lose my next game."
Leon smirks. Doesn't look even a little sorry. "And did you lose your next game?"
"Fuck off." Matthew shoves his shoulder, unable to keep a grin from tugging at his mouth.
He looks away only long enough to straighten out his shirt and run a hand through his hair, but when he looks back, Leon isn't smiling anymore, and his brows are pulled low.
"I really fucked up my timing, huh?"
Matthew winces. "Just a little, yeah." Makes two of us. He's about to say more but Leon waves a hand.
"But you were going to leave anyways, I know. I got it."
"I'm not here to stop you. I just wanted to... you know."
I don't want this to be over. I want to make this work.
Still an open book.
Matthew angles his head, forces Leon's eyes back to him, staring right into that mystifying grey-blue that always reminded him of a thunderstorm. Everything about Leon kind of reminds him of one. What does that make Matthew? A whirlwind? A hurricane? Storms, both of them.
"Yeah. Yeah, okay." Matthew steps closer, crowding Leon against the wall this time. They may not have known what they were doing before, but Matthew knows what he wants now.
Leon must have found his answer too, because he kisses Matthew again, no less meaningful than the last, pulling Matthew into his body, into his hands, his mouth. Breathing his air and tasting his tongue, giving and taking until they're light-headed and fitting pieces of each other together.
"You better not be fucking with me, Draisaitl," Matthew pants out once he's got his breath back.
He doesn't get far before he's pulling Leon to him, into his arms, getting the bulk of him in a crushing hug. And Leon hugs him back, a deep laugh rumbling right in Matthew's ear and fingers carving into his back. That's answer enough.
Somehow, Matthew is strong enough to let go. And just like that the world is moving again. He's too aware of everything outside their little alcove, so loud and invasive. He's running out of time. His future's waiting for him down south.
When they step back out into bright lights and bustling strangers, Leon's got his hat and hood back on, keeping his head tilted low. He doesn't stray far, bumping Matthew's arm every so often as he walks with him through luggage check and down towards the gates.
They get to security, and for the first time since the trade decision was made, Matthew hesitates. This is what he wanted. What he still wants. What he needs. The only variable left is...
Leon has stopped a few steps behind, leaving Matthew stranded and alone. He turns back around to find Leon watching him silently. They may as well be the only ones in the world, the way his vision tunnels.
"Well," Matthew says, words clogging his throat. "Guess I'll... see you around. We'll talk. I'll call, or..."
"I'm serious, Matthew." His name always sounds beautiful and dangerous on Leon's tongue. "About this. You and me."
And fuck, Matthew's only human. He drops his bag, marches back over to Leon and tugs him into another kiss. He nearly knocks the hat off Leon's head with the force, crushing his lips and clacking their teeth together. It doesn't even matter if people see them.
One more time. Just one more. Until they can see each other again.
"I know." Matthew shudders against Leon's eager mouth, kissing the smile that breaks out under his lips. "I want to try us too."
He swallows the strangled sound that comes up from Leon's throat, tipsy with it, like he's getting drunk just from this. Is that possible? Fuck knows, but he sure as hell wants to find out one day.
Matthew jerks back, breathless, hot-cheeked, and beaming.
"And I'm gonna be fucking great."
If Leon wasn't slack-jawed, if they weren't the them they are now, he would have chirped Matthew to high hell. If they were on the ice he'd probably put Matthew into the boards just for fun.
But the Leon here and now only scoffs, shaking his head like he's been well and truly defeated. Then he smiles.
"Yeah, I know. So get the fuck out of here and go be great."
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A/N ::: Just some fluffy fluff about Draken, y/n & Mikey. This did not go as planned at all.
C/W ::: F.reader. Mm, nothing really? Mentions of sex, flirting, kissing. Nothing much.
WC ::: 2,780 +/-
Special thanks to @kazutora-kurokawa for talking up some ideas with me!
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The rain was coming down in buckets as you, Mikey and Draken made a run for Mikey's room. It was a futile effort, though. All of you were soaked by the time you got inside.
"Give me your clothes, I'll go throw them in the dryer," Mikey said. You looked at him with widening eyes that quickly narrowed. "What? Oh Jesus, y/n. It's not like we've never seen what we have. C'mon. I'll bring blankets back if that'd make you feel better. You can cover up that perfect, pristine virginal body of yours." He laughed and shook his head, and collecting the clothes from Draken and you, he grabbed his umbrella and headed to the main part of the house.
"Nice that he had an umbrella this whole time," you said, doing your best to cover up your chest. You wanted to look at Draken so badly. This was a perfect opportunity to see his body without being too creepy about it.
All of your clothes had been saturated. That was normal, right? It was normal for friends to sit around in their underwear and talk casually while their clothes dried.
Your thoughts got interrupted by Mikey barging back in through his door. "Here. A thermos of hot tea and some chips if you guys are hungry. Annnnd, if you're not hungry now," he pulled a blunt from the pocket of his fresh, dry t-shirt, "you will be after this. C'mon c'mon. Gather 'round, my friends. ‘Tis time."
You looked back to see if Draken was going to take anything only to see that he was already staring at you. "What?" You asked him. But he remained as stoic as ever.
"Nothing. I thought I saw a bug on your back but I think it's a freckle. Can ... can I double check? I know you hate bugs. "He shot a smile at Mikey that he probably was guessing you'd missed. But you did not miss it. In fact, it made you smile at Mikey, too.
"Mikey," you started, "why do you get to wear dry clothes and we're standing here in our fucking underwear, shivering? And did you bring blankets?"
He stopped what he was doing, "Shit. No. I forgot, y/n. I'm sorry. It's fine, though. The clothes will be dry soon and I'll grab them. I'll turn the heat up though." Mikey kicked on the heater and it blasted to life, sending nearly visible heat waves out into the small space.
"Gee, thanks a bunch, Sano." You made your way over to the futon and sat down, bending over as best you could to hide the front of your mostly naked body.
"Ahh, it'll be fine, y/n. 'Sides, we can smoke and that'll distract us from the cold." Draken said.
"I don't smoke, you guys forgot that?" You waved your hand at them to keep it away from you. It's not that you had anything against it. You just didn't like it. People around you could smoke until they floated away and it wouldn’t bother you. It wasn't for you, though. "You guys go ahead, though. I don't care."
Mikey walked over to crack a window above the futon, he stopped right in front of your face. Essentially brushing his crotch against your cheek.
"Dude," you pushed him by the hips so he'd scoot back, "Jesus, Mikey." You laughed.
"Oh! My bad. I saw you there but didn't care." He shrugged.
"Ok, Ken-chin. 'S just you and me, I guess." Mikey lit it up and took a hit, not really coughing either. It always impressive to you how he did things so effortlessly. Kicking people in the face, smoking, everything was so cool about him.
You and Draken sat on the futon, him in his underwear and you wrapped in Mikey's small blanket. You sat back, not realizing how close you were to his arm and you immediately looked down at where your arms were touching. "S-sorry." You started to move over a little bit.
"You don't have to move away, y/n. I don't bite." Draken chuckled.
"Hard." Mikey added. "Unless you like biting, in which case, he'll chew you up."
Draken threw a square pillow at Mikey, "Shut up, dumbass. No, but you're fine. You're warm, too. It feels ... it feels good to stop shivering for a bit." He smiled and put his arm over your shoulders. The smile did little to ease the pounding of your heart in your chest. "Here, do you want a sip of the tea?"
You nodded and Draken poured some into the cap of the thermos and held it to your lips. You took a few sips and it did wonders to warm you up.
"Thanks." You said. You knew you should've been more focused on what Mikey was doing or saying but Draken's body heat and his strong arm draped over your shoulders made it hard for you to think about anything else. You didn't know if he was being a good friend or trying to make a move on you. You've known each other for a while now. But you couldn't bring yourself to care too much either way. It just felt so amazing to be this close to him.
Draken shifted on the futon and you felt his fingers graze your lower back. Your eyes widened and you looked at him. He was looking at you, but there was something different in his gaze. It wasn't like anything you'd ever seen from him before.
"Sorry, I thought I saw something."
"You're sure seeing an awful lot of things today. Y'need me to get you some glasses?" Your sarcasm did not go unnoticed. Draken laughed and shook his head.
"Nah, I'm good, I'm good. Thanks though. Heh."
The way that he'd positioned himself on the seat, you could see directly into the front opening of his boxers. Not that you were trying to look. But your eyes had a mind of their own.
You knew you shouldn't stare, but you couldn't help it. You didn't even realize you were biting your lip until Mikey pointed it out.
"Damn, y/n. You wanna bite into Ken-chin or something?" Mikey said.
You froze and your mouth went dry. You looked at him with wide eyes, "Mikey, shut up."
"Yeah, you can shut up, Mikey." Draken said. "Y/n and I are just talking." He was looking at you with a curious gaze and you felt like he could see right through you. "Right, y/n?"
You nodded. "Right. Yeah. I mean, yes. We're friends. Right? And we're all cold and wet and I don't want to catch a cold. So, let's just ... let's just stay warm. That's all." You were rambling and you knew it. You pulled the blanket tighter around yourself and sat back, away from Draken.
"So, what was it that you saw on my back earlier, Draken?" You asked. You weren't going to let him get away with that so easily, despite just trying to play it cool. Epic fail on your part.
Draken looked at Mikey and then back at you. "Nothing. Just a freckle."
"Oh, is that what it was? Okay, but, I don't have any freckles on my back." You said.
"He's lying. I think he was checking you out, y/n." Mikey said, taking another hit off the blunt.
"Mikey, seriously. Shut the fuck up." Draken said.
You were feeling a bit bold. You were cold and you wanted to know what was going on. "I don't mind it, really. It's not like I haven't looked at him either. I mean, I saw you, Draken. So, it's fine. We're friends, so it's fine." You shrugged and looked at him.
"Yeah, we're friends." Draken said.
"Okay, well, if you say so, I believe you." Mikey said.
"Mikey, I swear to god. I'm going to kick your ass if you don't shut up." Draken said.
You watched as Draken and Mikey exchanged words. You weren't even sure what they were saying anymore. You were too busy thinking about Draken and how he'd been staring at you. You couldn't help but wonder if he really did want to look at you. But you didn't want to get your hopes up too high. You'd never had the courage to tell him how you felt about him. You were too scared that he didn't feel the same way.
"Y/n," Draken nudged you and you blinked hard to come back to reality. "You okay? You look like you're freezing."
You nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay. Just ... just cold."
"Do you want to get in the dryer with our clothes?" Mikey asked.
You laughed, "No, that sounds like a terrible idea. I think I'll just stay here."
Draken rubbed your back and you felt your body heat up. It was like he was your own personal heater. And you loved it.
The three of you sat there, chatting and laughing, but you couldn't help but notice that Mikey seemed to be egging on Draken more than usual. He was being weird and you had no idea why.
You took a deep breath and decided to just go for it. "Draken, can we talk about what happened before? You know, when you were looking at me and telling me you saw a freckle or something?" You asked.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Well, you said you saw a freckle. But you're not telling me what kind of freckle it was." You smiled, trying to keep it light.
Draken shrugged, "It was just a freckle. It's not a big deal."
"Oh, I think it is. I mean, you're always checking out my ass and tits and face and whatever else. But this time, it seems like you actually saw something. And I want to know what it was." You looked at him.
"I wasn't checking you out, y/n."
"What about earlier today, when you asked me if I had a stick in my butt? Were you checking me out then, too?"
Draken looked at you, "No, I was just making a joke."
"Okay, fine. I believe you. So, the freckle that you saw on my back, what was it?" You asked.
Draken sighed, "Y/n, there was no freckle."
"Then what were you looking at?"
"I wasn't looking at anything."
"Why are you lying to me, Draken? Just tell me the truth. Did you see something or not?"
"Okay, fine. I did see something."
"What was it?"
"It was just ... it was nothing."
"Draken, please just tell me the truth."
"Yeah, Draken. Just tell y/n the truth." He smirked and dodged the thermos that flew right at his head.
"You little shit." Draken said to Mikey.
Mikey laughed and took another hit. "Yeah, yeah. Don't change the subject, Ken-chin."
"Fuck you, Mikey. Why don't you mind your own business for once?" Draken said.
"Because y/n is my friend, too."
"Yeah, well, she's my friend, too. And I don't need you sticking your nose into my business."
"Fine, I'll stop."
"Good. Now, can you stop fucking bothering us? We're trying to have a conversation."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Mikey said.
Draken looked at you, "Sorry about that. He's just being a dick."
You nodded, "It's fine. Just tell me what you saw."
"I ... I saw your bra strap. Ok? Jesus. You happy now?"
"My bra strap?" You asked.
"Yeah. Your bra strap. That's all it was. It was just a bra strap."
"And you couldn't have just said that from the beginning?"
"I didn't want to make things weird."
"Well, they're not weird, Draken. They're fine. We're fine. Right?"
"Yeah, we're fine." He said.
"Good. Then let's just forget about it and move on." You said.
"Great, that's exactly what we should do." Draken said.
"So, are you guys done being weird? Can we smoke and chill?" Mikey asked.
"Yes, Mikey. We're done being weird. Now shut up." Draken said.
The three of you sat in silence for a bit. You were still trying to process what had happened. You felt like you'd gotten your hopes up for nothing. It was just a bra strap. And he didn't even want to admit that he saw it. What was the big deal?
"You want any of this Ken?" Mikey held out the blunt and Draken waved him off.
"No, I'm good. You can have it." He said.
"I'm gonna go check the clothes. You guys good? I won't come back and find you both dead or anything?" Mikey stood by the door.
"No! What the hell kind of - Mikey, just go." Draken huffed.
You heard Mikey's footsteps getting farther away and Draken looked at you, "I'm sorry about him."
"It's fine. It's fine. We're all friends. No one's mad at anyone, right? So, it's fine." You smiled.
"Yeah, it's fine."
Draken and you sat in silence for a while. You knew you should say something. You couldn't help but think about what he'd said before. You thought back to all the times that you'd been around each other. You couldn't deny that there had always been some kind of spark between you.
"Hey, Draken?" You asked.
"What about us? Are we just friends?" You asked.
Draken looked at you, "I don't know."
"Do you want us to be more than friends?"
"How long have you had feelings for me?" You asked.
Draken shrugged, "I don't know."
"Okay, well, do you want to kiss me? Like, right now?"
Draken looked at you, "Maybe."
"You're really not making this easy for me, Draken. Just answer my questions."
"Fine. Yes, I do want to kiss you. And yes, I do have feelings for you. And yes, I have for a while. Okay?"
"Okay. Me too. So, we're on the same page?"
Draken nodded, "I think so."
"Well, then why don't we just do it? Why don't we just kiss?"
"Because I don't want to make things weird."
"They're already weird, Draken. So, let's just go for it."
Draken sighed and leaned in, placing his lips gently on yours. You felt a spark inside of you that you'd never felt before. His lips were soft and warm, and you wanted more. You pushed back and deepened the kiss, letting your tongue slide into his mouth.
Draken pulled back, "Jesus, y/n." He smiled, "You're crazy. But I love it."
You kissed him again and again, until you heard footsteps coming back. You pulled back and sat up straight as Mikey walked back in.
"The clothes are dry. You guys ready to get dressed and go outside or something?" He asked.
"Yeah, we're ready." You said.
Mikey looked at you and then at Draken, "I'm happy for you guys. But you're not allowed to fuck on my futon."
You and Draken looked at each other and at the same time said, "'S too late, Mikey."
You laughed and Mikey groaned, "Fuck, you guys."
You pulled your clothes from Mikey's hand. And as you slipped on your pants, you saw Draken looking at you.
"Stop it." You whispered.
"What?" He whispered back.
"Stop looking at me like that." You said.
"Like what?"
"Like you want to fuck."
Draken shrugged, "I can't help it. I've wanted to fuck you for a while, y/n."
You looked at him and shook your head, "Jesus Christ."
"What? It's true." He smirked.
You put on your shirt and pulled on your hoodie. You felt better now that you were wearing clothes. "Well, maybe you can fuck me later." You said.
Draken laughed, "Maybe I will."
You walked out of Mikey's room and headed back outside. The rain had stopped and the sun was starting to come out from behind the clouds. You breathed in the fresh air and smiled.
"Y/n, let's go get ice cream." Draken said.
"I could go for some ice cream." You smiled.
Draken stuck his hand out for you to take and as you reached for it, Mikey caught your attention and flashed you his big, beautiful smile, mouthing the words "You're welcome!"
You rolled your eyes, your hand over your heart, nodding.
"Draken, what's your favorite flavor?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Probably mint chip or cookies 'n cream. Why?"
You leaned your head against his arm and. "No reason."
Draken bent over and kissed the top of your head, "Whatever you say, kid. Whatever you say." 
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Taglist ::: @arlerts-angel @kazutora-kurokawa @darkstarlight82
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89 notes · View notes
h-harleybaby · 1 year
i had this idea where cartman confesses out of horniness,, do you think you could add onto my idea/elaborate? everything seems so much greater in your writing <3
It took me like, 30 minutes to write this
Also I was about to draw my oc in a mock top but I looked at tumblr so like
Cartman confessing out of horniness hcs
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• Tbh Cartman probably had a crush on you for a long time but he didn't have the balls to do much besides horribly flirt with you. It's fine tho, you always thought it was sweet
• You would always hug him extra tight and your boobs would always press against him! Or bend over in front of him and the all too familiar feeling of his pants getting a little tight would come back
• At first Cartman would refuse to jerk off to the thought of you, even if you gave him all those boners. It's degrading! Yeah no that didn't last very long he caved sooooo easily
• He was jerking off to the thought of you when he got home one time and didn't notice how the time flew by. He got a call from you at like, 7 pm and that's when he stopped... when he started at 3
• Yeah and then once y'all were done it was IMMEDIATELY BACK TO JERKING OFF- bro needs help at this point like damn. How horny does his man gotta be to be horny over your voice??? To be fair, you were also sending him pictures of you in skimpy clothes and asking for outfit advice. He felt kinda creepy about it but like, that faded pretty quickly
• The worst part about all of this? You always acted like you didn't know what you were doing and it made him so frustrated. Like how could you not know??
• What's funny is that you actually did know! You're just a really good actor, but not good enough he saw through you eventually. What can I say, the attention was nice
• Dude was getting so desperate he started acting differently, it started to concern his friends at some point. They all started calling him pussy whipped, which honestly didn't make sense but they didn't care
• Yeah but anyways, he started doing a lot more gestures to try to show you how much he cared about you and stuff. Usually Cartman's a lot more smart about this but it felt like he was losing braincells the more he thought about you, which was like, ALL THE TIME
• But you're still not getting the hint! Who knows how the fuck you're not but you ain't
• In a moment of pure desperation he flat out tells you, well he probably didn't mean to. He was trying to make a joke about how you're hot and that backfired so, so badly
• Cartman started getting flustered and started rambling. The gist of his rambling was that you're really fucking hot, he's really horny, and he's had a crush on you for the longest time
• It was really funny, and he's about one step away from begging on his knees for ANYTHING
• Just touching your boobs or your thighs, a handjob? Hell even a kiss, ANYTHING YOU'RE WILLING TO GIVE HIM HE'LL TAKE
• In fact he DID start begging, thank fucking god that it was at his house when he was home alone or he would've died
• Honestly, you don't know how he talked you into him thigh fucking you but he did. He's a smooth talker and knows how to manipulate people, it's actually not too hard to believe that he could do it
• Cartman felt like he was in heaven tbh, and he cummed embarrassingly quick because he was so desperate. He then proceeded to think about how good your pussy would feel and got another boner
• Yeah he's a smidge pent up and horny, but thats fine! You end up helping him out, whether it's eventually or that day and he's fine with that
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