emlin-borkschert · 1 year
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Eben spontan in der Buchhandlung Podszun in Warburg gewesen. Dort steht mein Krimi „Rabenvatersorgen 2“ noch immer an prominenter Stelle. Wie schön!
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kkecreads · 1 year
Love Ad Lib by Evie Alexander Published: June 13, 2023 Emlin Press Genre: Romantic Comedy Pages: 444 KKECReads Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I received a copy of this book for free, and I leave my review voluntarily. Evie Alexander is an award-winning author of sexy romantic comedies with a very British sense of humour. A self-confessed ‘method writer,’ Evie has taken it upon herself to live a full…
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ollysoxisfree · 8 months
Stubbed my toe the other day and painfully hissed out “Iedhelaran, Iedhelaran, Iedhelaran” like Emlin does but alas… 😔
No Feredir appeared 😭
Okay but seriously, I love Through the Night so so much <333 It's a wonderful story with such an AMAZING atmosphere. Love love love it!
Stubbed toes are the worst thing aside from stepping on a lego. Or taking a razor scooter to the ankles. Tbh, I'd call on an archfey too.
Thank you so much!! It's my Big Hyperfixation right now, and I'm always happy to see other people enjoying my BG3 brainrot!
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theshadowsong · 1 year
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slightly improved character sheet sketches
Sin - god of the moon
his realm is on Storms Edge and in particular the Moonlight Enclave. There are some smaller villages, but no big city. Mostly he hunts murderers and the like. One day he just disappeared.
Demi-gods: most people worship one of their gods. There are 16 in total which stand for all kinds of aspects. New Ethis, for example, has the patron god Ishkur whose realm lies between Astria and New Ethis, in Emlin Forest. He is the god of war. His father is Tetok the god of death and Ištanu the goddess of the sun. Humans and other beings make offerings to them and pray for their blessings. The Demi gods are not really gods, they do not influence destiny, nor can they influence fate. Nevertheless, they derive their powers from the aspect to which they are assigned, whether that came before or after people started worshipping them, even the gods themselves don't know anymore. Nevertheless, they are powerful creatures that also feed on the people themselves, and the only way to fight one of them is to bind them to a place. Since they are immortal, they cannot be killed. However, binding a god is considered blasphemous.
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slack-wise · 29 days
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G.R. Emlin
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Gr- the fuck why is there no yellow letter???-emlin [:(((] update February 18th 2024
-_- Tired and sore. Didn't do much between last update and yesterday. I wanted to clean and organize more but my joints are really fucked up, and the neighbour is a little bitch man. But today I re-organized some of the totes under the bed so I can start going through them one at a time, and so I can get some of the random other totes, tool boxes, furniture pieces etc under the bed... And then I put a bunch of the other stuff under the bed.
I emptied out at least 5.5 totes through all of this, and emptied about half of the stuff out of the rest of the apartment by getting it all in there.
I wanted to have more done by the end of this weekend because I wanted to be on form tomorrow morning to go replace my health card, but I still don't know where my birth certificate is, I still haven't found clear instructions about it online and etc...
I think I'm done for today if I want any chance in hell of getting out there tomorrow, but like, I would also like to get more done?
It's approaching 6pm though and if I make noise after that time, my neighbour might complain again.
The main goal right now is less to go through everything in detail and more to just get things either fully unpacked or condensed into fewer bins so I can get the apartment as empty looking as possible by having as much as I can either put away or in what is now effectively a closet area.
I'm kind of just mostly chilly and sore and have a headache and about 101 food cravings.
~*~ February 26th
I watched all of the wheel of time, all of the witcher and all 4 episodes of blood origins or what have you... In like 2? 3? maybe 7 days idk.
Mostly I needed rest and there's little point in rushing to get my card because whatever was in my wrist seemed to have torn open again, and the swelling was minimal and hiding the bump, and now that the swelling is going down I am not sure if the bump is still there, and cancer doesn't generally drain and go away. If it comes back I'll go in, but for now the main goal is still getting to full code purple.
I did some more cleaning and organizing today, but my brain feels super scattered and I'm extra tired.
March 18th
So it certainly feels like it's been over a month, keep coming on to update and then forgetting what I was even going to write.
I started being so sleepy and exhausted again that I was sleeping all day, then had that dream about a vampire or something telling me my adenosine levels were high, started eating more sugar and more phosphorus... And then had the energy to wash all the dishes I had fallen behind on while organizing and then mostly sleeping and watching tv since.
The problem was though that I then ran out of cream for my tea, and 3 days into that I woke up to the worst case of bulging fucking goiter I have ever had...
Because apparently I was -so- successfully avoiding any extra dietary iodine that 3 days in to no cream [my main source] my thyroid was swelling to try to get more iodine... Easy fix though, started eating ice-cream daily and canned tuna, etc... The problem is my tummy isn't the most happy because I have stopped eating the lactase in the de-lactosed cream and the ice-cream is just straight up dairy.
So on the bright side I am back to sleeping mostly just 8 hours a day by increasing my caloric intake and having more phosphorus, and I am *staying* caught up on dishes, but I really need to get cream and I am out of alcohol for disinfecting my teeth.
I don't know if I have ever been this consistently on top of dishes because before the plague I had roommates or partners constantly filling the kitchen with more and not washing their share. That had been a consistent fixture since I left home, starting with my first 'husband'. I was putting in the work and getting nowhere. The past 5 years have been overshadowed with recovery from fuckery, mostly said plague, and I have been in a cycle of catching up and falling behind again on damn near everything except laundry.
Now though, I wash the dishes from the previous day while I am cooking my breakfast at 5 am.
I am up to two big loads of laundry that I will probably wash in 4 batches [Or in the sink?], but that was mostly due to running myself down arranging all the totes and the bed and then being smacked down with chronic fatigue really bad, even before the goiter. First time I have had more than one load of laundry in like 3 years now.
If living alone means simply staying on top of all regular chores without much issue, then once I have this place fully set up, that -should- mean no longer struggling daily just to maintain my living space and getting back to creative hobbies like writing and painting, drawing etc... And finishing all my projects, if very slowly and around sleeping 10-12 hours every day.
Mostly, it's a relief to see that left to my own devices, even with long covid on top of CFS I can still manage to -if barely- take care of myself under normal circumstances and have a clean enough apartment. Even if that means doing nothing all day except making food, eating it and cleaning up. I just have to get past the added strain of moving in.
I'm also starting to notice that the whole "I'm less a 'needs a strict routine' autistic and more a 'I need to be controlling what I am doing at any given moment' autistic" thing might be in part due to chronic fatigue and having to live around other people.
See, I can't skip sleep or force myself awake without horrid migraines and narcolepsy & seizure-like symptoms, and everything wakes me up really easy or keeps me awake, so having to live around other people even existing -but especially making demands of me that might leave me exhausted mid-day or sore, or having allergy attacks, or otherwise stressed or run down, etc...- kind of means not being able to sleep at consistent times ever, or rest at consistent times, which makes having to do anything else on a strict schedule impossible to do without it interrupting me when I am trying to sleep or rest, which is rage-inducing, because I am exhausted, so I always hated the demands of a strict routine because it was always demanding I be awake while exhausted and demanding I sleep when I just got the energy to clean, and stuff like that, there was just no accounting for a regular schedule no matter what I tried... But now that I am actually 95% in control of my environment, I am finding more and more that I fall naturally into certain routines and would be upset if someone tried to demand I break them. I have been brushing my teeth more consistently because I do it before any time I lay down, and I have been doing the dishes every morning and cooking breakfast at a -mostly- set time, right when I get up and early enough to eat before low blood sugar makes me sleepy again. There are still days where I sleep in, or nap, but I know that as I recover that will happen less and if I need extra sleep I'll end up going to bed early instead of interrupting other routines that are helping me.
I am still trying to get myself to re-organize the bathroom again after the business with the totes, and still staring down cleaning the floors again, and still quite bloody exhausted, but I am starting to do little chunks of organizing or cleaning each day and having been eating and doing the dishes pretty forking consistently.
I need to go out soon for fresh veggies and cream. Though, tbh, if it wasn't for the cream thing, I would stay in hibernation for another 1-2 months.
March 20th 2024
I halfway reorganized the bathroom, cleaned around the sink, finally got to mostly cleaning off my floor, etc and so on and have been washing dishes daily and cooking 2 meals a day. That's progress.
I blame the increase in sugar and phosphorus. I keep finding myself standing in front of messes and automatically cleaning up the way I do when I actually have energy. I get really ADHD about cleaning randomly whenever things happen to be in front of me, and when I have enough energy overall things just get done at some point on a good enough schedule even if the way I am cleaning lacks any system or order. This is good.
I need to actually wash the floors with cleaner next, and wash some things and some laundry in the bathroom so I can finish tidying in there. Then there's still the business of finishing the re-organizing I left off at "good enough for now" when my neighbour last complained to the landlord about the noise of me cleaning my apartment.
Then I order alcohol, do some small groceries and get my health card renewed and then make an appointment for my wrist, where the lump is back again.
I found 4 games I wanted on super sale on steam and got them. one was 2$ one was about 7 one was around 12 and one was 25. I have plenty to play and stream for a long time now while I wait for the next zero dawn game to actually go on sale.
March 27th
Got some more organizing and resting done and then playing Sons Of The Forest became my entire life for a week. They did the peaceful mode well, there was actually no combat, just cut scenes. My only note is there was still jump scares that were intentional jump scares. I would personally include an option to turn those off, since some people may be playing peaceful due to heart problems etc...
Really pecking away at cleaning and organizing in a more sustainable way and starting to feel like I am getting some energy back since increasing the phosphorus and sugar/calories in my diet. Thank the psychic vampire in my dream who told me my blood/body levels of adenosine where high?
I did then promptly run out of cream, my main source of moderated iodine, and within 3 days developed goiter, severely. I manage graves disease-like symptoms of my immune system constantly tearing open my thyroid gland without actually killing it by restricting iodine to control the excess hormones that would otherwise release [T4, T3 mostly], and apparently I was doing a good job keeping my levels just high enough to avoid goiter because within 3 days of running out of cream, my neck was a puffy mess.
Now I still have pain in my neck and chest when I breathe or breathe too deeply, but I think it's residual swelling and autoimmune agitation left from the goiter. I immediately increased my iodine intake until the visible swelling all went away, and now I have done my first groceries for the year, including 4 things of cream and a bunch of dairy whipped topping.
It is 11 am and I have been awake since midnight, done my daily dishes, groceries, changed the "cycles" on a sink of laundry and cleaned the cat puke out of the window.
I also re-organized just enough this morning to have my living area back out of the storage pile, for now, because I knew I would come home with donuts and treats and want to play TOTK and eat them. I haven't played TOTK in months now, and then I couldn't because of the last re-organizings dumping everything into my little living area.
The grocery store renovated itself while I was in hibernation. The lady there was cheery and personable with me and says they did it last year. Their machines hate me. It wants everything in the bagging area untouched but they never make the bagging area big enough to hold your stuff, so the machine kept yelling at me :( The lady kept encouraging me to just ignore it and hit the button, which made it less stressful than usual.
Yesterday I cleaned some cupboard fronts etc... and ordered new whisky. Later this week I am hoping to organize more and procure a recycling bin. I'm developing a system for laundry that should be easier on my back than washing my clothes in a tote in the shower stall.
I'd be playing TOTK now except the red joycon isn't charged, I am hoping just because it wasn't clicked down all the way. But I have my living area back, treats, a clean kitchen, fresh veggies and fruits :)
April 5th 2024
It just didn't click down and charge properly. Joy!
So 'dishes caught up' now means daily. Daily. Not weekly. Joy of joy of not having roommates is when I do all my dishes all the dishes are done and no one else is in my way of there being no dishes or in my way of maintaining my health as best I can.
Been doing a little sink load of laundry daily, almost caught up. Now if I do a little sink load of laundry here and there... There will be no laundry. Ever. "caught up" had meant no more than 1-2 washer loads at any given time, and has for at least the last 3 years, but now "caught up" will mean all clothing hand washes within the week, whether or not a landlord provides me with functional washing facilities.
Today was garbage day. And recycling. Let myself sleep through garbage and recycling for the first time last recycling week because I was so exhausted and it just wasn't in the cards. I make so little garbage, but my tiny recycle bin was distressingly full. Now it is gone.
There is only the floor... Again. Again. Again, the floor. But that will be weekly soon now too. The floor cannot be more than weekly, I haven't the health for it.
And then there's the last bit of organizing.
And then my health card, and my taxes, and re-applying for COHB because apparently you have to re-apply yearly even though it's supposed to last 6 years? gee I hope they don't bone me on rent, haha.
And then there is the beginning of the donation purge.
I have been trying to play games on stream lately. Puzzle games and stuff with a creative peaceful mode.
I feel like I did nothing today, yet I did the weekly chores, laundry, dishes and made a big pot of soup I will be eating for days.
I want to spend time writing but I don't have the energy today, not just yet, but it does feel like I am catching up and recovering at the same time because I am taking things slow enough.
April 12th
I have filed my stupid taxes, done my stupid little laundry, washed my stupid little dishes and taken out my stupid little garbage >:(
Next I mayhaps wash my stupid little floor and cook a stupid little meal...
The weather is nice though, it's raining and I love that
Uh... April 29th 2024
8:20 am
Errrr I have been trying to sleep at regular times and that is going uh... Listen I have said before i have all the symptoms of narcolepsy, but now also I have horrible insomnia and am starting to get night terrors and sleep paralysis in ways that haven't been an issue for me since I had parents forcing me on a daily schedule for school... I'm going to follow this until I see how deep/bad it goes, and then try to assess from there how to manage my sleep "cycles"...
It's just, when you also have chronic fatigue it can be hard to define to doctors that sometimes the sleepiness comes on in a really sudden episode and is impossible to resist without getting a migraine... without them just brushing it off as part of the chronic fatigue. But I get these sudden sleepy episodes at random in addition to general fatigue, and I experience having fatigue or being sleepy as two completely separate phenomenons. Sometimes I am exhausted but just cannot fall asleep at all, and sometimes I'm not tired really at all but I am stupidly sleepy and just can't do anything to feel alert. Not sure what to do about it though because my metabolism issues makes taking any medication a challenge or outright dangerous.
I'm only sleeping 3-4 hours at night now though, and just lay there awake no matter what I try until after my morning alarm, so I eventually gave up and started napping during the day because otherwise I am useless for weeks at a time.
I am now doing dishes every other day and laundry in the sink every alternate day, and that's going well, and so long as I let myself nap I keep slowly chipping away at everything else.
I had gotten the groceries done but I need to go out again because I am out of cat treats and Pumpkin is refusing to eat without them.
I also had to get on putting up a kind of tent wall on the open side of my bed because Pumpkin decided to pee on my bed when he got mad at me. Now I have bedding to wash added to the pile :(
The mass in my wrist is pretty clearly fluid filled, and there's only one kind of tumour that can be soft and still be cancerous, and this seriously doesn't seem like it could be that. I still need to deal with it, but I think I have to get my health card after the next time I do groceries. The chest pain has fully cleared up now that my thyroid has been managed for a while.
I got the bathroom all the way clean and organized except a box I can't move out of there, 2 log ends and the shop vac and laundry. And then I spilled soil all over my toilet and had to clean it up. After a bit more arranging the shop vac will go next to my fridge... Sort of on my fridge, because that's the corner I keep the mop and broom, filters etc and the best place I have to put it.
Slowly I am handling one detail after another and I guess if I keep this up the apartment will be in code purple some time this year. The goal I guess is to get the storage downsized to just what supplies or extra furniture etc fits under the bunk bed and in behind my clothing rack so everything else can be open space. That would make this place livable long term and actually nice looking. Then I can worry about decorating etc... I do also want to bump the desks over toward the window up onto the wall bump though, so the bunk bed has room to actually rest on the floor, or otherwise make 4 proper feet for it instead of it being rested up on furniture to keep it a foot off the floor.
The big three next projects to fix the place up are:
-fix the chair frame and upholster it, in doing so use up the old mattress cover, some foam and the two sleeping bags
-use spare fabric and all the fluff I have to make a truly boyfriend/girlfriend shaped pillow and in doing so use up all the old spare pillows and batting.
-Repair and stabilize both my book cases and in doing so use up a bunch of scrap particle board so I can throw the rest out and get those painted.
Between that and moving my power tools into my green chest that should actually free up a lot of clutter. The next step then is designing a vest pattern and using up all the clothes and material I was going to make vests out of, going through my t-shirts and making 18th century style men's shirts out of that fabric, etc and so on until I don't have any bins of clothes or fabric left and actually have clothes I want to wear. I have started designing the vest pattern but I want to drape it in addition to making a block pattern, and see what the difference is, and then tweak the final pattern on my body before starting to make multiples. etc...
I am still using all of my time an energy to clean, organize and cook though. All day every day.
Also it turns out I can't have an RDSP at all unless I get 'officially' qualified for the disability tax credit. I ought to qualify, but if they deny me, it means I cannot save up more than 40k for a house without losing it or my pension, and so I'll have to mortgage a house in a way that is liable to turn predatory and could just mean going through all of that only to lose the house and end up with nothing after 10-20 years of saving, scrounging and work.
They really probably will try to argue that even though I am too disabled to ever employ, I'm not disabled enough to be granted the ability to plan for my future without employment... Because our government is like that. As official policy there's a huge gap there you can fit into where they just deny you future planning.
Covid is also fucking me over, because as much as I am disabled enough that having a care worker would mean a vastly improved quality of life, I cannot be risking my life every time they come over, and if I am not going to use services like that, it's very hard to demonstrate to my doctors that I need them, and that is mostly how you qualify for the tax credit.
So because I need to be left alone in order to be at my healthiest, I end up needing to spend my every spare moment just maintaining myself and my environment, and then also I don't qualify to be legally allowed to save up enough to try to mortgage a house ever. This means I have to be able to pay rent forever and if I ever do need a care worker, that will be the year I die of covid.
I can only hope that my health continues to improve a bit, that I get better once I am on top of everything, and that maybe the government increases our pensions enough to actually cover rent or a mortgage payment properly for a fixed rate 10-20 year mortgage. Basic income could save me, or maybe selling a book for enough money?
Otherwise I have no long term plan or ability to provide for my own future because they won't allow it and if I ever get forced into the wrong kind of rental situation I'll just be forced to die a slow horrible death from corona exposure. Our government is doing such a good job [sarcasm]. Everything is in shambles.
On the other hand if I do qualify officially for the tax credit, I'd get extra money and I'd be approved for an RDSP. I meet the criteria, it's just a question of whether a doctor will back me up on paper. I am already having flashbacks to being rejected for my disability pension twice over the span of 10 years of living on welfare.
But hey.... My dishes are done and my laundry fits in a tote, so... yay
~*~ May 23rd 2024
I've been rather distracted making sure my laundry and dishes stay caught up and that I try to get through everything else.
I was expecting to make more progress a lot faster and was hoping to be in full code purple by now.
Had the bright idea to try to fix my sleep schedule and put it to the ultimate test whether I could get regularly scheduled sleep if I really fucking tried to force it... I have been making separate updates for that and the impact it's had on what I am able to do in a day: The great regular sleep experiment of 2024... Mixed results. Ended up doing groceries for the past two Monday/Tuesdays.. or past 3? Whatever, I needed food. Next week is trying to get across town for my health card for sure. I'm too tired to even think, really. Maybe by next update for real I'll be properly settled into my apartment enough that the main priority can be donating a bunch of stuff and then diving headlong into physical projects to downsize the rest. I'd like to get you the shocking before and after photos.
I've been doing as much cleaning or organizing as I have had energy for.
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Tom and Jerry Rag - Jerry Cammack (Jazzy partition pour le piano)
Tom and Jerry Rag - Jerry Cammack (Jazzy partition pour le piano, piano sheet music)
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Jerre Cammack n'est pas un nom familier, même dans les foyers où la musique du début du XXe siècle est très en vogue. Cependant, dans le Midwest des États-Unis, il était un incontournable pendant de nombreuses années, bien que bien après que le rugissement du ragtime se soit considérablement calmé. Il est né à ou près de Marion, Indiana en 1890 sous le nom de Jeremiah Cammack , l'aîné de William T. Cammack et Emlin Margarte "Emma" Cox , l'autre étant sa sœur Hazel Emlin (3/4/1893). Le dénombrement de 1900 effectué à Center, Indiana, a montré que William était un commis du comté de Grant. Après cette période, dans les années 1910, il y a une pénurie décidée de listes d'annuaires de villes ainsi que toute présence dans le recensement de 1910, de sorte que les mouvements de Jeremiah étaient difficiles à suivre. Cependant, en 1913, il était bien installé à Saint Louis, Missouri, où il serait basé pour le reste de sa vie. Les répertoires de Saint Louis à partir de 1913 montraient l'occupation de Jérémie simplement comme de la "musique" sans plus de détails, ce qui signifie qu'il était très probablement un musicien actif jouant dans des clubs et des théâtres. Son travail dans certains des théâtres de la ville lui a sûrement fourni des opportunités, certains par nécessité, pour apprendre et jouer de l'orgue. L'annuaire de 1916 montrait que Jerre, une variante qu'il utilisait fréquemment, résidait avec son père veuf et sa sœur Hazel. Cette même année, il épousa Mlle Mary Ann Hemmen , qui approchait l'âge de 18 ans à l'époque. C'est une question d'opinion dans une certaine mesure quant à la date à laquelle la première œuvre ragtime connue de Jerre a été réellement composée. Sur une copie donnée à l'historien et musicien du ragtime Trebor Jay Tichenor , Jerre a personnellement inscrit sur la couverture que son Tom and Jerry Rag a été créé à l'origine en 1906 à Marion, alors qu'il aurait eu 16 ans. Sur un enregistrement, il le situe à 1907. Il y a des facettes du chiffon qui sonnent clairement plus avancées qu'un morceau de cette époque, ce qui peut simplement être dû à la façon dont il a été arrangé. Le composant "Tom" était son ami batteur Thomas Pickerell (mal orthographié comme Tom Pickeral sur la feuille), "Some Drummer" comme l'indiquait la page de titre. Le titre était une pièce de théâtre sur le terme britannique désignant les jeunes ayant un comportement juvénile, et était aussi le nom d'un cocktail britannique à cette époque, mais aussi de leurs noms. Le fait qu'au milieu des années 1910, Pickerell était un procureur en exercice à Marion donne une certaine crédibilité à l'origine possible de 1906 de l'œuvre. Cammack a d'abord fait publier Tom et Jerry Rag en 1913 par la Saint Louis Publishing Company, qui était peut-être sa propre empreinte. Cette même année, cette fois sous le label de Jerry Cammack, il publie le fils au titre verbeux You Can Paddle and Paddle In Your Own Canoe, Cause I've Got Me An Airship Now , composé par Jack Pittman . Rien de définitif n'a été trouvé sur Pittman, et aucune autre chanson de lui n'a été localisée. Cependant, il semble que Tom et Jerry aient également co-composé la ballade de valse Eyes of Fortune à peu près à la même époque. De toute évidence, Cammack essayait de gagner du terrain dans l'entreprise, car sur la couverture arrière de l'article sur le dirigeable, il a mis l'avis suivant qui contenait un verbiage optimiste mais probablement exagéré : Donnez-nous de vos nouvelles. Nous voulons de nouveaux morceaux originaux et des numéros instrumentaux. Nous avons une telle demande de musique nouvelle que notre équipe de compositeurs est surtaxée. Envoyez-nous votre manuscrit et les frais de port pour le retour. Notre méthode de publication de musique permet à votre musique de se vendre. JERRY CAMMACK, ÉDITEUR DE MUSIQUE ST. LOUIS, MO. En fin de compte, il est difficile de trouver autre chose avec l'empreinte de Cammack que quelques copies de la chanson Airship, donc l'entreprise a probablement fait faillite à la hâte. En 1917, le chiffon de Jerre a été publié à nouveau, cette fois par John Stark Publishing, à qui Cammack avait vendu les plaques. Cela a été suivi par Rag La Joie , qui a été publié par Stark en 1918, en utilisant une couverture recyclée. Il est immédiatement plus avancé dans la construction que Tom et Jerry , mais il a eu une ascension ascensionnelle, sortant avant la fin de la guerre et pendant une période où le jazz envahissait la nation. Alors que Stark Publishing a fait de son mieux pour rester pertinent, ils avaient un bassin de ressources ou d'influence moins profond que les principaux éditeurs de New York et de Chicago, comme en témoigne la réutilisation des couvertures et des partitions de deux pages plus encombrées, donnant peut-être à Cammack peu de motivation pour continuer. composer dans le genre, voire pas du tout. Pour son record de repêchage de 1917, Cammack a affirmé qu'il avait des problèmes de vue, et ils semblent l'avoir empêché de faire la guerre. L'énumération de 1920 montrait que Jeremiah travaillait comme musicien, et l'annuaire de la ville l'indiquait au Columbia Théâtre sur Gravois Avenue. Il avait besoin de travailler pour nourrir sa famille grandissante, qui comprenait Nola Emlin (18/10/1918), William Ward (23/12/1919) et Bayard August (18/01/1925). Alors que Jerre, utilisant maintenant Jerry plus souvent, a continué à jouer pour les cinémas jusqu'au milieu des années 1920, il s'intéressait également au médium en pleine croissance de la radiodiffusion. À la fin des années 1920, il était musicien du personnel de la station WIL à Saint Louis, l'une des seules stations du côté ouest du fleuve Mississippi à avoir une désignation W. Ils étaient également, selon une publicité du début des années 1930, la première station commerciale en ondes à Saint Louis et la première à avoir leur propre organisation de collecte de nouvelles. Mais les chaînes d'information étaient encore loin dans le futur, et avec la Grande Dépression qui s'abattait sur le centre de l'Amérique, le divertissement était aussi essentiel que l'information. Publicités de la fin des années 1920, lorsque WIL était encore une fréquence partagée de faible puissance à 1200 khz sur le cadran, Jerre a été montré de plus en plus actif en tant qu'accompagnateur de chanteurs à l'antenne, et même en récitals. Il a même aidé à concevoir leur nouveau studio pour aider à l'optimiser pour la diffusion musicale. En 1930, après que WIL ait obtenu un peu plus de puissance de diffusion, il avait sa propre émission, Around the Organ avec Jerry Cammack . Le recensement de 1930 a montré qu'il travaillait toujours comme musicien de théâtre, mais à cette époque probablement pas pour des films, qui avaient récemment gagné des bandes sonores. Il y avait aussi quelques apparitions avec l'Orchestre Symphonique de Saint Louis et les lycées locaux. L'émission de Jerre au milieu des années 1930 sur WIL s'appelait Memroies in Melody et donnait jusqu'à quatre émissions par jour. Jerry a passé une grande partie des années 1930 à jouer non seulement à la radio, mais pour des événements publics dans le Midwest, tels que des foires d'État et des inaugurations de bâtiments, ainsi que des concerts occasionnels. Mais même cela pourrait être une mince affaire à la fin de la décennie, alors il a également pris des cours privés à son domicile, comme indiqué dans le recensement de 1940 et son projet de dossier de 1942. Selon une mention dans Radio Daily, il se concentrait sur l'accordéon. Il est difficile de retracer des périodes précises pour ses activités des années 1940 et 1950, mais Cammack a passé un certain temps à fournir de la musique pour la version radio de Truth or Consequences à la fin des années 1940, à une époque où les musiciens avaient encore une certaine influence et où la musique préenregistrée était être découragé. Il a été mentionné comme ayant joué des orgues Hammond. Il a également passé plus de temps dans l'ouest, jouant souvent en Arizona et au Nouveau-Mexique, ainsi qu'en Californie. Pendant un certain temps, en 1955, selon Billboard, Jerre a joué du calliope pour le Disney Circus, qui a eu un bref passage au parc Disneyland récemment ouvert à Anaheim, en Californie. Il avait également son propre orchestre au milieu des années 1950 avec Frank "Pancho" Roche à la batterie. En 1958, Roche avait repris le groupe et Jerre, qui se détériorait en raison de complications du diabète, allait bientôt réduire ses activités, passant la plupart de ses dernières années à Saint Louis. C'est près de Saint Louis que Trebor Tichenor, qui essayait de trouver tous les écrivains vivants de ragtime qu'il pouvait, le rencontra à l'été 1961, probablement lors de l'un des fréquents rassemblements de ragtime juste de l'autre côté du fleuve Mississippi à Collinsville, Illinois. , chez Harold et Thelma Doerrs . Cela démontre que Cammack était toujours aussi actif qu'il pouvait l'être dans la scène croissante du ragtime. Ayant également rencontré les pianistes Charles Thompson , Knocky Parker et Bob Wright , Trebor obtint une copie du premier chiffon de Cammack, l'une des nombreuses raretés de sa collection qui trouvera plus tard son chemin dans le folio littéralement nommé Ragtime Rarities en 1975. Dix-huit mois après Lors de la rencontre de Trebor, Jeremiah Cammack est décédé à 72 ans dans un hôpital de Saint Louis d'une artériosclérose causée en partie par le diabète qui, selon le certificat de décès, le tourmentait depuis plus d'une décennie. Il a été enterré au Sunset Burial Park. Mary lui a survécu jusqu'en 1974 et repose aux côtés de son mari musicien. Read the full article
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kekiiro · 1 year
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Valera & Emlin
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whiteaskeladd · 1 year
Full Name: Emlin. Date of Birth: 05/05. Age: 35. Gender: Female. Pronouns: She/Her. Height: 182.88 cm. IQ: 245. Weight: 65 kg. Dominant hand: Ambidextrous. Tattoos: A snake coiled around her right arm. Place of Birth: Earth. National/Cultural Affiliation: Earthling. Current Residence: Sadala. Family: Deceased. Appearance: A woman with short, snow-white hair tied in a ponytail, sparkling blue eyes and fair skin.Clothing: Dark blue skinny jeans and a long sleeve white shirt. Accessories: None. Positive Personality Traits: curious | mature | merciful | spontaneous | organized. Negative Personality Traits: humorless | perfectionist | gullible Occupation: Sadalian soldier. Skills/Abilities: dual sword proficiency | ki-manipulation | flight | combat adaptation | fighting sense | strength enhancement | defense enhancement | ice-manipulation. Hobbies: Taking care of plants in and around her home. Backstory: Emlin is a woman who has lost all her memories after being knocked out by someone she believed an ally and was sent to Sadala. While she was unconscious, Xylneth would take the opportunity to turn her back into the mighty eldritch being of lava and combustion that she was. Seemingly keeping that part hidden from her but giving her the personality of a loyal knight for when she would need to retrieve her.
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viciousoverlord · 1 year
Adamas, Ataris, Ashiria, Azara, Alicia, Butcher, Cassidy, Cybele, Cyrrin, Dr. Witness, Dyrsan, Emlin, Evangeline, Garlik, Kefla, Linnie, Luzotz, Makilan, Naeb, Nokia, Samantha, Sadala, Xylneth, Yaer.
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2o2m333ny444m2o2 · 2 years
I wake up 100% grateful to be awake. It was a rushed rise from my bed this morning. No extra 5 minutes of lounging around and staring at the sky. I guess I wanted to feel awake. Alive. 
I walk down my hallway, my lithe body swallowed by the oversized t shirt I’m wearing. I am surrounded by darkness and the sounds of my footsteps.
I start my routine: I stare at my naked body in the mirror to admire the protruding bones on my starved body, brush my teeth, wash my face, shower, and brush my long, dark hair. I apply mascara to my long, dark eyelashes. "I wish my eyes were bigger" I think to myself. I want to look shocking, shocking but incredibly beautiful.
What is on my mind at the moment? Love. I haven’t been able to stop thinking of what that man shared about his love for his ex. I find it beautiful, but also sort of sad. His heart truly ached for that woman whenever she encountered an obstacle. I just find it interesting. I think it’s amazing how someone could love someone that much... to the point that their heart ached when they were in pain.
I skipped matcha this morning. Ever since I made that post about emlinating caffeine, I have found that I have been awfully forgetful when it came to making it every morning. Such a strange phenomenon. 
I feel like I said everything and nothing at the same time. 
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emlin-borkschert · 1 year
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Einer der schönsten Momente im Leben eines Schriftstellers: wenn man sein Werk das erste Mal in den Händen hält!! Wie viel Arbeit dahinter steckt, sieht man dem Buch zum Glück nicht an. Und das ist auch gut so, schließlich soll es schön-spannende Lesestunden bringen. Ich freue mich so!! 
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kkecreads · 14 days
The Love Position by Evie Alexander 
Publication date: July 23, 2024 Emlin Press Pages: 388 Genre: Romance  KKECReads Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I received a copy of this book for free and leave my review voluntarily.  I love how every book in this series has had such dynamic characters. But what really makes an Evie Alexander novel shine is her side characters. There truly is no role too small! I enjoyed the plot points for this…
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ncm-saglik · 5 years
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Saglıklı ve ince bir vücuda sahip olmak için yapacagınız tek şey Slimbandi , zayıflama bandini tavsiye edildigi şekilde kullanmaktır. #kilovermek #beslenme #emline #incelme #diyetisyen #obezite #form #formdakalma #beslenmeuzmanı https://www.instagram.com/p/BfogwVKFIvh/?igshid=1r5ir96xjbtm
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lordtsarkastic · 4 years
Listen to our latest release, this time with Emlin on the mike.
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grande-caps · 5 years
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Sceencaps || How To Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World (2019) GALLERY LINK : [x] Quality : BluRay Screencaptures Amount : 2830 files Resolution : 1920x800px
-Please like/reblog if taking! -Please credit grande_caps/kissthemgoodbye!
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