#dumb zionists
miramaramora · 6 months
Starbucks are zionists so here's their recipe that a former employee leaked 🤗
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rainingmbappe · 4 hours
I hate then people say "you don't have to be so aggressive or overtly emotional about this" eveytime I start debating zionists. Cause listen, I can have cordial arguments about a lot of things but unfortunately a genocide is not one of them. I will lose my shit and and you can fuck right off
Literally a week ago I had the weirdest conversation of my life where an older man was telling me about how feminism has ruined our world and how women shouldn't be in places of power and should bear children. I made it out that conversation without blood on my hands guys, pls can I get a round of applause. But oh god save me, when I open my mouth against a zionist. I literally see red and tbh, countering the typical zionist talking points can be my professional career atp
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megatronsimp · 3 months
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If my shitty bit of art offends you…. Oh also if you’re antisemetic….
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And think about your morals and ethics for a bit. You’re not welcome here, Zionist.
(Credit to @a-thousand-wasps-in-a-trenchcoat for editing the meme for me)
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sexhaver · 7 months
why do zionists always type Like That. they sound like strawmen bordering on the verge of outright satire, but that's just how they express their genuinely held beliefs. and then they'll also do this thing where you can make a post complaining about some zionist behavior/arguments, and they'll show up in the replies of that very post to exhibit that behavior/make those arguments, inverting the usual order of things like it's fucking Jeapordy
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7amaspayrollmanager · 6 months
There is plenty of temptation to wag fingers in the aftermath of the operation, but surely that task is not the domain of academics and activists in the metropole. Nor should it be the priority of diaspora Palestinians (among whom I include myself). In our environs, filled with their own kind of hostility, the priority should be to defend Palestinians against the torment to which they have been subjected by the entire industrialized world. Among politicians, artists, celebrities, and intellectuals, Palestinians have no shortage of critics happy to cosign Zionist genocide. Those critics don’t need or desire our validation, anyway. Abandoning our brethren in order to appease the Zionist establishment will deliver no accolades. In the end, the aspirant to respectability is left only with the shame of conciliation. Palestinians are perfectly capable of formulating strategy and thinking through complex problems without the guidance of outsiders; they certainly don’t need half-baked moralism from dorks and social climbers in the West. The Palestinian story isn’t esoteric or inaccessible. In fact, one can discover the rationale for Palestinian violence anywhere in the great mass of revolutionary writing from Amilcar Cabral to Bassel al-Araj. That intellectuals who have made lucrative careers with tough-sounding buzzwords were so eager to condemn an actual instance of Indigenous resistance is a damning (and in my mind permanent) indictment of Western academe.
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fuckyeah-bears · 6 months
you're so funny. palestine this, palestine that, i cant keep the bear blogging it feels fake. not a word about ukraine (a second year of internationally recognised genocide) or karabakh (ongoing ethnical cleansing fully forgotten by anybody except armenians, but who cares about those, i guess). is it only important if its poor poor muslims suffering at the hands of evil evil jews?
Hey do everyone a favor and fuck off to be a miserable racist Islamophobic person somewhere else
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maxellminidisc · 5 months
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bandzboy · 27 days
hi tris, i just wanted to tell you that your passion and determination (when it comes to helping palestine and opposing zionism) is really inspiring me to be a better person. admittedly i had not been boycotting entirely because i really use my music as a crutch, but i'm going to try harder and at the VERY least decrease my consumption from those labels !! of course i have been helping in other ways (donating, sharing resources with my coworkers, imploring the people close to me to donate and help too), but i could be doing more. with all the backlash i'm sure you and other boycotters are getting i just wanted to send this message along to keep your spirits up :) <3 keep fighting, and i'll keep fighting with you !!!
~annabelle <3
i am glad that i could inspire you to do more! it's kinda hard to sometimes to be optimistic about this whole boycott (because that are still SO many people that oppose it and are disrespectful to those that are trying to do something) but at the end of the day, we are helping a big and greater cause and just trying to get rid of zionism in the industry and for them to not have a platform anymore! we must do this because it will help in the grand scheme of things. being okay with zionism in this industry is being complicit and truly we should not do that and be opposed to it. i love music with all my heart and that's why it hurts me that it is being tainted by these people every day with their awful propaganda and morals. they are still in positions of power and in every nook and cranny of the music industry and as a music listener and as an aspiring musician, i don't want this to be our future! i want people to listen to music without the possibility that they are giving money to zionists! i've been doing the best i can do share information and i'm glad it's getting through people and yes unfortunately there has been backlash in my replies and inbox sometimes but truly i feel like atp nothing will make me stop me from speaking and to do what is right. these people trying to stop others from taking a stand are cowards and quite literally stand for nothing and hate that their comfort is being compromised! i always think about how this is an important step to make things better! things like this take time and a lot of work and i, as well as the other boycotters, are willing go on with this until are wishes are met and everyone should think this way and not get discouraged because new people are joining every day and a lot of great advancements have been made and i believe that if more people join over time, this will end faster and we can go back to supporting artists normally
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rewritingcanon · 2 months
Wait, what? JK Rowling is bigoted? What did she do/say?
she’s a terf and her takes on feminism and what women need are poo and delluded asf. she claims she’s protecting cis women’s rights to single sex “safe spaces” and completely disregards how trans women are horridly abused no matter what space they take up, not cis women. shes so afraid of a “man using the womens bathrooms” as if this is the peak crux of women’s issues. im not kidding shes genuinely obsessed with gatekeeping whatever she defines as being ‘a woman.’
terfs are dumb bcuz they dont even realise that trans people and the opening of gender constructs LITERALLY HELP WOMENS LIBERATION 😭😭 like???? the arbitrary definition of ‘what a woman is’ will never not be harmful for women considering its steeped in western conservative ideology because thats literally where our preconceptions of gender come from??? i can go into how other countries viewed trans people pre-colonisation but i won’t (but i will if asked). “woman = vagina” is not a satisfactory argument on any means and is quite frankly bullshit
i seriously dont get terfs. gatekeeping feminism from any person has never EVER done anyone any good, since the birth of it only prioritised rich white women. now terfs wanna think theyre smart for judging what experiences people have are ‘womanly’ enough. and this is all in the pov of what can benefit cis women, mind you. because terfs genuinely dgaf about what happens to trans women when they’re forced into male spaces, like bathrooms or prisons or changing rooms or what-have-you. they like to deflect blame when they end up getting abused or killed or raped.
also jkr’s books are racist and antisemetic and i haven’t heard any address from her about that so… talkinf about her tragic representation in her books will be a whole other essay. here’s the abridged version (that leaves stuff out bcuz i cant be bothered getting into all of it):
cho chang. as in the name. which is supposed to be chinese but…. is definitely not… chinese..
slavery plotline with the house elves ‘not wanting to be emancipated.’ bruh.
antisemitism through portrayal of the goblins
werewolves being connected to aids. bruhhh.
every single fat person in the series literally being evil asf 😭😭👎
other people can add to this list bcuz i know theres more but its 2am and i have so much homework to do and im sleepy 😭🙏
i know lots of people shit on all of this for good reason, but tbh i think the shit shes perpetuating irl, the transphobic companies shes donating to as a billionaire, and the ‘safe spaces’ shes creating for like-minded bigots is a bit more concerning.
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jewishfagdyke · 2 months
israeli's trying to say I'm not Palestinian bc of the name I used to use to go by online. that's wild LMAO. it's almost like not using ur birth name on the internet is basic safety for minors.
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miramaramora · 6 months
I hope the Israeli hostages hear about how their minister of " culture " said that their lives aren't as important as those of the soldiers .🙂
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mrsblackruby · 7 months
Some of y’all are really gonna allow Zionists to try to pervert the conversation into focusing on condemning Hamas instead of focusing on the right wing apartheid pseudo terrorist settler colonial states’s ongoing war crimes. Me personally I’m not falling for it a person NOT openly condemning or condoning something is not saying you support a tactic or not. I’m just gonna show my support for ending the apartheid to end said aforementioned violence. Cuz I like showing off my brain cells to Israeli apologists on this website cuz it’s hard for me to convince myself Zionists here have any left Lmao 🤣
No I’m not an authority nor did I ever claim to be but that doesn’t mean I can’t share my perspective cuz I do what I want. And i don’t plan on stayin silent about this issue cuz I care about it and I just want it to be clear I stand with Palestine. End the apartheid.
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lxvx · 5 months
>"love"core blog
>posts hate propaganda
ur either the victim of severe misinformation or ur a fucking hateful ignorant moron. i love humanity, i love freedom, i love equality, i love hope. this “love” core blog does NOT love war, war crimes, colonization, oppression, and genocide. fuck israel for carrying out a genocide against the palestinian people and fuck you for being so fucking stupid as to condone it. history will not look kindly on israel or people like you. my “love” core blog is for people with love and humanity in their hearts. you clearly are not in that category.
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balladofhollisbrown · 17 days
i don't wanna sound like a boomer "music was better back then" bc i think that is just incorrect js because i like older music doesn't mean i can't appreciate music today especially bc there's a lot of problematic things with older music. HOWEVER i find it INSANE that anti war music isn't as popular today... i don't mean people aren't making it bc they certainly are. but i mean if you look at the billboard top 100 there are no protest songs and it's so odd to me bc during the vietnam war pretty much every other hit was anti war. music was so important in anti war advocacy and i have barely seen any popular artists speak up about palestine, let alone a hit song that is anti israel at all. again to be clear i know this music exists it's just not as popular and it's all very weird to me. the music industry has certainly improved since the 60s and 70s and let in more diverse voices which i think is great and amazing. i js wish there were more popular artists talking about palestine bc it's the basis of a lot of the artists that inspired these ones, like the beatles (specifically john lennon) openly spoke out against the war, etc
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chaiaurchaandni · 6 months
israeli officials are threatening to drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza
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im-just-a-mushroom · 6 days
Lmao I got a live one on my asks right now 😂 just wildin’ ☕️
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