#enjoy your food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
abstractr · 2 years
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i dont really like this but ohh well...
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northernfireart · 4 months
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based on a conversation I had with my best friend and after 10 minutes of crying laughing we agreed that this was very doctordonna coded.
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miiukkaa · 11 months
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i wanna hear him give absolutely horrible speeches (everyone would go apeshit nonetheless)
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signanothername · 1 month
Killer, but with Abridged Alucard’s lines
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missmisnomer · 5 months
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i literally cannot believe I never actually posted this??
Anywho, here's the squad
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kasimova-dariia · 9 days
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
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hey. you guys wanna hear something extremely cursed
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 3 months
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hot man hot birdman im so sorry hot fire bird man?!?!
aka glorious gijinka!Tengu Jin design by @hirumi25 has made me 👀💦?!?! because wowie thats some hecking fire design!
and of course i couldnt just not draw Hirumi's Nomi-kun with him too
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static-radio-ao3 · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic // january 22 // prompt: cry // words: 1184 // cw: explicit sexual content
James Potter is loud. Unbearably so. He’s also talkative, which makes for a particularly frustrating combination. He’s always blabbering on about one thing or the other. His professors or the reading materials or the RA of his dorm, whose name is Frank Longbottom, by the way. This is something Regulus knows because James is —say it with me— loud.
James is either louder than usual today, or Regulus’ fuse is shorter than usual, but it is bordering on unbearable. Regulus is trying his best to focus on the economics of inequality, really, he is. But James Potter’s aggravating voice is cutting through his concentration at an alarming rate.
With a sharp exhale he slams the palms of his hands against the table and shoves his chair backward, causing Evan and Barty to look up. At the sight of Regulus fuming, they simply raise an eyebrow at each other and turn back to their assignments.
Regulus rolls his shoulders and steels himself for what is undoubtedly going to be a frustrating interaction.
He weaves his way through the library, surprised that no one else seems as bothered as he is about the noise, because it is fairly packed. Exam week is coming up and Hogwarts University is known for its rigorous program and harsh grading. This may or may not be the cause for Regulus’ short fuse today — he really needs to pass the econ exam if he wants to take an elective next semester.
Before he knows it, he is standing in front of James Potter’s table. Regulus clears his throat once to get James’ attention, but he seems so captivated by his own story that he doesn’t notice Regulus, standing there with a frown on his face.
It isn’t until James’ friend, Peter? Preston? Patrick? No, Peter sounds right, nudges him under the table that James looks up.
Regulus is met with a blinding smile. “Hi, Reg! What can I do for you?”
“Shut up.”
“Excuse me?” James asks, affronted. “You came and talked to me.”
“No, I mean what you can do for me is shutting up. You’re being loud and I can’t focus.”
The confused expression on James’ face morphs into a smug one almost instantaneously. “So what I’m hearing is that you find me distracting?” He asks with a wag of his eyebrows. Peter snorts out a laugh, but Regulus ignores him.
He rolls his eyes. God, this man is infuriating. “That’s absolutely not what I said. I simply can’t hear myself think over the sound of your voice.”
“Shame,” James tells him. “Although, I must admit I’m rather interested to hear what you’re thinking. Maybe you could tell me on Friday? Over dinner?”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Dinner. Friday,” James repeats. Then he gestures between the two of them. “You and me.”
Regulus feels like a fish out of water, gaping stupidly at James Potter in the middle of the library.
Regulus is about to say something cutting and devastating like In your wildest dreams or Is this a prank or Absolutely the fuck not, but what comes out of his mouth is a hesitant, “Sure.”
James’ beaming smile is back. “Alright. I best get back to studying, then. Apparently I have plans on Friday, so I gotta clear my schedule.”
Regulus makes his way back to his table in a daze. Barty and Evan are waiting, gazes expectant.
“Well?” Evan prompts when Regulus doesn’t say anything. “How’d you get him to shut up?”
“By agreeing to go on a date with him,” Regulus says, still somewhat confused. He isn’t entirely convinced it wasn’t a prank and he also isn’t entirely convinced he’s awake right now. The interaction was so absurd, he's sure he dreamed it.
“What the fuck?” Barty asks. Yeah, that’s what Regulus is also thinking.
“C’mon, James,” Regulus murmurs, “let me hear you.” He reaches up to tug James’ bottom lip out from between his teeth. With a particularly harsh thrust, he pushes James up the mattress a couple of inches, slamming the headboard against the wall.
James moans —loudly— and Regulus relishes in the sound. He chases it, covering James’ mouth with his own and licking into it as if he could taste the sound, somehow. He pulls back and attaches his lips to James’ neck, sucking a bruise into the flushed skin.
James moans again, and again, and again. The sound bursts out of him in breathy gasps every time Regulus pushes in.
“Love it when you get loud for me,” Regulus tells him.
“Used to—” James starts, but he is interrupted by yet another moan, “used to hate it.”
“That was before I knew better,” Regulus acquiesces, slightly breathless. “Now it’s my favorite thing in the world.”
The sound of the headboard hitting the wall fills the room, interspersed with the sound of James moaning. It doesn’t take long for James’ moans to rise in pitch, signaling that he’s close.
“Reg, Reg, I’m—” James tries to warn, but he cuts himself off with a cry of pleasure.
“I know, James,” Regulus replies. He furrows his brow in concentration, his fist tight around James' cock as he pushes him toward his release. “It’s okay, come for me.”
James spills all over Regulus’ hand and his own stomach with a particularly loud moan and Regulus follows close behind, tumbling into pleasure headfirst until he comes back down to earth.
He pulls out of James gently, discards the condom, and moves to grab a cloth. He wipes down James’ stomach and reaches between his legs to get rid of the excess lube. Regulus is just about to get comfortable again when there is a sharp knock on the door. With a sigh, he tosses James a pair of underwear and tugs on his own.
“What,” Regulus says sharply when he yanks the door open. James pads up to him and places a hand on his shoulder.
“Hi, Frank,” James says somewhat sheepishly.
“Hi, James. Regulus,” Frank says. His eyes get stuck on the blooming hickey Regulus left on James’ neck a few minutes ago. Regulus coughs pointedly, snapping Frank out of his daze. “Got another noise complaint. Would it kill you guys to be quiet?”
Frank definitely looks like he doesn’t want to be here. Regulus agrees. He would much rather be back in bed with James.
“Sorry, we’ll try to keep it down,” James says. The hand that is not resting on Regulus’ shoulder goes to his hair, running through it self-consciously. Even if they hadn’t gotten a noise complaint it would have been obvious what they were doing. The hickeys, the hair, the distinct lack of clothes.
“Anything else?” Regulus asks when no one speaks.
“Uh, no, that’s all. Thank—” but Regulus has already closed the door before Frank can even finish his sentence.
“Regulus,” James says, exasperated, “this is the third time we’ve gotten a noise complaint. They’re gonna kick me out, I swear.”
“Don’t worry,” Regulus tells him. “You can get up to five complaints before they consider eviction.”
With a loud laugh, James tackles him to the bed.
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little-pup-pip · 3 months
uhh could you do a masc shiba moodboard wif a paci, but like not an "adult paci" a baby one? an like toddler age.. pretty pease
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serialunaliver · 4 months
please don't let diet culture make you think it's appropriate to ask someone for fucking weight loss tips just because they lost weight
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abstractr · 2 years
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i cannot believe gay people are real
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mmmairon · 1 year
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things are heating up at the firefighting demonstration 🙈
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cookkoo · 7 months
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Drawtober 2023 day 30: Rush
"Look at Yusuke and that speed! Nothing can stop this guy!" "Hey Ryuji! What are you doing!? Are you giving up!?" "Ren! You are slowing down! C'mon!"
Previous days: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]
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meownotgood · 1 month
the bento aki makes every morning for your lunch after you get married
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aiura-stan · 21 days
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more shitty saiki doodles
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