mcuthoraction · 1 month
We have 5 free prompts available!
A free prompt means that you can submit a Thor/Loki/Hela prompt for art or fic without needing to donate, due to the generosity of previous donators!
If you are not able to donate to 🇵🇸 and would like to participate in this Gotcha, please DM us to claim these!!
All ships are accepted in our event, including rarepairs, crossovers, AUs. Dead dove is also allowed! Read our submission guidelines for more information!
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elskiee · 5 months
"tommy only wants to be with grace!" "tommy is more suitable with lizzie!" "tommy is for may only!" "tommy is for [insert any PB female character here]" blah blah blah tommy this tommy that THEY ARE NOT REAL. they are fictional characters. you can literally ship him with a pole in his pub or whatever the fuck and trust me WE WILL NOT CARE!!! LEAVE ME ALONE WITH MY TOMMY SHELBY LGBTQ+ AGENDA!!! jesus fucking christ
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petite-phthora · 1 year
Thank you...
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 10]
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Part 1
Private chat nicknames:
ImBaby= Danielle/Dani/Ellie
MiddleChild= Danny
Danny rubs his eyes and stares at the laptop in front of him as he’s trying to focus. He’s currently at a table he claimed in his school’s library, and he’s been staring at his screen for a solid 25 minutes by now.
He currently has a free period, just before his last class of the day, so he decided to try and get some homework done now since he has less time after school today.
Because of his date.
He’s going on a date!
Due to the excitement, Danny can’t quite stop himself from grinning like a loon. To be perfectly honest, he hasn’t been able to stop grinning and blushing even since Red Hood had sent that last message.
It’s a date.
Red Hood had confirmed it’s a date!
The buzzing of his phone as he receives a message draws his attention away from his schoolwork even though it wasn’t on that anyway but on a certain kind and handsome vigilante.
Danny picks the device up and takes a look. Seeing Ellie had messaged him, he raises an eyebrow. Assuming it to be another one picture of her standing on some monument in human form in spaces humans without powers shouldn’t be able to get to, like a horse on a roof, he opens the chat.
That’s not a selfie on top of El Ángel de la Independencia in Mexico, he muses as he reads the text with a slightly confused frown.
Private chat
~ ImBaby changed their name to SirEllieOfTheInfiniteRealms ~
~ SirEllieOfTheInfiniteRealms changed the name of MiddleChild to HisMajesty ~
SirEllieOfTheInfiniteRealms: once nightfall has cometh upon us, and the world has been plunged into darkness, though blood may be shed, be assured brother o mine, thine honor shall be guarded. i have formulated various challenges most onerous to confirmeth whether the helmed knight in red is righteous enough to court thee. for now, i will have to wish thee adieu, brother mine, as I will need to maketh some preparations for these mentioned challenges before I can enact them. as for the outcome of the trials i have set, i shall visit thee within the following fortnight bearing the news. until such time, i giveth thou farewell. ancients be with ye.  o7
HisMajesty: ???
HisMajesty: have you swallowed an encyclopedia again? 🤨
HisMajesty: didn’t know it would actually work with teaching you new words 🤔
HisMajesty: would’ve been good to know when I still had Lancer’s English classes 😔😔
HisMajesty: what does even this mean? 🤔🤔
HisMajesty: what are you planning??
HisMajesty: Ellie?
HisMajesty: no seriously, like
HisMajesty: have you been hanging out with CW lately?? 👀👀
HisMajesty: cause this is exactly the sort of cryptic shit I’d expect coming from him 😕😒
HisMajesty: not you
HisMajesty: …usually 😔
HisMajesty: unless he told you to tell me this??? 🤨 🤨
HisMajesty: but then again, he prefers to use his sticky notes to leave me cryptic messages..
HisMajesty: Ellie? 😟
HisMajesty: what are you doing????
HisMajesty: where even are you right now?? 🤔
HisMajesty: last I heard you were in Mexico 🇲🇽
HisMajesty: are you still there?
HisMajesty: Ellie
HisMajesty: please answer me 🙏🙏
HisMajesty: Ellieeeeee ☹️
HisMajesty: Elle
HisMajesty: Els
HisMajesty: Ella
HisMajesty: Elski
HisMajesty: Elleroonie
HisMajesty: Ellexandro
HisMajesty: Eljamin
HisMajesty: Ellodore
HisMajesty: 🥺
Danny stops messaging her when he realizes she’s not going to read any of his texts any time soon. He lets out a weary sigh.
What has she gotten herself into this time?
Red Hood came to pick Danny up at his apartment at 12.50. He rang the doorbell this time. Before Danny can do so much as greet him, Red Hood hands him a box. Danny looks at it confused before moving his gaze onto Red Hood with the same expression.
“Here, for you” He grunts.
Danny looks back down at the box and under the stare of the helmed vigilante, that Danny can’t quite see due to the helmet. Danny takes it and opens it gingerly. Inside are what seem to be some kind of chocolate squares.
“It’s chocolate fudge. Homemade. Wasn’t quite sure what you would like…” Red Hood explains.
Danny looks back up and beams at him, cheeks turning slightly pink.
“Oh no, this is great! Thanks!”
He tries one out, under the watchful eye of Red Hood and Oh Ancients, they are delicious. Which Danny then also proceeds to verbalize.
“Oh my Ancients, these are amazing. Thank you so much!”
Danny gives him a quick hug, even lifting him slightly off the ground which does things to Red Hood (not that Danny noticed), as Red Hood lets out a soft “No problem” before letting go as he remembers something
“Oh wait! Before we go, I also have something for you as well!” Danny blurts out, quickly darting back into his apartment to get something, putting the box of chocolate fudge down on his counter.
He guesses Red Hood hadn’t quite expected that, as he was still frozen into place when Danny came back with his own gift for his date.
Danny hands over a small inconspicuous white box. Red Hood takes it and opens it before carefully taking out the sleek silver watch and turning it over.
As he’s looking it over, Danny starts talking again.
“Okay, okay, so I’ll explain what it does in a minute. First off though, put it on!” He says, jittery from nerves and excitement
He really hopes Red Hood will like it.
Red Hood silently does as he says and puts on the watch.
“Now turn to the wall and press that button right there!” Danny continues, pointing out a small button on the side of the watch.
What Jason had expected to happen when he pressed the button on the watch, was for it to light up or turn on or something, maybe play a little tune or a nice message.
What Jason hadn’t expected to happen, was for a toxic green laser to shoot out of the watch and blast the wall in front of him, leaving behind a black scorch mark.
Stunned, Jason drops his gaze back onto the, now slightly smoking, ‘watch’ before turning his wide-eyed gaze back onto Danny. Danny, who seems to be practically vibrating in excitement and is eagerly awaiting his reaction.
“Do you like it? It’s the Fenton Watch Ray! I modeled it after the Fenton Wrist Ray, but I decided to make the design more sleek and inconspicuous. When pressing the button, it’ll release a highly pressurized ectoplasmic energy blast.
“You see, it takes in ambient ectoplasm from the surrounding area as fuel! So it won’t run out of energy and you don’t need to charge it! The ectoplasm it’s infused with also makes it more resistant, so it’s harder to break and you’ll be able to take it out on patrol with you if you need it!
“Don’t worry though! While it may look a little dangerous, it’s actually quite harmless to living humans! The most it’ll do is knock them down, or even out on some occasions. And there’s no lasting after-effects!
“Oh! And this button,” Danny pauses as he points out a button on the other side of the watch, “shows you the time!”
Danny pushes the button and, sure enough, the screen of the ‘watch’ lights up, showing it is currently 12.56 pm.
During the entire rant, Jason just stares at Danny through his helmet in stunned silence. He didn’t quite understand everything that was just word-vomited at him, but he got the general gist of it.
‘Marry me,’ is what he wants to say.
“Thank you” is what he says instead, in the softest tone known to man with blushing cheeks and a lovesick smile on his face.
@i-always-say-yea   @uraniumwizard    @why-must-i-be-like-this   @griffinthing
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feride11 · 1 year
Türkçe – Seni Seviyorum❤️✨
İngilizce – I love you❤️🔗
Afrika Dili- Ek het jou lief🐰🔗
Albanian – Te dua❤️💍
Arapça – Ana behibak❤️🔗
Arapça – Ana behibek 🖤✨
Bambara – M’bi fe♥️💦
Bangla – Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi♥️🤞🏻
Belarus Dili – Ya tabe kahayu🖤🔗
Bisaya – Nahigugma ako kanimo💙💍
Bulgarca – Obicham te💍❤️
Kamboçya Dili- Soro lahn nhee ah🐰💜
Cantonese Çince – Ngo oiy ney a✨🐰
Catalan – T’estimo💜💨
Cheyenne – Ne mohotatse❤️💍
Chichewa – Ndimakukonda❤️🔗
Corsican – Ti tengu caru 🐰❤️
Creol – Mi aime jou❤️🔗
Hırvatça – Volim te❤️😍
Çekçe – Miluji te😍✨
Dan Dili – Jeg Elsker Dig❤️✨
Belçika Dili – Ik hou van jou❤️🔗
Esperanto – Mi amas vin💍❤️
Estonya Dili – Ma armastan sind💍♥️
Ethiopya Dili – Afgreki’❣️🔗
Faroese – Eg elski teg🐰🔗
Farsça – Doset daram❤️💍
Filipin Dili – Mahal kita❤️✨
Fince – Mina rakastan sinua❤️🔗
Fransızca – Je t’aime, Je t’adore🐰✨
Gaelic – Ta gra agam ort🖤✨
Georgian – Mikvarhar💙💦
Almanca – Ich liebe dich💍❤️
Hiligaynon – Palangga ko ikaw♥️🔗
Hawai Dili – Aloha wau ia oi💦🔗
Hebrew – Ani ohev otah ♥️🔗
Hebrew – Ani ohev et otha ♥️🔗
Hiligaynon – Guina higugma ko ikaw💦🔗
Hinduca – Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae♥️🔗
Hmong – Kuv hlub koj😍🔗
Hopi – Nu’ umi unangwa’ta♥️🔗
Macarca – Szeretlek♥️🔗
Icelandic – Eg elska tig♥️🔗
Ilonggo – Palangga ko ikaw♥️🔗
Endonezya Dili – Saya cinta padamu🔗💚
Inuit – Negligevapse💚🔗
İrlanda Dili – Taim i’ ngra leat🔗💚
Italyanca – Ti amo💙🔗
Japonca – Aishiteru💦🔗
Kannada – Naanu ninna preetisuttene♥️🔗
Kapampangan – Kaluguran daka💚🔗
Kiswahili – Nakupenda♥️🔗
Konkani – Tu magel moga cho💚🔗
Korece – Sarang Heyo❤️🔗
Latince – Te amo✨❤️
Latvian – Es tevi miilu✨❤️
Lebanese – Bahibak✨❤️
Lithuanian – Tave myliu✨❤️
Malay – Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu✨❤️
Malayalam – Njan Ninne Premikunnu✨❤️
Mandarin Chinese – Wo ai ni✨❤️
Marathi – Me tula prem karto✨❤️
Mohawk – Kanbhik❤️✨
Moroccan – Ana moajaba bik❤️💍
Nahuatl – Ni mits neki❤️💍
Navaho – Ayor anosh’ni💙🔗
Norwegian – Jeg Elsker Deg💙🔗
Pandacan – Syota na kita!!💙🔗
Pangasinan – Inaru Taka💙🔗
Papiamento – Mi ta stimabo💙🔗
Persian – Doo-set daaram💙🔗
Pig Latin – Iay ovlay ouyay💙🔗
Polonya Dili – Kocham Ciebie💙🔗
Portakizce – Eu te amo😌❤️
Romanya Dili – Te iubesc😌❤️
Rusça – Ya tebya liubliu😌❤️
Scot Gaelic – Tha gra’dh agam ort😌❤️
Sırpça – Volim te✨❤️
Setswana – Ke a go rata✨❤️
İşaret Dili – ,,,/✨❤️
Sindhi – Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan🐰❣️
Sioux – Techihhila🐰❣️
Slovakça – Lu`bim ta🐰❣️
Slovenya Dili – Ljubim te🐰❣️
İspanyolca – Te quiero / Te amo🐰❣️
Swahili – Ninapenda wewe♥️🔗
İşveççe – Jag alskar dig♥️🔗
İşviçre Almancası – Ich lieb Di♥️🔗
Tagalog – Mahal kita♥️🔗
Tayvanca – Wa ga ei li💍❤️
Tahiti Dili- Ua Here Vau Ia Oe💍❤️
Tamil – Nan unnai kathalikaraen💍❤️
Telugu – Nenu ninnu premistunnanu💍❤️
Thai – Chan rak khun 💍❤️
Thai – Phom rak khun 💍❤️
Ukrayna Dili- Ya tebe kahayu💍❤️
Urdu Dili – mai aap say pyaar karta hoo💍❤️
Vietnamca –Anh ye^u em❤️🔗
Vietnamca – Em ye^u anh ❤️
Welsh – ‘Rwy’n dy garu❤️🔗
Yiddish – Ikh hob dikh❤️🔗
Yoruba – Mo ni fe❤️🔗
Azerice-Seni Sevirem
Yunanca – S’agapo🔗❤️
Gujarati – Hoo thunay prem karoo💙🔗 choo♥️🔗
Hiligaynon – Palangga ko ikaw♥️🔗
Hawai Dili – Aloha wau ia oi💦🔗
Hebrew – Ani ohev otah ♥️🔗
Hebrew – Ani ohev et otha ♥️🔗
Hiligaynon – Guina higugma ko ikaw💦🔗
Hinduca – Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae♥️🔗
Hmong – Kuv hlub koj😍🔗
Hopi – Nu’ umi unangwa’ta♥️🔗
Macarca – Szeretlek♥️🔗
Icelandic – Eg elska tig♥️🔗
Ilonggo – Palangga ko ikaw♥️🔗
Endonezya Dili – Saya cinta padamu🔗💚
Inuit – Negligevapse💚🔗
İrlanda Dili – Taim i’ ngra leat🔗💚
Italyanca – Ti amo💙🔗
Japonca – Aishiteru💦🔗
Kannada – Naanu ninna preetisuttene♥️🔗
Kapampangan – Kaluguran daka💚🔗
Götürəndə zəhmət olmasa emoji atın♥️
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Elder Scrolls' Altmer names together with Polish names
Agari Aicantony Alaudalf Alcalek Aldir Alenar Alina Alqualina Alrenya Alwae Amanwirie Amare Amenski Anaaimer Andomil Andulye Andus Angenim Aniak Anikaron Aninaanel Annislas Anque Antel Antkowski Antonowski Anyonwe Aonurdawen Aralime Aralinski Arano Arcinia Arczak Ardril Arnil Arnin Arranya Artalamen Arutowski Aurande Avalatare...
Bajacek Bajewski Bertaker Bodzelidur Borka Borne Buczartosz Buraamaire Burzy Caemo Calicja Calingur Calita Calus Camion Camwille Candusky Caralinski Caril Carne Casar Casencana Castrzec Celendinwe Celmion Celmo Chalojzy Chrombin Cichan Cienkowski Cient Ciminski Cious Ciryetina Connuwae Cornyeril Coror Corriil Corril Corrinei Corrire Corrona Cuilas Cuileisse Cuilesnion Culak Culdanya Curomiusz Cymbacko Cymbalinwe Cymbatorm Czernire Dalire Dezyk Dobrame Dombin Domil Doremski Dubian Dwoderil Dzwona Earrinque Egula Elanfirion Eldhonak Eldil Elinanwe Elion Elquickie Elski Endarubel Enderedalf Enotil Eronik Erratil Errowski Estast Estyna Esulien Esurnas Ewalski Fanwe Fanwen Farie Farin Farite Farman Farritende Farwuniel Faryon Fasea Fenack Fenlastak Ferdire Ferlulma Ficelan Figur Finana Finwe Firil Firri Firtorith Franyare Froma Galsawka Ganrion Gasierdalf Ghire Glaanek Gorwe Goszewski Grankowski Graythelel Grazmudalf Grudil Grzynski Gwoznowicz Gyrnika Haerel Hecka Hecki Henindwik Henlethey Henski Heremon Highorne Hyancemek Hyire Iladia Ilewski Imposse Inaama Indil Ingenian Irion Izabowski Jaczynski Janko Jarodski Jarollia Jaszki Jedril Joanand Joannisha Jorin Jovronirwe Jowincanir Jowski Julie Julin Kaladyslaw Kalana Kalimeril Kanir Kapuscik Kaziarski Kazmiel Kelka Kiewski Kingo Klime Klopolski Kloski Kolanwen Kordrystyn Korian Koril Korski Kowski Kozinski Krawinski Kryski Krzewski Kubrimon Kwiec Laczyk Lainanarel Landras Langwen Laril Larnek Larosowski Larure Lasic Latha Layne Lecki Leriil Lerula Lilas Lilion Lillara Litale Llius Lonwe Lorek Lovicki Lovilarek Lovilia Lovirwe Ludolarie Macier Macil Mackowski Maculek Magdannin Maksymia Maleia Malendil Mangarski Marchow Martil Maslaw Maziminde Mazurenwe Meire Melewski Merel Meryare Mieja Minia Minor Mithrom Moczkowski Modleslaw Modzynski Mostic Motha Mrowski Myslaw Naano Nafwe Nalcornen Nalinski Natur Nawen Nawendor Nelarne Neranaire Niirona Niranyon Nirmiloril Nolime Nolowicz Nonra Noraszek Norilina Norinko Notis Nowelon Nowski Ogowski Ohoutek Ohtandir Olquufwe Oltinar Oraisse Oroon Pades Panya Parmuutian Pasion Paszczyk Pellon Pelock Penuudil Pitka Plachnik Pokoloski Polszewski Ponirwe Prendur Przyk Ptasiel Qamowski Qualdil Quendil Quenya Rafalinwen Rafarmilon Ravindil Rinwe Rolandaran Rollyon Ronadiusz Ronia Rudzislawn Rulisse Rulla Rulny Rybinaire Sakov Salonduski Salorel Sandrasion Sangolan Sarek Saurme Selllon Seluuriela Selyas Serion Sevillanas Simifwe Simon Sinlocki Skowski Skyrime Sobos Solintur Solmo Solmorski Sonlock Sorie Soril Sorlan Sorlarie Sorlo Staarelle Staken Stanek Stasililas Stefanire Storion Stormura Stowen Strek Strowen Suniewski Suronczak Swanski Szczygmon Szyca Szymkowski Szynski Taaleisse Tabakar Tanduldur Tania Taure Telawen Telcarimon Teldalda Teldarien Telong Temale Temend Temeritir Tengonil Tenwe Tenya Tenyamee Tenyemar Teraamen Teratil Teril Thalomeja Thius Tillas Tilondil Tinaamon Tinya Tirwion Tolabel Traldor Turczyk Tusak Umbaline Umbenine Unchaldil Uncil Undworski Urbancaril Urbartyk Uririe Valtar Valtil Vanuriwen Vaste Vatosse Velandel Vinieslaw Voraruril Wajchrzak Walandur Wargwen Whetin Witowicz Wojcicha Wolhil Wozdz Wysoch Yarne Zabel Zabris Zagomon Zajak Zajski Zebski Zenolonra Zenot Zmuda Zozowski
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Eyjólfur Kristjánsson - Ástarævintýri (Fairy Tale Love) - transcript/translation
Oof, I've got a lot of these buried requests. This one's from the 80s and I hadn't actually heard it before. Transcript and translation below.
Icelandic transcript
Þar sem fjarlægðin gerir fjöllin blá ég finn þig, ástin mín bak við lokaðar dyr með lás og slá og læðist inn til þín Ég er ævintýraprinsinn, get úr álögum þig leyst Þú veist
Þegar andvarinn hvíslar í eyra þér og undarlega hlær skaltu vita að ég hef valið mér að vera alltaf nær Og ég læt í veðri vaka að ég vildi og elski þig, aðeins þig
Ég er vindurinn sem þýtur og í villtum dansi fer yfir vegleysur og hafsjó, ber þig hvert á land sem er Út í víðan geim, á vetrarbraut þú fylgir mér
Þegar stormurinn æðir og stynur hátt í stjórnleysi og neyð er ég ringlaður, finn ekki rétta átt og finn mér aðra leið Það er fátt sem fær mig stöðvað og við förum aðra leið þú og ég
Ég er vindurinn sem þýtur og í villtum dansi fer yfir vegleysur og hafsjó, ber þig hvert á land sem er Út í víðan geim, á vetrarbraut þú fylgir mér
Ég er vindurinn sem þýtur og í villtum dansi fer yfir vegleysur og hafsjó, ber þig hvert á land sem er Út í víðan geim, á vetrarbraut ég fer með þér
English translation
Where distance makes the mountains blue I'll find you, my love, behind shut doors with lock and key I'll sneak inside to you I'm the fairytale prince, I can lift your curse You know
When the breeze whispers in your ear and laughs strangely, know that I have chosen to always be close And I'll indicate that I want and love you, only you
I'm the wind that blows and in a wild dance I travel across open country and oceans I'll carry you anywhere Into the endless space, across the galaxy you'll come with me
When the storm rages and loudly moans in despair and out of control I'm confused, can't find the correct direction but I'll find another way There's not much that can stop me and we'll go another way you and me
I'm the wind that blows and in a wild dance I travel across open country and oceans I'll carry you anywhere Into the endless space, across the galaxy you'll come with me
I'm the wind that blows and in a wild dance I travel across open country and oceans I'll carry you anywhere Into the endless space, across the galaxy I'll go with you
Translation notes
"Ástarævintýri" literally means "a love fairy tale" or "a love adventure", but it's a relatively commonly used term for a passionate if perhaps brief relationship, while the song itself is playing on the literal fairy tale aspect of the word - so I figured the most appropriate translation for it was "Fairy Tale Love", which both includes the fairy tale connotation but also is a known phrase in English.
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eek-a-tron · 13 days
My favorite platonic ships, where the characters function as found family/friends:
Batman & Lois Lane
Catwoman: & Rocket Raccoon (serial stray-adopter & angry gearhead space-bandit, occasionally heisting while arguing about weaponry choices), & Bucky Barnes*
Loki: & Verity (canon), & Nebula, & Elsa**
Rogue & Storm (canon)
Rey & Rose (kill the canon if you have to)
Spike & Anya
*Q: Isn’t this just a reskinned WinterWidow? A: No, WinterCat Motorcycle Club (my phrasing, pff) is a platonic ship where a redemption-questing Bucky hangs around Gotham, angsts it up with Jason/Red Hood, & befriends Selina over motorcycles. *breaks out the pepe silvia meme* Ed Brubaker wrote for/revision-ized them both!
**To this day I associate Frozen with babysitting, so this concept is like an instant baww-level memory for me. The kids were so sure those sad ice wizards would help each other out! The wholesome power their platonic Elski AU had!
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about-a-boy707 · 5 months
Africano = Ek is lief vir jou
Albanês = Te dua
Alemão = Ich lieb Dich
Árabe = Ana b’hibbik – Masc > Fem / Ana b’hibbak – Fem > Masc
Armênio = Yes kez sirumen
Bambara = M’bi fe
Bangla Aamee = tuma ke bhalo aashi
Belarusian = Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya = Nahigugma ako kanimo
Búlgaro = Obicham te
Cambojano = Soro lahn nhee ah
Chinês Cantonense = Ngo oiy ney a
Catalão = T’estimo
Cheyenne = Ne mohotatse
Chichewa = Ndimakukonda
Coreano = Sarang Heyo
Crioulo Haitiano = Mwen renmen ou
Croata = Volim te
Dinamarquês = Jeg Elsker Dig
Holandês = Ik hou van jo
Inglês = I love you
Eslovaco = Lu ‘bim ta
Esloveno = Ljubim te
Espanhol = Te quiero – Te amo
Esperanto = Mi amas vin
Estoniano = Ma armastan sin
Etíope = Afgreki’
Faroese = Eg elski teg
Farsi = Doset daram
Filipino = Mahal kita
Finlandês = Mina rakastan sinua
Francês = Je t’aime – Je t’adore
Gaélico = Ta gra agam ort
Gaélico Escocês = Tha gra – dh agam ort
Georgiano = Mikvarhar
Grego = S’agapo
Gujarati = Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Guarani = Rohayhu
Havaiano = Aloha wau ia oi
Hebreu = Ani ohev otah – Masc > Fem / Ani ohev et otha – Fem > Masc
Hiligaynon = Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hmong = Kuv hlub koj
Hopi = Nu’ umi unangwa’ta
Húngaro = Szeretlek
Islandês = Eg elska tig
Ilonggo = Palangga ko ikaw
Indiano = Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Indonésio = Saya cinta padamu
Inuit = Negligevapse
Irlandês = Taim i’ ngra leat
Italiano = Ti amo
Japonês = Aishiteru
Javanês = Kulo tresno
Kannada = Naanu ninna preetisuttene
Kapampangan = Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili = Nakupenda
Konkani = Tu magel moga cho
Latino = Te amo
Latvian = Es tevi miilu
Libanês = Bahibak
Lituano = Tave myliu
Malaio = Saya cintakan mu – Aku cinta pakamu
Malayalam = Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarim (chinês) = Wo ai ni
Marathi = Me tula prem karto
Marroquino = Ana moajaba bik
Mohawk = Kanbhik
Nahuati = Ni mits neki
Navajo = Ayor anosh’ni
Norueguês = Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan = Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan = Inaru Taka
Papiamento = Mi ta stimabo
Persa = Doo-set daaram
Pig latin = Iay ovlay ouyay
Polonês = Kocham Ciebie
Português = Eu te amo
Romeno = Te ubesk
Russo = Ya tebya liubliu
Sérvio = Volim te
Setswana/Tswana = Ke a go rata
Sindhi = Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux = Techihhila
Sueco = Jag alskar dig
Suiço = Ich lieb Di
Swahili = Ninapenda wewe
Tagalog = Mahal kita
Taiwanês = Wa ga ei li
Taitiano = Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tâmil = Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Telugo = Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thailandês = Chan rak khun – Masc > Fem / Phom rak khun – Fem > Masc
Tupi = Oroaûsu
Turquia = Seni Seviyorum
Ucraniano = Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu = Mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamita = Anh ye^u em – Masc > Fem / Em ye^u anh – Fem > Masc
Welsh = ‘Rwy’n dy garu
Yiddish = Ikh hob dikh
Yorubá = Mo ni fe
E essas são as 100 formas de eu dizer que te amo.
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4yearstogether2020 · 8 months
Eu te amo em todos os idomas.
Portugues - Eu te amo Mandarim - Wo ai ni Inglês - I love you Espanhol - Te quiero / Te amo Francês - Je t'aime Alemão - Ich liebe dich Italiano - Ti amo Japonês - Aishiteru Coreano - Saranghae Russo - Ya tebya liubliu Árabe - Ana behibak Hebraico - Ani ohev otach Turco - Seni seviyorum Hindi - Main tumse pyar karta hoon Bengali - Ami tomake bhalobashi Grego - S'agapo Sueco - Jag älskar dig Norueguês - Jeg elsker deg Dinamarquês - Jeg elsker dig Holandês - Ik hou van je Polonês - Kocham cię Tcheco - Miluji tě Eslovaco - Milujem ťa Húngaro - Szeretlek Romeno - Te iubesc Sérvio - Volim te Croata - Volim te Búlgaro - Obicham te Esloveno - Ljubim te Albanês - Te dua Macedônio - Te sakam Islandês - Ég elska þig Finlandês - Rakastan sinua Estoniano - Ma armastan sind Lituano - Aš tave myliu Letão - Es tevi mīlu Vietnamita - Em yêu anh Tailandês - Phom rak khun (homens) / Chan rak khun (mulheres) Filipino - Mahal kita Malaio - Saya cintakan awak Indonésio - Saya cinta kamu Swahili - Nakupenda Zulu - Ngiyakuthanda Xhosa - Ndiyakuthanda Sesotho - Ke a go rata Tswana - Ke a go rata Suaíli - Naku penda Basco - Maite zaitut Catalão - T'estimo Galês - Rwy'n dy garu di Irlandês - Tá grá agam ort Escocês-Gaélico - Tha gaol agam ort Faroês - Eg elski teg Gaélico - Is tu gràdh na h-alba Bielorrusso - Ja ciabie kachaju Maltês - Jien inħobbok Esperanto - Mi amas vin Kazakh - Men seni jaksy kuremіn Quirguiz - Menin seni süyöm Azerbaijano - Mən səni sevirəm Georgiano - me shens miq'varxar Armênio -Es kez sirum em Assamês - Mo̱i to̱mak bhal po̱ŋkho̱ Caxemira - Main tujhse pyar karta hoon Nepalês - Ma tapailai maya garchhu Oriá - Mu tumaku bhalapaee Panjabi - Main tainu pyaar karda haan Somali - Waan ku jeclahay Tajique - Man toro dust medoram Ucraniano - Ya tebe kokhaju Urdu - Main tum se pyar karta hoon Uzbeque - Men seni sevaman Yoruba - Mo nifẹ rẹ Zulu - Ngiyakuthanda
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somethingswell · 1 year
I love your eyes ("Eg elski tíni eygu")
I love your eyes, a dreamy blue, I love your lips, their fresh red hue; they gave me so many most beautiful gifts, which invigorates my hope and wits.
I love your feet, light as elves they dance, I love your arms, the power of their embrace; with you I foster no nagging sorrows, all the shadows fade, and the sky is blue.
I love all of you, with you I wish to stay; your laughter is beautiful like pealing notes. Our ship will cleave the daunting waves, and land on the most beautiful shores.
But most of all I love your dreams, strong, tender as love, I love the path they pave, their roaming journey. And if all fortune seems bared from life's road, I know it lives there, where your dreams go.
(poem by Hans A. Djurhuus, 1907 // translated from Faroese by me)
Eg elski tíni eygu, tey droymandi bláu, eg elski tínar varrar, teirra friska reyða lit; tær góvu mær so mangan ta fagrastu gávu, ið styrkir og vekur bæði vónir og vit.
Eg elski tínar føtur, so álvalætt teir dansa, eg elski tínar armar, teirra fevnandi mátt; hjá tær vil ei nivandi sorgir eg ansa, øll skýggini týnast, og loft verður blátt.
Eg elski teg av øllum, hjá tær vil eg vera; tín látur er vakur sum ringjandi spæl. Vár knørrur skal streymar teir hóttandi skera, og lenda á fagrastu strondum hann skal.
Mest elski eg tó dreymin tín, hin ásteyma, sterka, eg elski hansar leiðir, hansar sveimandi ferð. Og um øll lukkan tykist av lívsvegnum berkað, eg veit tó, hon býr har, sum dreymur tín er.
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elskyisabella · 2 years
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Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. . [Items in the picture are not for sale] Hello! Im elsky isabella.🌻 They call me sky. 🫶 For those who have crazy addiction for shoes, look out for this space! 😉 IG: @elsky.isabella Fb page: elsky.isabella #shoesaddict #shoestyle #shoelover #newlookfashion #newlook #style #styleblogger #tumblrgirl #tumblr #shoegaze #styleinspiration #lookbook #loveyourstyle #stylediary #lookdiary #singaporestyleblogger #singaporefashion #shoestagram #shoesfashion #fashiongram #fashionblog #shoeintrend #shoegame #shoesshoesshoes #happiness #summervibes #loveshoes #elskyisabella https://www.instagram.com/p/CnJ-Rcyv9xG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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waitforit4 · 2 years
Afrikaans: Ek het jou lief
Albanese: Te dua
Arabo: Ana behibek
Armeno: Yes kez sirumem
Bengalese: Ami tomake bhalobashi
Bielorusso: Ya tabe kahayu
Brasiliano: amo você
Bulgaro : Obicham te
Cambogiano: Soro lahn nhee ah
Catalano: T’estimo
Cherokee: Tsi ge yu i
Cheyenne : Ne mohotatse
Chichewa: Ndimakukonda
Cinese cantonese: Ngo oiy ney a
Cinese Mandarino: Wo ai ni
Comanche: U kamakutu nu
Coreano:Nanun tangshinul sarang hamnida
Corso : Ti tengu cara
Creolo: Mi aime jou
Croato: Volim te
Ceco: Miluji te
Danese: Jeg Elsker Dig
Ebraico: ohevet Otach
Esperanto : Mi amas vin
Estone: Ma armastan sind
Etiope: Afgreki’
Faroese: Eg elski teg
Farsi: Doset daram
Filippino: Mahal kita
Finlandese: Mina rakastan sinua
Francese: Je t’aime
Gaelico: Ta gra agam ort
Georgiano: Mikvarhar
Greco: S’agapo
Gallese: ‘Rwy’n dy garu di
Giapponese: Aishiteru
Hawaiano: Aloha Au Ia`oe
Hindi: Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong: Kuv hlub koj
Hopi : Nu’ umi unangwa’ta
Islandese: Eg elska tig
Indonesiano: Saya cinta padamu
Inuit: Negligevapse
Inglese: I love you
Irlandese: Taim i’ ngra leat
Italiano: Ti amo
Latino: Te amo
Lettone: Es tevi miilu
Libanese: Bahibak
Lituano : Tave myliu
Lussemburghese : Ech hun dech gaer
Macedone :Te Sakam
Malese: Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Maltese: Inhobbok
Marocchino: Ana moajaba bik
Olandese: Ik hou van jou
Persiano: Doo-set daaram
Polacco: Kocham Ciebie
Portoghese: Eu te amo
Rumeno: Te iubesc
Russo: Ya tebya liubliu
Scozzese gaelico: Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbo: Volim te
Setswana: Ke a go rata
Sindhi :Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux: Techihhila
Slovacco: Lu`bim ta
Sloveno: Ljubim te
Spagnolo: Te quiero
Swahili: Ninapenda wewe
Svedese: Jag älskar dig
Svizzero-tedesco: Ich lieb Di
Suriname: Mi lobi joe
Taiwanese: Wa ga ei li
Tahitiano: Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil :Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Tedesco: Ich liebe dich
Tailandese :Phom rak khun
Tunisino :Ha eh bak
Turco: Seni Seviyorum
Ucraino: Ya tebe kahayu
Ungherese: Szeretlek
Urdu: mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamita: Anh ye^u em
Yiddish: Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba: Mo ni fe
Zazi :Ezhele hezdege
Zuni :Tom ho’ ichema
Insomma ti amo in tutte le lingue del mondo
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elskiee · 4 months
a prompt for my boys
i've been awake thinking abt this prompt for DAYS but bear with me:
( tw // abusive relationship )
alfie woke up at night from that fucking wailing. he needed to teach those goddamn kids a lesson sometimes. but oh-oh, it's not a kid. it's a malnourished, brutally-beaten, heavily-pregnant omega at his doorstep, whimpering as blood and water gushed out from between his legs. whose omega is this? but the scream was getting louder, so alfie had no choice but to take him inside. to his surprise, he was able to help him give birth to a healthy beautiful baby boy (chaotically, ofc). alfie didn't even know the omega's name yet, but his carnal instinct to protect these two boys activated instantly.
they talked in the morning. alfie learned that the omega, tommy, was kicked out of the house by his abusive sewer rat of a husband (and ofc he took a mental note to find the guy and kill him on the spot). alfie then offered to shelter tommy and charlie, the newborn, for three months. tommy gratefully accepted it, and they grew very close along the way. alfie could deny it as much as he wanted, but he definitely felt a pleasant spark whenever he looked into those oceanic, electric blue eyes. or when he caught a glimpse of tommy's extremely thick, butterfly lashes. or those lips. alfie felt sinful, but if this was what's gonna put him in hell, then he'd gratefully peel his clothes and bathe in the fire.
but first, drama; the local omega shelter found out that tommy was not alfie's mate nor his legally-acknowledged spouse. nor was charlie his biological child. so, the shelter decided that it's gonna be best for tommy and charlie to spend the night at their place. it hurt alfie to let them go. tommy was crying harder than charlie ever did when they picked him up, begging them to let him stay with alfie. alfie was the one who saved him, who cared for him. alfie brought him close, kissed his forehead and whispered, "It's going to be okay, Tommy. I'll come get you two. Just wait for me. I love you."
and when tommy's mouth met his own, soft and wet and oh-so-fucking-sweet, whispering, "I love you, Alfie. Come back. Come back to me," Alfie knew his whole life was going to be dedicated to bringing their family back together. whatever it takes.
[thanks @whentommymetalfie for absolutely igniting my long-ignored passion for omegaverse u're god-sent fr]
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rotterdamvanalles · 2 years
Rotterdam Van Alles Overzicht 495
Politie deelt in de Van der Takstraat briefjes uit aan automobilisten. 1956
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Jongens leggen bloemen bij het standbeeld van Piet Heyn in Delfshaven. 1956
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Nieuwe winkels aan het Zuidplein gereed. kapper John Postmus; Sporthuis Centrum; de Kern; Pedi Novum; Rinck brillen. 1956
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Optreden van Franse volksdans- en muziekgroep "Orfeo" op de Coolsingel. 1956
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Bloemenpraalwagen op de Coolsingel, gefotografeerd vanaf stadhuis richting Stadhuisplein. 1956
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Herdenking door de mariniers bij het monument voor Nederlandse militairen 'De Vallende Man' op begraafplaats Crooswijk. 1956
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De Maastorenflat, gezien vanaf de Scheepstimmermanslaan met rechts daarvan het oorlogsmonument voor de koopvaardij, 'De Boeg'. In de voorgrond het water van de Zalmhaven. 1957
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Het Centraal Station met daarachter het in aanbouw zijnde Stationspostkantoor. 1957
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Mannen op het dak van het bestelkantoor van Gebr. van Eijsden laten de reclamepop 'Kitje Kool' naar beneden zakken. 1957
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Winkelpaviljoen Elsky Herenmode op de Coolsingel. In de achtergrond het pand van De Bijenkorf aan de Schiedamse Vest. 1957
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kythwena · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magicians (TV), The Magicians - Lev Grossman Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Marina Andrieski/Eliot Waugh, Marina Andrieski & Eliot Waugh Characters: Marina Andrieski, Eliot Waugh, Pearl Sunderland, Henry Fogg Additional Tags: Shibari, Light Dom/sub, Non-Linear Narrative, Canon Compliant, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Waxing, Dress Up, Lingerie, Eliot Waugh in a Dress, Marina is a Badass, Eliot Waugh's Canonically Huge Dick, Grief/Mourning, everything that happened happened and more, Hurt/Comfort, Scars
Summary: It’s so ludicrous how they got where they are now. “Marina, why did you stay?” She looks up at him, her expression suddenly serious, “I can’t tell you.” She cups his face and whispers, “Because you know why, you know the answer.” Eliot nods, pressing his lips to her palm, “Yes, I do know.” Marina smiles and tangles her other hand in the locks at the back of his neck, “But you still need to believe it.”
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Just rambling, but "Show yourself" from Frozen 2 still gives me the chills and it could be so Loki, but you're not ready for this conversation.
Especially when the mother sings. Thank you.
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