#e: truth seekers
nyxofdemons · 6 months
also we've gotten the color parallels between "just look my way" and "truth seekers" with the gold and red, but why is no one talking about the chain/string parallels. blitz seeing his relationship to stolas as a gilded chain that he willingly lets himself be trapped by, vs stolas seeing his relationship to blitz as a soulmate string that he willingly lets tear so blitz can be free
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begottaum · 1 year
seeker of truth
follow no path
all paths lead where
truth is here
~ e e cummings, “Seeker of Truth”
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year
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2024.03.18 ~ (≧◡≦) ♡
Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. the game's the game by @hogwartsfirebolt [M, 3k]
►Draco might be — definitely is — the world’s sorest loser, but he’s also the world’s biggest slut for Quidditch excellence, and he has it right here, holding him against his hotel room door.
2. In the Middle of the Night by @shewhomustnotbenamed [E, 25k]
►Harry Potter had been straight for twenty-five years without complaint or reason to doubt his sexuality. After a conversation with his roommate Draco Malfoy, however, he begins to realize that there is a whole other world out there that he has yet to explore.
3. Soulmates by Zunblo [G, 5k]
►Harry Potter and gang are 7th year, Draco and Blaise don't go to Hogwarts and the Triwizard tournament comes up. What will happen if neither Harry nor Draco are in the tournament?
4. Tarry, Tarry, Wait For Me by @toomuchplor [E, 8k]
►Underneath it all, the truth is that Harry isn't actually being selfless or altruistic in any of this.
5. this is where i want to be by dracosfirstwife [?, 1k]
►when privet drive is too much, harry goes to malfoy manor.
6. The Three S's of Playing Quidditch with Your Ex-Nemesis: Sun, Sweat, and Skin by @lucifergraced [E, 4k]
►Back at Hogwarts for Eighth Year, Draco and Harry pass their free time with copious amounts of seeker's games, forging an easy understanding built upon competition and complaints. Then, on a particularly hot day, Harry takes off his shirt, and Draco's mind goes haywire. [...]
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shwoo · 5 months
Okay here's my headcanons of which Bugsnax characters actually know the Journalist's name. I'm also headcanoning that Lizbert mentioned their name when she told the others she wanted to invite them, and that they tend not to give their name unless prompted. They're a journalist, is that not enough?! (They may also have some personal identity issues)
Lizbert: Knows their name and maybe also their address.
Beffica: Knew their name because she's read all their articles. Pretended not to know at first as part of her facade of detachment, which is why she said "You're that journalist!" when first meeting them.
Clumby: Presumably knows them as something more specific than "obsessed monster hunter who made me have to work late."
Chandlo: Remembered because he is definitely the kind of friendly and outgoing person who can remember anyone's name after hearing it once.
Wiggle: Makes a point of remembering journalist's names. Tends to unconsciously assume that any media person is there mostly for her, so she wants to make a good impression.
Snorpy: Remembered in order to look into them and figure out if they were the heroic truth-seeker kind of journalist or the villainous sensationalist kind. Liked what he found, but still suspected they were a Grumpinati impersonator when first meeting them.
Floofty: Remembers their name, but refuses to use it out of spite.
Gramble: Forgot their name, and either asked them when they met, or asked Wiggle.
Triffany: Terrible with names, apologised and asked them for it when they met.
Cromdo: Told himself he'd remember their name in case they did show up and he had the chance to sell them something, then totally forgot. Asked them what it was when they met, and immediately did the "[diminutive], can I call you [diminutive]?" thing. The Journalist said "Sure," because they didn't really care.
Eggabell: Didn't pay much attention to what Lizbert said about them, since she didn't think they'd take the invitation. Despite having quite a bit of interaction with them and worrying about their health, didn't realise she didn't know what to call them until halfway through her "I just need Filbo and... Filbo's... buddy." line.
Shelda: Tried to remember their name so she could address them by it before they introduced themself, and impress them with her mystical knowledge, but got distracted by everything else that was happening and forgot. Got away with it for a while because of her tendency to refer to people with descriptions when overacting, but exposed herself when she said "Floofty, did you ask the journalist to throw acid at you?" The Journalist made fun of her for keeping up the charade for so long, so she reminded them that Floofty had asked them to throw acid at them, and they'd done it.
Wambus: Took a little while to realise that he couldn't get away with just calling them Stranger forever, and then was too stubborn to admit defeat and ask. The Journalist specifically suggested he use their name after his "I been calling you stranger, but you been around a while" chat, but he still refused to ask what it was, or admit that he didn't already know. Eventually heard Triffany refer to them by name, but she had to do it a few times before he decided that he knew it now.
Filbo: Forget immediately after being told, and also forgot to ask when they met. Didn't realise they probably had a name until after they'd interviewed him, and didn't want to ask out of awkwardness. Hoped they or one of the others would mention it, but coincidentally, nobody ever did, at least in an unambiguous way. Eventually asked them while they were heading back to the mainland, but continues to call them Buddy anyway.
Jamfoot: Clumby told him their name when she let him know that they were also going to Snaktooth Island, and he forgot their entire existence immediately. Was confused when Clumby mentioned them by name after they returned alive, even after she clarified that they were her ex-employee who went to Snaktooth Island.
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teshamerkel · 1 year
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Seekers of Soul
[Chapter 49]
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Nia speaks with Giratina.
Nia stares up at Giratina, her breath trapped in her lungs and her heart beating hard inside her chest. Giratina moves forward, bending closer, looming over her like an eclipse. Close enough for her to realize the extent of the danger she's in if she was wrong, if he really does want her dead—
Nia stumbles back, flinging a messy burst of aura from her hand. It sails at Giratina and—with a flicker of transparency—straight through him. If Nia didn’t know better, she would almost say he looks annoyed.
Right. Ghost type. Normal type energy won’t do a thing.
She’s doomed.
Nia turns and sprints for cover, only to nearly run right off the floating chunk of land she’s on. She barely scrambles back in time, sending rock crumbling down into space. Although there is another platform just a ways away. Could she jump?
“Would you be still?” A deep voice rumbles, rolling like thunder through Nia’s body.
Nia glances over her shoulder, only to see Giratina’s creepy tendril things move to grab her. Decision made, she takes a few short steps and leaps off the platform, arms wheeling. She stumbles on the landing but keeps moving.
She hears the faint sound of movement behind her, and then she’s being scooped up by cold, powerful tendrils. They wrap around her and pin her arms at her sides no matter how she struggles, turning her to look directly into Giratina’s angry expression.
“Cease this foolish chase!” He growls. “You summoned me!”
For a moment, Nia is strangely thrown off by Giratina deciding to...talk to her. Instead of just killing her on the spot. But she did come here to learn more about him, and she didn’t think he was totally evil after saving them in the tunnels, so—
So maybe she needs to try to calm down.
Nia swallows, heart still pounding. “E-Edme forced me to.”
Giratina’s blood-red eyes narrow.
“I-I mean, we wanted answers, and I agreed to try talking to you but she didn’t say I’d have to go into the distortion world and she used psychic or something to make me a-and…” Nia trails off.
Giratina continues to stare at her. She has no idea what he’s thinking, until he rumbles, “Edme?”
Nia blinks. “…The Guardian?”
Giratina hisses a distasteful sound, pulling back. “I should have known she was behind this. Bothersome insect.”
Nia stares, bewildered. “I-Is she not, like…your servant or something?”
“Self-appointed. I should have ceased communication with her years ago.”
There’s an awkward beat of silence. Giratina seems to be stewing in his dislike. Nia, meanwhile, is starting to feel the chill of the cold appendages cocooning her. Like dense mist.
“U-Um. Could you put me down? Please.”
Giratina gives her an exasperated look, long tail flicking. “Are you going to run again?”
“…Are you going to hurt me?”
Giratina scoffs, lowering Nia closer to the ground before releasing her. She still lands on her butt a little roughly, and winces as she stands.
“So the shell tricked you into coming here,” Giratina says, lowering himself just enough so that Nia can see his face when she cranes her head way back. Sharp golden mandibles and all. “But you were willing to talk, before. I assume you are still willing?”
Nia glances around at the distortion world. In every direction, she sees nothing but the same dark blue-black space, with chunks of land floating through it like a great stew. Here and there amidst the darkness, tiny pieces of colorful light hang like stars, but she isn’t sure what those are yet. Regardless, it doesn’t look like she has a way out even if she tried to escape. So…
“W-Well…” Nia rubs her arm, surprised by just how awkward this encounter feels, after the initial terror. “I did have some questions?”
Giratina rumbles, and Nia has to assume it’s a sound of agreement even as the fur on her neck stands on end.
“J-Just…first, was Edme telling the truth?”
“Regarding my banishment?”
Nia nods.
Giratina’s wings tuck closer to himself, long body coiling around in a loose loop. Like he’s settling in. “Yes. Her ilk are bothersome, but I suppose I should be grateful to them for attempting to preserve the truth. Cresselia was infuriating on the best of days, but I meant her no harm.”
Nia probably shouldn’t believe him just like that, but…well. He sounds honest. And something about his cold, steely gaze feels factual, rather than emotional. Like he isn’t trying to appeal to her and butter her up.
“S-So…” Nia scuffs at the rock beneath her, trying to think of how to phrase this. She’s trying to keep Tobias’ caution in the back of her mind; she has to get some answers first before assuming Giratina has honest intentions. She looks up, up, up to meet Giratina’s eyes. “Why have you been following me?”
Giratina looks down at her with something like annoyance. “To attempt contact.”
Nia squints. “By…trying to drag me through reflections against my will?”
Nia almost thinks—too late—that she should probably be a bit more respectful to the giant who could crush her with a flick of his tail. She’s surprised to see Giratina look away, mandibles clicking irritably.
“I…have already been advised that that may have not been the best course of action.”
Was that a poor excuse for an apology, or just an excuse? Is he…embarrassed? Wait—
“Advised?” Nia echoes. “By..?”
“I have not been working entirely alone.”
“Oh. Do you mean Edme?”
Giratina falls silent, and for a moment Nia thinks he isn’t going to answer her. Then, he sighs. “No. Mew. The Mother.”
Nia tilts her head. Mew is a protector of all Pokemon, right? Most Pokemon seem to think really highly of her. If Giratina’s telling the truth, and the two are working together in some way, that alone would make Giratina much more trustworthy.
“Okay, so…assuming you’re telling the truth—"
Giratina glares at her, and she flinches back, hands raised as if she can actually do anything to fight him if he decides to attack.
When he does nothing, she warily continues. “I-If you’re telling the truth, then you just wanted to…talk to me. Right? Why?”
Giratina’s glare dies off, fading to something more…tired. It’s in the way his whole body seems to sink, wings falling lower.
“You will hear me out without fleeing?”
After a beat of hesitation, Nia nods.
Giratina glances off into the distance, though Nia can’t see anything when she follows his gaze. Just more blue-black swirling void.
“I have been attempting to make contact with you humans,” Giratina starts, “Because Mew believed you could be of assistance.”
“Assistance?” Nia asks, frowning. “Assistance with what?”
Right on cue, a rumble sounds off in the distance, and Nia feels the ground beneath her shake. Giratina looks in the direction of the sound with sharp eyes. Once the rumbling fades, he relaxes.
“Assistance with that.”
“What was that?” Nia asks. Surely floating chunks of earth in an abyss can’t have earthquakes?
“That is a symptom of the greater problem.” Giratina says. He rises higher again, moving to slowly circle the chunk of land she’s standing on. As if pacing. “The dimensional border between worlds is weakening.”
Well that certainly doesn’t sound good.
“What…exactly does that mean?” Nia asks.
Giratina grumbles something under his breath, as if put upon to explain such a basic concept. Nia bites back the insane urge to stick her tongue out at him. Instead, she cautiously pads closer to the edge of the rock to follow Giratina’s movements.
“The world you were just in is the Pokemon world. Its entire dimension is…encased, in a way, by this realm. The distortion world. Think of it as…the hard shell surrounding the soft innards of a fruit.”
“Okay…” Nia says, mostly following. “So if this place is the shell and the Pokemon world is the fruit, then…the purpose of the dimensional rift is to protect the Pokemon world?”
“Correct.” Giratina gestures vaguely with a toss of his head. “The distortion world, my domain, acts as a protective barrier around the Pokemon world. It contains it. Keeps other dimensions and worlds safely separate.”
“Other worlds?” Nia asks, eyes wide. “Like…the human world?”
Giratina slows to a stop to look at Nia, expression unreadable. Then, he rumbles, “Yes. Another fruit along the vine, hanging close to our own.”
For a moment, Nia is excited by that news. The human world being so close to this one is fantastic! And if the border is weakening in some way, wouldn’t that just make it easier for her to get through it and go back? But—
“W-Wait. You said that the dimensional border is weakening. So in the fruit metaphor, the shell is…thinning?”
“More accurately, it is beginning to preemptively crack,” Giratina says.
Nia bites her lip, not entirely sure what that means, but knowing it can’t be good. “Okay, so the dimensional border is getting messed up…but what does that mean for us? For the Pokemon world? I’m guessing it’s…bad?”
Giratina laughs, sudden and deep like a crack of thunder. Nia startles, then wilts. She doesn’t know if a laugh has ever made her feel quite so small before.
“So it’s…really bad,” Nia guesses.
Giratina twists away from his circling path, up above the rock. He looks out again at the distortion realm. “Consider it the worst possible event that could happen.”
Nia feels her ears pin flat. “Really?”
Giratina hums. “Tell me, Riolu. You’ve heard of the dormancy of the gods, correct? How they’ve all mysteriously fallen to sleep, abandoning the Pokemon who need them?”
“What of evolution breaking down? Making it impossible for Pokemon to grow strong and reach their full potential? Stunting their growth?”
Nia…doesn’t like where this is going.
“Or perhaps the mystery dungeons appearing out of nowhere, wreaking havoc and reverting Pokemon into mindless, aggressive beasts? Causing death and loss?”
Nia stares up at him, heart sinking.
“The weather phenomena. The natural disasters. Due in part to the absence of the legends, but exacerbated by the border’s weakness. Slowly destroying the planet and those who inhabit it.”
Nia doesn’t know what to say, horror falling slowly over her like a suffocating weight.
“All of that,” Giratina says, anger spilling into his words. “Is due to the dimensional border weakening. The shell of this world is going to split, and the fruit inside has already begun to rot.”
Nia steps back, only to trip and fall on her tail. The silence trapping them is heavy. She stares at Giratina, scrambling to think. She knew, distantly, that things weren’t normal in the Pokemon world. Everyone said as much. But she had no idea that it was as dire as this is starting to sound.
She isn’t sure the Pokemon world is aware of how serious it is, either.
“B-But…” She stammers. “It can’t be that bad. The Pokemon are still doing all right despite all of that! They’re surviving just fine! There are Seekers to help, a-and—“
Giratina laughs, though this one is bitter. He lowers his head until he is nearly eye-to-eye with Nia, the sharp angles of his head taking up the entirety of her vision. “The greatest Seekers in the world will not be able to help this dimension once the split actually occurs. What you have faced so far is but a fraction of what is to come.”
Nia feels her throat tighten as an unfamiliar feeling of despair washes over her. Tears spring to her eyes. She desperately scrubs them away. “N-No, that can’t…”
“It is.”
Nia falls silent, fighting against the feelings threatening to overtake her. She blinks hard, mind scrambling. She takes a deep, shaky breath, trying to stay logical.
“O-Okay. Okay. So what can we do to fix it?”
Giratina stares at her, and Nia can’t decipher the look on his face.
“This is your domain, right?” She presses. “So surely we can do something to fix it, right?”
Giratina rises again, once more looming over her. “You think I have not tried? You fail to understand that this has never happened. Not since the dawn of this world.”
“Then…how do you know for sure that the border thinning or cracking o-or whatever is what’s actually happening?”
“Because,” Giratina says, wings flaring as if to gesture to the entirety of their environment. “I am one with this dimension. It has been my prison for a hundred years and a refuge for a thousand more. I know it as well as my own blood. I can sense the border weakening, disrupting the balance of everything within like the pressure of a growing tumor. While the fatal moment has yet to come, I can sense its approach.”
“Yet to come..?”
“My domain is that of antimatter. The distortion world. The space that balances out all that is. I am the counterpart to my siblings, Dialga and Palkia.”
“Gods of…time and space,” Nia murmurs.
“Correct. As such, my realm is not bound to the same flow of time and space as the Pokemon world is. While I can sense the damage caused to the rift, it has not yet occurred. Instead, we are merely feeling the ripples of its influence through time and space. As we approach the epicenter of this damaging impact, its effects on the Pokemon world will only worsen.”
Nia’s breath catches, for two separate reasons. Hope and fear war in her chest. “S-So all of the things going wrong in the Pokemon world right now…will only escalate and get worse the closer we get to the point in time when this damage will actually be done.”
As terrifying as that is, Nia can’t help latching onto the other portion of Giratina’s words. “But…that means this damage hasn’t technically happened yet, right? S-So we just need to stop whatever causes this before it happens. Problem solved!”
Giratina shakes his head. “In theory, yes. But considering we are feeling the effects of the break even now, that suggests its path is final. Your optimism is ill-placed.”
Nia’s barely hanging onto her composure right now as is.  Her hands are shaking, so she balls them into fists and takes a note from Tobias.
She growls up at Giratina, “Y-You’re the one who asked for help, right? You can’t be feeling completely hopeless if you’re still trying to fix this!”
“What else is there to do?” Giratina rumbles. “I am not the type to roll over and die.”
“Good. Because neither am I.”
Nia would love to feel some solidarity with Giratina right now, if only to help her feel less terrified, but Giratina looks unimpressed at her assertion.
“I see why Mew insisted on bringing you humans over,” he says quietly. “Foolish creatures, just like her.”
Nia opens her mouth to respond, but her determined facade drops as Giratina’s words register. “Wait—what—what do you mean Mew brought the humans here? You brought us to the Pokemon world?”
“It was not my decision, I assure you. Once the first of you lot wandered in, Mew had the brilliant idea to transform any lost soul she could get her paws on.”
Nia doesn’t think Giratina understands the gravity of what he’s saying. Nia has been trying to figure out why and how she was brought to the Pokemon world since the moment she woke up here, months ago. And now Giratina is casually saying that he and Mew apparently just grabbed any human soul that ‘wandered in?’
“What—wandered in? How does a soul just…wander?! What do you mean?”
Giratina looks at her for a long moment, cold red eyes lidded and almost bored. “The preemptive damage to the rift has weakened the border. Opened it to realms outside of our own. Thus, human souls have begun to slip from the human world into ours.”
“You mean Mew just—yanked us into the Pokemon world and changed our bodies without even thinking to ask us if that’s what we wanted?”
“What was your proposed alternative?” Giratina asks, tone dry.
Okay, that makes Nia mad. Just the…lackadaisical way he’s talking about their situation!
Angry tears fill her eyes, and she hates the way her voice shakes when she yells, “We have families, you know! Lives we need to get back to!” A new thought occurs to Nia, and an unfamiliar outrage pours into her veins like magma. She points up at Giratina accusingly. “Are you the reason we lost our memories?!”
Giratina has the audacity to sneer at her outburst. “Contain yourself. We didn’t take you from your world. You would have turned into a yamask in the Pokemon world without Mew’s intervention. All she did was take advantage of the situation to give you a form better suited to your soul. Your memories were temporarily sealed away to help you acclimate properly to your new body.”
“If you’re telling the truth,” Nia points out.
Giratina’s gaze hardens. “Be grateful that I am telling you this at all, small one. We did nothing to bring you here—only changed your form to improve both your situation and our own.”
Nia grits her teeth. The anger in her body simmers lower. Not gone, but quickly petering out. “That still doesn’t answer why. Why do that at all? It sure doesn’t seem like you care about us humans enough to do it for our benefit.”
Giratina huffs. “I do not. Mew, however, is an annoyingly compassionate creature. Though she was weakening, she insisted on using her own power to transform any lost souls she could find. I tried to dissuade her.”
“Why would it be so bad for us to turn into yamask anyways?” Nia asks. Will is a yamask, and he seems perfectly fine. He’s even leading the Humans Movement to find a way home!
Giratina looks away. “The yamask are not a natural fit for their bodies. They struggle to find a place in the Pokemon world. Mew is doing you a service in giving you an inconspicuous form and a better chance to make connections.”
“It would’ve been nice to have a choice in the matter,” Nia growls, even as her fury dies down against her will. She’s never been able to hold onto her anger for long.
“You were not conscious enough to make a choice."
“Fine,” Nia says, crossing her arms. “Either way, we’re here now. Does that mean you can help us humans get back?”
“Attempting anything of the sort when the border is so unstable would be suicide. The lost souls float in of their own accord so we can neither stop them nor send them back.”
Nia's heart sinks.
“B-But what if…what if we save the rift? The Pokemon world? Surely then we can find a way back, right?”
“I am here to stop Pokemon from attempting such idiotic ideas as dimension hopping, Riolu.”
“Well I’m not a Pokemon, Giratina!” Nia bites back. “I’m a human. I don’t belong here.”
“You may not have a choice in the matter."
For some reason, that simple sentence strikes Nia hard, knocking the breath from her lungs. Tears flood her eyes. Giratina doesn’t even have the decency to look sympathetic.
Getting back to the human world and her old life has been Nia’s main goal since waking up in the Pokemon world. The thought that even if the Pokemon world is saved, she won’t be able to go back? Would never see Mom and Toni and Clay again? That she wouldn’t get to go to school and have a family?
It’s unthinkable.
Fine. Fine, then. Giratina doesn’t want to help? It doesn’t matter. Will is finding them a way home. Giratina may be right about the damage to the rift, but that doesn’t mean he’s right about this. It’s not like he cares enough about humans to have attempted it before anyways.
No matter what, it sounds like they need to fix the rift before anything else. Otherwise, the Pokemon world will be destroyed, and Nia couldn’t live with that. Not after meeting all the wonderful people who call it home.
“Either way, we still need to save the distortion world, right?” Nia sniffs, wiping her eyes free of tears. “And you’re going to humans for help. So what’s so special about us humans that makes you think we can do something that Pokemon can’t? In case you didn’t notice while you were stalking me, I can’t even use moves properly.”
Giratina rumbles a displeased sound. “I am well aware. Rest assured it isn’t your battle prowess we were looking for.”
“We were hoping to recruit humans for two reasons. One being that since you have no predisposition to distrusting me—“
Nia raises a brow.
“—that you would hopefully be more open to communication.”
Nia almost laughs, almost snaps that Will warned the entirety of the human crowd in Ghatha not to trust Giratina or talk to him, but bites her tongue in time. She doesn’t want to put a target on her friend’s back, even if she’s kind of vindictively glad that Will disrupted Giratina’s plans and made his life a bit more difficult.
“So you couldn’t have, I dunno, tried to get my attention sooner? Sent Mew to talk to me?”
Giratina glares down at her. “You were picked up almost immediately by the charmander and meganium. I waited and scouted to see if you would even be someone worth pursuing, but by time we decided you were, Mew had already—“
Giratina cuts himself off, and Nia almost thinks she sees an emotion aside from anger cross his face.
“Mew…had already grown weak,” Giratina finishes. “She has not fallen to sleep yet, but she is starting to show signs. I try to make her rest when possible.”
Is that…actual concern for another living being he’s showing? Nia wasn’t sure he had it in him.
Nia sighs, feeling most of the residual anger leave her body. “But is that really the only reason you started seeking out humans? Just so we might be more willing to talk to you?”
Giratina sounds no happier about the situation than she is. “We don’t know what will cause the damage to the distortion world, so we don’t know how to stop it. Mew thought that a human perspective could discover an answer we may have missed.”
“So you’re desperate,” Nia summarizes.
Giratina growls, and Nia feels the sound in her bones. For once, she’s still too angry to feel all that afraid.
“Am I the only one you’ve managed to talk to?” Nia asks.
“After observation, we have not deemed many of your kind worth contacting. You are one of the few, and the only one inquisitive enough to actually reach me.”
“So that’s a yes.”
Giratina makes an unhappy sound, but doesn’t refute her assumption.
Silence descends over the rift. Nia takes breaths through her nose to calm down. Even if she’s still upset, she needs to have a civil conversation with Giratina. The fate of the Pokemon world depends on it.
“What can even rip through a ‘dimensional border?’” Nia asks, finger quotes and all. “It sounds very…metaphysical.”
“It is not something a normal Pokemon should be able to accomplish,” Giratina admits. “Most beings cannot even touch it. The dimensional border is, in its own way, a living thing. It is a tapestry of life energy from Arceus, as well as something greater. The only element able to protect and contain entire dimensions.”
“Life energy,” Nia murmurs, frowning. “Like…aura?”
Giratina hums a thoughtful sound. “More or less, yes.”
Nia looks out again at the void. “If it’s aura, couldn’t you just get some lucario and riolu to like…patch it up or something where it’s weaker? Reinforce it?”
“There is no physical landmark where the border is weaker,” Giratina says. “While I can sense its eventual destruction, I do not know the damage’s origin point. The border is not so…logical as that.”
“Great,” Nia mutters.
“And even if it were, I have severe doubts we could convince the lucario tribes to assist with such a thing. They are…not particularly open to outsiders. Additionally, even if they were to offer their help, they alone would not have enough aura to mend a tear this immense.”
“Okay. Great,” Nia sighs. “So you don’t even have an idea of what could cause that much damage?”
Giratina looks away. Nia is grateful he has such an obvious tell. A century of solitude must’ve made him more of an open book, less used to hiding his emotions.
“The damage would almost certainly have to be the doing of a legendary, but that would be impossible considering most are dormant.”
Nia groans. “So you’re telling me I’m supposed to find a way to fix a god-sized problem!? That sounds like something a god needs to fix! Not—“ Nia gestures vaguely at herself. “Not me!”
“I agree,” Giratina snaps, turning on Nia and looming over her large as a building. “But considering that there are very few gods still awake to even be aware of the issue, our options are limited.”
Nia quiets. “…How many of them are dormant?”
“Nearly all, at this point,” Giratina growls, circling the stone platform restlessly. “Which means we are likely nearing the tipping point. A year, at most.”
Nia’s mouth drops open. A year?! They have to figure out how to stop this within a year?
Giratina must see the disbelief on her face, the despair creeping over her skin, because he turns his focus back onto her. “Do you know why Arceus’ children are falling asleep as the border weakens?”
Nia weakly shakes her head.
“They are being forced to conserve energy. Saving their power for when it will be needed to birth a new world.”
“A new world?” Nia echoes. “After…”
“After this one is destroyed,” Giratina confirms. “Arceus is so deeply tied to this universe that the weakening of the border harmed them, forcing them into sleep. One by one, their children have followed.”
Nia stares at him. “Then…why haven’t you?”
“Because I am the opposite of life energy, of the positive essence of the world. I am antimatter. I am least affected by its destruction, so I shall be the last to fall. And until that moment, I will do my duty and try to save this dying world. I am only asking that you do the same. For your own sake, if nothing else.”
Giratina says all of this not bravely or compassionately, but with a tired, steady loyalty. And just like that, Nia understands why he was chosen for such an important role, chosen as the guardian of the dimensional border. As insufferable as he is.
“Okay,” Nia mumbles, rubbing at her face and trying to keep her cool. At least for now. “Okay. So we just…need to save the world before it breaks. You said most of the legendaries were already asleep—which ones aren’t? Could we ask them for help?”
“Very few have escaped the slumber. However, Xerneas and Yveltal may be of use to us. They are technically asleep, but the two of them naturally rest in cycles. They lapsed into their usual 1,000-year stasis before Arceus fell dormant, so it is possible they would be able to wake prematurely.”
“Xerneas and Yveltal. Yveltal is the god of…war, right?”
“Destruction,” Giratina corrects. “Death. Xerneas is the god of new life. Creation. In theory, Xerneas may be able to help reinforce the life energy of the border if we can wake her early, but she is asleep in the physical world where I cannot reach her.”
“Wait—the physical world? Like the regular Pokemon world?”
Giratina gives her a rude look that suggests she is, in fact, quite stupid. “Yes. Unfortunately, I do not know her actual location. Wherever it is, it is hidden from my reflections.”
“Helpful,” Nia mumbles, apparently picking up Tobias’ snark since he isn’t here to snap at Giratina himself.
Oh man, Tobias is surely flipping his lid back at Edme’s. She has to get back soon and let him know she’s all right. And also prevent him from murdering the bug. Nia is like 90% sure Edme won’t harm Tobias while she’s gone since she achieved her goal, but she can’t say the same for her partner if he gets free.
“Okay,” Nia says. “So what’s our plan right now? Try to find Xerneas and wake her up to help us?”
“Considering it is currently our only semblance of a plan, I suppose so.”
“Or,” Nia adds. “We could try to find the source of the damage to the border and stop it before it occurs. Right?”
“A fool’s errand,” Giratina dismisses. “I told you the damaging event is likely already set in stone." Something in Nia's expression must speak to how little faith she puts in that certainty, because he sighs and continues, "But I cannot stop you from pursuing such a path. Just do not let it distract you from seeking out Xerneas.”
Jeez, thanks for the permission, Nia thinks drily.
She takes a deep breath, shaking out her arms. “All right. No big. That gives us two avenues to explore. Don’t suppose you have any more leads than you’ve given me so far?”
Giratina scoffs. “I would have already explored them myself if I had. No. That is what I need you for. Investigate the physical world to find Xerneas’ resting place.”
“And keep an eye out for anyone who might have plans to harm the distortion world’s borders.”
Giratina nods.
Nia nods back, nervous but determined. “And will you be hanging around in reflections still, or..?”
“I shall keep close by to assist when possible, and inform you of any leads I find. I will be listening to different entry points to the world and trying to find information myself.” Here he gestures to one of the pools of light a bit a ways away. If Nia squints, she thinks she can see out of it, like a window. Oh. It must be the other side of a reflection.
That’s…helpful. If incredibly creepy.
“Got it. I’ll keep an eye out for you and clue Tobias in, too. I…actually might have an idea of who to ask for help in finding Xerneas.”
Giratina gives her a doubtful look, but doesn’t press. Instead, he circles down to wrap around the stone platform she’s on. Nia gives him a questioning look.
“You want to return to your partner before he murders the bug, yes? I’ve given you all the info I have.”
“Oh! Y-Yes. Should I just..?”
Nia tentatively climbs atop Giratina’s back, relieved to find his body solid enough to stand on. Can he make himself incorporeal at will? Can all ghost types? Nia pads carefully up Giratina’s neck, tentatively holding onto the golden bands wrapping around his frame. They feel cool and solid, almost like metal.
Without a word, Giratina slips into motion, serpentine body slithering through the air and curling up in spirals. Nia takes a moment to look around the environment again now that she's not running for her life. It’s just the same dark nothingness, no matter where she looks. Even the air feels too still as they cut through it.
As they approach a small, circular viewpoint—which Nia realizes after a moment must be the view of Edme’s roof from the basin on the floor—she thinks idly that she might go crazy if she were trapped here like Giratina. With only the smallest, taunting snatches of the outside world to view as a spectator.
As they near the portal, Nia can distantly hear the muffled yelling of Tobias. She bites her lip, wanting to get back as soon as possible to calm him down, but hesitates atop Giratina’s back once the titan stops at the gate.
“Just…one more question.”
“Make it quick, before your foolish partner kills my foolish liaison.”
Nia grips hard at the golden structures set into Giratina’s back, watching her hands—her paws, really—flex with the motion.
“If…If we find a way to fix this and save this dimension, would you at least try to return me to the human world? Return all the humans? O-Or maybe even create a bridge or something between the two worlds, so we don’t have to leave the Pokemon world behind?”
Nia is expecting Giratina to laugh or snarl or at least outright reject the bridge idea. Instead, he is silent. Nia can’t even hear him breathe.
Then, he says, “Worry first about the current issue. If we don’t fix this, there will be neither a Pokemon world nor a human world to return to.”
Nia jolts, a fresh wave of alarm coursing through her. It’s one thing for the Pokemon world to be destroyed, which is terrible enough, but the human world, too?
Giratina answers her unspoken question. “The human world is too close in proximity to our own. If this dimension becomes unstable, it will rip itself apart, and the human world will likely be dragged into the implosion as well.”
Nia feels faint. For a minute, she has to press her forehead to Giratina’s cool, misty back. Horror churns her stomach.
If…If they don’t find a way to fix this, so many people will die. Pokemon and human alike. They will all die, with only the gods left to rebuild a new universe. The gravity of the situation is starting to really sink in.
She isn’t a hero. How is she supposed to fix all of this?
Nia takes a few deep, shaking breaths. Tries to use the same techniques Will taught her in Ghatha when Tobias was having a panic attack. What can she see through her tears? What can she hear through her pounding pulse? What can she feel through numb fingertips?
It takes longer than Nia expects for her to calm down. Longer than she expects Giratina to wait. Eventually, though, she slows her spiral to a crawl. She can break down entirely later, when she’s with Tobias.
“O-Okay. I’m ready now. Thank you for…for waiting.”
Giratina doesn’t answer. He simply lifts himself higher, until Nia can start to hear Tobias’ yelling more clearly and can touch the image of Edme’s dimly lit wooden ceiling.
Nia hesitates one more time. She still doesn’t know if she trusts Giratina entirely, but she can’t ignore all that she heard here. And she can’t not help, just in case he’s right.
“We’ll save them, somehow,” Nia says, voice shaky. She doesn’t know if she’s trying to convince Giratina or herself. “Everyone. Everything. Both worlds.”
And then she lifts her hand and touches the portal, feeling it suck her into its gravity.
Nia is sent up through the portal, landing on her feet in the shallow basin with a quiet splash.
Tobias, mouth stretched into a snarl, snaps his head from Edme to Nia, eyes wide and surprised. Edme doesn’t even look like she was paying the fuming charmander any mind, turned entirely towards the pool.
When Nia reappears, the bug Pokemon lifts, voice excited. “Riolu! You’ve returned. How was Giratina? Did you speak with him?”
Nia frowns at her, glancing at Tobias. “Put him down.”
“Of course.”
Edme’s purple energy vanishes, and Tobias falls clumsily to the ground. Immediately, he runs to Nia.
“Nia!” He puts his hands on her arms and looks her up and down, as if to make sure she’s really back in one piece. “Are you all right?”
Nia smiles weakly at him, endeared despite the heavy weight on her heart. “I’m fine. A little shaken up. But not hurt.”
Tobias relaxes, head drooping to lightly touch her shoulder. Then he looks up with a furrowed brow, worried blue eyes meeting her own. “What happened?”
“Oh, please do share!” Edme pipes up, nearly shaking with excitement. She floats closer, a pen and notebook levitating in front of her.
Tobias snaps his teeth at the bug Pokemon, embers escaping his mouth, and Nia is thrown for a moment by how…animalistic the gesture is. He must really be angry. His tail is lashing, flame burning bright. It’s only when he flexes his claws that Giratina’s words come back to Nia.
Okay, yeah, he might actually hurt her.
“Tobias!” She quickly steps in front of him, warding him back with open palms. “W-Wait. You can’t just attack her—“
“Who says I can’t?!”
“U-Um. The whole town, mostly. But please, don’t. I…I need to talk to you about what Giratina said anyways. Please.”
Tobias settles, just slightly, though he doesn’t look happy about it.
“You must share here, Riolu!” Edme cuts in, apparently lacking a survival instinct. “I need to transcribe Giratina’s words for the records.”
“Then ask him yourself!” Nia says sharply, keeping Tobias behind her. She grabs his wrist and tugs him towards the door, praying Edme won’t grab them again. “Ever think desperately forcing people into things might be why he isn’t talking to you anymore?”
Nia doesn’t know if that’s true. If anything, Giratina just seemed annoyed by the bug. Still, Edme jerks back, as if struck.
Nia will feel bad about her harsh words later, but right now she’s upset. She hurriedly pulls Tobias out of the house behind her. The darkness outside is a welcome reprieve, like hiding under a blanket from all the scary things on Nia’s mind. Still, her heart races, like she’s being hunted. She keeps moving with hurried steps, power-walking across the nearest bridge and ignoring the dangerous way it sways.
Tobias staggers behind her. “Wait—Nia, hold up!”
She doesn’t, because if she has to stop moving she’ll have to think about the crushing weight of the mission Giratina just dropped onto her shoulders and she isn’t entirely sure she can handle it right now.
“Nia!” Tobias rounds in front of her on the next island, hands out. “Stop. Are…Are you sure you’re all right?”
Oh no. He looks so concerned. When did he get so open with his care? She can’t pinpoint an exact moment. Right now, though, with her on the edge of an emotional breakdown, the quiet words feel like the final stone knocked loose from an overflowing dam.
Nia's lip wobbles as tears gather in her eyes.
Tobias' face darkens. “What happened? What did he do?”
Nia sobs. She wipes at her eyes, only for more tears to follow. “H-He didn’t hurt me. Really. He’s kind of a jerk? But I-I’m just upset about what he told me.”
“What did he tell you?”
Nia sniffs. “He had a lot of answers. About…everything. Why the legendaries have gone dormant. Why the natural disasters and mystery dungeons are increasing. Why evolution stopped. Why the humans are even here.”
Tobias’ breath catches. “…I’m guessing it’s not good news?”
Nia shakes her head, more tears falling. She crosses her arms and hunches her head, trying to hold herself together. Not quite leaning on Tobias, but close. After a moment, Tobias hesitantly shuffles forward the final inch to wrap a warm arm around her back, pulling her into an awkward hug. That gets her. She buries her face in his scarf and cries.
She just…needs a moment. To pull herself together.
Should she even tell Tobias everything she learned? She doesn’t want to upset him or drag him into this mess. What if he doesn’t believe her? But she can’t do this alone. And she has a feeling he wouldn’t let her, anyways.
After a few minutes, Nia picks up her head, wiping at her eyes. Tobias is watching her, waiting for her to make the next move.
“Let’s find somewhere to talk,” she whispers, looking around. Luckily, none of the Shivergleam residents wanted to get anywhere near her little crying fit, so they’re more or less alone.
Tobias glances over his shoulder. “The inn?”
Nia nods. They’ll need somewhere to stay for the night and catch up on sleep afterwards. It’s late. “And then tomorrow I think…I think we need to head north. Back home.”
Home. That shouldn’t be what the Lexym Guild is to her.
Tobias doesn’t question her. He nods and takes her hand, tugging her towards the nearest bridge. Nia follows without complaint, allowing him to lead them through the village from island to island, ignoring the wary looks from citizens.
Eventually he slows to a stop, and Nia looks up. The building in front of her is larger than the others, taking up one of the platforms all on its own, with warmly lit windows and a large sign designating it as the Hollowberry Inn.
Tobias leads them inside. The bottom floor is a cozy lobby, with a small cafe-like area off to the side. To Nia’s surprise, Beck is at one of the tables, laughing with what must be the employee from the front desk: a tall tree-like creature, with sinister, sharp branches and a single red eye.
When the floatzel catches their eye, he grins and waves, only for the gesture to fade as he takes in their expressions. He quietly excuses himself from his companion and walks over to them.
“Hey. You two all right?”
Tobias glances at Nia. “Not…exactly. Change of plans. We need to head back north, towards the Lexym Guild. Any idea when you’ll be heading that way?”
“Normally we’d travel south first, but we’re actually going north for a passenger we picked up earlier tonight,” Beck says. Nia can feel his eyes on her, the quiet worry in his voice. “You two are more than welcome to join us again. I’ll even give you the family discount.”
Tobias rasps a quiet thanks in Nia’s stead.
“Do you two need a room to stay in?” Beck asks.
“We can pay for one.”
“S’ppose you probably don’t want to bunk with the whole crew anyways,” Beck says. “Nori sleeptalks.”
Nia blinks. “Really?”
“There she is!” Beck says, smiling as she finally checks into the conversation. “Yup. I always say it’s because she’s so quiet during the day. All those words gotta go somewhere.”
Nia smiles back, even if it feels shaky.
“Oy, Gladys,” Beck says, looking over his shoulder. “Got a couple of customers here for you.”
The tree Pokemon looks up from her drink and a…crossword? Do Pokemon have crossword puzzles that she was unaware of?
“Come on over to the front desk, sprouts,” The Pokemon says, getting up with a creak that seems to come more from her than the chair. She moves slowly across the room on a circle of roots.
Gladys quickly checks them into a small room, handing them a little metal key and directing them to go upstairs and to the right. Beck tells them to come get him if they need anything tonight. Otherwise, they’re to meet up with the boat at dawn to get a ride back north.
Nia feels herself calming down throughout the conversation, and waves thankfully to Beck when they head upstairs. Tobias finds their room right down the hall where Gladys said it would be, and opens it up to reveal a small, cozy room.
It’s fairly basic, but it has two small moss beds for them and a chest for their belongings. A ghostly purple flame—a will-o-wisp—sits on the window ledge, burning out of nothing.
Tobias slings their bag down by the chest, then flops into the nearest nest. He doesn’t even make a sarcastic comment, apparently too exhausted to snark. It is late. The moon is starting to sink down towards the horizon, meaning it’s past midnight.
Nia shamelessly nudges her own nest flush against Tobias’ before sitting down. Tobias turns his head to peer up at her, expectant.
“I can tell you everything tomorrow if you want to sleep..?”
Tobias sits back up. “Nope. No way I’m sleeping until you give me the full story.”
Nia thinks that he might not be able to sleep after the full story. The only reason she thinks she’ll be able to is because she’s so drained. Still, she knows how stubborn her partner can be. So she rubs at her face and nods.
And she talks.
Tobias, to his credit, clearly tries not to interrupt. He looks at her seriously as she recounts everything Giratina told her in his realm. His face dips into skepticism as she repeats Giratina’s claim that Edme’s story is the truth, but he also snorts when she says that Giratina doesn’t seem to like the bug all that much.
Tobias looks suspicious when she mentions Giratina working with Mew, especially after she mentions not actually seeing the little pink Pokemon, but when she says Mew is apparently the one responsible for turning the humans into Pokemon, his eyes narrow thoughtfully.
“That…would make more sense than Giratina being able to do it,” Tobias admits. “She’s the Mother of All Pokemon. All species came from her. If anyone would be able to use her power to give someone a new form, it would be Mew. But I still don’t trust that they’re actually on the same side.”
From there, Nia braces herself to tell Tobias about the biggest bombshell of the conversation: the weakening dimensional border. How it’s the cause of the slowly increasing natural disasters and mystery dungeons. The reason for the gods going dormant, and evolution stopping. How if the future damage sending ripples back through time isn’t prevented or fixed, both the Pokemon world and the human world are doomed.
Her voice becomes softer and softer as she speaks, fearful and trembling. Tobias’ expression grows more and more anxious, until he looks genuinely afraid. He tries to hide it, but Nia can see it in his pale face and tense body. In his wide eyes and flickering tail flame.
“And Giratina wants…you to fix this?” Tobias rasps.
Nia shrugs, listless. “Not really. He’s just desperate and hoping a human doing the investigating might help somehow.”
There’s nothing special about her. That’s never really upset her until now, when she wished she was anything but the weak, helpless girl she is. How is she supposed to do anything?
“All right,” Tobias says. He takes an audible breath. “So what do we do next?”
Nia blinks at him. “…What?”
“You said we’re supposed to be looking for Xerneas or what might cause this damage, right? Any idea of where to start?”
Nia stares. She doesn’t know why she expected Tobias to wallow with her, or not believe her, or…
“W-Well…I did have one idea. But you aren’t going to like it.”
Tobias gestures for her to go ahead.
“I think we should talk to Will.”
Sure enough, Tobias scoffs. “Why? Last time we saw him he had no answers.”
“But he was looking,” Nia stresses. “And he already has a community of Pokemon with him. Researchers. If we can get him on board with helping us, we’ll have twenty times as many eyes and ears on the lookout for helpful info.”
Tobias still doesn’t look convinced. Nia doesn’t know why he dislikes the yamask so much, but there are more important things at stake here.
“This isn’t the time for petty grudges, Tobias.”
Tobias rolls his eyes. “It’s not a ‘petty grudge.’ I just don’t like the guy. He feels…fake. But you’re right that he has connections with a lot of Pokemon.”
Nia nods. “And if we head back to the guild, surely the letter he sent out after Ghatha has made it there by now. We can find out where he’s staying and go talk to him.”
Tobias looks mildly appeased at the thought of returning to the guild first. “I guess.”
“Do you think we should tell anyone else there?” Nia asks. “Like Maggie or August? Or Val? Avery and Alistair might know something about Xerneas.”
Tobias’ mouth flattens as he leans back against the wooden root wall. “Maggie would believe us, but I don’t know what telling her would accomplish other than making her worry.”
“We could still ask her about Xerneas?”
Tobias nods.
“I think Val and August would believe us, for what it’s worth,” Nia adds. “And Avery and Alistair definitely would. Would there be any harm in telling them and asking for help?”
“Not that I can think of.“
“Okay.” Nia takes a breath, consciously trying to relax her shoulders. “Okay. At least we have a plan.”
“Sometimes that’s the best you can hope for."
After that, they both fall quiet, lost in thought. Nia alternates between staring at the ghostly little flame on the windowsill and Tobias’ familiar tail flame, letting her tired mind go blank as much as she can.
Eventually, Tobias yawns. “You gonna be all right if I go to sleep? I don’t wanna miss the boat in the morning.”
Nia quirks a small smile. “Excited to get back on the water?”
Tobias flops down with a groan, pulling a chunk of moss from his bedding and tossing it at her face. "Shut up."
She laughs. “I’ll be all right. I’m tired too.”
Tobias grunts, clearly halfway to sleep already. It’s impressive. Nia curls up beside him, shimmying close enough to feel the usual warmth pouring off his skin. Even if she can't fall asleep for a while yet, she feels better knowing she at least has her partner at her back.
As she tries to rest, terrible scenarios run circles in her mind. She imagines them failing. Imagines the Pokemon world being destroyed, and the human world following. Only one determined thought grants her hope rather than fear:
They're going to save the world. They have to.
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thedivineart · 2 years
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in this pac reading were going to take a look/ know who is secretly admiring you, images that used are not mine and i'm only saved this images from pinterest so credits to the rightful owner.
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♡︎ M A S T E R L I S T ♡︎
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ᵒⁿᵉ ᵗʷᵒ ᵗʰʳᵉᵉ
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𓇽 P A I D S E R V I C E S 𓇽
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i see that mostly who pick this pile, their secret admirer are 18 to 32 of ages and this individual is someone who is mature than you or simply just older than you. a very calm, well expeirenced and wise individual they are, they are serious person who is ambitious in life and quiet powerful person they are maybe somewhat popular in school, work, or in your surroundings-someone who have quiet influencial around others. I see here that there will be something might happen in this winter time. Also this person is a sexual appetite but is a cold person, who doesn't seems to know how to show their emotion and they have dark haired -doesnt matter if dye or not or this person have sexual fantasies about you. I think some people here who pick this pile already know who is this individual or you have hint who are they. Yeah, this individual is somewhat famous too in where society they belong, i feel they been admiring you for a very long time but may fear of acceptance, they also have romantic feelings for you. They has a hobby of writing maybe a book or jounals or fixing their schedule or something related to those things, a creative person with soft features or round face and admiring you brings small amount of joy inside of them. They might be your friend or friends of your friend or they are friendly person or someone who you familiar with like heard their name before but don't actually see who are they. They are a private or typically lonely person like they like to be lonely most of the time, they are also tall or can be taller than you as well being intellegent and well diciplined individual. They may also came from high status family or in their surroundings their alot of influencial people.
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this pile got the happiest energy, i do feel that this person loves to laugh or smile often, they may also loves to joke around or make others smile. they might be also popular maybe in school, or work, or in neighborhood since this individual is too friendly in others, they may have dark hair- dye or not and very good looking/pretty people. I'm also sensing that this person may laugh out of nowhere cause s/he remember something funny in his/her mind, they also good at cheering and uplifting people- a naturally gift from them, they may also love attention but in a good way like i said joking around, making others comfortable. If you knew this person, you never see them having a sad face cause it's like they always have smile on their faces. They seems always in public eye, they know alot of people and people know them too and there is also people who envy and called this person a 'attention seeker' which probably far from it's truth. This pile got all positive cards, so this person is always positive in their life as well caring/generous to their time or anything that they can give, mostly who choose this pile this is your 'soulmate', they may came from quiet well-off family and water is very significant to them maybe its their zodiac sign or simply just loves water like the beaches or fountain etc. Even though they are good looking people or not, still people who surround them find them really attractive and idk what makes them nervous sometimes maybe when you are near? and they naturally experience ups and downs in life like a normal human being or they are well balance individual.
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it seems this person loves to write letter or they are one of the people who you chat online or irl, they are type of people who is always curious to anything or everything, naturally an active individual who maybe join in some activities in daily life such as sport etc. also they good at communication and knows how to balance every conversation or they give light and open aura for any communication they been through. Though they experience some difficulties in life that turns to a real life lesson to them, they still manage to stand up for the sake of their supreme goals and also you can feel the sadness around this individual maybe the reason why is that they suffer alot from so much burdens into their life. They are also someone who quick temper, aggressive or an authoritive person, mostly prone to vindictiveness or lies or they are someone who suffer in mental illnesses. Okay, i know there's alot of negative energy for this person-well that's their energy as of now, this pile is so opposite of pile two but i do sense that this person they are good person, they care for their family or friends, they also responsible and actibe individual. They also have the characteristics of be able to adapt things easily or to any situation occur in their present time, they may probably taller than you or naturally taller or have long legs, they also someone who value their reputation, hobbies and their everyday affairs.
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anonymous-dentist · 2 months
Can we all come to the agreement that Cellbit and Bagi "_duo" is so bad no one can remember it?
Let them have some cool name like the Blood hounds or code breakers.
Like Truth seekers, conspiracists- anything is better.
I call them the Mystery Twins, because they’re the Mystery Twins. But I personally really really like the Portuguese translation of the name, I’m just usually on tumblr desktop and I don’t have accent thingies on that keyboard. It’s like? Gemeos misteriosos? With a little hat above the first ‘e’, the one that’s looks like ^
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sitp-recs · 1 year
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Eager for the Sky by @oknowkiss
Harry/Draco, minor Harry/Ron and Draco/Blaise (2022, Mature, 35k)
It was announced, just as the Triwizard Tournament had been, at the start of term feast. A year-long, international Quidditch varsity match — the inaugural Wizarding Academy Cup. In which Harry is Hogwarts' star Seeker, Draco is on the bench, and they both have a thing or two to learn about playing for the same team.
Draco hated that, the way Potter would sneak up on him, proving he’d been listening. He had always seemed to be caught up in his own head, never paying attention to anything or anyone but himself, but now that Draco was starting to know him, he was beginning to see the truth of Potter.
When I started this blog over two years ago, I’d write (smaller, but still) recs for every fic I liked. At some point I was reccing up to 3 fics a day and started bookmarking them all to keep track of my own recs - maybe that’s why I got more than 600 bookmarks lol - and it was really fun and fulfilling, but it also demanded A LOT of time and energy. As they both became scarce, I changed strategies and decided to only rec fics that touched me in a more personal way. These days I write recs mostly on a whim; it happens less and less because I’m not reading as much, sure, but also because it needs to be a frantic urge, almost like a trance, and it needs to hit me right after I’m finished a fic otherwise it won’t be fresh in my mind.
I’ve wanted to rec something from E for so long and after being left intrigued and impressed by any day now and licence to kill (two solid recs if you haven’t read those yet!) I couldn’t see what was holding me back. Now I ask myself if I had been waiting for Eager for the Sky. And not necessarily because it’s the perfect fit for my tastes - in fact, I barely read or care for 8th year fics nowadays - but because this fic found me at the moment I needed it the most. Coming back from a brief hiatus (that felt longer than life itself) right before Christmas last year, I can say that reading this was a refreshing and lovely experience, but also magical in many ways. And funnily enough, this rec has been sitting in my drafts, half-finished, since January. Once again, something I couldn’t figure out was holding me back until I saw this gorgeous binding post by @a-gay-old-time (go check it right now!!) and I accidentally found out that last week was E’s one year fandomversary! Perfect timing to wrap this up and post it as a humble homage to one of the authors whose talent I’ve enjoyed and admired the most in the past year. What a gift to have you in this fandom, and what a privilege to read this incredible 8th year romance!
Way beyond the delight of watching Draco and Harry fall in love over the course of a (very cool and inventive) Quidditch championship, I was so touched by the amount of tenderness, youth and heart this story coveys. There is something unbearably sweet about an enemies to friends to lovers journey that explores the wonders of being young and free to flirt, experience and discover. I could feel the joy of falling in love all over again through every line here, through every knowing smile and surreptitious touch. The slow burn is masterfully done in a way that never feels empty, boring or dragged. Every little moment brings new discoveries about each other and is important to bring them together as friends, and then as lovers.
It’s worth mentioning that there’s a fair amount of longing, UST and some infuriating delicious cockblocking but somehow the way it’s written and the context it’s given make the experience even sweeter and more rewarding. I was in no rush to see this over and found it very charming that they saw value in wanting, teasing, flirting, chasing. Because I really ready young Drarry I had almost forgotten how fun a pining Draco can be in all his teenage complexity, capable of signaling confidence, vulnerability, inadequacy and tenderness all at once.
His emotions felt so very real I could feel a lump in my throat, and I was especially moved by his genuine response to Harry’s prior involvement with Ron (Be still my Rarry heart!!! For those wondering: this is a minor but significant plot point that made my heart ache and grow twice its size, I’m so soft for this brOTP! By the way - side Rarry & Blaco? A fic after my own heart!). Even more brilliant is the fact that E published Eager for the Sky and July Tree pretty much back to back and these two fantastic 8th year tales complement each other perfectly. They got a very different tone from her usual edgy “mature Drarry” which I also love - and maybe that’s why I was caught off guard by how fast I felt emotionally connected to this softer, more innocent brand of love. Not to mention that superb art by @upthehillart - killing me softly as per usual, with the ultimate teenage Drarry headcanon what a treat!!
This fic was exactly what I needed and it gave me the delicious catharsis I was looking for without really knowing. It pulled me back into the fandom with its light, easy, unpretentious young romance, sprinkled with some excellent dialogue and charming banter that will make you laugh out loud at their sass, plus a sweet and delightful mix of curious, inexperienced but extremely insightful and lovable characters. I’m so happy I found this fic and that I got to write a rec for it! Thank you E for sharing this beauty and so many other fantastic stories with us - I’m delighted to share this space with you and can’t wait to see what comes next 💜
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something-awful1 · 26 days
my thoughts while rewatching all of Helluva Boss in honor of the S2 trailer PT 3
TRUTH SEEKERS - i sMelL.... c o l o r s 😮 - unrelated but i love the background music? like helluva has such a good soundtrack why didn't we get that for hazbin - i just like complaining - MOXXIE IS T H E BITCH - he's so me - i love this episode so much - blitz looks so chill this is so silly - I'm a VirGo- - I LOVE MOXXIE - i love the fight choreo in this episode so much - blitz is just :p - im sorry what is bitch juice - IT WAS ABOUT UGLY HORNY CATS HAHAHAHA - cue the coolest sequence in indie animation ever - IT TIS NO PRANK BITCH - BECAUSE YOUUU - MY PRECIOUS LITTLE BITCH BOY - ARE TRIPPING BAAAWWWWWLLLLLSSSS - brandon has the best line delivery istg - woah wait scribble moxxies dialogue is some of the best written dialogue in all of vivzie's projects - this animation is so cool i'm sobbing - this is one of my favorite episodes, i remember watching it when it came out and like actually sobbing - the dhorks are idiots why did they give them the truth serum but like not ask them any questions while they were under the influence of it? like- what was the point - THIS IS THE COOLEST FUCKING FIGHT SCENE EVER - no thoughts, head empty, just truth seekers fight choreo - see this is what happens when animators actually take time to make their projects look good, instead of trying to get everything out as quick as possible - millie is the coolest, go break that guy's neck with your thighs, get it bestie - OMG I HAVENT SEEN THIS EPISODE IN FOREVER I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE STOLAS - GET IT STOLASSSSSSSSSS - this is literally the coolest sequence - OWL IN A CAGE INSTRUMENTAL SPOTTED - bryce pinkham the line delivery of "how the FHUCK-" was perfect - this whole scene is perfect - HELP THE DHORKS LOOK SO CONCERNED AFTER BITZ AND STOLAS MAKE OUT - yeah this is the best episode so far, hands down OZZIES - i have never been more not ready - i have no thoughts on the beginning ngl - ugh the lust ring is so beautifully drawn, really some of vivzie's best backgrounds - not the bouncer dude implying that three people can't make one couple 🙄 - "that's a mood, gabriella" LITERALLY ONE OF THE BEST STOLAS LINES - his date outfit is so pretty - THE BOOKS ON HIS CHAIR HELP HOW DID I NEVER NOTICE THAT - blitz is so frustrating right now FUCKING TALK TO HIM INSTEAD OF SYPING ON M&M YOU PERVERT - FIZZZZZZ BABYYYY - damn imagine blitz realizing his ex-best friend and celebrity ex are at the same club as him while he's on a "date" with a goetia that must be fucking embarassing - fizz's "let's fuck him up babe" look is my favorite thing - house of asmodeus is peak songwriting, like i don't think vivzie will ever top this (i fucking hope she does though) - UGH THIS MAN'S VOICE - these two are the biggest fucking hypocrites - "you used to have a smoking wife, a kid, you had it all! i hope you didn't give it up, so you and him could get it up" is so gorgeously written and delivered - i could go into a whole analysis on stolitz rn but you could go read any other analysis on this episode and read the same shit so im not gonna - help why did he drive stolas hope? THE MAN CAN TELEPORT - stolas is so expressive i love him - OHHHH QUEEN BEE TAKES PLACE LIKE AT THE TAIL END OF OZZIES THAT MAKES MORE SENSE (queen bee took forever to come out so i was confused, i kinda forgot)
QUEEN BEE - ew i remember hating this episode so much - this feels so unfinished already - this is vivzie voicing the poodle bitch, isn't it - keshaaaaaa - i don't wanna listen to this song ngl - okay but the visuals are kinda good and i do love her voice - this must've taken forever to animate - HELP THE ONE SILENT LOONA LINE MAKES ME CRINGE SO HARD LIKE WHAT WAS SHE SAYING - she sounds like... constantly wasted as fuck - people definitely ship loona and bee don't they - i don't but like... i know someone does - i've heard a lot of people call bee bitchy, and fake, but yall i feel like she's being genuine - help she changes her mind so fucking fast - okay okay i don't hate this episode that much - blitz's little arm wave help - for reference i write all of these between the hours of 10pm and 3am, this is my complete, honest, unfiltered opinion - yeah this episode wasn't as bad as i remembered
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cap-ironman · 1 year
Cap/Iron Man Remix 2023 Masterlist and Creator Reveals
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Here it is: the final masterlist and the creator reveals for Captain America/Iron Man Remix 2023! Below you'll find all 17 remixes created, with 6 written for Remix Exchange, 7 for Remix Relay, and 4 created for Remix Madness. If you haven't checked out the works during the reveal period, please take a look at all of the wonderful remixes and leave some love for all the creators!
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1. Unintended Consequences by Neverever (616, T, 3600 words)
Tony is sent back in time to fix a time anomaly, but in fixing the anomaly, he ruins Steve's life.
2. Time Is Right (The Remix) by navaan (616, G, 2418 words)
A time agent needs help with fixing something - and for some reason he needs Tony Stark for the job.
3. Looking Up (the fixed fates remix) by Lets_call_me_Lily (Marvel Noir, T, 2109 words)
Tony Stark, adventurer extraordinaire, treasure hunting expert, beloved of thrill-seekers everywhere, finds himself grudgingly fixing up a zeppelin. Luckily he's got some decent company. Unluckily, that decent company's not gonna last long.
4. crash (landing into you remix) by wingheads (Marvel Noir, T, Art)
tony had a lot of fun working with steve even though he doesn't get along well with the brass. he didn't know the hurt would be just as much.
5. Crash Landing (The Mile High Club Remix) by wynnesome (616, E, 6219 words)
Steve wants to join the mile high club, so he and Tony take Tony's new jet prototype for a private test flight. An alien craft crashes their private party. Steve goes down -- and not in the sexy way. Tony smiles, the grin that lets him feel lazy and but also razor-edged at the same time. "Official test flight's tomorrow, but what if I said I'm in the mood for a joyride today?" Surprise colors Steve's face a deepening sunset pink. He licks his lips, shining them up. "You mean..." Some time back, he'd confided in Tony that the idea of "the mile high club" was probably silly, but still sounded sexy. "We will absolutely make that happen," Tony had told him, rock-solid certain. "Right time and place. That is a promise." "Unless you're not in the mood?" Tony's just toying. He knows the answer. Steve's posture hasn't changed, but it's telling in the way Steve's almost visibly thrumming now, and those sky-soft jeans are showing it in stretch lines that frame the hard truth happening behind Steve's button fly. "Yeah," Steve says. "I'm in the mood."
6. Waiting and hoping by hkandi (MCU, G, 2668 words)
Steve, Tony, and Natasha are flying back after a successful mission, and the two men take a step beyond dancing around feelings. But then aliens show up, and it all goes sideways, or does it?
7. Flying with Love (It's Always Aliens Remix) by Neverever (Avengers Assemble, T, 1380 words)
When Tony and Steve go flying and run into aliens, Steve has unpleasant memories. At least Tony is there for him.
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★ Blame It on My Star Sign (The Blue Heart Remix) by ralsbecket (MCU/Fantastic Four (Movies 2004-2007), T, 6457 words)
Fending off Doombots whenever Victor von Dickhead felt the need to throw a wrench in their plans was never exactly his definition of a perfect date with Steve.
Remix of Heart of Blue by geekymoviemom
★ Careless Whisper [A Shortcut to Happiness Remix] by Missy_dee811 (Ultimates, T, 2418 words)
Seconds later, the driver pulled up. He double parked across the street and waited, unhurried. It was just Steve who was uneasy. And just as he turned to see if Tony and the owner were still chatting, he felt a hand glide up the small of his back. Feeling more than hearing Tony’s lips move as he spoke. “Come home with me, darling.”
Remix of A Shortcut to Happiness by Fluffypanda
★ The End Never Came by geekymoviemom (MCU, T, 4664 words)
As Steve keeps watch over Tony as he sleeps, he is informed that he has a message, one that Tony recorded when he was adrift in space, expecting to die.
Remix of Before The End by navaan
★ My Dream, Your Nightmare (Again in the Dark Remix) by navaan (616, E, 1414 words)
Tony wakes to an empty bed and remembers a time when he was betraying Steve, because the world was threatened to be destroyed by incursions.
Remix of Dreams and Nightmares by Missy_dee811
★ out of the mouth of babes (a childish remix) by Fluffypanda (MCU, T, 3745 words)
Tony doesn't know how to deal with a child-sized Steve that seems to think they're friends.
Remix of Kid Steve by Neverever
★ Unexpected Heat (Pole Dancing Man Making It Rain Remix) by Neverever (Marvel Adventures: Avengers, T, 1667 words)
Tony worries about Steve during their mission at a local strip club, but he finds he should have other concerns instead.
Remix of Make It Rain Emerald Bills for Me by ralsbecket
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★ Reaching Inside An Armored Heart by MayBiTheWay (Avengers Assemble, G, 3881 words)
Realistically, asking Tony Stark out on a date was a big deal, Steve knew he needed to do some convincing, but not in a million years he’d think Tony’s answer would be this certain, this final. But he was not about to give up on this, on Tony. It's just that there have been more pressing things to deal with at first, like return of the Skull or MODOK...
Remix of An Armored Heart by ishipallthings
★ watching seabirds fly (Nightcap Remix) by ishipallthings (MCU, not rated, 1060 words)
A beach wedding had sounded romantic. (In which Steve and Tony sneak away for a moment by the beach on their wedding day, and deals are made).
Remix of Nightcap by Neverever
★ Your Mouth Gives Me Bad Ideas (Kidnapping Day Remix) by ishipallthings (MCU, T, 3445 words)
The first time Steve kisses Tony, it’s in the cockpit of the Quinjet, right in the middle of Tony insisting that no, I’m fine Rogers, I don’t need to go lie down, and someone needs to fly this contraption properly. He knows it’s a bad idea before it even happens—he kisses Tony anyway. (Or: 5 times Steve kissed Tony even though it was a terrible idea, and 1 time it wasn't a bad idea at all)
Remix of Kidnapping Day by navaan
★ Consequences Of Living With Tony Stark (Consequences Of Living With Steve Rogers Remix) by tinystark616 (MCU, M, 1162 words)
Living with Tony Stark is not at all how Steve thought it would be. It is, in fact, much better. The only problem is that Steve is in love with him, and decides to keep his feelings to himself, afraid of ruining their friendship. That is, until he catches Tony touching himself and moaning his name.
Remix of Consequences Of Living With Steve Rogers by MayBiTheWay
Don't forget to leave kudos and comments on the works you've enjoyed! You can either browse through the individual links above, or go through the Remix collections on AO3:
★ 2023 Captain America/Iron Man Remix Exchange
★ 2023 Captain America/Iron Man Relay Remix
★ 2023 Captain America/Iron Man Remix Madness
And with that, we've wrapped up Captain America/Iron Man Remix 2023! Thank you to all of our participants, and we hope everyone had fun!
Participants, feel free to share and crosspost your work! If you're posting your work onto Tumblr, please use the #capimremix tag among the first five tags of your post so we can spot it and reblog it to the community Tumblr.
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nyxofdemons · 6 months
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can we finally talk about the stolitz hands motif please please
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howhow326 · 1 year
Alya sugar/Lila salt prompt: Alya exposes Lila's secrets
Takes place during season 4.
Lila lies about something that Alya knows to be untrue 100% (maybe Lila says that Nora is rigging her wrestling matches), which leads Alya to put two and two togather and that Marinette was right about Lila being a lying h*e. Alya then decides that, because she is a journalist and a truth seeker, she will personally (& secretly) investigate Lila to find out what else she's lying about. To that end, Alya uses the powers of the fox miraculous to recover all information on Lila that she can, which leads to Alya uncovering evidence of all of Lila's secrets (her alliance with Hawkmoth, her three mothers) and maybe an even darker secret about Lila (sentimonster Lila?). Alya post her findings onto the Ladyblog.
Alya and Marinette sugar of course; Lila salt; Adrien/Nino salt or sugar optional; class salt; Ms. Bustier salt (I hate her)
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tumbacroft · 3 months
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Foi anunciado o RPG de mesa oficial da Lara Croft, o Tomb Raider: Shadows of Truth!
Nele, você segue os passos da Lara Croft como membro dos Truth Seekers.
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Tomb Raider: Shadows of Truth é um jogo de ação, exploração e autodescoberta. Enfrente desafios perigosos e escolhas difíceis enquanto aprende o que é preciso para ser um herói.
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O RPG terá de 3 a 6 jogadores, lápis, papel, o livro de regras e dados padrão de seis lados para jogar.
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Atualmente em desenvolvimento interno pela Evil Hat Productions. Um playtest público será lançado em breve, com financiamento coletivo após a conclusão do desenvolvimento final.
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Theory response: why Stolitz might actually be Stockholm syndrome
In regards to Helluva Boss, I believe that Stolitz is in fact an unsettling example of Stockholm syndrome (a hostage or prisoner falling in love with their captor) ever since I saw the hallucination in “Truth Seekers” which has Blitz blushing while Stolas holds him on a chain, as can be seen in the image below (keep in mind that this is Blitz's honest mindset under the influence of truth gas).
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@stolitzy, a (now ex-) friend of mine, has made a rebuttal of this view which, while an interesting read, does not in my opinion actually invalidate or disprove it. I’ll go through some of the main points of their post and address them one by one. “There is NO kidnapping and no falling in love with the captor” – while this is true in the literal sense, by effectively holding Blitz’s company (and his life’s dream) hostage through the sexual arrangement, Stolas can be seen as trapping him in the arrangement, which could be seen as a figurative form of captivity and thus Blitz falling in love with him could still count as a form of Stockholm syndrome. It's also a MAJOR misinterpretation of my argument – as Stolas is the one who came up with the arrangement and forced Blitz into this arrangement, he would be the one holding Blitz captive, not the other way around. “[H]e’s had a lot of hardships in the course of his life and the whole show is about dysfunctional relationships and what real life is all about” – again, Blitz is the victim of the Stockholm syndrome, not the captor. “Stolas saw it as “oh wow the love of my life came back after decades of disappearing and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him” and you can even see it in his compassionate face; we can see he’s not the hurtful type as Blitz portrays him as” – Just because Stolas isn’t intentionally nurturing Stockholm syndrome within Blitz’s mind doesn’t mean he isn’t doing it at all. “But what we do know is that Stolitz is her favourite ship; so of COURSE she wouldn’t do anything to harm with it since it will be canon and claimed as a healthy relationship” – While Viv is a great artist, she’s (IMO) an AWFUL writer; examples of this are: . Her giving Verosika only 1 set of lines in “Ozzie’s” (the episode she should have WAY more prominence in had since it’s set in the Lust Ring and she’s a lust demon) in order to make episode 8 (as far as I understand from Viv’s statements and the footage that she released of it) about random hellhounds we’ll in all likelihood never see again rather than making the Lust Ring stuff a 2-parter in which Verosika is more important. . Going straight from the tragic lament of “Stolas Sings” in “the Circus” to business as usual (flirting and all) in “Seeing Stars” at the expense of all narrative consistency in order to support said ship.
As such, it’s VERY possible that Viv accidentally wrote a Stockholm syndrome ship without realising it and is now frantically backpedalling (if she’s even noticed it at all and isn’t just carrying on like nothing is wrong). “What IS unhealthy is shipping Blitz with Verosika; which was a been there done that type of relationship; if they had gone back they’d only be a recipe for disaster and go back to square one again” – while I agree that getting them back together right NOW is a terrible idea, I genuinely think that once Blitz has grown as a person and he and Verosika fully articulate the hurt they are harbouring inside to each other, they would be a FAR better couple than Stolitz since they (as far as I am aware) genuinely loved each other as the result of an organically developing romance rather than the transactional mess that is Stolitz. For more information why I think Blitzika is a better ship than Stolitz, check out my video below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q2GV6hvjVU “I mean if you really think about it if Blitz had Stockholm syndrome and if it was really THAT bad then why the FUCK would there unlimited fan art of Stolitz being TOGETHER?! Having a child together!” Do not underestimate the fucked-up elements of fandoms… Why are there people idolising the clearly abusive relationship between Harley Quinn and the Joker? Why is there art of people shipping Hazbin and Helluva characters with Valentino? Combine that with how much it’s being pushed by Viv and the team in as positive a light as possible and a large amount of the fandom’s lack of critical thinking (as evidenced by protagonist bias making people automatically side against Verosika simply because Blitz is the protagonist despite her clearly being the INNOCENT party in their relationship) and well… that’s why. Stolitzy also cites the following source: https://doodle-empress66.tumblr.com/post/660206487268982784/i-need-to-direct-everyones-attention-to-the-fact?_branch_match_id=link-1152086027557405904 As far as my understanding of Stockholm syndrome goes (and I know I’m not a professional psychologist, so this will probably not be as in-depth as if I was), a key part of Stockholm syndrome is the captive coming to believe (whether of their own accord or through the captor’s manipulation) that the captor is protecting them from a hostile outside world that they could not survive without them (a bit like how Judge Frollo in Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame convinces Quasimodo to stay in the cathedral by telling him that the people of Paris will hate him, though this example may not strictly qualify as Stockholm syndrome due to the former being the latter’s parental figure). As such, this source doesn’t do anything to disprove my theory. Stolitzy also cites numerous other sources showing Blitz’s romantic/sexual affection towards Stolas that, again, does NOTHING to disprove my theory; remember that Stockholm syndrome is all about the victim falling in love with their captor and so all the examples of “heart eyes” and Blitz’s human form kink could be equally argued to represent his Stockholm syndrome towards Stolas taking hold as the show goes on. Viv’s writing makes it even worse, since the way the show goes from “Ozzie’s” and “the Circus” straight to “Seeing Stars” makes it look like Blitz went to get some space only for his burgeoning Stockholm syndrome to make him come crawling back like a beaten wife and hide that anything was wrong. So remember, just because all the creepy elements are glossed over and Blitz gets lovey-eyed doesn’t mean there isn’t any Stockholm syndrome; if anything, that’s the version of reality the victim’s (in this case Blitz’s) mind is conjuring to convince themselves that their situation isn’t abusive when it clearly is.
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eldritchboop · 11 months
11 Secret Books for Spiritual Seekers
The Lost Book Project charges $7 for this collection. If you found this roundup useful, please consider donating to the Internet Archive instead.
Other roundups here
The Kybalion A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Three Initiates (1908) The Secret of Spiritual Power by George D. Watson (1894)
The Science of Pranayama by Sri Swami Sivananda (2006)
The Key to the Universe by Harriette Augusta Curtiss and Frank Homer Curtiss (1915)
The Spiritual Life by Andrew Murray (1896)
Concentration and Meditation by Swami Paramananda (1921)
An Introduction to Yoga by Annie Besant (1908)
The Miracle of Right Thought by Orison Swett Marden (1910)
Reincarnation a Study of Forgotten Truth by E. D. Walker (1888)
The Astral Plane Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena by C. W. Leadbeater (1895)
The Law of Mind in Action Daily Lessons and Treatments in Mental and Spiritual Science by Fenwicke Lindsay Holmes (1919)
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