#edit i spelt it wrong lol
flippingatable · 5 months
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mechanic kaveh
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ok so... anyone else get sapphic vibes whenever peg looked at andi or is it just me?
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edwardianmumbo · 1 year
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Happy Etho Tuesday with some Friday Night Stabby fanart!! (I apologize for the bad picture quality lol my phone sucks)
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mollyishlive · 2 years
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my eyes do enjoy this photo
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darkfluffydragon · 3 months
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White Lily Cookie's braids were giving me a hard time so I decided to draw how Pure Vanilla's appearance would look instead lol. I was going to make him a jester like the faeries but then remembered that Shadow Milk Cookie likes plays and stories. A story wouldn't be fun if everyone was the same character, and Pure Vanilla was supposed to be more of a main character, unlike the faeries. So, going with the jester theme, I decided to make him a puppet king instead!
His appearance doesn't change in the animation because Shadow Milk Cookie figured that it would hurt White Lily more if Pure Vanilla Cookie betrayed her while still looking like himself. Casually planting seeds of doubt in her mind.
I also realised kings have knights, so I'm giving PV a knight :D (to be designed later). Also, I headcanon that Shadow Milk Cookie is a theatre kid who likes dancing.
edit: I spelt Knight wrong in the image XD
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muppetebbtide · 8 months
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explanations for parallels come from here and here
I know I spelt pelleamena wrong and missed off juno zeta btw but it was getting a bit crowded. I could also probably extrapolate more but it can stay like this for now
@mayasaura makes a fantastic point about the treatment of gideon's body by BOE being almost identical to the treatment of hector's by achilles, down to animals refusing to touch it and it not rotting or tearing because of divine intervention. hence there should be a light blue line between gideon and hector. this hadn't ocurred to me is and is v cool, here is their post on it (the original asker's point about harrow and priam is also v good)
@iamanoccasionaldoodler points out that Pyrrha is named after Achilles directly, given the 'Achilles taking the name of Pyrrha while on Skyros avoiding the war' thing; I did just forget to draw the line here sorry lol it was in my post! also the tags about camilla and hector... no you're right. they feel so similar, there has to be something.
@zombified-queer mentions I left out dios apate; bugger it, so I did lmao. I was focusing mostly on characters but that's such a big one! in the iliad it's the deception of zeus, hera's plan to distract him by seducing him so that the greeks can regain the upper hand. in harrow the ninth, as we know, it's... not dissimilar! both times in fact it is very similar!
I did also forget Juno Zeta I know, but as it currently stands I don't really know if it has any narrative significance...? Maybe.
I also realised I forgot Protesilaus, god damn it
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chaoticgoblindev · 10 months
Decided to make my Yuusona finally
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I am sure I forgot some details but we don’t talk about it🌝 (edit: the details was that I spelt errand wrong lol)
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Thanks for stopping by, have a good day :)
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torukmaktoskxawng · 5 months
Hello do you think that they should have added romance to frontiers of pandora because while I do love me some nor and so’lek I gotta say the one I wish I could romance most is rineala(definitely spelt that wrong)
I really want to see a fanfic with an avatar male and rineala
Anyway I just wanted to vent have a good day or night or afternoon also cannot wait to see more on the development of the relaxation ship with Ronal and tonowari and Makayla
I'd probably 100% try So'lek first if they had put romance in the game, mainly because he's like the Astarion of Pandora since most people would choose him to romance first (love me a broken man)
But my next choices for my future gameplays would definitely be Ri'nela, then Minang, Etuwa (and lowkey her dad, hi Ka'nat), Eetu, Nefika, and last but not least, Nor. So, um... I guess almost every important Na'vi you meet lol (not Teylan, he is baby)
This actually came to mind the other day when a cutscene happened in game: (Spoilers below)
So Nesim arrives at Resistance HQ and So'lek encourages Ri'nela to speak her mind and places his fingers over her heart.
I was struggling to find out who I was jealous of: So'lek or Ri'nela XD
Also, Nesim and So'lek gotta have some history I just love their dynamic. I don't think it's romantic but I just loved their interaction.
Back to Ri'nela, I was telling my friend that she should be tsahik of the Sarentu, and my phone must've been listening again because last night I saw an edit about her that basically spoiled the ending for me so I'm happy that I called it! She's so stunning!
Welp, I guess I ranted a bit too so sorry about that XD
If you find any fics about Ri'nela, please send me links! In the meantime, I'll try to cook something up for her soon <3
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aterriblethought · 1 year
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First of all I want to apologize for the radio silence lately. We had almost finished wrapping up chapter 12 of Hitsuji when my daughter was born in March. If I get a free moment that's not spent with her it's usually spent eating or sleeping, just pure survival mode. My computer's been gathering dust. She's sleeping on me right now actually.
Anyway, I haven't been paying attention but it seems Tokyopop has released the first two English volumes of Acid Town digitally with the third volume coming next week. There are also paperback editions on the way, which is great news and a little wild to me that I might eventually see it on a bookshelf in the US.
If you're at all suspicious about the quick turnaround of these volumes, I think you're right. I posted some pictures here comparing pages from the original scanlator's work to the official English version. Here are my thoughts:
I've been typesetting for scanlations for years now and I've come a long way and still have a lot to learn, but to this day I continue to use rules and such that I learned from the original scanlators for Acid Town. Honestly the typesetting for both the scanlation and the official version are not fantastic, but the official version feels especially slapdash. It's not that big a deal to me that the SFX aren't replaced but it does show a preference for speed over quality. The upper right panel of Tetsu where the text is not centered is especially egregious to me and shows a carelessness not only on the typesetter's part but also whoever QC'd the page, if anyone did. There are also wildly different text sizes between the two neighboring bubbles. The original scanlation I have an issue with in the sense that too much text is squeezed into the bubbles and comes too close to the bubble edges... sometimes this is hard to avoid but it's almost every bubble. When typesetting I'm always thinking about how best to center the text and break up words for readability. The official version succeeds a little better there and is less overwhelming to look at.
I've always had an issue with the liberal and often incorrect translations from the original scanlation, but I have to admit when put side by side like this, the official version is missing a lot of character in the dialogue. I'd love to compare against the Japanese text but I'm nap trapped and my Japanese volumes are in another room, so maybe later, LOL.
I still need to buy the full volume but I am curious about the translations for names, really curious. So far everything looks about the same but they shorten Hyoudou to Hyodo... that's kind of normal when transliterating long vowel sounds in Japanese to English, but I always prefer the spelling that matches what you'd actually see written in Japanese, which is an o with a u. If you were to spell Hyoudou in Japanese without the u's it would be wrong. I'm mostly wondering how they translated the Chinese names though (Wang, Heilong, etc. Spelt Wan and Heiron in Japanese katakana, but the katakana is only intended to help read the Chinese characters and shouldn't be the basis of the English transliteration).
I'll come back with more thoughts once I get a moment to purchase the full volumes, but I would also love to hear others' thoughts if you've had a chance to read the new editions.
Chapter 13 of Hitsuji is also in progress and the translation for chapter 53 of Acid Town is done, but I'm a little uncertain what will become of that now that the official licensed volumes are out. I might come back to this later.
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Total drama ocs, but male and female ones
Reposted the female ocs and edited it because the original post with them flopped lol. Some fun facts about them
-My bestie made most of the female ocs, I made all the male ones
-Mary is the main villain, also her full name is “Mary Lee Susan”
-Ten is Owen’s cousin, also Ten dates Brenna
-Sarina and Isaiah end up dating and it’s cringe and disturbing
- is spelt Micha’s name wrong its supposed to be Micah.
-Micah and Stephane (I also spelt her name wrong) are the main couple of the season, also Stephane is taller then Micah
-Mary and Lucas are pals
-Moil and Mail are both very energetic and like creeping out Charles
-Noir’s real first name is “Susie” and has blonde hair
-Joshua and Monica are besties
-Monica is obsessed with skin care products
- Mary tries to split Mary and Stephane up (and fails everytime)
-Micah, Noah, and Dave are cousins
-Micah and Ten become besties
-Genesis can’t actually sing but she’s so nice to everyone that no one says anything
- Mary and Brenna hate eachother
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mikumadds · 2 years
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I haven't seen anyone posting about Insane Aquarium, so I'm taking it into my own hands.
It was basically an early 2000's PC game where you feed fish and then randomly aliens would pop up and you would have to shoot them with lasers to kill them to stop them from eating your fishies.
There was also a variety of upgrades you could get and certain fish dropped money & such so you can purchase more upgrades. Upgrades include bigger fish, fish with certain abilities, alien fighting weapons, etc. I showed a picture of some of the weird aliens/monsters that come and attack your tank. It was really funny to be feeding your fish and then BAM alien. Get out the fuckin laser gun babes
Edit: holy shit i just realized the reason i didnt find anything in the tag is because i spelt the name wrong. its called Insaniquarium not Insane Aquarium LOL!!! but if you havent heard of the game maybe check it out cos its silly
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cas-mentalynothereeee · 7 months
Bsd AU where the PM has like a a central area where everyone can just chillout in. And its always so chaotic
Like That lemon dude is blasting music and tachihara is jamming out with him.
Gin is like being her nervous self. And higuchi is chatting with akutagawa who is half asleep in a chair.
Chuuya has a bottle of wine and is gossiping with kyoyo, Elise, and Q.
And Mori like rarely ever shows up but when he does its like 20 more times worse cause he keeps asking chuuya about dazai and their relationship.
Some times ADA members will come over and hangout. Like dazai. Or Atsushi.
I think its just a silly little idea lol.
(If i spelt names wrong im so sorry im like half asleep writing this.)
(Edit this was in my drafts)
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shadeclan · 7 months
Starting allegiances!
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(Edit: just realized I spelt Blossombracken wrong. Oops lol)
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that-person-ig · 1 month
Coming out story
So a couple days ago I was playing a game with my bf, he had brought up the fact he supports the LGBTQ+ community. Apparently he had been stalking my spodify playlists and saw a playlist with the trans and gay flag, I had then asked
"If I came out to you as bi would you support me?"
He then immediately responded by saying
"OFC I WOULD, I love you so much and regardless of your sexuality I will love you always"
I then came out to him and like he said he supported me. This is a lesson to people who want to come out, if you want to then go for it! I'll always be here to support ya'll, but always remember to come out to the right people and to not put yourself in harms way.
I have officially decided to change my page into an advice page, you can message me if you want something to stay anonymous or just comment on something. Remember to stay safe and I love ya'll!!!
(EDIT: I need help choosing a nickname for my bf to call me, I am deciding between hei hei [yes like the chicken from Muana {sorry If I spelt that wrong} my bff choose that one lol] lee, or somthing related to the name Hailey)
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thekittyfox2999 · 3 months
I love Fred Cranepool
Wish he was real
Edit: i spelt his name wrong :(
still gonna keep it like this lol
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
I hate to be “that person”, but I noticed on your latest fic, the Tim and Thief one (which, how on earth did you get that out so fast?! That’s a queen move), you spelt The Thief wrong quite a few times, in your title, description, the collage, masterlist title etc. I hate being the one to point it out to you, but I thought you’d like to know so you could go in and edit it if need be 😊
Hi! Yes I'm well aware 🤣 somehow, both grammerly and Google docs missed it. Either that or they saw my enthusiasm and decided to just let me have this one lol
I did go back and fix it on the original files but the ones that had been shared don't update. I don't think anyway. Tumblr is weird.
I got it our so fast because I misspelled thief wrong so many times 🤣 jk jk I really have no clue!
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