#duets w/ fictional characters
lifmera · 4 months
Hello! Hope you're having a good day and that everything's going well! If it isn't too much to ask I would like to have a pairing with a Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel character, preferably male. * So a little bit about myself! My pronouns are He/They but actually like to present myself as feminine at times * Most people said that the first time they saw me they thought I was mean and actually scary and I think it was because of my stern look and whenever someone would ask me something I would give them short cold answers.. but I'm not that. I'm actually a little shy but once you know me I'm just super lively, loving to sing (even if I suck at it), always cracking a joke and just wanting to enjoy the moment. Despite all that I'm actually pretty calm at times and offer some heartfelt and harsh advice. Whenever that happens I just go full on serious mode and prefer to listen first and instead of solving the persons problems, I rather guide them in the right direction. * Likes! I love to do creative things, like writing and drawing, and to read, specially dystopian fiction. I also take a great interest in astronomy, magic things like witchcraft and bones (I can't explain it-). As for music it's basically a little bit of everything with both jazz and pop being way up. * In a relationship I prefer.. the less touching possible the better. That being said my main love languages are quality time and gift giving. Although I don't really enjoy touching, I wouldn't mind if my partner want hugs or something like that. And that's it! Sorry if it was too long and don't feel pressured to do it right away! Take your time and don't forget to drink plenty of water and rest! Hope you have a good day!
Hi hun!! Ofc!!
And finally my first Helluva req!!
And thank you sweetheart 💞 honestly i think Stolas would fit too.
I’ve decided to pair you with BLITZØ & ALASTOR!!!
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Ill do Alastor first!
He’d definitely love and find you intriguing. Stone cold?
When he finds out more about you, he was honestly surprised.
Although he’d probably do duets with you, he’d LOVE to hear your jokes.
Especially if they are dad jokes cus … he is a huge dad joke.
He likes that you are able to be calm in situations, and help through situations too!
He would look to you for some advice, just to make sure he believes he’s right!
If you listen to Jazz? He’s spending all his time with you. And def listening to Jazz.
He would force you to chat about fav artists w him.
You both dislike physical touch, and he appreciates it. He would prefer acts of service and words of affirmation.
Now Blitzo!
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He also presents feminine sometimes! He thinks it’d be fun to do together.
He definitely got attracted to you with that stone cold look, and short replies !! At first anyways.
Once he also gets to know you, he definitely would love to hang out with you!
Although you may not be the best singer- NEITHER IS HE!!! And he enjoys singing, or listening.
He is also always cracking jokes, so you both are cackling at EVERY MOMENT!!
He will always look to you for advice, and he doesn’t do that for anyone else either. He’s pretty reserved.
He would’ve probably confided into you about fizz, his mom, stolas and everything else at that moment in time.
Your interest in astronomy and witchcraft reminded him of Stolas, but instead of Stolas sexual nature- he has someone he really will care and show up for.
If you can draw, he will FORCE you to teach him. HE NEEDS TO DRAW HIS PONIES!! and obviously to make up for the shitty art lessons he got.
He would totally listen to your stories, because it would remind him of Millie and Moxxie, and he wants what they have.
He listens to more metally type of music, but boy will he listen to anything. Honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if he started listening to country??
I also think that Blitz isn’t big on physical touch either. He would be icked out. He thinks that words of affirmation and quality time are better. He knows you’re listening to him and willing to be there!
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womanexile · 1 year
Lol, I was watching the ‘17 HS carpool karaoke segment and the bit about how he gets away with fashion (kinda like Daylight mv ref bit) & his knowledge/dialogue depth of romcoms (Notebook, Titanic, Notting Hill) was funny (female influence growing up perhaps). I guess he digs that type of “Cinema”. Even Nicholas Sparks wants to book him. The duet of Endless Love “Two heart beating as one” reminded me of his Two Ghosts song. (Shania Twain also did duet with Lionel Ritchie for EL- LOML also has that 80s love ballad vibe). Hopeless romantic? He even added “I will always love you” in Keep driving. TS did karaoke with the WH version.
TS also uses a lot of romcom tropes. Examples love triangle, best friends to lovers, forbidden love, historical romance, older, bad boy, doomed, unrequited, etc. Both are known readers & TV/film buffs- theatrical too. His music is a little more abstract while hers is built more like a book or script at times- but visually, lyrically & musically they hook people in- especially the videos. Their curiosity about details of others is noted- shakes hands, personal introductions, gifts. I think in his audition he mentioned possibly wanting to study sociology, business & law. Her scholar interests were English, history, finance & marketing- but she did learn a bit of Latin in HS too. Another thing, sometimes I feel like they’ve referenced Dirty Dancing (Time of my Life, She’s like the wind). Lol, even Ed Sheeran’s mv had that dance ref. Shivers? It’s just a pop culture thing to draw from the past and spin it to recreate a new story- just something done in music & media- TV, books & film. Sidenote, I was watching TS’s CMT skits & vlogs. Lol, Thelma & Louise (w/ Shania) & “Dreams” segments -Star Trek (JJ Abrams film), NFL, Thug story (w/ T-Pain). I kinda think the TS’s CMT & HS LLN bits and their music video performances worked better than the SNL ones & films. Both are funny- but I guess critics would say both may not always deliver. I wonder how they would have done with Screwball romcom films? Superhero films kinda fill that space now.
Lol, sometimes the Haylor narrative fits the Friends-to-Lover trope. Like When Harry MET Sally (it even has a New Year’s day bit). Especially the catalogue. Cornelia Street, You are in Love, Cruel Summer, New Year’s Day, Glitch, Maroon, Keep Driving, Little Freak, Meet me in the Hallway, Two Ghosts, Long Story Short, Illicit Affairs, Cowboy like me, Kiwi, Night Changes, You & I and so on… so many pieces- and that doesn’t even mention covers, collaborators or influences (playlist). Just the other day I mentioned to someone that Jackson Wang’s recent stuff made me think of them.
Even in a way Begin Again fits ”But you start to talk about the movies/That your family watches every single Christmas”. Both have mentioned Love Actually- includes Joni Mitchell song. Also one of Niall’s team auditioned with it. He’s another mutual link between them. Lol, both of them are so embedded in pop culture lately- media brings up TS music or news and even HS gets brought up (by Prince Harry, the president, etc.). Their story is Stranger (or Sweeter) than Fiction. Soap opera w/ plot twist & cliffhangers.
Yea you can tell they both have the same influences. I love that Harry loves rom coms. Not many guys will enjoy watching a rom com with you. I was reading Beach Read last week and I thought Harry and Taylor could play these characters in a movie. I would love to see them in something like Daisy Jones & the Six. And yea they are the music industry right now.
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mycomori · 2 years
i just feel so stupid for caring so much about this story that kept me alive for a while only to see everything end this way i know i can always trust crime boys w their characters and a few others but the story as a whole is gone because dream is a selfish piece of shit and it just fucking hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts and it’s so fucking stupid because i’ve been though actual shit i have things to cry over na duet im crying over this because just as always the only thing that can really make me feel enough to show it is my unhealthy attatchmemt to fiction
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bi-slut-buck · 5 years
Duets w/ fictional characters
Me : Drop it right now, you're one of my favorite few
Ivar : Can't stop me right now, like you'd even want to
Both : what do I do
Me : you're one of my favorite few
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ruzek-halstead · 3 years
i found my hand is holding yours
so this started as a drabble and was supposed to be hella short, but please enjoy 1.6k words of julie and luke being absolutely adorable. 
julie has been dealing with a persistent classmate who won’t take no for an answer, so luke accompanies her to their end-of-the-term party in hopes to get the point across. 
"okay, so i have a really weird favour to ask.”
luke looked up from his guitar, arching a brow at julie's obvious distress. they had been at it for a few hours, trying to write a new song, but the motivation wasn't really flowing. ultimately they decided to separate and see what they could come up with on their own. it was a bit pointless since all luke could think about was the girl in the corner and all of his feelings for her.
"there are only a handful of things i wouldn't do for you, jules. so, shoot."
the apparent blush on her cheeks was unavoidable, so she pulled a few stray curls out from behind her ears. 
"would you mind coming with me to this end of term party type thing?" julie asked, hesitantly biting her lip. it wasn't that she didn't think he'd be up for it, it was just the uncomfortableness of the entire situation. "it's for everyone in our music program. but there's just this guy who isn't really getting the hint and i figure if —" luke's eyes snapped over to her nervous and fiddling figure as soon as she mentioned a boy. "i'll be there," he replied instantly. his limited motivation to continue strumming his guitar until he found a melody he enjoyed immediately disappeared, and all he could think about was that julie had been feeling uncomfortable lately, and he had no idea. "he's not like a bad guy or anything!" julie rushed to add, because she had a heart of gold and always sought the best in people. "he's sweet, really — sort of. he's just also very persistent and i'm not —" "you don't need to explain," luke told her, shooting her a lopsided grin to calm her nerves. "i'll be there." it was a blessing in disguise that the boys could now be seen by everyone, and not just when they were performing with julie. she would feel much more comfortable with luke by her side; he was her anchor, and it helped that he was so protective, that hopefully he would help get the hint across to her surprise suitor. she knew what luke was thinking; was it nick? and the answer was no. they were friends now, nothing more. but a few months back, a new student joined their program, and he was partnered with julie for a few exercises. she didn't think anything of it, being friendly and polite as per her usual. it seemed like somewhere along the way, he developed feelings for her and no matter how many times she said no to a date, he kept asking. something about persistence? julie hated it. he was still constantly polite and respectful, but the mere fact that he wouldn't take no for an answer was severely unnerving for her. she hoped him seeing her with luke would get the hint across that she wasn't interested (and if it led him to believe that she wasn't available, then so be it). the music program party was being held in the school gym, filled with games, snacks and of course, an open mic. even though julie was a tad bit nervous to attend, luke confidently grabbed onto her hand and quite literally dragged her into the gymnasium. "socialization is good for you, jules," he had said teasingly, to which julie squeezed his hand painfully. he shot her a wolfish grin in response. "i'm going to get us drinks, you good?" luke pondered, ducking his eyes to meet hers. he could tell how nervous she looked by the way she couldn't stop moving her hands, and it irritated him that someone was making her feel weary like this. "jules," he repeated, squeezing her hand. julie nodded, raising her chin in a more obvious display of confidence. "i'm good," she insisted. he pulled on their hands until he was out of her reach and hers dropped back down to her side. the gym was decently filled; julie recognized a number of familiar faces as she actively searched for flynn, who had shot her a message saying she was already here. as she was distracted searching through the crowd, she didn't notice the one person she was trying to avoid. his name was caden, and he was cute and sweet, but he was just not getting it. "hey julie! it's nice to see you!" his hands were shoved into the front pockets of his jeans as he rocked back and forth. "are you planning on singing tonight?" julie shot him a polite smile. she just didn't have it in her to be mean, but she knew if she was a bit more direct and aggressive, this entire situation might end here and now. "probably not. i don't plan on staying long." "oh," his eyes widened, and suddenly julie knew that was the wrong thing to say. "did you maybe want to go out after? coffee or something?" julie felt her panic start to climb its way up her throat; god, where the hell was luke? it's okay, she just had to let him down again. "uh, actually —" "here you go, jules!" julie almost screamed in relief when she heard luke's familiar voice. he slipped in next to her, bumping her hip clumsily. to the untrained eye, it looked like he was just being a walking hazard, but julie knew it was on purpose. he was a touch-oriented person, and his touch soothed julie; they both knew that. luke handed julie a cup of punch, and his gaze flitted to caden, who was staring at them with wide blue eyes. "oh hey! my name's luke, i'm in the band with julie." with his free hand, he reached over to shake caden's hand. caden looked surprised and a tad disappointed, but he was nothing but respectful to luke as he introduced himself. "i'm caden, one of julie's classmates." a comfortable silence passed among them as their focus was directed to the stage where one of their classmates was performing. luke could sense julie's tension and his free hand reached down for hers. he didn't outright tangle their fingers together but his pinky reached out to wrap with hers in a comforting gesture. it gave her the power to do whatever she felt comfortable with. unbeknownst to them, caden watched their entire interaction, and even though he was disappointed, only a blind person wouldn't see their obvious connection. it suddenly dawned on him why julie never seemed to reciprocate his intentions, and he couldn't believe he'd never caught on before (he saw their performances on youtube videos). "ah, so you two are...?" caden trailed off, unsure of what to label it. luke and julie glanced over at him, julie with furrowed eyebrows, and luke with a somewhat smug but innocent expression. "oh, we're not re—" julie started to say, but caden shook his head, smiling. "i should've figure it out sooner," he added, "i've seen the youtube videos. you can't fake that chemistry." luke pursed his lips at the use of the word chemistry. at one point, he'd deny it, but at this point? it would be an outright lie. julie, however, just looked confused. "sure, but that's no—" "it's okay julie, you don't have to explain," caden insisted. "i see the way he looks at you, and i get it now. i'll see you around," he smiled, waving before he walked away. luke awkwardly sipped his drink. he wasn't expecting to be put on blast like that. he couldn't exactly control his eyes and what they did when they looked at julie. she was the embodiment of beauty and music and perfection, and that was everything luke saw when he looked at her. if he was exhibiting 'heart-eyes' (as alex and reggie had told him multiple times), he couldn't stop it. "okay, well, i guess that worked," julie smiled, tapping her cup against luke's in cheers. "although, i wonder why he thought we were — you know." luke glanced over at her. she was watching the stage performance with such a sense of innocence that luke almost didn't want to burst her bubble. almost. "come on, jules," he chuckled, shaking his head when she turned to him with questioning eyes. "you know why." julie pursed her lips, holding his steady gaze. it was challenging because his eyes were absolutely gorgeous and intense, and clearly the way he looked at her made her feel things. sometimes she could feel his gaze on her while she played piano, or while she studied for a test or wrote excitedly in his (their) song journal. sometimes she would look over at him and he'd already be looking at her. and at first, he would look away in embarrassment, but now, he would hold her gaze, sometimes even going as far to send a smirk to really throw her off her game and fluster her. something had changed between them along the way and they both knew it. they just hadn't decided when was the right time to address it. the truth was luke could be ripped away at any moment; the thought caused julie to live in a constant state of paralyzing fear. and so, the time never felt right. "yeah," julie mumbled, reached for his hand again. "i do." julie didn't end up leaving early. she found herself in the corner of the gym, leaning against the wall with luke's arm wrapped securely around her shoulders. they watched performance after performance and they couldn't even be bothered to get up on stage and show them what a real duet looked like because they were so comfortable in each other's arms. and as julie tipped her head onto luke's shoulder, a sudden wave of exhaustion overtaking her, she knew caden never had a chance because her heart was already taken.
tag list: @grootsgillespie || @jayhalsteadcpd || @moreflowersthanweeds || @well-hes-just-too-cute || @echocharm17618 || @leopard-print-slippers || @jandthephantoms || @scribblingfangirl || @n0wornever || @simpformolina || @only-trust-fictional-characters || @snowmione18 || @tellurphantoms || @knitsessed || @carriewilsons || @elitharavenclaw || @wakeupfantoms || @uselessnerdnherblahg || @katie-navarro || @bookwormswillruletheworld || @lmaohuh || @thatsmyverb || @sophiphi || @kybee1497 || @lukewearingbeanies || @sapphireamethystvsco || @constantly-singing || @helloilovejatp || @your-typical-ingenue || @nonickslander || @s-h-a-d-o-w-s || @asdfghjkl-fanfics 
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bananaofswifts · 4 years
Taylor Swift appears to be waging war over the serial resale of her old master recordings on two fronts. She recently confirmed that she is already underway in the process of re-recording the six albums she made for the Big Machine label, in order to steer her fans (and sync licensing execs) toward the coming alternate versions she’ll control. But now that she’s followed the surprise release of “Folklore” with the very, very surprise release of “Evermore” less than five months later, the thought may occur: If she keeps up this pace, she may have more new albums out on the Republic label than she ever did on Big Machine in a quarter of the time. Flooding the zone to further crowd out the oldies is unlikely to be Swift’s real motivation for giving the world a full-blown “Folklore” sequel this instantaneously: As motivations for prolific activity go, relieving and sublimating quarantine pressure is probably even better than revenge. Anyway, this is not a gift horse to be looked in the mouth. “Evermore,” like its mid-pandemic predecessor, feels like something that’s been labored over — in the best possible way — for years, not something that was written and recorded beginning in August, with the bow said to be put on it only about a week ago. Albums don’t get graded on a curve for how hastily they came together, or shouldn’t be, but this one doesn’t need the handicap. It’d be a jewel even if it’d been in progress forevermore and a day.The closest analog for the relation the new album bears to its predecessor might be one that’d seem ancient to much of Swift’s audience: U2 following “Achtung Baby” with “Zooropa” while still touring behind the previous album. It’s hard to remember now that a whole year and a half separated those two related projects; In that very different era, it seemed like a ridiculously fast follow-up. But the real comparison lies in how U2, having been rewarded for making a pretty gutsy change of pace with “Achtung,” seemed to say: You’re okay with a little experimentation? Let’s see how you like it when we really boil things down to our least commercial impulses, then — while we’ve still got you in the mood.Swift isn’t going avant-garde with “Evermore.” If anything, she’s just stripping things down to even more of an acoustic core, so that the new album often sounds like the folk record that the title of the previous one promised — albeit with nearly subliminal layers of Mellotrons, flutes, French horns and cellos that are so well embedded beneath the profuse finger-picking, you probably won’t notice them till you scour the credits. But it’s taking the risk of “Folklore” one step further by not even offering such an obvious banger (irony intended) as “Cardigan.” Aaron Dessner of the National produced or co-produced about two-thirds of the last record, but he’s on 14 out of 15 tracks here (Jack Antonoff gets the remaining spot), and so the new album is even more all of a piece with his arpeggiated chamber-pop impulses, Warmth amid iciness is a recurring lyrical motif here, and kind of a musical one, too, as Swift’s still increasingly agile vocal acting breathes heat into arrangements that might otherwise seem pretty controlled. At one point Swift sings, “Hey, December, I’m feeling unmoored,” like a woman who might even know she’s going to put her album out a couple of weeks before Christmas. It’s a wintry record — suitable for double-cardigan wearing! — and if you’re among the 99% who have been feeling unmoored, too, then perhaps you are Ready For It. Swift said in announcing the album that she was moving further into fiction songwriting after finding out it was a good fit on much of “Folklore,” a probably inevitable move for someone who’s turning 31 in a few days and appears to have a fairly settled personal life. Which is not to say that there aren’t scores to settle, and a few intriguing tracks whose real-life associations will be speculated upon. But just as the “Betty”/”August” love triangle of mid-year established that modern pop’s most celebrated confessional writer can just make shit up, too, so, here, do we get the narrator of “Dorothea,” a honey in Tupelo who is telling a childhood friend who moved away and became famous that she’s always welcome back in her hometown. (Swift may be doing a bit of empathic wondering in a couple of tracks here how it feels to be at the other end of the telescope.) One time the album takes a turn away from rumination into a pure spirit of fun — while getting dark anyway — is “No Body, No Crime,” a spirited double-murder ballad that may have more than a little inspiration in “Goodbye, Earl.” Since Swift already used the Dixie Chicks for background vocals two albums ago, for this one she brings in two of the sisters from Haim, Danielle and Este, and even uses the latter’s name for one of the characters. Yes, the rock band Haim’s featured appearance is on the only really country-sounding song on the record… there’s one you didn’t see coming, in the 16 hours you had to wonder about it. Yet there are also a handful of songs that clearly represent a Swiftian state of mind. At least, it’s easy to suppose that the love songs that opens the album, “Willow,” is a cousin to the previous record’s “Invisible String” and “Peace,” even if it doesn’t offer quite as many clearly corroborating details about her current relationship as those did. On the sadder side, Swift is apparently determined to run through her entire family tree for heartrending material. On “Lover,” she sang for her stricken mother; on “Folklore,” for her grandfather in wartime. In that tradition the new album offers “Marjorie,” about the beloved grandmother she lost in 2003, when she was 13. (The lyric videos that are being offered online mostly offer static visual loops, but the one for “Marjorie” is an exception, reviving a wealth of stills and home-movie footage of Grandma, who was quite a looker in a miniskirt in her day.) Rue is not something Swift is afraid of here anymore than anywhere else, as she sings, “I should’ve asked you questions / I should’ve asked you how to be / Asked you to write it down for me / Should’ve kept every grocery store receipt / ‘Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me,” lines that will leave a dry eye only in houses that have never known death. The piece de resistance in its poignance is Swift actually resurrecting faint audio clips of Marjorie, who was an opera singer back in the day. It’s almost like ELO’s “Rockaria,” played for weeping instead of a laugh. Swift has not given up, thank God, on the medium that brought her to the dance — the breakup song — but most of them here have more to do with dimming memories and the search for forgiveness, however slowly and incompletely achieved, than feist. But doesn’t Swift know that we like her when she’s angry? She does, and so she delves deep into something like venom just once, but it’s a good one. The ire in “Closure,” a pulsating song about an unwelcome “we can still be friends, right?” letter from an ex, seems so fresh and close to the surface that it would be reasonable to speculate that it is not about a romantic relationship at all, but a professional one she has no intention of ever recalling in a sweet light. Or maybe she does harbor that a disdain for an actual former love with that machinelike a level of intensity. What “Evermore” is full of is narratives that, like the music that accompanies them, really come into focus on second or third listen, usually because of a detail or two that turns her sometimes impressionistic modes completely vivid. “Champagne Problems” is a superb example of her abilities as a storyteller who doesn’t always tell all: She’s playing the role of a woman who quickly ruins a relationship by balking at a marriage proposal the guy had assumed was an easy enough yes that he’d tipped off his nearby family. “Sometimes you just don’t know the answer ‘ Til someone’s on their knees and asks you / ‘She would’ve made such a lovely bride / What a shame she’s fucked in the head’ / They said / But you’ll find the real thing instead / She’ll patch up your tapestry that I shred.” (Swift has doubled the F-bomb quotient this time around, among other expletives, for anyone who may be wondering whether there’s rough wordplay amid Dessner’s delicacy — that would an effing yes.) “‘Tis the Damn Season,” representing a gentler expletive, gives us a character who is willing to settle, or at least share a Christmas-time bed with an ex back in the hometown, till something better comes along. The pleasures here are shared, though not many more fellow artists have broken into her quarantine bubble this time around. Besides Haim’s cameo, Marcus Mumford offers a lovely harmony vocal on “Cowboy Like Me,” which might count as the other country song on the album, and even throws in something Swift never much favored in her Nashville days, a bit of lap steel. Its tale of male and female grifters meeting and maybe — maybe — falling in love is really more determinedly Western than C&W, per se, though. The National itself, as a group, finally gets featured billing on “Coney Island,” with Matt Berninger taking a duet vocal on a track that recalls the previous album’s celebrated Bon Iver collaboration “Exile,” with ex-lovers taking quiet turns deciding who was to blame. (Swift saves the rare laugh line for herself: “We were like the mall before the internet / It was the one place to be.) Don’t worry, legions of new Bon Iver fans: Dessner has not kicked Justin Vernon out of his inner circle just to make room for Berninger. The Bon Iver frontman whose appearance on “Folklore” came as a bit of a shock to some of his fan base actually makes several appearances on this album, and the one that gets him elevated to featured status again, as a duet, the closing “Evermore,” is different from “Exile” in two key ways. Vernon gets to sing in his high register… and he gets the girl. As it turned out, the year 2020 did not involve any such waiting for Swift fans; it’s an embarrassment of stunning albums-ending-in-“ore” that she’s mined out of a locked-down muse.
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ughgclden · 3 years
🎞—CONGRATS ON 900!! i love love love both of your blogs so freaking much you inspire me all the time. can i get a character within the fear street universe? some things about me is that i have short, curly brown hair and blue-green eyes, i’m not sure if appearance has anything to do with it but i thought i’d add it in! i’m pretty sarcastic around my closest friends and generally good at making new ones, even though i get a bit anxious at big gatherings like dances and parties. i stick to a close group of friends, like 99% of the time. i’m also an avid theatre kid lmao—i’ve been singing and acting for over a decade. i write a lot. like, i have twenty seven half-finished book drafts and a million poems in my notes app. i make super super extensive playlists in which every single song has a specific reason for being on the playlist. i also work at a coffee shop and have an addiction to caffeine! i’m a maladaptive daydreamer, so i’ll literally spend hours daydreaming about being in my favorite movie/book/tv worlds and romanticizing relationships with my favorite characters (i’m bi, so there’s a big playing field in this lol). i have legit zero volume control at times and i’m an empath (like, too much empathy at times that it makes me physically incapable of doing anything). i read a lot and i like to annotate/highlight my books. i write on my hands a lot (i have a million markers and pens it’s insane) but i’m t e r r i b l e at drawing. i do lots of peace signs and finger guns when i don’t know what to say or just at random times so i don’t have to continue conversations lol. my favorite part is probably part two, i’m in love with both nick and ziggy lol. AH that was a lot of information that you probably didn’t need, but i really appreciate you doing this!! CONGRATS AGAIN!! i love being mutuals <3333
THANKS SO MUCH ANGEL!! you’re honestly the sweetest ever omg- currently crying over "you inspire me all the time". i can’t even tell u how much i adore both you and your blogs, you're so lovely and talented <33 also as a fellow maladaptive daydreamer, i felt that omg. if nobody got me i know the relationships w fictional characters i made in my head got me </3 anyways, onto the ship! you'll be happy to know that..
i’d ship you with ziggy berman!
okay, you with ziggy is just perfect to me - and the fact you're in love with her makes it even better. this may get long, so i apologise in advance.
first of all, ziggy thinks you're absolutely gorgeous from the moment she lays eyes on you in camp, and nothing changes when you both get together. she loves twirling your curls around her fingers and is constantly complimenting your eyes, especially the way they look when the sun hits them. sarcasm is practically your guys' love language i swear - you're constantly exchanging sarcastic remarks laced with lovesick smiles and laughter. please sing to her - oh my god, please. it never fails to make her happy, and she'll join in sometimes (i hc she has a great voice, fight me) so you two are just performing duets together. she's always blown away by your poems - she can't understand how your brain can put words together so eloquently and how you can be so so talented. you'd both make so many playlists together, half of them so overly specific, and would definitely make playlists for each other. this girl loves loves loves her coffee, so please don't be surprised when she begs you to make her a drink in exchange for some kisses. ziggy swears you make the BEST coffee, and no one makes it like you. she loves that you're an empath, adoring the amount of compassion you have, but will also try her hardest to make sure it isn't detrimental to you. she wants you to be happy <3 ziggy would also annotate books after you show her how, taking to her favourite stephen king novel's with a pen and highlighter and just going to town with it. you guys will exchange annotated books to see each other's thoughts and feelings!!! if she ever sees you writing on your hands, she'll place hers in front of you without a word, just waiting for you to doodle and write whatever you please on it. she tries to go as long as possible without completely washing it off, wearing your artwork with pride. peace signs and finger guns? ziggy loves it so much she adopts it herself. if you throw a peace sign up at her, there's a 99% chance she'll return it before changing the topic of conversation, knowing you're running out of things to say. this girl is just in love with you okay- she is super protective over you and can and will fight anyone who tries anything with you.
i hope u liked this lovely- it was super fun to write!!! thank u for being just an overall amazing mutual,, i'm so grateful and flattered to have someone as lovely as you following me - it means so much :') <333
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elliepassmore · 4 years
The Enigma Game Review
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4.5/4 stars Recommended for people who like: action, WWII, historical fiction, multiple POVs, Code Name Verity
The Pearl Thief review Code Name Verity review
TW: period-typical racism, hinted homophobia (minor) I contacted Wein about a year or two ago asking if she'd ever write something about Jamie before he begins his Moon Squadron work, so I was delighted when this book hit Goodreads and itching to figure out what mischief Jamie had been up to. Ellen was another welcome face, as I had wondered what War Work she might do after I read Pearl Thief. Louisa was more of a wildcard and I was curious how she'd fit into things being only 15 and too young to enlist, but her work as a caretaker for Jane fit perfectly with the events of the book that her involvement made sense. When the book opens Louisa is newly orphaned and desperate to help the War Effort. Coming from a somewhat musical family myself, I can appreciate how attuned she is to it and the connections it helps her make throughout the book. And I love the detail that music helps calm her, it's one of those little things that makes characters more real. Though her actual job is a caretaker to Jane, Louisa has a brave streak a mile wide and gets involved in Ellen's hostage situation, not only keeping Ellen calm, but also calming the German pilot by showing a similar taste in music, eventually leading to the pilot informing her of the location of his Enigma machine. There are times in the book where she gets scared, mostly when there are nearby bombings or the time she's flying with Jamie's crew and a Messerschmidt pounces on them, but the notable thing about her fear is that she's able to work through it. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be historically accurate without period-typical racism, and so we do see Louisa facing some of that, sometimes more subtle than others, but it does occur multiple times throughout the book. Ellen is another narrating character in this book and it's jolly good to see her opinions about things, both about the war, the other characters, and the life of a Traveller in Britain. Ellen is a rather fierce character and is eager to get going with the Enigma once it's found out. She's working in Auxiliary Transport Services (ATS), meaning she gets to shuttle people from the aerodrome to wherever they need to go, and occasionally picks up stray passengers, like Jane and Louisa, if they're on her way. She's also big heart and is free with showing it, worrying over Jamie and some of the other pilots, enjoying time with Jane, and making fast friends with Louisa. Like with Louisa, Ellen also faces some prejudice, though hers is due to being a Traveller, which she takes great pains to hide in order to start fresh. Jane I suppose is technically a side-character, but she plays such an important role that I decided to include here here with the main characters, though she never does get a POV. Despite having a poorly-healed broken hip and needing canes to get around, Jane is an extremely spirited elderly woman who is more than happy to get involved translating German for POWs and the Enigma machine. She's also a huge troublemaker and willing to talk back and sass and get in on the action, even when it involves fires, guns, or exploding bombs (she's actually a bit what I imagine an old!Julie would be like). Jane bonds rather instantly with Louisa over their shared love of music and the two of them come into the habit of performing duets on the piano. Being German, Jane also shares some of Ellen's fear of being discovered, though it hardly comes up in the book. Poor Jane exhibits early signs of Alzheimer's, though they either don't have a word for it or don't recognize the symptoms, because it's largely written off as Jane being a bit of an escape artist or the assumption that she's trying to commit suicide (the people at That Place are the ones to suggest that, and there are times when it seems true, but other times where her actions do come across as just early dementia). And finally Jamie, whose full name we finally discover. He lives up to his characterization in the other three books, encouraging those around him, willing to square up to bullies, and mostly being a rather relaxed person. He's also a complete and utter rule breaker and it's a blooming miracle he didn't end up court-martialed before the events of CNV or Rose Under Fire. While Louisa knows she needs to turn the Enigma in to someone, and Ellen knows that Jamie can handle things w/ the Enigma, and though both of them want to keep a hold on it, it's really Jamie who suggests they keep it as their own private decoding device, using it to tally up wins for Squadron 648, his crew of Bristol Blenheims that's been seeing a bad streak and is rapidly losing pilots. He's still a bit of a loon, and we see that tendency of his to let civilians into operational missions, but we also get to see more of his older brother tendencies, wanting to protect Julie and Louisa even knowing it could blow back on him. Nancy Campbell, Jane's niece and the woman who hired Louisa, is one of the main side-characters and is actually rather rude to Louisa and Jane, but has a soft-sport for the pilots. Despite her tough outer layer, Nan really does have a big heart and is devastated whenever one or more of the pilots don't make it safely back. Phyllis is another side-character, though she works in WAAF like Ellen, only in debriefing. She's a steadying influence and seems to move with Squadron 648, growing as close to them as Nan, though with a far nicer exterior and a rather prim demeanor. And, of course, lovely Julie shows up about two-thirds into the book and my god it's wonderful to see her again. There are a few bits where she seemed unsure of her Intelligence role, which we don't really get to see in CNV, but I thought it was a nice touch for Wein to show us Julie isn't 100% confident all the time, and in a different way than that was showed in Pearl Thief. I really enjoyed the plot of the book, with the balance of keeping the Enigma machine hidden and still using the data received from it. There's a good bit of flying in this one, which is one of my favorite parts of CNV and Rose Under Fire and was unfortunately missing from Pearl Thief, though I suppose it wouldn't've made sense there. After reading this I'm desperate to know what Ellen and Louisa do for the rest of the war. Jamie, we know, goes onto the Moon Squadron per Maddi's recommendation, but since CNV tells a rather limited version of events from 1940-43, and Rose doesn't know Julie, or Jamie really, we don't get a ton of breadcrumbs about the girls. With any luck, Wein's next book will have something to do with one or both of them...or maybe we'll get an eventual reunion after the war. And not anything about the book itself but buckets of blood it took me forever to get my hands on this. It was published in the UK mid-May but doesn't get published in the US till November (thank you Waterstones), and despite the USPS claiming international mail isn't being put through quarantine, it definitely is and I was not notified, and only got the book last week after waiting near over a month for it.
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canallynwrite · 5 years
I bring asks: 2, 4, 7, 12, 13, 17, 26, 29, 30
thank you!
for context: i’m biromantic asexual!
i was one of those kids who didn’t even know that it was actually possible to like girls as well as guys, so i only really discovered the lgbt+ community after i entered middle school and got access to the internet. the first time i actually thought about being anything other than straight was when my friend came out to me as bisexual. now, my first (or second, whatever) thought was: “does she like me?”
and nobody wants to be the person who thinks their not-straight friend of the same gender is into them just bc said not-straight friend came out to them, so after doing some research i did some self-reflection and realized my actual feelings were more akin to something like: “i hope she likes me.”
for the rest of the year i tried to convince myself that she was the exception to my straightness and was definitely not crushing hard on her. then at the end of the year i started dating someone who, after we dated for a week or so, came out as a trans dude, and i sort of just accepted my bisexuality. the last bit probably doesn’t make sense, but he was in the middle of figuring out his gender, so for a while he identified as a gal and that was when i first really acknowledged that yes, i am indeed very not straight. him coming out as trans just hammered my bi-ness. looking back on it, there were many signs that i was not straight at all. i just had zero language for my feelings!
my asexuality was just always there, tbh. i found out about asexuality after i accepted my bi-ness so as soon as i learned what it meant i just went ‘yah, that’s me. i’m ace.’
uhhh, apart from the dude i was dating, probably the aforementioned friend who’d come out to me as bi. she was really happy for me and we celebrated my first coming out experience together!
i try not to get mad at ppl asking questions, bc i know that it is Quite Possible to not know much about sexuality (for the longest time i didn’t know ANYTHING) but biphobic and acephobic questions in general really get my goat. yes, asexuality is a thing that exists; no, i’m not going to cheat on my partner just bc i’m bi.
tbh, any time a straight person starts talking about the lgbt+ community like they know everything about it and are Great Allies i have to roll my eyes. jordan, you’re straight as uncooked spaghetti and cisgender, please stop pretending your opinions have any authority here just bc you read a few articles on gender/sexual fluidity and have a gay friend or two. 
but, on a more well-known note, the stupidest thing i’ve heard would definitely have to be anything that those assholes who claim that the lgbt+ community includes pedophiles have ever said. that idea is both stupid and enraging.
i’ve seen lgbt+ people say a lot of stupid shit, even against other sexualities (especially against asexuality), but as a whole the lgbt+ community is extremely accepting and seems to have so many little niche corners for every possible interest or hobby. like, u want lgbt+ writers??? u got it, pal. a group lgbt+ athletes??? u may have to look a little harder than for the lgbt+ writers but damn, they’re there! blogs about lgbt+ animals in nature??? yes, that does exist!
it’s such a large community, filled with so many different types of people, which is what i love about it!
i’ve been in two! and am currently in,,,, something? it’s a little complicated. we both know we like each other (and i wish we were dating!) but we haven’t “””officially””” decided to go out. 
the other two were a) some dude i broke up with after two days lmao; we won’t talk about him, and b) the dude i talked about earlier! we met on a roleplaying forum for ppl in our area when we were younger and really hit it off. i asked him out two or three months after we met, and we were together for about six months before going off ‘n on. we “””officially””” broke up after a year or so bc he needed some time to himself for his mental health.
well, for pre-middle-school me i’d sit her down and give her an hour long lecture on the lgbt+ community and recommend her some books w/ lgbt+ characters. she doesn’t know that being bi is possible so i’d also pull up an irl bi person as an example. for questioning!me, i think i’d just advise her not too push to hard against the idea of being bi. if you continue to like girls (and you will) then that’s okay and not something to tear yourself up about.
a) we are, in fact, a very wide spectrum of individuals, and stereotyping irl people does not help anything. being interested in women does not make me super butch; it makes me, me.
b) being lgbt+ is most certainly not all peaches and if you act like it is then you are Very Wrong Indeed, my friend. tbh, i don’t have much for this point besides complaining about that one straight person who called themselves an ally but still tried to police who i came out to and implied that if i wasn’t okay with having my sexuality shouted out to the world in the middle of a crowded cafeteria then i must be repressing myself. so, yeah, don’t be like that person, kids.
how persistent lgbt+ people - of the past and present - are. throughout every age and every culture, no matter if lgbt+ ppl are oppressed or accepted, you will find lgbt+ people. some are harder to find, because of hate towards people like them, but look hard enough and you will find them. even when lgbt+ people were persecuted, they were there. even in places where they could still be put to death today, they’re there, and they’re fighting.
the pink triangle was what nazis marked gay men with in concentration camps, but lgbt+ people, most notably the AIDS movement, have reclaimed it, taken it back and turned it into a positive symbol for lgbt+ people.
and that is why i’m proud to be lgbt+. to stand with these people is an absolute honor.
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mediocreronpas · 7 years
Nagito, Sonia, Makoto, Leon, Akane, Mukuro, and Sakura with an Ultimate Voice S/O. (Singing, Voice Acting, Voice Imitation.)
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You can probably tell where I stopped writing and started procrastinating on this particular piece. I just hope the requester doesn’t mind.
- Mod Teruteru
Nagito Komaeda
- He was walking to school covered in tire marks and animal bites.
- Don't ask.
- Anyway, he was walking to school covered in a bunch of injuries.
- Behind him he heard running, then his friend's voice.
- “Whoa Komaeda, are you okay?”
- “Don't worry, I'm just fine Haji-”
- Hey that's not Hajime.
- Your voice then suddenly got high pitched and very familiar.
- “The Ultimate Nurse is in your class isn't she? Maybe you should ask her for help.”
- He's pretty confused at this point.
- “... Mikan?”
- You nodded your head and turned to your own voice.
- “Sorry if that seemed weird, imitating voices is the only way for me to break the ice.”
- Imitating voices huh?
- That's cool.
- In class he loves watching you switch between made up voice characters when the tensions high.
- When you imitate him you say compliments about him left and right.
- “I’m Nagito Komaeda! My hair looks cool and my voice sounds really nice.”
- “You know you don’t need to compliment me in such an indirect way.”
- Then you returned back to your normal voice again.
- “But you won’t listen to any compliments I don’t say like thaaaat.”
- Komaeda laughed. “Why would you think that? I’ll always listen to my S/O when they talk to me.”
- “Because you always turn the compliment around and call yourself trash?”
- “But that’s because I am-”
- You stood up and switched to Komaeda’s voice again.
- “My name is Nagito Komaeda and I will not call myself trash!”
Sonia Nevermind
- She wanted a few lessons on how to sing a bit better so she can perform for her friends.
- So she asked you to help tutor her.
- Wow singing was a lot harder than she thought it would be.
- Though most fictional princesses were basically known for their beautiful singing abilities, Sonia the real life princess was a bit tone deaf.
- Training her took longer than you expected as well.
- But you were able to get it done.
- You went to her performance she had promised her friends in her class.
- But before she began, she asked that the first song was a duet with you.
- Tears almost started forming out of your already sparkling eyes.
- Your little duet thing for just the first song turned into a full on two person singing performance immediately after the first song was finished.
- It started with a simple duet of “Good Little Girl” by Rebecca Sugar, then “Back Side of the TV” by Lotus Juice, and then you started spiralling into the deep dark pit of Disney songs. Each time you changed songs you would change your voice into the male singer of the duet, or just the one you knew Sonia couldn’t do.
- By the end, everyone was clapping and cheering for you two.
- You both think you should do it more often.
Makoto Naegi
- He caught the sound of a strange voice on the way to school one day.
- It kind of sounded like a goofy cartoon character, but it didn’t sound like it was coming from any sort of device.
- When he found the source, it was a girl/boy talking to their friend.
- He was pretty weirded out by this.
- But when he saw you walk into Hopes Peak Academy, it made sense.
- He struck up a conversation with you during lunch after sitting next to you.
- After a bit of talking and laughing, he asked what kind of Ultimate you were.
- “Oh, that’s right, I’m the Ultimate Voice. I’m the master of all things speaking related, *ol’ timey announcer voice change* that includes but is not limited to, Singing, Imitation, and Voice Acting.”
- Ah, voice acting. That explains what he saw earlier.
- He started hanging out with you almost immediately after that.
- You learned how to imitate his voice and started talking to him and others with it.
- “Hey Togami-san?”
- “What do you want Naegi-”
- And then he would turn around and a girl/boy that wasn’t Naegi would be behind him.
- “What?”
- “Naegi?”
- Then you would turn your voice back to your own.
- “Sorry, I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
- Then he would turn back to what he was doing and wonder about what happened all day.
- You and Naegi would begin to hold in laughter when he asked him about it.
Leon Kuwata
- You recently found a way to yell and make it sound like you were a huge crowd.
- Oh boy were ready to use that on Leon.
- You were following him as he was walking to the baseball field.
- You suddenly jumped into a bush and yelled “HEY!” as over 50 people.
- He jumped out of his skin and whipped his head around to see no one there.
- “What the f*ck?!”
- You started holding in your laughter as tears started forming in your eyes.
- “T-the hell? How many of you are there?”
- You continued to hide inside your bush as Leon started searching for someone.
- When he finally found you, your smile hurt and tears were pouring down your face.
- “Woah, S/O? You okay?”
- You stuttered as you kept your laughter bottled up.
- “Y-yeah! I-I’m fine.”
- “You sure? You look like you're crying.”
- All at once, your laughter poured out the a waterfall.
- “Hahahahahahaaaah! Y-you never even suspected me!”
- “W-what!? What are you talking about?!”
- Then suddenly you made your voice sounded like 100 people were laughing at once.
- “AHH! That was you?!”
- You turned your voice back and started calming yourself down.
- You were breathing heavy, but you said “I’m sorry. Ever since I learned how to do that I wanted to use it.”
- “So you decided to scare me out of my jeans huh?”
- “He he, yeah.”
- Leon laughed. “Well then you wouldn't mind if I got REVENGE!”
- “Ahh!”
- Then you ran as Leon started chasing you around the school.
- Your such a good couple.
Akane Owari
- Your impressions turned you into her Nidai substitute when he wasn't around.
- Though it strained your voice to an extreme level.
- You tried not to let it bother you, until one day it interrupted your impression.
- “YEAH! KEEP GOING! SHOW SOME SPIRI- *Cough Cough* Agh, okay.  I'm gonna have to take five for that.”
- Akane stopped what she was doing and looked at you.
- “Really? Why?”
- You held your neck as the pain started pulsing across its inside.
- “Nidai's voice is too much for me. My throat is really starting to hurt.”
- Akane then started dragging you by the wrist saying that she has a home remedy for a sore throat like yours.
- You entered her cabin, and she told you to stay inside and ran off to the island’s kitchen.
- When Akane came back, she was holding a steaming mug of something white.
- She handed to you, and a sweet honey scent wafted into your face.
- You gave Akane a questioning look, and she gave a big smile back.
- “Whenever my younger siblings got scratchy throats, a mix of honey, milk, boiling water, and cinnamon always brought them back up from the dumps!”
- You smiled and blew the edge of the mixture.
- You took a sip and felt the smooth drink sooth your throat.
- Akane smiled when she saw the stars in your eyes.
- Then you two sat together on her bed talking softly as your throat healed.
Mukuro Ikusaba
- She didn’t like admitting it, but she admired your singing like you were an idol.
- It was similar the relationships tsunderes had with their clueless main character counter parts.
- She generally tried avoiding you in case she was caught admiring you.
- But at the same time, you were wherever she went.
- She didn’t know why.
- That was until you had approached her.
- You were blushing a lot and making quick glances at the floor.
- “Um, m-my name’s F/N.”
- “Yes I know.”
- “Huh? H-how?”
- Mukuro quickly put a hand up to her mouth and blushed a bit.
- “N-no reason, please continue.”
- You laughed softly and looked at her again.
- “I-um-I know you don’t know me that much,”
- Wow that was a lie.
- “But, would you want to hang out sometime? I-it doesn’t even have to be a date! We could just start as friends, i-if you want…”
- Mukuro was very confused.
- So much so, that she kind of just blirted out the first thing that came to mind.
- “I-I love your singing!”
- Your ears perked. “You...listen to my songs?”
- You both stared at each other until you smiled.
- “...because, I can do more than sing.”
- Mukuro continued staring.
- Then she spoke.
- “You can continue talking about it on our date.”
Sakura Oogami
- She is heavily impressed by your abilities.
- You found your goal to be to make her laugh legitimately.
- And it’s a goal you practiced annually.
- “*Goofy voice change* Well howdy Sakura-chan! Gosh do you look perty today.”
- “Mm, thank you S/O.”
- Damn it.
- On some days, you would just quietly give up.
- But your hope did not die that day!
- You still had one more chance to beat her!
- You approached her in the hallway, knowing this was your only chance.
- “Sakura, can I talk to you about something?”
- “Sure, what do you need S/O?”
- You made yourself blush and scratched the back of your neck.
- This put Sakura on her toes.
- “There’s something I have to tell you…”
- You looked at the ground.
- “I-I’ve been wanting to say this for a long time now. I was so nervous, but I-I’m not going to nervous anymore. Sakura I…! I-I!”
- You looked her in the eyes.
- “*Johnny Bravo voice change* Well I love you darling.”
- You held your breath, waiting for a reaction.
- Then you heard something beautiful.
- Sakura’s laughter.
- “Ha ha ha ha, you got me S/O.”
- You were absolutely glowing.
- You hugged her.
- “I love you Sakura!”
- “Hm hm, I love you too.”
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callmeexodus · 7 years
A-Z Tag
I was tagged by the amazing @honeytaeyong Hope you are going okay with everything hun ^-^
A: Age - 20 
B: Birthplace - Australia 
C: Current time - 12:30 in the afternoon my friend is struggling with short crust pastry ^-^
D: Drink you had last -  Tea i’m such a tea whore its so bad i have been banned from buying tea by my fam but like never stops me 
E: Easiest person to talk to - ummm i dont really know tbh because i am quite shy in person tumblr is a whole different story. Unless you are close to me in person kinda thing then its pretty easy for me to talk to people 
F: Favorite song - recently i have been playing That’s only my world by  Deul Guk Hwa but the ken version from duet song. Also got7′s album like damn ok 
G: Grossest memory - High School my “friends” decided to take bets on my Virginity 
H: Hogwarts house - I was first sorted into Hufflepuff but when the update happened i got sorted into Slytherin 
I: In love - unless you count fictional characters anime characters and band members noppeeee
J: Jealous of people - nah not really tbh 
K: Killed someone - i mean i work retail so like you do honestly think but no not actually gone through with it ^-^
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again - If its howl from howls moving castle nope we good just like stay. PLs. ^-^
M: Middle name - Emily 
N: Number of Siblings - none omg so lonely 
O: One wish - to master languages 
P: Person you called last - My Mum cause i am currently on holiday ^-^
Q: Question you’re always asked - “is your hair naturally blonde?” Because my eyebrows have never matched my hair colour because they are quite dark. People have been asking me this since about grade 3 it got quite old fast lol
R: Reasons to smile -  the sun is finally out so i can go to the beach because its been raining the whole time we were at the coast. Plus i get to cuddle a sugar glider tomorrow 
S: Song you sang last - Teenager Got7
T: Time you woke up - 8:47 am cause i checked my phone when i woke up 
U: Underwear color - Dark blue 
V: Vacation Destination -  Japan or somewhere with beaches 
W: Worst habit - Caring to much? being to emotional? very stubborn? Idk 
Y: Your favorite food - i honestly cant pick i have to many 
Z: Zodiac sign -  Capricorn cups Aquarius 
I tag (only if you feel like it) 
@kawaii-ing  @sleepysheepy13 @reaaalbangtxn @myungho
 @thisfoolishdestiny @peppermingyu @dominichen-republic
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taejimin · 7 years
tag game thingy 
i was tagged by @ahjiminie <3
General Name: jessica Nicknames: jess Zodiac sign: virgo Height: 5′6 Ethnicity: native american / english (? i think) so just white pretty much. Orientation: lesbian Favorite fruits: tangerines, strawberries, bananas, purple grapes Favorite season: fall Favorite books: the captive prince series, thats it tbh ive been a book nerd since i was born but ive read so many that i dont even have faves lmao Favorite flowers: pansies!, i also love violets in general and tulips Favorite animals: i love they all :((, cats and dogs are a good standard tho Favorite beverage: water or like? cocktails idk Favorite scent: vanilla, violet & sweetpea, firewood burning, new books, when its fall and really kinda crisp weather and u can like?? smell the cold? that one  Favorite fictional characters: spock, bucky barnes, brian kinney, mac mcdonald, my baby hansung :( Number of blankets i sleep with: 1 Hours of sleep: about 8-10 depending Dream trip: i wanna go to chicago (and see the city), any other country tbh Blog created: sometime in 2012 Number of followers: 4,694
BTS Would You Rather: - build a snowman with v OR have a snowball fight with j-hope - get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga (my lactose intolerant would immediately die but coffee is disgusting) - go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with Jungkook - do a dance cover with j-hope OR sing a duet with jin (you motherfuckers think id try and keep up w/hobi???? thats a death sentence bitch) - kiss rap monster (on his squish cheeks) OR cuddle suga - babysit with jimin (babies and jimin wow my two most fave things in life!) OR dogsit with v - meet j-hope’s family OR have v meet your family (my family dont deserve tae and hobi could give me his sister’s number this is a win/win)  - film a commercial with j-hope OR film a sketch with v - hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook - go to paris with jin OR to london with suga - film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster - attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with jungkook (our shirts would be those gay guy/lesbian girl shirts thats like ‘im not his gf’ and ‘im not her bf’. cuz we’re both gay) - spend a lazy day with suga OR explore a city with j-hope - fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook - have a fun picnic with j-hope OR a fancy date with jin (i feel like i have to make not that all of these are platonic lmao who made this heteronormative thing) - have jungkook serenade you OR have v sing you to sleep - have a dance party with j-hope OR sing karaoke with suga - go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga (i love my baby but camping is the devil’s activity) - have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae - celebrate halloween with jungkook, suga, v and j-hope OR christmas with rap monster, jimin and jin
Tag, you’re it: @knjz @lesbiantae @lesbianblossomjimin @jiminn-thighs @jiminssi @gay-jk
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achillvs · 7 years
Tag Thing
thanks for tagging me @saltyauntsuga love u lots
General Name: technically it’s mateusz (matthew) Nicknames: matt, mati Zodiac sign: aries Height: 165 / 5′4 Ethnicity: polish Orientation: gay Favorite fruits: peaches berries oranges? i love a fruit Favorite season: spring Favorite books: host by stephenie meyer, the raven cycle by maggie stiefvater, we were liars by e. lockhart, the song of achilles by madeline miller Fav fics (bts only) days of our lives, house of cards both by sugamins, calamity by halcyon_nights, objects in mirror are closer than they appear by bazooka, Favorite flowers: idk any wild ones tbh Favorite animals: cats Favorite beverage: iced green tea Favorite scent: summer rain  Favorite fictional characters: draco malfoy, itachi uchiha, ronan lynch, andrew minyard Number of blankets i sleep with: 1 Hours of sleep: 4-8 Dream trip: roadtrip throughout the usa Blog created: i have kept this main one since 2013 lol. aes sideblog: @kavinckys  Number of followers: 4.314
BTS Would You Rather: - build a snowman with v OR have a snowball fight with j-hope - get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga - go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with Jungkook - do a dance cover with j-hope OR sing a duet with jin (bc i like singing and dancing w dance machine hobi would be terrifying for my self esteem) - kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga - babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v - meet j-hope’s family OR have v meet your family (taehyung and my little sister oh my god) - film a commercial with j-hope OR film a sketch with v - hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook - go to paris with jin OR to london with suga - film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster - attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with jungkook - spend a lazy day with suga OR explore a city with j-hope - fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook - have a fun picnic with j-hope OR a fancy date with jin - have jungkook serenade you OR have v sing you to sleep - have a dance party with j-hope OR sing karaoke with suga - go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga (pls don’t make me) - have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae (i will literally cry)  - celebrate halloween with jungkook, suga, v and j-hope OR christmas with rap monster, jimin and jin
Tag, you’re it: @namjooneh @mygsboy @velvethoseok @rapnamu @jiminssi @tightpantsjimin @lesbianjimin @miniminimochi
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oursparklinghearts · 7 years
WOW this is a bunch of questions, so grab a snack and get comfy lol
Tagged by @icedwonho thank you so much! ⭐ The MX part is so cute!
1. Nickname: no one has ever made a nickname out ofmy name tho  2. Gender: female 3. Star Sign: virgo 4. Height: 5′3′‘ 5. Time: 1:03am  6. Birthday: August 30 7. Favorite Bands/Groups: MONSTA X, BTS, BAP, WINNER, 2ne1, SNSD, Red Velvet, KARD, DAY6, BIGBANG, BLACKPINK, Block B, Epik High, EXO, and so much more! 8. Favorite Solo Artists: Hyuna, Taeyang, GD, Charlie Puth, Ariana Grande, etc 9. Song Stuck In My Head: WINNER - REALLY REALLY 10. Last Movie I Watched: Antz 11. Last Show I Watched: Counting On (my guilty pleasure lol) 12. When Did I Create My Blog: idk cuz i’ve been on tumblr since forever but recently started to use my blog and then i had to delete my account bc it was being dumb and start all over again 13. What Do I Post: 95% kpop and 5% everything else 14. Last Thing I Googled: north park mall (cuz MX was apparently there today) 15. Do You Have Other Blogs: nope 16. Do You Get Asks: rarely 17. Why Did You Choose Your URL: idk and i’ve been trying to think of a new one but i’m stumped lol 18. Following: 211 19. Followers: i’m still new 20. Favorite Colors: blue, black, red 21. Average Hours of Sleep: 🤷‍♀️ 22. Lucky Number: none 23. Instruments: i used to play violin in jr high and i was first chair violin and everything lol 24. What Am I Wearing: pjs 25. How Many Blankets I Sleep With: 1 26. Dream Job: anything that makes me happy and i enjoy and that i can live off of 27. Dream Trip: anywhere 28. Favorite Food: icecream! 29. Nationality: pakistani-american 30. Favorite Song Now: hmmmmm kihun’s cover of moon of seoul 31. Name: Aneeka 32. Orientation: Straight  33. Relationship status: single :/ 34. Biggest fear: roaches!!!! i can deal w/ anything except those  35. Fave movie: hmmmmm idk 36. Fave fruit: strawberry, plum, canteloupe  37. Fave season: fall and winter 38. Fave flower: idk 39. Fave scent: idk but it think more floral but not too sweet? 40. Fave animal: cats, wolves, orcas 41. Fave fictional character: this is so hard to decide tho 42. Favorite books: harry potter, percy jackson, cirque du freak, 1984 (the ones i can think of atm) 43. Favorite beverage: water, milk, milkshakes, iced coffee 
Monsta X themed asks: Would You Rather 
- build a snowman with Jooheon OR have a snowball fight with Minhyuk - get coffee with Wonho OR get ice-cream with Wonho - go to the cinema with Hyungwon OR the amusement park with Shownu - do a dance cover with Shownu OR sing a duet with kihyun - kiss Minhyuk OR cuddle Hyungwon - babysit with Kihyun OR dogsit with I.M - meet Minhyuk’s family OR have Wonho meet your family - film a commercial with Shownu OR film a sketch with Jooheon - hug Hyungwon OR hold hands with Kihyun - go to Paris with Minhyuk OR London with I.M - Film a drama with Jooheon OR do a photo shoot with Wonho - attend an award show with Kihyun OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with Hyungwon - spend a lazy day with Hyungwon OR explore a city with Jooheon - fall asleep next to Shownu OR wake up next to Wonho - have a fun picnic with Minhyuk OR a fancy date with I.M - have Wonho serenade you OR have kihyun sing you to sleep - have a dance party with Jooheon OR sing karaoke with Hyungwon - go camping with Shownu and I.M OR go to the beach with Kihyun and Jooheon - have a sleep over with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line - celebrate Halloween with Jooheon, Minhyuk and Kihyun OR Christmas with Shownu, Wonho, I.M and Hyungwon
i tag: @x--monpechemignon and any one else who wants to do this 👍
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kingnamxing · 7 years
I was tagged for this by @ienveeus (TYSM FAM)
Name: Jennifer Nickname JJ is the most popular but some people call me Jay, Jennisaur, Jenji. Whatever floats your boat. Zodiac Sign Sagittarius Height 5"9 Ethnicity African Orientation Gray-Aromantic Pansexual Favourite Fruits Kiwis and Golden/Green Apples Favourite Season Autumn??? Idk. Favourite Books The Skulduggery Pleasent Series by Derek Landy, Bluefish by Pat Schmatz Favourite flowers Forget me nots or the ones that close at night Favourite Beverage Chocolate Milkshake Favourite Scent Pizza, Clothes fresh out the dryer, How one of my friend’s smell (creepy ikno) Favourite Fictional Characters Yoshida Haru, The Seven from The Heroes of Olympus, Valkryie Cain from SP, Magnus Chase, Hermione Granger, Newt Scamander, Tyson from Percy Jackson, Ty from Bluefish, Velveeta from Bluefish, Aomine Daiki, Araragi Koyomi, Maka Albarn, Uzumaki Naruto, Iki Hiyori, Midoriyama Izuku, Everyone in BNHA, Mizutani Shizuku, Skulduggery Pleasant, Tanith Low – and more.
Number of blankets I sleep with Two. Hours of sleep Usually 5 or 4. I got 8 today though. Dream Trip Going back to Seoul but w/friends this time. Blog created Idk, maybe 2015??? Number of followers I can’t check right now but around 200?
BTS Would You Rather
build a snow man with v OR have a snowball fight with j-hope
get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga (I hate coffee lmao)
go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement with jungkook (so long as we don’t go in any haunted houses fUCK YEAH TO ROLLERCOASTERS)
do a dance cover with j-hope OR sing a duet with jin (can’t sing for shit but I can dance)
kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga (cANT I CUDDLE JOON THO??????)
meet j-hope’s family OR have v meet your family (lowkey have a crush on mejiwoo)
film a commercial with j-hope OR film a sketch with v
hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook
go to paris with jin OR go to london with suga (I live an hour away from london and my fam live in paris. both are kinda boring but I preffer london)
film a drama with jin OR do a photoshoot with rap monster
attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple shirts at the airport with jungkook
spend a lazy day with suga OR explore a city with j-hope
fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook
have a fune picnic with j-hope OR have a fancy picnic with jin
have jungkook serenade you OR have v sing you to sleep (BLESS)
have a dance party with j-hope OR sing karaoke with suga
go camping with jimin and v OR ** go to the beach with rap monster and suga**
have a sleepover with hyung line OR a birthday or maknae line
celebrate halloween with jungkook, suga, v and j-hope OR christmas with rap monster, jimin, jin
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toppledphoenix · 7 years
About & Would you rather (BTS edition) TAG
Tagged by the ever wonderful @miniminijiminni! Thank you so much!!! :)
Name: Zoe
Nicknames: Zo? lmao my names already short so i dont really go by nicknames
Zodiac sign: aries
Height: 5′5
Ethnicity: pretty white my dudes
Orientation: bisexual af
Favorite season: spring and autumn
Favorite books: I love books!!! I used to read so much but I don’t really have time anymore so i just read a lot of fanfic. a lot. I was so obsessed with the Percy Jackson series when I was younger and they certainly hold a special place in my heart.
Favorite animals: CATS CATS CATS CATS CATS
Favorite beverage: sweet tea and coffee
Favorite scent: vanilla, flowers, and cologne
Favorite fictional characters: Eren Jaeger, Percy Jackson, Lance, Uraraka Ochaco, Nico di Angelo
Number of blankets I sleep with: I’d say I average about two blankets
Hours of sleep: usually i get 9 hrs during the summer and probs 6-7 during school
Dream trip: recently I’ve really been wanting to go to Spain
Blog created: oh jesus it’s been 5 years since i created this blog. ive been thru phases man. i started out as a band blog and then i got into anime and it was all downhill from there. 
Number of followers: 2155, i’ve lost about 70 followers since i got into kpop lmao
BTS Would You Rather
▪build a snowman with v OR have a snowball fight with j-hope
▪get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga
▪go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with Jungkook
▪ do a dance cover with j-hope OR sing a duet with jin
▪kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga bih i love cuddling
▪ babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v
▪meet j-hope’s family OR have v meet your family (my family is insane. literally)
▪ film a commercial with j-hope OR film a sketch with v
▪hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook HHHHHHHHHHHH MY BABY
▪ go to paris with jin OR to london with suga
▪film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster 
▪ attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with jungkook
▪spend a lazy day with suga OR explore a city with j-hope
▪fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook im always gonna choose jungkook i am w e ak
▪ have a fun picnic with j-hope OR a fancy date with jin
▪have jungkook serenade you OR have v sing you to sleep FUCK U ILOVE JUNGKOOK HES MY BIAS BUT TAE IS MY BIAS WRECKER I HATE U 
▪ have a dance party with j-hope OR sing karaoke with suga
▪ go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga i am not gonna third wheel vmin
▪have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line hyung line are literally the funniest
▪ celebrate halloween with jungkook, suga, v and j-hope OR christmas with rap monster, jimin and jin 
I tag:
whoever wants to do it! tag me if you do :)
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