#edit: I’ve cried four times today
cursed-elo-images · 10 months
The website I generate these from are none other than the lovely https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator, whose quotes come from user suggestions, Tumblr, Twitter, and bash.org (the sources that aren’t user suggestions were pretty early and they take quotes from user suggestions now just to clarify) and I’ve been having the time of my life making them.
Also, as a heads up I’m only posting SFW ones.
And so I’ll edit this post whenever i generate new ones and copy and paste them into my documents and choose the ones I want to post. I know that with incorrect quotes from any fandom, people like to post multiple posts of one quote or a handful of them wherever they post them from and I’d like to do that, it’s not a bad idea, I just like to collect them all in a large mega post.
UPDATE: this no longer applies to this post. I’m not making it a mega post anymore, because it’s too confusing for me and I’ll be like “okay so if this the original mega post or is this the first reblog or the third reblog or the tenth reblog—“ and it just looks better with multiple posts of a collection of different quotes.
SO WITH THAT BEING SAID—here they are!!!
Melvyn, talking to Mik: Well Mik, whenever I’m about to do something, I think ‘would Hugh do that?’ and if he would, I do not do that thing.
Mik: …
Hugh, from the distance: He’s not wrong though!
Melvyn: The first time I ever got upset in front of Hugh, he put his arms around me and it was so awkward that I had to ask him if he was hugging me or reaching for something on the shelf behind me.
Hugh: I was doing both, for your information.
Mik: The first time Hugh hugged me, it was such a disaster we didn’t make eye contact for, like, a week after.
Melvyn: When I was a kid, Hugh told me that the paper strip that’s in the chocolate kisses were edible and I ate them with the chocolate for a year.
Mik: They are!
Melvyn: FOR REAL?
Mik: No! Why did you fall for it again?
Mik: They made Melvyn cry!
Hugh: Melvyn always cries!
Melvyn: That's not true! *cries*
Richard, setting down a card: Ace of spades.
Jeff, pulling out an Uno card: +4.
Kelly, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you!
Bev, trembling: What are we playing?!
Richard: Are you laughing at that video of Bev and Jeff fighting?
Kelly: No.
Kelly: I'm laughing at the comments.
*The Squad is at Jeff’s house*
Melvyn : Ohhhh we each get our own oven?
Jeff: …N-No…
Jeff, laughing: How many ovens do you think I have???
Melvyn , motioning to the kitchen: Three, I thought!
Richard: I see a-
Jeff, motioning to one device: This is a microwave.
Melvyn : Oh, well I-
Jeff: Hey, wait wait, actually- hang on- *fiddles with the buttons on the microwave*
Jeff, amazed: Its got a bake setting!
Hugh: Ohoho, you learn something new every day!
Bev: Do we- Do we roshambo for who gets to pick first?
Jeff: Now I’ve discovered more ovens than I thought, we don’t have to roshambo nothin’!
Jeff: I am someone who owns four ovens…
Jeff, louder and way too happy: I am someone… who owns FOUR OVENS…
Mik, pointing to another appliance: Also, the toaster oven!
Melvyn : Ohhh, toasty boy! Four- Five ovens!
Bev: Today, Kelly took my phone, and in five minutes, he sent high resolution close-up photos of Richard to the following people: Jeff, Hugh, Mik, the neighbors, the bank, my accountant, San Diego Blood Bank, and Shake Shack's text bot.
Bev: So, did everyone learn their lesson?
Kelly: No.
Richard: I did not.
Melvyn : I may have actually forgotten one.
Jeff: Also no.
Bev: Oh good, neither did I.
Hugh: *Exhausted sigh*
Hugh: We’re kind of missing something guys.
Kelly: Cohesion?
Richard: Teamwork?
Bev: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Mik: And Jeff is not here.
Kelly: Oh, and that, yeah.
*The Squad is playing Chess*
Hugh: *easily beats everyone because he knows how to play*
Kelly: *doesn’t know the rules, but wins anyway*
Bev: *doesn’t know the rules, and loses*
Mik: *knows the rules, but still loses to those who don’t*
Jeff: Actually, you can’t do that, because I said so.
Melvyn : They named a board game after cheese?
*the Squad at Disneyland, in the teacups*
Richard, Bev, and Melvyn : *spinning a little and talking*
Jeff, Hugh, and Kelly: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
Richard: Did you bring Jeff?
Kelly, gesturing to Hugh: No, but I brought the next best thing.
Richard: Hugh? The next best thing would be Bev.
Hugh: I would be offended, but Bev is freakishly strong.
Melvyn: Hugh, I have a question.
Hugh: What is it, Melvyn?
Melvyn: What color is an orange?
Hugh: Melvyn, you bonehead! Its color is the same as its name. Just like a lemon.
Hugh: Do you take constructive criticism?
Melvyn: Not without crying
Hugh, entering the room: *Sees Melvyn and leaves*
Melvyn, watching Hugh leave: There’s my monthly dose of Hugh…
Melvyn: You know there are other ways to say you want McDonalds.
Melvyn: *sigh* What do you want?
Hugh: Chicken nuggets please.
Hugh: Okay happy campers! If you were a fruit what would you be and why?
Melvyn: I'd be a tomato because no one accepts me as part of the group.
Hugh: ...
Melvyn: ...
Melvyn: Hugh, how could you possibly have gotten into this much trouble in one day?
Hugh: It... It didn't take me the whole day…
Melvyn, dashing into the room: WHY AREN’T THE DISHES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER?!
Hugh: …What does that even mean?!
Jeff: When you work at lush and a customer comes in and bites the soap because they think it’s cheese... this happens way more frequently than you think.
Richard: If you stopped literally presenting soap as deli food this wouldn't happen.
Jeff: Who goes into a bath store and thinks something covered in glitter is cheese?
Bev: Who goes to the store and just takes a bite from the cheese?
Bev: Jeff, gather the others. We need to have another Hugh-is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-him-before-he-hurts-someone convention.
Melvyn: What’s your name?
Jeff, whispering to Bev: Can I tell him my real name?
Bev: No!
Jeff: I’m… Bev.
Bev, whispering to himself: The ONE TIME he gets my name right…
Melvyn: Are pigeons drones?
Hugh: What? No, I'm trying to sleep.
Melvyn: Think about it. How come you've never seen a baby pigeon? And why do you never actually see a pigeon nest? Because they're DRONES!
Hugh: *Crying* Please let me sleep…
Hugh: Do you know the best way to respond to disagreement?
Melvyn: With tears?
Hugh: No.
Melvyn: *tears up*
*The gang when they drop food on the floor*
Jeff : Aw man. *Throws it away*
Bev: Five second rule!
Hugh: Foolish germs, thinking they can stop me!? *Eats it off the floor*
Richard: *Sobs on the floor*
*when a child starts crying in public*
Mik: *tries to make the child laugh*
Kelly: *tries to play a game with the child to make them calm down*
Bev: *gives detailed instructions to the parents*
Melvyn: *cries with the child*
Richard: *ignores the child*
Hugh: *is the reason why the child is crying*
Melvyn: While I'm gone, you're in charge Richard.
Richard: Yes!
Melvyn, whispering to Hugh: You're secretly in charge, but I don't want him to feel bad.
Hugh: Obviously.
Richard: You know what bothers me? Bats. Why can bats fly?
Hugh: Not again!
Richard: No. Seriously, who gave them the right? They're mammals! Mammals walk on land, no exceptions.
Melvyn: Just wait until you hear about whales.
Richard: What now?
Hugh: I like to think of myself as a semi responsible adult here.
Richard: Melvyn is 70% of your impulse control and you know this Hugh.
Melvyn: I feel like Hugh is the more responsible one of us two though.
Hugh: We are both 70% of each others' impulse control.
Melvyn: Just two lil beasts in pinwheel hats spinning on the merry-go-round at dangerous velocities, holding each other’s hands so the other doesn’t fall off.
Melvyn: Hey, check out my Spongebob umbrella!
*Melvyn opens their umbrella while indoors*
Richard: Melvyn, that’s bad luck…
Melvyn: Chill out, Richard !
Hugh, kicking down the door: WHO SUMMONED ME?!?!
Melvyn and Richard: *screams*
Richard: Hugh isn’t answering my messages.
Melvyn: Allow me.
Richard: I tried 6 times, what makes you thi-
Hugh: *replying to message* Hello.
Melvyn: How did you even get in here?
Hugh: Richard's window! Or, as I like to call it, "Hugh's door"!
Richard: I’m closing the window.
Hugh: If you water water, it grows.
Richard: ...What.
Melvyn: He’s got a point.
Melvyn & Hugh: *Playing video games*
Richard: You guys woke up at 5:30 in the morning just to play games?
Melvyn: *silence*
Hugh: *silence*
Richard, finally figuring it out: ...You two never went to sleep, did you?
Melvyn & Hugh in shame: Yeah…
Melvyn: Richard won’t come out of his room!
Hugh: Just tell them I said something.
Melvyn: Like what?
Hugh: Anything factually incorrect.
Melvyn, shrugging: If you say so.
Richard, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?
Hugh: *Talking to Richard* Oh, hi. I didn't see you there. Welcome to my abode. I'm glad you could join me.
Melvyn: But this is my abode.
Hugh: ...
Hugh: Welcome to my abode, I'm so happy to have you, guest.
Melvyn: Why is Hugh crying?
Richard: He saw a leaf on the sidewalk and-
Melvyn: Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say-
Melvyn: NO, NOT THAT!
Richard: Melvyn learned how to fold origami penguins from Hugh the other day. I told him, “I feel a little bad for the penguins, it’s hot here”, and the next day he put them in the fridge.
Richard: Define “dream”.
Hugh: Dream - the first thing people abandon when they learn how the world works.
Melvyn: That’s too dark!
Richard: Melvyn, I’m afraid.
Melvyn: Just stay close to Hugh.
Richard: That's why I’m afraid.
Melvyn: I’m telling you, my team is competent.
Richard: Melvyn learned how to fold origami penguins from Hugh the other day. I told him, “I feel a little bad for the penguins, it’s hot here”, and the next day he put them in the fridge.
Richard: What are you two arguing about this time?
Melvyn: They’re always using common phrases incorrectly!
Hugh: Cry me a table, Melvyn.
Melvyn: Ladies, gentlemen and Hugh, I want to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld!
Richard: A llama?
Melvyn: No.
Richard: A baby llama?
Melvyn: No!
Richard: A baby llama with a little hat on?
Melvyn: NO!
Richard: Melvyn, what are you doing?
Melvyn: Making chocolate pudding.
Richard: It's four in the morning, why are you making chocolate pudding?
Melvyn: Because I've lost control of my life.
Melvyn: Here's your pudding, Hugh.
Hugh: Oh that's okay, I'm not hungry anymore.
Richard: Yesterday, I overheard Melvyn saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Hugh replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Melvyn: You ever see something that changes your life and you're just like "huh.."
Richard: I saw you.
Melvyn: Honestly that's so cute and sweet but it kinda makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of Hugh in a turkey costume.
Melvyn: *lifting weights*
Hugh: Wow… He’s so intense!
Richard: I wonder what drives him.
Melvyn, internally: Oh I am going to be SO good at giving hugs.
Richard to Melvyn: First rule of battle, little one... don’t ever let them know where you are.
Richard: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
Hugh: *sneaking in through his window*
Richard: *turning in his chair and flicking the light one* You want to tell me where you've been all night?
Hugh: I was with Melvyn?
Melvyn: *turning in his chair* Wanna try again?
Melvyn: Three of the four elements are represented as types of hockey. Air hockey, ice hockey, and field hockey. Fire hockey needs to be a thing.
Richard: Fire hockey absolutely does NOT need to be a thing.
Hugh: Do you care NOTHING for the balance of the four elements?!
Richard, trying to impress Melvyn: I re-initialized the entire command structure, retaining all programmed abilities but deleting the supplementary preference architecture.
Hugh: He turned it off and back on again.
Hugh: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Richard?
Richard: No.
Melvyn: I do!
Hugh: I know, Melvyn.
Melvyn: I’m sad.
Hugh: I know, Melvyn.
Hugh: Go ahead, Melvyn. Let it out, cry. If you don't, your tear ducts will get blocked up, and then when you get old, you won't be able to cry.
Richard: Just when we thought it was safe to let you back into the conversation.
Melvyn: Last night I found out Hugh is a sleep talker.
Richard: Oh, really?
Melvyn: "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell." Right. In. My. Ear. At 3am.
Hugh: Hey, do you know anyone who can teach me to play the trumpet?
Richard: Why?
Hugh: I want to wander around playing it to annoy Melvyn.
Richard: Technically, you don’t actually need to know how to play the trumpet well for that.
Hugh: Richard, you have opened my eyes.
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rottedbrainz · 1 year
Ok so originally I was just gonna do this with the four main fellas, but I found myself adding in more character dynamics so...forgive me?
Tibbs belongs to me. Caled, Terri, and Mick belong to @palettepainter. And Gabe belongs to @posies-and-bundles
Bonus characters under the cut!! :D
Some of the quotes were edited to fit the characters or dynamic. Sorry if some of them are out of character.
*Tibbs helping Mick out after they get injured, while the others are watching*
Gerald: How does Mick look?
Gabe: A little better than you, actually.
Gerald, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today!
Mick: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
Tibbs: Whaddya call a fish with no eye?
Gabe, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons
Tibbs: fsh
Gerald: Dammit, Tibbs!
Tibbs: What?! It wasn’t me!
Gerald: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Mick!
Mick: Not me either.
Gerald: Oh...Then who set the house on fire?
Gabe: *whistles*
Tibbs: There is no future. there is no past. do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.
Everyone Else At Person A’s Surprise Birthday Party:
Mick: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
Gabe: Okay, help me please!
Gerald: Got two words for you.
Mick: I bet they won't be helpful.
Gerald: Your problem.
Mick: I was right
Gabe, talking to Zoot on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to?
Baby Zoot: You bet!
Gabe: At what temperature?
Baby Zoot: 535.
Gabe: That's the clock.
Baby Zoot:
Baby Zoot: 536.
Tibbs: You love me, right, Caleb?
Caleb: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Terri: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
Tibbs: You and me!!!
Terri, tearing up: Okay.
Janice: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Tibbs: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Caleb: *Walking in to a room* Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.
*Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*
Mick: How's the sexiest person here~?
Terri: I don't know, how are they~?
Mick, flustered: I-
Tibbs, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
Terri: I was arrested for being too cool.
Tina: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Terri: What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Mick: Wow, you could start with a 'good morning'.
Terri: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Gerald: Tina, keep an eye on Floyd today. They're going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Tina: Sure, I’d love to see Floyd get punched.
Gerald: Try again.
Tina, sighing: I will stop Floyd from getting punched.
Mick: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Gabe: You were flirting with Terri.
Mick: So what? She's my wife.
Gabe: You asked her if she was single.
Gabe: And then you cried when she said she wasn't.
Janice: Dad, I'm sad.
Tibbs: *Holds out arms for a hug* It’s going to be okay.
Floyd: Pop, I'm sad.
Mick, nodding: mood.
Terri: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Mick: ... Your what?
Terri: My friends.
Gabe: Are they saying “friends”?
Tibbs: I think they're being sarcastic.
Tina: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Terri! All of your friends are in this room.
Terri: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
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that1garrulousfan · 10 months
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Today is a day where we should be grateful. We should be thankful for the life we have, for the lives we’ve lost, and the new lives that shall be welcomed to this world.
Of course life can be unfair, though. It’s not all “cupcakes and rainbows”, and that’s just how it is, and basically how it has to be. You can’t live life without tragedy. Some of you know that better than anyone. It can be devastating to see a good thing end, but sometimes it’s for the better.
A book I love to hate (if that makes sense) is called “A Child Called: It”. It’s an autobiography about a boy named Dave Pelzer. His childhood was… traumatizing and heartbreaking. And so very cruel.
I cried. A lot.
His mother, Catherine Pelzer tortured him in various ways since he was four years old. His life was one of the most tragic lives I’ve ever heard of.
Here is that story: (READ AT YOUR OWN RISK) There is cursing, and MANY forms of abuse.
Sometimes, that’s just how it is…
Moving on, you’ll never know when someone will die. Maybe your family fell apart, and no one wants to talk to one another. Maybe it’s a divorce. Or an argument. Or someone said the wrong thing at the wrong time.
They refuse to communicate. They want to get out of each other’s lives. They hate each other so much. Their hate is so powerful- they forget what the fight even was…
Then… someone dies. No apology. No goodbye.
Then they realize it’s far too late to fix anything.
Another story isn’t even mine, it’s my teachers’. Two of them. Different funerals. Different deaths. Different reasons. But both deaths were of no other than teenagers.
Barely adults. They never even got to be adults. They just… died.
One of their deaths was caused by carelessness. A sleepy driver in an 18 wheeler crashed into the girl’s car, split the car in half and she ended up flying out and getting impaled by a tree branch right in the stomach.
Overall, just be careful on what choices you make. Specifically on how you treat people. It can make a major difference in their lives. For the better, or for the worst. But then again, it’s your life and how you choose to live it.
So here’s a project you can complete for today:
Go to Google slides and make at least 2-5 slides about why you’re grateful for someone and send it to them.
Or write a letter. Or call someone.
You can really make a positive impact on someone’s day today.
Because you never know when it will be the last time you’ll see them.
Recommendations for Books and Movies: The Ultimate Gift, Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul, I Can Only Imagine, Greater, and Jesus Revolution.
(I kinda rushed this- sorry! 😭 I will edit soon!)
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calliopechild · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
I was tagged by @eowyntheavenger 👍
Rules: answer the questions and tag fifteen mutuals
1. Are you named after anyone?
The first half of my middle name is my mom’s middle name, so...kinda?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uh...hm. I’m drawing a blank other than laughing to the point of tears over a stupidly funny post last week.
3. Do you have kids?
No thank God and I never will.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes. I am a big fan of Sahara-dry sarcasm, and since I was blessed/cursed with a not insignificant case of Resting Bitch Face, I can deadpan pretty well to really play it up.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Sense of humor, I guess? Or how easy they are to talk to.
6. What's your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, please and thank.
8. Any special talents?
I own at puzzles/word games, and have a borderline photographic memory.
9. Where were you born?
*hums I Wish They All Could Be California Girls*
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading/writing fic, knitting, hiking, and I’ve been getting into paint-by-number kits. Also want to take up photography.
11. Any pets?
Sort of? I’ve been taking care of my sister and brother-in-law’s dog off and on for the last four years since they started having kids. He’s my furbaby in my heart, and I’ve claimed co-parent status.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Soccer when I was in elementary/middle school.
13. How tall are you?
5′5″, which is bullshit because two of my guy cousins are 6′+, like “duck coming through doorways” levels of tall. At the very least, though, I’m about 2-3 inches taller than my (older) sister, so that’s the important thing.
14. Favorite subject in school?
English. If we’re talking specifics, the brief intro I got in a Medieval Lit class into the development of the English language from Old English (think Beowulf to Chaucer pipeline) to what we recognize as the language today was fascinating. If I ever get my schedule normalized enough to be able to juggle work + the course load, I’d love to audit some courses in linguistics.
15. Dream job?
Medical editor, which isn’t too far off from what I’m doing now, honestly. I’d like it to be more editing and less management, and in a more interesting field, but I’ve gotten more satisfaction out of the last 8 months of my new job than I did out of probably the last 8 years of my old one, so I think I’m on the right track.
It’s not 15 mutuals, but here are a few, at least; no pressure to anyone, but if you’re interested, have at it. (And if we’re not mutuals but you’re following me and want to do this, consider yourself tagged!)
@kiterinsen, @shadowbends, @plothooksinc, @thorinds, @graphitehybrid
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deliontower · 3 years
london boy| b.b
pairing: Benedict x F!Reader ( goes by Miss Theodoric as her last name)
summary: you and Benedict are forced into an arranged marriage. neither are happy about it until Benedict starts to see you in a new light.
warning: angst, arranged marriage, bullying, little fluff at the end, Benedict is a dick for a bit nothing much though and swearing
word count: 1.9k
a/n: Thank you so much for the request! I took it in a different path maybe but i wanted to add something more! might do a part two to this where reader and Benedict are really in love and all that.
has been edited but probably missed something
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This was a day you never thought would come, you had told your best friend Penelope multiple time that it would never happen, with three older brothers and two sisters you had no need to marry well or marry at all but all your siblings married poor thanks to either ‘accidents” or bad luck with money.
“It could be worse” Penelope remarked as you walked around the park.
You rolled your eyes, “Benedict is a bore”.
She raised an eyebrow at you.
You scoffed, “Maybe you should marry him”. When she looked away blushing you felt a little sorry. You signed, “I’m sorry Pen but this isn’t what I wanted. I can’t even think of a single time I’ve actually spoken to Benedict Bridgerton alone”.
“He’s stood over there with his brothers, you could go speak with him?” she nodded towards the Bridgerton brothers.
You huffed, “Why must I be the one to make the first move? I’m hoping if I ignore the whole thing it will go away”.
“My mama would jump at the chance of me or my sisters to marry a bridgerton”.
“Well as I said you or either of your sisters are free too” you sighed. “Christ he’s coming over” you cried as Benedict strolled his way over.
Once he was before you and Penelope he bowed. “Miss Featherington, Miss Theodoric”.
“Mr Bridgerton” you nodded along with Penelope.
“I hoped Miss Theodoric would join me in a stroll around the park” he asked holding out his arm waiting for you.
You smiled aware you mother was watching from the canopy. “I would like nothing more”. You turned to Penelope, “I will join your soon Pen”.
Reluctantly you took his arm. “The weather is charming today” Benedict remarked looking up to the sky.
You looked up too, part of you was upset you couldn’t disagree with him. “Yes, I suppose it is, I always preferred cooler weather though”.
He hummed as a reply.
You took a look over your shoulder hoping Penelope would offer some form of escape, instead she was busy staring longingly at Colin. “I do hope it gets cooler soon”.
He hummed again.
You felt yourself get more and more annoyed.
“How is your sister? I gather she has just had her second child?” you asked looking up to him, hoping asking something more personally would get more of an hum out of him.
“Well” he nodded looking ahead.
“My own sister herself has just deliver a baby boy, my mama is over the moon” you went on.
He hummed again.
This time you scoffed putting your arm away.
“Miss?” he asked stopping on the spot.
“I am feeling unwell, forgive me while I rest with Penelope” you say as calm as you can.
“Of course Miss Theodoric”.
The only thing keeping you from yelling at him on the spot was the crowd of people on their own walks.
“Oh Pen, he simply would give me nothing! I asked him about his family spoke of my own and all he did was give a one-word answer and hummed!” you signed maybe a little too dramatically.
“You have the engagement ball tonight to grow closer” she tried to sound cheerly.
You sat down beside her, “We will be married in four days and can hardly carry a conversation what will we do when we are man and wife?”.
“My mama and Papa hardly talk and they get on well enough” Penelope said.
“But I wish to actually talk to my husband, to be friends” you said sadly. “My mama offered talks about how she and Papa would talk all night along and hardly ever be apart”.
“I do not believe we can all be that lucky” Penelope remarked sadder looking down.
“I suppose there are worst men that Benedict, after all I hear he is gone all hours of the night at those art parties I’m sure I wont see him much” you shrugged.
Penelope stood up suddenly. “We must talk of happier things, like you said you have four days before the wedding and we shall enjoy them”.
You stood up too taking her arm. “If you like I could tell you all the things my sisters have told me about the wedding night” you raised an eyebrow.
She went wide eyed but made no indication for you to stop.
“And they lent me a few books” you said guiding her up to your room.
The engagement ball was exactly how you thought it would be. Standing by Benedict smiling thanking everyone for coming etc etc. It got boring fast, the manners and expectations were the less enjoying part of your life.
The whole time you were looking out of Penelope, your one confidant in everything since you were children.
“She’ll be here soon” Benedict spoke quietly beside you. You looked towards him confused, “The Featherington have never been good with time keeping”. His face was still as he spoke but you defected the humour.
You smiled. “Yes, it caused a scene at my brother wedding last winter”.
You opened you mouth to speak again just as the Featherington walked through the doors, you wanted nothing more than to grab Penelope and drag her to a far corner then you remember the job you had to play.
You held her hand tight in yours, “Dear Pen I have something for you”, you whispered while everyone else was busy talking.
“You didn’t-“ she started before being interrupted by her mother.
Much later in the evening you manged to get away to find Penelope. You knew how she felt at events like this. You were painfully aware of how other people saw her and how she saw herself. If you, could you’d fight anyone who said a bad word to or about her, you would start with her family.
Before you could make another movement, an arm stopped you, you spun around to met Benedict holding your arm.
“Mr Bridgerton? If you’d excuse me” you frown.
“If you’d accompany me in the next dance” he smiled trying to be charming.
“If you’d forgive me sir, I am looking for Penelope we have things to discuss” you said politely pulling your arm back.
Annoyances flashed across his face, “Surely you could do with stringing poor Penelope along for a night”.
Your jaw dropped. “How dare you suggest that I do not love her dearly. You would know that if you had bothered at all to know me. Now sir if you’d excuse me!” you walked away from him not caring if people were watching.
He caught up with you easily, “Miss-“.
You gave me a dazzling smile, “I have said all I wish to say, I will do you the honour of dancing once I have found Pen” and with that you turned away and left him standing alone.
You hated him, really hated him but at the same time it stung that was how he saw you, a horrible person who strung Penelope along to make yourself feel better.
Penelope was right where you thought she’d be, outside in the garden where she could find peace. She waved you over once she spotted you.
“Oh my dear friend what’s the matter?” she cried once the light hit your face.
You touched your face to find it wet with tears, “nothing. Nothing at all”.
She looked unconvinced but moved on. “I am very eager to know what this gift you promised is”.
You grinned reached into your bag. “You know how happy I am you will be a bridesmaid at the wedding but I wanted you to stand out among the others”, you brought out a small cotton bag. “Here”.
She took it from you looking at you unsure. Once she opened it her jaw dropped. “You shouldn’t have” she dropped the bracelet into her lap then pulled you into a hug. You laughed hugging her back.
“And if you noticed, I have a matching one” you said putting your wrist into view. “Pen you must know you are my dearest friend. I really hope you know that”, you said enthusiastically.
She scoffed laughing, “Of course I know that you fool now come on this Is your ball after all”.
“Do I have too?” you winded.
“Yes” she laughed hauling you up.
You felt a lot better going back in then you did when you left, one thing you were sure of was that you cared more about Benedict than you let anyone know, even yourself.
Something else you didn’t expect was to find Benedict hanging by the door, waiting for you.
Before he could speak you turned to Penelope, “If you would excuse me, I own Mr Bridgerton a dance”.
You silently followed him to the dance floor, if things were awkward before this was something else. All the thing you were taught went out the widow, you didn’t know how to act around him.
The music started, you wish you could remember what song it was.
“You look beautiful this evening” he remarked.
“Thank you, sir,” you said not being able to meet his eyes.
“I am sorry for my words” he asked close to your ear, you shuddered when you felt his breath down your neck.
“You meant them, why be sorry” you said lack of emotion.
Just past him you saw Penelope stood surrounding by Miss Cowper and her followers, right then you saw red. Pulling after and going towards them.
“Miss Cowper how lovely it is to see you after the terrible news” you smiled stepping in front of Penelope.
“The news?” she had abandoned her mistreatment of Penelope.
“That your Engagement to Lord Caster ended” you kept the smile on your face.
“How dare you-“ she stepped forward but whatever she indeed to do was cut short by Benedict.
“I was wondering what took my soon to be wife away” he smiled placing a hand on the small of your back.
“Miss Cowper and I were just saying goodbye, it’s shame she has to leave so early” you smiled to Benedict.
“I-“ Miss Cowper started.
“It is a shame you will have to leave us so early but we hope to see you at the wedding” you couldn’t put into words how happy you were when he went along with everything without being asked. “Penelope my brother has mentioned how he’d wish to dance with you tonight”.
Penelope and Benedict left you alone with Miss Cowper, her followers had left at one point. “I do not wish to cause a scene now but if I see you treating Penelope that way again, I will make sure you do not get invited to any social events until you are long forgotten and have no choice but to become an old maid”.
Miss Cowper was in a studded silence.
“I do look forward to seeing you at the wedding” you said loudly for everyone who might be close by.
From the side-lines you watched Penelope and Colin danced happily together.
“I always thought you were too proper to do something like that” a happy Benedict said behind you.
“I made this point early this evening but if you actually got to know me, you’d know how ‘proper’ I am” you whisper laughed.
“I was entirely wrong about you” It was like he was seeing you for the first time.
You stared at him half in awe and confusion, “Well I believe we have the rest of our lives to be right about each other”.
He smiled and it set something on fire in your chest, “I look forward to it, Miss Theodoric”.
“As do I, Mr Bridgerton”.
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lxngbottom · 3 years
Cramps. | N.L. (+ D.T & S.F.)
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in which the reader is having a really bad period, so her three best friends come and check up on her.
warnings: pain, periods, bleeding, swearing, we know how it is.
i’m on my period rn, & these three boys are my fav characters so this is mostly to comfort me (and idk if you guys can even relate, but my periods get THIS bad) (edit: this was NOT supposed to be this long but oh well i love these three)
gryffindor reader! (but anyone can read obv)
somehow, you had managed to make it through the previous school day. but, the whole time your stomach felt like it was completely turning on you, and with every step you took, the bleeding was so heavy. you couldn’t even remember the last time you went through so many pads and tampons in one day.
on top of that, you were an absolute emotional wreck. and, that became apparent to neville when seamus laughed over tripping over your shoe lace, and you looked up at your three best friends with tears in your eyes.
“merlin, y/n! i was only messing with you! what’s wrong?” seamus furrowed his eyebrows at you, only for you to bend down and groan in pain as you attempted to tie your loose shoe laces.
“i can’t do it!” you whined, a tear finally escaping your tired eyes. you stood up, and sniffled, not noticing the genuine concerned looks plastered across the three boys’s faces.
and then, if things couldn’t get any worse, you felt someone tap your shoulder. you turned around to meet a terrified looking ron and harry, staring down at your legs,
“y-y-y/n... blood! t-t-there’s blood running down your legs!”
you looked down, and sure enough, there was a bunch of it. you automatically began to cry, and the sobbing only got worse as you realized that this was happening in front of not one, not two, but five boys.
“nev—neville... p-please give me your jacket...” you choked out, rushing as the blood seeped between your thighs. he did so quickly, tossing it to you, and your tied it around your waist before running into the nearest bathroom.
“why would you point that out?” dean asked ron, eyeing him,
“what?! would it be better for her to stay like that the rest of the day?” the ginger snapped back, still not putting two and two together. ron wasn’t exactly wrong, but his execution was awful.
the boys sighed, deciding that maybe waiting outside the bathroom would do you some good. but, unfortunately, as 15 minutes passed, you never came out.
“m-m-maybe someone should go and get hermione. or lavendar. or one of the parvati twins?” neville suggested, scratching the back of his neck. seamus shrugged, honestly clueless on how to handle the whole situation.
luckily, a saving grace skipped by, grabbing the attention of all of the boys,
“ginny!” ron called out, and she stopped in her tracks, “thank merlin you’re here!”
the look on her face was questionable as harry, ron, neville, dean, and seamus all stared at her.
dean spoke up first, more than concerned, “y/n went in there. she—she had—blood running down her legs. and, she started crying...”
that’s all it took for ginny to nod her head, “okay. you guys go ahead. i’ll take care of her!”
they did so reluctantly, more so your three best friends. as ron and harry wanted to be away from the whole scenario as soon as possible.
and, that was the last they heard from you yesterday. today, they waited for you to come down from the girl’s dorm, but you never came.
they waited for you in the great hall, but again, you never came.
little did they know, you were curled up in a ball on your bed, sobbing from the excruciating pain that filled your whole body. this cycle was hitting you like a truck, and you’d wished that somehow you had been more prepared for it.
hermione had left you reluctantly that morning, never seeing a fellow girl having such a bad period before. you had cried all night, and you and her both had barely gotten any sleep. so that’s why when neville saw hermione drifting off to sleep during a shared class, he was absolutely baffled.
as that same class ended, the three boys caught up with hermione,
“hey, granger! where’s y/n?” seamus asked, and she rubbed her eyes.
“she—um—“ a yawn interrupted her response, “she’s in our dorm. she doesn’t feel well.”
neville’s mouth went agape, and he finally put two and two together.
“i wouldn’t go and see her, though. you guys embarrassed her yesterday. she told me all about ronald, and ginny, and seamus. she’s really upset, and... she’s just in a lot of pain. so, just let her be for a while.”
and with that, she left the three boys. they gave each other weird looks, mentally questioning each other.
you on the other hand at this time, were crying as you changed out your bed sheets for the second time that day. it wasn’t necessarily the most comfortable experience to have to explain to a house elf why you needed a bunch of new clean sheets.
dinner soon came, and even then, the boys expected to see you sitting with them, eating and laughing. but, you still hadn’t left that dorm.
so, neville packed some extra food, and the three made a journey to gryffindor tower, just to see if they could break the rules to make sure you weren’t dying. (of course, all three of them were convinced that you were on your death bed.)
they slipped past the prefect, climbing up the stairs to your dorm.
dean was just about to knock when they all heard your voice,
“stop, hermione! please! i don’t care that i missed my classes! i’ve been puking all day, bled on my bed, almost shit my pants four times, so, i really don’t care about snape and what he said about me! piss off!”
seamus’s lips curled, and the sound he let out could only be described as pure disgust. but, neville nudged him,
“she can’t help it. don’t be like that...” he whispered, still not sure if you were alright with visitors at the moment.
“well, i’m sorry! but, dean, neville, and seamus are all worried about you! they—“
that’s when they heard a blood curdling scream, and it sounded exactly like you. it made them jump,
“don’t say that! it’s only for a few days, y/n! i told you i would help you with anything you needed!”
“then you can start by fucking off! go away!”
the boys looked at each other,
they all mutually agreed, and ran down the stairs before hermione had the chance to see them.
they settled in the common room, deciding to do their homework until they knew it was a safe call to go and see you. they all worried about you tremendously, as they had never heard you talk to a fellow friend like that. you simple weren’t that type of person in their eyes. you had always been patient with people, so it was a wonder to them how you loved them so much.
they spotted ginny, walking up to the girl’s dormitories with a glass of ice cream in hand. they naturally assumed it was for you. and truth be told, when ginny entered with a sweet smile on her face, holding the cold treat, you realized you had never been more happy to see a weasley before.
as pathetic as it sounded, you cried to ginny while eating the chocolate ice cream. you sobbed to her about all the events of that day, and the day before. your crush on neville and how you believed he didn’t feel the same, the way that seamus chewed too loudly, and how hermione was too uptight sometimes. she simply listened, knowing that’s all she could really do.
finally, the three boys saw ginny coming down the the glass now empty, and they ran up to her,
“is she okay?”
“what’s happening?”
“can we go and see her?”
she chuckled and shook her head them, “she’s fine, you guys. calm down. i’m not so sure if she’ll want to see you guys, but you guys can sure try.”
they all three looked at each other, slightly terrified.
but, they sucked it up and made their way up again. of course, seamus couldn’t hold back from making a snide comment,
“i swear, if i get a book thrown at my head and end up in the hospital wing with a concussion, i’m blanking it on neville.”
“why me?!” neville scoffed, throwing his hands up in the air,
“because! you fancy her and are the most worried about her! she’s just on her period! is it really that big of a deal?”
before neville could answer, dean cut in, “yes, seamus. it is a big deal. maybe not to us, but to her it is. try bleeding out of your dick for a week while your inside are ripping apart!”
if you would’ve been present, you definitely wouldn’t hugged dean for that one.
they finally arrived, and they argued for a moment over who would be the once to knock on the door. it felt like they were stepping into a death trap. finally, neville agreed to do it.
he did so gently,
“what?” you asked, “who is it?”
dean and seamus eyed each other, definitely panicking.
“erm—it’s... us...”
you groaned, and looked down at your state. you were only in your bra and underwear, trash bucket in your lap, nausea getting the best of you... again.
but, you figured seeing your three best friends would bring you some comfort. this wasn’t their fault, and you didn’t want to take it out on them anymore.
“um... you can come in, but warning! i’m—“
before you could warn them, the door flew open,
“naked...” you breathed out, looking down at the trash can.
they all went wide eyed, and neville covered dean and seamus’s eyes with his hands, and closed his own.
“close the door, you gits!”
neville did so with his foot, still covering everyone’s eyes. you let out a small chuckle at the fact, and shook your head.
“you guys can look, you know. you act like we haven’t been best friends since first year.”
“b-b-but you’re—naked!” dean responded, through neville still keeping his own hand over the boy’s face.
you pursed your lips as you felt vomit climbing it’s way up your throat, “who—“
that’s when they heard it. the violent sound of puking. neville thanked merlin that his eyes were closed, because he probably would’ve puked too.
“who cares?” you breathed out, wiping the slobber from your chin. that’s when seamus took neville’s hand away from his eyes, and realized how you looked.
you looked unrecognizable almost. you looked exhausted, pale, and like you had just been hit by twenty cars at one time. your eyes were all puffy and red from crying, and your hair was definitely not put together like it usually was. makeup was smeared all down your face, makeup from the day before that you simply didn’t have the motivation to get up and wash off. but, seamus couldn’t help but notice your bra and underwear.
“you—“ he chuckled, “you have teddy bears on your undergarments, y/n?”
you clenched your jaw, and tightened your grasp around the trash can, narrowing your eyes at him. his eyes widened,
“kidding! i was only kidding! they suit you well!”
finally, dean shoved neville’s hand off as well, and neville opened his eyes back up reluctantly. neville and dean took in your state, much less of a laughing matter to them, as they were more of the calm friends.
“merlin, y/n... are you alright?” neville asked, approaching you slowly. you shook your head,
“i’m dying...”
the three boys gasped, and you looked at them funny, “i’m kidding... but i feel like i might...”
that settled their nerves a bit, the theory of you dying slowly fading away. you spit in the trash can, and set it back down on the floor. of course, seamus being the curious cat he is, looked in the trash can.
“don’t look at my vomit, finnigan! don’t you have any manners?”
he jumped back, and nodded his head.
“what are you guys doing here, anyway?” you asked, laying down fully on the bed, stomach and legs exposed.
“well—we know—you—you sorta—“
neville sighed at dean’s awkwardness about the whole situation, “we know you’re on your period. and, we know that you’re in a lot of pain. and, we just wanted to come and check up on you.” he glanced at the other two boys, “right?”
“yeah, definitely!”
you giggled at seamus and dean, “oh, what gentlemen. how could i ever thank you?”
seamus couldn’t hold it in. the comment just slipped from his lips,
“well, seeing you in your bra and underwear is thanks enough in my book!” he joked, nudging dean.
surprisingly, the only one who laughed beside seamus... was you. this surprised the boys, as you were sure that would earn seamus that book to his temple, or at least a smack to the face. but, it didn’t.
“see? i told you guys she’s fine! she’s laughing like she always does!”
neville seemed to look over at you for reassurance, just to make sure that seamus hadn’t crossed a boundary with one of his crude jokes. it was something that seamus had done quite a few times, without even realizing it, but it was simply because he didn’t know how to put a filter on. you knew at the end of the day that seamus wasn’t trying to disrespect you. plus, it was something you had go get used to, being one of his best friends and all.
at one point, the boys had eased into the floor, getting things for you if you needed it. seamus even asked why exactly girls even got periods, and you explained it to him in full detail.
“so... like—the inside of your uterus is actually tearing? i thought dean was joking about that!”
you shook your head, “unfortunately, it’s not a joke, finnigan. it’s very real...”
“well, is it this bad for all girls?”
“no, actually. some girls only bleed for a couple of days, and it’s very light. they can go without cramps, puking... lucky bitches!”
that’s when the boys fell silent, even seamus himself. until he raised an eyebrow,
“is it bad that i’m kinda curious? you know—to see how it feels to... bleed... down—there...”
dean furrowed his eyebrows, but neville nodded his head in agreement.
“well, boys... i can’t make you bleed out your dick for seven days straight... but, i can punch you guys in the stomach with full force and show you how cramps feel!”
collectively, they all disagreed, which caused you to fall into a fit of laughter.
“but—it can’t be that bad, right? i mean, everyone can get a stomach ache...” dean questioned, but unsure of what he had just said.
“let me put it to you like this, thomas. imagine the weasley twins sneaking a muggle laxative into your morning pumpkin juice...” you started, “but that stomach pain for a whole week.”
dean put his head down, finally understanding. no wonder you had talked about almost shitting your pants.
that’s when the door swung open, revealing a surprised hermione,
“y/n! where are your clothes?! boys are in here! and plus, they’re not even supposed to be in here, anyway!” she snapped, immediately storming over to your closet, and pulling out a random shirt, throwing it at you.
“but, it’s too hot! and, any tightness hurts!”
“i don’t care! i couldn’t imagine sitting around with ronald and harry with my—lady parts hanging out!”
you chuckled at her hidden shaming, quite used to it by now. “oh, whatever, granger! it’s the same difference as a bathing suit! lighten up!”
seamus and dean snickered at the look on her face, and the way she stormed out.
“she’s right, y/n. not about—you know, we don’t care... but, just—seamus will be talking about it for the rest of his natural life if you keep your clothes off any longer.” neville stated, standing up and taking his sweater off. he passed it to you, making sure not to touch you in anyway that would make you uncomfortable.
you smiled at the kind gesture. sure, it was a sweater, and you probably should choose the lighter t-shirt that hermione had snagged out for you. but, it was neville’s sweater, so, how could you refuse?
you slipped it on over your head, and pulled your hair through the hole. it was quite comfortable, and you were just the right amount of warm and cool. so, it worked out in the end. “thank you, longbottom. that was sweet.”
his face turned red at the small grin etched upon your face, but he shook it off and sat back down on the floor.
you all began talking again, not even noticing when seamus had gotten bored and ancy, and started snooping in your drawers. but, his eyes went wide at the sight of something in your drawer. he picked it up, and stared at it for a moment.
“uh... y/n...” he started, voice a bit shaky, “what’s this?”
he held it up, and you, dean, and neville all looked over.
“that’s a tampon, finnigan. i use it when i’m on my period so the blood doesn’t leak out.”
he took a beat of silence as he connected the dots, and his eyes seemed to widen even more,
“and... you have to put this where exactly?”
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lovetorn · 4 years
in chains for you [dream]
Dream x Fem!Reader Criminals!AU
Summary: The Dream Team is an underground crime group that works for Techno Industries. But what happens when one of their most valuable members is taken for ransom by their enemy, Schlatt?
Warnings: Swearing & mean insults :(, kidnapping, death, violence, uhhh nothing else? message me if you see anything else!
Word Count: 8.1k+
A/N: I’m so sorry for any mistakes/plot holes, my adhd said no❤️ when i was editing :(
Note: Please remember these are all characters! Since I do not know any of these people in real life, I have created all aspects of their lives, personalities etc. and apologise for any OOC moments. I portrayed Schlatt as the villain purely from his role play in the Dream SMP, obviously, I do not believe him to be like this irl in any way. He is also written as much older than the Dream Team to enhance the villain-like characteristics. Remember, this is just fiction! Thanks! 
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Night had fallen over California, and the icy breeze from the South blew through the city of Beverly Hills. The lights from several luxury hotels and displays lit up the streets and exposed the city. It was more alive than half the people that resided there. Here, people only cared about their money and their assets; barely any room left for emotions towards others that didn’t benefit them. 
“Hurry the fuck up, Sapnap!” 
The gravelly sound of Dream shouting prompted Y/n to run faster. Tensions were high as three criminals rushed to the dark SUV that sat running outside of the tall building. They clutched black duffle bags in both hands when the sound of familiar sirens cried a few blocks away. 
Unlocking the car, George threw open the back car door and launched his duffle bags onto the car seats before hopping in. Dream rounded the car and opened the door to the driver’s seat, Y/n doing the same for the passenger’s side. And whilst they were shoving the bags in, Sapnap came running out of the building, another duffle bag in his hand and a briefcase in the other. The ends of his white bandana flew around in the wind behind him as he missed a dip in the floor.
“What the fuck has he got now? We’ve gotta go!” George exclaimed, hurrying the boy by waving his hand. Dream put the car in drive as Sapnap slammed the door, “Go, go, go!”
The car squealed while Dream pulled off of the curb, the wheels screeching against the tar as he pressed his foot heavily on the accelerator. 40, 50, 70, 100, 130mph. The speedometer jumped by 10s and then by 40s as the car barrelled down the long strip of road, the wailings of sirens fading behind them. 
George, Y/n and Sapnap were laughing as they took their masks off. The sound pissed Dream off as he gripped the steering wheel harder; why is nobody taking this seriously? 
Ripping his white mask off his face and throwing it into his lap, Dream looked at Sapnap through the rearview mirror, “Why did you take so long? That could’ve fucked our whole plan!” 
“Jeez, chill out.”
Dream shot him a glare through the mirror as Sapnap put his hand up, “Schlatt said he had a briefcase full of Chick-Fil-A gift cards, so I grabbed the first one I saw.” 
George lolled his head to the side, mouth agape as he stared at him in disbelief. “Are you shitting me?” 
Sapnap shook his head, resting the case on his thighs and popping open the clasps. 
“Fuck yeah!” He cheered, turning the case around to show the rest of the car the bundles of hundreds of red and white cards that laid on a sheet of red velvet. Sapnap’s eyes remained as wide as saucers the entire time he tilted the case at different angles to ensure everybody saw. 
Y/n turned around in her seat to face the boys in the back and giggled. 
“Can I have one?” She asked, holding her hands up in a praying gesture. Sapnap laughed and nodded, “I’ve got enough for a whole country! And anything for you, Y/n.” Y/n smiled at him, mouthing a quick ‘thank you’ before turning back around to face the road that was gone as quick as it came. 
The deep sigh that came from Dream in the driver’s seat caught the attention of everybody in the car. Sapnap rolled his eyes and shut the case. “Calm down, green boy. She’s all yours.” 
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Arriving at the motel George had found, the four lugged the black duffle bags in the small room. Locking the room door, Dream spun around to see everybody sitting on one of the single beds. 
He eyed the black duffle bags in the corner with a frown, each one full to the brim with thousands of 100 dollar bills that they had to transfer back to base. George cleared his throat when he saw his friend looking at the bags and raised his eyebrows, “Dream?” The man turned at the sound of his name and nodded once. He had an odd feeling in his stomach but decided to ignore it and face the problem at hand first before anything else.
Dream sighed, “We did good tonight,” The three on the bed hollering softly, fist-bumping each other before Dream continued. 
“But...” Y/n, George and Sapnap all groaned, throwing their heads back at the oncoming disappointment that Dream was going to throw on them.
“Sapnap, what the fuck was that? You can’t go off on your own tangents during a plan this big! What would’ve happened if—”
Sapnap’s eyes widened when he realised Dream’s rage was aimed towards him. “Dream! It’s okay, bro. I’m right here, we’re all alive—”
“Don’t talk back to me.”
The silence that followed was deafening. Y/n avoided Dream’s gaze when it landed on her. She didn’t want him asking her to back him up; not tonight. 
“Anyway, I hope you all know what comes next.” The three nodded, heads down and eyes trained on the worn carpet. Sapnap and George stood up and went to different sides of the room, George to the bathroom and Sapnap to the desk where he pulled out his iPod and earphones. 
Dream watched as Y/n lifted her head back up, meeting his gaze. She gave him a soft smile and patted the space on the bed next to her. Dream ran a hand through his tangled blonde hair and walked over to her, sitting where her hand once was. 
“You okay?” She asked softly, placing her hand over his that sat in his lap. Dream nodded before huffing. “I just don’t know how successful this plan actually is. Something’s off.” He whispered, grabbing her hand. Y/n leaned forward to try and meet his green eyes; the ones that made her weak at the knees when he looked at her a certain way. But he didn’t need to know that considering they were just friends.  
“We did good today, look! We’re here, alive and well. And if something’s bothering you, just know that I’ll always be here to help you. Now, I need the bathroom.” She smiled, squeezing his hand before standing up. 
“George? When are you done?” She yelled at the bathroom door. Dream tilted his head to the side as he admired her, what would he do without her?
“Soon! Stop being annoying!” 
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It had reached a point in the night where Dream couldn’t sleep. The single bed he laid in was uncomfortable, and the nagging feeling of doubt kept him awake. Something was wrong. 
He looked over a Y/n who laid in the other bed across from him. His top priority was to keep her safe; he had to. His eyes then travelled to his two other best friends—Sapnap in the desk chair and George on the brown couch. 
He smiled softly. Dream rarely got emotional, but seeing his friends and partners in crime—literally—so vulnerable, had his mind plagued with vicious scenarios that brought tears to his alarmingly vacant eyes. 
They weren’t always void, but seeing death as he did, had pushed the soul of nature out of his once striking eyes. He thought they looked dull now, matching the rest of his face, but Y/n always told him they were the prettiest she’d ever seen. He’d always flush when she said that which always elicited a poke in the ribs and a teasing comment from her. 
Dream forgot how long he’d been lying there, his mind drifting in and out of sleeping until a high-pitched squeak came from the main door. He reached for his knife that held a place under the pillow and sat up, holding his knife and facing the door. 
On the floor next to the door, sat an ominous black envelope. Dream chewed the inside of his lip, his heart beating rapidly with panic. How did they find them?
“How the fuck did they find us?” George asked, his palms sweaty as he held the letter in his hands. The gold foiling around the letters was both alluring and terrifying. 
Palm Casino.  Wednesday Night. 12am.  Be there, or face death. 
Dream had rolled his eyes when he read the letter for the first time; Schlatt was so dramatic. And although fear and doubt had set in his stomach, he didn’t let his friends know. 
How did they find them? They had been careful with the robbery, getting everything they needed without leaving a trace, nothing out of place, except for—
Dream shoved his partners out of the way and leaned down to pick up the briefcase with the Chic-Fil-A gift cards. Sapnap went to interject, primarily to save his prized possession when Y/n grabbed his elbow and shook her head when he turned to her. 
Dream opened it then turned it upside down, emptying the cards onto the rotting carpet. 
“Shut up.” He then continued to rip the velvet from the inside of the case to reveal a small box with a red flashing light. Sapnap stopped his wriggling and stood staring at the device. 
“This is your fault, you dipshit.” 
Sapnap was silent. Y/n softened her grip to rub his elbow comfortingly instead, the action making Dream narrow his gaze. The girl rolled her eyes and spoke up, “How was he supposed to know it was in there, Dream? You can’t blame him for this at all.” 
Dream shook his head and dropped his gaze to the floor before huffing and scrunching his nose in a disgusted manner.
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Midnight had arrived quickly, like a thief in the dark, and the crescent moon hung high in the sky. A light breeze swept into the city, making the palm trees sway in the delicate moonlight as a black SUV pulled up to the Palm Casino. 
“Okay, here we go. I want you all on your best behaviour,” Dream joked. And as his mask only hid half of his face, a lopsided grin graced his face as he popped the door open. Y/n knew that smile; it was one that was begging for chaos, but she knew it was just a deflection from his real emotions. 
Walking to the entrance, Y/n reached up and placed her hand on Dream’s shoulder. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
Dream let out a laugh, “Wouldn’t dream of it, baby.”
The boys sported black on black suits with matching Rolex watches, the gold of the timepieces shining in the low light. The only differences between them being Dream’s smiley mask, Sapnap’s white bandana in his hair, and George’s white glasses upon the top of his head. Y/n, on the other hand, wore a fitting dress with gold jewellery. She would’ve worn anything else, but considering the situation, she complied. 
As the waitress walked them over to the poker table, Y/n caught Dream’s hand in her own, squeezing it once before letting go. She knew he was worried and the action in itself was enough to calm Dream’s nerves for the time being, but as soon as he made eye contact with Schlatt, it all went away. 
“Boys! How are we doing?” The man yelled, throwing his arms up with a smile on his face. Dream nodded once and sat down at the table, Sapnap and George following. Y/n went to sit beside Sapnap but was cut off by Schlatt who took it upon himself to police the members at said table. 
“I’m sorry, gorgeous. I’m afraid this game is only for the men.” He gave her a tight-lipped smile and clasped his hands on the table. Y/n narrowed her gaze at him before rolling her eyes and moving to stand behind Dream. 
Schlatt then stood and excused himself from the table, making George throw Dream a confused look before the man spoke up. He walked towards another room, guarded by velvet ropes, but not before shouting, “Let the games begin!” 
Dream sat observing the last man in the game next to himself, ensuring he wouldn’t lose, not that he ever did. He had learnt from his father early on to read the expressions of the players around him and how to benefit from the folds and raises. People were shocked when they found out his age, bewildered that such a young man could earn numbers like that. 
Dream stared narrowly at the man; his eyebrows raised as he wore a sly smirk. The man in front of him was profusely sweating, his hand reaching to grasp a tissue from his pocket as the last community card was placed down. The surrounding men groaned; their expressions irritable as the Dream Team gained another win. Dream threw the cards onto the Poker table and stood up, offering his hand to the gentleman. He reluctantly accepted then hurried out of the room, four of his acquaintances following.  
Y/n watched as Dream swapped seats with Sapnap, allowing him his turn at the game. She then moved and leaned down to Dream’s ear, “This is bullshit, where’s Schlatt gone?”
Dream shook his head and shrugged quickly, “Fuck knows.”
“Let’s go, Sapnap,” A man they recognised as Fletcher spoke, sitting down in front of the young man as his buddies filed around the table to take their seats. Sapnap didn’t talk, he only glanced back at Dream who tilted his head, holding his forefinger up to indicate this would be their last round.  
Once Sapnap had collected his two starting cards, the game began. Dream watched as each of the men were eliminated through folds and how they apologised to Fletcher for letting him down. The man brushed them off, telling them to “watch how it’s done”. Dream, Sapnap and George stifled a laugh as they watched the second last man fold. Behind them, Y/n grew impatient and began mumbling to herself about how ridiculous it was.
“Excuse me? Can’t you see we’re in the middle of a round? Get the fuck outta here.” Fletcher said, his voice harsh as Y/n’s eyebrows flew to her hairline. Dream went to interject before the man spoke again. 
“A scotch on the rocks.” He then said. 
“I’m not a waitress.” Y/n’s voice was monotone while the man waved her away. Y/n scoffed before she moved towards him. Dream’s hand flew out to catch her wrist, and Y/n rolled her eyes. As angry as Dream was, he wasn’t going to start something with Schlatt’s men before the meeting actually started. Sapnap didn’t pay any attention to the conversations around him, focusing only on winning.
Fletcher chuckled, holding his cards close to his chest, “you dumb kid”. Sapnap’s facial expression went from serious to amused, watching as the dealer placed down the final community card. Sapnap’s eyes flickered to Fletcher’s grey ones as he slammed his cards down on the table. Sapnap then reached to gather his winnings in chips, earning pats on the back from George and a gentle laugh and fist-bump from Dream. 
Fletcher sat in disbelief; he was sure he would win this one. Sapnap stood up and embraced George in a hug before moving to Dream as Fletcher circled around the table. 
“You cheating bastard!” Sapnap held his hands up in defence, clueless as to why this man was coming at him. 
“No cheating here, Fletch, just plain luck,” He grinned, clearly not fearful of him. 
“Dude just take the loss and move on, it’s not that deep,” Y/n said, catching the attention of Fletcher again. 
“Not now, you whore. The men are talking,” Fletcher glowered, looking intimidatingly down at the girl. 
Y/n, however, wasn’t fazed by his words, “Look, it’s not his fault that you lost. I guess you just suck at Poker.” Fletcher’s face went bright red, and Y/n swore she saw steam coming out of his ears. Her eyes widened as she took a step back slowly. George pushed her behind him despite her protests of being able to handle herself. 
“Come on Fletch, there’s no need to go after an innocent woman,” Dream asserted, placing his hand on the man’s shoulder. He soon realised that his actions were a mistake as Fletcher spun around and threw his fist towards Dream’s nose. Dream’s mask had cracked slightly on impact, his green eyes widening in panic as he stumbled back slightly. 
Sapnap scanned the other men around them and calculated their next moves before he ducked a punch from a redhead. George’s hands gripped under Dream’s armpits as he pulled him up, dodging fists from the older men. Dream’s eyes were watering from the unexpected hit to the nose, and he could barely see.  
But what he did see was Y/n raising the metal drinks tray she found on the poker table next to them and slamming it down on the back of Fletcher’s bald head. Her eyes were wide as she stood behind his figure that was now on the floor, groaning. Her eyes met his and Dream felt his breath catch in his throat, but he couldn’t acknowledge it at the present time because there were five other guys to deal with. 
Dream regained his posture and cocked his head to the right, stretching his neck before standing off to the others. The men stood with their fists raised in front of their faces and their feet apart, ready to engage. George, Sapnap and Dream were just as confused as Y/n was, who was making sure Fletcher stayed down. 
“I really fucking hate you guys. Let’s get a move on with the meeting, shall we?” Y/n said lazily, she just wanted to get home. 
Dream sat in a large black chair, the lower half of his face covered in blood, the top half covered by his stained, cracked mask. Y/n had her legs crossed, with a stern expression, glaring at Schlatt as he rounded the table to sit at his obnoxiously large desk. 
Schlatt had demanded it only be Dream and Y/n in the office with him, making George and Sapnap wait outside. The two boys had angrily complained about it, but Dream assured them it would be fine, leaving them to sulk next to the heavy wooden door that led to Schlatt’s office. 
“You two make a good pair, eh?” Schlatt smirked, bringing his hands to interlock in front of him on the desk. Dream glanced at Y/n, who gave him a bored look. 
He then turned back to the front, “Why are we here, Schlatt?” 
“Oh, not very friendly,” He laughed, earning no responses from anyone in the room except for his assistant, Quackity, who stood in the corner. “That’s Quackity by the way.” 
Dream shrugged, uninterested with the introduction of his assistant and remained still until Schlatt continued.
“Now, tell me where the money is, Dream.” There it was—the literal million-dollar question.
The masked blonde didn’t react. Y/n cast her eyes towards him, seeing nothing but the white mask that covered his face. The smile on the front was a harsh contrast to the anger Dream felt. And when Schlatt huffed and wiggled his fingers at Quackity, then Dream perked up. 
Suddenly, Y/n wrists were being grabbed by Quackity, who had crossed the room in seconds. Dream immediately stood, only to be pushed back by Schlatt who had moved in front of him. 
Y/n opened her mouth object when Quackity whacked his free hand over her mouth. She let out a whimper at the smack, tears welling in her eyes in shock. Nonetheless, she continued to struggle against his harsh grip on her wrists. Y/n’s breathing became heavier, her thoughts clouded with fear of the unknown; what would Schlatt want with her?  
Quackity dragged the girl from the large chair towards the other side of the room, where another door lay, but he didn’t take her in yet. Dream’s gaze was locked on Y/n, everything else slipping away as he watched her thrash against her captor. 
“Let’s call it leverage?” Schlatt’s haunting voice echoed through the room, and he had an evil gleam in his eye. “You tell me where you hid the money, and I’ll let her go.” 
Dream’s head was on a swivel when he turned back to face Schlatt. Panic blossomed in his stomach; if he gave up the money, they’d all be dead. And as hard of a decision as it was, Dream knew what to do—he had his full faith in Y/n. He remembered what she had told him when they first started working together and drew in a breath. He nodded at Y/n once, receiving a pleading look in reply, and sighed.  
“Give ‘em hell, baby.” 
“Are you out of your fuckin’ mind?” Sapnap spat as the three men got back into the SUV outside of the casino. George shook his head in the backseat, scoffing as Dream ignored their questions. 
Meanwhile, Dream drove in complete fury. He knew what he did was wrong and stupid, but Y/n once demanded he let her go if she was ever held for ransom. It was an odd request at the time. And this was an irrational move that could get her killed, but he had no choice—it was her or the whole operation, and Dream was loyal. 
“Hello? You fuckin’—” 
The youngest froze at Dream’s tone and sunk into his seat, choosing to look out of the window than at him. He flexed his hand against the steering wheel, refusing to meet their gazes.
“Y/n asked me before any of this started, that if she were to ever be held hostage, for ransom, whatever, to trust her and let them take her. I don’t know why I never asked her why, but we have to trust her, and you have to trust me for making this decision.”  
“Call Techno and tell him that Schlatt’s taken one of us for ransom.” Dream said to no one in particular. Sapnap scrambled to get his phone from his pocket and dial their boss’ number, but not before turning and facing Dream from the passenger’s seat. 
“I—we trust you, Dream. And we’ll be with you till the end, okay?” Sapnap mumbled, gesturing to George in the backseat.  
“She’ll be fine.” Dream had a hard time believing George, “We know Y/n, she’s a strong girl—a whole lot stronger than us—she’ll get through it.” 
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The piercing sound of metal against metal made Y/n cringe, distracting her from the burning of the new rope bound around her wrists. Quackity’s heavy breathing almost made her laugh, they hadn’t even walked for that long.
He didn’t say anything to Y/n when he guided her inside a cell. She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked around the dirty space, scrunching her nose in disgust as she noticed the damp walls and the stray cockroach that scurried across the floor. 
“I’m sorry about the state of this, we don’t have visitors often,” Quackity said, exhaling a scoff he let go of her arms. Y/n’s face dropped when she felt the rope loosen and fall off her wrists. She remained still as Quackity rummaged around behind her. 
The screech of the cell door closing startled Y/n—she thought she’d have more time to fight back. She heard Quackity shuffle away from the cell, and shortly after, the sound of dress shoes tapping on the concrete floor caught her attention. 
Y/n slowly turned around when someone cleared their throat behind her. She rolled her eyes as she came face to face with Schlatt. He stood with his hands behind his back in his usual arrogant suit and his deep red tie.
“Do you know why my tie is this red?” He asked, his head tilted to the side with a patronising smirk. It was an odd question, but Y/n could already guess the answer, she just didn’t want to hear it when she was this vulnerable. 
Schlatt leaned down and closer to the cell, his face fitting perfectly between the bars as his eyes glared into Y/n’s.  
“It’s so you can’t see the bloodstains.” He winked before sanding to his full height, his mood shifting entirely, “Anyways, I’m gonna keep this short. Get comfortable, Princess, you’ll be here awhile knowing Dream and his goons.” 
With a clap of his hands and a small chuckle, Schlatt left, his shoes clacking down the hallway and into the elevator at the end of the hallway. The machine dinged and then it was gone, leaving Y/n in a deafening silence. 
She sank to her knees, crestfallen, onto the concrete beneath her, still in her tight dress. As strong-minded as Y/n was, she couldn’t bring herself to give a witty remark. She was absolutely defeated. She knew Dream would get her out, eventually, but at what cost? Would Dream let everything the Dream Team has worked for in the past 3 years go to waste? For her? 
She didn’t let herself cry as she picked herself up, and hesitantly sat on the cot in the corner of the cell. Her dress was uncomfortable, and the feeling of satin against her skin irritated her immensely. 
Y/n had no idea how far underground she was; she sat in complete darkness and utter silence, nothing but the ringing of her ears and her screaming thoughts to keep her company. 
Dream paced the small space, tearing at his hair roots with his fists, his face red with panic and anger. He was so in his head; he couldn’t hear his two friends calling his name from 3 feet away. The thought of Y/n alone with Schlatt made him so infuriated he could punch a hole through the brick wall next to him. The ringing in his ears was deafening, and the stinging of his nails digging into his palms was numbing. 
Sapnap threw George a concerned glance, his brown eyes pleading George to do something to stop Dream from falling further into an endless loop of guilt and despair. 
“Dream!” The sound of George calling him in that tone caused him to pause his pacing. He turned to look at his English friend with wide eyes, his eyebrows raised in surprise. 
“You need to stop! Y/n wouldn’t want you having an existential crisis over her, she’d want you to hurry up and figure out a plan to get her back.”
Dream stood frozen for a moment; what would Y/n want? It was like a switch flipped inside Dream when he stood up straight, sending him into autopilot. All emotion wiped was from his face, leaving his eyes vacant and face blank. And as much as George hated to admit it, this cold version of his best friend knew what to do and how to do it efficiently. The sudden change shocked Sapnap slightly, leaving him frightened as he grabbed onto George’s sleeve. 
“Ok boys, let’s get to work.”
Emotion is a weakness, and they sure did not need that right now. 
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Y/n had been suffering in the same tight dress and uncomfortable heels for a week; Schlatt’s lack of humanity and human decency (as well as kidnapping her in the first place), had put him in Y/n’s bad books.  
The only human interaction she had was Quackity bringing her meals twice a day and the small conversations they would have as she ate. He didn’t talk about his work much, only hinting at his eventual betrayal and escape from Schlatt. Although, he continually spoke of his family to her, telling Y/n that he was there against his will and was threatened with death if he left. She felt sympathy for the boy, he was so young. 
When Alex, as she now calls him, left her, Y/n was back with her mind. She had remained seemingly sane despite being in solitary confinement but was going insane without Dream. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw his emerald ones gleaming at her through the darkness, their vibrance giving her shivers. 
She missed his touch: his cold hands in her’s, their knees brushing slightly when sitting on the motel bed, his hand on her thigh in the car, despite complaints from the boys. She cared deeply for him, and she knew he did too, but they were both too scared of rejection to get together. Sapnap always teased them for being ‘pussies’, and George would roll his eyes whenever they would flush at their closeness—god, she missed them too.
Biting her lip, Y/n tried her best to prevent tears from falling down her cheeks. But she hadn’t let them fall since being held ransom, fearing she would be seen as weak by Schlatt, and even Alex. The burning at the back of her throat was fiery as she let them out. She struggled to breathe, clawing at her throat when she felt her lungs tighten. Y/n tried to sit upright to calm herself down, but her pained cries filled the cold, concrete basement and rattled the cell bars. She sobbed for hours, only falling asleep when the last ones dried. 
As Dream put the car in park, he turned to face George in the passenger’s seat.
“You ready?” He asked. George exhaled and nodded, “Let’s get her back.” 
Dream smirked. His attitude had flipped entirely from last week, leaving him cocky and ready to fight the world. However, George saw through his best friend’s act. He heard Dream’s choked and ragged cries in the bathroom at 4 am, and noticed his red, puffy eyes at 7 am when they woke up. He saw the way his hands shook every time he drove, and he caught onto Dream’s routine of not eating until Sapnap would force him away from the table with the plans spread across it. 
George was concerned for his best friend, and Dream was oblivious. But despite everything, George knew he was determined to get Y/n back, above all else. Her life came before his own, and that scared George to his core, how far would Dream go to save Y/n?
“Ok, Geor—” The piercing screams of fire alarms made Dream jump as they echoed down the street. The two boys shared a surprised look before they hopped out of the SUV. They jogged down the road towards the Palm Casino with black duffle bags on their shoulders.  
Flames rose as high as the sky and embers rained on Dream and George as they ran through the smoke to the entrance. Employees darted out of the main doors, crashing into the boys as they continued to the central control room of the casino. George heaved the heavy door open before closing it firmly behind them. They dropped the bags and began drinking in the clean air as they set their eyes on Sapnap who sat behind a desk with his feet up on the table. 
“Well, boys, how did I do?” He said, arms out as he cocked his eyebrow up. George laughed in disbelief, “I can’t believe that worked.”  
Sapnap shook his head quickly, “You had no faith in me, did you?” He threw his hand on his chest and stood up from his spot. 
“Sap, you did great!” Dream exclaimed, walking over to slap the boy on the back. Sapnap’s pained expression turned into a smile as he watched George do the same. 
“Ok then, where’s the security office?”
“I can’t fit my fat ass through there, Sapnap.” Dream’s jaw dropped as he measured the gap with his hands, “There’s just no way!” 
George rolled his eyes and pushed Dream towards the duct, “Just go! Do you want Y/n back or not?” Dream’s face scrunched up, much like a child when having a tantrum, and whined. 
“Why don’t you just go? I simply just cannot fit! Here, you wanna see?” George and Sapnap nodded, amused looks on their faces as they watched him dive headfirst into the air duct. 
His body slipped in in such an elegant way that it made them burst out laughing. Dream, who couldn’t see his friends, exhaled deeply before he began crawling along. His movements heightened their laughter, seeing him wiggle through, but it only made Dream more determined to pursue the journey. 
“Oh yeah, you have such a fat ass, Dream! Throw it back for me, baddie!” Sapnap yelled after him, his giggles interrupting the sentence a few times. 
George and Sapnap’s antics were long gone, and all Dream could hear was the squeaking of an elevator and the creaking of the metal beneath him. He had memorised the layout of the ducts in his head and decided that this was the spot to drop down into.  
The first basement looked usual,  with a boiler in the corner and some filing cabinets lining the walls. Dream dropped from the ceiling with no sound, moving silently towards the elevator in the opposing corner of the large room. The sound of shoes slapping the hard ground paused Dream’s movements before he moved quickly behind a cabinet. 
“—He said not to go down there, Tubbo. What do you think he’s hiding?” 
Dream furrowed his eyebrows, were those kids? He adjusted his mark slightly before he peeked around the corner of the filing cabinet. Sure enough, Dream saw two teenage boys, one significantly taller than the other. But nonetheless, they were definitely very young. Why did Schlatt hire two British kids to guard his secret underground prison? Dream shook his head, glancing down at the floor as he crept out of his hiding spot. 
“Oi!” He heard. Dream looked up, seeing the taller boy stalk towards him. The blonde boy stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening as he looked back at the other boy. 
“Tubbo, do you know who this is?” The blonde asked in disbelief. The shorter one nodded, his expression lifting at the sight of Dream. Their jaws dropped as Dream exhaled deeply. 
“Dream? As in the Dream Team? As in Techno Industries?” Dream rolled his eyes behind his mask. He didn’t respond as the two boys inched closer to him. 
“Listen, I’ll give you a few bucks if you don’t mention this to Schlatt, got it?” Dream growled, shoving his hand in his pocket and pulling out a few hundred-dollar bills. The boys’ eyes shone, the shorter one reaching forward to accept the bribe before the blonde pushed him back. 
“That’s all? I was expecting at least a grand each from THE Dream.” He smirked. Dream remained expressionless and went to decline before the blonde continued. “It’s a grand each or I tell Schlatt you were snooping around his casino.” 
Dream shook his head and pulled another $600 from his pocket and shoved it into their hands, “Now shut the fuck up, or I’ll do it myself.” 
The taller one went to reply, but the other one pulled on his sleeve and shook his head. He rolled his eyes and mumbled a string of curse words before turning and stomping away. The other boy muttered a quick ‘thank you’ with a small smile on his face and hurried off in the direction of the staircase that went up to the casino’s main floor. Dream guessed that the fire had been taken care of by the way they fled carelessly up the stairs. 
Dream sighed and trod over to the elevator. He pressed the arrow to go down and groaned when the scanner next to it blinked red. 
He scrunched up his face when he glanced back towards the air duct. The only other option was to try and get down the air duct and into the rafters in the basement below. 
Dream had the urge to throw a temper tantrum at Sapnap’s shitty planning. He pulled himself back up into the duct and crawled towards the wall where the elevator was. Reaching a sharp drop, Dream looked over the edge, his eyes widening at the height. He grunted as he positioned himself above the fall; all he had to do was slide down. 
He could hardly see the bottom, but he knew if he slid down as planned, he would go straight through. So, instead, Dream slowly moved his arms and legs into the small space and gradually let himself down, inching closer to the bottom with every move.  
Sweat dripped down his temple, and his muscles ached as he went, his palms becoming slippery against the smooth and thin metal. He held his breath as he reached the bottom, scared any sound he made would attract unwanted attention from whoever could be in the vicinity.  
He let out a quiet, steady breath, and he returned to his hands and knees in the horizontal air duct. His original plan was irrelevant, so he didn’t know the map of the air ducts in the second basement, leaving him guessing. 
Once he thought the spot was right, he harshly pushed on a panel of the duct below him, hearing it clatter on the concrete as it hit the ground. He cringed at the sound and slowly lowered himself onto the beams that were directly below him. How convenient. 
The sharp sound of the panel dropping had caught the attention of several guards. On this level, there were actual security guards with weapons and not lippy teenagers. Dream made eye contact with one of them, scolding himself when the man scrambled for his walkie talkie as he spotted Dream on the beams above. 
Dream rolled his eyes and dropped from the ceiling, crouching as he landed before standing up. He brought his pointer finger to his lips before bringing his fist to his neck and dragging his thumb across the skin. The action itself made the security guard’s eyes widen and freeze his movements. Dream’s sadistic smile and seemingly wild nature made the guard move backwards into the wall as he passed. 
He went around another corner and was met with an entirely different area he wasn’t expecting. But, Dream was sure he was going to succeed in finding Y/n and escaping as soon as possible. And of course, the echo of a sinister whistle made him freeze. Fuck.
“Dream! Hey, buddy, how’s it going?” As Schlatt rounded the corner, a smirk spread across his smug face, Dream squeezed his eyes shut. 
“A little friend of mine told me you were here! Just thought I’d come and say hi,” He chuckled as Dream cracked his knuckles. Damn kids.
“Schlatt, where’s Y/n?” Dream demanded, cracking his neck when he jerked his head to the side. 
“Now, that’s not a nice way to greet a friend, is it, Dream?” 
Dream’s eyes widened behind his mask. He stood stunned, no words coming from his mouth. 
“Dream, she’s not yours. She never has been. So why do you think you have to save her?” Dream’s expression remained the same as Schlatt continued, “You’re too pussy to even ask her out, let alone be her boyfriend.” It was a ridiculous argument, Schlatt knew that, but he was positive he was going to get a rise out of Dream this way. 
He sneered at Dream’s silence, the deep rumble of his cackle rattling Dream’s bones. Suddenly, a scream added to the ominous atmosphere that Schlatt had created, and Dream jumped into action, launching himself at the older man. 
“Where is she?” His voice became raspy as he threw a punch at Schlatt’s temple. Schlatt growled at the attempt and hurled his arm back at Dream. He dodged it, barely, but stepped back and rushed towards the cell Y/n was in. 
“Y/n?” He shouted, ducking and searching for the girl through the bars of the numerous cells that lined the basement. 
The sound of her broken voice snapped Dream into action. Sprinting down the hallway, he was met with Y/n’s grubby and exhausted body. His heart broke at the sight of her, and he gripped the bars, pulling and pushing them in an attempt to break them. 
Dream was so caught up in getting Y/n out, he didn’t notice Schlatt coming from his left. 
The impact of a fist colliding with his temple sent Dream stumbling to the right, his mask cracking slightly in the corner at the force. He grunted in pain before spinning to meet Schlatt again, who had his arm raised in its previous position. Dream tried to shake his head from his dazed state, the unexpected hit stunning his consciousness. 
Schlatt aimed once again and swung his fist to hit Dream in the face. But, Dream saw it coming and swivelled to the left to dodge the incoming punch. Schlatt let out a guttural sound, growing frustrated with his miss. The hit to his temple left Dream seeing stars; however, he managed to duck and strike Schlatt in his stomach, earning a deep groan. The older man recovered quickly, picking himself back up to his full height as he mumbled, “bastard.” 
Dream was losing shamefully, lazily avoiding punches and swaying lightly as Schlatt grinned at his anticipated win. 
Whilst Dream stumbled slightly, Schlatt snickered, his fist coming across to hit him again. This time, the punch followed through and cracked his ceramic mask fully, the object dropping to the ground and shattering on impact. Schlatt barked out a laugh as he watched the pieces scatter.  
“And here we have, the real Dream! You know, you’re not what I expected. Definitely uglier.” He cackled, doubling over in laughter as Dream watched. He blinked and was void of any emotion as Schlatt stood back up. 
“What? Can’t take a joke?” Dream clenched his jaw, and he lunged forwards, his hands coming to grip onto Schlatt’s shoulders and bringing his knee up to jab him in his stomach. He groaned out in pain as he doubled over, yet again, but this time not in joy. 
The back of Dream’s belt that held his handgun was screaming at him. So, reaching behind him, Dream revealed his firearm. The weapon had wiped Schlatt’s smug look off of his face, replacing it with one of fear. His expression mocked Dream, although he didn’t catch onto Schlatt’s taunting. 
“Dream, listen, buddy—” 
“Shut the fuck up, Schlatt.”
But, Dream’s face contorted to something of confusion and horror when Schlatt started chuckling. He pulled the side of his suit jacket to the side to reveal a similar Glock, making Dream freeze his once confident motions. 
“You see, I’m always 3 steps ahead of you, Dream,” Schlatt tormented, pulling the gun from its secure place in his jacket.  
“You’re fucked now.” Dream went to lunge at him again, but Schlatt stepped to the side and pushed him down.
Dream’s gun went sliding across the polished concrete and out of his reach. The blonde swore as he saw Schlatt stumbling towards his fallen body. He lifted himself off of the ground, panting heavily as he ducked another punch from the older man. Dream stepped back, balancing his weight on his right foot, and threw his fist out towards Schlatt’s cheek. The punch landed, and Schlatt staggered backwards slightly, blood dripping from his lips as he grinned. 
“I see how it’s gonna be,” He lifted his arm and aimed the gun towards Y/n, who stood in the cell behind him. Dream leaned to the side to catch Y/n’s pained gaze. 
“Please,” Dream’s strained voice was barely audible through Schlatt’s booming psychotic laughter. Clenching his fists, Dream glared at him, “Don’t do this, Schlatt.” 
“Oh, Dream, I could do this all day!—” A flat crack bounced off the concrete room and was soon followed by a heavy thud. Dream swallowed in shock as he watched deep red blood spill across the floor, oozing out of the fresh wound. He was frozen in his spot as he watched the body twitch and then loll, unmoving. 
“Dream?” Dream’s eyes flickered from Schlatt’s body to Y/n, who stood with his gun loosely in her hand. 
“Y/n?” His voice was weak as he struggled to stand. The clatter of the gun dropping on the hard surface didn’t come close to silence the thoughts running through his head.  
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m okay, I’m here. Dream?” Y/n cried, wrapping her arms around Dream’s stiff body. His hand came up to feel the wetness on his cheeks, and he pulled it away, seeing red smeared on his fingers. 
“He’s gone?” He whispered, earning a nod from Y/n, “It’s okay.”
“No, I know. It just shocked me, that’s all. I thought he killed you.” 
Y/n sighed, tightening her grip on him, pressing her face into his shoulder, “I’m right here, see. I’m not hurt, I’m fine, with you.”  
Dream turned his head towards her, an unsure expression on his face as he threw his arms around her. 
“Fuck, I thought—” 
“Dream. Deep breaths.” He nodded, following Y/n’s motions in breathing evenly. 
“Jesus, usually you’re the one helping me calm down from something like this,” Y/n giggled, her hand coming to run her fingers through his hair, not minding the dampness of drying blood. A smile broke out on Dream’s face before he noticed Y/n’s eyes widen and her head fly to the side to search for something. 
“What’s wrong?” Dream asked, seeing Y/n’s eyebrows crease, “Your mask.” She whispered, spotting the shattered ceramic feet away from where they sat. 
Dream breathed out a laugh, bringing her face back towards his, “My mask is the least of my worries right now.” 
“I’ll buy you a new one tomorrow.” 
“Of course, you will.” 
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“Y/n!” Sapnap yelled, running towards the girl as she pushed open the security office door. Y/n locked her arms around Sapnap’s shoulders as they embraced, the pair giggling in disbelief. 
“How have you guys not been kicked out yet? The fire’s out.” Dream said, closing the door behind them. George shrugged, “Paid ‘em off.” Dream snorted in response.
When Y/n pulled away from Spanap, she hugged George, who was eagerly waiting behind them. 
“Don’t do that ever again. You left me with two dumbasses for so long,” George mumbled. Y/n felt tears fill her eyes as she squeezed George tighter, “I missed you guys so much.”
And after a teary reunion, the group sat around the desk in the middle of the room. 
“Where’s the big man himself?” Sapnap nervously laughed, dread ate at his conscience at the thought of Schlatt coming after them again. 
“Schlatt’s dead.” The news had George raising his eyebrows and pushing his head forward, “Huh? Sorry? What?” 
“He’s dead, Y/n killed him.” Dream stated, earning a small smile from Sapnap that Y/n laughed at. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. Sapnap’s reaction made me giggle.” 
The group shared a collective rumble of laughter before Dream suggested they went back to the motel. 
“Hey,” Dream whispered at Y/n when she passed him, gently grasping her elbow. “You guys go ahead, I just need to speak with Y/n,” He continued, waving the boys in the direction of the car. George and Sapnap shared a knowing look and tried their best to conceal their cheeky smiles. 
“What’s up with them?” Y/n asked, throwing her thumb over her shoulder at the boys. Dream shook his head slightly, “No clue.” 
“Anyway, I just wanted to ask how you are. You know, after everything.”
Y/n nodded, “I’m okay, I think. I don’t think anything’s really hit me yet.” Dream sighed in response. 
Y/n sucked her lips between her teeth, throwing her arms around Dream’s neck in a hug. He smiled softly, wrapping his arms around her waist. 
“Thank you,” She whispered in his ear, her voice cracking with emotion. Dream’s heart clenched at the sound and tightened his grip around her. 
“You don’t have to thank me, baby. I’d go to the ends of the earth for you, you know that,” He murmured, hiding his reddening face in her neck. He flushed, even more, when he felt her lips against his neck, “I love you, so much, Dream.” 
Dream’s heart skipped a beat before he pulled his head from her neck. His green eyes looked into hers, the closeness of them making Y/n inhale sharply. 
“And I love you. Don’t forget that, okay?” He replied, his voice low. Y/n nodded shortly, inching her lips up to his. 
“Kiss me.” She muttered, nudging his nose with hers. Dream laughed breathy before leaning down and brushing his lips against hers. 
Their bodies had become flushed against one another, her hips against his as they shared a heated kiss. Dream pulled away first, his cheeks pink and his lips plump. Y/n whined silently, bouncing in her heels at the loss of his lips. 
Dream smiled widely at her, “I guess I want you more than I thought I did.” Y/n gasped, taking her hand from his neck to slap his chest, giggling like a schoolgirl at his teasing. 
“Shut up, you’ve wanted me since you met me,” She said to which Dream nodded. 
“You got that right, baby.” 
Feedback is greatly appreciated, always xoxo
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niksfics · 3 years
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↬ PAIRINGS: kenma x f!reader (side aka rebound mention) miya atsumu x f!reader
↬ WARNINGS: a whole lotta angst, breakup, it’s an online relationship, kenma is cold and hurts ur feelings
↬ SUMMARY: your relationship with kenma really had felt like the last one. He was it, turns out he didn’t have similar feelings.
↬ A/N: alright loves!! This isn’t proofread at all it’s 2 in the morning I’ll edit when I wake up, butttt Thanks to my lovely ex girlfriend you are now being graced with this steaming pile of trash. (Lovely was not meant sarcastically at all she is in fact very lovely.) Ngl almost, if not all of this story is about my relationship with my ex gf. This is how I cope people. → It’s taken me awhile to actually be able to right something that’s why things kinda stopped. Tbh after she broke up with me it’s been very hard for me to write so hopefully this helps! And I hope you enjoy!! I would also just like to say if it feels a lil weird it’s cause these are things I’ve actually written in my notes I tweaked it a little to fit the story but it’s straight from the source 😩
WC | 2.5K
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You sighed as you opened your notes app. Your eyes scanning over all of the little facts and quirks he had told you about himself. All the stuff you’d wanted to remember. The stuff that had seemed so important to you before. Now it was meaningless, almost like facts about a stranger. Almost as if you hadn’t spent four months learning about and growing with eachother.
You scrolled down a little bit right under, how his favorite marvel character is Spider-Man and you chewed on your lip. Your fingers hovering above the keyboard on your phone. You looked over the facts again. The things he dislikes and the stuff he adores, the things he likes to collect to the way he feels passionately about a certain topic. You begin to type.
Friday June 25th 2022 12:22 Am
I cried again tonight, because I still love you. It’s been a month and six days since we broke up. It feels like there’s a hole in my chest. You seem to be doing fine though, so I’m happy for you! This is the second time since we’ve broken up that I’ve felt actual physical emotional pain in my chest. Remember when I told you how bad it hurt after we broke up? Remember how you didn’t even ask if I was ok? Didn’t even bother to answer. Do you remember that? I remember. I’ve thought about it every day since. I remember it being so bad I genuinely thought I was having a heart attack. Wasn’t until I’d called tetsu crying that he’d told me it was just emotional and I should probably try to relax.
I read through our old messages. I’ve never wanted something back so bad. Never wanted to beg anyone to stay till now. I wish you loved me like I love you. I wish I hadn’t grown so attached, wish I hadn’t fallen so deeply into love with you. I wish it wasn’t my fault that we broke up. I wish I wasn’t so fucking scared. I wish I was fearless. Wish I could rise into love bravely. I wish I was brave when it came to you. I keep telling myself it was me. It was me not you. You didn’t love me anymore. You don’t love me anymore and you’re just too nice to say that. So you told me in the only way I could handle. Except you hadn’t used the words you should have. You got bored. We both know it’s true. You were bored of it, and I don’t blame you. I know we’ll never talk again, and part of me is so glad. Another part of me forces myself to read through all our messages though. I wish I could just tell you one last time. I love you.
You sighed saving it before closing out of it. Tears you hadn’t known were falling finally became known to you as they streamed down your cheeks. Your eyes puffy as you wet your lips, the salt of them coating your tongue. You were bitter and so were your tears. I briefly wondered what he was doing right now. Probably playing a video game. You knew his schedule all to well by now. Probably testing out a new game for his stream.
A new set of fresh tears fell as you remembered how you used to call him right before he went on. Being lulled to sleep by his occasionally curses and the clicking oh his controller or his keyboard.
You never expected things to end this way. You really thought he was the last one. Yes it had only been four months, but the way he made you feel. The way that it had felt. It had felt final, and you’d been friends before you even started dating.
You sniffle moving yourself to the kitchen to poor yourself a glass of water as you remembered how nervous you were when you first texted him. You had acumulated quite the crush on him back in high school. As Inarazaki’s manager you were required to go to the games, and even after your team lost you had stuck around. Watched him play and cheered him on. Two weeks later you had begun to text, as friends of course. It wasn’t until four months ago that you’d gotten together.
Your anniversary was only two days prior to your break up. You both had never been one to even care about that stuff. You had agreed early on in the relationship that we wouldn’t do anything due to the distance, and the business of our schedules. You were never one for remembering things like anniversaries anyways.
He really did feel like the one. Sometimes you just know. Sometimes you can just feel it. Like, you know that feeling you get when you know something is off or you know for sure something is about to happen even without being told it’s going to. That’s what it felt like to be with kozume kenma.
You thought you knew, you thought this time, this time its for real. You thought it was finally safe to say, that he was the one. You both had even admitted to looking for each others initials in those stupid soulmate tik tok videos.
You were finally in a mature relationship with someone you could talk about anything to. You had gotten so caught up in it, that you didn’t even see the end creeping up on you.
You’d finally gained the courage to text him again. Unfortunately it was in a drunken daze. Your hands shaking as you fumbled with your phone typing things you’d come to regret in the morning. You’d sent him a series of texts telling him how much you missed him, how you didn’t understand how he was so okay. You had been a wreck that night. One of your friends puking in her toilet as you cried. You were happy of course that he was doing so well, but you’d been a wreck for so long and he hadn’t even changed. You told him you wished you could be okay.
When you’d awoken the next morning hair knotted in a complete mess and wiping drool from your chin your heart had sunk even lower. His response was cold. You knew that kenma could be cold. You knew that it was just who he was, but this particular text had felt so unfeeling and unfamiliar, it was as if he hadn’t even sent it himself. He had only ever talked like this to you once and that was when you first became friends all those years ago.
Kozume ❤️
Hey, it’s okay. And yeah you see what I choose to put up. I could be better. But I choose to stay optimistic and busy. Sorry that things are this way.
You had never seen so many periods in a text before. He only used grammar like that when he was peeved, and maybe you were wrong, maybe he’d done that on purpose, but it had hurt so bad. It had caused an ache so deep in your chest that you weren’t sure if you’d ever even dated him at all.
It was the only thing you could bring yourself to respond back with. How were you supposed to respond to that? You’d stared at it for so long and after you’d sent it you wished you had said more. Wished you would’ve said something more insightful than a simple, heartbroken, “yeah.”
Not too long later there was another ping and you held your breath. His name briefly appearing across your screen.
Yeah. I could be better. But I hope you do well soon. I’m sorry that I can’t really do much to help out
And of course you did the only thing you could do. Deflect. Pretend like you hadn’t said what you’d said not even fourteen hours ago.
No it’s fine. I’m fine. You don’t have to apologize. I’m sorry that you could be doing better.
He left you on seen. You knew you sounded like an asshole. At least to you, you felt like an asshole. Why couldn’t you have come up with something else. Why couldn’t you tell him the truth. Tell him how you felt. Tell him that you didn’t think you should be broken up anymore. That the month long cruel joke was over and you were ready to spend your nights falling asleep to him playing video games again. You didn’t though, and you never would. You’re not brave enough, too prideful to even try.
You swallowed down the bile rising in your throat as you realized even if you did beg him. Begged him to take you back. Tell him that you still love him. You were too late, and you just couldn’t be selfish when it comes to him. He is over you and it was so plainly obvious. You know that deep down. Know that he’s moved on, and it kills you inside. So you did the only thing you could do. Try and put it into words.
So as you lay in bed the warm body you let occupy your space sound asleep beside you, his toned blonde hair tousled slightly and you sighed. Finally away from the shenanigans of your friends you took a deep breath before you closed your eyes.
You opened up your notes app again and scrolled past the last entry. You swallowed again as you blinked the tears out of your eyes. Your thumbs beginning to move before you even gave them permission.
Wednesday June 30th 2022 1:39 Am
Here I am again. Stuck. Stuck in the same place I’ve been for so long. You know, I write so beautifully when I’m broken. I’m most of my best work is written when I’m being torn apart. But I just, I can’t seem to find the words. I can’t seem to put it into a document and turn out little story into a different story to cope. Can’t seem to write it out. Can’t seem to move on.
I hovered over the unfollow button on your page today, to keep myself from scrolling through your things again. To keep myself from getting hurt. So I don’t have to be reminded. I want to delete it. Delete where we officially met. On a chat through my screen. I wanna wipe the messages clean. And I’ve tried. Oh how I’ve tried. But I can’t.
I want to delete our conversations. The hours long talks we had, but then, what happens afterwards? What keeps the memories alive. I’d never been so in love with someone before. I’ve never actually…. Been in love before. I thought I’d been in love, but it didn’t feel like that, and losing them never hurt like this. Losing someone has never hurt this bad before.
I’ve never felt the emptiness you left so deep in my very being with anyone I’ve ever met before. I can’t seem to pull myself together. And it’s pathetic I know. It’s pathetic that I’m still here. In the same place I was a month ago. It’s about to be two months we’ve haven’t been together. I’m hurting. Hurting so bad. It’s painful to look at you.
I haven’t deleted the photos even though I probably should. They’re still tucked away in an album in my camera roll labeled “us <3” the one one I made specially just for you. The way I’d been so excited when I was finally ready to tell my friends. I even have this stupid notes folder from when we were dating where I wrote all the little things about you that I never wanted to forget. I find you so endearing. Everything you do. I just couldn’t help but right it down to keep it safe so it never leaves my mind. So that I never forget. But now, forgetting is all I want to do.
I never thought there’d be a time in my life where I was more emotionally stunted that I normally. So stunted I can’t even put this, our split up, into words. Make it something entertaining for somebody else to read. Write a book about it. My publicist keeps asking when the sequel for my book will be done. I don’t know if it’ll ever be finished. I can’t do the one thing I’ve always been good at. I’m crying as I write this.
And I wish it would just end here in this little notes app. Wish the love would die in here. I always think I’m over you and then I see you again, and nowadays your everywhere. A very big hit and I’m happy for you and your success, but seeing you makes my heart squeeze in my chest.
I think I’m over you until I play that stupid fucking game that causes me to scream at my phone, or my laptop in frustration, but I just can’t seem to delete it because I know it’s something that you love. That show we used to talk about. I know you know which one, I can’t seem to watch it without thinking of what was. You’ve ruined it forever cause now it only reminds me of you. I know you’ll never see this, but I like to imagine you can. That my time for closure has somehow come.
When you told me you were sorry that things were this way, it was a real slap in the face. It stopped my false hope. My wishing. It all came to a halt. I’m glad. Glad that you’re happier. That you’re better without me. But god, now I’m so fucked up and I can’t even talk to you.
You were the only person I had left. The only one who understood me. And now you’re gone. You took a part of me with you that night. A part that I’ll never get back. I should’ve known that you would leave. I’ve never been able to get someone to stay for longer than three to four months.
I thought I could let my guard down though. I thought we were in the clear. I’d thought finally. Finally someone is gonna stay. I thought you were my person. I still think that to this day. I thought we were gonna make it. And now I’m with this guy I don’t even like. He’s not you, he doesn’t act like you. He doesn’t like video games like you do.
He doesn’t talk to me like you do. Like you did. But you know how it ended I don’t need to put it here. Unfortunately I’ll always love you even if you don’t love me. This is so scattered, I’m sorry I couldn’t make you happy.
With that you closed the app and put down your phone. Plugging in it and as it dinged miya atsumu rolled over in his sleep. He reached for you his hands wrapping around your waist to tug you against his strong body.
His gravely voice whispering through sleep, “mmm finally decided to come to bed?” You hum moving an arm under on of his to wrap around his thin waist. “Mhm, thought you might need the company.” You began to draw little shapes and letters against his back as he chuckled, “oh yea? How thoughtful of you princess.”
Suddenly it was quiet and your closed eyes opened to his wide brown ones, his eyebrows furrowing .
“Did you just spell kozume on my back?”
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emmashouldbewriting · 3 years
Writing books is hard.
In light of Harry Mountbatten-Windsor publishing his memoir, I wanted to have a good old-fashioned rant. I will also attempt to keep my language suitable for all audiences, but I’m not promising anything. I’m a sweary kind of person, it’s hot as heck in the UK, and I’m on the wine to cope with the toe I broke last night when I accidentally kicked one of my cats’ food bowls. 
I will preface this by saying I’m what the publishing world knows as ‘hybrid’ as I’m both self-published and traditionally published--I am published by two of the “big five” publishers in New York. My agent is on 5th Avenue in NYC. I hit the New York Times bestseller list in 2013. I have more than a dozen USA Today bestsellers to my name. I’ve written way past fifty books at this point, and I’m almost 28. I’m largely self published because I don’t particularly enjoy being told what to do and I am a control freak, but I digress. I know this world.
I am so, so sick and tired of people getting publishing deals because they’re “fascinating and influential.” 
What’s fascinating about Harry? His long history of racism and how he’s now head of the anti-racism committee like a fairy godmother swept in and fixed his butt? What’s influential about him? His endless failures and subsequent bailouts in academia and the British Military? His infallible ability to play the victim?
(Alright, that’s a little fascinating, but only if you’re interested in psychology as I am, and that behaviour isn’t limited to him.)
He is not fascinating or influential. He is disrespectful, obnoxious, self-serving, egotisitical, and absolutely blind to the hurt caused by his and his wife’s actions and words. And this is built with the audacity of a man who believes he is inherently right.
Being an author is not glamorous dresses and shiny lipstick and fancy headshots. It’s not movie deals and millions and nice shoes. Being an author is tears, socks with holes in, yesterday’s mascara, no bra, and last night’s dinner on your shirt because it smelled okay when you picked it off the floor with bleary eyes.
Writing books is HARD. It’s really hard. On my last deadline, I sat in front of my computer, buried my head in my hands, and cried in front of my keyboard after writing 20,000 words in 14 hours, because I was not done.
I have fallen asleep at my desk. I’ve woken up on the sofa with my fingers resting on my laptop because I crashed mid-sentence. I’ve gone to bed at three a.m. only to wake up at six a.m. and repeat that. I’ve burned out at least once a year for the past four years. I had carpal tunnel release on my non-dominant hand at the age of 24 - almost unheard of - because I screwed my hand working so hard. I have missed thousands of hours with my children because my business demanded it of me. I’ve spent the last sixteen months working on a proposal for a traditional publisher. Sixteen months. For something that, probably and statistically, won’t get me a publishing deal.
And I am one of many. One of many, many people who will feel this way. Many authors who live this every day, every book, every single time. Many will hit publish on their self-published book in the hope they can pay some bills this month.  Many authors today will send proposals off to their agents in the hope someone will take a chance on them - I know, I’m about to be one again. This week, I’ll finish that proposal and send it to my wonderful agent in the hope someone, somewhere, will believe in what I’ve written.
There are hundreds, thousands, of authors in this world who deserve that publishing advance, that PR team, that graphic design team, that editing team, that coveted bookshelf space. It will change their lives.
None of them were born into a position where they can say they’re doing it “not as the prince” they were “born as”, but “the man” they are “today,” while signing off the statement as Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex.
They will do it sitting in their office, alone, with tears in their eyes, praying for someone to believe their words matter enough.
I’m sorry. This one got really personal really fast. But neither Harry nor his ghostwriter will cry into their damn keyboard anytime soon, let me tell you. I’ll probably do that again in two weeks. 
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chasingpj · 3 years
𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐝-𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝
"Ehm, is this like a seven-minutes-in-heaven thing?”
pairing: percy jackson x child of hecate!reader
words: 5,236
warnings: none? pls let me know if i missed anything
timeline: post sea of monsters
if you want to be tagged every time I update this story click here
a/n: hi hi! i hope you guys like this chapter. i fell in a little bit of a rut about my writing so I've been holding off on posting but I think I'm pretty satisfied with how this came out. i'm so fried after editing this so if i happened to miss any typos, sorry, i tried haha.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven
The heat and dimness from the cabin surround you like a warm hug making it challenging to stay awake. Your eyelids droop against your wishes to study, fatigue messing with your vision as it blurs the letters on the page you were trying to read. As you find yourself mindlessly reading words, you decide to give in, and soon you’re settled in an in-between state of consciousness.
Suddenly, you’re standing at the entryway of the kitchen in your home, the first thing you notice is the scent of your favorite meal as it fills your nostrils, and you smile sleepily as your father looks at you. He’s hovering over the stove, right hand stirring something in a saucepan, and he smiles widely at you.
“Stella, you’re home!” He announces as he pushes his round glasses up the bridge of his nose, “Go, sit! Dinner is almost ready.”
You smile at the nickname your father has called you since you were a child. He said that the first time you cried in his arms, your little body illuminated like a supernova, and since then, he’s called you Stella, the Latin word for star. You make your way past the kitchen island on your left, noticing the history channel playing on the small TV in the corner of the counter like always. A sense of nostalgia hits you in your core, and you sigh, feeling safe. As much as you loved the camp, homesickness was unavoidable.
You settle yourself at the black round table in the back of the kitchen, chin resting on your palm as you look outside of the window beside you. The small garden of herbs and flowers you have in the backyard is as you remember. Every summer, your father cultivates herbs and flowers in dedication to your mother. He uses most of the herbs for spells, and at the end of the summer, he would make a bouquet out of the brightest flowers in the garden and rest them on your mother’s alter.
The reminder of your mother made your stomach feel heavy, and you quickly push the thoughts of her away. You weren’t in the mood to deal with them, especially not in a dream like this. The thumping of Atticus’s footsteps coming down the stairs catches your attention, and soon your brother appears in the doorway with his usual wide smile.
“Hey! I thought you were making my favorite tonight.” His shoulders slump, and he playfully narrows his eyes at you. You shrug,
“What can I say? Must suck not being the favorite,” you joke, and Atticus gasps dramatically. The sound of your father’s laughter fills the room as he tilts his head back.
“I love you guys equally! That’s not nice to say,” he says as he points the spatula at you as he squints. You snort as Atticus joins you at the table,
“Yeah, Y/n, that’s not nice,” he repeats, poking his tongue out at you, and you return the action. You and your brother have a short competition of who can stick out their tongue harder as your father puts the food on the table. At the sight of your favorite meal, you let Atticus win, turning to put a portion on your plate.
Amidst your dinner conversation with your father and your brother, the deep growl rumbling in Ambrose’s chest makes its way into your dream. A soft hum leaves your lips, your neck relaxing against your will, and your head jolts forward as your cheek slips off your palm. You blink a few times, groaning since you’ve lost your dream.
“Ambrose, shush.” Your chin returns onto your hand, and you submit to your fatigue once again. The image of a ravenous bunny, cartoonishly stomping its way through a candy cane forest, filled your mind, projected on your eyelids like a movie in a theater. It’s too ridiculous to give much thought, and you were too busy relishing in the soothing feeling of sleep.
All of a sudden, Ambrose bursts into a series of short high pitched barks, jolting you awake. Your eyelids fly open, and you turn in your chair. Ambrose stands up tall, his fur contouring to his muscles as they flex. His ears are perched up; his focus fixed on the back wall. Whatever he was looking at, he didn’t dare to approach.
"What? What is it?"
The bunk beds obstructed your view, but you are sure you are alone. Everyone was out and about doing their normal camp activities; if anyone had entered the cabin, you would have heard them.
You groan in your hands as they rub your face to shake off the remaining fatigue, growing annoyed at Ambrose’s persistent barking that nips harshly at your eardrums.
A bitter breeze fills the room, and your breath gets caught in your throat at the feeling. Your arms wrap around your frame, failing to prevent goosebumps from forming on your arms. It was impossible. Today’s weather report called for a hot, humid day like it’s been all summer. As the hair at the back of your neck stands straight, and you have an idea of what’s happening, but you hoped you were wrong.
Ambrose abruptly ends his barking with a distressing whine. His ears sag low on the sides of his head as he retreats, his large body shrinking in fear. With cautious steps, you approach him in the middle of the cabin. The thumping of your pulse is loud in your ears, and for the first time in a while, a familiar pang strikes you in your gut. You’re being watched.
Despite his fear, Ambrose guards you finding the courage to stand tall and confident after cowering a few seconds ago. You let out a shaky breath, and warily, you finally catch sight of what has his attention.
A tall, dark figure stands still at the end of the room. The light that bleeds through the thin curtains behind it wasn’t enough to expose its face but instead illuminates the swirling black vapor that made up this human form.
From your years of experience, you learned how to deal with these kinds of things. Ghosts gravitated towards you like a moth to a lit flame. Most of the time, the spirits are harmless, looking for some company, and were eager to ask for favors you often couldn’t fulfill. Other times, they were more malevolent entities, existing to feed off your fears, and had the reputation of being stubborn guests.
From the way, the room turned impossibly cold in the middle of a sweltering summer afternoon and the heaviness in your gut, the shadow in front of you was definitely the latter.
"Who are you? How did you get here?" Your voice booms through the silence. "Why are you here-"
The cabin door slams open, the shadow dispersing the moment the sunlight bleeds through the room. You jump, gasping as your whole body turns around. The two figures at the doorway are dark, the sudden beams of light blinding you for a moment before you manage to recognize Connor and Travis.
“Why is it so damn dark in here? And cold? Jeez, Y/n, open the curtains at least,” Travis nags with a smirk on his lips.
“I don’t need light to see.” You groan, turning your face away, the sun shining right at you as Travis begins ripping open the curtains. “And I hate when the sun gets in my eyes,” you complain, stepping aside where sunlight doesn’t reach. Though you saw the shadow disperse, you glance at the back of the room, double-checking that what you saw was gone.
"You know... “
Your focus returns to the two boys standing side by side a few feet away from you. Both of them sporting the mischievous smirk that all the Hermes kids had when they’re about to stir up trouble. Connor only uttered two words, but it was clear they were up to something, and you were about to be involved.
"You've been locked up in here, in the dark, alone, for a while now. It's been like a week and a half since the incident, and we know you’re still a little down,” he trails off, swaying on his feet.
"... yeah?"
"And we think we have the perfect way to cheer you up!" Connor gives you a toothy grin, and as confident as he looked, you don’t quite believe him.
"And that is?"
"I think it's time we execute our bunny prank on the Ares cabin!"
You press your lips together in a thin line; head cocked to the side. "That's supposed to cheer me up?"
"How is putting my life in danger going to cheer me up?" Your gaze switches between the two as they exchange looks with each other.
“Um…” Connor says, lost for words.
"It'll be fun. We promise!" Travis insists, waving your comment off. He moves to sit in your chair, leaning back as he props his legs on your desk. "So, have you thought about how we're going to do this?"
You sigh softly, not bothering to protest. If you denied participating, Connor would be quick to remind you what’s at stake.
"I have," you admit. After your last interaction with Clarisse, the prank did come to mind.
The Stoll brother’s faces grew almost as bright as the sun outside. Connor takes a seat on the bed closest to you, leaned in with his elbows on his knees, "Tell us the details then,” he urges.
"Okay, so I found a shape-shifting potion in my spellbook. It's pretty simple. I have all the ingredients except for one. The only thing I need is the hair of a rabbit. Get that for me, and I'll make it." Connor and Travis nod eagerly, and you can already see the gears turning in their heads as they formulate a plan to catch a bunny.
"If you can get it to me in a few hours, we can sneak into their cabin while they're practicing in the arena. Then I can pour a few drops of the potion into their water cooler. The potion is potent; you only need a few drops for it to work."
"Sounds like a solid plan. They'll be thirsty after practicing, and boom, they’re all cute little bunnies,” Travis says, legs unmounting from your desk, and he hops onto his feet.
"So hurry and get me rabbit hair!”
A small, almost manic laugh comes from Connor’s lips, "This is gonna be epic!"
"Should we ask the nymphs for help?" Travis ponders out loud as he makes his way out of the dorm.
"Wait! We should get scissors! Do you have scissors?” Connor asks you, and you giggle. You grab a pair of scissors from your desk drawer, and Connor quickly swipes them from your hands the moment you present them to him.
"Thanks, Y/n!” Swiftly, he turns on his heels, trailing behind Travis.
"Be careful, please! Don't hurt the bunny!"
"We won't! The worse we'll do is give it a bald spot; they’ll be fine!" Travis shouts.
After the slamming of the front door and the ragged footsteps of Connor and Travis’s departure, your smile falters as the silence regresses. The figure you had seen comes to mind, and you frown, Ambrose whining as he sits close to your legs.
"That was weird, wasn't it?" You lean down, affectionately scratching the backs of his ears as Ambrose licks your wrists. The sight of his drooping eyes told you enough to know that this wasn’t the last time you’ll be seeing whatever that was.
"C'mon, let's not worry about that now. We have to make that potion." An uneasy grumble comes from Ambrose's chest as he nuzzles his snout in your hand.
"I know, I know," you whisper before standing up.
"Shh, they’re coming,” Travis announces in a whisper, silencing you and Connor’s conversation. The distanced chattering and footsteps of the Ares campers become louder as Clarisse pushes open the front door. The three of you duck lower in your place as they scatter to their beds, beginning to take off their armor. Travis slowly rises from his crouching position, peaking enough to see the inside. He gives you and Connor a nod, a silent okay to peek yourselves. Cautiously, you come up, watching the group now crowding around the water dispenser, playfully telling each other to hurry up.
Connor lightly pats your shoulder with excitement, and you scrunch your face, anticipation swirling in your stomach as one by one, they begin taking sips from their water bottles. Your jaw drops as Mark forms a snout, his hands flying up to his face.
"W-what?" He sputters, moving closer to his reflection in the mirror. "What is-"
The rest of his words became soft squeals, his whole body shrinking and shifting into a stark white bunny in the blink of an eye.
“Um? Did that just-?”
“How did-”
“You have bunny ears!” Ellis shouts, pointing at Clarisse while she formed a pair of her own. Clarisse didn’t have time to comment as Ellis joins her half-brother. One by one, they began shrinking, and small shrieks fill the room.
"What are you guys doing?" The three of you practically jump out of your skin, heads snapping in the direction of the voice.
Percy’s eyes are wide and curious, furrowing his eyebrows at the chaos breaking out in the Ares cabin. You open your mouth to say something but stop yourself, not wanting to blow your cover.
“It must have been the water!”
“When I see the Stoll Brother’s I’m going to-” Squeal.
Travis’s face was a tint of pink from holding in his laughter. He doesn’t respond, simply waving at Percy to come and see for himself. You and Percy exchange a smile before turning back to the window.
His chance at seeing the pool of white bunnies went down the drain; the four of you met with an angry Clarisse instead. To your dismay, she didn't completely transform. Her normally brown eyes are now crimson and her mouth transformed into a whiskered snout. White bunny ears peek through her brown hair, making it look like she was wearing one of those bunny ear headbands they sell at the pharmacy around Easter time. You’d be laughing as much as the Stoll Brothers if Clarisse’s stare wasn’t fixed on you and only you. You give her a nervous smile as you step away carefully, and the moment Clarisse moves to jump out the window, the four of you bolted.
“She’s gonna kill us!” You exclaim; Travis and Connor burst into laughter, hands over their stomach as they run beside you.
“Split up! She can’t kill all of us!” Travis suggests, already making a beeline into the forest with Connor.
“Yeah, cause she’s gonna go after me!”
“We’ll weave you a nice shroud!”
The cackles of the two made you roll your eyes, and you make a mental note never to help them with a prank ever again. You grunt as Percy grabs onto your wrist, and you stumble for a second until you catch up to his pace.
“You can’t run from me forever!” Clarisse shouts, running close behind. She was right, you couldn’t avoid her forever, but you just needed her to calm down. "When I catch you, I'm tying your necks like shoelaces!"
You cringe at the threat as you and Percy burst through the swinging doors of the Arts and Craft center, weaving your way through the campers.
“Sorry!” You shout over their groans as you’re pulled into one of the hallways. Seeing the closets along the walls of the hallway gave you an idea. You bite your lip, focusing on the door leading to the outside. Reaching your hand out, you flick your fingers forward, causing the door to burst open fast enough for it to lock in place.
The moment you approach the last door in the hallway, you grab the knob. A grunt leaves Percy’s lips as you drag him in the closet with you. He loses his footing from the change of direction, spinning hastily toward you, and the both of you stagger into the closet. You yelp, the weight of Percy’s body sending your back right against the wall, and the knob comes out of grip right as it slams closed.
Percy grunts, his hands push against the wall beside your frame, promptly lifting himself away from you.“Sor-”
“Shh.” Your index finger rests your lips as you look at the door. Your shoulders tense up, afraid that Clarisse had heard the slam. Soon, Clarrise’s pounding footsteps rise like a crescendo and, to your relief, gradually fades as she runs right out of the building. A shaky sigh leaves your lips before glancing at Percy, who’s directly in front of you. You smile sheepishly, foot moving to step back only to be met with the wall.
Percy’s heart beats loud in his chest, and he was hoping that you couldn’t hear it. He tried to step back as well, but Percy’s foot was met with the shelves behind him to his dismay. He scans your face in the dim lighting for a few seconds. Suddenly, he’s reminded of how he stumbled on top of you, making him too embarrassed to look at you any longer. His focus falters to the shelves beside him, forcing himself to find interest in the tubs of paint stacked on them.
“It’s your fault,” you accuse after some silence. Shock flashes across Percy’s face,
“Because you were so nosey, you blew our cover.” You reach over, and you poke his shoulder. Percy’s peers down at where you poked him as if he was offended.
“At least I ran with you. Travis and Connor left you for dead!”
“Great friends, they are, huh?” You ask, your voice laced with playful sarcasm.
Percy laughs, "I think you've taken the trophy of being the most hated by Clarisse," he jokes.
"I don't think I can one-up you. You literally fought her dad and won," you point out. "I think if we split up, she'd definitely come after me. Imagine the last thing you see when you die is Clarisse looking like… that. "
Percy laughs and you laugh, too, feeling comfortable with making light of the situation now that you were out of harm's way.
"How did that even happen!?”
"I don't know!” You sigh, bummed that Clarisse had managed to be the only person who stayed human. “Maybe she didn’t drink enough water?”
“Wow, the only person you needed to transform into a bunny just didn’t,” Percy says as he crosses his arms over his chest, leaning against the shelves.
“Pretty much.”
“You have amazing luck, Y/n,” he says sarcastically.
“Whatever,” you mumble, eye faltering to the shelves beside you. Percy’s laughter fills the small space, making it hard to prevent the smile from creeping on your lips. The sound of footsteps interrupts you as you open your mouth to say something else and it brings Percy’s laughter to an end. Your shoulders are practically up to your ears as you look into Percy’s wide eyes before he mouths, “we’re dead.” If it is Clarisse, you guys are cornered, and you prepare to shadow travel even if it meant you might pass out, especially if you bring him with you.
You furrow your eyebrows as you hear two familiar voices, and soon the door opens, revealing you both to Beckendorf and Silena. There is a moment of silence, Silena blinking at the both of you, her head tilted slightly to the side as she observes the tension. Beckendorf’s right eyebrow raises, glancing between you and Percy’s face.
"Ehm, is this like a seven-minutes-in-heaven thing?" Your face gets hot, and you exchange a look with Percy, noticing the tips of his ears are bright red.
"No, we were hiding from Clarisse,” he stutters out, gaze snapping to the two, and you nod quickly,
"Because I turned her into a bunny and-"
"She didn't transform all the way-"
"It's okay. Charles and I would sneak around at first, too," Silena interrupts, her lips curled up in a satisfied smile.
"We were just talking!" You and Percy say in unison. The more defensive you got, the more suspicious you both came off. From the way Beckendorf and Silena smiled at each other, you knew they weren’t buying it.
Beckendorf shrugs, and he steps forward, reaching between the two of you to grab the box of beads from the shelf. He hums, “It’s clear we interrupted something. I just needed this. You guys can carry on,” he teases, amused at how embarrassed the both of you are.
“But- we-” you stutter, unable to finish your sentence, Beckendorf shutting the door, and Silena makes a sound between a giggle and a squeal as they walk away.
Percy clears his throat, interrupting the short silence that fell between the two of you, “Um, should we…?” His voice falters, not finishing his sentence, but you already knew what he was going to ask.
“Yeah,” you agree awkwardly, opening the closet. “Let’s go,” you mumble, stepping out with Percy close behind you.
"Where should we go now?" Percy asks, opening the door to the outside for you, and you smile, finding it sweet. You thank him shortly, and you shrug,
"I'm not sure, but I don't think Clarisse has calmed down yet…" you trail off, catching sight of a fuming Clarisse standing beside Chiron a few meters away. “Dammit.”
You shift on your feet, standing in Chiron’s office alongside Travis, Connor, and Percy. Clarisse’s crimson eyes are still narrowed at you as Chiron sighs, backing into his wheelchair before his backside disappears, allowing him to sit fully into it.
"I understand you guys are just having fun. However, I believe the Ares Cabin deserves a little break from the pranks, don't you think?" He asks as he looks at Connor and Travis.
You fiddle with your fingers, your shoulders slumped along with Connor and Travis’s shoulders. Travis nods, and he hums as if he considers it for a moment.
“We could prank the Apollo Cabin instead?" Connor suggests, and Chiron opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. You press your lips together in an attempt to refrain from smiling, discovering that Percy was doing the same. You became more amused at his face turning a little pink as he holds in his laughter, and you quickly look at your hands to recollect yourself.
“I’d prefer you tone down the pranking altogether,” Chiron clarifies. Connor frowns, and he nods slowly,
“Oh. Yeah, we could do that, I guess,” he mumbles, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. Chiron nods, shifting his gaze to you,
“Y/n, what did you used to transform them into rabbits?” You hum softly,
“It’s a shape-shifting potion from my spellbook,” you explain.
“How long will it take for them to transform back?” You look up for a second, trying to remember your notes. While recalling the day you went through Ernest’s potions book to jot the recipe in your Book of Shadows, you realize how many forms of the potion there were depending on the transformation length. Ernest had mentioned in passing something about reading his notes carefully. It wasn’t until now did you realize that the potion you had made was not the short-term one.
“About … 24 hours,” you admit, and Connor snorts beside you.
“What!?” Clarisse snaps, her fists clenching on her side. “You mean, they’re going to be like that until tomorrow afternoon?”
“Yes, that’s what 24 hours means,” you snap back; her presence was enough to annoy you. Clarisse’s glare burns into your face, and she moves to take a step, about to charge at you.
“Clarisse, please! They will be punished accordingly,” Chiron reassures her, making her halt in her place, and she groans, her arms crossing over her chest as she waits for Chiron’s verdict.
"Well, I was going to assign you four to clean the Pegasus stables, but now that it has come to my attention that the potion lasts 24 hours, your punishment is to feed and clean up after them while they’re under the spell."
“Ew, I’d rather clean the stables,” Connor mutters, and you furrow your eyebrows,
“But wouldn’t the pegasus stables be more work?” You ask, hoping to get him to change your punishment. The last thing you wanted to do was be surrounded by a bunch of angry bunnies. Sure they were small, but you did not doubt in your mind that you were going to be attacked by them.
“They are a big group; I think it is fair that Clarisse gets assistance in taking care of them,” He says calmly, his fingers intertwined as they rest on the desk in front of him. “Feed them before you go off to dinner, accommodate their sleeping arrangements and clean up after them before morning check-ins,” he decides. You sigh softly. At this point, as long as Clarisse wasn’t on the hunt to kill you, you were okay with it.
As Chiron dismisses you, you catch the satisfied smile Clarisse was sporting, and you felt your anger swirling in your chest. You grunt as you turn on your heels, Travis and Connor behind you as Percy walks by your side. You sigh, lazily trotting off the steps of the big house,
“Sucks,” Percy finishes your sentence, and you nod, the both of you frowning.
“Stop biting me!” You complain, nudging off the crowd of bunnies from your arm. Percy laughs, seated on the floor beside you as he helps you make a nest of blankets big enough for the bunnies.
“They hate you,” he comments, amused. His smirk falls flat, and he hisses as one of them gets a good bite on his finger. “Ow!” He squints at the bunny before picking it up. It was your turn to laugh, and you watch curiously as he walks to one of the dressers and plopping it on top. “I don’t know who you are, but you’re in time-out,” he grumbles.
“Wait, that’s actually really smart!” You look down at the bunnies around you. “They can’t jump from that high!” As you reach for the closest bunny, they run out of your reach, squealing, and soon they were huddled under a bed.
Percy smiles as they disperse, “well, now they’ll leave us alone,” he says as he sits beside you to continue piling the extra blankets you found. “You should have let me play that rock-paper-scissors game with them,” Percy mentions.
The two of you were stuck making a makeshift bed for the Ares campers since Travis and Connor had to round up their cabin for curfew. Well, one of them could have done it, but they insisted that it was a two-person job. You said it was unfair if they skipped out and they offered to settle who will go with an intense rock-paper-scissors game; best of three. You had accepted the challenge and lost miserably.
"I should have known there was no point in trying with their luck."
"Yeah, you walked right into that."
You side-eye him, "anyways, you would have lost.”
���How are you so sure?”
"Because, you just would have," you say shortly, and you smile as he turns to you.
“Well, considering how lucky you've been all day," he says sarcastically, and you squint at him. "I would have had a better chance,” he gloats.
��You’ve been real sassy today,” you mumble, and he laughs. “It’s fine. There’s not that much to do anyway.” Carefully, you roll the sides of the blankets into a nest shape after Percy finishes piling them. You rise on your feet, “It’d sleep there if I were a bunny. What do you think?”
“I would too. It seems comfortable,” Percy smiles as he stands up.
"Are you losers done?" Clarisse walks into the cabin with bowls of water for her siblings, and you roll your eyes as she puts them on the ground.
"Yeah, is it to their liking?" You ask with fake politeness, straining a smile. Clarisse observes the bundle of blankets as her siblings get in to try it out. She furrows her eyebrows, listening attentively to the various squeals. She had inherited most of the bunny traits, and though she didn’t transform completely, she could understand what they were saying.
“Eh, it’s good enough,” she concludes after hearing all the complaints of her siblings. “I’m sick of seeing your faces; get out.” She didn’t have to tell you twice, and you don’t waste any time as you turn on your heels. You were sick of seeing her face too.
Walking down the steps of the Ares Cabin, Percy follows beside you. A slight hum comes from his lips, and you look over,
“I was wondering when you’d come back to sword fighting,” he mentions, and you nod, recalling that you had agreed to attend classes after sparing with him a couple of weeks ago. “Your brother has been coming more often; he’s gotten a lot better.”
“That’s why my body has been aching so much,” you mutter more to yourself. For the past week, you thought you were staining your body in your sleep.
“Long story,” you wave your hand, and you think about his question.
If you were completely honest, you weren’t as depressed about what had happened anymore. After you talked with Percy, you had finally come to terms with many of the thoughts that were tormenting you. However, you still stayed locked up in the Hermes Cabin because in the past week or so, you’ve gotten so much studying done. You wanted to stay in and read, and you were planning on milking your excused absences for as long as you could. But now, you considered that maybe you should return to your normal activities. Connor and Travis were becoming more worried, so were Atticus and Lou Ellen.
“I could join tomorrow,” you say hesitantly, your heart fluttering as Percy’s face brightens up. “Are you that excited to beat me up?” You joke, and Percy laughs, shaking his head.
“No! It’s just… it’s weird not seeing you around.” He admits shyly as he looks away. The cool summer breeze blows on your warm cheeks, and you swallow,
“I’ll go tomorrow,” you confirm, sounding more sure of yourself this time. Once you approach the steps of the Hermes cabin, you turn to him. “Good night, Perce.”
The sides of Percy’s eyes crinkle as he nods, “Good night,” he says as he slowly backs away. “And try to wake up on time, yeah? I’m not feeding the Ares cabin alone tomorrow,” he teases. You did have a habit of being the last person to arrive at breakfast. He must have noticed.
“Yeah, yeah. Worry about yourself, waterboy.” You smile, hearing him scoff. Opening the door to the Hermes cabin, you look back at him one more time. You take in the wide grin on his face, and he nods,
“Got it. I’ll remember that when you’re being chased by Clarisse again.” Your mouth drops open, eyes glinting at his banter.
“You better go before the harpies eat you!” You shoo him away as he laughs, then with a short salute of his two fingers, he walks off to his cabin.
masterlist taglist: @xxyrr @nct127bee @mochabreezeee @minamisulemisa @yanfeisluvr @-thatgirloverthere- @sanovr @passionswift @nanskidoodle @Slytherclaw-kitten @zhethugisa
233 notes · View notes
In a Heartbeat ~ Doctor!Bucky x Reader Oneshot
A/N: Title subject to change. This is a GIANT CONGRATULATIONS PRESENT for my fave Doctor!Bucky lover and yours @captainscanadian Because my girl finished undergrad today! Congrats, bby! Enjoy this doctor!bucky fluff that I said I would write a million years ago. ;) I'm so proud of you!!
Summary: What should have been a fun night out ends in the ER. At least your doctor is handsome?
Characters/Pairings: Bucky x Reader, Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: Injuries (fractured ankle), hospital, getting a cast, xrays and catscan. I think that's it. Fluff
Word Count: 2190
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For the first hour of your stay in the ER you couldn’t decide if the constant beeping from the machine beside you was calming or irritating.
As it rolled into the second hour, you settled on irritating. You glared down at your ankle even though it was hidden under the blanket. You moved it ever so slightly, wincing as it caught on the sheet.
You unlocked your phone, letting your friends know that yes you were still here. And no you didn’t have any updates. And no they shouldn’t feel guilty.
A small part of you had blamed them in the first moments, after all they were the ones who convinced you to celebrate the end of finals with some drinking and dancing.
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You checked your make up in the mirror next to your front door before locking up. You glanced at the door across the hall, hoping to catch the eye of your hunky neighbor before heading out. But no dice.
Oh well. At least your dress would likely be appreciated at the club. You’d even pulled out your comfy heels. Heels which were now mocking you from their spot on the chair next to your purse.
You’d been feeling good strutting down the stairs of your apartment building when a group of college kids who had clearly been pre-gaming, thundered past you, forcing you to press up against the wall. When you’d taken your next step your heel broke and you went sliding down 15 stairs.
You’d thought your ass had taken the worst of it until you tried to stand up and immediately cried out in pain.
So instead of ferrying you to a club, the Uber your friends arrived in took you to the hospital. You’d sent your friends on their way once you’d been processed and were waiting to be admitted. No need to spoil everyone’s night.
But now five hours later and bored out of your skull you were regretting that decision. You were going to lose your mind. You’d only left the room twice. Once for an x-ray and once for a CT scan.
You turned on the TV and settled on the game show network, letting the episode of family feud distract you.
You were on your third episode when a nurse came in.
“Hello. I’m Wanda, the night shift nurse. How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay. I’m just eager to get out of here.”
“I’ll bet you are. Dr. Barnes should be in soon,” she assured you. “He just finished up a surgery.”
“Sounds good.”
She checked your chart, noting your vitals and making sure that you weren’t tangled in any wires.
“Can I get you anything?”
“Can I have some water?”
“Sure. I’ll be right back.”
Wanda brought back a cup of water and a warm blanket.
“Thought you might be cold,” she explained.
“Actually yeah. Thanks. Is there any way I can take this off?” You gestured to the heart rate monitor on your finger.
She shot you an apologetic smile.
“I’m sorry. It’s protocol.”
“Worth a shot,” you shrugged.
“I’ll come and check on you in a little bit.”
“Thank you.”
She bustled out of the room and you turned your attention back to the TV which had moved on the Price is Right reruns.
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You must have drifted off because the next thing you know you were being gently shaken. Your eyes were finally able to focus on a pair of entirely too blue eyes.
As your brain caught up, you realized the blue eyes were set in a very handsome face. A familiar handsome face at that.
“2A?” you asked cocking your head to the side.
He chuckled as you readjusted yourself trying to discretely check that you hadn’t drooled in your sleep.
“Most people call me Dr. Barnes. Or Bucky.”
That made even less sense. You were certain the name on his mailbox was James.
“My middle name is Buchanan. And what shall I call you, 2B?”
“Well it’s very nice to officially meet you, Y/n. Although I wish it were under better circumstances. Let’s take a look at this ankle shall we?”
You nodded, and he took that as an assent to lift the blanket. He folded in neatly up over your knee leaving most of your lap covered. You grimaced when you saw the swelling was even worse now than when you arrived.
“Can you tell me what happened?”
You relayed your story to him, omitting the bit about hoping to run into him. He listened intently, making the occasional note but mainly he just nodded.
“I’m going to examine it now,” he announced.
His hands were sure and practiced as he gently turned your ankle from side to side. It twinged occasionally, so you focused on his features to distract yourself.
You catalogued each in turn but lingered on his sharp jawline. Your thoughts drifted to peppering kisses along it and down his neck.
You were startled when his cerulean gaze met yours with a concerned look.
“Did that hurt?”
“Not really. Why?”
You were genuinely confused by the question. You hadn’t noticed anything amiss in his examination.
“Your heart rate was elevated. And you, ummm,” he broke eye contact for the first time.
“I what?”
Your eyes widened and your chest felt hot with embarrassment. You glanced at the traitorous machine which was live casting your racing heart. Although that probably was less of the issue than the fact that you squeaked.
“I guess the hospital just makes me nervous,” you lied lamely.
He didn’t look convinced but thankfully let it go.
“I just need to check one more angle.”
This time it was painful and you yelped.
“Sorry.” He gingerly placed your foot back on the pillow that had been elevating it and covered it with the blanket.
He held the CT scans and X-rays up to the light as you watched him. You once again failed to notice your heart rate climbing as you admired the bulge of his bicep.
Dr. Barnes however definitely noticed. He smiled over at you reassuringly, which failed to help the issue at all. He glanced at the erratically beeping machine, before looking back to you. You would swear that there was a hint of smugness in his expression. But he kept it well hidden.
“Well, I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.”
“Lay it on me, doc.”
“Well, the good news is that you will not be needing surgery. It’s a minor fracture.”
“And the bad news?”
“It’s a minor fracture that requires a cast.”
“How long?”
“Eight weeks. Total.”
“Eight weeks on crutches?” You whined.
“You should only be on crutches for the first four. After that, assuming everything is healing well, you’ll be in a walking cast.”
You groaned and shot a murderous glare at your heels once again.
“The price we pay for fashion.”
“I’ll have Wanda prepare everything now. It should only take about an hour.”
“Well, that sure cuts into my dancing plans,” you joked, frustrated by being stuck there for another hour.
It would be morning before you got home.
“Is that where you were headed?” he asked as he pressed the call button.
“Yeah. My friends finally convinced me to go out with them for once and look where it got me,” you laughed humorlessly. “Well at least I’m done for the summer. So the leg won’t mess me up too bad.”
Wanda appeared in the doorway.
“What do you need, doctor Barnes?”
“I need a cast kit. For the ankle.”
“Got it. I’ll be right back.”
You expected Bucky to leave then, but he continued bustling around the room.
“You said you’re done for the summer. Are you a teacher?”
He quirked an eyebrow at you.
“I’m a graduate student. So I just finished up TAing for the semester.”
“Ahh. Are you doing research then?”
“I’m finishing up the edits on my thesis actually. So this might actually make me do it instead of procrastinating," you giggled.
“What’s your thesis on?”
You were in the middle of explaining your thesis, when Wanda returned. Genuinely interested in your area of research, Bucky continued asking you questions as he wrapped the liner around your leg.
From time to time he would grin up at you and the damn heart rate monitor would go off all over again. You’d gotten over your embarrassment for the most part, until Wanda had to suppress a giggle because your heart actually skipped a beat.
“Alright. You are all set. Wanda will grab you your crutches and your discharge papers. You’ll need to make a follow up with your Orthopedic in four weeks.”
“Since I don’t have an orthopedic on speed dial, do you know any good ones?”
Bucky chuckled.
“I’ll have her put my practice’s number on the sheet.”
“Thanks, Doc.”
“No problem. Do you have any questions before I go?”
“How long do you think getting all the paperwork sorted will take?”
“Not long. Twenty minutes or so. Why?”
“Just wondering if I should order my Uber now or wait.”
He glanced at the clock on the wall. His fingers drummed against the clipboard in his hand as he momentarily mulled something over.
“If you’re willing to wait another forty-five minutes, I can drive you home when I get off my shift.”
You immediately shook your head.
“You so don’t need to do that.”
“Please. It’s literally on my way home.”
You nibbled on your lip. It would be a lot easier.
“If you’re sure.”
He seemed almost relieved when you accepted.
“Absolutely. It’s been pretty quiet tonight, so you can just hang out in here until I get back.”
“Thank you.”
“No problem.”
He smiled, softer than the other ones he’d given you so far before hanging your chart on the end of your bed and exiting the room, bumping into the glass door as he went. You stifled a giggle. Maybe you weren’t the only one affected.
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It took a little over thirty minutes to get you processed. And before you knew it Bucky was helping you into his car. You went in butt first and then swung your cast leg, followed by your good leg in just a hospital sock. Bucky handed you your shoes and purse.
“So, do you chauffer all of your patients home?” You teased as you left the parking lot.
“Only the ones who live across the hall. Speaking of which, I am sorry this is the first time we’ve gotten to meet properly. Not very neighborly of me.”
“I can’t imagine why you haven’t made your way over with your loads of free time,” you deadpanned, earning you an eyeroll. “But however it happened, I’m glad that we met. It was getting to the awkward stage.”
“Yeah, seven months of passing waves is a long time.”
You hummed your agreement.
“So, how did you get into medicine?”
“Family business.”
He told you all about his surgeon mom and physician father as you drove home. His siblings were also in medicine and even his childhood best friend.
“That is so many medical degrees in one house. Must be rousing holiday dinner conversations.”
“We actually have a no shop talk rule.”
“And how long does that last?” you asked knowingly.
“Through appetizers… maybe.”
“Your family sounds amazing.”
“They are. I wouldn’t trade them for anything,” he admitted as he parked his car.
Bucky carefully helped you out of the car and up to your apartment. You’d never been so glad to live in a building with an elevator.
“I feel like I should offer you breakfast for bringing me home,” you admitted as you plopped down on the couch, and lifted your foot onto the coffee table exhausted from the crutches.
“You need to stay off that foot. But I’m sure you’re starving and so am I. Got any pancake mix?”
“Doctor Barnes, you really don’t have to do that.”
“It’s Bucky. We’re back to just neighbors here. And I want to.”
“How can I repay you?”
“Think about going out on a date with me when your leg is all healed.”
You cocked your head, as you appraised him.
“Just think about it?”
He scratched behind his ear as he shrugged a little.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you out for well… about seven months. But I don’t want you to feel like you owe me anything. Because you don’t. I would have brought any of my neighbors home,” he rambled.
“You’re a really good guy,” you hummed.
“Could you tell my Ma that?” he joked, though his ears tinged pink.
“Happily. And I’d love to think about going on a date with you.”
He beamed back at you.
“I’ll take it. So pancakes?”
“In the cabinet above the fridge. Next to the chocolate chips.”
He nodded, taking the hint on your favorite add on.
“I’m on it.”
Eight weeks later when your walking cast came off, you and Bucky went out for dinner… for your two month anniversary.
Your heart definitely still raced when he smiled at you. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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A/N: There we have it! I hope you enjoyed @captainscanadian.
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clairecrive · 4 years
“Finally” - Remus Lupin x reader
A/N : I’ve never done a Valentine piece before since I don’t really like this festivity and all. But I just wanted some Remus fluff and the idea popped out of nowhere so... here it is, hope you like it.
Also, requests for Remus and Sirius are open if you have any.
Warnings: none, it’s tooth rotten fluff
Word count: 1.2K
Tagging: let me know if you wanna be tagged in any of my work
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"Hello, handsome boys," you greeted them in your usual way as you took your seat at their table
"Someone's chirpy this morning." Sirius pointed out with a smirk a suggestive raise of eyebrows. You rolled your eyes but smiled at him anyway. He knew why you were such in a good mood this morning but he loved you to tease and this occasion was too perfect to pass.
"Well, who wouldn't be when your faces are the first things one sees in the morning?" Despite your use of "you", you particularly focused on Remus who was in front of you. If the other boys noticed, they didn't voice it but Remus certainly did if the blush on his cheeks was any indicator.
Being his shy self, the werewolf looked down at the food in his place but you saw a small smile tugging at his lips. Receiving compliments from you wasn't unusual, your love language was exactly this. Although it could like flirting, your words were harmless and completely platonic.
It would stupid for anyone to harbor any kind of feeling for James, for one, given his very publicly displayed love for Lily. Or even for Sirius. As wonderful as he is, he's not exactly boyfriend material. At least not in this stage of his life. You much preferred having him as a friend and not benefiting from his attention for a day or two until he moved on to the next flower.
And Peter... well, you weren't even sure if he was into girls.
Remus, on the other hand, was a whole other story.
You knew that it was impossible for him to understand the underlying longing you put in the words specifically directed at him when you were known to act in a similar way to his friends too. If one would be very careful and reflect on the kind of things you'd say to him and then to those you'd say to the rest of the Marauders, the difference would be impossible to miss. But knowing Remus, always self-deprecating and with the lowest self-esteem ever, you know you needed to be more direct.
So you started to refer to him as 'your favourite'. Giving him even more attention and gentle words of affection than the rest of them. The others had caught up and masked it as a sort of inside joke between them, playing like they were jealous and that it wasn't fair. You were glad that none of them had said anything to him but you weren't sure that this was having the effect you wished it had.
So, since today was Valentine's day, you figured that it was the perfect day where you'd go big or go home. Despite your outside confidence, you were never one to put yourself out there like this. But this was Remus, your Remus, and even if he was to reject you, you trusted him to not make a big deal about this. Sure, it would hurt like hell and it would be hard to simmer down your feelings but maybe there was a small chance that you wouldn't have to.
"Soo, I'm not sure if you know what day it is, but-"
"What do you take us for?"
"Barbarians? of course we know what day it is."
"I don't know actually."
The boys all spoke beside Remus who was quietly looking at you again and laughed a little when you rolled your eyes at the other's antics.
"Today, my sweet Pete, is Valentine's day," you explained giving him a side hug
"And so, here's a little something for my favourite boys." And before they could say anything, although you registered their confused yet somehow flushed expressions, you pulled out from under the table four sunflowers and handed each of them to the still stunned and now blushing boys.
Honestly, it was so hilarious that they should give you an award for not laughing in their faces. the sight warmed your heart though. It was clear that they were not used to being on the receiving end of such gifts but that was exactly why you were doing this. Who said that flowers were only for girls? Sure you had given them your favourite flower but you had avoided asking them so as not to ruin the surprise.
"I've never been given flowers." Peter was the first one to talk, mumbling his thanks while carefully lowering the flower to the table before digging back into his breakfast.
"I wish I could say I have never been compared to the sun before but that would be a lie."
"Of course, you'd be an ass about it."
"This was really nice of you, y/n, thank you."
The smile that Remus gave you was the biggest gift you could ever receive on such a fine day. His dimple was shining true and he looked so cute at that moment that you were barely able to refrain yourself from kissing him. Instead, you cleared your voice and reached for the biggest part of your plan.
"Actually, there's more."
"Oh, y/n/n, you really shouldn't have gone through so much trouble for us." Typical Remus, you thought, of course, he'd think he was a burden.
"No trouble at all. Besides, you didn't think that that was it for my favourite boys, did you?"
If it was possible, the colour that was now adorning his cheeks, was a new shade of red. You knew that he hated being put on the spot and so not wanting to embarrass him, you quickly handled the chocolate bar you had bought for him. It was his favourite.
"Wait a minute-"
"I thought I was your favourite!"
The cries of indignation of the two idiots you called your best friends filled the silence but your eyes stayed fixed on Remus who was still eyeing the chocolate like it was the most precious thing his eyes ever laid upon. Then, with a subtle flick of your wand, the letters that made up the brand moved and slowly composed a question: would you be my valentine?
Remus face though, didn't betray any change. His eyes didn't move. If he was confused he didn't show it, if he was deeply embarrassed because you put him in the position where he had to say no to you, he didn't show it.
You waited patiently for his response. Your eyes flickered after a while on the chocolate, thinking that maybe the spell had gone wrong and it showed the wrong question or something. It didn't. You had been practicing for a week and as a matter of fact, everything had gone accordingly. Except Remus reaction.
"You can say no Rem, you know. I won't be mad or anything and I promise that it's not going to get awkward-" you whispered thinking of saving him the embarrassment. It seemed like you had misread his reaction though, because before you could finish your sentence, Remus handed you something.
It was another chocolate bar.
It was your favourite, you noticed. However, it seemed like it was a special edition or something because instead of the usual brand name, on the packaging there was a drawing of a couple. Above the boy's head, there was a little cloud that read: would you be my valentine?
When you noticed, your breath got caught your lungs and your eyes snapped to Remus. This time it was him was anxiously waiting for your reaction but you didn't make him wait long. The big smile erupted on your face was spontaneous and finally, you could give in to your instinct and lunging over the table, you took his face in your hands and gently pulled him to you.
As you kissed him, you heard the boys around you voice exactly what you were thinking when you felt Remus kiss back: finally!
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bts-hyperfixation · 4 years
The Princess and The Duke – Part 1
Duke!Namjoon x Princess!reader
I know I said this wasn’t going to be out until Friday, but after the Scammys, I thought I’d put it out today! This has not yet been edited.
Warnings - future smut, allusions to smut.
The first time you met you were six months old. Barely aware you existed, let alone there was a whole world existing around you. Namjoon was two at the time. A chubby little toddler clinging desperately to his mother as he tried to hide away from all the other strange people in the room. Most of the kingdom had turned out for your christening, so obviously the future Duke’s family had also made an appearance. They stood with the rest of the court at the front of the church, most of the adults attempting to corral children of their own instead of watching the Princess’ baptism.
It was only when a shrill cry echoed through the church hall that Namjoon looked up from his mother’s shoulder trying to locate the noise. Turned out you didn’t appreciate being dipped into freezing cold holy water. From then on, he’d watched intently, each movement made by the priest and your family, craning his neck to watch you wiggle in the queen’s arms. You were just so small, and so pink. He liked pink, and you were wrapped in piles of pink lace. He knew these were traditional colours for your kingdom, his mom liked to tell him stories about the pink flowers that grew throughout his homeland. Beautiful pink daisies. They were his favourite bedtime stories.
Stories of a brave king leading his army into battle. Each week he would send home a bouquet of the only flower that grew on the battlefield. Each week the queen would know he was okay, until one week they didn’t arrive. For the next few days, the queen was inconsolable, after that she was catatonic. She sat draped in black watching the last of the pink daisies wither. As the last petal fell from the shrivelled bud, a shout was heard throughout the kingdom. The king had returned, enemies slain, and with him he brought as many flowers as the cavalry could carry. The seeds were planted throughout the country, and those were the same flowers that remained to this day. The flowers that were lining the pews of the church, and the ballroom at the palace.
After the christening, members of the court were invited for a meal and to meet the infant princess, to meet you. The banquet was held in the ballroom, a long table adorned with wreaths and favours for each of the guests. You were placed in a cradle close to the king. A place where all could visit to pay their respects and your father could protect you. Once his family had finished their meal, they visited your crib, offering a gift and paying their respects to the royals. Namjoon tugged at his mother’s dress until she lifted him to get a better look. As he peered into the cot, he was shocked to find you staring straight up at him. Other babies he met always seemed to be asleep, but not you.
He wriggled in the duchess’ arms until he could reach you. The room fell silent as he extended his chubby hand to poke at your own curled fist. No one outside of your family, the priest, and the doctors had dared to touch you yet. They waited with bated breath for a response from the king. Little Namjoon paid no attention to the eyes on him, too focused on you. Your small fingers wrapped their way around his. The king had cooed at the event, closely followed by everyone else in the room.
The next time you met Namjoon properly you were four, he was almost six. You’d been allowed outside to play with the other children of the court. The problem was, many of them were considerably older than you. None of the ‘big’ girls wanted to play silly little girl games. So you sat alone and watched them as they made daisy chains together. You tried to copy them from afar, but your pudgy little fingers wouldn’t cooperate, ripping through the stems instead of creating the holes needed to thread more flowers.
Namjoon had been following around the gardener when he saw you. Decapitated daisies lay by the dozen around your feet. He couldn’t bear to see the carnage continue, so he took pity on you. He picked a flower with a thick enough stem and passed it too you. To say you were thrilled was an understatement. You’d taken the flower excitedly and threaded another through before giving it back to him to make another hole. The two of you had then spent the next half hour together, him piercing stems and you threading them into long chains. He laughed as you concentrated. Your tongue stuck out of the side of your mouth as you focused on the task at hand.
When you decided the chain was long enough, he made one last hole so you could form a circle. With the ring complete you stepped on your tippy toes to place it over his head, nodding in approval as the string draped from his neck to his knees. He looked down, assessing his new accessory and beamed a smile back at you. The first time you ever saw his dimples. Immediately you were compelled to poke them. He didn’t stop you as you reached for his cheek, instead laughing so they deepened.
You weren’t like any princess he had seen in his books. Those princesses were graceful and dainty. You were more like a bull in a china shop. Honestly, he was relived. All the other boys were in high school, they had no time for him. And the girls all wanted him to play ‘prince charming’. It was fun playing with you. You’d run around the gardens with him, dig in the mud, and exchange the stories your parents read at bedtimes.
Age six brought the loss of your first tooth. The tooth had been placed in a tissue under your pillow and the next morning it had become money! You had been so excited to tell Namjoon all about it, only for him to burst your bubble.
“The tooth fairy isn’t real Y/N” he’d stated matter-of-factly, his nose turned up at the notion.
“Is too!” you’d cried back petulantly. You’d seen her with your own two eyes. Well you’d been half asleep, and it was dark… but you were certain it had been her.
“Is not!” the eight-year-old boy retorted. “I’ll prove it! Next time you lose a tooth don’t tell nobody. She won’t come I promise.” He’d sounded so smug. You wanted to hit him. instead you set out to prove him wrong. You kept wiggling your teeth hoping one would come loose. It’s around a month later you get your chance. The tooth came out in the apple you were eating for dessert. Carefully you hid the bone from your nanny so she couldn’t tell your parents. After you were tucked in that night, you slid the bone under your pillow and waited for the fairy to visit you. But she never came.
The next day when you saw Namjoon, you were devastated, but still not ready to concede the fairy’s existence.  
“Maybe I upset her?” you sniffle at him “You’re not supposed to wait for her, I broke the rules! That’s why she didn’t come! What if she never visits me again?” tears fell freely down your face. Namjoon had never felt so guilty, not even when he lied about breaking his mom’s favourite vase. He had watched you cry for a moment, unsure of where to go from here. He had made the heir to the throne cry… could he get locked away for this?
“It’s my fault Y/N! I was just jealous” he quickly tried to formulate a believable story in his head as you wiped away your tears.
“Jealous?” your voice was small, a little hope filtering through the sadness.
“Yeah… jealous. See I… uh… I’ve nearly got all my big teeth now, so she doesn’t come to see me as often. I bet if you put the tooth under your pillow tonight and go to sleep, she will come!” your face had lit up at the news. Immediately after he’d said goodbye to you, he went and told the gardener about your tooth. When you woke up the next day, a shiny coin was in the tooth’s place. You’d held the discovery over Namjoon for the few months, but he didn’t care. He was just happy you were happy and that he didn’t get into trouble.
At age eight you were definitely not shaping up to be the perfect princess. In fact you were quite the rambunctious little tot. Your mother became more and more exasperated every time you turned up with a new grass stain on one of your best gowns. She begged you to spend more time having tea parties with the girls instead. It was never your fault though. The tea parties were dull and Namjoon would challenge you to a race through the maze, or to see who could climb highest in the trees. You couldn’t just let him win.
If you weren’t running around or rolling down hills, you were lying together staring up at the clouds from the middle of the topless bandstand in the middle of the maze. The beautiful white stone structure had quickly become ‘your’ spot. None of the other palace kids showed any interest in exploring the maze, and the adults always seemed to get lost trying to find you. Hours were wasted with the two of you just staring up at the sky, sometimes talking about your day, sometimes in complete silence. It was just nice to be with him.
On calmer days he would read aloud from a book while you made daisy chains. You could do it by yourself now. Much more in control of your own limbs than you used to be. The summer before Namjoon was due to go to high school you made a chain so long you could coil it around the entire base of the bandstand.
After he started high school, you saw a lot less of Namjoon. He wasn’t able to come around as often between his homework and extracurriculars. Instead you begged your father to let you attend his football games. Each Saturday you went in disguise with your nanny to watch Namjoon play, regardless of the weather. You weren’t even sure you enjoyed the sport, but it was worth it for the smile he flashed every time he found you amongst the onlookers.
Each week you wore a different disguise wanting to make it difficult for him, but each time he found you without fail.
You melted every time, knowing that smile was just for you. Originally you told yourself it was just a swell of pride, watching your best friend play. Eventually you had to admit to yourself that maybe it was more than that, but you swallowed the crush. After all he was in high school, he wouldn’t want a silly little girl like you anyway.
When you turned fourteen it was time to for you to be presented to the kingdom. A ball was thrown in your honour, the first of many you would attend in your lifetime. The thought of being alone at any big event made you feel queasy. The fact that this one was going to be focused entirely on you made you ill for an entire week before. Namjoon had spent the week trying to reassure you that everything was going to be fine. Luckily, your birthday had been during a break from school so he could spend the time with you. He grew more and more concerned as he watched your health deteriorating to a point where you could barely keep water down. Eventually he came to a decision and asked for an audience with the king himself.
He’d dressed in his best suit making sure not a single hair was out of place. He marched straight up to the double doors to your father’s study and took a deep breath, more than prepared to argue his point. Your father had welcomed Namjoon into his office with open arms. He’d always been fond of the boy, especially knowing the weak spot you held for him. Regardless of the warm reception and his original confidence in his idea, Namjoon felt the nerves begin to overtake him. He wiped his sweaty palms on the sides of his suit jacket, breath coming out shakily.
“Can I escort Y/N to her first ball.” The king had been taken aback by Joon’s sudden outburst, his face showing obvious surprise at the young man’s bold request. Namjoon mistook the expression for a dismissal and so, in a much less eloquent way than he had practiced in is shower, he fought his case.
“Y/N has been ill all week; she doesn’t think she can do this alone…. And I just thought… maybe she would be okay if I were with her. I know I’m only a duke, but I just want her to be okay and I really think this would be good and it’ll only be for this one ball and…” Namjoon’s rambling came to an end when your father raised his hand. Namjoon clenched his fists as he waited for an answer.
Your father had taken his time to consider Namjoon’s proposal, enjoying the way the boy had squirmed under his gaze. To this day, Namjoon refers to it as the second most terrifying day of his life. Eventually a smile had broken over the kings face, no longer able to contain his laugh. He clapped Namjoon on the shoulder and sent him off with his blessing.
On his way to meet you in the gardens afterwards, he had gathered the prettiest daisies he could find. He found you lying on the floor of the bandstand, looking a little too pale as you stared up at the clouds floating past. He cleared his throat on arrival, making you look at him with the offer of a weak smile, not really taking him in.
When he didn’t take his place beside you, you’d sat up to look at him properly. That’s when you saw the pinstripe suit and quaffed hair. It looked so unlike him you couldn’t help but giggle. Normally Joon was a t-shirt and basketball shorts kind of guy. He had rolled his eyes and extended his hand to help you up. You took it, every question in your mind had gotten stuck in your throat when his eyes had met yours. You never did get over that silly little crush. He didn’t release your hand like you expected him too. Instead he placed the bouquet into your free hand and asked you the question you’d been dreaming he would.
“Just to protect you of course… I don’t like when you aren’t well” He’d broken the moment by ruffling your hair, a sure sign he was doing this as a favour.
He took you to every ball you attended after that one.
The summer you turned seventeen was the summer before Namjoon left for university. You snuck out passed your guards in the night to see him. There was a very convenient secret passageway that led from your room to the gardens. You would meet him at the bandstand and talk until the sun came over the horizon. The lack of sleep had been worth it to spend those last fleeting days with him. You talked about anything and nothing, just like you would in the daytime, but this felt far more intimate.
The first time you convinced him to meet you after curfew his eyes flitted everywhere. Always nervous someone would find the two of you there and assume the worst. You on the other hand were just desperate to soak up as much of your friends company as you could before he left.
Over time he’d become more comfortable with the routine. In fact he had been certain that your sneaking around hadn’t even been that sneaky, your parents were just allowing you to rebel like this. Eventually he got used to walking you back to the entrance of the secret passageway, spending an extra few moments together.
His final night in town had been an emotional one. You’d sat side by side, your head on his shoulder staring up at the stars in complete silence for a long time. A tear fell down your cheek every time you thought about him leaving you. He’d wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close just as a shooting star arched across the sky. You immediately had a wish in mind. Eyes scrunched tight and fists clenched, you wished as hard as you could that he would stay, or at least that he’d come back fast. But unfortunately, he had to go, and morning came around far too fast.
You’d dragged your feet as he walked you back to the passageway. Shoulders bumping together, fingers brushing, glances stolen when you were sure the other wasn’t looking. The wall that concealed your entrance had come into view far too quickly. You’d sighed as you reluctantly pressed in the stones that would open the doorway, far from ready to say goodbye to the boy you’d grown up with. You hugged him goodbye, tears streaming freely down your face. You’d released him and turned to walk back into the castle, but as you’d taken that first step, he grabbed you sharply by the wrist and pulled you back to him.
His lips were so soft as they met yours. The surprise had knocked all the air out of your lungs forcing you to pull back sooner than you would’ve liked. He wiped the tears from your face and pulled you back to him, kissing you once more. And then he was gone.
The following autumn had dragged by. With no Namjoon, you had been forced to invest in the idle gossip of other members of the court, actually pay attention in your elocution lessons, and, perhaps worst of all, prepare for your first ball without your trusty escort. Every time you thought of Namjoon your lips tingled at the memory of your first kiss. You were devastated when his parents had told you he wouldn’t be able to make it home for the Christmas ball.
When the time came, you’d prepared for the ball like you had every other. A team came to pinch, primp, and style you to within an inch of yourself. This year they’d decided on a snow theme. Your pale blue ballgown had been the most beautiful one you’d worn at that point. It glittered like freshly fallen snow in the winter sun. The skirt poofed out around your waist and fell just above your feet so people could still see the matching shoes with little snowflakes. It was the best you thought you’d ever looked, and it broke your heart to know Namjoon wasn’t going to see you like that.
When the time came, you’d taken a breath and readied yourself for a night of refusing advances of handsy nobles, and questions you weren’t prepared to answer about the whereabouts of your usual date. You took a hold of the banister and began your entrance into the grand ballroom, desperately trying to keep your eyes forward and not trip at the same time. Whilst concentrating on not falling flat on your face, you had failed to notice one crucial detail about the room before you, until he took your hand and brought it to his lips. Namjoon had made it home after all.
You spent the entire event together. For every slow dance you were in the middle of the floor swaying together as he whispered sweet things in your ear. Time not on the dance floor had been spent laughing and catching up. The night came to an end with you escaping to your spot.
He’d picked a daisy and threaded it into your hair, trailing his fingers down the side of your face when he was finished. You’d boldly stepped even closer to him, lips inches away from his, daring him to repeat the night he left, and he’d gladly taken the opportunity.  He’d pulled you impossibly closer, lifting you on to your tiptoes and kissed you like a man starved. You’d wrapped your arms around his waist. Desperately trying to make up for lost time. Eventually you came to rest, foreheads resting against one another, breathing hard.
“Y/N I love you.” It was the first time he admitted it out loud, but it certainly wouldn’t be the last. In fact he said it at least twenty more times that night.
“I love you too Joon.” You kissed him one more time before taking his hand and breaking into a sprint. You came to a stop at the passageway to your chambers. “Come in with me?” You’d asked, flashing him doe eyes he had never been able to resist.
“Are you sure?” He brushed a stray hair behind your ear and met your eyes, you’d never seen him look so serious.
“Well I can’t get out of this dress alone.” You’d tried to joke. When his expression didn’t change you gulped down any reservations and nodded. “I’m completely sure.” He’d swept you into his arms and carried you through your room laying you down on your bed. His coat and tie had been immediately discarded across the room. You’d sat up to get a better look as he undid the buttons on his white dress shirt, biting your lip at the thought of running your hands across his bare skin. He stopped undressing himself to look back at you.
“You’re so beautiful.” He embraced you, fingers finding the zipper at the back of your gown. You allowed the sleeves to fall down your arms, exposing your chest to him. Immediately his lips had gone to trail along your collarbones. He mumbled ‘I love you’ as he went. Each kiss punctuated by the words you’d longed to hear from him. You pushed his shirt down his shoulders, letting your hands linger on his biceps, rubbing little circles on the perfect skin.
“Joon?” he answers you with a hmm. “Is this real?” he pulled away from you to meet your eyes.
“I hope so.” He responded before kissing you deeply again. When you’d gotten the chance you’d stood up and allowed the dress to puddle around your feet.  He reached out to pull you in again by your newly expose waist, positioning you underneath him. He’d kissed down your stomach until he reached the top of your underwear.
“Maybe we should stop here?” he’d said, pulling away from you, “I want our first time to be something amazing.” You’d nodded, a little reluctant, but you’d waited this long for him, you could wait a little longer. Instead you’d settled into your bed together, cuddled close in just your underwear, praying that you didn’t wake up from this dream.
Everything was perfect, you stayed together throughout both his and your university experience. The whole kingdom knew of their childhood sweethearts. The duke and the princess destined to be together. The night of your graduation, a large ball had been put together in your honour and while no one dared say it aloud, everyone was certain there were hidden intentions behind the congratulatory event. The feeling was in the air, the whole of the kingdom whispered rumours of how the young duke was going to propose. They wondered how it would be announced, if he was going to ask you in the middle of all the guest, or if he’d elect to be more private about it.
But then the day of the ball arrived and Namjoon wasn’t waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs like he usually would. You assumed he would be waiting somewhere to surprise you, but the whispers started as soon as you’d turned up to the ballroom unescorted. No one had seen him. The entire night people had congratulated you on graduating, but your heart wasn’t even your replies. Instead you’d spent the night searching every face in the room for a sign of your missing lover.
As the night wore on it became clear that he had no intentions of attending. You’d put every ounce of your princess training to good use that night as you tried not to cry, humiliated in front of everyone you had ever known.
Awaiting you in your bedroom at the end of the night was a bouquet of pink daisies and a simple note that said ‘I’m so sorry’
You wouldn’t see Namjoon again for two years…
Part 2
Losing Virginity drabble
Taglist: @uraveragefangirlsposts
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Top 10 Controversial Horror Films That Are Famous For All The Wrong Reasons *gags* *cries*
At the beating heart of horror is offence.
From that undeniable sense of something not being quite right, to the CGI-blood-spurtin’-adrenaline-fuelled scenes that leave us shaking in our boots, horror pivots on the knife edge of controversy.
It’s used to drive plots. It’s used to drive hype. And at the end of the month, it drives studio executives to the bank.
Horror films can be traumatic enough. But there are some films that bear the cross of controversy more than others. There are some films that have been branded as so damaging to their potential viewers that merely circulating copies of the film is illegal.
And yet their infamy has forged cult viewership. What was once shielded from us has now become ‘must see’.
Today we are going to be counting down horror’s most controversial films and what made them quite so topical.
*I’m going to star the ones that you can actually watch without getting traumatised. Some are controversial not because of their content but because some religious or political groups disagreed with them*
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#10 - The Blair Witch Project (1999)*
Let’s ease in with a classic - a classic you can watch without sleeping with the light on.
In this found-footage flick we see a team of film students as they explore a local urban legend. But what they find leads them to unknown and ungodly territory.
The problem with this film is that it was marketed as a true story. No, not based on a true story, a true story. Yep, they claimed what we were seeing was real, found footage of some teens going mad as they forage deeper into mysterious woods.
IMBd went so far as to report that the actors were dead. Then, the movie studio super-charged their efforts to confirm to the public that not only was this film 100% real, the three main actors were still missing. The parents of the actors then started receiving sympathy cards.
There’s even a mocked up website that perpetuates these claims. 
#9 - Night Of The Living Dead (1968)*
Time for another not-too-disturbing film.
This is the original zombie apocalypse film saw a group of Americans attempt to survive an incoming attack of the undead while trapped in a rural farmhouse.
But the Motion Picture Association of America wasn’t too happy about it. The film rating system was yet to be in place, allowing children to also show up for an afternoon screening and be greeted by a 97 minute montage of extreme violence.
“The kids in the audience were stunned. There was almost complete silence. The movie had stopped being delightfully scary about halfway through, and had become unexpectedly terrifying. There was a little girl across the aisle from me, maybe nine years old, who was sitting very still in her seat and crying”
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#8 - Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986)
In this psychological film, we watch a random crime spree take place at the hands of a couple serial killers. Loosely based on real murderers Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole, its controversial reputation was founded on the gore ‘n’ guts screened in the movie.
Whilst it didn’t receive much attention from the public, various classification boards across the world ensured new versions edited with certain scenes - often involving sexual assault and necrophilia - removed for viewers.
In 2003, the BBFC (the UK classification board) finally allowed the uncut version to be released and Australia followed suit in 2005.
#7 - I Spit On Your Grave (1978)
It’s the original rape-revenge flick. And it managed to piss everyone off.
Originally titled Day of the Woman, it tells the story of a fiction writer who exacts revenge on a group of four men who gang rape her.
Despite its pro-women claim-to-fame, the 30 minute rape scene begs to differ. Furious debate surrounds its feminist label as a film that forces the audience to endure rape from a female perspective and long-winded violence against men (something which is often reserved for women in horror). Regardless, the graphic violence earned it a steady ban in Ireland, Norway, Iceland, and West Germany.
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#6 - Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)*
You don’t get many controversial Christmas films. They typically stick to a cookie-cutter plot ‘n’ purpose every holiday season. But there are no strong women who need to rediscover the meaning of Christmas here.
Instead, we see a child traumatised by seeing his parents murdered on Christmas Eve go on a seasonal rampage as an adult.
A week after its release in the early 80s, it was pulled from theatres due to backlash. Marketing was focused on a Santa Claus killer with adverts often airing during family-friendly TV programmes and meant numerous children developed a phobia of Father Christmas. Large crowds protested cinemas with one notable protest involving angry families singing carols at the Interboro Quad Theater in The Bronx.
It was only in 2009 - 25 years after its original release - that a DVD of the film was first made available for purchase in the UK.
#5 - Psycho (1960)*
This legendary film follows the disappearance of a young woman after her encounter with a strange man called Norman Bates, one of horror’s most iconic figures. The controversy that would engulf this fim lay not in the violent attack on an innocent woman or even the disturbing content of the film.
Oh, no. It was because of what the leading lady was wearing.
In the opening scene of the film, we see Janet Leigh wearing nothing but a bra.
This racy attire was emblazoned across promotional material, meeting Hitchcock’s high standards of creating controversy around the movie. There was a no late admission policy for movie theaters, and the posters told viewers “Do not reveal the surprises!” to maintain a mysterious aura around the plot twist.
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#4 - The Human Centipede (2009) (all of ‘em)
I’ve watched a lot of horror films, in case you couldn’t tell.
I’m used to watching a scary movie, shaking off the anxiety, and moving on with my life. But there are some that stayed with me. I only watched the trailer for the first movie, and it legitimately traumatised me. It gave me quite a severe, sudden bout of a depression for a solid month when I was 13.
Throughout horror’s goriest franchise, we see an evil doctor and amateur mad scientist attempt to sow several people together into a centipede-like chain from mouth to anus.
At the heart of promoting the franchise was controversy. Tom Six, the director, forced a narrative that claimed from the first film that this was "100% medically accurate". He even alleged a Dutch doctor helped inspire the film, confirming that with an IV drip, this was entirely possible.
Although it didn’t receive furore that amounted to serious censorship or long-term banning, it was infamous for having its viewers vomiting in the cinema aisles.
The second film, however, was subject to much more severe controversy and could not legally be supplied in the UK until 2011 due to its heavy focus on sexual abuse, more graphic violence than the original film, and it’s pretty vile depiction of a murderer that was intellectually disabled.
Audiences were used to the graphic nature of the franchise by the third and final release. As the least-controversial and least-enjoyable film according to critics, it barely made a dent in the horror community.
Good riddance, I guess?
#3 - Faces Of Death (1978)
I’m not sure I’d recommend this one per se - but I will give it credit for being an interesting project.
This documentary-style film is a montage of footage of people dying in different ways. As a result of its very graphic and very real content, it was banned and censored in many countries. Only in 2003 was it released on DVD in the UK after a scene was cut featuring dogs fighting and a monkey being beaten to death.
Germany, Australia, and New Zealand followed suit, reversing their bans and releasing edited versions.
However, 7 years after its release, the media revamped its interest in the film after a maths teacher showed it to his class at a Californian high school. Two of his students claimed they were so traumatised they received a costly settlement to reimburse their emotional distress. Things took a darker turn a year later, when a 14 year old bludgeoned a classmate to death with a baseball bat; he claimed he wanted to see what it would be like to actually kill someone after watching Faces of Death.
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#2 - Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
This Italian film’s title alone hints towards two frightening things: flesh-eating humans and genocide. In this found-footage movie we see an anthropologist lead a rescue team into the Amazon rainforest to find a group of filmmakers that went missing.
The rampant graphic content including sexual assault and animal cruelty showcased in the film (7 animals were killed during filming in some pretty horrific ways) led to it being banned in 50 countries.
Some also alleged that a handful of deaths seen in the film were real, as were the missing film crew. In fact, the actors portraying the documentarians signed contracts that stopped them appearing in motion pictures for an entire year to maintain the illusion of reality.
And only 10 days after its premiere, the director was charged with obscenity and the film confiscated. All copies were to be turned over to the authorities. There are currently a range of versions that have been edited to varying degrees and are allowed for circulation.
#1 - A Serbian Film (2010)
Don’t do it. Don’t watch this film.
A Serbian Film follows a retired porn star who agrees to feature in an “art film” for some cash. Little does he know this film will include rape, incest, pedophilia, necrophilia…
Just don’t watch it.
It is still banned in South Korea, New Zealand, Australia. It is supposedly a parody of politically correct films made in Serbia that are funded by foreign groups and allegedly speaks openly about post-war society and the struggle for survival.
*shakes head*
Off to have a 3 hour shower, brb.
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction: S/o Has a Migraine and Can’t Sleep
A/n: I had a super bad headache last night so I just came up with this. Sry for the lack of og content! I’m working on a big request rn! (btw this is not edited so sorry for mistakes)
Warnings: maybe a couple curse words? nudity? idk its chill
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You had been prone to get migraines every now and then. As a result, you often didn’t sleep very well. Tonight was just one of those nights. It was a particularly bad one. You wanted to scream it hurt so much, but Chan was sleeping peacefully beside you. This was the third time this month. You didn’t want to wake him up again.
Slowly, you got out of bed. It seemed every movement only made the pain worse. You started to get dizzy. Bracing yourself against your closet, you sighed and rubbed your temples. “Chan...” You felt terrible about waking him up, but you needed help. “Channie...babe?” You said a little louder. He shot up in bed.
“I'm up. I'm up.” He looked around the dark room until he saw you by the closet. He rubbed his eyes and jumped out of bed. “Is it your head, baby?” He asked, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. You nodded and Chan gave you a tired smile. 
Carefully he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. Your head dropped onto his shoulder as you tried to ignore the sharp pain coming from the top of your head. Chan carried you into the bathroom and closed the door with his foot. He carefully set you on the counter and the flicked on the lights. “Ahh!” You yelped, clutching your head.
“Sorry! Sorry! I forgot!” Chan said, flipping the light switch back off. Chan turned the shower all the way to hot and let the steam fill up the room. He kissed your cheek before leaving the bathroom, closing the door behind him. The mirror fogged with steam and the pressure in your head started to subside little by little.
Chan softly knocked on the door before entering again. By now steam was setting into the room like a mist. Sweat beaded on both your foreheads and the glass Chan held in his hand. Your boyfriend came to stand between your legs, his hand rubbing up and down your thigh. 
“Drink some water, baby girl.” You took the glass, his hand staying nearby in case you dropped it. After you drank all the water, you leaned your head against Chan’s shoulder letting him rub your back. 
“I’m so sorry that it hurts, Y/n.” He whispered, kissing the top of your head.
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Work had been seriously stressing you out lately. So much so that Minho went to sleep before you did. You were doing your best to work through the splitting headache you had but it was impossible. Deciding to give up, you trudged to bed. However, laying down only seemed to make it worse. 
Minho was sleeping soundly beside you, completely oblivious to your pain. You did your best to fall asleep. But it felt like someone was taking a jackhammer to the side of your skull. “Minho,” You said shaking your boyfriend. “Minho, please wake up.” You said clutching your head in pain. He groaned and rolled over, sleepily glaring at you.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“My head is killing me. Fuck...It hurts so much I feel like I’m gonna be sick.” You said trying not to cry. Minho looked around, brows furrowing and then back at you.
“Well....what do you want me to do about it?” I sighed and slapped his shoulder, making him yelp. “Okay! Okay! Sheesh.” Minho stumbled out of your shared bed and shuffled sleepily down the hall. He came back a few minutes later with a bag of frozen peas and water. 
“Sorry, we were out of brussels sprouts.” He said helping you hold the freezing bag to your head. He watched you drink the water and lazily rubbed your thigh as he sat next to you. You knew he didn’t mean to be rude. He was just sleepy. 
“I’m sorry I woke you up,”
“Don’t apologize.” He said, taking your hand in his. Minho felt the back of your neck, only to pull away at the temperature. He gently took the bag of peas from you and transferred it, pushing your hair out of the way. “I don’t like seeing you in pain.” Minho leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours. Your boyfriend sat with you half asleep until the migraine finally went away.
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You were very stressed. Stressed was an understatement. There wasn’t a word for how much pressure you were under. You had been pushing it all down and just telling yourself it would all be over soon. However, it had started to affect your sleep. You would get these splitting headaches anytime you lied down. 
Changbin lounged across your couch scrolling through his phone, probably ordering the food you had talked about earlier. “I can pay for it this time, Bin.” You said running a hand through your hair. Your boyfriend shook his head, throwing his phone on the couch.
“Nonsense. I’m paying. Come here, baby. You look really stressed. Lie down for a minute.” You shook your head. You knew if you lied down, the pain which was already starting to throb against your skull would get worse. “Y/n, I’m gonna make you lie down if you don’t come over here.” Again you shook your head and turned, trying to find something to occupy your tired mind and body.
Changbin sighed and pushed himself off the sofa. He wrapped you in his arms and dragged you down onto the couch, your head laying on the cushions. He backed away when you cried out in pain. “Changbin, I told you I didn’t want to lie down!” You said clutching your head. 
“Baby, I’m sorry! What’s wrong?” You shook your head, pain throbbing.
“It’s nothing. It’ll pass....eventually.”
“No, you’re hurting. Tell me what I can do.”
You tried to push past the swelling and throbbing. “Umm....uh...in my bedroom. The nightstand- in the drawer there is a little glass bottle. It’s brown and green.” Changbin nodded and got off the couch. 
You could hear him rummaging through the drawer looking for one of the bottles of essential oils you had. The doorbell rang, making you cry out from the sound. “I’ve got it, baby! Hold on!” Changbin said rushing to the door. Quietly he thanked the delivery guy and placed the food on the table.
“Is this why you haven’t been sleeping?” He asked handing me the bottle of peppermint oil. Nodding, I opened it and rubbed some of the oil on my temples. The pain started to fade away very slowly. Changbin wrapped and arm around me, pulling me into his chest. “Baby, you’ve got to tell me when you’re hurting so I can help.”
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Today was not your day. Nothing seemed to be going right. On top of all that you were beginning to worry about money problems. There wasn’t enough in your savings to start paying off your student loans and no matter how much your boyfriend tried you wouldn’t let him pay for the entire rent of your shared apartment. 
Your shifts were getting cut back all week so you were struggling to come up with the money for rent, let alone something for Hyunjin’s birthday at the end of the week. Your boyfriend was still at rehearsal, giving you time to look at your finances without him offering to pay every eight seconds. Your brain was pulsing against your skull. 
You gave up after the pain started making words float off the bank statement you were reading. You switched off all the lights and rubbed your temples. The pain was only getting worse. Not having the energy to walk to your bedroom you just laid down on the cool wood floor in your living room. 
“Y/n? Hey, gorgeous! I’m home!” Hyunjin called out. The sound of his keys dropping in the dish made you clutch your head and whimper. You heard him walk over to the kitchen table and sigh when he saw the papers. “Babe, I told you not to worry about all this....Y/n?” He called out again.
“Y/N!” He yelped seeing you on the floor.
“Ahh...Jinnie...please be quiet. My head...” He nodded and carefully lowered himself onto the floor, laying on his stomach. “Hyunjin, what are you doing?” You said rubbing your eyes. Another sharp pain erupted from the top of your head, making you wince. 
“I don’t really know how to help...so I’m just being here if you need me.” 
If you didn’t feel so horrible you would kiss him. Gently he stroked your hair and sat against the couch. His arms wrapped around you pulling you into his lap, apologizing profusely when you whimpered in pain. “Thank you, baby.” You whispered into his chest.
“Please let me pay for the rent, gorgeous. I don’t want you hurting like this.” He kissed your forehead when you nodded the tiniest bit.
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This had not been your week. Everything seemed to be going wrong and fighting with your mom was the last straw. Jisung was set to be at the studio until late so you just cried. And maybe screamed...a little. You just let it all out until your entire body hurt from crying. It wasn’t the healthiest option, but it was healthier than keeping it all in.
The sound of the lock turning from the front door sent you shooting up from the couch and wiping your tears. A splitting pain shot through your head, making you wince, but you smiled seeing your boyfriend come home early. “Jisung, I didn’t expect you to come home for like...another four hours.”
“I missed you baby.” He said kissing your forehead. You tried to hide how much it hurt and quickly pecked his lips. After having dinner together and getting ready for bed, the pain in your head just kept getting worst. Jisung quickly fell asleep, but you lay tossing and turning next to him.
You stared up at the ceiling hours later, listening to the snores coming from your boyfriend beside you. Every way you turned hurt and the pain was so much that you wanted to cry. “Baby, what’s wrong?” Jisung asked drowsily after you gave up and sat against the backboard, clutching your head.
“Ji, it hurts...” 
He sat up, still half asleep, and wiped a few straggling tears. “What hurts, baby? What is it?” He tried to blink the heaviness away from his eyes. His tired eyes softened seeing you in pain.
“My head. It hurts so bad.” Without saying another word, Jisung got up from his side of the bed and walked around to yours. Gently he picked you up in his arms and carried you to the bathroom. Not bothering to turn on the lights your boyfriend carefully and sleepily set you on the counter, placing a kiss on your cheek. 
He turned on the shower, steam filling the room. With slow tired movements, he helped you undress before doing so himself. Tenderly Jisung carried you under the hot water and let you stand there, hands braced against the cold tile. His arms wrapped around your waist and he buried his face in your neck.
“I’m so sorry, baby.” He muttered against your skin. 
The hot water was helping relieve the pressure in your brain, easing some of the pain. Jisung placed sleepy kisses on your shoulder, rubbing slow patterns on your stomach as the steaming water fell over you both. After a while, you turned around and buried your face in his neck. 
He stayed under the water with you until the pain had subsided.
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Sweat dripped down your neck. It felt like a thousand shards of glass were pressing against your brain. Felix was sleeping deeply beside you, laying on his stomach. His skin was cool to the touch compared to how hot your forehead felt. You couldn’t sleep. Every time you tried to get comfortable your head seemed to hurt even more. 
“Fuck...” You whispered clutching your head. 
You rested your head on Felix’s shoulder, letting his cool skin press against your head. It only helped a little bit, but you just focused on listening to your boyfriend’s slow breathing. Your hand pressed against his bare back, letting the coolness try and calm you. 
He stirred when he felt you wince. “Y/n, darling, what’s wrong?” He asked his deep voice slurring. He rolled over and you sat up in bed. He pulled you down onto his chest, his fingers gently stroking your hair. “Why aren’t you sleeping, baby?”
You winced feeling another jab of pain. “My head hurts too much.” His movement stopped and he moved his hand away, choosing to place it on your shoulder instead. “Felix, it hurts.” 
He nodded and carefully got out of bed, resting you against the headboard, “I know, darling.” He whispered. “I’ll be right back.” You watched your boyfriend walk out into the hall. A few seconds later you heard the thermostat kick in, making the room cooler. He returned with a glass of water, a wet cloth, and a pill bottle. 
“Here, take this.” He said handing you two pills and the glass of water. While you swallowed the medicine, he gently pressed the cloth to your head, pulling you into his lap. You rested your head against his shoulder, letting the cold cloth soothe the pain. “Drink the whole thing, darling. It will help.” 
Nodding you tipped the glass a little further, hearing the chunks of ice clink against the side of the cup. Felix moved the cloth to the back of your neck. Another sharp pain in your forehead made you wince. You pressed the cold glass to your skin and sighed. “Thank you, Lix.” You muttered before drinking more of the water. He gave you a sleepy smile and pulled you close.
“No problem at all, Y/n.”
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Seungmin knew that you tended to get migraines when you were stressed. It had happened ever since you were in high school. You could practically feel a headache coming on. It wasn’t too late at night, but you would usually have been asleep at this time. 
Knowing it was going to get worse any second, you went to the bathroom and checked for the medicine you needed. When you reached for the bottle you found it empty. Sharp pain in your temples made you brace yourself against the sink. “Oh, shit...”You whispered feeling sick to your stomach. Without your meds, the migraine would only get worse. 
The pain got exponentially worse, sending you to lean over the toilet, wrenching the contents of your stomach. You reached for your phone, dialing your boyfriend’s number.
“Y/n, hi! I’m just leaving JYP. What’s up, cutie?” Seungmin answered happily.
“Um...I’m having a little bit of an issue.” Another throbbing sensation pulsed throughout your skull. “Min can you pick me up some meds. I’m out and I need them.”
“Yeah, of course. Hold tight. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Seungmin hung up the phone. You flushed the toilet and tried to clean yourself up. The pain was getting worse and worse. Dragging yourself to the kitchen, you grabbed the first bag you saw in the freezer, holding it to your head.
“Y/n?” Seungmin called out into the dark apartment. 
“In the kitchen, babe.” The sound of Seungmin’s footsteps echoed through the space. You felt sure arms wrap around your stomach. Turning your head, you were met with his lips on yours. 
“I’ve got meds and I picked up coffee on the way.” He whispered pecking your lips again. “Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew with extra ice just for you.” You cupped his cheek, mustering up a smile. 
“Thank you so much, Min.” He handed you the coffee and the meds knowing you would feel better after having both.
“Always, Y/n. Anytime you need me.”
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Of course, you had to get a migraine right now. The one-time Jeongin was staying over. Carefully you got up from the bed, not wanting to wake your boyfriend. While you were no stranger to migraines and headaches, you hadn’t had one in a significant amount of time.
Tiptoeing into your bathroom you opened the medicine cabinet. You didn’t bother turning on the light knowing it would just make the pain worse. Your tired hands searched through the cabinet only to find that you were out of the pills you needed. 
A cry escaped your lips as the pain jumped higher. Quickly you covered your mouth, hoping that the sound didn’t wake Jeongin. Clutching your head, you grabbed a washcloth and dowsed it in cold water. Folding it, you placed it over your forehead and slid down the bathroom wall. 
Slow tears escaped as the pain spiked at random times. You let your body fall onto the floor and you curled your knees into your chest, holding the cold cloth to your head. The cool tile pressed against your cheek, easing the pain only a little bit.
“Y/n?” You heard Jeongin call softly. “Y/n, where are you? Are you okay, honey?” You winced, feeling another spike in pain.
“I’m in here, Innie.” You said weakly. You heard footsteps pad across the carpet of your bedroom until you saw the shadow of his figure from under the door. He politely knocked on the door. “You can come in, babe.” He opened the door, looking around before he found you on the floor.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?” He said crouching on the floor and pushing a few pieces of wet hair out of your face. He immediately retracted his hand when you winced. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you-”
“No, Innie. It’s not your fault.” He relaxed and sat against the wall reaching for your hand. “I just get really bad migraines sometimes. I didn’t want to wake you.” He rubbed his thumb across your skin.
“Y/n you can always wake me up if you need me.” Carefully, he pulled me into his lap and didn’t even shy away when the other side of the cold washcloth pressed against his neck. “What can I do to help?”
“I’m out of the medicine I need. Could you run to the pharmacy and get some?” He nodded and slowly got up before taking the empty bottle and leaving the apartment. About twenty minutes later he came back and gave you the pills. Jeongin sat with you in his lap as the both of you waited for your pain to go away.
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Gavin’s Mini House In Detail 🏡
During the Mini House special events, I obtained all the furnishing items and had already unlocked all the furniture in the home so I thought for Gavin’s Birthday Week, I would share all of the little secrets it contains! 
Gavin has four sections of the house including-
Living Room
This post also includes MC’s commentary and quotes from special happenings associated with Gavin. Special furnishes will have the coziness points indicated next to its name.
Please enjoy! 
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Living Room
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Soft Stool 
The white soft stool next to the tea table.
This stool is a must when Gavin watches soccer games.
The leather surface is very soft, and its height is just right for watching TV on.
Want to know the trend of the soccer lottery recently? How about asking about it? 
It seemed to have won all the recent games, and is both happy and lonely.
If his favourite team loses, Gavin will sit here alone. (#sad) 
White Sofa 
With so many pillows, you don’t have to worry about having no support behind you.
Is the white sofa difficult to clean? 
The bolsters are very comfortable.
Curled up on the sofa with soft ginkgo aroma.
“Gavin, do you remember what you told me?”
“I just want to be with you, just like this...”
“You still remembered!” 
“I won’t forget what I’ve told you.” 
“Then... Do you have anything you want to tell me this time?” 
Gavin kissed MC’s forehead gently.
- This special happening (Starry Sky) refers to the Furniture City Date!
White Table 
“Gavin’s Pad is placed here too.”
(It has a photo of MC and she says she will change it into the both of them next time.)
“I can add a snack box, but Gavin doesn’t really eat snacks.”
Hallway Cabinet
“Gavin waters the plants regularly.”
“These are often loose change on the cabinet which we can take before going out.”
“The silver ornament is a souvenir I bought when we went to Disneyland.”
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The “Wavy Thing”
“I noticed a little “go for it” written on the most recently scrawled page of the notebook.” 
“I found a magazine that puts people to sleep in a second, which was necessary for insomniacs.”
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The black Zoombot.
Today I’m again busy all over the place saving Zoombot.
It’s a bit stupid and often gets stuck after hitting the furniture.
Makes a buzzing sound when working.
You threaten it: If you hang again, I’ll replace you!  
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Music Stand
The music stand bought by Gavin.
On it are sheets of music scores printed by Gavin.
It will sometimes think that the small black table next to it is a bit short.
Sometimes Gavin uses in in the hanging chair to record melodies.
Gavin will print the music scores and put them on it to practice.
Flowers on the Wall 
Each flower is carefully selected by Gavin.
The front wall stores a variety of flowers.
The flowers on the entire flower wall are all preserved fresh flowers. 
Black Table and Seat 
Looking at it closely, it is the song that Gavin played last time. (Music score sheet on table.) 
It is also very comfortable with the little black seat cushion next to it.
The soft black cushion stuffed with cotton.
My exclusive seat for Gavin’s recital.
I bought it with Gavin when we were shopping at the furniture market.
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Hanging Chair/Rose Hanging Chair (Coziness 88)
A great napping spot.
Here in the Leisure Time special happening, MC and Gavin talk about the swing they had in high school. MC is surprised that Gavin knew about the view of the sunset when being on it. He says he “passed by” sometimes. MC notes how the ginkgo leaves danced in the wind. He says, “they were gifts from another person”.
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Heart-Shaped Chair (Coziness 28)
A cute small stool and a convenient storage box.
Gavin’s expression was a bit subtle while he sat on it first.
Alternating blue and pink hearts, as it’s a Valentine’s Day limited edition.
Surfboard Cabinet (Coziness 42)
It’s a new surfboard. Bring it next time we travel.
There are also other surfboards. Guess where they are? 
It says fly on the surfboard, like I can leap through waves with it.
Blue Lamp
A lamp that always blows bubbles from the bottom to top.
It’s beautiful and dreamlike when switched on at night.
Black Table on the Left 
“This looks like the score that Gavin played on the beach last time. I suddenly feel a bit nostalgic.”  - This refers to the Slightly Drunken Date!
“I found a picture of an asleep Gavin. He was sleeping soundly.”
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Claw Machine and Carpet 
A dream-like claw machine. Gavin will add new dolls in it.
The inserted game coins can be taken out from the back of the machine and then reused.
A small black carpet in front of the claw machine.
I bought it together with the large carpet.
Red Bunny, White Bunny, Pink Bunny, Red Bunny, Grey Bunny.
The blue motorcycle sometimes want to compete with the opposite motorcycle.
The colour of the motorcycle displayed is sky blue. 
Maybe its name will be “Azure”? (because Gavin uses colours to individually name items.) 
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Spring Landscape Display 
The landscape has been embedded into the window, like beautiful paintings.
Maybe there is a new world inside.
I can't help stopping to enjoy the view each time I pass.
Is designed for a wider view, improving your mood even when you're tired.
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Winter Landscape Display (Coziness 61)
A corresponding landscape should be changed into winter.
Such heavy snow! Frozen river! Unfortunately, they are all fake. 
You can enjoy the red maple leaves and snow even at home, isn’t it wonderful?
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This is a word map that covers the entire wall.
Looking at it, Gavin and I have already been to so many places.
If you want to travel, you can find the destination on it in advance.
I'm willing to create memories with him in many more places.
The current iron style design is really cool.
Shines warm yellow when turned on, warming our hearts.
Display Cabinet  
It should have been a wine cabinet, but Gavin doesn’t drink, so it became a display cabinet.
The ‘little things’ between me and Gavin are displayed inside.
It looks empty now, but it will slowly be filled up in the future.
Black Tea Table
A black low table in front of the sofa.
I occasionally work here.
The star and moon deco piece is very beautiful, I picked it with Gavin.
You can put fruits and snacks on it while reading.
The wood texture had a matted quality with the black coat of paint.
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Looks cold but is artistic.
Seems useless, but also seems cool.
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A corner with blooming flowers all seasons, is warm and restful to the eye.
Outside the window is a huge ginkgo tree, and the fallen leaves are like brocade.
I feel like it’s always spring with all these flowers around.
It compliments the scenery outside the window. (They have a ginkgo tree right outside their home!) 
Photo framed have karmas from the Starry Date and the Romantic Date!
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Decorative Cabinet/Snowman Closet (Coziness 49)
The two little snowmen stared at each other throughout the winter. (Cute little reference to the CN Recovery ASMR.)
It looks like a window at first glance, but it’s actually a cabinet if you look carefully.
And you could open it. Didn’t see that coming right? 
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Starry Sky Wall (Coziness 52)
Today’s wish… I hope that Gavin…
I will accompany you to see the meteor rain which falls on this Earth.
Every moment a wish is realised, there will be a meteor streaking across the sky.
Dandelion Lamp (Coziness 43)
The lamp looks exactly like the grapefruit during Mid-Autumn Festival.
Like a burning sparkler, shining brightly.
Six light sources, not too dazzling nor too dark.
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Festive Decoration Table (Coziness 57)
Although there are two cups of drinks, we can still drink from the same cup.
The sofa in the corner always makes people feel safe. 
Although we are only two people, I still chose two long couches.
The letter under the ginkgo biloba leaf, writes a love poem.
All the shopping bags represent his most flawless love.
The wide view allows you to see the scenery in the yard.
The soft white mat was added afterwards.
But it’s always hot under the sunlight, so the curtain is often pulled down.
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Security Camera 
You are in a monitored area, please mind your actions.
Bulletproof Glass 
It’s not a normal screen, it’s bulletproof.
It's not often that one gets to see such a cool and HARD-CORE transparent screen.
Anyways, curious what’s in this wall.
Sci-fi glass wall in the movies.
The engraved badge is Gavin’s silent pride.
1-2-3... still shorter than it!
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Gingko Tree
Seasons slip by soundlessly.
No matter how small their wishes are, they will become seeds and eventually bloom in gold.
All life’s little joys turned into gold.
It guards the serene life here quietly over in the corner.
(Gavin makes ginkgo bookmarks with them for MC. CRIES.)
Corner Resting Area 
These action figures are actually pretty fun!
The puzzle is all grown up. It should be able to piece itself back together. (LOL)
(Puzzle) Maybe finish it while Gavin’s gone? 
(Table) It sometimes thinks the table is a bit short.
(Chair) It looks hard but it’s actually comfortable to sit on.
Very spacious, but looks a bit empty.
Some decorations should be displayed here.
Sitting on a blanket is also very comfortable. You can also lean on the small pillow. 
(Carpet) This is a carpet. You can’t tell, right? 
The advanced smart carpet that is warm in winter and cool in summer is awesome.
(The book on the table is called ‘Kritik Der Urteilskraft’- The Critique of Judgement by famous German philosopher Immanuel Kant. It follows after the Critique of Pure Reason and the Critique of Practical Reason- the First and Second Critiques, respectively. The Critique of Judgment constitutes a discussion of the place of Judgment itself, which must overlap both the “understanding” and “reason”.)
“You need to take better care of your health.”
“Who was the one working overnight over the proposal the other day?”
“Alright, we’re birds of a feather, so... so both of us should look after ourselves for each other!” 
“Rest assured, I will. After all, it’s different now. I have you by my side.”  -Harmonous Compa Special Happening
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Gavin’s Workspace
Accompany Gavin though every sleepless night.
This seems… No, I’m seeing things.
All folders are neatly organised and arranged.
A spacious table, with files and reports spread all over when busy.
I no need to worry about waking up from naps due to cold late at night.
I was reminded of some criminal investigation shows I have watched. Come on, Officer Gavin!
If this complicated case is made into a movie, it will be an exhilarating one. 
(Computer) A customised large-screen UHD model customised for work purpose.
(Computer) Work exclusive computer, only connected to intranet.
(Computer) The three auxiliary monitors can help keep the data safe.
(Chair) If you want to protect your waist, you should first have a comfortable cushion.
(Chair) if you work long hours, be sure to work in a comfortable chair.
(Board Area) What does it say? Ermm… Cats have nine lives? 
“Found a girl crookedly drawn next to a work record when he reached a bottleneck.” 
This airplane model was assembled by Gavin himself.
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The computer says-  Agent B-7
Team Operator S.T.R.I.K.E
Location Tracker 
S.P.Y Camera 
U4V Commando
Gunship Operation 
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Motorcycle Repair Area 
Every vehicle is so cool in its own way! 
Hello, you are... Little… Erm… Let me think… 
With the strength to lift mountains and the spirit to take on the world! Ha! 
The robot arm is actually a simple robot.
For your safety, please don’t linger below it
(Motorcycle) I would like to greet my seniors.
Electronic Control Pad
Responsible for controlling the rising, descending and switches of the entire area.
On Spring Festival, it will say: Happy New Year, Sir!”
Sooner or later, fully automated smart management will be achieved.
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Radio Office 
It’s an important communication device, and the only disadvantage is that it’s a bit heavy.
It’s actually a satellite phone, and it can receive signals everywhere.
Looks like the palm phone in the 90s. Oh no, I’ve exposed myself.
It looks like an electrocardiogram.
Don’t know how to use this weird device.
A thick laptop that it’s properly shut when not in use.
A cool eagle logo is printed on it.
Gavin used it only for special tasks and it will not be brought out.
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Corner Seating Area 
A courtyard in sunny or snowy days are interested in their own ways.
Sometimes the unfrequented bolsters will envy the knee pillow.
It's’ wonderful when two people are sitting here reading, even if they don’t talk.
Standing barefoot on the soft lawn is very comfortable.
There's nothing nicer than basking ourselves when its sunny.
The white binoculars which you can see things several miles away.
You can use it to watch the stars when it’s not too cloudy.
But star-watching is clearer mid-air.
Seems to be the same binoculars as those in the scenic area.
The binoculars in the scenic area require coins, but this one doesn't.
Outdoor Lounge Chairs 
The new furniture I asked Gavin to buy.
Can enjoy the sunlight spa comfortably when relaxing. 
Closing my eyes, I feel like I’m lying on a beach.
The soft breeze and warm sunshine. This is life. 
Lying on it and looking at the blue sky and white clouds, your mind goes blank easily.
The blue and white clouds-
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Leisure Table/Romantic Table (Coziness 52)
Lace tablecloth… I can’t imagine that it was chosen by Gavin.
The elaborately prepared dinner and roses, just for today.
A large sunshade on the balcony. (Black large umbrella.)
Bird Nest (Coziness 37) 
Once it was a pair of binoculars, now it’s a bird’s nest.
I bought it just because it was cute, but I’ll consider having pets in the future.
Birds flying by can also have a free meal here.
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