#either way she has adhd for sure
berternies · 2 years
autistic ted lasso characters: bonus round
these are characters where i don’t necessarily have enough concrete evidence to make a full post about each of them, but nonetheless there is definitely a case to be made for them being autistic, so here is a quick list
keeley: blunt, special interest in fashion/pr stuff, has a preconceived/scripted idea of what relationships are Supposed To Be Like, “i like the light and the absence of smells,” possible meltdown after her fight with roy in 2.7, masking masking masking
beard: special interest in chess, meltdowns (most notably when his phone dies in beard after hours), struggles with social cues, expresses himself in ways that don’t always make sense to others, either speaks in a monotone or a full shriek (or doesn’t speak at all) there is no in between
sharon: difficulty processing emotions, focuses on order and routine, awkward/uncomfortable in social situations, special interest in psychology/therapy, intellectualizes emotions and relationships bc she doesn’t understand them, just has The Vibe
higgins: not good with social cues, possible hyperempathy, declarative memory with birthdays, doesn’t always know how to connect with people, also just has The Vibe
trent: special interest in journalism, black and white thinking, very blunt, struggles with empathy, peter maldonado coded (singleminded focus on reporting the truth that leads to him accidentally hurting people)
isaac: safe food (rolos), meltdown (throwing the chair at the tv), doesn’t speak all that much, struggles with emotional regulation, possible special interest in football and/or hairstyling
phoebe: often blunt (which could also be bc she’s 7 but let me have this), possible stimming, mimicking (wants to be exactly like roy), has no understanding of what is and isn’t appropriate for school, her uncle is definitely autistic and autism is often hereditary so why not
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Just finished rereading The Host for like the 100th time in my life. And honestly it's a good book. The pacing is excellent in the sense that something or multiple somethings is always happening which means there are no parts where I'm hust skimmimg whole chapters trying to get to the good stuff. But there is still super cool world building and character development.
Not to say they're aren't problems with it but ngl it's definitely my guilty pleasure book. And I think Smeyers has a wonderful take on gender that is always shocking to read about knowing she's a Mormon.
Lastly, she did the whole, "Would you love me if I was a worm" thing before it was cool and made sure the guy was like not only would I love you if you were a worm I'd tell you that you were beautiful.
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rosicheeks · 2 months
#I fucking hate doctors and the medical field so much#I was FINALLY starting to get on the right path#called a php place and think I know where I’m going#have a therapist I’ve been talking to here and there#I’ve been trying to get into a psych evaluation right?#called 5+ places the other day and they all had 5-8 month long waitlists#I need to get most of this shit done before June#so that ain’t gonna work#called the psych place my doctor referred me to#(would like to add that I did call this same place right after my doctor visit a few months ago and they never called me back)#so I had no hope they were even going to pick up#I was shocked when I heard someone picked up and even more shocked when they said they had an opening for fucking Wednesday#literally I felt like everything was finally aligning#I scheduled the appt for a zoom meeting at 10am#then I get a bunch of random emails saying my appointment was changed#now I have two different appointments- Wednesday and Thursday both at 9am and with a totally different doctor#so I was like???? ok guessing something happened but I didn’t think much of it - called to figure out what day it actually is#when I called to confirm they told me that I can’t be tested until I get an internal referral#I told them I did get a referral???#they looked at it and it was just a referral for depression not adhd or anything else#but then when they looked more into it they found in the notes she wanted me to get adhd testing#SO she just forgot to add it to my referral#I get people make mistakes#but this is like the 4th time something like this has happened lately#I’m just trying to be healthy#and it is fucking RIDICULOUS how incredibly hard it is to find the proper help#also the girl yesterday when I made the appointment said yes to all my questions but sounds like she doesn’t know what she’s talking about#was like ‘does this test for adhd and autism?’ ‘yeah for sure’ and then I find out they don’t even test for autism#so now I have to find a totally different person to either do both or just test for autism#either way I feel incredibly disheartened and overwhelmed and sad
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tenrose · 1 year
It's cool because I'm no longer really depressed. Not exactly, I think.
However, I still have this problem I've never been able to get rid of. I have the idea of doing a thing but then my brain goes blank and I don't do the thing. If it's a mandatory thing I will at some point do it but like with guilt, anxiety, stress and quickly and badly. But the worse part is for hobbies. I do have ideas, desire but still I don't do the things. It absolutely make zero fucking sense. It's like my brain is lacking a connection between the thought and the execution of it. It's draining all of my energy. I don't know what to do with it.
Honestly as much as I don't like working, it's kind of a good thing that I have a job, obviously for money, but also to have a somewhat healthy pattern. It's not that healthy because I go to bed later than I should be and so I'm always tired. What I mean is that I have to cook, shower etc. And I do this because of work. I know this because every weekend everything fall apart from Friday to Sunday 18:00 when the guilt finally kick in. Like, I do enjoy cooking but somehow it's easier for me to cook for work than the weekend when I barely eat anything and at weird hours. So yes I perfectly know that if I didn't have a job I would be a total mess. And that's why unlike some of my colleagues I can't quit and give myself two months of rest before actively applying for a new job, I know it won't happen (also obviously money and even though I saved some I suffer from what I call "ex poor syndrome" so even though I know I could technically survive a few months without a salary my anxiety will never ever allow me to quit without having something to bring me money at the end of the month). So yes the plan is to apply to stuff till I have a the certainty to have a new job, then quit and take all my vacation days and maybe a few extra days. Problem is the energy needed to search for a new job. Similarly I kinda think about trying once again to do something about my driving licence, because I know I will have more chances to find a job, I could go live more in a suburb less expensive area and also the reality of adulthood since my grandpa hit me that I will need to be able to drive to take care of my parents someday. But then again my brain don't want to hear anything about it. So obviously I'm like, well then let's chill and let's do something we like. Writing about the books I finally read, collages, gif making, writing, I don't know literally drawing ugly doodles in a notebook? But even for this my brain shut down. It's exhausting I really don't know what to do with it anymore.
My brain literally lack the "click" thing that activates the whole process.
#genuinely have been thinking for months about doing a adhd diagnosis but yeah... this too i can't do it#first of all i don't even know how these diagnosis are made and by who#second of all I'm pretty sure it's just me being lazy and not wanting to take responsibility for it#but i have a friend who is now under a medicine#and like she has pills that make her do things?????#like not antidepressants#antidepressants never made me do things either they just stopped me from killing myself which is you know great#they were doing their job I wasn't crying no more#but like i still was a blob in my bed when i was not at work....#i want to do things now....#like i want to deep clean my apartment because im tired of it#but it requires way too much energy#i want to start looking for a new job but again energy#i want to maybe find a healthy activity like book club or hell even sports to do outside of work so i ca' see people and all#but the thought of it... it's draining my brain#i want to do collages but again no energy#and then my friend is like 'yeah the other day i came back home there were dishes to wash and i washed them' and I'm like#WHAT ?????#there is a pill for this????#how can i have this? sounds like magic#i just can't imagine doing a thing the second i think about it#all my family relatives like to say this is about self discipline#and to an extent i agree#i mean everybody at some point push back something even normal people#problem is i do this with EVERYTHING#it's not a one day laziness#it's an eternal laziness#and anyway I really wants to know where in my brain this comes from#and how to get rid of it#you'd notice that for someone with now energy I ramble A LOT and that's because in this aspect i have no filters and that too is exhausting
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apopcornkernel · 2 years
as someone who has never been diagnosed w adhd (although i do have my suspicions), is it rude (maybe not the right word?) to reblog posts talking abt something that happens to people with adhd
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doberbutts · 1 year
Anyway yes, people who can X should be accomodating to people who can't X. People who can walk should accomodate people who can't. People who can hear should accomodate people who can't. People who can see should accomodate people who can't. And on and on. When that doesn't happen, it's a problem that deserves to be talked about.
But the problem is not and has never been "physical disabilities are more important and deserve more accomodations than mental disabilities"- nor the other way around either.
People love to dunk on folks with ADD/ADHD but you know? As someone with ADD raised by diabetic parents I gotta say there's a lot of similarities here. People with ADD, myself included, often forget to eat and when they do eat they often load themselves up with carbs and sugars because those foods make their brains feel good. People with diabetes have to closely monitor their meals and often crave sugars and need a blend of sugary and protein-rich snacks on hand. This is not to say ADD and diabetes are exact one-to-one disabilities.
But having grown up watching my parents manage their diabetes, I too am very aware of meal times and blood sugar and constructing meals that will tide you over and having a blend of sugary and protein-rich snacks on hand Just In Case. I am able to manage my ADD better in this way because I have experience from watching my parents. I also need access to snacks and to be able to say to my boss "I need to go eat something real fast" without being punished.
I had a training client who was the image of "able bodied mentally ill" outside of the usual creaks and squeaks associated with age, her body worked just fine. But after a series of incidents in her youth- a car accident that left her with a serious brain injury, coming home from the hospital afterwards to immediately have her house broken into and herself raped by an intruder, and assorted medical malpractice while she was healing from both- she has a serious and extreme case of agoraphobia and spent the next 40 years completely unable to leave the house. She would hide and wail and scream when deliveries of groceries and other goods would come, because it meant a stranger (and usually a man) would be at her door. She could not go more than a couple steps outside to get her mail and especially not if other people were outside.
At some point her therapist suggested getting a pet, one that *had* to go outside, to help her. So she got a dog and contacted a trainer (me) and we got to work. And she did improve! The dog has been a huge help to managing her symptoms! But you cannot seriously expect me to have worked with this woman for years and then belittle mental illnesses as being lesser when this woman also shares the inability to even leave her house let alone go inside a grocery store. Even today there are times when she simply cannot, she cannot will her body to move out of her door and into transportation let alone into the building.
When she first started coming to me she thanked me for not belittling her or making her feel bad for classes she had to cancel because she couldn't force herself to take the first step over the threshold. That is when she told me what happened to her and that while it sounds terrible she was really happy to have found a trainer who knew something personal about trauma and brain injuries. She is also a case where I feel her ESA should be considered service dog not because of training or tasking but because her need is so high and she is just completely incapable of doing anything without the dog in her arms.
Anyway I think of her any time someone says "but you can walk through the door". There's nothing wrong with her legs so in theory sure she could. But often she *can't*, not because of anything physical, but because she is very severely mentally ill.
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daportalpractitioner · 5 months
mommy's moon sign: a thread ☾ part one — aries thru virgo
in a previous post, i mentioned that your mother's moon sign is very important in the sense that it tells us about the energy that was housing us during our prenatal development when we are baking in our mother's womb. during prenatal development, we are able to download our mother's experiences during pregnancy, emotions, attitudes, behaviors, and karmic patterns into our own DNA. the cosmic energy of her womb space tells us about patterns + themes that potentially lie dormant within our bodies with the desire to be either expressed or karmically released + healed for our highest good.
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aries moon: your mother may have dealt with feeling misunderstood from a very early age due to her karmic responsibility to be a pioneer in this lifetime. even if she grew up close with her family, a part of her may have felt like she didn't fit in with the expectations that her parents had for her. the pain that aries moon mom carries in her womb stems from feeling like she has to do everything by herself + could also have had a pattern of attracting partners that she didn't feel supported by (classic single mom placement). a karmic lesson for aries moon mom to learn is to fully trust her feminine nature instead of constantly operating in her masculine so that she can attract the support that she has always desired since childhood. if you're a child of an aries moon mom, you could also have a pattern of experiencing loneliness + finding it difficult to cultivate supportive spaces because you witnessed your mom be so independent even in times where she didn't want to be. it's also not uncommon for children of aries moon mothers to exhibit or pass down disorganized attachment behaviors to their children. encourage each other to let other people help + support you. encourage each other to welcome vulnerability into the connection + value the act of processing/healthily releasing your emotions, especially rage.
taurus moon: mothers with an exalted moon usually do a great job at making their children feel safe, nurtured, and provided for on a physical + emotional level. when pregnant with you, your mother could have really valued her pregnancy + put lots of energy into preparing for your arrival. she could be very sensitive to your needs without even considering her own. from an early age, taurus moon mom had to learn to rely on herself to get things done first + foremost especially if she came from poverty or an unstable household. the self-esteem of your mother during pregnancy is crucial to your karmic imprint as you easily embed the way she feels about herself into your DNA + eventually grow to exhibit the same self-esteem patterns. it's important for the taurus moon mom to feel safe using her voice + exercising boundaries, especially when it comes to herself and what SHE needs. encourage each other to practice self-care + self-preservation. take yourselves out on nice mother/child dates. the key for taurus moon mom is to learn how to stop operating in survival mode, to welcome rest into her lifestyle + to not let motherhood become an experience that depletes her.
gemini moon: your mama may have dealt with a lot of movement (physical or mental) while pregnant with you, jumping from one place to another. the energy of a gemini moon's womb breeds natural chaos. focusing on tasks may have been a challenge for your mother, which tends to manifest into self-neglect due to being so preoccupied with the matters of the world. even if you haven't been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or some form of neurodivergence, the expression of this mental energy can definitely be dormant in your DNA due your mother absorbing information to a hypersensitive degree during pregnancy. intentionality is key to foster a secure + safe relationship with a gemini moon mother as there is this tendency to develop preoccupied attachment patterns. make sure that you are really listening to each other instead of allowing words to go in one ear + out the other. communication goes a long way in cultivating a healthier relationship to mama. encourage each other to prioritize mental health + doing activities that feel nourishing to the brain (reading, writing, immersing selves in nature, art, etc). also, make sure that you're holding your gemini moon mother to her word if she is notorious for switching up.
cancer moon: your mother's pregnancy was undeniably significant to her on a karmically spiritual level. your ancestors, especially maternal, really do not play about you two as they protected your mother heavily when she carried you. giving birth to you was no mistake as your soul chose to expand her bloodline. cancer moon mothers may have went through their own personal issues with their mother (your grandma) that they hold resentment from in their wombs. these tensions are meant to be transmuted into breakthroughs for generational healing + curse breaking. her maternal instincts are her superpower, being able to guide you in any situation you need help in. even if you're not close with your cancer moon mom, her love does remain unconditional as she recognizes that you are a part of her + she is a part of you. even though mothering comes natural to the cancer moon mom, she easily could have felt the weight of motherhood + remained passive about how much of a responsibility it was, carrying all that load by herself. whether your mother was able to breastfeed you or not says a lot about the karmic disposition between you + your mama.
leo moon: your leo moon mother may have been super excited to be a mother yet also dealing with adjusting to the level of maturity required to be a mom. becoming a mother was probably not on her bingo card the year that you were conceived so the necessary growth that needed to take place was challenging + unexpected. motherhood may have triggered a sense of fear in your mother during her pregnancy with you because she didn't want to part with her youth just yet (classic teenage mom placement). regardless of her situation, she takes pride in being a mother + is very protective over her cub(s). she's the type of mother you can call to cuss out the school when there's an issue. i'd encourage you to keep her inner child alive + well by spending quality time doing things that make you both happy. leo moon mamas usually pass down at least one of their passions to their children, especially if they engaged with that passion during pregnancy. they love spending time with their children more than anything so don't be afraid to do something wild + fun that can free your mother's inner child. when your mom is connected to her inner child, it also connects her deeper to motherhood for she is able to relate to the experience of a child more + is able to distribute compassion to her child(ren) when needed.
virgo moon: it's not uncommon for virgo moon mothers to have experienced lots of angst when pregnant with you, especially if this was their first pregnancy. what isn't expressed + released in a healthy way stays trapped in the mind of the virgo moon mom, manifesting into anxiety. if anxiety was a theme for your mother while she was pregnant with you + it remained undealt with, then there's a big possibility that anxiety is something you've experienced on a chronic level as well. virgo moon mothers also deal with overcoming perfectionism — wanting to the perfect mother + projecting perfectionism onto her child(ren), so if you mother was hard on you growing up, that is why. if you are challenged by the illusions of not being good enough, this is probably something you've also picked up on from your mom during your time in her womb. but because of their will + dedication to be the best, virgo moon moms make very good caretakers as they are empathically connected to the needs of their children + are not satisfied until they can tell that their children are satisfied. even when virgo moon moms can be tough on their kids, remember that they are their own toughest critic + they really do mean well. i'd recommend being of service to your mother in any way that can lighten the load on her as virgo moon mothers tend to have a lot of their to-do lists. words of affirmation also goes a long way in gifting them peace of mind, especially from their children as they tend to be overthinkers when it comes to motherhood.
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halucynator · 10 months
Hi! Could I please request a FIC abt Mattheo or Theodore (I’m in love with them both) and the reader always picks her hangnails (to fidget bc she is on the spectrum and has adhd) and they get her to stop by alway holding her hands and she goes to his quidditch game? (I love your fics sm)
Good luck charm
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x fem!reader
Warnings: like none? do tell if I missed any xx
Summary: (just like read the request I cba)
A/n: thanks for the request and thank you SO much for the compliment💞! Sorry for the wait xx I wrote it about mattheo because I'm in my mattheo era (plus I feel like theo wouldn't be the sporty type) but I will write a Theodore version as well if you're okay with waiting xx I also happen to have ADHD lol so I just related the story to myself. English isn't my first language so there might be mistakes xx not proof read. I don't love it but I don't hate it either xx hope you like it x
reblogs are appreciated xx
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You sat down in Snape's potion class after you got scolded for being 5 minutes late. His classes were SO boring. Your ADHD didn't help either. You grabbed your quill and started to doodle but were shortly stopped by Snape shouting at you for the second time in a 15 minute span.
You rolled your eyes and looked for something to fiddle with. I mean, how could it be your fault that you had ADHD? Was it really that wrong that you needed to fiddle with something to concentrate? Snape definitely made it seem like a sin.
You noticed a hangnail on your finger and started to pick on that. Snape could take that away from you. I mean, was he going to cut off your fingers? As you pulled on the hangnail, you felt a little sting and you knew if your bare flesh made contact with even a drop of water, it would burn. This wasn't avoidable either especially since you were in potions. But you could worry about that later. As long as you could concentrate.
"You need to stop doing that. It looks painful. Plus it isn't healthy." Mattheo comments as be places his hand on yours. It's a comforting feeling but you feel uneasy, looking for something else to fiddle with.
"but I can't! I have ADHD."
"There's got to be better ways to cope."
"there's nothing else to fiddle with"
"Here." He slips one of his rings off his fingers and hands it to you.
"are you sure" you ask.
"yes love." He replies.
And so you fiddle with his silver ring the rest of the lesson but find it hard to with him holding one of your hand captive. You wanted to ask to move it, but you didn't want him to feel upset plus you kinda liked the feeling of his warm hand on your freezing cold one.
**✿❀ ❀✿****✿❀ ❀✿****✿❀ ❀✿**
You were excited for the quidditch match, Slytherin against Gryffindor. You walked up to Pansy, Theodore and Blaise, your group of friends, as you spotted then among the crowd which was dripping with anticipation.
As the game started, you found yourself searching for a particular brown, curly haired boy.
As you spotted him, aiming to score, you felt yourself blushing. As he scored half of the crowd cheered in excitement, and the other half groaned in frustration. As you locked eyes with the brunette boy, you caught hun winning at you which made you turn even more red than you already were if that was possible.
The game ended with Slytherin being victorious (which was a first).
After the game you walked up to Mattheo to congratulate him.
"I've never been to a quidditch match before but I heard this was Slytherin's first victory against Gryffindor."
"Guess you are a good luck charm." He smiled at you.
You blushed. Something about that comment felt genuine, like it was more than just a joke.
"Ah, is that so? You were amazing out there by the way."
"Only for you princess." He winked at you. "I assumed you were awestruck by me. I caught you staring." he grinned.
You blushed as you started to fiddle with your hangnail again. You felt a comforting hand on yours. Mattheo's hand.
"Now now love. We talked about this. Use my rings instead."
You felt nice that Mattheo cared about you. You smiled at him, trying to keep your composure. You felt like kissing him right there and then but you didn't.
Your friends walked up to Mattheo and congratulated him for the win, snapping you out of your daydream about the brunette boy who, at this very moment, was holding your hand.
"You could say we had a good luck charm." He winked at you.
You chuckled at the statement. Girlfriend had a better ring to it, but for now you settled for 'A good luck charm.'
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
Can you do a part 2 of luffy finding out he has a kid with u like how you did with Zoro?
Of course Darling!
Support me On Ko-Fi
Luffy x FemReader + OOC Aoi
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- You sat at the resturant table, your cheeks red as you carefully balanced Aoi in your arms and tried to make as little eye contact with the crew as possible. In short it was Hella Awkward.
"(Y/N) You're coming back with the crew right?" Luffy blurted out, ignoring or just not caring about the awkwardness.
"W-What? that's the first thing you want to ask?" You blurt out confused still holding your son as if Wanting him to bring up th elephant in the room, the rest of the crew sighing at their Captian who smiled and nodded.
• Luffy would absolutely ADORE Aoi!- It was like you made his new best friend for him.
"I don't think I can- I mean clearly things have changed and I have to take care of Aoi" You said softly, Luffy looking to the baby in your arms who looked up at you when you said his name.
"Aoi comes too-" He said bluntly, As if not a suggestion. You blinked in surprised and sighed-
"I don't think so Luffy- he is way too young and I do want you there for him but on a ship?"
"Why not a temporary solutiom- Like a few months shared custody half on land half on the ship to see how he does?" Robin calmly suggested, You hesitating at the suggestion. But not seeing something wrong with it either- Luffy nodding at this- You now seeing that Luffy hand managed to slip Aoi away from you and was now holding the happy toddler in his hands.
The two smiling at each other, looking identical to each other and giggling. It made your heart clench and you looked down in defeat-
"Well- Alright" You said hesitantly, unsure of what this ment but couldnt say no to your Captian either- unaware of the new twinkle in Luffys eyes when you agreed.
• Spending hours with him, It was truthfully very amusing. Seeing how paternal Luffy could be- Still his usual child like self but you could see how careful his eye was in watching Aoi doodle around and quick his hands were in catching the boy and bringing him back.
• Luffy was never so greatful in having his Gum Gum abilities before- Aoi was so full of energy and quick that he was sure that the boy could speed past him and off the ship if not careful.
• Having bungeed Aoi back into his arms at lightning speed.
• You also noticed Luffys attention to you as well. Spending the days watching Aoi but at nights the crew wanting time with the new baby- Which left Luffy spending nights with you.
• "Ha! You're fast!!" Luffy laughed, Aoi giving the same laugh as his father used him Gum Gum abilties to pull him into the air and act as a living trampoline
• The two are ADHD low braincell boys that spend hours eating, laughing and playing.
• "SAHI!" Aoi squealed out loudly, Seeing his favorite blonde who laughed at this. You knowing at this point to just hand over the toddler to the chef who would steal your child to the kitchens.
• The crew are so happy to spoil Aoi- From more toys then you could possibly fit in your home to more food then you thought possible.
• When they discovered Aoi had his fathers appetite it was fair game-
• Aoi practically abandoned You and Breastmilk once Sanji started feeding him.
• Sanji adored the kid and fed him better then the rest of the crew it seemed- Your son practically falling in love with Sanji who was his new favorite person.
- "Please come back (Y/N)-" Luffy Said softly, looking to you as you watched Robin kiss Aoi's rounded cheeks as he giggled happily. The two of you standing on the docked ship and looking down below at the crew-
• Robin read Aoi to sleep most nights. The toddler cuddled onto her chest as she rubbed his back and read any and everything to the toddler-
• Usopp doing the same, telling stories and using baby toys as props to make a puppet show for Aoi. Who always loved it and spouted random sentences and inputs to the story which Usopp would gladly take on.
• Chopper- Oh Poor Chopper. Aoi thought he was a stuffed toy, so has often tried to grab the little reindeer and cuddle him or chew on his fur.
• "Ah! So much slobber!" Chopper cried out as Aoi giggled at the doctor and tried to reach out to Chopper once again who had managed to escape the iron hands of the baby.
• Nami bought so much stuff for him- You had been worried at first thinking she was going to charge you with her insane interest rates. However she expressed clearly that these were gifts for the baby and free of charge.
• Zoro was the nap time buddy. Aoi often asleep on the Swordmasters chest or arms and snoring away on him-
• The Swordman knowing almost expertly how to handle the small child. Often giving tips to Luffy as well-
"You're apart of my crew- As I said before you belong here with us. You're family... More then you know" He said softly, Warmth hitting your cheeks as he reached a hand forward and messed with the hem of your shirt fondly- Something he would do when the two of you cuddled together.
"But Luffy- I would be holding you back" You said softly, looking to your Captian. Luffy shaking his head and waving off your words.
"What about Aoi?"
"He's coming with us of course! I would never want to leave him behind! He's apart of the crew as well and I want him around all the time!"
You were shocked by his willingness to have a baby on the crew, Giggling at this and shaking your head.
"Really? And what would his role be hm?" You mused, Luffy Grinning widely.
"Why a apprentice of course! Best there ever was" He said, his eyes softening at you as he continued to mess with the hem of your shirt. You could tell he had been cleverly wooing you back with the evenings together.
You could never say no- Especially at that Goofy smile and eyes of his.
"Well with that, How can I refuse?" You said softly, Luffy laughing happily and wrapping his arms around you and spinning you happily.
Monkey D. Garp
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When Garp learns he has a Great Grandson- He laughed. Hard- Feeling like it was deja vu all over again from how he learned of Luffy and eventually taking him in.
Garp won't meet Aoi till later in life when hes about 3- And when he does he just laughs loudly and picked up the child.
"So You're the one I've heard about!" Garp announces loudly, Laughing at the confused look of Aoi. "You're old!" The toddler yells, making the Marine laugh. While Aoi looks and acts like Luffy- They are two different people and it shows.
• Aoi turns into Garps shadow-
• The two exploring the island together- Aoi finds the harshness of Garp fun! The toddler laughing at almost everything-
• Being tosses into the forest of Monkeys or across the island the child just laughs hysterically. Like he finds pain- Funny?
• "I WANNA BE LIKE GREAT GRANDPA!" Api announces when his visit was over-
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cheriladycl01 · 3 months
I have just got into F1 and it’s fast become my autistic hyperfixation and I’m glad I’ve found writers like you! I was wondering if maybe you could write something for Nico? He’s my favourite! Maybe reader has a bad crash or something similar to your heat fic where reader faints into his arms/ has a febrile seizure from dehydration and heat stroke after a race? Just lots of hurt/comfort. No worries if it doesn’t inspire. Thank you for doing what you do 💕💕
The Toughest Race so Far - Nico Hulkenburg x Driver! Reader
Plot: After one of the toughest races of your life, you and Nico need to have serious conversation about your health.
A/N! 1) I'm hoping i got the right Nico and you didn't want Nico Rosberg! If you did, let me know and I'll right one for Nico Rosberg! 2) As someone with ADHD, i 100% get the hyperfixation and how much it grips you!
Credit to rookie-ofthe-year for the GIF
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You were getting out the car, well trying to and your legs and arms refused to work. It was like they were actually glued to the seat. You just sat there, head ringing not really sure what to do and how to gp forward.
Some of the Stake Team come up to you, checking to see if you were actually alive in the cockpit or if you'd passed out. Your own team hadn't come and found you yet.
They start to try talk to you but nothings going in, and staying in so your communication is ineffective.
You feel void of anything and all the sounds around you are blurring into one. There's a numbness in your hands and legs that is burning but also non-existent, like numbness should be. It was confusing for your mind that had just gone through that uphill battle of a race.
It was like your body was failing on you and you could only sit back and watch it.
Eventually your team, of RedBull come over to you. Not that you could tell the difference between the Stake Suits and the Red Bull ones at this point, faces were just blobs right now and your mind couldn't comprehend colours.
They reach in to help lift you out so your stood up outside the car leant against the body. One of the mechanics has a hand resting on your arm keeping you steady while another reaches to take your helmet off and another goes for you balaclava that's covered in saliva.
However, the minute your legs are left to work for themself with out the support they starts to wobble. Your head starts to spin, and your vision blurs, the last thing you could remember being your body convulsing before you smacked the door where you continued shaking.
"Oh my god! Someone help her!" someone exclaimed as they saw you on the floor and seconds later a medical team that were already on their way heading towards you after being radioed by the team you weren't looking too great.
There were people flooding around you, one of them opened up your race suit that was drenched through.
"Babe?" a voice called as Nico jumped out his car spotting you thrashing on the floor. He himself wasn't feeling great from the heat either but you'd just managed to fight your way from P20 all the way up to P6 to get in the points.
It was probably the drive of your career having set the fastest lap, fastest pit stop and received driver of the day. Despite all the podiums, wins and poles you'd had, this was the drive.
He looked over you as they took you onto the stretcher as you were unresponsive.
"What's wrong with her is she okay?" he asks walking over closer to the medics that were surrounding you.
"We aren't sure but we need to get her to the medical tent right away, please go back to your team!" one of them says while they fit an oxygen mask around your mouth.
Nico spent his entire debrief not really concentrating on what anyone was saying, he wanted to be out of that room as soon as possible and to see how you were doing.
The minute that they concluded what happened in the race and how they can prepare better for hotter races as a team until the FIA but things into place, Nico was out the door as rushing past the Red Bull motorhome that was pretty quiet. They could all tell he was looking for you, and he just knew you were still with the medics from the look on everyone's face.
He rushed into the tent seeing you calmly sleeping but hooked up to a few different machines. The main one an drip, he knew you must be insanely dehydrated, and with your body temperature already struggling to regulate normally he couldn't imagine how much like hell that car felt to you.
"Is she okay?" he asks the nurse that was currently re-doing the braid in your hair that had gotten a little knotty under your helmet.
"Yes, she scared us all but she'll be fine. She's making a speedy recovery thanks to the doctors quickness and efficiency. She lost 6kg in that race which is very dangerous and she didn't drink anything at all during that race, so we've got her on some water and stuff that will pep her up. She had a minor injury to her shoulder where she fell but other than that she's okay. How long have you guys know she struggles to regulate her body temperature?" she explains and asks all in one.
"Since she karted, but she loves the sport to much" he chuckles. You'd talked about this with Nico a lot, you had to train your body harder and be stricter when it came to things like exercise and diets because of the condition.
Nico had said many times that it would be safter for you to stop racing all together but that had caused far to many arguments that he'd ended up on the sofa one to many times over.
He knew you loved racing, because he did as well and he hated when he had to leave the sport when no seat was available. So he knew it was something that wouldn't even be on the table for you to consider but he just wished you would.
For your guys' future, he just wanted you safe and at full health.
"She terrifies me when she gets into that car" he smiles looking down at your peaceful body.
"I can imagine, but ... I'm sure you scare her too. She struggles but I think honesty that makes her a better driver, she knows her limits and breaking points better than anyone. Today was a bade race that I cant see them doing at the same time of year ever again, and there may even be regulation changes that'll help. But ... take it from a career passionate woman. She wont give this up" she smiles to him and he glances down at you with his own smile.
"Oh I know she wont" he grins, taking your hand in his.
"Hey baby" he smiles as he sees your eyes flutter.
"Hey" you say back a little confused, looking around the room your in.
"You fainted and had a seizure" he explains grabbing your hand and rubbing his thumb over his knuckles.
"Oh, it was really hot in the car I don't think I ate before the race either because I felt sick!" you offer trying to explain why you were so badly effected.
"You weren't the only one that struggled, Alex, Esteban, Logan and a few others have been down here too. You pushed yourself a lot in that drive, but there's talks of the FIA making some changes for next year!" he explains.
"Mmm, I'm glad their taking action to make it safer for us!" you admit.
"I'm not even going to bother trying to convince you to retire!" he laughs shaking his head.
"We've talked about that before, you know I'm not ready yet. I've been given such a shot in Red Bull!" you smile, knowing he finally understood your view on your career.
"I know, I just worry about you!"
"I worry about you too" you say and pull him down into a kiss.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @formula1mount @tinydeskwriter @butterfly-lover @ironmaiden1313
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ratskinsuit · 3 months
can I request a adhd!reader x any character (pls not Valentino or vox..) any gender
Hazbin Hotel Characters With An ADHD!Reader Headcannons
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A/N: Since I don’t get much info (I’m so sorry) I just decided to do heacanons. Now I don’t do mental disorder specific readers because I don’t wanna mess things up, but I personally have ADHD so I can do this. Although these may be self projecting a bit with my experience so I’m so sorry if it’s not okay.
Charlie: Also has ADHD (Its just my personal headcanon, it may not be your personal one and that’s okay)
You two honestly can’t be together when you have something to do
Like you won’t get anything down when your together
Because the two of you just feed off each others energy and get distracted the entire time
Vaggie has to physically separate you two so you can focus
You could misplace you phone and ask her “Hey Charlie can you call my phone, I dunno where it is.”
And she will just be like “I don’t know where mine is either.” 😭
You two honestly share one single brain cell and switch it every other day (as an ADHD person I can confirm we do this with friends)
Vaggie: Keeps you focused
Okay so If you get distracted a lot she will be there yo try ti get you to focas
Mrs girl has fidgets and things to help you stay on tasks if they gel, if they don’t however,
Well she will try her best
Literally like the mother to you and Charlie so you two don’t do something stupid and he introuble
Melatonin is her best friend
If she can’t calm you down and it’s important, melatonin (unless you take medication)
She makes sure to keep track of all your stuff just incase you forget where you placed it
“Hey Vaggie, do you know where my-“
*Holds out your phone* it was on the kitchen counter
If you take medication (bcs for some people it lowers you appetite) she will remind you to eat.
Alastor: Doesn’t really understand; teases you
When you first tell him you have ADHD his old ass is just like
“Erm, my dear what’s that?”
Thinks you might be crazy till you explain
He honestly finds your energy and do-before-think attitude amusing
Does get pissed when he’s talking to you and you get distracted or forget what he was saying though
Finds it hilarious when Vaggie tries to get you to focus on things
Will finds diff ways to distract you, making it harder for Vaggie
Just enjoys the chaos of your energy
If you take medication for it he may or may not hide occasionally it just to see the chaos unfold (Before you come at me: he . Is . In . Hell . For . A . Reason)
Unless HE needs you to focas
Then you better be focused
Angel Dust: Loves hanging out with you
You two are probubly best friends fr
LOVES your energy because he finds it so fun
You two just go hang out and wander the streets, laughing and giggling together
He’s fine with the distracting and forgetfulness part, he knows it happens
Makes sure you eat. Eat or he will make you.
Honestly he’s just really understanding and knows that it’s hard for you to be able to control it
(Plz send best friend requests for him I did headcanons and I love writing best friend Angel)
While he does understand and love your energetic-ness, he also makes sure that you don’t act ok impulse TOO much
Like, stops you from making rash decisions that could hurt you in the future
Late night sleepovers
You two on the couch packing yourselves full of sugar and watching movies
Husk: Dies on the inside, also designated babysitter (Jkjk. Also I do realize that people with ADHD arnt children or stupid, this is just a reference to the energy)
Giving depressed dad energy
Like he’s just sitting at the bar cleaning up and your just talking at 50 miles per hour
He does however listen to the random things you say, he’s used to listening
Sometimes if you a bit chiller he will be able to follow along better and will input into the convo
Let’s you ramble and doesn’t mind the little quirks you have like interrupting him
He’s delt with worse
He has a alot of different stories, so if you have a lot of energy expect to be dropped off at the bar
His stories are exciting and can surprisingly keep most people’s attention for a while
He knows what it is but not the knowledgeable on it
But understands the basics on what it does and blah blah blah
Generally doesn’t mind the energy or the getting distracted, or the forgetfulness
Once again he’s delt with worse
Velvette: Somewhat gets it, gets pissy sometimes though
So she gets some of the “quirks”, like having a lot of energy, fidgeting, forgetfulness and getting distracted
If your her friend/partner she’s fine with it
She can deal with high energy and talking, she also talks very fast so she can keep up and keep a conversation
Finds different ways to keep you entertained so she can work if she can’t be in the moment
During parties she finds it hilarious
Doesn’t do the best with impulse control, she likes seeing what will happen and where it will go
Doesn’t mind the distractions unless she’s talking to you, then expects you to listen
However if you are one of her models or workers
She takes no excuses
You better pay attention and pay attention well
We all know she’s very demanding of her employees so you better hope she doesn’t notice you
Becwuse if she’s talking to you and get distracted or arnt paying attention…
My guy your fucked
A/N: So this person asked for anybody but Vox or Valentino. But if anybody wants or if this does well I’ll make a pt 2 with them and more characters.
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kidstemplatte · 5 months
random papa headcanons
i genuinely don’t know where this came from haha. they range from zodiac signs to hobbies to mental health so sorry for the inconsistency lol. please enjoy <3
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- primo is one of the most kind and caring people to exist in the world. he’s very intelligent as well- he has a mind suited for many jobs. sometimes he wonders what he would’ve done if he didn’t follow in his father’s footsteps.
- he’s a great writer in all regards- poetry, essays, speeches, all of it. he did exceptionally in school and was very humble.
-primo is great at conflict resolution. he’s direct and efficient but considerate of people’s feelings as well.
-generally pretty healthy mentally but has struggled with depression periodically throughout his life.
-i don’t think primo ever planned to be a father, he didn’t even think it was possible considering his responsibilities. but as he got older and reflected upon his life he regrets that he never had children.
- we all know about primo’s legendary garden, but his next project he’s dreaming of is an orphanage in the clergy. or just to overall encourage more inclusion of children :,) (when appropriate ofc haha)
- a hopeless romantic deep down.
-secondo is a great artist. he likes painting landscapes and scenery. hes also really good at drawing buildings/ architecture. when he was younger he thought maybe he’d be an architect. some of his paintings are hanging around the clergy but nobody knows they’re his.
- good at math but doesn’t enjoy it persay.
- reads a lot of classic novels (and romance books lol) if he’s reading something trashy in public he’ll switch the cover so he isn’t judged and can maintain his reputation ☠️
-i think he’s struggled with depression throughout his life that’s beyond situational. even when he was at his peak, something chemically in his brain just wouldn’t let him fully soak it in.
-extroverted but very distant simultaneously. has a hard time getting vulnerable with people.
-smokes a lot of weed. i think all the papas do tbh
-huge music connoisseur (prestigious metalhead) (will say “name 5 songs” if he sees you wearing a band shirt)
-biiiiiiig leo/capricorn energy.
- terzo has adhd for sure lmao. he was never diagnosed though.
- he was the walking stereotype for ADHD as a kid: a rambunctious and high-energy boy who struggled in class.
-terzo is very intelligent, though. he just never cared about school too much. he was good at talking his way out of trouble.
-terzo is incredible sensitive to rejection. so much so that he would have a very very hard time confessing his romantic feelings towards someone. (feelings that move beyond sexual attraction)
- his hypersexuality, though he genuinely just loves sex, is often a subconscious quest for dopamine and validation.
- he has a very kind heart, goes out of his way to make people laugh if he sees they’re struggling.
- loooooooooooves to watch reality tv or anything full of drama.
-either a scorpio or a gemini.
-very active online. he’s a little obsessed with reading fan forums and posts. but he also just loves the internet in general
-i think he was the most interactive with fans, he would respond to fan mail most frequently. when he got horny mail from someone he would often respond with equally something equally risqué ☠️but of course when the subject matter was serious or heartfelt he would respond genuinely.
- copia drew comics when he was younger and still does. over time they’ve evolved from mystical stories to simple doodles to get him through the day.
- sometimes he’s a little forgetful and mixes up his papers, so when he confidently hands his mother a comic strip she’s featured in, it’s a little awkward.
- copia loves animals, and he always has. he was afraid of dogs (specifically bigger ones) when he was younger, though. he also likes birds and can identify most species. (so can primo!)
- copia had a little bit of ocd throughout his childhood that’s lessened up over time.
-he also has generalized anxiety that’s lessened after he’s become papa which is shocking
- he has inattentive adhd. he’s an exceptional worker despite his negative symptoms because he pushes himself so hard to succeed. but sometimes he gets a little burnt out and forgets to rest, or spirals into an unmotivated state.
-we all know he’s a huge dork, so to elaborate upon that: he likes star wars, star trek, dc, and comics of all sorts.
-he has a funko pop collection in his office (including one of himself LOL)
-i think he’s a gemini and i’m so passionate about this. that or a pisces.
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thanks for reading yall :,)) i have more stuff coming up i promise i’m just not able to work as frequently due to school!! i hope you enjoyed.
<3, alice
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snyder-side · 3 days
I am not exactly sure if this classifies as an Au or headcanons since Trolls Band Together was kinda short and for the life of me I kinda hate when movies are rushed and we get the cut scenes afterward only as a storyboard(I also tend to like the concept art more than the official art)
But enough of me ranting and more into me getting into what I think/want to happen to Brozone when the band split up
(I choose to call it their solo career)
John Dory(19):
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Seeing John Dory's entrance attitude and smugness truly made me think yeah this guy is definitely full of himself and in major denial about some things and what really confirmed my suspicion was when he said "I was the oldest I had no choice but to lead!"
So for his solo career, I thought maybe he did some odd job like bounty hunting, or perhaps he played hero with a small town with a small population of trolls or some other anthropomorphic species. Of course, anyone he would save or any group of bounty hunters he'd join didn't like him because he enjoyed taking control of the situation so much or bossing everyone around. He never liked being alone but he kept driving people away, so eventually he knew solitude was his best option, therefore living in Ronda alone in a forest. He did feel regret for driving his brothers away but only because he knew he was more familiar with bossing them around than some random strangers he'd just met. He kept the mindset of "Why should I feel bad when they're the ungrateful ones!" and "All I've ever done was look out for them, and I stepped up when Mom and Dad died!" after those thoughts he couldn't help but think "What are you doing John Dory?"
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I thought it would be funny if almost everyone at his little restaurant on Vacay Island or should I say Brandy's restaurant...well her dads knew who "Bruce' really was except Brandy. I like to think Bruce went to vacay island because either his therapist or himself thought he should relax more so he went on a "vacation". He chilled out, gained a little bit of weight making him lose his six-pack, and most importantly tried to win the heart of Brandy because she seemed to be the only one not falling for his charm. Brandy played a tsundere type of approach when it came to all his advances on her, but then it all came to a game of volleyball as Bruce's way of showing his dedication to her, of course some of the other players used his small stature against him and he was getting his butt handed to him. He was only able to score a single point (IDEK how volleyball works) and the way he leapt into the air had Brandy star struck, the that that was holding his hair back snapped and he used nothing but shear will power to spike the ball. I mean sure Bruce lost but did he really? He got the girl in the end so it's all that counts right?
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(So I don't really have much for clay because I used most of my ADHD superpowers on the other guys and there's not too much I can go on from the movie)
Now Clay just looked around for jobs, it was retail, then tried working at some corporate building but it all didn't exactly work out because none of his co-workers took him seriously. Feeling out of options Clay walked aimlessly eventually finding Viva and the Putt-putt trolls, at the time imagined them looking more post-apocalyptic and slightly barbaric and frankly chaotic, Viva needed drastic help because she was just a little kid like Clay. Clay offered to help her mainly because he has a tiny bit of OCD (Saying this because of how grumpy he looked when John Dory went off and did his own thing and him practicing and worrying before Brozone performance.) and Viva thought/thinks so highly of him and thought of him as serious which is all Clay ever wanted so he just felt at home...and may or may not have developed feelings for her in the long run. Still, hey I've already got into a Romance segment.
I'm going to leave this here and not do Floyd because I'll talk about his little solo career journey in an OC ramble. (I have no shame.)
Thanks for reading have a lovely day!
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dragon-chica · 2 years
Enid Sinclair NSF W headcanons!
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Fandom: Wednesday
Since no one is giving me requests I must make my own.
Completely gender neutral! If I missed anything, don't forget strap-ons.
This girl is vocal. She's loud and makes sure you know exactly how much she's enjoying what you do to her, it's mostly whines and cute moans and "Oh" "Yes" on repeat getting higher and higher as she's closer to climax.
Giggly sex! fun sex! she's not bothered by a joke mid-go and her ADHD has definitely spouted some random things that just popped into her brain and right out of her mouth.
She likes surprising you with cute underwear and will show you different ones while out shopping to see if you think she should buy them.
She never wants to be 'unfair' but definitely prefers receiving oral, it just feels so good with your tongue inside her and is always down for it.
But like said, she will return the favor! She's very eager to please and wants you to feel just as good, and even if she's not very skilled with her mouth she's very eager and looks so cute.
She's very down for quickies! She has a high libido but not super horny? She wont be thinking of sex but if you mention maybe ducking away for a few minutes she'll be the one pulling you there.
Enid really likes quickies in public. She has so many cute skirts that it's extra tempting too- take her to a secluded little spot when no one's looking or finger her quickly in an empty room.
If you're ever on your knees for some reason her head's already filled with dirty thoughts, just glance over at her and she'll be clenching her thighs and biting her lip waiting for an opportunity to take you away for some relief.
If you're busy or purposely trying to ignore her and do something else she'll "innocently" climb onto your lap and start getting herself off on your thigh by herself until you can't take it anymore, her breathy moans and slick on your leg, and just how cute she looks.
You are covered in SO MANY claw marks. If you're into that, good for you because it's happening either way.
Your back and shoulders especially and you're between feeling pride and laughing because you look like an angry cat's scratching post.
One time you were looking at all your scratches and joked "I bring you pleasure, you bring me pain." and Enid felt SO bad and kept apologizing and covering you in band-aids while you tried to calm her down.
Her favorite position is missionary because she enjoys it and having you so close and holding you against her (ei: why your back is always raw.)
Also down for doggystyle "Not because I'm a werewolf! This way I can't scratch you." she pouts but also enjoys it, don't worry.
Enid usually is bottom/submissive, she likes you taking care of her. But if you're too slow or teasing her too long she will flip you over and take what she needs to ride out her high then collapse on you panting.
It's really hot how she'll go from whining beneath you to a deep growl and suddenly on your back being used for all your worth while she stares at you with wild eyes and clenched teeth, her nails digging into your shoulders.
She can easily go multiple rounds and prefers to until she is spent but will okay with less if she notices how much she's tiring you out.
Give her a few extra orgasms with your fingers or mouth first and she'll be tired and content to snuggle up in your arms, practically purring.
For the most part in the way of kinks she's pretty vanilla, but is willing to try most anything if you want to! She wants you to have fun with it too!
In hopes of not 'clawing you to bits' you've tried multiple types of bondage on her but she always gets too into it, plus wanting to touch you, and breaks free. She gets a little embarrassed afterwards seeing the broken restrains and/or headboard.
Wednesday even suggested manacles and Enid went so wolf-strength they ripped through a beam.
She can easily go multiple rounds and prefers to until she is spent but will okay with less if she notices how much she's tiring you out.
Give her a few extra orgasms with your fingers or mouth first and she'll be tired and content to snuggle up in your arms, practically purring.
Uhhh, this got long. Reminder: SFW and NSFW alphabet requests open for Wednesday
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AITA for asking my mother not to do certain things?
Let me start off by saying i'm homeschooled. I've been homeschooled my entire life. I don't have any friends offline, so I've pretty much come here to ask for outside opinions from my friend groups (online).
Prefer not to state ages, if that's okay. It makes me uncomfortable.
I have ocd, suspected autism, and either auditory processing disorder or misophonia (we're not sure which.) as well as a plethora of other issues. my mother is very aware that i have ocd (she has it herself) and i've mentioned misophonia to her several times. she doesn't know about my other mental issues, as for reasons you're probably going to see here, as i don't feel comfortable or safe telling her. (or, i've tried, and she doesn't listen, or tells me i'm "being dramatic.")
my ocd is quite crippling, to the point i've tried medication, herbal tea (chamomile seems to work a bit!), asking friends for advice, and even asking her for advice. as of the last year, it's had a grip on my life and has been quite a problem for me. i'm unable to do things i want or need to a lot, and especially struggle doing most things, even basic tasks. i'm unable to see a therapist/counsellor or psychologist/psychiatrist for personal/financial reasons.
a lot of my triggers (well, not exactly triggers for the ocd, but they stop me from doing things.) revolve around sound, especially people talking. whistling is a major trigger for my misophonia/apd, as are other high pitched noises.
my mother has a tendency to watch tv a lot, and i often ask her to not do this when i'm trying to do certain things, as it makes my ocd a bit worse, and it's often rather loud. (please note i wear headphones a lot of the time for sensory issues.)
however, when i ask her either to turn it down, pause it temporarily, or ask her to turn it off for a bit, she has a tendency to get mad/upset. to the point of throwing a bit of a fit over it, in a way that to me seems a bit attention seeking (in the bad way). she says things like "fine, whatever." and flaps her arms about dramatically or slaps her legs, or she says "i don't even wanna watch it now, it's ruined."
i'll go ahead and say she's a bit self-centered in a lot of ways. for years she has said i've "targeted" her and "treated her terribly" even though any time i was (to her) doing these things, i was usually defending myself or telling her to do something that she needed to do that had been requested for days/weeks/months/sometimes years. i also have a tendency to ask her what she's doing, either out of genuine curiosity, or because she has done something strange to me that i didn't understand. which she gets mad over.
she also gets mad if i ask if she's coming over here (i have a tendency to walk/pace in certain areas to music, it helps with stress/adhd/also helps me write/act things out. she is very aware of this and this isn't really a problem.) or ask how long she will be over here. she seems to think me asking this is telling her she can't come over, or desperately trying to get her to move. admittedly sometimes i DO want her to move, but 90% of the time i am just asking so i know if i need to move to a different area to walk or just stop temporarily.
sometimes when i am having a particular peak in my ocd/anxiety/whatever else, i ask her not to talk for a moment/few minutes, either so i can do something i need to, or because i'm afraid it will make it worse. she'll either get mad about this, or go on a tangent about "not catering to me" and saying things "the real world doesn't work like this, and nobody cares that you have ocd/issues." she has a tendency to take my issues as a personal attack on her, when in reality i would ask anyone to stop for a moment.
she has a tendency to belittle me in a sense for it. i've tried to explain some of it to her (without revealing details of my trauma she doesn't know about, as most of my ocd is linked to severe ptsd.) and she says it "doesn't make any sense" and i "need to stop" and i "need to just make myself stop." she has ocd, and knows compulsions are not always rational, and yet still says these things.
part of my desire not to go to a therapist is because of her. she claims they will either try to put me away take me to another home/put me in foster care, or drug me up on medication that will make me dull. (the other part is more personal, and unrelated to her, but to my aforementioned trauma.)
one of the things i especially ask her not to do is whistle, or make a few other certain noises (eating loud, using nail files around me, etc) because they are especially triggering to me. she'll either blatantly refuse and say i "don't get to tell her what to do" or i don't "control her" (please note i am just asking, but when i DO specifically tell her to stop, it is because she either already knows this sound is triggering to me, or i've already asked, and i'm losing my patience.) or she'll do it louder/more just to trigger me further (my father also does this. sometimes as a joke which in some ways is worse.) or she'll go on the "not catering + nobody cares" tangent again.
i know my ocd and other issues can be a bit interrupting, but i don't ask huge things of her or anyone else. all i ask is for them to not make certain sounds around me, temporarily ask them to not do something/stop doing something, or ask them to do it a bit quieter for me. please note she has the ability to watch tv/videos on other devices with headphones easily, she just chooses not to. and worse of all, they treat it like it's not interrupting to me, when it affects my everyday life in ways far worse than asking/telling them not to do something.
it makes me feel unwanted and unappreciated, and i'll admit, i've contemplated....not existing, if you will, many times over this issue and others.
i just don't really know if i'm asking too much, or if they're just being shitty. i want outside opinions on this.
so, AITA?
(id put a tl;dr in here, but i don't really know what to put. feel free to do it for me. also, i know this was kinda long, but i needed to put some extra things in, sorry if thats like an inconvenience or anything!)
(adding my sideblog here so i can get notifs, @ocdaitathrowaway)
What are these acronyms?
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
Just an idea :) for Sherlock, what if Enola is always trying to get him to date cuz either he's lonely or always focused on work. But he always turns down the idea. Then one day she lures him to her favorite bookshop (or cafe, etc) and casually introduces him to her favorite employee. And the pickup line just comes out of no where, even he is surprised lolz. Feel free to not use this at all if you get better ideas😂
Thank you so much for this idea! For writing purposes, this will take place in modern times (*writing purposes meaning me being too lazy to write period specific)
Cheesy Pick-up Line (Bingo Game)
College!Henry!SherlockHolmes x Female!Reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: a little bickering, awkward Sherlock, fluffy and cute
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Enola giggled excitedly as she pushed past the glass double doors of her favorite library. Her brother was following behind closely, a disinterested look on his face as they entered the small building. For Enola, it was the perfect place to be, but Sherlock just asked himself what he was doing here instead of studying for his criminal justice exam next week. 
What he had not concluded yet, was that Enola Holmes had an agenda far different from the story she had told her brother about just an hour ago. He didn’t know his sister had spent weeks finding a way to finally get him to leave his stuffy, foot-smelling boy room. She had mashed her brain about it as she roamed the shelves of her favorite place and when she checked out the other day, she was embarrassed to have thought of it so late. It was blatantly obvious. Her brother needed a girlfriend. Someone that would encourage him to live outside of his schoolwork every once in a while. And you were the perfect candidate for the job. Smiley and charming, intelligent and pretty, and on top of that, someone Enola liked very much. She had established a first-name basis with you over the hours she spent in the little library you worked at. Today, she would try to accomplish the same for Sherlock. 
Sherlock stood between the rows of shelves, waiting for his sister to finish collecting the mountain of books he was sure she wasn’t even allowed to check out at once. She had recruited him to ‘help her carry them’ as if she weren’t very capable of it herself. And besides, Enola was the one always underlining her independence and that women could do just as much as men. Something wasn’t adding up. 
Enola placed another book in his arms. One she had mindlessly pulled from the shelve to keep her story alive. It was a small sacrifice for the gratification she would get would her brother finally fall in love this evening. She was sure of it. No more feigned disinterest in the stories their family told about cousins and other relatives having their first partners. No more annoying dismissal of their mother’s subtle hints towards his isolating himself. No more bad moods because of the uncalled-for comments Mycroft threw at him when he visited with his fiancé. It was about to change today.
“Relativity Theory?” He lifted an eyebrow before Enola could disappear behind another shelf. “Hamlet? What kind of homework is this supposed to be?”
“You wouldn’t understand,” Enola quipped before placing an autobiography in his arms. 
“They’ll think you’re robbing this place.” He readjusted the books because even though he was fairly strong, they slipped in his grasp. “How are you planning on checking those all out?”
“Jokes on you, my check-out limit has been upgraded because I’m a regular.”
“To 17? That’s too many. Too many books in general. Even for your ADHD brain.”
She glared at him. “Well, that’s where you come into play. With your card, we can check out 15. And for the other two, I’ll just have to sweet talk my way through.”
“You’re impossible, Enola.” Sherlock rolled his eyes as he followed his younger sibling to the counter. 
“Shut up, It’s hard carrying enough character for Mycroft and you. You should thank me, really.”
“Unbelievable,” he muttered under his breath and then he placed the books down with a thud.
Enola Smiled as she saw you approach the counter from the back office. Once you were here, the hot phase of her plan would be set in motion. And she couldn’t wait.
“Good evening, Enola. I see you brought someone new with you today?” You asked kindly with a bright smile on your face. Most people that came into the library didn’t talk much, but ever since Enola came around, she made the day a whole lot better. She grew to be a friend to you, which was why you also already knew who the handsome ‘stranger’ next to her was. But you wouldn’t reveal it just yet, that would be creepy.
“This is my Brother, Sherlock.” Enola just smiled as she placed her pile of books on the counter as well. 
“Nice to meet you,” the tall brunette smiled behind his glasses, soft curls falling into his face when he nodded toward you. 
“Nice to meet you, too. I would ask if you found everything you were looking for, but I guess it’s even more than that...” You counted the books, sending Enola a warning look. You had gone through the trouble of sweet-talking Old Mrs. Thomson if Enola could be an exception to the ‘only six books for home’ rule once again. Trying one more would get you on dusting duty for at least three weeks. 
Your eyes locked with Sherlocks. “Do you have a library card?” And then your attention was back to the register, typing away on the little blue display.
Sherlock couldn’t see what you were doing, but he knew he wanted your eyes back on him. He didn’t know why, there was something about you that made him all excited. “Why? Because you want to check me out?” Uh oh.
Your fingers stopped hacking away at the outdated machine and your eyes wandered back to him. A deep blush tinted his cheeks and ears pink as you tried to hold back the laugh pushing at your throat. 
Sherlock wanted the earth to swallow him whole. Why had he just said that? What was wrong with him? 
And while her brother desperately attempted to hide his shocked face, Enola just stood beside him, equally stunned. She hadn’t known it had gotten this bad. His constant isolation must have messed with his social competence somehow. Because whatever she was just witnessing, was beyond secondhand embarrassment. He made her job harder to bring the two of you together, and honestly, right now, Enola did not see a chance for her brother. 
“Yes, yes he has. Here!” Enola ripped the card from her brother's pocket and handed it to you. You, who bit your lips to hide the smile creeping on your features and shook your head. 
Sherlock didn’t say another word after that. Too embarrassed to ever talk again, really, he waited out the time until you were finished scanning all the books and his and Enola’s cards. Relief washed over him when you said your goodbyes. 
“I'm making an exception this time, Enola. Mrs. Thomson must not know about this and you better bring all of these books back without a single mark,” you warned.
But Enola countered weakly, matted by her idiot brother destroying the best plan ever made. “When did I ever not?” Still, she tried a sneaky smile on her lips.
When the doors fell close behind them and the siblings walked along the sidewalk home, Enola shoved her brother harshly. 
“Great job, you idiot. You just ruined your only chance at not becoming a weird and bitter old man.”
But Sherlock didn’t answer. He was well aware of the embarrassment he had just presented himself as in that library and in front of you. With his head hung low, he opened the top book in his arms to retrieve his library card, but when he moved the piece of plastic and revealed the check-out receipt, all of his sister’s bickering moved to the background. 
There, beneath the date and time of his visit, was your number, scribbled in blue ink with a small heart by your name. He smiled to himself as he traced the number with his finger. And just then, Enola glanced over his shoulder to find out why he hadn't told her to shut up yet. 
Who would have thought that you would be hooked after a line like that?
Tags: @circe143 @valkyrie418 @mirikusashes @noideawhyimdoingthislol @nikkitc0703 @lethallyprotected @erynnnn @misshale21 @wattpaduser200 @mi-amoree1111 @xxinvisiblexx @lastwandastan @when-you-cant-think-of-anything @pevensiemadness @mrsgweasley
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