#electra in mcu
accirax · 28 days
Nick, Will & Alec are standing in an elevator. Will stands in between the other two, nervously fiddling with his thumbs while Alec and Nick are arguing brainstorming ideas for their break in. After some silence, Nick speaks up again.
Nick: Hey, let's do "Get Help".
Alec: ... What?
Nick: Get Help~ 😏
Alec: No! 😠
Nick: C'mooon, you'll love it.
Alec: No, I hate it.
Nick: It's fun!
Alec: It's humiliating.
Nick: Do you have a better idea?
Alec: ... No.
Nick: Then we're doing it. 😊
Alec: We are *not* doing "Get Help"!
Once they reach their designated floor, the trio is seen rushing out the elevator with Alec hanging limply and draped over Will's large shoulders, and Nick yelling frantically.
With a mighty grunt, Will launches Alec across the room over at the three guards who were lined up at the entrance, knocking them all out when they make a collision. Afterwards, Will runs over to check on Alec & help him up while Nick just observes the situation and laughs to himself, feeling pleased with the success of his plan.
Will: Uh, sorry if I threw you too hard.. 😅
Nick: Ahh, classic~ 😁
Alec: *glaring right at Nick while he fixes his clothes* Still hate it! It's humiliating. 😡
Nick: *chuckling* Not for me it's not. 😏
More Incorrect Quotes! I've never watched the Thor movie but I know that this particular scene was a bit of a meme for a while, so... Here's this.
did you add a third person (Will) into this scene just because you thought that Nick wasn't strong enough to pick up Alec? that's almost funnier to me than the original scene lmao
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ellestra · 2 months
I laughed almost non-stop watching Deadpool & Wolverine. The crass and gross and the ridiculous are mixed in with just a bit of clever. And then there's the pure joy of watching to almost indestructible dudes killing each other in violent ways (it's a WB cartoon kind of fun).
But as always it's the layer below the humour that really hits. And in a prefect Deadpool way this one worked both in the movie but also on the meta level. It's the story of a failed superhero that the Avengers didn't want and whose girlfriend left. Here trying to save his world to save his friends. He gets a second chance at being who he always wanted to be but the price is abandoning everyone he came up with. MCU and Sacred Timeline is one person deal. But this is where Multiverse pays off. It means he can keep his friends and timeline. He just has to fight cybernocracy that would rather dismantle it instantly first.
And it's a story of a fallen studio which movies lost the audience and couldn't find the right way to tell it's stories (with extra layer of Disney's Marvel being on precipice of that too now). All it's properties buried and replaced for a new shinier thing. We could move on and only acknowledge the pieces that haven't been tarnished. And yet, this movie looks back at it all, and brings back the discarded ridiculed. Including the ones we never even got. Using Void to discard them and Alioth to eat them into oblivion is such a prefect metaphor you'd think it was invented for this Film. It's a prefect integration of MCU ideas for the plot of this one story.
The whole movie is practically a tribute to the early days of Marvel and superhero movies that created the momentum that MCU then built it's 30 billion empire on. This is what makes each cameo count. It isn't there just for a joke or Easter Egg moment but it ties to the theme of the story, We are revisiting the forgotten heroes, the fallen ones, the ones who never got to be. And if we are lucky the ones who still might be (please, please let us keep Daphne Keen).
It's also a reminder of how long both Jackman and Reynolds have been in this. The first X-Men movie came out 24 years ago. Reynolds was in Blade: Trinity 20 years ago. I don't think it's an accident a lot of those cameos went to the beginnings with Pyro and Electra. And even with the MCU actors reminding us they started in Fox as Evans came back as Johnny Storm. Even Jon Favreau cameo as Happy Hogan was a reminder he was once Foggy Nelson in Daredevil. This was reunion movie in more ways than one.
And the behind the scenes of those movies, the whole history of Fox Marvel films really hit you in the end. Even the failures like the last Fantastic Four. Even to the X-Men Origins: Wolverine and the Deadpool abomination there. This is what got us here. This is for all the fun we had over the years with these characters and superheroes in general. This was the start.
Of course, Deadpool wouldn't be Deadpool if they didn't desecrate and made fun of the very thing they were paying tribute too. Both the initial fight and any reference to Fox made sure of that. Reminding us that even the best parts of the past shouldn't be sacred. You should build new stories and not be afraid to change. There will be new Blade. And a new Johnny Storm. And maybe a new Deadpool and Wolverine one day too (long, long time from now apparently 😋).
And new universes give you new opportunities to meet people. Maybe even find a romance like B-15 and Peter. Or become a villain. I'm not sure how I feel about the Doom Announcement but let's see. This movie reminded us it's just one more "same face - different person" case in this multiverse.
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consumedbyfeels · 2 months
I JUST SAW Deadpool and Wolverine and Holy Shit was it amazing!!!! Spoiler under the cut
Where to start Logan my beloved is back of course and In the Yellow. I cannot stress how much i love seeing him in his suit.
The banter between Logan and Wade the opposite attract perfectly playing off one another was amazing.
The cameos B-15, Johnny Storm (Fantastic 4 was my childhood) , Electra, Blade, Gambit! I love that Gambit was there's he is amazing and needs his own movie ASAP.
The first fight scene being done to the back drop of Bye Bye Bye by NCYNC was killer.
The fight where Deadpool and Wolverine fight all the other Deadpool's was a cinematic masterpiece.
The car fight where the radio plays a few seconds of "The Greatest Show" and "A Million Dreams" from The Greatest Showman was an amazing shout out.
This is probably my new favorite marvel film it was just amazing!!! Any way feel free to scream about it in my DMs, comment and Asks cuz I will gladly scream back . Now if you'll excuse me this movie changed the MCU timeline and made so much more cannon to it so I have to rework my rewatch plans.
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roe-sesandthorns · 2 months
unfiltered thoughts on deadpool & wolverine
first, lemme just say I enjoyed the movie. it was a first movie-in-cinema experience after a looong while and I saw it in 3D. granted was a bit unwell so mayyybe that influenced my experience idk.
spoilers under the cut
is it an enjoyable movie? YES. absolutely. i liked the comedy, liked the characters, liked the plot (generic but we'll get to it)
there was obviously a lot of love and care in the movie, for ALL the characters - not just the main ones but also the variants of older marvel movies (or non-movies) like Electra, Blade, and Gambit.
the fight scenes were as always amaaaazing
the dynamic between wolvie and dp was beautifully done
basic premise of the movie works wonderfully. especially given the previous movies as well as the in-universe explanation.
they handled the multiverse thing a bit better than the other ones. there is a legit reason for deadpool to go through the multiverses looking for wolvie to fill in the gap Logan left in his.
speaking of, i was confused how deadpool was in the 616 timeline (which, still fucking bitter they decided to use that for the MCU shitshow) for the meeting with Happy and then 6 years later in the 100005-whatever-the-fuck of his universe if both of those happened after the second deadpool
OR the meeting w Happy was before deadpool 2 and then he goes back and creates the alt timeline which leads to 10005 or whatever. the second option makes more sense so that's what i'm going with.
still confused about how deadpool changing the timeline affected the Logan universe or if they merged cause Logan's death cause the destablisation but wouldn't deadpool's timeline be a new one with some other anchor being - possibly deadpool
anyway, they very strongly claimed that deadpool wasnt the anchor being - which, so many misdirects in the movie that deadpool leans into as almost a mouthpiece for the audience and then they pull the bait-and-switch
sidenote: the misdirects were well done, it didn't cheapen the "twist" or surprises. deadpool's (and our logic) was the obvious track before they flipped it. so no gripe there. it was a good use of calling out the thing then adding a twist or surprise.
anyway the anchor being and the timeline TVA stuff was (as usual) a bit annoying and hard to follow at times logically BUT this is also a superhero movie and it DOES obey its own in-universe laws so the problem I have with Marvel's TVA shit is a personal opinion and not a reflection of the movie itself.
also the movie (through deadpool) IS aware of how godawful the multiverse shit in Marvel has been - and honestly, I agree w DP - fucking stop w the multiverse shit Marvel. it's not fun anymore cause you dropped the ball a long time back. (Multiverse of Madness, anyone?)
I had mixed feelings about wolverine's backstory on the initial watch
they hyped it up as him doing this unthinkable thing and him being irredeemable and then they are like oh no, he just didn't answer when they called. and it was like.... okay, and? I kept waiting for there to be more or the story to be different. the real revelation was that he had started killing people. and killing indiscriminately using the xmen uniform. this was given in the middle of a crucial high tension point
i see the appeal in doing it this way - logan was hiding his REAL sin deep within himself. he wouldn't offer it up to someone especially not someone he had just met hours ago. and in hostile territory. that's not him.
secondly, the impact of the revelation I feel was supposed to be more earthshattering than it ended up being. it was meant to be a huge shock. but after seeing him claw through people (and deadpool) repeatedly taking kill shots and after so much DEADPOOL level of Rated R violence, it landed a bit too softly for the moment to make an impact.
it was later as I thought about it that I was like, oh shit yeah like that was a big ass deal and his whole relationship w charles and the guilt he feels etc... that emotional weight didn't land in the middle of the moment. especially cause it was immediately followed by him quipping at Cassandra and trapping her
so was it true? must've been cause she was in his head.
does he feel the guilt the same way? that's what he says.
does that show in the aftermath of the moment? kinda, when he decides to spare her for charles.
but idk, it just didn't hit the way they might've wanted it to hit. Maybe allusions to him being a murderer or something before? set it up? his mistake was catastrophically world ending or at least world impacting. the loss of the x-men was not set up previously or alluded to soooo it rings a bit hollow.
maybe dropping a few hints before the reveal would have helped.
ALSO, sidenote but how tf did humans end up killing ALL of the x-men?? that seems v unlikely given that they are the fucking X-MEN. idk maybe i missed something.
Moving on...
as a deadpool AND wolverine movie, it delivered. there were some really amazing moments - the danceoff obviously, the cameos, the misdirects, the action sequences were amazing
am I a bit tired of seeing the "lose vanessa - save the day and vanessa - get back w vanessa" cycle for the third time? yeah. I mean I get he loves her and all but it's a bit too cyclical to hold impact. like cool, again? really?
again, not a plothole, a personal preference.
would have loved exploring more of wade's dalliances like shiklah or even Death. would;ve been cool.
not that I am mad about a decent mostly healthy relationship and a stable love interest in a Marvel movie (v tony stark-pepper potts coded)
speaking of stability, or lack thereof, I felt like this movie in particular did not delve as deeply into deadpool's unique mental headspace. i was hoping sometime they would bring in the more debilitating aspects of his mental health (the boxes, the hallucinations, the suicidal/self-harm tendencies) but I get that it might be a bit too grimdark for Fox/Disney
would've been nice to have a bit more of that aspect of his character
although who's to know maybe MCU wade's support system helps him be a bit more well adjusted
also why the emphasis on Peter? is it for a joke cuase he's just some guy? is it a cheeky peter parker jab? is it both? it's mildly funny so i don't mind. just meh about - again, personal preference.
ok something that's more objective:
i think there were too many 4th wall breaks. it was fun, the references were amazing. some of them were really good. loved the opening one, the one where he smashes the camera, and some other moments.
but after a while it felt stale or too much. the jokes did hit. it's not like they were unfunny like the rest of marvel's humour
some of the deep cuts were D E E P but it's not even about the content. deep cut references are a staple for the character.
but just the frequency of the meta jokes and the 4th wall breaks was a bit excessive?
but then again, deadpool isn't deapool if he isn't a bit annoying or excessive. my guy's the arachetype for a comedic motormouth
the woke-jokes were funny but not as edgy as he could go. I felt like the jokes were a bit too tongue-in-cheek to make them almost cringe? but whatever. they played it safe and i'm not mad about it.
as a movie, it felt a bit too attention grabby in the wrong way. there was a "aren't i so clever" or smarmy marvel overtone of "look at us being self-referrential and allowing you to laugh at us becuase you've been joking about our products being shit but when we allow ryan reynolds to do it we beocme edgy and cool and don't u wanna buy more now? look we got so much to sell you? did i tell you RDJ is coming back? which, holy fucking shit fuck that shit it sucks "
maybe it's just my anti-marvel agenda idek
still, sometimes just having fox's logo in the back rather than pointing it out is enough ig
for someone who was and is so tired of Marvel, it was a refreshing movie
i enjoyed it, it was a decent movie, a good deadpool movie not as good as the previous two and a GREAT deadpool and wolverine movie. does that make sense?
i never really cared for wolverine much in the past decade but this movie made him cool again, which was awesome
the teamup and dynamic was great
marvel needs to learn to give people who love the characters (not just their own but OTHER characters esp the oft forgotten ones) and want to do them justice more creative control and let them tell the (hopefully self contained) stories rather than focusing on playing join the dots behind the scenes OR try to catch attention through shock value
it doesn't work. it's like jumpscares in horror. you pay attention for a second cuase you're startled but the real impactful horror is the one done through themes and story - not a loud bang.
altho i have a feeling that the lesson marvel is gonna take is about shoving more and more (esp obscure) cameos in a work than actually doing justive to characters and stories
oh, also. it goes to show that the two best received (so far) movies post Endgame have been the multiverse ones with nostalgic characters
MCU's """sacred timeline""" is fucked because of them. people want to feel what they felt like watching the older more self-contained stories like the x-men or the tobey spidey movies
it's not jsut nostalgia, it's about story and characters and HEART.
phase 4 is proof that marvel doesn't have a heart.
parting thoughts: the only interaction i want from deadpool and the main MCU is with spiderman. preferably andrew garfield but i'll take holland in a pinch.
I have hope that as long as ryan has the reigns his deadpool projects + appearances will always have heart.
And I have NOT touched on how GAY (non-derogatory) the movie is and I think I need another long rant for it cause goddamn the movie is queer af and I love it. the euphemistic van scene alone GODDAMN.
it's like ryan and team were NOT here to play - deadpool is queer, get with it or perish. love that energy.
Edit: the set pieces holy shit. it was a gorgeous movie that was shot amazingly and the practical effects and CG were ON POINT. LOTS of attention to detail.
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goingknowherewastaken · 2 months
This is me just talking and theorizing about Deadpool and Wolverine so I'm putting it under the cut for those who may want to read it
No bad thoughts, only hopeful ones
So before going to see the movie I heard a lot of people giving their reviews after they saw it. Basically everyone enjoyed it (some even seeing it multiple times), but that it was sort of a curtain call. Like it wasn't a stepping stone in the MCU like all the other movies. It was contained and to wrap up everyone's story for those involved in the Deadpool franchise.
I don't really think that's exactly the case after I saw it
Like, yes it most definitely gave closure to various things, but I feel like it did tease some future projects.
I'm hesitant to even say any because marvel yanks away projects and stories the moment people guess a plotline, but I gotta write it out.
Because at the end Deadpool makes the request that those who helped them escape from the void be thanked in some way. That they were forgotten and deserve some closure. The TVA comments that they could do that.
I know many have said and will say that the movie itself was the closure BUT what if that exchange just a teaser for future projects?
We already know Blade is getting a new film. Different actor, but a film none the less. Blade is being remembered and honored more. What if the others will be returning in some way as well?
Gambit was supposed to get a film years ago but it got scrapped. Maybe it's back on the table? Maybe Electra will be back in either a show or movie? Especially if they're cameos in D&W are well received???
Again this is me just tossing out a hopeful thought. I'm not saying this is the truth or anything. I just hope ya know?
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silk-and-web · 2 months
Watched Deadpool and Wolverine. My reactions:
Not as good as the first two but enjoyable enough. Better than I expected since I admittedly thought it'd be disappointing. It does what Quantumania did but better.
I appreciate how they responded to the complaint that they're ruining the ending of Logan by doubling down in the most Deadpool way possible.
Watching Deadpool viciously murder TVA agents was cathartic. It's the edge that the MCU painfully lacked, and a fuck you to the originator of the tired and underwhelming multiverse saga.
I'm glad we saw Deadpool's supporting cast and did not kill them off. I'm sad they had no role in the story, which I unfortunately expected. Same deal as Quantumania.
I don't know how Shatterstar is alive but I'm not complaining.
There were so many inside jokes that only hardcore fans who know what happened behind the scenes of Marvel, Fox, and even DC would understand. So naturally I laughed at them.
All the alternate Wolverines were fun. The Cavilvolerine was 10/10. We technically got a Hulk cameo.
I legitimately wondered if RDJ was going to cameo or not, but they lampshaded it as expected.
Chris Evans fuckin' got me. I thought they went all out for a Captain America variant. As soon as he said Flame On I lost it. I had a feeling he wouldn't be sticking around so I'm glad they admitted it was for budget reasons.
Xavier's sister was annoying af but she's the villain so I guess she did her job well
Every Deadpool and Wolverine fight was perfect. They basically fucked.
This movie had all the cameos people thought Multiverse of Madness was going to have. I did not expect nearly this many or who they brought in.
Blade was great and he's probably right we won't get another. Electra was so unexpected it's funny. Channing Tatum finally playing an extreme comic accurate Gambit was great. X-23 made me smile though I wish she had more to do in the film. I'm glad she was included in the ending so there's potential for her to appear again.
The two final acts were pretty predictable but entertaining enough. Not much else to say there.
Wolverine's suit is great though the mask was clearly CGI in a few shots.
The Deadpool Corps fell flat and had unclear motivations. They shouldn't have been included at all tbh.
Yeah Hugh Jackman is never going to stop being Wolverine lmao
Ultimately, it was an enjoyable but completely unnecessary movie that sadly lacks the heart of the previous films. Like Quantumania, it gets wrapped up in world ending threats at the cost of the supporting cast that made the previous movies great and meaningful.
Post credits scene was a good gag, made me laugh.
The credits clips and music made me emotional. It's the send-off to Fox X-Men (and F4) we never truly got. Can't believe how young Hugh Jackman was back then. Seeing Quicksilver got me bad, I love Peters' portrayal so much.
And the Thor scene is such a funny tease because I highly doubt there are any actual plans set in stone so Ryan Reynolds is just daring Feige to find a way to retroactively make that spoiler a spoiler.
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tinkerbitch69 · 2 months
So I’ve finally seen deadpool and wolverine and I’m probably gonna make a lot of posts about it but the first thing I wanna say is the movie could have been wall-to-wall grade a trash (it wasn’t) but it would have been worth it for that amazing montage of behind the scenes footage from so many pre-mcu movies 💕
If you’ll allow me to shill and be cringe for a moment, as someone who grew up with the fox x men universe and various other pre-mcu superhero movies this movie being one big tribute to the films that paved the way for the mcu’s success is unbelievably touching and I’m so glad the final note these characters and stories end on is a reminder of the people behind the performances who brought superheroes to life when no one believed it could be done. Those early superhero movies will mean more to me than the avengers ever will.
So thank you so much to the x men and fantastic four. To hugh jackman’s wolverine and wesley snipes blade and Jennifer garners electra. Chris Evan’s Johnny storm and dafne keen’s X-23 and all the others who didn’t get a cameo like nic cage’s ghost rider, Ben affleck’s daredevil and ang lee’s hulk!
I had the time of my life! 🥹
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Companions and what superheros from mcu I think they’d like:
(Must there be an explanation)
Cait: Giving me either Scarlet Witch or Wolverine vibes.
Curie: Really likes Doctor strange but secretly likes ant man..but she doesn’t think he’s funny or anything, just likes the science behind it.
Danse: Definitely a huge Captain America nerd but could certainly get down with Iron Man’s machinery. Mad respect.
Deacon: Oh my god, he is a morph person all the way.
Gage: Doesn’t have much of an opinion but I could see him liking Rocket the Raccoon for the wit.
Hancock: freaking adores Deadpool.
Macready: come on, this man canonically likes Grognak..He’s a Thor simp through and through.
Maxson: would never ever admit it but his favorite superhero is Jean Grey, the freaking phoenix.
Nick: Specifically spider noir for very obvious reas- nah, he thinks cyclops is neat.
Piper: Electra, may also be a fantasy crush of her’s.
Preston: He could need out any day over Cyclops.
X6-88: Thanos.
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Supporting Character Supplemental - still more fun supporting characters
Following the jump are a few more supporting players that I couldn’t fit into the schedule in that the idea for extended cast supplementals was an idea that came to me late in the process.  Apologies in advance for all of the cool supporting cast members who are not included.
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The enigmatic warrior and sensei known only as Stick was born blind, yet honed his other senses to such an uncanny degree as to entirely compensate for his lack of sight.  He was taken in and raised by the shadowy order of warriors known as the Chaste who believed Stick to be the reincarnation of Yamato-Take.  
The Chaset had been in a centuries-long war with The Hand and Stick was selected to lead The Chaste in this ongoing conflict.  
He received extensive training throughout his life, including tutelage in the mystic arts by The Ancient One (the then Sorcerer Supreme).  Having become a master of multiple forms of martial arts and mystical practices, Stick set about recruiting and training new warriors to bolster the ranks of The Chaste.  Among these students had been Matt Murdock whom Stick sought out not long after Matt had lost his sight.  Stick helped Matt utilize his hearing and special radar senses to compensate for his blindness, aiding him on his path to becoming the superhero known as Daredevil.  
A later pupil of Stick was Electra who ultimately turned away from him to become an assassin for The Hand.  After Elektra was killed in battle against Bullseye, Stick sacrificed himself, using his life energy to bring Electra back to life and purge her of the evil influence of The Hand.  Although Stick was later himself resurrected by the cosmic entity known as The Grandmaster.  Actor Terrance Stamp portrayed Sick in the Sony Films movie, Electra; whereas actor Scott Glenn portrayed the character in the MCU Netflix television shows.  The blind sensei first appeared in the pages of Daredevil Vol. 1 #176 (1981
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Wendy Kawasaki
Wendy had been a student who asked Captain Marvel for an interview as part of her research.   Marvel was so impressed by Wendy that she hired the young woman on to act as a personal assistant.  
Wendy would later join the Alpha Flight Space program.  She earned the rank of lieutenant and has more recently been appointed commander of the program.
The character first appeared in the pages of Captain Marvel Vol. 7 #9 (2013).
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Ganke Lee
Ganke Lee is the best friend of Miles Morales, and one of the only people whom Miles had shared his secret with. It was Ganke who figured out that Miles carried similar abilities to Spider-Man. He was first alerted to his friend's newfound powers when Miles came bursting into his room and explaining the events that transpired to give him such abilities.
Thrilled at Miles's ‘cool’ powers and making the initial assessment that he was a Mutant, Ganke made suggestions that he should be a superhero and embrace his abilities; though Miles was much more reluctant to use his powers and wanted to ignore them in pursuit of a normal life. Ganke later made the correct deduction that Miles's abilities were not a product of the X-Gene, but as a result of tampered genetics.
Following the Secret Wars event wherein the Ultimate Universe was destroyed, The Molecule Man recreated Ganke in the 616 Universe as a favor to Miles who had shown him kindness during the ordeal.  
Actor Jacob Batalon portrays a version of Ganke (renamed Ned) in the MCU Spider-man movies.  The character first appeared in the pages of Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #2 (2011).
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Moira MacTaggert
Doctor Moira MacTaggert had been a brilliant geneticist, medical doctor and researcher who became a staunch alley to the X-Men and Mutant rights all over the world.  Based on Muir Island, MacTaggart was at the forefront of trying to find a cure for the terrible Legacy Virus.
She was later revealed to be a Mutant herself who possessed the capacity to recall the events of her life across a near countless spectrum of alternate realities.  She used this knowledge to guide the Mutant race so to avoid extinction events and establish the Mutant nation of Krakoa.  Yet the emotional toll of having experienced and being able to recall her own death across some many different time lines ultimately drove her mad and she became evil.
Actress Rose Byrne portrayed MacTaggert in the Fox Films X-Men movies.  Moira MacTaggert first appeared in the pages of Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #96 (1975).
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Roz Solomon
Agent Roz Solomon served as a member of SHIELD in the organization’s environmental sciences division.  A staunch environmentalist, Solomon investigated an illegal oceanic drilling practice conducted by the Roxxan Oil Corporation and ended up sharing an adventure with the Mighty Thor.  Following the dissuasion of SHIELD, Solomon accepted an offer by King T’Challa to become a part of his Agents of Wakanda program.  The intrepid young agent first appeared in the pages of Thor: God of Thunder #12 (2013).  
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Ian Soo.  A latent Inhuman who gained his powers by way of exposure to the Terrigen Cloud.  Terrigenesis did not alter Ian’s physical form and endowed him with telekinetic powers, the ability to lift and manipulate objects with the power of his mind.  The upper limits of Ian’s telekinetic abilities has yet to be revealed.  Ian was living in New York City when he was bestowed his powers.  He had recently lost his job and apartment and was having terribly difficult time finding new employment.  Desperate, Ian chose to use his newfound powers to rob an armored car.  Brand new to this would-be turn of becoming a super-villain, Ian chose the truly awful codename of ‘Telekinian.’  
Ian’s attempt to rob this armored car was foiled by the hero Hellcat (Patsy Walker).  Rather than duking it out in typical fashion, Ian and Hellcat ended up bonding on their mutual love of musical theater.  Patsy convinced Ian to give up his villainous ways and the two became roommates and good friends.  On occasion, Ian would resume his guise as Telekinian to aided Hellcat in her heroic endeavors.
The hero first appeared in the pages of Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1 (2015).
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A toddler aged Morlock whose Mutant powers and attributes were active at birth.  Leach’s abilities act to nullify any other Mutant’s powers in his immediate vicinity.  He essentially takes away other Mutant’s powers, although these powers return once they are away from Leach’s vicinity.  Leach’s power-nullification abilities also work on some non-Mutant super powered beings and the reasons for this remains unknown.  Leach survived the Morlock massacre and currently resides at The Baxter Building as a member of The Richards’ Family and student of The Future Foundation.  Young Leach first appeared in the pages of Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #179 (1983).
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Arthur ‘Artie’ Maddicks’ Mutant powers manifested in childhood, leaving him mute and physically transformed in a fashion that his father found grotesque.  Although he had lost the capacity to speak aloud, Artie gained the power to tap into and project the thoughts of himself or other people.  
Artie’s father had Hank McCoy abducted so to force the scientist to find a means of ‘curing’ his son’s mutation.  The ordeal resulted in tragedy and Artie’s father was killed.  Now orphaned, Artie was taken in by X-Factor were he became lifelong friends with fellow Mutant child, Leach.  He first appeared in the pages of X-Factor Vol. 1 #2 (1986).  
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A latent Inhuman named Jovanna whose transformation was caused by exposure to the Terrigen Cloud.  Terrigenesis endowed Swain with psychic powers that enables her to read and control the emotions of others.  The transformation also left Swain with a reptilian-like tail.
Following her transformation, Swain accepted the invitation of asylum of New Attilan.  She was made the captain of the Royal Inhuman Vessel (or RIV), an enormous flying fortress that circumnavigates the globe following the Terrigen Cloud.  Swain’s central role aboard the RIV is to use her empathic powers so to maintain the wellbeing of Hub, the new Inhuman who was transformed into a powerful dynamo of unlimited energy.  Hub’s energies power the RIV, yet his transformation has caused him great pain and emotional duress.  Swain has used her powers to help Hub feel in control of his anxiety and the process of powering The RIV acts to quell his pain.  
The intrepid NuHuman first appeared din the pages of All-New Inhumans #1 (2015).  
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Nancy Whitehead and Mew
Nancy Whitehead is the college roommate of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.  A young woman of incredible intelligence and ingenuity, Nancy has become involved in many of Squirrel Girl’s adventures and her quick thinking and no nonsense attitude has proven crucial in saving the day on numerous occasions. 
Nancy is a proficient author of fan fiction and self-made comic books.  Her favorite character is CatThor, a version of the Mighty Thor who is also a cat.  She is Loki’s favorite human.  Shge claims her cat, Mew, is the greatest cat in the world (debatable).  
The unbeatably clever roommate first appeared in the pages of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 1 #1 (2015).  
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Dinah Soar
Much of Dinah Soar's history remains a mystery. However, during her long life, she came to live in Wisconsin where she was drawn to helping others despite her inability to communicate with others and many humans fearing her appearance.
Dinah Soar was one of a few individuals who answered Mr. Immortal's advertisement looking for costumed superheroes and became one of the founding members of the Great Lakes Avengers.  Sadly, Dinah was killed in action whist battling the villainous Maelstrom.
The mysterious heroine first appeared in the pages of West Coast Avengers Vol. 2 #46 (1989).
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Tyesha and Gabe Hillman
Tyesha Hillman is the fiancee and later wife to Aamir Khan, the brother of Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel).  Tyesha and Aamir later had a son whom they named Malik.  Her younger brother, Gabe is a classmate of Kamala and has acted as a member of the ‘Kamala Korps,’ a group of would-be crimefighters who stepped in to patrol the streets of Jersey City during a time in which Ms. Marvel was missing in action.  
Actress Travina Springer portrayed Tyesha in the Disney+ series Ms. Marvel; actor Jordan Preston Carter portrayed Gabe in this same series.  Tyesha first appeared in the pages of Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #2 (2015); whereas gibe first appeared in Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #5 (2016).
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Very little is known of the origins of the Inhuman hero known as Naja.  A latent Inhuman whose transformation was caused by way of exposure to the Terrigen Cloud.  Terrigenesis greatly altered Naja’s physical appearance, changing her into a reptilian form, with green scaled skin, clawed hands and feet, and a web-like membrane connecting from her wrists to her lower trunk that allows for glide-based flight.    Along with these physical changes, Naja also gained greatly enhanced dexterity, strength and durability, the aforementioned flight, as well as the capacity to alter the color of her scales so to blend in with her surroundings in a camouflage-style process.  
The heroine first appeared in the pages of Inhuman (2014).  
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William Reilly was a Mutant who possessed the ability to control and redistribute fatty deposits on his body.  This enabled him to increase his size, strength and durability.  He was recruited into the corporate iteration of X-Force and served as a member of the team under the alias of ‘Phat.’  He was later killed in action, although a portion of William’s lipid structure was saved by Doop who used it to create William’s ‘daughter’ BabyPhat.  
The character first appeared in the pages of X-Force Vol. 1 #117 (2001). 
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The friendly fellow affectionately known as Grills had been a neighbor of Hawkeye (Clint Barton) when the Avenger was living in an apartment building in the Bedford-Sty area of Brooklyn.  The two became pals and Hawkeye assisted Grils in tending to his aged father during Hurricane Sandy.  
Unfortunately, being friends with superheroes can be a dangerous matter and Grills was sadly killed by the assassin known as The Clown.  
A version of the character featured in the Disney+ series, Hawkeye portrayed by actor Clayton English.  Grills first appeared in the pages of Hawkeye Vol. 4 #1 (2012).  
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cjbolan · 1 year
Further thoughts after finishing Emily Windsnap and the Tides of Time...
This book’s biggest weakness is that it’s the most predictable. It’s the plots of 13 Going on 30, Groundhog Day, Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time,  Everything Everywhere All At Once, MCU’s What If…? all rolled into one. The ending is very reminiscent of Puss In Boots: The Last Wish, with the MCs happily destroying a magic wish-granting item. Funny coincidence I finished at after just watching Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, another series finale about time travel. Granted some scenes took me by surprise. Especially the third act after Emily’s 2nd wish...
Like all the books after Book 3, this one had some serious retconning, some bad and some good. Some bad retconning with 0 explanation (like Emily attending Brightport after all that drama about which school she’d attend), retconning was my biggest issue with the entire series. But also some good intentional retconning with an explanation (Emily’s mom marrying Mr. Beeston because of her first wish, Neptune acting nicer than usual because he was convinced everyone would save his oceans).
NEPOTISM SAVES THE DAY XD. No seriously Emily’s classmates save the day by just using their parents’ connections. Granted those classmates work hard too. Makes we wonder what if Emily’s parents were involved in the art project and how they could have helped.
This last book is just like the first book in all the best ways. It returns to the same locations, same recurring characters, new memorable and crucial characters to the plot, the focus on female friendship, our heroes saving the day with their wits and teamwork (and nepotism XD ) instead of magic when they could’ve easily used magic. Also Emily’s parents’ romance is the main romance. Furthermore it ends with Emily wanting just one small personal goal (meeting her dad in the 1st book, keeping her friends in the last book), which inadvertently solves much bigger goals at the same time.
Liz Kessler’s ending breaks the British children’s literature trope of evil schools. As an educator I love that! She leaned hard into that trope for most of this story, with Emily’s school being boring in the present then a creepy dystopia in the future. Until the ending where Emily unites Brightport Junior High and Shiprock School to create a living art display that might stop the 2 futures from happening.
Also as an artist I loved the idea of art changing the world and saving the day in the end. This part especially hit home for me who draws tons of Emily Windsnap fanart. That fanart certainly changed my life for the better: by introducing me to many other fans and even inspiring their fanart too. If fanart can change our lives, it could certainly change the world.
This last book was surprisingly grounded in reality. I like how well Liz Kessler writes about real-world adult matters (gentrification, pollution, homelessness, etc,) from the perspective of a child. Emily doesn’t fully know what’s going on, but she knows enough that it’s a bad situation that she has to solve. It’s a nice break from the previous books’ massive infodumps of exposition on fantasy worldbuilding and magic usage.
What happened to Emily’s mom when the spring tide turned? We saw Mandy being human was in big trouble when that happened, the last we see of Emily’s mom was that she’s still on the riverbank with Emily’s dad. Guess we have to hope for the best that Emily’s mom got out on time, or Emily’s dad saved her Little Mermaid-style.
Who else was a little creeped out at adult Emily sniffing her dad? Sniffing people can be cute when you’re a kid, but when you’re an adult...in media that’s typically to depict sexual desire 0_0. Does Emily have an Electra Complex? Because in her adult body she sniffs her dad multiple times...
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Also he smells like “salt water and sandy skin”. Gross. I get Emily’s a mermaid probably used to that smell, but what about Emily’s mom? Did living with him make her nose-blind? How do y’all think humans react to Jake’s “salt water and sandy skin” smell XD?)
I wish Mr. Beeston had a bigger role in the story. He was a pretty prominent character until after the 1st future, then he just disappears. A pity because he’s one of my favorite characters. Maybe he’s the one who invited Neptune to the “living art display”.
Love how nonchalant Brightport is about the merfolk next door. Shows how quickly the novelty of merpeople wore off. And more importantly how the Windsnaps’ efforts in Book 4 to unite the two worlds ultimately paid off. I do LOVE how this book ended with the people of Brightport and Shiprock not just getting along, but also actively working together. I really wanted Book 6 to show more of that.
I liked the idea that greed was the core conflict putting Brightport and Shiprock at odds. Not just the obvious corporate greed like Midas Enterprises, but also Neptune squeezing every last penny out of an impoverished Brightport. It’s a clever way of showing that it’s not all humans’ fault, a direction I thought this book was heading towards. For a story about 2 societies at odds, it wouldn’t be fair for only 1 society to have to improve. 
The cycle of merman-meets-human romance continues XD!! From Mary/Jake, to Neptune/Aurora, to Archie/Millie, Mr. Finsplash/Ms. Platt...now Shelly/Drake? During the climax there’s a hint of romance between this Shiprock merboy and Brightport girl (“Shelly smiled shyly at Drake.”) . I sincerely believe Emily Windsnap started the merman/human romance trope i pop culture. Because all other examples I can think of came after this one (Namor/Shuri, Elisa/The Asset, Mabel/Mermando, etc.)
That’s all I got for now. That’s the end, reading this series was a fun ride. But this isn’t the end of my Emily Windsnap posts. I now have a lot more to think and post about regarding this series.
 Live long and prosper, Emily! You’ll always be a big part of my life.
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Charlie Cox’s Matt Murdock for the character meme - Babs 💕
Thank you so much, @babblydrabbly!!! I am having so much fun with these!!! 💖
First impression
I don't really remember because it was so long ago 😅 But it was the first introduction to the character I had and I'm sure it was something along the lines of "Wow! This guy is really cool! He's sort of like a blind Nightwing. Plus, this guy isn't too bad on the eyes." 😏
Impression now
He is my precious, Catholic-guilt-ridden, cinnamon roll! 🥰 While he can be a bit morally preachy at times (I wonder why), he tries so hard to do what is right and to protect his friends. And he is a lot more sarcastic than I originally expected, which we all know I love! 🤗
Favorite moment
I guess I'll go with the one most people likes and say the hallway fight scene from season 1. Not only is it an amazing fight scene, but it really shows off his skills in a way you hadn't seen up to that point. A close second is the flashback to him and Foggy in college (Avacados at Law).
Idea for a story
I would love to do another part of my It Was a Long Time Ago…. series, but it wasn't very popular and I lost motivation for it 🥺😭
Unpopular opinion
I still haven't seen She-Hulk so I can't speak on his and Jennifer's relationship, but I am not a fan of any of his pairings on the show. Electra is the best if I had to pick, but he is too focused on his mission and his need to protect others to truly be able to maintain a healthy relationship.
Favorite relationship
Him and Foggy. Those two together are so funny and sweet and I love any time the two of them are on screen together!! 🥰
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Favorite headcanon
This isn't a headcanon as much as something I am stealing directly from the comics that I think they should make canon in the MCU. Spider-Man only discovers Daredevil is blind after they are fighting Electro together. Electro shoots an electrical bolt so bright no one could see it without being affected. So he surmises that Daredevil is blind. Spider-Man doesn't believe it so Electro asks Daredevil what color his costume is.... which Daredevil obviously can't answer 😂 So now both Spider-Man and Electro know the truth.
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Send me a character and I'll answer these questions
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thebadtimewolf · 2 years
everyone complaining about matt murdock/daredevil as soon as they got him still acting like himself despite being the camro guest instead of ususlly being the other way around (ITS HIS FIRST CAMEO/GUEST STARRING IN ANOTHER SHOW BE NICE):
he's still as himself in daredevil, this is just a vacay day for him
like yall saw how kingpin appeared in hawkeye and now daredevil.
i fully expect frank castle just drinking those little drinks with rainbow umbrellas, kicked back in swimtrunks, hair curled because he just went swimming and wearing those shades that have the little palm trees on the side in the next marvel show.
this is their little vacay time - as a little treat. a little manipedi time with how they see fit.
Kingpin wearing hawaiian shirts - Kingpin on Vacay
Matt taking a 5 hr plane ALL THE WAY TO LOS ANGELES then possibly an 2hrs because the driver did get lost JUST FOR (on his end) 30 MINUTE PRO BONO TRIAL FOR HIS NEW TAILOR (i wanna know how melvin potter doing later, maybe this is his vacay time too!) And then basically asked for a normal date, got a mission date and left happily barefoot because he was still masked? - Daredevil/Matt on Vacay
we'll get them all toxic masculinity-therapy avoiding-hospital bill racking-sameoldgritty weh weh later but, for now: let them have their little spa day.
As a treat.
Their god knows they are gonna need it for what will annhilate them later.
"oh they massacred my boy daredevil/matt" listen he's been trying to massacre himself for three seasons and failed every single time. if you think his guest appearence in she hulk and jen courting him and him courting her (or are we forgetting karen and claire and electra) is massacring him, i think matt deserves to have one "self-massacre" win without much internal damage to his ribs and legs and arms and senses.
Because its starting feel less like yall want daredevil back and more like "catered ableism for seeing him getting beat up all the time and if he can get beat up back to back then SURELY I CAN SELF PROJECT MY STONG BOY VIEWS on him because ew happiness and cooties??? ewwww" instead of having the most normal happiest day of his life i have ever witnessed with matt. And I MEAN A FULL DAY NIGHT NOON AND DAY. NOT oh it was good night, oh it was a cute brunch, oh he joked and sassed a little bit and then we went back to NO!
in fact the times with jen and matt in comics are usually happy like this [comic 616 is not tv/film 199999 but both generate the same feeling for platonic friendship and in this case romcom vigilantism]
so i dont know what comics YOU been reading but this? this is it.
i hope jen pop up in LUKE CAGE AND I HOPE SHE POP UP IN JESSICA JONES AND IRON FIST AND PUNISHER BECAUSE ALL OF EM NEED THIS KIND OF DAY you know they need that kind of day. we all saw the same exact shows. they need this vacay day.
the fact that like jessica jones, jen is being target on a psychological level than physical and also WE CAN SEE WELL LIT
- ALSO JESSICA AND JEN BOTH HAD OTHER DAREDEVIL VILLAINS IN THEIR SHOWS BUT NOT MATT (kilgrave for jessica, leap-frog for jen albeit his son taking on the moniker for good JUST LIKE IN THE COMICS) -
FACES AT NIGHT AND FACIAL EXPRESSIONS if it does become ugh i cant see the scene there is NO LIGHT SOURCE GRITTY THAT YALL ARE ASKING FOR then absolutely none of the mcu as a whole is worth watching for you. if you want action movies, we got a whole plethora of them enough to have an grit action-hallmark christmas movie marathon, go over there and stay there.
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bearpillowmonster · 19 days
MCU TV Shows Ranking (That I've Seen)
Because there are just too many now to watch them all, plus, why watch the ones I'm uninterested in?
Anyways, the rules will encapsulate the whole show so all seasons as one, I can't say that I like S1 and disliked S2 and rank it only based on S1. I will also clarify if I think it's worth continuing.
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Daredevil- Karen lacks, Foggy's good, Matt's really good, Kingpin's really good. Electra could use some work as well as the Hand. Bullseye is actually marvelous except for the very end but the three seasons make for a nice bundle.
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Punisher- It's like comic and Jon Bernthal Punisher are two different things but I like both for different and similar reasons. It plays off of him very nicely and lays the groundwork for a more realistic setting with interesting action. Jigsaw was a compelling villain as well and I found myself liking a few other characters but there were definitely the few that lacked. Both seasons were decent enough. I'd be open to continue.
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Hawkeye- Not bad, have some complaints about Kate but overall a good entertaining show. I'd watch a season 2 but I feel like it's not really made for one, they will probably just continue to appear in other stuff.
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Falcon & The Winter Soldier - I actually liked it more than I thought I would as I didn't have much interest in the characters but it turns out that I just needed more time with them. Unlike most of the ones on this list, I liked the ending, though it didn't completely knock me over. I think that a lot of what was in this series should've been the basis for everything going forward because of how it treated their livelihoods and asked questions. I'm not sure any of these series matched the hype of the fake Captain America decapitating a guy with the shield. This paved the way for Cap 4 which would've been questionable without this series.
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Wandavision - I wasn't hyped for this, I let it slip by my radar because whatever, I never cared for either of them anyway. People complain about it having a main superhero plot but that's what I stayed for, I liked that portion but then I finished it and I completely understand why now. It's not a bad series and has a lot of cool ideas but just a weird way to end things. It got Multiverse of Madness which was mid and Agatha isn't out yet but I'm not hyped for that either, wouldnt be surprised if it fails due to lack of name recognition.
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Ms. Marvel- A few of these I like comparing to Disney Channel shows because of how they act and while it all started with this one, I have to admit, it actually gets a lot of the teenager stuff right but I think it throws so much at the wall that it has to get at least some of it so there are a few misses as well. The ending is dumb, her powers are ok but they could be used a lot better and I imagine they will. She was the best part of the Marvels and it's S2 worthy.
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Cloak & Dagger - It was an entertaining watch but perhaps not the most enticing. I liked the characters but they were very much put into tv show circumstances so I felt like it was its own thing. I like the actors and characters enough to keep them in the MCU but don't care to see another season, I wasn't all that big on S2 anyway.
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She-Hulk - Last place, huh? I actually had the most hype for this one because I was hoping we'd get with She-Hulk what we didn't get with Hulk. In fact, I like her more because I first learned about her in the cartoon and well-
I think a lot of kids couldn't resist THAT. So I grew attached to her and had all these ideas for how she could be introduced and-oh, no not that.
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But I still held out hope because I lowered my expectations and just wanted a crumb but the more it went on, the less I liked it and then I learned that it was all by design and I wasn't really sure how to feel about that and then time passed and I was like, that shouldn't matter, it didn't pay off despite a cool ending. I logged all this in other posts. Yet- here I am- an advocate for S2...
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glapplebloom · 25 days
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Sorry Snyder fans...
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So someone made an article about how Deadpool and Wolverine proved that the Snyderverse could come back. But considering most of the sources were their own website and seem to be very Pro-Snyder, I get the feeling there is strong bias for this article. Because the situation that made Deadpool and Wolverine possible is not anywhere near similar to how the Snyderverse could come back.
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20 Years of Difference
The person believes the fact Snipes and Reynolds could get back together could mean Snyder and WB could get together, especially since he’s working on a Pre-300 Series. But this is ignoring the fact the Snipes/Reynolds feud was almost 20 years old compared to the 3 between Snyder’s two WB projects. So while Snyder may be okay with coming back for 300, that does not mean he would want to come back to the Snyderverse.
Time is a big thing this person really doesn’t seem to understand since another thing they point out is how Blade and Electra’s last outings were bad and this movie brought them back. Keep in mind, almost 20 years for Snipes’ last Blade movie and almost 19 for Electra’s. The last DCEU Movie, the movies part of the Snyderverse, wasn’t even a year old. They had 4 movies in 2023, this is not the same thing.
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This is not the same Wolverine
They point out that Hugh Jackman would be playing Wolverine for the last time in Logan, a movie that came out in 2017. Ignoring the time difference, they pointed out that like how Hugh Jackman returned to the role that could mean others could return to their roles. But there are two things to point out. First, technically he never said he was retiring from playing Wolverine. When you tend to see brackets, the person taking notes makes assumptions on what they meant. 
So when they heard Logan would be his last X-Men movie, they presumed he is retiring from playing the character. In this same interview, he said he would continue to play Wolverine if the MCU was involved. And guess what movie now has MCU implications? Which leads to the next point: this is not the same Wolverine he played for years. Logan was indeed the end of that character. This Wolverine has a completely different story.
While it most likely was similar, this Wolverine wasn’t really a team player. He wanted to be, but just didn’t want to seem like he did. Until one day, the X-Men were no more. Their deaths weighed heavily on his mind and he now has the suit they were offering him as a memento that he failed them. Between this story and having more references to classic X-Men comics that Fox wouldn’t or couldn’t do, this is a completely different Logan than what he last played.
Which means there is no real incentive for the actors to come back because if the idea was to bring back the Snyderverse, they’re going back to the roles that they probably had a bad experience with. Between the online detractors, behind the scenes issues, or one of them being an actual criminal, I see no reason for them to want to come back.
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Justice League is not a Multiverse Story
They really seem to bank on the idea that the Multiverse being a thing would help the Snyderverse return, but that is not a good idea. First, we’re getting a new DC Universe in movies led by Gunn and Warner Brothers would need to focus on making those successful before trying to do the multiverse angle again. Especially after how Flash Bombed the idea. But the other idea is that we know what Snyder planned for the sequels, and they are not that good.
As seen here, basically Superman becomes evil, Batman leads a resistance force, time travel to fix that, and Darkseid’s forces Vs Earth’s forces where in the future it ends with Superman’s Powerless son becoming Batman. Like honestly, I don’t think people would like this if it did happen. 
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In the end, ironically, Ben Kenobi probably said it best... “Let the past die.” James Gunn’s movie hasn’t even come out yet. We should at least wait before asking for the old universe back. Maybe fans of Snyder would enjoy what Gunn brings to the table. I hope I will.
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webbedphantom · 1 year
After the Sovereign post last night, I feel a bit more comfortable talking about the rest of the team, so here's a brief overview of what my inspirations are for these iterations of the characters, in the order that I expect them to join the team.
Entries with question marks are ones I'm still uncertain on, so if you guys have any ideas, I'd be happy to hear them. Also for entries with multiple inspirations, the one's in bold are the main ones, with any others being supplementary to compliment either their Persona's element, or just them in general
The Phantom Champions (Name not final)
Aaron/Joker = Spider-Man
Futaba = Ironheart, with elements of Ned Leeds from the MCU or Ganke from Insomniac Spider-Man (aka "Guy in the chair")
Ryuji = Electro (though he's still a hero), Static Shock (not Marvel but it felt fitting), with elements of Flash Thompson (the good elements, he's not a bully, nor was he ever)
Makoto = Venom, elements of Gwen Stacy (a mix of TASM, Spectacular, and Spider-Gwen)
Ann = Black Cat, Firestar, elements of Mary Jane Watson
Haru = Psylocke? Invisible Woman? Elements of Felicia Hardy
Yusuke = Iceman? (I want someone else to pair that with, but I can't think of any that fit)
Kasumi = Silk, Dagger, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Hifumi = Honestly still undecided. I just know I want her on the team (Best guess at this point is like... Ronin or Hawkeye, but those are both a stretch to me)
Morgana = Wolverine? Rocket Racer or Night Thrasher?
Sae = Daredevil (Electra)? Maybe She Hulk?
Akechi = Moon Knight, elements of Harry Osborn
Sophia = Viv Vision, elements of Friday and Vision
Zenkichi = Toxin
The "elements of" parts are things that would effect them out of costume, though those elements would be very minor, mostly just little nods here and there. For the most part, they're still the same characters you know, they're just in different roles.
The way I approached this whole thing was as a "What If?" scenario. Where one small change in the past caused a butterfly effect that altered the present. So if I didn't think it'd make sense to change, I didn't change it. The only real exception to this is Makoto's dad being alive at the beginning, but even that could be explained as an unseen consequence of that butterfly effect.
I also tried to keep everyone Spider-Man adjacent, but some cases it's a lot harder to do that with while still keeping it a good fit.
A lot of this stuff still needs fleshed out, but these are the basics. Curious to get some opinions on this... and maybe some suggestions for Yusuke, Haru, and Hifumi because dear Lord do I need help with them
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idle-teen28 · 2 years
Favorite genre :
Crime, thriller, comedy, spy-thriller
Favorite movies :
1-sucker punch
2-baby driver
3-valley of the dolls
4-carlito's way
5-Reservoir dogs
Favorite series :
1-the crown
4-gossip girl
5-Gilmore girls
Favorite books :
1-secrets she kept by Cathy gohlke
2-diasy Jones and the six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
3-the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by Taylor Reid Jenkins
4-valley of the dolls by jacqueline susan
5-last hours by cassandra clare
Favorite artists (and albums) :
1-lana del rey (ultraviolence)
2-MARİNA (electra heart )
3-nancy Sinatra (bubblegum girl)
4-frank Sinatra (songs for young lovers)
5-amy winehouse (back to black)
Favorite bands :
1-Arctic monkeys (humbug)
2-Nirvana (in utero)
3-Mötley crüe (shout at the devil)
4-hole (live through this)
Favorite actors (who I'm in love with ) :
1-al pacino
2-oscar isaac
3-sebastain stan
4-Robert De Niro
Favorite actresses :
1-Julianne moore
2-olga Kurylenko
3-rita Hayworth
4-monica Bellucci
5-Sharon tate
Favorite movie directors :
1-Brian de palma
2-quentin tarantino
3-Sophia Coppola
4-Martin Scorsese
5-Daren Aronofsky
Favorite celebrities :
1-(queen) Diana Spencer
2-Alex turner (also in love with him)
3-tommy lee (also in love with him)
Favorite mcu movie :
Captain America the winter soldier
Favorite marvel ship :
Favorite horror movie :
1-anything chucky (he's my wrost nightmare, had to watch his movies with subtitles and the volume down)
2-the devils advocate
Favorite wrost movies :
1-jack and jill
2-American psycho 2
3-x men : dark phoenix
(English is not my first language)
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