#el error
majortom84 · 6 months
Oye Alexa, toca mi playlist “canciones que me calientan el hocico”
*Destapa una caguama*
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lobo-austral · 8 months
Lamentablemente sí.
No puedes volver a entregarlo todo.
No puedes volver a ser tú.
Hay que volverse bien hp.
Pero no soy así.
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proustian-dream · 1 year
Pero ¿acaso alguna vez había dejado de hacerlo? Era el pago que le exigía su destino. Salvo que él no vivía su vida como una sola gran fuga, sino como una sucesión de pequeñas «obras de arte» del escapismo, sin un progreso visible de las primeras a las últimas. Su técnica había sido perfecta desde el comienzo. No tanto por mérito suyo como por lo que había de mecánico y fatal en la fuga.
—César Aira, El error
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estefanyailen · 2 years
>> Ella esperaba el amor, cómodamente sentada. Él la vio una sola vez y le quemó la mirada, solo un segundo bastó para quedarle grabada.
>> Los dos sintieron lo mismo, los unía el mismo lazo.
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dreemurr-skelememer · 7 months
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what's YOUR milk tea sweetness level?
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papaemeritusthefifth · 3 months
Imagine if once a year the ministry allows some of the ghouls' family to spend a few days. After someone pleaded with Secondo during his era, he decided that it would be a great team building exercise and can improve morale. They had families in the Pit, after all. So now they have a few days each year where the families are invited to stay. In light of this, here's a few family dynamics!
Swiss: Has a great relationship with his family. He's one of the oldest in his extended family, so he is immediately swarmed by a few kits. He's great with the kids and is happy to help. He's closest with his brother, who is only a couple years older than him.
Phantom/Aeon: Is an only child, and it shows. Such a mama's boy. There's a moment during the first year with the new summons where their families show up and suddenly the older quintessence ghouls take a knee. A regal woman is standing in the smoldering summoning circle and Omega greets her with a solemn "Your Highness, we were not expecting you." This tall being regards everyone with a cold stare. They hear an absolutely ear piercing "MAMA!! :D" as Phantom rushes to hug her. And that is how everyone finds out that our favorite bat is related to a Prince of Hell. Despite this...shocking revelation, Phantom is on his best behavior for the next few days. It's clear he knows all the proper etiquette and is making a show of teaching everyone. Somehow, this ghoul who cannot figure out what kind of animal the Pink Panther is has a deep and extensive knowledge of court attire and manners. Dew is flabbergasted the entire time.
Mountain: Parents aren't in the picture anymore, so he grew up with his aunt, uncle, and two cousins. They were always disdainful towards our boy and treated him as such. Any gifts he received - if any - were only bribes to get him to do their bidding. When Mount was first summoned, he was quite reserved. Kept to himself and never accepted invitations for pack bonding. He warmed up to everyone over time, but no one wil forget those first few months. He is one of the few who doesn't have family visit.
Rain: Isn't close with his family. They haven't done anything wrong, but they just aren't as close as some others. His family visits but moreso out of responsibility. This is a family that is entirely neutral towards each other. Of course they love each other and keep in touch, but their letters are months apart and moreso to keep everyone up to date on large events. If you look closely, you can see Rain eyeing Swiss with his family with a glimmer of envy.
Cirrus: Has a small family, just her fathers and a younger sibling. They are the closest team you will ever see. Constant messages sent back and forth. When they visit, they immediately jump into the middle of a conversation as if that's how it always was. She gets majorly mischevious in the way that only siblings can bring out. You can visibly see her relax when they visit, and you realize how much being away from them takes it out of her.
That's it so far, but believe I'll be thinking up more soon!
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redkelpfish · 1 year
I know we all clown on Tim Drake for having a moral code that’s just “whatever the opposite of what I think will make me evil gun batman” but have you considered Tim Drake is absolutely the kind of feral bastard to carefully design and create an entire illusion of inevitability just to manipulate his younger self into not becoming a supervillain.
Like do you think Future Tim just set aside some really crazy weekends. Do you think he was the worst drill sergeant ever when making his friends practice their lines and backstories over and over until they locked him in a closet with no electronics
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mate-y-viajecito · 5 months
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Cuesta del Obispo, Salta, Argentina.
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pigdemonart · 1 year
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A brief introduction (re-introduction for some) of my story Los Brujos. All the comic pages will be shared on Patreon first! As well as any wips, timelapses, and other behind the scene stuff. Any support is appreciated as it will help me tell these stories to the best of my ability!! <3
As for tumblr, I'll be sharing the pages here too! And I hope you all enjoy my spooky ghosts stories and unhinged latino brothers. Patreon | Ko-FI
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The core four have this lovely game called Tim Toss
It started out as a training activity so that they would know how to catch Tim and he could be confident that they would
It has evolved since then to just be something they do for fun, sometimes Tim will just jump off of something when they’re together and there’s a lull in conversation and yell TimToss
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sunshinepixels · 2 years
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typical florida house 
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notitasposts-22 · 1 year
Mi peor versión es cuando me enojo y no mido lo que digo.
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elbiotipo · 2 months
En TN siguen hablando de la vacuna pzfier GIVE IT A REST BUDDY
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thistledropkick · 3 months
It's been a while since I posted a long translation, so here's an article I translated a while back from Number Magazine. This article is about a year old, but it really changed the way I thought about both Hiromu and Desperado when I read it, and I think it's even more relevant now than when it was written.
The article and the accompanying photography are both by Masashi Hara - please go check out the original article even if you can't read Japanese, as the accompanying photography adds a lot.
Also, please don't repost this translation elsewhere. If you'd like to quote an excerpt, please link back to this source and credit me as the translator, and please also make sure to credit the original author and link back to the original article.
Will Takahashi Hiromu and El Desperado surpass the “Liger Era?” The true reason “NJPW’s Top 2 Juniors” fought in Freedoms
8/18/2023 - article and photography by Masashi Hara 原壮史
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New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Takahashi Hiromu and El Desperado have taken every opportunity to fervently collide, from battles for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship to the Best of the Super Junior finals. They are both representatives of the current New Japan Junior division.
On August 11, these two men participated in the battle at Pro Wrestling FREEDOMS in the Yokohama Budoukan. They both fought in a ring marked with the phrase “The Bacchanal of the Free” rather than a New Japan ring, against opponents who were not New Japan pro wrestlers. In doing so, they revealed a difference in the paths they each have walked.
In order to surpass “The era Liger built”
Takahashi Hiromu formed a tag team with Takaiwa Tatsuhito. Dragon Libre and Katori Takahiro of the ‘doms Junior division stood in opposition.
The impetus of this match was a “love call” from Libre to Takahashi. Takahashi attended a Freedoms show at Shibaken 1st Ring, to confirm for himself what Libre had said on the radio and SNS many times.
“I know my own worth. That’s why it’s still too early for you to wrestle me,” Takahashi said.
On January 5th, 2020, Takahashi was Jushin Thunder Liger’s opponent in Liger’s retirement match. Liger teamed with Sano Naoki, and Takahashi with Ryu Lee, each forming a tag team together with their wrestling career’s greatest rival.
In the match, Takahashi usurped Liger’s position, achieving a 3 count with TIME BOMB. After returning from a long-term absence due to a neck injury, the “Red-haired Time Bomb” had, one day earlier, defeated Will Ospreay to take back the IWGP Junior Heavyweight belt, and now read Liger his last rights as the symbol of the division.
Those two days were a manifest expression of Takahashi’s love and devotion to the Junior Heavyweight division. After those two matches from the new “Face of the Junior division,” one could believe that even though “Liger cannot be surpassed,” “that man will build a new era of the Junior division that will surpass it.”
Three and a half years have passed since then. After another serious injury, a torn pectoralis major, Takahashi has acquired the IWGP Junior Heavyweight belt three times since 2020, including when he regained it from Ospreay, and has won the BOSJ three times in a row. No one can complain about his many achievements, and he clearly continues to sit at the top of the Junior division.
In the Shinkiba ring, Takahashi continued to speak to Libre.
“What reason do I have to fight you? Depending on your answer, I might say NO.”
Libre replied,
“I must defeat you, to show you that the ‘doms Junior division has leveled up.”
(next page - Tokyo Dome main event is… Takahashi Hiromu’s “magnificent dream”)
After he wins a title match, or to close a big event, Takahashi shouts,
“More, more more more more more! Everyone, let’s have more fun!”
In order to face the crowd and say the words, “Everyone, have more fun,” he must find and face opponents who have the same level of skill as himself. For that reason, Takahashi accepted Libre’s “love call.”
Tokyo Dome main event is… Takahashi Hiromu’s “magnificent dream"
Takahashi has stated his dream many times.
“To hold the IWGP Junior heavyweight belt, and the IWGP Heavyweight belt”
But this isn’t all. His dream continues further.
“To have the match broadcast on TV during Golden Time” [note from me: this is similar to “prime time” in American English, and refers to the time between 7 and 10 pm when TV viewership is the highest]
“To fight for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight belt as the main event at the Tokyo Dome”
This dream cannot become reality without a suitable opponent. And thus, if Takahashi doesn’t excite not only the New Japan Pro Wrestling’s junior division but the entire pro wrestling world, it cannot happen. 1990 was not the golden age of only New Japan’s Junior Division. And creating an era that will surpass the era that Liger built, the era of the Super J Cup that included wrestlers such as Hayabusa, Great Sasuke, Wild Pegasus (Chris Benoit), and Black Tiger (Eddie Guerero), is a dream that can’t be achieved by one person alone.
Therefore Takahashi, for the sake of leveling up the Junior wrestlers in other promotions, did not say no to Libre’s request.
The match against Libre and Katori in Yokohama, one could truly feel the distance between Takahashi at the pinnacle of the Juniors.
Libre repeatedly absorbed Takahashi’s heavy strikes while constantly yelling “Come on!” And with one chop, Takahashi made it felt that his wrestling was on a higher level.
Ultimately, Takahashi finished the match not with a TIME BOMB but with a Dynamite Plunger. And after the match, he gifted Katori with another fierce chop, enthusiastically displaying the “difference” between the two of them.
“I don’t feel like I was even in a match. What do you mean “Come on!” You come on.”
After the IWGP Junior Champion once again starkly showed the difference in status between himself and Libre, Takahashi told the Freedoms president Sasaki Takashi, who had worked hard to make Libre’s dream come true, the conditions required for a rematch.
(next page - “The man who was too late” El Desperado’s awakening”)
“If you’re not a Champion, (a Freedoms junior singles match) is out of the question. I think that’s the bare minimum. I’m not disrespecting you but, I have my pride as the IWGP Junior champion, and my pride as a New Japan wrestler.”
And he added one more thing.
“Please keep mentioning the name Takahashi Hiromu again and again from now on.”
In order for Takahashi to create more fun, other wrestlers must rise to the same level as him, and fight on the same stage. If wrestlers like Libre and Katori are able to close the gulf they were forced to acknowledge on that day and once again stand against Takahashi in the ring, that means that “dream is growing close to becoming a reality” and it would be proof that “the era that Liger built” is close to being surpassed.
The Man who was too late - El Desperado’s Awakening
Of course, the energy within the New Japan Junior division is indispensable for the industry as a whole.
In Liger’s retirement match, Takahashi’s rival was Lee. When discussing “rivals coming together as a tag team,” Desperado’s name was not  even mentioned.
“My quality as a wrestler took too long. Really, I just wasn’t able to get there. I was too late.”
That was what Desperado said at the end of 2021, at the end of year press conference addressing the Tokyo Dome show, about the champion Takahashi.
“I won’t make that mistake again. At last year’s BOSJ, Hiromu said ‘Let’s show them our era,” but, I’ll show you my future. To take hold of my own future, I’ll win, and I’ll open my own future.”
Desperado was victorious in that match.
“In order to make my dream come true, Desperado, I want to fight you. I always want you in front of me,” Takahashi said, after his loss.
If Liger’s retirement match happened now, the man standing next to Takahashi would be Desperado. But because those two did not team up, the different paths that they would go on to walk became clearer.
(next page - That guy, he fuckin loves deathmatch)
Desperado, who now stands shoulder to shoulder with Takahashi, once again formed a tag team with “Charisma of Deathmatch” Kasai Jun, this time fighting against Takeda Masashi and Yamashita Rina.
Desperado was thrown into a thumbtack board, was slapped in the face after having had thumbtacks shoved into his mouth, his mask was torn and his head cut with scissors, and he was slammed into the aluminum can board that he himself brought to the ring …… In other words, he freely enjoyed deathmatch to the fullest. But of course he also gave as good as he got, breaking a steel chair over the head of the “Deathmatch Amazoness” Rina, and cleverly countering Takeda’s attempt to use a fork board against him, as he faced off against some of the best deathmatch fighters in the world.
He sent forth a Loco Mono and Pinche Loco combo with Kasai, watched a Pearl Harbor Splash from a “special seat” and thoroughly enjoyed his time tagging with Kasai in a fun and super stimulating match, which ended with Kasai pinning Takeda for the victory. After the match, Takeda said of the rogue luchador, “Desperado… He’s fun. He fuckin loves deathmatch.”
All that is to say, Desperado is a person who pursues what he himself likes, and who takes action for his own enjoyment, and that is his what makes him so charming.
Truly, if you watch someone enjoying himself to the fullest, you will also feel enjoyment as a viewer. In addition to this, because Desperado truly loves what he’s doing, the respect in his heart is conveyed to the audience, and the quality of his matches naturally follows from and reflects that deep respect.
For Takahashi, it’s “Let’s all have more fun.” For Desperado, it’s “I’ll have fun.” However, Desperado’s matches make the audience have fun too. Despite being a rogue, he is more conscientious than anyone, and this mysterious balance allows him to mobilize those around him, form connections to others, and forge a path unique to himself.
Takahashi Hiromu and El Desperado have traveled different paths, but at key points, those paths have overlapped. They are truly eternal rivals.
Surprisingly, the connection between these two men once again pulled them together as they both attended “The Bacchanal of the Free” and the fans were able to savor an experience of utmost “fun.”
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1856- El error consiste en creer que puede existir un antídoto contra la incertidumbre”
(A de amor- David Levithan)
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waffulart · 2 months
An idea for an Error Sticker/Ideita para sticker de Error 🗣️
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Error belongs to Crayon Queen
(I don't think I would make it but still posting)
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