#ebh: post
Some Wednesday (Netflix) doodles from last year
Meant to post these ages ago. The one of Wednesday herself went great until it didn't and I am still disappointed (it's supposed to be the shot of her walking into fencing class)
Also features two doodles of Birdy from EBH, by @toournextadventure (hey it's me, your friendly neighborhood crow, posting on main for once)
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toournextadventure · 1 month
Okay, genuine question, I'm trying to schedule my projects
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So, so, so. First off, I hope to xd that I won't accidentally sent in an ask without anon-ing. happened yesterday and that was when I was just excited not dru--- okay, I am lying, I was slightly tipsy.
ANYWAY. I am thinking about how to start and I had the idea of bbh pov, pre-escpae shot vs post escape shot. I've scrapped that. (I actually don't know about sandwich thing, sorry)
But then I had a better idea, going from Dream's pov and I have the feeling that if Philza or Techno knew that Dream was blind he wouldn't let him go off on his own but we need that aka I need that. So, how do I get around that?
Have Dream have his mask on. Like he said in his interview, no one knows what he looks at behind his mask so no one would know if he didn't look at anything.
But if he had his mask on, he wouldn't have been blinded, right? So, so, add on more angst. by. Quackity pressing the mask back on Dream's face, being kind, giving Dream hope of getting released JUST TO SHATTER THAT HOPE WHEN TWCHNO comes in.
and that's , that's a good snippet to start on, right?
Lol, you might be getting my thoughts ebhing writing.
Lmaooo i believe in you, anon
You don’t know about the sandwich??? Outrageous :0 /lh While Dream was in prison, Bad made a comment about visiting him sometimes while on his guard shifts, and would sometimes sneak him sandwiches because he looked hungry :( important BBH lore ✨
Anyway, I love that. Q knows techno is coming and doesn’t want him to see Dream has been blinded? Mask up, babeyyyy! You could say Dream might also want to hide it from Techno too, although that is a Bad Idea for planning their escape- but this man is not in his right mind!!!
But I will argue that there is no world where Dream would ever expect Q to release him. He’d sooner be killed. Unless it was a horrible trick akin to mock execution. But he surely also doesn’t have a good hold on his emotions anyway!! ;D
Anyway I’m shaking your hand and clapping as you type out your words, anon 🙌👏
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dxmedstudent · 2 years
Not too sure if you will want to answer this but I saw you wrote you went to a London medical school- I just was curious where. I'm at a med school in London too! I'm currently applying for jobs and I've put EBH down first because I felt London will be a) too long to commute to and b) too brutal of a city to work in, I've heard it's v busy and not as social. Any thoughts on this having worked here for your F1/f2?
Hi, Yeah it used to be something I hid back when I was in med school/first started here, as it felt rather identifiable. Nowadays, where I went almost a decade ago doesn't feel quite so current! I went to Barts, but I had friends or family at all the London med schools at some point, so I feel like I have a good grasp of how they all are. I did FY in and out of London - most posts had one job inside and one on the outside. London CAN be brutal - I definitely have friends who hated working in some of the big centres. That said, I've known people to have great experiences in some of the London hospitals. I do think that people are more likely to live further away from work in London, and may be less social after work for distance reasons - whereas if you are all stuck in a little DGH in a small town with nothing else to do, you're much more likely to socialise with your FY group a lot, out of necessity. This might be less of an issue if you have a lot of friends (or family) in London and so have a ready made support group. My FY1 was in a london placement, but technically at a DGH outside of London, and I feel I personally benefited from that "we're all stuck in this place" cameraderie. That said, having worked at hospitals in the Southeast that aren't in London, I can say that you have busy, disorganised, understaffed hospitals everywhere, and you can be unlucky enough to have a horrible placement anywhere.
I find big hospitals can be very anonymous and impersonal, and often invest a lot less in their trainees - especially if they are popular due to research etc. Sometimes it can help to be part of a more specialised department that does its own thing (for example, when I worked in paeds or renal), because then your working life is more self-enclosed rather than dealing with the entire hospital. I've always preferred a small DGH - they can be busy, but if they are well run there is usually much more of a team feel, particularly in medicine where you spend most of your rotations. I feel that when evryone knows everyone, people are a lot less likely to be rude or unhelpful.
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marv-el-spot · 4 years
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BREAKING: Dexter is returning to Showtime for a 10-episode limited series with star Michael C. Hall, coming fall 2021.
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planesawesome · 5 years
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The Spitfire FXII had been in service for over a year when this shot was taken on 12 April 1944 of a flight Friston-based aircraft from No 41 Squadron, over the South Downs in Sussex. The main aircraft in full view are  EB-B MB882, EB-D MB858, EBH - MB794, the other aircraft just out of shot are  MB840/EB-J, MB862/EB-E,  & MB843/EB-K. The nearest aircraft, is MB882. In all this Spitfire Mk. FXII participated to 125 sorties including 30 anti-diver patrols, completing 153 hours and 20 minutes in operations. In this shot she is being flown by Flight Lieutenant Donald H. Smith (RAAF). EB-B s- MB882 (posted by Dan Johnson on The Aviation Forum)..."MB882 was a Flight Commander's aircraft, first flown by F/L Don Smith RAAF and then F/L Terry Spencer when Smith went on to command 453 squadron. It had one of the last two Spit XII kills of the war when F/L Spencer shot down LW "Experten" 'Bully' Lang and his FW190 on September 3, 1944. MB882 took hits to the tail during that fight. Spencer downed a number of V-1s flying MB882 and it's the bird he was flying when he 'tipped' a V-1, something difficult to do in particular with a clipped wing Spit. Peter Cowell was flying MB882 at low alt over the Channel when he 'bounced' off the water, shattering evenly all 4 blades about halfway down on each. He barely limped back at full throttle. This was in June 44." Essentially a Mk V airframe mated to Rolls-Royce’s powerful 1,735hp Griffon engine (which gave it a top speed of about 390mph at 18,00ft), the Mk XII was a low-level interceptor, equipping two home-defence squadrons. Photo: WikiCommons.com
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hulkhogonswife · 2 years
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Posted on September 2, 2022 by Mugzzi
Russian Nuke submarine is sent to the Mediterranean (Poseidon), Queen London Bridge coming down soon?
September 3rd, is the revisit of Hitler’s war on England.  Q896/7;
JFK is POTUS and has been ever since he was shot in 1963.  The plan, which was probably already in effect, then brought out the Marshall Law and the Lock Down of the USA.  This is according to our Constitution and how to deal with Treason and Insubordination.  From that point forward, the White Hats, General Dunford and company, we know he was working with Commander Valiant Thor because Dr. Frank Stranges told us long ago.  I believe the Tartarian people have been working behind the scenes since 1776.  I believe it was these people that help to set up the framework for our Constitution and Government.  They knew, if ever there was a need; they always had this valuable contract of law in place that restored God and Government to “We The People”. 
Take this back to 5+ years ago when DJT comes into office.  The real one, the Rothschild seed of Satan.  After the stage was set and all the DS players were in positions, then the White Hats pulled the plug and arrested the real DJT and Melania.  We saw this messaged to us loud and clear when they got the COVID!  Remember, Remember, Covid = Arrest.  When the new JFK/DJT was placed into that position, the DS started freaking.  The news media is the CIA.  They are mostly double agents working against this country with 2 or 3 citizenships.  They thought if ever caught with their criminal activities, they would just claim the protection of another country.  
Now we need the next piece of the puzzle and strategy of the 6D chessboard:
Senator Grassley is JFK too!  He is next in line for the POTUS.  Therefore, if the DS try to remove Trump/JFK; then there is the Grassley/JFK; and who is running the Republic is JFK!  Therefore, the White Hats have captured the King, Crown, and the chessboard of the planet earth.  
If Biden is not Bidan and not the real POTUS due to election fraud.  The next in line would be Harrison.  Harrison is illegit because she is not from the USA, and she is the female clone from Obummer.  The next in line for the POTUS would be Pelosi.  Pelosi can’t be POTUS because of all her many crimes. 
Therefore, the next in line for the CROWN of DC Corporation is; yep, JFK who is Grassley!
JFK next in line Senator!
JFK POTUS of Republic!
=  They got this!
This is genius!  This truly is checkmate to the planet earth chess game.  There is no where for the corporation to come back from this and anyone they want to put in position, according to the Constitution, would be JFK!  He is right in saying, “No one could have done this but me!”.  He is correct!
What a mind blowing plan!
I have a theory about dimensional travel: so check your own knowledge and spidy senses.  It looks like the White Hats and Galactics are reversing the old world.  Everything that was installed artificially, is now being removed.  George said, that openings to timelines occur with frequency.  This is why the dark hats moved us from 432 hz, to 440 hz.  The 432 hz is our God timeline, the perfect timeline.  The Dracos moved us into the 440 timeline of the Reptilians.  You can open and close timelines with sound/frequency.  The higher our vibration gets, the more we move into a higher dimension.  
This is why the dark ones were doing all the evil crap they could and on ley lines too.  They needed to keep the frequency down so that they would remain in their timeline, 440 hz.  As the Galactics, military, White Hats, Q, and…ect, remove the darkness from this planet, our vibration is altered.  This we can witness on the Schumann frequency app.  The more of them that are gone and the dark occult rituals are removed, the faster we slip into a new timeline.  Trump/JFK is signaling when this is happening so that all those in the know are ready for it.  This all corresponds with the CME that is coming in.
The CME is the scare event.  I’m not sure what that means but my spidy senses say it has to do with the electronic emp that will be flashed.  When this happens, the clones will fall over and no longer work.  Cars could run into the buildings or let your imagination run wild here.  The other thing that will happen is the computer chips fry out.  They will zap out.  This will effect all the jabbers.  Some how, the EMP will affect those chips in people arm.  Maybe burn out?  I don’t know but you should stay away.  Could it be something else?  
The other thing that will happen is the computer chips fry out.  They will zap out.  This will effect all the jabbers.  Some how, the EMP will affect those chips in people’s arm.  Maybe burn out?  I don’t know but you should stay away.  Could it be zombie stuff?  Who knows, but brace yourself.  The white hats have said to “cover” and I think this means make sure you are grounded.  Stay home and ground with a homemade grounding mat.  Make one, its easy.  Look it up, “Grounding Mats”, made at home.  One more thing:  The people that were murdered in Germany never got restitution.  I believe the Galactics are going to allow this to happen so that we get a “healed” timeline. 
What does this look like?  Well, the people who were pushed into taking the shot under false promises and extortion; they are going to fight back.  This time they won’t be in chains and locked in a concentration camp.  This time, they will be able to “legally” protect their family and person against an intrusion.  Isn’t the shot a bioweapon?  Isn’t there documentation and evidence to this?  Didn’t their doctor or nurse lie about its safety?  This in my mind allows a gateway of justice for the victim to shoot back.  This is what will happen and why the military will be called out.  A lot of the people studying the comms also believe this will occur so if it does, stay out of the way.  Hospitals will not be safe!  This is justice and the boomerang effect.  Justice Thomas Clarence signed off on it too.  Let’s see, but I believe this is coming very soon.  If I am right, then the medicine industry will never do such heinous actions against a HU ever again.  Thus, Case Precedence will be established and anyone wanting to do harm for profit, gets a bullet.  
Trump’s EO, moves all the DS assets into stellar.  This is the liquidity we have been waiting for and we needed to have the system up and running before the liquidity.  The QFS was built 2 years ago.  The White Hats switched it on and then started building the new infrastructure.  Approximately, 8 months later is when WhipLash347 arrived on the scene and started teaching us how to invest in the new stock market and banking system.  
If you were to start now at doing what we have been doing for the last year; you could never catch up.  We have been studying, learning, reading, watching videos, and practicing all the while; investing minimal pittance for stocks that are set to be GINORMOUS!  If you started a few months ago, you are way ahead of what the sheep will experience.  They will have to pay higher prices to get into the game of investing.  The longer you wait, the more opportunities you will lose.  Monday is set to launch the new QFS system and this is due to the Queen/London event.  When the Queen goes down, so does her banking system.  This is why its “necessary” to have the BRICKS + and XLM/XRP.  When it goes to the moon, then that is when the Sheep discover it.  Might take awhile to wrap their heads around it so you have time to get in at low prices.  
Since they are so far behind us, it will take them months to learn what has happened and then get involved.  By then, miles of opportunities will be lost.  Many are saying that in 4 months time, we will be living in a new world.  All the evil structures and businesses will be gone.  The medbeds will be here by no later than December.  That equates to stock opportunities.  
One of the stocks we are investing in is the one for “Nutrient Farming”.  I told you it was coming.  There is going to be a business that ensures a progression of improved nutrients in all foods.  This will be bragged about and labeled for the consumer to notice.  It will be a big deal and hemp crops will have a lot to do with it since they clean the poisons out of soil.  Thus, producing a cleaner and nutrient rich commodity.  All the evil stuff gone.  Never again to arise.  Not promoted or funded so it goes away.   
On September 4/5, we will be launching more satellites.  There are currently 3208 new satellites in the sky.  We only needed 3200 so a few extras for insurance.  These new satellites will bring in the 6G internet and faster devices and high capacity chips are needed.  That is why we are getting all new equipment.  All dirty energy is going to be outlawed.  No more poisoning the planet.  When this new system goes live, this could be the spark of EMP and the FLASH we have all been waiting to witness.  I think that hindsight is going to be amazing.  My insight might not be totally on target but your awareness is, so what ever happens, we are ready.  
Election Day, I’m not sure if we have one the way that people are use to.  It doesn’t seem to add up with what is being said.  It seems more like codes they are dropping and that Trump should be re-instated by Tomorrow.  Then he steps down and the events happen.  This could be an arrest or they try to shoot him?  I don’t know, not in the White Hat group.  Juan O’Savin is dropping some bombs so you might want to check him out on Rumble.  
LABOR DAY:  US banking Holiday is on Monday.  We were told years ago that this would be the time to switch to the new bank.  They needed 3 days, maybe 5 at most.  This would have to do with the Queen going down.  Then we have 3 days to convert to the QFS and new Rainbow money.   This also would suggest that the EMP is going to knock out all the old ATM machines since they run on a computer system and the old china chips.  I think they will fry and then the new ATM machines come out.  This is probably why you should have cash.  
Bretton Woods System of a non backed gold fiat system will be reversed.   What is important to know about this “bad” law, is that the DS made fiat money to be the only form of $ exchange nationally and internally.  Every country had to use the fiat dollar or the NATO military would come after you.  Therefore, the world was suppressed and coerced in trading with DS money that was backed and regulated by bad laws, war and oil sales.  This is a monopoly and not fair or equitable commerce for all.  It was a rigged system where they controlled the products sold, how much, and with their dirty money.  Underneath the fait dollar was a supporting frame work of Baby Trafficking Coin:  BTC!  Furthermore, since they knew of the new industries or products to come onto the stage, the DS would control or steal.  This was the case with many products like the water car, cures, technology, and free energy.  
Comex589 is about the 10 to 1 ratio of gold to silver.  The JP Morgan’s were lying about reserves and controlling the value of silver.  This is now illegal and the correct Biblical ratio has been established.  That would mean, if you are holding onto silver, its suppose to raise by 12.00 a week until it matches the correct Comex589 ratio.  The days of controlling and sabotaging wealth for their gain, is over! Link!
September 7:  This is when we return to the era of 1776.  All laws and pre invasion, our world turns.  Back to when the Constitution and leaders were for “WE” the people.  This is mentioned in Q758.
I would like to take a moment and draw your attention to the book:  “‘The Gospel of Q”, when you read this book it speaks of situations they were going through back in the day with Yeshua and the Apostles.   The same thing happened to them that we awaken few are going through.  Krist set an example and lead the way to teach how we deal with Sheeple people.  Here are a few of my favorite quotes:  
“Whoever does not carry their own cross and follow me, can’t be my disciple”.  He is saying, we all must take care of ourselves and be self sufficient, self contained, self learned and self regulated or you are not part of the Kristos.  Someone who is protected by evil, will be those with their own sword and shield.  You must know, learned, and researched to view the truth in all situations.  You can only do that if you are engaged in your own wisdom building.  pg. 27
“No one can follow two masters, because they’ll either hate one and love the other, or they’ll be devoted to one and despise the other.  You can’t serve both God and money.”.  This speaks for itself.  Too many people followed the path of money, greed, selfishness, hoarding, and stinginess; while others were starving, hurting or in need.  pg. 27
“I came to cast fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!  Do you think that I came to bring peace on earth?  I didn’t come to bring peace, but a sword!”.  I think this is profound because everyone wants to be in a kumbaya state of mind not realizing that there is pain coming.  Not just for the DS, either.  There are many family, friends, and associates who have broken the commandments of God.  Through tricks and fakery they easily went with the Shaitan.  When the fires of truth come forward, many will shriek with their own recognition of what they allowed themselves to become.  pg. 26
“I’m telling you, the angels rejoice over one wrongdoer who changes.”.   This speaks volumes.  It is you that have learned from the bad and turned into good.  This is true wealth of wisdom and teachings.  pg. 28
“You who’ve followed me will sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”.   I believe this is a reference to the 12 ways of Satan.  The 12 traps of humanity.  As we move into the truth movement and the “Great Awakening”, it is this time that we will see everyone’s sins and where they failed Yeshua.  Our path has not been easy, convenient, or popular; but it was the right path!  For those who took the correct path, there is many blessings coming your way.  For it is the Kristos who see you, and will want you to help build the new world.  pg. 29
I have more but I will share a little every time I can.  The book is here:  Link!
I would get a copy of this book and use it regularly.  Its not a book that you read and end.  It is a book of reference and you will need time to contemplate the messages.  More importantly, “what does it mean to you and your development?”.  
Bidan’s speech was set up to cause Patriots to grab their guns.  Its a trap!
According to ancient artifacts and writings, there are 7 openings to other worlds on this planet.  These portals were being guarded by the Reptilians.  One in California, “Telos”, Mt. Shasta; Cyprus, “Aphrotos”; Germany, “Jerusalem”; S. Africa;  Australia; and China. 

Let’s talk Australia, they are the ones coming out with the bombs about Western Medicine genocide program and the connection to CDC, FDS, WEF, NIH, UN, NATO, AMA and WHO.  This is a few of the organizations that were carrying out the Nazi 3 Reich.  They were planning on Harvesting the souls of “HU” prior to ascension.  Look at some of the documents starting to come out:

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AUGUST 31, 2022

Even MUSK is asking for the Epstein list.. News anchors are asking for this list…
What is the Keystone?
(Q reference the Keystone for many others drops and have multiple meanings….. But also consider epSTEIN (STONE) ..
_In Hesse the Lords of Eppstein were a family of German nobility in the Middle Ages. From the 12th century onwards they ruled extensive territories in the Rhine Main region from their castle at Eppstein, northwest of Frankfurt. However, their line became extinct in 1535 and the Eppstein name no longer featured in that area. Instead the Epstein surname has had Jewish origins.
After the Jewish exodus from Spain in 1492, a line moved to Ebstein in Styria and took the Ebstein name. Ebstein became Eppstein and then Epstein. During the course of the succeeding centuries the name was assumed by many Jewish people, not necessarily because of any particular line or relationship, but simply because it was a well-known surname.
_In the late 1800s the ROTHSCHILDS of Germany decided to Rob their own Jewish people who were wealthy in Germany with the help of ELITES of Bush ( grandfather) family And Bohemian Grove ELITES who controlled all of U.S. media and influencers and U.S. banks ….. The idea to create WORLD WAR 1 and 2 was born
The SATANIC Freemason theory order of chaos and world sacrifice to CABAL God moloch/// .. The 3rd Reich was actually the CABAL and controlled by the Jesuits from Bavaria who came off The VATICAN controlled KAZARIAN Mafia SYSTEM …(The Nights Templar was actually the first military to install banking system through Europe… Which to this day is the World banking system connected to BLACKROCK ROTHSCHILDs SOROS CIA ROCKEFELLERS ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT..)
Back in 1766 Benjamin Franklin a national treasure and U.S. icon traveled to Germany. Switzerland.. Italy and met with the Elites of Europe the old country…. In this trip he was introduced to ADRENOCHROME and how you extract the adrenal gland from the body!
> In 1998, a team of renovators working on restoring the former Franklin abode uncovered over 1,200 human bones in the basement of the house of Benjamin Franklin. ( The media controlled by BLACKROCK , Freemasons -whom Benjamin Franklin was a part of 33rd degree illuminati – were quick to cover up the story and blame a friend of Benjamin Franklin , saying was Cadavers study and Franklin didn’t know? )
The TRUTH of the story of the legacy of Benjamin Franklin was> he was an ADRENOCHROME DEALER and linked to every U.S. major society in his day and age.
Inside the STORM…
WORLD WIDE LEAKS pressed by White HATS Mil. INTEL> WILL keep dropping…..
Currently, DS death camps are running commercials to drive in more blood, organ and killing people for profit programs.  On TV and Radio, doctors are warnings about a specific type sickness.  This is not new, by the way.  Its the way they have always driven in the sheep for the grand illusion of getting well, and swapped for death executions. 
The symptoms they are describing is parasite die off!  These pricks are telling people:  (ascension symptoms) as disease so they can poison you or kill you for profit.  Do not trust them.  Get your activated charcoal and apple anything to absorb these poisons.  Its just parasites people, don’t have a cow.  Calm down, you will be ok.  Wet cold cloth behind the neck if it is intense.  Stay cold as your body goes through this healing process.  If you are heating up, your body is processing poison from the dead parasites.  It’s ACID.  Stay cold and use activated charcoal to absorb these toxins.  I did 4 at a time in severe conditions, otherwise, 2 was good, every 4 hours. 
My buddies who do memes and videos to help teach us what is happening, need some donations.  They don’t work because they are Anons working for God’s Plan, so if you can help them out; they would be very appreciative.  They need equipment to do this and they have electricity and Internet payments due.  TY 

The purpose of putting a Vril into every human, is because the Reptilians were going to control the dead bodies like they do with the clones.  They were cyborging people so that the Vril would kill them, and then the Reptilians would put their consciousness into that growing Hydra worm thing and take over that body.  Think Avatar, and their brains/consciousness was being housed in the Ukraine.  This is how the Elites/Reptoids/Demons were going to live forever.  They know our bodies have Archangel Michael’s DNA and stem cells, thus immortality was plausible.  Therefore, they put a nano, computer device within the bodies so they could control them like you would a robot.  The Vril was for their Consciousness to invade the brain of the human!  WE, the “HU”, were to be the Ultimate Avatar for Reptilians to hide within.  This way, they could invade, Trojan Horse, the higher dimensions and realms.  Thus, creating Zombies!  What a plan.  Frick, no wonder the Archangels, Q, and the rest of the Galactic team is here.  The bodies need blood, that is where your blood was going.  It was not only being sold on the black market to demons, used for food, used in clones, and also for the Zombies.  The sheep are going to poop themselves when they learn about this and I’m running to high ground before it starts.  
The water, “Watch the Water”, is also a warning to the Reptilians. 
Their Vril worms like water.  Thus, when the White Hats flood out these underground bases, the Vril comes out of the head of the clone and dies.  When that occurs, then the body will collapse and eventually the Vril dies since it does not have a body to live off of.  This is how the White Hats are going to complete the process of elimination of the Draco invasion. 
The sound frequencies keep them underground (plane and wall), and then the floods finish them off by drowning them.  In addition,  the removal of the Vril so they can’t come back alive.  It completes the whole process.  It also cleans out and destroys all the Draco dumbs.  
It would appear, that the DOD was behind this operation and setting it up for all the Ruling Elite.  This was the Golden Ticket and they thought, they would escape 3d and glide right into 5d using our bodies.  
If you notice, Nellie Ohr was working the farm of Hydra.  This is probably what Commie Comey was coding back in the day to his devilish clan.  Remember all the corn crops and harvesting?  He was signaling when the jabs would be ready due to the mass production of the Hydra Vrils.  No wonder they were all so smug.  This was their ultimate plan. 
If this is the case, then the hyper sonic planes going overhead at night are actually killing these hydra Vril parasites that are within the Sheeple.  Logic thinking tells us; Anyone who took the jab, has these awful things within them.  The solar flash will be used to kill the nano and the Microsoft chip.  The nano receivers will malfunction and then die since they cannot be held together with no coding.  
This is why all computer systems, phones, antennas are set to deconstruct on Que!  The software used for this operation was used by Apple.  This is why Steve Jobs faked his death and joined the Q team.  He is the one behind the new computer systems, Q-phones and killing off the old Draco/Gates/CIA/DARPA ones.  Do you see the plan?  
As we move into the final phases of the removal and end of the plan; look back and see who was talking about Q?  Who followed Q and who did their own research and dug up the truth about our movement?  More importantly, who did not!  This is crucial because now you will see the DS stooges that were taking payouts from the Privy group.  You cannot fake what just happened (5 years) and which side of the coin each worked for and who is a God loving person.  Go back over your programs and SEE for yourself prior to the arrest.  
FACT – Diet Truthers – who ignored the Q drops for the past 5 years and listen to Infowars etc – struggle to understand the 30,000 ft view perspective of the ‘Operation Warp Speed’ move by President Trump.
Alex Jones is a liar who pretended he spoke to Q for anyone who still listens to Infowars.
‘…Hey everyone look at us, we got Q on the phone…..’ 
Bill Cooper warned us about Alex Jones the Stratfor shill.
‘…..oh look…he must be reals because he exposed Bohemian Grove by “breaking” in…’ 
Any so called ’truther’ in the alt media who still choses to ignore and dismiss the Q movement have exposed themselves as being diet truth.
They are either compromised or they cannot escape their ignorant two party system or anarchist biases – whatever it is we do need to call it out.
We don’t just ignore such information in the alt media.
That is what the sheeple do.
So Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Greg Reese and co. have zero credibility moving forward when it comes to their perspective Re Trump.
Ask them why they ignored the Q drops???
Diet Truthers are black pillers who actually hold back the truth movement due to their cowardice (…but but but Q is kooky), ignorance or being an infiltrator.
David Icke and Alex Jones deliberately ignored the Q drops for 5 years…
It is super weird guys – lets not pretend its not.
An honest truther would have done a deep dive to figure out for themselves why people call Q a military operation.
Nah….they didn’t. Why?
Well it is just easier to not do any research, be weak and dismiss the subject as Operation Trust 2.0 to try to sound clever.
If they try to say they did look into it but all they took away from it was ‘..sure it was just a larp…derp.’ – then this means they have terrible discernment, are not logical thinkers as they do not have the pattern recognition abilities ANONs have.
Infowars are the pied piper of the truth movement, taking people away from the hardcore issues that are not already out there.
They cover what everyone else does to fit in as a reliable news outlet in the movement.
Infowars do not really break stories that shake the truth movement with new info…but they do lie about Sandy Hook and PIZZAGATE when the Deep State get exposed.
They are controlled opposition.
Ignoring the entire Q movement for 5 years after the media banned anyone talking about it, speaks volumes about who they are and whether or not you should be listening to theirs or anyone else in the alt media who could ignore the Q drops so called geo-political “expertise”.
Just say no to diet truth.
The one in the red robe is the alligator style reptilian.  
VIDEO LINK:  Reptilian in the vatican
The Shoe guy, Krist, Joshua and Pleiadian Teacher:  he was conceived on 9/11.  He was born on November 22.  The DS was reversing his timeline back to inception.  That is why they do so many horrible things on his inception to birth!  In order to fix this abnormality, the White Hats, Q, Z, X, and Galactic Federation of Worlds, is going to make AMAZING THINGS HAPPEN to reverse the energy of 9/11.  
The UBI is a base income for 3 years to get your feet under you for the new world integration.
The Strawman account requires a Business Plan to draw down your trust funds.
The RV is a liquidity transfer through the Stellar Network.  It is also being monitored and protected by Q and the Military.
Look and see:

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He says, “People who are forgetful, procrastinating, fight the learning or not taking an active role in their lives; could be MK Ultra.  They could still be dealing with mind control mechanisms that was installed within their consciousness since the time of birth.  Therefore, he says “We need to detox and fight through the “I can’t” isms.  The natural state of any human is to want to learn, recreate, improve and balance all life.  That is why we are known as “HU”, is because we balance and improve.  We have exceptional creativity skills and when you put friction behind it, magic happens.  Thus, if you are experiencing blocks of this type; please push through it.  We also need to detox from human consumption.  Did you know the DS were putting bones in your sugar?  Its probably in your salt too.  Be careful what you are putting into/onto your body.  
Steps for Healing:
 Break through your MK Ultra.
 Do not eat poisoned foods.
 Detox years, and years of poisons.
 Eat healthy diet with plenty of, but not limited to, raw fruits and vegetables  (avoid the bug powder, its poison).
 Supplement with real supplements, not synthetic they are poison.  
Learn how to read labels.  You can get an app for your phone that teaches you what stuff is, so no excuses.  
Pay attention to what you put on your body and in your body.  
Healthy water can consist of vortexed, distilled or alkaline.  I do them all.
Sleep well.  If you are having issues with sleep, then get an EMF sheet (Amazon or eBay) for your bed.  It goes on the bottom and protects against EMF poisoning.  They really do work.  Get one for your pet too!
Yoga exercise.  Stretching is an underestimated value.  You can improve your body’s functions just by stretching.  Get into it.
Learn how to improve the functions of your home so its not poisoning.  Do you know, a Pure Sign Wave is an electrical rhythm of electricity that does not harm the body.  The stuff coming into your home is toxic but by using a Pure Sign Wave converter, you can pulse out the bad rhythms and create healthy ones.  
Poisons include:  Western Medicine anything that includes eye and teeth remedies.  X-Rays should only be used for emergency reasons.  Not as a full panel to radiate your whole body.  Its poisons.  Do not trust the false white coat idols.  They lie and kill for profit!
Foods, Water, Air, Home products and gases should all be re-investigated for its health benefits or toxic output.  
Venoms, very real and by taking a few herbs you can get rid of its residual effects within your body.  Look at cures, Supra!
Radiation, you need to be taking some form of Iodine.  The more the better!
Parasites:  taking a good, not the arsenic china shit, but the real stuff that is off branded is helpful for riding of bugs.  Herbs too.   Powder probiotics and prebiotics and watch the sugary yogurt crap.  Its bad for you.
Bath Soaks with baking soda, Epson salts, tree oil like White Pine essential oil, Boron, and flowers makes a great detox.  Lysine, Zinc, Parsley, Tomatoes, Aloe Vera and Vitamin D are great detoxers.  
Ionic Detox Foot bath or Detox foot pads on the bottom of feet.  This is a must.  Poisons go to your north and south poles = head and feet when you sleep.  
Woman, your private parts.  New products on Amazon for testing and correctly healing.  Research!
Happiness, realizing you are free and are about to start living a dream reality; you should want to jump for joy.  The only way to move into this new world, is by leaving the old one behind.  Picture this, you  walking out of chaos; bombs, explosions, dust flying everywhere, fire burning, and flooding is all behind you.  You are leaving and not looking back.  You have that in your review mirror and before you is beautiful paradise.  WE are moving into the Pleiadian paradise and its incredible!  Have faith, God is with us and leading the way.  Keep marching forward!  Love yourself first so you have something to offer others.  BOOM!
Learn so you can empower you.  Gain self worth, self respect, self esteem by learning.  This is how you do it.  Here are some great areas to learn:  GeoThermal, Water from air, Water purification, Solar, Radiant Flooring, Hempcrete Refrigerators, Turbine energy, Triple Helix Energy, Torsion water generators, Frequency gardening, Home building with Eye Interest and Excitement.  These are some of the new areas of home improvement/life improvement we are moving into.  You might as well learn about it now.  YouTube University has a lot available and its all free.  Pick up some tea and go after it.  Its time to make you great again!
Sound Healing, its available all over and it really does work.  Its soothing and comforting.  YouTube and Apps
Quantum physic healing:  How to use the Subspace to heal your body.  The necessary tool for balancing and harmonizing into a 5D world from the DNA, to Cells, to Energy Meridians, to Chakras, to Organ Healing.  That is just a taste!
Look into Crystal Bowl, Tuning Forks, Drum, and Grounding Techniques for healing.  
Mediation, You Time and Inner thinking; allow yourself to get to know you.  Discover how you think, how you can expand, and where you want to go.  It’s all about you and you building the best form of you that you want to so here you go!
Stay and maintain happiness!  Don’t let people bring down your highest Kristos vibration.  They go, not you.  Do not engage with those that are throwing temper-tantrums.  Let them figure it out for themselves.  Focus on you, please.  TY
Frequency planes are flying over us.  They are healing us and poisoning the Draco Federation of Demons. 
It is a dynasty of evil that is going to be exposed.  Israel has already arrested all their government and will be doing voting in October.  Netanyahu is set to be the big arrest and its for carrying out 9-ll.  This is what will wake everyone up.  He is the cornerstone that brings the whole house of cards down.  Timber!  Watch for Queen to leave the public eye soon.  All the Royal Snakes are going to be terminated in people’s minds.  Then you will see a lot of the cloned entities leave as well.  
Dig this, behind every single one of these evil bastards, was a Reptilian.  The cloning centers were building clones for the Reptilians to control on this dimension.  Thus, all the Avatars that were being used by the Evil beings will need to be terminated.  Many have fallen dead already and many more to come.  All Hollywood were Stepford Clones.  The real versions were taken in underground bases or removed from the public’s eye.  These were the contracts they needed to sign.  “Sell your soul to the devil”, was this agreement to be cloned and used by them.  Therefore, by removing the underground bases and satellites also means the construct that upheld the clones.  The clones are the ones dyeing in droves.  
The people that took the jab, good news! 
The operating system that was installed through the jab or the PCR test, will be broken up and destroyed with the solar flash.  This is the computer system designed by Deadly Gates, that will be killed with plasma.  This has to happen so that the White Hats can stop the “Zombie” apocalypses.  Yes, its real.  Check the CDC website for more information.  The DS/ Cabal was planning on doing this IT Cyborg creation to rid the planet of useless eaters, creating slaves and taking dominance over the world.  Therefore, with the “Zap” of this Cannon sun blast, it kills the nano particles from forming a computerized system of control that the Reptilians where going to utilize to take controls over humanity.  Don’t believe me?  Go into Walmart, Restaurant or any highly populated area and turn on your Blue Tooth.  Its picking up on their “Western Medicine computer chip.  Hence, we need to destroy this computer system so the that is why we are having a solar blast.  Watch out for the die off of the parasites too.  They could make you sick as heck, so start taking your activated charcoal.  
Looks like the Galactics/Space X/Space Force/BRICKS+/White Hats/Trump=JFK/and Military is ready to rock and roll!  They are going to hit the kill switch soon.  John MacAfee, great man, he is sitting in a computer room, that was built inside a faraday cage.   Hmmmm, wonder who is crashing the old internet?  Hi John, Go after it!  Life is fun.   You can do the same by putting foil, foil containers over your equipment.  This creates a easy fix.  Not sure if it will work, but if its good for computer genius John, then we can do it too.  
Get prepared and plan for something to happen 6pm, 6am somewhere…its war so I don’t know exact.  Just be ready for lights out and experience some bumps to our bridge on our way to freedom.  Ready, Set, Let’s do this thing!
No more censorship on the Covid Vaccine.  Nope, Donald J. Trump made the vaccine and dispersed it.   He is the one that has poisoned the world.  You mean this was developed in Nazi’s WW1 and 2?  In addition, SARS I, II, III has been around for a long and Trump made them all?  Yes, how do you think they got the Germans in the train and created the harvest.  They had COVID!   This allowed the interdimensional demons, Mantids, Greys and Reptilians (known as Draco factions) to harvest the German people for Adreno/Organ Harvesting/child sex slavery/Experimental Projects.  They also tested toxic poisons on them so the Draco’s would know how to poison future generations, like fluoride/cloning dna, and DuPont chemicals like Chemo.  Therefore, all this happened because Trump created this vaccine?  He is to blame!  Tucker Carlson is on fire now telling the truth about the vaccine and injuries because its Trump’s fault.  Check it out…
link:  tucker exposes trump
Israel is the King of organ harvesting.  They, DS Canaanites, sent out their Khazarian Jew doctors to harvest body parts from the HU.  In order to convince the masses that they needed to be compliant in harvesting, they had to set up an institutional framework and change the laws.  Thus, the Rockefellers started putting together with the Clinton, Hitler, Rothschild, Gates, Bush, Fauci/Carnages, and other Dynasties of Luciferians.  These are the demon seeds that come from the Fallen Angels, and they eat humans.   They created Western Medicine for this purpose! 
If you were highly intelligent, and got tired of going around the world and mascaraing people for food, which drove them underground for protection; you would find a simpler way to harvest.  Thus, to create a fake illusion of a healthcare would make it easier for drawing blood, harvesting organs, causing deadly treatments, kidnapping children, experimenting on prisoners and steal the dead.  This would be easy if you owned the healthcare system, CPS, Foster Care, schools, governments and hospitals.  This is what the Illuminati did so they could have access to a quite and agreeable HU’s.  All the “HUs” in the world!  A continual food production operation and the sheep would not even know it was happening.  
Everything around us was poisoned so we went into one of the butcher shops thinking we would get remedy, But instead, we got sicker and eventually death.  Now its coming out that the DS was poisoning foods and drink with bones for sugar, sollent green human flesh in hamburger, and nanotech in other products.  They poisoned food, air, water, clothes, soaps, wall boards and so much more.  Can you imagine how fast we will heal when this stuff is gone!  This is why George warned us and told us to go Vegan for awhile.  He also wanted us to grow our own food, and have our own sources of power.  He was guiding us to leave the Luciferian Matrix.  
If you have been a victim of this psyop, don’t worry medical beds are coming.  You can also start to heal your body by getting away from these well know and researchable poisons.  Once your immune system stops protecting you from invading threats; your body will now switch on stem cells and heal your body.  Watch your diet!  Cures on on the tab above in the menu items.  See supra!
Back to Western Jewish Doctors:  
Israel is the “WORLDS” biggest harvester of “HU” =human body, to feed the Dracos.  The UN, NATO, CIA, FBI, NIH, NIAH, FDA, OSHA, CDC, DOJ, DOD, Universities, School Boards AND MORE….  Were all tied into the harvesting of people.  They ran drugs, guns, people, babies and trafficked woman all for the sole purpose of producing a stream of food for the dark ones.  If you are taking pills, stop!  They have poisons in them.  Do not trust those fake idol white coats.  The good ones are probably working with the military.  The ones that remained will be the 8 million arrested.   The SHIT is about to get REAL for many! 
Here is the real awakening and below are links that were provided by military.
ISRAEL:  Organ Trafficking Capital of the World:  https://archive.iis/vQPFo
NYT Finds “Disproportionate Role’ of Israelis in World Organ Trafficking, https://archive.is/UMCfs
ISRAEL:  Becomes in International Organ Trader Past Decade;  https://archive.is/usfBA
ISRAEL:  is the Organ Harvesting and Human Trafficking Capital of the World;  https://archive.is/wIWOK
Scientist using Stem Cells to Create “Synthetic” Embryos with brains and Beating Hearts!
DNA Experiments:  Cloning
ISRAEL:  Ringleader of Ghoulish Human Organ Trafficking Syndicate;  https://archive.is/60s6Z
ISRAEL:  Organ-smuggling “mastermind” arrested in Cyprus;  https://archive.ph/DPEaS
ISRAEL:  Arrested in Rome for Organ Trafficking;  https://archive.is/SSPI0
JEWISH:  Americans convicted of Organ Harvesting;  https://archive.is/ewJhs
How US Rabbis & Israel Traffic in Human Organs & Money Laundering; https://archive.is/79szd
ISRAEL:  Special Investigations Unit busts organ trafficking ring;  https://archive.is/WstUM
ISRAEL:  Doctors admit Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent;  https://archive.is/ISWdf
They are the Illuminati, Bilderberg’s, Freemasons, Communists/Socialists, Nazi, Zionist, Khazarian, Satanists and ALL are Cannibalism, Baby Traffickers consuming Humans for food, who rape, and torture for Adrenochrome!  
NOTE:  Israel is the main hub for pedocrimes, childtrafficking, and organ harvesting.  They control the governments, law enforcement, 3 letter agencies, judges, lawyers, and corporations all behind HARVESTING OF HUMANS!
HUM:  Abbreviation for Human Adrenochrome:  Link!

30.08.21 – Destruction of DUMBS and Adrenochrome harvesting stations!
Shell Co. cover for HUMA!!! 
HUM – Human
A – Adrenochrome
Expect weeks of fuel supply disruptions.
Hurricane Ida shuts down 95% of Gulf of Mexico oil production
The Royal Dutch Shell Plc Convent refinery is seen Saturday, Aug. 28, in Convent, Louisiana, ahead of Hurricane Ida.
More than 95% of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico has been shut down because of Hurricane Ida, regulators said Sunday, indicating that the hurricane is significantly affecting energy supplies.
Shell has a 268-km pipeline located right where our 3 HUMA [dead ships] are.
Are [they] harvesting Adreno on HUMA and sending the chemical to the Bonny Offshore Terminal via F-39?
ZOV:  Has its own video player.  Just click on the name!
Israel is for last, has to do with the Western Medicine genocide program.  That will lead right into the Fallen Angels, and the disclosure issues of invasion and rescue.  The sheep/people of this world are about to get educated and slapped right into a higher consciousness.  Get on board and join the rest of us, and live a more intelligent lifestyle or leave.  If you are lazy, critical, negative, or just really stupid; then another 3D is awaiting your arrival.  You will not be able to stay here if you are 3D (not you guys you are the chosen ones).  Start noticing the drips of information about the poisoned jabs.  Watch the news, its now taken over by the military.  BOOM!  The AWAKENING is here!

BIDAN SON, The Trailer!!!!, it has its own player so just click on it!


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TIFFANY BLUE?Interesting, who is the most evil of them all?
Special Note:  I believe it is JFK who is showing us this whole evil mess about the control of our world.  He is the guy pretending to be Trump.  If I am correct, he will be showing us through signs, that it is indeed him leading us to the promise land.  Who else would know where all the dead bodies were?  Who else had access to all the Presidential documents and the clearance to enter these secret dwellings?  Who is he working with, Commander Valiant Thor, Tesla, John Trump, and so many others.  I feel his energy, and the more that the light of Christ is shining through, the more I see him!
Well, of course they work for the 5 Eyes, and they answer to the Illuminati, 13 Priesthoods of Lucifer, and they answer to the one eye, who would appear to be Satain.  This is the circle of occult, evil rituals being performed on every man, woman and child.  Who is enforcing all this?  It seems that Trump is showing us its the DOD.  The Department of Defense has been the entity enslaving us and creating Adreno, organ harvesting and controlling the monopolies throughout the world.  The inter-dimensional beast beings are going to be exposed when we get to Israel.  Me thinks, anyway.  
One of the Dynasties of EVIL, is the snake Vatikia.  It would appear that they are set to close its doors at the end of September.  All appointments have been halted and then you have this:

I did make it perfectly clear, that the founding fore-fathers of the 1776 invasion were Adreno, perverts who were raping and pillaging this great land and were taken over by the Reptilian king, the Crown.  This tyranny has been going on since 1776!  In 1861 is when they passed Crown rules to take over our country.  Non of it was legal or authorized by non other than the Illuminati.  A lot of their bogus laws are being reversed.  Hang on, the TRUTH is coming.  
What do we have here?  We have judges authorizing illegal search and seizure of property.  This action was demonstrating how the unlawful actions go to the top.  Supreme Court judges, Attorney Generals, Governors’ and Congress are all in on ripping American’s rights away when ever they see fit.  
  Here you have the corrupt UN police department going after a sitting President and making false claims about a crime, that they themselves set up and carried out.  Through the FBI, the January 6th fiasco was headed up by the FBI!  It was Adam Shifty eyes who opened the ton poundage door to let more FBI agents into the Capital building.  The problem the DOD has now, is that the White Hats had moles amongst their ranks so everything was video tapped, recorded and witnessed by the USA military!  They were there and being controlled by Operation Liberation USA,  JFK and friends.  I’ve been informed, the lying sackbags of MSM has been taken over by the military.  That is why they are starting to drip with the truth.  Look how they are starting to question Lying Elf Fauci. 
That monsters needs to fry in hell.  What a piece of demonic work he was.  Of course he has been taken out and what remains is some small guy in a mask.  When the time is right, the White Hats will do something that shows the Sheep the truth. 
Remember, Remember, the great reveal is for the Sheep.  They are going to get bitch slapped for being in ignorance.  That was a choice my friends.  These people chose to be stupid, lazy, and malfunctioning “HU”.  God wants to make sure they have soul memory before they depart from this reality.  Don’t worry, they go to another school and will hook up with us later.  
They need to go through this pre-meditated hell so they don’t do it again.  They need to understand the importance of taking care of a Mario.  
ANOTHER MASSIVE FRAUD AND KILLING MACHINE IS WESTERN MEDICINE.  What these monsters are doing to our kids, babies, family, loved ones is all for PROFIT!  They are killing for Adreno, organ harvesting and killing for money provided by the BlackRock and Vanguard foundation.  Money is passed through the backdoors of the Stock Market, BTC, and bribes with homes, cars, and vacations.  All the while, you are losing someone you love so that they can live high on the Luciferian money train.  Its sick and when people wake up and realize the extent of this horrendous killing machine, its going to be a Civil War.  These sick “F” are not going to be able to walk down the streets.  Do you realize, there are 8 million more arrest for the public sector.  That means, these doctors are finally going to get their just deserts!
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AUGUST 30, 2022
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HOW DOCTORS DIAGNOSE FOR COVIDUT OH, PEOPLE GOING TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH ABOUT THE CV SCAM!DNA DESTROYED THROUGH THE WATER!ALEX JUST GOT ELITE PEDOPHILIA INTO THE COURT DOCUMENTS!POTOUS GOING AFTER BIG TECH AND SOCIAL MEDIA WIZARDSBIO LABS IN NIGERIACorintians 4:4; Merchants and Pharmakeia is Satan's Industries! Mike, you see this? WE are leaving Satan's world and 144,000 jumped in to rescue the "Hu" from the underworld. Western Medicine is Satan's Industry! Satan used all forms of negativity to blind the masses. Their punishment was the jab. It is in the bible! The Shoe guy warned us.ALIENS HELP DO 911!
AT LAST! THERE IS NO COVID, NO SARS, NO MONKEY POX, NO VARIANTS! All you have is the symptoms produced from the poisoning of the vaccine, and the revealing of the lies that created the pandemic. Currently, the Health Agency in Canada is quarantining the vaxxed and are required to download an app so they can be followed and digitally traced! Is this coming to America? The bribes, deceit, genocide, and disgusting lies to fake people out so certain individuals could make millions of your loved ones lives. There is going to be a Civil War over this. People will be irate when they find out there are no studies of safety for any of the pills and drugs they sell you. Its all a scam. Surgeries are not necessary, blood drawings are not necessary, ex-rays not necessary, and the other steps they put you through so you think they are "healers" is all a scam! All the way down to their white coats! Liars and fakes for profit.
The Quantum Healing AND Salve store: Link:  Quantum Healing Club
Quantum Healing with BioFrequency Quantum Medicine
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Cancer Act of 1939
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toournextadventure · 3 months
Y'all gotta help me decide what to post next (since I'm working on multiples at once)
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marv-el-spot · 4 years
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JAIMIE IS GOING TO ATLANTA!! This is not a drill!!! (Lady Sif is back! 🙏🙏🙏)
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doodledgalaxy · 2 years
~This is an unofficial gravity falls birthday post, as I do want to do a proper piece based on the show~
(All clips from a work in progress)
💫10 years ago today Gravity Falls aired for the very first time! It was an absolute spectacular show, and talk to almost anyone who’s seen it and they’ll have praises for things like it’s storytelling, characters, and even its ability to immerse and connect with fans
🌲Personally, it’s a very important show, as it made me realize I had wanted to be an animator and saw what kind of stories could truely be told through animation, since it was pretty unique when it came out. It also got me more interested in character design and inspiration taken from the supernatural kind of creatures
💫So one of the projects I was working on for Gravity Falls birthday was making one of those parody intros that were popular back when it was airing. Due to both really loving them back in the day and wanting to make one, but also because how I approached making characters was changed by the show.
🌲And while I only have work in progress parts of it, it’s still made with the joy Gravity Falls used to give me every-time a new episode aired or discovering and deciphering a new code!
So happy birthday Gravity Falls, and thanks for being such a great show 👁
8-1-16-16-25 2-9-18-20-8-4-1-25 7-18-1-22-9-20-25 6-1-12-12-19!
👁 Uhdolwb lv dq looxvlrq, wkh xqlyhuvh lv d krorjudp, exb jrog, ebh!!!!👁
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hulkhogonswife · 2 years
12 31 2021
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Empowering Better Humans
• 5:5 George
• Log In
• MedBed Decodes
• The WHO and UNICEF Polio outbreaks really are caused by polio vaccines
• Water Births
• Western Medicine Described by Christ
• Man Made Virus
• CV19 Vaccine Facts!
• Unveiling the Apocalypse
• Divine Plan and the Hero’s Journey
• Jews are NOT Hebrew “Christ”!
• Fallen Angels Tribe
• Gospel of Thomas
• Fallen Angels Tribe
• WW3
• 18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason
• 911
• N.E.S.A.R.A
• ISO 20022
• Interledger QFS BlockChain Family
• ISO 20022
Posted on December 28, 2021 by Mugzzi
I have so much information for you. Let’s start from the top. The Star People are deconstructing the pyramid from the top down. They have not spared one energetic move that was not planned out and properly executed. They are God’s army and the best of the best in all the Omniverse.
Pope, Head of snake and Satan. He was the Grey Pope. All popes are now dead. A Pope was executed on December 25. This healed the Satanic timeline. This will remove the fake Ba’al Christmas and move us to the January 7the Orthodox REAL Christmas!
Trump is coming out on the January 6th to speak and he is suppose to be revealing insight as to what is happening. We will never do the old Ba’al Christmas thing again. We are leaving 3d and going into 5 D. All 3d stays on this timeline.
Do you know there are 3 primary spiritual teachings from the original people of this planet. Three, and only 3, the rest came from the invaders. The three are Abraham teachings, Christian Teachings, and the Orthodox Jew teachings. That is it. This is what we are returning to and the others WILL BE destroyed by rods of God. (Can’t wait)
The only ones that celebrate solstice are the invaders. They would mark the time slots when the Reptilians would return from their war shifts. They taught their Reptilian families how to tell when they return. They placed sun markers up and counted the solstices and knew when they were done with their missions and set to return. The Mayans, Incas and other tribes did this and you can see them on Epstein’s Island too. Its part of Pagan and Wicca worship.
Stone Hedge is another misnomer. We assume its good because it has energy and people flock to these tall high rise rocks. Guess again! Stone Hedge was the portal for Nibiru to pass their demons onto the planet. People going to these areas are picking up on entities and not good ones. This area needs to be destroyed too. People are dumb!
Speaking of which, let’s talk RV. I’m so sick of the calls misleading people and say its this week, now this week, now this week….and so on. Total BS and unplugged from TRUTH. They are misleading people on purpose and they really have no clue what is taking place. Here is the real story so you don’t get caught in wasting your time on the “calls” of pretension.
Queen Lizzy owns the Common Wealth and its at London Financial center. The Queen owns the CIA. Owns, not borrowed but set it up to control the world. The CIA did 911. They also interfered with every election around the world. Remember Germany? All the servers, Skittle software and the dominion voting machines belong to who? CIA and who owns the CIA? With this, Trump was able to take all Queen’s assets. She was put to rest 2 years ago. All Reptilians are either at gitmo or dead so don’t worry.
When Trump took seized her assets he also seized all castles. The only thing left was the London Bridge. The financial system of the DS in London. Currenly, we are waiting for them to go broke then the Queen’s death will be announced and White Hats take it all. We now go to GESARA. Who goes first? IRAQ, so don’t get your panties all in a wad. There is a plan in place and you can not follow the steps. We are not number 2 either . We are number 7 to go for RV. You can’t have the RV until we have the new banking system so watch for QFS. Period. Why would you put money in a Rothschild bank when you know they will steal from you. Dah!
This is why the new banking system QFS will be secure and private!! It has to remain a secret so you can have safety.
Let’s talk about the first arrest. The first arrest will be Bin Laden. He faked his death several times but really is alive and seal team 6 know where he is and they have him. The head Seal team boss just died so you know who turned them into Clinton. Scum, betrayed his own men. Seal team member knew of this and saved his team and faked their death. They have been in the witness protection program and they are witnesses to Bin Laden, who is CIA operative Tim Osmond who is also Barack!!!!
This is going to open up the whole Pandora box and spill all the evidence of what took place and how we were invaded from within. How the Queen was behind it and how she pulled the strings. Its all documented and that is why the White Hats needed the computers in Germany. That is why Gina Haspel was there trying to protecting the servers. Shoot out happened, they loss and military left with all the servers proving all the fraud around the world came from Lizzy. People are going to be in shock!
Another shocker, Joe Biden apparently pulled the trigger killing JFK. That is why junior sent him a letter and let him know he was a traitor. He knows and this is also why he was put front and center for everyone to watch the take down. WE of course will not be surprised.
I’m finding the White Hats put the best DS people front and center so we know who they are and what they did, up close and personal like, Mike Flynn is allegedly DS. Sydney Powell, have picture with her 24 gold Ba’al necklace on and she has plagiarized some of Lin Woods information. Both of these people will be dealt with soon and masked.
Queen Romana is a huge scammer. He is a crisis actor and has been indicted.
Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood are under arrest and awaiting tribunal trial.
Donny Osmond arrested and waiting trial.
The city of Chicago has run out of money!!!!!
Arrest warrant for Cindy-Kay Currier for questioning on fraud, conspiracy, and impersonating the Primary Monarch of the Reign of Earth.
Canada is going to fall under the USA Republic so if any other fake rulers show up, you know the truth.
Michael Protzman Indicted and Gitmo Bound, this is the alleged Queen Romana!
I see John F Kennedy Jr. posting these so I think of a JFK Bat that is plucking people over to Gitmo. They have been batted by the best! I wonder how many has he done so far…hmmmmmmmm?
Xi and other leaders know who is who and what side of the fence they are on. I get fooled but they don’t. They know so this is why its best to sit back and wait for the Gitmo Bat! Let’s not forget, these DS players are taking money to do this confusing lie trip and the White Hats have the bank records. All of them including BitCoin so there is no hidden nothing. They are caught so I sit back and wait for the Bat.
It is impossible or a law which violates the Constitution to be valid. This is succinctly state as:
“All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)
Pope before Crash “Financially” (tied to Lizzy and Evergrand) P =C
C before D=declass, now it makes sense.
Allegedly, on December 31, 2021 CDC is pulling all PCR test! Its the beginning folks.
Co V Fe Fe
Is Cobalt, Vanadium and Iron. It changed the 5G towers to 432 Tesla healing towers. You got your med bed on a stick! We are climbing out of disease nice and easy like, ok? Lots of apples, and real alkaline water will do the trick. Go green juices too, and keep your meal small. If you get overloaded with die off, try activated charcoal pills.
Way back when, the Cannites, known as Kazarians; were raping and pillaging the travelers along the silk road. They would kill them and eat them then steal their stuff and assume their identity. This became such an issue that Russia got involved do to the numerous complaints and told the Kazarians they had to stop their occult rituals of killing, stealing and pillaging and choose from one of the Orthodox spiritual ways and teach their children. No more sacrifices would be tolerated. They were give the choice of Abraham, Christian, or Jew.
Well, they chose Jew because it was Christ religion and then they perverted it. The Kazarians went under cover as a “Jew” but they are not Jews. They are Satanic killing machines and this is how they started.
5d News!
It would appear that China has created the new sun for the new matrix for 5D. The old one will leave us soon since its on another timeline. This one is build on nuclear fusion and has hot plasma up to 160mn degrees Celsius. I think this is being used from backup after the shift. Just in case stuff.
IRS is a Foreign Corporation
Posted on July 13, 2020 by Mugzzi
Posted in ARCHIVED NEWS, DR. SAM, RADIOTagged IRS is a Foreign Corporation
The Liver
Posted on July 10, 2020 by Mugzzi
As I always say, “The body is the Sum of All of Its parts!” Yet we lead by a medical system that has a multitude of specialists that only care for one part, disregarding its relationships with the rest.
I’d like to share with you the importance of the liver. Because the liver is responsible for 500+ essential functions, science shows even the slightest toxins in your liver can lead to Liver Damage and without you even knowing it, robs years off of your life.
Don’t think that if you don’t drink alcohol, you’re safe. You may not realize it, but there are 84,000 toxic chemicals in your home, our air, water, and food, that our body’s and our liver are responsible to filter daily.
I like how an industry Colleague, Drew Canole, summarized the jobs of the Liver:
House Cleaner: Your liver filters your blood, breaking down toxic chemicals with names you can’t even pronounce.22
Power Plant Operator: Your liver converts food into quick energy (glucose) keeping your mind alert and your body active.23
Protein Builder: Your liver creates “survival proteins” for clotting your blood, and fighting infections.24
Matchmaker: Your liver balances your sex hormones. Without it, you’d have the libido of a dying sea cucumber… Oh yeah, it also handles weight-loss hormones like insulin, ghrelin, leptin, etc.25
Nutritionist: Your liver regulates your essential vitamins and minerals, including iron and copper. It balances your cholesterol and makes bile for smooth digestion.26
Why did I decide to share this information with you? Because, regardless of symptoms, which I am choosing not to share with you today, you must care for your liver. You are affected by toxins every single day of your life.
I beg you to stop choosing how to take care of yourself based on How You Feel…and start doing things for yourself to improve How You Heal!
This is called being Pro-Active, Rather than Re-Active.
That’s how we move toward a future filled with hope for an Active life, rather than one filled with medication, pain, illness, and inactivity. This can be a choice! And it’s up to you!
So keep your eye out for our next email. I will share with you a great LIVER DETOX that’s easy to follow. There’s no supplements and nothing to buy, except for a few critical purchases from your local supermarket.
As always, I recommend you get informed. Let each week’s teachings lead you to learn more, on your own, about the information we are offering. Your body…your health…your choice! And good choices can only be based on proper knowledge.
So check in next time for more information on how to periodically, get your liver in check, get more energy, better sleep, improve cholesterol and blood pressure, and move yourself incrementally, toward a better, healthier, happier future! See ya next time!
Dr. Sugar Hill
Posted in DR. SAM, RADIOTagged The Liver
Protection Badge from the Face Mask Enforcement
Posted on July 10, 2020 by Mugzzi
Link to print: here!
Posted in ARCHIVED NEWS, DR. SAM, RADIOTagged Protection Badge from the Face Mask Enforcement
Posted on July 9, 2020 by Mugzzi
Holy See
Posted on July 8, 2020 by Mugzzi
The Holy See
Rasputin is the top bloodline: Satan; who was part of the royal papal bloodline: Link!
Who is Rasputin: Link!
Archbishops govern over their districts known as episcopal sees. Bishops and Cardinals are the eyes of the
Vatican and Holy See. The Holy See is the All Seeing Eye. The word holy derives from the Greek word holos which means whole. All is a synonym for whole. Archbishops have the highest level of oversight in their districts and are meddling in everything. Bishops oversee politics, business, police, education, medicine, organized crime, and the secret societies as well. They are an intelligence network for the Vatican and Black Nobility. Jesuits are another form of intelligence specializing in recruiting, infiltration, and deception. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is the Vatican’s top council inside of the United States and is headquartered in Washington DC. Cardinal Daniel Nicholas DiNardo is President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops and has worked in Rome at the Holy See as a member of the Congregation for Bishops. Cardinal DiNardo is a Knight Grand Cross in the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Cardinal Edwin Frederick O’Brien is one of the most powerful bishops on the planet as Grand Master of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem as well as former Archbishop for Military Services in the United States. Pope Francis is sovereign of the order. The Order of the Holy Sepulchre oversees both Israel and Palestine as well as Jordan and Cyprus through its Latin dioceses.
Duke Franz Wittelsbach of Bavaria is a high level member of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem as well as a Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and Austrian Order of the Golden Fleece. The Roman Catholic Wittelsbach family were the last reigning monarchs of the Kingdom of Bavaria which ruled during the establishment of the Bavarian Illuminati in 1776 by the Jesuit educated Jew Adam Weishaupt who was trained in Canon law. The Illuminati and secret societies are working under the Vatican’s authority today and that includes Freemasonry. The Vatican uses compartmentalization and secrecy for control over the secret societies. The monarchs manage the secret societies while operating as branches of Rome’s new empire. The United States was established in 1776 the same year the Bavarian Illuminati was created and later incorporated the All Seeing Eye into the US Great Seal and US dollar bill. The New World Order or the Illuminati is a vast conspiracy involving various organizations, secret societies and religious institutions all working towards the same goal. That goal is global domination and human enslavement. These groups are all unified as brotherhoods and sisterhoods through greed, corruption, and highly immoral and illegal initiations. The Vatican is the centralized point of control with the royal and noble families operating as the top of the global crime syndicate and New World Order.
by: Poul Larsen
Posted in ARCHIVED NEWS, RADIOTagged Holy See
Posted on July 7, 2020 by Mugzzi
Who Owns Western Medicine?
Posted on July 6, 2020 by Mugzzi
The Lucifer’s Bloodlines, Owns Western Medicine.
Robert Kennedy Jr.: “Pharmaceutical Drugs Are Now The 3rd Leading Cause of DEATH” In US: Link!
Pine cones, he is needing Adrenochrome.
Posted in ARCHIVED NEWS, RADIOTagged Who Owns Western Medicine?
Our Amazing DNA
Posted on July 5, 2020 by Mugzzi
Posted in ARCHIVED NEWS, RADIOTagged Our Amazing DNA
Posted on July 5, 2020 by Mugzzi
Posted in RADIOTagged BAD LAWS
Bioweapon Swine Flu Vaccine
Posted on July 3, 2020 by Mugzzi
Obummer calling the shots to poison the people of USA: Link!
Posted in ARCHIVED NEWS, RADIOTagged Bioweapon Swine Flu Vaccine
Terra Papers: by Robert Morning Sky
Posted on July 2, 2020 by Mugzzi
by Robert Morning Sky
from Scribd Website
Portuguese version
Spanish version
We are not alone.
The astronomers are wrong. The scientists are wrong.
They are here, but we cannot see them because they hide. They hide…in plain sight.
We are their servants, we are their slaves, we are their property….we are theirs.
In time, the Star Being would come to trust the six.
By using a small crystal to create images, the Visitor began to communicate with the young men. Calling him the Star Elder, the youths sat at the knee of their Friend, examining all of the crystalline images with great care, piecing together the incredible history of our Solar system and Mankind itself.
Star Elder’s message was simple m Star Beings have been here since Earth was a barren rock. They were here when Man was created and have been here throughout his evolution. In some cases their involvement was benevolent, in some cases, it was not. Man has been guided…and he has been misled. The Star Beings have been our Gods…and our Devils.
They have always been here, and they are still here now.
When pressed to explain his presence on Earth, the “Star Elder” stunned the six. There was a war in the skies above, his ship had been downed by enemy forces!
I am called ‘Morning Sky’… Robert Morning Sky.
My grandfather was one of the six young Indian rescuers. When I was young, my grandfather told me the story about his Star visitor. He and his friends called him ‘Star Elder’, a name given out of respect. But as time passed, his name was revealed to the youths. He was called… ‘Bek’Ti’.
This is his story…and mine.
In the late sixties, I was enrolled at a University in a Religious Studies program. Towards the end of my studies, I submitted a paper that briefly summarized the history of Man and Earth as told by Bek’Ti. I titled the paper, ‘TERRA, a Hidden History of Planet Earth’. I was sure it had presented & well researched and well documented work.
It was immediately labeled a work of outrageous, if not blasphemous, distortion of historical records and not of the caliber of a serious student of Religion. The TERRA PAPERS, the story of Bek’Ti, nearly got me thrown out of school.
In frustration, I approached a UFO organization and some UFO researchers reasonably confident that they would be most interested in my story. To my surprise, I was rejected offhand. I was advised by one researcher that UFO’ s were quite clearly a phenomena of a technology and NOT the works of the mythical beings of primitive peoples. (Curiously, he is now a well-respected UFO author and has recently released a book on the ET/Native American connection.)
For thirty years, I have avoided telling the story. The initial response to my efforts was discouraging. But I have recently been persuaded to try again.
The history of Man and Earth presented by Bek’Ti is both exciting and frightening. The creation of Man and his place in the galaxy is made clear but in the process his nobility, and his pride, will be injured. The abduction phenomena and the attending grey beings are revealed to have been integral parts of Man’s history but are explained against the framework of the purposes of the Star Beings for Mankind.
The sources of Man’s religions and the origins of legendary figures like Zeus, the Minotaur, Osiris and Isis, and a number of other ‘mythological’ beings are explained and also placed into the framework of the History of Planet Earth.
And, so too, upcoming events can be predicted. Not from any psychic abilities or channeling, but from patterns of an on-going effort to direct Planet Earth.
Man will soon be surrounded with images of asteroids and falling fiery comets. Black pigs will be seen everywhere as will Angel figures. Dinosaurs will become children’s heroes and violence will be the foundation of their play. New airborne diseases, immune to existing treatments, will surface. NASA will be rendered weak and impotent, if not terminated.
A galactic war of conquest rages over our heads…
Earth…and Man…is the prize.
This is my story…
This is my Grandfather’s story …and… this is the story of Bek’Ti.
The explosion rocked the Nothingness of the Void.
Primordial ‘essence’ was thrown violently outward. Like a primeval ocean, wave after wave crashed out into the black pit of the Void. Nothingness beheld Chaos, Chaos poured out into Nothingness.
As the primeval waters streamed outwards, rivers of dark ‘essence’ swirled together, forming huge whirlpools. As the whirlpools spun inwards, the ‘essence’ condensed into clouds of gas. Superheated from the compression forces in the core of the swirl, sparks ignited the volatile clouds. Explosion after explosion formed enormous balls of fire, supernovas of brilliant red and dwarf stars of blazing blue.
Like islands in the waters of ‘essence’, the stars formed from the swirls in the spinning galaxies. Time after time, the process was repeated in the Void… time after time, a galaxy was born.
In time, one of these galaxies would come to be known as ‘ERIDANUS’. This is a history of one small part of ERIDANUS… and a tiny world known to us as EARTH.
In the swirling primordial ‘waters’ of ERIDANUS, many of the stars gave birth to worlds of their own.
From the gases and dust thrown out from the suns, the planets condensed and cooled. Elemental gases combined to form moisture, the rain fell to form oceans. Thunderstorms raged, the oceans tossed and turned, crashing on the shores of the surface lands. In the midst of the lightning and fury, a single spark flashed, creating in one micro-second a single cell of life.
Single celled life forms combined to create multi-celled creatures, multi-celled creatures became complex beings with billions of shells… fishes, insects, birds, reptiles, plants and mammals. As many different creatures as there are stars in the galaxy, came into existence.
And in time, ‘Humanoids’ evolved. Fish humanoids, bird humanoids, reptile humanoids, mammal humanoids and humanoids of every kind, became the consistent outcome of evolution.
As Primordial ERIDANUS MAN developed, his caves gave way to huts, gatherings of huts became settlements, settlements became cities. The trapping and hunting of animals gave way to fur trading, fur trading gave way to markets. Gathering gave birth to gardening, gardening yielded to farming.
The needs of ERIDANUS MAN became desires…desires became greed. Compassionate men became leaders, leaders became conquerors, and a ‘primitive’ world became ‘civilized’. Differences of opinion became arguments, arguments became wars. Curiosity and necessity gave birth to technology.
Early ERIDANUS MAN had conquered his world.
And then ERIDANUS MAN looked up, up into the skies. And he saw his moon. He created ships to carry him skyward, and his conquest of the moon began. As he stood on the moon, as he surveyed the lunar cities, he looked up and saw the stars above him. Seeking more, he moved skyward again. This time neighboring worlds were discovered. ERIDANUS MAN conquered the environment of the new world, and the cycle began again.
And so it was that ERIDANUS MAN met his relatives in the galaxy.
ERIDANUS BIRD MAN met ERIDANUS MAMMAL MAN, ERIDANUS REPTILE MAN met ERIDANUS INSECT MAN, and an ERIDANUS REPTILE MAN greeted them all. The many evolved beings of the worlds of ERIDANUS gathered and talked. They traded, they danced, they shared and they joined together. In time, they learned from each other and they lived together.
And… they went to War.
Primitive ERIDANUS MAN had become a ‘civilized’ ERIDANUS MAN, primitive war gave way to the Science of War, Death in all its horror became a tool of Progress. Galactic kingdoms in ERIDANUS rose and fell, civilizations prospered and died. A continuous series of wars engulfed the entire galaxy.
No single Empire endured for long. None save one…
In the galaxy of ERIDANUS, the way of things became war, violence and turbulence.
Surfacing above other races as the Supreme Masters of War, the ‘SSS’ Beings, (so-called because of the hissing sound they made as they spoke), weathered war and chaos to seize and retain a sizable portion of the Ninth Sector of the galaxy. Though originally ruled over by Kings of repute, it was under the ‘SSS’ Queens that the Empire was to reach its pinnacle. Known as the ‘SSS-T’, the Queens and their techniques of rule became the very embodiment of Royal power.
The very name for a throne, ‘AST’, would be chilling tribute to the deadliness of the reptilian Queens.
In a galaxy of chaos and war, the SSS beings had no peer or competition. Ruthless in command, and efficient in their cruelty, the SSS-T Queens were brilliant politicians and war strategists, using events to advantage and manipulating wars to their advantage and gain.
Providing the Royals with the power to conquer and reign over their foes was a powerful military force, unmatched and unequaled by any other. Comprised of tall imposing figures, the SSS Warriors were cold-blooded warriors with frightening dragon-like faces. Though evolution had long since removed their scale-like skins, the plates on the body armor gave an impression of fierce, dinosaur beings.
Only a long ridge of bone rising from the forehead and trailing back and over the head remained to hint at their reptilian ancestry. Known as the ‘M-K’ or ‘M-G’, the appearance of the SSS Warriors alone was enough to strike fear into an opponent’s heart.
Countless wars over billions of years had taught the SSS Queens a vital lesson, an enemy or rebellious subject serves no purpose if executed. But if the brain was re-programmed, resistance was eliminated and an able body was added to the labor force. Mind control was the SSS-T Science of choice.
Referred to by other races as the ‘ARI’ or ‘Masters’, in time they would become known as the ‘ARI’ of ‘AH’ (Heaven), or the ‘ARI-AN’. Today it is known as ORION.
But though it had become the epitome of power and might, a symbol of brutal rulership and unrelenting aggression, the fates would play a curious trick on ARI-AN.
In their quest for galactic power, the SSS-T Warriors had looted the Palace treasuries of their victimized worlds. The cultural riches of conquered worlds were placed on display in the museums of ARI-AN, making the Empire the center of Ninth Sector culture and wisdom.
ARI-AN became the showcase world for Poetry and Music, Art and Dance.
It was a step, however unknowing, for the evolution of temperance in the SSS-T psyche.
Though the reign of the SSS-T Queens on the Ninth Sector was seldom challenged, of great concern to the ARI-AN Queens were the movements and expansions of yet another race called ‘RRR’.
Evolved from vicious mammalian predators, the ‘RRR’ were still in the early stages of development, their thirst for expansionism unburdened by the softening that continual wars and time brought on.
For the RRR race, war was the entirety of existence, all else was meaningless. Life itself meant obedience and total commitment to the RRR Kings, anything less meant death. So quickly did they create their Empire, so ruthless were their techniques that the RRR would become known as ‘ASA’ or Over-Lords.
In the Ninth Sector, the worlds of the RRR would be known as ‘ASA-RRR’.
Led by the fearsome ‘IKU’ Warriors, a barbaric army with a fleet of deadly Starships of overwhelming fire-power, the Kings of ASA-RRR wreaked havoc on the worlds surrounding the Ninth Passageway.
The elite ‘IKU’ Forces descended on their unsuspecting targets with unmerciful and unrelenting attack, clearing the skyways of any potential resistance and totally decimating land-based strong-holds. Within moments, Warrior Ground Forces, the ‘BEH’, moved in to annihilate any and all remaining military forces.
Renowned for their practice of devouring the flesh of their enemies, the IKU and BEH became known as the ‘D-K’ or ‘T-K’, the ‘Teeth’ of the RRR.
Aggressive and ravenous, unrelenting in their expansion, the RRR Conqueror Kings began the slow, methodical take-over of the ‘PESH-METEN’ (Ninth Passageway), a crucial Star Lane.
Seizing the Passageway would give the ASA-RRR Kings control of travel into and out of the ARI-AN Empire, and that possibility was one the SSS-T Queens could not permit.
But the ASA-RRR Kings were a formidable power.
The Ways of War had been the driving force of their evolution. Every King had demanded much of their military forces. The Star-ship pilots’ the IKU, possessed light beams which could melt targets, cut them to pieces or disintegrate them. The elite Ground Forces, the BEH, used weapons which could emit sounds that stunned the enemy, disintegrated solid objects or could be used to transport an object from one place to another.
Ail in all, the DAK forces had in a short time become an army of devastating power. The ASA-RRR Science of War was a Technology of Death called fAT’. And from this new science, the ultimate Warship was spawned. A planet-sized globe with the armaments of all other Starships…and more, the Warship was dubbed the ‘RR’ or ‘AR’.
A miniature world capable of a destruction never before seen in the Ninth Sector, the AR of DAK forces made the Empire a force to be reckoned with. The rays of the sun glistening off the surface of the Death-ship made the AR shine like a bright star in the skies. Though a brilliant star was often a portent of wondrous things, this star brought death and destruction.
As the ASA-RRR Kings continued to expand their holdings, the SSS-T Queens made a careful gesture of peace towards the conquering Kings in the hopes of resolving the dilemma before War became necessary.
The billions of years of conflict had taught the SSS-T an invaluable lesson, war brings death to a winner as well as a loser. There were other ways to win the conflict. Victory was, in some cases, gained by taking the enemy into one’s own folds. The DAK could be won over in a more clever and devious way.
The Queens of ARI-AN called for a meeting of Royals. If the Kings of ASA-RRR pledged their loyalty to the SSS-T High Throne and submitted themselves to the service of the Throne then they would be granted control of the outer stars of the Ninth Sector. Realizing the magnitude of power in the offer extended, the ASA-RRR Kings quickly agreed to the Alliance.
The DAK forces and mighty AR Death Planet were placed in the service of the SSS-T Queens, the outer Ninth Sector was made part of the ASA-RRR Empire. Catapulted to a place as super power by the Alliance, the Stars of ASA-RRR became known as the Empire of ‘SSS-T.RRR.SSS-T’ / ‘Empire, born of the SSS-T, dying for the SSS-T’, or ‘SS-RR-SS’ (Sirius).
With the ARI-AN Alliance to back them- the ASA-RRR Kings began yet a greater effort to conquer and seize new systems, new worlds to add to their Empire.
Solidifying their power, levying heavy tolls and embargoes on travelers on the lanes of the Ninth Passageway, the SS-RR-SS Empire had soon become
The ARI-AN Queens watched with a wary eye, the moment of betrayal must be carefully planned.
And so for a time, a tenuous peace came to exist between the two Thrones. All was well, until the era of the Monarch known as the Great AN-AN, the Elder King of ASA-RRR.
The following are ancient Egyptian words of AR origin:
In the era of the Great Elder King AN-AN, life on ASA-RRR was good.
The luxuries and benefits that befitted a Conqueror race was theirs to enjoy and revel in.
The alliance with the SSS-T Empire had made the Kings of ASA-RRR more powerful than ever before and had permitted the people of ASA-RRR an opportunity to enjoy a richer style of life.
But the power of the Throne also made the life of the King more precarious. Treachery, lies and deceit surrounded the King. Assassination plots, military coups and alien invasions were the every day matters of the King. The Prince was expected to plot for his father’s demise, distant brothers and illegitimate children pretended to the Throne Kingship.
King AN-AN watched the skies for enemy attacks, and peered carefully over his shoulder at relatives and members of the royal court. Such was the life of a King of ASA-RRR, and such was the life of the Elder King AN-AN.
Seated in the Royal Court of the Great AN-AN, serving as Royal Cup-Bearer, was his brother, the Great AL-SHAR. Assisting in the governing of the Empire, the Great AL-SHAR served faithfully under his brother, the Great Elder King.
Peace reigned, the Empire prospered, until an out-break of war in the Central Stars. A series of major conflicts, known as the “Galactic Great Wars’, drew both the ARI-AN Empire and the Empire of ASA-RRR into its folds. The Great Elder King was summoned to the Palace of the SSS-T to render services as Commander of the combined M-K and D-K Warriors.
Great AL-SHAR, acting on behalf of King AN-AN remained behind in the ASA-RRR Palace. Seeing an opportunity to betray his brother, Prince AL-SHAR decided to seize control of the Central ASA-RRR Forces. The successful coup compelled the Prince to further action. He immediately dispatched an elite troop of assassins to hunt down and take the life of the Elder King.
Historical documents would tell of the death in battle of the Great AN-AN, the Hero King who gave his life while in command of his armies. But those who were in
the Court of ASA-RRR knew why the King had died, and who was responsible.
Prince AL-SHAR, Royal Cup-Bearer, was now King AL-AL.
Lord Prince AN-SHAR, son of the Hero King AN-AN and heir apparent, was captured and placed into exile by the new King of ASA-RRR, his claim to the throne stripped away forever.
To insure his personal safety, the Great King AL-AL made the grandson of the Great AN-AN his own personal Cup-Bearer. Deposed Prince AN-U was both hostage and servant to his King and Uncle. Revenge would have to wait.
For now he would serve faithfully…but he would learn. Someday the Throne of ASA-RRR would be his, this he vowed!
In this time, yet another significant event would occur, one which would change forever the fate of the Ninth Sector. A new star was beginning to mature, its young worlds cooling down to form inhabitable planets. King AL-AL, recognizing a potential for untapped precious ores, and the possibility of a strategic military outpost, immediately sent a trusted and faithful administrator to lay claim to the new solar system.
Lord AL-AL-IM, Master of Genesis Sciences, had an imposing task before him, to colonize and develop a primitive planetary system.
The young sun had originally formed with only two worlds in orbit around it, one tiny inner planet, (now known as Mercury) and one larger planet, its name to eventually be ‘TIAMAT’.
In time, six more worlds would form. One pair of inner worlds (Venus and Mars), two central giants (Jupiter and Saturn), and a pair of twin planets, (Neptune and Uranus).
But it was TIAMAT, the tropical world, that would be the first planet developed by Lord AL-AL-IM in his assignment.
Already inhabited by settlers of numerous galactic star systems, TIAMAT was both a paradise and a frontier world of danger. The presence of an ASA-RRR military contingency force and a direct link to King AL-AL and the Empire of ARI-AN was welcomed by the colonists and their families. Protection and necessary supplies would now be available, TIAMAT would become a full-fledged world.
Lord AL-AL-IM began to immediately exploit the new solar system. The Sun was called ‘Bad’, ‘where Death is’. In the immediate proximity of the young sun, was the tiniest world, christened ‘MUM-MU’, ‘first born traveler’. The next world would become a military outpost. Though possessed of super-hot surface temperatures, its inner caverns gave comfortable shelter for the IKU and BEH forces. This world would become p known as ‘DAK-A-MU’, ‘place of the DAK inside’.
The Red Sands planet, next in line, was a world with air and water, trees and an environment suitable for settlers to inhabit. A good site for colonists, it also provided a much need surface land for a central military fortress. This was the world of ‘DAK-MU’, ‘place of the DAK’.
Beyond the red sands world was TIAMAT, the center of the colonization efforts of Lord AL-AL-IM.
The largest of the system’s worlds was a gigantic planet possessing gravitational forces that made it unsuitable for habitation but excellent for the production of super-metals-Under super-gravity conditions, metals could be forged into combinations impossible on other worlds. ‘BAR-BAR-U’ it was called, ‘World of Metal Metals’.
The second titan world was the most dangerous. Internal forces were highly unstable. Possessing a constant cloud of dust and rocks circling around its furiously spinning center and with gravitational forces that pulled many ships into an uncorrectable spin, the giant would be known as ‘TAR-GALLU’, the ‘Great Destroyer’. Of all the planets, the ‘Ringed One’ would prove the most dangerous.
A distance past TAR-GALLU was a large cold swamp planet, poisonous gases in its skies. ‘SHANAMMA’ would be difficult to colonize but would be ideal for Genesis experiments. The outermost world was called ‘IR-U’, a near twin to ‘SHANAMMA’ in size. IR-U was a watery world with a misty covering.
Though the task was difficult. Lord AL-AL-IM would prove successful. The extremely high gravity forces on BAR-BAR-U simplified the manufacture of ‘heavy’ metals, unstable in an environment with low gravity. Military outposts on DAK-A-MU r and DAK-MU proved secure and strong. Experimental farms on both SHANAMA and IRU showed promise. The settlements on the moons of BAR-BAR-U and TAR-GALLU were also thriving.
But TIAMAT was the crowning glory to the efforts of Lord AL-AL-IM. With the support of his King AL-AL back home, the Administrator was able to develop TIAMAT into a paradise far beyond expectation. Facilities to extract newly discovered ores were constructed. Atmospheric Conditioning Centers soon began the tedious task of transforming the skies into a more more suitable environment.
As a source of precious ores and a strategic control point of traffic on the Ninth Passageway star lanes, the new system further strengthened the strangle hold King AL-AL held on the outer Ninth Sector.
As his final project. Lord AL-AL-IM constructed a nearly perfect duplicate of the Palace of the ASA-RRR Kings’ Known as ‘Kl’ its name literally meant ‘In the Likeness of’. The new solar system of BAD had been conquered. In recognition of the efforts of AL-AL-IM, the system was called ‘ARI-DU’, ‘the Mastered Place.’ And its Lord was AL-AL-IM, the EN-GI, ‘Lord of the World in the Likeness of ASA-RRR’.
Under the premise of executing control of the star lanes of the Ninth Sector on behalf of the SSS-T Queens, AL-AL was able to control the travelers who entered the galaxy through the Passageway. By refusing travel on the star lanes. King AL-AL could prevent potential alliances with the ARI-AN from being formed. Negotiations with other galaxies were subject to the whims of King AL-AL, an intolerable situation for the SSS-T Queens.
The ASA-RRR empire could delay, or undo, all crucial SSS-T political and economic alliances. King AL-AL, had turn ARI-DU into an island outpost of phenomenal power.
And, though the Great AL-AL had further strengthened the ASA-RRR Throne, he had also weakened his position within the SSS-T Royal Court of ARI-AN. What the Great AL-AL could not foresee, what he could not suspect, was that his own future, his very survival, was hidden in the distant worlds AL-AL-IM had developed for him.
Lurking back in the Royal Palace was AN-U, the one time Prince and highly disgruntled grandson of the Great AN-AN, waiting patiently for a time in which to move against his Uncle. Choosing a day of High Celebration of DAK victories in battle, when AL-AL would not be in the Palace, the Prince acted. The loyal followers of the Great AN-AN, still angry at AL-AL’s betrayal, joined with AN-U.
Overwhelming force and lightning speed assured the Prince of an immediate success. King AL-AL, hearing of the war in the Palace, chose not to fight the Prince. Fleeing for his life, the Great AL-AL descended to his far-away Palace in the ARI-DU System. Here, a loyal following received the deposed King with the enthusiasm of thankful subjects. Refuge was found in the island outpost AL-AL had developed. Here he would be a King, still adored and still welcomed.
Back on ASA-RRR, the ex-Prince AN-U, celebrated his long awaited revenge. The throne was his, he was King AN-U.
But victory was not totally complete. The loyal Warrior forces of the Great AL-AL held fast to the new solar system. The efforts of AL-AL-IM and the resources dedicated by AL-AL to developing and exploiting the new outpost was to return a handsome reward to the Great AL-AL in the end.
Consistency in the production of heavy metals on BAR-BAR-U and continual discovery and exploitation of precious ores, particularly an abundance of gold, made the new solar system indispensable.
The strength of AL-AL’s hold on the solar system; a very strongly worded communiqué sent by the SSS-T Queens ‘asking’ that a civil war be avoided; and the vital resources brought in by the new system, all combined to give King AL-AL a very powerful position from which to negotiate a tentative truce, and a reprieve.
With the SSS-T Queens looking over his shoulder, ASA-RRR King AN-U reluctantly accepted the agreement, for the while.
For a time. King AL-AL continued to provide a steady and abundant stream of precious ores and metals to ASA-RRR- The angry AN-U accepted the shipments on behalf of the Empire of ASA-RRR and the ARI-AN Empire, but continued to look for any sign of weakness, any trouble that might give cause to bring his DAK armada down on AL-AL.
AN-U placed his own elite IKU Star-pilots, the ‘IKIKI’, into orbits throughout the solar system. Any transgression, any mistake made by AL-AL, would bring down the wrath of his Highness, King AN-U.
To further secure the solar system. King AN-U placed his own son, Prince AN-EN, in charge of the elite IKU Starships, and a special group called the ‘IKIKI’, the ‘Watchers’. His title would be ‘EN-LIL’, ‘Lord of Command’. To insure shipments of crucial resources remained intact and on time. King AN-U appointed his eldest son. Lord Prince EA, also a Master of Genesis Sciences, to the position of EN-GI, the very same position once held by AL-AL-IM.
Lord Prince EN-LIL would be based on TIAMAT, as would be his brother Prince EN-KI.
EN-LIL would travel the sky-ways, EN-KI would develop the system worlds and conduct continuing Genesis experiments on the watery world of SHANAMA, Mining, production and metallurgical operations would also fall into the realm of Prince EA’s control. In this way, the King was assured his hand would extend over AL-AL’s solar system.
And so it was for many periods. Former King AL-AL would keep his word, producing the resources and maintaining order in the Ninth Passageway, while King AN-U reluctantly allowed a once hated foe to remain in power in the Ninth Passageway. But AN-U would never forget the injury he had suffered under the hands of his uncle AL-AL. When speaking of King AL-AL’s duplicate palace, the Great AN-U always referred to it in an angry and disparaging manner.
An ‘Impure Palace’, he called it, his own Palace on ASA-RRR was the ‘Pure One’, the ARI-DU Palace was the ‘Dark One’. TIAMAT itself was the ‘World of Darkness’, regardless of its achievements.
King AN-U would never forget the torments his father had endured. The hatred of a lifetime welled up within his very being. King AL-AL would live, but he would pay for his sins against the family of AN-U.
But history was about to repeat itself. For in the very heart of ARI-DU, the grandson of King AL-AL, AL-AL-GAR, heir apparent to the Throne of the solar system, had become a far more powerful figure to the followers of King AL-AL than the the King of ASA-RRR was comfortable with.
Born to one of the IKIKI pilots, the orbiting ‘Watchers’ of AN-U, AL-AL-GAR learned early the ways of the Star-pilots and their Warships. His piloting skills developed quickly, and in short time he was granted the status of IKU ‘Master’.
He, like his father, was IKU!
But AL-AL-GAR had a plan.
After IKU training, the Prince went to the High Palace of his grandfather, ‘AM-BAHU’, ‘The Gathering Place’. He would make a strange request. Rather than rest on his laurels, the Prince asked to receive further training, only this time, in the military discipline of the elite BEH Warriors. Disciplined ground forces that were equivalent to the DAK Warriors of the skyways, the BEH were equally feared in the Ninth Sector.
Exhibiting exemplary skills, the Prince once again completed his training in short time. Rising with quickness through the ranks. Lord Prince AL-AL-GAR would earn the title ‘IKU-MAR-BEH’, ‘He is a Great One of the IKIKI and the BEH’.
But, AL-AL-GAR, an honored Master of both Warrior disciplines, was to garner one more title’. He would receive the title of ‘ZU’, ‘One who is Supreme Master’, a status given only to the most elite of Warriors, a very select handful of fighters.
The Great AN-U was worried! A Master of War dwelled far away in the Kingdom of AL-AL… and he was a Prince!
The way in which IKU-MAR-BEH had pursued his military disciplines in such a brief time revealed much to King AN-U. He remembered what AL-AL had done to him when he was Prince. And now, the grandson of AL-AL, a Prince, had suffered the very same fate at the hands of King AN-U!
AN-U was sure he knew the young Prince’s heart. He knew how angry IKU-MAR-BEH must be. King AN-U would have to take immediate steps to prevent IKU-MAR-BEH from rising to power, and possibly inciting the ARI-DU colonies to rebel.
And so a worried King AN-U moved, as his uncle had moved against him long ago. IKU-MAR-BEH was made Royal Cupbearer. Summoned to the Palace of ASA-RRR, IKU-MAR-BEH was placed in the Seat of the Cup-Bearer, a position under King AN-U where he could be constantly watched.
In an effort to appease IKU-MAR-BEH, AN-U bestowed great honors on the young Prince, but to no avail. Still the King could sense the hatred of the Prince. King AN-U knew nothing would succeed, nothing would change the mind of IKU-MAR-BEH. For this reason, he would always be on guard. King AN-U had no choice but to be diligent in watching the Prince.
But there were more troubles for the King in the faraway solar system. Lord Prince EN-LIL, AN-U’s son, the appointed Overlord of the new system, had protested his placement in a region so far from the ASA-RRR Palace. Perhaps he too would give thought to an attempt to overthrow his own father. The BEH Warriors were loyal, but they were also a powerful force and could not be ignored.
A threat could arise from a group of rebels within the IKIKI. They were loyal to AN-U but all had families in the new solar system, and Prince IKU-MAR-BEH had once been one of them. They, too, could become a threat to his rule. The worries in the Kingdom of AL-AL were many.
AN-U had hoped that the presence of his sons would help, but the feuding between them had become worse while they had been in ARI-DU. Though Overlords of their very own domains, neither Prince was happy. Each had wanted complete control, total dominion over the entire AL-AL Kingdom of ARI-DU.
Both Princes made threatening, almost dangerous, noises. King AN-U could take no chances in ARIDU. Forced to descend to the distant faraway solar system, the King was determined to put things in order. To protect himself from a coup by a vengeful Prince IKU-MAR-BEH, King AN-U took the Prince along with him on his journey.
Feeling secure, the King AN-U made his way to the worlds of discord. But as they arrived. Prince IKU-MAR-BEH asked a favor of the King. Many of IKU-MAR-BEH’s family and friends within the IKIKI had planned a welcoming for him, the Prince asked to be allowed to visit with them.
Distracted by the pending events, the Great King doubled the DAK guards around the young Prince and ordered the IKIKI ships be carefully watched. Perhaps this would placate Lord IKU-MAR-BEH for a time. Assured that the situation was well in hand. King AN-U agreed to the request.
Continuing on to the Palace in TIAMAT, the King hoped to be greeted with a solution to the battle between his sons.
But the dispute over dominion of TIAMAT, Throne World of the solar system, could not be settled. Prince ENL-LIL made it clear to his father, if he was to stay in the distant and primitive solar system, he wanted to reside in the Palace as the King of ARIDU. Prince EA argued that since he was older he was more deserving, and he was a Genesis Scientist, a Way of Discipline that was perfect for Kingship over ARIDU.
Seeing no resolution to the dilemma. King AN-U agreed to the choosing of lots to decide the fate of ARIDU. By chance Prince EN-LIL became Lord of ARIDU, the world, and ARIDU the system. Prince EA would remain the EN-GI and would continue to organize the development and recovery operations throughout ARIDU. While the decision made little difference in the resolution of difficulties, but it gave the King respite for a short time…a very short time.
King AN-U boarded the small ship which would take him up to his waiting Flagship, the Royal ,ARI- As AN-U approached the converted planet-sized Deathship, he could not have been more proud. The gleaming ship was truly a Royal craft.
But an unexpected surprise awaited the’ King.
Overwhelming the Guards assigned to watch him, the young IKU-MAR-BEH and his loyal IKIKI Warriors had captured the AR Flagship, IKU-MAR-BEH would have his revenge. As AN-U moved closer, the trap was made ready.
But a cry went out – a warning from a loyal AN-U Warrior. At the last moment, AN-U turned to flee. IKU-MAR-BEH struck quickly, damaging the ship of the King.
The forces of AN-U, outnumbered and overwhelmed, struck back.
The battle was fierce in intensity, short in duration.
The DAK Elite Royal Guard had little chance of victory, all they could only hope to do was create sufficient time to allow the King to escape. As AN-U fled into the stars on an escort ship, a final explosion and fire-ball marked the last stand of his loyal DAK defenders.
Lord Prince IKU-MAR-BEH moved quickly. With loyal IKIKI Warriors in the skyways and BEH Warriors on the planets, the takeover of the solar system was quick and decisive. Prince IKU-MAR-BEH found little resistance. The inhabitants of the AL-AL Kingdom supported his rebellion, they opposed the rule of the ASA-RRR empire. Small pockets of AN-U loyalists were captured, and neutralized. Prince IKU-MAR-BEH had won!
And in his victory, he had captured the mighty AR, Flagship of the War armada of ASA-RRR. The cries of celebration were tumultuous! Long live the Prince! Long live Mighty ZU!
The Prince was victorious. As King of the rebel kingdom he would become known as King ‘ZU-ZU’, or ‘ZUZ’ (Zeus). The capture of the AR of AN-U would earn ZU-ZU yet another name, ‘AR-ZU’, ‘Supreme Lord of the AR’. In honor of his victory, the Palace of his grandfather, previously called ‘AL AMBAHU’ was renamed ‘AL AMBAHU ZU’ or ‘AL-AMBA-ZU’ (Olympus), ‘Place-of Gathering of AL and ZU’.
The glory of the throne of ARIDU was his.
‘The Battle of AN-U and KUMARBI’, an ancient legend found on Babylonian clay tablets, describes a royal battle in the skies in which Prince KUMARBI fights with and defeats King AN-U, who flees into heaven. Before the battle is over, KUMARBI ‘bites’ AN-U in the genitals, hurting him.
The story really says KUMARBI ‘used his teeth'(DAK) on AN-U’s ‘ball of power’ (The AR).
King SD-SD (Zeus) knew he would not be able to savor his triumph for long. A new War was about to begin, a War which pitted his young solar system and its inhabitants against an older star system that was the home of their ancestors.
Back in ASA-RRR, King AN-U stormed through his Palace.
The specific event he had planned to avoid, a revolt led by Prince IKU-MAR-BEH, had not only happened, but had forced AN-U himself, to flee in humiliation. AN-U lashed out in an almost uncontrollable rage. He ordered his second AR Death-ship be made immediately ready for war; The rebellious Lord Prince IKU-MAR-BEH would pay dearly! Battle forces of elite BBS Warriors were loaded aboard the AR.
The finest IKU Star pilots were summoned, and the AR was armed. Escorted by RRR Starfighters and Warships, the AR armada passed over the sky above the King’s Palace. The sight lifted the spirit of the King, victory was sure to be his! Prince IKU-MAR-BEH would be punished for his blasphemous behavior!
But King ZU-ZU was ready. The captured AR was also made ready. Lord King AR-ZU (ZU-ZU) and his loyal IKU planned an unexpected welcome for the coming invasion force. Choosing not to await the arrival of the armada, AR-ZU and his forces planned to ambush the Deathship of AN-U while it was yet out of the ARIDU solar system.
As the Star fleet from ASA-RRR approached, AR-ZU waited. When he felt the moment was right, the IKU and BEH forces of the rebel Empire descended on the armada suddenly and with a fury befitting a galactic lightning storm. The escort ships that were caught by surprise exploded in huge balls of fire! The battle was engaged, flashes of brilliant white and green light criss-crossed through the blackness.
AR-ZU watched the progress of the battle carefully. The moment for unleashing his captured AR had to be precise. As his attack ships struck with deadly accuracy, a sudden break appeared in the formations of AN-U’s invasion forces. AR-ZU immediately summoned the captured AR Deathship.
For one brief moment, there was silence as the two large Warships faced each other. As two mighty bulls with lowered heads, the pause only preceded the head-long charge. Chaos, thunder and lightning filled the starways. The weapons-fire was overwhelming- Lord King AR-ZU had to turn away from the blinding light and the deafening noise.
When the light flashes stopped, AR-ZU lifted up his visor and strained to see through the smoke- Fragments flew by his ship. As the haze cleared, AR-ZU realized what those final explosions had been. They had come from his captured AR Deathship. The enormous explosion hurled pieces of metal in every direction. Shards of the AR outer skin bounced off AR-ZU’s own ship.
The mighty Flagship of AN-U had defeated AR-ZU’s Deathship and continued to move steadily forward.
AR-zu watched in horror as the dying body of the Warship hurtled flaming downward into the oncoming path of the world P of KAKKAB SHANAMMA (Uranus), the planet where experiments on plant and animal life were being conducted by Prince EA. As the small moon-sized ship of metal entered the atmosphere, a shower of sparks filled the skies.
Bolts of blue lightning flashed from the ship to the surface of the planet.
The sky over KAKKAH SHANAMMA was in chaos even before the miles wide globe of burning metal collided with the world. Striking at an angle, the stricken AR careened off the planet, skidding, and bouncing, then catapulting into the black Void. KAKKAB SHANAMMA was tipped over on its axis. Shudders pulsed along the inner caverns of the planet, its quaking core was shaken and toppled. Once an upright world, it now lay on its side.
Lord AR-zu watched helplessly as his valiant pilots fell into the dark void in the dying AR. They had struck a death blow to a good part of the invasion forces but had given the ultimate sacrifice in doing so.
Turning away from sight, AR-ZU maneuvered his ship in an arc towards the still moving AR Deathship of AN-U. Imposing in its size, the AR was truly magnificent in its horror. As AR-ZU continued to watch, he noticed that the AR moved in an odd fashion, its path was erratic. The realization suddenly struck AR-ZU. The destruction beams of his IKIKI pilots had damaged the Deathship! The outcome of the battle was still undecided! AR-ZU could still win a victory!
With a renewed sense of hope, he ordered his Warships to descend on the AR Deathship again, with AR-ZU himself in the lead. Using Starfighters to occupy the escort forces, AR-ZU in his own Starship, went after the crippled AR. Wave after wave of Starships attacked the damaged ship again and again, as it continued to move into AR-ZO’s solar system.
With its own arsenal of powerful death rays, the Warship fought its way past distant IRU (Neptune) and the now fallen and tilting world of KAKKAB SHANAMMA.
But the constant fire barrage of AR-ZU’s Starships began to take its toll. As the mighty AR moved into the proximity of TAR-GALLU (Saturn), the tremendous gravity of the ringed planet further pulled the shuddering Deathship away from its direct path towards TIAMAT. Almost out of control, the ship strained to stay its course.
Lord AR-ZU assembled his forces for one last attack. In one final decisive strike. Lord AR-ZU and his Starships gave their all against the AR. As each Starfighter descended and unloaded his arsenal, the AR shook and shuddered. The groan and creaks of the internal explosions sounded like ghoulish, demonic screams. Suddenly, the AR exploded in flame. Every part of the Death planet shook violently.
Smoke and flames erupted from every crevice of the ship. Streaming clouds of blackness trailed behind the staggering ship, the AR of AN-U was dying. AR-ZU sat back in his ship. He had successfully defeated the pride of the ASA-RRR Fleet.
But suddenly, he sat forward.
The valiant IKU pilots of AN-U took aim at the planet of TIAMAT with the only weapon they had left, the AR Deathship itself! Maneuvering the flaming and disintegrating warship, they hurled themselves directly at TIAMAT!
The Great Palace of AL-AMBAHU-ZU was thrown into a panic. The alarm was sent out. Death was about to crash down from the sky. Starships, cargo ships, ships of every sort, were commandeered for the purposes of evacuation. But it was too late! Nothing could be done! The inhabitants of TIAMAT had no chance, they could not be rescued, it was too late!
Lord AR-ZU could hear the screams of his people over the beams of communication. Turning his head away, AR-ZU turned off the audio linkage. AR-ZU’s pilots veered his ship away. Lord AR-ZU had to be saved!
The collision was moments away!
As the dying AR Deathship struck the planet, the ship of Lord AR-ZU was enveloped in blinding light.
In moments, the shock wave struck the ship, bouncing it around as if it were a leaf caught up in a tidal wave. Tumbling and twisting, the ship of Lord AR-ZU was thrown in the direction of TARGALLU, narrowly missing the stone rings.
When his pilots regained control of the spinning ship, an uneasy Lord AR-ZU looked back towards his beloved TIAMAT. It was no more.
The collision had ripped the paradise world apart. Huge chunks of the planet were flying in every direction. Magma, metal, fire and lightning mixed together to create a rain of burning death. Where once the proud planet had stood, only rock debris, smoke and dust remained. Pieces of TIAMAT were still flying by him as AR-ZU moved in to view the destroyed planet.
Through a cloud of dust, smoke and gas, Lord AR-ZU, hoping for the best, maneuvered towards the place TIAMAT had once stood. As he pulled out of the dark aists, he saw it!
TIAMAT… or what was left of it.
The huge planet, with a gaping hole in its side, a smoke trail behind it, hurtled away from him towards the sun. The Prince turned away again, TIAMAT was plummeting to its death into the sun below. His people were dead.
AR-ZU was silent. As he looked out, his gaze was met by a solar system that had been ravaged and decimated. The War left its mark on the moons and planets of ARIDU. The lives, the cities and the solar system itself was seriously damaged and possibly irreparably so.
Lord AR-ZU looked at the trail of rubble between DAK-MU, the red planet and the giant world of BAR-BAR-U.
TIAMAT was no more! Only the ‘grave’ stones remained.
Lord AR-ZU, and the IKIKI who remained, returned to DAK-MU, the central fortress. DAK-MU, a wondrous world itself, would become the new Royal Planet. On DAK-MU, Lord and King AR-ZU would begin again, re-building the glory of TIAMAT and constructing a new Golden era, independent of ASA-RRR.
As Lord AR-ZU, now King ZU-ZU, rested in his Palace on a mountain top of DAK-MU, an astonishing message was received. The largest fragment of TIAMAT had slowed in its fall toward the sun, it would not disappear into the fiery abyss at all! It would come to rest in its own orbit just within the orbit of DAK-MU.
Lord King ZU-ZU wasted no time. Summoning his own teams of Genesis scientists, he ordered them to rebuild the burned skeletal remains of TIAMAT.
Somehow, in someway. King ZU-ZU would bring the glory of the Paradise world to life again.
The success of the Genesis scientists lifted the King’s spirits. He immediately ordered the construction of a large monument, a palace, to commemorate the loyal fallen Warriors of ARIDU. It would also be a monument to his father and his grandfather.
In the Hall of AL-AL-U (Valhalla) on the world reconstructed, they would be honored, never to be forgotten.
For a time, the destruction of the AR and its war escort along with the quick seizure of the Ninth Passageway and its outposts, held the Great AN-U at bay. The strength of ZU-ZU and his brilliant war tactics had surprised the ASA-RRR King and his military forces.
It would take time to re-evaluate, to plan for another attack.
The Theogony, a Greek tale of old, relates the tale of Zeus (ZU-ZU) and the Olympus Gods (AL-AMBAHU-ZU) who battle against the Olden Gods of Mount Othyres. (OSIRIS or SIRIUS)
The Theogony reveals that when Zeus went to war with the Olden Gods, Typhon, a great and hideous monster, was sent by the Olden Gods to destroy ZEUS:
“When Zeus vanquished (Typhon), (Typhon) was hurled
down a crippled wreck. The huge earth groaned. A
great part of huge earth was scorched by the terrible vapor,
melting as tin melts…In the glow of a
blazing fire did the earth melt down.”
(TYPHON was a name of the AR of AN-U.)
But King ZU-ZU knew this could not last forever.
King AN-U had suffered much. He would not remain quiet, not for long. AN-u had suffered personal attack and injury, he had lost his tmts Flagship in a coup take-over, and he had lost a second Death Planet in battle. ZU-ZU had caused much damage and loss to AN-U, and he had taken away a key element of the Empire’s hold on the Ninth Passageway. AN-U would be understandably angry. His Empire had been challenged!
But AN-U had much more at stake, the future of the Ninth Passageway was at risk, as was his hold on the throne. Loss of control of the Ninth Passageway system might give the War Queens of ARI-AN reason to side with the Rebel ZU-ZU, mining of precious ores and the production of heavy metals was most critical.
The Queens would not tolerate this vital industry interfered with. Clearly the King would have to act quickly before the ARI-AN Queens decided to allow ZU-ZU to remain in power as they had permitted his grandfather AL-AL.
And that was not all that concerned AN-U, Prince EN-LIL, also forced to flee the ARIDU system, had returned to sit in Royal Court of ASA-RRR. The potential threat he posed could not be ignored either. The King faced danger everywhere.
But before he could act, the King received word that the SSS-T Queens wanted his presence in the ARI-AN Palace. This worried AN-U. He knew they would demand an accounting. His defeat at the hands of the rebel Lord AR-ZU needed to have a resolution and a recourse for alleviation.
AN-U presented himself before the Queens, a plan for the counter-attack had been drawn up by his DAK Commanders. The argument for immediate action seemed obvious to him.
The ARI-AN Queens listened in silence as AN-U spoke. In his words were his arguments for the continuance of assaults upon the rebellious star system. On completion of his talk, AN-U felt confident he had made his point.
As he sat down, he turned to see the Chamber doors open. To his dismay, the rebel King ZU-ZU entered the Court. AN-U stood to protest but was commanded to sit quietly.
As the upstart Rebel spoke to the Queens, AN-U could not remain seated. Leaping to his feet, he was again ordered to sit down.
King ZU-ZU made his position clear. He was the rightful King of ARIDU and the people wanted him. The system had not been destroyed, production of metals and the supply of vital minerals could continue. The agreement with his Grandfather would be fulfilled, AR-ZU would honor earlier promises…but WITHOUT the presence of AN-U.
As he finished, King ZU-ZU sat down.
The Queens did not speak a word.
But after a moment, an Elder Queen stood up. Her words were stern. The civil war, regardless of cause, had caused the destruction of TIAMAT, a world crucial to the ARIDU, ASA-RRR and ARI-AN Empires. The lives of millions had been threatened, countless warriors of both systems had died.
The SSS-T Queens demanded the cessation of hostilities!
There would be no further destruction! The agreements with King AX»-AL, in the guise of King ZU-ZU, would continue! The war was over!
To the horror of King AN-U, the Rebel would be permitted to live! Once again, a Royal member of the House of AL-AL-U had thwarted him!
King AN-U was furious. This he would not permit! There would come a day, he vowed, when the solar system would be a part of the ASA-RRR empire again.
And so…the Golden Era of ZU-ZU would flourish, if only for a short time.
The tales of the world under the hand of King ZU-ZU were many. Though a savior to his people, he was still a King… and subject to arbitrary whims. Still things were well.
But the fates would once again interfere with the future of the ARIDU solar system.
Shortly after the confrontation in the SSS-T Palace, the ARI-AN Queens would find themselves facing the looming spectre of war with an ages-old enemy. Unfortunately for ZU-ZU, the threat cane from a neighboring star system, not far from his ARIDU solar system.
Advised of the threatening situation, AN-U recognized an opportunity to remove the Rebel from power. Approaching the ARI-AN Queens, King AN-U made an argument for the removal of the young King ZU-ZU. The Ninth Passageway was vital to the ARI-AN Empire. ZU-ZU, in his ambition to expand his Empire, might be swayed to accept support from the very same enemies who threatened to battle against the SSS-T Queens.
If ZU-ZU had rebelled against the ASA-RRR Empire WITHOUT aid, why would he not rebel against the SSS-T Queen WITH the support of ARI-AN enemies?
The ARI-AN Queens paused, and agreed. They would assist the ASA-RRR King in his return to the Ninth Passageway solar system to subdue King ZU-ZU. Lord King AN-U was elated! In this venture, he would not fail. This time, the war armadas of both the SSS-T and the ASA-RRR Empires would join forces!
By marshalling together his Starships and Warriors alongside the forces of the SSS-T Queens, AN-U had assembled an armada such as had never been seen before.
The skies of the SIRIAN worlds were filled with Warships and Starships. The ASA-RRR people, the ASA-RR-U, cheered as the King’s mighty army made ready its departure.
Victory was written in the heavens!
Lord King ZU-ZU was told that a diplomatic entourage was on its way to his solar system Kingdom. By the time he was to learn of the trickery, it would be too late. Cloaked and in silence, the armada of Warships arrived at the outer edge of the ARIDU system before they were detected. This mistake would prove to be fatal to the King and his young Empire.
The battle was quick and decisive.
The invasion forces poured into the solar system. IKIKI and DEH forces of AR-ZU were overwhelmed by the sheer number of ASA-RRR and ARI-AN warships. In short time, the invasion forces surrounded the War Planet. But the orders of attack, issued by King AN-U, did not allow for prisoners, DAK-MU was to suffer total annihilation.
The Starfighters were furious in their decimation of everything on the surface of DAK-MU. The fireballs created by the missile strikes reduced everything, including stone buildings, to cinders and ash. Final strikes with the destructive beams of light and the searing heat beams vaporized everything that remained. What was not blown apart, was burned and melted beyond recognition.
King ZU-ZU was captured and subdued, sentenced to return to the SIRIAN Star system for punishment. All rebel warrior forces of King ZU-ZU were summarily executed, as were loyal, faithful followers. The entirety of the empire’s population would be brutally and cruelly punished… guilty or not.
The War Planet’s surface was obliterated. All traces of life under King ZU-ZU were destroyed. Cities were leveled, forests destroyed. The beauty of the planet and its civilization was no more. All forms of life were destroyed. With no animals or plants to feed its atmosphere, the once living and thriving planet died. Only its red sands remained. The blood red dust became a fitting memorial to the bloodshed of the Solar System War in which billions perished.
Great Lord King AN-U was relieved. The Evil One, rebel King ZU-ZU was vanquished. The Hand of the ASA-RRR was once again restored to the Ninth Passageway, and the realm of the ARI-AN SSS-T Queens was strengthened once again.
And so it was peaceful for a time…
This Page Appears To Be Missing
The Starship of Prince EA moved slowly over the land.
He examined the surface carefully. Enormous glacial ice sheets blanketed most of the upper and lower hemispheres, an equatorial strip was the only part left untouched.
The Prince and his crew had analyzed the data carefully, the landing sight had already been selected. As the Prince emerged and examined the area, the words of his father. King AN-U, were clear. Rebuild the devastated system, he ordered Prince EA.
The destruction of the world of ZU-ZU had been complete. The Planet of Red Sands was reduced to dust and rubble. All traces of life were destroyed. Without life and plants, the atmosphere died. Ice sheets formed from the poles almost to the equator, DAK-MU was frozen in its death. And its sister world, DAK-A-MU, had been transformed into a planet of arid, scorched lands and deadly poisonous oceans.
ARIDU, the once rebuilt home of the Rebel ZU-ZU, was also devastated. Only IRU, TARGALLU, and BAR-BAR-U remained relatively intact.
The Prince could not imagine what it must have been like to be in the middle of it all, in the center of the battles. He, like his brother, had been forced to flee. He looked up into the heavens. The Prince knew his brother was overhead. Somewhere, on an orbiting military cruiser, he was up above, looking down on him. Prince EN-LIL was Lord of the Airways.
Re-build, Prince EA was commanded. The Prince looked at the destroyed world. The task would be great, he would make sure to fulfill his father’s orders. He would re-build, and he would establish a mining operation, extracting vital ores and precious minerals. He would re-build the paradise world from the war-torn planet…and perhaps, he would do a little more. EA reveled in the thought.
And so they began, Prince EA and his volunteer crew, the ANUNNAKI. The chosen site for the initial compound had lots of water and fertile soil. Studies had revealed deposits of precious ores far below. It was the logical place to begin.
Each of the members of the Prince’s crew had been chosen because of his or her special skills or abilities. Each one had been assigned the rank of Lord, each had been granted an amount of property in ARIDU, and each was given a fair share of future monetary returns from the new colonies.
The rewards were generous, the dangers considerable. The Prince had taken his time in selecting his crew, the stakes were high. But he was proud, they were good.
The first assignment was the construction of the base of Operations. The compound would be built in stone, naturally durable and readily available. But as the ANUNNAKI began to set up the cutting lights and sound carriers, the generators ceased to operate. The natural energy grid lines of energy, common to all worlds, were fluctuating wildly on the planet.
The ‘Great Collision’, the event which had created the world they stood on, had caused the inner core to become unstable, thus causing a constant wavering of the energy lines.
To produce a stable supply of power. Prince EA located a point where six energy lines naturally intersected. Here on the intersection, the Prince erected a large Energy House, a focusing center which would extract sufficient energy to run the construction equipment. Power crystals, specially grown for just such a purpose, were place in the Energy Chambers.
The Energy House would also hold the Re-animation Center within its walls. Fatally injured technicians must be taken care of immediately. Prince EA could not afford to lose even one of his carefully chosen crew.
As the dreaded D-K were ‘Destroyers of Life, so the ANUNNAKI were known as the K-D, the ‘Givers of Life’.
And, because the irregularly pulsating energy lines made Star ship instruments unreliable, the Energy House was built with four highly reflective triangular sides that allowed an aerial orientation for pilots high above.
Slowly the power problems began to be resolved.
But for much of the time, power anomalies made progress difficult in every aspect of the mining and construction projects. Field technicians were forced to perform unexpected physical labor to compensate for failed equipment. The ANUNNAKI were few, the labors many. The ANUNNAKI complained. Prince EA relayed the words to King AN-U, but the King would not hear of their problems. Production would still have to increase!
The ANUNNAKI felt overworked and ignored, they protested and threatened to cease their labors. Prince EA promised an increase in future rewards. Grudgingly, but with additional recompense promised, the ANUNNAKI returned to their labors.
Construction and mining/recovery crews switched to lower consumption cutting lights and sound wave movers. But lower consumption meant lower output. Production was slowed down, causing King AN-U concern. To this end. Prince EA began the use of beasts of burden to assist the ANUNNAKI. Progress in the operation slow, but there was progress.
But in time, the operation was able to begin sending the gold shipments on schedule. Transport ships landed on ARIDU and departed with their vital cargoes. Gold was immediately sent back to ASA-RRR, other precious ores were sent right to the BAR-BAR-u and TARGALLU refineries. Even the tilting and erratic spinning KAKKAB SHANAMMA began to show signs of life on its surface.
Construction crews completed the stone structures of the compound, making the ARIDU settlement look more like a city, and not a raining camp. And in the center of the compound, a magnificent Agricultural-Biological center was fast becoming the centerpiece of the stone city.
The Prince had done well, the Great AN-U was pleased.
Prince EA’s Operation had allowed AN-U to retain control of the ARIDU solar system and keep his hold on the Starlanes in the Passageway. EA had succeeded beyond the expectations of his father. His talents as a Genesis Master had been put to the test and had exceeded the task.
TIAMAT was re-born!
King AN-U immediately sent a dispatch. ‘Old ARIDU’, the ‘Conquered Place’, was dead! ‘ERIDU’, the ‘Enslaved Place’, was alive! No one would ever doubt the power, the might and vengeance of the ASA-RRR King again! The name of the colony would serve as a reminder and a warning to anyone who sought to challenge or question the might of the Great AN-U!
The Hand of AN-U would always be upon ERIDU!
From ERIDU come the words for EARTH:
• Erde (German)
• ERDA (Old High German)
• Jordh (Icelandic)
• Airtha (Gothic)
• Jord (Danish)
• Erthe (Middle English)
Prince EA was assigned the title EN-GI, ‘Lord of ERIDU’. The devastated world was a living place again!
EA carefully manipulated and engineered animal and plant life forms that could endure in the harsh environment and poisonous nitrogen air of the planet. Atmospheric conditioning units began to make the air breathable and warmer. Often laboring for many time periods, the Prince gave little thought to rest.
But the continuing efforts of Prince EA were not without their rewards.
One of his ambitions, the establishment of a Center for Life Sciences, an agricultural/biological center, was actually, achieved. An above ground laboratory, the Life Center, that produce the hybrid species and hybrid creatures which could be transplanted around the globe.
The Center became Price EA’s pride and joy, a Garden for Life.
Once again, the world began to take on the look and feel of a paradise world. Once again, the planet was alive! But though ERIDU was once again a harbinger of life, the planets of DAK-MU (Mars) and DAK-A-MU (Venus) were forbidden to have life once again on its surface. The Great AN-U decreed that both worlds would remain barren, they would serve as warning to any potential challenger.
The Wrath of AN-U was great!
The Agricultural Center was also making great strides in creating new and unique life forms capable of surviving the atmosphere of ERIDU. But the experiments occupied Prince EA much of the time, taking him away from administration duties so necessary to a Lord.
The Great King AN-U was upset.
The King of ASA-RRR had put Prince EA in charge of ERIDU because of his Genesis abilities.
Prince EN-LIL, his second son, was to remain in charge of the airways and lanes of the ERIDU solar system. But Prince EN-LIL was once again making sounds of great displeasure in being placed so far away from the Royal Palace of ASA-RRR. This further upset the King.
And so he moved to resolve the problems.
Prince EN-LIL was given administrative control of ERIDU, the solar system, the planet and the city. But control over the development and exploitation of the planets would remain with Prince EA. Thus, dominion over ERIDU would be shared! In this way. King AN-U believed he could continue to keep an angry EN-LIL away from the Court, fulfill his ambitions as a Lord of Power, and still utilize the abilities of Prince EA.
Prince EA, still EN-GI, was shattered and angry. All of his efforts and successes had been ignored, his place in the faraway empire stripped away. In anger, the Prince of Life left ERIDU, moving to a distant region in order to build yet another Agricultural-Biological Center.
Here, too, he would develop a gold mining operation, but here, he would focus on his passion, the engineering of Life. Joined by his sister, Princess NIN-HUR-SAG, also a Genesis Scientist, both began a renewed effort in the creation of life forms for the planet of ERIDU. And in this effort. Princess NIN-HUR-SAG would be the creator of a ‘hybrid’ creature that would forever change the destiny of ERIDU and its ASA-RRR Masters.
In the meantime, Prince EN-LIL would use his own skills to streamline the Operation. Increasing production, calling for additional cargo flights, and demanding increased labors from the ANNUNAKI, Prince EN-LIL produced greater quantities of ore for less cost, and in shorter time. This pleased the Great King AN-U greatly.
But the demand for higher production stressed the worker ANUNNAKI to the breaking point. Fueled by the isolation and distance from loved ones, the anger of the ANUNNAKI became a work stoppage, a strike. When threatened with punishment, a group of ANUNNAKI attacked the palace of EN-LIL itself. His life threatened. Prince EN-LIL immediately called on AN-U to descend to the faraway Kingdom.
Angrily the King responded to the call from ERIDU, Both Prince EN-LIL and the ANUNNAKI demanded an audience with the King.
The angry laborers asked for the immediate removal of Prince EN-LIL. Even the Prince himself asked to be removed, his desire was to return to the far away Royal High Court of ASA-RRR. Quietly yet firmly. Lord Prince EA added his voice to the requests for the re-assignment of his brother. Again faced with a serious situation. King AN-U was forced to make his way to the troubled outpost!
Arriving in the Palace of ERIDU, AN-U immediately held a hearing for the purpose of resolution of the situation. The voices were loud and angry. Everyone presented his case for the return of Prince EN-LIL to the Court of ASA-RRR. No one asked for his continued rule. When the voices were finally quiet, the wishes of every member of the assembly was clear, EN-LIL must go.
Everyone turned to the King. He sat in silence, he made no movement- He was sorely troubled, he had hoped that Lord Prince EN-LIL could somehow be kept in ERIDU, The Great and Wise AN-U found himself wanting, needing, a solution.
Seeing his opportunity, Prince EA stepped forward. With Princess NIN-HUR-SAG at his side, the Prince proposed to his Father and the Assembly, a simple solution. Within the Life Centers, he and the Princess had engineered many hybrids for use in labor in the fields. By utilizing genetic substances from the ASA-RRR people themselves and the genetic materials of ERIDU beasts, hybrid creatures of half ASA-RRR blood were created.
The creatures retained their natural strengths but also gained sufficient intelligence to understand commands. The earlier success of the ‘H-N’ Lizard hybrid worker in the underground mines proved the worth of such an experiment.
Other fabricated beasts, successful in specialized tasks only, were the ‘SEMT-UR’, a half horse, half ASA-RRR hybrid, capable of carrying burdens long distances; and the powerful ‘MENT-UR’, a half bull, half ASA-RRR being with a capability of phenomenal feats of strength. The success of the hybrids had encouraged Prince EA and Princess NIN-HUR-SAG to attempt yet another untried combination, one which would resolve the difficulty at hand.
King AN-U sat forward in his throne. The possibility of a hybrid beast as a solution to his problems was intriguing.
Prince EA, seeing the interest of the King, turned to an awaiting Princess NIN-HUR-SAG. He motioned to her, she made a gesture into the hallway. The show was about to begin.
To the surprise of everyone gathered, a huge hairy black beast came forward. It was the ‘APA’, a beast of the jungle, renowned for its strength and ferocity.
Cries of protest and fear went up from the assembly, the beast was unchained! But before anyone could move.
Princess NIN-HUR-SAG gave the beast a command, which the beast calmly and obediently followed. And in the next few moments, while everyone watched, the beast obeyed every command of the Lady Genesis scientist.
When the demonstration was completed, the Prince explained his idea to the King. The creature, a beast of great strength and limited intelligence could be genetically altered to become a laborer in the mines, taking the hardships away from the ANUNNAKI and freeing them for the more important tasks of construction.
The Great AN-U was impressed. Indeed the hybrid proposed seemed to be the solution. The murmurs of the ANUNNAKI seemed to be approving, EA felt. He smiled, sure he had succeeded in removing his from ERIDU.
King AN-U stood up. Prince EA expected good news, ERIDU would be his now, EN-LIL would soon be gone. The dominion of the solar system would finally be rightfully his.
The King made his pronouncement. Prince EA would begin the immediate genetic changes needed to alter the beast! All ANUNNAKI laborers would return to their operations until the new creature was ready for work in the fields!
But to the horror of Prince EA, the King ended his words with an announcement that cut like a knife into his being… EN-LIL would remain in charge of ERIDU! The Beast of Prince EA would alleviate the situation and allow EN-LIL to stay!
Such were the words of the King, so it would be! Prince EA was shattered! He had once again been denied the Throne of ERIDU! EN-LIL, his life-long adversary, was a victor once again!
Storming from the Palace, Prince EA vowed he would never again enter the ERIDU Palace again until the throne was his! Though he had been the first born son of King AN-U, he would never ascend to the Throne of ASA-RRR because Prince EN-LIL, the younger son, was born to King AN-U by his half-sister, a requirement in the ASA-RRR Rules of Succession.
And now the Throne of ERIDU had also taken away from him!
The enmity between the two had extended even to the very purpose of life itself. EN-LIL had believed the purpose of life was to give undying service to the Kings and the Throne of ASA-RRR. But the Genesis Sciences had revealed something highly different to Prince EA. Life controlled was not life evolved, as blasphemous as that might be in ASA-RRR.
Prince EA saw life as an opportunity for exploration of self. Born of the same blood and world, no two brothers could have been further apart in their ways.
And so, the words of the Great AN-U added to the already raging feud between the two Princes. Prince EN-LIL would be Lord of the Word (Command) and continue his iron rule, while prince EA would remain the Genesis Lord, developing ERIDU to the expectations of his father.
Prince EA resigned himself to his task, re-designing the beast his sister had initiated to suit the needs of the work community of the ANUNNAKI. With his sister beside him, the Prince began the intricate procedures. But the anger was in his heart, and would not leave his thoughts.
And thus the revenge of EA was born. Although directed to use the cellular material from one of the ANUNNAKI Lords, specifically chosen by Prince EN-LIL, Prince EA substituted cells of his own choosing for the experiment. The time for the uncovering of the true identity of the beast would someday come, and he, Prince EA, would have the last laugh.
Prototype after prototype was tried. Slowly, the beast was developed in intelligence without sacrificing strengths.
Through experimentation in the field, the final product made its appearance. Rushed into service, the beast immediately proved itself. With strong arms and back, dexterity of hand and intelligent enough to follow instruction, the creature’s versatility soon created a strong demand by the ANUNNAKI for additional beasts. The APA hybrid, known as ‘ADAPA’, was an able beast, ready to serve his masters.
Prince EN-LIL was unhappy with the beast from the first. He did not trust either the temperament of the creature, nor his brother. The beast was dangerous, controlling it was an undertaking he had no wish to do. There was a foreboding, a sense of trouble in EN-LIL’s being, he could not rest easy.
But forced to use the beast by his father’s Word, Prince EN-LIL decided to put the beast in the most perilous of work situations and in the most harsh environments. The creature was an experiment and therefore, expendable. Demanding that beasts who fell from their labors not be relieved, or tended to, the Prince was responsible for the deaths of many of the creatures. They were, after all, only beasts.
Prince EA received the news with horror! The creatures, his experimental ADAPA beasts, were being worked to death by his brother’s orders. The creatures were not labor helpers, they had become slaves, inconsequential, disposable, slaves.
Prince EA had never felt such anger before. Everything, all of his efforts, were being systematically destroyed, his reclamation of ERIDU, the planet; his successful building of ERIDU, the city; and the creation and engineering of a beast of labor. There was wanton destruction of everything Prince EA had worked so hard for. His entire life’s history was an on-going tale of submission to the whims of his brother.
But now it would come to a halt! Prince EA would strike back. He would have no more of his brother’s dominance over his. He would make his brother pay for his sins…through a vehicle unexpected – the beast!
Returning to the Agricultural Center in ERIDU, Prince EA sought out the beasts in the Garden where they fed. Finding several of them alone, he approached them. Careful planning and precise breeding schedules permitted only certain beasts to mate, and only under the strictest supervision. No beast could mate without the approval of the Lord of the Word, the results could be disastrous.
But Prince EA, in the Garden, introduced the beasts to a simple pleasure…the pleasure of spontaneous, unsupervised, sex. Reacting from basic instincts, the beasts took to Lord EA’s instruction quickly. Playful at first, then earnest in their enjoyment, the beasts frolicked in the Garden.
The Prince watched as the beasts reveled in the pleasure of intimacy. In a short life filled with agonies and labor, the brief moments of pleasure were a godsend. And with this new knowledge, the beast could be as his Masters, choosing a moment’s pleasure without scheduling, without approval!
The beasts looked back at the Prince, he had given them a little taste of true happiness.
Their Creator, a Genesis Scientist whose mark was two intertwined strands of DNA, like serpents mating, had endowed them with the knowledge of ‘knowing’.
In time, the clandestine ‘behavior’ of the beasts became known to their Masters. Lord Prince ENLIL, informed of the beast’s disregard of established Commands of Conduct, became furious. An immediate command was issued to round up all of the offending creatures, any and all renegade creatures were to be severely punished and instantly thrown out of the Life Center.
Prince EN-LIL would tolerate no disobedience!
Prince EN-LIL knew that somehow his brother had been the cause of the beast’s horrendously criminal behavior. Only a Genesis scientist could affect the beast’s temperament, only Prince EA could have had access to the creature. EN-LIL was being undermined by his brother, he knew it!
But EN-LIL was not to be trifled with. To prevent further transgression, a new set of strict Commands for ADAPA beasts still within the Life Center and in the field operations was issued.
Thus were issued the Commands of the Lord of the Word:
All beasts in the Agricultural Center must give complete and total obedience to Lord EN-LIL only! Loyalty to Prince EA or any other Lord Creator (K-D) was strictly forbidden.
All beasts in the Agricultural Center just give complete and total obedience to Lord EN-LIL. All traces of Prince EA and any other Lord Creator (K-D) will be removed. Any beast carrying any remembrances of Prince EA will be punished!
All beasts in the Agricultural Center must give complete and total obedience to Lord EN-LIL. Any beast uttering evil sounds or angry sounds about Lord EN-LIL will be punished.
All beasts in the Agricultural Center must give complete and total obedience to Lord EN-LIL! Every beast must attend an obedience lesson every seventh period!
All beasts in the Agricultural Center must give complete and total obedience to Lord EN-LIL. The pairing together of beasts for mating must be approved by Lord EN-LIL. No beast may mate outside of the pairing approved by the Lord.
Such were the Commands of the Lord of the Word!
Prince EN-LIL would not be challenged! He would keep an Iron Hand over ERIDU.
Let the beasts die in the wilderness! Let Prince EA care for them! They are ‘MUS’, ‘monsters’ and deserve no assistance! Let the renegade beast henceforth be called ‘ADA-MUS’! Let the females suffer in childbirth! No longer will the birthing chambers be available to them!
If the beasts of the Garden remain faithful, they shall be allowed to remain. They shall be called ADAPA.
And so the beast was divided into two groups, the faithful and the unfaithful, the ADAMus and the ADAPA.
Prince EA was pleased, however. For in the cast-outs, a chance to continue the experiment to create independent life still existed. His desire to fabricate a life form that was intelligent, yet independent of the ‘System’ that Prince EA, and Prince EN-LIL, had grown up in, was still possible. The beast would have a chance at freedom and independence, something that he, a the Prince of ASA-RRR, had not had.
The beast had been a testament to the Genesis skills of Prince EA, a Lord K-D. Engineering the combination of brute strength with some measure of intelligence had been tedious, but the Prince wanted more for the creature. Developing the beast’s ability to speak had been a priority for Lord EA, it allowed communication with the K-D’s and provided a means of measuring progress. Though the beast’s vocabulary was quite minimal, it was understandable.
Locating pockets of the rejected beasts in the wilds, EA and his sister NIN-HUR-SAG began to teach them the skills of survival necessary in the cruel environment.
From the first fire to the making of simple clothing, from making scratches on cave walls to the reading of symbols, the beast was taken along the path to a higher intelligence by both Lords of the Genesis Sciences. The experimental ‘prototype’ of Princess NIN-HUR-SAG, had gone through several stages of development, but it had proven to be unique in its abilities.
In time, several of the beasts exhibited the exceptional ability of learning and communicating its knowledge to other beasts. Prince EA and his sister began to focus most of the attention on them, teaching them so that they might begin to spread the knowledge to others.
These ‘teachers’, taught by K-D himself, became known as the ‘su’, ‘They who knew’.
The ‘EA-SU’, the teachers spread the ‘The Way of EA’.
A later ‘Teacher of Righteousness’ would bear the name IESU (Jesus), a variation of EA-SU.
As the beasts in the wild progressed through the efforts of Prince EA, Lord Prince EN-LIL became further angered with the creatures.
Though many of the ADAPA beasts still served loyally and faithfully in the ERIDU compound, still the Lord of the Word felt hatred and distrust for the creature.
The AR Flagship, the ASA-RRR Ship of State, was expected to arrive in ERIDU soon. Knowing that the massive Deathship caused an enormous gravitational pull, the Prince decided to steer the course of the AR into a path he could utilize. By changing the path over the icy poles, the gravitational pull would be strong enough to cause glaciers to fall into ocean.
This in turn would cause needed environmental changes – If a resultant flooding destroyed the beasts, then so be it!
The Prince of the Word could justify the sacrifice of the beasts in exchange for the warming of the planet, the increasing of the amount of usable ocean waters, and the end of an ice age gripping the upper and lower hemispheres. All of that was of significantly greater import than the fate of the beast.
When Lord K-D EA discovered the plans of his brother, he made immediate protest. But the Lord of the Word would give no heed. And to make matters worse. Prince EN-LIL forbade a single ADAMUS be spared, only the loyal ADAPA would be given shelter from the flood waters. The renegade beasts would be sacrificed if necessary, they had broken the Commands. And, the Lord of the word cautioned the Prince, giving warning to the beast was aiding an enemy of the State, a heinous crime!
Prince EA was trapped! To work with rejected creatures, that was one thing, to give Royal aid was another. With not much choice in the matter. Prince EA gave his solemn oath to remain silent, giving no warning about the impending floods. Though reluctant to accept his brother’s Word, Prince EN-LIL continued his plans for the ceremonial arrival of the AR.
But the Genesis Prince could not allow his beast to die. In secret. Lord EA made plans. Taking several of the beasts to the underground caverns of the ‘HEN-T’ hybrids, and other beasts to mountain highlands. Prince EA assured the survival of at least some of the beasts. As a final measure. Lord EA had a special cargo ship constructed that would sail far out into the ocean, away from the regions most likely to suffer. With these secret plans.
Prince EA kept ADAMUS alive and his experiment intact.
When the mighty AR returned, the floods began as EN-LIL had expected them to. He felt relieved, the beast would not be around to disturb him any more.
When the floods subsided, and Lord EN-LIL discovered the deceit of his brother, his rage was uncontrollable. The two Princes confronted each other in the ERIDU Palace. Each had betrayed the other.
Lord EN-LIL had attempted to destroy the prototypes of Prince EA’s beast in Its early stages. Lord EA had tried to undo his brother’s administration by tampering with the beast’s breeding. EN-LIL had tried to destroy the beast with a flood, EA had broken a promise not to warn his creation, the beast.
Each Prince had committed a crime against the Empire, an act of deliberate sabotage of the assigned duties of a Royal Prince of the Throne. Neither would ever achieve the Throne if that kind of behavior continued. But Prince EA had never believed the Throne of ASA-RRR would ever be his, the Rights of Succession assured him of that. Prince EN-LIL, however, was the Heir Apparent. He could stand to lose everything!
Prince EN-LIL, Lord of the Word, had no choice. He made a decision. There must be a truce. Never again would he or any one of his Administration interfere with Lord EA’s duty, the development of ERIDU and all of its life forms. Lord EA had no alternative but to return the promise. He and all of the K-D’s would never interfere with Lord EN-LIL again.
As a sign of his good intentions. Prince EN-LIL gave his brother agricultural implements for the beast, tools for him so that the beast could learn how to grow his own food. The Genesis Prince was surprised, but grateful for the gift from his brother. In exchange, Prince EA promised to enhance the skills and abilities of certain special hybrids used by Lord EN-LIL in the administration of ERIDU.
Thus, for a time, the peace on ERIDU came to be. Beasts were allowed to become educated and civilized, the Empire of ERIDU under EN-LIL grew and prospered.
Genetic manipulation had given the beast the ability for minimal communication and understanding. Through engineered enhancement, the ADAPAS who remained in the Garden were made significantly stronger in analytic thought processing. They became highly intelligent, capable of small-scale decisions, but remained docile and servile.
Through the use of ADAPAS and HEN-T servants. Prince EN-LIL and the ANUNNAKI were able to make dramatic progress in the ERIDU Operation.
The ADAMUS beasts, however, uncontrolled in their sexual activity grew quickly in number.
Genetic manipulation would be more difficult in producing specific traits in them. Any genetic enhancement would be subject to random breeding, the desired results probably watered down. At best, only some of the beasts would retain the desired attributes, most of them would lose the hoped for traits entirely.
But through personal contact and his EA-SU, Lord EA gave the ADAMUS beast what the ADAPA would never get, a chance to appreciate beauty. Teaching the beast how to enjoy and feel the wonders of art and music, the Prince inculled a sense of self and an awareness of the world around him. Untainted by any influences of the ASA-RRR ‘System’, the ADAMUS developed a sense of belonging to a family, and a sense of shaping and choosing his own destiny.
The Prince was pleased. The System would not take hold, not with the beast.
It had a chance, or so he hoped. In an effort to insure the beast would never again be desirable to the system, Lord EA continued to enhance the sexual drive of the creature. If placed in a situation of choice, labors in the service of the System or pursuit of sexual pleasure, the beast would always choose sex. This would make the beast an undesirable in the eyes of his Brother EN-LIL.
Two distinct beasts, the ADAPA and the ADAMUSr were part of planet ERIDU. Lord Prince EA, a Master Genesis Sciences, was ‘Lord (EL) of the Beasts’ (EL-EA or LEO). Prince EN-LIL Lord of the Command, was ‘Lord of Obedient Servants’.
As word of Prince EA’s beast spread to neighboring stars and galaxies, another group of Genesis Lords extended a gift to Lord EA. Known as the ‘AKHU’, they were descended from a bird-like ancestor. The Genesis Lords presented EA with the single strand of DNA filament that provided ‘passion’.
With this one single element, the invisible motivating force that gave a being intense feelings was passed on to the beasts of the Prince. And with this gift, the ADAMUS beast would have even more passion, more feeling, than even the beings of the ASA-RR Empire themselves. Taken from the cells of the AKHU, the offering became known as ‘The Gift of the Feather’.
Thus, the paths of the two beasts, the ADAPAs of EN-LIL, and the ADAMUS of EN-GI or EN-KI, continued to separate. Of the same roots, initially for the same purpose, the two were now on different paths.
With time. Prince EA and Prince EN-LIL were able to make both groups work together. The ADAPA beasts completed their labors as obedient servants, the ADAMUS beasts completed the labors in exchange for food and supplies. As ERIDU expanded from one compound into many, the use of both beasts became a commonplace occurrence, ERIDU was a world of laboring beasts.
The World of ERIDU had become the new capitol of the far away solar system, a system nearly destroyed by the War with Lord AR-ZU and his rebels. Its restoration had strengthened the hold of King AN-U on the Ninth Passageway, assuring that his place with the ARI-AN Queens was secure.
ERIDU, Capitol City; ERIDU, Capitol World; and ERIDU, the solar system, had become a thriving, productive system.
But the way of the ASA-RRR always involved internal war. Off-spring of both Prince EA and Prince EN-LIL made constant war with each other. Jealousy, envy and sheer want of power motivated members of the Royal families to attack each other and seize holdings. And so long as the Empire itself was in no way imperiled by the Royal wars, they were permitted. It was good for the young to test their war mettle against each other, from these things the Way of the ASA-RRR was born.
And… since Prince EA had given the beast the ability to learn and retain the knowledge, many Royals began to use the beast in the administration of their small kingdoms, using a beast to control other beasts. To the horror of the Prince, many boasts pledged fidelity to their Lords in exchange for an unending source of food and shelter.
The one fear of Prince EA had been that the beast might return to the system if its survival was threatened, and now the fear had been realized. But they will had been part of the experiment of the beasts, if Prince EA interfered, he would defeat his own purposes in creating the beast. And so the beast learned war.
The wars of the Royals were merely planetary chess games with pieces comprised of servants and beasts. Re-animation, a technique for bringing a dead being back to life, and medical transplants, were always available to the Royals in case of an injury or fatality. But crippling injury, wounds and death, that was for the lowly soldiers on the field, that was saved for the beast.
But the beast proved itself, again and again. Loyal and intelligent, the beast had become vital participants in the running of ERIDU daily events. The ASA-RRR genetic background of the beast had a profound influence in its ability to learn and to adapt to the ‘System’.
Through the guiding efforts of Prince EA, the Royals and the ANUNNAKI, in time the beast was permitted to minister to its own affairs, to run its own small kingdom or territory… as long as it continued to pledge its loyalty and fidelity to one of the Royal Lords…and ultimately, to the Empire of ASA-RRR.
And BO ADAMA became part of ERIDU. From a role strictly as a slave beast of labor to a role as a contributing member of society (with an understanding of faithfulness to a Lord above), the ADAMA had risen to a place above other creatures of the world, second only to his Lord above.
The Wars of the Royals raged on, faithful ADAHAS serving on the battle fields for them. ERIDU Kingdoms rose and fell on the backs and the blood of the ADAMAS. Children of Lord EN-LIL and Lord EA constantly challenged each other over the rights of domain and power.
And so began the era that would see the War of the Great Take-over, an attempt by Lord Prince MARDUK, son of Lord EA, King of the Beasts. An accomplished Master in the skills of the DAK Warriors, Prince MARDUK wanted to become King of the system of ERIDU. Challenging other Royal family members for the Throne, including his uncle. Prince EN-LIL, and even his father. Lord EA, MARDUK would use war, works of intrigue and even the deadly art of betrayal to try to seize the Throne.
His father, EA, had been deprived of the throne of ERIDU and ASA-RRR… he, MARDUK, would not suffer the same fate.
But in the midst of his rise to power. Prince MARDUK was wrongfully accused of the assassination of his own brother, Lord Prince DUMUZZI. Refusing to be imprisoned, MARDUK chose to fight against his accusers, taking refuge in a pyramid fort-tress. A hasty council was called, the decision made to end the war by sealing MARDUK into his stone structure. Trapped within. Prince MARDUK was doomed to death.
But fortune was with him. Several of his followers were able to tunnel up from beneath the structure, thereby giving MARDUK an opportunity to escape. With a bounty on his head. Prince MARDUK fled into the heavens.
And for a while, peace once again came to ERIDU… but as is the way of the ASA-RRR Empire, it would not last long.
High above within the stars of the ARI-AN Empire, MARDUK would find an ally, an ages-old enemy of AN-U AND the Queens of the SSS-T Throne.
Known as ‘SSA-TA’, ‘underground ones’, they were part of a reptilian rebel group who inhabited huge caverns within the worlds of the ARI-AN. Constantly threatening the Queens in power, they unceasingly searched for new ways to undermine the rule of the Queens.
Despised and dreaded, the SSA-TA rebels gave audience to the Prince. Promising them great wealth and power, and full participation in his Empire In exchange for their support, a daunting MARDUK elicited their support.
Eagerly, the SSA-TA seized the opportunity to support an effort against the ASA-RRR. By weakening the DAK Empire, so too, the SSS-T Queens would be weakened. Perhaps enough so that their own rebellion in ARI-AN would succeed. Sending a communiqué throughout the ARI-AN Empire to their allies, the SSA-TA raised huge numbers of Warriors, each a dedicated and willing enemy of the SSS-T Queens.
By secretly supporting MARDUK, success in the take-over of the ERIDU colonies would give the SSA-TA rebels a tremendous stranglehold on the Ninth Passageway. The SSS-T Queens would have to negotiate with them. Should the rebellion not succeed, the death of MARDUK would satisfy both the SIRIANS, and the Queen. The failure of a civil war far away from the SSS-T Empire would be tolerated by the Queen.
Once again the spectre of a War loomed on the horizon of the ERIDU solar system.
But the success of another rebellion in ERIDU was remote at best. The Great AN-U had gone to great lengths to assure himself that another War of Revolution could not occur.
To succeed, there would have to be yet another group who would have to give active support to Prince MARDUK, one that had a firm foothold within the ERIDU solar system itself and was part of the integral EN-LIL Forces of Command.
Deep within the mining operations, the HEN-T hybrids had proven themselves as loyal servants. Long before the ADAMUS had done so, the HEN-T hybrid had risen to a position as one of the Royal families of ERIDU most faithful administrators. And, although many of the Royal off-spring families had used the ADAMUS beast as administrators over other beasts. Prince EN-LIL had continued to use only the HEN-T, considering them to be less of a threat and much more obedient. Key mid-level administration positions were assigned strictly to the HEN-T hybrids and never to an ADAMA beast.
Unlike the ADAMUS beast. Lord Prince EA had not altered, had not manipulated the HEN-T to a higher intelligence, thus making it more servile and less of a choice maker. But more crucial to the planned War of Darkness by Prince MARDUK, the HEN-T was created from the cellular materials of lizards, it was therefore a reptile!
As distant relations of the SSA-TA rebels, they could be approached and possibly persuaded.
With the behind the scenes of the SSA-TA, the Prince and an army of Masters of Deceit began their campaign to seduce the HEN-T servants of Lord EN-LIL. Promising the HEN-T that they would become his administrators, if the take-over was a success, MARDUK and the SSA-TA used every trick to swing the HEN-T over to the rebel side.
MARDUK even offered shares in the wealth and riches of the Empire and future territory for their control. Their place in the Empire of MARDUK would be second to none but the Prince himself.
And so the secret take-over began. Using HEN-T hybrids, created and developed by the ARI-AN SSS-T for their own use, the vengeful MARDUK secretly maneuvered his agents deep into the mines, the administrative offices and the Command Forces of EN-LIL himself.
As the HEN-T hybrids had moved up in the ranks of Prince EN-LIL’s administration, they had become known as ‘TCHET-T’, ‘Those of the TCHET’ (The ‘Word’… the ‘Word’ being EN-LIL.)
Referred to as the ‘SUET-I’ or ‘SHET’ by the administration members of EN-LIL, they became trusted servants of both Lord Prince EN-LIL himself and the Royal families. Their loyalty was never in doubt, no one suspected the betrayal.
Slowly and quietly, the conspiracy began- The plot was simple, SSA-TA lizards, trained for subterfuge, would infiltrate the ranks of the HEN-T workers. They would spread the word and recruit their distant cousins to the rebellion. In short time, the SHET were able to persuade the HEN-T lizards to enter the folds of the rebels.
The HEN-T who joined with the plot became known as ‘SHET-I’, ‘the Secret Ones’.
Following the initial infiltration of the ranks of HEN-T in the underground operations, the conspiracy moved into the very inner core of the administration of Lord Prince EN-LIL. The Command Forces, including the Communication and Logistic departments, were also targeted. Carefully and deliberately the conspiracy gained a foothold in every department of Lord Prince EN-LIL’s administration.
In time, Prince MARDUK and the hidden SHET-I were ready. Word was given to begin the attack. Invading ERIDU with his warships, MARDUK attacked viciously and unmercifully. ERIDU DAK and BEH forces were surprised. HEN-T workers in communication rooms disrupted messages of the invasion, preventing effective defensive action.
When finally notified, the DAK Warriors responded in war ships that had been sabotaged, thus rendering them impotent. Many ships were detoured, or given wrong coordinates. ERIDU communications systems went silent. EN-LIL was undone. The SHET-I, and the turn-coat HEN-T hybrids, had done well.
ERIDU, the island outpost of the ASA-RRR Empire, was now the seized Empire of Lord Prince MARDUK, son of Prince EN-KI and grandson to King AN-U. MAR-DUK had been victorious, the ‘War of Take-over’, backed by the reptilian rebels, had been successful beyond expectations. The stealth and subterfuge, the hidden deviousness, had prevented direct confrontation.
Prince EN-LIL and his followers fled back to the distant worlds of ASA-RRR. Prince EA took many of his followers and ADAMUS beasts to his star system, ‘BAAL-EA-DAUS’ (Pleiades) ‘Place of BAAL (Lord) EA DA (The Creator)’.
The Royal off-spring of both of Lords EA and EN-LIL were also forced to flee. As MARDUK landed on the world of ERIDU his place on the Throne was unchallenged. To insure that no challenge might occur in the future, the Prince immediately ordered a search for any remaining Royal heirs. Their choice would be easy, total subjugation or death. The entire ERIDU Empire would bow to MARDUK, he would see to that.
Once seated, MARDUK began his final campaign… to change or destroy any records which attributed any heroic or kingly achievements to anyone other than himself. Stone monuments, obelisks and edifices were altered by stone-cutters, tablets of clay or wood were burned or destroyed. No records of any other Monarch would remain. MARDUK had become the beginning and the end of all things, he had appointed himself Lord God and Creator of the Universe.
Henceforth, he was the ‘Sun God RRA’.
And so the records of ERIDU were changed. The Rulership of RRA MARDUK was total and retroactive.
Only one change remained to be made. Records were given a new face, but memories were left. Using the mind-altering techniques of his SSA-TA reptilian minions, the new King RRA ordered the systematic alteration of the minds of the beings of ERIDU.
To accomplish the monumental task, the SSA-TA converted existing structures with chambers for ‘re-programming’. One by one or in groups, the colonists and the beasts, ADAMA and ADAPA, were promised wealth, property, power, sexual favors, any enticement which would draw the victims into the tunnels leading into the brightly lit ‘re-programming’ rooms. Once inside, memories were erased or altered.
‘Screen’ memories, images designed to hide recollection of the event were often implanted.
The Sun God RRA would be the one and only God of record, the one and only God of memory-Colonists or beasts who refused voluntary treatment were seized and forcibly taken into the memory alteration chamber for adjustment. Some EA-SU fled into the wilderness or high mountains, there to engrave in stone, clues to the secret of the ‘Take-over’, the Sun God RRA and the SHET… BEFORE their capture and re-programming.
Somehow the truth would come to light again. The clues, however, would remain hidden, until uncovered and recognized or de-ciphered. (The ‘Face on Mars’ and the ‘Domed Cities of the Moon’ are two examples.)
In time, the SHET-I completed their task. The populace of ERIDU had ‘forgotten’.
As they went their separate ways, however, they each had a vague uneasiness, something was not there anymore, something was missing. And curiously, though they seemed not to have common backgrounds, each remembered, each recalled, a bright light at the end of a tunnel. And., each one knew that they were supposed to go to the light and enter the light…for there their ultimate reward resided.
As insurance, the SSA-TA took one more precaution.
To insure the ‘Passion’ instilled in the Beast, the Gift of the Feather, did not give impetus to rebellion, the rebel lizards constructed huge towers which would transmit a cloud of electronic signals designed to keep the Beast in a fog, a docile state. The electronic blanket also served as a cover preventing outside signals from reaching the Beast.
No one, not EA, not EN-LIL, nor the ARI-AN Queens would be permitted to contact the Beast.
To further control the Beast, the Houses of Obedience of Prince EN-LIL, where the Beast visited every seventh day for obedience lessons, were taken over by the SSA-TA.
Doctrines which would support the Empire became dogma. The teachings, the Ways of EA, became evil and the words of a demon. EA, a life-giving K-D (G-D) became ‘DA-EA BA-EL’ (Creator EA, Lord Father’) the ‘Evil One’, the ‘Diabolic One’.
But the SHET-I would leave nothing to chance. Should an innocent clay tablet surface with a story of ancient beings, half-man and half-beast; star beings that flew in the skies; or a rebellious God on Mount Olympus… these were the fables and myths of an imaginative primitive man. These were tales of fantasy, nothing more. The ‘rational’ Man, the ‘working’ Man, should not concern himself with the things of children.
The denial of the world before Lord RRA was complete.
SHET-I lizards who had taken an active part in the takeover and re-programming were elevated to the status of Over-Lords and Administrators of existing systems and laborers. The era of the SIRIAN Lords and Masters was gone. Prince EN-LIL, the Lord of the Word; was gone. The ‘Golden’ era of growth and development was gone.
ERIDD, a primitive solar system developed into a stronghold by a King of the Star Sirius; ERIDD, a planet virtually destroyed in a War of Rebellion led by War Lord ZO-ZU (Zeus) and re-constructed by Genesis scientists; ERIDU, the first settlement and city of the re-born planet; ERIDU, the place of conquests and wars, the place of subjugation and kingship from the stars, was now ERIDU, a world with a re-constructed history, a fabricated past, RRA was the Sun God, but the reptiles were in charge.
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saturniandragon · 2 years
Shortening area names in ESO into 3-letter format because I'm bored and I was in zone chat earlier where people shorten city names for quicker messaging
These don't follow any rule in particular
Aldmeri Dominion
Vulkhel Guard -> VKG
Skywatch -> SKW
Firsthold -> FSH
Marbruk -> MBK
Woodhearth -> WHT (was gonna use WDH, but that's reserved for Windhelm)
Elden Root -> EDR
Haven -> HVN
Redfur Trading Post -> RTP
Velyn Harbor -> VLH
Vulkwasten -> VWT
Baandari Trading Post -> BTP
Arenthia -> ARN
Rawl'kha -> RWK
Dune -> DNE
Mistral -> MST
Ebonheart Pact
Bleakrock Village -> BLK
Windhelm -> WDH
Fort Amol -> AML
Riften -> RFT
Nimalten -> NMT
Ebonheart -> EBH
Davon's Watch -> DVW
Kragenmoor -> KGM
Dhalmora -> DLM
Narsis -> NRS
Mournhold -> MHD
Stormhold -> SHD
Alten Corimont -> ATC
Daggerfall Covenant
Daggerfall -> DGF
Aldcroft -> ADC
Shornhelm -> SHM
Northpoint -> NHP
Koeglin Village -> KGV
Wayrest -> WYR
Evermore -> EVM
Hallin's Stand -> HLS
Sentinel -> STN
Bergama -> BGM
Stonetooth Fortress (Betnikh island) -> STF
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londonkiladki · 5 years
EBH presents THINK PINK Ball 2019 with Manish Malhotra
EBH presents THINK PINK Ball 2019 with Manish Malhotra
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EBH presents its 15th annual THINK PINK Ball in aid of Cancer Research UK on Saturday 9th November 2019 at Rosewood London with the attendance of celebrated Indian designer Manish Malhotra. The unique event supports communities across multiple countries and brings together business figures, entrepreneurs and professionals, united to support the worthy cause.
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Set against the elegant backdrop of…
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mywebfoot · 7 years
The Hall of Mirrors
Commentary on the eve of the final week of “Suspicious Partner”. Cross-posted to Soompi.
I thoroughly, completely enjoyed these last two episodes. It’s a beautiful wrapping up to a drama that I have come to see as a story about journeying through the hall of mirrors that is our memories.
As those who watched IRY have been saying, Writer K has been careful to give everyone good behaviours and bad behaviours. Every one. And in this last two episodes, title ‘Return’, it was everyone’s opportunity to enter the hall of mirrors that is their memories, and realize that what they remember has affected what they see in the mirror today. The reason we remember wrong, and see ourselves in less than the full light of truth, is that we tend to forget the things we’ve done wrong, and only remember the reasons we thought they were right.
I’ll talk about two main characters, to keep it short, but I think those are enough to see that the pattern is repeated for everyone. Except Eun Bong Hee. Get to that in a bit.
Noh Ji Wook:
His talent has been that he is quick to access a person. We’ve seen it when he does that (swoony) intense stare and he’s just reading a person like a book. Unfortunately, he is also quick to judge, and quick to condemn. Assess, Judge, Condemn. Certainly traits a prosecutor and eventually a good judge must have, but NOT.SO.QUICK. I think this entire detour in his prosecutor career, putting him on what he characterises as ‘bad’ lawyer side, has been eye-opening for him. Assess, yes. Judging however, takes understanding of both the reasons to condemn, and the reasons to condone. My pastor always talks about truth and mercy in dealing with people who offend, and I think this is Ji Wook’s main lesson. Judgement is not just truth, it’s also about mercy.
On Ji Wook’s journey through the hall of mirrors, he’s seen himself in tiny buddy Jae Hong, as the one with the broken memories. He’s seen himself in DA Jang, as the one who has assessed AND judged too quickly. He’s even had the opportunity to see himself in Eun Hyuk, as the one who had to hold back his love due to guilt. All these things have made him a better person, and probably a better prosecutor.
DA Jang:
Oh you poor delusional man. His mirror was Eun Bong Hee. EBH, I luptch you so much. Her mirror was cool, smooth and nitrogen level frosty. In precise, cold furious terms, EBH broke his memory of his actions as covering up, and turned it into sinister slander and indirectly, murder. Once he saw his reflection in her eyes, he couldn’t unsee it. There are some hints that he’s tidied up his life in order to take HS down with him in a flame of glory, but there are still alternative storylines possible for his redemption… maybe.
OTHER MIRRORS: Chief Bang and NJW’s mirror-imaged stab wounds. EH and YJ’s twin yearning and guilt for what they cannot change, and so on. Hyun Soo’s hall of mirrors is a smashed up, schizophrenic mess.
Eun Bong Hee:
Unlike the others, EBH doesn’t seem to have had to look  into any mirrors. Of all the characters, she seems to be the only one with crystal clear self-perception.
She’s been herself from day 1, the day her father died and she watched the crazy world fall apart around her and make her doubt her own sanity. Another pit of madness opened up for her when she was accused of the murder of her ex. She had done nothing, and yet the crazy misperceptions of those around her threw her into a nightmare. DA Jang, Ji Hye, Ji Wook, Eun Hyuk - everyone saw her as pathetic, when all she was doing was being straight in a crooked world. It is richly ironic that this character was given severe myopia, and is forced to stand up close to people and look them in the eye before she can see them.
Isn’t that a lesson for us all, but particularly for Noh Ji Wook?
To understand well (but maybe never fully), is to not assess from a distance, but to go up close, see a person’s life, and then make your assessment.
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toournextadventure · 7 months
Just re-read EBH season 1 for the very first time since posting it... I have so much more angst fuel to use for season 2 now 😈
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cancersfakianakis1 · 6 years
Deep inspiration breath hold level variability and deformation in locoregional breast irradiation
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Publication date: May–June 2018 Source:Practical Radiation Oncology, Volume 8, Issue 3 Author(s): Leigh Conroy, Sarah Quirk, Elizabeth Watt, Gillian Ecclestone, Jessica L. Conway, Ivo A. Olivotto, Tien Phan, Wendy L. Smith PurposeThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the dosimetric effect of breath hold level variability and deformation on breast, chest wall, internal mammary chain (IMC) nodes, and heart.Methods and materialsLeft-sided post-lumpectomy (n = 12) and postmastectomy (n = 3) patients underwent deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) and exhale breath hold (EBH) computed tomography (CT) scans. Forward-planned locoregional breast plans were created on the DIBH scan. Two effects were modeled assuming no setup uncertainties: residual motion within the gating window and systematically shallow breath hold levels (BHLs). Real-time position management (RPM) was used to monitor BHL at simulation and during treatment. The RPM data were scaled to simulate BHL variation within symmetric gating window widths of ±1, 3, 5, and 7 mm; the dosimetric impact of this motion was simulated in the treatment planning system. Systematically “shallow” BHL errors were modeled using deformable image registration to map the patient trajectory from DIBH to EBH (n = 12). The deformable vector fields were scaled to produce synthetic CT scans modeling patient position during breath holds 1, 3, 5, and 7 mm shallower than simulator BHL. The original treatment plans were applied to the synthetic CTs and dose was recalculated.ResultsAcceptable plan quality was maintained for most patients with motion within gating windows up to ±7 mm. Patients with shallow median BHLs experienced loss of coverage at simulated gating windows ±5 mm or larger. At systematic 3 mm shallow BHL error, 4/12 patients had clinical target volume IMC V80% < 99%; this increased to 11/12 patients at 5 mm. Change in heart dose from systematic BHL errors was negligible.ConclusionsMotion within gating windows has minimal dosimetric impact for most BHL variability; however, loss of IMC coverage can occur even for small gating windows when BHLs are systematically shallow. This can be mitigated by restricting lower BHL tolerances or accounting for known uncertainties in planning. https://ift.tt/2HY19XI
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