#empire strikes back au
25centsoda · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Day 5
Title: I Saw You Flinch
Summary: The Dark Side is cold; the Light is warm. This becomes a problem when a Jedi fights a Sith for a long period of time and begins to overheat. Especially when said Jedi had abandoned their training too early. ESB au.
No. 5 EVERY WHUMPEE’S NEEDS Blood Loss | Running Out of Air | Hyperthermia
The room Luke found himself in was warm, lined with hot pipes hissing steam into the air. He didn’t like his odds in a prolonged battle with Vader in here; Master Yoda had taught him how to cool himself with the Force, but any use of the Light made his body temperature rise. He set his jaw and touched the lightsaber hanging at his hip with his free hand.
 His friends were here. His father’s killer was here, a cold spot in Luke’s senses. He had abandoned his training on Dagobah to save the people he cared about, avenge those he loved.
 He wouldn’t turn around now.
 The platform that had brought Luke to this room sealed twice over with a solid panel and a grate to match the rest of the floor. He glanced down at it as it shut.
 He couldn’t turn around now, either.
 That cold spot bloomed in his senses, a creeping chill that only made him more determined.
 And he didn’t want to.
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shapelytimber · 2 months
Here they are, finaly
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Luke (she/they), is now part of my sw sapphic au (link to the old recap, just know Lando and Boba were added after) fkdlod I had fun with these sketches :))) (especially happy with the sw6 one !!)
And look.... I just *had* to make a 'you killed my mother' comic kflflfo showing how the most iconic sw scene went down in my silly au :3c
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They still jump btw, the confused semi refutal didn't convince her to team up with dad (shockers) And their relationship is now just a bit more weird :) after Bespin they just assume Vader was married to Anakin and killed her- so you know, new issues unlocked
PS : thank you to these (1/2/3) asks ! I may not have taken into account all the suggestions made, but I really enjoy brainstorming and exchanging with other people, to bounce ideas back and forth helps me a lot when it comes to creating things (especially when I'm stuck and don't really know what to do fkdkdo).
I don't know if this will be my final Luke design, as they are still some aspects I'm not 100% happy with, but at least it's out there now, it exist :)
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pomplalamoose · 5 months
Ooohhh how about different eras of luke (ROTJ is my fav if doing one is easier) and maybe some modern dilf!luke 👀 reacting to you laying your head on his shoulder when you’re tired or have a headache pre-relationship?
Anonnn, you don't understand, I'm obsessed with this ask. I just HAD to do every single Luke era plus the Dilf AU as the cherry on top because it's been so long since I last wrote something wholesome😩
also it reminds me of the posts I used to do when I first started writing and ngl I'm feeling a little nostalgic
• sweet ANH Luke with his open smile and honest eyes is so easy to approach and befriend, resting your head on his shoulder comes almost naturally
• though unbeknownst to you he'd immediately be on the brink to loose his mind
• already he tends to be a little jittery with nerves whenever you randomly appear in the same room he is in
• even more so now that he's finally admitted his major crush on you to himself
• so just imagine his excitement the moment you decide to sit next to him
• as soon as your head touches his shoulder he goes bright red and doesn't dare to move in fear of accidentally shooing you away, his heart beating wildly in his chest
• for a slight moment he forgets how to breathe, though it's not like he minds
• this is the best day of his life
• not only does he finally get to feel the warmth of having you so close by his side, but also your soft hair aginst his cheek if he dares to tilt his head just a little bit
• when eventually he manages to somewhat normalize his breathing, his thoughts will start to wander
• he's SO proud you're clearly comfortable and feeling safe with him
• but should he strike up a conversation? Ask how you're doing? If everything's okay?
• maybe he could make you laugh
• your hands look so soft; what if he were to reach out and just take them in his?
• would you mind?
• he's not sure, his aren't as pretty and smooth as yours
• you smell very nice
• wouldn't your current position make you look like a couple to an outsider passing by?
• what if, and he feels very bold just considering, but, what if you...like him?
• quickly enough he has a very hard time remaining calm
• and how could he? He needs to tell someone about this RIGHT NOW
• good luck trying to catch ESB Luke sitting still for even once
• though should you be as lucky to catch him during a moment of rest and manage to lean on him, he'll feel similarly as ANH Luke; excited, a little nervous even, though not as much as his younger self would have been
• still he has to fight off the blush rising into his cheeks and will absolutely deny ever changing colors should someone (especially Leia, Han or even R2) point it out
• at the same time he wishes for as many as possible to witness this very monumental moment, hoping everyone will see that you're leaning on HIS shoulder
• HIS!
• yeah that's right! In your face, (add in name of random rebellion member that also takes an interest in you)!!!
• if he's feeling extra bold, he may use the chance to put an arm around your shoulder
• but very carefully so; he's afraid to overstep any of your boundaries
• after all he's not sure if you'd even like to be held
• there's only one problem: how is he supposed to do anything now?
• he has places to be, things to do, an Empire to fight!
• he's getting kind of warm too
• more than that actually
• Force, are you hiding a heater under all of your layers of clothing?
• also he just remembered; isn't there a meeting he has to attend?
• shouldn't he be working to improve his x-wing?
• he'll check on you out of the corner of his eye, trying to get a feeling for how long you plan to stay like this
• he needs to come up with a way to notify the others of his delay
• because there's no way he's moving even a single muscle
• he's not leaving you behind
• he simply can't!
• not when he was just chosen as your designated spot to rest your pretty but, admittedly, very heavy head
• but not to worry, of course he can handle it!
• he'll be here as long as you need him to be
• RotJ and post RotJ Luke is hard to keep tabs on and thus hard to find
• all you can hope for is to encounter him by pure chance, as he seems to simply have evaporated whenever you wander around searching for him
• though despite his withdrawn ways he's always welcoming and inviting should you happen upon him
• he, above anyone else, understands the importance of rest during a busy day
• he smiles mildly to himself as soon as you settle down and scoot close enough for your arms to touch
• the emotions you are unconsciously emitting, may it be nervousness, excitement or shyness, amuse him a great deal and he's keen to see whether you'll overcome them this time or not
• I don't think he'd tell you outright that he enjoys your presence, that it tends to calm him down and to ease his mind, until much later
• but despite what he is or isn't saying he can't help but feel a little warm inside whenever you come across him during the day
• despite that he can never not worry at least a little bit about your well-being and immediately feels the need to check in on you either with words or a gentle probe with the Force to make sure you're okay
• if he has the time to stay with you for a while he asks if you'd like to lay down
• see, he can shuffle to the side a little and then you could rest your head on his thigh instead of on his shoulder
• wouldn't that be more comfortable?
• he doesn't have a blanket in case you're cold, but maybe you could use his cloak?
• it's not the best, maybe a little rough and still a little dirty from his last trip as he didn't have the time to wash it yet, but it does a good job of keeping a person warm
• he doesn't show how happy he is should you follow his invite and agree to rest beside him, though maybe Leia would notice
• and possibly so would you by how he'd start to absentmindedly stroke your head and play with your hair whenever others are around to keep him properly distracted
• I think Dilf!Luke's reaction would really depend on the current situation/ on how far your relationship has already developed at that point
• here it's important to note though that he'd never tell you off or send you away for initiating contact, not even after just recently getting to know you
• yes he's standoffish and withdrawn, cold in demeanor, seemingly displeased with your presence in his house
• but when it comes down to it he is kind, always has been, even if he hides it away to protect himself
• his behavior towards you is nothing personal; the emotions you call forth are his to deal with
• he may try to at first but ultimately knows deep down that he can't hold you accountable for how his past still troubles him
• he's a father, deeply caring in nature
• no matter what, he could never bring himself to deny anyone his child's age comfort
• though he might be a little confused about why you chose him, of all people, to rest your head on
• after all it's not like he's been going out of his way to be peculiarly inviting or nice - quite the contrary actually
• he'll remain very still for the duration of your vicinity, involuntarily stiffening not only out of surprise but because it's been so long that anyone outside of his immediate family initiated intimacy
• he's so touch starved, so used to rarely feeling a person's warmth, that your simple act catches him off guard
• suddenly he has no idea what to do, how to continue on after
• for your own good and his child's sake he wants to keep you at an arm's length and yet...
• if he wasn't enamored with you before, he is so now
• he thinks back to those moments of doubt and insecurity frequently
• but where they once haunted him, they now serve as a reminder for how far he's come and what he was able to finally leave behind
• he's proud of himself too, yes, but most of all to call you his
• every little touch of yours, and may it be one as innocent as laying your head on his shoulder, fills him with joy
• never, in a thousand years, would he once have believed to be in a position to reciprocate your gentle displays of trust and affection
• but now that he can, now that everything feels a little less like a dream, it's all he wants to do
• (and he does)
• (forehead kisses are his favorite way to, he can't help it)
• (not when you placed yourself so conveniently)
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lajulie24 · 2 months
What I should have said
Part 1 of a series of ficlets/drabbles featuring Han and Leia in different AU scenarios. Written for Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2024 ( @hanleiacelebration ) Day 3 — AU/Canon divergence.
When Han confronts Leia in the hallway on Echo Base, Leia changes her response.
“Well, don’t get all mushy on me. So long, Princess.”
Han turned on his heel and strode out of the command center, and Leia couldn’t tell whether she was more furious at Han for going back on his promise to stay, or for the way he’d broken the news to her.
She’d felt her heart go into her throat as he was speaking with General Rieekan, and could barely say a word as he’d come over to say goodbye. (Not even “goodbye,” just “I guess this is it.”) She knew she’d sounded cold, but what the fuck was she supposed to have done instead?
It didn’t take her long to decide to follow him into the hallway. No way was that bantha shit going to be the last word, after what they’d already been through together.
She spotted him moving swiftly down the corridor toward the hangar (well, as swiftly as one could on this ice without falling on one’s ass).
“Han!” she called, and he paused and turned around while she caught up.
“Yes, Your Highnessness?” he asked.
Great. So it was going to be like that, was it? Might as well get right to the point. “I thought you had decided to stay.”
“Well, the bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell changed my mind,” he said.
Damnit. She’d hoped Ord Mantell had just been a temporary setback, that after they’d gotten back and everyone had recovered, that things would have blown over. Guess not.
“Han, we need you,” she said. She hoped it wasn’t too late.
Han scowled. “We need?”
“What about you need?” he asked.
Leia was a split second from answering that she didn’t know what in nine hells he was talking about, but she paused. This wasn’t the first time they’d had a conversation like this. Usually it was less angry, more him encouraging her to put herself before the Rebellion for a change, but—
He was asking her for what he needed, she realized. That’s what Well, your highness, I guess this is it had been about too.
The most ass-backwards way to tell me what you need, she thought. But she and Han had gotten into the habit of things being unspoken between them. Maybe that was ass-backwards, too.
“I need?” she asked him, her voice a little softer.
He gave her a pointed look, like You know what I mean.
She swallowed.
“I need you,” she said. She was aware there were people passing by in the hallway, no doubt expecting some kind of epic blow-up the way she’d stormed out of the command center, but fuck it. “I want you to stay.”
A second ago, Han had looked ready to pounce, ready for whatever counter argument she might throw at him. Now, he didn’t seem to quite know what to do with his limbs. After a couple of false starts, he crossed his arms, still in that protective stance.
“You do, huh?”
“I do.”
Han sighed and unfolded his arms, one hand rubbing at the back of his neck. His body seemed to relax a little, but he wasn’t happy.
“Don’t want to leave,” he said, “but I think that might be the best thing for you.”
She shook her head. You want me to be more selfish, Han, I’ll be selfish.
“No, it’s not,” she said angrily, then realized she was coming pretty damn close to crying, which made her angrier.
Han was beginning to notice the growing crowd of other Rebels moving through the hallways.
“C’mon,” he said, “let’s go somewhere…not the hallway. We’ll talk.”
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snaky1ello · 2 months
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Siren au plus doodles
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For the few people who like the au lol
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avxlyse · 28 days
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A/N: Hi guys! I’m fairly new to fic writing and brand new to tumblr (in a sense, I’ve been ON Tumblr since like 2016 but I’ve never really posted), so I’m not really sure what I’m doing tbh. I’ve been writing for awhile but I’ve never really posted anything, so let’s just see how this goes! PS Constructive criticism is welcome! I'd love some tips :)
Han Solo x Reader
Prompt: “Do I have to spell it out for you? I’m in love with you!” + Kissing to hide from someone
The funny thing is, you were probably the best pilot in the rebellion before Han. And you absolutely resented him for it. There were few things you hated more than someone upstaging you, but there was nothing you hated more than them being smug about it. And Han Solo without smug is like Hoth without winter, impossible. So when you found yourself crammed nose to nose in a maintenance closet staring back into that smug, shit eating grin, you came to the conclusion that if you made it out of here alive the first thing you were going to do was rip the wires out of that cocky assholes prize winning ship and shove them down his throat.
The morning was typical, breakfast in the Cafeteria and some training in the Gym, then straight to the meeting that was scheduled for that afternoon. Unfortunately, you never actually made it to that meeting, because half way through your training session the emergency alarm went off. You dropped your practice weapon and turned to run towards the center of the base.
You forgot to take off the resistance band tied around your ankle and ate shit on the training room floor. A mocking laugh echoed through the room as you felt firm hands grasp your wrists and pull you up.
“You should really be more careful, we wouldn’t want you to do any damage to that pretty face of yours now would we?”
Han grinned, sarcasm dripping from his tone. You groaned in frustration, face flushing from a wounded ego.
“If you haven’t noticed we’re in a bit of an emergency, so if you could be a little more helpful and untie my leg so that we can make it to the meeting before The Galactic Empire blows up our base that would be great.”
“As you wish, Princess”
He leaned down to pull the band off of your thigh, lingering a beat too long in his particularly flirtatious manner. You shoved ahead of him, tactlessly hiding your blush. You know it meant nothing to him, but that didn't mean it didn't drive you nuts. You just didn't operate like Han. He was so casual. Sometimes it seemed like he couldn't help but charm anyone that walks by, just to prove he could. You're pretty sure he would flirt with a coffee pot if it was wearing mascara, while you, on the other hand, had barely managed to seduce half a dozen people in your lifetime. It was for this reason that Hans nature was so irritating to you. When he first moved to this base, you had assumed he was making a pass at you. It's just that no one had ever been so bold about it. At least not with you, the plain looking girl from Batuu who's hottest feature, in the literal sense, was her perpetually flushed cheeks and sweaty palms. It had barely been a week before you fell hard, giggling like a child every time he made one of his frisky remarks. Bless Leia's heart for being the only person kind enough to burst your bubble. After what must have been a few too many puppy eyed stares, she pulled you aside to tell you Hans' deal. That he was an egotistical bastard who got a kick out of making people fall in love with him just to see if he could. You crashed back down to Earth pretty swiftly after that, and had now spent the better part of a year rolling your eyes every time he entered a room. Now you're stuck being second best to the man who stole your heart and your rank.
By the time you both reached the meeting room, the alarm had stopped and Leia was the only person left there.
“Y/N, Han! There you are. Where were you two?”
“Long story, what’s up?”
Leia raised her eyebrow suspiciously before continuing 
“There’s a Galactic Empire ship flying in our atmosphere. We’re not sure if they got a tip off about our base or if they’re doing a routine scan of the planet, but either way we can’t risk allowing them to continue. We only have one stolen TIE Fighter at this base, which means the rest of the crew will be working from land to shield the base and prepare for battle in case we’re spotted-“
“Great, where do you need me?” You interjected.
“I was actually hoping you and Han could fly the TIE fighter...”
“Oh?” You questioned, a bit shocked.
She eyed you with a sympathetic look, the two of you still close enough for her to be well aware of how you feel about Han.
“I don't need to tell either of you that you're the best pilots we have on site, and we need this mission to succeed. We can’t risk sending anything but our best, I’m counting on you two to destroy the ship by sabotaging the main engine.”
“Just tell me where to fire and that ship’ll be out of the sky before it can get within 100 miles of our base.” Han said, rearing for battle.
“Not so fast”
Leia sighed, clearly not willing to deal with Hans' rash nature at this exact moment. 
“There’s a reason I’m squeezing Y/N into a single-pilot TIE with you, Han. You need someone who actually thinks rationally, this is too much of a risky situation for you to just go in there and fire at will like you usually would. You need to be calculated and precise, which is why you’ll both be undercover.”
“Hey! I’m calculated and precise...” Han frowned.
You gritted your teeth and turned back to Leia.
“Where’s the engine?”
“It’s on the north end of the ship, right next to the escape pod, you can’t miss it. A few hits should do the trick, especially since we’re using a stolen Empire ship with stronger blasters. By the time they realize you two are there they’ll already be toast. Here are your Uniforms, just in case anything goes south and you have to come face to face with Galactic Empire soldiers.”
You nod and take the uniform out of Leia’s hand, two Stormtrooper suits probably taken off of the soldiers from the stolen TIE fighter.
“Be careful, they’ll be on high alert if a ship just flies at top speed towards their engines. Don’t be suspicious.”
Han scoffed,
“Yeah, great advice ‘Don’t be suspicious’. And how are we supposed to do that? A random TIE fighter that’s probably already been reported as stolen flying up to the ship during what seems like a routine check? How are we going to be sure they don’t stop us immediately and blow us out of the sky?”
Leia took a deep, patient breath,
“You really have no faith in me, do you. We’ve been monitoring the ship and can see that there are TIE fighters flying in and out. Just follow the path that the rest of them are taking to avoid standing out. We know the ship hasn’t been reported as stolen because when it crashed the pilot died, so there was no one to alert them when we recovered it. We don’t have much time, I just need you to trust me. Put on the uniforms, fly in if you have to, but fly out and destroy the engine. It’s our only chance.”
A grim look passed over your face, this mission was risky, and you knew if she was going to put the two of you together it really was her only option. Things could very easily go south and if worse comes to worse her best pilots would have the closest shot at getting out of there alive. You turned to Han and realized he must’ve gotten the message, because for once in his life he didn't have anything witty to say back. He just nodded and went to change into the stolen uniform
You turned back to Leia and took a deep breath before wrapping your arms around her. She returned the hug before pulling back and putting her hands on your shoulders.
“Just, please make it back, ok?”
You smiled “I will. I might leave Han on the ship though, he’s already starting to get on my nerves.”
Leia laughed “As much as he’s a pain in our asses, he’s one of our best. Try to keep him in line for me, you know how he gets...”
You chuckled, “Yeah, I will. See you later, okay?”
“Yeah, see you later.”
You walked off to go change before meeting Han at the ship.
By the time you squeezed into the stolen uniform Han was already in the pilot seat of the TIE. You truly wish you had the energy to argue about it, but there wasn't enough time to be petty. He was a better pilot, plain and simple, and your pride wouldn't change that. You also wouldn't change anything by slamming on a non-existent brake pedal as he took off with an all too aggressive jolt, but that certainly didn't stop the instinct.
"Can you slow down?" You snapped, tension seeping into your shoulders. "We're supposed to be blending in, and your narcissistic flying style gives you away to literally anyone who has ever seen you pilot."
"'Narcissistic flying style'?" Han scoffs "What does that even mean?"
"I don't know, shut up." You blushed, doing your best to avoid his gaze.
"You've got to get better at that, you know"
"At what?"
"Being mean. It doesn't suit you"
"Unless you want to figure out how well my foot suits your ass, I suggest you just shut up and fly"
He lets out a warm chuckle, laughing through his response -
"See what I mean? It just sounds weird coming out of your mouth. It's like a youngling swearing for the first time. To much bite, it's not natural yet"
"Well if you're so sure it's unnatural to me maybe I should take notes from you, you seem to have no problem being an asshole."
This one came out with a real bite, he's pissed you off now.
"And what does it matter? Maybe it's not natural to me because you're the only person who makes me feel like saying rude shit. Now what does come natural to me is flying, and maybe if you weren't so focused on how things sounded coming out of my mouth you'd have noticed the TIEs flying on either side of us."
"Oh shit!" He exclaimed, caught off guard for once.
"We're going to have to land on the ship."
"what? why?"
"We don't have access to their channels of communication and we're going to have to explain what the hell we're doing flying off Crait. If we start flying towards the reactor now they'll just gun us down. We can pretend to be the soldiers that crashed on this ship, explain that we were only missing because the engine failed and we needed time to repair it. The communicator broke in the crash, and that's why we haven't called for help, got it?"
"Got it, captain" He said, with an impressed lilt in his voice.
You smiled, tallying this as a win against him. If it was impressive to him that someone could come up with a plan that wasn’t whatever made the most explosions, then so be it. He’d just better be prepared to be impressed for the next few hours.
As Han flew the TIE into the landing bay, it became increasingly clear that this was going to take more convincing on your part than you were prepared for. The two TIEs guarding either side of you followed you into the port, and a group of high ranking soldiers began to gather where your ship was landing. You shot Han a concerned glance before remembering it was useless through your helmet. He seemed to get the message anyways, giving you a short nod in response. You just hoped that meant he was taking this as seriously as you were and wasn't planning on doing anything rash. 
The both of you slowly stepped out of the TIE, unsure of what the soldiers around you were planning. You tensed as a burly looking man approached, eyeing the both of you suspiciously-
“CF-0065, TZ-1764. It’s been quite some time since we’ve heard from you. Your vessels had been reported missing and it was our assumption that you had crashed or been captured. Explain what has kept you from reporting to your posts immediately.” 
He snapped, authority evident in his voice. You decided to cut in before Han could say something stupid-
“Yes, sir. Our vessels crashed on Crait, and we have spent the time in between now and then repairing the engine of the more salvageable ship. We were able to get it functioning yesterday, and we're working on getting the communication systems functioning next. We spotted your ship flying over and hoped to explain ourselves and have aid in fully repairing the TIE.”
“Ah, yes, well I’m glad you were able to recover your vessel and return to work. We could use the extras hands on board.”
“What exactly is the mission of this vessel?” Han chimed in. “We’d like to help in whatever way best suits our skills.” He added, nonchalantly.
The man, who you had now gathered to be the chief officer, began to walk. The two of you followed, doing your best impression of the mindless soldiers surrounding you.
“Well, we were sent to a maintenance level scan of this star system, but have since detected some suspicious activity on this planet in particular.”
 Your shoulders immediately tensed, and you shot a sideways glance at Han. 
“We would like to get a more comprehensive idea of the situation before moving forward, so as of now we have not reported anything to the other fleets in the area. We’d prefer not to alert the planet of our suspicions yet, and give them the least time to prepare if we decide to strike.”
You silently thanked the stars that they haven’t allerted anyone else of their suspicions. You know Han did too, it’s going to make what you have to do here a whole lot easier without an entire fleet against you.
"Well, we’re both especially skilled in repair and maintenance,” Han jutted in, “so if you could point us towards the engine room we would be happy to make sure everything is working in order while you further investigate the planet.”
It was a risky move, and the general eyed you suspiciously.
“The both of us were able to repair a damaged TIE fighter engine with nothing but the materials we were able to trade for on Crait, if you have any issues we’d be happy to help.” You added, hoping it would convince him.
“Actually,” he conceded, “I have been concerned about the operation system in one of  our navigation ports. We’ve been having quite a few rough takeoffs recently. I was going to wait until we landed to get it looked at, but since the two of you clearly possess enough skill to repair that TIE I’d rather you just take a look at it now.” 
He led the two of you down a series of long, winding hallways, which you did your best to memorize if a quick escape became necessary. The room he brought you to was a small one, with about a hundred buttons you barely recognized. You may be an experienced pilot, but Empire technology was something else entirely. You just hoped the general wasn’t planning on staying, or you and Han would have to put on a pretty convincing performance.
“So,” Han coughed, “what seems to be the matter?”
“Well since you two are such experienced mechanics, shouldn't you be the ones telling me?” The general questioned suspiciously.
“Of course, Sir,” You turned, praying to god that you could make some sense of this mess in time to keep your cover. “It looks like-”
A loud thud echoed behind you and you whipped around to see Han standing over the unconscious general. He just shrugged, turning to replace the wrench he pried off the wall to club him with.
“Han!” You whisper-shouted, trying not to alert more people than he probably just did by being his typical, impulsive self.
“What? He replied, “He was totally on to us and It was more trouble than it's worth to try and convince him we know anything about Empire tech.”
“Right, so you decided braining him with a wrench was the next best option?”
“We don’t have time for this, Y/N. At this point we’re going to have to sabotage the reactor from the inside, which might take more effort than we anticipated.”
“And what are we supposed to do with him?” You both eyed the unconscious general, and Han shifted his gaze to a utility closet in the corner.
A few good thunks with the wrench for extra measure later, the both of you began to fold, shove, and contort the general into a crate in the navigation room closet. You had taken your helmets off, sweating uncomfortably with the effort it took to lift the fairly bulky man across the room. You wiped your forehead, staring at the now properly concealed general, and shot a concerned glance at Han, 
“How long do you think it’ll take before they notice he’s gone?” 
“I think we’ve got some time,” He said, reaching for his helmet.
It was at that moment that the doorknob began to jiggle, and in a blur of movement Han had you up against the wall with his lips on yours. It didn’t even register at first, shock and adrenaline coursing through your veins hard enough to freeze you completely.You weren’t exactly sure what the rules were in The Galactic Empire about soldiers kissing, but you had a feeling the punishment for being caught would be less severe than killing a high ranking general. Plus, this was probably the easiest way to hide both of your helmetless faces, yours may not be recognizable, but his certainly is. It took a second before you began to kiss him back, but by the time you let yourself reciprocate, you heard the door click shut and Han pulled away. You kicked yourself and your neurotic brain for running through all of the possible plans of action before you even got the chance to soak it in. You’d dreamed of this so many times, and in so many ways, and the one time it’ll probably ever happen you let it get away from you. As you looked back up at Han, he was stuck with the same searching look you couldn’t wipe off your face. You stared back at him for a second, trying to gauge his reaction.
Han butted in, cutting right through your thoughts. “Maybe we should do that again. You know, just in case they come back.” He said, dazed.
“Yeah…” You muttered, “Yeah that might be best.”
His lips crashed back into yours, and you kissed him with a renewed sense of purpose. Han kissed with a passion you had never felt before. With everyone else it had been awkward and fumbling, but the two of you seemed to fit together so naturally. You took a metal note of every part of him, from the rough feeling of his lips to the bold flick of his tongue. You tried to memorize everything you loved about this, because you knew it was never going to happen again. You’re sure you were going to torture yourself with this moment forever, so you might as well remember it as clearly as possible. The way his hands grazed your waist, not grabbing, but just hovering above your hips with a feather-like touch as if he was afraid you were going to burn him. How his adams apple bobbed when you kissed his neck, swallowing hard out of desperation. The way his hands felt in your hair, not tugging, but carding through it with a sort of reverence. He pulled away too soon, tearing you out of your blissful analysis of his body and back into the present tense. 
“We can’t keep doing that,” He said, panting.
“Yeah, I think we’re in the clear and we need to find the reactor” You replied, trying your best to hide how it stung and moving towards your helmet.
“No.” Han put both his hands on your shoulder, holding you in place, “No, we can’t keep doing that because if we do I will want to do it again.”
“What?” You paused, shocked.
“You know what I mean, Y/N, don’t make me say it out loud.”
You stared back at him blankly, truly at a loss for words.
“Jesus Y/N, Do I have to spell it out for you? I’m in love with you!”
“What?” Seemed to be the only word your brain could muster in this moment. You felt as though your whole world view was crashing around you, as though the very ground beneath you was shaking… On second thought, the ground might actually be shaking, because judging by Hans face you weren't the only one feeling the rumbling beneath you.
“We’ll deal with this later.” He shot you a look before grabbing his helmet and running out the door, following quickly after to discover what was the matter. 
It became clear as you walked that the ship was preparing for takeoff, but you weren’t sure why. Your nerves were on fire, and you know you’ve wasted too much time to get it wrong now.
“That general sure wasn’t kidding when he said their takeoffs were rough. We need to get to the reactor before they can get the ship up and running or we’re screwed.” Han said, eyeing you nervously.
“Do you think if we go back to the landing bay we can tell them we have orders to go back to Crait and investigate some of the suspicious activity we saw on-world? If we take a nicer ship than the TIE we came in we won't have to worry about the blasters not being strong enough to take down the ship.” You replied, already in go-mode.
“Sounds like a great plan,” Han said, voice dripping with sarcasm, “except how the hell are we supposed to find our way back to the landing bay with no map of the ship?”
“Just trust me.” You said, grabbing his arm and leading him down the hall. Your freakish memory is good for more than memorizing Hans lips, and you were able to bring the two of you back exactly the way you came. You strode up to the nearest pilot you could find, and with the confidence of somebody who has no other choice, demands he give the two of you access to an ST-70 Assault Ship. 
“For what purpose?” He responds, taken aback by your assertiveness.
“We are the two soldiers who we’re just recovered from Crait, and were ordered back down there to investigate suspicious activity on the planet. We don’t have time for this, just give us the vessel.” Han repeated what you had planned to the pilot, striding towards the ST-70. 
“I haven’t been told of such an order, the two of you are going to need to wait until I receive the command from higher up to authorize use of this vessel.” The pilot replies sharply.
“We’ve already been held up by engine maintenance,” You added, not exactly sure where this was going but hoping you found something convincing to say in the midst of your rambling, “and spent much of that time relaying to a general on this ship the reason for our brief disappearance. We are part of a high clearance mission to uncover rebel activity on the planet Crait, and are close to infiltrating one of the largest branches of their military. We came here to dismiss your vessel, as we were worried your presence would alert the Rebel Alliance of our presence on the planet.”
Han joined in, stepping up to the unarmed pilot with his intimidating stature. 
“If you don’t hand over this vessel, the failure of a months-long plan to eliminate one of the largest branches of the Rebel Alliance will be on your head. Whatever you think we might do with this ship that is ‘unauthorized’ cannot possibly have consequences as dire for you as that will.” Han rolled his shoulders back, taking one more menacing step forward.
The pilot stepped aside, granting you and Han access to the ST-70. If the two of you make it out of here, you would have to be permanently assigned as partners for missions like these. You have never felt more invigorated or on your game than when you were with Han, the idea of the word ‘partners in crime’ finally settling in your skin. You weren’t out of the woods yet though, and as Han began to start the ships engines, a very rumpled looking general marched into the landing bay.
“Shit!” You exclaimed. “Go, Han, Go, go, go go GO!”
“I hear you Y/N!” Han shouted back, kicking the ship into overdrive and jolting you violently into space.
 You got a few feet out from the ship before three TIE fighters started tailing you, and Han took a sharp left before nose-diving under the belly of the ship. You whipped around to the laser cannons, doing you best to aim as Han whipped the ship around to try and find the main engine. Just as you took one TIE out, two more appeared.
“Do you have eyes on the engine Han?” You shouted, limbs tingling as you shot down two more TIE fighters.
“Got it!” He yelled back, and you swiveled to face the ship's surface as he flew at top speed towards the engine.
You began to count down, preparing Han to nose dive the second you blasted this thing out of the sky.
“Three… two.. One!” You fired directly at the engine, and your stomach did somersaults as Han dodged the blast.  
“Yes!” He screamed, and you laughed with manic joy as you felt relief wash over you. 
The TIE fighters following you weren’t prepared to dodge the blast, and the two of you watched joyfully as they went down with the ship. You barreled towards Crait, with more than just a successful mission to show for it. The two of you had just destroyed a high ranking Empire ship, and come back with an ST-70 Razor Crest M-11 ship as your bounty. Han landed the ship and ripped off his helmet, smiling from ear to ear. The excitement was electric, making its way through every limb and out your fingers to charge the atmosphere around you. You turned to Han and before you knew it you were crashing your lips into his, desperate for an outlet. He kissed you back with double the vigor of the last time, and seemed to be determined to explore every inch of you. Your mouth, your waist, your hair, your thighs, he groped and fumbled at all of you as you pushed back with just as much energy. Kissing Han felt like, for lack of better word, winning. Winning your first race as a newly vetted pilot, winning a mission against the empire, winning the man you thought wanted nothing to do with you and you thought you wanted nothing to do with. You laughed into the kiss as he bit your lip, giddy with an amount of energy you didn’t know how to control. 
“What?” He said, sporting that smug grin you always wanted to slap off of his face.
“Nothing,” you replied, deciding firmly that kissing it off was the better option. “I’ve just been so in love with you forever and can’t believe this is happening.”
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arleniansdoodles · 2 years
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Another painting of my loosely-medieval Luke and Vader! I guess this could be another interpretation of their Force-bond; I just went into drawing them without much of a plan or story behind it loll
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figures4fun · 6 months
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What if….
So apparently in unused ROTS concept art, Padme arrives on Mustafar armed with a knife to confront Anakin. F4F asks, if she’d lived, how far would she have gone to protect the twins and the Rebellion from her once-love?
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alexversenaberrie · 1 year
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"This lightsaber belonged to Anakin... to me..."
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ashleyfableblack · 5 months
Hope you're having a great time this "Revenge of The Fifth" as we return to The Eternal Courtship, where the battle of Hoth is already in progress with Princess Flurry Heart and her cousin, Muffin-top.
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"Grrraah! Rawr!" Barked Flurry Heart. With a nod, Muffin-top took expert aim and let fly with with a strand of Changeling webbing...
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The tow cable found it's mark with a splat. Princess Flurry Heart juked and dodged the AT-AT's deadly cannon fire as they looped around and around the fearsome armored juggernaut. The sticky webbing doubled and doubled, pulling taut and binding the walker's legs until...
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The super-heavy machine toppled to the ground with a mighty crash. With a final barrel-roll, the rebel duo spiraled away. Now, collapsed to the snow, the force of the walker's fall had damaged it's armor, exposing a potential weak-point. Flurry Heart came back around for a strafing run and unleashed a barrage of their own blaster fire...
Tune in tomorrow for the final artsy installment of princess pretend playtime in The Eternal Courtship, "This is The May".
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musewrangler · 2 months
Veers took a few moments to just breathe in the gozanti, trying to settle his rolling stomach and get a grip on the pain in his head. He knew he was dehydrated—no surprise as he’d not had time to drink much water on this campaign.
Vader had been ruthless —-but he could push as hard as he liked, no Luke Skywalker had appeared. The five day hunt in the blistering heat had cost Veers seventeen men. Eight more were in serious condition from sunstroke.
Not all of them had temperature controlled suits , Veers thought bitterly.
His own uniform was stained many times over with sweat rings and his stubble was itchy after too many days without shaving.
The best that could be said was that Vader hadn’t actively blamed Veers for Skywalker’s absence.
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pomplalamoose · 6 months
nsfw Dilf!Luke headcanons
🌹modern day AU🌹
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A/N: I looove how these three asks share a common theme, so I decided to make one big post instead of three smaller ones to have all that sexy Dilf!Luke content in one place👀
Also I feel like I haven't posted in forever, I used to have so much time for writing :(
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⭐ Dilf!Luke seeing you dressed up for the first time
• it doesn't matter at what point of your relationship you are, whether you are already a couple or only met recently
• Luke is stricken with awe, his mind wiped completely blank
• the only difference here is in how he acts
• in no way will he allow you, or anyone at that, to see what your appearance does to him if you're nothing more than his child's friend
• it just wouldn't be proper and he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable
• instead his impassive gaze will take in your outfit in a matter of seconds before casually sweeping away as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on
• possibly, if he's feeling a little risky, you'll receive a curt nod in acknowledgement of your presence
• though he'll then excuse himself abruptly, leaving you behind confused and maybe a bit hurt
• how ridiculous you feel to have dressed in such a way now!
• doesn't he think you pretty?
• oh but he does
• despite a short glance being all he allowed himself, the picture of you couldn't be burnt into his memory any more clearly
• you're so beautiful it nearly causes him physical pain, so moved is he by the sight of you
• was that really you he saw standing there?
• it might as well could've been an angel
• the need to take a look at you again is overwhelming, though first he'll have to find his courage to do so
• he will have to catch his breath, requires time to rebuild his composure and to gather his wits before daring to face you again
• he doesn't trust himself, doesn't believe he'll be able to refrain from leering at you like the perverted old man he is
• though once you're in a relationship and he sees you dressed up for the first time he'll do so unapologetically and without holding back, shamelessly undressing you with his eyes until you allow him to do more
• he'll take his time too, not caring if it will make you late to whatever event you're invited to
• stand right there opposite the window, against the backdrop of the white wall, so he can better take you in, will you?
• yes, just like that
• the lighting really flatters your skin
• give it a twirl, he wants to see every angle
• oh aren't you pretty?
• he'll sit down then, legs spread casually, letting his hot gaze travel over your body, lets it linger, until you're flushed red and squirming in embarrassment
• imagine his lazy grin
• imagine him slowly leaning forward, elbows propped up on his knee, his voice slightly rougher than before when he speaks
• do a pose for him, you know which one
• the one you did for that picture he took of you, the one he likes so much
• you can do that for him, can't you?
• throw him a kiss
• there you go
• play with your hair, give him a smile
• now, don't be so shy, there's no need
• you possess a beauty beyond compare, unlike anything he has ever seen before
• which lipstick are you wearing?
• is it the one he bought for you? The long lasting, kiss proof one?
• come, sit next to him and prove it
• you know, now that he thinks about it, you wouldn't mind staying here with him for a little while longer, wouldn't you?
⭐ Dilf!Luke's thoughts on boobs
• no matter their shape and size, Luke is and forever remains a boob man, no matter the universe
• his poker face may be spectacular, unreadable most of the time, but not even he can keep his eyes from widening, cannot refrain from blushing when he gets a good look at your cleavage
• before you're in a relationship with him I imagine him acting very similarly to the way he did seeing you dressed up for the first time
• however I don't think he'd always manage to slip away as inconspicuously as he did then
• most likely that's because he'd only notice the lower cut once you're sitting down together for dinner or while he's driving you home, making it impossible for him to leave the situation
• after all a lot remains hidden under a winter coat and a slightly too big shirt might look perfectly normal at first glance until it doesn't
• maybe you're leaning over the table to reach for a plate
• maybe you're offering to take his used dishes to the kitchen
• maybe you dropped something and are hastily trying to pick it up, to clean away your mess
• maybe the car's seatbelt got slightly tangled in your top, causing it to sit even more revealingly than it normally would
• either way, Luke grows hard instantly
• you already were are a constant in all of his dirty dreams before but unbelievably so they just got a whole lot more exciting
• he can't help it, can't help wondering how they'd feel like in his hands
• not when they look this soft and inviting
• not when they're just made to be fondled and caressed by him
• maybe you'd even let him scatter kisses and gentle bites all over their silky expanse
• maybe you'd allow him to play with your nipples?
• his eyes are prone to roll to the back of his head from just imagining it
• in no way will Dilf!Luke ever beat the allegations of being horny for you like a teenager
• not before he's dating you and certainly not after
• in fact quite the contrary is the case
• lust overcomes him easily when he sees your top closely hugging your figure, framing your cleavage and collar bones
• you better believe he's going to live out all of the countless fantasies he collected over the years without ever tiring of them
• not even when time is short is he able to resist
• don't worry though, there's no need to fully undress
• just let him bare your breasts so he can watch them bounce while he fucks you hard and fast on the sofa, before sending you on your way with a gentle slap to the back of your ass
⭐ Dilf!Luke in bed headcanons
• in one of my other posts (I think it was the fluffy Dilf!Luke hc's one) I already touched on this topic briefly, you can take a look here, though of course I'd love to go into more detail
• Luke likes to takes his sweet time with you
• not necessarily because he's a tease but because he thinks you deserve it
• he does enjoy the occasional quickie a lot, yes, but only if it's something you're into as well and if you've already been dating for a good amount of time
• so especially at the beginning of your relationship, when he's still a little unsure whether you actually desire him, his approaches will be nearly shy and always over the top gentle
• he's afraid you'll feel pressured into sleeping with him, something he wants to avoid at all cost
• his foreplay is thorough as he makes sure to check if you're still into it every few minutes
• you could be covered in sweat from head to toe, muscles helplessly shaking as he talks you through your third orgasm, and he'd still go "oh do you like that, sweetheart?" actually meaning it
• this requires much patience on his part though, patience he does not really possess
• despite his age his libido is as high as his sexual fantasies are active, so he often sees the need to take off a certain edge before allowing himself to take you to bed
• it's nothing that requires anything spectacular either, a few rough pumps under the shower usually do the trick
• you see, it has been a while since he last had sex and he's adorably nervous
• he wants to make you feel good above all else, so what if his performance has suffered over the years?
• what if you're faking your pleasure in order to not hurt his feelings?
• so exploring your body to memorize every little twitch you give in response is extremely important to him
• he doesn't care if he's rock hard and straining uncomfortably against his pants
• he will go as long as he needs to until you're begging him to finally fill you up
• (not that he minds, giving oral and fingering you open in front of a mirror are some of his favorite things to do)
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kanansdume · 2 years
So I've seen plenty of Obi-Wan survives A New Hope AUs, where his relationship with Luke and Leia gets to develop more and he becomes a pseudo father figure in the absence of all four parental figures, and I LOVE THEM, I do, but consider:
Bail and Breha survive A New Hope.
Instead of deciding to try to make Leia give up where she sent the plans by blowing up Alderaan, they just go straight to Tatooine. They can be pretty certain she sent them there and all, and it's not like THEY need the plans, the Death Star's completed and they've probably got copies and stuff around somewhere, so they lose nothing by just blowing up Tatooine in an effort to just. Eliminate the plans. Keep them from ever getting to the Rebellion.
Obi-Wan, Luke, Han, and Chewie manage to make it off just in time, get immediately pulled in via tractor beam and everything kind-of goes as per canon from there. They rescue Leia, Obi-Wan dies, the plans get to the Rebellion and Luke destroys the Death Star.
And Alderaan survives. Bail and Breha survive.
But of course, part of the reason Alderaan was blown up was to serve as an example to the rest of the galaxy, an example of what happens if you defy the Empire, if you choose to help the Rebellion. But they no longer have a planet killer machine, so they have to come up with an alternate option.
Executing Bail and Breha will just turn them into martyrs, but they can occupy Alderaan, suffocate the people's resources, and place all the blame on Bail and Breha, turn Alderaan on its leaders for causing them all to be punished.
Breha saw it coming and insisted Bail leave to join the Rebellion before the Empire could show up, but Breha stays behind, imprisoned, taking the blame for the Empire's crimes as her people suffer.
But Luke gets to meet Bail. Bail who is Leia's father, Bail who knew Padme and Anakin, Bail who knew Obi-Wan, Bail who was there when Luke was born. Bail who knows the truth. Keeping Luke and Leia separated, keeping their knowledge of each other a secret, was done to keep them from catching the Empire's eye. But they've both made themselves targets now and they're already together, there's no separating them now, not without a damn good explanation and there's no benefit to it anyway. So Bail tells them the truth. A piece of it, anyway, because there's no harm in telling them that they're twins, children of Padme Naberrie and Anakin Skywalker, without having to admit to what Anakin has become, to what Anakin did.
Luke gets to spend three years with Bail Organa, with his twin sister's father, learning about his parents from someone who knew them personally, learning about Obi-Wan, the Jedi, the truth about what happened during the war with the Jedi and the Senate, the truth about the Jedi's annihilation.
And in the absence of Obi-Wan, Bail is perfectly capable of sending Luke to Yoda on Dagobah. Bail can obviously tell that Obi-Wan had started training Luke, but hadn't been able to complete it or even get very far with it. And they could do with a Jedi or two in the Rebellion these days. So he sends Luke and Leia to Dagobah, to Yoda, while he stays behind to help lead the Rebels.
Luke and Leia get THREE YEARS with Yoda on Dagobah, training, learning, getting stronger. Occasionally, they do rejoin the Rebellion for missions, always promising to come back to train again with Yoda, always keeping that promise.
Until Hoth, until Bespin, and Luke was the only one back to Yoda that time, Leia still got stuck with Han on the Falcon and ends up on Bespin. Except this time, Leia's got a lightsaber, Leia's got the Force, so Leia fights back. It's Leia who gets to hear the final truth that Bail held back, not Luke. Except Anakin's an idiot and doesn't know that Luke and Leia are twins, so what he tells Leia is that he is LUKE'S father. He sees Leia's horror and thinks that it's because she hates Luke now, she doesn't trust Luke now, he doesn't recognize what he's just told Leia. Leia isn't Luke, though, she's already made her peace with whoever her birth family may have been. She's got a father, a father who loves her, a father who's been THERE for her, a father who fights for what's right, a father who has given everything for the galaxy and for her. She doesn't need Anakin Skywalker, she never did.
So she wins that battle and throws Anakin down that shaft. He lives, of course, because he refuses to die, but Leia escapes because she wouldn't let that truth destroy her, turn her into someone she isn't. She is Leia Organa, and she knows who the fuck she is.
(Also, fun side effect of this AU, Han doesn't get carbon frozen because there's no Jabba anymore, he got vaporized on Tatooine, so there's no one to put out a bounty on Han for Boba to try to collect.)
Leia doesn't go back to Dagobah immediately, she goes back to the Rebellion, to Bail, because she needs to talk to him. She needs to ask him why he never trusted her with this information before she brings it to Luke. Bail tells her that it wasn't a lack of trust, but simply a father's selfish desire not to have to hurt his daughter if he didn't have to. He knows now that it was wrong to keep that information from her when she and Vader were going to keep meeting, it was wrong to keep this choice from her and give Vader the power to tell her instead of Bail. She demands the truth about Anakin and Padme, so Bail tells her what little he does know. He'd told them it was a secret affair, that Padme had tried to keep the pregnancy secret. But what he hadn't told them about was Polis Massa. He hadn't told them about Obi-Wan's recollection of what happened on Mustafar with Anakin. He hadn't told them about just how involved Anakin was in Order 66 and the annihilation of the Jedi and the Republic. He hadn't told them about the part Anakin had played in Padme's death.
When she tells Luke the truth, he's upset. He rages a little. But ultimately, he has the time and space to come to terms with it, he's got Leia to go through it with him, to help him through the way he feels about it. He's always been more connected to the idea of Anakin Skywalker than she was, always dreamed more about that perfect father figure than she'd needed to. But Luke works through it. With Yoda, with Leia, with Obi-Wan. They both head back to the Rebellion when it starts to feel like time, when Yoda dies and declares them as ready as they can be. Luke sees Bail, remembers Owen and Beru, and realizes that maybe Leia was right. Maybe he DOESN'T really need Anakin Skywalker. He doesn't need to define himself by someone who was never there, by someone who abandoned him.
But Bail had told Leia one last thing, and Leia had passed it on to Luke. Padme's final words. Leia had chosen to believe that it didn't really matter, Vader was a scourge upon the galaxy and she intended to protect the galaxy from that, rid the galaxy of that scourge, no matter what. But Luke remembers them. Luke doesn't NEED Anakin Skywalker, but he thinks that maybe Anakin Skywalker might need him. For his mother's sake, for Owen and Beru who'd let Luke believe the best, for Obi-Wan who had called him a good friend, for the grandmother he never met but who he'd heard so many stories about and who believed in her son so much she sent him away to a better life. He wants to try.
And when it's all over, and people around the galaxy cheer and celebrate, recently freed Breha Organa looks up at the sky, at the stars, hoping this means her husband will come home to her soon.
Bail Organa, surrounded by the people of Endor, the Rebellion he founded, and his daughter and son, looks up at the sky himself, waiting for the moment he can return home to Alderaan, and bring their whole family together for the first time.
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antiadvil · 1 year
obi-wan never told you (what happened to your father)
summary: After defeating Luke on Bespin, Darth Vader reveals that he didn't kill Luke's father. Obi-Wan did. 
Inspired by the fact that the original scene was shot this way in order to prevent leaks.
rating: T
word count: 1k
a/n: I wrote this to get a break from rewatching lightsaber battles to get the details right, so no, I absolutely did not follow the prequel lightsaber battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan. I took some general themes from it but this is literally an AU where Anakin was not a Sith so it's not worth following. I did make Obi-Wan say "It's over Anakin, I have the high ground now," so I understand where any confusion may come from.
source for the originally filmed version being "Obi-Wan killed your father" if anyone is wondering
read on ao3 or under the cut
“Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father,” Vader said.
Luke gritted his teeth, moving backwards along the thin structure. His movements were slow and clumsy with only one hand. “He told me enough!” Luke shouted, “He told me you killed him!”
The lights of Bespin gleamed off of Vader’s helmet, creating the illusion of a fevered smile. “No. Obi-Wan killed your father.”
“No,” Luke said, shaking his head, “No.” The stump of his right hand was searing with pain.
“Search your feelings. You know it to be true.”
Luke refused. “No,” he said again. He tried to move backwards, but behind him was only empty air. His legs cramped desperately. His left arm was the only thing keeping him attached to the platform.
“Join me,” Vader said, “Together, we could rule the galaxy.”
Luke looked down. It was a long fall.
Vader was speaking again, but Luke couldn’t hear him. A faint buzzing filled his ears, and he knew what he had to do.
He let go of the railing.
Leia, he thought as he fell. I’m sorry.
And somehow, she heard.
“It’s over, Anakin! I have the high ground!” a young Obi-Wan shouted.
“No!” Anakin Skywalker shouted. His eyes were the same shade of blue as Luke’s.
“Give up. Anakin, I don’t want to have to hurt you.” But still, Obi-Wan advanced on Anakin.
Anakin twisted to block a strike from Obi-Wan’s lightsaber. “Liar,” he spat. He pushed Obi-Wan’s blade back, and pushed off the ground to jump superhumanly high, landing just a few feet higher than Obi-Wan. “Who has the high ground now?” he yelled, swinging his saber in a vicious arc downwards.
Leia seemed to sense something was wrong. She didn’t ask him, only hovered in the practiced, political way she did when she knew something was wrong.
When he told her what Vader had said, she just shook her head. “He’s lying,” she said instantly, dismissively.
Luke shook his head. He barely had the strength to admit it, but when he had searched his feelings, as the dark lord had asked, he knew Vader was telling the truth.
It didn’t make sense. Nothing did.
Leia frowned. “You’re sure?”
Luke nodded.
She sighed, resting her chin on her arms. “I’m sorry.”
Anakin’s right arm was the first to go. He reached for his lightsaber with his left hand, but it had fallen out of his reach. He growled, launching himself at Obi-Wan anyways, only to fall when he lost his legs with another flick of Obi-Wan’s saber. He screamed, swinging his only remaining arm to catch Obi-Wan in the leg, causing him to momentarily stumble.
Obi-Wan growled, swinging his lightsaber down again.
“Does this mean… Is Vader… right?” Luke asked.
“He cut your hand off.” Leia sounded amused. “Whoever Obi-Wan was, Vader can’t be much better.”
Luke stared at his new hand. “I guess,” he said.
Leia placed a hand on his shoulder. “You don’t have to follow either one of them if you don’t want to.”
She was right, but Luke didn’t know how to begin forging his own path in a galaxy like this. Not when nothing he knew about the Force could be trusted. “Then who do I follow?” he asked.
Leia said, “I don’t know,” and sounded very small. “Luke… keep in mind that you don’t know what happened between your father and Obi-Wan. It may not be as simple as you think.”
“Then why wouldn’t he tell me?” Luke choked on the last two words and swallowed, hard. No matter what happened, the lies still stung.
Leia sighed. “I don’t know.” He could tell it pained her to admit it.
“Your father… He and Obi-Wan…” The first time Luke ever heard Leia speak, it was to plead for Obi-Wan’s help. Her adoptive father had told her to seek Obi-Wan out. He had promised her safety with the man he fought alongside in the Clone Wars.
He hadn’t been her mentor, the way he was to Luke, but Leia must be reeling from the betrayal as well.
“My father was a good man,” Leia said quietly.
Luke wanted to be able to say the same about his own father, but he wasn’t sure anymore. Who should he trust? The desert hermit who had skirted the edges of his life for nineteen years, or the father he had never met?
What was left of Anakin Skywalker’s body tumbled down a rocky hill towards a lake of lava. He screamed in rage, his body crackling with electric energy as he tried and failed to harness force lightning. “You’ll pay for this,” he wheezed.
Obi-Wan smiled, striding over. He kicked Anakin’s body into the lava, and watched as it disintegrated into ash.
Leia told him not to go back to Yoda, but Luke needed answers.
The old green creature was waiting for him in his hut. When Luke asked him about what Vader had said, Yoda closed his eyes and sank into a seat on his bed.
It told Luke everything he had to know. “Why?” he asked. He threw himself on the ground next to Yoda and seized his arm. “Why did Ben kill my father? Why did you and Ben lie to me?”
Yoda opened his eyes slowly, blinking. “The fall of the Jedi order… a dark time, it was. Brother turned against brother. Master against apprentice.”
“Why?” Luke asked.
Yoda turned away from Luke. “For the greater good, we believed.”
“Was it?” Luke demanded.
Yoda didn’t answer.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Luke said plaintively.
“Wiser, Obi-Wan thought it. Hurt it would only bring.”
“I’m hurting now.”
Yoda turned his large amber eyes back to Luke. “Exactly.”
Luke felt a rush of irritation. “You couldn’t hide it from me forever.”
“You were not ready,” Yoda said.
Luke laughed. “Would I ever be?”
“Rest, you must let me,” Yoda said, “Long… day it has been.”
Luke sighed and sat back on his heels. He watched as Yoda’s green body disintegrated, as Obi-Wan’s had done years before. He closed his eyes, trying to summon Ben’s force ghost, begging for answers, but no one appeared.
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25centsoda · 2 years
Whumptober Day 18 L&V
*deposits this and runs away screaming to write more*
During the evacuation from the Rebel base on Hoth, Luke tries to make his way to Dagobah. He doesn't make it; an Imperial warship takes out his stolen ship, and brings him on board.
No. 18 LET’S BREAK THE ICE “Just get it over with.” |  Treading Water | “Take my Coat”
It was cold. Luke's memories of learning how to swim were too distant to be useful; his head stayed above water, but only just. Each small wave coursed up over his mouth and nose, making him sputter and try to swim harder to get higher, but his strength failed him again after only a few seconds of relief from the water. There had to be a more efficient way to do it than just paddling his hands desperately up and down, kicking his legs back and forth, but if there was, he didn't know it.
It was so cold.
Time was meaningless; there was only the next wave, the next current pushing his body further and further from where the ship he had been piloting, the  Liberty,  had gone down, shot by Imperial warships. His clothes—thick jacket, sweater, stiff winter pants—had been heavy with water since he splashed into the Kaminoan ocean, but with each wave his limbs seemed to get heavier and heavier.
For my other whumptober fics, sorry I haven’t been posting them on tumblr every day, see the collection: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3140709
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maul-of-shame · 3 months
New Fic:
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