#emily prentiss fic on ao3
starkillerbass · 5 months
Finally the updated version of all my fics
All fics can be found under my user on ao3:
Criminal Minds fics:
Elle Greenaway/OFC
Emily Prentiss/OFC
Rizzoli and Isles fics:
Always Rizzles
One shots:
Multiple chapters:
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cargopantsprentiss · 4 months
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More stuff from my AU where Emily is an unsub obsessed with JJ. Hoping to get more of that idea written soon ❤️
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neilgayman69 · 6 months
That moment when you're looking for a specific type of fic and realize it's one of those times you gotta write it yourself.
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heartofmortis · 2 months
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. *. ⋆ hope ! 🪐 she/her. 19. english. bi ace.
fandoms i write for: star wars, asoiaf, criminal minds, 9-1-1. some of my fics contain mature content and are 16+, some fics will contain more explicit content and will be marked as 18+. send me an ask or rq & i'll try my best!
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━━ star wars
EVENSTAR (anakin skywalker x oc), 14 chapters posted. on AO3 & WP.
WONDERLAND (ahsoka tano x oc), 12 chapters posted. on AO3 & WP.
MIRRORBRIGHT (captain rex x oc), no chapters yet. on WP.
EXILE (darth vader x reader), part 1 of 4 posted.
THE NIGHT WE MET (anakin skywalker x reader), one shot
━━ criminal minds
WAITING ROOM (emily prentiss x oc), draft
KITCHEN LIGHT (emily prentiss x reader), draft
THE ARCHER (spencer reid x male oc), draft
━━ game of thrones
LIONHEART (robb stark x oc), no chapters yet. on WP.
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missmitchieg · 1 month
It's kind of wild seeing the abundance of Emily love on @storiesofsvu's polls and then I go on ao3 and see this
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like hello?
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sergiosmommy · 5 months
Compounding Arousal
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Compounding Arousal - Chapter 1 - sergiosmommy - Criminal Minds (US TV) [Archive of Our Own]
“We don’t know what could happen if we don’t get this out of your system. It’s completely untested.” JJ sat on the bed next to her and ran a hand up her thigh. Every inch of Emily’s body was screaming and she shook with anticipation.
A wave of murders hits the tiny town of St Mary and the team are called in. Men are turning up dead with raging erections, pumped full of a mysterious compound. While investigating, Emily finds herself under the influence of the arousal inducing chemical. Can she make it through the case without her co-workers finding out?
my first multi-chapter fic!
it's a WIP but it's like 95% done and I'll be posting once a week :)))
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bring-back-hotch · 8 months
Don't you just love it when authors have mental breakdowns in the tags
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I Do, Do You?
A Criminal Minds/ Married At First Sight AU Strangers, Penelope Garcia and Luke Alvez are matched on the arranged marriage reality show, Married At First Sight. ~3,500 words, on AO3 Chapter 1 The Interview
“So, Mr. Alvez. Luke,” the production assistant interviewing him says with a little too much familiarity for his liking, “tell us; why have you signed up for this? I mean, surely a good looking, healthy, man like yourself doesn’t have a problem meeting women.”
She leans in placing her hand just above his knee. Luke isn’t sure if this is some kind of test for the last part of the selection process or if she’s actually hitting on him while interviewing him in the final stages where he’ll be matched with the (hopefully) love of his life. Either way he finds it crass and uncomfortable, he’s here for a reason and he’s given zero indication he’d welcome such a touch. He’s also nervous. Nervous because he knows how this looks, how it will look. A guy like himself single and hitting his mid 40s? He wasn’t old, but he was getting there. When people his age are single there’s a reason, and usually it’s not a good one. His wasn’t terribly great either, but it wasn’t the worst.
He responds, painting on one of his bright, winning smiles as he removes her hand, and sits up straighter, lacing his fingers in his lap. A sound comes out that’s like a laugh dying in his throat, then he answers, “Thank you, but, I do. Ah. People have a way of romanticizing things that are often hard on a person…maybe to distract themselves from the reality of it. The life of a soldier, office workers working overtime everyday, long-haul trucking - solitary lifestyles… My jobs have been very time consuming and isolating, and for a long time I romanticized that life. I let them take the place of real connection in most instances, when people didn’t fit in those areas, I let them go…I didn’t try to find a balance. But I’m trying to get better at it. For the last three years I’ve been able to call a place home, it’s the longest stretch of time I’ve been in one city. For most of my adult life I’ve devoted myself to causes I felt were important, but in doing that I sacrificed really fully being in a loving, committed relationship. That is definitely an area I could improve in.” Unbothered by the rejection, she goes on, “You mentioned that your job has been a factor in finding love. Is that still a concern, or do you feel you can dedicate the time needed to form a deep relationship in our eight-week time-frame?”
Luke takes a minute, his eyes close, the tip of his tongue swiping at the seam of his lips, taking to heart the question, considering it. “I won’t lie, it could still be an issue. My job doesn’t have set hours or weekends off, I can be gone for undetermined lengths- but I’m willing to devote time to work-arounds, I’m willing to make things work for the right person.”
“And do you think that’s a fair thing to ask of a stranger?”
“Honestly? No. But I think the right person would understand, and in time, can help me learn to strike that balance.” He’s sure they’ll drop him now.
“Ms. Garcia, tell us why you signed up for Married at First Sight.”
“Don’t let this exterior fool you- I date. A lot. Love to go out; drinks, karaoke, the whole nine- zero problems finding some Mr. Mr. to join me out on the town. The problem is,” her face scrunches, “and this is gonna sound like, well duh, that’s everyone’s problem, but I’m kind of crap at picking guys. I had a lot of toxic relationships early on after my parents died, control freaks, stalkers, clingers… this one guy I went out with even tried to kill me…shot me after saying goodnight…”
Penelope quiets, frowning before sniffing and looking back up blinking rapidly, cheering. “But he was something else entirely. Now Sam, Sam was good. Sam was sweet. We just don’t work on that level, you know? It was good and all, but there wasn’t that…spark. It wasn’t romantic love if we were really looking at it and… I want romantic love. I can’t trust myself to pick it, so I’m hoping this matching process can. Well, that, and my best friend Derek got married to this gorgeous doctor and I can’t have him trying to set me up on pity dates when we go out to dinner any more. -Oh! But don’t tell Derek I said that! He won’t see this, right? You don’t show these parts?”
The assistant ignores the question and moves on, “We heard you’ve been proposed to before, but turned him down. Mind telling us what happened there?”
She’d been concerned about being upfront with that detail of her past when filling out the form. She went back and forth clicking ‘yes’ and ‘no’ alternately until eventually deciding on just being truthful. They wouldn’t have included it as an option if they were automatically going to exclude her because she’d turned down the proposal, right? If she lied and then someone mentioned it while she was being filmed, production would have a field day. No, it was better to be honest about it.
Except now here they were asking about it.
Dang it.
“I wasn’t at the right place and he wasn’t the right person.” She says it simply, with so much nonchalance even she feels it’s entirely true.
The interviewer, apparently, however, has met this casual indifference before. They look up at her from over their glasses, “But you’re in the right place now?” they ask with some skepticism. Penelope grins wide, Tulip-pink lips stretching “I know I am. The only question is if you can find me the person worth marrying.”
—-Telling Family and Friends—-
~For traditional couples, informing friends and family of upcoming nuptials is a time of celebration, happiness, excitement, and shared joy. For our couples, however, this can be stressful. Situations may need to be handled with care, families aren’t expecting this major life change for their loved one. Brides and grooms can be met with hostility, suspicion, bargaining, hurt feelings, and dismissiveness at choosing an unconventional path to finding love.~
As her family lives out of town, Ms. Garcia has chosen to inform them of the big news over Zoom.
“Carlos! Gideon!” Penelope greets excitedly over her computer as their images bob and freeze.
“We’re here, Penelope, is everything ok?” an older man with thinning, dark hair asks in mild concern, “The only time you set these things up is on holidays and it isn’t a holiday that I’m aware of.”
“Everything’s fine. Great in fact…Actually…” she grins at their images on her screen. Gideon and Carlos will support her, she knows. They may not understand it at first, Carlos has strong convictions, but Gideon always tries to see where each of them is coming from and help the other understand. He’d come around. “I kind of have some big news…" she continues, figuring she should just rip off the bandaid, "I’m getting married!”
The faces peering back at her are understandably confused. After a moment of silence, each working things out on their own, Carlos is the first to respond, “...Morgan’s leaving his wife?”
It was a jumble of words then as all three talked over the other, “What?! No! It’s not Derek,-” Gideon frowning and shaking his head chuckling, “And ditch that doctor? Not a chance. Penelope, what do you mean? You’re not-”  “it’s…well even I don’t know who it is yet! I was kind of selected through this matching thing and they have these experts and well, it’s-”
Excited dawning sparks on her brother’s face as he shouts over both of them, “IT’S THAT SHOW!”
“Wha- Yeah. It is. I’m going to be on ‘Married at First Sight’...So are you guys…are you upset?” Neither sounded mad, they didn’t look mad, but who knew? Give either time to think and it’s possible they ended up that way, frustrated at her impulsiveness, what they saw as reckless behavior.
Gideon took the lead, Carlos feeling thrown off, but excited, hesitantly happy for his sister. “Peanut, you’re old enough to make your own decisions. Hell, you’ve been doing it since before you were old enough…Though I don’t know that I agree with your choice to have your private life splashed all over every tv and computer around the world with as deep and quick as things spread, I trust you know what you’re doing. If you think this is the best way for you to find happiness, that’s all your mom and dad ever wanted. It’s all we want for you, too. And, it’s not Kevin.”
“I’m just surprised at your restraint,” Carlos jumped in teasing, “you’re tellin’ us you haven’t hacked their systems, found who they matched you with, and searched him down to the very first time he even touched a computer?”
“I would never!”
“Ahh, someone recognized you.”
“They did not!-”
“Who was it, huh? Some tech nerd for sure. Hey! If things don't work out with whoever they set you up with maybe go for him, yeah?”
“Shut up! Fine.” She huffed, “It was a mic guy. He told production and they put it in my contract that if they found out I did that, they’d replace me. And I reeally wanna do this! I guess it’s kind of fun not knowing…you know, if the anxiety of it doesn’t kill me before the wedding day.”
She hadn’t gotten anxious when telling Carlos and Gideon, JJ and Derek on the other hand were a different story. JJ wouldn’t say much, she didn’t often judge, but Derek, Derek was fiercely protective and very vocal when he felt she was making a mistake.
She didn’t think it was a mistake, but she could already feel those brooding eyebrows’ and careless tongue’s lashing sting, building up the wall of resistance to let her news be known.
Looking at her friend’s curious faces on the other side of the coffee table, she wished she could dive into the crashing waves of the magazine  cover between them Mary Poppins style.
She’d invited them over for brunch, just the three of them, meaning to casually drop the news while whipping up Belgian waffle batter. But fruit had been sliced, waffles cooked, doused, and consumed, and glasses drained of mimosa nectar all while tension built and she danced around the big reveal.
JJ and Derek speculated while Penelope busily cleared plates and cleaned up, insisting she didn’t need the help. Was she moving? Was she in trouble? Had she happened upon some government documents again while messing around online and bored? Did she adopt them each a pack of dogs?
Finally, with nothing left to distract her or use as an excuse, she was sitting pinned to the cushion in front of them.
“So…?” JJ prompted.They both were leaning forward, elbows on knees. Penelope dropped her eyes to the rug, playing with the hem of her skirt. If she didn’t have to look them in the eye it wouldn’t be so bad.
Derek sat back, exasperated. “Baby girl, we know something’s up, just tell us! If you need it, we can help-”
Her eyes shot to his across from her, “It’s not like that, I want to, really, I do! But, I’m worried…I’m worried you’ll be mad. You have to promise you won’t get mad- it’s nothing bad, I swear!” Her eyes bounced from Derek to JJ and back again. “It’s just, you might think I haven’t thought things through, or I'm being impulsive, or maybe I'm doing it as a reaction to what happened before, but I’m not and I have and I really believe it could be a good thing.”
Telling friends shouldn’t be more stressful than telling family, telling either exciting news shouldn’t be stressful at all. She thought about her mystery husband (as she’d taken up privately calling him) then; was he having as much trouble telling his family? Were they accepting? Were they close? Did he have a good relationship with them? Did he even have family? Siblings, parents, cousins, grandparents… Did he have lots of shallow friendships or few but deep ones? Would his friends go to the ends of the earth to protect him…like hers had?
“Ok, now you really have me lost…Pen, what is it?”
Penelope looked up, as ready as she’d ever be, “Jayge, you have Will and that’s awesome! And Derek, you have Savannah, and- and that’s wonderful and you’re both so happy and your little families are so cute and I’m so not wanting kids- but I do want that happiness, and it’s hard sometimes being around you both when I don’t have someone. And we know how well my gut’s been at choosing-“
“Hey-” Derek started, “You can’t blame yourself for that, there’s no way you could predict some piece of shit  would shoot you.”
“No, but you were right…Some random guy at a- never mind. That’s not my announcement. Anyway.” Her busy hands swept the veering track away, dropped to her lap, then flew into the air as a massive smile spread across her face, “I’m getting married!”
Derek’s face contorted grossly, “Don’t tell me you went back to Kevin-”
JJ’s grew incredulous and disgusted, “Oh my god, Penelope, no! He wants you to live on a farm!”
Ah, yes, this. This is the judgment and presumption, this was the reason she had been so apprehensive about telling them, well that and her impulsiveness. No matter, it wasn’t what they thought and that would definitely be worse than what it is…
“It’s not Kevin. Well. Actually, I guess it could be, but the odds are incredibly low that it would be? The truth is I don’t know who the groom is because well, I signed up for a show, and I was selected, so some professionals have chosen a husband for me, it’s all very scientific- and we get to meet him together on the day of my wedding” she paused in her nerves, trying to read the emotions of her closest friends from their body language.
“…That is, if you’ll both agree to be there with me? Please. I need you there. I’m already getting nervous. My feet are itching and my palms are sweating just telling the two of you about it.”
JJ was stunned, Derek, predictively, looked less than thrilled. His arms crossed tight against his chest and a jet eyebrow arched sky high. “You tell Gideon and Carlos yet?”
“Not that it has anything to do with me telling the two of you, but yes Mr. Nosy, I told my family.”
“And what?! They’re happy for me, Derek! Carlos is flying out here from California and Gideon is driving down from his cabin in a few days so we can have dinner as a family before the ceremony...”
JJ leaned forward, hand grasping Penelope’s, smiling, “That sounds great, Pen,” then looking pointedly at Derek, “of course we’ll be there, we wouldn’t miss it for the world. You, me, and Savannah can go suit shopping for the boys.”
Derek rolled his eyes but relaxed into the chair, “Yeah mama, of course we’ll be there, just name the date, since you can’t name the groom.”
-For security reasons film crew were not permitted onto the office grounds of Participant Luke Alvez.-
He’s shocked he was selected, he figured with his history of emotional and physical unavailability along with the restrictions around filming him, they simply would have gone with an easier candidate, but he’s hopeful and excited nonetheless. With background checks and interviews behind him, all that was left was checking in with work and telling his mom and Isabella.
“Hey, ah. Emily, can we talk in your office? I have something to run by you…” Luke asks as he catches her walking into the bullpen.He’s approaching with coffee, she can’t help but notice he seems off, almost on edge. “Of course, everything alright?” she asks as they make their way up the stairs and across the catwalk.
Entering her office, she perches on the edge of her desk and gestures to the open door, “Should we…?” If he was disguising his emotions this poorly, asking to talk in private, and attempting to soften her with caffeine it must be pretty important, and Luke tended to be private regardless.He was half way to sitting, but stood up wiping a hand on his jeans, “Uh, yeah. Yeah, maybe.” he said, reaching over to close it, feeling the latch catch before letting go.
“Look, before I say anything, what I’m asking, I’m asking Unit Chief Prentiss, not Friend Emily. I know you’re going to want to mock this, but please before you do that, try to address it from the perspective of the Bureau first, then you can say whatever you want.”
Putting on her best Ambassador voice and face, she responds haughtily, “I resent that you feel I would be anything other than strictly professional in this building…” her lips twist into a smile, “but knowing you think I’ll think it’s stupid makes me feel better.”
Luke shakes his head as if to say “You couldn’t wait” but goes on. “A few months ago, as you know, I took some time off to visit family. Being around my mother and my sister, talking about Papi and my abuelo, hanging out with my nephews, they got to talking about me and naturally there was the whole ‘why aren’t you married, you’re breaking my heart, your father would be crushed the family name is dying, yadda yadda.” He looks up at Emily, poorly disguising her knowing smile with the rim of her cup.
“I didn’t know we shared a mother.”
Luke laughs, rolling his eyes, “Ok, well. I didn’t think it bothered me, but I guess it did, because I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Not from a guilt perspective, but I just started thinking they were right. Not about the family name, but what am I doing? Am I going to wake up 10, 20 years from now in some motel the bureau’s put me up in and realize that’s all my life has been? That all my life’s amounted to is having put a few dozen murderers behind bars?”
“Hey, that’s no small feat-”
“Yeah, but you of all people know how isolating this job can be, how lonely, how hard it is to find someone willing to stick it out with our schedule… and how easy it is to let it eclipse everything. So when my sister called a few weeks later talking about this show, saying applications were open, making jokes about how it would be the only way I’d ever ‘lock down a wife’ I told her go for it, sign me up. And after assuring her I was serious, she did. I guess they liked what she wrote because they picked me, and matched me with someone...”
Luke took a deep breath, “So, my question is…am I allowed to do this? Not, can I take time off again, but logistically as a Federal Agent, will I be fired if I go through with this? Would I need to use a fake name or take a leave of absence?”
“Oooh,” she sucked her teeth, “Yeah. That might be a little more complicated. I know we make appearances on tv from time to time on certain cases; informing the public, addressing unsubs, but the Bureau is not going to like this. A reality show? Luke, the optics if it goes poorly... Look, I’m not telling you you can’t do it. If you think it’s worth it, I can check, but I’m confident there isn’t a rule against it. Maybe just don’t say on camera what you do for work. We don’t need any of that kind of blowback, especially in this political climate.”
Luke sat back, shoulders hiking down, relief taking over as worry left his body. He didn’t realize just how stressed he’d been over the whole situation. “Thanks, Emily.”
She beamed an evil, toothy grin back, “Don’t thank me yet, you still have to tell the team, and lucky you, I was just about to gather everyone…”
Breaking the news to his mother had gone about as well as he’d thought. She was overjoyed he was finally getting married, settling down, and starting a family (or so she imagined), but appalled and borderline scandalized at the spectacle a reality show would be and the fact that no one knew the girl or her family.
“If you insist on going through with this can’t you persuade one of your computer friends at work to check up on her, mijo?” had been bargained down from “I don’t understand why you refuse to meet up with any of the nice girls I know from the neighborhood and church. I can find you a good girl with good family at the church. Doloris’s daughter-”
“No mother, that would be a violation, not to mention a misuse of government resources and personnel…and,” he shrugged though he was on the phone alone in his apartment, “I kind of like not knowing…the anticipation. It’s exciting.”
“You’re an idiot” were her last words on the matter, everything else after had been communicated through his sister. But she was coming, and it wasn’t to hold a protest.
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50044w44s · 7 months
Spencer: so, everyone, this is Bella...
Emily: you're hot.
Emily: sorry, I didn't mean to say it out loud.
[she fully intended to say it out loud]
fic: Underground Affluence on ao3
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please feel free to push a button even if you have no clue who i am or what im talking about 😂
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starkillerbass · 6 months
First Emily Prentiss fic I ever wrote. So scary to write something you read so much of and feel like there is a specific style of writing needed that isn’t your style of writing.
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moonflowerxox · 5 months
Orange Grove
BAUbxbe on ao3
your 3 years at the BAU have been a roller coaster of emotions- some good, some bad. after the tragic death of your sister, Jordan, you find yourself slowly beginning to unravel. can you save yourself, despite not being able to save her? or will the grief tear you apart until there's nothing left?
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it had been almost a year since the death of your sister, the tragic incidents of that day playing in your mind like clockwork each night since. next week, on the 5th, would be the official anniversary. you laid back in bed, flat on your back, eyes locked on the dark ceiling above you. the only sound that could be heard other than your breathing was the gentle chirp of crickets pouring in from your cracked window. you checked the clock.
3am. sigh. there was no way you were getting to sleep any time soon. 
you clenched your jaw, a slight ache filling your chest as the memories flash through your mind. not only did your sister die, you were the one that killed her. it wasn't what you had wanted from the situation.
none of it was...
chapter one - grounded
[12 months earlier]
   the case the team had received that day just so happened to be in your home town of Belle, West Virginia. you felt a twinge of anxiety in your stomach, you hadn't been back there since you left to train at the academy when you were 22. you'd packed up and left the soonest chance you were given, and you hadn't looked back since. you'd barely even given the place a thought. a feeling of guilt washed over you. you brushed it away, focusing on the team. 
   there appeared to be a string of 5 murders happening across the town, all with a similar m.o: a mother and a father found dead in their homes. each mother appeared to be beaten and strangled to death. the fathers were also found beaten, as well as being brutally sodomized with whatever was around and available to the unsub in the homes. except, instead of the fathers being strangled- they had been shot to death. a singular gunshot wound to the temple. 
   you winced at the images. the only positive that seemed to come out of the situation is that none of the children were harmed, nor home during the brutal attacks. in fact- each time, the unsub had made it a point to contact the children's schools, warning the teachers not to send the children home. it was almost thoughtful, in a way- sparing the children the gruesome sight of seeing their parents mutilated corpses within their homes. 
   Emily spoke up, "sodomization is an extremely violent and close up crime, not to mention the amount of physical force and authority it would take to overpower both of the parents at the same time."
she pressed a finger to her bottom lip, examining the file in front of her as she furrowed her brow. she waved her hand, palm facing upwards as she continued. "I mean, there aren't any sign of ligature markings on either parent. are we sure we're looking at just one unsub?"
"and what about the children?" Rossi added, "why even bother calling the schools?" he looked around at the other team members.
"its possible that the unsub may have experienced issues with their own parents as a child, maybe even witnessed their death. it seems like they see the victims as some type of surrogate, maybe they view calling the schools as a twisted attempt at saving the children from the experience" you theorized.
"yeah, well, killing both of their parents definitely isn't going to save them from anything" JJ spoke, "these children's entire worlds have been turned upside down." she ran a finger across one of the photos- a young boy, who looked to be around 8 years old. he reminded her of Henry, sadness filling her chest. she felt for these children, saddened by the thought of everything they know being ripped from them in the blink of an eye. they didn't deserve this. no child does. 
Hotch, chiming in, "there also doesn't appear to be any physical preferences or similarities between these families. black, white, blond, brunette. these families even all come from different financial backgrounds. Missy Roberts family lived in a low income apartment, while Laine and Ed Brown lived in an upper middle class suburb." "so, then what ties them all together?" asked Emily. Hotch responding, "that's what we're going to find out. wheels up in 30."
   everyone stood up from their chairs, leaving the room one by one so that they could gather their go-bags. JJ stopped you in the hallway, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. 
"hey, isn't Belle where you're from?" she asked, curiously. 
you answered, not so enthusiastically "yeah, it is." you looked down at the ground, a small hint of sadness glossing across your face. you avoided eye contact as JJ looked at you tenderly.
"that bad, huh?"
"you could say that."
you shut the conversation down, not wanting to dig up old wounds. "I'll see you on the jet, JJ." you flashed her a smile before walking off, your heels tapping on the floor as you made your way through the bullpen and towards the elevators. you were not looking forward to this in the slightest. you took a breath, gathering your composure. there was work to be done, innocent families who's lives had been torn apart, and your team was going to get to the bottom of it. 
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beware-of-you-98 · 5 months
You know those moments in some jemily fics where they say the most simple things and yet it PUNCHES you in the gut and you cannot stop thinking about those moments EVER
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jareaulover · 1 year
Okay Okay Okay
I haven't done any Hotchniss stuff (I might add it to my list of things I'm willing to write, but I'm not sure yet) but here's this
In the first episode, Aaron and Haley are discussing baby names, right? One of the names Aaron suggests is "Sergio," which it was a joke but but but what if Aaron actually really liked that name.
Aaron and Emily were on the phone a few days after Emily gets her new kitty.
She's probably sitting on her bed, petting the small kitten, who's definitely asleep in her lap. She's talking in a hushed tone to her (probably secret) boyfriend saying things like "I just don't know what to name him," and maybe she mentions some names that the others suggested.
Aaron smiles as he listens to her list off the names that the others had suggested. And he listens to her say that none of the names really seemed to fit. Aaron looks over to see his little boy asleep on the couch, where he'd been watching a movie.
He thinks back to that night with his late wife, the night they were discussing baby names and he thought of his little, laughed off suggestion of "Sergio" and, yeah, maybe it wouldn't have been the best name for their son... but
"What about Sergio?" He suggests when Emily finishes talking. She's silent for a few seconds, and he thinks she's going to laugh it off but...
"Sergio... I love that. It really fits him." Emily says, and Aaron can hear the smile in her voice.
"I've always kinda liked that name, honestly." Aaron said with a small chuckle, "And it just seemed like a good name for him"
"It really is" Emily says.
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
CM Femslash Fic Recs: JJ/Emily
Master List of Jemily Fanfic Recs :
My faves + fics submitted by my follower As always, please check tags on each fic before reading. Don't forget to show your love in the comments section. Let's celebrate the femslash authors in our fandom!
Short-Form (Under 1000 Word Count):
[Ride] by w00t4ewan Rated: E || WC: 821
[Mother's Day] by w00t4ewan Rated: G || WC: 715
[Scratches] by phoenix_falls Rated: T || WC: 701
[A Private Meeting] by aryas_zehral Rated: M || WC: 644
[Darwin] by phoenix_falls Rated: G || WC: 831
[Let Me Down Slowly] by w00t4ewan Rated: G || WC: 1059
One Shots/ Shorter Multi-Chap:
[A Call in the Dark] by phoenixprentiss Rated: T || WC: 1034
[turn the world to gold] by sunshineandguns Rated: E || WC: (WIP)
[If You Need Me] by w00t4ewan Rated: M || WC: 3958
[Gravity] by w00t4ewan Rated: E || WC: 4846
[Ashes and Wine] by Phoenix_Falls, w00t4ewan Rated: T || WC: 8367
[Anytime, Anywhere] by MJDuncan Rated: E || WC: 2227
[Lover Undercover] by MJDuncan Rated: E || WC: 8792
[Steps] by Phoenix_Falls Rated: G || WC: 4670
[A Little Fantasy] by trancer Rated: M || WC: 3921
[Unrequited] by happyjemilyinparis Rated: (Unrated) || WC: 5610
[This is Me Trying] by happyjemilyinparis Rated: T || WC: 5294
[EXILE] by happyjemilyinparis Rated: (unrated) || WC: 3582
[As It Seems] by w00t4ewan Rated: G || WC: 6200
[Rainbow Connection] by phoenix_falls Soulmate AU || Rated: G || WC: 4068
[True Colour] by phoenix_falls Soulmate AU || Rated: G || WC: 3698
[Lost Girl] by pandorabox82 Rated: T || WC: 3198
[What Matters] by soul_wanderer Rated: M || WC: 1179
[Morning Cartoons and Middle Names] by vhsrights Rated: G || WC: 2635
[again tomorrow (a penelopiad)] by ninthwave Rated: M || WC: 5720
[My Whole Life Long] by phoenix_falls Rated: G || WC: 3973
[What We Need] by velutluna_ithil Rated: M || WC: 9000
[The Disposition of Emily Prentiss] by w00t4ewan Rated: G || WC: 2855
[Mile High] by thelarkascedning Rated: E || Part of: [FBI Femslash]
Long-Form (10k+ Word Count):
[Psychopathology] by Shayne Angst || Rated: T || WC: 205,357
[Fooled Around (and Fell in Love)] by w00t4ewan Slow-Burn Rom-Com AU || Rated: M || WC: 176,120
[Take My Hand and Show me the Way] by MJDuncan Slow-Burn || Rated: E || WC: 155,770
[I Might Just Take Your Breath Away] by GravelyHumerus College AU || Rated: E || WC: 103,045
[Caged] by Phoenix_Falls, w00t4ewan Angst || Rated: M || WC: 37,521
[Head Full of Doubt] by w00t4ewan High School AU || Rated: T || WC: 24,775
[dying is easy (living is harder)] by sunshineandguns AU || Rated: M || WC: (WIP)
[Tamed] by Pictureswithboxes Domestic Fluff || Rated: T || WC: 39,924
[The Echo] by phoenix_falls Soulmate AU || Rated: G || WC: 14,420
[Dreams, Schemes and In-Betweens] by phoenix_falls Slow-Burn Fluff || Rated: T || WC: 43,412
[100 Ways to Say "I Love You"] by phoenix_falls Fluff || Rated: M || WC: 39514
[Blackbird] by MadameCissy Freeform || Rated: (Unrated) || WC: 27576
Collections/ Series:
[everything was beautiful + nothing hurt] by sunshineandguns Rated: T || WC: 3780 (WIP)
[A Series of Unfortunate Events] by w00t4ewan Rated: T || WC: 4065
[A Journey Through the Silent Chasm] by w00t4ewan, Phoenix_Falls Rated: M || WC: 12,488
[Tumblr Drabble Collection] by w00t4ewan Multi Femslash Pairings || WC: 14,924
[FBI Femslash] by thelarksascending Multi-Fandom WLW Series || WC: 60,074
[Domestic Jemily]: A Collection of Jemily Fluff Open, Unmoderated (Anyone can add to this collection)
[FIC RECS: Temily Tara/Emily] || [FIC RECS: CM Femslash Pairs]
[Master List of My Jemily Fics] || Master List of My Temily Fics]
Updated: 26 SEPT 2022
86 notes · View notes
inkandpaperqwerty · 3 months
Ed gets to learn about airplanes, smartphones, and credit cards, and the BAU team gets to learn about the Gate of Truth. It's definitely out of everyone's depth. Read Chapter 3 of Through the Gate on AO3 or fanfiction.net or wattpad! Your feedback is always appreciated!
6 notes · View notes