#echo mia
clonehub · 7 months
Btw the last time I checked in here was back like… sometime after TBB season 1 ended. What tomfoolery has happened.
Oh boy. Lmao.
Crosshair came to regret joining the empire and put out a distress call that omega insisted they answer bc he wanted to be free and he's their brother. Tech was KIA in the process. So now he's dead.
They don't actually show Crosshair being informed or the team like yelling at him about it but he defs knows by now. So Crosshair is the reason tech is dead, and hunter and Crosshair argue about cross helping omega escape Tantiss (she got kidnapped at the end of s2) rather than hunter. Jealousy argument? Hunter is portrayed as being at least partially in the wrong for not completely trusting Crosshair. And then Crosshair saves hunters life (as if there was any other option) and now they're cooler?
Also crosshair is having hand problems. The shakes. He's at like 53% accuracy so he's a shit sniper now.
Howzer confronts Crosshair about getting his men killed and Crosshair doesn't say anything. Every time he's asked, Crosshair says he left the empire bc they're not loyal to him/don't serve him anymore/he learned a thing or two about loyalty and now he wants to be with the batch again. No mention of the people he killed (realistically would have been more than the civilians in s1 and some others). So far hasn't stated that he disagrees with the violence of the Empire. Crosshair saves Howzers life and they do that nod of understanding thing and then they move on.
Omegas still being hunted, there's Trooper X who people say is Tech, and if not tech then Cody. Rex is back and he met Wolffe and with a handful of words, rex was able to start convincing Wolffe that the empire was wrong:
- they're making you do something bad (hunt a child)
- a personal loyalty appeal I don't remember
And Wolffe does a very touching thing by collecting the bodies of the rogue clones. Bc they're traitors to the empire yes but they're brothers. I might rewatch that scene.
Both howzer and rex can use both personal and moral appeals to convince other clones that fighting for the empire is wrong. Crosshair.......lmao
Oh also omega has a super high m count that palpatine wants to use for his cloning antics, which will fix the massive plot issue of "somehow palpatine has returned" from TroS
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ayasatoafterhours · 3 months
i've been describing echoes of wisdom as "they're making a new zelda game where you actually play as zelda because link fell in a hole"
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ok so its clear that eow was originally their "test area," so to speak, for totk abilities. so what? that doesn't mean the story's going to be bad, it just means it has similar mechanics.
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scenesandscreens · 1 year
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Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret (2023)
Director - Kelly Fremon Craig, Cinematography - Tim Ives
"I've been looking for you, God. I looked for you in Temple. I looked for you in Church. I didn't feel you at all. Why ? Why, God ? Why do I only feel you when I'm alone?"
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krizeros · 11 months
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My favourite scene in dragon quest treasures
Huge thanks to Rexaura on twitter for commissioning me to draw this i love this scene and i love dragons quest
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mostunderratedawards · 4 months
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Most Underrated Eurovision Non-Qualifiers (2014-2024)
Mia Nicolai and Dion Cooper - "Burning Daylight" (Netherlands ESC 2023)
Andromache - "Ela" (Cyprus ESC 2022)
Montaigne - "Technicolour" (Australia ESC 2021)
Uzari and Maimuna - "Time" (Belarus ESC 2015)
Iru - "Echo" (Georgia ESC 2023)
Svala - "Paper" (Iceland ESC 2017)
Mustii - "Before The Party Is Over" (Belgium ESC 2024)
Conan Osíris - "Telemóveis" ( Portugal ESC 2019)
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kellymagovern · 1 year
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Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. (2023) dir. Kelly Fremon Craig
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kybercrystals94 · 11 months
By KyberCrystals94
Read here on Ao3!
Whumptober 2023 | Day 29 | Prompt 29: “What happened to me?”
Rating: G
Words: 300
Summary: Echo is found on Skako Minor, but it isn’t Fives that finds him.
The question comes out of nowhere, breaking through the transmission of data like the piercing beam of a search light — startling but welcome. He feels found, somewhere beneath the zeroes and ones where his humanity lurks, waiting and watching for a weakness in the prison of his mind.
“Who are you?”
Not what. Who. The question seeks personhood, seeks him. Found him. Him. Personhood. Humanity.
CT-1409. CT-1409. CT-1409…
The warmth of open-air burns against skin, curls around frozen metal. His lungs feel a shock of breath, his eyes see blinding light, unhindered by frosted glass. It hurts. Everything hurts. But pain means freedom. Please. Let me out.
The stream of data is cut short, and his mind searches for a timeline. The Citadel. The shuttle. No, I’ll go first. Burning. Fire. A voice screaming his name. Fives. No…
“Echo, it’s Rex. I’m here.”
“Rex,” Echo breathes, lungs still burning, “you came back for me.” He reaches out, frozen fingers finding purchase on familiar armor.
“Yes.” The clone captain sounds uncertain. “Yes, I did.”
“What…what happened? Where am I?”
Where’s Fives? I promised him…
Rex holds his hand, puts a comforting grip around Echo’s wrist. “It’s okay, Echo. You’re safe now. Just sit tight, trooper. You’re going home.”
But Rex didn’t answer him.
The timeline shifts. Fives should have come back for him. I kept my promise. I’m alive.
An unfamiliar clone is kneeling at his other side, stilted questions, careful fingers prodding.
Echo ignores him, turning to his captain. “Rex, where’s Fives? What happened to me?”
“Echo, please,” Rex whispers, “I promise I’ll tell you everything…not yet. When you’re stable.”
But that was answer enough. The timeline settles into place. A long time has passed. And so has Fives.
Fives is gone.
Tag List: @isthereanechoinhere96 @followthepurrgil @amorfista @mooncommlink
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jadeglas · 2 months
Nico "Echo" Silva
(The Hunter Gets Captured by the Game by Massive Attack)
Nico "Echo" Silva is a 32-year-old non-sanctioned super living on the fringes of San Padua's underworld. He's a solitary figure known for his work as a shadow operative - a man who can get things done efficiently and discreetly, no questions asked.
Nico's most defining feature is his unique power of echolocation. This ability allows him to navigate and "see" using reflected sound, creating a constant overlay of sensory information that blends with his normal vision. This power has shaped both his professional life and how he perceives and interacts with the world around him. This power is always active, providing a constant stream of sensory information, appearing as a translucent, shifting web of lines and shapes that outlines objects and people in his environment. The echolocation imagery becomes more pronounced in noisy environments, obscuring his normal vision. In busy streets or crowded places, Nico sees a chaotic, pulsing landscape of sound-generated shapes overlaying the visual world. In quiet environments, the echolocation overlay becomes subtler, allowing Nico to see the world more normally. This leads him to prefer quiet spaces and times of day when there's less ambient noise. Nico's perception is a blend of sight and sound; his unique powers no longer allow him to separate the two senses fully. Still, they compensate for this by giving him an acute awareness of his surroundings, including objects and people out of his line of sight. This is how he "feels" the space around him, even with his eyes closed. In particularly noisy environments, Nico experiences sensory overload - the cacophony of visual noise, making it difficult for him to focus or navigate. Over time, though, Nico has developed control over his power, learning to focus on specific sounds or filter out others. He refers to this as "tuning" his perception, like adjusting the dial on a radio. In his work, Nico uses his echolocation to navigate in complete darkness, detect hidden threats, or eavesdrop on conversations from afar. Nico's unique way of perceiving the world contributes to his feelings of isolation. He also perceives people differently based on their voices or the sounds they make. A person's laugh and the cadence of their speech create distinct, recognizable patterns in his echolocation overlay. These two factors help explain his attraction to Mia's voice - her singing creates beautiful and soothing patterns in his echolocation vision.
Physically, Nico is an imposing presence at 6'2" with an athletic frame honed by years of combat and survival. His olive-toned, sun-weathered skin bears the marks of his dangerous lifestyle, with various scars crisscrossing his arms and torso. His face is strikingly handsome, with sharp cheekbones and a strong jawline, though a crooked nose hints at a violent past. His chestnut brown eyes are always alert and wary, constantly scanning his surroundings. His black hair is kept short. His hands are calloused and scarred, with long, dexterous fingers equally adept at wielding a weapon or picking a lock. His movements are fluid and purposeful, every step calculated and nearly silent. Despite his attractive features, an air of danger about him tends to keep others at a distance. His default expression is guarded, bordering on grim, with a tension in his jaw and shoulders that speaks of constant vigilance.
Born to Brazilian immigrants, Nico Silva's unique echolocation abilities manifested during a traumatic household accident when he was 8 years old. During a season of heavy rains, a flash flood hit the community of South American immigrants where Nico's family lived with a powerful rush of water that destroyed both properties and lives. Nico's powers allowed him to navigate through the murky water and find an escape route, while his parents and neighbors struggled in the fast-moving currents. His ability to "see" using reflected sound undoubtedly saved his life that day, but it came at a steep cost - his parents were gravely injured and never looked at their son the same way again. As a child, Nico was shunned, called a freak, and treated as an outcast in his neighborhood. The isolation and anger bred a fierce self-reliance and combative nature that landed him in juvie repeatedly as a teenager living on the streets. It was there that he first learned how to weaponize his powers for personal gain and protection.
Before encountering Mia, Nico lived a life of detached professionalism. He prided himself on his ability to remain emotionally uninvolved in his work, viewing attachments as dangerous liabilities. His reputation in the criminal underworld was that of a reliable, efficient operative who could be trusted to get the job done without unnecessary complications.
Nico's personal life was sparse and transient. He indulged only in fleeting physical pleasures, never allowing anyone to get close enough to breach the walls he'd built around himself. His apartment, while comfortable, was more of a base of operations than a home, reflecting his nomadic and guarded lifestyle.
Despite his hardened exterior, Nico adhered to a personal code of ethics. He avoided jobs that involved harming children and had a particular distaste for those who preyed on the vulnerable. This moral compass, however subtle, set him apart from many of his peers in the criminal world.
Professionally, Nico was at the top of his game. His unique abilities made him an asset to various factions in San Padua's underworld, allowing him to choose his jobs carefully and maintain a degree of independence rare in his line of work.
However, beneath his carefully constructed facade of detachment and control, Nico carried deep-seated emotional scars. Years of isolation and the nature of his work had left him feeling disconnected from the world around him. He had long since resigned himself to a life lived in the shadows, never expecting to find any form of genuine connection or emotional fulfillment.
Nico notices Mia when he overhears her singing one night as she's cleaning up The Edge after closing. He's enchanted by her voice and quickly develops intensely obsessive and possessive feelings for her. This obsession starts three months before the start of the story.
While he would never harm her, and he considers her health and happiness his highest priority, he has become jealous and protective of her to an alarming extent. When the story begins, he's comfortable, sometimes even eager, to violently punish those he deems a threat to Mia. He hasn't revealed his feelings to Mia yet, but he has been following her, protecting her, and otherwise discreetly invading her privacy. He's also become a regular at The Edge to get closer to her, and Mia knows him as Nick when he's there. In Mia, Nico hears the tenderness and beauty he's been so starved of - a resonance that echoes into the dark crevices of his calloused heart. For the first time in a long while, he feels genuinely compelled to use his gifts for something other than self-preservation. Mia represents light in his perpetual darkness; he'll risk everything to keep her safe.
Nico's central flaw is his belief that love and connection require control and invasion of privacy. He believes the only way to keep someone safe and show love is through constant surveillance and intervention, without their knowledge or consent. This stems from his own trauma and isolation, but it's ultimately harmful and unsustainable.
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 2 months
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It started as just Oliver before John and Felicity joined. Not long after more members joined Team Arrow, some for a season some for several but which formation of Team Arrow did you enjoy best?
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sigurdjarlson · 4 months
I think Khadgar is pranking me
Bro keeps telling me to go to Dalaran and talk to him but he’s not there whenever I go :c
It’s funny tho I get the same missive every time I log in and I’ll go look because maybe they fixed it but nah
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pleasetakethis · 1 month
Finally watching Echo and I want Maya to have all the soft things, goddamnit, every single one.
...but then there is also part of me that wants to watch her burn everything to the ground, so, you know.
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bchemianrhapscdy · 2 months
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"Every morning can be considered beautiful that I am blessed to wake up next to you." Nicholas spoke with a soft smile. "Good morning, my queen."
@inkdreamt - nicholas devereaux
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oh man the title of the new zelda game is gonna make things confusing for me real quick (<- has both zelda brain and fire emblem brain)
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good-beansdraws · 2 years
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Really loved @edam-shame 's au about Aevum!! A post-canon Alm fuses with both turnwheels and travels through space and time trying to fix everything -- he changes his name and acts very mysterious, but somehow ends up right back in the Deliverance...
Here's my attempt at a design for him, based on his legendary alt in feh! I ended up dialing back on the visible otherworldliness, but still believe that he's got some funky ticking/glowing/clockwork things going on that set him apart from the average soldier 😅
Haircut version and my lil notes under the cut :)
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essektheylyss · 1 year
I will not lie, I had a whole conversation about Sicily yesterday and every time Matt says "caecilian" I keep doing a double take.
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