#edward newgate x female reader
sabo-has-my-heart · 3 months
Heyy how are you Hope you're doing well and have some food and drink water you need it🫶
So about the request i was wondering if you would be able to make a modern au i am not really sure if you write modern au but if you don't want to make it modern au it's totally fine
It's a scenario with marco adopting a girl (maybe 10-11) who's tomboyish and making her his daughter and basically the whitebeard pirates being whitebeard company (if you write modern au) with pops as the ceo of course and them being a huge family. (I swear they are really family i want what they have💞)
i can imagine izo telling everyone you people can't handle a girl there need's to be a bit of feminine only for the girl to run away cause she found him intimidating but at the end they bond.
Also please can you include the ASL trio as if they are a part of the whitebeard family
I personally had this idea for so long and thought a lot about it that's why i want to see it come to life thank you so much for this chance🥹
Love ya
Hello my dear! So yes, I do write modern AUs, lol. Sorry I didn't get this out sooner, life has been... a pain. BUT! it's out! I hope it's alright, I had a hard time wrapping up the ending. In any case, enjoy!
Warnings: Platonic WBP x Reader, platonic ASL x reader, female!Reader
Word Count: 1450
     Looking down at the little girl in front of him, Marco could feel his heart aching. He couldn’t imagine she was more than 10, 11 tops, but here she was, huddling under what little shelter she could find, trying to stay out of the rain. Walking in over to her, he held his umbrella out a little, covering her as well as he kneeled down. Looking up at him, e/c eyes looked up at him in curiosity and… was it… fear? 
     “What are you doing out here, little one? Surely you have somewhere you can go to escape the rain.” he asked softly, reaching out and placing his hand on her head. The little girl simply shook her head, looking down at the ground sadly. Marco’s expression twisted into a troubled one as he stared at her for a moment, “Come with me. I’ll get you out of this rain and get you something to eat, you look hungry.” Marco offered, holding his hand out for the little girl. She timidly looked down at his hand before looking up at him. He looked like a kind man, nothing like those who sought to kidnap her or hurt her. Tentatively, she took his hand, allowing him to lead her away.
     That had been 4 months ago. After taking her to the office with him, she’d immediately stolen the hearts of all the divisions, though it was a toss up as to if HR loved her more or R&D. No, no, neither of those were correct. The ones who loved her most were Marco and the company’s owner, Edward ‘Whitebeard’ Newgate. It hadn’t taken a lot to adopt the girl, once she’d finally been willing enough to give them a name and her previous orphanage. None of them had known much about her, but it was clear that she was a little cautious, something that none of them had much cared for. She was far too young to be this distrustful of people.
     Sitting in his office, Marco smiled as he watched his new daughter play in the, now renovated, room next door. The very instant the adoption papers had been signed, Pops had begun renovating what had once been an office next to Marco’s, turning it into a playroom of sorts for her so that when she wasn’t at school, the entire building could come and fawn over her instead of leaving her with a daycare, something they had all been vehemently against. Crawling into one of the human sized hamster tunnels, she was immediately off once more, ruffling the new dress Izo had gotten her. The man would sigh, but leave it be. So long as she was happy, it seemed that the rest of the office was as well.
     Hearing his office door slam open, Marco couldn’t help but jump, looking up to see a familiar straw hat and smile.
     “Is Y/n in here? Ace said she was in here!” Luffy asked excitedly, running towards the door to the playroom before Marco could answer. Even though the boy was a good 7 years older than her, he seemed to be her closest friend, the two of them often getting lost in the tunnels together as they ‘adventured’ across the building, the human hamster tunnels winding through almost all of the offices of the upper two floors.
     “Luffy! Get back here! You made a promise to Ace and I! Homework first then Y/n!” Sabo shouted, running into Marco’s office soon after and joining Luffy in the tunnels. The older blond could only laugh as Sabo chased after Luffy and Luffy chased after Y/n. Pops had taken Ace in after the death of the boy’s parents, being Ace’s godfather. Roger and Pops might have been rival companies, but contrary to what the press often said, had been surprisingly good friends. Sabo had been taken in after Ace, Pops filing for custody against Sabo’s parents after a fire left the boy with horrible burn scars. The one he wasn’t sure of, however, was Luffy. The boy had his own home, perhaps not the most attentive father, but a good man. His grandfather had found a… nanny to take care of him from time to time, yet the boy had still wound up with Ace and Sabo more often than not. Still, it seemed to be for the best since Luffy and Y/n got along, so he couldn’t be upset. 
     Another bang made Marco jump, seeing Ace and Izo in his doorway.
     “Marco! Did Luffy and Sabo come this way? Sabo called me saying that he was chasing Luffy and they were headed this way!” Ace asked, making the man smile.
     “In the tunnels, best of luck, don’t forget to take off your shoes.” Marco said, gesturing towards the tunnels, the black haired young man soon darting after his brothers.
     “She’s in the tunnels again?! But… but I just got her that dress!” Izo said with a sigh, looking down rather dejectedly, making Marco laugh.
     “And she loves it… when it isn’t hindering her ability to move.” Marco said, thinking to this morning when he had her put it on for school. He wasn’t lying, she’d been rather happy with the dress, finding that it wasn’t too restrictive, it was comfortable, and it was cute.
     “I haven’t even gotten to see her in it. By later today, it’ll probably be too covered in dirt and scuff marks. How is she supposed to learn to be feminine when she spends all her time around Ace, Sabo, and Luffy!” Izo grumbled, tucking a strand of loose hair back.
     “I’m sure she’ll be fine. Once she warms up to you more, you’ll no doubt be able to dress her up as much as you’d like.” Marco said with a comforting smile as the man in front of him sighed in defeat.
     “I don’t know why she doesn’t like me, Marco. I’ve tried being nice to her, but she always runs behind someone else.” Izo lamented, crossing his arms as he stood in the doorway.
     “It’s because of your first meeting. You pushed everyone aside to meet her, carrying a dress. She figured that anyone that can push away that many people so easily while managing not to rip a dress was terrifying.” Marco said with a chuckle. Izo sighed and nodded, his shoulders sagging as he leaned against the doorframe.
     “I suppose you have a point. Everyone here is rather tall, aren’t they? Well… tell her there’s some mochi in the fridge for her. It’s a recipe I learned from Toki.” Izo said, turning to leave.
     “You… made me mochi?” a small voice called out, drawing Izo’s attention to the glass playroom doors. Izo smiled gently as he looked at her, nodding.
     “Yes. Your favorite, in fact. Marco told me what you like, so I thought you might enjoy some in the form of mochi.” Izo said softly, his heart melting at her smile.
     “Thank you, Mister Izo. I’m… I’m sorry about getting your dress dirty.” she said, moving to dust the front of her dress off as if that would help.
     “It’s alright, little one. How about you and I go shopping one of these days. I’ll buy you something we can both agree on.” Izo said, feeling himself becoming putty for the little girl. Much like the others, he’d already adored her, but Marco was pretty sure she could get Izo to kill for her with that little smile alone. 
     “Y/n, why don’t you go with Izo now to get that mochi. You can eat it while you finish up the other half of that homework.” Marco suggested, watching Izo smile at the idea of her going with him to get the mochi. Looking down at her dress, her brow furrowed as she once more attempted to wipe the scuff marks out of the knees.
     “Don’t worry, little one, I’ll get you something better when we go shopping.” Izo said softly, giving her a warm smile. Almost as if a switch flipped, Y/n was smiling at him and running over, happily taking his hand as he led her away. Marco smiled and sighed softly, watching his daughter walk towards the break room. Even as Luffy ran out of the play area, Sabo and Ace hot on his heels, he couldn’t help but find himself feeling content. The company had always been a family to him; chaotic, loud, and messy, but a family, and seeing his daughter warming up to Izo, playing with Ace, Sabo, and Luffy, and often seeing her with Pops, he couldn’t help but feel more and more like a real family. Even if the family was the entire company.
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snowflakeanimelover · 3 years
Hello Dear Kate!
I'm really happy and pround of you! Honestly, I think you deserved them all!
Also...May I, if it's okay, ask for...Part 4 of Platonic Yandere! Mafia! Whitebeard Pirates with Teen! Reader?..
After Y/n find out about them, she eventually did everything she could to stay at home isolated from anyone's eyes. By that I mean - she always closes windows no matter of weather or time, always closes doors behind her and even actually tried to eat something unhealthy so she could have a reason to stay in bed from education.
I just really wonder what would they do? Would they will talk to her face to face? Or, they use other method?.
Sorry if it's too much to ask but I just really love how you describe them.
Anyway, have a great day!
Thank you, Cherry!! That is very kind of you to say. *Cries in happiness* I still ask myself how I got so many followers. More importantly, how so many people like my writing...
No matter what, it makes me super happy that my writing is good. This means it'll be a good push towards my dream job. Thanks again for your amazing comments. Nothing else can make me happier.
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*WARNING: Yandere. Kidnapping.*
Yandere Whitebeard Stalk HCs Part 4
(Y/N) was so cautious.
Always peeking out the curtains that covered her windows. She even had them locked. Her doors were locked.
She couldn't trust anyone.
So many thoughts went through her head. Who were those guys? Why were they chasing her?
The main thing she noticed was the clothes the men wore when she looked through the slightly opened door. They certainly dressed fancy. Fancy suits and ties. Some wore top hats, as well. The only major people she could think of was the Mafia.
Were those guys from... the Mafia...? If so, then why watch her when she has never met them before?
She knew that tall guy looked a little familiar.... He was the man she bumped into the other night!
As far as she knows, she had to stay in a safe place. And that safe place was home. For days she called in to her school for being sick.
A few weeks later, she feels like the men have lost interest in her. She didn't see any men out of her windows or near her home. So, she has put her guard down. Going into stores and back to school.
But that was a horrible mistake.
A man she has never seen before pops up before her as she was leaving the school. Not to mention the fancy suit he was wearing.
"Hey there!"
She screams, remembering he was one of the men who took her family. She turns, running away. But a hand grabs her arm, the other planting a cloth around her mouth.
"We won't be having any of that..." Ace smiles, trying to hold onto the wild girl.
The girl got sluggish as seconds passed, her teary eyes closing slowly. Her body then goes limp in Ace's arms when darkness takes over her consciousness.
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littlesniggy · 3 years
Hey could i request an Ace x female!reader scenario where she is Whitebeard’s biological daughter and the “little sister” of the crew. And she gets pregnant by Ace but nobody knows about it because they kept their relationship secret. So while the crew are eating lunch, the reader suddenly stands up and announces her pregnancy without giving Ace a warning (he already knew about it but didnt expect her s/o to say it outloud) So he just sits there all nervous while the crew is interrogating the reader about who is the father so they can kill him . Also i imagine whitebeard just choking on his beer for the shocking news lol.Srry if its too especific, change wtv u want about it.
Hello! Thank you for requesting! I hope I wrote everything to your liking. I probably went a little too much into Whitebeard's reaction but oh well...Please enjoy!
Pairing: Ace x female! reader
Crew's and Whitebeard's reaction to reader announcing her pregnancy
Word count: 1.2k
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“I’m pregnant, Ace.” He thought those words had caught him completely off guard. Your slightly trembling voice, your insecure tone, your harried eyes, darting from him to the wall behind him and back to him again; and he couldn’t say a word. Thinking about it now, he felt bad about his reaction but he was simply stunned. The first thing that had come to his mind was: How?
Of course, Ace knew how babies were made but didn’t you to use contraception? Sure, there was always a risk when having sex but Ace would’ve never thought he’d come into such a precarious situation.
The lack of speech had you think it was a bad idea; you should’ve never told him in the first place and just gotten rid of it. But you didn’t want to. You’ve already made up your mind that you would get the baby, if Ace wanted to or not. You wouldn’t even push him to be part of its life if he didn’t want to.
Ace noticed you becoming more insecure by the second and snapped back from his thoughts. “Hey, hey. Why that face?” he asked, trying to smile encouraging even though he felt insecure himself. “That’s great. It just came so…suddenly, y’know?” he said honestly, putting a hand on your cheek, stroking it your skin lightly.
“I know. I’m sorry to just tell you like this. But better now than never. I was shocked myself.” You admitted, leaning into his touch. A huge burden was being lifted from your shoulders and you were glad that Ace accepted it like this. Now came the difficult part though – how should you tell your father, Whitebeard?
Ace nearly choked when you announced your pregnancy to the crew out of nowhere. He stared at you wide eyed, face an unhealthy red. Did you catch him off guard back then? Absolutely. Did he think you could manage that again? Absolutely not. Was this announcement to your friends and family even worse? Holy shit, yes! Why didn’t you give him a heads up, an early warning? Anything, really!
All eyes were on you, a small smile on your lips. Marco was the first one to clear his throat. “W-what did you say?” he tried to get affirmation that he just misheard but you didn’t do him this favor. “I said, I’m pregnant.” You repeated yourself as if nothing was wrong with this statement.
Ace looked over the faces of his friends, some were shocked, some were angry, and some just had a blank expression. He didn’t want to look over to Whitebeard but he just had to take a quick look.
The old man was sitting at the head-side of the table, with a huge bottle of booze in his hand and completely frozen in place. Ace wasn’t sure if he even was still alive. Maybe the old man had a heart attack? Not too uncommon for people his age.
And suddenly, there was a lot of commotion on the table. Everyone was talking over each other, asking you questions over questions without waiting for an answer.
“Who did this to you?” “Did you get hurt?” “Tell us the name of this bastard!” “We will hunt him down, cut his dick off and present it to the sea monsters as some kind of offering!”
Every pair of eyes looked at the person who just said the last suggestion in confusion. “What?” Marco asked, bewildered from this comment. “I-I was just thinking…never mind.” The man said and sat back down, drinking his beer in silence. The pairs of eyes were shortly after back on you, everyone expecting an answer.
“Whoever this bastard is should run far, far away.” The deep voice of your father sounded from the far end. Apparently, no heart attack. Ace thought to himself. You looked at Whitebeard with a small smile on your lips, shaking your head.
“And why should he?” you wanted to know, intending on making Ace sweat a little more for the time being. It was kind of your revenge for him being silent for so long when you told him. It was petty, you knew but in your eyes you got a free pass. After all, you were going to go through a lot of pain in the end.
“Because once I get him into my hands I will personally crush this man with all I’ve got. So I hope he’s already on the run.” Whitebeard was mad. Not, because you were pregnant but because someone dared to touch his beloved daughter. Ace swallowed hard and looked over to you with a slightly pleading look on his face.
“So, you would crush your second division commander? That would be a shame. You’d loose one of your best men.” Silence. Aces’ eyes were wide open and his face said it all. How can she say this so nonchalantly?! Is she out of her mind?! Every single pair of eyes were now on him, disbelief written all over them. You could hear a pin drop; nobody dared to speak up.
“So, you’re the one who touched my precious daughter, Ace?” Whitebeard slowly got up from his seat, his heavy footsteps rumbling through the boat. “W-well….I-I can explain, pops.” Ace also got up from his place, slowly backing away with a shaky smile on his face, hands held up in defense.
“Really? Let me hear your excuse, then.” Whitebeard was standing in front of him, and it was the first time Ace felt intimidated by his captain. But before he could say anything you came between them, taking Aces’ hand and holding it tightly.
“We’ve been dating for quite some time now. We just thought it’d be better if nobody knew.” You said, looking up at your father.
Whispering could be heard from the rest of the crew at this revelation. Whitebeard raised an eyebrow. “For quite some time, huh? Why didn’t you tell me, Y/n? I’m your father.” Did he sound hurt? Or were you just mistaking? Either way, you felt guilty. “We just thought it’d be best for the crew if nobody knew. We didn’t want to cause disturbances on the ship.”
Whitebeard stayed silent for a moment, then looked behind you to Ace who immediately tensed up. “If you do anything and hurt my daughter or my grandchild in any way I will make my words from earlier come true. I can always get a new second division commander.” There was a small smile on his lips as he turned back to return to his seat.
You turned around to Ace and gave him a quick peck on his cheek. “Why are you so tense? Everything went great!” you said innocently, pulling him back to the table where the rest of the crew was waiting to ask you two more questions. Before you two sat down, this time next to each other, Ace whispered into your ear. “Someone’s getting punished later on, Y/n. You almost gave the old man a heart attack, y’know?” he chuckled but was silenced by you almost immediately. “Just cause you’ll become a father doesn’t mean you have to call yourself ‘old man’.” Knowing full well he meant Whitebeard.
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softrozene · 4 years
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Anonymous requested: Hello! I am here to request one of your amazing writings. Scenario or headcanons, either one, as long as it's easy for you. Characters: Whitebeard and Shanks ; they going to confess there love to s/o, but them realize that a other man are flirting whit her and they get a bit jealous, and without realizing it, they unwittingly confesses themself. Thank you very much if you do this, keep up the good work ❤!
This was so cute! Thank you for requesting it! It is so hard to see them jealous on purpose (like actually possess the trait) but I can definitely get behind unintentional jealousy when they are so ready to confess. I hope you enjoy these scenarios, Lovely!
Shanks, Whitebeard x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff, a tad of accidental jealousy, awkwardness, as stated in the rules Reader is always the character’s age unless stated otherwise but for Whitebeard’s part I imagine Reader is close to Marco’s age only because I have Marco as the trigger for Whitebeard so age gap between reader and whitebeard
Words: 1008
Pfft. Shanks does not get jealous. How dare Benn suggest he would. Why would he? He has you wrapped around his finger. He has you right where he wants to-
That is what he thinks. He knows it is far from the truth. That you just tolerate his flirting, but you also do flirt back, so he holds on hope! That and you must like him! Otherwise, why would you join his crew when you have nothing in it for you?
Okay- Maybe Shanks is a bit confused but he does know he is ready to confess to you. The gal of his dreams. He is ready. He can feel the blood pumping through his veins. God- Why is actually nervous? He never gets nervous!
Shanks is a natural Casanova.
He is a professional when dealing with women yet… As soon as his eyes land on your figure his heart stops.
The butterflies in his stomach feel like they are turning into a tornado. You are laughing that angelic laugh he loves so much and that you tend to dislike. His nerves are on fire but now his blood is not only pumping with adrenaline but boiling at the scene before him.
Why does Yasopp have his arm so casually wrapped around your shoulder?
And why are you leaning your head against him once your laughter starts to cease?
Oh hell no. This is not happening.
His charm is back in full but he knows he probably looks a tad deranged as he walks up to the both of you- Benn no doubt watching this scene somehow hiding among the shadows. That is why the little jerk brought up jealousy. He knew how comfortable you were being with Yasopp right now!
“Hey Cap’, what is wro-“ Shanks cuts you off by casually grabbing your hand.
Of course, with the utmost care in the world when doing so as he pulls you to him. Taking his hand off you he wraps his arm around your shoulder and says confidently (with that tinge of jealously laced in his voice that he somehow can’t hide).
“We are going on a date- SO Yasopp I hope you enjoyed holding her while you could because she is from now on my woman,” Shanks states.
You and Yasopp share a look before the two of you burst out in laughter. Shanks is utterly confused until you are quick to recompose yourself and smile at him.
“Yasopp was just telling me how you were going to confess to me soon and how you would do it! It was not exact, but it was pretty spot on! He meant no harm and I assure you, Shanks, I return your feelings in full,” You say your smile soft and god-
So perfect to him.
“I knew that!” Shanks says now laughing off that feeling he felt.
That started the rounds of laughter as Benn and Lucky Roux are quick to redo the scene of him walking up to you and wrapping his arm on you. Shanks can’t hide the blush or the pout as he looks away and you laugh again but this time in a soothing tone reassure him.
“We can go on that date anytime you want.”
Whitebeard (Edward Newgate)-
Whitebeard is always on the deck- Watching with careful eyes as his sons either mess around, train, or play cards. It is usually always fun to see how his children think however- Ever since his love interest has joined the crew, things have been slightly different.
Of course, (Name) always spends her time with either him or one of the commanders and he is no fool. He can tell that she returns his feelings, but he does want to make it official. He just does not know when, but it will be soon.
He frankly does not want to wait any longer than he has to. He is old and dying- Has been for the past few years but his health is worse since he does not listen to the nurses on the ship. So he wants to confess his love to (Name) and have it be official despite not knowing how much longer he has.
It will be worth it in the end because he has seen her own longing looks. How much she loves him.
That is the goal until one day- He feels something… Odd after seeing (Name) and Marco together. It was nothing weird too, Whitebeard just watches the two and notices how close they seem to be. Not emotionally but quite physically, they are touching shoulders.
He… Surprisingly hates how much of a good couple they could make. Even more so since they are around each other’s ages. A sharp crunchy sound stops all the chatter on the deck, and everyone stares at Whitebeard. He simply raises an eyebrow before he feels liquid run down his hand.
Ah- He just broke a beer bottle. Great.
Marco analyzes the situation and Whitebeard tries to keep his expression neutral-
“Pops- Are you glaring at Marco?” Ace questions as he and quite a few others notice that Whitebeard had been giving the favorite child the stink eye.
Oh- He feels his face relax immediately at the question. Ace and Thatch burst out in laughter as they look at you and Marco.
You both have smiles on your own faces and Whitebeard feels out of the loop. You make your way over to Whitebeard- To clean up his hand while Marco hums and speaks up.
“Pops- You do realize I would not go after your woman, right?”
Whitebeard replies, “The hell you talking about, brat?”
Your cheeks are red as Marco finally states what the whole crew knows about. “Pops, you are not really subtle with your looks. We know you have a thing for (Name) and she returns your feelings. You didn’t need to say anything.”
Whitebeard stares long and hard until he sighs. “Damn brats. If it was obvious you should have told me so I could have said something sooner.”
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trashytoastboi · 4 years
hello! i've already left a request about whitebeard in your askbox before, but, i had an idea recently. besides! seeing how there are more people leaving requests for it in the blog that you are adding that others rqeuest, makes me very curious and more happy to read them. If you don't accept it because i already done a previous one, there won't be any problem. Headcanons ; Whitebeard ; He promises to be with her until death, even though he is old and she is quite young for him. ¡Thanks! ♡
Heyya!🍀 thank you for all you requests and also sorry for the long wait on this. Hope you enjoy~
(Female pronouns)
Headcanons: Whitebeard x F! S/O - Promising to be with her until death
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Whitebeard (Edward Newgate)
🎅 Love is something that not everyone expects to come, nor hit them as hard as it usually does. The same can be said for Whitebeard, who spent all of his time and devotion to his crew, his family. So when he unexpectedly met {Name} and was completely toppled head over heels with a whirlwind of love for her, it's a good bet to say it was unexpected.
🎅In the height of his love for her, even after being together for a long time. He had made such a strong declaration that even {Name} herself was left in a bit of a daze after hearing about it. Especially when he declared something like being with {Name} until death
🎅 She was slightly dumbfounded since his proclamation came out of nowhere, and she knew that when Whitebeard promised something he fully intended to keep that promise.
🎅Whitebeard noticed the look on her face and let out some hearty laughter after seeing her reaction. "Its not that surprising to want to stay with ones love for their whole life" he speaks earnestly in response to her reaction and also as if a bit of an answer.
🎅Truthfully, he was so in love that he saw no one beyond {Name} and so dedicating his life to her wholeheartedly was but a small step, a gesture of his love for her.
🎅 Whitebeard always refers to {Name} as his greatest treasure and that is why he never wants to be away or separated from her.
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I have a request!!! ;o; But only if you wannaaaa.. Could I get a NSFW with Whitebeard? I know size difference is kinda implied but could you somehow mention the fact that his hands are huge and can pick up my entire upper torso with one palm please? Can be female/GN reader, also I like the HC of calling him Eddie. (/▽\) Thanks for considering!
Hello Bee my dear ☺️ Of course I can do this for you 🥺 So I had to picture him young to do this maybe when he first started his own crew young.. But this was interesting to do! I hope you enjoy this my dear! take care I hope you have an amazing rest of the day! Sorry for the delay on this request💙
Edward Newgate (Whitebeard) x GN Reader: My Dearest Darling N/SFW
Warning: size difference, penetration, (mention of being split in half)
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“E..Eddie do you have to be so rough?” you were on all four on the bed. His enormous figure behind you. You were only able to take so much of him at a time. If you took anymore of him he would have split you in half. Eddie would rearrange your organs if he wanted to and at times during these passionate moments he did. You weren't able to walk straight for a few days at a time.
Steadying his pace as he came to a bit of a halt “Cant handle it, my dear.”
“ Sometimes I think you forget your own strength but then again they don't call you the world's strongest man for no reason.” You said in a merely taunting manner picking your head up throwing it back slightly.
“ I was given that title fairly _______. Besides, I haven't even used my true strength on you and it seems you can barely handle what I give you.” Eddie said. “Let me ask you a question.”
Feeling his large coming from underneath you. His hand alone wrapped around your torso his this callous hands grasping lightly onto you .”If you're tired of being on your hands and knees and can gladly give your body the support it needs.”
Before you could respond feeling his girthy member pushing deeper inside of you. You let out a whine. Since his hand was supporting you from underneath. You couldn’t muffle the sounds of your moans in the pillow inches away from you. “Shit,” you said underneath your breath panting as you felt him going deeper every single time. His full member wasn’t even in all the way. Even through there was pain present it was being numb with the pleasure he was giving you. The room is filled with your sweet symphony of moans. Eddie feels himself not breaking much of a sweat but the warm breath filling the room, his body with a thin coat of sweat.
“I can feel your body trembling in the palm of my hands. I take this as a good sign my dear”  unable to witness the smile peering on his face. You could only imagine the sinister lust that could be peering in his eyes.
“Ed...Eddie.. Crap,” trying to catch your breath once more. “You’re going to split me in half,” you called out once more in a whining tone.
“I do enjoy you saying my name like that _____. Trust me I won’t split you…. This time.”
On the outside no one dare to disturb their captains intimate time with dearest darling. They just avoided that side of the ship until the coast was clear and the hallways felt silent. Beside I dont think none of them wanted to hear their Pop getting it on.
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Tagging: @fireflykaizoku @undercoverweeeb
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kristaline2dmensimp · 3 years
Hello Kristaline!
I'm...kind of new here and firstly I wanted to say that I really enjoy reading your writtings!
Also...I don't know if you will feel comfortable with this kind of stuff, 'cause if you do - it's more than understandable! I...I usually read your one-shots or something to read since...I'm having not really good week..
May I ask for headcanon with Platonic Quite! Female! Teen! Reader x Whitebeard, Shanks? (Separately)
By that I mean, Y/n is generally quite person and has a lot feelings that she bottles up inside such as sadness, fear and etc. She does not express herself a lot and have a hobby drawing arts. I just wonder how would they treat her..
Anyway, You're really talented writer and I deeply hope you will continue make more One Piece content.
Have a great day!
Eyo Anon I know this is kinda late but be strong and confident 😎 don't let them bring you down 🤘
Also thanks for reading my writings, I appreciate it sooooo much <3. Without further ado here's your beloved request tho I'm not sure if it was u expected hehe.
Whitebeard, Shanks x Quiet! Teen! Fem! Reader
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Whitebeard (Edward Newgate)
• Good luck even trying to bottle your feelings up because Whitebeard would notice it no matter what.
• His parental instinct is tingling ✨
• Even when you don't express yourself openly, he can see right through your facial expressions or actions.
• At some point of the day where you feel down and started isolating yourself from others and keeping yourself busy by drawing arts alone. He'll have one of his sons to keep an eye on you every 5 minutes while respecting your own privacy.
• A possibility of breakdown after bottling your feelings up was never zero, so just in case you need someone there for you, they'll be by your side in matter of seconds.
• Guaranteed you will never treated less. More like you will be extra cared, he himself and his sons will distract your mind out of negative thoughts. Especially the goofy duo (Ace and Thatch)
• Whitebeard can also be your personal adviser. (Trust me, he give pretty good advices)
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Akagami no Shanks
• With this person around, his antics alone won't let you think negatively.
• Despite his carefree or easy going personality, he's pretty observant around his surroundings.
• If he ever saw you isolated from others, drawing alone at the corner of the room with a sad expression, expect him to be by your side with his complement ready.
• Don't get me wrong, he highly respect your own privacy and he would back off with your word. But, if it appears that it was getting too far with you bottling your feelings up and one step away from breaking down, expect him to but in.
• He won't force you to express yourself openly, with a small help here and there, he'll wait for you to break out of your own bubble at your own pace.
• Like whitebeard, He and his crew won't treat you differently like you're a complete outsider. Because they won't even give you a chance to think negatively.
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Please Read Over My Rules Page Before You Request!!
A foreword; I write in accordance to my free time, and I’m currently both a student at uni and working a job, which means I don’t have much free time on my hands. I truly appreciate all the patience you’ve given me, and continue to give me, for my past, present, and future works. Thank you for being with me along the way! With this being said, I might take only a handful of requests at a time, whether that’s frequently or infrequently, and it’s important to note: I reserve the right to turn down a request I’m uncomfortable with, or feel I will not enjoy writing, even if it follows my rules and request guidelines. I’ve lived a life of pleasing others, in both my writing and in my skillsets, and I think it’s about time that I use my hobbies for my own enjoyment as well. I will do my best to fulfill every request I receive, but I can’t do that unless I set boundaries and limitations. Thank you for your understanding!
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My Rules:
Please limit your requests to two (2) characters or less for a scenario request, and five (5) characters or less for a headcanon request. These numbers may be subject to change in the future.
Be as specific as you’d like, but just keep in mind that a detailed scenario request might be difficult to write if I don’t see where to go with it, so it might be better just to give me the character(s), and the topic/kink you’d like.
.N/SFW may be requested on anon, but DO NOT interact with mature content if it is not meant for you. It WILL result in an immediate block. Avoiding interaction with them will protect both me and yourself.
I’m most comfortable with writing for female and gender neutral readers. I will try my hand at trans!reader and other LGBTQIA+ materials, but please be patient with me if it comes across as incorrect, ignorant, or that I feel I must turn it down for lack of knowledge; I am still learning. Though I will fulfill requests that specify characteristics or traits of the reader to the best of my ability, including (but not limited to), body type, hair type, skin tone, disability, or non-human/hybrid!reader. Feel free to make these kinds of requests!
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Know Which Characters I Write!!
As I’ve mentioned, I will do my best to fulfill every request I can, however, there are just certain characters I find difficult to write for, or I just can’t see myself creating content of them that I will enjoy writing. There are characters with a hard no, but there are also dubious feelings for other characters that just depend on the context of the request that may be turned down upon review. Just because a character is in my “Will Write For” list, does not mean it guarantees the request will be accepted. Thank you for understanding and respecting my boundaries and limits!
This list is subject to change in the future!
WILL WRITE: Bartolomeo || Basil Hawkins || Ben Beckman || Bellamy || Boa Hancock || Borsalino (Kizaru) || Brook || Cavendish || Charlotte Cracker || Charlotte Katakuri || Charlotte Pudding || Crocodile || Dalton || Denjiro (Kyoshiro) || Donquixote Doflamingo || Donquixote Rosinante || Dracule Mihawk || Edward Newgate (Whitebeard) || Eustass Kid || Franky || Fukaboshi || Gol D. Roger & Roger Pirates || Inuarashi || Isshou (Fujitora) || Izou || Jinbei || Kaido || Kaku || Kalgara || Killer || Kin’emon || King || Koala || Kozuki Oden || Kuzan (Aokiji) || Marco the Phoenix || Monkey D. Dragon || Monkey D. Garp || Monkey D. Luffy || Nefertari Vivi || Nico Robin || Page One || Pedro || Perona || Portgas D. Ace || Rob Lucci || Roronoa Zoro || Sabo || Sasaki || Sengoku || Shanks || Smoker || Thatch || Trafalgar Law || Ulti || Vinsmoke Ichiji || Vinsmoke Niji || Vinsmoke Reiju || Vinsmoke Sanji || Vinsmoke Yonji || Who’s-Who || Wyper || X Drake || Yamato
WILL CONSIDER UNDER REVIEW: Bon Clay || Buggy & Buggy Pirates || Caesar Clown || Capone “Gang” Bege || Eneru (Enel) || Iceberg || Jabra || Jack || Jewelry Bonney || Kamakiri || Koby || Mont Blanc Noland || Nami || Nekomamushi || Paulie || Tony Tony Chopper || Usopp
WILL NOT WRITE: Alvida || Arlong & Arlong Pirates || Baroque Works (with the exception of Crocodile and Robin) || Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom) || Django || Donquixote Pirates (with the exception of Doflamingo) || Foxy & Foxy Pirates || Gecko Moria || Helmeppo || Hody Jones & New Fishman Pirates || Kuja Pirates (with the exception of Hancock) || Kuro (Klahadore) || Marshall D. Teach (Blackbeard) & Blackbeard Pirates || Queen || Sakazuki (Akainu) || Spandam || Vinsmoke Judge || Wapol & Bliking Pirates
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Know Which Kinks I Write!!
Self-explanatory; this is the list of kinks I am comfortable and uncomfortable writing.
WILL WRITE: Aphrodisiacs (Consensual) || Begging || Biting || Blindfolded || Body Worship || Bondage || Breeding || Clothed Sex/Dry Humping || Cockwarming || Creampie || Dirty Talking || Double Penetration || Drunk Sex (Consensual) || Exhibitionism || Facefucking/Facesitting || FemDom || Fingering || First Time || Hair Pulling || Handjob || Hickeys || Lingerie || Masturbation/Mutual Masturbation || Mirror Sex || Omegaverse (A/B/O Dynamics) || Oral (M/F) || Orgasm Control/Denial (Edging) || Overstimulation || Polyamory || Praise Kink || Sex Pollen || Sex Toys || Shibari || Sixty-Nine || Size Kink || Somnophilia (Consensual) || Temperature Play || Thigh Riding || Tit Job || Vanilla || Voyeurism || Yandere
WILL CONSIDER UNDER REVIEW: Anal || BDSM || BroCon/SisCon || Daddy Kink || DubCon || Groping (Consensual) || Gagging || Friends With Benefits || Gagging || Lactation || Master/Sir || Nipple Play || Pegging || Pet Play || Possessiveness || Phone Sex || Public/Semi-Public || Roleplay || Rough || Sensory Deprivation || Spanking || Squirting || Strip Tease || Student/Teacher || Tentacles || Wax Play
WILL NOT WRITE: Blood Play || Hate Sex || Incest || Knife Play || Necrophilia || NonCon (Of ANY Kind) || Rimming || Scat || Underage || Vore || Watersports
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Know Which AUs I Write!!
I LOVE a good AU, so of course I’ll accept a variety of AUs for One Piece! Here’s a list of some that I have a history of writing, but know that I’ll more than likely add to it the more I find ones I enjoy.
Actor AU || Alien AU || Amnesia AU || Angel/Demon AU || Arranged Marriage AU || Assassin AU || Bakery AU || Bartender AU || BioShock AU || Book Store AU || Borderlands AU || Bounty Hunter AU || Brothel AU || CEO/Boss AU || Coffee Shop AU || College AU || Cyberpunk 2077 AU || Cyborg/Android AU || Dancer AU || Demon Hunter AU || Doctor/Hospital AU || Domestic AU || Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage AU || Fallout AU || Forbidden Love AU || Gamer AU || Haunted House AU || Hunger Games AU || Mafia AU || Maid AU || Marriage AU || Mechanic/Street Racing AU || Mermaid AU || Modern AU || Monster/Monster Hunter/Monster Tamer AU || Murder Mystery AU || ABO (Omegaverse) AU || Parallel Universe AU || Pokemon AU || Porn Star/Cam Star/OnlyFans/Prostitute/Stripper AU || Scientist AU || Soulmate AU || Space AU || Spy AU || Survival AU || Tattoo Shop AU || Thief AU || Undead/Zombie AU || Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU || Witch/Magic AU || Yandere AU || YouTuber AU
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Thank you to @heyitsdoe for letting me borrow her layout for my rules page!♡
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thewildomega · 4 years
Accepting requests!
So I have decided to try my hand at taking requests again. I am willing to do headcannon, prompts and scenarios BUT only for the following characters. Sorry if you don't see your choice on this list it's just hard for me to write for characters I can't see myself with or haven't seen yet. If you really really want it ask and I will let you know if I'm willing to give it a shot. No promises though. Also just a heads up I can only write for female readers x male character and I love me some angst. My list of available characters my grow the further I get into shows and the more comfortable I get. Anyway here we go.
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~ Crocodile
~Whitebeard/Edward Newgate
~Charlotte Katakuri
A/n: I am willing to do poly with ONLY Mihawk and Shanks.
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~All Might/Toshinori Yagi
~Endeavor/Enji Todoroki
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~Might Guy
A/N: I know, I just cant help but love these two.
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snowflakeanimelover · 3 years
Hello again Dear Kate!
I wanted to tell that I had a good day and I share a this good mood with you!
Also, I readed one Platonic Yandere fic that is still continues Wich I'm really happy abpit. That's why..
If you feel okay with this, could you maybe make a second part of Platonic Yandere! Mafia! Whitebeard Pirates with Female! Teen! Shy! Reader?..
By that I mean, Y/n is shy not without reason - she became like this because of the father and old brother that has a cold attitude about her. They find about it when one of the Whitebeard sons (Marco or Ace? You can choose) while watching her noticed how rude her brother was to her.
I just really wonder what would Pops and other will do..
And also..
..How are you feeling? Do you eated today? Did you stay hydrated? I deeply hope you are feeling good..
Thank you for being in Tumblr!
Have a great day!
I'm sorry this is late, but I'm glad you had a good day! You are very kind to be asking about my health, so thank you! I'm doing alright. Definitely feeling better from this cold that I had. I haven't been eating well.... I have a horrible apatite while sick.... I did drink lots of water, though!
Thank you again for your kind words! And for being patient!
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WARNING: Yandere. May have some uncomfortable stuff. People disappearing, possible killing, more stalking, etc.
Yandere Whitebeard Stalk HCs Part 2
(Y/N) was shy for a reason.
The Whitebeard pirates could see that.
They could see her flinch when someone makes their voice louder around her. Even when someone is just passing by.
She always hugged her arms, like she was cautious of something.
At some point, Ace decided to follow her home. Pops asked him to keep an eye on her, so he spent all day watching her from afar.
He noticed something interesting. (Y/N) tried to avoid her family. Being her older brother and father. She wasn't very lucky. They would catch her, yelling at her, or just being plain rude.
Seeing her like this, Ace felt anger. His teeth clenching, fists held tight.
Pops wasn't very happy to the news. Ace told him right away, always keeping him informed. They were protecting the girl. So, of course they had to do something.
Let's just say, they didn't get much of a response when (Y/N) came home to an empty house. Nobody was there for the first time. She seemed fine with it, relieved even.
Days later, Ace could see how suspicious she was getting. She realized her father and brother haven't been coming home.
Should they have put a fake note for her? Saying that they ran away and left her alone at home?
Ace will have to ask Pops for permission.
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snowflakeanimelover · 3 years
Hi Kate! ^^
I finally can have a rest after a lot things that I been go thought and I just wanted to spend the time with your precious and gorgeous writtings! I really love to read them honestly.
Moreover, after reading a Platonic Yandere! Mafia! Whitebeard Pirates with Teen! Reader I had an idea...and I made a art of it! Well..it's not really done yet but I really like the way I drew Pops!
That's why...if you- if you feeling okay with this. Can you..Can you maybe make a Part 3 of it?. Please?
After the first day after the Y/n's brother and father disappearance - she actually feeled free a bit. No one shout ot on her, No one is verbally hurting her or physically- she is kind of safe.
However, after days passed (it was already week after they disappeared) she started to worry about her brother and father which little surprised her. It's not like she was sick worried , it's more of a wonder where they were.
Usually she could always see her brother with his friends at the places that they liked to go - but he wasn't there, only his friends having fun together. Without him.
She could understand why father is not coming home for days - he was always stressed because of work which is really easy to understand. But she knew that he would always came home at weekends and at night time. But he didn't.
While Y/n was starting to worry about the disappearance. There was just a..a simple conversation between Pops , Marco , Vista. About what to do with the two bastards. Should they make them suffer from long and miserable pain or mentally destroy their minds until they will beg to kill them instead of letting the go?
While right now, Y/n is sitting behind of the door thinking of does this man watching me all the way to my home to kidnapp me too?
I'm really sorry if it's way to much-
I just couldn't not to think of the Mad and Protective Pops and his sons who is pissed that some stupid bastards even dared to touch their little precious sister/daughter-
Sorry, anyway if you feel uncomfortable with it - ignore this message and go eat something healthy and relax.
Have a great day!
🥺thank you so much, Cherry, for the nice comment. It makes me so happy that you like my writings. I am glad to write for you as well!
Also, can I see the art when your done?! You can totally pm me, only if that’s okay, of course! I would love to see it.
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Yandere Whitebeards Stalk HCs Part 3
Of course (Y/N) feels free!
At first she didn’t really notice her father and brother missing. She thought that maybe they went somewhere without telling her. It wouldn’t be the first time.
She felt relieved. Able to run around the home without getting yelled at. Or coming home without her own family glaring at her.
She didn’t have to hide away in her room.
A week of silence and calmness, for once, she started to get a little nervous. Her family may be mean to her, but they are the only family she has.
So (Y/N) looked around for them. Made sure that they were at least okay.
She stopped by the restaurant her brother likes to hang out with friends. His friends were there, alright, but not her brother.
“Have you seen my brother?” She asked them.
“Nah. Haven’t seen him around.” One of the friends say, quickly going back to talking. They were smiling like nothing happened, or they didn’t care.
She moved on. Days of looking for her family and she couldn’t find them anywhere. (Y/N) didn’t feel too sad about it, but she couldn’t help hit worry.
But on her way home, she heard some men talking in an alleyway. She was curious, hiding behind the door to listen. Maybe she’ll find something about her family.
“What should we do? They definitely don’t deserve anything good for what they have done to her.” Pops asks the other men.
“Let’s make them suffer miserable pain!” Marco suggests.” Marco says excitedly.
“Or mentally destroy their minds to where they’ll want us to kill them.” Vista says with a more even voice. He was more serious.
“We’ll have to think about it. For now, watch over (Y/N) and make sure she doesn’t find out.” Pops says, ending the conversation.
(Y/N) was terrified. She quickly headed home, sliding to the floor and hugging her knees.
“Those men….are stalking me…? They said my name….! Are they going to kidnap me, too?!”
It was best for her not to leave her home, until she knew more about these men.
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snowflakeanimelover · 3 years
Hello Precious Kate!
I was just drinking coffee and then I got lost in my thoughts until I had a realization-
Can you maybe..if you feel okay, make Part 4 of Platonic Yandere! Mafia! Whitebeard Pirates! with Teen! Y/n?..
She woked up in Pops cabinet and heard few whispers from several people. When she woke up - the first thing she noticed was a gigantic man sitting in front of her.
She could recognize him immediately. A man that she met by the will of fate.
Whitebeard himself.
She couldn't stop trembling and sweating of how nervous and scared she was. She could only look at the floor with non-blining stare despite the fact that she was being watched.
Everyone was here, Ace, Marco, Vista and others were here.
She wanted to cry but yet she just lowered her head and closed her eyes with hope that this is just a horrible nightmare.
I just really wanted to see their reaction and what would they say. Honestly, you can make it as a drabble if you want.
I just...I just had not really good day and sharing the idea with you someway helps me.
Have a great day!
I'm so sorry you aren't having a great day! I hope this makes you smile!
Also, I think this is a good one to end this series! I've loved writing them so far, so I thank you for the amazing ideas! Of course, you can request more Yandere Whitebeard pirates, I really don't mind. But this would be a good time to end this one, just to go with the story.
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There were voices all around her. Laughing, arguing, and more. She didn't want to open her eyes, remembering the man who kidnapped her. The men talking were probably the ones who kidnapped her family, too.
She wanted to cry at the thought of her brother and father gone. They must've experienced a horrible death, all because of her. Were they going to kill her, too? Torture her? Maybe even worse?
A sudden, gentle kick to her leg brought her eyes to open. She suddenly sits up, scrambling backwards as a crowd of men stood in front of her. Her back met the cold, wood wall.
"Don't hurt her!" A shirtless man with black hair yelled at the man next to him.
The man next to him had a white buttoned-down shirt that was opened to show his chest and stomach. He had blond hair and folded his arms. "I didn't hurt you, you idiot! I would never!"
But (Y/N)'s eyes landed on a big man who sat on a wooden box. He was the only one sitting down. This guy had a long white mustache, curving up to his ears.
"That's enough." His voice almost made the whole place shake. Everyone went silent, looking at the man. "Hello, (Y/N)." He greets her gently.
Her body shook as she hugs her knees. She was terrified of them, couldn't even speak.
"My name is Edward Newgate." He frowned at her shaking body. "I promise, we don't want to hurt you. I hope you understand, but we did this to protect you." He tries to reason.
"P-protect me?! You kidnapped my brother and father! You probably killed them, too!" Somehow, she was more furious then frightened. But that confidence quickly went away when the man shows a deep frown.
"Your family? They were treating you horribly. So, we had to protect you somehow. From them. I don't understand why you are so upset."
"Th-they were my family..." She scrabbles to say, hot tears rolling down her cheeks.
"I see. It looks like you'll have to stay in here until you realize we are your saviors. We saved you from your family's torture." With that, he stood up, walking out of the room. All of the men followed behind him, besides one in particular.
The black-haired man who kidnapped her. He stepped closer, crouching down to her level.
"Wh-where am I...?" She asks the man before he could speak.
Ace smiles. "We're on a boat. About ready to move to another city."
She was shocked. A boat? Then she couldn't escape!
"Don't be scared. We'll protect you, forever."
He locks the door behind him, his footsteps getting further and further away.
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trashytoastboi · 4 years
Wow! Now that there are several people bringing up Shirohige (whitebeard), what about headcanons about how he would be with his s/o, if she would be part of his crewmates. Yes, it is a request. ¡Thanks, hope house can do it!
Heyya!🍀 sure thing, hope you enjoy~
(Female pronouns)
Headcanons: Whitebeard x F! S/O – General relationship Headcanons
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Whitebeard (Edward Newgate)
🎅Whitebeard is a very attentive and sweet partner, very caring and involved with how {Name} is feeling. Although he can sometimes be something of a worrywart
🎅Absolutely adores seeing her happy, and things like when she smiles or laughs or just in general gets excited. Its one of the most beautiful sights for him and he always try to keep it around and try to do things for her that will cause it
🎅 Very wise in his choice of words when {Name} needs comfort, and very soothing to be around. He is always there to listen and talk, along with being greatly supportive he is one of {Name’s} emotional pillars.
🎅 Loves those small cheeky kisses that he sneaks in, away from the gazes of everyone, small tokens of his love shown in a physical way
🎅 Every island he stops at – he feels this overwhelming need to pick flowers for {Name}
🎅 Was one of those subtle building feelings that somehow struck him by complete surprise when he realized just how hard he had fallen for {Name}
🎅 At first he was very endearing yet awkward in his actions, especially feeling shy with his whole crew teasing him over his crush.
🎅 Absolutely loves dad jokes and uses his partner as a bit of a test subject for them. He also has tried his hand at a few cheesy romance jokes such as “I must be a snowflake cause I fell for you” or “We’re not socks, but I think we’d make a great pair”
🎅 Seriously considered a power couple and most of the crew are afraid of {Name}, seeing how Whitebeard can be very headstrong and wilful, sometimes not listening such as when the nurses or doctors tell him not to drink and he doesn’t listen, though he listens to {Name}, especially when it comes to his treatment and health she is very strict
🎅 Often times they just get lost in their own world and spend a lot of time together, simple things like mindless conversation.
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