#eat an apple idfk
fungalwarp · 2 months
watching ppl obsessively hate-watch others and interract w them is so funny to me like,,,, seek help?
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xbomboi · 1 month
how Ever After High characters treat ice in drinks
raven: asks for no ice when she remembers to, otherwise chews on the ice cubes
apple: barely even takes a sip of her drink at all
briar: asks for no ice
maddie: asks for no drink in her ice
ashlynn: doesn’t gaf
cerise: chews on the ice cubes
faybelle: duplicates the ice cubes with magic
darling: does the same shit apple does
dexter: asks for no ice; they give it to him anyway
daring: looks at his reflection in the glass
cedar: are you stupid? she’s a puppet.
duchess: doesn’t order a drink but regrets it later
sparrow: chews on the ice cubes
blondie: it has to be just right.
cupid: drinks the ice cubes after they melt
hunter: asks for Extra ice
lizzie: off with the ice!
kitty: nobody knows. she doesn’t eat out.
alistair: plays with the ice cubes with his straw
bunny: idfk but instead of a fruit her weird ass puts a carrot on the rim of the glass
chase: drinks exclusively from water bottles
courtly jester: probably drinks dangerous chemicals.
humphrey: asks for no ice but orders Two drinks
hopper: asks for no ice because he sits in his drink. weirdo…
holly: too busy being a chatterbox to order
poppy: orders for her and holly; they both get ice
ginger: is probably making the drinks tbh
melody: doesn’t gaf
meeshell: terrified of ice in her drink
justine: drinks the ice cubes after they melt
ramona: eats the ice cubes First.
jillian: doesn’t gaf
nina: gets ice and shrinks down to stand on it while sipping from the straw
farrah: has whatever ashlynn gets
crystal: take a guess. no take an actual fucking guess as to what Crystal “Winter” does.
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new-revenant · 1 year
A so Called Tamaranean | Part Two
So, people seem to really like this little story I made, so I guess I’ll continue it! Part 1 if you haven’t read it yet or forgot something from it :) Also I am going to put both parts onto Ao3 in like, a day or two.
Edit : Ao3 Link! Also unsure if I’ll continue this because I don’t want to stress out over it. This was partly inspired by the “Grudge Match” ep from the JLU cartoon(go watch it it’s so good). Don’t ask what continuity this whole fic is set in, because I am making it up as I go. Warning for mentions of blood, I think there’s slight dehumanization, and mild elements of horror. There’s a fight scene. You know, regular superhero stuff.
Tag list since people wanted to be tagged(there are many of you ๑╹ω╹๑):
@spectralstardustandphantomnights - @skulld3mort-1fan - @ballzfrog - @toomanyfandoms11 - @blueflipflops - @everest-nightshade - @terzatheunderscorerima - @thegatorsgoose - @mnemovoid - @ace-aro-as-shit - @pikakaistudios - @phoenixcatch7 - @alice-hazelwood - @idfk-man20 (I can’t tag this person for some reason???) - @keimiwolf - @cankoking - @dxrksong - @learning-to-fly-on-my-own - @chaoticmistake - @ectoplasm024 - @akikkobara - @nerdypaintbrush - @worthlesswall - @stargirl1331 - @treepainting - @that-awkward-fae-nerd - @kawaiikenna - @raspberry-muffin
“Alright kid, this is one of my safe houses,” Nightwing said, “We’re going to stay here for a while until I figure out what to do,” they muttered the last part. They both were in a small apartment in an abandoned building. It was stocked with some med kits and rations, with a mattress tucked into a corner. There was a single window that they used to get inside, facing another building.
“Small house,” Danny commented, trying to hide his smirk.
“Yeah it’s supposed to be small-now I need to call Starfire for the first time in a few months,” Nightwing groaned, “Man I’ve been busy.”
Danny sat on the mattress while Nightwing out a phone to call this “Starfire” person. Danny was sweating bullets, because surely she would notice that Danny is definitely not a Tamaranean. Maybe he should just come out and say what he really is…Nah.
He hasn’t even told his own parents that he’s actually…whatever he is, so he certainly isn’t going to be telling this stranger who he is. Maybe once he can find out how to get back home he’ll tell them. He’ll just have to keep his secret to himself, which shouldn’t be toohard. And Danny’s stuck in his ghost form now, for some reason. But that means that it’ll be easier to pretend to a Tamaranean! And he could just say he wasn’t raised wherever Tamaraneans were from, and was experimented on by the people who raised him. Not too bad of an idea from a C-student.
Danny was humming happily as he came up with his plan. He had to ignore what Nightwing was saying because he was pretty sure Tamaraneans weren’t supposed to know English. Honestly he was sure of nothing and probably should’ve eavesdropped on Nightwing. But once he thought of that idea, Nightwing finished their phone call.
“Okay Nightgale, Starfire’s going to be here soon, and you need to eat don’t you-of course you need to eat, what am I talking about?” Nightwing sighed, “Do you have any preferences? Like, sweet or sour foods since you probably don’t know any Earth foods.”
“I will eat anything and everything you give me,” Danny responded, “I have no preferences other than survival.”
“That’s…so sad oh my god. I wish I could give you like, a honey crisp apple or something other than granola bars and military rations.”
“Food is food I guess. Oh, do you have any water my throat’s kind of sore.”
“On it,” Nightwing went and grabbed a couple of granola bars and a bottle of water and nearly tossed it over to Danny before stopping and just handed it to him.
“Thank you,” Danny said as he smiled innocently, before wolfing down the granola bars and chugging down all of the water in less than a minute. Nightwing could only watch in horror as when they tried to make Danny slow down, he tried to bite them.
“So,” Danny made direct eye contact with Nightwing after he finished eating “What’s Starfire like?” He was oddly proud of himself for this rather simple question.
“Oh! Well, she’s the Princess of Tamaran and-“ Nightwing was stopped by a sudden knock at the door. They froze and swiftly went over to the door.
“It’s me! Starfire!” a muffled voice said from behind the door. Nightwing let out a visible but silent sigh of relief before they opened the door.
“Starfire, you got here quickly,” Nightwing commented.
“Of course! There’s a baby Tamaranean here who needs help! Plus, I was nearby already,” Starfire floated a few inches off the ground as she went inside the tiny apartment.  Nightwing pointed her over to where Danny was, and she gasped happily with a gleeful shine in her eyes. Danny tried his best to hide his grimace and prepare for whatever was going to happen.
“Hello! Hi there!” Starfire shot over to Danny-which he thankfully expected to happen this time-speaking Tamaranean. Starfire had long, red, fire-like hair, flickering at the ends like a flame. Her skin was an unnatural shade of a bronze-like orange-but it was probably very natural for Tamaraneans. She was also wearing this odd, purple jumpsuit-looking outfit. Not only were her irises were green, but her sclera had a green tint to it. Danny could swear that she was glowing slightly.
“Can you not do any sudden movements Princess?” Danny said, fully grimacing, “Or get too close.”
“Oh! Sorry young one,” Starfire backed a few away from Danny a smile plastered on her face, “What’s your name?”
“I assume that Nightwing already told you but I’m uh, Nightgale. It’s…nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too Nightgale! I’m Princess Starfire of Tameran, but you may just call me Star or Starfire.”
Starfire went over to Nightwing and spoke to them in English. Danny thought this would finally be a good time to eavesdrop.
“He doesn’t know any Earth languages right?” Starfire asked.
“Nope and he seems far too touch-adverse to do…that language acquisition thing,” Nightwing answered, sighing and rubbing their temples, “He’ll shoot anyone who so much as attempts to even reach out a hand to him-I should know, because that’s what happened to me.”
“Oh no! Are you okay?”
 “Yeah I just got shot in the face but it only hurt for a moment-actually, it hurt Nightgalemore, his powers seem…unstable.”
“His arm was in a lot of pain both times he shot a starbolt at me, so I’m pretty sure his powers are at least somewhat unstable. God how-what are we going to do-WHERE did he even come from?”
“He could’ve come from anywhere I think-but! I think we might need to get him some sort therapy for the touch-adversity. So it’s a good thing that it is just physical touch in general that makes it so we can learn other’s languages, so he could just poke someone and boom! He learns English!” -Starfire spun around a little bit- “I…also think we might need to get the Justice League involved.”
“Yeah, we probably do,” Nightwing leaned up against a wall, probably pondering about what to do next. Danny was also wondering about what to do next. He could probably just punch someone in the face and pass that off as a language-acquisition thing. He looked out the window and right at that moment, a green bird landed on the windowsill.
Danny made direct eye contact with the bird. Its eyes were the normal black void of sparrow’s eyes, but the entire bird was green. It wasn’t glowing so it probably wasn’t a ghost.
“Oh hey! So you’re that Tamaranean-“ the bird said, it spoke, and Danny blasted it on pure instinct, obviously. He screamed, it screamed, but it swiftly dodged and flew inside. Its body shifted and grew, turning into a human-a green skinned human with dark green hair, but human nonetheless.
“WOAH! Never seen a talking bird before?” The green person chuckled.
“Beast Boy, are you okay?” Starfire asked.
“Yeah, but that kid seems jumpy.”
“Of course he’s jumpy, he just fell from the sky not even an hour ago,” Nightwing sighed, “Also why are you here Garfield?”
“Oh, she texted the whole group chat about the little Tamaranean here, didn’t you see it?” Beast Boy-Garfield was probably their real name but Danny could only think about a certain orange cat-pointed over to Starfire.
“Kori why?” Nightwing groaned, “So do just the rest of the Titans know?”
“Yes it’s just the rest of Titans, I’m sorry I was just so excited!” Starfire apologized, “He’s a fellow Tamaranean with powers nonetheless!”
They continued to argue and Danny knew that this was his chance. He had to get out of here. He’ll come back obviously, but he really didn’t want to keep looking at people’s mouth to figure out if they were speaking English or not.
He stood up and placed his hand on the windowsill, looking back for a moment before jumping up and bolting out of of there.
He turned quickly, just barely scraping his arm against the other building. He focused on just going faster and faster, constantly taking wild turns and changing his altitude.
He kept going and going, ignoring everything else, and he felt like he was reaching his limit in no time at all. He shoot high into the sky, spotting docks nearby. Shooting back back down like a lightning bolt, he almost slammed into the ground nearby. He didn’t make a noise or dented the concrete, so it was a win in Danny’s book.
The docks seem unused and abandoned, but oddly enough the warehouses didn’t. There was one warehouse that was bigger than the others, and it had a clearly visible side door on it. Danny looked around both at the sky and the docks. The skies were clear, but he could definitely hear something coming from that big warehouse.
Danny looked at his hands. Yeah, there might be some criminals in here. If not? Well then he’ll just give some poor folks a handshake or something. Taking his gloves off and tying them onto his belt, he noticed his veins were glowing a bright green. Danny did not know if they always were like that, but it was probably for the best to not use his powers, which was completely fine as he could still throw a mean punch.
Walking up towards the door, he had to take a deep, deep breath. What was he doing? Why was he pretending? Why does he always have to be constantly lying? He could go back now, tell them all the truth before things get more and more out of hand.
‘But it’s too late,’ he kept repeating to himself. The same thing he had always repeated to himself whenever he thought about telling his own parents who-what he was.
He gripped the handle of the door, already able to hear fighting coming from the inside. It didn’t fully sound like normal humans fighting, but a bit like ghost fighting. Shooting, burning, the ground being ripped apart and crushed. People with superpowers exist in this world, Danny could see that much from what he’s noticed so far. He felt like he was definitely not ready to fight anyone who can punch as hard as Shulker per say, but he was already here. He had to do something.
Danny looked around for those heroes who helped him out. Seeing no one around, he took in another a deep breath, and opened that side door.
Nightwing really did expect the kid to run off at some point. He just did not expect the kid to just be gone after he looked away for a single second. Just one second, he just wanted to talk with Kori and Garfield, but no, now he has to search for a glowing, physically andprobably mentally unstable Tamaranean child. If it was only as easy as it sounded because Nightgale was gone gone. Which meant that everyone was freaking out, obviously.
“Starfire! Do you see anything?” Nightwing called out from a rooftop nearby the safe house. Starfire was high in the sky so she could probably see a glowing person much more easily, and she shouted out ‘NO!’ which did wonders to Nightwing’s sprit.
“Beast Boy, how about you?” Beast Boy swooped down as an eagle and shook his head no. Nightwing sighed, “Well, we’ll need to split up then. Beast Boy you go west, I’ll go north, Starfire will go-“
“Nightwing,” Oracle’s voice had suddenly spoken from Nightwing’s earpiece, interrupting him. He put his hand on his earpiece to answer.
“What’s going on Oracle?” Nightwing responded instantly.
“An illegal meta fighting ring has been reported coming from the abandoned commercial docks in Blüdhaven. Do you think you can check up on it?”
“If I had a nickel for every time a meta fighting ring has happened here-yeah I’ll deal with it quickly.”
“Even with the Tamaranean child?” Batman’s voice interjected.
Nightwing’s face dropped. Of course Batman knows about Nightgale, he’s Batman. God damn it.
“Yep, even with them.”
“Their name?”
“They said their name was Nightgale. Now, I’ll get back to you later goodbye!” Nightwing took his hand away from the eyepiece and groaned.
“So we have to deal with a meta fighting ring as well?” Beast Boy asked, “Oh wait! What if the kid got caught up in the fighting ring?”
“Nightgale got caught up in a fighting ring?!” Starfire had come down and was very concerned.
“No-well,” Nightwing thought of how likely it was that Nightgale could actually get caught up in a fighting ring, “There could be a chance-“
“We have to go! Where is the fighting ring?” Starfire eyes were filled with determination.
“Yeah! Let’s save those metas AND that Tamaranean kid who’s name I can’t remember. Sorry,” Beast Boy nervously chuckled a bit during that last part.
“It’s Nightgale,” Nightwing repeated. Actually, the more he thought about it, the more strange it was that the kid’s name was Nightgale. It was pretty close to Nightwing, and there was also the problem of accidentally mixing the two names up. Maybe he should call them Gale, or Night Jr. Damnit, he was turning into Bruce wasn’t he?
Nightwing shook off that thought process, focusing on the matter at hand, “Now, let’s go to the docks!”
“Yeah!” The other two exclaimed. They all bolted towards the docks, towards Nightgale.
It didn’t take too long to get over to the docks, especially since Nightwing knew the way there by heart and the other two could fly. The trio still looked around for Nightgale on the way there, but had no luck with that. Nightwing really hoped that Nightgale wouldn’t be at the docks. He felt like there was a good chance that they would’ve gotten hurt, or worse.
Once the trio did get to docks, they saw the biggest warehouse had a giant hole in its side. People were running away from it, screaming and tripping over themselves.
As the heroes got over to them, they noticed just how scared the people acted. “P-please take us in, we’ll go to jail, just get us away from here!” One of them shouted. All of them were heavily bruised and bleeding lightly, large, but very shallow claw marks across either their chests. 
“So this the illegal meta fighting ring I’ve been hearing about,” Nightwing muttered, “Alright, I’ll cuff these guys real quick, get them to the hospital, and then we’ll-“
“Please get us away from here first! That-that monster in there will-“
“Oh! That might be Nightgale right?” Starfire asked.
“Yeah! They seem strong enough,” Beast Boy added.
“Let’s check it out. You criminals stay here or I’ll get that ‘monster’ to hunt you down.” The threat seemed to be very effective against them, which was very worrying, but right now Nightwing needed to focus at the situation at hand-someone dangerous was inside that warehouse with the metas, and that someone could very well be Nightgale.
As they rushed towards the hole, Starfire caught a criminal being thrown out of it. The criminal also had a large, shallow claw mark across their chest. She placed them down and told them to stay with the other criminals, and they ecstatically did as told. The trio were finally at the hole.
Nightwing now believed the criminals when they said there was a monster here.
He couldn’t focus on anything other than-that thing standing in the center of the warehouse. It was a shadow, fickle and dark, glowing green-bleeding green out of its hands and eyes. Eyes that stared right at him, right into his very soul.
It was pulsating with light, unsteady and bright, drawing Nightwing’s mind to nuclear waste. It’s body seemed to flicker in and out of existence as fast as a blink of an eye, small, almost invisible sparks of electricity jetting out of it.
Its hands looked sharp, fingernails indistinguishable from flesh. They were stained red, blood dripping towards the ground. Blood was splattered at its feet and the ground around it. But he couldn’t see any blood on the rest of it’s shadowy body.
This was it, this was how Nightwing was going to die. He couldn’t move couldn’t think about anything else other than the horrors that awaited him. It was all going to be over and he couldn’t even help that one kid-
“Nightgale!” Starfire exclaimed and flew inside. Suddenly, Nightwing was snapped out of his trance, and the monster disappeared, leaving a tired and trembling Nightgale behind.
Nightwing looked over at Beast Boy, and it was clear that he saw the same thing as Nightwing. Beast Boy looked at him for an answer, but all he could do was shrug slightly. Whatever affected him and Beast Boy didn’t affect Starfire, so he could easily pass this off as some Tamaranean thing, but something in the back of his mind said that he shouldn’t.
Something wasn’t right. Something wasn’t right about Nightgale.
But he’ll think about that more later. Right now, Nightgale and the metas needed help.
“Beast Boy, you look after the metas, I’ll deal with the rest of the criminals,” Nightwing said and then immediately sprang into action.
“R-right!” Beast Boy responded and followed suit.
Nightgale had taken care of most of the criminals involved, but the ringmaster, Roulette, had nearly escaped. 
“Roulette! I see that you haven’t changed at all,” Nightwing commented when he caught up to her. He could see that her left arm was bleeding, baring the same shallow claw marks as the other criminals had. “This is what, the second time you’ve set up a meta fighting ring in Blüdhaven? Why’s that?”
“I didn’t expect to get caught so quickly I’ll tell you that much,” she replied, “Much less did I expect to get caught by your son.”
“Okay, Nightgale isn’t my-“ Roulette took this opportunity to kick Nightwing square in the face. In retaliation, Nightwing grabbed her foot and flipped her over, and the fight commenced.
Back in the warehouse, Starfire was checking Nightgale for any injuries. And he had a lot of injuries. No cuts but a lot of bruises had formed already.
“We have to get you to the Watchtower right away-it’s basically the Justice League’s base and they’ll have everything we’ll need to fix you up okay?” Starfire told Nightgale. Only after she finished talking did she realize that she was speaking in English, so she readied herself for having to repeat that whole thing again.
“I’m okay,” Nightgale muttered, back in English.
Starfire gasped, “Did you learn English while punching all those criminals?”
“Uh, yeah, that’s why I took my gloves off, I’m sorry if I wasn’t-“
“No no! It’s okay, it great actually, because now you can communicate easier with everyone else! Good job Nightgale,” Starfire smiled at them and they shyly smiled back.
“Thank you,” Nightgale muttered, “Do we help those people now?”
“I got it!” Beast boy shouted. He had rounded up all the metas and there were a concerning amount of them.
“There’s at least 9 people here,” Nightgale commented, “Or more. I’m not good with counting.”
“That’s okay Nightgale,” Starfire lightly patted Nightgale’s shoulder, and they didn’t even flinch! Which was great, progress was being in one way or another. “Now, how about we check up on Nightwing hm?” Nightgale nodded, and Starfire quickly checked up on the metas before bringing Nightgale with her outside.
Nightwing and Roulette noticed the two immediately, and Roulette’s eye widened in horror.
“That kid-“ Roulette started, before becoming yet another person who got cut off by Nightgale shooting at them. She dodged but Nightwing was quick to knock her unconscious with his Escrima sticks. Nightwing cuffed her while Starfire helped out Nightgale, who was currently doubled over in pain.
“Are you okay Nightgale?” Starfire asked.
“I want and feel like death, but other than that I’m fine,” Nightgale groaned, “At least this blood isn’t mine.”
“Yeah you need to go get help right now,“ Nightwing commented, facing towards the warehouse, “First we just need to take care of metas, the criminals-this criminal, in particular, and then-“ Nightwing suddenly whipped his head around and faced Nightgale, “-did you just speak English???”
“Yeah I punched a bunch of people. No big deal. What’s that shadowy figure over there?” Nightgale pointed over towards their left, and Nightwing immediately knew who it was.
“If I look over and I see it’s Batman I will not be surprised,” Nightwing sighed. He turned around and did not see Batman, so clearly he needed to spin back around and there he was, Batman. 
“I’ve notified the League about the Tamaranean child,” Batman had began, quickly getting to the point, “You and Starfire can take him to the Watchtower with the Zeta-Tubes and preform a check-up before any questioning.”
“Doesn’t the Zeta-Tubes only work for registered members?” Starfire asked.
“And what about the bad guys?” Nightgale added. He was looking at Batman with a sense of awe, for some reason.
“Beast Boy and I will take care of it. I was able to collect a DNA sample from the initial crash site and registered Nightgale as a guest,” Everyone noticed how Nightgale very visibly flinched once Batman talked about collect a DNA sample.
Nightwing gently patted Nightgale’s shoulder, and they looked up at him with their tired, scared eyes. Nightwing gave them a little smile, “It’s going to be okay Nightgale.” But Nightgale’s expression stayed the same as the trio made their way towards the nearest Zeta-Tube.
It was going to be fine, Nightwing was sure of it. Yeah, something bad might happen because life, but Nightgale would be okay soon enough. But Nightwing could only think about what he saw before he entered the warehouse. Was Nightgale really a Tamaranean? Starfire wasn’t effected by whatever he and Beast Boy saw, and they were both human.
Nightgale wasn’t a human, that’s for sure. But what if was a human, a meta more likely. But then why did he fall from the sky? A portal could’ve opened-actually, a portal would’ve been the only way they could’ve came here, since they definitely don’t seem to have the energy to fly all the way to Earth from…wherever they were from.
So what was Nightgale? Who was Nightgale?
Nightwing didn’t know what was the truth yet, but it wouldn’t be long until he found out. He was sure of it. But for now, he just wanted to make sure Night Jr. was safe.
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chubbysciencenerd · 9 months
Runaway Pet Fem!reader x JacobSeed
dubcon, pet dynamic, dirty talk (slight), orgasm denial, slight Stockholm syndrome towards the end idfk and if you don't like it then simply don't read it.
You have remained captured by Jacob at his compound for just under 3 weeks now, he would bring over your radio and hold it just out of reach forcing you to listen to your friends asking you for help thinking that you're hiding as if this was all too much, you wanted them to know that wasn't the case but you couldn't. Until today, you woke up in the stupid cage he kept you in, it was inside the veterans center and inside he office at the foot of his bed. You felt like he was keeping you like a damn pet. You look and right at the front of your cage you see your radio and a piece of paper, you quickly grab both, the paper had writing on it. Don’t say anything I wouldn’t like pup, I'm listening. You immediately talk into the radio after reading the note. “Hello?..” Sharky answers almost immediately, “Deputy! Where the hell have you been?” You tear up a little as you smile knowing he was okay, “I'm being kept at Jacobs compound, Is everyone alright?” Sharky barley let you finish speaking before he responded. “Jacob Seed? Everyones okay, I can get everyone together! We can come get you, we need you bro.. Johns going… A little Crazy.” You chuckle softly, as if John wasn't crazy already. “No no, no one is to even try to come get me. It wont end well. Sharky Listen carefully, you need to tell Hudson that she's in charge now and I need you and everyone else to help her and treat her with the same respect you treat me with okay? Just until I’m out of here.” It was quiet for a minute before Sharky finally responded. “Broskie are you sure?” You smile softly responding with a simple “Positive” Jacob enters the room and gives you a soft yet wicked smirk. You look up at him nervously as you speak into the radio one last time, “Sharky, I have to go. Tell everyone to stay strong.” 
Jacob squats in front of the cage and holds his hand out, “Times up pup.” You hand him the radio hesitantly, he grabs your wrist tightly grabbing the radio with his free hand. “You smell like shit pup, I'm going to let you take a shower but there's no saying what I'll do if you disobey me. Got it?” You nod shakily, fuck.. This was probably your only chance for a while. He lets go and you snatch your hand back into the cage as he starts to unlock your cage which was more like a damn kennel for a dog, he steps to the side as you nervously crawl out standing with weak legs. He had a good feeling you couldn't run even if you wanted to. He walks over to the fridge in his office and grabs an apple and a water bottle from it and hands it to you. “For strength.” You7 take them hastily, taking a bite of the apple first and opening the water bottle drinking only about half of it, you were too smart to chug it all away. It was so nice to not eat and drink out of a bowl like a damn judge. You continue to eat the apple as he goes to a box he had brought in a couple of days ago. He pulled out 2 little travel size bottles of soap, body wash and shampoo. He sets them on the dresser before pulling out fresh clothes from the box for the deputy. After grabbing the bottles and setting them on the clothes he walks over setting the pile on the top of your cage as he lets you finish your apple. Soon enough you were practically eating the core before he rips it from you, “Did you know.. Apple seeds contain cyanide?” He chuckles before throwing away the core. “It would take around 200 apple seeds to kill someone. Just a little fact” You finish the water before grabbing the f/resh clothes and bottles. He grabs your arm roughly and starts walking you out of his office and to the nearest bathroom with a shower. “No fooling around. Let me know when you're in the shower.”
He closes the door staying inside the bathroom with you, the man was decent enough to turn around so you can strip and enter the shower. You are quick to remove your clothes and get in the shower, You mutter out a soft “Im in..” before turning on the water. Jacob turned to look at the shower to make sure you didn't try anything stupid. “Why do you have to be in here?” You ask awkwardly before putting some of the body wash on a rag that was in there. As you start to wash yourself you felt, Free.. Even though you weren't, not yet. Instead of answering he hums softly. You continue your shower and almost timed perfectly as you are rinsing the shampoo out of your hair you hear yelling and gunfire outside. “Don’t leave this room.” He growls rushing out of the bathroom grabbing his guns on the way out to see what the hell was going on. You turn off the water and quickly get dressed and start to slip your way through the veterans center and out the back without being noticed. Or so you think. You find some stuff stacked near the wall and use it to hop the fence in the back. And as soon as you hit the ground you start running like your life depends on it, once you look back you see Jacob running after you. Fuck! How did he see me? Im so fucking dead.. When you glance back a second time you see he's gaining on you, right as you start to look back there was a loose tree root that you trip over. As you try to get up you feel his weight crushing you back into the forest floor. His knee digs into your back and you hear his heavy panting as he leans over to whisper in your ear. “Pets who run away deserve a punishment.” 
As he finished speaking he moved his knees to be on either side of you, pinning you down before grabbing the waist of the shorts he gave you and ripping them down to your knees followed by the cheap panties. His rough and calloused hands grab your hips harshly before pulling your ass up and in the air. Soft pleas and whimpers escape your lips, “I wont do it again, Please!” You try everything but he doesn't give up. Your heart sinks to your stomach as you hear him fumbling with his belt and jeans and before you know it his thick head is pushing against your entrance. “If you ever think about running away again, remember this day.”  He whispers in your ear before harshly biting your neck drawing blood as he rams his full length into you harshly pulling out and quickly thrusting back in, absolutely rutting against you like a starved animal. He pounds away at your aching core as he pulls his teeth from your neck and licking along the bite soothing it before biting almost harder on the other side of you neck, you yelp in a mixture of pain and pleasure. You felt like he was splitting you open with every thrust of his cock, it was so thick and lengthy you wanted to hate it but.. You couldn't. He grabs your hair and harshly yanks your head back before growling in your ear, “I want to hear you pup.” A mixture of whimpers and moans start spilling out of your lips and he starts going back to kissing and sucking on your neck now only leaving small almost teaseful bites. He sees your hand snake between your legs and he quickly stops after one specifically hard thrust. He grabs both of your arms roughly and brings them behind your back holding them there. “Bad pets don't get to cum”
He starts rutting into you again groans escaping his own lips as he feels his limit coming, “Im gonna fucking breed you, marking you isnt enough.” He chuckles with a low voice before leaning over you and whispering in your ear again. “I'm gonna fill you up to the damn brim so you can have my pups.” You feel him smile against your neck before biting it harshly again causing blood to trickle down your neck as his hips stutter before coming to a stop, you felt so full and almost like he truly owned you now. He draws out of you painfully slowly and you gasp as  the emptiness, you felt like a part of you was missing. You look back and see Jacob tucking himself back into his pants before helping you up carefully holding you against him so he can pull your panties and shorts back up, He didn't need his soldiers to see what was his. You look at him with lost eyes trying to understand why you felt like this with one of the goddamn seed brothers. He chuckles at the priceless look on your face before picking you up bridal style. “You okay pup? I know that was rough but like I said, bad pets need to be punished.” You look up at him with a quivering lip as you rest your head against his shoulder, just because you were bad didnt mean he was the worst fucking guy he was still going to provide a little aftercare, that shit is important especially if he wants you to trust him. He starts to walk with you back to the veterans center as he softly hums Only You. Jacob had kept you in his office for a reason, He wanted you, and now.. He claimed you. You avoid the gazes of soldiers as he carries you back inside. 
He sets you on his bed before leaving, he comes back with a wet and warm washcloth, “Take off your shorts..” You look at him and weakly take off your shorts, he starts on your inner thighs wiping off whatever mess there was before sliding your panties to the side and cleaning up the main mess, his seed was leaking out of you and it made his cock stiffen in his pants causing him to growl under his breath. You weren't in the right state for anything more at the moment, He continues to clean you up before placing your panties back, for such a rough man right now his touch was soft, gentle and slow.. He was being weirdly comforting.. You wanted to hate it but still, you couldn't help but absolutely love it. It was the man you didn't love but he was destined to change that. “What do you need right now pup?” He asks, his voice weirdly soft. You can get yourself to speak still honestly in a bit of shock, He sighs laying on his bed next to you. Before your mind can even react your body starts to cuddle with him, hitching your leg up over his and your arm laying over his stomach as you rest your head softly on his chest. He softly strokes your hair crying to comfort you after that intense scene. He wanted you to love him, not hate him. With you being exhausted the last things you hear before drifting off to sleep are, “I'll make you love me pup.”
Im begging for criticism on my writing, please let me know what would make it better for you guys. Love you all and thanks so much for reading!
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thelaststarship · 2 years
all these streaming services have all these different fucking intros for their original content and it’s impossible to keep track of them. someone ought to try and organize them. might as well be me.
the netflix intro sounds like someone trying to bang down your door in the middle of the goddamn night
hulu intro sounds like getting shot in a drive-by and your soul quickly ascends to heaven because god put a time limit on it hurry up
disney+ intro sounds like corporate shit designed in a lab to make you think about streaming services. it is irrelevant to this conversation, eat shit mouse
peacock intro is actually fucking creepy as shit, gives me the heebie jeebies. sounds like a skeleton coming out of the grave. fuck dude. what is this minor key nightmare. nbc what the fuck are you smoking
hbo max intro POV: you are in heaven and god rewards you with fboy island
prime video intro sucks ass, looks like something that plays on a loop in a circuit city tv display in 2003
roku originals boss you are banging on a piano go home you’re drunk we can’t use this as our intro thingy can we. isn’t that just the apple tv+ logo. or am I mixing up the notes I don’t even have apple tv or a piano
paramount+ intro at least had the decency of combining a few of these. some drums. a whoosh thingy at the end. some more piano notes so you guys better fucking chill with the piano notes pretty soon
tubi originals logo bores me, i sleep. bring back piano notes
youtube originals logo sounded like a diamond in a glass museum display case being observed by a robber, who then smashes the glass with a very tiny hammer. yeesh.
showtime intro sounds like lil aliens blooping on a keyboard or something idfk
but the BEST OF THE BUNCH still has to be the classic hbo intro. fuck yeah. sopranos is about to start, pull up a chair.
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prozac-shaped-urn · 11 months
iiiiiii had a midday nap and this is what happened inside my brain during that time so maybe sit down and have a stiff drink at the ready cuz this shit is wild
AIGHT *clap* SO
when i dream it's usually not super vivid and i usually don't remember them but if it's a midday nap dream, IT'S BOTH
people: myself, j smith cameron (as herself), jean smart (as herself), and @marlboro-cowgirl (also as herself lmao and hereafter abbreviated as MC)
setting: what i'm assuming is jsc or jean's house i have no fucking idea but it's a really super nice house somewhere in cali, a bowling alley (this shit is wild i'm telling you), and a liquor store
dream starts out with me hanging out with jsc and jean in a very nice house. we're chillin out, doing nothing, listening to music and reading books. it's bright outside and i walk to a window to look at the ocean. jean asks me if i want something to drink and i'm like "nah i'm good, but i'm kinda hungry" (great manners katy) and jean's like "okay yeah! i can heat something up" and then jsc pipes up "i could use a drink though" and i giggle like roman roy for whatever fucking reason and jean goes "all i have is diet coke and water" and jsc shrugs "either is fine, just mix it with vodka"
so jean mixes jsc a vodka diet coke (ew) and hands it over while i'm staring at them like i'm watching some kind of live-action disney film. like my eyes are full of wonder and curiosity. oh, they're also in sunbathing attire. like floppy hats and sunglasses and sarong wraps n shit (idfk stay with me) so naturally i'm looking at all the places i shouldn't be bc ~in my dreams i can do what i fucking want~ fuck off.
jsc takes a sip of the vodka diet coke and winces like it's disgusting bc guess what IT IS jsc you fuckin weirdo. and then jean's like "you said mix it with vodka" and jsc's like "yeah but i didn't realize it would be this gross" and jean's like "we can go to the store but i have a bowling competition in an hour" and jsc is like "okay just get something else on your way back" and jean's like "alright fine whatever"
(side note: jean is an avid bowler so this part makes sense to me now that i'm thinking about it.)
that part of the dream ends and we do a DISSOLVE TO: transition like a goddamn film to the bowling alley and i'm there with jean and @marlboro-cowgirl (i have no idea babes my brain is fucked up as you are FULLY aware of) and jean is bowling her ass off and MC is smoking her vape while i'm eating a burger and fries and dr pepper. jean gets done with her streak--bowls a turkey--and sits down to join us. MC is like "great streak! you're super skilled at that." and jean's like "thanks :) you shouldnt be smoking." and MC goes "yeah… but it's better than other shit i could be doing. like heroin. or growing a baby." and jean doesnt know how to respond so she just nods her head with raised eyebrows like *yep these kids are fucked upppp* and then she's like "should we go get j something to drink? it's getting late." and i nod and MC is like "yeah let's fucken roll" LKDALDKJFAL DKFJADL so we leave and go to a liquor store
the three of us peruse the aisles and grab whatever the hell alcohol we want. i get smirnoff green apple and goldschläger, MC gets tennessee whiskey and cranberry juice and some high quality brand of rum i cannot remember the name of, and jean grabs a bottle of chinaco tequila a six pack of regular coke and a six pack of sprite. we go to the checkout stand and pay for our drinks and head out to the car (we're in MC's challenger for some reason--probably the turbo orgasm on wheels engine. also no idea how we got to your car since jean and i supposedly left in hers DREAMS ARE WEIRD OKAY) and head back to the nice house
we get to the nice house and unload our shit on the kitchen counter and jsc smiles and nods her head in approval at the selection before her and pours a hefty shot of goldschläger and downs that bitch like a P R O no grimace to be seen anywhere on her face and jean stares at her like she's just eaten a cockroach. jsc shrugs like *what?! it's good!* and jean just shakes her head in bewilderment. i'm grinning like the village idiot at this whole thing and MC is gnawing on her vape and looking at me looking at them with the most exasperatedly amused expression.
so MC takes her booze and juice and leaves the three of us to our own devices (thanks a lot babes lmao) and i'm in this house with jsc and jean and they're trying to outdo each other by taking shots of tequila, vodka and goldschläger and not making faces. like…… a LOT of shots. jsc gets giggly drunk and jean has to sit down on the kitchen floor bc she's spinning so much. i take a few shots in the there too (vodka or goldschläger only bitch) so i'm also kinda giggly drunk and i go to put the vodka in the freezer to keep it cold and jsc stops me with a hand on my arm and chastises me like my fucking mother "NEVER put alcohol in the freezer." and i'm like "uhhhh why? it's where i store my vodka." and she goes "it worsens the taste. keep it room temperature or in a wine cooler." and i'm like *mkay so #1 that was hot. #2 yes ma'am i will keep my vodka on my counter. #3 i'm too drunk to try and hide any smirks or wandering gaze* so i just straight up stare at her cleavage and nod like a mute idiot.
i go sit back down in the chair i was in earlier and start listening to music and jsc and jean do whatever in the kitchen and then i woke up.
moral of the dream: this grit fic has permeated my subconscious, jsc posting that "party at gerri's!" tweet yesterday evidently did something to my brain, and i should never put alcohol in the freezer.
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since i’m a fucking pig and couldn’t stop eating lately imma post every day now my intake to fucking embarrass myself 🤠 anyways imma be active again! please interact if u are active so i can follow u :))
13.05. saturday
- coffee w milk ~idfk maybe 70?
- apple w cinnamon ~90
- 3 potatoes ~100
- some chinese noodles ~400??
exercise: ~400
total: 260 !!
but it’s only 6 pm here so hopefully i am not going to eat anything else
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oatpizz · 1 year
bruh i was 109 at my lightest bc i was mad sick n didnt eat for like three days but now im stuck bouncing between 110 and 112 and i look so bloated all the time i hate it. my bf is literally thinspo so like that makes it even worse tbh. he eats like 4,000 cals a day and like burns prob 3,000 like what the fuck man. he doesnt even work out he literally is just like that. but yeah im gonna get a gym membership after i turn 18 n maybe ill get some abs or smth so i dont bloat like crazy as easily. trying to boost my metabolism too but idk if its working or not (apple cider vinegar is supposed to help u lose weight or something idfk) ok rant over ig.
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dungeonsandblorbos · 2 years
Campaign Intros: North Pines Camp
having gone through all my PCs, let's dive into the campaigns they come from!
North Pines Camp, a Monster of the Week campaign, was my first time ever playing a ttrpg. the campaign was short and sweet, only running 10 sessions, and my notes are absolute trash. did i memorialize some funny out of context quotes and snapshot moments? you betcha! did i manage to write down enough info to reconstruct the basic mysteries we solved? yes, barely. did i bother writing down anything about my fellow PCs? except for the fact that one of them likes chips on their sandwiches, nope! did i bother noting where the camp actually is or anything about its layout or the nearby town? also nope! did i do anything to help me remember who NPCs were or what they looked like? not really!
this campaign happened, like, five + years ago now. i have played four five other campaigns in the meantime. my memory isn't very good in general, but between the time and bad notes, my memory of this campaign is very minimal. any story times from North Pines Camp will be very brief and won't have a lot of context because i don't know either
but ~anyway~
the setting
North Pines Camp (NPC) is a children's summer camp in (i think) central Oregon, USA. once upon a time it was a training grounds for monster hunters, but it's been 100% properly converted now. definitely. no banjo-playing vampires or child-stealing witches in the woods. nope. not here
the camp is set up on the north end of a lake, and there's another camp on the other side of the lake called South Pines Camp. there's a stable and places to play sports, and a few different activity lodges. Saraki Lodge hosts dances. Newman has a variety of board and card and other tabletop games, including a strange Cards Against Humanity set that seems to have come from another dimension with its own incomprehensible memes. somewhere i think there's also a theatre and an arts and crafts room? and of course a cafeteria/mess hall and nurse's station. and a big garden!
there's also a small town nearby that might be called Acorn. fewer than four thousand people live there, and it's also haunted. cool places to hang out include the Acorn Museum and the abandoned combo KFC/Pizza Hut
the other PCs
Izzy: played with the Spell-Slinger playbook, i think. a fellow camp counselor. she has long blue hair, eats tomatoes like they're apples, and likes her cereal with orange juice. she also eats raw eggs. she once got possessed by a ghost in the abandoned KFC/Pizza Hut and helped him fulfill his dying wish of eating fried chicken
Malcolm: played with the Mundane playbook, i think. a fellow camp counselor. he has brown hair and green eyes and likes chips on his sandwiches. at one point he dresses up as a girl (to try to trick a lonely banjo-playing vampire into kidnapping him shh it makes sense in context) and, while pretending to be a girl, refers to Indie as his boyfriend
the NPCs of NPC
Lawrence: a camp administrator with a spooky personal cabin in the woods where he keeps a bunch of stuff from the old camp. lots of weapons, a monster manual poorly co-written by the original camp's three founders, stuff like that. i think he was magical in some way bc i have a random note about his arm turning to silver but literally nothing else about him during that mission. he has a walking stick that, and i quote from my notes, "is actually a deer"
Gabby: another camp admin who knows about the monster stuff. her DJ name is DJ Gabby Gabs. i think she was normally the one telling us to go investigate things
Gabe O'Malley: the only one i have a last name for? like i said, my notes for this campaign are terrible! he's another camp admin and has his own cabin, where the wifi is named "mancave dog chow." he helped us identify some magical items. that's it that's all i wrote about him
Eugene: some sort of authority figure, or maybe custodial staff? he likes pickles. 9:30 (am? pm? idfk) is Eugene's pickle time. he has a secret fridge in Newman that's literally just filled with pickles. all of the notes i have referencing him are about pickles.
Preston: the head chef. he's got a weed stash somewhere and has a personal mini fridge equipped with a polaroid camera to catch thieves. Indie once stole something from his fridge and then stole the polaroid of himself stealing things
Baltimore: a fellow counselor and the campaign butt monkey--we made fun of him a lot. to be fair, he made himself very easy to make fun of. a lifeguard at the camp and elementary education major who slathers himself in way too much sunscreen and puts way too much mayo on his sandwiches. he's lactose intolerant, and his favorite dessert is vegan cheesecake. his favorite game is jenga. he likes both Neutral Milk Hotel and Mariah Carey. at one point we accused him of having a foot fetish. as a side note, he's 5'8" with "tousled black hair" and frequent bags under his eyes, which makes him sound like maybe he was kind of adorkable actually? he probably did not deserve all the grief we gave him
Paleontology Paul: a fellow counselor who may have been ordained? he made holy water for us once. he dresses like he's going on a dig. i think we joked about trying to set him up with Baltimore; i say "i think" because i have a bullet point in my notes that just says "paultimore" as if that means anything
The Katies: there's five people named Katy at NPC. one is a lifeguard, one does sports, one works the stables, and the other two are both counselors. Katy Quinn, aka Horse Katy, has a daughter named Susie
Derek "Turg" Turgle: Indie's counselor in training. about 16. wears brotanks and has his hair cut like Sokka's from A:tLA. he does yoga. at one point he sees a mysterious fancy cologne in the cabin and assumes it's Indie's, so he sprays himself with it and then immediately disappears into a spooky shadow realm/pocket dimension controlled by a youth-stealing witch. he's okay though; we rescued him
Torvold: a hot Swedish guy built like Thor. i think he was another camp counselor? he loves America and also gets possessed in the KFC/Pizza Hut by the fried-chicken-seeking ghost
the plot
there isn't one. it's more of an episodic campaign, which is pretty normal for this system
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troubledmoony · 2 years
i’m so hungry i forgot what it felt like to be this hungry omg, i’m going to work at 7 so i’ll get an energy drink before hand and hopefully that’ll somehow quench my stomach but idk how i’ll go with not eating for approximately 30h, i’ll see how i feel tomorrow morning and then i’ll base my actions on that. like i might eat an apple or something idfk
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daily-life-of-crow · 2 years
July 10th, 2022
Hey tumblr here I am at 1 am writing. So we left at 12:45 ish. We stopped at a Kwik Trip where I grabbed a beef steak strip and what I believed was apple juice. See it was the one with ttb e character toppers and it had Blue so imma grab. I didn't know there was other flavors. I got strawberry kiwi and I hate strawberry kiwi. Very much sad. Look at lot of shit happened and I am currently just too overwhelmed to finish today's post. I might come back to it I might not. Today turned out to be shit. Having to take care of my grandma, starve myself, get sunburned when I rarely do, not be able to get any craving foods, bunches of new people, and hyper family. To fucking much. I have literally been crying for so long now. I also think I could potentially have an eating disorder. Idfk but I am not good right now. Anyways night this is it.
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lizandbo · 2 years
Haikyuu Boyfriend headcanons
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- he loves you so so so much even tho he may not be good at expressing it
- words are hard for him so he shows his loves through small actions and gestures
- cuddling 100%
- especially if he’s feeling anxious
- loves you to the moon and back
- a lot of time he’s snuggle and nuzzles into your shoulder, neck or your chest of your comfy with it
- like this:
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- play.with.his.hair
- kenma feels so good when you play with his hair and give him scritches<3
- it doesn’t matter if you have the shortest of nails or the longest, it doesnt matter as long as he gets his scratches
- he’ll sometimes cook like ramen or quick fixes for you if you haven’t ate anything yet
- But he also wants you to do it for him too cuz he knows damn well he’s horrible with eating at certain times
- take outs mostly, even tho if you know how to cook your still gonna go have take out
- dates are mostly indoors and away from others
- maybe cooking dates or most Likely videogame dates
- or just snuggling in bed dates(?)
- he loves how you watch him play games
- snuggles and video games✨ - he’s in love if you make or buy him apple pie
- he’s now complete with his life
- loves to hold your cheeks
- even if you have not so chubby cheeks he’ll still hold them and maybe squeeze them
- boops your nose a lot too
- expect a lot of boops back and forth
- nose kisses too
- buys you kitty thigh highs, he loves the way they fit you
- hugs with him are the best
- also if you radiate warmth then he’s gonna be attached by the hip during winter
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- this gif tho💀
- he looks HOT
- Idfk why but it kinda looks funny cuz his upper body is moving but his ass and down ain’t moving
- anywaysXD
-he’s gonna be a little distant and not knowing what to do AT ALL
- but he’s trying
- buys you milk in a form of affection(?)
- He’s weird but you love him anyways<3
- snuggles you in the first month or two in the relationship
- loves your scent but doesn’t admit it cuz he doesn’t want you to think that he’s a sniffing creep
- says dumbass to you but witha smirk
- loves to tangle your fingers around his
- he don’t care if your fingers are super puffy and chubby, he thinks it looks cute like that
- and also loves to hold your hand
- maybe while your asleep he’ll trace the lines of the insides of your hands
- tries to say I love you but it’s really hard for him
- kisses your cheeks a lot
- he loves you more than anything if you don’t judge him if he has a hard time saying certain things like I love you or initiating cuddling
- kageyama feels like your never crossing his boundaries when you do that and he appreciates that so much from you
- he won’t mind if your with your friends but after awhile he starts getting pretty damn jealous
- especially if your with hinata
- he’s scared that you will leave him sometimes so you have to reassure him a bit
- man’s just needs some comforting tho
- if your also interested in volleyball he will love that so much too
- wants you to spike his sets
- he Loves cuddles if you give him a chance to get used to jt
- stiff As a mf board when you first cuddled
- but he loves cuddling so much with you tho
- also 100% tease you if your shorter than him
- it doesn’t even matter if your a half inch shorter he’s still gonna tease you
- but not as much becuase he will soon realize that’s dumb as hell
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
akdhsj like when ur tryna call them off for teasing you but then they grab ur hand and kiss ur knuckles with full eye contact?? shit blows my face n mind so bad even tho eye contact is unbearabke for me 😩😩
a/n: this just screams eleventh fatui harbinger,,,, kinda flipped the roles for this one
pairing: childe x gn!reader warnings: y’all make out in this. so probably 16+ for age warning??? idfk. idk !!! someone help me out
“you know, it’s adorable that you get flustered when you say my name,” childe croons, leaning in close to where you sit.
the proximity has your face heating up, but the smell of his minty breath and the way his eyes, bluer than the liyuean oceans, bore into yours bothers you far less than it once did. you’re becoming more desensitized to childe’s teasing. despite how close his lips may get to yours, they’ll never quite grace your own, so the effect he has on you is lessening with each day as you acclimate to his playful flirtations.
of course childe, being the ever-observant man he is, notices this. with each day, he only grows more bold in his teasing of you. his smirk only grows more coquettish, his eyes only darken with each passing remark, and his fleeting touches only grow more brazen. the way his fingertips brush along your knee, your forearm, your shoulder, and even going so far as to ‘accidentally’ graze your thigh only serves to tease you even further, but such featherlight touches have never broached the barrier between friendly flirting and true intent.
so, in your hopeless, pining misery, you stay quiet in hopes that his touch will one day become more tangible. you pray that one day, rather than merely gliding along your skin with the grace of the anemo archon himself, childe’s fingertips will dig in, holding you tight in a nearly bruising grip, as if he’s afraid to let you go. but alas, you must make yourself content with his fleeting touch and his playfully amorous words.
“i say your name all the time,” you insist, which only serves to make his shit-eating grin go wider. childe’s eyes glimmer at the hint of a challenge -- something you’ve always so willingly provided him -- and you realize the mistake in your words. after all, he is a man of many names.
“then say it,” he orders, voice dropping to a low, sultry murmur. it’s uncharacteristic, yet falls perfectly in line with the way one of his hands rests on your knee and the other wraps itself loosely around your forearm. his broach of your personal space is incessant, yet you can’t help but to feel that if he belongs in such a position. you can feel the warmth of his breath on your face. you wonder if his lips are equally as warm.
“childe,” you say and the man in front of you lets out a soft laugh. despite the derision imbued in its tone, it only serves to make you fall deeper into his trance.
“not that one, sweetheart,” the word falls so easily off his tongue. childe says it as if it was a term friends used on a regular basis. but the click of his tongue that follows his correction reminds you of the fact that you and childe aren’t quite friends nor enemies nor acquaintances nor lovers. rather, you were somewhere in between it all, lost together in the odd fog of muddled relations.
“alright,” you respond, knowing exactly what he’s getting at. two can play at this game. you match his grin with a smirk of your own before glancing up at him through half-lidded eyes. you lean in even closer to him and straighten your posture, reducing the height he has over you. childe swallows at the change in body language, adam’s apple bobbing as you remove his hand from your knee, gently lifting it up to your lips. staring at him unbreakably, you place a soft kiss to his knuckles before the next word rolls off your tongue in a tone that can be described as nothing less than sinful.
childe’s hand fumbles off your knee instinctively at the response, reaching up to cup your face. long lost is all of the charm and smooth nature he held in his prior actions. instead, the blue-eyed harbinger stares at you with widely-blown eyes. they search your face for any resistance and, upon your smirk only widening as you realize you won your little game of cat and mouse, his eyes settle upon your lips.
the wordless question is answered between the two of you in heated glances and the way your hand begins to brush across his bicep, giving him a taste of his own medicine. with little to no hesitation, childe closes the distance between the two of you hastily, his lips pressing upon yours. his lips are slightly chapped and the kiss is rough. its sloppy nature only beckons you for more as your hand departs from his arm, entangling itself in his hair and pulling him closer. 
childe’s other hand removes itself from your forearm and instead slips beneath your knees. before you can ask him what he’s doing, he guides your knees to rest over his. it lessens the gap between the two of you and you only tighten your grip on his hair, causing him to smirk into the kiss before biting down on your lower lip. you let out a soft squeak, but you’ll be damned it you let him win the challenge.
your lungs burn with the need for air and, eventually, you are the first to pull away, a thin trail of saliva still connecting the two of you. you catch your breath, looking smugly at the way childe’s face is painted with rosy pink hues. he breathes heavily too, but a cocky grin crosses his face once more.
“i win,” childe says. the fires of indignation arise in your stomach as you narrow your eyes at his words. he might have been the last to pull away, but you’re determined to beat him at least once, especially after seeing how easily he gets flustered in turn. so, as your breathing returns to normal, you flash a smile at him and lean in to whisper into his ear.
“then how about a rematch?”
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wild-aloof-rebel · 2 years
I just finished outer range and I’m curious to hear your thoughts if you’d like to share them: what do you think is the point of Billy’s character? It seemed like they wanted us to think there’s a reason for his otherworldly quality, but it never really seemed to pay off.
well, i typed out a bunch of things in response to this and then i tried to backspace something and the page crashed and ate the whole thing, so now i’m kinda over it lol. but i guess the short version is idfk. i agree that the show seems to want us to think that there’s a point to a lot of things, and pretty much none of them have any actual payoff (other than i guess the VERY obvious reveal of autumn’s identity and the slightly less obvious only because we weren’t given reminders of it every 10 minutes but still easy to put together reveal of royal’s past). tbh i think brian watkins doesn’t really know what he’s doing—a feeling that only intensified as i started reading interviews with him talking about the show—and i think the show doesn’t even know what story it’s really trying to tell
to actually bring it back to billy though, at the most basic level i think billy is “otherworldly” and weird simply because wayne also is. so much of the show is about fathers and sons, about the ways they’re similar and the ways they’re not, about the ways they feel about those similarities/differences and the ways they embrace them and the ways they rebel against them. and so i suppose billy is Like That to make the point that he’s wayne’s son, that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree (whereas luke is clearly much more like patricia). but at the same time, i also don’t know why he’s SO fucking weird. he’s like twenty times as bizarre as wayne is. they just really leaned into it, and the show doesn’t really give us an answer as to why that is or really even do anything with it. the singing, the weirdness, none of that plays out in what ultimately happens to him through the last several episodes. it’s not like that’s why he chooses to go all in on autumn. he tells her he did that because he ate the time dust and had a vision of them, and yeah i guess you prob have to be a little fucking weird to crush up a rock and immediately think hey maybe i should eat this in the first place, but that’s a pretty weak “point” if that’s all they were trying to do with it. he could have followed her for any number of other reasons, or even the same one, without having to be weird as fuck to make it work. it's not even like the fact that he's more like wayne even makes a difference in the end in his relationship with luke, since billy ends up just telling luke he can have the ranch anyway (and then he, you know, conveniently dies, so it really doesn't matter then)
i guess for me it seems like ultimately they wanted him to be that strange just because they wanted him to be that strange. and that’s honestly my impression of like 90% of the show: we did this thing because we thought it was fun or cool or interesting or mysterious and not because it has an actual story-related, character-driven reason
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loveandlive4eva · 2 years
[ visualization tips ]
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[ when I was a loa community baby, I was so lost whenever anyone would mention I had to visualize for a method, bc i thought I was so horrible at visualizing I could barely visualize an apple 😭 but over time I found tips and tricks that made visualizing so much more easy and fun! These tips can also help you shift and reach the void easier. So I hope you can learn from these tips too ♡ ]
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[ Your feelings while visualizing is the #1 thing for more real and vivid visualizations, I can’t stress this enough. Stop thinking of visualizations of just looking at something in your mind, look at it as how you would feel in this scene that you want to visualize and amplify it. If you want a happy visual, smile through the entire visualization, if you want an angsty one, think of thin that make you sad or angry and hold those thoughts in while visualizing. If you want to feel like an it girl, think of the thoughts and actions of confident women you look up to as inspiration and embody them in your visualization. This tip is so important, this is what makes and breaks the vividness of your visualization. ]
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[ this might seem difficult at first, but it’s actually way easier than you might think. Visualizing is more than just what you see in your head, and realizing this can make your visualizations a lot easier to picture and way more vivid. For hearing, visualizing a conversation with a comfort character, sp or literally anyone is a huge huge help for vivid visualizations and is literally so easy, it’s just talking to yourself. This is the one thing that makes visualizations so easy, and even if you’re visualizing a scene that’s silent or only yourself, you can just visualizing yourself that you’re talking to your subconscious. Visualizing lip movement in conversations also helps. For taste, imagine eating an amazing meal with your comfort characters or people in your life, or eating your own lip gloss and feeling like a total it girl. For smells, imagine smelling your own perfume and it smelling amazing, smelling the cologne or something idfk or your sp, or nostalgic smells that make your feel warm and at home, the options are literally endless with smells and can enhance a visualized scene. If you find it hard to imagine a smell, just imagine the feeling of that scent and what it makes you feel, that goes with all senses. For touch, there’s a million ways this can go, and touch can make a visualization feel a million times more real and lived in and enhance your scenes to the next level no aespa. Think about the certain types of touch that make you feel the emotions that you want to feel in this scene, and then apply it to your visualization. The five senses can enhance your visualizations so much it’s unreal, and can turn a visualization vivid so quickly, using the five senses in visualizations is one of my #1 tips for vivider visualizations. ]
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[ using the 3D to your advantage while visualizing can be very helpful, a lot of people while visualizing feel like they’re just pretending or the mood doesn’t feel right, so setting the scene in the 3D can be really helpful to make your visualizations more vivid! It’s very simple, you can just put on some music that remind you of what you are looking to visualize, wear an outfit that the you in your visualization would most likely wear, and you can even light a candle or put on a perfume or air freshener with a scent that reminds you of visualization. ]
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[ I hope you found all these tips helpful and they make your visualizations so much better, just remember that you are amazing, and all of your manifestations and affirmations are true. Please reblog and follow to help me out, I’m a small blog so I really need the support. byeeeeeee! ♡ ]
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thecampfirestory · 2 years
Hey Dee I'm very sick and slightly delirious pls tell me what your favorite type of apple is if u want 2. I'm eating a granny smith
bestie if ur delirious dont be on ur phone
ig i like red apples idfk like what types of apples there are -d
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