#eöl x aredhel
darklinaforever · 10 months
Daemyra from GRRM reminds me a lot of Eöl & Aredhel from Tolkien. In the sense that both relationships seem to have been primarily distorted by propaganda. “Fire and Blood” and “The Silmarillon” both being a collection of so-called “historical” stories for their respective universes, written by people from the universe in question.
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For the Dance of Dragons, it is the pro-Greens maesters who mainly write the story, hating Rhaenyra, obviously because of the misogyny. And Daemon, because of the prejudices against him, Otto obviously, because Daemon is from the Blacks team ; Him being the greatest supporter, defender and not to mention, Rhaenyra's husband himself.
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Then, for the story of Eöl & Aredhel, it is said that Eöl fell in love with Aredhel upon seeing her wandering the woods, essentially kidnapping her and marrying her by force. Except that their history is written by the Noldor, including one from Godolin, where Aredhel, sister of the king, comes from, who write the story. However, you should know that one of the important laws on marriage among the Noldor is to ask consent from both families beforehand. Generally, no marriage is refused because elves marry for love and see little point in doing so otherwise. But not asking for the family's agreement is very badly received by the Noldor. In this story we therefore have an Elf, Eöl, who according to the version is a Sindar, or an Avari pimp, who marries a Noldor princess without asking her family's consent, which is necessarily very frowned upon by the Noldor, so the people who write the story. Then with Aredhel's character and it is clearly specified that she could ride alone on her side, it's hard to believe that she would not have run away if the marriage had not been agreed at all on her side. If the girl stands up to her brother the king, loses his guards and finds her way back, why the hell would she let herself be fooled by a stranger she met in the woods ? Add to all this a small note in a text, which could suggest that an Elf would not survive a rape, her spirit preferring to leave her body to join the halls of Mandos rather than undergo that (afterwards this is my interpretation). So if it is a forced marriage there is necessarily rape, and therefore Aredhel should not have survived the union with Eöl.
So, if we combine all of that ; the non-respect of marriage traditions among the Noldor, the writing of the story by a wise man from Godolin and a tragic end, well we can assume that the Noldor who wrote this story were very bitter and saw in Eöl a monster guilty of the worst atrocities from the start.
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From my point of view, the two fell in love, got together, but their relationship deteriorated over time to end in the tragedy we know. This is where, on the other hand, it diverges from Daemyra for me in terms of tragedy, because for me, their story ended with a misunderstanding, Daemon having certainly never cheated on Rhaenyra with Nettles, in more beyond that, Daemon having never harmed Rhaenyra and having always been on her side, unlike Eöl who will end up harming / kill Aredhel. (Even if yes, killing Aredhel was an accident, let's not forget that Eöl was basically aiming to kill their own son and Aredhel intervened, taking the blow in his place)
This is all probably a very controversial opinion, but it's mine.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 1 year
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Dearest @cuarthol, beloved and admired writer, I was not sure if you were Eöl-positive or not, so I kept it rather vague.
(I am not sure about my own feelings either, and I can make everyone sound a little understandable...so, here we go...)
Characters: Eöl x Aredhel
Words: 178
Warnings: Eöl is a canonical creep
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Eöl knew darkness as others knew their mother or their spouse—they shared an intimate bond, woven of love and resentment, that defied thoughts and words.
Obscurity and blades were as familiar to him as the smell of his own skin or the rhythm of the wayward heart beating in his chest.
Thus, he was not exactly surprised when he first saw that ray of blinding light in the shape of a woman, cleaving through his native darkness like an incandescent sword.
Dazzled and overwhelmed, he strove towards her, driven by a sense of recognition that set his soul aflame.
There was no space, no time, no need for words.
Whatever modicum of wisdom he had hitherto called his own dissipated like mist seeping into the ever-thirsty forest floor—she was the only truth he’d recognise henceforth.
When she turned to face him though, he froze.
From the most stunningly beautiful face he had ever beheld, illuminated by secrets and knowledge beyond his imagination, shone eyes so black that they seemed to swallow the very light she emanated.
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@fellowshipofthefics here we go with the next one!
-> Masterlist
𝙻𝚘𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 <3
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carmisse · 5 months
Celegorm the Fair.
Vána : Your beauty is beyond compare with shining locks of silver hair with ivory skin and eyes of emerald green.
Eöl : Your smile is like a breath of spring your voice is soft like summer rain and I cannot compete with you Celegorm.
Nimloth : He talks about you in his sleep and there's nothing I can do to keep from crying when he calls your name Celegorm.
Celegorm : ...
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anghraine · 9 months
I keep seeing this rhetorical tactic in fandom posts that goes something like "people like to think X about [characters/canon/whatever] but I think it's more that..."
It strikes me as manipulative in a very lazy and grating way. It tries (weakly) to create this contrast between other people, who only reach conclusions because it's what they like to think and not as a real interpretation of something, and the speaker, who is doing the real thinking here.
It also seems to often show up in cases where the thing that people supposedly "like" to think is just a very obvious reading and doesn't require any special explanation for why people would see it there.
I'm not at all against people saying "I often see other people arguing/thinking X, but what I think is Y." I do that all the time! But the kind of shifty undermining in the "people like to think X" framework is just casually manipulative in an unpleasant and increasingly common way. No, people do think X and you think they're wrong. That's fine! Just say so.
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cilil · 1 year
Summer Stories
AN: For @hirazuki whose amazing writing keeps inspiring me. Please have a look at "Something in the Darkness" if you enjoy this ship, it's probably my favourite Eöl x Aredhel fic to this day.
Prompt: Shade | Eöl x Aredhel Synopsis: Eöl is out in the woods. Aredhel finds him. Warnings: /
He had been resting against the mossy bark of a great tree, nearly dozing off, when he heard soft footsteps in the grass. 
She was barely clothed and her feet were naked, deceptively delicate and vulnerable, yet she walked with the poise and elegance of a huntress prowling her domain, knowing exactly what she wanted. 
Eöl held out his hand, a smile tugging on his lips. It seemed as though she had been looking for him, and he would most certainly not decline her silent invitation. No matter how tired he was or how much his muscles ached, the need for her would always be greater. 
Aredhel sat down on his lap, straddling his hips. Her smile was soft, yet her eyes shone with hunger and triumph alike. She knew her desired prize was hers the second her nimble fingers took hold of his shoulders. 
"Out hunting without me?" she teased, bringing their foreheads together. 
"I would not dare," Eöl mumbled. His lips search for hers. "I know you will always find me." 
"Indeed," Aredhel whispered. She toyed with him for a few more seconds, denying him as part of her game. "And now that I did, I believe I deserve a reward." 
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Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider liking and reblogging! ♡
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overlord-of-fantasy · 8 months
Aredhel lives
@cartoon-aragorn had the cool idea of an au, where Aredhel survives and finds a new lover in Gondolin, who treats her right and I just had to draw it.
I ended up choosing Galdor as her new boyfriend, because my first thought was, that as a hunter, she must love trees XD While dreawing I also realised, that Galdor is described as the bravest lord of Gondolin and it is therefore very likely that he threw himself on Eöl, in this au, and stuck the javelin into his butt (as seen in the picture).
Aredhel and Galdor can probaply also bond about beeing badasses...
(I drew Eöl with gray skin and glowing green eyes, because 1. I think all his dark rape magic probably fucked him up. and 2. Maeglin is described in the book as having dark skin like an orc, who are mostly gray or pitch balck, and he must have it from somewhere.)
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straybreeze · 3 months
Silm characters as Tarot cards
Okay so I've been thinking on this lately. Maybe it's not completely correct, but I think most of them still fits (also I was very tempted to give Maedhros the Hanged Man card fdkglfkdk).
Also I wanted to exlcude all the valar and maiar and put only the children of Ilúvatar into this list. There is one extra, who is not exactly a Silm character, but oh well.
Also I'm open to any other ideas too!
I. The Magician: Fëanor II. The High Priestess: Aredhel III. The Empress: Galadriel IV. The Emperor: Thingol V. The Hierophant: Elrond VI. The Lovers: Beren and Lúthien VII. The Chariot: Fingon VIII. Strength: Fingolfin IX. The Hermit: Maglor X. The Wheel of Fortune: Tuor XI. Justice: Húrin XII. The Hanged Man: Finrod XIII. Death: Míriel XIV. Temperance: Finarfin XV. The Devil: Eöl XVI. The Tower: Turgon XVII. The Star: Eärendil XVIII. The Moon: Maeglin XIX. The Sun: Finwë XX. Judgement: Maedhros XXI. The World: Aragorn 0. The Fool: Túrin Turambar
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velvet4510 · 6 months
I ship every canonical Tolkien couple - except Aerin & Brodda, Aredhel & Eöl, and Tar-Míriel & Ar-Pharazôn. Those poor ladies deserved so much better than those pathetic a-holes.
(I also kinda think Melian could’ve done better than Thingol.)
These are the “non-canonical” Tolkien pairings that I ship, since nobody asked.
Frodo x Sam (it’s literally canon, period, forget the “non-canonical” category, it’s right there, it’s real)
Frodo x Sam x Rosie (Sam being shared during that year in Bag End; also all but spelled out)
Bilbo x Thorin (obviously; even in the book, it’s subtextual, but it’s THERE)
Fingon x Maedhros (Beren/Lúthien + Frodo/Sam parallels are no joke; yes yes i know i know they’re first cousins and that should be a dealbreaker, and for a while it was for me, but technically they’re HALF-cousins, they only share one grandparent, and it’s not like they can procreate together, so it’s very different from what it would be if one of them was female)
Túrin x Beleg (also, obviously; just read their scenes and you can tell - ALSO the fact that Túrin never mentions Beleg again after Glaurung’s attack … do y’all realize that Glaurung is canonically a memory-eraser … that dragon wiped his memories of the love of his life and the reason he was triggered into romantic feelings for Níniel was because he saw a blond person lying on the ground under a flash of lightning which was also the way he saw Beleg for the last time and his heart remembered that even though his mind didn’t!!!!!!)
Mablung x Nienor (he just did so much for her and never gave up on searching for her until he then had to live with the knowledge that she was dead and he failed her … she lost all her memories of him and married her brother … the idea that they fell in love in Doriath before all this makes for a practically perfect tragic love story. Best part is he knew and loved her for her real self, whereas Turambar and Brandir both fell in love with an amnesiac shell of herself.)
Finrod x Bëor (yes, Finrod loved Amarië too …BUT look at how Bëor gave up everything to spend the rest of his life with Finrod, and how Finrod lost Bëor to mortality but then laid down his life for Bëor’s descendant; the angst is just too juicy to ignore)
Maglor x Daeron (two nasty but guilt-ridden minstrels who deserve each other, perfect)
I do not ship Merry and Pippin at all; not only are they full blooded first cousins, but since Merry is an only child and Pippin only has sisters, they very clearly fill that “brother” role in each other’s lives.
After a lot of thought, I’ve decided that queerplatonic Legolas/Gimli makes the most sense to me. They also fill the “brother” role in each other’s lives since they both have no blood siblings. I understand why many people do ship them romantically/sexually, but the thought of anything sexual between them just doesn’t feel right to me, personally. Even the thought of kisses just doesn’t seem to fit them, IMO; they’re about mutual respect and sharing quality time, rather than anything physical. To me they exemplify “heterosexual life partners” perfectly. It is important in this shipping-obsessed culture to never undermine platonic friendship.
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serene-faerie · 2 days
In my opinion, the ideal way to adapt the entire Silmarillion is through a multi-season anime, with each major event being made into an arc
The Ainulindalë Arc: the Music of the Ainur, the Two Lamps, and the Battle of the Powers
The Journey to Aman Arc: the Awakening of the Elves at Cuiviénen, the Creation of Orcs, the Sundering of the Teleri, Thingol and Melian's meeting in Nan Elmoth, etc.
The Years of the Trees Arc: the life of Fëanor, the creation of the Silmarils, Melkor's corruption of the Noldor, etc.
The Darkening of Valinor Arc: the death of Finwë, the destruction of the Two Trees, the Oath of Fëanor, and the First Kinslaying
The First Battle Arc: the First Battle of Beleriand, the Flight of the Noldor, Fëanor's death, Maedhros's capture
The Sun and Moon Arc: the Coming of Men, Finrod's friendship with the House of Bëor, Fingon's rescue of Maedhros, the Mereth Aderthad
The Glorious Battle Arc: the Dagor Aglareb, the construction of Gondolin, Thingol learning of the First Kinslaying, etc.
The Long Peace Arc: Aredhel leaving Gondolin and her encounter with Eöl, the birth of Maeglin, their escape to Gondolin, etc.
The Dagor Bragollach Arc: the Dagor Bragollach, Finrod's rescue by Barahir, the Fall of Fingolfin, the Outlaws of Barahir, etc.
The Quest for the Silmaril Arc: the story of Beren and Lúthien, of course
The Nirnaeth Arnoediad Arc: the lead-up to, and the actual Battle of Unnumbered Tears
The Children of Húrin Arc: Húrin's capture and curse, and the story of Túrin Turambar, of course
The Second Kinslaying Arc: Thingol's death, the Battle of the Thousand Caves, Dior's ascension to Doriath, and the Second Kinslaying
The Fall of Gondolin Arc: Tuor's quest to Gondolin, his romance with Idril, Maeglin's betrayal, Eärendil's birth and childhood, and the city's destruction
The Havens of Sirion Arc: the meeting of Eärendil and Elwing, their childhood together, their eventual marriage, and the births of Elrond and Elros
Eärendil's Voyage Arc: the Third Kinslaying, Elwing's transformation into a bird, Eärendil's voyage to Aman, and their plea to the Valar for aid
The War of Wrath Arc: the War of Wrath, the defeat of Morgoth, the reclaiming of the Silmarils, the choice of Elrond and Elros, the death of Maedhros, etc.
Basically, a Silmarillion anime would give One Piece a run for its money based on length, lol. And it would be even better if it was done by the studio that did Spy x Family, since their animation style is absolutely beautiful.
I would watch the hell out of a Silm anime!
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Being married to Aredhel hc
Pairing: Aredhel x Reader
Warnings: mentiones of sexual content, vague mentiones of Eöl (He isn't directly mentioned, but I thought I'd better warn you)
Before middle-earth:
♡ Is flirtatious even after you are already married and your fëa are connected
♡ Just can't stop pretending she's trying to seduce you again, knowing full well that you'll never be able to resist her
♡ Always got up early before your wedding, but likes to stay late afterwards to enjoy your warmth and cuddle you before the day starts
Spends as much time with you as possible, even skipping hunting trips with Celegorm to do so
♡ When you ride somewhere, no matter how short the distance, she makes sure you're on a horse together
♡ She then presses herself firmly against your back and her hands wander all over your body while she buries her face in your hair and breathes in your scent deeply
♡ Always dances exuberantly with you on the dance floor at balls and makes all the other couples look old
♡ Likes to show you off and brag how pretty you are in front of her brothers
♡ If you put on one of her dresses, or even her hunting clothes, she'll get all weak in the knees and fulfil your every wish
♡ She brings you a stone every time she hunts in the forest
♡ They're not gemstones, just ordinary stones in nice shapes and colours (if she does find a gemstone, she'll bring you that one too, of course), Aredhel always says they're nothing special, she just wants to gift you something, but you treasure them all and put them on every windowsill and cupboard in your shared home
After middle-earth:
♡ Meeting and marrying Aredhel after middle-earth would be different
♡ Aredhel needs a long time to even imagine getting married again, because her scars from Middle-earth will probably never heal again
♡ Fell in love with you because of your kindness, something she missed a lot in her previous marriage
♡ Whenever you touch her gently, she just melts away, she longs for the gentle touch of someone who actually cares about her
♡ Imagined what it would be like to marry you for a long time, but thinks you deserve better
♡ She's convinced she's already too broken and undeserving to be anywhere near good enough for you
♡ When you find out, you're heartbroken, but a long, emotional conversation brings you to the conclusion that you feel the same way about each other
♡ Would also really enjoy cuddling with you after the wedding, but not just in the mornings, but almost all the time
♡ Wants to be close to you especially when she's sad or thinking too much about the events in middle-earth
♡ She often tells you how much she loves that she can trust you so much
♡ Never goes into the forest for more than a few hours, and never alone, because only when you sleep next to her and she feels your warmth does she not have nightmares
♡ Introduces you to Lómion when he is let out of the halls and is very nervous, because she is afraid that two of the most important people in her life might not like each other
♡ But you get on well, and slowly Aredhel manages to get more used to her new life in freedom and full of love
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sadsilmarilsoup · 2 months
art dump
woohoo! I actually am posting this! This is all the stuff that's actually kinda good bc most of my sketch book is a mess. I mean like scibles everywhere and multiple versions of drawings that look like a 7 year old drew and pages missing half of themselves 🤓
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Ok so first up is Luna! The first one is without a filter and the other one is with one. We're not gonna talk about the glasses or neck or the amount of crap I had to whiteout lol
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Here's some fanart I made in school. Ik it looks a little goofy but I think it's beautiful 🙃. Top right we have portraits of some important characters in this one novel called Tangerine we had to read last school year. The curly hair one is this guy named Joey, the stick figure w/ glasses is the main character Paul and the one who thinks hes the rizzler is Paul's older brother Erik. That book is trash btw so don't read it.
Beside that is a sketch of Viola/Cesario from Twelfth Night. I spent more time on the drawing than the actual graded writing part lol. On the bottom is the Duke Orsino (also from Twelfth Night.)
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Next we've got our favorite Alabama citizens (plus Haleth bc she girlboss!) Nienor/Ninel is in the top right with the walking L (her brother/partner/husband actually...) Túrin and then the baddie Haleth 💪🥵💅. I tried to draw Beleg too but he came out a little special looking.
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These are what I like to call my
✨️scary sketches✨️
Messy outlines? YES! Terrible proportions? OFC! Weird commentary? ALWAYS! Will I regret putting these on the internet for everyone to see? PROBABLY 😅
I drew Aredhel as a teenager (why specifically teen idk), yk before Eöl and all that drama and trauma. Idk how I feel about it...
And then Lihn Song from KotLC bc she's cool and super pretty and has fire hair.
And on the bottom is our hot princess girlboss slay queen Lúthien. My drawing does no justice 😭
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Idk if you can tell but I'm totally loosing my attention so this next part will be really short and simple bc I need to get this over with 🥱
the first drawing is gisela from KotLC and my current pfp, so slay
Next to that is a sketch from about a year ago of baby me! Ik, I was adorable ☺️💅
And under that is my favorite MEGAMIND X JOJO SIWA!!! He's so slay.
Ok all done now I can sleep :)
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hirazuki · 1 year
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✧Main Tag✧
Animated Series/Movies ✧Akura-ou | Kamisama Hajimemashita ✧Azula | Avatar: The Last Airbender ✧Erza Scarlet | Fairy Tail ✧Howl Pendragon | Howl's Moving Castle ✧Illumi Zoldyck | Hunter x Hunter ✧Lotor | Voltron: Legendary Defender ✧Orochimaru | Naruto ✧Sasaki Kojirō | Fate/Stay Night ✧Uchiha Itachi | Naruto ✧Yagami Light | Death Note
Books/Comics ✧Aredhel | The Silmarillion ✧Cedric | W.I.T.C.H. ✧Eöl | The Silmarillion ✧Mairon/Sauron | The Silmarillion ✧Maeglin | The Silmarillion
Original Designs ✧Demon ✧Ἑκάτη/Hekate ✧Fashion + Sword ✧Vampire
Video Games ✧Hijikata Toshizō | Hakuōki ✧Sephiroth | Final Fantasy VII ✧Zenos yae Galvus | Final Fantasy XIV
One-offs/Make-up looks ✧Aaravos | The Dragon Prince ✧Farangis | Arslan Senki ✧Lara Croft | Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness ✧Morgana | Merlin (2008 TV Series) ✧Tabris OC (Elora) | Dragon Age:Origins ✧Yadōmaru Lisa | Bleach
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curufinrod · 2 years
and o’er me gleam’d the sword
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link ( x )
Fandom: The Silmarillion Pairing:  Aredhel x Eöl, Implied past Aredhel/Celegorm Rating: Mature Word Count: 2.3k Chapters: 1
Needing peace with Thingol, Nolofinwë makes a bargain: the hand of his only daughter in marriage to Thingol's kinsman, Eöl. The tragedy does not change.
Tags: Character Study, Legend: Sacrifice of Iphigenia at Aulis (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Implied/Referenced Incest (Cousins)
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SWG’s July Challenge: Solve a Problem
Tolkien's canon is challenging, not least of all because it was unfinished, leaving lots of contradictions, confusions, and details that just plain don't make sense.
For this month's challenge, create a fanwork that solves a canon problem. You can come up with your own favorite (or most frustrating!) canon problem to solve, or choose one of the member-submitted canon problems from the list below. Fanworks are due August 15 in order to receive a stamp. Please see the Challenges page on our website for full challenge guidelines.
Optional Prompt List
What is Gil-galad's parentage?
How long did Maedhros hang or Thangorodrim … or how did Maedhros hang on Thangorodrim so long?
Anything to do with the name shell game for Amrod and Amras.
Who was the narrator of The Silmarillion? Was it Rúmil and Pengolodh or some Númenórean guy?
Why does a utopian place like Gondolin have a designated place for executions?
Is Curufin really renowned? We know what Fëanor and Celebrimbor created … but what about Curufin’s inventions?
How do you solve a problem like Gildor? Where does he fit in, where does he live, what was his parentage?
What was the ecosystem of Middle-earth like when there was only darkness?
Flat world? Round world? Settle that debate or any issues to do with the shape and remaking of the world.
What is the afterlife for the sentient and talking animals of Middle-earth?
What is the afterlife like for Dwarves?
Elven maturity is said to happen at 50 years. Is this in Tree Years or Sun Years? How does that translate?
On the subject of aging, Tolkien had two ideas about the maturation of young Elves. From Laws and Customs among the Eldar (HoMe X): "The Eldar grew in bodily form slower than Men, but in mind more swiftly." From The Line of Elros (UT): "Thus (as the Eldar) they [Númenóreans] grew at much the same rate as other Men ...." So how does one make sense of this?
What are the origins and/or afterlives of Orcs?
Are Orcs capable of redemption?
Defying physics and biology: anything on giant spiders and mountain-sized flying dragons.
Did Amrod burn with the ships?
Did Húrin's chair have a flush? … or any matters related to excremental necessity.
And The Classic™: Do Balrogs have wings?
How did Elves who lost mates before the Statute of Finwë and Míriel or who were unaware of the law handle situations of new love and remarriage?
So about all those "tallest" Elves and Númenóreans: Who was actually the tallest? (Or maybe none of them were?)
What status or title did Maglor assume after Maedhros was captured?
What was the relationship between Imin, Tata, and Enel and Ingwë, Finwë, Elwë, and Olwë?
If the palantíri were made by Fëanor, why do we not see them being used in all sorts of canon situations when communications were critical?
Coimas & lembas: The only Elven grain or just the most magical?
Anything to do with the logistics around the anatomical and aerodynamic likelihood of a bird big enough to carry two men on its back. (Also what that might say about the bird poop issue around Gondolin.)
Why doesn't Valinor get full if no one ever dies and each new generation of Elves keeps having children? That's exponential population growth. How do the Valar feed all these Elves on a fixed amount of arable land? Or will Aman just keep magically expanding (at an ever-increasing pace!) until the Dagor Dagorath?
Orodreth: son of Finarfin or son of Angrod?
The many conflicting hair colors of Celegorm.
"Of The Ruin of Doriath": This chapter was almost entirely constructed by Christopher Tolkien and Guy Kay. Play with that idea.
What was Daeron's relationship with Lúthien? Were they siblings, as mentioned in an early text? Something else?
Everything about Middle-earth's man of mystery, Erestor.
What's up with the two Glorfindels? Are they the same character?
Anything and everything about Laws and Customs among the Eldar: its multiple contradictions with other texts, its problematic historiographical circumstances, what its laws would actually look like.
What was the relationship between Eöl and Aredhel actually like?
Galadriel and Celeborn are given multiple different, contradictory stories in Unfinished Tales. Wherein lies the truth?
Did Celebrimbor actually have a crush on Galadriel?
Is the Doom of Mandos a curse or a prophecy (or something else)?
Was Tar-Míriel forced to marry Ar-Pharazôn or did she love him?
Why would Fingon bring a harp when he went to rescue Maedhros?
Who is Mandos and why, if he has such keen foresight, is he so rarely listened to?
Why was Mandos chosen to look after the dead when other characters, such as Irmo, might be more suitable?
Are the Silmarils living creatures, just like the Two Trees or Elves? Could they even be real children of Fëanor?
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cilil · 9 months
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AO3 recommendations overview
A good chunk of the recommendations I received - thanks again to all those who sent me something! - were from AO3 and I couldn't always find a corresponding Tumblr post to reblog so I decided to make a list for convenience (an attempt at sorting has also been made). Please go show some love, enjoy and happy holidays/happy new year!
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₊˚⊹ Ainur
♡ Back In Evernow by @the-red-butterfly (Melkor & Manwë, Gen)
♡ Feathers and Friends by @elennalore (Manwë & Ulmo & Maglor, Gen)
♡ Whenever our paths cross by @thedaughterofshadows (Tilion, Arien & Ilmarë, Gen)
♡ Go Get Him by @glorf1ndel (Eönwë x Arafinwë, T, WoW)
♡ To be Made of Fire by @hirazuki (Mairon & Arien, Gen)
♡ Worth While by @hirazuki (Mairon & Eönwë, T, WoW)
♡ Redeeming graces cast aside by @mirkwood-hr-department (Melkor & Nienna, T, canon divergence)
♡ No Sooner Looked by @verecunda (Melkor x Mairon, Eönwë, T)
♡ When Your Walls Fall by @curufiin (Melkor x Mairon, T, canon divergence)
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₊˚⊹ Elves
♡ So do our Minutes Hasten to their End by @maglor-my-beloved (Caranthir x Haleth, Erestor, T)
♡ Anywhere With you by @last-capy-hupping (Maedhros x Fingon, past Melkor x Maedhros, E, modern AU, heed warnings)
♡ What Happens at Camp Eglarest, Stays at Camp Eglarest by @polutrope (Daeron x Maglor, T, modern AU)
♡ of a harsh and caustic nature (the root of hope) by @oopsbirdficced (Caranthir x Finrod, T, soulmate AU)
♡ A Compass Pointing North by @elentarial (Celegorm x multiple, E, modern AU (cam work))
♡ Pour Out A Drink For Me by @nothinghereisworking (Caranthir x Haleth, T)
♡ Star Anise by @maglor-my-beloved (Fëanor & Nerdanel & their children, Gen)
♡ Bureaucratic outcomes & oversights by @sortumavaara (Glorfindel x Erestor, M)
♡ Snow white and the hunts(wo)men by @goschatewabn (Celegorm x Oromë, M, ABO)
♡ Laws and Customers by @z-h-i-e (Glorfindel x Erestor, little Arwen, Gen)
♡ glade-song by @welcomingdisaster (Galadriel x Melian, M)
♡ Slow Flights by @searchingforserendipity25 (Maedhros & Irmo, Gen, coming back to life)
♡ The Seven Trials of Fingon the Valiant by @melestasflight and @polutrope (Fingon, various pairings, T)
♡ My Bones Divide and Shake by @sallysavestheday (Celegorm & Oromë, Gen)
♡ Nothing gold can stay by @mirkwood-hr-department (Thranduil x Glorfindel, E, long fic)
♡ Something in the Darkness by @hirazuki (Eöl x Aredhel, M)
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₊˚⊹ Dwarves & Hobbits
♡ You Should Be Safe With Me by @fantasyinallforms (Bilbo x Thorin, E, canon divergent verse)
♡ And I’ll say I love you, and I’ll say that I do by @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book (Bilbo x Thorin, Gen, modern AU)
♡ Flowers that Never Die by @frosticenow (Bilbo x Thorin, T, pre-canon)
♡ Fuck Thy Neighbor by @lordoftherazzles (Bilbo x Thorin, E, modern AU, accidental marriage)
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₊˚⊹ For Orc lovers
♡ Scars of Silver and Gold by @niennawept (Adar x OFC, E, ROP verse)
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₊˚⊹ Old/older favorites that helped me through difficult times back in the day:
♡ Catechesis by @lvsifer (Melkor x Mairon, E, pope AU my beloved)
♡ the path of ecstasy by @bodhvild (Melkor x Mairon, E, heed warnings)
♡ In Utumno's Deeps by @foxindarkness (Melkor x Mairon, E, heed warnings)
♡ distractions by @tarmairons (Melkor x Mairon, baby dragons, unrated)
♡ Just This Once by @crackinthecup (Melkor x Mairon, E)
♡ ... and I burn for you by @echoesoftheforest (Melkor x Mairon, E)
♡ Desire by @dragonofmordor (Melkor x Mairon, E)
♡ Sacrament by @mayakoroz (Melkor x Mairon, E)
I was a lurker back then and too shy to comment or make myself known, but I saved links to my favorite works and never forgot about them. Better late than never.
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₊˚⊹ Gifts for yours truly
♡ His Malicious Majesty by @i-did-not-mean-to (Mairon, various pairings, M)
♡ Where there's smoke, there's a fire by @i-did-not-mean-to (Melkor x Mairon x Gothmog, E, modern AU)
♡ Dog eat dog or something like that by @i-did-not-mean-to (Melkor x Mairon, puppy, gen)
♡ Aber bitte mit Sahne... by @i-did-not-mean-to (Melkor x Mairon, Gothmog x Eönwë, E, coffeeshop AU)
♡ Can't you see that I'm bound in chains? by @i-did-not-mean-to (Melkor x Mairon, Gothmog x Eönwë, E, mafia AU)
♡ Reaching for the stars by @i-did-not-mean-to (Manwë x Varda x Yavanna, T)
♡ The adventures of Crablor by @goschatewabn (Crablor x Faramir, E, heed warnings)
♡ Broken traps by @ruiniel (Andreth & a wolf, T)
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₊˚⊹ Art collections (is this cheating? No idea - but this is my event and I loved these so let's put them in as a bonus)
♡ Kinktober by @sortumavaara (various, E)
♡ Kinktober by @elanna-elrondiel (various, E)
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sorrowssinger · 6 years
@valiantvirtue (X)
Aredhel listened with shock, acute guilt laying upon her shoulders like an overweight burden, bending her to its will. She could not believe his words… and yet she could. She’d had a taste of despair while chained to Eöl, a hundred years had been the total of her pain– but thousands? she couldn’t fathom the fulness of what Maglor felt, and as he finished she did not know if she’d ever fully understand it. He’d endured so much loss, and pain, she couldn’t blame him for his reaction to seeing her and Glorfindel. She’d been one of the many to have let him down, and she felt the guilt of that. And it hurt to see him so alone, to hear the bitterness of time and know in her heart she held some blame.
“You are incorrect in your assessment, cousin.” Glorfindel was the one to speak, his gaze unwavering upon Maglor as he held whatever thoughts he had within. “We did not come to scold you, or lecture you… or cast any blame or guilt upon you. We simply were very happy you were alive, and wanted to see you.” He was rather grateful that Fingon had not come with them, though perhaps an exchange of him with Aredhel wouldn’t have been bad. Her eyes were fixed upon the floor and he didn’t think she was taking this well. “I do not know what drove you to secrecy, cousin, but I cannot lay upon you any blame for it. There is no need to ask us for forgiveness… it is not us who you need to make peace with it would seem.”
A soft cry came from Aredhel, though she still kept her tongue still.
The soft response where he had been expecting accusations gave him pause. He looked at them both with a little uncertainty knowing from experience that such a welcome was unusual. If how Elrond and Celebrimbor and the handful others had reacted were to be judged by then this answer, the simple happiness of his continued survival was unusual. Looking at them both, seeing the guilt and regret on Aredhel’s face and the lack of anger on Glorfindel’s, eased something, some knot that had curled tighter and tighter making him tense whenever he saw a glimmer of gold. His shoulders slumped slightly as he understood that they likely would demand nothing from him, not now and certainly not if they saw just how worn thin and exhausted he felt.
“I had expected another fight… it always seems to end in a fight whenever someone new, one who knew me then, finds me. Ironic really… it was always Moryo or Tyelca who got into fights yet here I am with more practice then we ever expected.” Swallowing he turned half away from them to pour hot water into some cups for tea. “Truthfully I expected you to catch me sooner.”
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