#electrical torture
whimper-whumpee · 2 years
A few more seconds, that's all. Then the pain will be over. I'll go to sleep. Finally.
Oh, oh, no. No, not him. Anyone but him. What's he going to do? What's that in his hand.
I'm behaving. I'm behaving, I'm behaving, I'mbehavingbehavingbehavebehave....
"Bite down on this. I don't want you to hurt yourself."
O..okay? This isn't so...
"That's a mild electric shock I just hit you with. Not enough to stop your heart, but enough that it hurts. Keep pushing me and I'll have to remember how to give CPR. Do NOT push me."
Yes, yes, yes, okay. I won't push. I won't push.
"Good pet."
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gummy-bwear · 2 years
Whumptober day 4: Dead On Your Feet
At first I wasn’t entirely sure what to do with this one lmao.
Maximo left the room for a bit, and Sebastian was given a little time to recuperate. But sure enough Maximo came back, now as unsympathetic as ever. He had business to do after all.
Maximo stormed into the room, not particularly in a hurry but his footsteps were heavy like thunder. They stopped before Sebastian and he knelt down, checking his fever. Still had it but it wasn’t as raging as earlier. Eh, it’d go away.
He unlocked the handcuffs that he had put on the younger man that had kept him stuck close to the bed and grabbed his ankle, before dragging him to another room.
This room was a lot less colourful. Painted white walls, a window with the blinds nailed down to the window-frame, and a normal light on the ceiling. It seemed like a mostly normal room, aside from the lack of furniture, (aside from two chairs), numerous cabinets where he kept torture equipment locked away, and specks of blood and other fluids still staining the carpet floors.
He tossed Sebastian into the centre of the room with no care for his comfort or safety, and upon hearing him groan in what was either pain or discomfort, he slightly grinned.
Since the drug was still very much in his system he couldn’t fight back much as Maximo untied him, pulled a chair over to the centre of the room, and tied him to it instead. It was a simple wood chair with armrests he had built (and repaired numerous times) himself.
So now he stood in front of Sebastian. What should he do first? Get information and answers on why he tried to steal his goods or just torture him for a while so he got the gist of what was going to happen here?
Well, he wouldn’t be answering any questions anytime soon in this state of illness…
Maximo swung a punch at him, effectively making Sebastian tense and gasp a bit as blood dripped from his nose. Maximo continued with the punches and slapped him a few times too until he got bored and stopped. Now the younger man had a black eye and some red handprints.
Then he noticed it. Sebastian was half unconscious. There was no way in hell he could let him rest after what he had done.
So Maximo slapped him again. “Don’t dare to fall asleep. Or you mightn’t wake up”, he growled. That wasn’t enough alone, so he thought up some ways to keep Sebastian awake.
He went to a cabinet and messed around with something before returning with a few things. A little shock device and some ice cubes.
First he applied the ice-cubes, some down Sebastian’s shirt and others on his face. This caused him to tense up and slightly remain awake for now due to the sudden cold, but it wasn’t going to last long, which is what the shock device was for.
It seemed to have a little control remote, and the little parts that actually caused the shocks looked more like steel spheres.
Maximo put one down the back Sebastian’s shirt where he had put that ice-cube, one down the front, and tucked one in his boxers too.
Then he flicked a switch on the control and the reaction was almost instantaneous.
The younger man suddenly yelped and tensed, beginning to tremble and whimpered slightly in pain as he was subjected to electrical shocks. No matter how miserable the drugs had made him feel, he had to stay awake, and these shocks were here to make sure of it.
Maximo took the control with him to his own room, seeing no reason for it to stay in the room Sebastian was trapped in. Then he locked the door and left him in there like that.
“Don’t pass out”, were his last mutters to him for the night.
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originalartblog · 1 year
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watching the storm pass (x)
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temnayajija · 3 months
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голодные игры кантрихуманс
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two-sibyls-tall · 5 months
The eternal hellish cycle of introducing the Lords in Black as Pokotho, Bliklotep, T’noy Karaxis, Nibblelinephim, and Wiggog Y’rath so my friends picture them as the eldritch beings they are, only for them to watch the show and see Pokey, Blinky, Tinky, Nibbly, and Wiggly in their crayon-themed high schooler-sonas.
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Whump Prompt #1325
Anon asked:
Electric shocks please. Especially if whumpee is wearing a shock collar they can’t take off.
I like it!
A first the whumpee claws at it, and tries to break it off. This results in bruises/scratches on their neck. Maybe they try and pull it over their head which harms their jaw/ears.
They once tried to steal the controller. Never again. The resulting scars will never fade.
Over time they get used to/learn to breathe through the shocks. The more they react, especially in front of company, the larger the punishment.
They develop twitches from the nerve damage.
The shocks are unpredictable - they could be in the middle of the night, or in the middle of a task. They're always exhausted and in fear of messing up. If they mess up a job when shocked, they're also punished.
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heather-garland · 9 months
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the sh3 guys start a band called swiss cheese heart??????? god help me i dont know
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lunaeclipse2024 · 4 months
1,000 units of electricity going through the feeble brain.
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thecorvidforest · 9 months
I need you all to know about the Judge Rotenberg Center in Massachusetts.
(Content warning for below the cut: ableism, electroshock torture of developmentally & intellectually disabled people, mention of death)
Two days ago (Sep. 7th, 2023), the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that a residential school called the Judge Rotenberg Center can continue to use electric shock devices called GEDs (graduated electronic decelerator) that are worn 24/7 to attempt to control the actions of developmentally & intellectually disabled people.
JRC calls itself an education & treatment school for “emotionally disturbed students with conduct, behavior, emotional, and/or psychiatric problems, as well as those with intellectual disabilities or on the autism spectrum” (according to their website). They have around 50 residences throughout Massachusetts. Their strategies center around restraint and punishment for unwanted behaviors. At least five deaths are attributed directly and indirectly to their treatments.
They say these electric shock devices, which are stronger than a police grade taser and are irrefutably shown to cause permanent mental & physical damage, are “life saving” and that they’re used on people “for whom all other treatment options have been tried and failed”.
Here’s a short list of things their “students” (who are placed there by their families and very likely have no choice in the matter, and are disproportionately Black/Brown/Indigenous) are shocked for:
hand flapping/stimming
standing up
sitting down
not fulfilling a simple task
any perceived disobedience
making noises because of their disability
making noises while being shocked (such as screaming or crying)
sitting in the "wrong" way
acting without permission
More info on JRC here and on their history here (content warning: graphic & disturbing descriptions of ableism & torture in both links, death & suicide in the 2nd link).
This is just the latest piece of an ongoing battle to stop electric shock treatment on disabled people. In 2023 we are still not seen as human enough to be the victims of human rights violations.
Info on how you can help here. Disabled people have been trying to get eyes on this fight for decades. Please talk about it. Please don’t let this go unseen like it always does.
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I don't know if anyone else in the whump community has read 'A Constellation of Vital Phenomena' by Anthony Marra but it is genuinely a really good book and also has some of the best depictions of torture and its aftermath that I have read in fiction.
I wanted to share some of my favourite quotes, hopefully without too many spoilers as it is out of context, but maybe skip this post if you don't want to know anything at all going in.
To give a brief summary, the book centres around the lives of people in Chechnya during the first and second war between the Russian government (Feds) and the separatist rebels. The main story focuses on a man (Akhmed) who is trying to save his neighbour's daughter from being killed by the Feds after her father is taken away in the middle of the night. He does this by taking her to a hospital where he then volunteers. One of the people in his village (Ramzan) becomes an informer for the Feds after being tortured, and this is explored in the excerpts below.
‘Information the Feds would torture them for was written here on the walls for all to see. It was well understood among the men that the Feds had as much sense as two bricks smashed together. It was also understood that pain, rather than information, was the true purpose of interrogation.'
'During his first detention in the landfill, in 1995, in the first war, he had refused to inform. They had wrestled down his trousers, shown him the bolt cutters, and still he had said no. Screaming, thrashing, with his manhood half severed, he had said no. He had done that, and now he was ready to start saying yes.'
'He would have confessed everything, but they didn't ask, weren't interested, threatened to cut out his tongue and put pliers to his teeth if he spoke one more fucking word. Electric wires were wound around his fingers. A car battery was drained into his bones. God might have been watching, but it wasn't God's finger on the battery switch. The interrogating officers didn't speak. Instead he was an instrument they played, performing a duet, and in their own way they conversed through his sobs. They both wore very shiny shoes. That was all he would remember.'
'He had trouble walking, He had forgotten torture could be so exhausting. The new interrogator, the one with less shiny shoes, held him upright, using his whole body as a crutch, and helped him walk. He carefully wiped Ramzan's forehead with a handkerchief before opening the door to the next room.'
'The interrogator with less shiny shoes crouched behind him. His hands were wet. Ramzan promised everything, and the interrogator, like the parent of a child too old to believe in ghosts, watched him with disappointment, his clear eyes saddened by Ramzan's sincerity. The interrogator took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves, laid the live wires on Ramzan's chest and mapped the border of their shared humanity. Ramzan offered his soul. He begged to be enslaved. The known universe contracted to the limits of the cement floor, and on it, the interrogator was both man and deity, prophet and god. By ten o'clock the interrogator with less shiny shoes asked his first question. By eleven the electrical wires were unwound from Ramzan's fingers. By noon he was allowed to dress. By one he was on the FSB payroll. He kept thanking the interrogator with less shiny shoes.'
‘Greed didn’t motivate his informing, at least not primarily; primarily he informed by necessity, to survive, for his love and hate and above all awe of the power wielded by the interrogating officer with less shiny shoes.'
'That was his greatest fear. Could he stay silent? Could he withstand what awaited him? He told himself that his love for the girl should fortify him against any torture, but this, like so much of what he told himself, was a lie. After all, he was squeamish at the sight of blood, what would he say when lying in a puddle of his own? But he saw no other way. He would pray for the strength to stay silent, for a quick heart attack, and leave the rest to God.' (This is Akhmed POV)
'When they threatened to beat me, I said nothing, Akhmed. When they threatened to beat me, I said nothing. When they threatened to electrocute me, I said nothing. When they threatened to castrate me, I said nothing. I said nothing, Akhmed. Whatever you think of me, you remember that once I said nothing when a wiser man would have sung. And the interrogators, they couldn't believe it. They called in others to examine me. I was there on the floor, and above their faces were dark ovals silhouetted by the ceiling lights. They had beaten me hard and I couldn't hear right, but I kept saying no, with every breath I had. The main reason they let me go, the only reason they didn't shoot me right there was out of perverse respect, some sort of professional courtesy. But I wish they had shot me, Akhmed, because the good part of me died there, and all this, everything since, has been an afterlife I'm trying to escape.'
‘I knew what was coming. I knew it never stops. They put a shame inside you that goes on like a bridge with no end, the humiliation, the fucking humiliation of knowing that you are not a human being but a bundle of screaming nerve endings, that the torture goes on even when the physical hurt quietens. People treated me differently when I came back the first time.'
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“I’m Anthony bloody Lockwood”
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random0815fangirl · 7 months
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funnyjesters · 2 days
Made the funny jester guys in Spore
Look at my abominations, boy.
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constantineshots · 10 months
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man. this makes me so sad. there’s something about the fact that technically he didn’t even kill her but everyone blamed him for it, and he took all that pain and suffering because he thought he deserved it.
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writersagony · 1 year
Writing Prompt 35
Whumpee could only scream as electricity went through them, frying their insides, turning their body to hot magma, and splitting their skull in half.
Then it stopped. And, still strapped to the chair, they turned their head up.
And they met Whumper's sharp gaze, their mouth turned into a lazy grin.
"Ready to go again?"
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rocknrollflames · 10 months
You honestly have to do nothing more than watch this short video to appreciate the talented and unintentionally sexy man that is Izzy Stradlin.
And get turned on.
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