#ending's a but abrupt but oh well
duckapus · 11 months
It's the middle of the night at Glitch Productions, and all is dark and quiet as all the staff have long since gone home.
That is, until the monitor of one very special computer suddenly turns on on its own, and a certain supervillain eggplant peeks from off-screen out into the real world before hopping out onto the desktop (of the computer, not the actual desk it's sitting on).
"All clear, perfect."
"And why are we here again?"
"Just a sec, gotta find it first." As he says this, Garyboy hops around the screen, looking around all the icons for one in particular.
"Well, I say we, but I really mean you, seeing as despite our alliance I am STILL TRAPPED IN THIS SUN-SCORCHED NIGHTMARE!!!"
True enough, the great virus Ozymandias is not actually present. Instead, Garyboy has managed to finagle the camera, microphone, and speaker in his suit to allow his new boss to see what he sees, hear what he hears, and speak to him, even with the entire internet between them (though in certain high-traffic areas the connection can get a bit spotty).
"Well, yeah. If I let you out now, you'll just do exactly what got you caught the first two times!"
"...Fair enough. I suppose this is meant to be my first lesson in these "strategy" and "subtlety" concepts you mentioned?"
"Exactly. Ah, here we go!" He opens a folder, revealing two other folders inside, "Alright, within these folders are the files needed to run the two candidates for the next SMG universe. Now, if you were here, what would you do?"
"Destroy them utterly, of course. Along with everything else in this place."
"Right. Now, I don't want to do that. While destroying two entire universes would be satisfying in the short term, there would be too much evidence tying it back to me and I'd be hunted to the ends of the multiverse and deleted with extreme prejudice."
"There is logic in that, I suppose. So what will you do then?"
"I'm glad you asked!" He extends his prehensile Super Suction Ears to manipulate the window's controls, explaining his actions as he goes, "First, I create an empty folder with the same name as one of the existing folders. Normally you can't do that, but I'm using a bit of my venom to trick the system. Not enough to cause real damage, but that also means it's a small enough amount to not be traced. Then, I put the original folder inside the other game's folder, and use the same trick as with the names to fudge the memory values. And now that I'm done, I close the window so it's like I was never here."
"...That's it? What did that even accomplish?"
"Well, nothing right now, but when it's time to install the SMG Mod it'll be an absolute disaster!"
"How so?"
Garyboy leaves the desktop to return to the portal he'd used to get here, speaking as he goes, "With how I've set things up, one of two things will happen. Either they'll try to install the Mod in the empty folder and the SMGs will fade away into nothing without an Avatar to anchor them, or they'll try to install it on the other folder and...well, I don't know what'll happen. No one knows what happens if you try to add one set of SMGs to two games at once. No Admin is stupid enough to try. But I bet it won't be anything good."
"Fascinating. Perhaps there is something to this whole "subtlety" thing."
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smilesrobotlover · 3 months
So final thoughts on the Odyssey. I weirdly enjoyed it wayyyyy more than I thought I would. I NEVER get emotional over reading but I almost cried like, 3 times while reading it. It gets genuinely super tragic. Luckily I didn’t cry otherwise my co-counselors and campers would’ve been weirded out lol. But yeah I greatly enjoyed this story. I didn’t think I’d love Odysseus as much as I did but I adore him! I remember him being an annoying prick but he turned out to be a genuine guy who sacrificed so much to get home and suffered for so many years. And seeing Ithaca suffer while he was gone was also sad.
Like, imagine being Telemachus, growing up with rude men harassing your mother, eating your father’s property and being cruel, and all he can do is sit and let it happen? And then he hears stories about his father who is bold, strong, and powerful, and he feels like he is nothing and can’t do anything to help his mother. And his mother spends her days crying over his father. Like dang, poor Telemachus
But let’s not forget Penelope. That woman cried for her husband and probably barely had any time to mourn for him. She’s pressured to marry the douchebags disrespecting her and deals with maids betraying her and making things worse. Her mother in law dies and everything goes wrong, like that poor lady.
And of course… freaking Odysseus…. That man… Homer loved to torture him. He went through so much crap for 20 years, but it’s satisfying to see it all turn out good in the end for him. He’s able to be with his wife and son finally.
I absolutely adore how similar Penelope and Odysseus are. Both are very cunning and lie to people a lot. But they never lie to each other. The scene where they’re just talking to each other and sharing their time away from each other was SO tender. I said this before but the fact that one little scene of the two together had more chemistry than a flipping chemistry class is insane. They’re in love, so much in love. And augh…. They were so faithful to each other. I also love how they cried so many tears for each other. GOSH I love them sm.
And Telemachus is my son. I’m sorry he is. I’ve adopted him. He’s so cute
But yeah, I wanna read the Iliad now! Wanna see more details. I found it interesting that a lot of people, including Penelope seemed to hate Helen, who I believe was kidnapped by the Trojans which started the war. Pretty crazy, but I’ll find out more details about it.
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
"It's days like this that make me wish I had stayed in bed."
Hm... there are a few different characters who could fit this sort of angst, but I'm gonna go with Quinn for this one
____ Out to Lunch
Word Count: 2.0k Content Warnings: mentions of chronic pain, hurt/comfort, swearing
Quinn winced as she took another step down the street, leaning heavily on her crutches. She'd been walking too long, with too little a break, and she knew it. Partially it was the weather, too - wanting to rain but not quite summoning the moisture for it, which just left everything uncomfortably muggy and sent her joints into hysterics.
"Alright, love?" Billy asked from beside her, a crease pulling between his brows in concern. Quinn shrugged, not quite an affirmative.
"I've had worse."
It was true, but she was in a lot of pain regardless. Each step brought shooting agony up her legs, and her spine felt like the Leaning Tower of Pisa- which was to say, crumbling architecture at a very unpleasant tilt. She'd surpassed her daily quota of physical exertion at least an hour ago, and now she was paying the price for it.
"Dunno why One picked us for the fuckin' supply run," Billy muttered, Quinn's pain bleeding into him in the form of annoyance.
"Probably 'cause I pissed him off at that last briefing."
"Ugh. Dick."
"It'd have been done an hour ago if he'd sent someone else, too." Quinn pointed out, "And 'e knows it. It's a punishment that doesn't look like a punishment."
"I repeat my earlier statement. Dick." Billy huffed. He tossed his head, even as his eyes roved the storefronts and pedestrians they passed along the street.
Almost unconsciously, like a bell had chimed in their head, Quinn spotted a potential target. Their fingers slipped easily into the man's pocket, drawing out a thick wallet and tucking it into the sleeve of their jacket without so much as a heartbeat's pause.
"Not bad, Q." Billy murmured, hardly loud enough to be heard, "I saw that one too."
"Practically daring me to take it," Quinn agreed, pausing to adjust their crutches and using the motion to slip the wallet into a hidden pocket in her jacket. The weight of it was oddly comforting, the success even more so. Even on one of her worse days, her fingers were quick and confident. The pedestrian hadn't even spared her a glance. She'd never lost her skill.
A moment or two later, Billy's pace quickened as an idea struck him. They'd always found that awfully cute, the way they could read his thoughts in his movements like that. He turned to face them, walking backwards a few steps so they could see his smile. His green eyes shone in the sunlight.
"There's a good Greek place down the street," he said, "Can I take you to lunch?"
"I'd love tha-"
She took another step, but her crutch caught on an uneven sidewalk panel. She lurched forward at one, momentum twisting her body in an awkward way. Billy's eyes flashed with surprise, and he surged forward to catch her before she could topple. He moved quickly - quickly enough that she didn't go down - and briskly steered her into the nearest alleyway to look her over. His hands lingered on their waist, a firm grip that kept them from curling in on themself.
For a few long moments, she was in too much pain to speak. Their breath came in sharp gasps, and fire arced up and down their body in artillery bursts. Every muscle in their body locked up, like they'd been shocked with a bolt of electricity.
"Love?" Billy tried again, one warm hand pressed to her waist to keep her upright, "Talk to me, Aces."
"Fine." she managed, leaning her weight against the brick wall behind her to try and get the strain off her legs. She exhaled a tremulous breath, trying to pull herself together. Pain had scattered her thoughts like dandelion seeds to the breeze. She couldn't remember what they'd been talking about before.
"How can I help?" Billy asked, speaking fast. She could see the adrenaline wrought into his posture. His hands stayed steady on their waist, but one foot tapped restlessly against the sidewalk. He was a mover. He needed something to do.
Quinn shook their head.
"Just... hang on," they mumbled, face twisted in agony, "Holy shit that hurts. Fuck, man. It's days like this that make me wish I'd stayed in bed."
"Wanna take lunch to go, then? Head back?"
She grit her teeth. No, she wanted to sit down and enjoy a nice, private meal with her lover while she had the chance. Because she hardly ever had the chance. They never went into town like this. Either they were off on missions, or One forbid them showing their faces in public, or Quinn was simply in too much pain to consider so much time on her feet.
She wanted to take this chance to act like a normal couple. At least... semi-normal.
But she doubted crying into her souvlaki would go over well.
Billy saw the answer on her face before she said a word.
"Alright, uh, just hang here for a minute." he said, his hands finally drawing back from their waist, "I'll pick us up some food. What do you want?"
"I- I dunno," Quinn muttered. They were in too much pain to have an appetite, at least for the moment. That crease reappeared between Billy's eyebrows, but he nodded.
"Alright, I'll pick something for ya," he promised, then leaned in to peck her on the cheek, "Stay here, yeah?"
Quinn nodded, the action still tight with pain. Billy hesitated just another moment, his eyes flicking up and down her figure, and then he disappeared into the crowd.
And she waited.
Nobody spared her so much as a second glance. That was big cities for you - people saw a six-foot-three pink-haired punk propped up in an alley and weeping, yet they didn't even bat an eye. There was only one person who ever had, Quinn thought. Billy. Years ago. He'd found her in an alley a lot like this. He'd picked her up from the gutter, long before all of this.
For whatever reason, it was that thought that sent the tears falling.
They'd never wished for a normal life. That all sounded hopelessly dull, repetition into madness. For the most part, they very much enjoyed the life they had, all its excitement and risk.
But once in a while, they just wished they could have a normal day. Not a normal life- just a normal day. Twenty-four hours where they could go out to lunch, where their supply runs were for groceries instead of explosives, where they could hold Billy's hand instead of gripping their crutches.
Twenty-four hours where it didn't hurt to walk down the street.
Billy had to be so sick of this.
She wasn't the person he'd once known. They used to claim the rooftops together, all hairpin turns and leaps so daring it felt like flight. Now... here she stood. Leaned against a building like a coat rack with a broken stand, drowning in pain. She'd never be able to keep up with him again. Not like she used to. There would be thousands more days like this, and he'd be stuck taking care of her.
It was unfair in so many ways. He'd never complained, not once, but she knew that things were different. They could never go back to the way things were.
Did he really want to spend the rest of his life doing this? Changing plans with no warning, forced to surrender his rare chances at a normal afternoon, devoting his already-limited free time to taking care of her instead of doing something he wanted to do?
"Whoa, hey, you alright?" Billy's voice, shockingly tender, startled them out of their thoughts, "Need me to call Five?"
"No, ah-" Quinn started, shaking their head and swiping one hand across their eyes, "I just... need to get off my feet."
"Alright." Billy said, but didn't move right away. Instead he rustled through the bag of food, coming up with a Styrofoam container and flipping it open, "Loukoumade for the road?"
"Loukoumas," Quinn corrected, plucking one of the fried dough balls from the box and popping it into her mouth. Billy took one for himself, then closed up the box and tucked it back into the bag.
The walk back to the car was shockingly quiet. On Quinn's end, the pain sparked back to life the instant she started to move, and she was mostly focused on just keeping her steps steady. She wasn't quite sure what had Billy so quiet. Maybe he was still concerned for her.
Or maybe he's annoyed, her brain chimed in, Maybe he's not speaking because the restaurant was nice and he wanted to sit down, and instead you're making him eat his lunch in an old, sandy trailer in the middle of the desert.
They reached the car in near-silence. Billy held the door open for her, acting the part of a perfect gentleman. He set the food and Quinn's crutches in the backseat, then slid into the driver's seat.
He didn't drive. He just looked at her, fixing her with eyes the color of springtime. A moment later, his hand snuck over to rest on her knee.
"You sure you're okay, Q?"
"Aren't you tired of it?" they blurted, unable to hold the words down. Billy tilted his head.
"Tired of... what?"
"Just... all of this. The canceled plans. The fact that I can't keep up anymore. Just... dealing with me."
Billy opened his mouth and closed it a few times. He looked more confused than anything else.
"C'mon, love, you know I don't care." he finally said, speaking fast but with total earnestness in his voice, "Besides, they're not canceled plans, they're just... adjusted. And I'd rather have lunch back at the Graveyard where you're comfortable than cooped up in some stuffy Greek place. The hostess was glarin' at me anyway. They'd've gotten sick of us in there. And I've got that soda you like back in my trailer, too. The cherry kind. And booze. Don't forget the booze."
"You know I don't just mean lunch." Quinn pointed out, "I mean all of it."
"I know. And I'm tellin' you I don't care. We've been through this, Q. A dozen fuckin' times. Have I ever told you anything different than I'm telling you right now?"
"Well- no. I guess not."
"So wouldja just trust me on this?" he huffed, looking a little annoyed even as his eyes sparked with thinly-veiled concern. Irritation was easier than worry, they both knew that much. Neither of them had ever been the soft type. "I mean, hell, it's not like I'm just gonna wake up one morning and decide I'm done with you. We've made it this far, innit? I'm stickin' with you."
He squeezed her knee, his grip just firm enough to be comforting.
"It just... doesn't feel fair." Quinn sighed. It didn't, and it never would. She'd never be able to do enough to match the care he offered her. Even in this, she couldn't keep up.
"I mean, I'm the reason you've got to deal with One. I brought you into this whole mess." Billy shot back, a faint glimmer of humor shining through the words, "We're totally even. Hey- our food's gonna get cold. S'it alright if I start driving?"
"Yeah. Go ahead."
But he paused an extra moment, and stretched across the center console to steal a kiss. Quinn couldn't help but melt against him, emotions be damned.
"Hey, I love you, Q," Billy said as he pulled back, then shot them a broad and almost laughing grin, "Busted-up body or not."
It startled a laugh out of them, and Billy's grin widened for a moment. He dropped back into his seat and started the car, all heavier emotion cast aside just like that. Quinn tossed theirs out along with it. There was no point dwelling on it. Not with this, at least. Billy was right - they'd been through this a dozen times if not more, and he always said the same thing. He always stayed rooted to her, not faltering for even a heartbeat.
She'd never met a person quite as loyal as him.
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dragongirlthing · 8 months
thinking about older women who are soft and sweet and kind of subby and swooning so hard i want to start crying
she hasn't dated in several years and the memories of desiring someone, let alone being desired, have all but atrophied. to say she's flustered upon having someone be so forward with her–who's nearly half her age, no less–would be an understatement. always used to having to give, she clams up in the face of a service top who wants nothing more than to repay her for all the hard work she does. their hands sliding down her stomach and hips,, lips brushing and kissing her stretch marks and cellulite, worshipping all the parts of her body she'd judged herself too harshly over..... touches in places that haven't been explored for so long... pausing to allow her to catch her breath and stay grounded when her head starts spinning ♡
and when they finally do indulge in her, time itself seems to slow to a tortuous pace. she arches her back in ecstasy, as pleasure ripples across her body in ways she'd long forgotten..... years of pent up, carnal lust come crashing down as she frantically pulls her lover's hair, claws at their shoulders, moaning and whimpering in a voice she barely recognizes as her own.... that initial uncertainty and worry replaced with a frenzy of tongue swirls and greedy moans.
as her climax washes over her,, she holds her lover as dearly and tightly as she always does... shuddering thank you's and i love you's as she steadily regains her thoughts and breath. their arms wrap around her, and their body assumes an air of protection as the two snuggle in this vulnerable state. she relishes in the kisses to her chin and collarbone, and lets out a sigh as they stand to bring her water and blankets.~
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lonepower · 5 months
man that was a lot of honestly really cool setup for........... absolutely not even remotely enough payoff
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ridhearts · 2 years
you're gonna make me start shipping trey x cater.... keep going pls drag me into treycater (?) they sound amazing
I've run out of little things that don't require hours of me being insane to talk about so please allow me to offer you a little blurb instead....because I'm thinking about them regretting the decision to be in separate dorm rooms during their third year
Cater let out a soft giggle as he and Trey tiptoed into the Heartslabyul lounge, covering his mouth after Trey made a gesture to keep the volume down. They may have received permission to be out after lights out to finish preparing for the upcoming celebration, but there would be no mercy if they were caught disrupting the sleep of the other students.
Still, Trey didn't seem to be too upset with Cater's noise. Even in shadows, Cater was tuned in to the playful quirk of his lips, to the way Trey glanced at him from the corner of his eyes. It felt like a secret only to be shared between the two of them, even though neither of them really said anything. 
Without thinking, Cater followed Trey to the door of his room, almost dropping his smile in exchange for a confused expression. Something about Trey shifted, the mood slowly falling as something like realization settled over his expression. A few seconds later, every thing clicked.
Right. They weren’t roommates anymore. The familiar bitter taste of regret for the consequences of his own actions settled on Cater’s tongue. He kept the unease inside with his grin, refusing to let any stubborn feelings past his teeth.
“Welp, I G-T-G before Riddle wakes up and scolds us for being too noisy,” Cater whispered, thankful for the excuse to be quiet. The less he spoke, the less his voice could wobble and ruin his cool front. “Thanks for the help today. You were a real one.”
As Cater stepped back, he felt the strange, bubbling hope he wanted to hold onto slowly fizzle away. Even if today was a good day, where he and Trey spent all of it together and he didn’t once feel like pulling away, Cater had set the stage for his own destruction months in advance.
“Cater,” Trey started. There was that tone of voice again, the one where Cater couldn’t quite separate concern from disappointment. “You...you’ll tell me if you need help again, right?”
“Totes!” Turning his back to Trey, Cater resisted the urge to cross his arms over his chest protectively. He should’ve been thankful that Trey was willing to offer his help, something he rarely did unless the situation was dire, but all he could feel was grateful he had saved himself from being an utter fool. Trey was the one person he always fell too hard for, and Cater could only really count on himself to prevent the landing from hurting too much.
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pentanguine · 1 year
The next time I’m tempted to have a robust social life, someone remind me: DON’T
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kingdomoftyto · 2 years
Gather ‘round, it is time once again for Tyto’s 3 a.m. fic recs~
I dove into AO3 looking for vampire fic because,,, you know, and among the many quality fics for the new tv series, I stumbled on one that was actually written prior to the show’s debut.
It starts out more or less the same as book canon, with Louis becoming a vampire in the 1790s and Lestat moving into Louis’ estate outside New Orleans. Then it’s revealed that this version of Louis, while light-skinned, is actually mixed race. With all the worst accompanying historical baggage that goes with... that.
The story... diverges from there.
It’s written with intense care in regards to historical context and sensitivity, while still confronting uncomfortable topics. If you want a fic that actually addresses the whole “protagonist of the story owned a goddamn plantation” thing unflinchingly, then this is the fic to read.
Also includes an A+ portrayal of Louis and Lestat’s fraught communication problems, Louis’ unceasing struggle with mental health (and the whump that comes of that), and--believe it or not--a happy ending!
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moechies · 28 days
riding toji ; what a pain ! 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
finger in butt :o , riding , faux dubcon , anal mention
ever since he asked you to get on top, he was whipped. he doesn’t think there’s anything better than this, pretty tits bouncing up in his face, your twitching cunny fervently around his cock, and your desperate grapples at his arm for help. oh, this is perfect; this is what life is all about.
he especially loves when you give up, your soft body plaint against his bulky, hot one as you hide your flushed face in the cove of his shoulder. you feel his hard stomach under yours, abs and pecs pressing into your skin.
he can’t help but scale his fingers down your figure in your moment of rest, admiring each and every cell that forms your gorgeous shape, gentle fingers pinching the skin of your waist.
he sets his eyes on the mound of your butt, his trailing finger slowly crawling against a forbidden region; your butthole.
you’re dazed and fucked out of your mind, yearning for nothing more but to fall asleep with a click, but the heavy cock that lays within your gummy walls prevents you from doing so. while you’re distracted, you feel a singular ragged finger drag its way along the crevice of your mound, pressing against the puckered, virgin hole above your tainted cunny;
“n—no ! not there toji…” you whine, shaking your head against his shoulder. it’s hard for you to scramble away despite your tried efforts, his lodged cock keeping you still.
you know he would take you however he desired to, despite your little begs of no. nothing you say matters when you’re laying against him without a single ounce of strength remaining in your body, solely waiting for the man to get impatient and end up fucking you to sleep.
his thick finger relentlessly presses into the resisting hole, making you cry out. your nails dig into the sweat-gleaming muscle of the man, causing him to let out a light hiss.
“damn tight, little girl .” he chuckles, bucking his hips up into your cunt, readjusting your position on top. you squeal, pounding your fist against his chest with a complaining mewl. he’s so abrupt. he continues your efforts, a hand laid against your back to keep you pliant against him as he rocks his hips gently against your warmth. a thick finger prodding itself in and out of your butthole, and it’s all too much.
“noooo—“ you cry, humping your ass back into his palm. “hnnn… h—hurts back there.” he laughs at the irony of it all; he knows you’re feeling good, what can he say ? he knows how to make you feel great. he knows it’s all a ploy in able to get him to praise you, praise you for being such a good girl, for taking everything he’s giving you, and it works.
“shh, my sweet girl. takin’ m’finger so well. good, good girl .”
you let out a wanton moan, a mixture of pain and pleasure, just as the chubby tip of his cock pressed against your cervix. his finger pumps a tad faster, a tad deeper and it fills you so wrongfully well.
“y’gonna take my cock in here next time, hm? that’s what the best girls do.”
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gojoest · 1 month
URGES — gojo satoru
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MDNI, pregnancy freak!satoru, f!reader, established relationship (married), reader is pregnant, public sex (in the train, but it’s just the tip), reader is going through hormonal changes that cause a very high sex drive + wears a dress, unprotected sex, pet names (sweetness), wc: 1.3k, dividers by @/cafekitsune
a/n: i implemented the ideas suggested by @/tapiocakisses & @/cherriel0v3r into this drabble, big thank you <3
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Satoru adores every bit about your pregnancy.
Certainly, his favorite thing about it is the baby bump that had slowly started forming — all because it is the most unambiguous sign that you belong to someone.
Surely, he also likes to put his hands on your belly. He places them on top when you sit together, rubs it softly, or gently shields it with his palm as you walk down the street while his other hand firmly sits at the small of your back — after all, this is the most unambiguous sign that you belonged to him, because not just any man would walk around touching a pregnant woman like that.
Not just any man, but the father himself.
But recently, there is another aspect of your pregnancy that he had grown extremely fond of — almost addicted, in fact, to the point he thinks he won’t be able to live any other way once this “side effect” subsides.
High sex drive…
…which comes as a result of increased hormonal shifts in your body, causing an abysmal spike in your libido. Thus meaning, you keep him quite busy.
These arousal outbursts occur at random times of the day, and Satoru is always ready to deliver — even if it means making regular stops at home during work hours (a few times a day) or ending a mission in an abrupt and brutal manner (unnecessary hollow purpling curses left and right that otherwise could’ve been handled with less effort).
It is all for a good cause — he needs to take care of his pregnant wife.
Sometimes you’d wake him up in the middle of the night, pawing at his cock, sweetly and innocently asking him to fuck you.
The blood has never rushed faster to his groin before. In all honesty, those are the times he struggles with his self-restraint because you drive him absolutely nuts with a single word, and the fact that you need him this bad, so bad that you’re already wet down there between your legs — and he can smell it, so bad that you wake him up rubbing your thighs together asking for his cock because your fingers aren’t good enough to reach certain spots… messes with his head oh so terribly. If you weren’t in this fragile, pregnant state, he’d pin you down nasty and fuck the living hell out of you until you pass out.
He thinks to himself, that once the child is born the first thing he’ll do is fuck your brains out in the most obscene of positions that weren’t suitable during the pregnancy and take his pent-up frustration from holding back his stroke game out on that pretty cunt of yours. Well, until he knocks you up all over again.
…because he wants to keep you pregnant and needy for him, all the time.
Until then, he’ll fuck you tenderly. Sometimes with just the tip…
…as you so happen to be in public — in the train, on your way to visit the zoo during one of his rarely free days, when your urges just so happened to kick in. Again.
Even though, he fucked you good before leaving the house. Pretty sure his cum is still staining the inner of your panties even — the panties that are now slid to the side as you’re backed against one of the corners of the train where it’s relatively secluded, with your husband standing before you holding the hem of your dress up and high enough to access what’s underneath. His pants undone but still intact around his legs, it’s just the zipper that is down for his cock to be out and the tip prodding in your cunt.
It’s a good thing that he’s a big man and that his frame can cover the entirety of you once he is in front of you, so that people entering or leaving the wagon wouldn’t witness the obscenity beyond him. Fortunately, all they see is the huge, broad back of a tall, well-built man. And, well, a pair of smaller feet that could be spotted through his spread lower limbs, that is, if you looked down.
“Shh—“, cupping your cheek with his free hand Satoru quietly hushes you, tracing his index finger over your lips as you squeeze your eyes shut, moving your hips slightly to swallow more of him inside you, and not just the tip. “I don’t want other people to hear the sweet noises you make, they’re for my ears only, okay?”
His finger moves away from your mouth, giving way for his lips to seal them instead. Because he knows that you won’t listen to him. You never do. And he really can’t make peace with the possibility of someone catching on to your voice. Not because you’d be busted fucking in broad daylight, inside of a train of all places. But because, that voice you make when his cock is inside you? It’s really just for him to hear and keep.
“Please, sweetness— just whisper your moans to me, in my ear only”, he mumbles against your lips, just barely breaking the kiss so he could beg for you to keep it down. Growing concerned on what he could possibly do if someone were to actually hear you.
“Nghh—”, you pant into him, incoherent. Easier said than done, you think but the words don’t make it out. All that is in your mind is how bad you want his cock inside you, all of it. The tip only is doing more damage than any good, teasing you further.
“Fuck me for real, ‘Toru”, you hiss at him, grabbing a chunk of his hair before dragging your nails down his undercut, then down his back, and then lower, and lower, and lower — until you reach his ass. Your hand kneading on it, sneakily luring his hips into you.
He wavers, he really does.
Beads of sweat sliding down his forehead, his bangs damp and sticking on his skin. His cheeks flushed while he breathes in heavy stutters as tremors run up and down his body, causing him to buck himself forward just a tiny bit before he stops himself. Terrified of losing his mind if he goes an inch deeper in you, because then — people would know and unfortunately see you in a state that only he is allowed to see.
His extreme possessiveness of you being the only voice of reason in him right now, no matter how contradicting the present situation is. He wants people to know that he fucks you, but he does not want them to witness it. His wish to be the only one you give yourself to is followed by the desire to be the only witness to how you do it.
“Yeah?”, he scoffs, his head falling back for a second then shifting to its previous position. Shortly after his neck cranes down and he nestles his forehead on the nook of your shoulder.
“Do you know what it costs me to stop myself from going all the way in? Do you have any idea how fucking good you feel?”, he laughs in a daze. “Pretty sure I just lost about 10 years of my life holding back, so please — please, don’t let anyone get to that sweet voice”, he pleads through a heavy breath. His voice is really desperate. Like he really is fighting for his life there, trying to keep your voice pristine to his ears only.
“There’s a café three stops away”, he continues after he peels his head away from your shoulder and looks at you through half-lidded eyes. “I can give you the rest there — can you be a good girl for me till then?”
You nod.
The zoo visit was clearly off the table now. But in a few more minutes you would be on the bathroom counter — legs spread and a cockful of your husband inside you — getting what you deserve.
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cutielando · 2 months
I don't usually request things but I saw that your request were open and that you're more of a fluff writer and thought this would be perfect for you. I'm not sure if you e written so.ething like this or not, so if you have feel free to ignore.
Lando Norris with a gf who always wears contacts and has to switch to her glasses for some reason but he didn't know she wore contacts (since they are a pretty new couple only a few months) and he thinks her glasses are so fucking adorable because they are kinda big and nerdy and now he always wants to see her in them
glasses | l.n.
my masterlist
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You hated being blind.
Ever since you were little, you had been prescribed glasses because you couldn't see all that well. Of course, hoping you would be rid of them in a couple of years at most.
Oh, how wrong you had been.
There you were, in your 20s, still blind as fuck. But this time, nobody could really tell you needed glasses because you had opted for contacts instead.
That's the Y/N that Lando knew. Not the glasses, just the normal you.
You'd never actually told Lando about your vision problem, and he hadn't managed to figure anything out. You would put your contacts in as soon as you woke up and take them out before bed, all without Lando giving you a second thought.
But, unfortunately, your contacts era was going to come to an abrupt end.
You had scheduled a regular check-up with your optometrist, wanting to check things out as you usually did. But she seemed very concerned when she explained her findings to you.
"It looks like your eyes are very irritated because of the frequency with which you've been using your contacts, Y/N. I'm afraid you're going to have to switch to your eyeglasses for a while" those words had hit you like a ton of bricks.
You hated the way the glasses made you look, all big and round on your eyes like a nerd. You hated them, you hated even seeing them hidden away in your nightstand, and now you had to wear them?
Oh, boy.
Getting home to an empty apartment had never felt as good as it did in that moment.
Lando has been in the UK at the MTC for the last couple of days, and was supposed to be coming home in the evening. Plenty of time to think about what you were going to do when he got back and saw your glasses on the bridge of your nose.
You knew you were practically making a big deal out of nothing, but you couldn't help the thoughts swirling around in your mind.
How would Lando react? Would he love the glasses? Would he despise them because they made you less attractive or something? You couldn't have any of that, you loved him too much.
You sat on the couch, lost in your thoughts for what seemed like hours. The only thing that broke you out of your trance was the sound of keys jiggling in the lock and the door opening and closing.
"Babe, I'm home" Lando called out, just around the corner from the living room.
Your eyes widened, not realizing so much time had passed that Lando had already arrived home.
Any kind of plan you might have come up with in those few hours went out the window, now replaced with accepted defeat that in a few seconds, Lando would round the corner and come face to face with you.
Just as predicted, Lando entered the living room 5 seconds later, leaving his suitcase at the entrance while making his way to you.
"Hey" you said, your voice small as you timidly raised your head to look at him.
He stopped in his tracks, his eyebrows furrowed with confusion at the sight of your glasses.
“What’s with the glasses?” he asked, chuckling as he inspected your face.
In all truth, he thought you looked adorable with them. But to you, his silence was the worst possible thing in that moment.
You sighed, resting your head in your hands. Seeing how beat up you seemed to be, Lando took a seat next to you on the couch and started rubbing your back.
“I can’t see all that well, have had a prescription ever since I was 12 and I’ve had contacts for years now. When I went to my optometrist this morning for a checkup, she told me my eyes are irritated because of how long I’ve worn contacts, so I have to wear my glasses for a while” you explained, your voice slightly muffled by your palms but clear enough for Lando to understand.
“Okay, and what’s wrong with them? They look hot on you, why do you look so sad?” he asked, making you look up at him in confusion.
“What do you mean they look hot? They are ugly, they make my face look big and I hate wearing them” you explained the problem, but nothing you were saying was phasing Lando in any way.
He smiled at you, his eyes lingering on your glasses for a couple of seconds before he started speaking.
“Baby, you look hot both with and without your glasses. I personally prefer you with them” he cooed as he held your face in his hands.
“But they make me look like a nerd” you pouted, making your expression even more adorable in his eyes.
Lando shook his head, standing firm on his statement.
“Y/N, I don’t care whether you wear glasses for the rest of our lives or not, you’re still the most beautiful woman in the world in my eyes, even more so with them on your pretty face” he said, pecking your lips twice.
You sighed once you pulled away, your chest feeling much lighter now. The fear that you had been feeling since the morning wore off, relief settling in instead.
“Thanks” you said, biting your lip before leaning against his side, resting your head in the crook of his shoulder.
Thank God.
And so, ever since that day and for the remaining of your relationship, Lando made it his mission to show you just how much he loved those glasses on you.
Especially in bed ;)
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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hoshigray · 6 months
I told you I was going to do it and here I am lmao. Any who reader and Toji are bumming on the couch watching a movie within the movie there is a spicy scene involving 69 that is mediocre. It gives reader an idea to make a bet with Toji to see who can last the longest. Toji isn't budging at first but when the reader mentions that they want to do in the same position within the movie (something they never did before) he gladly accepts the challenge. I'll leave the plot and ending up to you love. I know you will work your magic for him.
69 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐄 .ᐟ | toji fushiguro
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hehehe ty jazz, i'll do my best for youuu ☆☆☆
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Toji x fem/afab! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - masturbation (m! receiving) - 69 position - oral (f! + m! receiving) - impact play (spanking + f! receiving) - overstimulation - clitoral play (licking and sucking) - pet names (baby, doll, mama, pretty thing) - mention of saliva/spit. 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.9k
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“Wow….this movie kinda sucks.”
“Mhm…Aye, y’re the one who wanted to watch this shit.” 
“Well, I mean, at least it’s…semi-enjoyable.”
Toji and you were sitting on the couch, winding down in the living room after a nourishing dinner. One of the many things you liked to do with your man was to watch movies, figuring that would be a perfect thing to do during the downtime to chill and huddle with your man. What you didn’t expect, however, was how underwhelming the movie seemed. 
It was one of those rated R movies batted around within the year, figuring now would be an ideal time to get to it. Welp, it was entertaining enough for you two to continue watching. Now, being midway through, it’s getting a little frustrating to deal with. 
“Oh, okay…” annnnnd now the film has transitioned to an abrupt sex scene….how great. “I guess this is why it’s rated R.”
The sex scene you two were watching was…average at best. You’ve seen way spicier scenes in your life — hell, literal cringey porn you’ve watched with your friends was heavily more explicit than this. There was the rushed kissing, the frantic clothes coming off, no amount of foreplay whatsoever — just heading right into it, exaggerated cries coming from the woman as the guy frantically humps her nude frame.
You observe the scene through a neutral gaze as you lay against Toji’s side, his arm stretched to your shoulder to keep you close. But then, your head tilts when something on the screen catches your attention. 
The camera pans to the guy’s face, who’s lying on the bed as the other straddles them, facing his lower half. For a few seconds, you can only see the guy’s face until the camera follows him going closer to the girl’s ass that’s hovered before him. His tongue sticks out before he propels his mouth to her bottom, and her muffled moans can be heard off-screen with his grunts. 
Loud, amateur sounds aside, the position sparked something for you to turn and ask the following to your boyfriend: “Hey, Toji?” He hums, feeling the vibration of his voice from your hand on his chest. “Have you ever done that position?”
You can see his eyebrows trench down — not bewildered by your question, but pondering how he could answer truthfully. “Mmm…I think so? Been a long while, though.”
You nod aimlessly with your eyes glued to the screen, hearing the woman’s whimpers get a bit louder as the guy grasps her ass while “eating her out.” The thought of being on top of Toji and his mouth and hands on your body like that, you had to bite the inside of your cheek to remind yourself not to get too—
“Why you ask; ya horny?” Well, you can’t be too modest around this man, huh. You finally turn to look at him, prepared for the smirk he greets you with. A smile is all you reply with. “Sorry, baby, I don’t know about tonight. Kinda tired.” 
For a few seconds, you’re on his side. You understand he’s a little fatigued from work today and only wants to chill with his partner. However, a tiny part of you – the devilish cutie side – takes over and slides your hand from his chest. Down to his hard abs covered by his black wife beater, stopping at his clothed inner thigh, resulting in him hitching his breath. 
“Tired?” You say in a soft tune, your eyes peering down to your hand as it rubs on his thigh, inching further and further in. You take note of Toji’s fingers tapping on your shoulder – a silent warning. “Are you sure about that?” 
“You better move that hand, Y/n.” His body jolts when your hand creeps up to his groin, motioning around it with provocative kneads. 
“Hmm, why?” You play coy, placing kisses on the underside of his chin. “You tired of me?” 
He throws his head back at your soft lips, attacking his neck while your hand comes to the hem of his sweatpants. A shaky breath is released at the contact of your cold fingers on his warm erection. “Hmmm…could never be tired of you….Ahhh,“ your forefinger swipes around the glans.
“Then what are you so scared of?” You keep pressing on, sucking on his skin under your lips. His length gets firmer under your grasp, veins grazed by your fingertips. “Scared you wouldn’t last longer than me?”
“Ohh, don’t play with me, Y/n,” Toji grunts, the hand on your shoulder grips your cardigan. His erect cock throbs on your palm, and precum begins to leak out from you, playing with the tip. “–Mmmph…I already told you I wasn’t feelin’ it tonight.”
Liar, you say to yourself, noting him breathing slowly while you massage his balls. “Please, Toji?” You ask sweetly to his ear, his hand coming down to your waist as you stroke him off. “I never done that position before, but it looks real fun…I wanna do it with you.” 
Toji doesn’t give in easily, looking at you with a raised brow. So you throw in another please with an innocent pout and two bats of the eyes to seal the deal. He chortles; how can he say no to you looking at him like that? “Bet I can make you lose within the first few minutes.” 
You beam at him, “Bet I can make you cum first.”
“Y’re not gonna last for very long, princess, I can promise you that.”
A smirk pulls your cheeks. “Let’s try it out then.”
And just like that, with a mutual agreement, the challenge was put to the test. 
So here you are, straddling on top of Toji on the living room couch, both your bottoms and his sweats on the cold floor. Your bare ass out in front of him to see as he lies with his head on the couch pillow. Your front facing his legs, and his dick erected for you to lick and suck on. 
It started slow in the beginning; Toji massages your asscheeks as you lick around the glans and stroke his girth. “Mmmm, just like that, mama,” he praises, egging you on to take in more of him. Your mouth bobbing up and down his shaft, gradually taking in inch by inch until your mouth reaches the hilt. “Fuuck, feels so good…”
You aren’t forgotten either, Toji starting with slow licks, his tongue lapping your labia. You mewl on his cock, voluntarily moving your hips to satiate the throbs of your cunt. Shit, you love it when he eats you out, but this position makes you turn on even more — unable to see what he’s doing, letting his hands and tongue speak for himself. 
And you have to give it to yourself; you mangled to survive for a little while! The first minute was just him warming you up, teasing your folds with swishes to get you real wet as you blow him, his fingers groping your ass as his thumb plays around your ass taint. It all had you riled up, rocking your lower half so much that the man had to station you still for him to feast on your wetness properly. 
It wasn’t until you felt his tongue brush up on your clitoris did shit get serious. One sharp, muffled gasp paired with a jolt from your body. Of course, Toji noticed, his grin coming from ear to ear. “Oh, did I do that?” Yes, you did, you bastard. “Heh, you are not ready for this, baby…”
He says this before stuffing his mouth back into your leaky chasm so his tongue could swirl around your slit with vigor so rough that you nearly choked on your gasp for air. “—Oohh!! W–Wait, Toji, not so—Ahhn!” Fast licks have you squirm, prompting your man to keep you on him with his hands on your waist. It’s hard to concentrate giving Toji a blowjob with him nibbling on your labia before throwing more laps on your clitoris. 
“Wait, Toji, s-stoop; I’m gonna—Nnaaah!” Your fingers clamp around his girth, howling as he bullies his tongue to enter your vagina, his face buried nose-deep in your ass while sucking on your genitals. “Fuuck, oh shit, I can’t…Ohh, ohhh!!”
And just like that, you release into his mouth before you could even prepare yourself. Your trembling figure jolts with every shock coursing through your body. And Toji drinks your essence with every passing wave, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you straddled above him. 
Oh fuck, the clarity you experience is mind-blowing every time he eats you out — whimpers escape pretty lips as your sensitive nerves still receive gingerly laps on your soapy folds. That felt way too good, oh my God…
But it doesn’t stop there — no, no. Not with Toji, too pleased with how he made your legs tremble before him. He snickers while spreading your folds, “Pretty thing, look at you winking at me...Nnmm, so fuckin’ good…”
He brings his mouth back to your cunt, and you jerk from the contact as your body is still not rid of the shocks from the previous orgasm. You frantically call for him, trying to writhe your ass away from him. “Ohhnn, Toji, wait, let me rest for a—Ahhhnn!!“
A sharp pain comes from an abrupt smack to your buttcheek, the skin stinging from the impact of Toji’s hand. “Aht, aht, don’t try and run now. You talked big earlier, even when I warned you.” He smacks your ass again, his fingers digging deep into your flesh to pinch. You scream for him — that’s what he wants. “Now you’re gonna sit right here and let the winner have his fill.” 
You can’t argue with him from there; Toji’s hold on you not giving in to your attempts of mercy — same for his mouth on your delicate labia. The noises coming from there are so raunchy, downright erotic, way more than whatever the hell that movie was doing. You could only wail out your cries, eyes spiraling up to your head from every lap to your clit. No point fighting the pleasure, resting your head on his thigh.
But that was short-lived because Toji was quick to correct you with another slap to your butt. Shit came out of nowhere, almost choking on your spit. “C’mon now, doll, you can’t leave me hangin’ here. Suck me off, princess.” He rubs the pain on your butt away, yet you know he’d do it again if you weren’t compliant.
You bring his fat cock back to your face, licking on the tip while stroking him. You take in the head and suck him in, bobbing your head and coating his length with your saliva. Kisses to his glans result in him burrowing his face into your ass again, hungry lips ravishing your tender insides. Jesus, the way his tongue flicks on your clit has you humming on his cock nonstop.
Oh, God, oh fuuuuck, you remove your lips from Toji’s dick, yet your hand keeps gliding up and down. “—Mwah! Hoohhh, oohhh, Tojiiii…! Again, I’m gonna cum, again….Khaa—Ohhhhh!!”
The second orgasm hits you hard, more keenly than the last, and your body quivers on top of Toji once again. Whines come from wet lips as you descend into your haze, and your toes curl as Toji doesn’t withdraw himself until he’s satiated his thirst with every remnant of your fluids. 
With every jolt and shock flowing down your frame, you use this time to let your body ride this high out, placing chaste kisses on Toji’s cock. That is until you feel Toji suck on your folds suddenly. You jump and quake, turning around to beg. “Stooohp; let me rest, please!”
He gives you a smug look with a playful smack to your hot, stinging butt. “Done being curious now, mama?”
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requests/thirsts are open hehe~ 🧸
© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – reblogs and comments are wholeheartedly appreciated ☆ dividers by @/benkeibear.
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sunniepoo · 6 months
girlie i love your writing!!💗💗
i was thinking mean!rafe x virgin!reader where he’s a meanie but he softens when he finds out it’s reader’s first time. it’s your choice if you do the act or the aftercare, i just need this in your writing please🎀🎀
nice was the last word anyone would use to describe rafe cameron; the constant frown on his face paired with the flow of mean spews that would leave his mouth didn’t provide much help with his reputation
yet every time you find yourself on his lap, sloppily making out with him the seat of his truck
and every time his hand would slip underneath the hem of your sweatshirt and knead the supple fat of your tits, slowly working themselves down to the edges of your panties- there would be some sort of abrupt stop caused by you, something or someone else
thank god!
he made it so hard for you to tell him he would be your first with his brutish, rough manner constantly poking and teasing at you and you knew that if you let this slip that you wouldn’t hear the end of it from him and you weren’t ready to face that humiliation just yet
that’s how you find yourself in a circle of random kooks, them looking pensively at you, waiting for you to answer the question
‘what’s the craziest place you had sex?’
well fuck! you thought to yourself as you could see the familiar cameron bore his eyes into the side of your head anticipating your answer
“uhh” you nervously mumble out “well i’ve never-“ you begin before kelce and another group of kooks come booming in, squealing and screaming with a water gun in hand spraying anyone they can find
the group quickly scattered, each and everyone running off to a random place in the cameron residence
with that, you feel the older cameron’s hand make its way to your waist, softly dragging you up the stairs, making way to his bedroom
and here you were again making out in his lap, hand softly toying with the hems of your short dress, stopping for a moment as he speaks “you never got to answer your question?”
“hm?” you ask already forgetting the incident downstairs, drunk off the touch of his lips “craziest place” he recalls the question again
“oh yeah..that” you mumble out as his palms rub up and down the sides of you, occasionally giving an oddly comforting squeeze, almost like he knew
“well..i’ve kind of never” you start, the words coming out as a soft whisper. god why did this feel so intimate.this is rafe cameron! “you know…never done it” you gulp immediately as the blondes eyes pierced into yours
“oh” he lets out after a short moment of silence, a soft smirk making way on his face
“look rafe if you’re gonna be a prick about it… i’ll just go because-” you announce, ready to leave and bury your face in a pillow and scream
“no no no no” he interrupts as he continues to grip on the sides of your waist, holding you in place and stopping you from moving
“s’cute..y’know” his hands making way to the ends of your hair, softly running his fingers through them while the other rubs against the length of your arms “if i was your first and stuff ”
“would show you a real nice time”he continues as he peppers soft kisses to your neck, sucking gently at that one spot which he knew had you all sensitive and weak
“really?” you choke out, your own voice giving up on itself
the subtle banging of the headboard against the wall drifted into the sound of the music blaring from the speakers
as the night unfolded, and you lay caged in between the muscle of the cameron’s arms, legs tangled with one another
you couldn’t help but think he wasn’t the big? bad scary rafe cameron after all
notes: so sorry lovely that i wrote it so so late, been a bit busy but i hope you like it!!
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luviestarz · 6 months
park jisung fic recs!
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✰ drunk jisung is clingy… and kiss-driven - @asteroidsung (you didn’t take bestfriend!jisung to be an affectionate drunk, thinking he would be the type to be sleepy and quiet. clearly, you’re mistaken. and oh how good it feels to be wrong.)
✰ Heart Band-Aids - @tynct (you and jisung separate from the others at an amusement, and he buys you heart band-aids)
✰ HAUNT ME, BABY! — PJS - @ukiyoexo (when you see a ghost, you’re supposed to be scared right? yeah, that’s what jisung thought too until he met you. a night spent in boredom leads you to lighting random candles and attempting to summon a ghost. you never expected it to work — or for the spirit to be so cute.)
✰ 8 letters | park jisung - @xiaodejunletsact (4 years ago, you and jisung’s long term friendship came to an abrupt end. now in senior year, the two of you find yourselves being forced together again by your mothers. suddenly, jisung begins to ask himself what is more important: his reputation or you.)
✰ sweeter than honey. - @luvdsc (you and jisung are too busy being the biggest simps for each other that neither one realizes that, well, both of you are the biggest simps for each other. or alternatively, diamonds (and park jisung) are a girl’s best friend.)
✰ fwb!park jisung x reader - @jenosbigtoe (fwb!jisung but he desperately wants to make you his so he goes the extra mile to show u how much he really wants you)
✰ perv!jisung x reader, braces - @neocentral
✰ Too Young - @loudstan (You thought avoiding Jisung after what happened during his first rut would make the problem go away (SPOILER ALERT: it didn't.)
✰ at midnight with you - @hyuckbeam (your boyfriend just recently got his driver's license, and boy, was he adamant to take you for a ride (with you being just as eager as him).
✰ DO IT AGAIN - @taexoxosgf (your brother’s best friend can never get you alone. that’s why he won’t miss an opportunity— even if your brother’s on the other side of the walls.)
✰ dance practice ; 박지성 - @martiniblues (with you and jisung’s time running thin due to his schedules, you decide to go visit him at practice. when the two of you finally have some time alone, jisung thinks this is the perfect time to mess with you.)
✰ texts w/ bf!jisung! - @haespoir
✰ flirty bf texts. - @ohmygs-blog
✰ FULL MOON — PARK JISUNG - @moonjella (your boyfriend, jisung has his rut and has been avoiding you all day. for the first time his rut has aligned with a full moon making it much more powerful than usual. he's afraid of hurting you, but you show him just how strong you can be and how much of him you can take.)
✰ SCORE THAT GOAL! — smau - @lqfiles (after your college had announced that all the students were required to join a club and attend it twice a week, you were planning on either a) dropping out, or b) join the art club and pretend to be sick most of the times. that was before you discovered that park jisung is a long time member of the football team. change in plans: you LOVE football.)
✰ Teach Me || P.JS - @ihaechans (It's been about ten months since you and Jisung started dating, and not once has he fucked you properly. Yes, he's fucked you multiple times, but you're always on top riding him, or simply using him as you please, leaving him no room to fuck you how he wants to. Finally, he musters the courage to talk to you about it, and the outcome makes him wish he'd done it sooner.)
✰ jealousy | pjs - @heyjwi (your boyfriend loved watching you perform but today something was different. that angered expression and glaring eyes, what’s wrong with him?)
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spxllcxstxr · 19 days
Vermax • J.V
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(Gif not mine)
Request: jacaerys falling in love with a servant girl and taking her for a ride on vermax. -- @sarahisslytherin
Summary: Jacaerys takes a servant girl to see Vermax
Warnings: fem!reader (referred to as girl at some points), servant x prince forbidden romance, dragon stuff, lowkey abrupt ending but oh well
Word Count: 1.2k
A.N: need more smiling jace but DAMN he was fine in this scene, first jace piece, hope it's ok! This wasn’t supposed to be over 1k words lmao
The dark corridors of Dragonstone castle twist and turn as Prince Jacaerys pulls you through them. His grip on your wrist is light as it pushes up the sleeve of your red servant’s dress.
The only sounds surrounding the two of you were your steps across the stone floors and both of your panting breaths.
In mere minutes the cool air of Dragonstone hits you as does the grass slick with fresh dew. Any guards near the entrances are cloaked in the darkness.
"Jacaerys," You hiss, careful not to draw any attention to you. "Where are you taking me?"
"Calm yourself, (Y/n), I am only taking you to see Vermax." Jace responds, his pace slowing as he approaches a patch of grass where his dragon frequently can be found.
"Are you feeding me to your dragon, Jace? Is this what this is?"
He snorts at your question. "Not today."
You giggle as Vermax is appears within your vision.
The moonlight shimmers on Vermax's olive green scales. The dragon mesmerizes you, even when stationary. You can't even fathom the fact that Vermax is on the smaller side of the Targaryen dragons.
Jacearys turns to you, the flowing red cape attached to the rest of his riding gear rustles behind him. Your eyes flick to the Prince.
"Do you trust me?" The Prince asks, his gentle brown eyes staring into your own. His thumb rests on your cheekbone. The leather riding gloves obstructs the warm feeling you have come to associate with the Prince. It's comforting nonetheless.
You heart hammers in your chest. Even his lightest of touches always leaves you dazed, but with the addition of a dragon just over his shoulder contributes to your nerves.
"Of course, Jacaerys," You breathe, wiping your sweaty palms against the rough fabric of your dress. The tall grass tickles your ankles.
He hums, lightly pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Do not be afraid, sweet girl, Vermax will do you no harm."
"Are you sure about this, Jace? We could get in trouble--"
"Nonsense, who here would fathom taking issue with the Prince?" Jacearys smirks, making your cheeks burn.
In the moonlight he takes your breath away. Pale skin littered with freckles, the desire to kiss every single one almost taking over.
You follow him as he strides over to his dragon, murmuring in High Valarian. His hands rest atop the dragon's snout.
He whispers to his dragon, gesturing to you to come closer. With your hand trembling slightly, you lightly place it on the dragon's scales, which are hot to the touch.
It takes a bit of maneuvering paired with Jace's help for you to get up on Vermax's saddle--you had barely ridden a horse much less a dragon.
"Might want to hold on tight, (Y/n)." Jacaerys whispers in your ear as he settles behind you. "Vermax is pretty quick."
He shouts a few phrases in High Valyrian and the dragon roars to life, large wings starting to move. As you rise through the air, you can't help but to scream your lungs out.
Higher above the trees, mingling between the clouds, a sense of adrenaline makes you dizzy.
How could anyone get used to this?
You holler and laugh as the wind quickly whips all around you. Your fingers tingle and your heart pound in your chest.
Jacaerys has Vermax climbing high up in the sky before dropping close to the ocean, twisting as you go down.
Eventually, with morning quickly approaching, Vermax coasts just below the clouds, heading towards Dragonstone, which is just a small island in the distance.
Dawn creeps over the horizon, the orange and yellow hues of the early light blending with the sea surrounding you. Your skin bathes in the light. The open sea and sky glitters in your vision. Closing your eyes you deeply inhale, the fresh air filling your lungs. You can feel his eyes watching you intensely. Jace's arms tighten around your waist as he guides Vermax to dive closer to land.
You don't open your eyes until you land and Vermax stops shifting on their feet. Slowly, and with guidance from the Prince, you dismount from the dragon, gently patting their scales once more before taking a few steps back.
“Thank you, Jace,” Your lips gently press against his cheek, red from the wind. "That was..." You search for the words that could possibly describe the experience you just had. "Amazing."
The dawn light highlights the flecks of gold in his eyes and you're unable to look away. His lips tilt up in a smile.
"Oh my sweet girl...I would do anything for you. Showing you all this," He gestures to Vermax's retreating figure in the sky. "It is because I love you."
You take a step back, breath catching in your throat. While the two of you had been sneaking around with each other and kissing in the dark corners of the castle, he had never told you he loved you before. You never thought he could love someone like you. "Jacaerys, I am a mere servant girl, you cannot--"
"I can, (Y/n)." He takes your hands in his, pulling you closer to his body. He smells of dragon and fire. "When my mother is sat on the Iron Throne it will not matter if my heart chooses to be with a serving girl or a lady at court." He squeezes your hands in an attempt to calm your nerves.
You bite your bottom lip, mind and heart racing with swarming thoughts and emotions.
"Do you--do you not love me back?" Jace's dark brows crease with worry.
"Do not be a fool, Jacaerys!" You respond, meeting his eyes. "I have loved you since I met you! But what of Baela? Of politics? You cannot just piss that all away for someone like me!"
"I do not care, (Y/n), please just listen to me!" He moves his hands to frame your face, one of each cheek. They're delicate on your skin. "We will deal with it when we get there, but please let us love each other now before we have to concern ourselves with all of that." Jace's eyes are wide, pleading with you to just say yes.
And how could you resist? You had loved him since you were both children running up and down the stone steps of the castle, him avoiding his duties as a Prince and you avoiding your duties as a servant.
Without saying anything, you surge forward to capture his soft lips in your own. Your own hands move to his neck, stroking the skin there. The two of you had kissed before, many times, in fact, but it was never like this. This was more special in a way you couldn't wrap your head around. It was slow and passionate, like Jacearys was trying to convey to you how much he truly loved you. You try your best to return the sentiment.
Breathlessly, you reluctantly pull away. Your eyes flutter as they meet his own. "Gods, Jacaerys, of course I love you back."
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