#eddie munson x teen mom reader
19junewrites87 · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Pregnant!Henderson!reader
This was inspiration from the "I'm a planet" scene from the movie "Juno"
I took the "I'm a planet" line and formed a story around it, so I hope you guys like it !
Warnings: FWB situation, angst, teen pregnancy, mentions of weed, mentions of absent fathers, swearing, implied smut with no actual smut, Eddie is a jerk in this one but he gets better
Word count: 3971
A/N: This story has A LOT of dialogue
Y/n and Eddie Munson weren't an item. You weren't even friends, just friendly, very friendly, acquaintances. You had met at a house party during Eddie's first senior year. You were a junior at the time and didn't really know anyone at the party. Eddie seemed very disinterested in what was going on, just sitting outside by the pool, rolling a joint. 
"Hey." She greeted, making the metalhead look up at her from behind his bangs. "I'm Y/n."
"Eddie." He said, his attention going back to the nearly rolled joint. Y/n shuffled her feet and cleared her throat.
“This party’s kinda lame.” She said, trying her best to strike up a conversation.  
“Yeah,” He nodded, fully looking at her. “But it’s whatever.”
“Yeah.” She nodded, awkwardly. “Listen, Eddie, I-”
“Wanna get out of here?” He asked, blowing smoke out of his mouth. 
“What?” She stuttered.
“Is that why you’re talking to me?” Eddie asked. “You want a hookup.”
“I mean,” She hadn’t initially come over to ask him for a hookup, but when a cute guy offers… you take up that offer. 
“I’m down if you are.” Eddie shrugged.
That’s what landed her in this situation. She was now in her senior year, Eddie was in his second senior year. They had been casually having sex with each other. Y/n would call Eddie when she needed him, he would call her when he needed her, etc, etc. They had been very careful. Every time they saw each other, they were careful. But I guess they weren’t so cautious this time, since Y/n was staring at the blue liquid in the cup that sat on her bathroom sink. She held her head in her hands and sobbed.
“Y/n?” Dustin knocked on the door. “Are you okay?”
“Just fine, Dusty.” She said. She grabbed the cup and dumped it into the toilet. She wrapped the box up with toilet paper and buried it in the garbage can. She opened the bathroom door to see her younger brother standing there with his Hellfire shirt on. 
“What’s going on?” He asked, seeing her red-rimmed eyes. Y/n sniffled and shook her head.
“Nothing that you should worry about.” She said, patting him on the shoulder as she walked down the hallway. “But hurry up before we’re late for school.”
Y/n was gathering her books from her locker, listening to Robin talk about a customer she had to deal with at work the other day. Normally, Y/n would be complaining with her, but she had too much on her mind. She’s pregnant now… and Eddie Munson is the father. 
“Earth to Y/n.” Robin snapped her fingers in front of Y/n’s eyes, making the girl look at her. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, Robin.” She answered, quickly. “Nothing’s wrong.”
“No,” Robin shook her head. “No, something’s definitely wrong. You love hearing about bitchy customers.”
“I’m sorry.” Y/n sighed, closing her locker. “I’m just a little stressed out, that’s all.”
“Test today?” She asked, to which Y/n nodded just to avoid further questions.
“Yeah, math.” Y/n shrugged. “I’ll get over it.”
“It’ll be fine.” Robin assured her with a supportive smile. “You always do great!”
Y/n watched as Eddie dramatically talked to the boys at the lunch table. She needed to tell him sooner rather than later, but she didn’t want to do it with anyone around. Especially not Dustin. To everyone at Hawkins, Y/n and Eddie had nothing to do with each other. They were strangers. To Dustin, Eddie and Y/n only ever say hi to each other when she would pick him up from Hellfire meetings. That’s all. Eddie and Y/n are complete strangers.
Six o’clock rolled around and Y/n walked through the empty hallways to pick up Dustin. She felt like passing out. She wasn’t sure how’d she react when she saw Eddie, but she needs to tell him. She sat down on a bench in the hallway and waited for Dustin to come out of the room. She was there for about five minutes before Dustin and the rest of Hellfire came out of the room.
“Good work, gentlemen.” Eddie said, shutting the door behind him. “We’ll see you next week for the continuation of our adventure!” They boys smiled and nodded at Eddie. As they were saying bye to each other, Eddie’s eyes met Y/n’s. He smiled and nodded at her, to which she tried to return. 
“Ready to go, Dusty?” She asked, grabbing Dustin’s backpack from his shoulders.
“Actually,” Dustin scratched the back of his neck nervously. “I tried to call you and tell you earlier that I was going to Mike’s after this.”
“So you’re telling me that I drove here for nothing?” Y/n asked, irritated.
“I called home.” Dustin said. “But mom said you weren’t home. I’m sorry.”
“Whatever, Dustin.” She shook her head. “Just call when you get to Mike’s.” Dustin thanked his sister and walked down the hall with Mike and Lucas. Once they were all gone, Y/n found herself pushed against the club room door, Eddie’s lips pressed against hers. His hands grasped her waist as Eddie pushed his hips against hers, making her quietly moan. 
“Eddie,” She mumbled against his lips, her hands on his shoulders. Eddie kissed down her face and attached his lips to her neck, immediately finding her sweet spot, making her knees weak. “Eddie, wait.”
“You wanna take this to the van?” He asked, still kissing her neck.
“No, Eddie.” She said, pushing him away slightly. “I don’t want to have sex right now.”
“Oh.” He frowned. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought-”
“But I do need to talk to you.” She interrupted. “Can we go somewhere private? I kinda don’t want to have this conversation in a school hallway.”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Yeah, let’s go into the room.” Eddie opened the door, allowing Y/n to go in first. She sat down in one of the seats at the table and waited for Eddie to close the door and sit by her. 
“So…” Eddie trailed off. “What did you need to talk about?”
“You know how we’ve been uhm…” She waved her hands slightly, trying not to say the word. 
“Yeah, yeah,” He nodded. “Do you- do you not want to keep doing it?”
“No, no,” She shook her head. “That’s not what I need to talk about.”
“Then what is it?” Y/n paused, her throat closing and mouth going dry. 
“Eddie,” She quietly said, tears forming in her eyes. “I-”
“Woah, hey,” Eddie stood and sat in the chair directly next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “You’re scaring me.”
“I’m pregnant.” She sobbed. 
“What?” His eyes went wide. He pulled his arm away from her and looked at her in shock. “H-how do you know?”
“I took an at-home test.” She wiped away her tears.
“But are you sure they’re accurate?” He asked. “I mean-”
“Eddie,” She began to become frustrated. “I haven’t had my period in months.” Eddie stood from the chair and began to pace around the room, running his hands through his hair.
“How do you know it’s mine?” He asked, making Y/n angry.
“Are you serious, Eddie?” She asked, watching him pace around the room. “You are the only person I’ve had sex with. Ever!”
“Well,” Eddie flailed his arms around. “How are you going to fix this?”
“What are you saying?” 
“I’m saying,” Eddie began to shout. “How are you going to get rid of it? This doesn’t just affect you, Y/n.”
“I’m keeping my baby, Eddie.” She said, quietly. “Whether you’re in its life or not, I am having this baby.”
“Fuck, Y/n!” Eddie shouted. “This isn’t fair!”
“Not fair?” She laughed, humorlessly. “Are you serious?”
“I can’t, Y/n.” He shook his head, walking towards the door. “I can’t do this.”
“Edward Munson, if you walk out that door you won’t ever see your baby!” Y/n shouted, tears streaming down her face. 
“Maybe I don’t want to, Y/n.” With that, the door shut behind him, leaving Y/n to cry all alone. Fine. She'll do this alone if she has to. 
“What’s been going on with you?” Dustin asked, walking into Y/n’s room. She sat up from her bed and looked at the boy.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You have been weird ever since a couple weeks ago.” Y/n looked into her brother’s eyes and became emotional. He saw her eyes tear up and he sat down on the bed next to her.
“Can you-” She gulped. “Can you close the door, please, Dusty. I gotta talk to you.”
“Yeah,” He nodded, getting up to shut the door. “What’s going on?” He sat back down and watched his sister cry.
“Dustin,” She sniffled. “You have to promise me that this stays between us, okay?”
“I promise.” She pursed her lips and took a deep breath.
“I’m pregnant.” She whispered to him, making his face drop.
“What?” He asked, beginning to cry himself. “Who-”
“The dad wants nothing to do with us.” She interrupted him. “And that’s not something for you to worry about.”
“Does mom know?” She shook her head, making his face fall. 
“You’re the only one besides me that knows.” She sniffled, trying to stop crying. 
"You need to tell someone." Dustin told her. "You need to tell mom."
"I know!" She rubbed her hands over her face. "I just don't know how. I'm going to break her heart."
"But she'll help you!" Dustin said, grabbing his sister's hand. There was a long pause of silence as Dustin watched his sister think. 
"Can you help me tell her?"  She asked. 
"I-I wouldn't know how!" Dustin frantically shook his head, his eyes wide with panic.
"Just-" She briefly thought. "Just be there to hold my hand? Can you do that for me, Dusty?"
"Of course I can." His eyes began to tear up again. "I'd do anything for you, Y/n, you're my big sister."
"Can we tell her tonight?" She asked, feeling a surge of courage. "I just… I don't want to feel lost anymore."
"Yeah," He nodded, nervously. "Yeah, if that's what you want."
"It doesn't matter what I want anymore." She scoffed. "She'll find out sooner or later."
"Then let's tell her." 
"Mom?" Y/n asked, leaning against the doorway to the kitchen, where her mother stood washing dishes. 
"Hi, sweetie pie!" Her mother quickly smiled at her. "Do you need something."
"Can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Uh oh." Her mother turned off the sink and began to try her hands. "Is this a girly problem?" 
"Uhh…" She trailed off. It kind of was a girly problem, but not in the way her mom was probably thinking. "Kinda, yeah."
"Oh, okay," Her mom nodded, promptly putting the dish towel down and walking to her daughter. "Let's go to your room."
"Actually, can we do it in the living room?" She asked. "Dustin's gonna be there when I tell you." 
"Okay." Her mother said with confusion. Y/n walked to the living room, her mother in suit, where Dustin sat on the couch waiting. Y/n sat at one end of the couch, her mother sitting at the other end, making Dustin the middleman. 
"You two are scaring me." Their mother said, worry filling her eyes. Dustin's eyes began to fill with tears, making Claudia worry even more. "What is the matter with you two?!"
"Mom," Y/n began to cry. "I love you so much and I want you to know that."
"Y/n, I love you too." Claudia said. "But you need to tell me what's going on."
"I'm pregnant." She gulped nervously. "The father wants nothing to do with us and I'm keeping the baby." Claudia's jaw dropped, her hands shaking. 
"What?" Her voice was shaking. "What do you mean?" 
"I'm so sorry." Y/n cried, her face in her hands. "It was an accident." 
"Who's the father?" She asked, making Y/n look at Dustin nervously. 
"Tell me, Y/n." Claudia demanded. "He needs to take responsibility for this!" 
"I can't tell you!" Y/n nearly shouted. "He won't come around anyway, so it doesn't matter!"
"Doesn't matter?" Claudia scoffed. "He's the one that's going to pay child support. He's the one that's going to be this baby's father!" 
"He doesn't want anything to do with us, mom!" She shouted. "He won't help even if I tell him to! Don't you understand?" 
"I'm so disappointed in you." Claudia said, making Y/n cry harder. 
"Mom," Dustin said, shocked with his mother. "Don't do this to her. She's upset as it is."
"You don't understand what this means, Dusty."
"Like hell I don't!" Dustin shouted, standing from the couch. 
"Dusty!" Claudia gasped at her son's language. 
"She's my sister! Your daughter!" Dustin said, matter of factly. "She came to you for help. She doesn't know what to do. She needs guidance!" Claudia blinked back tears and sighed. She leaned over the couch and grabbed onto Y/n's hands, making the young girl look into her eyes.
"I'm disappointed in you, Y/n." Claudia said, making Y/n choke back a sob. "But… I'm your mother and if you need help, then I'll provide it."
"Thank you, mom." Y/n smiled, slightly.
"But that doesn't mean I will do everything, Y/n." She conditioned. "I am the grandmother, not the mother of this baby."
"I know, mom." Y/n nodded. "I'll take all the help I can get." 
After Y/n told her brother and mother about her pregnancy, she waited until she began to show slightly to tell her friends. They were shocked, especially Steve and Robin, but they were supportive nonetheless. Steve actually rolled his eyes and said that he can't wait to babysit another kid. She has never been more grateful for her friends, especially when she really began to show. The endless rumors of who the father was swarmed Hawkins like flies on shit. Y/n just ignored everything. They didn't need to know who the father was. They didn't need to know anything. But the rumors still got to her, as she had cried to Steve about it, him being the only male comfort for her besides her brother. 
"I can be the father." He had said to her as she leaned her head on his shoulder, his arm around her shoulders. 
"What?" She lifted her head off of his shoulder to look at him.
"If you want the questions about who the father is to stop," He began. "Just tell them I'm the father."
"No," She shook her head. "I can't do that to you, Steve. It'll ruin your reputation." 
"You're one of my best friends, Y/n." He said. "I don't care about my reputation if it means I help you."
"You're really sweet, Steve." Y/n smiled, leaning her head back on his shoulder. "But… even though the father wants nothing to do with us, I don't think he'll appreciate someone else taking his place."
"Well," Steve sighed, pulling her closer. "If you ever change your mind, just let me know."
Y/n had thought about it for weeks. She really, honestly, was considering telling everyone that Steve's the father of her baby. But she felt it would be disrespectful to Eddie. Before this whole incident, she had started to consider him a friend. But now? Now they really were strangers. Strangers with a baby. 
"Eddie." Y/n said, standing next to him at his locker. "We need to talk."
"About what?" He sighed, looking at her, his eyes momentarily locking onto her large stomach. 
"I know you want nothing to do with us, but-"
"Shh!" He shushed her, grabbing the end of her jacket to pull her closer. "Could you be quiet about that shit?"
"I'm going to tell people that Steve's the father." She continued. 
"Steve?" He raised an eyebrow at her.
"Yes, Steve Harrington." Eddie laughed and crossed his arms.
"What, you screwing him now too?" He scoffed. "Is that even safe for the baby?"
"Shut up, Munson!" She glared at him. "Steve's more of a man than you'll ever be. He's voluntarily stepping up to take care of a child that isn't even his!"
"You know, Y/n," Eddie smirked. "I still have your underwear." Y/n rolled her eyes and scoffed, crossing her arms. 
"Well, I still have your virginity." 
"Shut up!" He said, angrily glaring at her. "You know, I should be the one pissed off at you! You're ruining both of our lives by keeping this baby."
"How could your life be ruined when you're not even claiming parentage?" She nearly shouted. 
"This affects me too and you know it!" He pointed a finger at her. 
"Yeah, well at least the evidence isn't under your sweater!" Tears fell from her eyes, making Eddie's face soften up a bit. "Everyday I have to hear shit from people. You don't! So don't even start with that shit, Munson." With that, she stormed off, frantically wiping the tears from her eyes. Eddie scrunched up his face in anger and slammed his locker shut with a curse. 
“She’s just been in such a bad mood lately.” Dustin said to the lunch table. “I don’t know w-”
“What do you know about your sister, Henderson?” Eddie said, slamming his hands down on the lunch table as soon as he arrived. It had been a few days since he talked with Y/n. The day after their little spat in the hallway, he began to hear people whispering that Steve Harrington was the father of Y/n’s baby. Now, Eddie will admit that he reacted badly when Y/n talked to him, but he didn’t actually think she’d tell people that Steve’s the father. 
“I-” Dustin looked shocked at what his dungeon master and friend was asking him.
“Who’s the father of her baby?” He asked, his eyes crazed like a madman. 
“Not you too.” Dustin groaned, rolling his eyes. “I thought you’d be different, Eddie.”
“Just-” He began to get angry. “Tell me what you know.”
“She doesn’t like when people talk about her, Eddie.” Dustin said. 
“Henderson,” Eddie knelt down to his level, his hand grasping at the back of Dustin’s neck. “Who is the father?”
“Steve Harrington.” Dustin said. “Why are you so worried about it?”
“Damnit!” He hit the table again as he came to a stand, his eyes searching for Y/n in the crowded lunchroom. At least now Eddie knew why Dustin never seemed to be angry with him. Sure, Dustin is a sweet boy, but he was protective of his sister. Eddie was sure that if Dustin knew about Eddie and Y/n, he’d never speak to Eddie again, let alone still be a part of Hellfire. 
“I know,” Dustin said. “I’m pretty mad at Steve too, but I’m at least thankful that he came to his senses and decided to take care of Y/n and their baby.” 
“Where is she?” He suddenly asked after a few moments of silence.
“Home.” Dustin said, confusion written all over his face. “Why?” Eddie didn’t answer him. All he did was rush out of the lunchroom, pushing away anyone who got in his way. He needed to get to Y/n. He needed to talk to her. 
“Y/n!” Eddie shouted, pounding on her front door. Eddie had only known where she lived because he had since been driving Dustin home from Hellfire meetings, since Y/n would never come anymore. “Y/n, please! Open the door.”
“What, Eddie?” Y/n asked upon opening the door. Eddie looked at her and noticed the black circles around her eyes, chapped lips, and rosy cheeks. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, eyebrows furrowing with concern.
“As fine as I can be when a kid won’t stop making me puke.” She deadpanned. “Now what do you want?”
“Why are you telling people that Steve’s the father?” He asked, making Y/n sigh.
“I told you I was going to do that.” She shook her head in disbelief. 
“I didn’t think you’d actually do it, Y/n.” 
“Eddie, why do you even care?” She asked. “You don’t want us. Steve does.”
“Steve’s not my baby’s father.”
“Your baby?” Y/n scoffed. “It’s your baby now?”
“Once I start saying the baby is someone else’s it suddenly becomes your baby?” Y/n suddenly became sad. “You’re ridiculous, Eddie.”
"I take back what I said!" He shouted in desperation. 
“Can we at least just talk about it?” He begged. “Please, sweetheart.” Y/n averted her eyes from his face, trying hard to get rid of the tears that burned the back of her eyes. With a quiet sigh, she nodded, making Eddie release a breath of relief. She opened the door wider and stood out of his way so he could come in.
“Okay, then,” Y/n began as she joined him at the dinner table. “Talk.”
“I reacted badly that day.” Eddie said, awkwardly. “And I’ve been a total dick.”
“You think?” She sassed.
“There’s honestly nothing that could make up for what I’ve done, for what I said, but” He reached towards her and grabbed her hand. “I want to be there. I want to be a father.”
“Why now?” She asked, shaking her head. “Is it because of Steve? Are you jealous?”
“I-” He was speechless. He wasn’t sure why he felt this way now. Perhaps he always wanted to be there, but just didn’t know how to react. 
“Eddie,” She sighed, gripping the hand that held onto hers. “I won’t keep you from seeing our baby, but I don’t want you to be the person that comes in and out of their life like my dad did.”
“I always wanted to be there.” He admitted, eyes filled with hope. “But I just… Y/n, I didn’t have a good father. He was in and out of my life too. Either high off his ass or in jail. I just didn’t want to be like that too.”
“Eddie, I think you’re incapable of being a bad person.” She smiled slightly. “And I have the same worries. I’m afraid I won’t be a good mom. But it’s a learning process.” Eddie laughed with tears in his eyes.
“When did you get so wise?” He asked, making her laugh with him.
“I’ve been reading a lot of parenting books.” She smiled. “You can borrow them, if you’d like.”
“I might just take you up on that offer.” He smirked. There was a long pause of comfortable silence. Just two soon-to-be parents basking in the reality of their situation.
“Can I ask you something, Eddie?” She asked, breaking the silence. He nodded and looked into her eyes. “Did you ever feel anything for me? Like, more than friends?”
“I did.” He admitted. “I do now. I just… didn’t know if you liked me too.”
“I do.” She smiled.
“Then,” He smirked, standing up from his chair and pulling her towards him. He placed his hands on her belly and smiled at the feeling. He let his hands come to a rest at her sides and he looked at her. “Wanna go steady?”
“I’d love to.” She didn’t hesitate. “But now I have to explain that you’re the father.”
This was going to be a very long and very hard story to explain to what seemed like the entirety of Hawkins. It’s going to be even harder when she tells her mother and Dustin. But they both hoped that they didn’t hate them. They all had to understand, right? Dustin was understanding. Right?
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 7 months
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♡ requests for one-shots and all aus are open (unless said otherwise below)
♡ what i will/won't write
♡ dividers by @saradika-graphics
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- ♥︎ consistent uploads (loose term) ♥︎ -
Taylor Swift x Fem!NHL!Reader
Older!Rockstar!Eddie x Popstar!Reader
Spencer Reid x Famous!Reader
Spencer Reid x Morgan!Reader
- ♥︎ sporadic uploads ♥︎ -
Rockstar!Eddie x R&B Singer!Reader
Quinn Hughes x NHL Player!Reader
Quinn Hughes x Royal!Reader
Jack Hughes x Commentary Youtuber!Reader
Jack Hughes x Teen Mom!Reader
Luke Hughes x Actress!Reader
Regulus Black x Potter!Reader
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one shots!
🎀 fluff 🩰 angst 🩷 smut 🌷 social media edit
♡ celebrities!
🌷🎀 Karma Is My Girlfriend | Taylor Swift (has an au)
♥︎ Taylor goes to her girlfriend's hockey game, and Y/n goes to her girlfriend's concert.
🎀 Harry Girls | Platonic!Niall Horan
♥︎ Reader and Niall reunite on The Voice, fighting over the One Direction fans
🎀 'It Couple' | Andrew Garfield
♥︎ Where Andrew and Y/n are the 'it couple' of Hollywood
🌷Marriage Rumours | Andrew Garfield
♥︎ Rumours of a marriage end up to be true
♡ youtubers!
🎀 Valentine's Reunite | Johnnie Guilbert
♥︎ After reconnecting after a few years, Y/n and Johnnie tell their fans they're friends again by a Valentine's video. With old feeling resurfacing the two have some tension that doesn't go unnoticed by said fans.
🎀 New Set | Johnnie Guilbert
♥︎ Giving boyfriend!Johnnie head scratches after getting new acrylics
♡ athletes!
🎀 Unofficial Litter Sister | Platonic!Quinn Hughes
♥︎ Luke's girlfriend is sick, so Quinn comes to take care of his unofficial little sister.
🌷Eras Tour Love | Quinn Hughes
♥︎ How will fans react to Quinn dating one of Taylor Swift's dancers?
🎀 In Concert | Luke Hughes
♥︎ Luke brings Jack and a few teammates to his girlfriend's concert
🎀🩰 Moments In Time | Luke Hughes
♥︎ Moments in time during Y/n and Luke's relationship
🎀 So American | Nico Hischier
♥︎ Y/n invites her brothers and her boyfriend to one of her concerts
🩰🩷Second Chances | Trevor Zegras
♥︎ Reader giving Trevor another chance, after his already second chance and a complicated history. Right on the cusp of releasing her debut album
🎀 Caught The L-O-V-E | Quinn Hughes
♥︎ Quinn only falls more and more in love after going to his girlfriends concert
♡ characters!
🎀🩰 Best Friends-With-A Baby | Eddie Munson
♥︎ When a best friends-with-benefits situation becomes a best friends-with-a baby situation.
🎀 Out Of Your Comfort Zone | Spencer Reid
♥︎ During a bookstore date Y/n's taste in books gets Spencer out of his comfort zone.
🎀🩰 History Repeats Itself | Jess Mariano
♥︎ Being a teen mom is hard but without any help it's even harder, after saving up enough she can finally move to Stars Hollow to be closer to her baby's father
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219 notes · View notes
ali-r3n · 2 years
Eddie & Y/N’s Rebellious Teen: Dad, that band sucks
Y/N: Here we go *sips coffee*
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340 notes · View notes
talistableau · 2 years
This is part one of hopefully many, I’ve been so excited to share this , thoughts and suggestions are more than welcome! My asks are open as of now so feel free to send in one shots! and fic ideas!
A few content warnings of this part quickly
mention of loss of parents, hints to childhood trauma, bullying, teenage pregnancy, alcohol, drugs and mature-ish language
Without further ado, enjoy! 1.9k words!
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Eddie didn’t know who he was hoping to see more when he walked through the door and into the halloween party he had been waiting all week for. The music blaring from all four walls and reverberating in his head that was already cloudy and vague from the joint he’d smoked on the drive over.
Chrissy was definitely on the list, he’d wanted to talk to her ever since sophomore year but chickened out at every opportunity—fearing the insults and heckles she could bestow on him like her friends did regularly.
But you. He had been toying with the idea of conversing with you ever since freshman year when you had worn a Black Sabbath t-shirt with a ripped miniskirt on your very first day, which he thought was pretty darn cool. And brave to say the least. When he finally grew the balls to talk to you, you had disappeared and he thought he’d lost his chance forever.
That thought soon changed when he had nipped into Family Video four—nearly five years later and his newfound best friend, Steve, had decided to finally spill the beans that Robin had sworn him to secrecy about.
“Oh, you remember y/n?” He began, Eddie’s ears pricking up as he nodded with an affirming hum at your name. “She’s back in Hawkins. She’s apparently coming to my party too. This is your chance, man, you were crazy about that chick for years. We could all tell.”
Which brings us back here. You were the reason he came in the first place, so perhaps Chrissy could wait a little longer. Grabbing himself a beer he began his search for the familiar coiled hair and boisterous laughter. Turning to leave the living room in defeat after an hour, he spotted you, standing on the stairs and leaning against the bannister talking to Robin, he didn’t know you two knew each other. You were in a strikingly familiar golden bikini, with your hair tied up in the classic space buns wrapped perfectly on your head, he couldn’t help but stare, embarrassedly looking away when Robin caught his eye and sent him a sickening grin.
He felt severely underdressed. He had just grabbed a cheap pair of stick- in fangs from the garage, an old trench coat and smeared some fake blood on his face—boom, Dracula. Whereas you, you looked like a goddess. Golden eyeshadow coated your lids with sharp winged eyeliner. He determined then and there, that gold, without a doubt, was definitely your colour.
Robin nodded towards someone, you turning your head to see where her eyes were leading you.
“Okay don’t tell him I said this but he’s super into you.” She blabbed, evidently no longer being able to keep this secret, “Like super duper, ‘hey i’m so crazy about you but you don’t know I exist’ type of into you, but you didn’t hear that from me, okay?” She raised a brow, you laughing in response. A mixture of shock and genuine amusement.
“Eddie’s into me?” You repeated.
You had definitely known he existed. Jesus, of course you had, you had harboured the biggest crush on him in your final year of middle school that continued on. You had no clue he felt the same way about you. Suddenly, you began to wish you hadn’t left, perhaps if you’d stayed then something would’ve happened with the pair of you.
Robin's eyes grew wide. “Yes!” She practically yelled, “God, yes! Like since freshman year,” Your own eyes grew wide at this, a grin tugging at your lips. “Go talk to him!” She ushered, lightly taking hold of your shoulders and turning you around to lead you downstairs.
“Robin! Robin, no—robin!” You hissed as she gave one final push from behind, and suddenly you were standing right in front of him, able to see the corner of his mouth twitch upwards.
“Hi.” You laughed awkwardly, “Sorry about her, she doesn’t get out much.” You joked, the twitch of his mouth turning into a full-blow grin that you couldn’t help but replicate.
“Ah don’t sweat it,” He said, subtly eyeing you and sipping his beer “Cool costume. Didn’t have you down as a nerd though.”
Your grin slipped then grew wider if it were possible, “Thanks. I think.” You laughed again “Being a nerd is the new cool, haven't you heard?”
“Guess I've been cool since birth then.” He said smoothly, accompanied by a wink that made your knees weak. “So what happened? You just uh,” He chuckled, “Kind of fell off the face of the earth.”
You nod, sucking in a breath. “Yeah I sorta..had a kid.” You itch the side of your nose, bumping the small gem piercing and smiling again. “Ozzy. Ten points if you can guess how I named him.”
The choke on his beer made you stifle a snicker, “That’s how I got all these piercings. See, once you’ve been through childbirth, they’re pretty much nothing compared to it.”
“Wow.” He began, speaking through a laugh. “So.. morale of the story being that you’re a milf now?”
You couldn’t help but feel flushed at his words, bashfully blinking and biting your lip briefly to not grin yet again. What was he doing to you? “Okay, that is so not normally the reaction I get when I tell people about Oz.”
He shrugged, feigning neutrality, the smirk slowly appearing on his face and reddened cheeks betraying him. “What brings you back to Hawkins? Is Ozzy Osbourne Jr starting kindergarten?”
You shook your head, trying hard not to just spin in a circle or jump up and down in joy. In the past, anyone you told about your son would make some excuse to leave, their taxi was outside or they were running late or some bullshit thing like that. Eddie seemed genuinely interested and you had never been more attracted to somebody in your life.
“No, he’s already in Kindergarten, he’s gonna be four soon,” you shrugged, “Just thought everyone missed my presence too much and decided to grace you all with it again.” It was your turn to wink at him and he was melting. “You’re welcome.”
He whistled, a hum at the back of his throat as he took another sip of his beer before he spoke. “Is it just you back in Hawkins with the munchkin?”
“Pretty much,” You agreed, “His dad doesn’t want shit to do with either of us and my folks didn’t want to come back to Hawkins so it’s just us.” you continued, “Got a cheap trailer up at Forest Hills.”
Something in Eddie’s face changed at this. A twinkle grew prominent in his eye and coupled with that damn twitch in the corner of his mouth, you knew something was up. Nothing bad, it seemed. But something.
“Guess I should’ve introduced myself as your neighbour then, huh,”
Gawking, you pushed his shoulder gently. “No fucking way,” you beamed. “Yours is the big white van at the end, I'm guessing?” raising a brow you went on, “A tour van for..”
“Corroded Coffin!” You snapped your fingers as the band name dawned on you. How on earth could you forget them with a name like that? Memories of Hawkins Middle School coming flooding back.
His jaw dropped and you couldn’t help but giggle at how dramatic he was, especially when he put his hand over his heart, “Y/N! You remembered! I didn’t know you cared that much!”
“Are you kidding?” You gasped, mocking his pose. “I had the biggest crush on you from like thirteen plus. I was simply smitten! and by the way, according to Robbie, you did too.” You tease, playfully poking his chest with your nail.
He grinned, turning away from you and waving his hand. “Oh stop, sweetheart, I'll blush.”
“Not a denial.” You point out, running your tongue over your front teeth. You decided to stop with the teasing—for now. “So where do your band gig?”
Eddie seemed thankful for the change in subject. “The Hideout, Tuesday nights, we gig there.” He said a bit too quickly, a small squeal of excitement being heard in your mind.
“For real?” You began, keeping your voice calm to not give away what you were about to say. “Guess I'll see you guys on Tuesday night then.”
A smile reminiscent of the cheshire cat made its way onto Eddie’s face, “Oh yeah? You desperate to see me shred it live on stage?”
You hummed in somewhat agreement, lifting a single shoulder and looking at him, “Don’t really have a say in it, I just got a job bartending in there.”
His eyes grew wide, crossing his arms over each other. “No kidding, when do you start?”
You leant down to a side table, grabbing yourself a can of cider, struggling to open it momentarily with the length of your nails but you got it open. “Tomorrow actually,” you laugh, “So I should really head home soon, don’t wanna get fired before I can hear you shred it live on stage.”
You took a sip of it, your nose scrunching as you had forgotten how vile it really was on the first sip, you hadn’t had any alcohol or had the opportunity for alcohol in almost two years.
“You want a ride home?” Eddie offered, “I was going that way, anyway, and I've only had one beer,” He quipped, making you smile gratefully, nodding. “Yeah that’d be great, thanks. I’ll just go say bye to Robbie first, meet you at the van?”
“Sure thang, sweetheart.” He agreed, kicking himself internally at his choice of syntax. ‘sure thang?’ Who was he? Why had he said that?
You paused for a moment, laughing as you left and approached Robin who was talking to Nancy, the latter embracing you excitedly, glad to see you back again. She wasn’t the only one.
It was then that the scary realisation dawned on Eddie. The realisation being that he hadn’t spoken to Chrissy who stood no more than ten feet away from him. The scary part being that he no longer even wanted to talk to Chrissy. Just you.
Walking out to his van, he couldn’t believe how well tonight had gone. Part of him was scared that you wouldn’t remember him, and I mean who would? He was just Eddie Munson—Edward Munson the last time you saw him. Dorky Edward with the buzz cut and the guitar-shaped backpack. Dorky Edward the fantasy fanatic, desperately clinging onto other worlds and made up lands to try and escape the one he was trapped in. The one with no parents, one dead, one a deadbeat.
But you saw past all of that. It turned out that you always had, requiting the same feelings that he had held for you for years, it felt too good to be true, but it wasn’t. It was real, you had said it to him with no malice or cruelty, it was just you admitting something that he never ever could, too afraid of rejection and heartbreak.
Even if it very well would end in heartbreak, he felt that he had to try. Hell, he needed to try. You were worth the possibility of that pain. That and more. You were worth everything, even the thing that he had been trying his damned hardest to avoid ever since he was seven and his folks split.
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mimixmunson · 1 month
Bestfriend Reader in a skirt casually sitting on eddies lap and when she gets up/or maybe eddie realizes she left a wet patch on his leg
Bestfriend!Eddie gets cockwarmed. Eddie Munson x female reader. Smut. Blurb.
(I got so carried away here!! Thank you for this prompt<3)
Eddie’s trailer wasn’t the most spacious of places, but when he offered to have movie night there rather than the Harrington mansion, you all politely agreed.
That’s how you got in this situation. Robin and Vickie were nestled up under a blanket on the floor surrounded by pillows, they seriously looked like something from a cheesy teen movie, it was such an adorable sight. Nancy and Jonathan sat side by side on the couch, his head leaning on her left shoulder and her fingers combing through his fringe, muttering something about him needing a hair cut. Steve was sat to the right of you cradling a pillow. He looked sweet all cuddled into it, his nose wrinkled up as his face pushes into the pillow, and you, were sat on Eddie’s lap.
It wasn’t an unusual thing for you to be physically affectionate with Eddie, you’d known each other since you were three. He’d showered and taken baths with you when you were kids when the Munson’s water supply was cut off from tough times with money and your mom always let them use your bath tub and shower when they needed it. He’d seen you grow from a little toddler into what you are today, 5’5 and 21 years old. He’d seen all of your style experiments to try and figure out who you were, but you were always so jealous of Eddie. He knew who he was from a young age. I mean he forced you to listen to KISS and Metallica when you were pre-teens. He knew what he wanted and what he liked, you admired that. You admired him.
Your back facing his chest, heat radiating under the blanket he’d hauled over the pair of you. You didn’t bat an eyelid when his hand snuck under your shirt, drawing little patterns with his finger tips on your skin. Tracing your spine and writing curse words with his nails, it tickled. It was soft and oh so soothing. He walked his fingers up your back, pretending as if his pointer and middle fingers were a persons legs. Getting closer and closer to the back of your neck and your head tilted back with a jolt. You turn around to face him, a look of playful annoyance plastered over your face but ruined with a smile when you were met with Eddie’s devious smirk.
He pouts, silently saying how he’ll make it up to you. He didn’t say that with words, but you knew. You and Eddie could almost read each other’s minds, it was a little scary. His fingers swoop over your back again, but this time slower and gentler. It was a barely there touch. His fingers felt featherlight as they grazed up and down your back, with both hands added now. Lifting your hand to cover your smile, a feeling of relaxation washed over you. Whilst whatever movie Robin had chosen seemed interesting, all you could think about and feel, was Eddie.
Before you knew it, you felt your throat let out a groan. A guttural moan, it was quiet and thankfully covered up by the background sound of the movie. But Eddie’s hands didn’t stop, they teased your sides, open palm rubbing up and down them. You squint your eyes shut tightly, but your brain is filled with thoughts. Thoughts of the night when the tension got too much for you, the night Eddie leant in and kissed you. He tasted of weed, you were both as high as a kite but the melody of his playing corroded coffin tape set the scene so well. He rubbed your sides just like this when you were sat on his lap last time. Only last time, he was inside you.
The burning desire in the pit of your stomach ached for more again. Rutting your body slowly across Eddie’s thigh, rolling your hips just like you did on his cock before. The feel of his denim clad thigh harsh against your clothed clit, you hide to bite your lip to hold back a moan. Eddie just felt so good. He definitely knew what you were doing, he began to bounce you on his thigh, slowly at first but picking up the pace when he felt your hands find their way to his. He rocks you, backwards and forwards, rubbing your clit against him. Pleasure washes over you completely, you’re blissed out. He begins to buck his hips beneath you, feeling his hard cock hit against your ass. You just wished he’d slide your panties aside and let you cock warm here right here, right now. He thrusts against you again, you wonder if he’s leaking in his boxers. You’d do anything to taste his pearlescent beads of cum, so you wriggle your ass in his lap. You get away with it too, pretending like you’re dancing to the music the movie is playing. Teasing him and feeling him grow harder and harder underneath you, letting him thrust against the small of your back.
Until he stops. Turns you to face him by his finger and thumb grasping your chin, “Not here, behave and you can have a special treat later.” He teases, not missing your eyes widening and the blush spread across your face at his words. After he plants a soft kiss on your forehead, you turn back and try to focus on the movie but your mind is elsewhere. It’s so fucking tedious, even if you weren’t distracted you’d find this movie boring, you make a mental note to joke about the plot holes of this film with Steve later, he definitely feels the same about Robin’s movie choices because he is in fact snoring into the pillow.
It all feels never ending, you’re so turned on and there’s nothing you can do but sit and wait, feeling Eddie’s cock deflate and turn soft underneath you. But after 40 excruciatingly long minutes when all you can feel is the throbbing between your thighs and the uncomfortable sensation of your soaked panties, cold and wet against your pussy, the movie finishes.
The party clear up their mess and the guests leave, Nancy and Jonathan drive Steve home. Robin and Vickie walk back to Vickie’s parent’s house, a “slumber party” they had told them. Leaving you and Eddie, alone. You stand up for the first time in hours, stretching your arms above your head. Eddie’s arms clasp around your middle, and he pulls you back onto the couch, pinning your arms to the cushion.
Pointing at the now dampened and discoloured material of his jeans, “look at that. You soaked me through, princess. Your pussy drenched my thigh, in front of all of our friends. So dirty.” He cooed, his voice breathy and drowning in need. Eddie’s hand lets go of your wrists and begins to palm over his jeans, a tent shape that had been there for a while now. His pants looked tight, like the button was about to pop off and his cock spring out. “Had me so fucking hard for so long, now it’s time for your treat huh?”
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andvys · 1 year
sooo... I saw that your requests are open so maybe something with Henderson!reader who secretly has a crush on Eddie/Steve (you know I love them both so it's your choice here 🤭) and she has a fight with Dustin and this little shrimp (with all the love Dusty-bun) and his big mouth scream in nerves something about said crush and of course Eddie/Steve hears it, happy ending here pretty please 🥹
of course you don't have to write it if you don't like the idea! no pressure here, hope you have an amazing day Andy 🩷
My only angel E.M.
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Warnings: slight angst, mentions of unrequited feelings, mutual pining, happy ending of course, mostly fluff
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Henderson!Reader
Word count: 2.5K
Note: thank you for this request bestie! I loved writing it!
stranger things masterlist
You love your brother, you really do but that little shrimp, how Eddie likes to call him, can truly get on your nerves sometimes. You do anything for him, which is probably why he is so insatiable. You always spoiled him, that was probably your first mistake but you love getting him things that he loves so much, whether it’s new comics, books, movies or anything DnD related. A lot of your savings are spent on him, you know it’s not your job to get him all this stuff all the time but he is your little brother and you love seeing that big smile on his face whenever he gets excited about the things you get him. 
You drive him around when Steve is too busy to do it, you cook him lunch and dinner when your mom has no time to do it, you bake things for him and his friends and you let him host movie nights even though you love having the living room to yourself on Friday nights. 
You always say yes to him. 
But not this time. 
“Come on, are you serious?” Dustin exclaims, rolling his eyes at you as he follows you to your locker. 
“Very serious, Dustin!” 
“You can literally do it any other night, y/n!” 
Mike, Will and Lucas are tagging along with him, giving you their best puppy eyes. 
You open your locker, staring into blank space as you take a deep breath before you turn back around to look at the teens. 
“You know what? I’ve been waiting for this night for weeks! Mom is out of town, you were supposed to be at Mike’s place if I remember correctly and I was supposed to have the house to myself!” 
Mike furrows his brows, “why can’t you have your girls night at our place? You can have the basement,” he shrugs. 
“Yeah, the basement is nice!” Will smiles, though he doesn’t look like he wants to be a part of this argument. 
“Yeah, I’m sure Nancy and Robin would be fine with that,” Lucas says, giving you an unsure grin. 
“Exactly!” Dustin rolls his eyes. 
You tilt your head, “why don’t you host your DnD thing in your basement? That’s where you always used to play!” 
Dustin puts his hand on his forehead, “or you can just hang out in your room and we’ll have the living room to ourselves, that way we can all have what we want!”
You laugh, shaking your head in disbelief, “I want the living room, in fact, I want the whole house to myself, for once!” 
Dustin scrunches his face up in confusion, “oh come on, y/n, please!” 
Mike and Lucas nod along, “please, we don’t want any parents around, they aren’t exactly fans of Eddie.” 
Your features soften a little, something that definitely doesn’t go unnoticed by your little brother. 
You sigh, crossing your arms over your chest, you shake your head. You, Nancy and Robin have planned your only girls night for weeks, there is no way that you will let any boys interrupt it. 
Dustin’s face grows red, he rolls his eyes and throws his hands up, “son of a bitch,” he mumbles to himself, “is it because of your crush on Eddie? Are you scared that you will embarrass yourself when he’s around the way you always do?”
Your jaw drops and your eyes widen as you look at your brother. 
Mike’s eyes widen as well, he opens his mouth to say something but quickly closes it again when he sees the metalhead behind you, his expression mirroring yours. 
Will looks down, feeling sorry for you. 
Lucas cups his mouth, looking like he’s about to burst into laughter. 
Dustin’s face grows pale, regret flickering in his eyes when he sees the shocked and embarrassed look on your face and the surprised one on Eddie’s. 
That’s the question you ask yourself, internally. That voice did not belong to you though, this is Eddie’s voice. 
Your blood runs cold and your stomach churns. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath. Oh, how you wish the ground would just swallow you whole. Your cheeks heat up and embarrassment rushes through you. 
Eddie, whose face is more flustered than ever, steps around you, staring at you with wide eyes, “y/n, is that the truth?” 
You can only imagine what he thinks and what he feels, you spare yourself the embarrassment of being rejected. You don’t look at him, you don’t even bother to answer the question, you slam your locker shut, “host your goddamn campaign, Dustin,” you spit before you walk away without sparing any of them a single look. 
Eddie’s big eyes follow you, watching you walk away with your head hung low. His heart skips a beat, butterflies swirling in his stomach. You have a crush on him? The girl he has been pining for, feels the same? 
“Dustin,” Will mumbles, “how can you embarrass your own sister like that?” He shakes his head. 
“Yeah, dude,” Lucas mumbles.
Mike scratches his head and glances at Eddie who looks awestruck.
“Shit,” Dustin mumbles, closing his eyes. 
Eddie finally turns to look at him, putting his hand on the teen’s shoulder, he looks down at him, “Henderson, is that the truth?” Eddie asks, “your sister has a crush on me– on me?” He points to himself in confusion. 
Mike and Lucas share a look, smirking a little. 
Dustin finally opens his eyes, looking nervously up at his dungeon master, he is unsure of what to say, not wanting to embarrass you any further, he shrugs. 
Lucas sighs, rolling his eyes at his friend, “yes, Eddie. She has a crush on you.” 
Mike nods, “yeah, she was actually talking about you with my sister.” 
Eddie looks at them, “really?” 
Dustin squints his eyes, taking in the excited look on Eddie’s face, “wait,” he mumbles, “do you like my sister?” 
Eddie swallows, cheeks growing red.
“Holy shit!” Dustin exclaims as the three teens start smirking at him but before any of them can say anything else, Eddie turns around and runs off just the way you did, leaving them all giggling. 
You and Eddie aren’t the closest friends, that is probably because of your huge crush on him. Dustin isn’t wrong, you do tend to embarrass yourself in front of him. 
Whenever he is around, you turn into a blushing mess, you barely manage to form a sentence when he talks to you, all he ever gets are short responses, shy smiles and little waves. The poor guy probably thinks you hate him but he really just makes you incredibly nervous. 
You always had a crush on him, from the first moment you had laid your eyes on him, you had a special place in your heart for the handsome metalhead, not knowing that he feels just the same. 
You never talked much to him, only when you sat next to each other during class or saw him outside of school but you weren’t brave enough to make the move to become his friend or anything more than that. 
When your brother befriended him and he started coming around, stealing your job of driving him around, he always left you a blushing mess. Eddie was always a flirt, throwing random pickup lines at you, gifting you a flower that he picked from your mother’s garden or someone else’s property, holding doors open for you or carrying your books to classes but you never thought much of it, you thought that he’s like that with every girl. 
He is not. 
You fear that, that is over now, that he is weirded out by your crush on him. Thanks to your brother and his big mouth, your day and the rest of your week is ruined. 
All day, you have been avoiding Eddie, trying your best to avoid eye contact. The thought of being confronted and rejected makes you feel both mortified and heartbroken. 
You successfully manage to get through the day without running into him again. Now, you’re alone in your room, sulking, listening to Tears for Fears and glaring at your diary, the one that Dustin must’ve read, how else would he know of your crush and your hopeless feelings for Eddie? 
A knock on your window pulls you out of your thoughts, startling you a little. You throw the ripped out pages on your bed and turn around, eyes widening when you see Eddie who stands in front of your window with a smile on his face, waving at you shyly.
Your heart begins to race, your eyes widen. Nervously, you make your way towards it, he purses his lips, staring at you in excitement. Sliding the window open, you lick your lips and take a deep breath, “h-hi?” You mumble nervously. 
He is not here to reject you is he? 
Eddie smiles and you just now notice the flowers in his hands.
Surely, a guy who is about to reject you, won’t show up with flowers and a smile on his face, right?
“Hello princess,” he grins, looking giddy as he eyes you. 
You blush at the pet name, breaking eye contact, you look down. 
“Can I come in?” 
You nod and step aside to let him in, you dig your nails into your palms, a nervous habit that you have picked up on, years ago. You look down at yourself, growing incredibly flustered when you realize that you’re only wearing a big shirt and underwear. 
He climbs inside and shuts the window before he turns around to face you, he can’t even fight the smile off his face when he sees how nervous you are, “here, these are for you,” he whispers, holding out the flowers for you. 
Your eyes light up, looking up at him, you notice the excitement in his dark eyes, his plump lips are set in a bright smile. 
You reach for the flowers, your fingertips graze his knuckles as you take the flowers from him, “thank you,” you smile, glancing at the pink and yellow flowers, “those are not from mom’s garden,” you giggle. 
Eddie shakes his head, “no, they’re not,” he smiles, “I picked them out just for you, there’s a huge field of flowers close to Lover’s Lake,” he explains. He licks his lips, looking around the room that he has only passed by whenever he came over to pick up Dustin, “maybe I could take you there…. tomorrow? To Lover’s Lake, I mean.” 
Your heart flutters in your chest, excitement bubbling in your stomach. 
“To do what?” You ask, tilting your head, “isn’t that like a popular makeout spot?” 
His eyes widen and he chuckles, “no, according to all the jocks at school, skull rock is a popular makeout spot,” he says, stepping closer to you, he smiles as he watches you smelling the flowers, “but we could always make Lover’s Lake a new makeout spot, just for us, of course.” 
Your eyes widen even more, your cheeks grow incredibly hot. 
Your reaction makes him smirk, a sense of pride rushing through him for being so ‘smooth’. 
You giggle, forgetting all about the embarrassment and the fear you have felt before.
“Just for us?” 
He steps even closer to you, bringing his hand up, he brushes your hair back, tucking it behind your ear, “I wouldn’t want to take any other girl there, sweetheart,” he says, eyes softening, “but you gotta stop running away from me, I’ve been trying to catch you all day.” 
You draw your brows together and look up at him with big eyes, it makes him weak in the knees. 
“Tell me, is that little shrimp telling the truth?” He asks with big and hopeful eyes. 
You blink, your breathing quickens and you grow nervous all over again. 
“If he is, then I’d be the happiest and luckiest man in the world, princess.” 
Your heart leaps to your throat, you can’t believe it. 
“Really?” You breathe. 
He nods with a large smile on his face. 
“If you haven’t noticed, I’m like really obsessed with you,” he admits, cheeks redder than ever. 
“Wait what?” 
He chuckles, shaking his head as he cups your cheek, “I thought, I made it pretty obvious.” 
Not only does Eddie use every opportunity to talk to you, to spend time with you, he also creates DnD characters based on you, he drives around Hawkins, searching for the perfect flowers for you, he picks up Dustin just so he can see you, even if it’s only for one minute, he does anything to see you and to be with you and he explains all that to you, leaving you standing there with a shocked and awestruck look on your face. 
“I-I thought you do that for every girl,” you admit. 
“Never!” Eddie frowns, “I only want one girl,” he says as he reaches for your hand, bringing it up to his lips, he keeps looking into your eyes as he presses a kiss to your knuckles, “I only want you, sweetheart. So, will you take pity on my cynical heart and do me the honor and go on a date with me?” He asks, dramatically and with a teasing look in his eyes. 
Your giggle makes his soul happy.
Eddie is so crazy about you. He loves your beautiful voice, it always makes his heart flutter. He loves your sweet smile. He loves the way you get so flustered whenever he just looks at you. He loves your perfume. He loves the way you make him feel. The way you have always been so good and sweet to him, the way you always make him smile and happy, even on his worst days.
You're his angel.
“I would love to go on a date with you, Eddie Munson,” you smile. 
“Really?” He exclaims happily. 
He fist bumps the air before he scoops you up in his arms and twirls you around, giggling at the squeal that leaves your lips as you wrap your arms around his neck, still holding the flowers in your hands. 
“This is the best day of my life,” he whispers when he places you back on the ground, giving you a toothy grin, he can’t even help himself, leaning closer, he kisses your cheek, “can’t believe that your little brother made it the best day.” 
“You should’ve asked me out before,” you whisper. 
“Sweetheart, I didn’t think you were into me, I feel like I’ve been flirting with you for months!” 
“I didn’t think you were flirting!” 
“Wasn’t I obvious?” 
You shrug, “I thought that you were just a flirt!” 
He scoffs, putting his hands on the small of your back, he pulls you tightly against him, “only for you.” 
You smile at him. Raising your hand, you run your fingers through his hair and push it back, reaching for one of the smaller flowers in your little bouquet, you pick it out and tuck the stem behind his ear. 
Eddie chuckles at your action but his heart flutters when you lean in and kiss his cheek. 
“You’re pretty, Eddie.” 
“Yeah?” He asks, blushing. 
You nod. 
“I think you’re prettier,” he whispers, smiling at you, “you’re the prettiest.” 
“No, that’s you.” 
“No, you!” 
Neither of you notice the hushed whispers outside of your door, too busy and focused on each other.
“Oh, they’re so gross already,” Dustin mumbles with a disgusted look on his face. 
Lucas and Mike giggle. 
“I think, they’re super cute,” Will smiles with a happy look on his face. 
“I think Eddie will come over for something other than the campaign this weekend,” Lucas says, wiggling his brows. 
Dustin groans, shaking his head, “ew!” 
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sunflowersteves · 2 years
family video || e.m.
pairing || eddie munson x fem!reader
summary || robin and steve were able to snag eddie munson a job at Family Video and it just so happens that the person of his dreams would be a regular customer.
author’s notes || i refuse to believe vol 2 just happened so here’s a fluffy fic where eddie is most certainly alive
warnings || season 4 vol 2 spoilers, fluff
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“Does it always feel this weird?”
Robin tapped her finger on the table, bored out of her mind. “Does what feel weird?”
Eddie shrugged, “I don’t know, maybe the fact that we saved the world a week ago from a monster-psychopath that tried to open four portals to another dimension in the middle of Hawkins and everything is just…Normal?”
Steve grunted while continuing to shelve the movies onto the small cases, “after the four times you save the world,” he sighed, “you get used to it.” 
Eddie could only groan, feeling like he was slightly going insane. After the entire town was out to get him for being a ‘freak’ and accusing him of starting a cult for Chrissy’s murder, he’s not sure he could move on. 
The government tried its best at covering everything up, immediately giving Eddie an alibi and insisting he was innocent. The Goverment also made sure that Chrissy’s death had been a closed case, giving some excuse about drugs and her abusive mom being the culprit. Jason was then put under investigation as a suspect for her murder, just so the accusations could be muddled easier. After a couple of weeks of investigating, Jason was arrested for attacking Lucas and Erica.
Eddie would still sometimes get looks from neighbors and people in Hawkins, but for the most part, he was left alone. No one really wanted to confront him after everything that had happened. 
Robin and Steve luckily were able to beg Keith for Eddie to get a job. They had to practically be on their hands and knees. Eddie was grateful, though. It was a distraction where he could fuck around with his friends and not worry about his problems.
“Great, love to see it.” Robin just snickered at Eddie before immediately receiving a glare.
"How are you so unaffected by this?" Eddie started to fiddle with his rings.
Robin shrugged, "What, Eddie, you want credit or something?" Before he could make a snarky comment back, their conversation cut off by the sound of the ringing bell on top of the door. 
“Welcome to Family Video—” Eddie’s breath left his lungs when he looked up from the computer. Oh, wow, oh shit—
You stood there with a genuine smile on your face, elbows leaning on the counter, while looking at the metalhead in front of you. You were talking to him, and he, for sure, had no idea what the fuck you were saying. 
He just had the wind knocked out of him, and all he wanted to do was stare at your perfect—beautiful—lovely face. The curve of your nose, the way your tongue clicked against your teeth, your eyes staring right back at his—yeah, he was totally fucked. 
“Hey, dingus, she asked you a question.” Robin had her eyebrow raised at the metalhead in front of him. He snapped out of his daze, brown doe eyes wide as he tried to recall what you had said. 
“I–Um–” Robin couldn’t help but have an amusing look on her face. The Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson was nervous? He was normally the utmost confident one by shouting and yelling about everything and anything. But here he was, completely and utterly speechless. 
“I was just wondering if you had a copy of Teen Wolf. Sorry, I just couldn’t find it on the shelves when I came yesterday.”
He swallowed. “Yeah, I–um–can show you.” He led the way towards the back of the video store and picked out the exact copy for you. He couldn’t help but feel hot—sweaty and sticky. Was it hot in here? Did Steve forget to turn on the AC?
“Here.” He handed you the copy, but not before your fingers brushed against each other. He could feel his own heart pounding against his ears. You were soft—so so soft. The tingling sensation never left while you smiled brightly at him.
God, you were just so beautiful. He hoped you would come to see him every single day of his entire life. 
“See you around, Munson.”
He deadpanned. You knew his name?
The next time that you came back to the video store was three days from when he had first met. And you bet, Eddie definitely counted each passing minute that you didn’t return the VHS. But he knew that you had to. You just did.
It was another very boring day with Steve and Robin, not much traffic since the weekend was over. He was currently sketching in his book and trying very hard to come up with a new story for the campaign on Friday. 
He heard the bell to the door ring but didn’t bother to look up. He figured that if they needed anything, they would ask him or Robin for help. He was still sketching, his pencil making light marks on the sheets of paper.
“What are you up to, Munson?” 
His heart immediately burst. You. You were here. You were standing right in front of him with a slight teasing gleam in your eyes. Your head was cocked slightly to the side, and your smile was so completely infectious. 
“Oh, it’s just– it’s just for my club that’s this Friday.” 
You blinked, eyelashes falling perfectly onto your face. “Hellfire club? Aren’t you the president?”
Oh. Oh. You knew of the hellfire club? He knew that you weren’t a part of the popular crowd, but he didn’t realize you were into nerdy stuff either.
He was floored, absolutely floored. “You know of my club?” 
You propped your elbows up onto the counter, trying to get a better look at his sketching. “Yeah, my little brother loves D&D, so I’ve played it quite a few times.”
He licks his lips, eyes darting slightly nervously.  “Yeah?” 
“Yeah.” He sees that you still had Teen Wolf in your hands, and it was leaning against the side of your hip. Right, yeah, work. He has stupid work to do. 
“Here, I can check that back in if you want.” He reaches for the movie, and your eyes widen slightly. Oh, yeah. The movie that you had rented. To be honest, you had forgotten about it. 
You hand it back to him and watch as his eyes scan for your name on the computer. He then types a little on the computer, which you definitely took advantage of by looking at his hands. And oh, wow, his hands. They weren’t perfectly manicured or anything, but the rings that adorned his fingers definitely sprouted butterflies in your stomach.
He turned to you, smiling, “there. you’re all set.” You give him one right back and almost turn to leave. 
“Hey, what if you came to our club?” He leaned just a bit closer towards you.
“This Friday at 6:30. Our club meets in Ms. Hank's classroom.” 
You look down at the fake wooden table for just a second as if you’re contemplating. In reality, you were trying to hide that bubbling feeling inside you as he stared at you with such intensity. 
“I might just take you up on that offer.” Before he could even react, you gave a quick kiss on his cheek. His mouth popped open in surprise, he could hear Robin and Steve gasp in the background.
But you had that cheeky smile on your face. Your eyes sparkled once more as you stared at his startled face. You let out a consent sigh before turning around and leaving the store. All he could do was beam. 
“See you around, Munson.”
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fookinfandoms · 2 years
tatties | 18+
pairing: eddie munson x female reader
plot: During a night at your friends, it’s revealed that Eddie isn't the only one with tattoos. The metalhead is determined to find out just where exactly you're marked. 
authors note: pls let me know if he feels toooooo out of character! I hope this is okay :) Please leave some feedback! I’m a whore for words. 
NOT EDITED, I’ll do it later.
word count: 4.6k words. oops
warnings: 18+. minors dni, I'll kick you across the pacific, language, dirty talk, oral & fingering (f! receiving), grinding
another authors note: I can hear this gif. I like it. 86’ baby 🤸🏽
taglist: @starsxmoonsx​ @imconfused28 @phobles-world @that-lame-ghoul9000​ @arwen-rose​ @rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives​ @creepytoes88​ @manofworm @bamitzzsam​ @takemetoneverland420​ @shortstoriesbyher
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Everyone sat on the floor in Gareth’s basement, faint music being drowned out by the loud yelling of the boys as they fight over another game. Eddie and yourself shared a beanbag, his legs spread slightly to give you room between him. His arms lay over your shoulder, his hands playing aimlessly with the chain around your neck. 
“Would you believe it if I said I was stupidly hard right now?” Eddie mumbles into your ear, immediately grinning as you begin to laugh at his reveal. “I wouldn’t move that much if I were you.” 
“Wait,” You say through heavy chuckles. “You’re telling me that’s not your belt digging into my back?” 
His arms squeeze around your shoulders a little tighter before his hands land on your arms. He rubs them in a tender way, shrugging a little in the process. “I can neither confirm nor deny.”
You slap at his thigh from its position at your side and it was Eddie’s turn to laugh as you call him a perv. He sighs as you lean your head back on his chest, Eddie giving your forehead a quick kiss. “I’m your perv though.”
“Lucky me,” You joke, knowing Eddie was no doubt rolling his eyes. “Y’know most boyfriend’s whisper poetry or some corny shit into their girls ear, but I am so glad mine tells me when he’s got a raging boner in his friends basement.” 
“Hey hey hey, you give me a raging boner no matter where we are, I think that’s super romantic.” He joins in, the two of you continuing the back and forth for a little while as the night goes on.
Gareth’s mom had brought down pizza shortly after, and you now sat on the ground by Eddie feet, having finished a game of cards with Jeff. It was fun, but soon after the music started repeating and most of the games had been played. D&D was off the table, and you all now sat in a circle in an attempt to come up with a plan. 
Eddie couldn’t be too far away from you and he slowly scooted closer, the tips of his fingers ghosting yours before he slides his hand over to intertwine your hand with his. You flinch a little at the feeling, Eddie’s eyebrows furrowing at the reaction.
“Your rings are cold.” You answer, knowing what he was wondering. He gives you a small smile, his head tilting at your words. 
“Well now you can help warm them up sweetheart.” He replies, and before you can do the same, someone gags from beside you.
Jeff gives the two of you a disgusted look, his tongue out again as he gags. Everyone laughs at his reaction knowing he wasn’t a fan of PDA. With your free hand you reach over and pat his cheek. “You’ll know how to talk to girls when you’re older bud, it’s okay!” 
He slaps your hand away, mumbling something as you all laugh harder at the faint blush on his cheeks. Soon enough, the laughter died down and everyone was throwing ideas for another game.
“Truth or dare?” You speak up, head tilted as you already began thinking about possible dares. “Pretty simple game in my eyes.”
A few mumbles of sure and other agreements met your ears, and you started the game. “Okay then, Mike, truth or dare?”
The teen sat across from you in the circle, and he sat backwards on his palms as he answered. “Dare.” 
“Sniff Jeff’s armpit for ten seconds.” You laughed instantly at his visual disgust, his mouth open in shock as your cruel dare. 
Gareth shakes his head at the dare whilst Eddie squeezes your hand as he beams down at you. “Now that’s super gross, I’m proud.” 
Mike reluctantly crawls over to Jeff, the teen already having his arm up ready. Mike glares at you as he reaches his destination. “I am so giving you a bad truth or dare when it’s your turn.” He says your name with malice before slowly turning his head, his nose meeting it’s doom. 
Eddie had a truth after that, having to pick a teacher he would French, Dustin choosing two elderly candidates much to his dismay. Afterwards, Gareth was dared to put on his mom’s makeup, you proving to be quite the makeup artist.
Mike stayed true to his word after all, and when it was your turn you chose dare. “Are you sure you want to pick dare?” He jests, his eyes narrowing at you from his spot in the Hellfire circle.
“Hit me with it.” You sit upright, your eyebrow raised as you wait for your dare. Before Mike can say anything, Eddie is pointing at him, a stern expression on his face. 
“No kissing, no stripping, if you even so much as think about bra’s I am taking off your fingernails and wearing them as earrings. Got it Wheeler?.” Your boyfriend threatens, Mike nodding at the Hellfire leader.
“Got it,” He answers, swallowing as Eddie gives him a thumbs up. “I wasn’t gonna’ do anything like that anyway, not towards her anyways.” “What’ya mean kid?” Eddie asks for you, and already you felt uneasy knowing you were at the darers mercy of a teenager.
“I was going to dare her to take off your socks.” 
“Well that’s not so bad all thin-“ Mike cuts you off before you can finish. Of course, there was no way he was going to go easy.
“With her teeth.” He finishes, his head turning back to you with an overly friendly smile. For what felt like the hundredth time that night, everyone laughed. It was your turn now to have a disgusted expression, your head turning towards Eddie who wasn’t sure what kind of reaction to have.
He wanted to laugh with the boys, but judging by your horrified look, he decided against it. He had to give it to the kid, he had a good revenge plan. “If it makes you feel any better, I actually put on a clean pair today.”  
“Yeah, they were clean at 6am this morning,” You whine at him, shivering in disgust at the idea of Eddie’s socks. “Those puppies have been cooking in there all day!”
“You gotta do it!” Mike pipes up, laughing at the way you flip him the bird. Eddie already begins to kick off his converses, and you cringe at the reveal. 
With heavy reluctance, you finish the dare, squealing and dry retching the entire way. Eddie squirmed at the feeling, almost feeling giddy at your touch. When it was completed, you kneel in front of Eddie, his eyes levelled with yours. His eyes were wide with humour, the complete opposite of yours as they narrowed. “If I look down and see a tent in those jeans… I am going to be so grossed out Eddie Munson.” 
He grins at you, shaking his head. “Does it count if I’m still hard from before?” He jokes, chuckling as you again fake vomit in his lap. He reaches forward, pulling you into his arms. You turn at an awkward angle, and like the start of the night you end up in his lap.
After a few more truths and dares from the nerds, you began playing with the lighter Gareth was dared to steal from his stepdad. Eddie had known you were in need of a new one and was the one to give his friend said dare. You were busy, distracted by the small flame to not notice Dustin calling your name.
“Truth or dare?” He asks as you finally stare at him, and the lighter is placed into Eddie’s pocket as you think.
“I don’t think I can handle anymore feet related dares so I’ll go with truth.” You grimace at the thought, ignoring the way Mike smirks. Evil.
“How many tattoos do you have?” Dustin couldn’t think of anything to ask, having used the tattoos on Eddie’s arms as inspiration. 
“She doesn’t have any Henderson.” The metalhead answers from behind you, to which you turn around to give him a confused look. 
“Except I do,” You say, wondering if he was in fact playing around. “Are you playing right now?” “Am I playing? Are you?” Eddie gives you a weird look, confusion more than evident in his brown eyes. 
“Oh my god,” You use Eddie’s legs as leverage as you stand up off the ground, keeping your eyes on him from his position below. “You’re being serious aren’t you?”
“I think I would know if you had any tatties.” He was hinting towards your many, many activities together that don’t require clothes, his brain trying to think over whether or not lately he had seen any new addition to your skin. 
“I was wondering why you hadn’t said anything, I actually thought you were just pretending not to notice but wow.” He was being serious right now, he really hadn’t seen it. 
Eddie’s birthday was coming up and he was adamant about not wanting anything. Not wanting to annoy him with gifts he didn’t want, you had gotten a tattoo for him. It was already a month old, and you were waiting for his birthday to reveal it was actually for him thinking he had already seen it. 
He goes to say something but you hold your finger up, not wanting to discuss it more in front of your friends. You turn to Dustin, the boy looking almost apologetic for asking. “I have one, technically six but it’s in one spot so.” 
“Six?” Eddie says rather loudly from the ground, his mouth shutting quickly as you again hold out your finger. You sit back down beside your boyfriend as he gives you a once over, his eyes scanning your arms and bare legs to spot any potential artwork.
The once usual chatterbox of the group remained quiet for the rest of the night, even when the others excused themselves to go home. Gareth had already pulled out the couch bed for both you and Eddie, sleepovers being a regular occurrence as you didn’t like driving late on a Friday night. 
Soon enough, you were left in the basement with your now quiet metal head, the music having been turned off and the host going to his own bed upstairs. Your overnight bag rested on a table and you searched its contents for your pyjamas, noticing the lack of clothing in the shared duffle bag. “Hey Eds’ did you pack m-“ “You were lying about the tattoos right?” He interrupts you and you put the bag down, turning around to lean against the tables edge. 
Eddie stands just a few metres away, he himself leaning against a beam with his arms crossed. The lights had been dimmed just a little, but they did nothing to hide the way Eddie’s jaw clenched.
“Have I ever lied to you?” It was true, you had never lied to Eddie and you certainly weren’t starting now.
“It’s just,” Eddie’s head tilts, his arm raising as he points at you in an almost teasing way. “I have seen nearly every inch of your body baby,” He says your pet name again, this time lowly. “If you’re telling me I've missed a spot, I’m going to feel very... very... wounded.”
“Well baby,” You reply, pushing yourself off the table and walking closer towards him. Slowly, you stand in front of him, raising your head to stare at him through your lashes. “I hate to break it to you, but you’ve definitely missed a spot.”
He frowns for a split second, his eyes narrowing as you give him a teasing smile. “Bullshit.”
“Cross my heart,” You do just that, swiping across your shirt to where your heart resides. “I swear on your guitar.”
“Oh shit.” 
“Oh shit indeed,” The room quickly started heating up, or more so you were at the way Eddie watched you. His brown eyes were noticeably darker, and so you reaches your hands forwards to hold onto his. He followed your movements, letting you hold his hand. “I actually got it for your birthday.” “My birthday?” He repeats, and you hold his hand up to your lips, kissing the back of his hand as you nod.
“I really am surprised you haven’t noticed, but when I think about it more I remember you’ve been a big fan of having me on my hands and knees lately.” Eddie instantly becomes flustered, knowing you were right. Doggy had become one of his favourite positions lately, purely because of the feeling and being able to watch himself disappear inside of you. Also because of your ass. Anyways.
“C-Can I see it? Or do I have to wait for my birthday?” He mumbles, cursing for almost sounding like he was begging. 
“Of course baby,” You pull back, dropping his hands in the process. He bites his lip almost in anticipation, wondering just where it could be. He knew it wasn’t on your back, that was one thing he was sure about. You unzip your skirt from the back, letting it fall to the ground in one swift movement. 
Stepping out of the pile on the floor, Eddie quickly looks around your now exposed thighs, frowning as he notices nothing. “I never thought I’d see you look so upset to see me in my panties.”
“Trust me, I am loving the Winnie the Pooh look right now,” He jests, his fists clenching in hopes you don’t notice just how much he is loving it. You were wearing his favourite pair, and he hoped you were wearing the matching bra. “Just wondering where these six tatties are hiding.” 
Without answering - you grab the bottom of your shirt, pulling it up and over your head and letting it go to match your skirt on the ground. 
Yeah, matching bra. Eddie praises you in his head, knowing you definitely had something planned for the two of you tonight. Almost focusing too much on your matching set, Eddie’s gaze follows the swell of your breasts before focusing on your sternum. His eyes widen at the art before him, your boyfriend stepping closer to you as he kneels in front of your tattoo. 
There in all of it’s glory were six little bats, matching the exact tattoo Eddie had on his forearm. “Two actually get covered when I take my bra off,” You break the silence, noticing Eddie was yet to say anything about his birthday present. “Forgot gravity was a thing y’know?”
“Do you have any idea how hot you are?” He stands tall once more before he himself reaches down to grab at his shirt, having already shredded his jacket earlier. Eddie  pulls his shirt off with ease, his hands immediately reaching for his belt. He curses your name as you drag your nails down between his pecs gently, the feeling making him shiver.  “Shit.” 
“So you’re not mad?” You whisper, not realising he would react this way towards some ink.
“Mad? My girl gets a matching tattoo and puts it in one of my favourite places,” Eddie shakes his head at your question, pulling his belt out of its loops before throwing it to the ground. “Nowhere near mad, just really fucking hard.”
“Do you, fuck, do you think we should really be fucking on Gareth’s couch?” He gives you a pointed stare for even bringing your friends name up. You shrug at him, pointing back towards the small frame of the pullout bed a few metres away.
“That old things squeaks more than you do,” God Eddie looked good like this, almost like was starving and ready to devour you. His jeans were long lost to the growing pit of clothes on the floor, the two of you standing in just your underwear. 
You ignore the comment about your noises, knowing Eddie was far from complaining. Your mouth opens to ask where he had his eyes on when he almost jumps on you, the words getting lost in your thoat. 
His hands grab at your hips, picking you up and sitting you on the edge of the table behind. Eddie keeps on hand on your bare hip, the other swiping away at your overnight bag and letting it fall to the ground with a thud. A oof leaves your lips at the action, Eddie quickly stepping in between the space of your parted thighs. 
“What if someone hears us?” There were three people upstairs that could potentially hear the pair of you, and Eddie turns his head to look at the basements door. 
He frowns for just a second, immediately shrugging as he faces back to you. “I think we could be quiet.” You just give him a blank stare to which he just shrugs again. “Just say the word and we’ll go to bed.” 
There was no way in hell you were sleeping, not with how flustered he had gotten you. You shake your head, Eddie pushing away at the hair that how fallen around your cheeks. Your legs tighten around his behind, pushing him closer towards you as you lock him in. 
He mutters your name, the hand in your hair sliding down your cheek to grip at your chin as Eddie tilts your head up, his dark brown eyes keeping you focused.
“Do you want this?” He leans forward a little, his lips ghosting your own as his nose gently touches yours. “Say the word baby and we’ll get those damn pyjamas on.”
“Something,” You pull him in for a small kiss, revelling in the way he begins to grin. You part, just enough for him to reach forward again to lick at your lips as you go to speak. “Tells me you might not want to go to sleep just yet.” 
Nodding towards his straining cock in his boxers. He shrugs, not at all ashamed at the way he had absently been rubbing his front against your own. Eddie was never embarrassed at how you made him feel, and any fears in the past had definitely gone out the window. 
You reached up to his chest, dragging your nails over the various tattoos littering his pale skin. He watches your movements, shivering as you drag a nail lightly over his nipple. “I’ll sleep if you want, s’okay, really.”
The last few words came out a little more strained, and you quirked your eyebrow at him. “Eddie, I don’t want to sleep.”
“Thank god,” He fakes a prayer with his hand, laughing lowly as you smack his chest. “Because I really wanna’ do this.”
Eddie strokes your chin, the coolness of his rings a quick shock to your skin. You sigh, and his thumb slides over your bottom lip. He tilts his head, his dark hair sliding over his broad shoulders. “You wanna kiss me?” You mumble against his thumb, hoping he’ll lean forward.  He doesn't, and you sit there anxiously awaiting his next move. His boxers itch at your thighs as he takes a closer step, his head however staying away. His eyes stay fixated on you, and he takes in a small breath. “You just look so good.”
You felt unbearably warm, your slick having already begun to dampen your panties and the front of Eddie’s underwear. He quirks his eyebrow at the small wet patch, and you fought the urge to hide yourself against his shoulder. 
Eddie curses again, taking in a ragged breath and he places his hands on the table, resting just beside your parted thighs. Within seconds, Eddie has slunk to  his knees, his eyes focused on you as he stares through his messy bangs. “Eddie?” You ask, shivering as his hands begin to slide down from your thighs, over your knees to your calves, the heat of his hands stroking your smooth skin.
He parts your thighs even wider, making sure to press a kiss to your right knee as he pulls them over his shoulders. Your breath hitches in your throat as he reaches up to the waistband of your underwear, and you wiggle around helping him remove them from under you. It would've felt awkward had Eddie not looked at you with his brown eyes, his gaze becoming darker with lust as he licks at his lips. 
You’ve been eaten out before, sure, it was one of Eddie’s favourite things to do. But it felt different now, was it the looming threat of someone possibly catching you? Doing this in your friends basement? Probably. He wraps his arms around your thighs in an attempt to pull you closer, his hair instantly tickling you. You reach down, pulling his hair out of eyes as you tuck what you can behind his ears. 
Eddie gives you another kiss, this time to your inner thigh. “S’good like this sweetheart,” He mumbles as he nips at your flushed skin. “Could spend hours down here.” 
Heat had well and truely surrounded you, the tension alone enough to make you tremble. “You really like the tattoo huh?” You managed to say, Eddie glancing up at you with an eyebrow raised. 
Goosebumps litter your skin as you whimper, Eddie choosing to reply with his lips elsewhere. He usually took his time when he was on his knees, but not wanting to push his luck, his head dips further until it reaches heaven. Your mind went empty as Eddie licks a stripe up your pussy. His tongue finding your clit as you jolt beneath him.
Thank god this table was hardwood. 
A loud whine leaves your lips as he leaves a sloppy kiss on the area above your pussy and your hips almost grind against his face in an attempt to feel him where you want him most. Eddie almost chuckled at how needy you were acting, deciding against it when he remembered this was for you after all. 
You buck your hips once more, Eddie’s hands pressing into the skin of your thighs with a powerful grip. “Eddie...” You moan as you felt his tongue glide over your cunt in a slower motion. He stops again, just so he can stare into yours as you bite at your lip. 
“I really wish you could be loud right now,” He forces out, keeping his eyes on you as he lowers his head once more. He circles your clit and trails down to your entrance, continuing his teasing pace as your hands reach for the edge of the table to keep you grounded. “S’good for me, so fucking good.” 
A small cry leaves your lips as he curls his tongue and you can't help but squirm under his tender touch. Eddie revelled in, smiling as one of your hands reaches for his hair and grips it. You tug at his scalp as he presses his tongue flat against your folds, letting your thighs lock him in. 
God the noises he made. His groans were music to your ears, and you cursed yourself for deciding to have a sleepover at Gareth’s instead of Eddie’s - where you both could be as loud as you want. 
Eddie couldn't get enough, wishing he could spend eternity between your legs. He was unbearable hard in his boxers, precum leaking from his swollen tip and dampening his underwear. He decided against releasing himself, choosing to stroke at your skin instead knowing the sight of you alone could make him cum.
Your body grew hotter as a pressing need to release formed deep inside, another whine leaving your lips as you felt Eddie’s tongue stroking your most sensitive area. “You taste so good sweetheart,” His voice sounded different, a dominating yet loving tone meeting your ears. “God I love you.” 
With a shaky breath, you whispered it back, ignoring Eddie’s wink from between your legs. The sight of him on his knees before you was enough alone to make you tingle, and Eddie’s rings left indents in your thighs as he keeps you in place.  He maintained his gaze as he licked in between your wet folds again, dragging it out as you bit your lip in anticipation.
“Eddie,” You moan, quickly shushing yourself as you felt your voice get a little louder than attended. He gives you a pointed but knowing stare. “Eddie please.” 
Your head throws back, losing his gaze as he hits a certain spot. You don't even notice the way Eddie’s hand leaves your thigh as he flicks his rings off, the small pieces of metal scattering on the floor. It’s only when you feel his tongue and his fingers at your hole do you clench around him. 
You're so unbelievably wet, both your slick and Eddie’s spit combining around your thighs and on the table below. You tremble as he pushes in a finger followed by another, tears filling your eyes as he curls them inside. “I wish I could take a photo of this.” He rests his head against your thigh as he thrusts his fingers in and out, absolutely enthralled by the way your clench around him. 
So desperate to cum, your grab at his hair rougher than before, almost begging him to keep his tongue on your clit. “Don’t worry,” He nods against grip. “I got you.” 
He repeats his assault on your pussy, switching it up a little as he licks at your entrance and rubs your throbbing clit with his thumb. Your legs shake as he teased your entrance with the tip of his tongue one again. He pressed his face further into your heat, making you cry out loud until you came undone.
His name left your lips in a silent scream, Eddie licking upwards to suck harder at your clit as you convulsed under him. He groans at your movements, his own hips thrusting into the air as you cum around his lips. Your eyes squeezed shut as you came, Eddie trying hard to keep you on the table as you shifted. Arms weakening by the second, you were certain you were going to collapse forward as Eddie stood up, pulling you into an embrace. 
He held you tightly, your sweaty forehead resting against his chest as you held one hand around his waist, the other absently trailing over the soft tuft of hair disappearing below his underwear. 
“You with me?” Eddie asks, kissing your forehead as you nod against him. He pulled away, just enough to look down at you in his arms. His face glistens with your essence up to his nose, and he gives you a cheeky grin as you wipe at his mouth with the back of your hand. 
“Don’t you want to-” “Already did.” He cuts you off, not at all embarrassed as you looked down at his now softening cock hidden by fabric. Eddie shrugs at you, his free hand moving down to rearrange himself as his cum leaked through.
A small oh leaves your lips, and his grin grew. “You make me cum even when you're not with me sweetheart, having you in my mouth is like,” Eddie makes an explosion noise, his hands mimicking the action. “It’s insane.” 
“That’s oddly cute.” You quip, reaching down to run your hand over his soaked cock. He shivers under your touch, clearly not the only one feeling sensitive. 
“Give me a couple minutes and I’m yours baby.” Eddie stretches out his arms, before pushing you back. With an eyebrow raised, he reaches around to undo your bra, letting the straps slide over your arms. Your nipples were still hard, and Eddie marvels at your breasts as if he was seeing them for the first time. 
“You were right,” Your boyfriend leans forward to kiss above your tattoo. “Two do get covered without the bra.” 
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trashmouth-richie · 3 months
this promot was sent in by my lovely @joejoequinnquinn here.
prompt words were: chair, belt, “good girl” and smut 🧐
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18+ no minors, talk of bdsm, two idiots in love, drug use, steve is mentioned in this off handedly, (i love adding him in at random) eddie, once again, talks about his dick, fluffy smut, Journey slander 😩, high activities, smut! be aware that the dialogue probably doesn’t make sense because they’re jenelle evans from teen mom 2 high
<1.3k eddie x fem reader
a trip to skull rock with a shared joint and a random piece of furniture, what could go wrong?
“Is this your idea of bdsm?” 
Eddie tightens the belt around your wrists, a joint hanging slack from his lips, his eyes squinted with concentration, “FM?—the radio station?” 
Looking back, it probably wasn’t the best idea to get higher than a kite on Easter with your boyfriend and then try to seduce one another. But alas, here you were. 
The drive to skull rock was interesting to say the very least. Eddie claimed he knew how to get there only to have you traveling fifteen miles in the wrong direction— the ‘come back soon!’ sign should have been a giveaway. 
“It’s an acro—af-ro—” your tongue felt like a piece of rubber in your mouth, you’d already mistaken it for gum once tonight, “Dan Aykroyd?” 
“That guy from Ghost?”
The giggles took you over making you lose balance and tipping over the chair you were supposed to be sitting in, hitting the dirt with a soft little thud, hands still tied behind your back. 
Eddie sat in the chair, looking down at you and shaking his head, knowing full well you both shouldn’t have smoked that last blunt. But you were so cute when you begged, he could never deny you. 
“BDSM,” you continue, managing to sit up right, “it’s an acronym… but I dunno what for.” 
“Oh, yeah—” Eddie scratched his head, eyes red and hazy, “I mean Harrington said it was pretty easy, and chicks went nuts over it, calling him ‘daddy’ and shit, begging to be choked.” 
“‘Sir’ suits you better.” 
“How about ‘Master’?” 
“Now you’re pushin’ it.”  
You’re intrigued. interests officially peaked as your scraped dirt under your nails, attempting a castle behind your back. 
“Would I get a title? Is the peasant whore royal enough for such luxuries?” 
Eddie frowns and puts the joint to your lips, “don’t call yourself that. I could punish you y’know.” 
Your eyes widen as they follow the circle of smoke into the air, Eddie’s finger dancing around the center of it as if it were a ring. 
He sighs audibly, loud like a bored child. Suddenly fixated on the chair he was sitting in. 
“Did we bring this?” 
You both burst into laughter, scaring away birds and monsters alike. Disrupting any bit of peace the forest animals had before two stoned idiots stumbled into the wilderness with a plan they had zero idea on how to execute. 
BDSM in the woods, only Eddie Munson would think that was sexy. 
He hoists you up, loosening the belt that was barely held on, holding your dirty hands in his, pulling you onto his lap so you’re straddling his narrow slutty boy hips. 
Onyx would be jealous by your eyes alone, and Eddie’s looked downright demonic. Demon eyes in a cherubs face, that was your Eddie. 
One of your favorite parts of being with him is how his weirdness meshed with yours. Whenever you got this high you could spend hours staring at his porcelain skin, wondering how in the hell he was crafted, molded, carved from the rarest of granite and marble stones and that he was yours— all yours. 
Your hands walked across his face, counting his eyelashes to ten and starting again. 
“Your lips are squishy,” you announce after a while of staring and not blinking,, “like gum— spongy, pink, could be almost made of cake.” 
Eddie adored you, the way your eyebrows quirked like a cartoon when you were deep in thought or admiring his face. 
“Definitely not cake, but you could taste them if you’d like?” 
“Does it hurt?” you ask, removing your fingers from his mouth and squishing his cheeks. 
“The boner you’re sitting on? Yeah, a bit.” 
Your eyes widened in honest horror, “swear to God— I thought it was a flashlight.” 
“Nope,” Eddie attempts a wink but ends up shutting both eyes for a collective six seconds, “that's all me baby.” 
Hands lacing around his neck you grin stupidly into him, pressing your lips to the pretty plush that makes up his mouth. Pecking them with soft chicken like kisses. 
His hands work the globe of your ass, squeezing, rubbing, spanking, as you bite along his collar bone, keeping your teeth marks printed into his skin— your own method of claiming him. 
Buttons scatter along the dirt floor as you rip his shirt open, desperate to see the black widow that had been teasing you, the grotesque demonic zombie head that called the left side of his chest home. He promised someday the right side would be all yours. 
Tracing your name into the blank space with your finger nail, Eddie lets out a low groan. Hooded eyes stare at you and his mouth is on yours before you can finish taking a breath. 
It’s hot, uncoordinated in every way as the two of you claw at each other's pants in the mile high condition you were both in. 
“Why…” you grunt struggling against his zipper, leaning backwards towards his knees, “..is this so difficult.” 
Eddie looks down and grins lazily. 
“Here, lemme help.” He unfastens the button on his jeans, wiggling his hips to shove hia jeans down enough so his cock stood like a tent in his checkered boxers. 
“A picnic?” You gleam with red stark stars in your eyes, “for me?” 
He pulls you forward, “oh baby, take all that you want.” 
It’s quick, dirty, every bit of clumsy filled with shared laughs that were laced with whimpering moans as your bodies rock together, coming together so hard you nearly break the chair. 
You buckle into him, fingers digging into his shoulders to hold yourself up. His spend on the belly of your shirt and the top of the waistband of your ‘easy access’ cotton shorts. 
Nestling into him further you inhale the scent from the sweet burn of weed and sex clinging to his skin and the toothpaste that dribbled down his neck that wasn’t wiped off well enough. 
His hands stroke your back lazily, lips pressed to your shoulder, cock softening on your thigh. 
“What time is it?” 
“Sweetheart, I couldn’t read my watch right now if I tried—everything is spinning.” 
His face is pale, neck clammy with sweat. 
“Gonna puke?”
“Tryin’ not—” 
Holding tight to your waist and moving you over, he throws up the breakfast you had made at two in the afternoon. Eddie hurled and hurled until he shook from the ache of dry heaving.
Leaning back in the chair that you both couldn’t remember the exact whereabouts of how it appeared— he yawned with exhaustion.
“Let’s go home, take a hot shower, have a little nap?” 
He nods and you help him up, pulling his hands until he’s flat footed, and you’re stumbling your way ahead of him. 
“Jesus, I fucking came and barfed on your shirt.” 
You shrug, slurring, “it’s okay— it’s yours anyway.” 
He scoffs in bratty metal fashion, offended by your music knowledge or lack thereof, “I don’t own a ‘Journey’ shirt.”
Eddie pulls you back by the waist and examines the shirt, flipping the collar to see a sharpied ‘WM’ on the tag. 
He geeks out a smile, the color of his irises bleaching back to dark brown, “better get that ‘good girl’ act ready— because Wayne is going to lose his fucking mind.”
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masterofmunson · 2 years
promises, promises (2)
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend, Eddie Munson, accuses you of cheating on him due to your strange behavior. If only you could tell him you were hunting interdimensional monsters instead.
Word Count: 5.7k+ 
Warnings: language, drugs and alcohol mentioned, SMUT (18+, minors dni i’m serious), unprotected sex, oral (fem), p in v sex, fingering
Author’s Note: Here’s this monster of a part two! Again, thank you so much for all the love on the story so far. Please let me know what you think and please comment/reblog/send asks on content you read!
You wake up to the harsh sound of your doorbell ringing the next morning. Your parents must not be home to answer the door. You groan loudly and kick your comforter off your legs.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” you shouted as you ran downstairs. You unlock the front door quickly and tear it open. You glare at the two teens standing at your doorstep. “What the hell guys?! Why are you ringing my doorbell like a maniac on a Saturday morning?”
Dustin and Max push past you and enter the foyer of your home. Both their eyes are wide with concern and Dustin begins to pace the length of the hallway. “Did you go see Eddie last night after dinner?” he asked, picking at his nails.
You shake your head. “No, why?”
The two teens share a tense look before Dustin walks further into your home. He squats down in front of the TV and turns it on. He flicks through the channels before it settles on Channel 9 News. The voice of Beverley Moss fills the family room. You watch with rapt intensity, your gaze focused on the background of the screen.
You notice Eddie’s trailer behind the reporter. You’ve been there more times than you could count. If you and Eddie weren’t going on dates or driving around in his van, you were at the trailer. Police move in and out of his home and sirens flash off screen.
Blood rushes to your head as you listen and watch the screen. A student was found dead in Eddie’s trailer. No other details are being released at this time. You feel like puking. Eddie would never hurt anyone. He talks a big game in order to keep from getting hurt. It was why he wore Eddie “The Freak” Munson as a badge of honor, but you know him.
You know Eddie better than he knows himself.  You know that his dad leaving and mom dying scarred him in ways you don’t understand. You know that despite the amazing relationship he has with his uncle, he fears Wayne will leave too. He’s insecure and hides behind his long, unruly hair and heavy metal music.
It’s why, upon further reflection, that you’re not surprised Eddie thought you were cheating on him. When you first started dating last summer it took a lot for Eddie to open up to you. You just graduated and were nannying full-time when you ran into Eddie at the local bookstore. He caught you browsing the Dungeons and Dragons display.
“I didn’t know the star soccer player of Hawkins High enjoyed the Devil’s Game,” he smirked, standing alongside you. You nearly jumped out of your skin and knocked a number of boxes over as a result.
You turned and glared at Eddie, clutching your chest. “Jesus Christ, Eddie!” you hissed. “You scared me. You can’t just come up to people like that! What if I hit you?”
He grinned, squatting down and helping you pick up the boxes you knocked over. “Sorry,” he laughed, fixing the boxes on the display before turning to you. “I saw you staring at the display for the last five minutes and came over to help. You look lost and as the Dungeon Master of Hellfire Club, it’s my duty and solum oath to guide those new on their D&D journeys.”
You laughed softly and tugged a loose strand of hair that had fallen out of your ponytail behind your ear. “I regret to inform you that I’m not looking for me. The girl I nanny is obsessed and her birthday is coming up. She’s been asking for more supplemental materials and I don’t know what I’m supposed to get,” you sighed, staring at the large display. “I should’ve brought her brother with me, but he can’t keep secrets.”
Eddie clapped his hands together before pointing out everything you should buy. In the end, you bought a set of new character sheets, dice, and an updated handbook on all the rules and procedures as of June 1985. You thanked him profusely as he walked with you to your car.
You always thought Eddie was attractive. Robin and Steve teased you for it, but they never made fun of you. You enjoyed his loud, theatrical rants during lunch period even if his rants targeted any of the groups you belonged to while you were in high school. Now, all of that was behind you. Your social reputation won’t suffer if you’re kind to Eddie Munson on a random Friday in a local parking lot.
“You’re not what I thought you’d be, Munson,” you teased lightly, leaning against the hood of your car. A bright smile and soft laugh cover your face.
Eddie gasps playfully and hides behind his hair. “What? Mean and scary?” he teased as you nodded in replied. “Who me? Never! I honestly didn’t think you knew who I was,” he said, twirling a strand of his hair between his ring-clad fingers.
“Eddie, c’mon,” you laughed shaking your head at him. “Just because we were in different social circles in high school doesn’t mean I didn’t know who you were. We’ve had several classes together since I was in 7th grade. We were paired together for Ms. Braun’s theater and arts project, remember?”
“How could I forget?! We aced it because of you!”
You rolled your eyes then and shake your head again. A beat of silence falls between the two of you and Eddie rocks back on his shoes. “Even though you were a jock, you were always nice to me, even when I probably didn’t deserve it. I thank you for that,” he murmured quietly with tinted cheeks. You grinned at his sudden shyness.
“Everyone deserves kindness, Eddie,” you replied with equal softness, “even the self-proclaimed freak of Hawkins High.”
You saw Eddie several times after that and always made sure to say hi. It wasn’t until after Starcourt that Eddie built up enough courage to ask you out on a date which you happily (and eagerly) accepted. You had to remind him that none of what happened in high school (while you were there) mattered to you anymore. Over time, Eddie was able to accept your warmth and affections without doubt pressing into his mind.
Eddie’s soft and gentle. Eddie is the epitome of warmth. He’s a perfect summer day: a light breeze with the bright sun shining down with no clouds in the sky. He always asks before he kisses you and takes every excuse to hold your hand. Eddie is the perfect gentleman. He would never hurt anyone. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. You felt like fainting.
Dustin and Max grab you by the arms and carefully set you down on the sofa as you stare mindlessly at the TV. “I don’t…. I don’t understand,” you whispered. “What’s going on? Why is there a dead body in Eddie’s trailer? They don’t think Eddie has anything to do with this, right? He would never hurt anyone.”
Max mutters your name and you tear your eyes away from the screen to look at her. Tears threaten to spill over your cheeks and she gingerly takes your hand and squeezes it. “I saw Chrissy Cunningham walk into Eddie’s trailer last night,” she said.  
Your heart squeezes tightly at the mention of a prettier, more popular girl entering Eddie’s home. Did not saying anything in the first place solidify your relationship status? Did Eddie think you broke up with him so he was free to fuck whomever now? It made you sick just thinking about it.
If he did, he wasn’t the one to blame. You were. Eddie hadn’t technically cheated on you, if that were if fact the case. Your relationship was never complicated until a week ago, and now you might’ve messed up the best thing to happen to you.
“Have you told the cops?” you asked, pushing past the inner turmoil you feel.
Max sighs and plays with her fingers. “After I saw them go into the trailer… something else happened. The TV went out and the lights flashed like crazy. At first, I thought it was nothing because it happens all the time, but then I saw Eddie’s face as he left. He was scared… really scared because… because…”
“Because something else killed her?” you finished quietly and she nods.
“Which is impossible, right?”
Your eyes meet Dustin’s and suddenly all the sleuthing and research and hiding out you’ve done over the last month starts to come to fruition. Your gut hadn’t been wrong. Something was happening in Hawkins, but you were too early. You had nothing to go on except the one lone nightmare you had. Now someone was dead. You should’ve done more, maybe if you had Chrissy wouldn’t be dead.
“I don’t know. The only person who knows what happened is Eddie. We have to find him before the police do. They’ll probably want to question me, so we have to hurry. Let me go get dressed and we can go,” you said, standing up from your spot on the couch.
You run upstairs and get dressed quickly. You dress in a pair of dark washed jeans, a loose, lilac t-shirt, and a blue windbreaker. Pulling your duffle bag out of your closet, you stuff one of the t-shirts Eddie gave you into the bag. You throw an extra toothbrush and travel sized toothpaste, deodorant, and shampoo in as well. You dig the nail bat out from the back of your closet and the walkie talkie that sat a top your dresser.  
Hurrying downstairs, you run into the kitchen and drop both the bag and the bat at the front door. You pull the box of Cheez-It’s from the shelf along with the box of Cheerios. You grab a handful of granola bars and water bottles before throwing them in a plastic bag.
“What are you doing?” Dustin asked from the kitchen counter.
“Gathering food for Eddie. He’s probably starving,” you said, swinging your bag over your shoulder and holding the bat by the stem. “Let’s go.”
Grabbing your keys and wallet from the table, you follow Dustin and Max out the front door. Locking it behind you, you jog to your car. Opening the trunk, you toss your duffle bag inside before climbing into the driver’s seat.
“Do you have any idea where Eddie might be?” Dustin asked as you drove down the street towards Family Video.
Your fingers tighten around the steering wheel. “No. He has to be somewhere no one knows about since the cops haven’t found him yet. We’re going to have to call all his friends to see if they have any idea where he might be.”
“Then why are we at Family Video?” Max asked as you parked the car.
“The store has more than one phone,” you answered exiting the car. You walk into the store and stand in front of the counter. You find Robin and Steve organizing VCR tapes. Dustin hurries in after you and jumps over the counter. Both your friends yell at the young teen.
“Listen, we need to use your phones to call all of Eddie’s friends,” Dustin said, typing away at the computer.
“Your new best friend, Eddie?” Steve asked petulantly, standing over his shoulder.
“What, is calling all of Eddie’s friends an emergency?” Robin bit back, fixing the pile of movies Dustin knocked over.
“Yes,” you answered for him.
Steve sighed your name and pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re the last person I would expect to entertain Dustin’s ridiculous ideas. If it were any other day, it would be fine, but it’s Saturday!”
You sighed in return and fill your friends in with the information Max gave you and let her fill in when appropriate. You tell them how your monster hunting over the last month and a half hadn’t been in vain, you just had barely anything to go off of and now you did. You beg your two best friends to help you find your boyfriend and they both hesitantly agree.
You watch Dustin write down all the phone numbers of Eddie’s friends as Robin walks into the back off to grab the extra phone. You, Max, and Dustin spend the next hour calling his friends. Every person you called led to the same answer: no one knew where Eddie was.
You hung the phone up and groan in frustration. You lean against the counter and watch Max pace the small length of the counter as she talks on the phone before hanging up. “I think I have a lead. He maybe at Reefer Rick’s. The guy I talked to said Eddie goes there because Rick’s his supplier and he crashes there sometimes.”
No wonder you didn’t know where Eddie was. Eddie never told you where he got the drugs that he sold in Hawkins. He was more than happy to smoke with you, but that’s all he shared. He wouldn’t let you get involved even if you wanted to. He mentioned Reefer Rick once, but didn’t share any other details with you.
“Could we find his address if he had an account here?” You asked.
Robin shrugged, “Yeah, probably. We would be guessing which one he is based on the movies he rents.”
It takes five minutes to find the Rick you’re looking for. Rick’s house is just off the shore at Lover’s Lake. It’s the perfect place to hide. You run out of the store and return to your car. Robin locks the store behind her and the kids climb into your car while Robin goes to Steve’s car.
Pulling out of the parking lot, you sped down the street to the edge of town. Turning down Holland Road, you park in front of Rick’s house. The yard is unkept and weeds grow up the porch steps. Running towards the door, you pace along the porch as Dustin frantically rings the door bell and bangs on the door. Your heart beats wildly against your chest as you wait. You play with your fingers and bite the inside of your cheek.
“Hey, guys!” Max shouted from behind you.
You hurry over to her and stare at what she’s looking at. A boatshed stands just before the shoreline. A lone light is on over the shed door. You run down the slight hill and quickly push the door open. “Eddie?” you whispered into the shed as your friends yelled after you.
“Are you crazy?!” Steve hissed, grabbing you by the arm. “What if Eddie’s not here? We don’t know if this Reefer Rick guy is dangerous or not!”
“Oh, relax Steve,” you sighed with an eyeroll.
“Considering we’ve been close to dying about a hundred times, I rather not.”
You watch him grab an oar from the wall and poke at the inside of the boat in the center of the shed. You tiptoe around the rest of the shed, noticing a pile of junk food wrappers and empty beer bottles on a nearby table. Someone had been in the boatshed recently.
You move your flashlight around the rest of the room. Besides the trash on the table, there were no other signs that someone had been inside. You sigh dejectedly. If Eddie wasn’t here, where could he be?
There’s a sudden crash on the other side of the shed and you run around the dock to find Eddie pinning Steve against the wall of the shed with a broken piece of glass held against his neck. The four of you scream and Steve drops the oar.
“Eddie!” you shouted his name, pushing between the kids with your hands raised. “It’s me, honey. Everything’s okay.”
He turns his head at the sound of your voice. Eddie’s brown eyes are dark and wild, like he can’t believe you’re standing there. He blinks twice and the grip he has on the shred of glass tightens. It’s as if he thinks you’re a desert mirage, that you’re not actually standing in front of him. You wonder if Eddie thinks that his mind is playing tricks on him. He’s had a rough 24 hours and the last thing he needs is another bad thing happening to him.
“Baby,” you plea, taking another step towards him, “we’re here to help you, I’m here to help you. Please let Steve go.”
Eddie’s harsh breaths mix with the sound of soft waves hitting against the dock. He murmurs your name like he can’t believe it’s you standing in front of him in this beat up boatshed. He’s in utter disbelief. It’s like you’ve grown two heads with the way he looks at you.
His grip on Steve’s jacket loosens and he drops the shard of glass. You take two long strides to get to him and he nearly collapses in your embrace. His arms wrap protectively around your torso. Eddie sobs into your neck and clings to you. Your fingers gently card through his hair.
You could barely believe that you were hugging in this circumstance. You broke his heart a week ago and now Eddie was holding on to you like a boat to an anchor. Tears pool at the corners of your eyes as you held your broken boyfriend. You’ve only seen him like this one other time, and it was on the anniversary of his mother’s death. It scared you to think about.
“Eddie, it’s okay,” you whispered into his hairline, kissing the side of his head as you held back tears. “You’re okay. We’re here to help you, okay? Tell me what happened, baby.”
Eddie pulls away from the nape of your neck and holds your face in his hands as the two of you slowly fall to the floor. You brush your fingers through his hair and gently tuck it behind his ears before wiping the tears staining his cheeks. He swallows hard and shakes his head.
“You won’t believe me,” he cried.
Your chest physically aches at his reply and a few tears slip past. You hold his face delicately in your hands. “Try me, Eddie, please.”
His warm eyes search yours as he watches you take one of his hands and slips your fingers between his. You squeeze it gently and kiss the back of his hand. He lets out a shaky breath and relents. He tells you everything, his eyes never leaving yours.
Chrissy went to his trailer to buy drugs, and when he returned from his room to give them to her, she was floating in the air. Eddie described how her bones snapped in different directions and how her eyes were a soft white, void of any color. It was as if something was inside Chrissy’s head, pulling her apart from the inside out.
“I didn’t know what to do so I just… I ran away… I left her there,” he sniffed as he explained what happened.
There’s a beat of silence as you digest what happened. In the end, you were right. Something was going on in Hawkins, and Chrissy Cunningham just happened to be the first casualty. You tried to figure out what was going on, but you were too late, or rather, too early. You didn’t want anyone else to die because of the Upside Down, but it wasn’t possible. Chrissy wasn’t the only victim. Eddie was too. It broke your heart that Eddie felt he had to deal with it on his own.
“You must think I’m crazy,” he muttered, pulling away from you and looking out into the lake.
You shake your head vehemently and gently tug on his chin so he’s forced to look at you. “No, Eddie. I don’t think you’re crazy.”
“Don’t bullshit me! I know how this sounds!” he shouted as another wave of tears escape the corners of his eyes.
“We believe you, Eddie,” Robin murmured, taking a step closer to the two of you.
Dustin joins you on the floor and both you and Eddie turn to look at him. His voice is soft and gentle as he spoke. “What I’m about to tell you may be a little difficult to take…” there’s a soft pause before he continues.
Dustin tells Eddie everything about the Upside Down and the monsters that sneak through the dimension and plague Hawkins. He listens intently and doesn’t ask any questions. Eddie squeezes your hand tightly as the group listens. You don’t add anything. You’ll have time to tell the rest to him later.
When Dustin’s finished, Eddie looks to you. “Is this why you’ve been acting so weird lately?” he asked. “Because you’ve been hunting monsters and shit? Not because you’re cheating on me?”
You can’t help but laugh. Out of all the questions you thought he would ask, that wasn’t one of them. You wipe away the last of your tears and nod. “Yeah, this is why I’ve been acting so weird,” you confirmed with a small smile.
Eddie pulls you into his chest for another tight hug. You take a deep breath and breathe him in. He still smelled the same: hints of a warm, deep musk with remnants of the weed he smokes no matter how old it is. His fingers squeeze the fabric of your windbreaker and you feel a soft kiss to the side of your head.
He helps you to your feet and you watch your friends head to the door. Dustin turns around expectantly, waiting for you to join them.
“You should go,” he muttered quietly. “Come back in the morning.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” you said, turning to meet his gaze. “I’m not leaving you. I’ll leave when they come back tomorrow.”
Eddie sighs and wraps his arms around you, pressing a gentle kiss to your neck.
“I have stuff in my trunk for you,” you said after a beat of silence as you watched your friends climb up the small hill to the street. “Can you figure out how to get into the house while I go grab it?”
He nods against your skin and leaves another kiss.
You hurry out of the boatshed and run up to your car. Unlocking it quickly, you open the trunk and grab your duffle bag and nail bat. You lock the car again before running to the back porch of the house where Eddie was waiting with the door unlocked.
Eddie pushes the door open just enough for you to slip inside before following behind you. He’s quick to lock the door as you pull the blinds shut and curtains closed for good measure. Eddie takes your hand and drags you along to the master bedroom.
Eddie turns on the bedside lamp and soft light fills the room. To your surprise, the room is nice and clean. The bed is made and the floor is clear. No one had been in the room for a while.
Dropping your bag to the floor, you open it up and grab the toiletries you packed for Eddie. “Do you want to take a shower and brush your teeth?” you asked as you watched him plop down on the bed.
He nods slowly and you take the toiletries inside the bathroom and turn the light on. Eddie trails behind you and stands in front of the bathroom counter as you hand him the toothbrush and toothpaste you brought for him. Eddie brushes his teeth wordlessly as you set the shampoo and bodywash you brought inside the shower.
“Will you… will you shower with me?” Eddie whispered as you turned on the shower. You turn to look at him and a light pink dusts his cheeks. “I just don’t want to be alone.”
Your heart breaks at his admission. Although Eddie hasn’t seen you naked yet, you’re more than happy to appease him. Eddie needs you. He’s needed you for a while. The emotional distance you caused put a strain on your relationship. You don’t want it to happen again.
“Of course, Eds,” you whispered.
Eddie undresses slowly as you do the same. You tug your windbreaker off and toss it in the corner along with the rest of your clothes. You step into the shower after Eddie and the warm water cascades down your back.
You don’t have it in you to feel shy or embarrassed that Eddie’s seeing you naked for the first time. He needs you and you’re more than happy to oblige.
Eddie’s hands settle on your bare hips. His wet hair covers his face and you gently pull it away from his eyes. The sound of your soft breaths mixes with the water as you stare at each other. Eddie’s fingers trail up your body and brush against the scarred flesh along your arm and shoulder. Despite the warmth the water provides, goosebumps litter your skin at his gentle touch.
“What happened here?” Eddie asked, staring at the raised flesh on your body. It makes you shiver as you reach for the shampoo and squeeze some into your hand. You reach up and gently lather the soap into Eddie’s hair.
“One of the monsters got to me last summer,” you answered with equal softness as you scratched at his scalp. “It was heading towards Steve and I pushed him out of the way. The monster’s teeth tore through my flesh and left me with this.”
“Is this why we haven’t had sex yet? Were you scared that I would judge you for something out of your control?”
Your silence is deafening and Eddie frowns. He reaches to hold your face in his hands while yours rest against his chest. Tears pool at the corners of your eyes and you let out a soft sigh. “It’s not that I was scared you would judge me because of the scars. I was scared you would look at me differently. They’re ugly and—”
“Hey, don’t say that,” he chastised quietly, tugging your chin up so you’re forced to look at him. “They’re not ugly. They’re a part of you and I love you, every piece of you.”
Your heart jumps inside your throat. Eddie loves you. Eddie loves you. The man you love loves you back, even after everything you put him through. You’re going to burst and your eyes search his. Eddie’s eyes widen at his admission and he starts to stutter an apology when you gently press a finger to his lips.
“I love you too, Eddie,” you whispered. “I’ve been dying to tell you for a while now.”
Eddie grins and the warmth in his eyes returns. His nose brushes against yours. “Can I kiss you?”
You nod eagerly and Eddie presses his mouth to yours. You smile into the kiss and his lips kiss your teeth. The warm water fills the space between you and Eddie carefully presses you into the shower wall. Your fingers thread through his hair and a breathy sigh escapes your throat as Eddie kissed along the column of your throat down to your shoulder where the scarring began. He kissed and nibbled his way across your skin as you sighed again and again.
Your fingers squeeze his chest as his hands trailed down your torso and settled on your ass.
“Eddie,” you murmured. He pulls away and stares at you. His lips are flushed and his face is a warm pink from kissing you. You gently hold his face in your hands and brush his wet hair out of his face. “I want to apologize. I’m sorry for being distant and not telling you the truth. I never want to make you feel like that again. I love you and I hope you can forgive me.”
Eddie grins and presses another kiss to your mouth. “Of course, I forgive you, sweetheart. Now I understand why. We’re okay, I promise. Can I go back to kissing you?”
Your laugh echoes in the shower and you grin. “I was thinking we could move this to the bedroom?”
Eddie’s eyes widen and his face grows an even deeper shade of pink. “Are you… are you sure? We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. I don’t want to pressure you into doing anything if you’re not ready.”
“I’m sure, Eddie. I trust you. I’ll tell you if I want you to stop, okay?”
Eddie nods eagerly and turns off the shower. He steps out and takes you by the hand. Eddie reaches for a towel and is quick to dry himself off before handing it off to you. It makes you laugh with how eager he is.
When you’re done drying off, Eddie drags you into the bedroom. You climb to the top of the bed and Eddie’s quick to join you. He grins and kisses you hard into the mattress. His bare chest rubs up against yours and a soft moan leaves your throat. Eddie groans into your mouth.
“So pretty, baby,” he uttered into your mouth. It makes you tingle with want and desire. Eddie pulls away and drags his mouth down your body. His fingers play with your nipples before his mouth wraps around your left breast. He nips and sucks and it makes you dizzy. “I could do this all night. Your tits are perfect.”
You moan again and grab at his damp curls. Eddie laughs against your skin as he slides further and further down your body. Your breath quickens and your heart beats wildly against your chest at the feeling of Eddie’s hands between your thighs. His fingers run along the length of your thighs to your knees and back up again.
“Eddie,” you sighed blissfully, “please.”
He chuckles into your skin and kisses the inside of your thigh before teasing his fingers around your folds. Your hips jerk up and Eddie kisses your knee. He pressed his thumb against your clit, gathering your slick between his fingers. “Is this what you wanted, baby?” he smirked, slipping a finger inside you.
“More, I need more,” you begged.  
Eddie gently places your legs over his shoulders and your knees squeeze his head. Eddie laughs again and pulls your thighs apart. “You’re soaked and I’ve barely touched you,” he murmured, sinking his tongue between your folds.
A scream rips past your throat as Eddie laps at your center. His ring clad fingers dig into your hips and pin you to the bed. Your fingers card through his hair and tug harshly. His nose brushes against your clit and you squeeze your eyes shut. He laps greedily at your center, kissing and sucking every inch his mouth could reach. It sends jolts of pleasure through your entire body.
Eddie slips a finger inside of you, the cool metal of his rings brush against your folds as he fingers you. You cry out and tighten your grip in his hair again. Your body is on fire. White, hot pleasure runs through you as the coil in your stomach grows tighter and tighter.
“Eddie, I’m—” you cried desperately, bucking your hips to meet his mouth and the strokes of his fingers.
“I got you, baby,” he muttered into your skin, “let go.”  
You cum with a cry of his name as he coaxes you through your orgasm. Your legs shake as you come down from your high. You pant hard as Eddie laps up your juices before pulling away and climbing up to kiss you. You hold the side of his face as you taste yourself on his tongue. His mouth slips inside yours and swallows your moans.
“Think you can go again?” he whispered into your mouth before biting your neck. His teeth are gentle as he leaves a warm hickie in his wake.
You nod. “Yeah, yeah, I can. I can go again,” you answered quietly.
Eddie grins against your hot skin before kneeling back on his legs. Your fingers brush against the tattoo against his chest and the necklace hanging from his neck. Eddie pulls your hips closer and carefully takes himself in his hand and lines up at your entrance.  
He pushes in slowly and it has you gasping and squeezing his shoulder. Eddie’s thick and fills you to the brim until he bottoms out. He doesn’t move for several, long, antagonizing seconds. You feel your heart in your throat with ever twitch beneath you.
“You’re so tight, sweet girl,” he moaned in your ear, leaning back before slowly pushing back in. His hand wraps your leg around his waist and he presses further into you. Eddie takes your free hand and slips his fingers through yours. You squeeze his hand tightly and let out a soft moan. You clench around him and he groans.  
“Faster, Eddie,” you moaned. “Please, go faster.”
His warm laughter fills the already hot room. Eddie captures your lips in a kiss and whispers against your mouth, “Only because you asked so nicely.”
Eddie’s thrusts grow fast and deep. With your legs wrapped around him, he hits the furthest part of you. You scream and beg and moan Eddie’s name. The same white-hot pleasure you felt before returns with equal intensity. Eddie’s skilled fingers toy with your clit with every thrust. Eddie’s lips find yours as he swallows each moan and gasp from your lips. He buries his face into the crease of your neck and sucks a number of hickies into your throat.
“You almost there, baby?” he panted as his thrusts began to grow sloppy as he neared his peak. You nod into his neck and Eddie’s fingers play with your folds.
You scream Eddie’s name and your back arches off the bed as you cum. Eddie grunts your name and guides you through your own orgasm before pulling out and releasing on your stomach. Eddie collapses on your chest and your fingers rub up and down his back as you catch your breath.
Eddie gently turns your head and kisses you sweetly before climbing out of bed and scurrying to the bathroom. He hurries back with a wet cloth and wordlessly cleans the mess he made on your stomach and thighs before using it on himself. Tossing it on the floor, he climbs back into bed and pulls you against his chest. You turn to face him and rest a hand on his face, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
“We’ll figure this out together, okay?” you whispered, kissing him gently.
“I know,” he said, holding your hand in his as he fell into a restless sleep with you by his side.  
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19junewrites87 · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Pregnant!Henderson reader part 3
A/n: Part 3, everyone ! Who's excited??? I do, however, apologize if this part seems very fast-paced. I just had so many ideas flying around my head and I couldn't fit everything in, so... yeah lol
Warnings: Swearing, childbirth, mentions of blood, mentions of needles
Word count: 3409
“Steve?” Y/n asked, tears in her eyes as she called the phone at Family Video. 
“Y/n,” Steve sounded panicked. “What’s wrong?”
“No one is answering their phones.” Y/n breathed heavily, hand on the wall to try and keep herself upright. “I-I think I’m having the baby.”
“What?” Steve shouted, making a few angry mothers glare his way as they looked at the movies on the shelves. He lowered his voice. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve been hurting for a few days.” Y/n cried. “I tried to stop it, Steve, but it just hurts so bad. I can’t take it.”
“Is your mom home?” Steve asked. “Or Eddie?”
“Would I be calling you if they were?” Y/n shouted.
“Right.” Steve sighed, shaking his head. “I’m on my way, Y/n. Keep trying to call Eddie.”
“Okay.” Tears were streaming down her face. She put the phone back on the receiver and sobbed. Picking the phone back up, she re-dialed Eddie’s number.
Eddie hasn’t spoken to Y/n since he fell out with Dustin. Y/n knew he needed some space, but she didn’t think that he’d ignore her. It has been two days since she last saw Eddie and two days since the cramping started to get really bad. She didn’t tell anyone in fear that she would instantly be put into the hospital. However, she was really regretting not telling anyone how bad they actually were. Because now she was home alone. Dustin was with his friends, her mother was at work, and Eddie was M.I.A. 
“Hello?” Y/n sighed in relief upon hearing the voice of Uncle Wayne.
“Uncle Wayne,” Y/n said. “Is Eddie there?”
“Y/n,” Wayne began. “Is everything okay?”
“Is Eddie there, Wayne?” Y/n is becoming impatient.
“He just went out to the store.” Wayne said. “He should be back soon. Why?”
“I’m about to go to the hospital.” Y/n explained. “The baby’s coming.”
“Right now?” Wayne shouted into the phone. “O-okay. Okay, okay, I’ll go find Eddie. We’ll meet you there!”
“Thank you, Wayne.” Y/n said, putting the phone back onto the receiver. She hobbled over to the dining table and sat down in the closest seat. Her hands were cradling her belly as she groaned in pain. 
“Y/n!” Steve pounded on the front door of her house after speeding into her driveway. He’s surprised that a cop didn’t pull him over, he felt like he was driving like Max. “Y/n!” He knocked again. He peeked through the windows and saw Y/n sitting at the table, eyes scrunched up in pain. He quickly realized that she wouldn't be able to stand to open the door, so he began to look for the spare key. Upon finding the key, which was hidden in a potted plant, he ran to Y/n’s side.
“Steve,” Y/n gasped, reaching out for him. “You gotta get me to a hospital, now!”
“Okay,” He nodded, placing his hands on her waist to help her stand. “But we have to walk to the car first, okay?”
“Okay.” Y/n nodded, wiping away the tears on her cheeks. Her legs were shaking, as was the rest of her. She was nervous, very nervous. She had expected this to go smoothly. She had expected Eddie to be the one to drive her to the hospital. Everything was going wrong, all wrong.
“Wait, Steve,” Y/n grabbed onto his upper arm after she was sat in the passenger seat. “Go grab my bag. It’s in my closet.”
“Okay.” He nodded, quickly running back inside through the front door, which Steve forgot to close, to grab the bag. Y/n cried and leaned her head against the headrest.
“Oh god, oh god,” She cried. “This can’t be happening right now.”
“Eddie!” Wayne called out, running up to Eddie, who was standing in front of the chips at the gas station.
“Wayne,” Eddie’s eyes widened. “What’s going on?”
“Y/n’s in labor.” He said, grabbing onto Eddie’s elbow and pulling him towards the front of the store.
“What?” Eddie’s heart dropped into his stomach. “What do you mean?”
“She called the house and said she’s having the baby.” Wayne explained as they both walked to the car. Eddie got into the passenger seat and ran his hands over his face. 
“W-where, where is she?” He asked Wayne as he drove down the road. “Did I miss it? Did she already have the baby?”
“I don’t know.” Wayne shrugged. “But she called about twenty minutes ago asking for you. We’re meeting her at the hospital.”
“Oh my god.” Eddie leaned forward, resting his head on his knees. He sat up and leaned his head back, taking deep breaths. “I’m about to be a father.”
“Get ready, boy.” Wayne smiled slightly, hitting him on the arm. “Your life’s about to change.”
“Was she mad?” Eddie asked, worried. “I-I haven’t talked to her in a couple days.”
“I know that, you idiot.” Wayne grunted. “But she seemed more worried than anything.”
“Worried?” Eddie frantically asked. “Worried why?”
“Eddie, she’s having a baby.” Wayne scoffed. “Wouldn’t you be worried too?”
“I am worried.”
“Well, there you have it.”
Steve kept throwing worried glances towards Y/n, who was focused on her breathing and trying not to have the baby in Steve’s car. Although Steve isn’t the father, he felt like he was going to vomit. He didn’t know how babies worked, he didn’t know how labor worked, he didn’t know how any of this stuff worked. At one point, Y/n had yelled at him because he kept swerving the car to avoid all of the potholes, which just pissed her off.
“Are we almost there, Steve?” Y/n whimpered. “I don’t think I can take much more.”
“Yeah,” He nodded. “We’re about five minutes away. Just hold on, Y/n.”
“I’m sorry for this, Steve.” She sniffled. “I didn’t know who else to call.”
“Don’t be sorry, Y/n.” He shook his head. “You’re one of my best friends, I’d do anything for you.”
“You mean it?” She asked, bottom lip quivering.
“Of course.” He answered genuinely.
“Well,” She reached over to grab his free hand. “If Eddie doesn’t make it in time, can you hold my hand?”
“Yeah,” He instantly said. “You can hold my hand if you want to.”
“Thank you, Steve.”
Eddie didn’t wait for Wayne to put the car in park once in the hospital’s parking lot. He ran into the hospital and frantically searched for someone he could talk to. His eyes locked onto the reception desk and he ran over, nearly knocking over a few nurses, who glared after him.
“My girlfriend, she’s having a baby.” Eddie told the receptionist, who just blinked at him.
“Congratulations.” She said, sarcastically. 
“Where is she?” He asked. The woman sighed and grabbed the patient information book.
“What’s her name?” She asked, flipping the book open.
“Y/n L/n.” Eddie said. Wayne soon joined his side and waited for the lady to tell them the information. The receptionist lady shook her head.
“We don’t have anyone here by that name.” Her voice was monotone. “Sorry.”
“What do you mean?” Wayne asked. “She came here.”
“Eddie?” A voice called out, making Eddie and Wayne turn around to see Y/n being supported by Steve.
“Y/n!” Eddie ran towards her and pulled her into a hug. “Oh my god, I was so worried.”
“Eddie, you beat me here?” She asked in surprise as she pulled away from the hug. 
“Wayne drives like a psycho.” He laughed, making her smile slightly. The happy moment was soon over as Y/n hunched over in pain again.
“Hey!” Eddie shouted. “My girl’s having a baby. Someone help.” It was as if those were the magic words, as a ton of nurses flocked towards Y/n. They got her in a wheelchair and pushed her towards the maternity ward, Eddie, Wayne, and Steve following her. Just as she was through the double doors, one of the nurses stopped the three men.
“Family only.” The nurse said.
“He’s the father.” Steve said, shoving Eddie forward. 
“Y-yeah,” Eddie nodded. “That’s my wife in there.”
“Okay,” The nurse nodded. “Follow me.” Eddie glanced back at his uncle and Steve as the doors closed. Wayne gave Eddie thumbs up as Steve waved through the window on the door.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Eddie smiled the second he laid his eyes on Y/n, who lay in the hospital bed, numerous wires and tubes attached to her body. Eddie was told to wait outside of the room for a few moments whilst the nurses helped Y/n prepare for birth. The same nurse, who had let Eddie go with Y/n, was the one that told Eddie he can finally go into the room.
“Hi.” She smiled weakly. “I don’t hurt anymore, Eds.”
“No?” He pulled a chair to the side of the bed and grabbed her hand. “How come?”
“They gave me a shot in my back.” She explained. “It makes the pain go away.”
“It’s called Epidural.” A nurse explained as she wrote down Y/n’s vitals. 
“E-epidural?” Eddie asked, looking at the nurse. “Is that going to hurt her? Or the baby?”
“Not one bit.” The nurse flashed a comforting smile. “It actually makes both mom and baby very comfortable.”
“Really?” He sighed in relief. “Thank god.” Both the nurse and Y/n laughed.
“You two are going to be amazing parents.” The nurse complimented.
“Thank you.” Eddie and Y/n said at the same time, making them look at each other and giggle. The nurse gave the pair one last smile before exiting the room.
“Are you scared?” Y/n asked, playing with a strand of Eddie’s hair.
“Terrified.” He breathed out. “What if the baby like… rejects me or some shit?”
“It’s not going to reject you, Eddie.” Y/n rolled her eyes. “You’re their daddy.”
“Thought I was your daddy.” Eddie smirked. Y/n tisked and waved him off.
“Alright,” She groaned. “That’s enough. Quit being ridiculous, you’re about to become a father.”
“You love me.” He leaned up and pressed a kiss on Y/n’s forehead.
“I do.” She nodded, looking into his eyes. “You know, I hope they have your eyes, Eds.”
“Yeah?” He smiled. “Well, I hope they have their mama’s good looks.”
“Oh my gosh.” She laughed, shaking her head. “You’re insane, Eds.”
“Steve!” Dustin shouted upon seeing his best friend sitting in the hospital waiting room. Steve looked up at the sound of Dustin’s voice and stood up. “Where’s Y/n?”
“She’s up in the room with Eddie.” He answered. They were there for about four hours. Dustin and Claudia were unable to be contacted, as Dustin was riding around town on his bike and Claudia was at work, where there was very limited phone usage.
“Eddie’s here?” Dustin asked, prompting Steve to nod in confusion. 
“Why wouldn’t he be?” Steve asked, glancing between Dustin and Claudia.
“Dusty and Eddie had a fight when we found out Eddie was the real father.” Claudia explained, adjusting her purse on her shoulder. “He hasn’t spoken to Y/n in a couple days.”
“What?” Steve’s eyebrows scrunched in confusion. “I thought they’re on good terms now?”
“They are.” Claudia nodded, then sent a stern look towards Dustin. “But Dustin, here, said some very mean things to Eddie and scared him away.”
“Why would you do that?” Steve asked. “You practically worship the guy.”
“Worshipped, past tense.” Dustin grit. “He lied to me.”
“Well, you can’t be mad forever.” Steve placed his hands on his hips and shook his head at Dustin. “He’s the father to your niece or nephew.”
“Yeah.” Dustin sighed, shifting his eyes towards the ground. “I know.”
“Uhh…” Wayne trailed, shuffling over to Dustin and Claudia. “I’m Wayne. Wayne Munson, Eddie’s uncle.”
“Claudia,” Claudia shook Wayne’s hand. “Y/n’s mother.”
“Nice to finally meet you.” Wayne smiled. “Both of you.”
“Ditto.” Claudia smiled. “Oh, but isn’t this exciting? We’re about to be grandparents!”
“I don’t know if I’m old enough to be a grandfather.” Wayne laughed. “But those two are so happy together.”
“Oh, I know.” Claudia gushed. “Y/n has never been happier than she has been with Eddie. It’s sweet.”
“Okay, mom,” A younger nurse clapped her hands as she walked towards the end of Y/n’s bed and lifted her blanket. “We’re going to check your dilation.”
“Okay.” Y/n nodded, her hand grabbing onto Eddie’s. The nurse placed Y/n’s feet onto the stirrups and checked her cervix. 
“Have you felt a pushing sensation yet?” The nurse asked.
“Yeah.” Y/n said. Eddie squeezed her hand and gave her a comforting smile.
“Alright, you’re almost ten centimeters dilated and I can see your baby’s head.” The nurse said, covering Y/n’s legs back up. “I’ll go get the doctor and you’ll soon have your baby.” The nurse smiled and soon left the room. Eddie’s eyes went wide and he started to sweat in nervousness.
“Oh my god. They can see the head.” He let go of Y/n’s hand and ran his hands through his hair. “You’re about to have a baby.”
“I know.” Y/n gave a nervous smile. “I’m so scared.” Tears came to her eyes and her hands shook.
“Me too, sweetheart,” Eddie grabbed her hands again. “Me too.”
“I can’t wait to meet them.” Y/n smiled through her tears. 
“Me either.” Eddie smiled. “Oh, do you have an extra hair tie?”
“Yeah, in my bag.” She pointed to the corner of the room where her hospital bag sat. Eddie turned and grabbed her bag, searching through the pockets. “Why?”
“You’re having a baby.” He stated, fishing out the hair tie and pulling his hair back. “It’s about to get messy here.”
“Eddie!” Y/n laughed, shaking her head. “You’re ridiculous.”
“You love me!” He quipped with a smirk.
“Yeah, whatever.” 
“Miss L/n?” The doctor asked, walking into the room about two minutes later. “You ready to have a baby?”
“What would happen if I said no?” Y/n laughed nervously.
“Well,” The doctor smiled. “You’d still have a baby.”
“Then I guess I’m ready.” She grabbed Eddie’s hand and squeezed tightly as the doctor placed her feet back onto the stirrups. 
“Alrighty.” The doctor sat down on a stool at the foot of the bed and began to give instructions. “I’m going to count to three and on three, I want you to push as hard as you can.”
“Oh my god.” Y/n screwed her eyes shut and Eddie shuffled his feet, becoming increasingly nervous.
“One,” The doctor began. “Two,”
“You got this, sweetheart.” Eddie whispered to Y/n, rubbing her shoulder gently.
“Eddie,” One of the nurses said after about ten minutes of pushing. “Look down, you can see your baby’s head.”
“Yeah?” Eddie moved a bit towards the end of the bed and looked between Y/n’s legs. He felt a little queasy at all of the blood, but his gaze was focused on his baby’s head. “Oh my god, they have a lot of hair.”
“Yes, a lot of it!” The same nurse agreed. “They got that from you, dad.”
“God, babe, they have so much hair.” Eddie told Y/n, who was focused on pushing still. Her face was beat red, sweat covered her entire body. 
“Ugh!” Y/n groaned, taking in deep breaths. “I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” 
“You got it, mom.” The nurse on her other side said. “Just keep doing what you’re doing.”
“I can’t.” Y/n cried. “I’m so tired!”
“A few more pushes until your baby’s out.” She comforted. “Just do a few more and then you’ll be done.”
“I can’t, I can’t!” Eddie buried his face in Y/n’s neck and rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb, whispering encouraging words to her.
“Two more big pushes, Y/n.” The doctor said from between her legs. “Ready, one, two-”
Y/n’s discomfort faded away the second she heard her baby’s cries. Loud, piercing screams flooded the hospital room. Both Eddie and Y/n burst into tears as well. Eddie’s eyes never left his baby as they were placed onto Y/n’s chest.
“Eddie,” The doctor asked, handing Eddie a scissor-like object. “Would you like to cut the cord?”
“Y-yeah.” He wiped his tears away and took the scissors from the doctor. 
“It’s not going to hurt the baby, is it?” He panicked. The doctor chuckled and shook his head.
“The baby won’t feel a thing.” He assured.
“How do I do it?” Eddie asked.
“Just cut right here.” The doctor pointed to an area on the umbilical cord. Eddie nodded and gently snipped the fleshy cord.
“Congratulations, mom and dad.” One of the nurses clapped her hands. “You have a baby now!” Eddie looked at Y/n, tears in their eyes and big smiles on their faces. 
Wayne was getting anxious and it was making everyone else anxious. His leg was bouncing, his head was in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. Nancy and Robin had shown up a few minutes ago after Steve called saying that the baby was on its way. Nancy was the one that promised Y/n and Eddie that she’d babysit whenever they needed. She has two younger siblings and is the most equipped to care for a baby. 
“Can you stop?” Robin asked Wayne, making all eyes turn to her. “It freaks me out when other people freak out. And if, if you’re freaking out, then I freak out, then Y/n won’t let me hold her baby.”
“S-sorry.” Wayne scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. 
“I accept your apology.” Robin smiled. Claudia gave Robin a strange look, but kept to herself. Everyone in the group jumped when someone came barreling out of the maternity ward doors. It was Eddie. His eyes were red from crying, his pulled back hair had a million flyaways, and he looked a bit tired. 
“Eddie!” Wayne stood up, causing everyone to follow.
“It’s a girl.” Eddie began to cry again. “And she’s so beautiful!”
“A girl!” All the girls cheered. Nancy and Robin screamed and jumped up and down. Steve and Dustin hugged each other in celebration, happy to both be uncles. Claudia and Wayne gave each other a small hug as well, telling each other congratulations. 
“Who does she look like more?” Robin asked eagerly. Everyone nodded in agreement.
“She- uh, she has a lot of hair. Curly, like mine.” Eddie began to describe, wiping away some of his tears. “But she’s just… so perfect. She looks more like Y/n than anything, but Y/n disagrees.”
“What’s her name?” Claudia asked.
“Oh, right.” Eddie laughed. “I came out here to tell you that too.”
“It’s Stevie.” Steve stated with a smirk. “I knew it.”
“It’s not Stevie.” Eddie shook his head, laughing. “Actually, Y/n and I compromised on a name. I chose her first name, she chose the middle name.”
“Ugh, enough with the suspense.” Robin groaned, punching Eddie in the arm. “Tell use the damn name!”
“Her name is-”
“Y/n!” Claudia immediately went to Y/n’s side. “Are you okay, sweetie?”
“I’m alright, ma.” Y/n smiled as her mother grabbed her hand. “Tired, but I’m alright.”
“I’m sorry that I wasn’t here for the birth.” Claudia apologized.
“It’s okay.” Y/n shook her head. “Everything went smoothly.”
“Where’s the baby?” Robin asked as she and everyone else filed into the room.
“The nurse just went to check her vitals.” Eddie said. “She’ll be back soon.”
“Wow, so like,” Robin sighed, eyes wide. “You’re a mom now.”
“Yeah.” Y/n giggled. “Crazy, right?”
“Totally crazy.” 
“How long did it take to have her?” Nancy asked, crossing her arms. 
“Oh, uhmm…” Y/n shrugged her shoulders. “I pushed for about twenty minutes, I think.”
“Wow, that was quick.” Claudia gasped. “I pushed for an hour with you and two for Dusty.”
“Mom.” Dustin blushed.
“Oh, look!” A nurse cheered upon walking back into the room, pushing a cart with the baby inside. “Everyone’s here to see you!” The nurse picked up the baby and placed her into Y/n’s arms, where everyone immediately flocked around. They cooed at the small baby, who was wrapped in a pink blanket.
“Everyone,” Eddie began, sitting by Y/n’s side. “Meet Mallory Rose Munson.”
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Tag list: @buzzing-honeybee @nycbaby21 @lothiriel9 @evansgal @hotformunson @livasaurasrex @and-claudia @urlocalhippie2029 @amynotsantiago @stevesmunsons @laila-anderson8800 @gloombonezzz @boomhauer @cal-is-not-on-branding @whore-for-eddie @quardasngan @drmeghanjones @sylum @minejungwoo
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waratah-moon · 1 year
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Four times Dustin was clueless, and the one time Lucas spelled it out for him. Shout out to @lfaewrites for proofreading & encouragement!
masterlist / read on ao3 < bonus smutty drabble posted there ;) I Think We’re Alone Now < smut add on
Pairing: dad!Eddie x mom!reader
Word count: 5.1k
Warnings: Teen pregnancy (not elaborated on), cheerleader!reader, shitty parents, enemies to friends platonic!steddie Steal my writing and I will hex you
1. Eddie’s trailer
Eddie opened the door of his trailer and was very surprised to see Dustin Henderson on his doorstep.
Dustin didn't wait to be invited inside, pushing past a bewildered Eddie, “do you have my book report? I lost it after the last Hellfire meeting and I really don't want to rewrite it."
He'd never been inside Eddie's trailer before. It was slightly cluttered but in a homey-lived-in kind of way. The walls were lined with baseball caps, and a collection of novelty mugs hung above the couch.
“What, no hello? You need to work on your manners, Henderson.”
“Sorry,” Dustin looked around the living room, taking in an array of stuffed animals on one end of the couch and a pile of picture books on the coffee table. He wasn’t about to judge what Eddie Munson did in his spare time. “Nice place. Do you have my book report?”
"The one on Grapes of Wrath? I wondered who that belonged to. Let me find it," Eddie disappeared into what Dustin could only assume was his bedroom.
Dustin looked around the trailer, eyes landing on a couple of baby photos that he guessed were of Eddie. He stepped forward to get a closer look, but stopped when he felt something under his foot; it was a small toy that looked a lot like the Muppet Babies version of Fozzie Bear. Before he could investigate further, the phone rang.
Eddie came racing out of his room and breathlessly answered the phone. "Hello?" He waited for the person on the other end to respond, a smile crossing his face when they answered. “I mean, maybe. How difficult is it?” Eddie was grinning now and Dustin could swear he was twirling the phone cord like a teenage girl. “I think I can manage that. How did Gremlin do?”
Eddie's smile turned to a soft pout. He spotted Dustin out of the corner of his eye and turned away,  “I’ll see you soon, okay?” Dustin heard him mumble something into the receiver, but couldn't quite make out the words.
Once Eddie hung up the phone he walked into the kitchen and began fiddling with the knobs on the oven.
“Eddie?” Dustin raised his eyebrows as Eddie pulled a casserole dish out of the freezer and put it on the bench.
“Oh, shit. Your thing. Right. I think I know where it is. It got mixed up with the one shot we did last week,” he disappeared again, and Dustin thought he could see a glimpse of a floral patterned bedspread through the door of his room.
Eddie reappeared and handed him a few pieces of paper. "Thanks, man.” Dustin looked at the casserole dish on the bench. “So what’s for dinner?”
Suddenly, Eddie was herding him out of the trailer, “as much as I’d love for you to stay, I have a hot date.”
2. Family Video
Dustin was sitting behind the counter at family video, something Keith had adamantly stated was not allowed. Steve was the only one working, and he didn't care what Dustin did, just happy to have company during the slow part of his shift. Dustin had brought takeout from the diner up the road, only offering to share his fries when Steve had complained. "C'mon, dude, it's gonna stink of fast food in here."
The door jingled and Steve absentmindedly began his ‘welcome to Family Video’ spiel while twisting a Rubik’s cube, only stopping when he looked up at the woman who’d arrived at the counter.
“Real customer-focused service you’ve got here,” you smiled, hoisting the toddler you were holding higher up on your hip.
“Oh hey!” Steve grinned, ducking down so he was on eye level with the little girl, “how’s my favourite Cabbage Patch Kid doing?”
Cabbage Patch Kid? Dustin thought, pushing his food aside to watch the interaction.
The little girl smiled shyly, hiding her head of dark brown curls into the crook of your neck. 
You sighed, “Steve, I’ve told you before, stop insinuating my child looks like a Cabbage Patch Kid.”
“But she has the dimples,” he stood up straighter, poking his tongue out when the little girl showed her face, causing her to emit the world's cutest giggle.
“She gets those from her father, not Coleco,” you kissed your daughter's cheek, smoothing down her unruly hair. “Did Care Bears come in?”
“Sure did,” Steve pulled a tape from the counter below, scanning it.
“Great!” You looked around the store, eyes landing back on Steve. “Can you watch her for a sec while I grab a couple more?”
“‘Course!” Dustin watched as Steve held out his arms and you passed the toddler to him. The little girl’s hands instantly reached to pull for his hair while you darted off to the horror section.
“Not the hair,” Steve groaned, attempting to tilt his head backwards and away from the prying hands.
“Pretty,” the little girl mumbled, tugging a lock of Steve’s hair. Dustin stifled a laugh.
“Me? Why thank you, I think you’re very pretty too, the prettiest little Cabbage Patch Kid around,” he bumped his nose against the toddler’s, kissing her forehead. Dustin gagged. 
The scene was adorable, but it went against everything he thought he knew about Steve Harrington.
You'd found what you were looking for and arrived back at the counter, setting down two more tapes; A Nightmare on Elm Street and Splash.
“Interesting double feature,” Steve remarked, the toddler now clutching her arms tightly around his neck, refusing to let go.
“Date night,” you grinned sheepishly, holding out your arms to collect your daughter. Steve attempted to pry her off his neck, but she was clinging on for dear life.
"Seevie stay," she whined, tightening her grip on the man.
Steve scanned the tapes using his free hand, seemingly unfazed. “Oh, did you hear about Ethan Carroway?”
You dug around in your purse, finding the correct amount of money to pay for the tapes, “and Ivy Tech? I know! How dumb can you be?” You handed over cash.
“I mean, he seemed like the type though, right?” He put the tapes in a plastic bag, a bit of a challenge with only one hand but he managed, handing the bag across the counter to you.
You hummed in agreement. “Some people just don’t change. Others surprise you,” you smiled, taking in the sight of 'King Steve' Harrington pulling faces at your two year old. "C'mon Gremlin, let's get home and see if Dad taped Muppet Babies."
"Aminal?" Your daughter loosened her grip on Steve and looked at you.
"Yep," you held out your arms and she finally let Steve pass her back. You smiled at the man behind the counter. “Thanks Steve, I’ll see you later.”
"See ya," Steve called after you as you exited the store.
Dustin was gobsmacked, his mouth hanging open as he watched Steve go back to fiddling with the Rubik's cube on the counter.
"What the hell was that?" Steve jumped when Dustin spoke, seeming to have forgotten about the young teen's presence.
He managed to keep his cool, nonchalant tone, "what was what?"
"Were you just flirting with her?"
"What?!" Steve sounded offended. "With her? Of course not."
"She has a kid, Steve."
"I know," Steve had turned to look at Dustin now, leaning with his back against the register. "She has a boyfriend too. We went to high school together. She was a cheerleader, I was on the basketball team. We're friends."
"I didn't know you had other friends," Dustin cocked his eyebrow with a grin. He vaguely remembered his mom gossiping with Mrs. Wheeler about a cheerleader who got pregnant a few years ago.
Steve rolled his eyes, turning back to face the front door, "and you don't know as much about your friends as you think you do, Henderson."
Dustin frowned, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"Eat your burger."
3. Max’s trailer
Storm clouds hung over Hawkins, and rain had been attempting to sprinkle all morning. Riding their bikes all the way to the Forest Hill Trailer Park probably wasn't the smartest idea, but it was Dustin and Lucas's only mode of transport since Steve decided to pick up more shifts at Family Video.
They pulled up to Max’s trailer, the wheels of their bikes spitting up gravel as they skidded to a halt. Max had watched them ride up from the window, and she was already standing in the doorway when they reached the porch.
“What are you two doing here?”
“We were wondering if you wanted to see a movie, or go to the arcade," Lucas asked, he always sounded nervous talking to Max.
"Or do anything," Dustin added. "We're so bored." It was true. Mike was on his weekly phone call to El, and since the mall had burnt down the activities in Hawkins had become severely limited.
“I can’t," she had her headphones slung around the base of her neck, her trusty Walkman in her hand. "I’m babysitting.”
"Babysitting? Since when do you babysit?" Dustin peered over her shoulder inside the trailer, but Max moved to block his view. Over her shoulder he could see an animated movie playing on the TV, it looked like the Care Bears.
“Since we moved in here,” she shrugged.
"I like her parents, they're cool, so I offered to look after Gremlin whenever they wanted some alone time. Plus her mom always brings over cookies. This time it’s peanut butter chocolate."
"You offered?"
"Is that so hard to believe?" She squinted, her tone accusatory.
"Kind of, yeah," Dustin said, groaning when Lucas elbowed him in the ribcage.
“What Dustin means is that you seem to have other interests that don’t coincide with babysitting.”
Max rolled her eyes, moving to put her headphones back on.
“Wait! Can we at least come in and hang out?”
“Nope. I’ve got other interests that don’t coincide with hanging out,” her smile didn’t reach her eyes as she shut the door in their faces.
Lucas sighed, but Dustin was already making his way to the trailer opposite Max’s.
“What are you doing?” Lucas watched, before quickly following after his friend.
“Eddie’s home, his van is out front.”
“And there's another car next to it, he has someone over," Lucas added, pointing at the red Ford Fairmont parked next to the van.
But Dustin was already knocking on the trailer door to listen to Lucas.
The door swung open, revealing a flushed and wild haired Eddie. His eyes were dark, and his tee-shirt was on inside out; when he took in that it was Dustin at the door, his expression turned from annoyed to pissed.
"Henderson? What the fuck are you doing here?"
"We were in the area," he started, turning to see that Lucas had not joined him on the porch but had stopped halfway between Eddie and Max's trailer. He continued, "do you want to hang out?"
"I'm a bit busy right now, dude," Eddie folded his arms across his chest, still glaring at Dustin.
"Do you have a girl over?" Dustin tried to peer into the trailer but only managed to spot a bowl of popcorn and a couple of VHS tapes on the coffee table.
Eddie rolled his eyes, "sure let's go with that. Are we done here?" He started to shut the door, but Dustin stuck his arm out.
"Wait! Who is it? Is it Shelley Keibler? She was totally flirting with you at lunch last week."
Eddie looked disgusted, "ugh, no, dude. She buys from me and she was flirting to get a discount; which I didn't give her, by the way."
"Then who?"
"Don't worry about it, Henderson. I’ll see you on Monday." He grinned and shut the door.
4. Hawkins High
Dustin thought Eddie was acting strange. He hadn’t said anything about Dustin’s ill timed visit when he saw him on Monday, and he hadn’t been in the cafeteria at lunch on Tuesday or Wednesday. Mike had sworn he’d seen Eddie in the library when he’d gone to get money off his sister. He seemed back to his old loud, rambunctious self on Thursday, but during Hellfire on Friday he was constantly watching the clock. When the clock struck 6pm, he was packing up, even though they were in the middle of a high tension fight.
“I’m sorry guys, I have places to be.”
“Oh, that little bar on the corner of nunya and business,” he grinned, stuffing his binders in his bag.
Dustin followed him out to the parking lot, expecting to watch him get in his van and drive off. Instead he was greeted with the same red Fairmont coupe that had been parked in front of his trailer. 
The following week proceeded much the same as the week prior, except this week Eddie cancelled Hellfire. And Eddie never cancelled Hellfire. The table erupted in disgruntled yelling when he broke the news over lunch on Friday, but he just sat back in silence, letting the members spit their disdain.
Dustin finally got a chance to speak with Eddie after school was let out, catching up to him in the parking lot as he was leaving.
“What’s going on? Why are you suddenly acting all weird?”
Eddie sighed, looking over at the red Ford that was parked next to Steve’s BMW. “You do know I have a life outside high school and Hellfire, right? I don’t only exist to further your quest, Henderson.”
“I know that-”
“I’ve been busy, alright? I’ve got some stuff going on.” He studied Dustin’s face, as if he was trying to figure out damage caused by a d20. “Look there’s a one shot I’ve been working on,” he grabbed a notebook out of his bag, ripped out a page, and scribbled something down before handing it to Dustin. “Come to this address tomorrow night, 7pm. Bring Wheeler and Sinclair.”
+1. Hellfire Club
Dustin, Mike, and Lucas weren’t sure where they were going, but surprisingly Steve did. In fact Steve hadn’t put up any kind of fight when Dustin asked if he could drive them somewhere for DnD. Sure he’d sighed, but that sigh was quickly followed by a shrug and a “sure.”
Steve pulled up in front of a small one story house, parking his car behind Gareth’s. Two cars were already in the driveway, a two-toned station wagon, and the red Ford Fairmont that seemed to be everywhere.
Eddie swung the door open, a grin on his face. “You’re here!” He glanced over the boys in front of him before his eyes landed on Steve. “Harrington?”
Steve held his hands up. “Don’t worry, I’m just dropping them off. Thought I’d say hi.” He pointed to the station wagon in the driveway. “Is that your new car?” Eddie nodded and Steve added, “a wagon. Very sensible.”
“I’ll have you know that’s a ‘74 AMC Matador. It has a V8 401 engine, 230 horsepower-”
“I’m going to stop you right there, I have no idea what any of that means.”
“You drive an E23. Dude, a 733i!”
“Doesn’t mean I know anything about it,” Steve shrugged. “Finally traded in the van for a family car, hey?”
Eddie rolled his eyes and turned into the house. “Babe, Harrington’s here,” he called out, before turning back to glare at Steve.
After a moment, you appeared behind Eddie, wiping your hands on a dish towel. “Steve, hey!” Dustin recognised you instantly as the woman from Family Video.
“Hey,” Steve smiled, giving you a little wave. “Wanted to see your new place.”
“Can you stay for a soda? I’ll give you the tour.”
Before Steve could move into the house, Dustin held his arm out to stop him. “Uh,” Dustin looked from you, to Steve, to Eddie, and finally to Mike and Lucas. “What’s going on?”
“Oh right! You guys haven’t met,” Eddie wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to his side, and introduced you to the teens. “This is my girlfriend.”
Once the shock had worn off, Eddie had led the boys inside to the dining room table, where the older Hellfire members were already sitting. You lead Steve in the other direction, making good on your promise of a house tour.
“So this is your place?” Mike took in the surroundings; they were sitting in a dining room that was attached to a small kitchen. Various picture frames dotted the walls and a large potted plant sat next to the china cabinet.
“Yep, we moved in last weekend. The trailer was getting too crowded now that Gremlin’s decided to grow into a tiny human,” Mike had no idea what Eddie was talking about, but Eddie sounded horribly offended at the idea of Gremlin growing. “We’ve been planning the move for ages, but we finally had enough money to do it. Wayne seemed sad to see us go, but I think he’s happy to have the place to himself. Kind of annoying we lost Mayfield as a babysitter, though.”
Dustin seemed to have a faint inkling as to what Eddie was talking about, “I saw your girlfriend at Family Video a few weeks ago with her daughter.”
As if this was the craziest news in the world, Mike blurted out, “a kid?” His eyes darted around the room, finally taking in the several picture frames embedded with the image of a curly haired toddler.
“Yeah, Eddie’s girlfriend has a kid,” Dustin said casually, proud that he’d figured out this fact about his mentor before Mike. “It’s pretty cool you’re a stepdad.”
Eddie’s eyes widened, but Gareth, Jeff, and Grant just laughed. “Stepdad ? Henderson, no, no, no.”
Lucas shook his head, pointing to the closest picture frame; the little toddler was sitting on Eddie’s shoulders, her fingers gripping his dark brown curls, identical to her own unruly mess of hair. She looked like a mini version of him, both had mischief gleaming in their chocolate button eyes. “That’s obviously his kid.” 
Like a sign from above signifying the revelation, an egg timer went off in the kitchen.
Dustin choked on his soda. “You have a kid? How did that happen?”
Lucas whacked him on the back, attempting to stop his friend's spluttering. “How do you think it happened, dipshit?” It seemed to work.
“No,” the tips of Dustin’s ears turned pink, his voice still hoarse. “I meant-”
“You want the story,” Eddie grinned, and Gareth, Jeff, and Grant groaned. He leaned back in his chair, his hands clasped behind his head. “Settle in boys, for this is a tale for the ages.”
Gareth snorted, “What the hell are you talking about? Indie is the product of too much alcohol and an expired condom.”
“Excuse me, but Gremlin was born from an epic love story that crossed not only class barriers, but changed Hawkins society as we know it.”
Steve entered the dining room with a can of cola, you following close behind him. 
“Babe,” you rolled your eyes, having heard the conversation. You set a plate of pizza rolls down in front of the boys. “I think Gareth is a little closer to the truth. It wasn’t West Side Story .”
“You don’t think our story is romantic?”
“Our story? Sure. Teen pregnancy? Not so much.” Steve snorted.
Dustin had calmed down a bit, but he still had a lot of questions. “Wait, I’m confused. Steve said you were a cheerleader. How did you get with Eddie? You’re way out of his league.”
Surprisingly, Eddie didn’t look offended, instead he pulled you into his lap and tucked his chin over your shoulder, looking at the young teens. “You’re dead right, Henderson, she is way out of my league.” You scoffed, ready to disagree with him but he cut you off, “do you want to tell the story, babe?”
You adjusted yourself so you were sitting on Eddie’s thigh, his hands firmly gripping your waist. “My family moved to Hawkins at the start of my sophomore year. I didn’t really notice Eddie much that first year, he was a junior and we ran in very different circles.”
“I noticed her though. Straight away. Especially when she wore her cheer uniform-”
You flicked him on the shoulder, continuing with your story. “Anyway, school was out for the summer. Remember the heatwave in ‘83? I was driving down Millbrook and it was at least 100 degrees outside and the hood of my car started smoking. So I pulled over and began freaking out, because you know Millbrook, it’s all farmland and there’s no one around for miles.”
“But I just happened to be driving down Millbrook.”
“Yeah, Eddie was my knight in a Metallica cut off. He figured out what was wrong with my car, drove us to the auto shop, bought whatever it was that my car needed and fixed it for me.”
“It was super easy, she’d just run out of-”
You cut him off before he could begin to ramble about cars and the importance of checking the coolant level. “I bought him a milkshake to thank him and we’ve been together ever since.”
“And your kid?” Mike asked through a mouthful of pizza rolls.
“Gareth wasn’t far off. Pretty sure it happened after the homecoming dance that Eddie refused to attend. He snuck in my window when I got home with a bottle of peppermint schnapps and…” you drifted off, noticing the wide eyes at the table, as well as Steve's smirk. “I’ll spare you the details. Nine months later Indie was born.”
"Indie? Like Indiana?" Lucas asked, he wouldn’t admit it but the story was romantic.
"No, Indie like Indigo. Indigo Ripley Munson," Eddie said proudly, and you smiled. He'd snuck Ripley on the birth certificate before you could protest, but you had to admit your daughter couldn't ask for a better role model than the badass heroine from Alien.
It was as if her name summoned her. A bleary eyed toddler in pink footie pajamas entered the dining room, rubbing her eyes.
“Hi sweet pea,” you hoped off Eddie’s thigh, picking up your daughter and smoothing her hair. “Did we wake you?”
“Not tired,” she said, instantly contradicting herself by yawning. “Want Dadda to tell me a story,” she pushed away from you, reaching for Eddie. “With princesses.” 
As much as you wanted to be her favourite, it warmed your heart knowing how much she loved her Dad.
Eddie held out his arms to take her from you and she instantly snuggled against him. "Dad’s playing a game with his friends, do you want to listen? There’s no princesses but there are lots of monsters." She nodded, smiling. 
You knew it was futile to try and get her to go back to sleep now that Eddie had promised her a story. Knowing Eddie it would be a gory and violent story, but having sat in on many of Hellfire's campaigns, Indie was used to it. You thought it was creepy that she was enamoured with monsters, Eddie thought it was adorable.
You crouched down next to Eddie so you were on eye level with your daughter. "See those boys over there? That's Dustin, Lucas, and Mike. Do you want to say hi?"
She stuck out her bottom lip, contemplating the question before shaking her head. Dustin grinned, he liked this kid, she had spirit.
"How did you manage graduating with a kid? I mean Eddie obviously didn't," Mike said. The table went silent. Surprisingly, it was Steve that spoke up.
"He could have graduated, he just chose to put his family first, right Munson?"
Eddie looked at Steve and smiled. You stood up to glare at Mike, "Steve's right, Eddie should have graduated in '84, but he had different priorities that year."
Turning his attention to Mike, Eddie sighed, “My first senior year was when we found out about the pregnancy. My uncle got me a job working nights at the plant, so I slept through most of my morning classes. But the money was good and we were able to afford most of the stuff we needed for a new baby without asking for help. But I failed pretty much all my classes.”
You nodded. “My parents cut me off when they found out we were keeping the baby. They already hated that I was with Eddie and were looking for a reason to disown me; teen pregnancy was it. So aside from the secondhand stuff we got from the Holts’ and the Mitchells’, and that Wayne never made us pay rent, we did it pretty much all on our own. Eddie’s second senior year was also my senior year, but it was our first year with Indie too.”
“I didn’t want her skipping class, she’s too smart to not graduate. So I stayed home with Gremlin. Wayne helped out when he could, but I still managed to miss most of my classes.”
“But now, I have a job that lets us afford daycare and rent, and Eddie’s been working real hard at school. You know what they say, third times the charm.”
“This is my year, I can feel it.”
“Damn right, babe.” You leant down to kiss his cheek. “And Indie and I will be right there cheering you on when you cross that stage.”
It was all too much for Dustin to handle, hearing about this part of Eddie’s life; his girlfriend, his daughter, his connection to Steve. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. He was filled with a newfound desire to protect his friend; he had a family to think about after all, hell he’d traded in his ratty old van for a station wagon.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Dustin wasn’t sure if he felt more hurt or betrayed that Eddie had kept such a big part of his life a secret.
“I never hid it, Henderson, you just never asked.”
Dustin thought back to what Steve had said all those weeks ago, ‘you don't know as much about your friends as you think you do.’ He was right, Dustin didn’t know that much about Eddie. He knew he was in a band and liked metal music, but he hadn’t asked him much in the way of personal questions.
“I’m sorry Eddie, I-”
Eddie cut him off with a lazy grin, “Relax, Dustin, we’ve got the rest of the year right?” For some reason the use of his first name instantly put Dustin at ease. He let out a breath and smiled at Eddie. “Now are we playing?”
“And that’s our cue,” you nodded at Steve, leaving the boys and Indie to their game.
Later that night, after everyone had gone home and Indie was finally tucked up in bed, Eddie said something that surprised you.
“I think we should make Steve Indie’s godfather.”
“What? You’re not religious.”
“No, I know. I don’t mean it in the whole ‘teaching faith’ way. I just,” he ran his hand through his hair. “I know he’s important to you, and he loves Indie. If something was to happen to us, I know he’d take good care of her.”
“I think that’s a great idea, babe. Is this about what he said to Wheeler?”
Eddie’s cheeks flushed, he hadn’t wanted to admit that Steve’s approval had affected him. “Maybe.”
You grinned. Steve had been your friend for a long time, since you first moved to Hawkins. You’d known him through his douchebag phase, and you were his only friend from his high school days he’d kept in touch with since he’d mellowed out. But he and Eddie had never gotten along; Eddie was too loud and brash, and Steve still held an air of elitism that although he’d mostly gotten rid of, still reared its ugly head whenever Eddie was around. 
Today, though, the two of them somewhat made an attempt at a truce. “How about we invite him for lunch and ask him?”
Eddie groaned, “ugh, can’t you just ask him?”
“It was your idea!”
“Fine, we’ll do it together.”
Baby steps.
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Okay okay... I would really appreciate feedback as I worked my ass off on this one. And guys... I was so nervous my mum read this... that's the first time she's read my writing since I was in high school. @a-lil-pr1ncess @livsters
1K notes · View notes
louloulemons-posts · 1 year
Eddie Munson X SingleMom!Reader
Summary: You and Eddie had been dating for months now, the only thing was, he didn’t know about your daughter, Margot.
Word Count : 4.5k
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Warnings : Petnames, mean reader family, a couple swears, no real discussion of physical features of reader, teen pregnancy, there may be spelling mistakes, pure fluff, girl dad eddie.
Y/E/C - Your eye colour
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Being a mom at 18 wasn’t your plan at all, but now with your 2 year old beautiful baby girl you couldn’t have been happier.
After finding out you were pregnant, you were kicked out immediately, few things in a bag and gone. The baby daddy had been useless too, claiming it couldn’t have been his, even-though he was the one and only guy you’d slept with.
You had bounced between friends homes and a crumbling apartment, but then had regained
contact with your Aunt Maeve who lived in the town of Hawkins. That had been your home from almost 8 months now.
You had a job as a job that paid okay, and gave you time to study too. Along with being there for your little one, Margo and Aunt Maeve was a great help too.
“Goodnight Mar, Mama loves you,” you said kissing her head gently, closing the door behind you. “Hey Maeve, she’s down now. I left the number of the restaurant on the kitchen counter for you, so please call if you need me.”
Maeve pushed herself up from her worn armchair, “Sweetheart go have fun, you know you deserve it. He’s a nice kid, Uncle raised him right,” she smiled, kissing your cheek and pushing you towards the door.
Walking down the path, a smile appeared on your face as you saw a familiar van show up.
Climbing inside, “Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” The famous Eddie Munson.
A metal head who you had met through your Aunts friend Wayne. And had fallen for quite soon after … only one thing, he had no clue about Margo.
Listen, it wasn’t that you were embarrassed, not at all. Your baby was the light of your life. She was everything. You just wanted to make sure Eddie was a keeper before they met.
Now 5 months of dates, hand holding and stolen kisses, you were sure he wouldn’t turn screaming when he found out.
Leaning over he pressed his lips to your cheek, “You look great too Eds.”
“You ready?” he asked, sliding his fingers through yours. “Let’s go!”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Okay that food was incredible!” You beamed at Eddie, who nodded. “It really was. Company was even better.” You pushed his arm lightly, “You, Eddie Munson, are a sweet talker.”
“Sweet enough to get you to stay the night?” he asked, pulling you close. “You’re something else,” pushing a curl behind his ear you kissed him gently.
“Is that a yes?”
“Eds I-” You were cut off by a woman walking over, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I have a call for you.” You stood, eyebrows furrowed, it could only be one person.
Following her to the phone, you quickly picked it up. “Maeve?”
“Mommy?” a small voice spoke from the other end. “Mar? What are you doing up my love it’s late?”
“Mama come home.”
“Baby can you give the phone to Auntie Maeve.”
“I’m so sorry I had to call,” Maeve spoke, her voice full of regret. “It’s okay, what’s going on?”
“Bad dream. She’s won’t settle, only stopped crying when she heard your voice.”
“I’ll be home as soon as I can okay?”
“Okay, say bye Mama.” You heard a faint ‘buh-bye’ from the girl.
Hanging up the phone you walked over to Eddie. “I’m so sorry, I can’t do tonight. Issues at home,” you explained.
“Don’t worry Sweetheart. Some other time?”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“I’ll call you okay?” you said to Eddie kissing him square on the lips. “Thank you for tonight it was amazing. I’m paying next time.”
“You’ve said that the last 3 times,” he laughed.
“Well someone keeps taking the bill!” Kissing him again you slid out of the van. “Night Eds.”
“Night Sweetheart.”
You waved goodbye and Eddie drove away, entering the house you heard a faint, “Mamas home!”
“MAMA MAMA MAMA!” Margot came flying through the hall and to you. “Hello my love,” you smiled, taking her in your arms, rubbing your hand through her ringlets. “miss-ed you Mommy,” she spoke, her dummy in her mouth and voice laced with sleep.
“Shall we go back to bed my love?” you asked her. Nodding into your neck, she mimicked your actions playing with your hair. “Okay let’s say goodnight to Auntie Maeve.”
The woman walked into the hall, “I’m just getting my tea and I’ll be up. Goodnight my darlings.”
“Night Maeve.”
“Nuh-nih.” Chuckling softly at the sleepy girl in your arms, you went on your way to bed.
Laying Mar down in your double bed, she whined slightly. “It’s okay, I’m just getting my pyjamas.”
“Mama, you wook pwetty,” she said.
“Thank you, you look so pretty too.” Margot smiled at that. She was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen, but maybe you were biased.
As you were about to climb into bed next to her you paused, “Where’s bun?” you asked. She let out a huge gasp. “Still in bed!”
“Still in your bed?” She nodded. “Okay I’ll go get him okay?”
Wondering into her room you grabbed her small rabbit teddy who she loved so much. You were surprised she hadn’t noticed his absence sooner. “Here his is my Lo-” hearing soft snores you smiled.
Climbing in next to Margot, you placed her bunny in her arms, kissing her head softly. “Goodnight my Sweet Girl.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“We’ll be back in a little while Maeve,” you shouted walking out the door. “Mama, where we go?”
“We have to go to the store, get some things for dinner.” Margot nodded at that, pulling herself up into her car seat.
You buckled her in, making sure she was secure and placed a kiss on her head. The drive went smoothly, Margot was singing along to a couple of the songs on the radio, and chatting away to you the rest of the time.
“Mommy, we have pastas for din-ner?” The small girl spoke from the back of the car. “Sure babe, if that’s what you want.” You saw how she nodded happily through your mirror, making you smile. That’s all you wanted to do, make her happy.
Parking the car, you walked round to Margots seat, unbuckling her and holding her on your hip. Walking past the door, Margot exclaimed, “Mama we gotta go store!” Chuckling at the small girl,”We need a cart baby. We need to put our shopping somewhere.”
You slid her into the cart, she kicked her legs slightly in excitement. “Okay let’s go,” you smiled. “Let’s go!” she mimicked.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Pushing the cart and holding the shopping list in your other hand you stopped. “What flavour do you want babe? Strawberry or Blueberry?”
“Blueberry okay.” Picking up the pop tarts you passed them to Mar so she could put them in the cart.
You noticed then that something was missing. “Mar, where’s bunny?” you asked.
“He’s- oh,” she looked at you with her big eyes, “Mama he’s gone!” tears started forming in her eyes. “Hey it’s okay. We’re gonna find him, come on let’s walk back this way and have a look.”
You wiped away some stray tears running down her face. You walked back down past the diary, the fruit and veggies. No sign of him. “Maybe we left him in the car,” you said to Mar.
“No Mama, I had him!”
“Okay that’s fine then. He must be in here somewhere, why don’t we ask that lady over there.” Pushing the cart over to one of the workers at the store you smiled at her, “Hi I was just wondering if you could see if someone’s handed in a toy rabbit?” Looking at you she nodded, seeing Margots upset face.
Waiting for her to return you lifted your baby from her place in the cart. Cuddling her to your body, as you rocked hushed her gently. The store assistant walked back over to you, “I’m really sorry but nothings been handed in, if you leave your number I could call you if it shows up.”
“Thank you,” you smiled at her. Putting Margot down on the floor, you took the small pad of paper and pen off the woman, writing your name and number down. “Mama! Mama! Bunny!” Margot squealed.
The small girl ran down the aisle to a familiar looking man. Shit. Eddie.
“Is this yours?” he asked, crouching down to Margots height, handing over the plush toy. “I found him out in the parking lot.”
“Mommy wook!” she turned to you, walking over quickly, you saw Eddies eyes widen slightly.
“Mama! Bunny!” Taking her in to your arms you smiled, “Yeah babe, what do you say?”
“Twank you.”
“No problem sweetheart.” Margot was so happy she got her bunny back, her focus was solely focused on him. “Mama?”he asked.
“I’m so sorry. I was going to tell you. I just, Eddie I wanted to make sure you were a good guy, she’s my everything.” He hummed and nodded. “Let’s be honest most people run screaming at the thought of teen pregnancy.”
“I understand. So uh, where does this leave us?”
“I don’t know Eds. I think that’s up to you. I wanted you to meet her, not like this, but I was - I am ready for that. I really hope you’d understand.”
“I do. Maybe we could go to the park one of the days?”
“Yeah I’d like that.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Walking hand in hand with Margot you waved towards Eddie who was waiting by a bench. “Mama, who dat?” she asked, bunny in her other hand. “That’s my friend Eddie, the man who found Bun at the store. He’s gonna hang out with us today. Shall we go say hi?”
She nodded, and you finally made it to the metalhead. “Hey,” you smiled.
“Hey you two. Hi little lady, I’m Eddie,” he said, getting down to her height, similarly to what had occurred in the store. “I’m Maw-go.”
“Margot?” She hummed.
“Mama, we go swing?” she asked, tugging you. “Course baby, let’s go.” Lifting her into the the small swing, you pushed gently letting her get used to it. “So I’m sure you have some questions. Please feel free to ask any,” you said to Eddie.
“I mean I understand why you didn’t mention her, seems like a great kid though,” he nodded to the giggling girl. “Mama higher!” she squealed, kicking her legs. You laughed at her, “She’s amazing.”
“So um … her dad?”
“Not in the picture. Never has been, never will be.��
“Is that why you live with your Aunt?”
“Yeah, sofa surfed for a while. Got a crummy apartment. Then Maeve got in touch, we hadn’t spoken for a while, I assumed she hated me like the rest of my family.
“But she offered me a home. Us a home. Margot loves her, loves it here.”
“I’m sorry the rest of your family aren’t like that. I’m sorry her d- that guy was like that too.”
“It’s fine, we’re were 17 when I got pregnant. It was scary, I get that. It’s his loss anyways, he doesn’t get her in his life, and anyone who has that is lucky.”
“Mommy! Can we slide?”
“You wanna go on the slide?”
“Yeah!” she shouted.
Gently stopping the swing, you picked her up and let her run over to the steps to get up to the slide. “Oh Mama, you have bunny so I cliwb up.” She said, running back and handing him over. Eddie smiled at her. “She’s like you.”
“You think?”
“Mhm, for sure. It’s how I imagine baby you.”
“Well speaking of, Maeve wanted me to invite you and Wayne over for dinner. You could confirm your theory, if you wanted.”
“Yeah I’d really like that.”
He slipped his fingers through yours and stepped closer, pressing his lips to your head. “Thank you for letting me into this part of your life.”
“Thank you for accepting it.”
“Mama watch!” Margot screamed from the top of the slide. She slid down quickly, feet landing in the sand below.
“Wow babe! That was quick!” She laughed running over to you two, “Hey mistwer Eddie?” she said, looking up with her big Y/E/C eyes.
“Yeah Sweetheart?”
“Can you pwush me on the spinner?” she asked.
He looked over at you, asking for your thoughts. You nodded your head, smiling slightly. “Sure Kid, let’s go.”
She sat down on the merry go round, “You ready?” he asked.
“Hold on tight.”
He didn’t push her too fast, but fast enough for her to squeal whilst giggling loudly. This went on for a few minutes until she heard a familiar tune. “Ice cweam!” Eddie slowly stopped the merry go round and helped her up.
Wobbly slightly, she shook her head, holding on to Eddies hands. Her own were tiny in his, he looked at her in awe, she really was a sweet kid. Like her mom clearly. He understood why you’d ‘hidden’ her, because who would want to break that little heart. She was your priority. Your everything.
“Mama, we get ice cweam?” she asked.
“I think we can do that, Eds you want one?”
“Sure, let’s go.” He expected Margot to run off again, but she walked in between you. Keeping her grip on Eddies hand and taking your own.
Grabbing three ice cream cones you sat down on the grass, and not even a few moments into it, it had coated the majority of the Margots lower face. “You’re meant to eat it,” Eddie chuckled, which Margot copied.
Once she was done she showed you her small hands, “They sticky Mommy.” Pulling open your small bag, which you had carried almost everywhere for the last 3 years of your life, you got some wipes and began cleaning the girl.
“All better?” you asked.
“Mhm. Twanks.” She rested her head on your shoulder, cuddling into you. “Tired my love?” you asked. “Mhm.” Checking your watch, it was the time when she would take a nap.
“You need to take her home?” he asked.
“I’ve got her stroller in the car, so we can walk whilst she naps?”
“Yeah I’d like that.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Buckling her in and laying back the seat, you placed her blanket over her. Handing her, her dummy and bunny. She was quickly soothed and fell to sleep. “How are you feeling?” you asked Eddie. “Well her asking me to play with her and the hand holding, it took me by surprise honestly.”
“She’s always been a good judge of character,” you smiled, as you two walked through the park. “I’m just having some doubts,”he sighed.
“I understand. Can I ask what about?” He heard the upset in your voice. “Oh babe not about you. You two are perfect.”
“Then what?”
“You know how I told you a few years back, those rumours about me. Satanist, killer, all of that.” You hummed a yes. “Well some people still think that, and I would never want you or Margot to be judged for that. For me.”
“Eds, you don’t have to worry about that. I know you will no matter what I say. I adore you, Im falling for you more and more everyday, and well Mar has clearly taken a liking to you.”
“I just don’t want you to suffer cause of me.”
“We’ll deal with that together Sweetheart. Don’t worry. Now I must ask, what would you and Wayne like for dinner when you come over?”
“Now you’re asking babe.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
It was now 4 months later, and the day before Margot third birthday. There was a knock at the door. “Eddie Eddie Eddie!” The small girl squealed, running towards it. “Mar slow down,” you laughed.
“Hurry Mama it’s Eddie!”
“I know I know,” you said, sliding the latch off, twisting the handle. “Hey you two,” he smiled.
“Eddie!” Margot screamed throwing her arms around his legs.
“Hey you!” he grinned, picking her up, hanging her upside down and over her shoulder, making her laugh loudly. “I cannot believe you’re 3 tomorrow!” he said.
“I’m big gwurl.”
“Nope! Always my baby,” you said taking her back into your arms, hugging her close.
“Nooo, big gwurl.”
“Fine, big girl. Go find Auntie Maeve, she needs you to test the pasta for dinner.” She ran off straight away, feet slamming down as she went. Looking back at Eddie you smiled, “Hey,” he said. “Hi.” He pulled you close by the waist, kissing you.
“I have gifts in the van, and my overnight bag.”
“Great, do you want any help?”
“Nah babe, I’ve got it, I’ll meet you in the kitchen,” he pressed his lips to your again.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Eddie!” Margot smiled, as he walked into the kitchen. “Hey Kid,” he said, brushing her curls. “How are you Maeve?” he asked, kissing her cheek. “Good thank you sweetheart, you keeping out of trouble?”
“Always, and I’ve got these two ladies to help me.” She nodded, smiling at the three.
“Well dinner is almost ready, you go get washed up,” she said.
“Mar let’s go to the bathroom before dinner.” Holding your hand out to the little girl you walked to the bathroom with her. Hearing Eddie offering to set the table. This made a smile make its way on your face.
“Hey Mar I have a question.”
“Yeah Mama?”
“How would you feel about Eddie sleeping over tonight?” you asked.
“Yeah. Is that okay with you?”
“Mhm! But where he sweep?”
“Well he’d sleep in my bed, is that alright?”
“Yeah, cause he can’t fit in my bwed Mama,” she laughed. “No he can’t baby.”
Helping her clean up, she climbed on her stool to wash her hands, you doing the same.
“Ready?” you asked.
“Wedy!” You went hand in hand to the dining room, helping Margot into her seat next to your own. “Yummy!” she smiled at her pasta filled bowl. “Hang on Mar,” you said, grabbing a bib and placing it round her neck. “There you go, eat up.”
Mouth full of pasta, Margot spoke. “Eddie?”
“Yeah sweetheart?”
“If that’s okay with you, I’d like to have a sleepover. I’d like to spend your birthday here too, if that’s okay?”
“Of course. And hey Wayne is gonna come and see you too.”
“Wayne!” she kicked her legs in excitement.
“Yeah, babe. Now come on, eat up, need to be big and strong when you turn 3,” he smiled, brushing her cheek.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Come on then baby, bed time. Say night night.” She went and hugged Maeve, and then headed over to Eddie. “Nuh-nih Eddie,” she smiled, he lifted her up and hugged her. “Night sweetheart,” he said, kissing her head.
He handed her over to you and you went up the stairs. “You excited for your birthday?” you asked her. “So so ex-exwited mommy.”
“Well you’re gonna need so much energy tomorrow, so try and get some sleep my love.”
“Okay.” Kissing her head and tucking her in, her bunny in her arms and dummy in her mouth the girls eyes shut.
You turned on her small nightlight and headed out the room. “I love you.”
“Wove you Mama.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Sighing as you dropped into bed, Eddie chuckled, “Come here,” he spoke. You snuggled up in his arms, head resting on his chest. “I can’t believe she’s gonna be 3. My little baby, I’m going to have to start looking at preschool soon.”
“I can help if you want?”
“Would you?” you asked, looking up at him.
“Course babe, I’d do anything for you guys.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, and I love that little madam.” Laughing you pecked his lips.
Listening to his heartbeat and feeling his chest move with each breath Eddie spoke once more. “Wayne asked that woman on a date.”
“No shit!” you said, sitting up.
“Yeah, next weekend.”
“Oh my god, he’s liked her for ages. I’m so happy for him. What’s her name again?”
“Delores, or Dee. She’s nice.”
“Looks like both Munson boys are getting lucky in love.”
“Don’t think Wayne and Dee have anything on us,” he grinned. “Only person left is Maeve.”
“Trust me Mae has her hidden life,” you smiled.
“Tell me more.”
“You know her friend, Annie?”
“No shit!”
“Yes shit.”
“Damn, we’re all lucky.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Mama! Eddie! Wake up wake up wake up!” A small voice screamed. “Woah where’s the fire?” Eddie laughed.
“Wake up!”
“We’re up babe,” you said, pulling the little girl up into your arms. Her curls messy from sleep, one trouser leg up, eyes sleepy. “Happy Birthday my love.” Smiling you kissed her head.
“Happy Birthday Kid,” Eddie spoke, voice groggy. “Pwesents.”
“You wanna open your presents?”
“Okay but we’ve gotta go and get Maeve first baby.”
Almost leaping off the bed she ran towards Maeves room. “Awntie Mae!” she squealed.
“I think she’s excited,” Eddie laughed.
“Come on pretty boy, let’s go.” Kissing his lips the pair of them headed down the stairs.
Mae came down the stairs with a wriggling Margot on her hip. “Good morning you two, I’m going to go start some coffee, you get the presents opened. Eddie, cameras on the shelf, pictures please.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Margot squealed loudly seeing presents covering the sofa. “Mommy look!”
“I see baby, you go ahead and open them.”
Grinning, she sat on the floor pulling a present into her lap.
20 minutes later there was paper all over the floor, and a very happy little girl. “Mama, I wear it?” she asked, handing you her cinderella dress. “Let’s have breakfast first, we don’t want to dirty it,” you said.
Maeve smiled, “Pancakes for the birthday girl.”
“Pancakes! Sywup?” she asked Maeve.
“Of course Honey.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Margot hadn’t stopped all day, running around at a million miles an hour. Her princess dress never leaving her body. Full of sugar and syrup. “Think she’s had a good birthday?” Eddie asked, arms around your waist and head on your shoulder.
“Mhm, you’ve helped that happen too.”
“Nah babe it’s all you.” There was a knock on the door. “Hey Kid that must be Uncle Wayne.”
“Uncle Wayne!” she shouted, running towards the door.
“I’ll go get the latch,” Eddie said kissing your cheek. “Thanks Eds.” You walked to the kitchen to find Maeve, “Candles are all ready.”
“Thank you for this Maeve. For everything.”
“You never have to thank me honey, you and Margot have given me everything I’ve ever wanted, but never got to have.”
Wrapping your arms around Maeve you squeezed her tightly. “Mommy, come see what Uncle Wayne got me!”
“How that child has so much energy I do not know,” you laughed.
“She’s just like you when you were that small.”
Wondering into the living room you saw Wayne on the couch and Margot jumping up and down with a cabbage patch baby in her hand. “Look Mama!”
“I see, did you say thank you to Wayne?”
“Twank you Wayne!”
“You’re very welcome little lady.”
The light clicked off and Maeve walked in with a birthday cake, soon the four of you were singing to Margot. She blew out the candles and Eddie snapped a photo. “Cake!”
“Hang on babe, let’s get the candles out first,” you laughed.
“Mae will take it and cut it up,” Maeve spoke, wandering to the kitchen. “Wayne cake?” she asked. “Yeah kiddo I’ll stay for cake.”
“Come on baby, let’s take off your pretty dress for cake. Then after that we need your jammies, and we’ll watch a movie okay?” She nodded, letting you help her take off her dress.
She had a t-shirt and shorts on underneath so she walked to Eddie so he could help her into her seat. “You had a good day?” he asked her.
“Yes, you sweepover?”
“Again?” he asked.
“Mhm, wike you here.”
“I like being here too Sweetheart. I’ll have to ask your Mom and Maeve okay?”
“‘kay,” she smiled, kissing his cheek.
He took the seat next to her, smiling at her little face. You couldn’t help but grin yourself, stomach fluttering at the sight. “Thank you,” Wayne spoke from beside you. “For?”
“This. I’ve not seen him so happy for years.”
“I love him so much Wayne, he’s made my life so much better. And Margot loves him too. Always asks when Eddie and you are next coming over.” He chuckled at that.
“You know you’re always welcome to my home too.”
“Thank you Wayne, I really do appreciate that.”
“Mama, Wayne, cake!”
“We’re being summoned,” he smiled, taking a seat across from Eddie. “Twank you Mae,”Margot said as she tucked into her cake.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The credits of Cinderella began rolling, and soft snores were heard form Margot. Eddie smiled at the little girl, sleeping on his chest. “I can’t believe she’s asleep.”
“I can you’re comfy babe. But I think her bed is a better place for her to sleep tonight.”
You stood up ready to take her, “You relax, I’ll take her up,” Eddie spoke.
“You sure?”
“Course,” he said, standing up and kissing your lips.
Eddie gently lay the girl in her bed, putting her bunny in her arms. Leaving her dummy next to the night light he kissed her head. “Goodnight sweetheart.”
“nuh-nih daddy.”
Sucking in his breath, his eyes became glassy. He heard the door creaked open slightly. “You okay?” you asked him.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m coming,” he said, getting up, walking over to you.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, drying his eyes.
“She called me dad.” Your face dropped.
“Oh Eds I’m so sorry, I’ll speak to her tomorrow.”
“No! Sorry, I just, if it’s okay with you. I really don’t mind. I know it hasn’t been long, but I love you and her.”
“You’re really okay with it?”
“Baby I would be so proud to be her dad. We obviously need to sit down and talk, but I’d be fine if she swapped between Eddie and you know … dad.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Wove you too.”
You both turned to Margots bed, “What you doing awake Little Lady?” Eddie ask.
“Stay with you.”
“Stay in our bed?” you asked.
“Mhm. Pwease.”
“Come on then baby.”
She grabbed her bunny and dummy and wandered over to you, Eddie clicked off her nightlight and the three of you headed down the hall.
Lifting her up on the bed Eddie smiled, watching as she cuddled into your side. “You comfy?”
“Mhm. Eddie come,” she said, doing a grabby hand towards him. He laughed and climbed in next to her. The three of you cuddle up and got comfy.
“Nuh-nih Mama,” she said.
“Night Baby.”
“Nuh-nih Da.”
“Goodnight Sweet Girl.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Part Two is here : Cinderella and Warm Milk
Part Three is here : Cuddles and Stew
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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talistableau · 1 year
Part three! I’m so sorry for how long it’s taken but I procrastinated about it for ages and I was doing college work but it’s here! Part one has been like hidden but i’m gonna try and fix it dw, part two is still up though.
Content Warnings: I don’t think there’s any but mild language in this part as I wanted a lighter part three after part two but feel free to let me know otherwise!
If you’d like to be tagged in the next part, just reply down below!
Without further ado, enjoy! 3.2k words!
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. 𝕆𝕫𝕫𝕪’𝕤 𝔹𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪.
Standing in the toddler’s toys selection aisle in Toys R Us, a deep frown was embedded in Eddie’s features. What the hell does he buy as a birthday present for a four year old that he’s never even met before? His eyes scanned the shelves, hoping that something suitable would magically appear out of thin air that he could buy for Ozzy. You had reassured him countless times that he didn’t need to get him anything when he came over to the trailer, but he of course disregarded that completely.
He wanted to get something for him. He just didn’t know what yet.
Littering the shelves were an assortment of kids items, Glo-Worms, Etch-A-Sketches, Care Bears, and Boglins which he thought would be far too scary for a child. They even creeped him out and he definitely didn’t want to give your son nightmares. After a minute of pondering on it, he shoved one of everything in the cart—minus the Boglin.
He picked up a set of new-in Micro Machine’s as he continued down the aisle, adding it to the pile in the cart, along with two Gummi Bears as you had mentioned briefly that Ozzy simply had to watch the show whilst having breakfast before Kindergarten or all hell would break loose.
A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Technodrome was promptly flung into the cart as quickly as Eddie had spotted it but that was more so for him than it was for Ozzy.
Content with what he’d picked, he moved to leave and head to the check-out, the wheels on the cart squeaking obnoxiously as he did, only to spot you coming down the very same aisle, evidently shopping for a gift for Ozzy as well.
“Shit, shit,” Eddie muttered, trying to move away as fast as possible, only to lose control of the cart and crash it into the shelf, an array of toys falling and making a shed load of noise. “Oh, Jesus H Christ!!”
“Eddie?” You rounded the corner of the aisle, only to spot him hovering by the trolley, keeping it out of your sight and standing nonchalantly. This was instantly suspicious to you. Eddie was an open book—sometimes too open.
“Y/N? Hey! Fancy seeing you here!” He laughed, stretching his arms on the cart behind him to further hide the contents within it.
Raising a brow, you fold your arms over your chest and he finally notices the shirt that you’re wearing. It’s a newer version of the same Black Sabbath t-shirt that you had been wearing when he first ever saw you. Shit.
“Uh-huh, what’s in the cart, Eddie?”
Panic flashed across his features as he scrambled to think of an excuse, “Uh, just just some..stuff for Hellfire.” He seemed pleased with his own lie, his posture and expression relaxing.
You took a step forward, Eddie moving in tandem with you as you stood on your tiptoes, craning your neck to peer at what was inside, him shuffling accordingly. He knew that if you saw what was in the cart, you would instantly refuse it and say that you couldn’t possibly accept it.
“Lemme see the damm cart!” You laughed, eventually spotting something that confirmed your suspicions. “Since when does Hellfire need Gruffi and Zummi Gummi teddy bears?”
Frozen on the spot, you could see the cogs in his brain turning as he raced to throw you off of the scent that you were rapidly picking up on. “Uh,” He stuttered. His mind went totally blank at being caught out.
No clever remarks, no jokes, nothing came to mind. For once, Eddie Munson was speechless.
“I knew it! You’re getting something for Ozzy aren’t you?” You playfully pointed a finger accusingly at him. “Move.”
“No no no! It’s for my…cousin. Gene. I’m picking up presents for him, got sent here by Wayne, y’know?” He knew that it was evidently a lie. He had no cousins, nobody except for Wayne especially not anywhere near Hawkins for a start. “Yeah he’s gonna be fou-three! on Monday.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head in disbelief at the blatant—terrible lie that he had told you. “Oh yeah, I remember my four-threenth birthday. It was great.” You rolled your eyes as Eddie shifted his weight anxiously.
With an exaggerated groan he moved away from the cart with his hands up in surrender, your jaw hanging open at the amount of gifts tucked inside. “Eddie. This is far too much.”
“No, no it’s not.” He shook his head, hands now holding the bar of the cart, the clang of his rings resounding as he tapped his fingers on it. “This is great, he’ll love it all! Didn’t you say that Dummy and Fuzzy were the ones he’s missing? It’ll be great, trust me, it’s not too much.”
Biting your lip to stop your eyes glossing in appreciation at the kind gesture, you smiled, lightly punching his arm before you hooked one of your own through it. “Okay fine, but that’s it. Nothing else for him, okay? Promise?”
“Pinky swear, doll-face.”
You blushed when he called you that. It had been his latest pet name for you. They usually alternated whenever he saw you, but ‘doll-face’ seemed to be the lucky one, sticking around for the long run. You didn’t understand the name to be perfectly honest, you didn’t think you were particularly doll-like. Dolls that came to mind were white, skinny and blonde with porcelain skin—you were none of those things.
Your skin was dark with an iridescent shine—thanks to the cocoa butter and Vitamin C you applied every morning. You certainly were not skinny, you were mid-sized at least, curvaceous from pregnancy but also genetics. Your hair also was very much not blonde, dark tight coiled curls littered your head, sporadic strands falling in front of your eyes from time to time.
Now freely grinning, you rolled your eyes and grabbed a hold of his cart, spinning it out of your way as you started to reshelve the toys that Eddie had caused to plummet to the ground. You turned over the box of the Boglin in your hand, jumping back and pulling a face at it.
“This is for kids?” You scoffed, placing it back on the shelf with a noise of disapproval. “If anyone showed up with one of these for my child, I would burn it.”
“Yeah, I'm with you on that one.” Eddie agreed, leaning on the cart and moving out of the way as you grabbed ahold of it and pushed it down the aisle.
You took a hastily scribbled shopping list out of your jacket pocket, it was written with one of Ozzy’s crayons and on the back of a brown paper bag that had been used for your groceries, it was the first thing that you could see as you left the house. Eddie quickly spotted the note in your hand and took it from you, eyes scanning over it and determinedly seizing the trolley back from you.
“Okay, doll-face, let’s get this party started.”
The next day you were sitting in your Biology class, glancing at the clock and eagerly awaiting the bell to ring, signifying that you could run the hell out of here. Eddie was going to pick you up and drive you back home and help you set up the decorations for Ozzy’s birthday party. Some little friends of his from Kindergarten were coming as well as their parents so you wanted everything to be perfect especially since the mothers of these kids were considerably older than you and you didn’t want to give them any excuse to look down at you.
Tapping your foot in time with the minute hand of the clock, you could practically count down all the seconds leading up to the bell going off and everyone exploding into action, frantically shoving all of their things into their bag and sprinting out of the classroom.
You had already packed your stuff away ten minutes early so whilst everyone was preoccupied with that task, you made your escape and legged it out of the classroom, zooming down corridors and dodging the incoming flux of students.
You finally reached the awaited double doors and sat outside the entrance to Hawkins High, taking out a cigarette and lighting it with the lighter Eddie had gifted you. It was black and detailed, with a delicately painted devil face, a sword on one side and a mace on the opposite side. A hand-painted rendition of the Hellfire Club logo, a D&D club that he had been talking you into joining.
When you argued that you didn’t know the first thing about Dungeons & Dragons, he had assured you that he would teach you everything. He showed up to your trailer on more than one occasion with books and books about the game, determined to get you to join the club.
Taking your first drag from it, a small voice shouted from behind you. “Hey, you can’t be doing that here, lady, I've got asthma! Sensitive lungs!”
Turning around, you took the cigarette out of your mouth with a laugh and stood up. You came face to face with not just the man you were waiting for to give you a lift home, but his friends Gareth and Jeff—who you already knew from late nights at The Hideout with Corroded Coffin— and his new younger Hellfire Club members.
“Excuse me?”
“Dustin, leave it.” The boy you knew as Mike, Nancy’s little brother nudged his friend—Dustin, you had just learned.
“No, no no,” You shook your head, holding out a hand to silence Mike. “It’s fine, Wheeler, let him talk.”
Glancing at Gareth and Jeff, you saw how uncomfortable they looked, shifting their weight on their feet and looking at Eddie every so often who stood with his arms folded, clearly wanting to see how this would go. Once Mike had picked up on this, he did too, keeping an eye on Eddie.
“Nothing else to say?” You asked Dustin, “Those sensitive lungs just..poof! Magically fixed?” You snapped your finger to emphasise, unable to contain the smugness and goading tone in your voice.
“Oh, I’ve got lots to say!” He began, “First of all, you know that piercing you got up in your nose you think is so cool? Yeah well guess what, they were used to mark se—“ He cut himself off when Eddie stepped forward and slung his arm around your shoulder, taking the cigarette out of your hand and having a drag himself.
“Used to mark what, huh?” You grinned, taking back the cigarette and inhaling one last time before you put it out, placing it back into your cigarette carrier for later. “Your kid’s boring me, Ed, we gotta get the house sorted and then to the daycare before they charge me another hour,” You patted his chest.
It was Mike’s turn to speak, “Daycare? Why do you need to go to the daycare?”
You rolled your eyes, “To pick up my son, why else would I need to go to the daycare?” You don’t miss the surprise on almost everybody's faces, Gareth, Jeff and of course Eddie being the only ones who weren’t blindsided. “You’re really nosy, Mike, you know, Nance did mention something about you being freakishly similar but I just assumed she meant looks.”
Smiling as his face dropped slightly, you waved. “Bye kids, see you later guys.”
Eddie ushered you to his van, bowing deeply and extending his arm when he opened the passenger door, saying the very same thing he said when you met at Steve’s party, “M’lady”
With a raised brow, you smirked, “Why thank you, Sir Eddie, the Banished.”
The grin now on his face was unmatched, the redness on his cheeks extremely prominent on his pale skin. He ducked his head with a small laugh and shake of his head and closed the van door, jogging to the drivers side.
That exact moment was when you realised that you were definitely falling in love with Eddie Munson. Fast and hard, at that. Eddie leaped into the van and buckled his seatbelt, pressing play on the same Metallica tape that had been playing in the van that morning as you’d drove to school.
Ozzy’s party had been a huge success. His friends had eagerly joined in on the games with no fuss, the cake that you had spent majority of the night beforehand making was quickly devoured and the mothers had been lovely to you, praising you for the decorations and effort that had gone into the party, even inviting you out for coffees and suggesting play dates. Most of all, however, Ozzy adored it.
Your son had almost fallen over as you led him into the trailer, your hands covering his eyes as he giggled excitedly and his little face lighting up when he saw all of the balloons and banners that covered your living room. Eddie had taken over the job of blowing up the balloons as you spelt out Ozzy’s name and glued them to the personalised banner.
Ripping open his gifts had certainly not been a challenge for your toddler either, the paper being torn into and quickly flung to another part of the room being followed by gasps and noises of awe from his friends who eagerly went to inspect the presents.
Ozzy sat on the sofa contently watching a tape of the Gummi Bears that your mom had sent for his birthday as you and Eddie tidied the living room. You had told Eddie that he had already done enough and didn’t need to help but he had playfully thrown a ball of wrapping paper at your head in response and continued picking pieces of it up.
Grabbing a sweeping brush, you swept the remnants of cake crumbs and tipped the pan into the bin. Ozzy suddenly sprung up from the sofa and ran to the corner of the living room, excitedly pointing.
“Mom! Mommy look!”
You frowned, unable to see what your son saw and so you left the kitchen, standing where he had been to see what it was that gained his attention, Eddie joining you with a heap of paper in his hands.
“Mommy, what’s that?”
It was a present tucked into the corner, it had been hidden behind all of the other presents and hadn’t been noticed. Ozzy quickly ran to it and sat himself down, grabbing it and itching to open it but Eddie quickly spoke up.
“Okay okay, I know that I said I wouldn’t get anything else,” He began, your gaze fell on him as you hummed, telling him to continue. “But I’d already gotten those, so just look.”
Ozzy stared wide-eyed and blinked at the pair of you, silently asking for permission to open it. “Go ahead, baby.” You smiled, also curious to see what else Eddie had bought.
At your words, the toddler eagerly opened the gift, pulling it out with a surprised look when there was not one but two t-shirts inside.
“What’s this?” Ozzy tilted his head and was now addressing Eddie, he tended to be quite reserved and quiet around new people but it seemed that this wouldn’t be the case with Eddie.
Looking at the shirt, your eyes lit up and your lips curled into a wide smile. It was two matching Black Sabbath T-shirts, identical to the one that you had been wearing earlier that day except one was considerably smaller. One was for Ozzy and the other for you so you could match.
As Eddie tried to explain what the shirt was to Ozzy, you quickly slipped into your bedroom and changed into the shirt that you had been wearing earlier that day.
Coming back out, Eddie and Ozzy were sitting and playing with the Etch-A-Sketch that he had bought him. The young boy grinning when he saw you were wearing the same shirt that he had just received and running towards you as fast as his legs could carry him, you quickly picked him up and hugged him to you, resting him on your hip.
“You have one!” He said excitedly, your eyes shifted to Eddie who still sat on the couch but now he was smiling back at you. “But what about that one?” He pointed to the shirt now open and resting on the arm of the couch. “You have one.” He repeated more sadly.
You understood what your son was saying and quickly formed an idea.
Leaning to Ozzy’s little ear, you whispered, “Do you know who doesn’t have one?” He shook his head, his thumb resting on his bottom lip as he did so. You subtly jerked your head towards Eddie who remained oblivious, your little boy, however, clicked onto what you were saying and nodded happily.
Placing Ozzy down onto his feet, you watched as he scarpered towards the t-shirt on the couch and grabbed it, thrusting it into Eddie’s face, who was very confused. “What’s up? Does it not fit?”
He looked at you and you winked, gesturing with your eyes for him to give his attention to Ozzy again.
“Mommy got one, I got one and now you got one.” Ozzy explained as he tried to shove the shirt into Eddie’s hands again.
You didn’t miss the way Eddie’s eyes very nearly glossed up as they went back to Ozzy or when they landed on the shirt and he realised what this meant, you saw it all.
“Wow, thanks, little man.” He laughed, wrinkling his nose with a small sniff and laugh. “I’ll wear it tomorrow, ‘kay?”
Ozzy didn’t think this was enough. “No! You need to put it on now, we all have to wear it!” He ran back to you with his own shirt in hand, “Mommy, I want mine on now too.”
You laughed, “Okay okay, i’ll put it on for you, Oz. You can go through to my room, Eds, then we’ll all match, yeah?” You looked down at your son who nodded in agreement with this plan and couldn’t help but beam at Eddie who disappeared off down the small corridor to get changed. You took the birthday boy t-shirt that you had put Ozzy in, off and put on his new one.
“You know, you were named after someone on this t-shirt,” You told Ozzy whose eyes grew wide yet again. “Ozzy Osbourne. He’s in Black Sabbath which is what your new shirt says. You were even born to one of their songs.”
“Woah.” His voice dragged out as he stared up at you in childlike wonder. The wonder fading to glee as Eddie came back into the living room, wearing the shirt and matching with both of you.
“We all match now!” He giggled, clapping his hands together excitedly and running full-speed to the couch.
“I think that’s our cue.” Eddie laughed when Ozzy grabbed the remote and switched the television on again, the Gummi Bears theme tune playing as you both made your way to the couch and sat with your son who had left space for you two.
Sitting with Eddie on one side of you and Ozzy on the other, you placed your arm around the toddler as Eddie placed his own around your shoulders. You looked at him and smiled warmly, mouthing an appreciative ‘thank you’ as he grinned in response with a dismissive shrug of his shoulder.
Leaning his head on your chest, Ozzy whispered softly to you with closed eyes and a tight hug.
“This is my best birthday ever.”

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honeybadgerwritings · 2 years
Never Trust An Elevator
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Requested: “12🧍‍♀️angst with Eddie Munson”
Prompt: “Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you?”
Warnings: Angst, Arguments, Public Embarrassment, Claustrophobia, Panic Attacks
Summary: Eddie’s been quite a dick to you lately, can things be mended?
In all those cliche teen drama movies it was always a given that the nerds and freaks would stick together no matter what. They’d find solace in each other and were accepted. It didn’t matter how weird they were; if they were band kids, math geeks, or video game nerds. They were better than the jocks and preppy girls, and there was a lot less drama. Turns out, real life is actually quite different.
Moments ago you had been happily chatting with everyone at the lunch table and listening to Dustin ramble on about his new D&D campaign. And then Eddie showed up.
He slams his lunch tray down onto the table and takes a seat next to Gareth like he has been for the last four months. You immediately shut your mouth and hang your head low at his presence, playing with the goopy mashed potatoes on your tray. He used to sit next to you. He used to steal food off of your tray. He used to wrap his arm around you while he went on his over the top theatrical spiels about how high school is a waste of time.
He used to.
You have no idea what happened between you and him. You’d been best friends for the longest time, and you’d grown up living next to each other until he moved to the trailer park. But one day four months ago he never came to pick you up before school, and when you confronted him about it after walking three miles, he just started giving you the cold shoulder. You have yet to figure out why.
“So Y/N,” Mike starts, oblivious to your reluctance to speak, “Are you excited to finally join us for the campaign tomorrow?” He wiggles his eyebrows at you in excitement and your heart immediately sinks. You’d missed so many recently and you could tell it was really starting to disappoint them, so you promised them that you would be at this one.
But you couldn’t hold up that promise.
Three months ago your mom had gotten sick. Really sick. She’s been bedridden and unable to work. So you had to not only take up an extra job, but you had to take care of her and your little brother as well. Because of this you had to start backing out of hellfire campaigns to work your shifts or pick your brother up or take care of your mom. But you couldn’t tell any of them that, you didn’t need to burden them with your life problems. You did wish you could tell Eddie though, he would understand. At least the old one would.
“Um,” you nervously rub the back of your neck, trying to figure out how you should say this, “About that actually..” You can practically sense everyone’s disappointment without even looking up. Suddenly, two hands loudly slam onto the table shaking everyones trays, and startling you.
“Let me guess,” Eddie starts, “The princess can’t make it again?” You bite your lip, not looking up to meet his eyes as you slowly shake your head in shame.
“I have something else I need to do-“
“You always do dont you?” Eddie laughs, mocking you, “You just never have time for your friends anymore I guess.” You scoff at his words and shake your head again.
“Yeah as if you’ve been such a great friend recently...” you mumble under your breath. Eddie’s head perked up at that and he glared at you.
“You know what I think boys?” He speaks loudly, standing up onto the table, “I think, that she thinks she’s too good for us.” By now there were a lot of eyes on your lunch table as Eddie loudly declared your betrayal. He slowly walked down the length of it, continuing to speak, “I mean why else would she skip out on our campaigns with no actual explanation?” He mockingly wonders aloud.
“Eddie stop it.” You hiss, heat rising to your cheeks in embarrassment as almost the whole lunch room was paying attention to this exchange. He only laughs and the rest of the table stares at you with sympathy.
“C’mon Eddie that’s not fair-” Jeff attempts to chime in, only to be cut off by the man himself.
“Oh and what she’s doing is?!” He asks incredulously, “She hardly even shows interest in us anymore, and when she sits here she doesn’t even looks at us, let alone talk to us.” He eventually stops in front of you and you refuse to look up at him, visibly shaking in both embarrassment and anger. Tears prick at your eyes and begin to drip down your cheeks.
“So what else am I supposed to think when she starts breaking promises too?” He squats down in front of you, eyes studying you carefully. “The only possible explanation is that she thinks she’s too good for us....” He reaches out and grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him, “Isn’t that right sweetheart?”
You tear your face away from his hold and stand up, angrily grabbing your chocolate milk from your tray and dumping it over his head in the process. The entire lunch room audibly gasps.
“Fuck you Eddie Munson.” You seethe before storming out of the cafeteria.
It was now 7pm and you were shifting through old newspaper articles in the basement of the library. School had ended hours ago and you were incredibly thankful when that last bell rang out, signaling the start of the weekend. Everyone had been staring at you since lunch, and you could only hope that they would forget about what had happened by Monday.
You had a huge essay due next week and you were searching for sources to back up your thesis. You normally weren’t so focused on your grades, but you couldn’t afford to fail your senior year. In the fall you would need to be home to take care of your mom and brother, not retaking Mr. Figs english literature class.
The old elevator in the corner of the room made a loud clanking noise, startling you. The stairs were being remodeled or some stupid shit so people were forced to use the metal death trap if the wanted to come down here. A loud sigh escaped your lips as you realized someone was on their way down, already missing the peace and quiet you had. The doors creaked open and you looked up to find the last person that you wanted to see right now: Eddie.
He’d very obviously showered and changed his clothes since lunch, as there were no remnants of chocolate milk left on him. He looked extremely out of place surrounded by books, magazines, and newspaper articles filled to the brim with information and knowledge. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion but you looked away as soon as his eyes met yours, attempting to pretend like he wasn’t there.
“Fancy seeing you here.” he says as the heels of his boots click into the room. You ignore him as you continue digging through different articles, attempting to get out of there as fast as possible.
“Okay...” he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, not really knowing what to say. You can tell he feels bad about earlier but you couldn’t care less. He had humiliated you in front of the entire cafeteria over something he had no idea about. You rolled your eyes, continuing to look through the articles you had collected before they were ripped from your hands. You whirled around to find him shuffling through the articles looking very confused. “Eddie! Stop it give them back!”
“You’re actually doing homework?” He asked, obviously surprised.
“So what if I am? It’s none of your fucking business.” You snap at him, feeling incredibly agitated. His eyebrows raised in both surprise and irritation.
“Wow...touched a nerve I guess.” He huffed out, handing the articles back to you. You snatch them from his grip and shove them into your bag, turning away from him to continue digging for the last article that you needed. You could feel his eyes boring into the back of your head while you did so and you sighed, giving in to your curiosity.
“Do you need something? Or are you just here to stare at me?” You ask, pulling the last article you needed from the filing cabinet and slamming it closed, before turning around to face him. He looked incredibly annoyed at your newfound attitude towards him, but you couldn’t give two shits.
“Well I did come here to apologize, but now I can see that was a mistake on my part.” He snaps at you. You roll your eyes, marching your way over to the elevator. “Yeah it was because I certainly don’t want your fucking apology.”
He scoffs, trailing two steps behind you, not wanting you to get the last word in this ridiculous argument. “You don’t deserve it either. I was right at lunch today wasn’t I? You think you’re too good for us, to good for me?” You enter the elevator and jam your thumb into the ground floor button repeatedly. You wish that the elevator doors would close on him so you could end this stupid bickering, but you unfortunately were not so lucky. You never seemed to be lately.
“I don’t know how the hell you got that stupid idea in your head when you’re the one who stopped being friends with me.” You practically growl at him, watching as he only grows more angry, his voice rising to a yell. The elevator doors close as he does, and the death trap starts to move upwards.
“You’re a selfish fucking brat you know that? I never should have started being friends with you in the first place!” At this point something in you snapped, because how dare he call you selfish. You didn’t know what else to do other than scream,
“Why do you hate me so much?! What did I ever do to you?!”
He freezes for a moment, surprised at your aggressive outburst. His eyes soften significantly and he opens his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by a loud clang. You both stumble as the elevator came to an abrupt stop. The single light overhead began to flicker on and off and your eyes widened in horror.
“No...no no no no, c’mon,” you rush over to the buttons, pressing every single one and praying it would get the elevator moving again, “Please don’t do this please!” You beg the stupid metal death trap, beginning to panic. You shove your finger into the “Help” button over and over again expecting something magical to happen, but to no avail, the elevator was stuck.
Eddie watched your reaction carefully, knowing you were prone to panic attacks, especially when you were feeling claustrophobic. You backed yourself into the corner as your breathing continued to grow faster and faster. He took a careful step towards you arms outstretched.
“Y/N...hey it’s okay-“
“No no no no this is not okay, nothing about this is okay!” You cut him off, clawing at your chest in a panic and sinking down into the corner, hyperventilating. “We’re gonna die in here... oh god we’re gonna fucking die.”
Eddie could tell you were becoming hysteric, falling past the point of reason. He’d seen you like this many times and knew exactly what you needed. He didn’t know if you’d want his help though, especially after what he had done to you today. But as he watched tears stream down your face and your lips tremble in utter terror he decided he didn’t care. Your well-being was more important to him than the possibility of you lashing out at him afterwards.
Your vision was beginning to blur and a loud ringing grew in your ears as you rocked yourself back and forth, the idea of the walls closing in on you only adding to your fear. You barely even register the reassuring words that were being whispered to you or the fact that your body was being maneuvered. Part of you realizes you are in a full blown panic attack, but you can’t slow down and try to calm yourself. Your brain is stuck on autopilot and you can’t stop mumbling incoherently. It isn’t until your wheezing begins to slow that you realize you’re pressed up against someone’s chest, your hearing fading in and out.
“...right here...breathe for me...not leaving...”
Eddie’s voice was fading in and out of your ears as you slowly returned to reality. Your body feels numb, but you try your best to relax. A sharp gasp cuts its way through your throat, and you’re able to get one deep breath of air into your lungs.
“That’s it sweetheart, just like that. Keep taking deep breaths for me.” Eddie comforts you, “I’m right here with you, you’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to you.” Your back is pressed against his chest as you sit in between his legs. His chin rests on top of your head, and one of his arms is wrapped around you, while he strokes your hair.
After a few more moments your breathing returns to normal, but the ache of dread in your chest remains. You slowly try to pull away from Eddie, realizing he probably doesn’t want to keep holding you as apologies spew from your mouth.
“I-I’m sorry...I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to freak out like that-”
“No no no sweetheart don’t apologize. You’re okay, just let me hold you.” He insists, gently guiding you back towards his chest. You don’t argue, resting your head against him, listening to his heartbeat. A few moments pass before he finally speaks up, his fingers still toying with your hair.
“I don’t hate you...” You don’t say anything, patiently waiting for him to continue.
“To be honest with you I...” he pauses for a second, trying to figure out how to word this, “I never did. Quite the opposite actually.” Your eyebrows furrow in confusion and you sit up, spinning around in his arms to look at him.
“What do you mean?” You ask. He hesitates for a moment, before eventually spilling.
“I...I like you Y/N. A lot more than I should.” Your eyes widen in surprise at his confession, as you try to process this new information.
“But-but why have you been-”
“Such an asshole the last few months?” He finishes your sentence for you, and you nod in response. “Because you really are too good for me.” He says, reaching out to stroke your cheek. You shake your head in confusion and he sighs.
“Everywhere I go, things go wrong and I hurt people. It’s like I’m a walking disease. I mean look at me, I’m 20 years old and still in high school, I live in the trailer park with my uncle, I don’t have a job, I have no plans for college and...and...you, you’re just so perfect. You’re too good for me. You were meant for great things and I know that if I continue to hang around you I’m just going to drag you down with me.”
“So your solution is...to humiliate me in front of the entire cafeteria?” You ask, raising an eyebrow at him. He chuckles in response to that, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
“Yeah well I think you got me beat with the whole dumping chocolate milk on my head thing.” He retorts. You giggle at that, eyes crinkling with joy and he beams at you.
“Yeah well you deserved it.” You tease, giggling some more. He goes silent for a few moments, racking his brain before he carefully takes your hands into his, his thumbs caressing them gently.
“I don’t know if you’ll even want to forgive me, and honestly if you don’t I won’t blame you one bit but I really, truly, am sorry for the way that I’ve been treating you. I never wanted to be the reason that you started pushing everyone away and-”
“Woah woah woah, you’re not the reason I started pushing people away.” You cut him off and he looks at you, incredibly baffled by your words. You sigh and bite your lip wondering how you should put this, “If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell any of the others.”
He raises an eyebrow at you as if to say, ‘When have I ever told anyone your secrets?’ But still, he places his hand over his chest and mutters the words, “Scouts honor.”
You give short laugh at his silliness before you begin to explain to him everything that’s been going on at home with your mom, your brother, your two jobs, and focusing more on your education. By the end of it he held his head in his hands, groaning in regret about how stupid he is for not noticing something was genuinely wrong, and instead exploiting your absence for the whole world to see.
“Jesus Christ I’m so fucking stupid.” He groans.
“I won’t deny that,” you tease him, gently smiling, “It’s okay Eddie really, there was no way you could’ve known-”
“But I should’ve known. I should’ve known there was something going on with you instead of avoiding you for my own selfish reasons. I should’ve never started acting like a dick in the first place Y/N.” He shakes his head again before gently taking your face in his hands, his thumbs stroking your cheeks, “I’m so fucking sorry baby. I should’ve never done this to you-”
You cut him off, leaning in to press your lips to his. You know that you’ve caught him off guard when he freezes for a moment, before he eventually gives in, his lips moving sensually with yours. You wrap your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss, as his hands settle on your waist.
His lips were soft and pillowy against your own, and a warm fuzzy feeling grew in your chest as he tugged you impossibly closer to him. He gently bit down on your bottom lip, soothing it with his tongue before pulling away, resting his forehead against yours while the two of you caught your breath.
“Holy shit...” he breathed out, “I’ve been waiting to do that since like eighth grade.” You laugh at him, shoving his chest lightly before looking up at him.
“You, Eddie Munson, are a complete and utter idiot.... but I forgive you. Cause your my complete and utter idiot.” He chuckles, leaning in to peck your lips again.
“I still wanna make it up to you somehow.” He states, still feeling slightly guilty. You look up at him, a smirk growing on your lips. 
“How about you start sitting next to me at lunch again?” He tosses his head back in a laugh at your words before looking down at you again, smiling, “You’ve got yourself a deal pretty girl.”
The two are you are startled as a muffled voice blares through the overhead intercom, explaining that they’ll have the two of you out of there within 10 minutes. You sigh in relief and Eddie chuckles as you, placing a kiss onto your temple.
“I don’t know... I think we should get stuck in elevators together more often.” You roll your eyes and shove at his chest.
“Like I said Eddie, you’re a complete and utter idiot.”
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andvys · 1 year
We'll burn the sky | part fourteen
Warnings: angst, mentions of drugs, alcohol, heartbreak, mentions of unrequited feelings
Pairings: Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Rockstar!fem!reader
Summary: The hope of things getting better gets crushed too soon.
Word count: 6k+
Author note: In the fic, readers dad sang the song 'Hey Jude' by The Beatles. Also shoutout to @mysticmunson who made an article and a cover for a magazine for this fic!
Series Masterlist
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It took a lot of convincing for you to join Eddie and the others for their friends' Christmas. While you got along with all of them and became friends with them quickly, you still felt like you would be intervening. They have been friends for years and you had only joined their group recently. None of them accepted a no from you though, the teens were begging you to come and so were Eddie and Robin. You and Steve haven’t talked since Wednesday night and you began to miss him.
Now you are here, surrounded by your new friends at Robin’s place. Her living room smells like the pine from the Christmas tree, freshly baked cookies and a hint of cinnamon and pumpkin spice from all her candles. 
She has a small apartment but it’s cozy, a bunch of movies and books are all over the place, some are on the shelves, others are piling up on the floor. You checked them out the moment you stepped into her apartment, getting excited over all the horror movies she had collected.  
You finally met Jonathan and his friend from college; Argyle, who pulled you into a conversation right away, enthusiastically asking you questions about the tour. You settled beside him on the couch, quickly forgetting about all the heavy thoughts that lingered in your mind.
Steve kept looking at you all evening, eying you with an unsure look in his eyes, he wanted to talk to you but couldn’t bring himself to, he was too nervous. Even though you told him that you were okay and that everything was fine between you, he didn’t believe it and he still doesn’t. The fear that he messed up completely and broke your trust makes him feel so unbelievably angry with himself. 
He was supposed to be your safe place, the one who protects you from all the pain and yet he hurt you. He knows he did. 
“Hey Dingus,” Robin whispers. She nudges his shoulder and offers him a drink. 
He looks at her and then he looks down at the glass in her hand, eying the beverage. “Eggnog?” He asks, already taking the drink from her hand. 
“Cool,” he mumbles. Raising the cup to his lips, he looks back at you as he takes the first sip. You are laughing at something Argyle said, the man beside you looking proud at his jokes. 
Robin stares at him. She pities him, knowing that he likes you and that he is beating himself up for what happened two nights ago. You are not mad at him, you told her that and she told him that but he doesn’t believe it. 
“You should talk to her.” 
“Just talk to her the way you always do,” she mumbles.
“Yeah but how do I approach her?”
“Just like always, like ‘hey honey, can we talk?’” Robin says in a deep voice.
Steve scrunches his face up, furrowing his brows. “I do not sound like that,” he mumbles. 
“Yes, you do.” 
“No, I don’t.” 
“Yes, you do!” She exclaims with a teasing look on her face. “You always have that smirk on your face too, flick your hair and put your hand on your hip like a mom.”
“What? I– no!”
She laughs at him, drinking her eggnog and looking behind her best friend’s shoulder with a knowing look on her face. 
“What are you smirking at?” He mumbles, rolling his eyes. 
Robin raises her brows and tilts her chin, gesturing to something behind him. Before he can turn around, he hears your voice. 
Suddenly, he feels nervous again, in a way he hasn’t felt in a while. He turns around, trying to force a smile on his face when he looks down at you. He almost expects to see something negative in your eyes, disgust, anger, hate but he finds none of those, he only finds softness in them. 
“Can we talk?” You ask with shyness in your voice, something so unusual for you. 
He nods, eyes softening as he watches you sigh in relief. You take his hand and lead him to the quiet corner in Robin’s living room, you both sit on the window nook.
He doesn’t look at you, not yet. Instead, he looks around the room. Max is talking to Jonathan and Nancy. Argyle is now leaning against the kitchen island, joking around with Eddie and Dustin. The others are on the couch and on the floor, seemingly in a heated conversation about holiday movies.
He feels your eyes on him and he finally turns to face you. You eye him with an apologetic look in your eyes. 
What do you have to feel apologetic for? He is the one who messed up, Steve thinks. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“What’s wrong?” He asks, chuckling.
You nod. 
“Why are you so nice, why are you looking at me like that?” He asks. He feels genuinely confused. You should be angry at him, you shouldn’t be so nice, you shouldn’t look at him like that. 
“I don’t want you to feel bad about what happened, Steve.” 
“We– I messed up,” he mumbles, shaking his head a little as he stares at you with a frown on his face. “You– I didn’t even make sure that you were okay with it–”
“I was okay with it.”
“But I still feel bad.”
“You don’t have to, I promise. I just want to go back to the way things were.” 
You look at Nancy, the girl that told you about the apparent feelings Steve harbored for you. With a nervous glance and an unsure look on your face, you turn back to him. 
Should you ask him? 
He knows it, he knows that you want to ask something. He can tell by the furrowed brows and the curiosity in your eyes. 
“A-Are we okay?” You ask the questions that you didn’t mean to ask. 
His gaze softens and he finally moves to touch your hand, something he wasn’t sure about at first. 
“Of course, we’re okay, honey.” He pauses, taking a deep breath, he keeps his eyes locked with yours, “but what do you really wanna know?” 
Your eyes widen a little, something that makes him chuckle. 
“Come on, ask what you wanna ask, it’s okay, I won’t be–”
“Do you have feelings for me?” You blurt out in a whisper, already blushing. 
His eyes widen, lips parting and his cheeks grow red. “W-What? Who told you that?” 
You grow nervous, your heart is beginning to race in your chest, you don’t want to hurt him, you don’t want to break his heart, he means too much to you. 
“I– no one,” you whisper, looking down at his hand, “I’m just wondering.” 
A small smile tugs on his lips as he watches you, for someone so tough and confident, you look small and shy, right now. You are worried about him and his feelings, that alone would be enough to mend the pain in his heart if it was there. You don’t want to break his heart. 
He whispers your name and you almost sigh in relief when you don’t hear any pain in his voice. He squeezes your hand, urging you to look at him. You do and meet his eyes again. 
“Listen,” he begins, “I would be lying if I said that I don’t feel something for you but it’s not– I’m not in love with you, I’m not gonna be heartbroken when you leave and when this thing between us will come to an end. I mean, I will be fucking sad,” he chuckles as he runs his fingers through his hair, “you and I, we had a really good time, one of the best times of my life, actually. You’ve become one of my best friends and I hope that you won’t forget about me when you leave because I sure as hell will never forget you and our time.” 
You blink, smiling at him, you squeeze his hand the way he did to you. 
“I could never forget you, Steve Harrington.” 
You smile at each other, despite what happened and the way you felt the other night, you still feel safe with him. 
“I got used to this,” he smiles, flicking his hand back and forth between the two of you, “having someone to hang out with, I mean other than Robin or the others. You made me realize that I miss having someone, someone to hold and kiss, you know?” 
You nod at his words. You understand it, you feel the same but while he misses having someone in general, you only missed one person and even though you did enjoy the time with him, you still always thought about Eddie. 
“At some point, I convinced myself that I don’t need anyone, that I’m not lucky in that department anyways,” he chuckles, rolling his eyes at himself, “I thought that all I’d ever get is meaningless hookups or just.. heartbreak.” 
You raise your brows, smile turning upside down as you stare at him. He deserves more than that, more than meaningless flings. 
“But then I met you and yeah, we hooked up too but it was also more than that. You showed me that it doesn’t have to be meaningless, that even though we aren’t in a relationship, we can still be something more than just this,” he mumbles, scooting closer to you, he looks down at the rings on your fingers, the ones that he played with when he held your hands, “you never made me feel used. Even when I knew you loved him, you never made me feel like I was a rebound or a thing to play with when you were bored. You never wanted something from me, you were just this sweet girl that wanted to be with me, even if only for a moment.” 
You and him, you are the same in a way. Perhaps this is why you got along so well. 
All your life, you have felt like people wanted or needed something from you. You felt used, still do.
“So uh– I guess what I wanted to say is, thank you,” he smiles, squeezing your hand, “and I’m sorry for what happened that night.” 
You blink, staring into his hazel eyes, you see so much in them. Emotions that you both share. 
Yeah, the night at the trailer was something that left you feeling weird, something that made you feel used and even when it wasn’t what they did, something inside of you was damaged when you let your thoughts get the best of you. Your feelings for either of them haven't changed. You care about Steve and you love Eddie and that is something that will always stay the same. 
Steve mended the pain in your heart after the horrible nights that followed when you found out about Chrissy. He became your friend and something more, there is an energy surrounding the two of you, one that makes you feel safe and comforted. It’s like having a safe haven that you know you can always come back to even after a long long time and you know it will still feel the same. There is nothing romantic about it but it’s nice. 
He is your friend, one that will stay with you forever. You can confidently say that knowing that it’s the truth. 
“Thank you, Steve,” you smile, “you made my life better and you made me happy when I needed it the most.” 
“Come here,” he whispers, opening his arms for you. You smile and lean closer to him, wrapping your arms around him, you hug him and close your eyes. 
“I’m gonna miss you when I’m gone.” 
He hugs you even tighter, sighing sadly, “I’m gonna miss you, rockstar.” 
On the other side of the room, Eddie stands there with a drink in his hand and a scowl on his face as he watches you staying in Steve’s embrace for longer than necessary. Letting the man touch your face after tucking your hair behind your ear. 
Your eyes light up when he says something to you, you laugh and slap his shoulder playfully. 
Do you look at him like that? Do you smile the same way when he talks to you? Do your eyes light up the same way? 
Eddie swallows, his chest feels burdened with jealousy. He feels ridiculous for feeling this way, maybe even a little hypocritical considering he let Steve touch you in a way that was nowhere near friendly but he can’t help it. Anytime another man gets a little too close to you, he gets both angry and insecure but most of all, jealous. 
“Damn, I never saw you look so angry.” 
Eddie snaps his head towards Lucas, who is happily munching on one of the cookies that Nancy made. 
“I’m not angry,” Eddie mutters, angrily. 
Lucas chuckles, nodding, “sure, whatever you say, Eddie. You are totally not jealous over the fact that Steve is kissing her right now.”
“What?” Eddie almost shrieks as he turns to look at you again, heart dropping to his stomach at his words only to find you gone and Steve joining El and Robin in a conversation. 
Clenching his jaw, he turns back to Lucas, “you little shit,” he says through gritted teeth. Lucas only laughs, satisfaction flickering in his eyes. 
“So you are jealous, huh?” 
Rolling his eyes, he only shrugs, “clearly.” 
“You’re so dense, man,” Lucas sighs. 
“Excuse me?” 
“You are dense!” He exclaims, throwing his arms up. “She is like literally in love with you and you are over here glaring at her–”
“I did not glare at her!”
“Yes, you did! You looked pretty scary right now, scarier than Henry Creel!” 
“It’s the truth!” Lucas mumbles, rolling his eyes. He crosses his arms over his chest. “Listen, clearly you have messed up somehow, otherwise you wouldn’t look at each other like kicked puppies, all the damn time. You probably made things worse by trying to make them right ‘cause I know that you can be an idiot sometimes, no offense. But you really gotta man up and fix things before you lose her and trust me, you don’t wanna lose her.” 
Eddie blinks. 
How is this 17 year old boy wiser and smarter than him? 
He is right, he doesn’t want to lose you, ever. The thought of living a life without you makes him sick. Even if you never give him a chance again, he still wants you in his life, even if he’ll only get to love you from afar. 
You breathe in the cold air, closing your eyes, you lean back against the concrete wall. The wind is harsh tonight as the snow falls. You wonder if there is a storm brewing, beside the one inside of you. 
You are overstimulated by all the emotions running through you. 
Confusion. Sadness. Insecurities. Anger. Exhaustion. Heartbreak. 
The conversation with Chrissy left you with nothing but confusion, just like Eddie’s and Steve’s actions did. 
The days leading closer to Christmas and to your Dad’s death anniversary leaves you with sadness, too much of it. 
Your many insecurities have always been there but they have never been as intense as they are now. Despite Eddie’s words, Robin’s words or even Chrissy’s words, you can’t help but fear that Eddie doesn’t care about you in the same way you do for him. So far, things have only ever been physical between you two, at least from his side. 
Before Eddie, you had never felt an emotional connection to anyone else, you have never loved anyone romantically, you have never felt all of this for another person. You were scared of these feelings, of falling in love only to end up heartbroken. 
You were scared of falling in love with the wrong person. Though despite everything that happened, Eddie could never be the wrong person, even if he continues to put you through pain, you will never regret loving him. 
He is your person, even if you aren’t his. 
“Hey, are you okay?” 
You open your eyes and turn to see Max approaching you, even in the darkness, you can see the concern in her eyes as she looks at you. 
You smile at her and nod your head, “yes, I’m okay.” 
She doesn’t look convinced, raising her brows, she crosses her arms over her chest as she pulls her jacket tighter around her body to shield herself from the cold wind. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah,” you mumble with uncertainty in your voice. 
She takes a moment to think about her words as she looks into your eyes as though she tries to figure you out. 
“Is this too much for you?” She asks, “I mean the whole Christmas party.” 
She doesn’t have to spell it out for you to know what she actually means by her question. 
“No, I actually like it,” you smile, “I’m just not used to it, I haven’t celebrated Christmas in years.” 
Because what was there to celebrate after he died that day? 
“Honestly? I hate Christmas,” Max admits with a sigh and an eye roll, causing you to chuckle. 
Her eyes widen as she nods, “yeah because even though my mom left my step dad, she still insists on spending holidays with him and Billy.” 
“My step brother who is a major asshole.” 
“Oh no,” you mumble with a scowl on your face. 
“Yeah, he is horrible and he always makes sure to make me feel horrible, especially during holidays, so I really just can’t wait for it to be over.” 
“I get it. I feel the same way,” you admit, “but I’m sorry about him, fuck that guy.” 
She chuckles at your words, “yeah, fuck that guy.” 
“What about your dad?” You ask. 
Her eyes light up and a smile appears on her face. “Oh, my dad is amazing, I don’t see him very often but he calls all the time. Lucas and I are going to visit him over the summer, he lives in California.” 
“That sounds nice,” you smile, “I hope you’ll have the best summer before you both go to college.” 
“I’m sure we will,” she smiles, “but back to you, what are you doing tomorrow?” 
“Oh umm.. I think that I will relax in my motel room,” you chuckle. 
You are not looking forward to tomorrow or the day after at all. No matter what you do, no matter how much you try to distract yourself, it doesn’t work, it never works. This day always brings you back to that horrible night.
“Yeah, I’m gonna get ready for tour, we’re leaving next week.” 
“You can’t spend Christmas by yourself,” she frowns. 
“I always spend Christmas by myself.” 
“You shouldn’t, that’s sad.” Especially because of your dad, she wants to add but doesn’t. “I’d invite you to spend it with us but I don’t think that you want to meet Billy,” she rolls her eyes, “did Eddie not invite you?” 
No. He didn’t. Eddie didn’t invite you. Steve did but he didn’t. 
Maybe he doesn’t want you around. Christmas is a holiday that you spend with your loved ones, not ones you keep around because you like the way they make you feel, because you like touching them. 
You shake your head. 
“Uh no, he uh– he didn’t invite me,” you mumble as the sadness begins to take hold of you, “which is fine, that’s a day you gotta spend with your family or with people you love. Eddie and I are just friends.” 
She furrows her brows in confusion. She opens her mouth to speak but quickly closes it again. You feel overwhelmed, just like you did minutes before you left the apartment. She could see the way you put on a mask, the way you smiled at Steve and laughed along to his jokes despite the pain in your eyes, you are good at hiding your emotions and so is she, that’s why she could see right through you. 
“It’s getting late, I think I’m gonna go,” you mumble, blinking away the tears that start to well up in your eyes. 
“Do you want me to get Steve, so he can drive you?” She asks even though she already knows that you will say no. You want to be alone. 
“No,” you shake your head, forcing a smile on your face, “it’s just a short walk, I’ll be fine.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, thank you for tonight, the party was nice.” 
“You don’t have to thank us, you’re our friend now,” she smiles.
Her words warm your heart a little.
You give her a hug before you leave, telling her to enjoy the rest of the party before you walk away but then you make the abrupt decision to go the other way after Max goes back inside. The thought of being all alone in the quiet room makes you feel sick but going back to the party isn’t an option either. You need some time alone, a good drink and some music. 
That’s how you find yourself sitting at the bar you performed in this Tuesday. Ordering yourself a drink and opting to watch the people around you. 
Your eyes lock with blue ones, the ones that were stuck on you all night ever since you walked inside the hideout.
His hair is blond, a little messy. He has tattoos on his left arm, a dark look on his face and a smirk tugs at his lips when you don’t look away from him. He is attractive. If you weren’t so hung up on a man that probably only wants to fuck you, you would be over there flirting with this stranger already. 
You look away, running your fingers through your hair, you sigh. 
You’re a mess, a complicated mess with too many trust issues and feelings. You keep changing your mind about everything, your thoughts are running wild, making you feel as though you are going crazy. Everything that ever hurt you, keeps repeating itself in your head and you wish that your thoughts would just shut up. 
That the pain could just stop. 
Will it ever stop?
You already know who it is before you even turn around to face the man. 
He smirks at you, eying you up and down before he looks at the seat next to you, “can I sit here?” 
“If you give me your name,” you say with raised brows. 
He licks his lips, chuckling, he holds his hand out to you, “I’m Henry.” 
Oh my god. 
“Henry,” you mumble, a smirk tugging at your lips. You assume that he must be the Henry Creel, the one that everyone kept mentioning, you expected him to look scary but there is not a single thing scary about him, well– maybe the look in his eyes is but you don’t care. 
You give him your name and watch as he takes the seat next to you. 
“I know who you are,” he chuckles, “you’re all over the television.” 
His voice is raspy and he looks deep into your eyes. 
“Yeah, do you want an autograph?” You joke. 
“No, I think I’d rather talk to you.”
“What if I don’t want to talk?” 
“Then I’ll leave,” he shrugs, “do you want me to leave?”
You tear your eyes away from him and look down at your drink, sloshing the dark liquid around, you down the rest of it, slamming the glass on the table. You call the bartender over, “can I get another one?” 
The bartender, a middle aged man with the name tag Tom, nods at you, reaching for your glass. 
“Actually make it two,” you request as you look back at Henry whose eyes light up. 
With the way he has been making eyes at you all night, you expected him to be flirting with you but instead you found yourself having a pleasant conversation with the man that your friends have warned you about. 
The only thing creepy about him is his obsession with spiders and zombies but he is probably just a really big fan of horror. He even has a big spider tattoo on his wrist. 
You find out that he lives alone in a big house, he stayed behind after his family left Hawkins but he works as a tattoo artist in a different town. 
The whole time he is talking to you, you nod along and listen. Leaning your elbow against the table, you cup your cheek and stare at him, wondering what gave him such a bad reputation. 
Hours go by and you knock back one drink after the other, letting the alcohol flood your system. You needed this. A distraction. To feel careless and free of your thoughts. Who would’ve thought that a talk with a stranger and a few drinks would make you feel better? 
“You are nice,” you slur, furrowing your brows. 
“Why wouldn’t I be nice?” 
“People say you’re dangerous and scary.” 
He chuckles at your words, “maybe I am dangerous and scary.” 
You shake your head, laughing, “no, I’ve met dangerous people before, you’re not dangerous. You just have that mean look on your face,” you mumble as you point to his eyes, “and your obsession with spiders makes you seem scary but you probably just want to be spiderman– hey, have you ever been to New York? You should go there but don’t have your first kiss there with someone you love or it’ll all go downhill,” you ramble carelessly. 
You don’t see the way he raises his brows in surprise, you are too drunk to notice anything at this point. Getting more and more dizzy and tired. 
“I fell in love with this– this guy who had a girlfriend but I didn’t know about her until she surprised him and then I got all heartbroken and we got into a lot of fights and blah blah,” you roll your eyes, “then I fucked his friend.” 
“Oh,” Henry mumbles, looking surprised. 
“Yeah and he got jealous. He got all pissed at me because I fucked his friend! He had a girlfriend! He had no right to be jealous, right?” 
“Totally not.” 
“But then he wanted to fuck me with his friend, how fucking stupid is that?” 
“Wait what–”
“I hate men, they are so dumb– no offense.” 
“None taken, you’re right.” 
“I know, I’m always right.” 
He chuckles as he looks down at you. 
You run your fingers through your messy hair, trying to sit straight. 
“I think I need another drink–”
“No, I really think you don’t,” he says, pushing the half empty glass away from you, “you’ve had enough. You should go home.” 
You tilt your head, squinting your eyes as you turn to look at him, “no, I don’t.” 
“The bar is closing soon.” 
“Oh,” you frown, “well, it was nice to meet you,” you mumble, jumping off the chair, your knees buckle and you almost fall to the ground if it wasn’t for him holding you up, “whoa, you okay?” He chuckles. 
A small laugh leaves your lips, you nod, “yeah, thanks,” you mumble, blinking, you feel yourself getting dizzy, “I think I had too much.” You stumble into his chest, “you smell good, is that Dior?” 
He chuckles again, placing his hands on your waist, he pushes you back a little. 
“Do you need some water–” 
“Hey! Get your hands off of her!” 
You look behind him, to see Eddie walking towards you with an angry and worried look in his eyes. 
“Oh no,” you mumble as a wave of sickness rushes through you, “there is the guy.” 
Eddie can’t believe it. He was sick with worry, searching for you everywhere after finding your motel room dark and empty. Here you are, getting cozy with Henry fucking Creel.
“What the fuck, y/n?” He mutters angrily as he stops in front of you, he reaches for you, pulling you away from Henry, he looks down at you, “I was worried about you!” 
“Why?” You slur, looking up into his dark eyes, “I’m fine, just hanging out with spiderman.”
He scrunches his face up, the smell of whiskey hits him. The red rimmed eyes and your drowsy state makes him even more worried. He cups your cheeks. 
“Jesus Christ,” he mutters under his breath, “how much did you have?” 
You slap his hands away, “stop acting like my dad, you’re not my dad. My dad is dead.” 
Eddie frowns at your words. 
“Don’t look at me like that, Eddie–”
“You’re getting drunk with strangers now?” 
“Henry is my friend, he’s gonna give me a tattoo, right Henry?” 
Henry shrugs, “yeah sure.” 
“Or maybe some nipple piercings,” you smirk. 
“What the fuck,” Eddie mumbles. 
“Yeah, what the fuck, Eddie? Did you know that he is a tattoo artist and not some scary serial killer?”
He rolls his eyes at you, taking your hand, he squeezes it softly, “come on, I’ll take you home.”
To his surprise, you don’t protest. He grabs your coat and wraps it around your shoulders before he leads you out. He mutters something under his breath as you step into the darkness. Suddenly, you start giggling causing him to get even more irritated. 
You lean against the wall, almost stumbling to the ground again but Eddie holds your waist tightly. 
“What the fuck is so funny to you?” 
You look at the frown on his face, his eye is twitching and his cheeks are red. He is mad. 
“Get your hands off of her,” you imitate him with a low voice, “are you worried that someone else will use me for my body? I-I mean, that’s all I am to you, a body, right?”
“What?” He scoffs. 
“I’m just a body– a thing to you,” you slur, “that’s what you called me, a pretty little thing, that’s what you called me that one night on the tour bus. And that’s all you ever want me for. You always just wanna touch me and kiss me, otherwise I’m not interesting to you.” 
“What?” Eddie repeats, though he doesn’t sound shocked or angry now, just sad. 
“Can you bring me home– no, wait,” you giggle again, “I don’t have a home.” 
Eddie stares at you with tears in his eyes. Right here, right now, he realizes just how hurt you really are. Despite your laugh and the carefree act you put on, it’s so clear to him that you are in pain and it breaks his heart. 
“I’m a wreck,” you say, running your hand down your face, “man, I’m so annoying.” 
He shakes his head, stepping towards you, he cups your cheeks. Getting angry at himself for making you feel this way about yourself. 
“You’re not a wreck and you are not annoying, Sweetheart and you’re not some thing to me. You’re my girl, my best friend, okay?” 
Your glossy eyes widen at his words. 
“Best friend?” You whisper. 
“Yeah, you are my everything. I’m an idiot, a really big one. I know I made mistakes, too many of them but I can prove you wrong, I can show you that you are more to me than what you think.”
“Please?” You whisper with hope in your eyes. 
“I will prove it to you,” he says softly, leaning down, he presses his lips to your forehead, giving you a gentle kiss, “I won’t touch you unless you tell me to. We can start over, okay?” 
You nod. 
He pulls you into his arms and hugs you tightly. You breathe his scent in, a sense of comfort washing over you. You close your eyes and lay your head on his chest. 
“I can be your home.” 
“Really?” You mumble into his chest as the exhaustion takes over you again. 
“Yes baby,” he whispers, running his fingers through your hair, “and please don’t ever hang out with Henry again–”
“Henry is nice.” 
“No, he really isn’t,” Eddie mumbles in annoyance. 
“Yes, he is, he is a sweet boy.” 
“Jesus Christ,” he sighs. 
“Let’s get you to bed, Sweetheart.” 
He brings you back to the motel room, taking your clothes off and replacing them with comfortable ones. He takes your makeup off and brushes your hair while you brush your teeth. Eddie loves taking care of you, it’s something he never told you before but he does. 
Before you, he hated being responsible for others, he didn’t like taking care of other people but it’s different with you. 
He manages to convince you to drink a glass of water, hoping that it will make you feel less bad in the morning but neither that or the advil help you. You wake up with a pounding head.  
Groaning in pain, you open your eyes, feeling thankful for the closed curtains. 
You sit up, burying your face in your hands. You haven’t felt this way in a long time. You don’t drink much, ever. Hangovers are the absolute worst, that’s why you keep it light with the drinks, usually. 
You force yourself out of bed, you read the clock, 12:00 pm.
“Jesus,” you mumble. It’s unusual for you to sleep this long. 
You find a note and a full water bottle, along with some painkillers on the nightstand. 
Please eat something when you wake up and call me.
You don’t think that you will get anything down right now or today in general. 
You don’t call him right away, opting for a shower instead, hoping that it will wake you up and make you feel better. You grab some fresh clothes before walking into the bathroom. Turning the water on, you start taking your clothes off. You turn to look at yourself in the mirror. 
Frowning at the puffy eyes and the circles beneath them. 
“Wreck,” you mumble to yourself, rolling your eyes, you turn away and step into the shower.
You close your eyes when the warm water touches your skin. You stand there for a couple of minutes before you begin to wash your hair and your body. You don’t think of anything yet, too focused on the headache and your craving for coffee. 
You take your time getting ready. You put lotion on your body, style your hair and put makeup on your face, hoping that it’ll make you look less exhausted. You pick out a warm sweater and some dark jeans.
The weight on your shoulder is heavy but some of it was lifted last night after your conversation with Steve and Eddie. 
I can be your home
We can start over
Start over. Yes, you both can start over. You can start over. Things don’t have to be this way. You don’t have to be broken and insecure. You can be more than that. You can be okay. 
You are surprised by the amount of snow that fell overnight. All the trees and all the streets are covered in snow and it's icy cold outside. 
You were meaning to go to the store but it’s too far away to walk in this cold so you stop by the gas station instead, hoping to get a hot drink and a few snacks here. 
You greet the very bored looking cashier as you walk inside. Last Christmas by Wham is playing on the radio. The only Christmas song you’ll ever tolerate. 
You walk past the drinks and the magazines when something catches your eye. 
The warmth that the store provided you only lasted for a moment. Your blood runs cold and your heart drops to your stomach when your eyes fall on the cover of one of the magazines. 
“What the fuck,” you whisper as you feel yourself getting sick already. 
A picture of your dad is on the cover of one of the magazines. You step closer, ignoring the pounding of your heart. With shaky hands, you reach towards it. Eyes filled with shock as you read the lines on the cover. 
“No….” You whisper with tears in your eyes. 
You rush towards the counter with the magazine in your hand, slamming a fifty dollar bill on the counter.
“Hey, that’s too much!” The teen says to you as he looks at you in confusion. 
“Keep the change,” you mumble as you leave the store. Not even caring about the cold anymore, walk towards the bench on the sidewalk. Sitting down, you flip through the pages. 
Breathing heavily, you try to see through the blurry vision in your eyes as you begin to read the article. Your hands are shaking, you feel like throwing up as the bile in your throat rises. 
The Hey Jude singer secretly battled a drug addiction before being found by his daughter on Christmas. Is she following in his footsteps? 
You don’t even feel your heart racing any longer, you don’t feel any anger. 
You read the rest of it, only growing more scared and confused. 
Mentions of your apparent drug addiction only make you feel even sicker. 
“What the fuck..” 
You stare at it for the longest time, not knowing how to actually feel. Tears begin to stream down your face and you have to hold yourself together to keep yourself from sobbing. How do they know? How did this happen? Who talked? Who said all these horrible things about you?
You sniffle, closing the magazine, you get up. 
You never wanted this, you never wanted them to know about what happened to him. 
They waited for this day to publish this stupid magazine. You clench your jaw, looking up into the sky, you close your eyes. The pain and the anger and everything else begins to fade into numbness. 
You don’t even think about what will happen next but you know that the rest of the tour will be hell for you. 
Ever since he died, you have hated this day but now you despise it. 
His name is ruined and so is yours. 
You walk over to the telephone booth, throwing a coin into the phone box, you dial the number, already knowing that you are making a huge mistake. This person never gave you an ounce of comfort in your life and yet, you call her. 
You have never felt so low. 
You hold the receiver tightly in your shaky hand, ignoring the tears that stream down your face. 
The line goes silent and you are afraid that she hung up the phone. 
“Mom, are you there?” You ask, not even recognizing your own voice anymore. 
She says your name, almost regretfully. 
“Did you see?” You ask as you look down at the magazine. 
“See what, y/n?” 
“The article?” 
Her voice is monotone, strict. She doesn’t care, she never did and it hurts you more than ever today. 
“C-Can I see you?” You ask with a shaky voice. 
She sighs and you already know what that means. 
“Listen, I gotta go–”
“Mom, please,” you beg.
The line is silent for another few seconds. Your heart is racing, your bottom lip is trembling as your body is shaking, not from the cold but from the fear. 
“I need you.” 
She doesn’t say anything but she hangs up the phone, leaving you alone once again. 
You close your eyes as you place the receiver back in place, wiping your tears away, you hold the magazine tightly against your chest as you leave the booth. 
How much worse will it get? 
You look up, not caring about the tears on your face and the ones that are welling up in your eyes again. Even through your blurry vision, you recognize him. 
“H-Hi,” you mumble, trying to keep yourself from crying. 
He eyes you with concern in his eyes, holding the keys to his truck, he puts them inside of his pocket as he walks towards you. 
“Are you okay, kid?” He asks. 
You blink, trying to come up with words, trying to come up with a lie but you can’t, not right now. 
You shake your head, “no,” you whisper, unable to stop the sob from escaping. 
Wayne sighs deeply, a sad look taking over his features, he steps closer to you.
“Come here, darling,” he says as he opens his arms, pulling you into his embrace. He rubs your back softly, holding you as you cry. 
Here’s the article
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