batgirl-87 · 5 years
Omg it ate a portion of my ask, I had three questions for Keira and Charlie but only 8th showed up ;_;. So 8, 12 and definitely 30 in addition to that as well! 🌸🌸🌸
It’s okay! Glad I didn’t answer it just in case! Thank you for asking and bringing this awesome ask meme to my attention! ❤️
8. (Answered in a previous post)
12. (Answered in a previous post)
30. Do they participate in the Second Wizarding War? Or do they keep to themselves? How do they feel about it?
So canonically, Charlie obviously makes a dramatic entrance on a dragon and brings in reinforcements =p And while Keira is truly a neutral and honestly doesn’t care that much, she gets involved because people she cares about are involved and she wants to protect them and keep them safe. Plus, let’s face it, this team needs her =p Too many Gryffindors, they need a Slytherin to do some of the darker, dirtier work. Plus she likes the thrill of it all to be quite honest. She’s here to kick some ass! Sounds fun! =p And she would most likely be there with Bill and Fleur and the rest of them from the beginning of the War while Charlie clearly comes in later with reinforcements. 
So yes, they participate in it and they kick some arse =p
My personal canon =p 
Keira would never allow anything bad to happen to Remus, first off. Or Tonks. Or Fred. Or Sirius. (Does Remus come first?…Perhaps… =p) She’ll do whatever it takes to keep them safe and if necessary bring them back. Yes in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries all the Time Turners were rendered useless but those are not the only ones in existence nor are they the only time traveling devices and as a Curse-Breaker who gets to be exposed to a lot of magical artefacts as well as work with magical ministries all over the world. Keira loves having an arsenal of useful weapons and items that could help her in any sort of situation and having a time traveling device is just useful to have! And if she didn’t get her hands on one before the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, as soon as she heard about what happened there she would get her hands on one ASAP and go back and fix that outcome. 
She would also keep the time turner or time traveling device a secret and that fact that she saved Sirius a secret except from Sirius who probably could figure it out actually but definitely when she enlists his help to save the others. And then them together would go back and save Remus, Tonks, and Fred during the Second Wizarding War. And she goes through all the “what-ifs” - What if it’s their time? What if saving them kills someone else? What if saving them means more Death Eaters survive or they lose? What if to save them she has to sacrifice herself? She’s no Gryffindor but she would die to save Remus tbh… It could bite her in the arse later but she’s got to do it, to at least try! And she’ll continue to keep them safe, especially in case it’s somehow found out what she and Sirius did and some evil Death Eaters still lurking around decide to ‘even the score’ and kill them since they were ‘supposed to die.’ (And she would keep it a secret from them that she went back to save them from death although she cannot lie to Remus so she might tell him because she can’t help it!) 
And later that time traveling device can prove useful in saving her as well but that’s another story =p (I have thoughts and ideas guys….)
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rhodesmystery · 5 years
@eldritchscreech asked me not to break up Natasha and Charlie so now I gotta do it yknow 😈
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missnight0wl · 5 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿
Thank you so much! I hope you have an amazing day! 🌺💖😊
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nightingaletrash · 5 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿
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aww, thank you!!!!
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heleneplays · 4 years
I'm a Charlie 🤡 but damn, that One Helene pic made the bi-ness SNAP in me like WTH 😳👀💗
@eldritchscreech more fashionista helene pic in a second
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drthrvn · 2 years
signal boost: if you know an Ukrainian woman who's pregnant and wants to terminate her pregnancy and plans to leave Ukraine, please advise her not to come to Poland.
let me be clear - we accept every Ukrainian refugee that wants to flee to Poland. however, the abortion law here is extremely strict - even in case of r*pe, it's basically impossible to have an abortion since it's difficult to prove. and unfortunately, the war hasn't stopped pro-life activists from being absolute monsters who prey on hurt, distressed refugees, even when it comes to r*pe victims.
so to all the pregnant Ukrainian refugees who plan to terminate pregnancy - for your own health, mental and physical, do not come to Poland (at least not before you get an abortion somewhere else).
update: i saw @eldritchscreech's addition and thought i should have also written about in in my post - if you or other pregnant woman you know end up in Poland anyway and need to terminate pregnancy, please contact Aborcyjny Dream Team, they help with pharmacological abortion (their website includes info in Ukrainian).
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For the guaranteed honest answer - why 💔 in the katlings post tags???? Im anxiously awaiting the spoilers...
I am surprised to say the least! Okay, so, I think you read too much into that. I wanted yo use a heart with a bandaid but I dont have one or I didnt find it. However, to give you more substance, I still havent decided about the kids situation. I often think about katlings and I love love the idea of her and three or four black kittens following her around but maybe for another potterverse. These are the situations I juggle with:
A single daughter, a pretty much exact copy of Kate, a calm and curious baby that turns into an inquisitive and adventurous kid, much like their parents, who loves spending time with them but also explore on her own, becoming a wonderful woman who is a true 50/50 mix of Charlie and Kate.
This same daughter but with an expected addition to the family! I often think about Kate in a hospital, trying to help a woman with an, unfortunately, uncurable desease (not yet known to the magic or muggle world). In addition, there's always a small boy outside the room, waiting patiently for her mom to get better. Kate does the best she can to tend to the kid as well and they slowly become friends. When the woman inevitably passes away, Kate does the impossible to give the boy a new home and the three of them welcome him into the family.
This same daughter with a dark and angsty twist. Maybe this scenario is the reason I maybe put that heart subconciously. To make you feel better, I think Ive given them enough pain for a lifetime and Charlie and Kate dont deserve this. But I did explore the idea of Kate losing a baby after their first daughter. But I just cant do it. I imagined it in my head and its too much even for an angsty/bittersweet writer like me because this type of pain is like no other.
So yeah, no spoilers for the wip tho, this story isnt about that. They will discuss the topic, I will give you that scene, but no actual babes for now. And although I dont see them having more than 2 kids, I adoreee (as I said) the idea of Kat being a mama duck and having all her katlings following her around 💜
Thanks @eldritchscreech for the ask! I hope I gave you at least some portion of your answer bc I dont think I have lmao
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Some highlights from my hogwarts mystery shifting script
For those of you that don’t know shifting, or shifting realities is the process of moving your consciousness from one reality to another (I have a post on it here.) Scripting is an optional part of the shifting process where a person writes down things they want to happen in their desired reality. 
My desired reality i’m currently trying to script is hogwarts mystery (obviously) and I’m scripting as my MC. I script every night, not because i think it’ll help me shift to do that, but i have a lot to say and it’s kinda a therapeutic way to end my day. 
Here are some highlights from what i’ve scripted over the last four days. 
“My name is Victoria Rose Ivvy. I was born London England on January 12th 1973. I’m 5’2 (or 158cm) with fair skin, green eyes, freckles, and long solid white hair.” 
A beautiful description to start us off. I love how i left out the word ‘in’ and didn’t even notice. Idk why but this feels like I’m the female heroine of a John Green book describing myself. 
“I’m very popular around school, though not always for the right reasons. While me and my friend Penny Haywood are unarguably the prettiest girls in school, a lot of the attention I get is derived from my brother and the cursed vaults. While most of the school thinks I’m mad and delusional, I still have a close group of friends that I can always count on.” 
Okay sis go off. *snap snap* ✨
“I definitely have expensive taste, but what does it matter when you can afford it?” 
Honestly, i made a point here. 
“Technically I’m an heiress”...”I love buying my friends things. I pay for their food, take them shopping, buy them gifts. Do I think they’re just using me for my money? Absolutely not! There’s so much more that goes into being my friend, the gifts don’t even make up for it.” 
At least I’m (kinda) self aware. I know there’s no way my friends are just in this for the gifts.🤑
“I get into my pursuit of the vaults because of Jacob, I have a feeling they’re linked to his disappearance. (Spoiler, I’m right.)”
Wow. It’s almost like I know what’s going to happen. 
“Rowan gets hit with the cursed iced and has to go to the hospital wing. She claims she’ll be no use to me when taking on vaults, which she isn’t wrong about.” 
Again, I made points here. Screw you Rowan. ❤️
“Ben, who was trapped in the cursed ice our second year, also starts acting suspicious around this time. Rowan is suspicious of him, and so am I but I can’t let them know that. I need Ben to trust me so I can use him for information. Ben may be a double crosser, but he’s still easy to manipulate.” 
Again, I made points. Also, Slytherin who??? Lmaooo. 
“Year four is when the real fun begins.” 
That, that’s the whole quote. 
“We are also introduced to Patricia Rakepick, the head cursebreaker at Gringotts. Apparently she’s here to handle anything relating to the cursed vaults. She Wishes!” 
Well, we already know how that’s gonna end… 
“Charlie’s very busy with being a quidditch star and being mentally ill and all.” 
I mean, he is… 
“This is the heartbreaking moment when I realize I might need Rakepick’s assistance….” 
At least Sickleworth is cute. 
“Charlie brings up a great point-” 
Wow, didn’t know it did that. 
“This is when Charlie realized Penny can brew us a beautification potion to use on the Red Caps. Of course Penny and I have to tease him a bit and ask if we’re not pretty enough to scare off the Red Caps. He freezes and gets all flustered and his face gets all red before we reveal to him that we’re joking.” 
I thought of this in my head a while ago. I think the scene is cuter how i see it in my head than how it’s described here. 
“I Wingardium Leviosa myself into the air to take a look around. While I have a much better view I realize I’m wearing a skirt, making things just a little awkward for Charlie and Penny.” 
This is inspired by the fact that my MC was in fact wearing a skirt for this scene in the story. 
“Bill jumps in front of me to fight off the Acromantula before I get hit.” 
As he should. 😌
“He [Dumbledore] says I’ve broken school rule too many times and gives me detention in the kitchens for the entirety of my fifth year. For some reason Bill and Charlie don’t get punished at all which is wack if you asked me.” 
It is wack tho. 😡😤
(thanks @eldritchscreech for vaguely implying i should do this yesterday.)
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rhodesmystery · 5 years
Omgg I have so many questions abt Natasha but to begin with - 7,8, 16. 27 because I was always curious about her magic. And 29 - about that breakup... Sorry if it's too much and take as much time as you need, tbh I'd like to send you the whole list haha 🌸
YOU ARE TOO KIND and I am VERY embarrassed but thank you SO MUCH!!!!!!
7. Socioeconomic background – and how it affects their behaviour.
So, her family is pretty well off. Both sides. Her father’s side has sketchy kind of results of money, as no one can confirm or deny if they’re tied up with illegal business but they’re also involved with like advertising and music so who honestly knows. Natasha doesn’t question it, obviously, also because like the more she spends away from her dad and that home, it’s just not really her problem? At least that’s how she sees it (unfortunately). Does make travel easier for her though.
As for her mother’s side, the Urquhart family does well on their own, even without connections to other pureblood/halfblood families through marriages. The Urquhart family raises and trains Sainglens - which are slightly smaller Abraxans, with solid black coats similar to Friesians (I made them up for something ages ago but am still fond of them so they stay even though the idea doesnt count anymore lol). Even with like generous gifts from her grandparents on holidays and birthdays, Natasha was very comfortable.
In saying all that, it’s really obvious it does skew her kind of. Understanding. Of everything. Natasha can catch herself a lot before saying anything but sometimes it gets out. She can buy gifts, and eats well, dresses nice, in both muggle and wizard society. Can casually buy Charlie a new wand. She’s not quite that level of “what does one banana cost? $10?” but there are times when yeah, she lets the ball drop, and there’s a bit of ire. Money doesn’t buy her happiness, though. Aquila, her uncle, at least encourages regular donations and activities here and there to keep her grounded.
8. Their family house – how does it look like? What’s the interior like, is there garden outside? Trinkets, furniture, books? 
The Rhodes family home consists of an apartment in Manhattan, that’s honestly a little isolating and cold, plus the family manor that’s outside the city limits, that is older than most people, and makes Natasha feel out of sorts. Both of her rooms in those places are actually surprisingly sparse, with the bare minimum of clothes, maybe a few plants, blue sheets on her bed. The walls have clear discolouration from posters being taken down, and some chips in the paint because of blutack. 
The Urquhart manor is pretty much her home. Her room is bright yellow and open windows with a squishy old armchair in the corner that belonged to her great great grandmother. There’s a few bookcases shoved up against the walls, the red wood clashing with the white vanity sitting next to it, that’s covered in beaded jewellery and stickers and photos that are laughing and dancing. There’s a footstool that Natasha is pretty sure walks on it’s on when she’s not looking, and she’s got her posters there now, papering one whole wall. Stuff is hanging and there’s paper cranes flying around her ceiling and there’s so many little things to find, from the crystal ball to the little dog figurine to several brooms and exactly twelve pairs of odd socks lying on the ground.
16. What’s their taste like re: interior design, art, gadgets? If they have (had) money - antiques or modern design? Ikea or whatever? Art collecting, fashion, wine? Pokemon cards in the 90s? 
Natasha is honestly pretty messy havoc with making things work if only because they have to exist. Her mother’s insistence on having minimalism didn’t take, because surprisingly it was her father who encouraged her to pick up and collect things, so she’s very fond of picking up rocks and feathers. As far as collecting goes… clothes, definitely. And magazines. Lots and lots of magazines. 
27.  MC’s magic – white, black or some shades of grey? Are they mainstream or do they push the envelope with niche stuff? Are they showy or subtle, systems oriented or intuitive? What’s their strong and weak points? Can they go wandless or wordless? Do they do tarot, divination or alchemy? NECROMANCY???
For the most part, Natasha has the white magic, except when its something like red sparks, of course. Very controlled and tight, however, with not overly large brushstrokes (thanks, Lyra). It works well for her, at least, because she isn’t throwing heaps of energy into her work either, so it gives her a little more stamina to work with too. Maybe it has her looking like she isn’t trying, which can be a serious downside when Natasha is seriously trying to duel, but people take it as her being slack.
Natasha likes the mainstream stuff, don’t get her wrong, but she completely has looked into other magics available. Whilst she’s not the most creative, or at least, not the most dedicated to creating, there have been a few spells made by her. Mostly in the form of waypoint stuff, just to help friends when exploring. Niche stuff that’s kind of whispered about, and she has delved into fancy hexes and jinxes that are frowned upon, especially some that were made by people unknown and just passed down through the years. Those are the showier magics though, the flashy bangs and noises that she gets into when she lets herself go. Which is why they’re very rare for her to perform, not because she can’t, but Natasha just hears her mother’s voice and disapproval.
She’s a strong dueller, by a long shot, with nice footwork and a good centre of balance. But she fights too tightly to her core. It can lead to her being exposed, especially if there is someone to defend. Suddenly having to throw out her barriers isn’t a strong suit, as Natasha has a long line of learning to defend number one, first. Not anyone else. 
There are some things she can do wordlessly, but they’re more lower level charms. As for being wandless, she can’t do it. At all. Natasha relies on her wand like crazy as that focal point. If anything, the only thing she could potentially do wandless is legilimency, but that’s a stretch. I’ve said before that if someone is open with strong emotions, she can skim them, especially with eye contact. But when it’s the spell and actually directed vocally, it’s a helluva lot stronger. And divination runs through her blood. She jokingly makes up stuff to freak out Trelawny, but sometimes she’s honestly not wrong. On certain days it’s a sneaking suspicion. On others, a heavy dream that plays out part by part. Natasha tells only her great great grandmother, and no one else. 
Don’t ask her to do potions. She’s absolutely shite at it. Charms and transfigurations are her strongest points, with defence against the dark arts pulling up the rear.  
29. MC’s close people dynamics – it can be anything from aromantic soulmates to romantic dynamics, the special people for your MC and how these relationships change over time? 
Bill is her life long nonromantic partner. Nothing will ever break them up. Ever. At one point, they joked about if they weren’t married by 30, they’d marry each other for tax benefits. Natasha is largely influenced by Bill, and doesn’t know who she would be without him. Even when Natasha seems to have disappeared from the world for a time, Bill always receives letters, updates. They keep in constant, almost regular, contact, and their letters are pages long, so that neither of them miss out on anything. 
Penny is a very solid point of origin for Natasha. It might’ve taken a while for them to get to that point, but Penny is a hallmark in the history of Natasha. Since first meeting, it’s just been a solid friendship, with lots of tears and late nights and like Natasha is open with very few people, and even deeper again with others… but Penny knows her. They may mess around and Natasha might be her guinea pig for potions, but if you need to find out something about Natasha, where she is, what she’s doing? Penny. Find Penny.
Tulip is another unlikely friend. For the most part, they seem the opposites. Tulip comes across as the perfect, ambitious, conniving Slytherin, and Natasha the studious, wise, careful Ravenclaw. Tulip’s parents are law abiding, hard on everything, please follow suit. Natasha’s parents flaunt the law where they can, only encourage strictness when it comes to protecting oneself, but let Natasha grow.They have joked more than once that maybe they were switched at birth. They fit each other’s jigsaw pieces. Their rough edges match, forming a softness only they understand. They don’t really talk much, but honestly they don’t need to. 
Talbott kind of influenced a shift in Natasha though. With him, not only did she awaken her animagus form, but it helped her reconcile a lot of her internal struggles with being in Slytherin, and who she should be as a person to her parents (especially so, when her form was that of a great eagle, which honestly broke her heart a lot more than she let on). Whilst they didn’t really solidify a friendship until later in their education, Natasha treasures Talbott. There might’ve always been a sneaking suspicion, of her telling herself to leap, but she doesn’t. Not that it stops them from being friends. Natasha made sure to friend Talbott hard.
And as for Charlie… it took a lot for them to get to a point, where they finally understood each other, and there wasn’t anymore confusion and stalled conversations and awkwardness. It took them breaking up more than once, going months without speaking, then spending a whirlwind six months together, but they got there. Charlie is her best friend, confidante, lover. Natasha doesn’t bother working out the math, of how they got from point a to point b, because it would be difficult to map out, let alone make people understand. Both her and Charlie are open, just as much as they are closed. Private people, who also crave a certain sort of company. And having to go from close quarter living, to their own spaces, letting themselves breathe, really helped. Might’ve helped them get level headed about what was actually happening, and how their lives crossed over. 
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mizutoyama · 4 years
Ok, so because @adelaisdraws will probably also stream tomorrow (Saturday), my last daily stream will be tomorrow at 4pm EST!
(Because I will be busy at my usual time of 9pm being murdered by @jonathanharkered & @eldritchscreech with Crocs😆)
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heleneplays · 5 years
Sending you some good vibes, I'm still in the beginning of the game but will keep my fingers crossed things will eventually resolve later on! Also - stay strong!
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this unexpected gem of kidness???????? just alleviated some of it and please know i'm????? very mcfreakin thankful as heck!!!!!!!!!
Also fjfkfkfkk hope you enjoy the game and catch up soon!
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batgirl-87 · 4 years
HPHM Ask Games Poll
First, I'd like to thank everyone who provided feedback to my original post about any interest in some asks games
So thank you @toads-in-my-pockets / @eldritchscreech & @katherinewilliams221b - anyone else can still provide feedback to that post or this one!
Next I was wondering which ask game you'd like to do first!
Wish I could do a poll on here 😒
So if you could please reply with your choice of which ask you'd like to do now, or even rank them first, second, & third etc. so I can figure out an order to post them I'd appreciate it 😊 I want this to be fun for all of us and for as much participation as possible so I care of course about what you all want. 💞 Also reblog so others can see this and provide their vote as well.
You vs. Your MC
Future Hogwarts Mystery Asks
Friendships Asks
How's Your MC's Relationship with _ Ask (Idk about this one honestly but if you want to talk more in depth about your MC's relationship with a particular friend or other HPHM character over the years then we unleash this ask)
These are the ones I have found at least so far in my drafts - I have so many drafts I haven’t gone through them all so there could be more hidden in there! =p
I'll also probably make another post about other things I've worked on and saved in my drafts in regards to HPHM (as mentioned in my first post) to see if you're interested in more of those but for now I'd like to focus on the Ask Games.
Thank you in advance for your help! 💗
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luc3 · 4 years
It is not in my habit to reply to these things but i will make an effort for once, as @nimfeach tagged me.
name/nickname: Luce (the ancients, where I work, call me Laura... 👻?!? )
gender: female, failed tentative (outside) / male, successful tentative (inside)
star sign: leo / virgo (I am born at the limit of both, it all depends on which zodiac we are talking about.)
height: 165cm
time: 10:41am
birthday: 23 august
favourite bands: a mix between strong rock/ dark pop/ goth old-school
favourite solo artists: Bach / & yes, Hendrix !!!
song stuck in my head: Tenderness of Wolves / Coil
last movie:  Enemy by D. Villeneuve.
last show: I am tired of tv-shows...
when did I create this blog: few years ago but I did not use it since spring / summer 2020.
what I post:  ? my own gibberish.
last thing I googled: please, don’t disrespect me;  I don’t use google, nor android, nor facebook, etc. I’m the grand-daughter of M. Snowden. I USE LINUX, and DUCKDUCKGO, and TOR, COME, WE ARE ALREADY 12 🕷️🕸️
other blogs: none
following: don't care
followers: don't care 
average hours of sleep: 5-6
lucky number: don’t have a lucky number.
instruments: organ [piano]
what I am wearing: rather black / dark and tight clothes
dream job: Nurse (so yes, it’s very ok)
dream trip: Canada
favourite food: potato gratin
nationality: french
favourite song: everything in its right place / Radiohead
last book I read: The other like me &  Caïn / by J. Saramago
top 3 fictional universes I would like to live in: sorry I haven't had this kind of dream for a long time. (except the fact that I would like to be sufficiently ok with Catholic dogma to become a Carmelite, but, of course : no)
now I tag @eldritchscreech, @crunchythursdaychild, @vargrskjaldmaer, @magi-corvus, @bland-username, @scarletcrossed @thelucentsteed  :p
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Re: WIP draft @eldritchscreech
I'm doing it on paper this time! Quite a lot of work but I'm on my computer a lot lately and I didnt want to associate this fic with work. And since I'm experimenting with a new writing style I thought, why not
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Yes there's a rue plant leaf there 😌 just for the 🌌aesthetic🌌
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ardentmuse · 5 years
37 with George Weasley? And congrats love! You’re a phenomenal writer!
The Perfect Potion
Harry Potter - George Weasley x Reader
37. I’d say it’s like 50 million simultaneous orgasms, but better.
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: implied sexual content, kissing and flirting, lots and lots of fluff
A/N: Aww, thank you, sweet! I am so glad you think so and so happy to tackle this request for you. Georgie is one of my all-time favorites. I love his sweetness partnered with his confidence, his strange ability to tote the line between cocky and cute. He’s such a gem! 
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“Babe, taste this,” called a voice from the back rooms of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes.
Most people couldn’t tell the twins apart with their identical hairstyles, similar dress, and duplicated mannerisms. But the one thing that had always made it clear to you who was who had been their voices. Fred had a jovial modulation, like he was ringleader to the world’s greatest circus and you were just hoping to be gifted a ticket. George, on the other hand, while still pleasant and chipper and just a tiny bit conspiratorial, had a slight throatiness, almost a rasp, the kind the reverberated in your chest when he held you close and spoke directly into your ear. It was the kind of huskiness – especially in these early sleepy hours – that sent shivers along your body.
The fact that this voice called you “babe” only added to the confirmation.  
You set Fred’s coffee down upon the counter and carried yours and George’s beverages with you into the cramped workspace George often hunkered down in before the store opened for customers.
When you entered, the room was surprisingly organized, only a few vials of ingredients, only some of which you recognized, set upon the counter beside the cauldron George was leaning over. The smell that permeated the room was intoxicating, like citrus and honey.
“Now what am I tasting?”
George turned around to offer you his brightest smile. He was surprisingly chipper these past few mornings; so different from the cuddle monster he could be sometimes when the morning light threatened your time together. Whatever he was working on, it was something for which he was taking great pride.
“I hope the most delicious thing your mouth has ever known,” George grinned, raising his wooden spoon to you.
Your eyes took in the vials beside him. One contained what looked like spider’s legs and the other something that looked like living smile, moving and molding to its container as it glowed a brilliant blue. You felt your stomach turn at the sight, but then you registered that smell again – that glorious, delectable smell – and you decided to ignore your vision. George loved you. He wasn’t about to poison you; at least not on purpose.
You took the steps towards your partner, the man you couldn’t help but love even when he was doing his best mad scientist routine. His smile only grew as you stood chest to chest with him. You handed him his tea as you took the spoon from his grasp, running your fingers up the length of his rose colored sleeve before plucking the object gently from his fingers.
You took in the liquid, a swirling mass of silver hue, and something in you yearned to taste it. Before you knew it, you had the spoon against your lips and the liquid tossed back down your throat.
The trail of it warmed your throat even though the liquid was cool. Your forehead knitted in confusion and your mouth fell open.
“That bad?” George asked, his fingers fidgeting with his cuffs.
You blinked back to your senses to address him, “I’d say it’s like 50 million simultaneous orgasms, but better.” You lifted the spoon and reached around George to dip it again in the cauldron. The tingle in your throat at the scrumptious potion was just dissipating and you needed to sense it again, to taste the fruity, sweet, sharp spark the liquid gave you.
Before you could reach the pot, George’s fingers wrapped around your wrist.
“Okay, okay, I think that’s enough now.” He pulled the spoon from your hands and set it back on the counter before holding your shoulders to look you in the eyes.
You pouted at him.
“What? I don’t want any more competition in the pleasing you department.”
You laughed heartily as his hands stroked you through your coat. The fall had truly hit now and the chill in the morning air made your daily beverage runs all that better for waking you up. George’s hands ran down your chest to find the buttons amongst the wool. He flicked only one before speaking again, his eyes growing lidded as he leaned into you.
“Perhaps I might dissuade of the lies that pretty little mouth of yours feels like telling, hmm?” He flicked another button and let his fingertips brush against your stomach underneath. “A man could get a little jealous if you keep talking about the products like that.”
Your breathing had grown short as his attentions and at the thrill of George showing you just the kind of pleasure he could give you that no potion could. But at the word, product, your eyes shot open and you took a step away.
“What’s about to happen to me, George? Am I going to grow a second head or start breathing fire?” Your fingers ran against your own lips as you clung tightly to your stomach. You never once thought about the consequences of tasting a Weasley concoction as it was usually followed immediately with an antidote once the desired effects were seen. But George didn’t seem eager to offer you any alternative. He only prowled forward, like an big cat stalking a drinking gazelle.
“What’s about to happen to you is your boyfriend is about to ravish you on top of this counter before we have to open shop.”
His hands found your waist again and pulled you flush to him. The hard expanse of his broad chest was a pleasant retreat for your frightened form.
“No weird effects?” you asked again.
“None,” he promised with a kiss to your nose, “Just a base I was working on, a treat for our anniversary that I thought I might apply to some love potions. Though if it tastes the way you say, then—“ George cut himself off for a moment as the red grew strong in his cheeks, hiding the beautiful freckles that decorated his face. He coughed a little before adding, “I mean, I know they taste the way you said. I modeled the taste after you.”
You raised your eyebrow to ask the question but George simply wouldn’t let you.
“No more talking, love. We have,” he looked up at the grandfather clock that stood in the corner, “seven minutes.” He lifted you up with ease unto the counter top, pushing away any remnants of ingredients that he may have been using.
One vial rolled towards you and hit your hip. You picked it up as George began trailing gentle kisses down your neck.
You read the label, “I taste like gurdyroot to you?”
George hummed against your neck, “Had to improvise.”
As he licked the skin of your collar bone, you felt a new kind of burn in your throat. Maybe you had been rash with your words before. Nothing felt better than the man before you. Not even magic could compare to him.
George moved to kiss your lips, you suddenly felt how short seven minutes truly were.
And it was only made worse when he whispered against your lips.
“Mmm, cloves.”  
All tags: @fangirlandnerd, @aerdnandreaa, @thisisbullshytt,  @cancerousjojian, @whovianayesha, @themarauderstheoutsidersandpeggy, @luna-xxxxx, @sleepylunarwolf, @starryrevelations, @potter-thinking, @all-by-myself98, @bananafosters-and-books, @cutie-bug, @igotmadskills, @hazelandcoconuts, @yallgotkik
Harry Potter tags: @tessimagines, @0-lost-in-stereo-0, @whysoseriouspadfoot, @eldritchscreech, @luckyvirgo, @hellizhelusive2, @lexrius, @sapphireorchid, @amazingwonderlandnapkin, @garbdump
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kee-writestrashh · 5 years
Soot & Healing Salve (part 2)
Charlie Weasley x Reader
warnings: none
words: 1352
summary: Charlie managed to finally get reader out for a lunch date, after weeks of trying to gain her attention by purposefully getting hurt while working with the dragons. After that, well, as people like to say ‘the rest was history’. *part 2 of 3*
part 1
“I can’t believe I have to miss it.” You pouted, handing Adam ingredients for the potion he was brewing.
“That’s the life of a mediwizard. I can’t tell you the last time I was off for the fun stuff. Tickets are damn near impossible to get a hold of anymore anyways.” Adam shrugged, flicking his wand slightly to turn down the radio a bit, after the World Cup commercial.
“Charlie is going and I’m stuck here.” You sighed, pulling out a clipboard, parchment, and your quill to check inventory for the order at the end of the week.
“I’ll bring you back something.” Charlie said, stepping into the medical tent. “You’ll be supporting Ireland then?”
“I’m from Boston, you bet your arse I’ll be supporting Ireland!” You said, leaning in slightly to let Charlie place a kiss to your cheek.
“While this dummy has hearts in her eyes, I should let you know, Commander approved us for the Triwizard emergency team.” Adam said, only slightly rolling his eyes at your flushed face and goofy grin.
“Oh yeah! That’s right! We turned in our paper work this morning!” You gasped, almost jumping up and down in excitement. “Hogwarts! Can you believe it?” You added, excitement evident.
“Wow! That’s great you guys!” Charlie exclaimed, grabbing your shoulders and giving you a small shake.
“I know!” You cried dramatically, mock fainting into Charlie.
“Alright love birds, take it somewhere else. This is a professional tent.” Adam chuckled, prodding the flame under his cauldron with his wand to turn up the heat slightly.
You ducked out of the tent with Charlie and walked with him to the apperation point, shoulders falling slightly as he turned to give you a hug. Still extremely bummed that you had to miss the World Cup. It hadn’t been hosted in the United States since you were a young child. You returned the hug, letting go slowly and taking a step back.
“have fun and be safe!” You smiled, placing a kiss to Charlie’s cheek.
“Me unsafe? You must have me for the wrong person. I would never dream of being unsafe!” Charlie said in mock horror.
You snorted, “Yeah, okay, Dragon Soot.”
You both shared a laugh before he took a few steps back and gave you a small wave and wink before turning on the spot and vanishing.
You had to admit, life was pretty quiet around without Charlie. Or maybe it was just that things were seeming to calm down now that dragon mating season was coming to a close. Regardless, you were glad to be able to catch your breath and relax.
Adam entered station and handed you a butterbeer. You popped the top, placed your feet up on the table and flicked your wand at the wireless, already tuned to the Wizarding Sports Station.
“Butterbeer in America is different. Almost like it’s sweeter or something. This is much more subtle.” You said through a yawn, seeing the new shift partners come in. You gave them cheery waves leaned back into the squashy armchair, closing your eyes lightly.
Those few catnap moments were the only moments that were quiet over the next few days as everyone around was preparing for the World Cup. The wireless blasting nonstop from every medical and supply tent. 
Tonight was the night. Ireland versus Bulgaria. The wireless DJs talking nonstop about both teams. But no one seemed to get more attention than the Bulgarian seeker, Victor Krum. You had the articles about him in every tabloid magazine and Quiditch Today did a special five page article on him three days ago. If only you could have been able to watch him in action with your own eyes.
The anticipation had everyone on edge as the hours drew nearer to game time. Once the World Cup had started however, you lost track of almost everything. The next morning Chris told you that at one point you were standing on the table with an Ireland flag caped around your shoulders, slinging fire whiskey and singing at the top of your lungs.
You groaned at the pounding headache as you slid your uniform robe on the next morning. “I feel like Ireland this morning.”
Adam laughed, clapping you on the shoulder. “You don’t look like it though. The phrase ‘when Irish eyes are smiling’ is not sitting well with you. I’ll get you something for the hangover.”
The potion was much needed. A bit unorthodox to use a pepper up potion for a hangover, but that coupled with a big breakfast helped get you back on your feet within the hour. Which was a good thing too, because it was back to the usual grind. Charlie would be back soon, and you couldn’t wait for a play by play analysis from him.
But, there was hardly time to hear from him when he came back. The dragons were as moody as ever. At least the females were as time came for them to become broody and get ready to have their eggs.
You couldn’t help but giggle at Charlie crooning over the lovely ‘mommy’s to be’ as he so delicately put it. But his need to the dragons took away his time from you. Even free time was spent with the dragons. It would be time soon to transport them, and you had never met less willing cargo.
It had taken weeks to finally round up all the dragons and their nests. Constant stunning spells and burn salve to all of those involved in the Triwizard transport team.
“Well, we’re all packed and ready to leave first thing in the morning.” Charlie said, taking a heavy seat beside you and giving an even heavier sigh.
“You look plain exhausted.” You said gently, looking up from the paper work you had been filling out. The accident reports had swamped you in the last 48 hours as the last of the dragons were safely stunned and put in their crates. A few last minute preparations had to happen as eggs were counted, tagged, and put away safely.
“I could use a long nap. Maybe they can stun me next.” Charlie chuckled on a sigh, removing his thick dragon hide gloves and dropping them on your table.
“We leave first thing in the morning. A couple rooms booked for us in Hogsmeade. I’m excited to see it.” You said, dipping your quill back into the ink well.
“Oh you’ll love it. The Three Broomsticks has amazing food and handcrafted mead. The shops are always fun, especially Honeydukes. Can’t find a better sweets shop anywhere. And if we get the time, maybe I’ll take you to see the Shrieking Shack. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t show you the most haunted building in Britain.”
“Your sense of a date can never simply be dinner and a play can it?” You giggled scratching out your signature on the last report.
“If you didn’t like adventure, you wouldn’t be here.” Charlie countered.
“You caught me.” You laughed, standing from your seat and giving a small groan and stretching. You hadn’t stood in hours. You placed you hands on either side of Charlie’s chair and leaned in, placing a gentle kiss to his lips. “I also wouldn’t date men who spend more time with dragons than their significant other either.”
“Date men, huh? In the plural sense? How many other dragonologists are you seeing?” He chuckled, eyeing you suspiciously.
 “How many dragons are you seeing?” You quipped back with a wide grin. Your grin only growing wider when he opened his mouth to argue, but no words left him. A small laugh, nudging his shoulder and shaking your head. “Dragonoligist. Like anyone says that. Feeling insecure are you?”
“You have to admit. It has a nice ring.” He said with an innocent shrug.
“Alright then, Mr. Dragon.” You huffed in amusement, leaning closer toward him and catching his lips in a kiss. “You should get some sleep then. Think of all the lovely dragon ladies who would be disappointed in you if you were not on form tomorrow for them.”
tagging: @eldritchscreech
**I have decided to break this up into 3 parts. the next part will be Charlie and Reader visiting all of his old haunts when he was at school, and possibly a more in depth progression of the relationship....???? maybe??? ;) we shall just have to wait and see!**
as always; requests are open. For all your HP needs and wants. *kisses*
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