#elo yearns
queermentaldisaster · 3 months
My actual husband y'all, trust me
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•❀Info, Boundaries, Masterlist❀•
Hi! My name is Elowen, and my main blog is @queermentaldisaster! I use the same tagging system as I do on my main blog, but since people seem to prefer my COD content over there, I created this side blog specifically for my Dragon Quest content.
I use she/they/it/ze/xey/lotus pronouns!!!
I'm +18, but anyone can interact! Just interact with my content wisely. DL;DR. If you are a hateful person of any kind, fuck off. Antis, fuck off. This account is run by a dark fic reader/writer, and I'm not afraid to block anyone who gives me weird vibes. I will reblog this post whenever it is updated!!
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over--heaven · 6 months
i wanna hear about your AUs :>
ohh omg HELLO thank you so much for the ask !! :) this is quite lengthy so i'll put it under a cut hehe
for information, the current canon is set in the jjba universe somewhere in 1983-1986 before the events of stardust crusaders. eloise and dio are both vampires and live together happily. for now. (how they got there is another long long story for another post)
i think first i'll talk about the two aus i have set in the jjba universe that branch from my current canon:
au where dio lives after stardust crusaders. nothing much changes but i do like to think they end up taking care of dio's children
au (? or not bc it does happen in canon?) where dio dies after stardust crusaders. eloise lives and partners up with pucci, later becoming an antagonist in stone ocean. i haven't thought about this au much but she probably dies as well in this au lmao
the first actual au i came up with was a university au set in modern times. since it's basically me coping with my current irl life, eloise is a chemistry grad student and dio is a law student. dio is roommates with pucci, polnareff and kakyoin (who is elo's best friend).
they meet when elo helps kakyoin move in and they definitely do not get along at first. elo dislikes him for picking on kakyoin while dio thinks she has a stick up her ass. at first elo kakyoin and jotaro are kind of like. the anti-dio club lmao UNTIL she starts finding him lowkey attractive and she has to beat her feelings back with a stick.
anyway some time after that dio throws a house party, eloise shows up and they end up sleeping together while drunk. after a long period of yearning, acting like nothing happened, and being stupid, they finally get their shit together and confess :)
the other au i'm attached to is my arranged marriage au set in the 1880s where all the vampire stuff doesn't happen. dio is still part of the joestar household and he's supposed to be wed to elo, only daughter of a textile mogul. it's a marriage of status and after their first time meeting it's clear that neither of them want to be married, much less to each other.
elo does want to make the most of it, but her family advises her against engaging with the marriage any further than as a publicity stunt in order to protect her own feelings. once the wedding actually happens, dio is a loving husband in the public eye but cold behind closed doors. elo is like "i've had enough of this crap" and decides to win him over at any cost. leading them to genuinely grow to like each other !!
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b-sai-des · 10 months
Lush Arpeggios and Nervous Twists – “Bending Hectic”
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When thinking about a song to do a deep dive in, there were a variety of really evocative ones that went through my head – the tragic, operatic, synth-filled “At the Door” by The Strokes, the epic odyssey of “Fire on High” by ELO. I almost decided to write about the wild, strange, and dangerous speed chase of “Sugar/Tzu” by Black Midi, but my mind just kept coming back to—
"Bending Hectic" music video, an animation by Sabrina Nichols and Stanley Donwood.
I talked a bunch about The Smile, the band trio of Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, and Tom Skinner, in my blog post about their tour this summer (still wish I could’ve gone in person!), and I think I already talked a little bit about “Bending Hectic” there. The Smile is going to be releasing their second album in January, which I'm super pumped about. This song is funny because I knew even before my Spotify Wrapped dropped that this would be my top track, and indeed it was with 131 listens this year.
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“Bending Hectic” is immensely cinematic, beginning with hushed lyrics from Thom Yorke in this incredibly evocative, emotionally moving experience, and it eventually turns into a soaring and jagged heavy metal climax. The specific emotions that this song as a whole evokes in how it sounds are very particular. There are very specific songs I associate with that vibe like “Bending Hectic” such as "Aruarian Dance" by Nujabes (and the song that samples, "The Lamp Is Low" by Laurindo Almeida), “Night Lights (1965 Version)” by The Gerry Mulligan Sextet, “Mojo Pin” by Jeff Buckley, and “Darkest Dreaming” by David Sylvian.  
Love this song, so comforting.
It's cool to hear the original sample to get the original context and how Nujabes utilized it. This song is such a vibe too.
Bending Hectic was my top song this year. This was my top song last year.
Really serene yet pained, it also transitions between soothing chorus to more a more direct chorus.
This one makes you feel like you're floating in the night sky and lying in bed at the same time.
The ultimate comfort song, like an emotional lullaby.
Big nighttime vibes, or a rainy day, or any calm, maybe nature-oriented, atmosphere. The actual lyrics of "Bending Hectic" mention driving along the Italian mountainside. It's very intimate. Warm in that sense, also but very calm and tranquil, a cool, deep purplish blue.
I first heard this live performance of the song a few months before the studio version released, and seeing the stage lighting may have affected my perception of the "color" of the song.
There’s a lot of really interesting things about "Bending Hectic," like that genre shift, percussion, and use of strings, but its most curious feature is the lush, calming main guitar chord cycle which always ends with an off-kilter high twisting and turning, as if Jonny Greenwood is tuning the guitar. In this eight-minute track, more than four minutes have this tune playing, the first of two stretches of it being nearly three minutes, and it really informs the whole feeling of the song because of that even despite the big mood transition towards the end. 
The song begins with the guitar chords, accompanied by a deep, sentimental bass tune, low jangling and gentle, rising crash cymbal sounds. (A quick aside about the bass, it really is a big contributor to that tranquil, emotional feeling, very comforting, and it periodically rises up in a kind of searching, yearning way). When you hear that twisting higher and higher at the end of the chord cycle for the first time, it really throws you off-kilter considering how soothing the tune is. This is the backbone of the song thematically, and we’ll see how it complements the lyrics and how other parts of the song echo it. 
From what immensely little I know about music theory outside of Carnatic music (even there I have much to learn), I suspected that the chord cycle is an arpeggio, and my sister (who plays piano) confirmed this. When she heard the off-kilter guitar tuning part, she said that it was not really part of the arpeggio, but rather the same note being tuned higher and higher. With this we can distinguish the arpeggio and the guitar bending. 
On r/thesmile I came across someone pointing out the incredible similarity of the arpeggio of "Bending Hectic" and this song, which is super cool. If you were to remove the guitar bending of Bending Hectic's main chord cycle it would give a similar feeling to this.
Possible inspiration for Bending Hectic verse chords byu/smithsonian44 inTheSmile
The distinction made by my sister is formal music-theory-wise, but emotionally it’s felt too. With the particular feeling of the arpeggio, my sister mentioned a song that had a similar-sounding arpeggio as well. I bring this up because despite that similarity note-wise, it feels different, and that may come down to the type of guitar. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find what specific guitar is used for this track, but the song my sister talked about had a sharper, acoustic sound compared to lusher sound of "Bending Hectic." The looseness of these chords makes it feel more raw. Key may play a component too, with "Bending Hectic" being in a lower key.  It evokes much more soothing feelings, as if things are okay, like you’re taking a moment to relax, just taking it all in. (Like I said before, purplish-blue, RIGHT? ....No, just me?) 
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See! Purplish-blue.
Also mentioned earlier was how the song talks about driving along the Italian mountains, time being frozen as “you’re gazing at the view,” and it’s a genuinely beautiful feeling. ...Except when Thom Yorke says “Italian mountainside,” it’s “a sheer drop down the Italian mountainside.” It’s a car crash in slow motion. "I swear I'm seeing double, ohohh...." (I really love how Thom sings this line in particular - it brings this aching, accepting quality that matches the chilling string notes). It's weird because despite the danger of the lyrics, the arpeggio is telling you: "it's okay, you can rest now." You just want to float.... The arpeggio’s serene comfort is so essential to the feeling of the song, which makes the guitar bending that much more noticeable. The guitar bending out of tune goes higher and higher at some times, and at other times it goes lower and lower. Both give this growing nervous feeling, gnawing at you despite the calm. The threat of the car skidding “‘round the hairpin.” Every time the arpeggio plays out its vulnerability lulls you into a sense of security and, but then every time guitar bending concludes the arpeggio that security gets thrown off. Then when the arpeggio comes again it lulls you again and you say despite the nervousness “no one’s gonna bring me down,” but then you realize that determination is not to keep on going but instead to “let go of the wheel,” and he's fed up and wants to crash…etcetera etcetera. It’s a wobbling feeling of constantly having these two conflicting forces, and it’s unsteady despite feeling smooth overall. This three-minute beginning part of the song before the first chorus swings back and forth in tempo, starting slow, rapidly speeding up, and then slowing down. When the arpeggio speeds up with its lushness it feels like a wave of relief; when the guitar bending speeds up higher that nervousness tightens more and more. 
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A pic of Jonny Greenwood, Tom Skinner, and Thom Yorke released along with the announcement of The Smile's 2nd album Wall of Eyes, which "Bending Hectic" will be on as well. The newest single released, which is the title track for the album, and it definitely has that dichotomy of calm and panic too lol.
The portion of the song (at the timestamp 4:14) following the first chorus returns to that arpeggio again, but this time at a steady tempo in line with the stable drum beat. The guitar tuning end of the arpeggio cycle plays on the down beat with the drums. Here, it’s stable, even with that off-kilter bending, which plays on the off-beat consistently. As I thought about this, I got the idea that the foreboding bending could now be something we’ve become comfortable with, but as I thought more about it while discussing with my sister, it’s more so continuing to creep up and threaten the stability that’s been constructed. The warm, optimistic strings cut out, and we’re back to just the guitar, drums and bass again. The bass stays low and steady in a foreboding manner. Lyrically it’s becoming more tense too – Thom says “the ground is coming for me now. I’ve gone over the edge. If you’ve got something to say…say it now.” With the guitar bending the song is slowly ratcheting up tension, as within the stable, narrow tempo and low wavering bass line there’s something simmering, that twisting nervousness remains even still – yes we may be used to it now but it’s also threatening to go careening off-course. 
That’s exactly what does happen after Thom concludes the verse by saying again “I’m letting go of the wheel,” and all instruments cut out as strings are re-introduced. They're at first expressing concern, and then they turn shrill, horrifying, straight out of a horror movie. (The Shining comes to mind).
Michael Giacchino cooked so hard with The Batman score...the rising strings here!
This is when the song goes full metal mode. Though the arpeggio doesn’t return again, as this is the final climactic stretch, the same bending tuning comes back in the form of Thom’s vocals and the exploding guitar. He goes “Tuuuuuuurrnnnn” as his voice twists higher and higher, and the guitar matches him. I’m reminded of Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard’s theme for The Joker in the score for The Dark Knight – the track has a similar nervous twisting off-kilter rising electric guitar. 
I think it’s really cool how the central arpeggio and guitar tuning sound of this song forms the backbone of its “bending” motif, which all comes together in its final chorus thematically. It all converges here – in the thick of the car crash, despite the “slings” and “arrows” and obstacles, the crisis that we’ve been thinking would happen, we force ourselves to push through, and that turning wheel to avoid death is expressed with the same high-pitched bending guitar we’ve been hearing throughout the song. The line “I’ve got these slings, I’ve got these arrows” in the first chorus made it seem like “I force myself to turn” was an act of wanting the crash, but now it’s “despite these slings, despite these arrows,” and trying to turn has now become an act of perseverance, an effort to survive. It’s interesting because even though the “turn” is said with hope, in the same sentiment of “no one’s gonna bring me down, no” the foreboding guitar bending we've heard all this time and now hear again suggests that the crash and burn is inevitable. Maybe you can’t escape the crash you wanted so desperately before. The song ends with that feeling in a distorted gnarl of defeat. But the merging of incoming, inevitable pain with perseverance as done using the central guitar bending and concluding lyrics give an ambiguity, not entirely shutting that hope out entirely. It’s a specific line that two of The Smile’s members have walked with their bandmates in Radiohead in songs like “Let Down,” “How to Disappear Completely,” and “Weird Fishes/ Arpeggi.” The Smile's newest single for Wall of Eyes also has that, though its sentimentality is more superficial compared to its jaded outlook.
That dichotomy of hope and despair seems to always come back. One side never quite wins entirely.
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I think everyone is sleeping on Don't Walk Away by ELO as a pining-Lance klance song simply because they have never heard of it.
So to remedy this absolute tragedy; Behold:
And to incentivize this, I will even share the lyrics so you understand .
Why do I say, don't walk away You'll be the way you were before When you don't want me anymore Don't turn around, don't ever leave A lonely room where empty days Are gathering to meet me when you're gone- Gone- how in the world will I go on all you gotta do is stay (Don't walk away) all you gotta do is stay (Don't walk away) Don't walk away, don't say goodbye Don't turn around, don't let it die When shadows fall, when day is done All through the night, all of my life Don't walk away Is it a dream, when will it end When everything we've ever known Has ended and I'm all alone Where will I go, where will I be The feelings that I've never shown Maybe I'll find the answer when you're gone- Gone- how in the world will I go on all you gotta do is stay (Don't walk away) all you gotta do is stay (Don't walk away) Don't walk away, don't say goodbye Don't turn around, don't let it die When shadows fall, when day is done All through the night, all of my life Don't walk away
Anyway my point is that the song is Peak Yearning and it's perfect for Lance.
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i-am-a-hog · 1 month
Go listen to Time (1981) by ELO Now!!!!!!!!! You get infinite yearning, time travel and robot fucking all in One Hauntingly Beautiful Concept Album conprised of 100% bangers!!!!!!!!!!!
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eyespolar · 2 years
Guardians of the galaxy vol 2 soundtrack where was each song playing in the movie
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Peter is a music obsessive and a kid with severe daddy issues, so when his long-lost papa says “Brandy” is about how both father and son need to abandon people they love in order to live their best lives, we laugh because we’re seeing a classic Tarantino-style Hey, maaaan, did you ever really think about this song? monologue, but we also feel the hair on the back of our necks stand up - no truly benevolent sage would use such a killer tune for that kind of questionable purpose. When Ego provides a textual analysis of Looking Glass’s “Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl),” it’s a high point for the film: The humor comes not from gags or references, but from genuine, relatable character beats. Who among us hasn’t felt as though a popular song was speaking directly about our lives? And who among us hasn’t then foolishly taken that song’s lyrics as advice about how to move forward? Guardians 2 presents viewers with that kind of eminently human experience, albeit in a scene co-starring a living planet. Looking Glass, “Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl)” Sure, it’s a little on the nose to play such a religious song just as Ego is humbly admitting to our heroes that he’s a god, but the song’s Wall of Sound production just suits the more-more-more maximalism of Ego’s beautiful home, and Harrison’s yearning pleas - “I really want to know you / I really want to go with you” - perfectly mirror Peter’s paternal longing. What’s the best solo album by a Beatle? To me, it’s no contest: George Harrison’s multidisc All Things Must Pass, which is topped by the incandescent “My Sweet Lord.” While the song got some unexpected airplay in the sixth-season premiere of Girls, it fits much better in Guardians 2, where it cues up as Peter and the other characters arrive at Ego’s planet. Yondo and his goons are no match for Rocket when he’s really feeling himself. The banjo-strumming soundtracks Rocket’s booby traps as he jumps between tree branches, showing off his cunning energy. Rocket’s alone time is interrupted when Yondo and his crew roll in, but the raccoon’s sarcasm fades to playfulness. I’m barely a Southerner, but Glenn Campbell’s groovier cover makes me nostalgic for swatting away mosquitoes on a wraparound porch. He’s listening to “Southern Nights,” a song that bounces with a homegrown appeal. For the first time in this series, we get a glimpse of Rocket in peak joy. What euphoria! When half of the guardians go off to meet Ego, Rocket, and Groot are left alone in the woods to repair their spaceship. Remember the distinct joy of being home alone? Not quite Home Alone home alone, but when the parents were out, leaving only a note and the glee of having an entire space to yourself and your music. Ego is breaking the chain that kept them together! -Nate Jones Credit James Gunn, then, for finding a new classic slo-mo hallway-walk song in Fleetwood Mac’s “The Chain.” When Peter, Gamora, and Drax fly off on Ego’s eyeball spaceship, Lindsey Buckingham’s aching vocals invest what could have been a throwaway moment with real tension. What’s the best song to have playing when you walk down a hallway in slow motion? “Papa Was a Rollin’ Stone”? “Sabotage”? “Battle Without Honor or Humanity”? All fine choices, but slightly overused at this point.
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James Gunn knows that Baby Groot is his ace in the hole, and pulls it over and over again, but to no better effect than when he gets the tiny twig moving to ELO. I’ve never been more my mother than when I started mimicking his movements with my feet. Blue Sky” while a massive fight scene happens out of focus behind him made me giddy with glee. I must be the exact target audience for Guardians, because watching Baby Groot obliviously bebop around to the tune of Electric Light Orchestra’s “Mr.
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That makes the movie’s opening scene, in which the infant tree dances across the screen for the length of almost an entire pop song, a litmus test for how you’ll respond to next two hours of AM radio music cues, dazzling visual effects sequences, family drama subplots, and comedy bits that go the distance and then some. How you feel about Baby Groot is a pretty good indicator for how you’ll feel about the rest of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.
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But which one is the best? That’s what we’re here today to discuss. In between the thuddingly obvious music cues of Suicide Squad, and the Sturm und Drang scores of most other comic-book flicks, the Guardians movies have carved out a very specific musical niche, employing a number of fondly (but not over-) remembered radio classics from the 1970s. The Guardians of the Galaxy films don’t look like most other superhero films, and they don’t sound like them, either.
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set-wingedwarrior · 2 years
I want a girlfriend to watch cartoons and play videogames with :(
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elo-h · 5 years
I would really appreciate it if I could not be yearning tonight
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quirrrky · 3 years
So um I heard about the matchups! I am a straight girl INFJ really shy and love books but really insecure. I love cuddles. I want a kny matchup please. Blueberry nocturnal potion! If the asks are close then I'm sorry for bothering . Thank u in advance
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𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕠… SHINAZUGAWA SANEMI
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4 of diamonds, 7 of spades, king of clubs, 9 of diamonds, 4 of clubs, eagle spirit, attraction, 5 of hearts, queen of hearts, 2 of spades
𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟 ✧ Sanemi feels like meeting you is a gift. He might have been struggling in the past that hope is almost lost, but with your arrival, he finally gain back the passion and drive. Through you, he finally learns how to take control of his fate. He yearns to provide you with so much and to live you a more than comfortable life with only you.
𝕖𝕔𝕝𝕚𝕡𝕤𝕖 ✧ The eagle spirit blesses your relationship with so much hope and healing. To Sanemi, you're his queen hearts. Someone who fills his life with so much love, care and gentleness. You invoke in him the feeling of love he never thought he'll be able to feel. Your existence in his life has helped him battle the loss and confusion. Finally, he finds freedom in your arms.
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-/ @farichan elo! I wish you like this reading and enjoy your relationship with out dear soft on the inside boi Sanemi 💗
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alright well everyone else is doing it so why shouldn’t i? also maybe this will shame me into writing some any of them.
heads up that most of my thought process is “how can i work the plot/vibe of [some specific song] to fit with my favorite ship(s)”, so a lot of my WIPs are just song + ship ideas
Rules: Below are the names of all the files in my WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous*. Please send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it!
wips that i’ve posted that i haven’t finished (not including 2 prompt collections):
naomily jane eyre au
naomily v for vendetta au
brittana billie holiday au, aka rachel and quinn write a musical about billie holiday and coerce santana to play the lead, while brittany is a backup dancer for lady gaga
bering & wells AU S4 where HG stays at the warehouse, 2nd part in a 3-part series
bering & wells ‘hg is the doctor’ AU
the rambeau family meets wonder woman, aka diana uses her lasso of truth to help carol work through her powers
wips that i haven’t posted yet:
MCU infinity saga rewrite but in the timeline that steve created when he went back to peggy at the end of endgame, steggy + danbeau at the center of the story
danbeau no powers ‘the holiday’ AU
danbeau fried green tomatoes AU
danbeau stardust AU
an exploration of danbeau’s relationship as told through songs that reference geography/distance in the title or lyrics, eg. carole king’s “so far away”, ELO’s “telephone line”, bobby darin’s “beyond the sea”
the M9 and VM meet AU but throw in a healthy dose of jestergard resurrection feelings
jestergard rez fic where jester goes down
jestergard tswift useless lesbian
jestergard vague captain marvel AU
M9 magic school AU
the gang meets at travelercon AU
vox machina grief suite (everyone deals with vax/death)
mighty machina: M9 meets VM in different configurations and settings
the bad kids never met ayda during sophomore year AU, instead she grew up on a maze planet
figayda post sophomore year fic series, set to songs that give me that specific “i am yearning and feeling and i’m sixteen years old” vibe
jet + ruby post “safe harbor”, set to colin hay’s “waiting for my real life to begin”
brittana stardust AU
warehouse 13 S3 meets buffy S5
CNV companion fic to the one i already wrote
a post-movie carol oneshot
supergirl interstellar AU
directorship 5 + 1
clexa S3 rewrite, specifically set to/centered around delta rae’s first two albums
clexa soulmate dreams AU
holy SHIT i didn’t know i had that many, my god. now that i write them down iiiiiii....really want to talk about them? lol. someone please inquire/shame m
i shall tag: @tidelinear @csquirrel27 @amtrak12 @g0dblessthefandom
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queermentaldisaster · 8 months
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I'm Elowen! I write fanfics, and post about shit I like! I also talk with my mutuals a lot! I use she/they/it/xe/ze/lotus pronouns! I do read dark fic and have dabbled in writing it. This is a safe space for all, I do not tolerate hatred of any kind. If you are hateful to others, I will block you. I am not religious at all. I am happily taken, any attempts at flirting with me in a srs manner will be shut down. I do support Palestine, wholeheartedly. Zionists, racists, transphobes, homophobes, ableists, zoophiles, MAPs, etc, DNI (translation, don't be a fuckin asshole or creep.) Also, if you support making stories and art using AI or use AI to make stories and art, get the fuck off my page. Reasons for that are listed here. Dividers can be found here, they're by @gild-ui <3
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My AO3
(this has other fics there too, feel free to check those out)
My AUs
(I am begging you to ask me about these, please 🙏)
My DeviantArt
Blogs I run:
@fallenembe (marvel oc rp blog)
@dragonquest-rottenbrain (dq side blog)
@konigsblume-central (blog for me and my partner to ramble about the oc x canon ship we made)
@electricloverspider (Miles Morales rp blog set in the Insomniac Games)
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All fics/series currently on AO3:
"The Devil Made Me Do It; But I Also Kinda Wanted To" - Series, currently a WIP, two parts completed.
“Eldritch!Soap” - Series, one part completed.
"Mer/Siren Au" - Series, 1 part, WIP.
"The Dancing And The Dreaming" - HTTYD!AU, currently WIP, 2 chapters so far
“The Hunt Is My Muse” - Shifter!AU, nine chapters complete.
“I Have Traveled Far Beyond the Path of Reason” - MW3 fix it fic, part one of the Eldritch!Soap series.
“Stars Drawn Around Scars” - A Ghost/GN!Reader fluff oneshot.
“Count On Me” - A short Ghoap wedding planning oneshot.
“The Devil Made Me Do It; But I Also Kinda Wanted To” - Part One of my Monster!Au series, complete.
“Another Love” - Part Two of my Monster!Au series, complete.
“There's A Revolution Coming” - Part Three of my Monster!Au series, three chapters complete. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
“Shoulda Been Dead a Long Time Ago” - MW3 fix-it fic with Venom!Ghoap :3
"5 Times Ghost Scared Someone With His Spidery Things + 1 Time It Made Soap Horny" - Spiderverse!Ghoap
"What if We Rewrite the Stars? (No One Can Rewrite the Stars)" - Mer!Soap x Siren!Ghost, part 1 of the Mer/Siren au!
"Godmother, Rise Up, I Need You to See Me For What I Have Become" - Brainwashed!Soap au
Out of My Head - Ghoap oneshot based on Soap's tendency to disassociate when left with nothing to do
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All 'me specific' tags will be in tags.
I tag posts in which I talk with other blogs with #convo posts so people don't get their dash flooded with this if they choose to block the tag. :)
My stance on fanart of my OCs, AUs and fics is here!!!
My askbox is always open!
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shemakesmusic-uk · 4 years
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Pop artist Nadia Vaeh has dropped her new music video for her powerful track 'Anxiety'. The video reflects on her personal mental health struggles and how she copes with the highs and lows of anxiety. The video shows Nadia alone at home coping with what the real and raw effects of anxiety look and feel like. As an advocate, she hopes her music can inspire people to embrace the conversation of mental health and be a reminder that they are not alone.
Babeheaven, the project of West Londoners Nancy Andersen and Jamie Travis, share their latest single, 'Craziest Things', along with a video from the award-winning illustrator and animator, Sacha Beeley. The track is taken from the duo’s much anticipated debut album, Home For Now, which will be released on November 20 via AWAL, and follows the singles 'Cassette Beat' and 'Human Nature'. About the track, Nancy said: “On 'Craziest Things', I explore my anxiety and insomnia, not being able to make sense of my emotions and running around in a state of mania.”
Moscow-based multi-talented avant-pop artist Kate Shilonosova aka Kate NV has just unveiled a video for 'Lu Na', a track taken from her last album Room for the Moon. Drawing from “unlived memories of 70s and 80s Russian and Japanese pop music and film,” the project also comes with vintage and surreal conceptual videos inspired by the shows she was watching as a child. In these new Gina Onegina-directed visuals, she introduces four dancers voguing in pinky cats outfits. “‘Lu Na’ was originally planned as a dance clip consisting mostly of one repetitive loop—simple pattern where cats walk in a square one by one,” she stated. “This pattern was hugely inspired and based on [Samuel] Beckett’s piece Quad which I love. Originally I just wanted the sun to appear slowly behind those cats while they walk. All of the dancers were wonderful, they brought so much life to the characters of those cats!” [via High Clouds]
Kississippi, the increasingly pop-minded project of the Philadelphia musician Zoe Reynolds, have released a new single, 'Around Your Room'. Kississippi got their start making wispy and hypnotic folk reveries, which opened up into more muscular fare on their debut full-length, 2018’s Sunset Blush. 'Around Your Room' is their most unabashedly pop song yet, a strobing synth that pulls from Lorde’s Melodrama providing the main thrust for Reynolds’ gauzy lyrics about memory and its inexorable pull. Reynolds cowrote 'Around Your Room' with Sarah Tudzin of Illuminati Hotties, according to a tweet from Tudzin. “This song tells a story of yearning and infatuation. It’s about being hopelessly enamored in a way that took me back to my youthful perception of love,” Reynolds said in a statement. “It represents those moments where you’re fully infatuated with someone and they’re all you can think about. I’ve written about love in a cynical manner in the past and this song was written as a reminder of the magic and euphoria that comes with it.” 'Around Your Room' is the lead single from a new Kississippi album due out next year, Reynolds’ first for Triple Crown. Watch director Josh Coll’s video for the song above. [via Stereogum]
Tank and The Bangas have announced a new EP called Friend Goals. Due out November 20 via Verve Forecast, the six-track, guest-heavy release is being previewed with the track 'Self Care'. The New Orleans-based group are known for their collaborative habits, having this year teamed with the likes of Jacob Collier and Fantastic Negrito. Friend Goals, as the title might suggest, brings together a number of artists Tank and The Bangas have befriended over their career. The follow-up to last year’s Green Balloon LP features guests like CHIKA ('Mr. Insta'), Duckwrth ('Fluff'), PJ Morton ('TSA'), and Pell on the title track. Lead single 'Self Care' actually touts three collaborators: Jaime Woods, Orleans Big, and Anjelika “Jelly” Joseph. The track itself is exactly what we need in 2020, an ode to being with yourself and being damn okay with it. “Chillin’ all by myself/ Netflix, eatin’, cheatin’, by myself, all by myself,” Tarriona “Tank” Ball spits, clearly enjoying her alone time. “Nobody else/ New people to the left/ What is there left but myself?” “‘Self Care’ is THE quarantine song to get you moving,” Ball said in a statement. “It shows that some of the best things can come out from solitude, especially when the beat hits this hard.” Take a listen above via the song’s Fat Happy Media-directed video. [via CoS]
New Zealand’s platinum sensation BENEE unveils the official video for her latest single 'Snail'. For the visual, BENEE and director Anita Fontaine deliver a lush and larger-than-life fantasy befitting of the track. In the colorful clip, BENEE wakes up to feed her giant snail roommates and slides around their slime trails before heading to work in her secret elf lab. Soon, she’s cycling out of her home—a concrete replica of her own head—out into a storm. After being struck by lightning, our heroine turns into an elf and cruises through a mushroom wonderland under the glow of an aurora borealis-style blanket of colors across the sky. Reflective of her personality, it pops off as her biggest and boldest video to date. Of the inspiration behind the video, BENEE says, “I knew I wanted the vid to be a weird fantasy story involving snails! I said to Anita that I wanted to be an elf with long braids riding a bike and have giant mushrooms somewhere in the vid...She came back with the treatment, and I loved ittttttt! Her imagination is supa whacky in the best way, and I’m so happy with how ‘Snail’ turned out!”
Bebe Rexha has returned with her new anthem 'Baby, I'm Jealous', which features Doja Cat. 'Baby, I'm Jealous' is Bebe Rexha's first single of 2020, following on from last year's Maleficent: Mistress of Evil track 'You Can't Stop The Girl'. The new track marks the debut collaboration between Bebe Rexha and Doja Cat, and is accompanied by a Hannah Lux Davis-directed visual that stars Charli D’Amelio, Nikita Dragun, and Avani Gregg. Bebe Rexha says the new single is "about embracing my insecurities", and adds, "It’s about the way social media has heightened my jealousy which can affect how I feel about myself. We are constantly flooded with the highlights of other people’s lives, and at times I find myself comparing my worth and beauty to others. It’s part of the human process to experience jealousy - ultimately, this is an anthem to embrace those feelings as a form of empowerment." [via Line Of Best Fit]
Making her grand return to the scene with a striking new single is Brighton-hailed singer Fable, with her new tune 'Thirsty'. With otherworldly tones and harmonising vocals, the singer serves us with a sumptuous genre-bending tune that has us headbanging at every chorus. Known for her bold and atmospheric sonics, the singer accompanies the song with an attention-grabbing video with juxtaposing images of ethereal nature and mental destruction. Speaking on the single, the singer said, “'Thirsty' is about taking the beauty of life for granted. How overtime we write off profound stuff as mundane because it’s a constant; the sky’s always there, but it’s weird and beautiful that we even exist under it. It’s playful at heart but it’s about my realised depression and learning how to reset my perspective through mindfulness,” Having disappeared from the scene back in 2016 due to a personal tragedy, the singer has reconnected to her artistic side and is ready to step back into the spotlight. [via Wonderland]
With the enticing line-up of Joe Lonie (Supergroove), Milan Borich (Pluto), Jol Mulholland (The Reduction Agents) and Morgan Leary (Cindy), Tāmaki Makaurau supergroup Kathy Bates Motel share their latest ear worm 'Cool Your Heels'. The class act's second single, following up debut track 'Damaged Goods', is dangerously catchy, with killer harmonies from vocalists Lonie and Leary. 'Cool Your Heels' will have you moving your feet and hankering for a dance, a need so perfectly met by the Footloose inspired, Joe Lonie directed visuals. Everybody cut foot loose, the weekend and 'Cool Your Heels' have arrived. [via Under The Radar]
Up-and-comers Wargasm recently dropped their fifth single, ‘Backyard Bastards’, and now they’ve released a video to go with it. Shot and edited by Olli Appleyard, the video sees sees Sam Matlock (guitar, vocals) hunting down Ryan Cornall (session drummer) on a manic murder spree that finds its peak in an epic showdown between the two, all the while being cheered on by Milkie Way (bass, vocals) and her dancer squad. You can check out the video for ‘Backyard Bastards’ above. [via Dead Press]
Atlanta-based glam punk rockers Starbenders have released an energetic and evocative music video for their new single 'Can’t Cheat Time' off most recent album Love Potions. 'Can’t Cheat Time' is available now as part of a bundle featuring the original single and an acoustic version. 'Can’t Cheat Time' perfectly pairs frontwoman Kimi Shelter‘s incredible vocal shapeshifting abilities with electrocuted guitars and heart-pounding rhythm for this stand out rock ‘n’ roll anthem. Speaking to the inspiration for the single’s music video, Shelter adds: “‘Can’t Cheat Time’ is a personal favorite amongst the band. This single has a wicked string arrangement reminiscent of Jeff Lynne from ELO’s production style. It was so rewarding hearing all of it come together with the live string players. The accompanying music video is a love letter to the mom and pop businesses that have shaped and supported our very existence. These businesses along with the touring industry have been devastated by the pandemic. We filmed in locations around Atlanta which include the local greasy spoon diner, the record shop, the independent guitar store, the watering hole, and the divey small music venue. While mega-retailers did not close down for even one day, 60% of small to medium-sized businesses in the USA that closed will never reopen. These places are vital to the social and economic health of our cities. We encourage our friends to go to saveourstages.com. Sign up to push legislators to help independent venues though the updated Heroes Act. So many are hurting and on the verge of financial ruin from lighting to sound engineers, musicians, DJs, security, bar staff and venue operators. Our hearts are with you all.“ [via The Girls At The Rock Show]
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aimee-maroux · 5 years
Sexual Curse Tablets
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The first time I ever heard about curse tablets was when I visited Bath and its namesake Roman bath. The curse tablets found there were written in Latin and addressed to local goddess Sulis, identified by the Romans with Minerva.
A curse tablet, called tabella defixionis or defixio in Latin and katadesmos in ancient Greek is a small tablet, often made of lead, stone or baked clay, asking a god, spirit or dead person for help. The tablet was then secretly buried or hidden in a significant place.
Curse tablets were a popular type of magic throughout the Greco-Roman world used by both, men and women. And of course people back then cared just as much about sex and love as they do today. The ones in Bath dealt with the return of stolen possessions, with the exception of one:
"Qui mihi Vilbiam involavit sic liquat comodo aqua. Ell[…] muta qui eam involavit si Velvinna, Exsupereus, Verianus, Severinus, Augustalis, Comitianus, Catus, Minianus, Germanilla, Iovina."
"May he who carried off Vilbia from me become liquid as the water. May she who so obscenely devoured her become dumb, whether Velvinna, Exsupereus, Verianus, Severinus, Augustalis, Comitianus, Catus, Minianus, Germanilla (or) Jovina." Bath / Aquae Sulis, England, 43-410 CE
This curse tablet also deals with a theft, but it's the theft of a girl named Vilbia. Whether Vilbia was actually the writer's slave, or only his concubine, either would make sense here.
A Love Affair with Eterna
The only curse from Britain with a truly erotic context was found in Old Harlow, Essex:
"Mio M(ercurio) dono ti(bi)‌ negotium Et-‌ern(a)e et ipsam,‌ nec sit i(n)vidi(a) me(i)‌ Timotneo sangui(n)e suo."
"To the god Mercury, I entrust to you my affair with Eterna and her own self, and may Timotneus feel no jealousy of me at the risk of his life-blood." Old Harlow, England, found together with 3rd-4th century pottery
Mercury or Hermes is the god of thieves, magic and spells (among many other things) and as the guide of dead souls he moves freely between the world and the underworld. Hermes, Charon, Hekate, and Persephone were most often addressed to bring about a curse tablet's spell.
In comparison, this excerpt from a curse found inside a wax figurine in Upper Egypt, is far more dramatic:
"[...] Rouse yourselves, you daimones who lie here and seek out Euphêmia, to whom Dôrothea gave birth, for Thêon, to whom Proechia gave birth. Let her not be able to sleep for the entire night, but lead her until she comes to his feet, loving him with a frenzied love, with affection and with sexual intercourse. For I have bound her brain and hands and viscera and genitals and heart for the love of me, Thêon..." 5th century CE, Upper Egypt
The following, similar spell is also from Egypt. It was inscribed in Greek on a lead tablet that was rolled up around some strands of brownish red hair and inserted into the mouth of a mummy, to whom the spell was apparently addressed:
"Aye, lord demon, attract, inflame, destroy, burn, cause her to swoon from love as she is being burnt, inflamed. Goad the tortured soul, the heart of Karosa...until she leaps forth and comes to Apalos...out of passion and love, in this very hour, immediately, immediately; quickly, quickly...do not allow Karosa herself...to think of her [own] husband, her child, drink, food, but let her come melting for passion and love and intercourse, especially yearning for the intercourse of Apalos." Eshmunen, Egypt
Another spell of the same kind, but from a woman this time:
"Ad(iur)o … per magnum deum et per (An)terotas … et per eum, qui habet archep-torem (= accipitrem) supra caput et per septem stellas, ut, ex qua hora (h)oc somposuero (= composuero), non dormiat Sextilios, Dionysi(a)e filius, uratur furens, non dormiat neque sedeat neque loquatur, sed in mentem (h)abiat me Septimam, Amene (= Amoenae) filia(m); uratur furens amore et desiderio meo, anima et cor uratur Sextili, Dionysi(a)e filius (= filii), amore et desiderio meo. Septimes, Am(o)en(a)e fili(a)e. Tu autem Abar Barbarie Eloee Sabaoth Pachnouphy Pythipemi, fac Sextilium, Dionysi(a)e filium, ne somnum contingat, set amore et desi derio meo uratur, (h)uius spiritus et cor comburatur, omnia membra totius corporis Sextili,  Dionysi(a)e filius (filii). Si minus, descendo in adytus Osyris et dissolvam τὴν ταφήν et mittam ut a flumine feratur; ego enim sum magnus decanus dei magni, dei AXRAMMACHALALA.E."
"I forswear you, the great god [i.e. Osiris], and Anterotes [Anteros, god of requited love] and the one with a hawk head [i.e. Horus, the Egyptian god of death], and the seven stars [i.e. planets], from the moment I put this tablet [into the grave], may Sextilius, son of Dionysia, not sleep, may he burn [with passion] in madness, may he not sleep, nor sit, nor speak, but bear in his mind me, Septima, daughter of Amoena; may he burn with love and longing for me, may the mind and heart of Sextilius, son of Dionysia, burn with love and longing for me, Septima, daughter of Amoena. And you, Abar, Barbarie, Eloe, Sabaoth, Pachnouphy, and Pythipemi, make Sextilius, son of Dionysia, unable to sleep, but burn with love and longing for me, may his spirit and heart, as well as all limbs of Sextilius’ body be consumed by love: if not, I will descend into the shrine [grave] of Osiris, open his grave and throw him [into the river], so that he is carried away by the current; because I am the great decan of the god, mighty god AXRAMMAXALALA.E." Sousse / Hadrumetum, Tunisia, 2nd century CE
Separation Curses
Many curses written for erotic motives aimed to drive a person desired away from their current lover, husband or wife and to direct their love towards the commissioner of the tablet:
"Of [Theti]ma and Dionysophon the ritual wedding and the marriage I bind by a written spell, and of all other wo[men], both widows and maidens, but of Thetima in particular, and I entrust to Makron and [the] daimones, and (only) when I should dig up again and unroll and read this, [?] that she might wed Dionysophon, but not before, for I wish him to take no other woman than me, and that [I] grow old with Dionysophon, and no one else. I [am] your supplicant: Have pity on Phila, dear daimones, for I am (a) dagina? of all my dear ones and I am abandoned. But guard [this] for my sake so that these things do not happen, and wretched Thetima perishes miserably. [...] but that I become happy and blessed." Pella, Macedonia, 375–350 BCE
"Makron" is most probably the name of the dead man in whose grave the tablet was deposited to deliver the message to the chthonic spirits of the underworld (the daimones).
Of course, those curses also targeted same-sex lovers:
"I turn away Euboles from Aineas, from his face, from his eyes, from his mouth, from his breasts, from his soul, from his belly, from his penis, from his anus, from his entire body. I turn away Euboles from Aineas." Nemea, Greece, 4th century BCE
Everlasting Sex
Cursing rivals with impotence and sexual misery and to attract a lover were also common motives. The culmination of the process was often envisaged as everlasting sex:
"I bind you, Theodotis, daughter of Eus, by the tail of the snake, the mouth of the crocodile, the horns of the ram, the poison of the asp, the hairs of the cat, and the penis of the god so that you may never be able to sleep with any other man, nor be screwed, nor be taken anally, nor fellate, nor find pleasure with any other man but me, Ammonion, son of Hermitaris. For I alone am LAMPSOURE’ OTHIKALAK’ AIPHNOSABAO’ STESEON’ UELLAPHONTA’ SANKIST’ CHPHURIS’ ON. Make us of this binding spell, employed by Isis, so that Theodotis, daughter of Eus, may no longer try anything with any other man but me alone, Ammonion, and may be subservient, obedient, eager, flying through the air seeking after Ammonion, son of Hermitaris and bring her thigh close to his, her genitals close to his, in unending intercourse for all the time of her life. And here are the figures:" [Features some images of a god holding a staff, with a snake at his feet, a crocodile to the upper right of the snake, a cat at the extreme right, two figures (perhaps a ram and the woman) above the crocodile, and other magical signs and letters and obscure drawings.] Egypt, 2nd-3rd century CE
I bind Theodora to remain unmarried to Charias, and I bind Charias to forget Theodora,and I bind Charias to forget . . . Theodora and sex with Theodora. And just as this corpse lies useless, so may all the words and deeds of Theodora be useless with regard to Charias and to the other people. I bind Theodora before Hermes of the underworld and before the unmarried and before Tethys. I bind everything, both her words and deeds toward Charias and toward other people, and her sex with Charias. 4th century BCE
The person performing the spell, presumably a woman who wants Charias for herself, wishes that Theodora be as incapable of having a sexual relation with Charias as the corpse into whose grave the tablet has been deposited. Graves and tombs were considered a gateway by means of which the curse would reach the dead or underworld deities charged with its execution.
Calling on Aphrodite
A curse intended to affect a person's sexuality oftentimes called upon those chthonic gods alongside a sexual deity—Aphrodite and Eros were quite common, as was the goddess Isis from the Egyptian pantheon.
An example of a sexual curse comes from a man named Pausanias (no, not the ancient historian) who wanted to bind a woman called Sime:
"Pausanias binds Sime, daughter of Amphitritus (may no one but Pausanias undo this spell) until she does for Pausanias everything Pausanias wants. May she not be able to get hold of a sacrificial victim of Athena, nor may Aphrodite look kindly upon her, before Sime embraces Pausanias." Akanthos, Macedonia, 4th or 3rd century BCE
The Penis Curse Tablet
This curse tablet from Cyprus’s old city kingdom of Amathus went straight to the point:
“May your penis hurt when you make love.” Amathus, Cyprus, 7th century CE
Pierre Aubert, head of Athens Archaeological School in Greece said the tablet showed a man standing holding something in his right hand that looks like an hour glass. Perhaps most surprising is the young age of this tablet: The inscription dates back to the 7th century CE when Christianity was already well established on Cyprus. While many of the old pagan beliefs had disappeared or been suppressed by this period, it is clear that people’s love of — and need for — sex-curses had not gone anywhere.
Today, we may not write our curses on lead tablets anymore, and fewer people will ask Hermes or Hekate for help. But the secret wishes to separate a desired partner from their spouse, attract a lover or rain impotence and disaster on a romantic rival are as alive as they were 3000 years ago.
Author's Note: If dates or places are missing beneath the curses, I was unable to track this information down. Despite this shortcoming, I hope to have given an enjoyable overview of the colourful curse tablets of ancient Greece, Egypt, and Rome.
Curse Tablet Entry on Wikipedia
Getting even in Roman Britain: The Curse Tablets from Bath (Aquae Sulis) by Carly Silver
Ancient Roman Curse Tablets Invoke Goddess Sulis Minerva to Kill and Maim
Curse Tablets from Roman Britain - Introduction: cicrus and court, sex and stealing
Curse Tablets from Roman Britain - Images of curse tablets
Roman Inscriptions of Britain - RIB 154 Curse
Roman Britain Britannia IV 1973
Supplemental Material - Georgetown University
Pella Curse Tablet
For All Time: An Examination of Romantic Love Through Curse Tablets by Alicia Deadrick
Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered - Erotic Magic in the Greco-Roman World by Radcliffe G. Edmonds
Archaeology Magazine: When Spells Worked Magic by Christopher A. Farone
Oracles, Curses, and Risk Among the Ancient Greeks by Esther Eidinow
Latin Curse Texts: Mediterranean Tradition and Local Diversity by Daniela Urbanová
Atlas Obscura presents six sites with a sexual history
Mentalfloss: 7 Ancient Roman Curses You Can Work into Modern Life
  Further Reading:
Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from the Ancient World by John Gager
Ancient Greek Love Magic by Christopher A. Faraone
Roman Religion by Valerie M. Warrior
Oracles, Curses, and Risk Among the Ancient Greeks by Esther Eidinow
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druidx · 4 years
Misc Other Fics Masterpost
A list of all other dibbles, drabbles and random writing I’ve posted.
➼ Star Wars
➼ Original Characters
Pella “Cookie” Crom
➼ The Fics
A Bad Start Words: 2450 Third person. A Star Wars RPG fic about my RPG group’s first meeting. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
➼ Thunderbirds are Go
Family Treasures Words: 1700 Third person. An introspective character study on the main characters of the Thunderbirds Are Go series, from the point of view of Kayo Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Cake Dress Words: 225 Penny needs a new dress; Gordon makes quips. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Chin up Words: 1060 Hard-hitting questions come up during a training session between Kyo and Parker. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
➼ Astyria’s Star (Original - WIP Intro)
Summer Prose Challenge 1 Words: 450 Third person. Astyria wanders the abandoned council chambers at Gont Point, considering the perils the people of Ilma face due to the rising acid seas, and asking why the Gods test her faith Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Summer Prose Challenge 2 Words: 680 Third person. A grandmother recites a folk tale to her grandchildren, Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Summer Prose Challenge 3 Words: 490 Third person. Astyria's nephew  has to complete a school assignment; his father helps Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Summer Prose Challenge 4 Words: 920 Third person. We join Astryia at a council meeting to hear the options for dealing with Ilma's climate issues. Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Summer Prose Challenge 5 Words: 1,120 Third person. A talk show host discusses the current climate issues faced by the people of Ilma with a priest and a doctor. Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
➼ Other Dribs and Drabbles - Fanfic
Dinner Time Words: 1,460 Third person. A Fighting Fantasy/ TES: Oblivion Modern AU crossover. Elo is providing in-home protection to Martin & Baurus at 23 Acacia Ave. Read on Tumblr or AO3
Violin inspired Words: 455 First person. A BBC Sherlock drabble inspired by a violin piece. Read on Tumblr
➼ Other Dribs and Drabbles - Original
➼ Original Characters
Shadow ★
The Capelian ★
Ken-seh Gorumn ★
The Princess
➼ The Fics
Drinking to Remember Words: 600 First person. A drabble about drinking Read on Tumblr
Mountains Photoprompt Words: 170 First person. A description exercise based on a picture of some mountains. Read on Tumblr
Window Photoprompt Words: 170 First person. A description exercise based on a photo of a window Read on Tumblr
“Let me go” Words: 100 Third person. A flash fic for Flash Fiction Fridays prompt of the same name. Read on Tumblr
From Ham Park Words: 235 A woman yearns for the freedom of travel. Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Before It Shatters Words: 800 Civil war shreds the land. The court priest meets with a state advisor to beg his intercession. Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Dearest Mama, May I Come Home? Words: 480 A young man in the 1800s regrets his life choices. Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
Moonlight Dress Words: 155 A woman's partner admires her dress, while being underhanded. Read on Tumblr
Can't Fool an AI Words: 415 A spacefarer tries to claim he’s fine; his ship AI sees right through him. Read on Tumblr or RoyalRoad
The need for what we can't have Words: 341 An account considers his colleague  Read on Tumblr
(Last updated 19 Aug 2023)
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findasongblog · 5 years
Find A Song about the fear of obstacles and difficulties
Ghost Suns - Stuck On The Wall
GHOST SUNS are an elusively-named French duo called Lola and Jeremy who create giant electropop magic in a tiny studio in North London. They announced themselves in 2017 with the terrifically pouty Transeuropean expressionism of the ‘We Are Not Good People’ EP before repeating the trick with 2018’s sumptuously deadpan ‘Testify’ EP.
Now comes a brand new track called ‘Stuck on the Wall’ which introduces us to the notion of a third Ghost Suns EP release, due in early 2020. Like its predecessors, and much like all the best crestfallen electronic pop from the ZTT heyday, Ghost Suns bring warmth and sadness to coldhearted synthetics as Lola’s yearning vocals float above the dainty flowing keyboards which err on the side of primetime ELO at their fluid peak. Or in the words of Ghost Suns themselves…
“’Stuck on the Wall’ is a song that we made very quickly. It all started listening back to ‘Love on the Beat’ by Gainsbourg. Something that sounds like the Berlin Wall…old, decayed, threatening and beautiful. Dreamy arpeggio and a pounding bass riff are the permanent backdrop of Lola's evasive lyrics about the fear of obstacles and difficulties. The time spent contemplating the wall is a time spent anxiously doubting what will happen next. The melodies become more gentle. "Happiness is the feeling resistance is being overcome". Walls will eventually fall...” (press release)
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