#emma swan x female reader
cosmicanemoia · 1 year
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Another Curse?
Regina Mills x Reader
You wake up in the middle of the road, just a few feet across the borderline of storybrooke with no memory of the life you've had, the life you've led, and the life you've built.
You wake up in the middle of the road, just a few feet across the borderline of storybrooke with no memory of the life you've had, the life you've led, and the life you've built.
The only thing you can remember is your name, basic information about yourself, about things, and about basic knowledge, enough to keep a person alive. You don't even remember your birthday, or if you have a family. You have to start anew.
You put your foot in front of the other, and you kept on going as if someone was pulling your strings, and when you get to the town centre, you halted in the middle of the road.
A yellow volkswagen beetle almost ran you over. Luckily, the car stopped before it you and sent you flying across town. Your breath hitched, and you're left there frozen, almost being ran over, scared the hell out of you.
The driver stepped out of the car, revealing a tall blonde woman. "Hey! What the hell are you doing just standing in the middle of the road?" She demanded to know, and you answered truthfully, "I don't know." The woman looked around and inquired once more, "What's your name? What are you doing here?" And you once again answered her truthfully, not seeing the point in lying, "I'm Y/N, and I don't know." "Seriously? Do you know anything else other than your name?" Her head is full of question, she signalled you to get in the car. You're still in shock, so you just followed her.
"I'm Emma Swan, sheriff of this town. Let's continue this conversation at the station."
The car ride was quiet and rather quick, you thought to yourself.
When you get to the station, she scans your fingerprints, and the technology is taking long to find a match. It's as if you don't belong in their world. She asked a lot of questions to which your answer is always "I don't know."
Emma dialled something on the telephone and called someone to inform them about this strange situation. "There's this new girl in town, and she doesn't know anything except her name. Come down to the station and help me figure this out. Please, and thank you."
After a few minutes. A brunette, rather attractive woman walks into the station. "Who's this new girl you're talking about, and where is she?" She asked, and you spin the chair around to meet the gaze of the brunette, "that would be me, miss."
You stand up and held your hand out for her to shake "I'm Y/N and I don't know anything else other than staying alive" she chuckled at your corny joke and just as she's about to reach for your hand, Emma stated bursting your bubbles, "you think this is another curse?" You burst out laughing which quickly turn into an awkward chuckle when you see the two woman with stoic faces, you gulped and cleared your throat "Sorry, 'curse' that seems like a funny thing for me but from the look in your faces, safe to say I was wrong."
"You think this is funny?" The brunette practically growled at you. And you apologised. "Sorry, miss. I don't remember shit about shits, so please forgive my ignorance." You slightly bowed your head in her direction. Emma smirked, seeing the brunette flustered by your actions to which you are oblivious of, "cut her some slack, Regina. She doesn't remember anything other than her name."
Emma told you everything. From how they were characters from story books and how a curse or two fell upon them. How both of them were evil once upon a time.
After a few quiet sighs and stolen glances, the woman who Emma said was Regina finally speaks, "What do you suggest we do with her then?"
"Let's look into granny's diner and see if there's a vacant room available." Emma declared, and Regina side eyed you and scoffed, seeing a genuine smile on your face, "why do I have to go? You can do this on your own. Besides, I have far more important things to do than find a stranger a place to stay." Regina whined, and Emma put her hands on her waist and said, "Really? Name one."
Regina looked around but never met your gaze. She muttered words that couldn't be understood, and she sighed loudly, admitting defeat. "Fine, let's just get this over with."
You all went outside. Emma told you to get in the car, but you just stood there contemplating. "Why are you just standing there? Get moving." Regina demanded.
You sighed and looked at her with a sheepish smile. "I don't feel so good about getting in that car anymore." You told them, and Regina rolled her eyes but also chuckled inside. "Oh, you'll get used to it, just get in and let's start moving," Regina stated, and you replied, "Can we just walk there? I'm not getting in the car that almost ran me over."
Regina's eyes widened and turned to look at Emma. "Seriously!?" Emma just shrugs and replied "come on, Madam Mayor, let's get those steps in."
When you got to the diner, the smell of deliciousness blessed your nose, and your stomach growled in turn. They both look at you and eye each other.
"Order anything you want, pretty woman. It's on me." The woman over the counter said, you look at Emma and Regina, thinking she meant one of them. You saw Regina roll her eyes, so you thought, maybe she meant Emma, but when your eyes return to meet the eyes of the woman, she claimed, "I meant you, cutie."
Regina scoffed way too loud than she should, so you turn to look at her and fake a pout "What? You don't think I'm pretty or at least cute? Well, I think you're stunning." Regina, a stuttering mess, "what-- I- what?" Before you can respond, the woman said, grabbing your attention, "I'm Ruby, and you are?" She held her hand out for you to shake, and you replied, "I'm Y/N." Before you can shake her hand, Regina speaks, "I'll just have a coffee." Ruby retracted her hand before you can shook it. She wrote down Regina's order and turns to look at you after waiting for your order as well.
"Give me your best and worst, I'll decide which is which" you held your hand out wanting to properly and formally be introduced "thanks for the treat" she shook your hand out and grinned widely.
After a few seconds, you smiled at her awkwardly and requested, "Can I have my hand back?" She chuckled awkwardly, "right."
Regina sneered seeing the interaction, and Emma grinned knowingly after seeing Regina's reaction to Ruby flirting with you.
When Regina first heard your voice and saw you eye to eye, she felt a pull and that something had shifted. She's immediately drawn to you, though she may not admit it to herself now, she will in time.
During the first week of your arrival, everyone was wary of your presence, but they eventually warms up to you. Except Regina, who keeps her distance from you.
On the second week, she had a broken sink, and your boss sent you to fix it. You rang her doorbell, and when she opened the door to reveal you, she was shocked to see you. "What are you doing here?" She asked, and you quickly replied, "To fix your broken heart," she was taken aback by your sentence. All she could say was, "What?" "You have a broken sink, and I'm here to fix it." You elaborated, you thought you had said 'sink' earlier, but she definitely heard you say 'heart' loud and clear. She just shrugged it off, thinking that you're just being playful.
She watched as you worked, and she could feel herself heat up seeing you so focused and sweaty. She cleared her throat, but you didn't look at her. She cleared it some more, but it still didn't get your attention, and with one last attempt, "Would you like something to drink?" She still failed. A few moments later, she attempted again, "Y/N dear." You stopped what you're doing and give her your undivided attention. "I'm all yours, what's up?" You stare at her as she stared at you, you furrowed your brows, "I thought you called my name," "I did" she nodded her head while still staring at you and how she wish you were truly all hers. You nodded your head back, "I'm done. Is there anything else I can help you with?" She wanted to say 'yeah, help me scratch an itch your giving' but what came out her mouth was "I can't think of anything at the moment but I'll be sure to call you if something came up." She kicks herself internally for being such a wimp whenever she's with you.
There was a party at Regina's House, to which you are invited to, in the third week. "Bored already? Dear." You flinched, you weren't expecting someone to you,"Reggie, you startled me." You look up into the sky and sigh, you look back to her, "can I help you with anything?" You asked and she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out, she closed it again and just shakes her head "no" she was about to walk away but you grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her closer to you. "Wait," you said, and your breath was tickling her skin. It gave her goosebumps. Her heart is jumping out of her chest, and she chuckles nervously, "what?" She asked. Your hand that grabbed her is now resting on her waist, "Hold on," you replied and added, "Stay still, you have something on your hair." You went to remove it and tuck a few loose strands to her ear, then proceed to pat her head softly, "there, all good."
Her hands rested on your shoulders, and you stared at each other a little longer. When you felt her slowly pulling away, you pulled her into a hug. You felt her fight it, so you tightened your embrace. "Don't fight it." You said softly, and she slowly melts away at your embrace. She would love to get used to this.
Its been months now since you appeared in storybrooke. They still couldn't figure out what your deal is.
You help in town in any way you can. You try to pay back the kindness they showed you. Waitressing at granny's, doing construction work, plumbing, baby sitting, and delivering food.
One midnight, you delivered food to a big white house. You rang the doorbell, rang, and rang, just as you're about to ring it again, the owner burst it open. Regina is on her night gown, and there is irritation written on her face.
"What the hell? It's the middle of the night." She chided, and you just stood there confused where her irritation is coming from, then she added, "well dear, what can I help you with?" You look her right in the eye, "You ordered food, I'm just here to deliver," "I didn't order anything, it's late, and I'm about to sleep."
She starts to slam the door close, you put your free hand between, and the door slams. She's oblivious of the hand you stupidly put there. You screamed in shock, and it startled her. You bit your lips, wincing in pain, and you slowly put the delivery bag down. A tear started rolling down your cheeks. Your hand is throbbing with pain. She looked at you genuinely concerned and cursing herself inside for hurting you. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I didn't mean to-" she reached for your hands, but you raised it up, pretending that it didn't hurt like hell, so she won't worry, "Don't worry. I'm sure it'll be fine in the morning." You gave her a reassuring smile. You cleared your throat, "It says here Regina Mills and it's address to you. Would it be okay if you receive it? But if you don't I can take it back." You requested, and she decided to receive the food that she knew for sure she didn't order. "Are you sure your hand is okay?" Regina asked, and your eyes fell to look on your reddened and swollen hand. You just shrug it off and say, "it definitely doesn't hurt as much now. Have a good night, Reggie." You wink at her and give her a sweet smile before departing. Regina just stood at her door, watching you walk away, when you're out of sight she realised she has been watching and she gulped and looked around, she closes the door as her head shakes side to side.
The next morning, your hand swelled. Regina dragged you to the hospital. "You should stay at my place until your hand heals." She suggested, and you said and winked at her, "sure baby, whatever helps you sleep at night." Regina takes care of you and follows you everywhere.
"What are you doing?" You asked Regina, "I'm trying to help you." You smirked at her, "I still have a functioning hand, I can feed myself. You're not my mommy." Regina laughed at the end of your sentence, and you smirked when you saw her reaction to your joke. "You know Reggie, there are other ways you could help me with." You declared in a seductive tone, but Regina didn't catch up on it, "Sure of course, anything you need, what is it?" She asked eagerly. You just chuckled and shrugged it off, "Never mind."
Months have passed, and its been more than a year since your arrival. As times passed, the townspeople grew fonder of you, especially the Mayor, Regina, who seemed to have fallen in love with you.
She would bring you apples. Invites you often at her house. Treat you to dinner. Walks with you, ever since you passed at her house alone in the night.
"Do you still not remember anything?" Regina asked, you answered, "No. Its as if I didn't have a life before here." "Maybe you don't." Regina quickly replied, and you chuckled at her, "but I feel like I did, I have, or had." "Maybe they didn't want you there." Regina added, and you nodded. "Maybe. But what if I have a wife?" You said, and the thought of you having a wife that is not her, saddened her, Regina felt her heart shrink. And you continue to speak your thought "Or a child? Euh-- I hope I don't have a child..." you shivered at the thought of having a child and said, "I probably shouldn't have said the last part out loud." Regina chuckled and claimed, "I didn't see a ring on that finger, so you probably don't have a wife." She chuckled nervously at the end of her sentence.
You're conflicted, you feel like your heart already belongs to someone but maybe not, so you just shrug it off and replied "probably," Regina let's out a breathe she didn't know she was holding and she felt relieved.
You and Regina hang out a lot. She loves spending time with you, except when you decide to hang at Granny's. There's a certain someone who 'basically throws herself at you,' she thought, and she didn't like it.
When Ruby flirts with you, you flirt back. Regina would think to herself, 'why does she always flirt back to Ruby and never to me?' The thing is you never thought Regina flirts with you, and you don't catch up on it. It's either, her flirting game is not good, or you're just so oblivious when it comes to her. Maybe it's vice versa.
"Why don't you just ask Ruby out on a date already?" She growled at you, and there's a tinge of hurt in her voice. You snapped your head up to look at her, "where did that come from?" You chuckled at her, she rolled her eyes at you in response, "oh, come on, she flirts with you, and you flirt back every time, and she flirts a lot." You burst out laughing, and you shook it off, "that's just how she is. It's nothing serious."
Regina scoffed, "whatever," and she crossed her arms. You shook your head in disagreement, "She's not my type. I'm more into older women." Regina remained silent. "Besides, I flirt with you more, basically all the time, but you never once flirt back." You claimed, and she sneered, "I flirt with you all the time, and you're the one who never flirts back."
You burst out laughing after hearing her remarks, and she's confused and a little bit annoyed, "of course you think this is funny." She said in a menacing tone.
"We're both such idiots." You shake your head, and she just looks at you as her confusion grows. You grabbed her face and kissed her passionately, hungrily, and desperately, and she just let you, returning the desperation, the hunger, and the passion. When you pull away for air, you can hear everyone at the diner whooping and cheering. Regina gulped completely shocked by your initiation. She wasn't expecting that, but she's not complaining and would like to do it again soon.
Emma, who popped out of nowhere, observed Regina, "You okay, Madam Mayor? Your face is as red as your apples." Regina gulped one more time and sighed, "Oh dear."
2 years had already passed since you first kissed her. You both felt safe and secured. Regina is thinking of asking you to marry her.
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ssadumba55 · 2 years
Masterlist: Once Upon A Time
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All my Once Upon a Time writing will be linked here!
Imagines full one shots with all your favourite Once Upon a Time characters
Jefferson Scar (Gender Neutral Reader)
Killian Jones/Hook Hooked On A Feeling (Gender Neutral Reader) Flower Shop (Male Reader)
Headcanons Headcanons related to Once Upon a Time characters
Nothing Yet
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theodoresgirl · 1 year
hey I have a request for a Killian jones x female reader where the female reader is Emma’s twin sister (looks more like snow) and has a 3 year old daughter from a past toxic relationship, if you can’t do it that’s fine either way thank you :)
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Killian jones x Emma’s twin sister
Killian jones x Fem!Reader
A/n: I did not forget about this request, Sorry it took me a few days to do! Hope you enjoy<3
Y/n was the daughter of David Nolan and Mary Margaret. She also is the twin sister of the savior Emma Swan. She grew up being bounced between foster homes in New Orleans. When she was 23 she had gotten into a really toxic relationship, at 25 she got pregnant and had a daughter.
She had been stuck in the toxic relationship until she was 28, She had packed up her and some of her daughters things and left in the middle of the night.
She had silky long black hair that was curly, brown eyes and a round face with dimples. She almost looked like a clone of Mary Margaret. Her daughter Edith had long dark brunette hair with emerald eyes.
Killian had met y/n and her daughter Edith one day when she had went to visit her sister and parents for one of the first times.
Thursday June 25th, 12:51pm.
Y/n was sitting on the top deck of the jolly roger with Edith, They were eating some sandwiches from granny’s. They were waiting on Killian to finish cleaning his ship.
Edith was sitting on the edge of the ship walls looking out on the water, Y/n kept her view on her daughter and occasionally if he was in view, glancing at killian. Y/n finishes her sandwich and crumbles up the wrapper putting it into a bag.
Y/n looks around trying to see killian but doesn’t, “can i have your trash princess?” She holds the bag out so Edith can put her trash in it, “and I need you to be on the deck instead of railing so I can go run this up to the dumpster” Edith shakes her head as she puts her trash into the bag.
“I can’t leave you on the railing of the boat- ship? You could fall in the water” “Mermaid” edith looks over the edge. “It doesn’t work that way” She holds Edith back so she doesn’t fall. “I’ll watch her, Don’t worry about it love” Killian came up behind her, startling her. “Oh!- it’s fine- you- You don’t gotta worry about it, Weren’t you cleaning?” she nervously smiled, still not used to someone offering to help her.
“I’m done cleaning, Honestly love we could just head back to your loft if you wanted-“ “i wanna stay” the little one interrupted. Y/n sighed before nodding “i’ll be right back then” she said as she walked down and off the jolly roger.
“Alright then love” Killian smirks and she walks away. He turns towards Edith and leans against the railing of the ship and holds himself up with his elbows. “So what do you like kiddo?” He asked curiously. Edith answered back “Princess, Cartoons, Barbie-“ “I'm gonna have to cut you off there my lady, I have no idea what this ‘barbie’ is, Cartoons too?” Killian admitted. Edith looks at Killian with a confused look, “you don’t know barbie?”. Killian shook his head “what is it?”
“Barbie is movies, some of my favorites” She smiles. “You’ll have to show me one next time I’m over then” Killian pats her head with his hand.
Edith nods and giggles “we can watch a mermaid one” “oh? There’s mermaids?” Killian raises an eyebrow. “yes!! Yes!!” she nods and smiles.
Saturday June 27th, 8:00pm
Y/n was laying in the living room with Killian and Edith. Edith was sitting in front of her mother and the pirate watching Barbie: In a Mermaid Tale 2. Killian was laying on the couch with y/n laying on his chest.
Killian had his focus on the tv, only sometimes asking questions about ‘Barbie’, and either getting an answer from the little brunette in front of him or the pale skinned woman in his arms.
After the movie was over both Y/n and Edith were asleep, Killian carefully slips himself out from under Y/n and picks her up. He carries her to her bedroom and lays her down before going out to the living room again and turning everything off. He picks up little Edith and carries her to her room and lays her down, tucking her in, “Goodnight Kiddo.” He muttered as he walked out of the room going into Y/n.
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froggywritesstuff · 2 years
character list
the title is self explanatory. this is a list of the characters i'll write for. it'll probably change over time, and if you see a character you'd like but don't see them on the list, just ask cause i might've forgotten about them
Eliza Schuyler
Angelica Schuyler
Peggy Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
Alexander Hamilton
John Laurens
Philip Hamilton
Hercules Mulligan
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
Aaron Burr
Umbrella Academy
Viktor Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves (Umbrella or Sparrow)
Sloane Hargreeves
Jayme Hargreeves
Stranger Things
Will Byers (non female readers only)
Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Eleven Hopper
Max Mayfield
Robin Buckley (non male readers only)
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
21 Chump Street
Justin Laboy
The Goldfinch
Boris Pavlikovsky
Theodore Decker
Peter Parker (any actor)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Sprite (platonic only)
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Layla El-Faouly
America Chavez (non male readers only)
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova (platonic only)
Riri Williams
Kitty Pryde
Peter Maximoff
Logan Howlette
Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Scott Summers
In The Heights (movie version)
Usnavi de la Vega
Nina Rosario
Sonny de la Vega 
Veronica Sawyer
JD (Jason Dean)
Heather Chandler
Heather McNamara
Heather Duke
John Doe
John Doe
Ride The Cyclone
Noel Gruber (male or nb readers only)
Ocean O'Connel Rosenburg
Mischa Bachinski
Constance Blackwood
Ricky Potts
Paul Matthews
Emma Perkins
Ted Spankoffski
Bill Woodard
Ruth Fleming
Pete Spankoffski
Richie Lipschitz
Max Jagerman
Grace Chasity
Lex Foster
Ethan Green
Hannah Foster (platonic only)
Charlie Spring (non female readers only)
Nick Nelson
Tara Jones (non male readers only)
Darcy Olsson (non male readers readers only)
Elle Argent
Tao Xu (non male readers only(headcanoning him as bi or pan is disrespectful and transphobic))
Tori Spring
Imogen Heaney
Isaac Henderson (platonic only)
Do Revenge
Eleanor Levetan (non male readers only)
Drea Torres
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Bianca Barclay
Xavier Thorpe
Ajax Petropolus
Eugene Otinger
(young) Morticia Addams
(young) Gomez Addams
Lydia Deetz
Tomorrow When The War Began
Ellie Linton
Lee Takkam
Fiona Maxwell
Homer Yannos
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse/Across the Spider-Verse
Miles Morales
Gwen Stacy
Pavitr Prabhakar
Hobie Brown
Margo Kess
Miles G Morales (earth 42)
Miguel O’Hara
Maze Runner
Newt (non female readers only)
The Broken Hearts Gallery
Lucy Gulliver
Nadine (non male readers only)
Nick Danielson
Treasure Planet
Jim Hawkins
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes
Lord Tewkesbury
Turning Red
Mei Mei
Raising Dion
Nicole Warren
Tevin Wakefield
Dion Warren (platonic only)
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Reggie Peters
Alex Mercer (non female readers only)
Abbott Elementary
Janine Teagues
Jacob Hill (non female readers only)
Gregory Eddie
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Jake Peralta
Amy Santiago
Rosa Diaz
Love Victor
Victor Salazar (non female readers only)
Benji (non female readers only)
Felix Weston
Pilar Salazar
Lake Meriwether
Mia Brooks
In Treatment
Kurt Kunkle
Once Upon a Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Mary Margaret Blanchard
David Nolan
Henry Mills
Mulan (non male readers only)
Neal Cassidy
Peter Pan
Dash and Lily
Juno MacGuff
Paulie Bleeker
Summer Days Summer Nights
Debbie Espinoza
Frankie Espinoza
Scream (1 through 6)
Sidney Prescott
Billy Loomis
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Jill Roberts
Charlie Walker
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
Amber Freeman
Chad Meeks-Martin
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Quinn Bailey
Eddie Brock
Honest Thief
Ramon Hall
Beth Hall
Wild Child
Poppy Moore
Freddie Kingsley
Monsters and Men
Manny Ortega
Marisol Ortega
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Trevor Spengler
Phoebe Spengler (platonic only)
Error 143
Micah Yujin
Abed Nadir
Troy Barnes
Annie Edison
Jeff Winger
Britta Perry
The Obession
The New Girl
Lia Setiawan
Stacey Hoffman
Mythic Quest
Poppy Li
Brad Bakshi
Adventure Time
Princess Bubblegum
Marshall Lee
Prince Bubblegum
Flame Princess
School Spirits
Charley (non female readers only)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
Simon Aumar
Disventure Camp
Aiden (non fem readers only)
James (non fem readers only)
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies
Jane Facciano
Olivia Valdovinos
Nancy Nakagawa
Cynthia Zdunowski
Richie Valdovinos
Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso
Roy Kent
Jamie Tartt
Keeley Jones
Sam Obisanya
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Noah Diaz
Elena Wallace
Helluva Boss
Stolas (non female readers only)
Verosika Mayday
Hazbin Hotel
Charlie Morningstar
Vaggie (non male readers only)
Angel Dust (non female readers only)
Alastor (platonic only)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (rise + mutant mayhem + tmnt 2007 + tmnt 2012)
The After Party
Yasper Lennov
Space Force
Tony Scarapiducci
Teddy Lobo
Robert Montague Renfield
Bill Hoyt
Amazing Digital Circus
Parks and Recreation
Leslie Knope
Ben Wyatt
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Randy Cunningham (18+ people DNI unless requesting platonic stories)
The Earliest Show
Josh Bath
House of Lies
Clyde Oberholt
Mean Girls (movie + musical + movie musical)
Cady Heron
Regina George
Gretchen Wieners
Karen Smith/Shetty
Janis Ian/Sarkisian/Imi'ike (non male readers only)
Damian Hubbard (non female readers only)
Warm Bodies
Peep World
Nathan Meyerwitz
Your Boyfriend
Peter Dunbar
Mark Grayson
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Sabrina Spellman
Harvey Kinkle
Nick Scratch
Rosalind Walker
Theo Putnam
Prudence Blackwood
Ambrose Spellman
High School Musical: the Musical the Series
Gina Porter
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Welcome to @classic-disney-imagines!!! Feel free to request something!
I’m excited to be taking my first shot at this! Just some information you ought to know before sending anything in!
Aladdin (Live and animated)
• Aladdin
• Jafar
Beauty and the beast: (Live and animated)
• Beast/Adam
• Gaston
The Lion King: (Live and animated)
• Mufasa
• Simba
• Scar
Cinderella: (Live and animated)
• Prince Charming
Peter Pan: (Once Upon A Time & Animated)
• Peter Pan
• Felix
• Hook
Once Upon A Time:
• Peter Pan
• Felix
• Hook
• Charming
• Mr. Gold
• Baelfire
• Robin Hood
• Emma Swan
• Regina Mills
• Snow White
• Tinker Bell
• Ruby
• Dorothy
• Elsa
• Anna
Maleficent: (Live action only)
• Maleficent
• Diaval
• Aurora/Brier Rose
• Phillip
I write:
• Fluff
• Angst
• Happy endings
• Female character x female reader
• Female character x male reader
• Character x reader shipping
I don’t write:
• Smut
• Incest
• Pregnancy scenes
• Toxic relationships
• Past/present abuse
• Animal abuse/cruelty
• Male character x male reader
• Character x character shipping
Additional information:
I’m going to be updating regularly, so please send in a request for any of these movies/characters!
If there’s a character/movie you like that’s not listed, feel free to request it and I will add it onto my list!
Please don’t get offended or feel let down if I decline a request. If I decline it, it’s not to just be rude, it’s just because it’s probably something I’m not comfortable with writing. If I do decline, feel free to send in a different idea!
That’s all for now!
Happy reading!
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tiredly101 · 2 years
Request are always opened so please go ahead and do one!
Request list/Rules
The Big Bang Theory:
Sheldon Cooper x Rajesh Brother Male Reader; We met in the sports bar
Howard Wolowitz x Mexican Male Reader; Comic Shop
Sheldon Cooper x Male Reader; I love you too
Howard Wolowitz x Rajesh Koothrappali x Argentinian Male Reader; He's shy and I'm stupid
Leonard Hofstadter x Male Reader; Leonard... He's gone
Once Upon a Time:
Killian Jones x Emma Swan Twain Brother Male Reader; Aren't you a jewel?
Mr. Gold x Ex Military (Emma best friends) Male Reader; I finally found my Darling, evil queen
Mary Margaret (Snow White) x OCC Female Reader; I will always love you...
Two villains and one soulmate (COMPLETE): part 1 and part 2
Love is coming our way (COMPLETE): Part 1 and part 2
Bianca criticizes Y/N on their fencing skills
Couple Goals
In a bookstore
Trick or Treat
Three maniacs together
Welcome Home:
Wally Darling x Writer!Male reader; New Neighbor (STILL GOING): Part one, Part two, Part three, Part four, Part five , Part six, Part 7, Part 8
Wally Darling x Abused!Male Reader; Broken (STILL GOING): Part one, Part two, Part three, Part four, Part five
Wally Darling x female reader headcanons (REQUEST): Lovely Days
Home x Platonic!Architect!Female reader headcanons (REQUEST): Colorful Afternoons
Wally Darling x Baker! Gender neutral Reader (REQUEST): Home is a language
Wally Darling x Julie's Sibling! Gender nuetral Reader (REQUEST): Shy cutie
Wally Darling x Julie's Sibling! Gender nuetral Reader Part two (REQUEST): Apple assault
Barnaby x Short bunny personality!Male Reader (REQUEST): Puppy love
Wally Darling x Gymnastics Eddie adopted!Gender fluid Reader (REQUEST): Love letters
Tall! Wally Darling x Engineer!Male Reader: Grease Smudge
Acrobat human!Wally Darling x Acrobat!Male Reader: Circus...
Wally Darling x Oracle Fallen angel!Male reader: Sinner’s way
Human!Wally Darling x Latino!Male reader (UPCOMING): Latino flavor
Wally Darling x Chef!Male reader (REQUEST): My cute chef
Random post/Polls:
Welcome Home ideas (CLOSED): Poll
Wally Darling x Male reader (OPEN): Poll
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alaynasansa · 2 years
On this special day I wanted to share some of my favorite female characters in literature, cinema and tv
Sansa Stark (asoiaf)
Catelyn Stark (asoiaf)
Arianne Martell (asoiaf)
Elia Martell (asoiaf)
Brienne of Tarth (asoiaf)
Rhaena Targaryen (daughter of Aenys) (asoiaf)
Rhaenyra Targaryen (asoiaf)
Elizabeth Bennet (pride and prejudice)
Amy March (little women)
Galadriel (lotr)
Arwen (lotr)
Eowyn (lotr)
Leia Organa (star wars)
Shira Brie aka Lumiya (star wars)
Padmé Amidala (star wars)
Danni Quee (star wars)
Sabé (star wars)
Mulan (mulan)
Anna Marie Lebeau aka Rogue (x-men)
Lorna Dane aka Polaris (x-men)
Emma Frost aka White Queen (x-men)
Rachel Summers aka Askani (x-men)
Betsy Braddock aka Captain Britain (x-men)
Monet St Croix aka Penance (x-men)
Sue Storm aka Invisible Woman (fantastic four)
Sersi (eternals)
Joyce Byers (stranger things)
Kira (knights of emerald)
The Knights of Emerald is a heroic fantasy book series written in french taking place in a fictional medieval universe. Kira is the main female character. In short : She is purple from head to toe, with clawed fingers and toes, sharp teeth, and vertical pupils. She's half insect (her father is a giant ant, so what ?) half fairy and half elven. Her father is a megalomaniac emperor who raped her mother and wants to invade the continent where she lives. She is a crown princess but abdicates her throne because she knows nothing about politics and prefers to fight to protect her people as a knight. During the series the reader sees her grow from a toddler to an undisciplined nine-year-old child who does not yet have the maturity to understand why she is overprotected against her father's schemes and why she does not have the right to become a squire like her friends, then to a fifteen-year-old teenager who is insecure because of her looks, finally has the right to join the knighthood and experiments romantic love, then to an experienced adult who still goes through several trials before she can fulfill her destiny. I love this character !!
Bridgess (knights of emerald)
Bridgess is smart, straightforward and a born leader. She's kind of like a big sister to Kira and has been very supportive of her. She manages to stand up to the most stubborn characters of the series but sometimes she breaks down and fails because she is not perfect and perfect characters are boring
Swan (knights of emerald)
Swan is brash and has trouble obeying. She was born into an extremely sexist kingdom and continually feels the pressure of having to prove herself in order to be as respected as men are within knighthood. She's quite friendly and very tolerant, especially with her best friend Kira. Swan starts a family in the midst of war and struggles to deal with this new change in her life, fearing that she will not be able to fight with all her pregnancies, experiencing guilt and pain at not being able to be with her children and not seeing them grow up as much as she wants
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randominagines · 3 years
Could you do a smut with Emma swan? Like you first time as a couple?
Thanks for the request!
Pairing: Emma Swan x fem reader
Warning: smut, very smut, scissoring, fingering, cumming, the whole package lok
Gifs belong to their creators.
You have been in love with Emma for years;
She always liked you too but it took her a lot of time to realise that she wanted to be with you;
She was always so cynical and she believed she was not made for love;
Then you happened and she slowly started to let herself go to the idea of having a partner;
You started dating shortly before Henry showed up at her door;
You never once refused to stay by her side during the whole crazy adventure in Storybroke and once Emma managed to break the curse you moved in together;
Living such an adventurous situation together made your bound unbreakable and the first night in your new apartment showed it;
You have been thinking about sharing an intimacy with Emma for a while and it all came naturally;
"I can't believe we finally have our own home."
"I know, baby. You're the person of my life and I want to thank you for always staying by my side, even if you just found out that your girlfriend is straight out from a fairytale book."
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You laugh, explaining that this makes her absolutely special;
She kisses you, feeling loved and special, grateful to share her new life with you;
You kiss her back, feeling that everything finally makes sense;
She caresses your face while you pull her toward your bedroom;
You both know what is about to happen and you feel ready;
She let you push her on the bed, your lips still attached while she slowly takes off your shirt;
You smirk on her lips and open your eyes;
"Someone is impatient."
You tease her and she smiles, her cheeks getting slightly red while she removes her own shirt;
You help her take off her jeans as well and look at her, your eyes wandering on her body;
"You look... stunning, Emma Swan."
You whisper and she smiles her hand caressing your shoulders while you undress;
She looks at your naked body with such devotion in her green eyes;
"You are breathtaking as well, my love."
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She compliments and kisses you back, her lips capturing yours with such passion;
You slowly start kissing her neck, leaving small kisses on her chest, stomach, hips, inner tights;
She slowly moans your name, her body begging you for more;
You smirk and gently take off her pants before finally kissing her when she need it the most;
You listen to her body language and try to understand what she likes most, driving her crazy;
She arches her back, her hands between your hair while you give her pleasure;
You look at her from times to times, just to enjoy the sight of your girlfriend;
She closes her eyes, slightly pushing your head to make you understand that you're doing great;
When she is close, you decide to fasten the rhythm of your tongue;
She gasps in pure bliss and finally comes;
She moans your name and you feel her legs shaking while never stopping your work;
She smiles, eyes watery and hands sweetly caressing your head;
You smirk and laid back just to grab her legs and positioning between them, tangling your legs with hers;
She looks at you in pleasure while you start scissoring with her;
She caresses your breast while you kisd her leg, your movements slow and sensual;
She rolls her eyes in pleasure while you start moaning;
"Y/n... faster..."
She begs you and you listen to her, feeling your pleasure growing inside of you;
She notices youre close and caresses your nipples to help you come;
You feel the orgasm exploding inside of you and come while looking at her in her eyes;
She feels her heart pounding faster, absolutely joyful to see you like that;
You slowly move next to her and she caresses your hips, her hands tracing your bones untill she stops on your entrance;
She slowly penetrates you with a finger and you grab her shoulders while moaning;
"You look so beautiful."
She whispers while slowly moving her finger inside of you;
You throw your head back and moan in pleasure, begging her not to stop;
She kisses your neck while fastening the movement of her hand, her other hand squeezing your hip;
You look at her straight in her eyes while coming again, your lips half parted and your cheeks red;
She smiles and kisses you while letting you come untill she feels you calming down;
She hugs you and sweetly kisses your forhead, her arms wrapping you;
"I love you, Emma."
You whisper against her skin;
She smiles and looks at you;
"I love you too, y/n."
She whispers and keeps caressing you until you fall asleep in her arms;
She looks at you with a soft smile, grateful to have you,
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Emma Swan x Storybrooke!Reader - Wonderland
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Requested By Anon - Could i request an Emma swan/Reader where reader is Alice from wonderland, but Storybrooke is her version of wonderland (like she grew up in wonderland and ent to storybooke to play out her role as 'alice') so she's aware of the curse the same as Emma
Warnings - None I can think of
Note - I’m so sorry this is so short Anon
Requests are closed
You had been in Storybrooke for almost ten years now. You had a little fight with the March Hare and she kinda-sorta pushed you into a portal that dropped you into Storybrooke. It took a while for you to adjust to the new land, but you soon did. You became close friends with Henry, without his mother’s knowledge. You liked to hang around remote places of Storybrooke, the Storybrooke Heritage Park. However, it wasn’t until a special someone came to Storybrooke that caused you to open up more. One Emma Swan. 
When the Curse first hit the Enchanted Forest, whispers of it echoed through Wonderland, and you learned of who was to break said curse. Henry had told her that if she ever needed anything, you could always be found at the park. You were balancing on the edge of the park bench when a yellow bug pulled up. You frowned Henry was nowhere to be seen. Emma rushed out of her car, spotting you and racing over. 
“What happened?” You asked, dropping down onto the grass. “Where’s Henry?”
“He said you were a friend.” Emma breathed, winded, as if she was in a rush. “Yeah?”
“Henry ate an apple turnover.” Emma revealed. Your eyebrows pinched together. 
“Regina made it...for me.” Your eyes widened. 
“You should have said something earlier! Hurry!” You pushed Emma to her car, and threw yourself into the passenger seat. Emma punched the gas, and you were off to the hospital. 
“So, who are you?” Emma asked. 
“Well, my name here is (Y/N), but if you’re asking for my name in the Enchanted Forest, I’m Alice.”
“Like...Alice in Wonderland?”
“Seriously? You go to one weird realm and that’s all everyone can ever talk about.”
“So aren't you from...this realm?”
“No, I read the story of what these people thought I was, but I actually grew up in Wonderland. Had a tiff with the March Hare and she sent me here. Henry found out who I was pretty quick, that’s why he was so adamant on you knowing who you were.”
“So how do we save Henry?” Emma asked as you pulled up to the hospital. You both exited the vehicle, you leaning on the hood. 
“Don't you know your own parent’s story? True Love’s kiss’ll do it.” You informed her, crossing your arms. “Once you wake him up I’ll come see him, alright?” Emma nodded before hurrying into the hospital. You waited for a while before you felt a rush of magic. You grinned hopping of the car and strolling casually into the hospital. You dodged out of the way when Regina ran out of the room. Your hands in your pockets you sauntered into the room. “Hey there Henry.” You greeted. The young boy turned to you with a small smile.
“(Y/N).” Henry greeted. You walked over to him and hugged him gently. 
“Don't you ever do that again.” You whispered. You held him a bit tighter. “You’re the only person who didn't think I was crazy.” You separated from the hug and brushed his hair back. 
“You were right all along.” Someone said, causing you to look up. Dr Whale was looking at you sadly. “Sorry about...trying to...you know…”
“Trying to throw me into the mental ward? It's all good, at least you’re not trying to do it now.”
“So...you were being serious?” Emma asked. “You’re actually-”
“Alice in Wonderland.” Henry but in.
“Henry.” You laughed. “Every time, I tell you that me growing up in Wonderland isn't my only personality trait.”
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Finding yourself at the park once more, you basked in the feeling of the town finally remembering. A familiar yellow bug rolled up beside you. Emma got out and sat on the park bench next to you. “Thank you.” Emma said. “If you hadn’t told me about True Love’s kiss, I wouldn't have even tried it.”
“No problem.” You turned to her. “I grew up in a petty topsy-turvy world, we’re used to big and flashy solutions to problems, thought since this was so finite it would be more simple.”
“That was smart.”
“Thank you, no one really say’s that about me.”
“So...how often are you here?” 
“I’m here almost every day.”
“Would you...would you mind if I come tomorrow?” You smiled at Emma.
“I would love that.”
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Tags: @baked-bean-bekah​
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Rumple's Swan 1 (Scenario) Rumpelstiltskin X Emma Swan Reader (Once Upon A Time) (Yandere)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with a Request off of wattpad by Dayakeller27 I hope that you enjoy this chapter here! I made his base headcanons before this but I may have them posted at a different time. Enjoy!]
(Rumpelstiltskin) (The One He's Been Waiting For)
(Rumpelstiltskin's POV)
I knew who (Name) was before she was even born. She was everything I cared for as she would be my ticket to get what I want. But right now, in looking at her. I cannot help but stare. I had waited so long to use her. But in seeing her now I think I have fallen for her. My heart is racing my palms are a bit sweaty. I felt like a young man in love for the first time. She looked at me and got the key to her room. I knew I had to have her no matter the cost.
Looks like my plans are changing slightly.
As time went on I got to know everything I could about her. I knew she was a woman who worked hard and did not depend on anyone else. That made it a bit harder for me to get close to her. She was stubborn in accepting my help. Though she also knew I had different motives. I could not risk loosing her. So I waited for the right moment.
That came when Cinderella did not want to give up her babies. I smirked at this and (Name) looked at me ready to make a deal.
"What do you want?" She demands of me.
"Oh there are many things I want of you Dearie, but for now I will settle for you to start dating me." I say and her eye widen.
"What the hell!?!" She demands.
"You heard me Dearie, I want you to start dating me, nothing official mind you but just enough so you can get to know me." I say. "Maybe then you will have the same feelings for me as I do you."
She looked ready to turn me down.
"Ah ah!" I say. "Remember what is at stake my dear." I say.
She took a deep breath and nodded. "So what will be our first date then?" She asks and I smirk.
Oh she is mine now and I am never ever letting her go.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS this may just be part one if you guys like this enough I may do more. I hope you All enjoyed and stay sexy!]
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sweetbuckybarnes · 2 years
sweetbuckybarnes main masterlist
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Character x reader fics:
Bucky Barnes
Eddie Munson
Character x Character fics:
Jerin (Derry Girls)
Captain Swan
Jay Kelso and Leia Forman
Other lists:
Taylor Swift discography
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fangirlovestuff · 3 years
misc. characters masterlist
main masterlist
all readers are female unless specified otherwise<3
* - indicates smut, 💞 - personal fave\
this is a masterlist for characters i haven’t written over two fics for, and it includes: thor, ari levinson, valkyrie, kyle (the perfect score), me (playing it cool), peter parker, tony stark, nick vaughn, johnny storm
Here - “Me” x reader (Playing it Cool)  💞
Forever - Ari Levinson x male!reader
Smile - Thor Odinson x reader  💞
Tiny Dancer - Killian Jones x Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
blurbs / headcanons:
Cuddling with Valkyrie - Valkyrie x reader
Night Out - Kyle x reader (The Perfect Score)
taking each Avenger to a pride parade would be like... - various characters, relationship unspecified
Halloween Headcanons - various cevans characters
more to come!
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Rules page
Property of the NFF and Towa Industries writing department
Howdy hey everyone this one the ultimate puppeteer and this is my rules page
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These are the fandoms this one I'll write for:
Danganronpa from THH, Goodbye Despair, Killing Harmony,Ultra Despair Girls to Danganropa 3, Fate/Grand Order, Fate stay night, RWBY, Jujutsu Kaisen and Persona 4 and 5 Royal, and Honkai Star rail
Rules for Requesting: 
What I will write
I’ll write fluff and Angst to fluff
I also write for NSFW topics too but only mild ones
I love writing romanic relationships and yanderes,I'm also open to yandere's
I write Character x Male Reader
Characters and Fandoms I write for
Chainsaw man: Kobeni, Fami, Asa, Power and Himeno
Danganropa: All female characters along with Makoto and Chihiro but platonic only for these two
Super Danganropa Another 2: Sora, Emma Magorobi, Y,Kokoro Mitsume, Setsuka Chiebukuro, Iroha Nijue, Kanade Otonokoji, Hibiki Otonokoji
Danmachi/Is it wrong to try and pick up girls in a dungeon: Ais Wallenstein, Ryuu Lion
RWBY: All Female characters.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Maki, Miwa, Mai, Utahime, Mei Mei and Nobara
Persona 3- 5: Phantom thief girls and Confidants, Investigation team girls along with Ai Ebihara and Marie, Sees Girls and Yuko and Chihiro
I especially love writing for Danganronpa girls : Junko, Mukuro, Ruruka, Mikan, Maki, Tenko, Monaca, Hiyoko, Himiko and Ibuki
Honkai star rail : Kafka, Acheron, March 7th, Serval Black swan, Natasha, Silver Wolf, Seele, Qingque, Herta and Yukong
ZENLESS ZONE ZERO: Nicole Demora, Nekomiya, Grace Howard, Anby, Ellen and Belle
The coffin of Andy and Leyley: Ashley Graves
Fate/Grand Order and Stay Night: Female Servants only
My character limit 1-3 characters
I'm okay with writing for topics such as Self harm and suic!de, but only for the purposes of comfort. I don't romanticizing or fetishizing these topics.
I'm able to write for topics for mental illness like ADHD, Depression and PTSD.
Please keep in mind that I have the right to deny requests
My main form of writing is headcanons but if I like the idea enough and you request I can write in story format.
What I won't write:
No abuse, unless it's recovery or comfort
I don't write incest either
I won't write for trans readers since I wouldn't be able to really write them and it feels odd to try too
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heliads · 4 years
Peter Pan Masterlist
Magic Finds Magic - Based on this request: “Peter goes to the modern world with Emma, Snow, David as they’re looking for someone. He meets this girl and takes an interest to her. He realizes she’s the girl they’re looking for.” Imagine
like a heartbeat, drives you mad - From the moment you first dream of Neverland, you know that it’s a home unlike any other. Waking up is terrible every time, but what if you were able to find a way to stay there forever? Imagine
Trying to Live - Based on this request: “Peter pan’s plan to steal the heart of the truest believer failed, so now he has to take the heart of his soulmate. He captures her. He expects her to fight back but she doesn’t. In fact, she’s happy to give up her heart for him if it meant she wasn’t useless. He starts to feel bad that he was her soulmate.” Soulmate AU
The Act, Made Worthwhile - Based on this request: “peter pan x female reader with the prompts 1 & 5 (‘You want me to be your fake girlfriend?’ and ‘Is it asking too much to be young and in love’)?” Imagine
Secrets Told, Secrets Buried - Based on this request: “peter pan with prompts 21& 28 (‘I’ve never seen them like that with anyone else’ and ‘”You fascinate me.” “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” “I’m haven’t entirely decided yet.”’) fluff please” Imagine
Never Fail - Based on this request: “peter pan with prompts 13, 19, 25. (’If this is your way of asking me out, I’m going to need you to try a little harder’, ‘How’s the prettiest person in the world doing? I don’t know, how are you?’, and ‘Tell me you love me. I need to hear it just the once.’)” Imagine
Watching Over - Based on this request: “Peter Pan [ouat]. Reader is a quiet person but when you get to know them, they get louder.” Drabble
The Heart is Home - Based on this request: “peter pan x reader where y/n is from the maze runner. w.i.c.k.e.d was infiltrated by Peter and the lost boys. they brought y/n and other gladers to Neverland. a glader gets jealous and asks y/n to leave neverland. Peter overhears and tells y/n to stay in neverland. y/n has to choose between staying in neverland or leaving with the gladers.” Imagine
Jealousy for the Centuries - Based on this request: “reader tries to make Peter jealous but readers tactics to make him jealous go too far and reader gets kidnapped? But then he saves reader and makes up in the end" Imagine
Caught Between Threads - Based on this request: “Reader was Regina’s daughter but met Peter after Regina left Reader to be killed. She and Peter are together when Peter wants to get Henry. Reader has to confront Regina when they arrive on Neverland to get Henry back.” Imagine
Good Trouble - Based on this request: “Peter Pan took a girl from her lonely, awful home in 1899. A year later he (unknowingly) takes her twin brother to Neverland. They hang out a lot and catch up and Peter get jealous.” Imagine
The Plan - Based on this request: “peter pan fic with angst with Wendy in the beginning, but it turns out all right in the end? Friends to lovers?” Imagine
Illusions and Abductions - Based on this request: “reader is child of the Swan Queen and Siegfried? And they were sent away as a baby away from storybrooke to protect them from rumplestilskin? when Peter finds about this he kidnaps them as blackmail? But he slowly falls for them? Enemies to lovers prompt?” Imagine
Coming Back (Part One) (Part Two) - Based on this request: “peter pan ouat imagine, where y/n and peter dated before the curse and after it was cast he didn’t forget about her, and spent years looking for her. after the curse is over he finds her with henry (adopted younger sibling) and kidnaps her to Neverland and tries to make her remember him.” Imagine
Icarus and the Demon - Based on this request: “Peter pan with a gender-neutral reader? In the enchanted forest, they were known as Icarus and when they fell they landed in Neverland and Peter helped them take off the wings that were melted on their back.” Imagine
Dating Peter Pan Would Include... Headcanons
Shipwrecked (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four) - You’re a pirate aboard the Mad Man’s Queen, or at least you were until it wrecked on a coast near Neverland. You’ll need to find a way to escape the accursed island, although Peter Pan is making it awfully hard for you. Multi-Part Imagine
Hostage Situation - When Y/N L/N is kidnapped by Peter Pan to serve as a hostage and coerce her kingdom into leaving Neverland alone, she can only laugh. The mutual hatred between her and Pan, however, may lose its fire after a while. Imagine
Disappearance of a Dreamer - There’s a young girl who visits Neverland in her dreams, who comes all the time until she mysteriously vanishes one dark night. Pan doesn’t know what to think of it, until a familiar girl shows up to Neverland years later in the company of pirates. Imagine
A Change of Heart -  Everyone in the Enchanted Forest has heard the stories of the Huntress, Regina’s lethal mercenary. When she’s sent to Neverland to bring back some of the poisonous dreamshade plant, her meeting with Peter Pan will cause her to turn her back on Regina once and for all. Imagine
Silver Ring - When you’re forced to flee from your village after you were caught using your powers, you take a chance and go with the Shadow to Neverland. Peter Pan himself teaches you to use your magic, and you find yourself falling for the boy. Imagine
Cedar Trees and Lost Boys - You are a dryad, living on Neverland with your family. Will a friendship with Peter Pan blossom into something more, or is he just using you for information on the other dryads? Imagine
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littlemisspascal · 2 years
Get to Know You Tag Game
Thank you @oonajaeadira 💜
Rules: tag a few people you want to know better; make a new post, don’t reblog!
fave color: White 🤍
currently reading: Fanfiction all day everyday
Last Series: Moon Knight
Sweet, spicy or savory: Sweet please!
Coffee or tea: Neither. I’m not a fan of how tea tastes and I’ve never actually had coffee before
Three Ships: Question x Huntress / Dean x Castiel / Emma Swan x Killian Jones
First Ever Ship: Jasper and Alice from Twilight
Currently Working On: Love Triangles -- a Dieter x Female Reader Soulmates fic. It’s 90% finished and then I’ll be back to working on the Infinity Cube and Mailroom Crush 💙
Fave Piece of Clothing: I own a lot of graphic t shirts for different tv shows that I love so so much
Comfort Food: cinnamon rolls. I could eat hundreds of them 🥰
Fave time of year: Autumn. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right.
Fan fanfiction: Fluffy Pedro Character fics. Or a/b/o fics. Or soulmates. Give them all to me 😄
Tagging: No pressure: @hopeamarsu @beecastle @katareyoudrilling @write-and-buried @supernaturalgirl20 @amywritesthings @something-tofightfor
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tiredly101 · 2 years
Request are closed at the moment
Promps I use
Fandoms I don't mind writing for:
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Wendsday (romantic/platonic)
Ajax (romantic/platonic)
Enid (romantic/platonic)
Xavier (romantic/platonic)
Tyler (romantic/platonic)
Bianca (romantic/platonic)
The Big Bang Theory
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Sheldon (romantic/platonic)
Leonard (romantic/platonic)
Howard (romantic/platonic)
Rajesh (romantic/platonic)
Barry (it depends the context but mostly platonic)
Stuart (it depends the context but mostly platonic)
Penny (romantic/platonic)
Bernadette (romantic/platonic)
Amy (romantic/platonic)
My Hero Academia
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Aizawa (romantic/platonic)
Bakugou (romantic/platonic)
Izuku (Deku) (romantic/platonic)
Denki (romantic/platonic)
Kirishima (romantic/platonic)
Sero (romantic/platonic)
Mina (romantic/platonic)
Once Upon a Time
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Captain Hook/Killian Jones (romantic/platonic)
Emma Swan (romantic/platonic)
Prince Charming/David (romantic/platonic)
Snow White/Mary Margaret (romantic/platonic)
Evil Queen/Regina Mills (romantic/platonic)
Rumplestilskin/Mr. Gold (romantic/platonic)
Welcome home
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Wally Darling (romantic/platonic)
Poppy (platonic)
Sally (romantic/platonic)
Julie (romantic/platonic)
Frank (ship him with Eddie but romantic/platonic)
Eddie (ship him with Frank but romantic/platonic)
Howdy (romantic/platonic)
Barnaby (romantic/platonic)
Home (platonic)
My welcome home persona; their name is Jack Tiredly btw (romantic/platonic)
@satanic-witchcraft welcome home persona whose name is Satanic- (romantic/platonic)
Call me either Tiredly or Sammy if you want to make a request!
I don't mind writing a ship x reader (poly) as long as it doesn't ruin it's dynamic or is toxic
Smut request are not allowed but suggestive under control is acceptable
Don't demand, just ask. (Please do ask, I don't bite!)
I accept song fics since I normally use music while writing.
Male reader, female reader and/or gender neutral are allowed.
Angst, Fluff and slight gore request are A-OK but if I don't feel comfortable with the subject I will let you know since I'll probably not do your request.
Headcanons, mini fics or in general fics are something I love doing so do request for either!
I will write a different universe if you ask!
No furry request are allowed
Don't ask for a request if you already asked the same one in a different account because it doesn't make me comfortable
Will do x child reader but no pedophilia so don't you even think about it (If the thought even crosses your mind go to a church buddy)
You are so allowed to do fanart for my Welcome Home persona cause I'm $hit at drawing!
I don't write on weekends so if I take my time doing your request is because of that
I'm pretty laid back so those are the rules for now and if I think of anything else I will add it!
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