sp4c3-0ddity · 6 years
HEY (41) "Damn auto-correct..." With Plance pls?
listen. man, dude, my friend. i know you like fluff and fun fluff is like your specialty but this fic turned into angst and for that i would like to apologize…but i hope you like it anyway??
canon-verse, ~4000 words, not proofread because i shouldn’t be awake now
warning for slight ableism?? 
Pidge couldn’t believe her luck, stranded on a huge,isolated asteroid with almost no gravitational field and no ships in sight.
(Though,of course, space was so empty that she naturally had to suffer the probabilityof getting stuck in it.)
Sheclung to a crevice on the asteroid’s surface with one hand and her feet, herhead still spinning from when the Red Lion expelled her into space. With theother hand, she fiddled with the comm in her armor, seeking a signal strongenough to contact someone - anyone- nearby, or at least within a few light-years of her position.
Stupid Lance, stupid so-called ‘valor’, stupid misguided attempt at being ‘heroic’,I’m going to kill him the next time I see him…
Pidgescowled when all she found with her comm was static, but it faltered the tickshe thought of Lance.
Quiznak, I hope he’s okay…
Herheart sank into her stomach, heavy with dread and worry. She tried to push itout of her mind - she had herself to fear for right now - but every time shereturned her attention to the task at hand, her thoughts drifted back to Lance. 
We both would’vestood a better chance if I’d stayed with you, dammit.
Pidgechecked her biometrics with her armor’s systems, and when she found nothingamiss - her life support still at full capacity thanks to the wonder of tenthousand-year-old Altean technology - she sagged, resting her forehead againstthe asteroid.
Castle on the other side of a wormhole,Galra ship blocking communications, nothing to amplify a signal or detect onethat isn’twithin range…
Empty-handedand alone, Pidge searched again.
Afterwhat felt like vargas - after her stomach growled and her throat turned parchedand her eyes drooped with exhaustion and the air her life support recycled grewstale - she found something.
Staticcrackled, louder than any other instant, and Pidge straightened her backagainst the asteroid with a start.
“Hello?” Pidge said, her voice hoarse. “Isthere anyone there? Come in, this is—”
What if they’rean enemy?
Pidgeswallowed and said, “I’m stranded alone in the middle of an asteroid field without aship. You’re the first vessel I’ve been able to hail. Can you please rescue me?”
Thestatic quieted, and Pidge’s heartbeat echoed in her ears as sweatslid down her face. She pinched her eyes shut, preparing herself to hear thesignal go dead, until:
“Give us your approximate position, lana, and we’ll be there in doboshes.”
“Well…” Pidge scanned as much of hersurroundings as she could with her cuff, letting it view the stars as she sawthem, then sent them through the same signal. “Is that enough information?”
“Oh, it’s perfect, lana!” her savior said. “Hold on.”
Theconnection clicked off - her heart skipped a beat at the sudden silence - andPidge wondered, “Whatthe quiznak does lanamean?”
Theship that picked her up belonged to pirates.
Theycuffed Pidge’swrists behind her back before she could so much as thank them for their rescue,before she could take off her helmet and inhale the breathable air inside.
Atleast she could savor the gravity dragging her down when her knees hit thefloor.
“You didn’t tell us you’re a Paladin ofVoltron, lana,” a humanoid alien with one eye at thecenter of his forehead said. He crossed his arms and clicked his tongue in aneerily human expression of disappointment.
“This is why,” Pidge grumbled. She tried towrench her shoulder from the grip of the part-Galra pirate that held her down,but her only reaction was to squeeze her hard enough she could feel it throughher armor.
“Well, then to the brig you go!” announcedthe cyclops alien with an unfriendly smirk. “At least give us the next varga todecide your fate.” His single eye glinted while the other pirates jeered andhonked and crowed.
Pidgestared at him with wide eyes, fear churning in her stomach and making her heartthreaten to burst its way through her ribcage. “I—”
“Save your threats and promises, GreenPaladin,” the Galra pirate said. She grabbed her arm and tugged her upright,and without waiting for Pidge to find her footing, dragged her away from thecrew.
Theyconfiscated her armor and left her only with the insulated black suit she woreunderneath, though not before Pidge slid her bayard under the thin mattress inher tiny, square cell. She tried to keep a wrist cuff too, but the pirate thatcame to collect was smart enough to count the pieces.
Shewas relieved she had the foresight and the timeto hide the bayard in a different place.
Butmuch good it did her while she was locked in a cell.
Heroptions for escape lay heavily on her mind, but the prospects were thin. She’dseen so little of the ship - not even the bridge - since coming aboard, sounless she could talk a crew member into giving her a tour…
Shecould talk a crew member into giving her a tour!
(Sheavoided thinking that it was exactly the sort of thing Lance would do.)
Pidgecould scarcely believe how straightforward it was to convince the pirate thatbrought her meals to show her around the ship.
Theship’smain engineer was a woman with unseeing blind eyes, but she compensated for thedisability with long, bat-like ears that spun towards the slightest hint ofnoise. Tall and willowy with an easy smile, she was exactlythe type Lance would go for, Pidge observed. 
(Sheignored the flare of jealousy that rose within her; now was not the time.)
Sheintroduced herself as Mara and grinned at Pidge. “You’re lucky it was Heli’s turn to cookyour first meal. If it had been my turn, you would’ve spent the next few vargaskneeling next to the toilet.”
Pidgenarrowed her eyes at the bowl of…some kind of stew, made from a starchypotato-like plant, a vegetable that looked and tastedas pungent as an onion, and a meat that she suspected was the alien equivalentof “mysterymeat”. “That’s a…relief to hear,” Pidge said.
Thistime when she spooned the bite into her mouth, she didn’tgrimace, though Mara wouldn’t have seen it either way.
Sheset aside her bowl after finishing only half of it, the scent emanating from itturning her stomach, and mused that she even preferred Coran’s cooking to this stew.
“Say,” Mara said, still lingering beyondher cell door, “are you really theGreen Paladin?”
“The one and only,” Pidge said withouthumor. “What gave it away?”
“The green armor, of course!” Mararetorted, chuckling.
Pidgeraised an eyebrow, unsure what she found funny…until she recalled that she was blind. Shefidgeted with the hem of her sleeve and muttered, “I guess it would’ve…”
“I did have a question, though,” Mara said.“Are those all the real Paladins in The Voltron Show?”
Pidgeturned her head so fast she almost gave herself whiplash. “What?”
“The Voltron Show.” Mara clasped her hands together,twiddling her thumbs. “I wondered if those were all of you or if they were justactors.”
Pidge’sjaw dropped, but she cleared her throat and wondered, “Why do you want to know?”
Marasmiled. “Iwas curious. I ama fan, by the way, and wanted to know if there would be more shows to lookforward to.”
Pidge,stunned, could only stutter, “Uh, w-well, Voltron has other things toworry about at the moment.” Like finding me…and Lance.
Herface fell, and she said, “Oh, then, maybe you could tell me moreabout everyone?”
Pidgedecided to seize her chance.
Shesmirked - working to keep the smugness from her voice - and said, “I’dlove to tell you everything, but why don’t you give me a tour?”
Marashowed Pidge some of the inner workings of the ship - which she learned wasnamed Outlaw Heart. She gestured toevery bit and bob, every nook and cranny, with easy, pinpointing each by sound(or so Pidge assumed).
Sheobserved it all with curiosity, wondering where, exactly, her salvation lay.Sabotaging the mechanisms of the OutlawHeart and holding them hostage?
”You remind me of Hunk,” Pidge said whenMara clasped her hands together while explaining something.
“The Yellow Paladin?” Mara wrinkled hernose.
“He’s not really like he is in the show!”Pidge reassured her. “He’s actually a genius and“—she flinched when Mara hither forehead against a low air duct—”not nearlyas clumsy as you are.”
Abeat later she heard the offense Mara could take from her words, but before shecould stammer an apology, Mara grinned. “Oh, I knewI wouldn’tregret asking you!”
Hijackingthe ship for long enough to find an entity allied with Voltron and theCoalition?
”Tell me about Keith!”
“He’s grumpy and passionate and…” Pidgesighed and admitted, “He’s…not around so much anymore.”
Marafrowned. “Isthat not him in the show?”
Pidgelaughed. “That’sthe thing; Princess Allura actually played him in The Voltron Show.”
Or,perhaps, communicate with the Castle by sending a transmission from the Outlaw Heart’sbridge?
”What about the Blue Paladin? He seemsinteresting!”
“Every other fan has a crush on Shiro, butyou choose Lance?” Pidge rolled her eyes while she inspectedthe ship’s navigation and communication systems as covertly as she couldmanage. Any tick, someone else could walk in and catch taking advantage of theengineer’s blindness…
Maraheld her hands behind her back and said, “I never mentioned anything about a crush.”
“Really?” Pidge raised an eyebrow, barelylifting her attention from the comm station. Could she send a distress signalstrong enough it would reach the Castle? “Too bad, though. He would’ve loved tohear that.”
(Maybefrom anyone but her…)
“I’m sure,” Mara said doubtfully. “Are youready for the next part of the tour?”
“Oh, just a tick,” Pidge said.
Shereached for the comm, mentally running through the steps that would project adistress—
“Mara!” a new voice bellowed.
Pidgejumped backwards - and straight into the waiting arms of the part-Galra crewmember responsible for manhandling her.
“Oh, First Mate Yorik!” Mara said,straightening her posture. “I—”
“Let our prisoner onto the bridge?” The crew member - First Mate Yorik -picked Pidge up as easily as she would a pillow and threw her over hisshoulder.
Shescowled, lashing out with fists and kicks while anger made her clumsy andcareless about where they landed. But her blows proved ineffectual, the firstmate ignoring them as he leveled a furious gaze at Mara. 
“Did you not see that she was trying tosend a signal to her allies?” First Mate Yorik demanded.
“I-I didn’t—”
“Of course you didn’t!” Yorik stormed outof the bridge, Pidge bouncing in his grip. “Why Captain Nubo took on a blind engineer…”
Pidgesmacked his back and glared at the ground, blood rushing to her head. But sheyelled, “Letme go, you bastard! Let me—”
Shegasped when Yorik jerked her around and dropped her unceremoniously onto thebunk in her cell. She pinched her eyes shut and clutched her head, onlydistantly hearing the cell door slamming shut as Yorik locked her in.
“I don’t know what you said to Mara toconvince her to let you out,” he growled, “but rest assured if anything like ithappens again, you’ll regret it.”
Pidgepeeked out from between her fingers in time to see him storm away. Then shesighed and lay down on the bunk to consider her next plan.
Thecyclops alien - who introduced himself as Captain Nubo - visited her within acouple vargas of Yorik “escorting” her back, standing just outsideher cell. “I would like to apologize for my first mate’s behavior,” he said. “I’mafraid he sees you as an enemy more than most aboard the Outlaw’s Heart.”
“I wonder why…” Pidge grumbled.
“Oh, it’s not what you think, lana,” Captain Nubo said, chuckling. “He’s nevermuch liked the legitimate side of the law, Galra or not, but his mother did,and, well…”
Pidgebit her lip and guessed, “She died in the war.”
CaptainNubo hummed, not quite validating her suspicion, then wondered, “Asidefrom that, are you enjoying your stay, lana?”
“It’s better than a five-star hotel,” Pidgereplied icily. “Theywould’vemade me keep the handcuffs.”
CaptainNubo laughed, a sound that burst out from deep within his belly, and said, “Oh,if we weren’t natural enemies I might’ve asked you to join my crew.”
Pidgenarrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. “Why?”
“We know enough about Voltron to have anidea of your skills.” The captain curled his dark green goatee around a finger.“We find our tech in need of update, every…legitimate party far outstripping our capabilities.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Pidge asked.“Aren’t you worried I’ll exploit that?”
“Because you haven’t already tried?” Nuboshrugged and admitted, “Perhaps I’m hoping that you’ll abandon Voltron and joinus before this is done.”
“Not a chance,” Pidge said. She stood andpaced to the cell door and met his eyes with a glare. “Voltron needs me, and I—”Ineed them too.
Butshe wouldn’tconfess to that, not to a man intent on making himself her enemy.
“Very well,” Nubo said. “I’m sorry to hearthat, lana, but I suppose I should tell you what the crew and I have decided about your fate.”
“What?” Pidge snapped when he paused fortoo long. “Spit it out.”
“It’s simple, really. For now you remainhere.”
“What the quiznak do you mean by fornow?” Pidge demanded.
“Lana,you’rea valuable commodity on this side of the universe.” Nubo smiled. “On most sides of the universe, in fact.”
Pidgeignored the sweat dampening her palms and hoped that her shock didn’tshow on her face. “All right,” she said, somehow keeping her voice fromtrembling. “Explain.”
“My crew is divided, you see,” Nubo said. “Halfwish to ransom you to some fragment of the Galra Empire, and the other halfwould prefer to ransom you to Voltron. Each has their reasons for choosing whothey will, but neither option is desirable.” 
Ransom me to Voltron…
“What about me?” Pidge said, wrapping hersweaty hands around the bars to her cell and standing on her toes. “Does myopinion matter?”
“What do you think?”
Herheart plummeted, a rock falling through the air from a great height. “I—”
“What benefits the Empire’s factions oreven what benefits Voltron can scarcely benefit my crew,” Nubo explained, hiscordial tone evaporating. “So you see what I must do? And until we decide, aprisoner you remain.”
Pidgestared at him, unable to formulate a proper response.
I could kill Lance…if he wasn’t someone’s prisoner too.
“What’s the matter, lana?” Nubo inquired, his single eye blinkingslowly. “You look like you wish to ask me something.”
Many somethings, Pidge thought, but aloud she said, “Whatdoes lana mean?”
Nubosmirked. “It’san affectionate name you would call a child.”
Theretort rose automatically to her lips, “I’m nota child, I’m—”
“A Paladin of Voltron,” Nubo conceded, “butdon’t you agree that it’s a childish thing to be stranded in space without aship or much means of communicating with your own allies?”
Pidgeblushed, averting her eyes out of embarrassment. “It wasn’t my fault,” she muttered. She curledher hands into fists as a tear rolled down her cheek.
They’llfind him first, she told herself.They have to.
“I will leave you to mourn your lot,”Captain Nubo said, “and I hope you won’t risk leaving your cell again.”
Ashis footsteps retreated down the hall, Pidge leaned against the wall. She sliddown, hugging her legs to her chest and pressing her forehead to her knees.
She’dattempt another escape soon, she promised, but first she’d cry.
Shewas ready the next time Mara opened her cell door to deliver her a meal. 
Pidgeactivated her bayard.
Itmorphed into the grapple, so silently Mara’s bat-like ears didn’t pick up on it.
Pidgeswallowed her shame, heart pounding in anticipation, and stepped behind Mara,holding the blade to her throat.
“I’m reallysorry about this, Mara,” Pidge admitted, “but I have to get back to my team. They need me.” 
Marastiffened, her ear twitching. “I understand, Green Paladin.”
“Then take me to the bridge again.”
Pidge’seyes widened, her breath catching in shock. “What?”
“I admire your loyalty to your team,” Marasaid, “but you think you’re not the only one loyal to a crew?”
“I don’t think you’ll kill me to make apoint,” Mara continued. “I have no doubt you’re capable if the situationdemands it, but I’m not Voltron’s enemy.”
“Y-you don’t know what I’d do!” Pidgeretorted, blood boiling with anger and her back rigid. “You don’t know what Idid to rescue my family, and you don’t know what I’d do for my team if theywere in the same danger!”
“I’m not your enemy—”
“You’re not,” Pidge conceded. She swallowedaround a sudden lump in her throat and blinked hot tears from her eyes and quiznak why wasn’t she done crying? “B-but one of myteammates is in danger and I have to go save him! What about that d-don’tyou understand?”
Marasagged. “I’msorry, Pidge,” she whispered, “but I can’t let you.”
Pidgeclosed her eyes. “You haveto, Mara. I need to see my team - all my family. I need—”She sniffed when she tasted salt on her lips. “I-I need to t-tell him I—” Shelowered her bayard and whispered, “It wasn’t his fault.”
Herbayard slipped out of her sweaty hand as she choked on her first sob.
Somethingwarm engulfed her, arms wrapped securely around her and rocking her back andforth while she cried.
Stop, shetold herself. Stop crying in front ofstrangers.
“I’ll talk to Captain Nubo,” Mara promised.“I’ll tell him you need to rescue your friend.”
Pidgebit her lip, struggling to get her sobs under control. She trembled, but Marastill held her.
“Tell me more about him,” she said, voicesoothing. “Which Paladin is he?”
“I-I don’t know anymore,” Pidge admittedwith a shaky laugh. She rubbed her itchy eyes and added, “But h-he’s more thanhe seems…”
“Captain Nubo wants you brought to thebridge.”
Pidgeopened her eyes. She’d been trying to sleep since Mara left, but between the promiseand her fear for Lance, she hadn’t managed more than a restless doze.
Soshe sat up and faced First Mate Yorik.
Heunlocked and opened her cell door with a creak of metal hinges. “Whatare you waiting for, Paladin?” he demanded when she just looked at him. “Thecaptain wishes to speak with you.”
Pidgeblinked, her brain sluggish and exhausted, but as she processed Yorik’swords her breath caught in her throat.
Pidgeshot to her feet and skipped to the door. She tried to slip past the firstmate, but he caught her arm and pulled her back.
“What’s your rush?” he asked, narrowing hiseyes.
“The sooner I return to my team, thesooner—”
“Nothing’s decided,” he reminded her. “AndI never said anythingabout your return.”
(Well,it was obvious where he stood…)
Pidgeglared at him but accepted his escort up to the bridge.
“What changed?” she demanded, her gazemeeting Captain Nubo’s. “Was it just what Mara said?”
CaptainNubo grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. “We are not so different, you and I, yourteam and my crew. And to hear the rumors, even one of yours is part-Galra.” Heblinked - or maybe winked; Pidge couldn’t quite tell when he only had one pairof eyelids - and said, “Or, if you wish to believe I was moved by yours tearsand had a crisis of conscious, I won’t stop you.
“So…how would you like to make a deal withus, lana?”
Herheart sank; of course it couldn’tbe so easy…
“That depends,” Pidge said, though a partof her desperately wanted to accept whatever deal he offered, if only it meantfinding Lance and the rest of her team safe. “What do you want?”
Nubosighed. “Perhapsyou can guess.”
“A…ransom? I’m sure that can be arranged.”
“All right.” To her amazement, he agreedeasily, but… “I will send a transmission telling we have the Green Paladin.”
“Wait, I need to reassure them that I’msafe and that this isn’t a trap, Captain,” Pidge said.
CaptainNubo considered her, frowning slightly. “They must pay your ransom before wedeliver you then.”
“Great!” Pidge grinned, her heart alreadypounding and the words she would say rushing through her head.
“In GAC.”
Pidgeslumped. “Wedon’t…the Coalition doesn’t deal in GAC.”
“Then I’m afraid—”
“Wait!” Pidge said before Nubo could domore than turn his back. She wrenched her arm from First Mate Yorik’s firm gripand stepped towards the captain at the comm station. “I-I can upgrade your ship’ssystems instead, and maybe even convince Princess Allura to give your crewamnesty - or, well, maybe convince her to try to convince the Coalition to giveyou amnesty because frankly I hatepolitics and I have no—”
Yorikcleared his throat, cutting her off.
Pidgesmiled sheepishly at the captain. “I can’t promise more than to talk to her.”
“Well, that is as much as Mara promised you…andif you do fix our systems that would be enough.”
“AfterI contact the Castle of Lions,” Pidge insisted.
“Very well.” Captain Nubo made quick work -quick enough that Pidge suspected he’d already prepared it - setting up atransmission. “I’m afraid it’ll be text-based correspondence in the Galrascript. Can you manage?”
Pidgebit her lip. It was scarcely ideal, but… “Fine,” she said. “They can translate it.”
UnderCaptain Nubo’ssingle watchful eye, Pidge composed her first message:
Allura, it’sPidge. I was captured by pirates and they want to make a trade. Ask me toverify.
Pidgetapped her foot, her hands sweating while she waited for a reply that camefaster than she dared to expect:
Pidge! Verify:  what did you name the Galra droid youreprogrammed?
Pidgesighed, freed of a burden, as she wrote back:
I named him Rover. Allura, is everyonesafe? Do you know what happened to Lance?
Everyone is safe, Pidge. And we recoveredLance. He’snow recovering in a healing pod. The first thing he asked when we found him wasif we’d found you, so I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you once you return to us.
Pidgecovered her face in her hands and muffled a laugh, but not before irritationtook hold again when she remembered how, exactly, she and Lance got separated:
Good, because when he’s awake I’m going to kiss him.
Do you want me to tell him that if he wakesup before you get back?
Bloodrushed to her face when she reread the message she sent. “I—what—no—”She hurriedly corrected:
Wait no don’tI meant that I’m going to kill him! Damn auto-correct…
Herheart pounded wildly - quiznak, it neverbeat this fast even when she was in danger! - while she waited for Allura toreply again:
I asked Hunk what auto-correct is. He’s not convinced your statement was amistake.
Pidgelonged to return to her cell and bury her face in a pillow, where no one couldsee her red cheeks or hear her frustrated scream.
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megnattsworld · 6 years
First-ish scene from "It'd Be Funny" by @elby9001 featuring happy "couple" Lance and Pidge, shocked Shiro, and squealing Hunk.
Not exactly how I picture the scene in my head but that's because I can't draw people and my imagination is too detailed for my skill level...
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Jake: Amy...all your facial parts are in the right spots.
Amy:...Thanks, Jake.
[Submitted by @elby9oo1]
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tydy-the-megnet · 7 years
5 Facts for which Nobody Asked
Except @xpyzkx since they tagged me...
1. I love making stuff! Like my gears for my fine arts class! mechanical-y things and computer-y things especially!
2. I am a romantic. I get crushes all the time. Mostly on girls, but there have been enough notable crushes on guys (not just celebrity crushes, mind) that I’ve realized I’m bi
3. I first realized I was bi when I caught myself daydreaming about going down on this dude from high school (he had freckles and I’m a sucker)
4. I do not like horror
5. when I get tagged for these things, I tag people based on my “Biggest Fans” from my activity page. I love y’all even if we don’t interact much!
tagging: @holi-holy-bookholic @riding-the-wind @killuachan151 @jojo-trainwreck
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elby9001 replied to your post ...
“I suggest trying to explain that you don't like talking late at night bc you like to use that time to read (and even if that's not the only reason, it should still suffice if you don't wanna go into detail)
@elby9001 thank you that’s really good advice :)
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greatpretending · 7 years
So is there a "Tom's Right Eyebrow"? Jk you're the right eyebrow cuz you're just right and always right
omg idk if there’s a Tom’s Right Eyebrow out there but if there is hmu pal
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rueitae · 6 years
Know My Secrets
@mutherplocker0665 @hailqiqi @elby9001 (thanks for the tag gang!)
(Bold is the preference)
Coffee or Tea - I just don’t like coffee it seems. Tea with honey is always good though.
Early bird or Night Owl - I’d always rather stay up and sleep in than go to bed early and wake up early.
Chocolate or Vanilla - Was the opposite when I was a kid actually.
Spring or Fall - I get allergies either way, but at least autumn isn’t muddy with snow still on the ground (even though we still get snow in the fall its usually not much... yet)
Silver or Gold - If we’re talking jewelry, silver gets the nod. But if we’re talking the pokespe characters, both of them are valid and beautiful and perfect
Pop or Alternative - Depends on which decade we’re talking about...
Freckles or Dimples - very cute
Snake or Shark - I really don’t have much of a preference actually.
Mountains or Fields - I would love to have these where I live. I see too many fields.
Thunderstorm or Lightning - You get lightning with a thunderstorm, making this blessedly easier to answer for my weather loving heart.
Egyptian or Greek mythology - Love me mythology in general. Egypt gets the nod thanks to a book I picked at random from my school library over a decade ago and my forever love for Stargate SG1.
Ivory or Scarlet - A gorgeous color. I love burgundy as well.
Flute or Lyre - You can sing while playing a lyre :D
Eyes or Lips - Eyes are often called the window to the soul. :)
Witch or Fairy - Both are excellent fantasy beings.
Opal or Diamond - My birthstone. :D Also pokemon diamond.
Butterflies or Honeybees - Honey is so good and bees are so good, but butterflies are so dang pretty.
Macaroons or Eclairs - hmmm that soft middle. I make a pan dessert based off them.
Typewritten or Handwritten letters - email :)
Secret Garden or Secret Library - Yes, all the books and less allergies.
Rooftop or Balcony - If the balcony is on the southwest side of the house I would reconsider, but rooftop allows me to see incoming storms best.
Spicy or Mild - I like a little spice, but not much.
Opera or Ballet - I like the voices.
London or Paris - Wembley Stadium. One day.
Vincent Van Gogh or Claude Monet - Both are amazing.
Denim or Leather - Jeans all the time every day even on really hot days.
Potions or Spells - Way more fun to work with in fic, at least for me visually
Ocean or Desert - I’m just going to live on the beach.
Mermaid or Siren - both are pretty nifty, I’m not really learned on my lore for either though.
Masquerade Ball or Cocktail party - I can avoid dancing :D
Tag 10 more people: (again, trying to grab everyone, I’m so sorry if I miss you please use this as an excuse to tag yourself if you see this, and you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!) @roromir @ashrayus @alluratheliongoddess @kitkatcabbit @browntiger15 @the-pokemonjesus (tag yourself in the last one too - I knew I was forgetting folks - that goes for any of you!) @hushman @pidge-suggestions @pidgelings @amourfangirl1
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Historical Media
I got one. So how about a “Humans are Weird” thing where an alien race only uses media for historical purposes. Like, the Gluuthiks of Ylgmar-771 only use tv for learning history or remembering important events in their culture. They have animations and live-action and books and internet videos, but it’s ONLY used for nonfiction.
Cue Humans, with their most ridiculous ideas, like:
Or Harry Potter: “Where’s your wand? I want to see some magic!”
Or Star Wars: “You had Interstellar Travel way back then? I haven’t even heard of half these planets! Wow, you human explo–LOQWOQ YOU CAN EXPLODE PLANETS!? I’m glad we reached a diplomatic stance.
Submitted by: @elby9001
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mutherplocker0665 · 7 years
Last Sentence Challenge
Tagged by this ray of sunshine 🌞 @vivalachocolate
Write the last line of the latest thing you’ve written and tag the same amount of words as people. (I will not be tagging that many lol)
「“Maybe it’s a blue paladin perk!” His toothy grin would’ve normally had her heart doing flips but it only managed to come off as annoyingly smug.」
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sp4c3-0ddity · 6 years
you caught me
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megnattsworld · 6 years
Plance has always been cannon!
Green's had it the whole time.
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Green ships it. She's a literal ship.
Idea cred to @elby9001
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ladyserendipitous · 7 years
@elby9001 & @lahiffed You’re both half right
Now say it with me
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It’s the third story in my series of tropes, inspired by @elby9001 who said that ‘Mistaken for Badass’ is their favourite trope.
Read on AO3
Darcy was enjoying her morning coffee when the world exploded around her. One second, it was all happy birds chirping, the next an explosion nearby was nearly rendering her deaf. Part of the coffee shop fell on them, and Darcy narrowly missed being crushed to death by throwing herself to the side, under a table that barely held on through the impact.
It took her a few seconds to clear her mind, coughing her lungs out because of the dust and her eyes watering. She pushed herself to her knees. She’d lost her glasses, turning her surroundings in a blurring mess.
She could hear other persons moaning in pain beside her, meaning she wasn’t the only survivor. It was her first week in New York and it was already trying to kill her. She hadn’t escaped alien elves just to die crushed to death by a wall, what would her epitaph be then?
Her hand finally found her glasses, and she was just pushing them up the bridge of her nose when the guns started firing. It was directly outside, perhaps a dozen feet away. Darcy could see them now, people with a dark uniform and a mask, walking down the street towards the coffee shop. She crouched with a curse, then crawled to hide behind the counter. The barista was already there, a wound on his head bleeding but otherwise fine. They looked at each other, and at his obvious fear, she felt her own emotions calm down, her mind taking that calm focus that stressful situations would push her in. She was no hero, but she would at least try, goddamnit.
She listened to the footsteps coming closer, glass and wood crunching and cracking under heavy boots. She pressed a finger against her own lips to incite the man to stay silent, her heart beating furiously in her ribcage. She slipped a hand inside her bag to retrieve her taser, overjoyed that she was smart enough to bring it everywhere with her.
She stayed low and went on the other side of the counter, in the opposite direction of where the footsteps were going. Taking a deep breath, she peeped over the side to make sure the armed person had their back to her before making a dash towards them. Only pure luck made her succeed, she was sure, because she shot them in the back just as they noticed her, and fell flat on the floor.
Darcy’s hands were numb, her throat parched. She had to swallow a few times before she muster. “Is everyone okay?”
People began to poke their heads out, then made their way towards her.
“You’re the Black Widow,” someone said in wonder.
“Yeah, she used her spider bites to take down Hydra.”
Darcy blinked in confusion. She had met Black Widow once, and despite the obvious compliment, she knew they had nothing in common. Darcy wasn’t even a redhead.
“Um, no, I’m not-“ But her voice was muffled by another explosion that shook the building they were in.
“We need to get out of here!” The barista screamed, and they all dashed outside. Darcy instead went back to the unconscious person to search their pockets. There wasn’t much in the vest, but she checked their ear and found a communication device. She put it in her own ear.
Honestly, she didn’t understand all of their gibberish that involved too many numbers and different times of the day, but she quickly got that they were after the Avengers, causing havoc to get their attention. That was an all-new way to seek attention, destroying buildings and killing people. Usually making vague posts on Facebook worked.
To what extend they were ready to go, Darcy didn’t want to stay and find out. She grabbed the handgun from the person’s uniform and made her way out by the big hole in the wall. Was it still an in when half of it was outside? Huh, maybe that wasn’t the best time to ask herself that, but then again, Darcy’s adrenaline was so high she could almost vibrate.
The rest of the street was in the same sad state, destroyed buildings and people in frenzy, hurrying to safety. But where was safety? She stayed close to the remaining facades, trying to be stealthy and keeping an eye on her surrounding, but it was pretty clear she was bad at this when someone shot at the ground right before her.
“Don’t move, or I’ll shoot you in the head,” a man said. “I got visual on the Black Widow,” he said in his comm. “Awaiting order.”
Darcy let out a disbelieving chuckle, turning her head to see the man was alone and a few feet away from her. He was wearing thick dark eyewear blocking a good portion of his face. “I think whoever you’re working for should provide you with better glasses, seriously.”
“Shut up.”
She raised her hand, shaking it. “Can you see this? Doesn’t the evil corporation you’re working for cover your eye insurances?”
“Fucking hell, I swear I’ll shoot you if you don’t-”
She half turned and shot him in the shoulder, with the gun he apparently never saw in her other hand. At least she tried to aim for his shoulder. Instead she got him in the side of the neck, and in surprise, he dropped his own gun. Sprays of blood gushed out of the wound with every beat of his heart, and she watched him fall in the middle of the street.
She took a step forward, her legs wobbly, and turned around again at something thumping on the ground behind her. Captain America had fallen from the sky.
Never in her life was she happier to see the blue, red and white colours. They’d talked before when they happened to bump each other, before Darcy figured out who he was, thanks to a certain Sam who was amused by her starry eyes. Steve had always been very kind, his smile as rewarding as his posterior.
From the looks of it, he’d witnessed a part of what happened.
“I’m not the Black Widow,” she said in lieu of greeting as he approached her. He was out of breath, as if he’d ran to get here. “But you work with her, so you should be aware of that.”
“I am, but what you just did there, it was brave.”
She didn’t know what to say to that, but then she was smirking, the gun heavy in her hand. She couldn’t let go of it, though, not any time soon. “Aren’t you supposed to say ‘Follow me if you want to live’?”  
He was confused, so she continued. “You haven’t seen Terminator?”
“There’s a lot of movies I have yet to watch. Are you okay?” And he brushed dust from her shoulders, gently checking her for any injury that required immediate attention. She grabbed his gloved hand to stop him, not sure for how long she could remain calm. She needed to sit down and cry for some time. She heard something coming from his cowl, and he huffed in slight annoyance.
“Stop pestering me, and finish the job. I’m with her, Thor,” he told in his comm before turning it off. Well, she didn’t doubt she would hear from the other big blond guy later on, if only to receive one of his bear hugs. She would need it.
“I’m not hurt,” she said. “Can we get out of here?”
He squeezed her hand before letting go, and Darcy was tempted to cling on to it. “Let’s go that way, the Avengers tower is nearby.” He stayed close, watching her as they started walking. That was very sweet of him, when he could let her go on her own while he continued to fight.
She talked without really thinking, and she later would blame it on the shock quickly taking over. “If I live through this, let’s watch Terminator together.”
He smiled. “I’ll make sure you stay alive, then.”
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hailqiqi · 7 years
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words!
Tagged by @kristallioness! Thank you, I’ve always wanted to do one of these :D
From the next chapter of my The Future in Snippets fic: The warmth in her chest had nothing to do with the jacket. (I may or may not have totally forgotten that that’s how I ended that scene.)
11 people... I might manage that. Lemme try.
Tagging: @octaviainthewasteland @mistyhollowpro @sp4c3-0ddity @nicollini @swindle94 @pidgepitchu @madamebomb @mindatworkk @dupreerose @purpleplatypusbear21 @elby9001
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Last Sentence Game:
Tagged by @elby9001 (thank you these are so fun! 💕)
Share the last sentence you wrote, then tag one person for each word in the sentence.
“There is a period of the most awkward silence Jim has ever known.“
Tagging: @skia-visuals @mikleohno @krisseycrystal @starryguykai @flarelunari @armethaumaturgy @looveel-realm
You can still do it if I haven’t tagged you!
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tydy-the-megnet · 7 years
Get Ready for a Long Post: Elby9001 Writing Stats for 2017
Uh… What? Fics I’ve written this year? Jeez, I hope I recall them all.
Tagged by @sp4c3-0ddity (i love your blog so thx!)
Tagging… Um… @jackandlanterns ? and… @yojimbra and… um…… @hopefullypessimistic84 you wanna do it? @fuckingchatnoir too, if you want?
Okay, Let’s do this. Luckily, I tag all my fics on tumblr with #fanfiction so finding all my fics is easy (especially if you want to find them right now *winks with boths eyes*) MOVING ON
Also You can search for this post under the tag “Masterlist” because it has links to ALL my fics. You’re welcome ;)
Breakdown: Fanfics Posted
23 Voltron fics – 60.6%
5 Miraculous Ladybug fics – 13.2%
4 Camp Camp fics – 10.5%
4 Naruto fics – 10.5%
1 RWBY fic – 2.6%
1 Harry Potter fic – 2.6%
Tumblr Fics (Found on my blog, obviously)
–Voltron: Legendary Defender (All Pidgance)
Nonsense (Pidge? Like him? No way)
Together, But Not Together (Lance rambles to Pidge)
Just Like Home (Aw, they’re homesick)
Feline Affectionate (Lance wants the pussy Pidge is a Cat?)
Where Are We? (Lost, but not stressed)
Baked (”Lance, are you… high?”)
Coding (Actually, ciphering)
Freedom (When FInals Week ends)
The Box (Lance has a box. Pidge is curious)
Headpwnd (Dancing)
Treasured (Treasure hunting)
This Guy’s... (Operation: Find-Out-Lance’s-Type)
Iron Paladin (Iron Man AU)
Laundering (Who doesn’t love a good laundry mix-up?)
Preprogrammed (Flirty Robot)
Hopelance Romantic (Lance is a hopeless romantic)
Virtually Impossible (Lance? Winning at video games?)
It’s “Pining,” Not “Piping” (Pidge pining for Lance)
Soulstice (Soulmate AU)
Growing Plance (Pidge has a green-ish thumb)
Snow Angel (Pidge likes the indoors, but miracles do happen)
Tall Tales (He was so tall, and she was so short)
Through the Looking Glass (glasses fluff)
That Cute Green Monster (Green [with envy] Paladin)
–Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
Marinette DuPun-Cheng (Marinette makes a pun. Adrien Approves)
Dadrien (Adrien makes dad jokes. Marinette does not approve)
How to Pick Up Ladybugs (Adrien finds out Ladybug’s ID and turns up the charm) (Adrienette)
Getting into Character (Adrien and Nino dress-up for Halloween)
Aishiteru, Adrien-kun (Adrienette, Mari tries to confess in foreignese)
–Camp Camp (All Marris)
Pixie and the Python (Max asks Gwen for dating advice)
Making People (Somewhat of a sequel to above)
The Questgivers (Max vs Nerris’ parents)
The New Girl (High school AU)
Fanfiction fics (found here)
The Ultimate Ninjutsu (Team Kakashi wins thanks to Naruto’s jutsu)
Oh, It’s You (NaruHina Soulmate AU)
Assassination Exams (normal school AU – know the game “Assassin”?)
New Soul Revamped! (My take on an OC in Naruto’s body. one of my only multi-chapter fics)
This Is JNPR (Lancaster JNPR band AU romcom)
–Harry Potter
Let It Sink In (Sirius is up to no good, Amelia catches him.)
Total Work Count: 38
Ship Breakdown: PIDGANCE WINS at an overwhelming 60.5% of my fics. Blame @pidgancemonth2017 for that.
Character Breakdown: Pidge Gunderson, aka Katie Holt, wins. Again, protag of 60.5% of my fics.Lance McClain has a good second place, but I focused more on Pidge throughout because I like her more
Best Title(s)? I’m very fond of Through the Looking Glass because I’m a fan of Lewis Carroll and Alice in Wonderland. Also, Growing Plance because I like puns and I adore that ship name.
Worst Title? This Guy’s… I am NOT proud of that one.
Best First Line? From Just Like Home 
“Voltron’s yellow paladin walked into the kitchen with one purpose: snacking.”
I like that line because, like why else would you walk into a kitchen lol
Worst First Line? Direct okay. From New Soul Revamped!
“It was a bright day in the Land of Fire and in the Village Hidden in the Leaves as well.”
I don’t like it because if it’s bright in the Land of Fire, it’s gonna be bright in the Leaf Village duh you idiot
Best Last Line? Well… From Preprogrammed
“‘So,’ she concluded, ‘Why would someone else’s robot flirt with my boyfriend?’”
Because same, girl, same.
but ALSO from Growing Plance
“In a fierce whisper, she spoke to PM3, ‘Pidge McClain III. Not. One. Word.’”
I adore this line because Pidge is so cute in that one.
Worst Last Line? Calling for it again ooh boy. From This Guy’s…
“’Hunk,’ Lance glanced to him, stifling snickers, ‘What do you think of Katie’s new haircut?’”
That line is such a week ending ugh.
Looking back, did you write more or less fics than you expected?
Way more, mostly because of Pidgance month (it brought upon over half of my fics this year.)
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you wouldn’t have expected last year?
Considering I just got into Voltron this year… Pidgance and Voltron. I mostly stick to the same genres, though…
What’s your favorite story that you wrote?
Through the Looking Glass because I wear glasses and every time someone tells me that I explode I’ve ruined so many outfits with that pls help
What’s your most popular story?
On tumblr, with 72 notes as of 01-01-2018 (one more than the second place spot) is Treasured 
One fanfiction.net Dadrien leads with 119 faves (eight above the second place spot) as of 01-01-2018
Least popular story?
Oh boy… on tumblr, it’s Making People with 5 notes
On fanfiction.net Let It Sink In has only 3 faves
Fic that could use the most improvement?
Emphasis on “the most” because ALL my fics could use improvement to some extent. But the one that needs it the most is Marinette DuPun-Cheng. It was just… awful. I’d scrap it completely and never look back, but I use it as a standing point to say “I’m getting better all the time”
Sexiest Fic? *winks with with both eyes*
HA! I don’t really write sex scenes… So… The closest would be The Ultimate Ninjutsu, where Naruto uses Sexy Jutsu during the bell-test
Saddest Story?
I don’t write sad stories much either… But I’d have to say
It’s “Pining,” Not “Piping” or That Cute Green Monster
one of those is the saddest, but I can’t decide which.
Most fun to write?
Oh goodness. Three-way tie!
of Voltron, Hopelance Romantic
of Miraculous Ladybug, How to Pick Up Ladybugs
of Camp Camp, Pixie and the Python
Story with single sweetest moment?
Hm. Good question… What is a “sweet moment” though? A moment of genuine connection and caring shown between two people whether romantic, platonic, or familial?
Literally all of Making People is Max doing his best to show Nerris he’s trying. I think that’s really sweet. But also, Treasured is really sweet I think
Hardest story to write?
New Soul Revamped! is really hard because I failed once I’m trying really hard not to fail again.
Hopelance Romantic was also hard, just because I had to keep deleting and rewriting because my first few drafts were unsatisfactory
Easiest story to write?
Freedom was literally me just expressing after making it through finals so
Did any stories shift your perception of characters?
Writing Marinette Dupain-Cheng made me think Marinette was boring unless Ladybug was directly involved.
Most overdue story?
I don’t really put deadlines on my stories… But I guess Tall Tales was uploaded like a day after the prompt dictated?
Did you take any writing risks this year?
This is JNPR is my first multichapter romcom, and I’m not far in, but I’ve learned that you can’t be lenient with your readers because no ending is acceptable
What are your writing goals for 2018?
Ohhh boy… I guess I want to keep up with my multichapter fics, This Is JNPR, New Soul Revamped, and Getting into Character. Also, I want to branch out into some other fandoms, too
Wow. Thanks for tagging me. Doing this has felt amazing.
What now? Snack? Snack.
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