themuseoftheviolets · 3 months
regulus & lily & emmeline & dorcas
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valoflunar · 1 month
explain your fav underrated marauders era character? and tag with #underratedmarauders :3
Emmeline Vance is my love she's not talked about much but she was badass enough to SURVIVE the first wizarding war. I hc her as a ravenclaw and vietnamese, she was either an academia aesthetic or preppy, no in between. SHE IS A LESBIAN QUEEN!! She was a year older than the marauders and valkyries and friends with benjy and amelia, she was in an unrequited love situation with amelia but she was too afraid to ruin the friendship but my favourite ship that has emmeline in it is probably either emmary or emlcas!!
She was AMBITIOUS and amazingly smart, she wanted to be a powerful leader and dumbledore was the greatest and most powerful leader in her eyes. She wanted to be someone great and more importantly, she never wanted to be forgotten and wanted to remembered for something, by joining the order and blindly following dumbledore she WOULD be remembered, by joining the order she would leave SOME kind of impact on the wizarding world.
anyway she's my favourite and i have a plethora of thoughts about her on a daily basis i love that girl sm
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siriusly-sapphic · 8 months
There would be SUCH angst potential for Dorcas/Emmeline followed by Emmeline/Mary which can end in similar tragedy and lowkey I wanna dive into that fr now
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pressedink · 8 months
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Prelude to Ecstasy | love craved, found, and lost, 1/12
1. an action or event serving as an introduction to something more important.
Similar: preliminary | overture | opening | preparation | introduction | start | beginning
1. an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement.
Similar: rapture | bliss | elation | euphoria | cloud nine | seventh heaven | rhapsodies
for this story, we will be using the second option –
2. an emotional or religious frenzy or trance-like state, originally one involving an experience of mystic self-transcendence.
angsty angst angst angst wrapped up in a lovely little package addressed to a church with a red-headed wife who smokes in the back garden and a priest whose round glasses help him see well-enough through the grates of the confessional.
multiple POVs, a set of interconnected love stories, based on every song in The Last Dinner Party's Prelude to Ecstasy album, a whole 11 chapters of smut or nearly-there-if-you-squint smut, mind the MCD.....
i'm excited to get angsty!!
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tyongie · 7 months
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TAEYONG Moon Tour @ MCountdown, 230229
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xtraordinarygrls · 4 months
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NINGNING Supernova Ending Fairy @ M Countdown, 240516
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aurore-mf · 4 months
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Bonjour à toustes !
Pour célébrer l'été qui arrive, je suis heureuse de vous présenter "Le Chat, le Renard et le Loup", un court-métrage de fin d'études tout récemment terminé ! Un long travail ponctué par la vie qui a pu voir le jour grâce aux nombreux encouragements d'ami.e.s, des proches et des rencontres. Je ne partage que le trailer pour le moment, mais si vous souhaitez le voir en entier, n'hésitez pas à me mp ! :)
Hello !
To celebrate the coming summer, I'm pleased to present “Le Chat, le Renard et le Loup” (The Cat, the Fox and the Wolf), a recently-completed graduation short film! It's a long project, punctuated by life, which came to life thanks to a lot of encouragement from friends, family and encounters.
I'm only sharing the trailer for now, but if you'd like to see it in full, don't hesitate to mp me! :)
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morsmortish · 2 months
hi beth 🔥 you mentioned dorcas and emma yesterday... i NEED to know more. the wlw world is still a unknown subject for me, so drop some lesbians 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
hello irene my love!!!! i love love love dorcas and emma individually, and i have SUCH a vision for them together. to me, they’re those two best friends who are almost toxicly dependent. they’re in the same year, same slytherin dorm, and quite a bit older than barty and reg and even maybe the marauders. to me, they are THE homoerotic wlw friendship for the ages.
i have said it before, but i see them having a rlly intense friendship. it’s also not super healthy- they’re both extremely competitive and equally proud and stubborn, and so there’s many instances of forced fake smiles, high levels of passive aggression, and even that over-the-top sickly sweetness. both of them find it hard to form many other connections, and so they find themselves both trapped in this extremely toxic friendship where they’re turning every single thing into a silent competition: emma is cruelly condescending when she is chosen as quidditch captain over dorcas; whilst dorcas not-so-subtly rubs it in when she gets more OWLs; they both simper at each other and shoot barbed but veiled insults every minute of every day. and yet, they also care more about the other than anything else. emma would kill anyone for slagging off dorcas, and dorcas would kill HERSELF before letting anyone try to get between them. they’re simultaneously each other’s worst enemy and each other’s best friend.
everyone else is a bit scared of them, and they really truly have no one else: this is both by choice and by everyone else being extremely intimidated by them. plus, their ‘friendship’ has always been laced with something else, something more, and in the absence of external company, it ramps up in intensity until they are making out to relieve the tensions between them. or they are competing for the best potions grade, with the winner getting a very specific ‘reward’. or they are finding ways to let out all the pent-up frustration they bear towards each other. they would never ever go as far as to describe themselves as dating, or in any sort of romantic relationship, and yet they have never quite been ‘just friends’. the ultimate situationship.
they’re like two ends of a tug-of-war rope, their ‘friendship’ frozen in the middle. dorcas is hot-headed and angry, whilst emma is calculated and coldly cruel. fire and ice. they’re both outcasts from pureblood society: dorcas as a muggle-born, and emma as a part of a disgraced lineage. they’re both poc women trying to stay afloat in the1970s. they also both always want to be the best at everything. they’re both ambitious and proud and selfish. in a way, they balance each other out, but also bring out the worst in each other. yet they both find solace in being able to be this ‘worst version’ of themselves- the pretence of fake smiles and forced kindness holds no value, and they both know the truth behind it all. it’s not the same as pretending to be a good person, as they are both entirely aware that neither of them are. they are just as bad for each other as they are good. they give each other the freedom to be terrible, and in a twisted way make each other better.
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bununuu · 1 year
over me team's reaction to winning, i'm still here.
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dirkvl · 3 months
New Book Review: Jiannan Song & Zikang Song discuss "Multimodality and Social Interaction in Online and OfflineShopping" edited by Gitte Rasmussen & Theo van Leeuwen https://doi.org/10.1002/symb.716 #sssi #sociology #emca #markets #shopping @WileySociology
We have just published Jiannan Song & Zikang Song’s review of “Multimodality and Social Interaction in Online and OfflineShopping” edited by Gitte Rasmussen & Theo van Leeuwen. Members of SSSI can access the article HERE and by clicking the image below. To join SSSI and subscribe to Symbolic Interaction from $35 (£30) please click HERE.
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themuseoftheviolets · 5 months
monday tuesday snippet
tysm for the tag @godsofwoes <3
Emmeline Vance was twenty one years old when she felt a splitting inside of herself; an awkward feeling as something detached itself from her body and crawled right out of her mouth.
For a long moment she simply stood, frozen in place as she watched the shadow she had just coughed up. It was as tall as she was, but lanky where she was muscled and awkward where she was graceful.
It looked something like a ghost, but it was far too solid for that. At last Emmeline had lifted up her arm, only half expecting the creature to mirror her movement, and had jumped back when it did.
It did not say anything, but it did wave it's hand around, as if to say hello.
Rain poured outside of her window, but the flat was deadly silent, the only sound being Emmeline's own heavy breathing as she stared the creature down.
Her first thought had been to call for Dorcas, but Dorcas wasn't home — she had chosen Marlene's bed tonight, a fact that had Emmeline drinking the last of their alcohol stash at 8 pm on a tuesday, cursing Marlene's existence and her own pathetic willingness to stay and wait up for Dorcas’ return.
She knew that she would sleep alone that night, in a cold bed that was meant to fit two. It was her own fault, anyway. What right did she have to complain? To hate Marlene for simply being there, for having been chosen instead?
None, of course. Emmeline knew that, and yet she hated Marlene anyway. Hated her for her pretty face and snarky comments, for slender fingers around a cigarette and for having stolen Dorcas right from underneath Emmeline's fingers. Hated her for always getting what Emmeline couldn't.
Dorcas was more of a ghost around their flat than a roommate these days, and Emmeline had taken to mourning her. She wore only black, and stared at a photo of Dorcas that sat like a memorial in their mantle until her neck hurt and her eyes ached.
People did not think it strange that she acted like a widow when she wasn't one; in fact, they hardly noticed. Not when there was a funeral every week, and everyone was mourning someone. Emmeline herself had lost count of all the friends and acquaintances she had buried since the war started.
These days, to mourn was to live. A practice as mundane as eating or making one's bed in the morning.
np tags: @quillkiller @sugarsnappeases @star4daisy @lilysrosier @itsjaywalkers
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rainydayequation · 9 days
i think my issue with a lot of mind control erotica these days is that authors keep pulling their punches. there's an aspect of absoluteness in older EMCA stories that are utterly absolute in the control they present, and that feels more drowned out by works which seek to be kinder
the ubiquity of HDG certainly doesn't help, since that's a setting which, as a rule, is required to pull its punches
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that1nkyone · 2 years
2 and 5 for the best little flying saucer robots ever
Ah! ;_;
Anon, they're only Mere Sparks!
What is their grooming routine?
M1-A and C0-D3 both like their ships being clean - especially their helmets. If there's too much dust and dirt there, they can't see well. I think C0-D3 is a little more particular. Every few days, they'll gently wash their plating and helmet with EMCA All Purpose Clean Spray and gently rub a nice rag all over them, before rinsing and drying. They'll then touch up any decals that might have gotten damaged.
M1-A prefers to be blasted with a garden hose.
(Any more through cleaning probably happens monthly - and they'd like to float in a bubble bath for that.)
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?
If I remember correctly, for M1-A it was probably in the game 'A Good Night's Quest.' It was more an empathetic cry, seeing Tally tell C0-D3 off for running away in the middle of the night and trying to handle a dangerous situation on their own.
They were scared for C0-D3, but Tally's reaction simultaneously made them tear up, and also helped formulate their thoughts.
For C0-D3, it was straight after the events of 'Hark! A Spark!' After a while of trying to forget about their old home and The Great Machine, C0-D3 gets a rude awakening from the Witch reporter Echo, who's found evidence that other UFOs like them are being spotted in Einquell.
They're faced with the fact that the Great Machine's presence can't be shaken, and they have a big cry in private once they're escorted safely back to Wudlig's Lab by Echo.
(Characters mentioned played by @mocksalad and @artist-of-obsessions)
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xtraordinarygrls · 1 year
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tsunflowers · 2 years
cant believe ace got DMCA'd
no it was neon! and instead of dmca it was emca (evil mom copyright attack)
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bununuu · 1 year
currently in mourning, i hate everything
i had such (at this point i know, unrealistic) hopes for all of supercharger team, but ESPECIALLY haruto so it physically pains me that he didn't make it. i don't even know what to say tbh. he's one of the reasons i started watching the show, and one of the first episodes i watched live was him making it during the first elimination (literally tuned in right as he was bawling lol). i just hope he finds success because he is such a gem. ugh.
loosing all of supercharger is devastating tbh. i like pretty much all the trainees left but can think of a few i'd have swapped out to save someone from supercharger team.
also kuanjui makes me so upset. with his mood at emca and the fanmeeting, i kind of knew but it still hurts. he deserves the world, and i can't imagine how hard it was going through the process as a global AND independent trainee. it seems like he at least had the yuehuas and hao espeically as support, but i can only imagine how hard it was to be the only one in over me who didn't make it... i hate this SO MUCH
so so so happy hao stayed p02 but i am seriously concerned for the final. i don't really like fully getting into conspiracy but the way there's been multiple instances of the norms being changed in a way that disadvantages him is worrying (p02/p03 chairs being in the back instead of up front this elim, him having the killing part in over me but not being center in the thumbnails/graphics like the others with kp, not showing him choosing his part for the final song) plus him and ricky are the only chinese trainees left... anyway he is my one pick and i won't be wavering from that.
also so so happy seungeon and ricky rose in rank too... i truly love all the yuehuas and am super curious as to how many will be in the final group... they're all great and although nothings locked i think yujin, hao, gyuvin and ricky all have a shot.
hao basically forcing mnet to show the dance break choreo with hanbin, we love a smart king... (((still nothing of the hao and kuanjui choreo making tho >:( what were they talking about on the bed)))
i had a meeting so i missed pretty much all of the last section plus p05-p01 and the 18th spot, so i'll watch that on friday. i hope hao gets the killing part tho, at this point it's just between him and matthew....
also my work schedule worked out that i'll be able to watch the finale live, thank GOD. i'm excited but also terrified lol
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