#eirene deity
thewhisperofzagreus · 3 months
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Peace (Eirene), 1850~1888 - oil on canvas.
— Ludwig Knaus (Germany, 1829–1910)
Eirene is the personification and goddess of peace in Greek mythology.
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diana-thyme · 6 months
Greek Gods 101: Eirene
Eirene is a goddess of peace and spring. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Imagery of Doves
Imagery of Wreaths
Olives/Olive Oil
Olive, Pine, or Birch Wood, Sticks, Leaves, Etc.
Depictions of the Cornucopia
Imagery of Gates/Fences
Depictions of Rhytons
Veils or Other Head Coverings
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for her include:
Planting Seeds
Living More Peacefully
Deescalating Conflicts
Making Donations (especially to war relief funds)
Doing A Craft (sculpting, drawing, knitting, etc.)
Listening to Peaceful Music
Practice Mindfulness
Live Simply
She is celebrated in 2 Athenian holidays:
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thewrathfulwitch · 11 months
Of Pallas Athena, guardian of the city, I begin to sing. Dread is she, and with Ares she loves deeds of war, the sack of cities and the shouting and the battle. It is she who saves the people as they go out to war and come back.
Hail, goddess, and give us good fortune with happiness!
Homeric Hymn 11 to Athena (trans. Evelyn-White)
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I begin to sing of Pallas Athena, the glorious goddess, bright-eyed, inventive, unbending of heart, pure virgin, saviour of cities, courageous, Tritogeneia. Wise Zeus himself bare her from his awful head, arrayed in warlike arms of flashing gold, and awe seized all the gods as they gazed. But Athena sprang quickly from the immortal head and stood before Zeus who holds the aegis, shaking a sharp spear: great Olympus began to reel horribly at the might of the bright-eyed goddess, and earth round about cried fearfully, and the sea was moved and tossed with dark waves, while foam burst forth suddenly: the bright Son of Hyperion stopped his swift-footed horses a long while, until the maiden Pallas Athena had stripped the heavenly armour from her immortal shoulders. And wise Zeus was glad.
And so hail to you, daughter of Zeus who holds the aegis! Now I will remember you and another song as well.
Homeric Hymn 28 to Athena (trans. Evelyn-White)
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Revered Pallas, you alone great Zeus bore by himself, noble and blessed goddess, brave in the din of war. Renowned and cave-haunting, you may and may not be spoken of. Your domain is on wind-swept hilltops and shaded mountains, and dells charm your heart. Arms please you, and you strike men’s souls with frenzy, O maiden vigorous and horrid-tempered. Slayer of Gorgo, blessed mother of the arts, you shun the bed of love and, O impetuous one, you bring madness to the wicked and prudence to the virtuous. Male and female, begetter of war, counselor, she-dragon of many shapes, frenzy-loving, illustrious, destroyer of the Phlegraian Giants, driver of horses, Tritogeneia, you free us of suffering, O victorious goddess. Day and night– ever into the small hours– hear my prayer and give me a full measure of peace, of riches, and of health accompanied by happy seasons, O gray-eyed and inventive queen to whom many pray.
Orphic Hymn 32 to Athena (trans. Athanssakis)
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Fumigation from Manna. O Powerful Victory , by men desir'd, with adverse breasts to dreadful fury fir'd, Thee I invoke, whose might alone can quell contending rage, and molestation fell: 'Tis thine in battle to confer the crown, the victor's prize, the mark of sweet renown; For thou rul'st all things, Victory divine! And glorious strife, and joyful shouts are thine. Come, mighty Goddess, and thy suppliant bless, with sparkling eye, elated with success; May deeds illustrious thy protection claim, and find, led on by thee immortal Fame.
Orphic Hymn 33 to Nike (trans. Taylor)
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Come great Eirene, bless this world with peace and let us be a unified whole. Hail to the Goddess who would be the end of wars, to spread calm through our hearts.
Blessed Athena, patroness of this great land, you who is the protector of cities and of all, who fights in battle with passionate desire, we honor you this day as we remember the unification of Attica from Theseus.
Mighty Zeus Patrôios, you who sees to the phratries of the people, the lines of great descendance, we look to you today as we honor those who have come before us and have fought for a better future, for the unification of our beloved homeland.
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pink-lemonade-rose · 1 year
No divinity in the Greek pantheon radiated as much warmth as Hestia. She was the divine personification of the domestic hearth. She was not just the fire; she embodied the entire household revolving around it. She represented the center for human communities both large and small—communities of families, villages, and cities. Since such associations flourish only when their members are in harmony, Hestia was the goddess who always avoided strife, in contrast to a goddess like Hera. No one understood this better than the Athenians. They set up statues of Hestia and Eirene, goddess of peace, next to their civic hearth inside the Prytaneion in the Agora.
Erika Simon, The Gods of the Greeks
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aceofcupsbiggestfan · 4 months
Horae (or Horai) are the seasons of Hellenism. They are often seen as a group of three goddesses, however in reality there are many variations on which goddesses they are, or even if they are epithets of each other.
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Most commonly the three Seasons are seen as Dike (personification and goddess of divine justice), Eunomia (goddess of good order and lawful conduct), and Eirene (goddess of peace). This, however, is their later interpretation. Slowly across the Classical and Hellenistic Periods the Horae changed from season deities to goddesses of order and justice.
So while Lady Dike, Lady Eunomia and Lady Eirene are correctly the Horae, they are also correctly Thallo (goddess of "green-shoots" and blooming), Auxo (goddess of vegetation and growth at full bloom), and Karpo (goddess of ripening plants and fruits of the earth).
It's good to note that each Goddess here is also a Daimon, a personification, of their respected rulings. For example, you may find confusion while speaking of Karpo as the personification of Autumn, due to her also being the goddess of ripe fruit. This could easily be meshed in one's mind with Lady Demeter, goddess of the Harvest, who is commonly associated with autumn. However, Lady Demeter is not a personification, and is an Olympian Deity, marking her vastly different from Lady Karpo as the Daimon and Goddess of Autumn itself.
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In the Iliad, the Horae were keepers of Zeus's gate on Olympus. This is thought to be their earliest written record. Here the Horae were said to be born of Zeus and Themis, meaning they would be the later goddesses.
Primarily, the earlier variation of the goddesses were worshipped in rural Greece. The later were also adopted in rural areas, but less as nature deities and more of goddesses that represent farming prosperity. The earlier goddesses are often seen with Chione (goddess of snow) and Orithyia (goddess of cold mountain winds). Together, Thallo, Auxo, Karpo, Chione and Orithyia were seen as handmaidens/entourage to Persephone as the goddess of the turn of seasons.
Nonnus described the Horae as four daimons, the daughters of Helios (And sometimes Selene) and handmaidens of Queen Hera. These daimons are different from the previous group due to them not only being seen occasionally as winged children, but also being not goddesses but personifications. These daimons are Eiar (personification of spring), Theros (personification of summer), Phthinoporon (personification of autumn), and Cheimon (personification of winter). However, this variation of the Horae are from a Greek poet living in Imperial Rome, so take it with a very large grain of salt as a Hellenist. But if you worship the Roman pantheon, you might want to look more into this variation than others!
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Personally, as a Hellenist myself, I look more towards the first two variations of the Horae. Not one is wrong in their claim to their sisterhood of the Horae. With Cronus's wheel of time comes change, and it is only natural for it change as such. I worship both trios (and Chione + Orithyia) as the Horae, because they both are! They are goddesses of time in their own respect, and all eight deserve reverence, worship, and devotion as goddesses that aid us in every turn of life.
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sinsmockingbird · 5 months
How do you think Chelsea, Cabernet, Eirene and Oak Casket would react to their s/o buying xl sized condoms while shopping with them?
Ohohoho, I think they'd all have different reactions but that end in the same way- with you both in bed.
CW: Smut under the cut
• Immediately wants to grab you and spin you around to face her, only to tug your pants and underwear down to see if you are actually that huge to have to use XL sized condoms.
• Of course she controls herself and holds back considering you are in a store, but you better know her eyes are zeroed in on the bulge in your pants, finally coming to the realization that you must be massive with a bulge like that.
• Chelsea will eventually start to become touchy, moving to feel you up in subtle and non subtle ways. All until she bends down to the lowest shelf, grinding her ass into your crotch till you quickly decide to finish up and pay for everything.
• As soon as you guys are home, Chelsea has you stripped naked and is grinding against your cock, watching in amazement at how big it gets. She's soaking not only through her panties but her pants as well as she imagines putting one of those condoms to use right away.
• Literally salivating as soon as she sees you reach over for the XL sized condoms. Seeing you lazily toss them into the cart while continuing to browse, leaving her eyeing you up like a predator does to their prey.
• She'll stalk up besides you, brushing her lips against your ear while passing by, leaving you flustered at the words she uttered; "Oh I'm going to have a feast with you tonight."
• She'd saunter ahead of you, giving more sway to her hips, letting you stare red faced and slack jawed as you simply freeze, eyes only staring at her gorgeous ass which her dress accentuates beautifully.
• You better be prepared for Cabernet to be absolutely sucking the soul out of you through your cock as soon as you get home. She's going to be worshipping it like it's her deity from now on.
• Her cool demeanor is gone in a second as soon as she sees you reaching for the XL sized condoms. Her face turning into a tomato as she realizes what that's implying.
• When you look back at her, she's turned on her heel and rushing away from you to another aisle, her hand covering her red face as she needs to take a moment to compose herself.
• When you find her and ask what's wrong, she'll be tugging you into a kiss, muttering, "I want you so bad," before telling you to grab what you need and meet her out at the car in 10 minutes.
• After scrambling to grab stuff, and stumbling to the car, Eirene can't even wait to get home to keep her hands off you, and she'll be dropping her head down to sloppily lick and suck on your cock.
• Oh the smirk that crosses her face when she sees you reaching for the XL sized condoms perfectly shows how hungry she is to see if your cock actually stands up to the size.
• She's giving you that smirk when you look at her, her eyes teasing and also perfectly showcasing what she was feeling and what she wanted your cock to do to her body when you get home.
• And the way her voice becomes lower and sultry, your knees are weak and your bulge has grown significantly bigger.
• Perhaps Oak will just have to drag you to the stores bathroom and help you with your little- or rather large- problem before you two even attempt at going home.
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allmythologies · 1 year
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greek mythology: eirene
eirene is the goddess of peace and the season of spring. she is one of the three horai, deities of the seasons. eirene's name is the greek word for peace but it is also closely connected with the word for spring. in ancient greece late spring was the traditional campaign season, the time when peace was most at risk.
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
What godly parent would be good for a set of triplets oc?
There's a lot of options you could go for! Depends on what type of theming you prefer, I suppose. Lucky for you, Greco-Roman mythology loooooves things in threes. The original version of this post got long so I'll make a (slightly) shorter version:
Honestly, any deities that are twins/etc, or have twin/triplet/quadruplet/etc or otherwise large thematic groupings of children, or are part of a thematic triad (which Roman mythos has a few of)/etc, all easy options.
Hecate is an obvious one cause of the triple form. Selene, Persephone, and Artemis are also all associated with her as a triad. Selene also sometimes is seen as mother of the seasons, which is a grouping of four. Artemis is obviously a twin herself and Apollo is the father of the muses of the lyre, who are three sisters if not triplets (Cephisso, Apollonis, Borysthenis. Or Hypate, Mese, and Nete). Not to mention just the Muses in general. Janus is more twos/doubles but you could work with that. I've been enjoying playing around recently with children of Feronia (Roman goddess) concepts, because one of her mythological children had a triple soul and had to be killed thrice to truly die.
Zeus is another who often has children in thematic groups, also commonly in threes - the Fates, the Graces/Charities, etc. Helen of Troy, Clytemnestra, Castor, and Pollux are quadruplets (who sometimes have different fathers and hatched from like one or two eggs, depending, fun fact!) and sometimes Helen is specifically a child of Nemesis. Also you could totally use that myth as thematic basis for your triplet characters just straight up having different godly parents.
Nyx has a ton of kids who are sometimes thematically grouped. Fates were already mentioned, the Furies, the Oneiroi (which are basically literally endless cause they're dreams), etc. Hypnos and Thanatos are twins. The Somnia are 1000 children of Hypnos/Somnus (also dreams) and include the notable triad of Morpheus, Phobetor/Icelos, and Phantasos. The Horae are also often a triad - Thallo, Auxo, and Carpo. Eunomia, Dike, and Eirene. Pherusa, Euporie, and Orthosie. Iris and Arke are more twins. The Erotes have a lot of variation in them - Anteros is sometimes Eros' brother/twin, sometimes Eros, Himeros, and Pothos were all brothers. The Algea could be interesting if you want a darker triad. Astrape and Bronte aren't necessarily twins but are a duo. Deimos and Phobos are twins. Sometimes Ares and Enyo are siblings- and Enyo is also sometimes one of the Graeae, who are another trio of siblings! You get the picture.
As I said, any mythological figure that's known for having children that form a thematic group, or just a really large bunch of children could totally work. Or anyone who's a twin/triplet/quadruplet themself, or their parents, etc etc. And again, see: Leda's kids. Technically there is nothing saying you have to make them all have the same godly parent while keeping them triplets. You can get as funky as you want with it.
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themodernwitchsguide · 10 months
the greek/roman gods
Format is GREEK NAME/ROMAN NAME: description
starting at the beginning,
CHAOS: the void, everything and nothing, sometimes a deity, sometimes a stasis.
then there were the Primordials, that arose from Chaos and were more concepts than gods,
EROS (the elder)/PHANES: love and procreation
TARTARUS: the original deity/representation of the underworld
GAIA/TERRA: mother earth, the ultimate creator
EREBUS: night
NYX: darkness
AETHER: child of Erebus and Nyx, day
HEMERA: child of Erebus and Nyx, light
MOROS: child of Erebus and Nyx, doom
KER: child of Erebus and Nyx, violent death
THANATOS: child of Erebus and Nyx, death
HYPNOS/SOMNUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, sleep
MOMUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, mockery and blame
GERAS/SENECTUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, old age
OIZYS/MISERIA: child of Erebus and Nyx, misery
NEMESIS: child of Erebus and Nyx, retribution
PHILOTES: child of Erebus and Nyx, affection
APATE: child of Erebus and Nyx, deceit
ERIS/DISCORDIA: child of Erebus and Nyx, strife
MOIRAI/PARCAE: child of Erebus and Nyx, the three fates
CHARON: child of Erebus and Nyx, ferryman of the Underworld
CHRONUS: the elder primordial of time
OUREA: created by Gaia, the mountains
NESOI: child of Ourea, the islands
PONTUS: created by Gaia, the sea
THALASSA: child of Pontus, a sea goddess
NEREUS: child of Gaia and Pontus, god of the sea
CETO: child of Gaia and Pontus, sea goddess
THAUMUS: child of Gaia and Pontus, a sea god
IRIS: child of Thaumus, goddess of rainbows
OURANOS/CAELUS: created by Gaia, the sky
TYPHON: son of Gaia and Tartarus, volcanic forces, the father of all monsters
then came the Titans, the children of Gaia and Ouranos (unless specified otherwise),
CRONUS/SATURN: son of Ouranos, god of the harvest, slayed/castrated his father
RHEA/CYBELE/OPS: goddess of fertility
OCEANUS: god of the oceans, conceived the Oceanids with Tethys
TETHYS: god of the rivers
TYCHE/FORTUNA: one of the Oceanids, goddess of good luck
STYX: one of the Oceanids
HYPERION: god of light, but more in a sunlight sense
THEIA: goddess of light, but in a light of the blue sky sense
HELIOS/SOL: child of Hyperion and Theia, god of the sun
SELENE/LUNOS: child of Hyperion and Theia, goddess of the moon
EOS/AURORA: goddess of dawn
CRIUS: god of the constellations
EURYBIA: child of Pontus, sea goddess
ASTRAEUS: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of stars and planets
PALLAS: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of war
PERSES: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of destruction
THEMIS: goddess of law and order
IAPETUS: god of mortal life
ATLAS: child of Iapetus and Asia (an Oceanid), carried the celestial sphere, god of astronomy
PROMETHEUS: child of Iapetus and Asia, god of foresight, creator of man and giver of fire to humans
EPIMETHEUS: child of Iapetus and Asia, god of hindsight
MNEMOSYNE: goddess of memory
COEUS/POLUS: god of the celestial axis
PHOEBE: a moon goddess
LETO/LATONA: child of Coeus and Phoebe, goddess of motherhood
ASTERIA: child of Coeus and Phoebe, goddess of falling stars
HECATE/TRIVIA: child of Asteria and Perses, goddess of magic, ghosts, and necromancy
then the "modern" Pantheon,
ZEUS/JUPITER: god of sky, weather, and kingship
ATHENA/MINERVA: sprung from Zeus' head, goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts
APOLLO: child of Leto and Zeus, god of the sun, healing, prophecy, music, and poetry
ASCLEPIUS/AESCULAPIUS: son of Apollo and a nymph, god of medicine
ARTEMIS/DIANA: child of Leto and Zeus, goddess of the moon, hunting, and the wild
HERMES/MERCURY: child of Maia and Zeus, messenger of the gods and patron of thieves and travellers
PAN/FAUNUS: child of Hermes, god of nature and shepherding
DIONYSUS/BACCHUS: child of a mortal and Zeus, god of wine, festivity, and madness
DIKE: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of justice
EUNOMIA: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of good laws
EIRENE: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of peace
HERA/JUNO: goddess of women and marriage
ARES/MARS: child of Hera and Zeus, god of war and courage
EILEITHYIA: child of Hera and Zeus, goddess of childbirth and midwifery
HEPHAESTUS/VULCAN: child of Hera and Zeus, god of blacksmithing and fire
HEBE/JUVENTIA: child of Hera and Zeus, goddess of youth, cupbearer of the gods
DEMETER/CERES: goddess of agriculture
PERSEPHONE/PROSPERINA: child of Demeter and Zeus, goddess of springtime and queen of the Underworld
POSEIDON/NEPTUNE: god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses
TRITON: child of Amphitrite and Poseidon, messenger of the sea
HADES/PLUTO: king of the Underworld and god of the dead and wealth
HESTIA/VESTA: goddess of the hearth and home
APHRODITE/VENUS: sprung from the sea foam created by Ouranos' body being thrown into the sea, goddess of love, beauty and pleasure
HERMAPHRODITES: child of Aphrodite and Hermes, god of androgyny
EROS/AMOR/CUPID: child of Ares and Aphrodite, god of love
NIKE: child of Styx and Pallas, goddess of victory
ZELUS: child of Styx and Pallas, god of zeal
KRATOS: child of Styx and Pallas, god of strength
BIA: child of Styx and Pallas, goddess of force
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hyakinthou-naos · 6 days
I've been following your temple for a while now and wanted to ask for some advice. I'd like to start worshipping Hyacinthus but I'm a little nervous to approach him. I'm not very familiar with him and I can't seem to find many people sharing their experiences with him online or offline.
Would you mind sharing your experiences with Hyacinthus? Also, would you mind sharing what he's like to you? I know gods represent themselves differently to people but I think it'd make me feel less nervous. I hope I'm not bothering you. Please know you don't have to respond. Thank you for all you do.
- 💜
Dear 💜,
I want to assure you that you are not bothering me at all! This is a great ask and a subject I don't think I've really touched on as of yet.
I do want to preface by saying that, in my own practice, I view Hyacinthus as an exalted human and Hero of Myth. Comparable in status to Achilles. While I view Hyacinthus as Apollo's consort - I don't view Hyacinthus as a God/Deity in my own personal practice.
Hyacinthus is a very calm and gentle entity, he does not seek the spotlight or the center of attention. He prefers to be a supporting presence as opposed to the central focus of any ritual or spiritual workings.
In this way, Hyacinthus has always come across as introverted to me - not timid or scared, just not an extrovert.
Due to the nature of Hyacinthus' myth and relationship to Lord Apollo - Hyacinthus is intrinsically tied to queer identity, the queer community, and queer love. This is not to say that non-queer people cannot work with / worship him - it's just a core aspect of his identity and mythos and should be taken into account.
I have felt Hyacinthus' presence most when I am out in nature. If Lord Apollo is the sun shining down from above the trees, then Hyacinthus is the soft moss and grasses that carpet the ground.
In my experience, Hyacinthus loves flowers of all kinds - but definitely prefers wildflowers, especially purple ones. He prefers offerings that are simple and meaningful, rather than complicated or extravagant. A glass of water is better than an expensive wine, for example.
All in all I would say that there is nothing to worry about! Hyacinthus, to me, has an incredibly warm and inviting presence. He accepts you where you are at and can help to gently guide you into being a better version of yourself.
I hope that helped to answer your question? If there's something more specific you'd like to know I'd be happy to share more!
Eirene, peace and farewell
- Aön
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kurogane2512 · 4 months
Pre-release designs of some of the Sinners. Cham, Lisa, Eirene and Sumire (in the comments) in particular are... quite nice *-*
Oooh I have seen those some time ago!! I agree some of them are really nice tho I think I would prefer the released versions more. Chameleon while pre release is hotter, it also doesn't suit her profession as a psychologist completely and I find the changes in release version are just perfect- not overly different/censored and capture her personality very well.
Okay calming down a bit, I genuinely wonder if Eirene was initially written to be a different character, maybe she wasn't gonna be a rich ceo of Eastside but some kind of final boss queen we encounter later (at least that's the vibe i get). But I'm fine with her release version too BUT I REALLY WANT PRE RELEASE AS SKIN PLS AISNO I BEG ON MY KNEES
Thank you for sharing tho, overall I find most of the release designs perfect and aisno keeps delivering with every new patch too <33
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tyriq-edits · 1 year
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In the Plain of Nysa
Vash - Persephone
God of Peace
Vash the Recreationist
the one with delicate ankles
The scarred one
The bringer of peace
Vash the dancer
(Vash the Stampede)
Based on both Persephone and Eirene
He, Tesla and Nai were born from the stars and were raised by the goddess of wisdom Rem, when they descended upon Mt. Olympus.
During the Trojan war he and Tesla were both kidnapped by a group of Trojan soldiers. Tesla later died at the hands of these soldiers while Vash had lost his left arm and nearly joined his sister in an early grave because of the torture they put him through before Nai found him.
His lost arm had gotten replaced by a metal one that Brad (Hephaestus) had built.
While Nai grew to resent mortals for what they did to his siblings, Vash learnt to move on and embrace humanity in its fullest, the good and the bad.
Because Vash failed to see the warning signs of Nai’s growing paranoia, he did not see it coming when Nai locked him up inside the “golden cage”, a hidden room in the heart of Mt. Olympus.
Spent over 800 years locked away inside the golden cage with only Nai being able to visit him.
Eventually managed to escape with the help of Meryl and Roberto and flee to a small sanctuary dedicated to him and Nai in the plain of Nysa.
Meets the sanctuary’s only priest, Wolfwood there and slowly begins to realise just how much Nai has corrupted the cult over the past 8 centuries with its followers only seeing peace as either a direct result or mere by-product of war.
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In the Plain of Nysa Synopsis:
Loosely based on the myth of Hades and Persephone.
Vash, the god of peace and twin brother of Nai, the god of war, has been sheltered for 800 years within the safe havens of Mount Olympus. Or rather has been held captive by his brother in a golden cage for 800 years.
That is until the goddess of the hunt Meryl and a Satyr named Roberto help the deity to escape from Olympus into the human realm. There Vash is forced to hide in a small temple from his brother where he meets the priest Nicholas D. Wolfwood and slowly falls in love with him while also slowly finding a sense of his own independence.
*~*~ *~*~ *~*~ *~*~ *~*~ *~*~ *~*~ *~*~ *~*~ *~*~ *~*~ *
Other Moodboards for the plain of Nysa
Nicholas D. Wolfwood - Hades
Nai -Ares/Demeter
Meryl Stryfe - Artemis
Roberto de Niro - a Satyr
Milly Thompson - Iphigenia
Livio the double fang - a seer
Legato Bluesummers - the Hierophant
Zazie - a dryad
Luida - Demeter
Brad - Hephaestus
Rem - Athena
Tesla - Nike
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diana-thyme · 8 months
Greek Gods 101: A Masterlist
This is a masterlist of the “Greek Gods 101” series. This series aims to provide basic information and worship ideas for both major and minor deities. This masterlist also involves heroes, deified mortals, spirits, and other figures of Greek mythology.
Horae (Seasons)
Horae (Time)
What is a “Universal Offering/Devotional Act?”
Feel free to request or suggest deities! This list will be done in order but you can ask for me to complete one that’s further down the list.
This list is subject to change. There are probably repeat deities (deities who go by multiple names, parts of groups like the Horae or Charities who are mostly grouped together, etc.) on this list. Some deities are not on here. Some names are spelt wrong or different.
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little flower - chapter two
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pairing: hades!Kim Namjoon x persephone!Female Reader word count: 4879 warnings: fluff, angst, flashback, thanatos!yoongi, multiple pov series masterlist A/N: Hope you like it and that you have a wonderful day wherever you are💜
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Although it wasn't the first time she's been to Olympus, the first time being decades before when she was still a growing goddess, Y/N couldn't help the excitement that filled every particle of her body, trying her best to seem calm and composed on the outside as her mother, who walked by her side with all the grace and eloquence that a goddess should have.
Approaching the golden gates both mother and daughter bowed to the three goddesses that guarded the entrance to the heavenly fortress. At the sight of the vegetation goddesses the Horae, Eunomia, Eirene, and Dike, bowed as well before opening the gates to let them pass, closing them once again after the goddesses entered the home of the gods.
As mother and daughter walked through the acropolis on the way to Zeus's palace, passing through the lesser palaces for the other gods and the stables for the immortal horses, Y/N couldn't help but be mesmerized by the stark contrast the houses in Olympus had to her own. Hers was a simple one, only big enough to have two bedrooms and a kitchen surrounded by green life on all sides. In Olympus, every building was built of marble and gold, with foundations of bronze and cloistered courtyards with golden pavements that surrounded each palace.
Although not envious Kore couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to live in a home that was bigger than her own, with more space than it probably unnecessary but still filled with marvelous things.
Approaching the god of the sky's palace Demeter stopped in her tracks, leaning towards her daughter and whispering. "Remember, if anyone tries to force you to do something you don't want, make an excuse to remove yourself and try to find either me or Athena and Artemis."
Staring to the left of her and taking a deep breath Y/N nodded, her face falling as she avoided her mother's stare by looking at the disappearing sun in the horizon, watching as the sky changed from an orange glow to shades of pink and violet. "Yes, mother,"
She knew that her mother simply worried for her safety, the young goddess having heard the countless stories from nymphs of how sometimes gods would force themselves on unsuspecting maidens and take whatever they wanted, but the feeling that her mother still treated her like a child with warnings like this always made its presence know, similar to a scratching sensation someone would get after touching poison ivy.
Y/N attention was pulled when she felt her mother's hand on her shoulder. Turning to face the goddess of harvest, the younger goddess gave a small smile upon seeing the worry in her eyes. Like before Demeter wasn't sure if she believed her daughter but decided to not address the subject, hoping that the celebration would help cheer the younger one's mood.
Entering the palace mother and daughter made their way to the central hall, their ears picking up the sound of boisterous conversations and laughter the closer they got. Stepping into the golden-floored hall Y/N looked around the room, taking notice of every god and nymph as she searched for the ones she'd be most comfortable with. All throughout the hall there was a mixture of people singing, dancing, talking, the majority of them having in their hands a glass of either nectar, ambrosia, or whatever else Dionysus had brought.
As she was distracted by the liveliness of the feast Y/N failed to notice the deity running up to her, taking her by surprise as they clashed into her and wrapped their arms around her figure, the force almost making her lose her balance.
"Kore you came!" the familiar voice squeezed her more into the hug before unwrapping their arms and setting their hands on the flower goddess's shoulders. "It's so good to finally see you after such a long time. Oh my God look how much you've grown! You're becoming such a beautiful woman. I have so much to teach you, like how to satisfy your lover or yourself if they suck at it."
Y/N's eyes widen at her friend's words, a bit shocked that she would say such crude things in front of the harvest goddess. The goddess of spring remained quiet, trying to signal to her friend of the older goddess's presence by constantly glancing between the two, at one point even catching her mother looking at her with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on her lips, but unfortunately, the goddess of love didn't pick up the signal and kept looking at her with a big smile.
It wasn't until Demeter cleared her throat that her friend took notice of the older goddess, of which she immediately pulled her hands away from the goddess of flowers and bowed to her. "Lady Demeter, it's a pleasure to see you after so much time has passed."
"Aphrodite," her mother gave a nod in acknowledgment, a somewhat forced smile having replaced the smirk. "I'm glad you are pleased with seeing my daughter again, but I would ask you to refrain from teaching her such depravities."
With a dry chuckle, the goddess of beauty stood straight and stared at the goddess of agriculture, the smile on her face as strained as her mother's. "Of course, please forgive me for saying such depravities," she said putting an emphasis on the word 'depravities' while linking her arm with Y/N. "I promise to be careful with my words to your daughter when in  your presence."
Y/N resisted the urge to roll her eyes, having grown somewhat accustomed to the bickering between the two goddesses, especially when the topic involved what the goddess of spring should or shouldn't know when it came to sexual pleasures, mostly because her mother had a destain for how explicit Aphrodite would go into with her explanations.
Not wanting to spend the time between two stubborn goddesses Y/N decided to change the topic that would, hopefully, please both sides. "Mother can me and Aphrodite go meet with Athena and Artemis?" she gave her mother her best puppy dog eyes. "It would be a shame to have come all this way and not be able to talk to them after such a long time."
The goddess of harvest raised an eyebrow at her daughter's words, knowing full well what she was doing, but with a shake of the head, Demeter thought it would be better to continue with the reason they were in Olympus in the first place. "Of course my flower," the goddess of agriculture wrapped one arm around her shoulders, pulling her daughter to her and planting a peck on top of her head. "Remember what we talked about before and enjoy yourself."
With a nod from her, both younger goddesses stepped away from the older one, bursting into laughter once they were at a safe distance. "You're horrible! Why did you tell me she was there?" Aphrodite said bumping into her.
"And miss you making a fool of yourself?" Y/N bumped her back. "Besides Aphrodite, you have two eyes that should've been able to see her."
The goddess of love stopped in her tracks, staring at her with wide eyes and letting out a gasp, her hand lying over her chest. "How dare you speak that way to me when I was only trying to help?"
"At this point, you should know better than to speak of such depravities in front of her," Y/N deepened her voice at the word 'depravities', both goddesses turning to stare at one another before bursting into laughter once again.
Both girls continued the path to their friends, regaining their breath in silence until the goddess of love decided to speak once they had almost reached their destination. "So, on a more serious note, have you decided?"
"On what?" the goddess of spring knew what the other was talking about, it was a topic that Aphrodite often brought up the few times they had been together.
Aphrodite glanced at her with a look of disbelief and an arched brow. "Y/N come on, you know full well what I'm talking about, stop pretending."
Releasing a deep sigh Kore shook her head in a negative motion. "Haven't thought about it, besides," her nails dug into the palm of her hand. "I honestly don't know what to do. If I swear before Zeus to remain a virgin and never marry I feel like I'll be doing it more for my mother's sake than my own. On the other end, I don't see myself being someone's wife at all, I don't feel the need to seek the pleasures you, and many others, enjoy."
Aphrodite gave her friend a once-over before speaking. "You know, if you ever want to find somebody you can always come to me, I've been told I'm an expert when it comes to love situations," she gave the goddess of flowers a wink and a smile.
At the goddess of love's antics, Y/N gave a small smile in return. "Thanks, but I'm going to say no," her gaze lowered towards her feet, finding a sudden interest in them. "But if I ever fall in love I want it to happen naturally and not because you had an influence on it," realizing her words the goddess of spring's eyes widen and she stares at her friend. "No offense."
With a chuckle, the goddess of beauty shook her head. "None taken," both continued their walk towards their friends, Y/N falling quiet, not wanting to further indulge in the conversation. "But in case you change your mind, you know where to find me."
"Pressuring the girl again Aphrodite? You know Demeter won't be pleased to hear about this," the goddess of hunt said playfully upon hearing the last bit of the conversation.
At the words Aphrodite furrowed her eyebrows and puffed out her cheeks, walking over to Artemis and pointing her index finger at her. "Al have you know that I wasn't pressuring Kore into anything," the goddess regained her composure, looking as regal as she always liked to present herself. "I was simply offering my services in case she might need them in the future."
Despite knowing that Artemis was simply pocking fun at her Aphrodite still give the goddess of the wilderness a strained smile, mostly due to having a soft spot when it came to people questioning her work as the goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality. In her eyes it was completely normal to be interested in such affairs, more so when it concerned someone in the same position as Y/N.
Before Artemis had a chance to respond however she was pushed to the side by Athena, the goddess of wisdom having chosen to put a stop to the bickering before it got out of hand, and making her way to give Y/N a hug. "It's good to finally see you again Kore," stepping back she put a few strings of the goddess of spring's hair behind her ear. "You've  grown so much."
"Thank you Athena," Y/N started playing with her fingers, having grown slightly embarrassed.
Letting out a chuckle the goddess of war took hold of the goddess of spring's hand and started to pull her in the direction of the table filled with food and drinks. "Now come, let's enjoy the feast."
"Wait, I still haven't had a chance to say hello to her," Artemis said making a fast pace towards them, with a giggling Aphrodite following closing behind.
These interactions were the exact thing that Y/N had been longing for, the nymphs that would keep her company would never be comparable to the three goddesses that surrounded her, there would always be something missing, and in the moment, the goddess of spring felt like nothing or nobody could ruin the happiness that filled her body.
The night sky had never seemed more beautiful and calm in Namjoon's eyes, looking as dark as the black color of his clothes while the Horae raised the stars, filling the dark blanket with bright dots whose shine was outdone only by the light of the full moon that stood high and might.
Taking as much of the sight as he could, the king of the Underworld slowly approached the golden gates, the Horae failing to notice him, their attention being focused on their current task. A thought in the form that one of the reasons they hadn't noticed him was because of how due to his dark clothes the god of the dead blended perfectly with the dark night, something that gave a little amusement to Namjoon as a smirk made its appearance on his lips.
Despite having contemplations about wanting to return to his realm in the back of his mind, the Lord of Riches loudly cleared his throat, hoping to catch their attention. At the noise Eunomia, Eirene, and Dike turned to look at him, their eyes wide and their mouths slightly agape, if it was either a look of shock or of surprise Namjoon couldn't tell, he simply gave them a nod of acknowledgment and patiently waited to be let inside.
The three goddesses looked at one another, not entirely sure how to proceed, for none had been warned of the king of the Underworld's attendance and the fact that the large majority of guests had arrived a couple of hours before.
The Horae gathered up and discussed what their next step should be in low whispers, shushed words that Namjoon could hear due to the short distance between the four individuals, however, he tried his best to ignore said words, his mind occupied with the conversation he had had with his minister prior to coming to Olympus.
After much back and forth between the three goddesses, with a sigh, the Horae reluctantly turned to him and bowed before opening the golden gates.
With another nod, the king of the Underworld passed through the gates and made his way to Zeus's palace, his ears picking up the whispered mumbles of the three goddesses he left behind.
As he passed through every palace the words Thanatos had said took front center in his mind.
After the conversation with Taehyung the god of the Dead called forth the judges Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Aeacus, so the four could commence the judging of the souls' deeds before sentencing them to one of the three realms in the Underworld.
Time passed, something that was hard to tell due to the lack of sunlight and the fact that his realm was free from the concept of time, one by one each soul would enter the throne room, bowing to him before beginning to tell their life story, the more bolder ones going as far as requesting a second chance, all of which were denied, and slowly, Namjoon's attention started drifting little by little to the conversation he had had with the messenger god.
As another person stepped into the room the king of the Underworld started to entertain the idea of having a break from it all, and while Olympus wasn't the first place he would have in mind when it came to free time it would, at the very least, it gave him a chance to get out of his dark realm. It had been so long since Namjoon last saw the day turn into night that he had almost forgotten all about it.
Once the soul in front of him finished speaking and the judges had passed their judgment Namjoon cracked his neck and stood up from his throne, giving everyone else in the room pause. "That will be all for today," before either Minos, Rhadamanthus, or Aeacus questioned him the king of the Underworld turned to them. "I have business to attend in Olympus."
The god of the dead didn't say more, for no doubt everyone who worked for him had already heard of Taehyung's message, not even the Underworld could escape gossip. The three judges looked at one another before standing up, bowing to their king, and leaving the throne room towards their respective homes.
Rubbing his temple and with a deep sigh, Namjoon told the closest servant to have his chariot ready for when he returned and exited his palace, making his way towards the Elysian Fields, walking alongside by the river Lethe, every once in a while stumbling upon groups of shades drinking from the river in order to forget their earthly lives.
Arriving at his destination the god of the dead paused his steps and released a deep breath that he hadn't realized he was holding. With a shake of the head, the god walked at a slow pace towards the white poplar tree that he had placed in the middle of the Elysian Fields.
The king of the Underworld's emotions seemed to be at odds with one another the closer he got to the tree, feeling peaceful due to the general atmosphere of the place and from being able to visit one of the things he loved most, but there was also a feeling of melancholy from the many memories he had shared with the one the poplar tree symbolized.
Namjoon walked around the tree, his hand grazing its trunk before his thumb and index finger caressed the white and green leaves, not caring much about how he looked in the eyes of onlookers in the form of shades, it didn't matter how long or how short they had been in the realm of the dead, it would only be a matter of time before they learned the reason as to why the white poplar tree was extremely important to their king.
As he lost himself in memories of what it used to be Namjoon failed to notice the sound of flapping wings coming in his direction, only taking notice of the winged figure when the pale daimon dressed in all black from top to bottom entered his peripheral.
With a sigh the king of the Underworld turned to look at his minister, a smirk appearing on his lips. "You know, Taehyung might be right about your black and white aesthetic," he said teasingly, turning back to stroke the tree leaves.
Rolling his eyes Thanatos replied sarcastically, crossing his arms over his chest. "Ha-ha, very funny," his eyes turned upwards as his hand scratched the back of his head. "Also, as I keep telling him, gray hair doesn't go with said aesthetic."
"Whatever you tell yourself," the god of the dead said with a shake of the head and a chuckle. At the words the daimon gave his friend a hardened stare, his cat-like eyes burning into Namjoon's skull, making the Lord of Riches rub the back of his neck as the laugh slowly dissipated. With an awkward, and forced, cough the king of the Underworld decided to slightly change the topic of conversation. "I'm assuming that you heard of Taehyung's visit?"
Yoongi nodded, still keeping his arms crossed. "He passed me when he was leaving and told me everything, even though I didn't ask," the daimon said the last of his sentence in a low tone while scratching the side of his head, making his king snort. "Anyway, are you really going?"
Namjoon hummed in agreement, turning his gaze back to the poplar tree, grazing his hand on its trunk and leaves one more time before stepping away from it.
The god of the Dead made his way back to his palace, wanting to stop by his orchard before leaving, his minister walking alongside him, both of them in a pleasant silence.
Once in his orchard of pomegranate trees, the king of the Underworld made his way to the closest one, receiving a bow daimon and orchardist Ascalaphus as he walked, Thanatos choosing to remain by the entrance of the orchard, watching his king pull one of the rosy-hued fruits, dividing it in half with his hands, and giving one half to his minister.
Popping some of its ruby-red-like seeds into his mouth Namjoon noticed that Yoongi seemed pensive, looking at his half of the pomegranate as if he was Atlas and the orange-sized fruit carried the weight of the world. "Something on your mind?" the taller of the two asked, popping another seed into his mouth.
The daimon nodded, picking one of the many seeds covered in red gelatinous flesh, staring at it as if it contained the answers to any of his questions. "Just something I heard from the Moirai, simply debating if I should share or not."
The god of the Dead gave his friend an incredulous look before the both of them continued their walk towards the entrance of the palace. "You actually got a word out of them?" it wasn't that Namjoon didn't believe in Yoongi, the daimon of non-violent dead was nothing but truthful and blunt, sometimes more than he probably should, but centuries of living with the Moirai had taught the king of the Underworld anything, it was that the three of them were the most severe, inflexible, and, stern beings of the entire cosmos. Neither he nor Zeus could get them to bend their will. "How did you do that?"
"The same way Apollo did," the daimon shrugged and gave his king a cheshire-like grin. "Got them drunk."
"I don't imagine they were pleased with it afterward," the Lord of Riches let out a snort as he shook his head in disbelief, his minister shrugging again. "What did you find?"
Yoongi remained quiet for a couple of seconds, the internal debate of whether he should or shouldn't share due to how Namjoon would react to the words he had been told.
The words seemed to have a positive light on them, but the gray-haired, unlike the Moirai, didn't have the ability to know every single moment of someone's life. The how would the dark-haired one react kept weighting his mind, made even worse by the fact that a pair of expecting and curious eyes had such a great hold on him.
As the daimon remained in silence he saw from the corner of his eye how the spark that seemed to have been his king's eyes was beginning to dissipate, making the shorter of the two feel slight guilt even if he also thought he was in the right, nothing good would come from knowing one's own future.
Arriving at the front of the palace, Namjoon's golden chariot and the four immortal sable-black horses that drew it being overlooked by one of many servants, who bowed at the sight of his king.
"Were the Moirai's words about me?" the king of the Underworld said in a soft low tone, his question being only for his minister's ears, before walking away and approaching the chariot, giving each horse a once-over and running his fingers through each one's mane, a small ritual of sorts that the god of the Dead did on the occasions where he needed to use his chariot, before getting inside the golden mode of transportation.
Throughout all of this, the daimon had yet to give a concrete answer, not feeling the need to when his friend had seen right through him and choosing instead to remain in silence, the resolve to keep the words to himself diminishing by the second.
As the dark-haired one took the reins of the chariot the gray-haired one rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh, every fiber of his being from the tips of his hair to the tip of his wings was telling him to keep it to himself but the look he could see on his friend, while Namjoon's facial expression remained impassive the look in his eyes told a different story, one of disappointment.
And so the daimon of non-violent death stepped closer to the chariot, making extra sure that the servant to not hear anything by giving them a glare. "I'm going to regret this," Yoongi whispered, pressing his fingers to his temple, and although he had murmured his words due to the close proximity the king of the Underworld had heard it, his attention now focused on his minister, an eyebrow raised at the sudden willingness to share.
With another deep sigh, the gray-haired one looked the god of the Dead straight in the eyes when he said his next words. "The Moirai said ' the bringer of death shall bring new life to the god of the dead ', at least in layman's terms."
The Lord of Riches continued to stare at his friend with a raised brow, intrigued by the words but also confused by them. "The bringer of death huh?" he said, more to himself than for Thanatos. "Who could that possibly mean?" his mind searched and searched for a possible candidate that could fit, but it always came up empty, no god or nymph that he knew of seemed accurate enough.
Looking over at his minister, hoping that the other would over some sort of help, of which he was met with a negative shake of the head.
With an expiration breath from both parties, the daimon rubbed his temple once again. "Even drunk those old hags are as cryptic as ever,"
Namjoon let out a snort but nodded at the words. "Although I agree, you can't deny that it would be out of place if their predictions were spoken normally,"
The daimon grumbled in a low tone. "It would certainly help," he quickly composed himself and scratched the back of his head before crossing his arms over his chest. "So now what?"
"I don't know," the king of the Underworld said with a deep sigh. "I don't have any idea of who this 'bringer of death' might be or what 'new life' means," he took a better hold of the reins, preparing to take lift. "It's best to not think about it too much."
The minister didn't believe his king's words, something that was apparent by the look he was giving, but Yoongi decided to keep quiet about it, not wanting the conversation to go on for longer.
Without any more exchange of words, the Lord of Riches pulled lightly on the reins and on cue the four horses let out neighs, starting with quick steps before they started moving faster and faster until they lift off the ground, galloping through the air as the earth above parted for the king.
Namjoon hadn't been lying to Yoongi when he said it would be best to not continue dwelling on the conversation but he hadn't been entirely truthful either.  The words had been too important to be laid to rest on the back of his mind.
'The bringer of death shall bring new life to the god of the death' the phrase that kept taking hold of every single brain cell that he had, the phrase that he couldn't let go of due to its implications.
The king of the Underworld thought, hoped, wished, wanted, the words to mean that he would be able to find love once again.
Humans and gods each have their own perception of what the Underworld is, some say it's so cold that it freezes your blood into little needles that stab you from the inside, others say it's so hot that it completely melts the skin of your body.
But Namjoon knew the truth, it was dark and lonely, it always was.
It was to be expected from a place where restless souls lay to rest, and to many, that same applied to the king, he was the cold, the stern, the feared, the dreaded, the loathed, the one whose name is frightening to say, even shades in his realm feared to approach him, his tall and dark demeanor terrifying even the bravest warriors.
And while the god of the Dead would never deny that he wasn't as happy and cheerful as Hermes or Dionysus, that also didn't mean that he was everything and more that mortals and gods alike made him out to be, the same thing that made him be in a constant state of isolation.
Sure, the company of Thanatos, Charon, and Cerberus did help ease some of the feeling, it still wasn't enough to fill the hole in its entirety.
Namjoon longed for something more.
A partner, a queen, a wife. Someone to share his kingdom with, someone to share his godly life with, someone to care for and be cared for in return, someone to give him something that his current mistress couldn't.
Namjoon simply and plainly only longed for love.
But after eons alone, the effects of loneliness only grew more and more, so much so that at points it felt suffocating, and his dream of love diminishing to the point it could be mistaken with dust.
As he reached Zeus's palace the king of the Underworld stopped in his tracks and turned his eyes towards the moon once again, almost as if begging her to give him what his heart most desired, before shaking his head of such thoughts, and, with a deep breath he continued to walk forward, finally stepping foot in a place he had long since wanted to forget.
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neverknowsme · 1 year
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In Roman religion, Abundantia was the personification of prosperity and abundance. She was a beautiful goddess who was known for bringing grain and money in a cornucopia to the mortals as they slept. Let’s take a closer look at the goddess and the role she played in Roman mythology.
Abundantia’s parentage is unknown as there are hardly any records about the goddess. What is known is that she presided over the flow of money, valuables, fortune, prosperity and success. Her name was derived from the word ‘abundantis’ which means riches or plenty in Latin.
Abundantia was almost always depicted with a cornucopia over her shoulder. The cornucopia, also known as the ‘horn of plenty’, is a symbol closely associated with the goddess and signifies what she stands for: abundance and prosperity. Sometimes her cornucopia contains fruit but at other times it carries gold coins, which magically spill out of it.
Some sources say that Abundantia was a vision of exceptional beauty and purity. Just like she was beautiful on the outside, she was also beautiful on the inside. She was a lovely, patient and kind goddess who took pleasure in helping people and was very generous with her gifts.
In Greece, Abundantia was identified with Eirene, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. She was also often identified with the Gallic goddess of prosperity, known as Rosmerta. The goddess was also popular among gamblers who called her ‘Lady Fortune’ or ‘Lady Luck’.
The Romans believed that their deities took control of everything that went on in their lives and, just like in Greek mythology, every task and occupation had a Roman god or goddess presiding over it.
Abundantia’s role was to help mortals with everything related to money and financial success. She would help people to make major purchases, influencing and guiding them to protect their investments and savings and to wisely handle their finances.
The goddess also had the power to remove all the concerns and worries that people had about money. This was useful since she helped eliminate negativity in their lives due to financial worries. In this way, she not only brought them wealth and prosperity, but she also brought them success and good fortune. Her cornucopia was said to be filled with coins and grain which she would occasionally leave at people’s doorsteps as a little gift.
According to Ovid, the Augustan poet, Abundantia featured in the myth of the river god Achelous. The legendary Greek hero, Heracles, had defeated Achelous by ripping off one of his horns. The Naiads, who were nymphs in Greek mythology, took the horn and turned it into a Cornucopia and gifted it to Abundantia to use. This is only one version of the Cornucopia’s origin but there are many other myths that provide various explanations.
In some accounts, the Cornucopia was said to be a horn of Amaltheia, the mystical she-goat which Jupiter, the god of the sky, broke off by accient. To comfort Amaltheia, Jupiter caused it to keep refilling itself with food and drink. Later, the horn went into the hands of Abundantia but how it happened isn’t exactly clear. Some say that Jupiter gifted it to her to use.
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As a minor goddess, there were very few temples that were specifically dedicated to Abundantia. The Romans worshipped her by making offerings and praying to her. Their offerings included milk, honey, fruit, flowers, grain and wine and they also sacrificed birds and animals in her name. In Roman religion, the gender of the sacrificed animal was supposed to correspond to the gender of the deity to whom the animal was being offered. Because of this, sacrifices that were made to Abundantia were a cow, heifer, female bird, sow or a white ewe.
Abundantia was a minor goddess in Roman mythology, but she was one of the most loved deities of the Roman pantheon. The Ancient Romans revered her because they believed she eased their worries and helped them in their times of financial difficulty.
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The goddess of abundance and prosperity was depicted on Roman coins that were issued in the 3rd century CE. On the coins, she’s portrayed seated on a chair with her famous symbols, the Cornucopia, which she holds or tips over slightly to make the riches pour out. She’s sometimes depicted on coins with ears of wheat and at other times, she stands on a ship’s prow, representing the Roman Empire’s overseas conquests.
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roseunspindle · 2 years
Percy’s Half Siblings
ATriton - Son of Amphitrite and Poseidon - Poseidon’s messenger and herald
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Benthesikyme - “Wave of the Deep” or “Lady of the deep swells” - Goddess of waves - Daughter of Amphitrite and Poseidon
Rhode - goddess and personification of the island of Rhodes. Wife of Helios.  Daughter of Amphitrite and Poseidon
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Antaeus - Son of Poseidon and Gaea - Half Giant
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(Heracles killing Antaeus)
Charybdis - daughter of Poseidon and Gaea (in some sources) she was a loyal child to Poseidon but since she kept covering land with water for him Zeus got mad and chained her to the sea floor, cursing her and turning her into a “bladder” and made her thirsty for seawater, which when she drank it, caused whirlpools. 
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Laestrygon - Son of Poseidon and Gaea, father of  Telepora (wife of Aeolus) possible parent/creator of the Laitsrygonians. 
Despoina - Daughter of Poseidon and Demeter - Goddess of Arcadian Mysteries/Veiled - born when poseidon went after demeter when both were horses.
Arion - Supernatural Horse (not sure if he’s a deity or just immortal creature) - Son of Demeter and Poseidon  born when poseidon went after demeter when both were horses.
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Pegasus - immortal winged-horse, Son of Poseidon and Medusa (or just sprang from Medusa’s blood when Perseus beheaded her)
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Chrysaor - Son of Poseidon and Medusa - "he who has a golden sword" - might be the father of Echidna
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Herophile -Sea-nymph,  Daughter of Poseidon and Aphrodite, possibly a Delphic Sybil
Ergiscus - son of Poseidon and Aba (a naiad), the city of Ergisce in Istanbul was named after him. 
Aethusa - Daughter of Poseidon and Alcyone (a pleiad) - caught Apollo’s eye and had two kids with him Eleuther and Linus- ancestor of Orpheus.
Hyrieus - Son of Poseidon and Alcyone (a pleiad) - possible father of Orion, most account call him a king of various places. (Boeotia, Thrace or Chios)
Hyperenor - son of Poseidon and Alcyone
Hyperes - son of Poseidon and the Pleiad Alcyone He was the father of Arethusa, mother of Abas by Poseidon. Founded the city of Hyperea.
Anthas - Son of Poseidon and Alcyone, founder of Anthea
Abas - son of Poseidon and Arethusa (yes his own granddaughter).  Abas founded a tribe known as the Abantians or Abantes. He reigned over them as king. Possibly killed by his own grandson. 
Halirrhothius - Son of Poseidon and Euryte or Bathycleia. He was killed by Ares for raping his daughter Alcippe. 
Chrysomallos - Son of  Bisalpis or Bisaltis or Theophane - Golden winged ram, rescued some people, was them sacrificed to Zeus and skinned. 
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Minyas - Son of Poseidon and somebody (there was a very long list of potential moms) a city founder. 
Lycus - son of Poseidon and Celaeno, one of the Pleiades. Together with his brother Eurypylus, they ruled over the Isles of the Fortunate which their father blessed.
Nycteus - (possibly a son of Poseidon and Somebody) - King of Thebes
Eurypylus - Son of Poseidon and Celaeno, either ruled over the isles of the blessed with lycus or was a king of cyrene
Asopus - possibly a son of Poseidon, a river deity
Parnassus - unkown
Eumolpus - possibly a son of Poseidon and Chione - King of Thrace
Phaeax - Son of Poseidon and Korkrya - from whom the Phaeacians derived their name.
Eirene - daughter of Poseidon and  Melantheia - gave her name to an island.
Amykos - Son of Poseidon and Melia - a king who would force people to box with them so he could kill them. Challenged the best of the Argonauts Polydueces, who killed him with a blow on the elbow. 
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Mygdon - Son of Poseidon and Melia, also a king, killed by Heracles on his way to his ninth labour. 
Aspledon, a son of Poseidon and the nymph Mideia, a city in Boetia was named after him. 
Astacus - son of Poseidon and the nymph Olbia, eponymous founder of Astacus, Bithynia.
Leches  - son of Peirene and Poseidon, who was abducted by Poseidon. (squinty eyes at you mr. no-consent)
Evadne - daughter of Poseidon and Pitane who was raised by Aepytus of Arcadia. She fell in love with Apollo and of course got pregnant, the pregnancy was discovered by Aepytus, he was furious and left to consult the Oracle of Apollo. During the childbirth, Apollo sent Eileithyia and the Moirae to assist his lover and ease her pain. Evadne gave birth in the wilderness and left the child, Iamus, exposed to the elements. Five days later, Aepytus returned from the Delphi, where he had been told by Apollo's Oracle that Evadne's child was indeed the son of Apollo and destined to be a gifted prophet. He demanded that the child be brought to him, and so Evadne retrieved Iamus from the patch of violets where she had left him. Iamus had been nurtured for those five days by the honeybees that were sent by Apollo, or by the Fates. Evadne named the child Iamus (“Boy of the Violets”) He went on to found the Iamidae, a family of priests from Olympia.
Phocus - son of Poseidon and Pronoe
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