#entire convo restarts
starlooove · 10 months
Miles telling her dad to give her nail money bc it gives her gender euphoria and she will tell Aaron he is being transphobic if he doesn’t
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[image ID: the first image is of the cover for the Hello from the Hallowoods podcast. it depicts the silhouettes of trees, and a large creature emerging from behind them. it's furry, with many red eyes, horns, large antlers, and a clawed hand raised up, as if waving at the viewer. above the creature, in the middle of a red gun sight, reads: "Hello." in red text. the second image is of No Significant Harassment, a shadowy figure standing behind a sleeping pink-red, fox-like creature. their green hands seem to be holding up the floating creature. end ID]
Diggory Graves
Convinced they only lost the deadguydeathmatch because not enough people knew about them. A bit of a Frankenstein's monster scenario. Uses they/them pronouns, is dating a ghost trans man. Despite their intimidating appearance they are lovely and would go to the ends of the Earth for their friends. Their arms are for hugs and their claws are for fighting
No Significant Harassment
They're just a silly little guy. A jokester. Significant harassment if you will. Anyway, a more in depth run down: They're a city sized supercomputer built by a Buddhist adjacent society to figure out how to transcend the 'Great Cycle' (semi-metaphorical cycle of death and rebirth) in a safer way than the previous method (submerging oneself in the 'void sea' which is a mysterious golden liquid that dissolves whatever it touches). Despite being built for this express purpose NSH never really shows a pressing interest in ascension, even cracking jokes about those who are still looking for a solution. Whether this is due to indifference, dislike of, or humor to cope with being unable to ascend is not clear and really up to interpretation. Example: NSH: I wish them super good luck in that endeavor. How is it going to happen? Have the overseers gnaw through bedrock until their entire can crashes down in the void sea? BSM: Please be respectful when speaking of the Void Sea. Grey Wind, where did you hear this? CW: I really shouldn't say. He's going to attempt some sort of breeding program. Thought you might want to know. NSH: Haha with the slimers, lizards and etceteras? Surely the answer was in a lizard skull all along! He's very flippant, but does care very intensely for those close to him. NSH: Moon? It's me again. NSH: I do not know if you are receiving these. Please signal in any way you can. NSH: I need to talk to you. I need to know you're okay. NSH: … NSH: Its difficult for us to assist you over this distance. NSH: Even more difficult for us to do anything in the midst of these tantrums. NSH: Were going to try everything that we can. NSH: Just hold on a little longer. (Context for previous convo: They genetically engineered a super organism of a slugcat (the species you play as in Rain World) to help reset his coworker/sibling after her collapse and restart her systems. He was so desperate to fix her that he accidentally messed up the slugcat's (Hunter) genetic code and as a result it became riddle with the Rot (relatively similar to aggressive cancer) :( which parallels his other coworker/siblings condition who also has the rot. ) He canonically uses he/they pronouns too! Nonbinary swag! NSH has major internet troll vibes. He has sent a data pearl of "something distasteful" to his neighbors on several(?) occasions and causes chaos. If he had access to the wider internet he'd probably be an influencer So…yeah! Vote NSH this website likes the allure of heavy machinery and stuff like that so… there you go. Kind of a blorbo. End post.
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unsteadylilactree · 1 year
A list of things that should be proof of buddie and would be if one of them wasn’t a guy (6x11, 6x12)
alrighty folks here goes: (sorry i'm doing this from memory I don't have the time to rewatch them again)
the heart metaphor of it all. Eddie was the one to restart Buck's heart.
the first thing buck remembers is the "alright cowboy" like??? that was on his mind.
eddie dressed in all black like a grieving spouse (cause he is one)
this episode focused on buck's relationship with his parents and siblings (inc. Hen and Chim). Eddie is not portrayed as a brother to Buck. that relationship is entirely different.
i think this episode pretty solidly infers that Chris is also Buck's kid.
oh boy were we FED with this episode
Buck is tired of company. Eddie isn't company. Eddie is his safe space. (remember that convo when they tryna catch that turkey?)
KITCHEN SCENE. (it is so incredibley domestic)
they talk about the shooting!! (what on earth was in that script cause oliver's face! and ryan's face when he said he remembers waking up in the hospital)
the fact the eddie feels safe enough to talk about his trauma so openly with Buck is a testament to how far he has come and how strong their relationship is.
i still cannot believe that this episode actually exists.
until next time <3
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linzsaw · 6 months
2023: my year in review
1.  What is the most important lesson you learned this year?
To allow myself to be in the spotlight, even if it makes myself and others uncomfortable.
2.  What is the best thing that happened?
(Publically) marrying my soulmate.
3.  What challenges did you overcome?
I learned to set boundaries and choose my peace over the possibility of hurting others, even if that meant I had to say goodbye to some friends.
4.  What new skills did you learn?
Project management. lol
5.  What did you do for your career growth?
Switched jobs, best decision ever. also started my own ugc business which has been really fun on the side.
6.  What did you enjoy the most?
I hate a hate/love relationship with planning my wedding.
7.  What was your favorite moment?
Its hard to choose. There was really nothing better than being surrounded by my soulmate and all our best friends/family in one place, though.
Also, my kitty recovering from a very scary health emergency.
8.  How did you have fun?
I hugged elephants, I danced the night away at my wedding, I made homemade bread, I connected with nature in many ways, four-wheeled through a Thai jungle, I snowboarded, I sang at the top of my lungs with my bffs on a yacht. I mean... the fun times were actually endless.
9.  What new habits did you start?
I worked out regularly the first half of the year and tracked my protein goals. Def need to restart these habits in 2024.
10. What are you the most proud of this year?
Pulling all of that off. Really proud of myself for honestly everything.
11. What did you learn about yourself?
I am capable of more than I could ever realize. All my manifestions come to fruition.
12. How did you live by your core values?
By never becoming complacent, always chasing my goals
13. How did your relationships (family, friends, work) evolve?
Talking things out that happened long ago in the past when I was struggling in life when in survival mode and thus hurting those around me. Having difficult convos with Drew about boundaries and financial goals for the future.
14. What was the best decision you took?
My WFH job
15. How did you fail?
Some of my UGC content wasn't great. It's a learning process.
16. What got in the way of your success?
My limiting beliefs. Not staying consistent with things.
17. What would you do differently if you could?
Stay consistent, be more organized with my routine.
18. How are you different than a year ago?
More fierce, authentic
19. What did you do for your physical and mental health?
Strength training, protein gains, & then switched to a cut so I could fit into my wedding dress lol. Mental health? Oh boy does she need some attention in 2024.
20. Who or what had the biggest impact on your life this year?
Being in the spotlight this year. I don't think I've ever attended to many events in my life that were directly related to people being there to support me. That was a wild experience and It was a bit uncomfy at times...
21. What did you let go of?
Friendships that were not serving.
22. What were the most useful resources you had?
Friends & fam
23. What are you thankful for this year?
Friends & fam
24. What did you leave unfinished?
Cleaning out my ENTIRE home.
25. What was the best compliment you received?
I feel like I only got compliments on my appearance which is kind of sad.
26. If you were to talk about this year like a story, how would you write it?
In a tumblr post
27. How do you describe this year in 3 to 5 keywords?
Adventure. Romance. Lux. Chaotic. Fun.
28. What energised you? what drained you?
Looking forward to events. Setting boundaries.
29. How kind were you to yourself?
For the most part yes.
30. What advice would you give your last-year self?
Don't let anyone make your moment about them.
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shotguncollar · 1 year
had to restart my convo with reibot bc it kept increasing a hmm hmm hmm typing quirk to where the entire message would just be that
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rolloz · 1 year
its useless to send another screenshot but NATSUME DID IT AGAIN???? this entire convo has had him do that ~ thing after every sentence and the convos too long to restart anything i guess im stuck with flirty silence
Omg he flirted so hard he broke.
The universe had to put an end to his shenanigans. They forced silence upon him.
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semi-imaginary-place · 9 months
13 sentinels spoilers 3
Yuki chan! Great So aiba eirika has been missing for weeks knew she was sus with tamao's face
In hindsight i should have progressed natsuno sooner a lot of things make more sense now like how miura got to 1985 and the sentinel takamiya's story was just talking about. Two kisaragis... Wait is that android kisaragi that ida lobotomized for having a panic attack and being uncontrollable. robot girl fight. So that is tamao, kinda. "Erika aiba" that was shadowing takamiya yuki is the kurabe tamao AI that ida made. And 426 is android kisaragi that has gone rogue and now has a grudge against ida. 426 won the robot fight and body jacked tamaobot. Poor bj has gone through the most out of the entire cast. Yup second miura confirmation. Android kisarsgi says natsuno is the new kaiju commander and that natsuno will be taking orders from her now and shoots her with nanomachines. Hmm memory loss the magic gun strikes again. Assuming 426 is still in tamaobot they tampered with bj again, and is also the eirika aiba tailing yuki (before the robot fight i assumed it was ida keeping rabs on her). "In the final phase of the [Ark] project humanity will be restarted", the final phase was what og shinonome wanted to sabotage and loop. Og ohata is gouto's son, wow theres a lot of divorce in 2188. Love that. I did remeber from last year that bj was miura but i dont remember which miura he is
It took me a while to figure out maybe 5 or 6 characters but these stories are mostly linear. The charts are misleading in that there isn't really a beaching story the endpoints are usually unlocked sequentially as though clouds are unlocked in previous routes. Most of the character routes even say that this isnt a timeloop (minus ogata who actually is in a timeloop but his story js still sequential) its a new day in the character's routine for each path.
The iori gaslighting lol nah youre crazy it was just a dream. Oh right i learned all her weird dreams are from morimura's or "morimura"s memory transplant experiments. Just the sheer number of morimura running around and the multiple identities and bodies i love this story i hate keeping track of things in this story. Did professor morimura lose her compatibility because of iori? Damn iori cute boy threatens you a gunpoint and grabs you by the shirt and you start spilling your deepest secrets without reservation. Hmm but if all those were the memories of one lifetime why's there an older juro? Or was that someone else dream. Btw i love that shu, juro, and iori a e a weird dream club they'd totally have a group chat about it. The morimura on console with gouto didnt recognize fuyusaka that's more evidence she's a different person than nurse morimura. Im still confused whats new. But hey juro and iori were lovers, this game is more romance heavy than i thought it would be. So the two tried to stop the interstellar project by bombing, failed, morimura died maybe and rhen 16 year younger morinura traveled forward to 2097 to kill juro. Probably not 1v1 but theres 3 of you you totally could have beat up wajima. Starting to think wajima likes taking a pounding, he really is asking for it most of the time, his entire role in the story is to act out of line and then get beat up for that. Well, fuyusaka's not short on bravery. Girl you do not know him you fell in love with the idea of love you've spent 10 min tops with him.
Sekigahara: i dont remember what was going on in your story... Oh yeah that convo about closing the loop, that was before the disaster battle were ei' sentinel got jacked by 426 and morimura emergency ejected the pilots to the different sectors. So there were loops before that, i cant keep this all straight damn my poor memory. Oh so it was ida that made the sentinels go rogue in the battle of 2065 because he bargained ryuko's safety with ei and was trying to undermine morimura. Did he just lie about 426. Ei is clearly the scapegoat. When aegis activates shifting is disabled and all those from other sectors are permanently stuck. Still no clue about the whole time descends into chaos thing. What im assuming is kisaragibot tells sekigahara that he's infected with code dd-426 which is cutting off some of his nanomachines and causing memory related brain damage (shinonome is probably the same). Wonder how nurse morimura ties into this. 20% transplant rate? Was nurse morimura trying to made ida#2 with amiguchi? So the one in ogata's story searching for the d-code key is okino. Okino purposefully infected themself with dd-426 to try and use it to detached the d-code and wiped his own memory. Okino is WILD backed up his memory and personality onto an AI and then ran that AI and overrode his own brain. Okino causes problems on purpose Tsukasa. The cat better not be the universal control system or stomething. Bj miura was the sentinel 17's AI before getting shoved into the little drone. 18 can only be operated by ai ... Who has 18 now man i really need to memorize these. Uh 18 is 3rd gen? Kisaragi? 1944 miura? Hmm so 17 was also one of the previously "automated" sentinels makes me wonder how sentient the others were. Ok ai miura definitely isnt from 2188 then. My memory is failing me has natsuno met sekigahara yet?
Ogata: back to the timeloop mines: found ei and ryoko collapsed and he had dd-426 in his hand. Ida calls the 15 commanders on the d forces, 13 +okino who is the 15th? Tamao? Yeah it is okino on the other end of the line. Lol they kidnapped ogata and tied him to a chair in an abandoned warehouse. Wrong genre! 1 out of the 15 is broadcasting the kaiju signals, wasnt that ogata? One of the scenes earlier said who it was .. was ogata up until 2 months ago.
Yay I finally get to do hijiyama's. I find this route to be one of the most entertaining because okino is just running mental circles around hijiyama. This story is so funny all the jocks are here. okino giving the most fake lackluster bored sounding love confession i've ever heard and ogata falling for it like "damn i'm a stud" and then hijiyama is off to the side have a crisis collapsed on the ground because he's that down bad over okino. Yeah he would be a sub for okino, wants to be bullied. ...the files reveal that tying hijiyama to the chair was literally just to toy with him since okino already knew what was in his brain from previously adjusting code.
Yakushiji: fluffy says 1944 miura has immunity to dd426 because of the component surgically embedded into his forehead that "forces him to use magic". Mr. Kitty controls the tv the one thing that idol had to work around, my wild guess is still kitty cat is universal control. So only she can see fluffy and fluffy is maybe mimicking the appearance of the actual school cat. Gotta say megumi's story is probably my least favorite so far.
Kurabe: shiba not existing to anyone else is not a twist i was expecting. 48q qta_cba those were the nanomachines being administered to kurabe! Its to make shiba the artificial personality. Wait they were trying to reintroduce izumi's memories? That means yakushiji was doing all that for nothing. And shiba is izumi? This part lost me. I get i remembered right the izumi morimura and shiba are trying to resurrect isnt the one from ... Idk Yakushiji's boyfriend, they're trying to resurrect an earlier iteration izumi. The izumi okino and fuyusaka from visitor from another world seem to be from 2104. That 16 year gap has been bothering me for weeks but its sector 0 why are all the other shifts 40 years. But 2104 to 2088. Something oh didnt ida timetravel back and meet morimura on that bridge, two overlapping events.doomed timeline so it is a different iteration! Also terrorist izumi might be 426. Which would explain the statements gouto said about nurse morimura working with them.
Gonna try and finish fuyusaka's story. Oh great there's another one. Now we have nurse morimura, child professor morimura, catsuit morimura, and fuyusaka all in 1984. Oh catsuit is nurse morimura she just changed her clothes. Wait but didnt sekigahara kill her. So there's just been 2 izumis runnin around this whole time 426 and pilot kid. Still not clear on the reset mechanic i thought i understood it but kept getting confused maybe im overthinking it. Nurse morinura is an illusion made by universal control... More evidence for the matrix hypothesis or i suppose with advanced enough production facilities and control there is no difference between the matrix and reality. Going to sector 0 doesnt save you from a reset it scans a person as data and recreates them in the new world. Aegis cuts the world off from universal control. So in the final battle iori is using ei's sentinel, but he's there so where did he get that gen1 guess i'll find out. Im just realizing iori spent all her time chasing ei and didnt actually learn much compared to the other characters.
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cursedauxiliary · 1 year
Went to bed late like 2am
The beginning is fuzzy there was a point I was in an art class which my bitch of an art teacher in hs and then I was riding in van with others and we like hanged out by some park.
Omw back "home" it's late and dark. I cross the street and start to jaywalk with another dude. All of a sudden the clocks on some buildings start glitching the fuck out, it's supposed to be 1am and they speed up. Next thing you know it turns to day then night then day and it's like glitchy tf out. I grab the dudes hand and we run for the nearest home, small 2 story abode, instead of knocking I immediately grab the handle and it just so happens to be unlocked and we throw ourselves in, locking the door behind us. All the blinds are closed so theres only a pale blue light from some idle tv screen to see. I start to go by the stairs to see if theres anyone home, and I can hear a girl talking to someone prob on the computer and she goes "oh fuck forgot to do some chem hw" and leaves her room quick, but I'm right at the cusp of the stairs so I end up catching her as she tries to go down. She doesnt scream just "wha-??" Bewildered. I quickly tell her to go on her phone, apologize, and say apocalypse question mark. We get back to the first floor and it seems the whole world is getting fucky lucky. Next thing you know the blinds open and its daytime outside but our phones still say it should be like 1am. The clocks on the appliances are wrong and say like 10am. We immediately go to close the blinds and fix the clocks. Unplugging some, that can be removed (ie wall clocks). Theres a tap on a window and the blinds gets opened, we duck bc who knows what's there. And it's some alien like ur old fashion movie grey guy. And with one glance he changes the clocks. So it becomes a game to avoid being in his vision, closing blinds and fixing clocks cause tbh we didnt have stuff to really barricade them. Eventually the aliens appearance changes to be more human like and he sighs and tries to make some deal with us, also explaining? What's going on. With dark curls and glasses he says how we have to keep up with the correct time or things will get removed, aka us/the home. He is one of many that was sent to observe/test an area like a small town. Upon actually looking outside the window, it's still bright and sunny. The entire neighborhood and town is replaced with rolling green pastures and the backyard with a large lake. It gets fuzzy so I dont remember the convos but we eventually become friends and just have to keep up the game with the occassional clock adjustment and the girl from the upstairs falls in love with him and were able to hang out, outside too no issue. In an p empty world with a lucky alliance.
I wake up n go to the bathroom so when I go back to bed the dream does a restart and instead it's in the perspective of what if this occurred just as hs was letting out where it was all kids no teachers. So it had us collecting all the teachers plants and organizing classrooms into some bedroom's. We couldnt use the outer edge windows for light but thankfully irl and in my dream my hs had a tiny courtyard that could be used. But the dream did not continue beyond this.
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loulicate-recs · 2 years
Hello dear Hanis!
(Author’s note: hang on tight, this is a long one)
I hope you had a nice Saturday 9th :) I’m personally doing great—my computer has survived. Computerengineer!secret santa rises, apparently. The problem wasn’t so much that I couldn’t turn it on but that once it was on an error message would shop telling me to restart it or do some stuff to try to fix it and in the end I managed to fix it. Look at me being an independent woman! Anyways, I’m really glad it’s back because it was stressing me out not being sure I’d be able to keep the documents I have on here which are essential for my exam. This is not very interesting, I’m sorry for rambling about it dksqd But thank you for offering suggestions and help, that was very sweet of you!
And I know! The Machu Picchu looks magnificent. To answer you’re question, I’d say I’m not like, super duper comfy with heights without being full on scared. Like if I don’t focus on it, I’m good and even if I do, I just get a strong rush of adrenaline and shaky fingers but that’s about it! Most of the time, at least, because I did a via ferrata once, some kind of climbing route that’s supposedly super secure and I was shitting myself. I didn’t want to let go of the grips even when I was off belay and pretty much couldn’t feel my fingers anymore. I’m alive though and managed to make it to the end so at least that’s something. Have you ever climbed before? How are you with heights? One of my best friends can’t stand on a chair without wanting to die, so I know my own stress is pretty lowkey and normal I’d say-I mean, I don’t want to die you know kjdshqdh
I think I must have phrased my ideas badly last time because I actually already live in Europe, and to be fair, I quite like it here. But I am manifesting for you: I really want you to be able to move over here! I do think Europe has a lot of opportunity to offer and as someone who’s experienced living abroad for a short time (outside of Europe), Europe calls me like nothing else! I’m thinking of moving countries, experience life elsewhere basically but still within Europe because despite some major differences, there’s a community of interests and I’d be close to home while still experiencing a different culture and learning about people. I hope you find the “freedom” you yearn for here, though I’m not quite sure it’s the right word for what you’re feeling. I feel like what I’m saying makes it look as though I think Europe is better than other continents, which I don’t! It just is the place I feel most comfortable in as of now, so I hope this is not coming off as pretentious :)
Teaching! How incredible. I can’t remember if I’ve told you, but my mother actually is an English teacher. It definitely feels like quite the challenge, but I hope you’ll find joy and blossom into it. You seem amazing at speaking English anyways, how did you even get this good???
I do like having conversations much more than I like small talk! I’m not entirely sure about how much of myself I share during these convos but I do like it. As a child, I didn’t want to go play with other kids but wanted to listen to the adults talk. I think it made me incredibly curious about people and probably made me believe I was a mature child when I really wasn’t ldjsqdks this got me a big head for literally no reason and feels so stupid. And I love more learning more about the way people think and view the world :) and love love love teasing them!! Would you say you’re curious?
I love reading and rereading your fics love, it’s really no problem :) I hope we’ll get a new one in the future because they’re always super fun and cute <3
I’m not necessarily talking about your classmate when I say that but I hate people who pass off their rudeness for frankness. Being honest doesn’t mean you have to be mean, or cruel and I think it’s too easy to play off rude comments for honesty when you just never cared for other people’s feelings in the first place. Do you know what I mean? It’s not super related, but it makes me feel sad knowing you’re not sharing something that’s so dear to you and makes you happy-though I kind of am the same at the end of the day.
I would never, ever have guessed you were so invested in drama! You’re a full blown and well-rounded artist it seems; a writer, an actor/actress, a director. What were the plays you played about? I’ve taken drama classes when I was younger and though I was never good at it, it was always proper fun! I kind of miss it, at times. I forgot to say it, but congrats for all of your achievements. Getting the main part is no piece of cake. I’m sure you were amazing!
Myself, I’m not really a writer, though I’ve written in the past. It’s been two years, though. I don’t think I’m smart enough to think of a whole fic even though I have some scenes playing in my head at all times. I’ll never write a 100 chaptered fic, that’s for sure, though I do enjoy long fics. I don’t think I should admit to it, but I’ve read pretty much every blff fic already dsqjdlsqkj I loved the one you mentioned, and love feels like a weak word. The world building, the characterization, the scenery? Beyond this world. 5 starts. 10 out of 10, would recommend. I’m craving for more amazing fics to read now, but it feels like a draught after BLFF which was such a prolific period. It’s like I’m going through withdrawal dskdjqslk
I can’t listen to music while reading. It’s a no. It’s easier music or reading, as listening to music already feels like an activity of its own. I’ve tried a few times and it always ends up one of two ways: I read and completely tune out the music or I can’t tune it out but I can’t read. I don’t know how people do it. I don’t. might be because I’m really dedicated to listening to music… I also love listening to podcasts, but I basically can’t do anything while listening to keep focus, besides doing something that requires no brain effort and I usually end up playing candy crush dskqjdlsk this is lame but this is me! And I completely get you, reading is a special experience, so you need to have the right circumstances to read peacefully. I personally love reading in my bed in the dark, but I can push myself to read sitting down when I really want to read with no bed available. I HATE reading at the beach, I don’t know how people do it, it’s so uncomfy. Sometimes, I really long for my bed just because I want to bury myself in a good fic and under the cover. So yeah, that’s me!
What kind of music do you listen to when you want to? Who are your favourite artists (besides the louboy)? I cant believe I almost forgot about it but I need to know your top 3 for fitf!!
Dsqdjsql I laughed reading your pun about louis being a hole kldjsl not that he’s not but it took me by surprise amongst a paragraph of praises. He’s such a slut for men it’s kind of embarrassing but eh, he can have anything he wants so at least I know he never goes a day frustrated. I love sunflowers, poppies and peonies! Can’t really say if they’re my faves but I like them. And to answer your question, I have considered it but at the moment I have a super super low maintenance plant (you only have to water her once a month) and she’s still dying. I’m not like fairy!louis in your fic, my green thumb is nonexistent.
You’re a right tease for saying you wanted to ask something and reporting it to the next message you’ll send. Now I’m scared you’ll forget what you wanted to ask and that I’ll never know dliisqjdlksq
I’m gonna end this here as I’m sure it’s about 500 words longer than what it’s supposed to be. Thank you again for your time, your words and for sharing so much with me. You’re amazing, lovely and I hope you’ll treat yourself as you deserve on Sunday <3 Love,
hi my brilliant secret santa in STEM im sorry for this overdue answer! i spent the entire day taking care of my baby cousin since her dad is being admitted to the hospital and her mom needs to be there for him, i’m still with her until tomorrow but now that she’s asleep i finally have the time to answer you :3 BIG sigh of relief to hear that your computer is back to normal! having all of your important docs there but not having the access to them because the computer conked out on you would be a disaster. google docs can’t just handle every type of documents too so i get how you felt! you can ramble about anything please don’t be sorry 🫶
i’m proud of you for having to tick off such an extreme activity despite feeling all the things you couldn’t help with! that’s definitely something. now that you’ve proven to yourself that you are able to do via ferrata, would you consider doing it again if you have the chance? :o i have done some hikings throughout the years, but even the most extreme tracks that i did could not compare to what you’ve done! i also did abseiling recently, but it was just from the 4th floor sdfghj and tbh it didn’t really do justice in measuring my height tolerance, even though i wasn’t as nervous as i thought i’d be before i did the abseiling. would love to challenge myself more soon to test my actual limit though!
I SEE. i was probably the one who read it wrong. i can see your vision, i’m happy that you’re in the comfort of your own place and i hope you won’t ever lose that no matter where you go, even within the europe because sometimes a different area offers a different atmosphere. you don’t sound pretentious to me actually, i totally get it, and i’m not trying to bootlick the europeans or sth but at least to me the whole continent seems better than where i live, and i don’t mean the whole part of asia. some countries here are actually so fun to travel to, especially the south part of thailand and the whole japan! (plus everyone seems to go everywhere for asia tour except malaysia 💔)
you never told me that omg she must be so loved by her students 🥺💓 and thank you for being hopeful for me! and god no i would say i’m pretty mid in/at/on english see sometimes grammar rules like this make me question my career path 😵‍💫 i didn’t come from a fully english oriented family, though i do speak in english sometimes with my dad but that’s it! this is gonna sound corny as fuck but honestly i’ve been learning a lot ever since i got pretty invested in louis years years ago so all 85% thanks to him. i practised how to speak from all the interviews he’s done in the past, 1d or solo and write from all the fanfics that i’ve read since 2014-15 sdfghj so he deserves the credits <3
i get you being a big head person as you enjoyed the company pf the adults more than the peers 😭 honestly i had that phase too… but at least got something beneficial out of it and i’m sure you were more mature than the other kids. this would be enough for little you! but what matters now is you DO sound so mature in all of our convos. i enjoy talking to you because of that reason, even had my first guess of who you might be because i definitely know a blouie friend who seems so brilliant all the time but that guess was proven wrong when you said you haven’t written in 2 years (this one actually brought me my second guess but i can’t know for sure! 😼) and oh i do consider myself curious but as a scorpio i think i’ve always kept that personality low-key, like people wouldn’t know i’ve been eavesdropping to their empty little convo for 40 minutes already!
i get it! rude people are just the cloves in our perfect dish so i guess sometimes we just have to swallow their bitterness before getting somewhere. and despite you also enjoying fanfics, i still have to thank you for making me comfortable to share that very one part of me with you <3 i do hope whatever it is that you LOVE to talk about for hours can be included in our daily discourses!
thank you thank you but that’s actually way toooo many compliments for a mediocre person with mediocre level of talents like me </3 i was lord capulet when we did romeo and juliet, mr algernon in the importance of being honest and mahsuri in a local play, mahsuri! it was a big transition for me for having to play such a manly, cocky character before playing the most demure malay lady 😭 ah was the drama classes you took organised by the school?
so you DID write fics, sooo sexc! were they larry or other ships? i wonder if i’ve read your fics or not i hope i didddd! you keep having some scenes playing in your head, that’s a sign 🙏 god you are amazing and you should be proud of that! i wish i had more time to speed up my blff reading </3 but here i am still not even halfway though them. and i only have around 3 weeks left before the new semester starts :’( i’d love to recommend you my favourite fics but i’m pretty sure you’ve read most of them! but if you still want me to link you, please let me know! i’ll do in the my next answer, i have to update my list. what about you though DO YOU HAVE SOME TO RECOMMEND 🤲😼 (me asking for more to slow down my blff reading even more…)
you described what i feel about listening to music whole reading perfectly and precisely, especially the beach part like? it’d get so windy over there and don’t get me started with the sand and the hotness and also the people around? sorry i just can’t ✋
hm i’d say i’m that kind of person who listens to music, album by album? sometimes when i feel like letting loose i’ll just shuffle the spotify mixes because i’ll get to sing along to music that i mostly know, and it’s the best feeling ever. but when i don’t feel like listening to something in particular, i’ll go through albums that have been catching my eyes for quite sometimes and if the albums are good, they’ll get added to my playlist and will be getting my 2nd/3rd listening until i have my final decision on whether i should keep them on my added albums or not? i definitely enjoy listening to taylor, lana, avril, 5sos, mayday parade, mcr, conan gray and marina. and GOD I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT TOO… i actually asked this to my assigned blouie sdfghj should’ve done the same with you! okay okay so firstly honourable mention to all this time and face the music 🙏 i can't ever decide on having between headline/woaf as my first, and sometimes there's out of my system and chicago squeezing their way into my top 3 too sdfghj it's really hard to choose i swear this record is so good r but here you go the songs mentioned are defo in my top 5! now your turn hey this is really important 😼
it’s true he can have anything he wants except for the justice for his arm 😢❤️‍🩹 omg all those 3 flowers are so precious, well sunflowers are more elegant if i had to describe it but your flowers >>>> dw i’ll send fairy!louis over so she can take care of your flowers for you ☹️💞
okay so this is kinda evil but you don’t have to answer tho since it may jeopardise your anonymity but i promise you i won’t look too much into it, i just simply wanna know! plus it would ruin the surprise for me as well if i sabotaged the secrecy of my santa. but who else do you stan other than louis? :o
thank you for always writing back to me so i can live up to the fantasy of my own version of letters to june (a favourite fic of mine that i’m sure you’ve read too) i know i may talk a lot but honestly you don’t have to reply to every single detail pls ik how much time and energy it’d cost you ☹️ don’t let my b1tchless-ness rants tire you out <3 love u love u mwah !
0 notes
Obscure Character Showdown FINALE
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[image ID: the first image is of image is of No Significant Harassment, a shadowy figure standing behind a sleeping pink-red, fox-like creature. their green hands seem to be holding up the floating creature. the second image is of Granger, a girl with green eyes and short, wavy or curly black hair. in her hair is a red hat or ribbon. she's wearing a black turtleneck sweater, blue overalls, and a green coat. end ID]
No Significant Harassment
[NSH has beaten Akama (The Idiot (1951)), Libby Day (Dark Places), Sally Swing (Betty Boop), Shrimp (The Upturned), Oopsy Bear (Care Bears (2007 series)), Hikaru (Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu), and Diggory Graves (Hello from the Hallowoods)] They're just a silly little guy. A jokester. Significant harassment if you will. Anyway, a more in depth run down: They're a city sized supercomputer built by a Buddhist adjacent society to figure out how to transcend the 'Great Cycle' (semi-metaphorical cycle of death and rebirth) in a safer way than the previous method (submerging oneself in the 'void sea' which is a mysterious golden liquid that dissolves whatever it touches). Despite being built for this express purpose NSH never really shows a pressing interest in ascension, even cracking jokes about those who are still looking for a solution. Whether this is due to indifference, dislike of, or humor to cope with being unable to ascend is not clear and really up to interpretation. Example: NSH: I wish them super good luck in that endeavor. How is it going to happen? Have the overseers gnaw through bedrock until their entire can crashes down in the void sea? BSM: Please be respectful when speaking of the Void Sea. Grey Wind, where did you hear this? CW: I really shouldn't say. He's going to attempt some sort of breeding program. Thought you might want to know. NSH: Haha with the slimers, lizards and etceteras? Surely the answer was in a lizard skull all along! He's very flippant, but does care very intensely for those close to him. NSH: Moon? It's me again. NSH: I do not know if you are receiving these. Please signal in any way you can. NSH: I need to talk to you. I need to know you're okay. NSH: … NSH: Its difficult for us to assist you over this distance. NSH: Even more difficult for us to do anything in the midst of these tantrums. NSH: Were going to try everything that we can. NSH: Just hold on a little longer. (Context for previous convo: They genetically engineered a super organism of a slugcat (the species you play as in Rain World) to help reset his coworker/sibling after her collapse and restart her systems. He was so desperate to fix her that he accidentally messed up the slugcat's (Hunter) genetic code and as a result it became riddle with the Rot (relatively similar to aggressive cancer) :( which parallels his other coworker/siblings condition who also has the rot. ) He canonically uses he/they pronouns too! Nonbinary swag! NSH has major internet troll vibes. He has sent a data pearl of "something distasteful" to his neighbors on several(?) occasions and causes chaos. If he had access to the wider internet he'd probably be an influencer So…yeah! Vote NSH this website likes the allure of heavy machinery and stuff like that so… there you go. Kind of a blorbo. End post.
[Granger has beaten Chopfyt (Oz), Wolfman (Darkwood), Gaap Goemon (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Forest Friend (Gris), Turnip (Chicory: A Colorful Tale), Gary (Faith the Unholy Trinity), and Stag Malinay (Krystar First Fragment)] so granger is the main character of the indie game "NeverHome" Chapter one, which is only $1 on Steam, is called NeverHome: Hall of Apathy. if ur a fan of young protags being put in RPG maker horror games, then this is the game for you!! so granger is just that… she wakes up to find herself in a strange, hostile world. she, along with the friends she makes, must solve the various puzzles before them while creatures are out to kill them… and along the way they can uncover the secrets of these never ending halls… her dynamics with the cast is also super fun… each character gets their moment or moments with granger. and what's so cute is that there's unique art for each pair that highlights the fact you cant get through these halls alone!! she also has her own theme song!! here!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_vwtmIj5cw it's called cyclical tragedy AND HERE IS AN ANALYSIS OF THE THEME!! MUSIC THEORY!!! written by my good friend @HIEMIOLA "cyclical tragedy" embodies the protagonist, granger, through the music theory behind the track and ties itself back into the main track as well. to begin with an overview of the track, the key is D minor and hte time signature is 3/4. the piece begins with a broken minor third starting from the tonic. that is, it begins on the main note and moves along the main chord, D to F. the next set of notes are C to E, which is shifted down a step. the phrase repeats again, this time D to F, then G to E, which is an inverse movement from the original sequence. even in this first part, we could tell that the protagonist begins from square 1 with a simple pattern, then tries it again when it works. however, the inverse breaks that expectation of repetition, thus showing the diverse variations of solutions she comes up with using just the tools she has (the two notes moving in thirds). just like the game, she is given a handful of objects as well as a knife to defend herself and solve the mysteries of the world she exists in. with her creative uses of the items given to her, she continues on her way through the plot. we will keep moving. the melody begins. true to the title of the track, the melody cycles around the same beginning note, D, that she always returns to at her square 1. this is a nod to the save states she is allowed to keep to make sure that we the players don't lose the game, but it also references the health bar that appears as a circle around her avatar. the melody, mapped out, is also moving in an up-down wave movement across the sheet music. granger is creative with the knife she has and the quest items she obtains throughout the story, but she is not entirely reckless. rather, she knows when it is time to return to the safe rooms to rest. to time her returns requires skill because she must run to cover without being caught by varying her path so the enemies don't corner her as she tries to return to the room. most of the time, she is successful, shown through the consistent return to the beginning note. let's keep going. i would like to turn your attention to the main theme briefly. in the bass notes, you can hear arpeggios and outlined chords. this makes up the bulk of the accompaniment in the main game theme. [mod note: the rest of the essay, and some more propaganda, is continued under a cut because tumblr will not process more text than this in an indent. sorry to split it up, please continue below for the rest of the essay and additional propaganda (including art) !]
the third variation of granger's theme also has arpeggiated chords in the accompaniment while the melody features broken chords. at this stage, the pattern switches to eigth notes instead of the quarter notes at first. with greater movement and heightened senses, she runs throughout world and befriends other people, thus interacting further with the environment. while she isn't exactly someone we would call open, she is respectful to the people she first meets and has no problems with asking them for help when she needs it. because of her openness to working together, she speeds up her progress by asking for aid at obstacles that would be too difficult for her to overcome on her own, such as asking a teammate to break things, move things, or reach into smaller holes. fusing the main theme elements with her own theme marks this step as the inciting incident that sets her on the path to escape from this world. we'll continue.
continuing the same part, we hear some secondary fifths. i'm not entirely sure if this is what you call it, but it is a nod to the parallel key, D major. depending on what theory class you take, this could also be considered the other half of the key. i dont know how else to describe it, but i digress. these are glimpses to different dialogue options she could take, glimpses to a different key or a different ending. because this game only has one chapter ending so far, we are unsure of what other paths granger will end up in; we only know that there are certainly other endings she will experience, only to begin the cycle again when the save state is loaded for players to reach another ending. both A major and G major are chords that signify different choices that may lead her elsewhere only for her to return back to the tonic or main note, D. despite this, she keeps going, as will we.
at the midpoint of the track, we see a quick shift in patterns. instead of upward leaps in the notes, the melody falls in stepwise motion. true to the plot, this is another turning point of the game when she is forced to make a choice: continue or stop. after facing the spoiler event, her once determined personality is challenged as she struggles to keep herself and her team together. despite being the headstrong protagonist who spearheaded solutions, even now she finds herself doubting and taking smaller steps, smaller risks.
even after all of this, she rises to the challenge as the melody returns to its beginning sequence. true to a protagonist she gets up again despite the events that transpired and keeps her team moving in their lowest points. the thirds return as she finds more objects to solve more puzzles to open more rooms to save more friends. this repeating part of the track only solidifies her resolve as the piece ends with a broken chord in the main key, her key, of D minor. despite everything that transpired, she stayed true to herself."
the game is also so, so charming with the art, music, and story made by the same person… its so clearly loved and full of passion!! i love listening to the game's ost on occassion!! since it's all on youtube!
ok one last thing thing!! on may 8th, the game hit 100 downloads (on both steam and itch.io). you can see the creator of the game celebrate that with this lovely drawing of granger: https://twitter.com/NeverHome_Game/status/1655761270694633472
so at most, only a bit over 100 people have played the game… id like to say that makes it obscure!!
anyways granger and neverhome!! we love to see our protagonists put in horrific situations and isn't she super cute with a lil bow on her head? she is my daughter…
[additional propaganda 1] [additional propaganda 2]
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llycaons · 2 years
the bear ep8
this scene is pretty freaky. effective
this is a fantastic monologue. it’s a bit weird to have him explain his motivations and backstory at the very end of the show, rather than the middle, because it’s only now that I feel like It get him and the show is almost over
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but man. I do love a main character who lootks like dogshit. they’re so rare these days. intentional ones, at least
it’s cute that syd and marcus are having dinner! they have sweet little convo that for some reason includes syd bragging about how she could totally implelement a regime change as a cia agent which like. it’s a joke but knowing what I know I was like...okay
anyway it’s nice to see them so soon after last episode and they seem to be doing okay and we get some backstory for them too!
hey why doesn’t carmy have any savings? wasn’t he the head of the top restaurant in the world? he doesn’t have any kids or pets and he lives frugally. did he really save nothing?
aww tina!!!!
this is kind of a stupid plot. and so random. I don’t care if richie goes to prison for manslaughter. this isn’t even because he was trying to hurt anyone, it’s barely connected to his character
oh NOW he fucking grows a conscience? ugh
yay marcus!
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and then he says “I get it” like kjhsdkashdk im sorry what the fuck is this dialogue
actually, I don’t think this fire makes a lot of sense. I get that it’s callback but the kitchen is running smoothly today and everyone is getting along. if there was more stress that day, carmy needing to resist the urge to let the fire burn would actually make sense
or maybe he’s just a bit fucked up today
oh! syd! she’s so beautiful in this outfit!!!
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I had the index card scene sppiled for me by the gifsets but its a good scene!!!
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this was actually hilarious
um. wait. this is like a kid’s movie...so they went to do the recipe. and they found hundreds of dollars in the tomato can. which was sealed btw. and then they fund hundreds of dollars in each tomato can and they use that to close the beef and open a new restaurant that carmy and syd will co-run. and that’s the finale? is this money the electric company carmy found in the files? it’s never fucking stated!
it’s nice that they’re eating at a big table as a family but what kind of bullshit fairytale happy ending IS this? the tax plotline was just dropped, richie and syd are apparently okay now even though they’ve literally had zero contact since their argument where she quit, the 300k they owe isn’t mentioned, and I guess all this cash is from selling drugs?
How are they even going to USE it if it’s not been documented and/or laundered? why even close down the beef? it was doing fine financially...would have been more dramatic for this to happen after the restaurant had to close after some big disaster and they used this cash to restart. wait, if it’s the electric company in the files maybe it’s legit?
also, why prevent carmy from working at the beef? why shut him out for years? this entire thing just falls apart when you examine it
well...all in all it was a fun show. the lack of romance was refreshing and I really enjoyed syd and carmy as well as marcus and tina. the editing was excellent and so was pacing - it flew by. it was really interesting to see the inside of how a kitchen is run
I wish more characters in the crew got development and less time was spent on that piece of shit richie (whose aggravated assault charge was never brought up again?!) I did not care about him and there way homophobic jokes in almost every episode
furthermore, the show bent over backward to avoid discussion of race or racism, tonally it was a bit of a mess, and the grounded nature of the struggles of the characters was offset by the unrealistic and bizarre, bordering on absurdist, dialogue and events.
he ending was...I’m always more upset by a needlessly sad ending, so I’m not complaining about the hopeful tone, but I think it was very rushed, poorly set up, not well explained, and kind of stupid in its miraculous finish. great. everything is perfect now and everyone’s a family and they’re making the pasta and they have hundreds of thousands of dollars. I preferred the explosive tension and stress of the previous episode far more - at least it felt like it had consequences
0 notes
britishassistant · 3 years
If they remember the trip from twisted wonderland, I can most definitely the villains going “Oh great SEVENS THE INJURIES.” Cause let’s be honest, after they begun to assume Yuuken was the Perfect, the Perfect definitely had to deal with their somewhat unjustified jealousy... a lot. In some very unhealthy (at least for Yuu) ways.
Anonymous said: Oof, if the boys remember their trip to twisted wonderland, I can definitely see them collectively lose their minds as the person they wanted to protect the most is the same person they’ve batter and bruised to the underworld and back . Multiple times. :0(
Thank you for the asks, dear anons!
And this is a legitimate concern, and part of the reason why a lot of the villains are screaming internally! They have taken out a lot of their anger and resentment out on the Prefect (who they believed was Yuuken) over the many schemes the Prefect has foiled! They might prefer the Prefect to the RSA, but that doesn’t mean they have ALL good feelings about having victory snatched from their grasp by the fedora’d hero, even if they can privately admit to themselves later that they may have been on the brink with that scheme for a moment and it may be time to reign it in a bit.
While the Prefect does do their best to slip by on stealth and guile to avoid straight fights, there have been times when the hero has had to literally roll with a few punches, ones that the supervillains aren’t exactly interested in pulling. This has resulted in some early mornings where Yuu has had to try and stitch themselves back together as best they can in their bathroom with their little first aid kit before going out and pretending they aren’t aching like one giant bruise.
It’s why Yuu has a panic attack at the thought of being found out—they are legitimately terrified that the supervillains’ ire at the Prefect will overshadow and destroy any friendship Yuu has managed to forge with them so far.
The other part of the reason was inspired by a convo with @theheavenlymoon about a twist on the “accidental kiss” scenario.
One where instead of the Yuu’s bad luck causing them to trip into the villain in their reporter guise, it happens while they are in their Prefect persona.
Yuu is mortified. Too flustered, unable to compute, have you tried shutting down and restarting? The Prefect has for once been stunned speechless and motionless.
How do the supervillains react?
Well, on the one hand, the Prefect is a capable, respectable, worthy opponent that all the other supervillains aspire to make their personal nemesis, and this is the first time anyone’s seen the Prefect so much as freeze up. And it’s not like they’re unattractive, so on one level, it could almost be counted as a personal victory.
On the other, they’re also all convinced the Prefect is Yuuken.
So NOT ONLY are the supervillains tongue-tied from the lip-lock, they’re probably also angrily flustered at the idea that YUUKEN managed to steal a kiss (even if it was entirely on accident) and will up their attempts to defeat the Prefect tenfold.
The poor Prefect just went from hard to mega über hard difficulty, and has no break to deal with their own post-kiss shock. It is only by the skin of their teeth that they make it out alive.
And then Yuu gets captured by the supervillain in question the next day and can’t even look them in the eye due to their lingering mortification. But they can’t say why they can’t make eye contact, so they just toss out the occasional airy quip and keep desperately silent for the rest of the time
Most (if not all) the supervillains will interpret this behavior as Yuu being mad at them for kissing the Prefect, and try to make up for it by half-heartedly justifying what happened.
Unfortunately in doing so, they tend to unknowingly insulting Yuu TO THEIR FACE.
Supervillain: It wasn’t even that good! The Prefect’s lips were chapped!
Yuu, ears burning: Well MAYBE if you didn’t make them RUN AROUND foiling YOUR PLANS 24/7, “The Prefect” could invest in some SELF-CARE now and again!
It took a few awkward days for the dynamic to go back to the way it was. Meanwhile, poor Yuuken was on the receiving end of a lot more glares than normal, and even received a bill demanding monetary compensation for “violating the sanctity of the villain’s lips”.
But now, with the benefit of hindsight for our poor supervillains currently stuck at NRC...
Is it any wonder why they might want to begin bashing their heads against the infirmary walls?
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foryouthegays · 3 years
It ends today. [Dream SMP] summary (not liveblog because im tired, but i’ll try to include more good lines and moments)
word count: 3,638
ill be writing the timestamps without : things because im lazy, theyll all have 5 numbers, so the timestamp at an hour, 12 minutes, and 4 seconds would be 11204. you’ll figure it out. 
total death count by techno or his dogs: 25. doesn’t count fall damage deaths or wither deaths
(04045 Quackity) (04055 Ponk) (04115 Tubbo) (04225 Ponk) (04315 Tubbo) (04320 Quackity) (04500 Ponk) (04535 Ponk) (05929 Tubbo) (05150 Tommy) (05245 Tubbo) (05340 Tubbo) (05450 Tommy) (05450 Tubbo) (05830 Tubbo) (05845 Quackity) (05950 Tommy) (05950 Tubbo) (10045 Callahan) (10140 Tubbo) (10140 Quackity) (10145 Ponk) (10450 Jack Manifold) (11025 Jack Manifold) (11945 Tubbo)
sellout pog: 001925, 11710, 14235, 21115
good laugh times: 04511 05055 05315
good quotes: (004240 NO ONE KILLS ANIMALS LIKE SAPNAP!!!) (05335 LOOK AT YOUR COUNTRY FALL, TUBBO!) (10000 IT WOULDN’T BE A FINAL BOSS IF I DIDN’T HAVE STAGES!) (11150 WOOOO THE MONOTONY OF LIFE POGGG) (12115 the real government is the friends we made along the way) (13035 sapnap strikes me as the guy to kill Santa Claus)
do do dooo/ other stims: 00736, 01150 bruuuhhh, 002420, 15203
(sap and techs “convo” at 05530 is fuckin hilarious i highly rec watchin it) (05950 TECHNOPLANEEE)
He starts the stream in his base with Philza. They talk about viewer counts and their plan for the day, while making gear, potions, and other materials. Techno makes fireworks, and shows his statistics in the server, which are as follows:
Animals bred - 1,494
Armor pieces cleaned - 0
Banners cleaned - 0
Barrels opened - 107
Bells rung - 9,500
Cake slices eaten - 6
Cauldrons filled - 0
Chests opened - 13,963
Damage absorbed - 83.70
Damaged blocked by shield - 83.50
Damage dealt - 163799.30
Damage dealt (absorbed) - 113.90
Damage dealt (resisted) - 0
Damage resisted - 118.90
Damage taken - 10198.80
Dispensers searched - 13
Distance climbed - 10.51 km
Dsitance crouched - 8.01 km
Distance fallen - 94.48 km
Distance flown - 808.59
Distance sprinted - 300.17 km
Bat - killed 2
Blaze - killed 693
Cave spider - killed 64,513
Chicken - killed 2
Cod - killed 4
Cow - killed 369
Creeper - killed 1,213
Donkey - killed 2
Drowned - killed 54
Elder guardian - killed 1
Enderman - killed 161
Endermite - killed 4
Evoker - killed 2
Ghast - killed 102
Guardian - killed 6
Hoglin - killed 13
Horse - killed 150
Magma cube - killed 542
Pig - killed 2
Piglin - killed 96
Pillager - killed 127
Pufferfish - killed 1
Ravager - killed 3
Salmon - killed 7
Silverfish - killed 3
Skeleton - killed 312
Slime - killed 40
Spider - killed 234
Squid - killed 16
Vex - killed 6
Villager - killed 6
Vindicator - killed 17
Wandering Trader - killed 2
Witch - killed 7
Wither Skeleton - killed 2,615
Wolf - killed 1
Zombie - killed 927, was killed 1 time
Zombie Villager - killed 12
Zombified piglin - killed 189
He talks about how the 2,615 Wither skeletons killed feels low, but does the math and thinks it’s fine. He moves on, and continues brewing Invis potions. He makes black and red fireworks for several minutes. 
00845 Dream scares Phil by logging in right behind Techno, and they join a voice channel together. Dream gives Techno several stacks of TNT, and Dream finally tells Techno his ‘special plan.’ 
Dream says that they have to go early, and destroy it 30 minutes early. Dream tells them of a spy, and how L’Manburg is going to show up exactly at 3:00, instead of getting there early. 
Techno asks Dream what he needs from him, and Dream essentially says that Phil shouldn’t listen to the conversation, and tries to make Techno leave Phils call. Techno declines, and they continue their conversation in the house. 
01100 Dream explains that he can’t set up redstone, because it’s too easy to destroy, and that he’s going to have to set up the machines while the battle is happening. He tells Techno to stall the battle for twenty minutes, and Techno argues, saying that the risk is too one-sided for him and that it would be too easy for Dream to betray him by not setting up the machines. 
Techno agrees after Dream brings up the dog army and the withers, and Techno says that he was only complaining to see how unreasonable Dream actually was. 
Techno asks Phil for more potions, including speed, strength, and regeneration, and he keeps talking about the Turtle Master potions, and quickly runs to the Vault to get the skulls. 
Dream mentions Ender Pearls, and Techno agrees that they would be useful. On the way to trade with Orphan, Techno goes down to Tommy’s former room, calls it the Traitor Pit, and breaks the prime log. He starts to leave, but changes his mind, and blows up the Traitor Pit. 
He leaves the past behind him, and goes back up to trade with Orphan. He gets more pearls, and then continues brewing potions. Phil gives Techno his trident again, and wonders aloud if he should bring Phil. 
On one hand, Phil only has one life, but Phil also has a grudge against L’Manburg, and Phil insists he come along. 
Techno gives Phil the only remaining Totem of Undying, and several Wither skulls. Techno tells Phil to not be in the main battle at first, and to hide, be careful, and to only spawn Withers when Techno sends the signal, shooting the fireworks into the sky. 
They go over their inventories and Ender chests, Techno gets more weakness arrows, and Dream and Techno use the sellout bell one last time. 
While outside, Techno mentions that Phil tore down Tommy’s cobblestone tower, and Dream almost blows up Tommys’ former house, but Techno stops him, saying that it might be Ghostburs. 
Dream also gives Techno and Phil obsidian for building, and Techno gives Dream his TNT back, saying it wouldn’t be useful. He also gives Phil a God Apple, and tells him to (02245) not risk his life for him. Dream counters that, mentioning that Phil could risk his life for him, and Techno refuses to let Dream continue. 
Techno also brews a Slow Falling potion, one of the rarest potions on the server. Dream talks about his status as a homeless person, and Dream does not accept it, and tells Techno that his main goal is to make everyone homeless, because blowing up L’Manburg would make everyone there live without a house. Techno calls himself ‘Anti-House.’
After crafting an unenchanted Netherite axe, they leave. Dream follows him to the Dog Sanctuary. 
02939, right before leaving the Nether, Techno chants: 2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate?? Not the government! GOO!!!! And splashes Invis potions on himself, Dream, and Phil. 
They enter the Overworld to find Sapnap close to the portal. Techno tells him that He’s actually TommyInnit, and runs to the portal before Sapnap can process that. Dream and Phil follow, and they make it to the Dog Sanctuary. 
03200 Dream is surprised at the amount of dogs in the cave, and Techno starts talking about the plan. He says that because L’Manburg has a law against killing pets, they won’t be able to do anything to stop the army from killing them. Dream calls him evil after he reveals that he’s going to splash the dogs with both strength and invis, and they move out with a pack of dogs following. 
Dream shows them an obsidian network above L’Manburg, and says that he’s going to make TNT Dispensers on it. Dream leaves, and they get into position. 
03700. Techno joins the L’Manburg VC, and starts yelling at them, calling them idiots and asking where they are. They tell him that theres still 24 minutes until the war starts, and Techno starts encouraging them to come back, but then remembers that he’d have to hold them off while Dream sets up, so he tells them to take their time and wait until the scheduled time. 
Tommy sees the obsidian network, and shoots Phil. Techno and Tommy start arguing. Techno calls himself a liar, but justifies it by mentioning the 1v30 he’d have to do. 
Tommy takes his first death, falling from a pillar trying to reach Dream. 
Tubbo shoots Techno, and the dogs start chasing him. Techno splashes the potions on them, and watches as the war starts. He calls the wolves ‘The Dogs of War,’ and quickly kills both Quackity, Ponk, and Tubbo. 
Tubbo drops a Trident, and Techno wonders if it’s his. He keeps fighting, and quickly remembers that Sapnap is known for his animal killing. 
He continues killing, but decides on a compromise. If they back off, he won’t kill them as he blows up the country. They disagree, and Techno eats a God apple before shooting the fireworks into the sky. 
04430 Philza deploys the Withers. The Citizens yell about the Bees, and Techno continues his destruction. He stores the new trident in his Ender Chest and organizes his inventory, adding some Wither skulls and soulsand for later. 
Five Withers storm L’Manburg as the country fights back, and Techno tries to find Invis potions. He raids houses and makes more Withers, and L’Manburg is left to fight nine Withers as Techno restarts his Laptop. 
Running back into the action, Techno realizes he’s been using normal arrows this entire time, and puts the fireworks in his offhand. He meets Phil in his house, and Phil gives Techno another Invis pot. He finds a book, called ‘Do Not Read,’ in his Inventory, and Ranboo asks for it back. Techno gives the book to Ranboo, and tells him to flee, that he doesn’t have anything against him, and to survive the war in safety. Ranboo runs. 
Sapnap yells that another Wither is down, and Techno jumps back into battle. He kills Tubbo again, and Dream messages ‘destroy l’mantree’ to him. Techno asks which tree that is, and starts moving to where he thinks it is.
In the background, Tommy starts to plan. He says that, (05040) ‘we’ve got to kill the Withers first, and then we can fight The Blade.’ 
Phil scoffs at that, and Techno keeps going. He finds an ender chest and repairs his armor with XP bottles. 
Techno continues killing, and Dream finally tells him where the tree is. Before he can make it there, Dream sets off the TNT canons, and destruction rains from the sky as L’Manburg cries out in confusion. 
05335 He finds Tubbo in the middle of the country, and yells, “LOOK AT YOUR COUNTRY FALL, TUBBO!” Tubbo falls along with it, and doesn’t respond as Techno shoots him, once again, with a firework rocket.  
05355 Tommy climbs onto a bridge and begs Techno to not shoot. 
“You didn’t have to do this! The thing about the discs, Technoblade, is that they were for me! We could’ve had a government, and- ”
“I don’t care about the discs, Tommy! I was upfront with you from the start, the government has to go!”
“Technoblade, you are selfish!”
“Selfish?! You’ve used me from the start, Tommy! You’re wearing my helmet as we speak!”
“Technoblade, you said we betrayed you! You said we were the ones that betrayed you!”
“You betrayed me like, twelve times!” 
“Technoblade, look at me. Look at me, right now. You said you hated governments, you said we were the ones that betrayed you. You were the one who killed Tubbo when JSchlatt told you to! You were the one who betrayed us, out of all-”
“I was peer pressur- You betrayed me, like, yesterday! You used me as a weapon! You’ve never thought of me as a friend, Tommy, you’ve just used me from the start. You saw me just as The Blade, that’s all I was to you, The Blade, a weapon, well guess what?” Techno pauses, and his voice is tense as he continues. “I’m choosing what I fight for now, and I’m going to destroy the government, Tommy! You all die!”
He fires the fireworks towards Tommy, killing him and Tubbo with the same shot. 
He watches as the TNT falls from the sky, and finally, Tommy asks to speak once more.
“You were our friend, and you know what?-”
“Tommy, you never thought of me as a friend, Tommy,”
“Listen to me!”
“I listened to you for weeks, what did you do? You went back to Tubbo, the guy that exiled you, that chose his country over you,”
“People are above the government!”
“You ARE, Techno, and so are we! The reason the discs- they were stolen from me! Nothing-”
“Discs aren’t people!” 
“Nothing was taken from you! You’re selfish! You destroyed the people for your own self gain! You’re selfish!”
“All of these problems are because of your government,” Techno starts, “Your government has caused all these issues. I believe in freedom, Tommy!”
“You- You don’t believe in freedom! When you were peer pressured, that wasn’t freedom, that’s you following what the government told you!”
“Bro, Tommy, that was like four months ago, ok?”
“IT WAS! LET’S NOT FORGET ABOUT THE PAST RIGHT NOW- Tubbo! Tubbo he killed you!”
“He’s the president, get him OUT of here!” Techno shoots at Tubbo, who hides behind some stone, “He’s wearing YOUR helmet!”
“And you killed him!”
“Yeah, because he’s the president! 
“But even when he wasn’t the president, you killed him as well.”
“Yeah, that’s true.”
“You’re as bad as the government, Technoblade.”
“Hey, remember when I was sitting there, alone, against the whole government, and you and Wilbur just sat there on the sidelines, and watched? Did you step in? Did you step in? Were you guys the ones who stepped in and said, don’t worry, Technoblade, we know you’re in a high pressure situation, but we’ll fight the world for you, Technoblade? NO! You guys watched- You know what I did, yesterday? When you were surrounded by thirty people, the whole world was against you? I walked in. I was willing to fight all of them for you, Tommy. I would’ve been there. 
That is the difference between us.”
“We spent HOURS together-”
“DON’T speak to me of loyalty!”
“You were my friend, and you betrayed us!”
“You never thought of me as a friend!”
“The- The thing about this government, is that it didn’t interfere with you!”
“It did!”
“No, it didn’t! The discs were stolen by Dream-”
“I don’t care about discs! I care about freedom! The government! We can’t have freedom with the government!”
“You have your own freedom, just let people love what they love, man!” (lmao homophobic techno confirmed? /J :LKJFDSLKFJ)
“Tommy...I used to think like that, Tommy. You know what they did to me? They hunted me down! The whole Butcher Army, and they executed me! I tried being peaceful, Tommy, but the government made it clear that we could not coexist.”
“And so you spawn Withers??? All you do is repeat history, but worse.”
“YOU GUYS brought this upon YOURSELVES, I was willing to live in my cottage and be chill, and just farm turtles, but you guys made it clear-”
“Technoblade, you can’t just go back to your cottage after you blow up the government! That’s not how this works, actions have consequences!”
Techno shoots at Tommy and Tubbo, killing Tubbo. “Actions do have consequences, Tommy, and THESE are the consequences!” He splashes potions at his feet, and chases after Quackity. He kills him quickly, and Quackity yells about how he has to face the consequence of his former actions. Techno told him that he had changed, and the Butcher Army refused to let him live his life, but Quackity says that he had to face his punishment.
Tommy calls Techno a tyrant, and is almost immediately killed as Techno launches himself into the air and uses the slowfalling potions to aim, and fire. 
10130 Someone (I can’t tell who, help) asks why Phil is there, and why he hates the government, and he responds, “Since I was forced to kill my own son, you idiot!”
Tommy asks Techno where the L’mantree is, and Techno reveals that he doesn’t actually know what that is, but that Dream wanted to blow it up earlier. Several people start screaming, mourning the loss of their tree, as Techno celebrates. 
Techno runs out of fireworks, and decides that their destruction is over. He notices that no one is fighting back, and asks if everyones just given up.
“What is there left to protect?”
Techno laughs, and Niki speaks for the first time. “I burnt the tree.”
Techno compliments her, and looks over the destruction. 
Jack Manifold challenges him, and they fight. Techno runs out of potions, but still manages to win. Manifold takes too long to pick up his items, so Techno spawns another Wither. At this point, there’s four Withers roaming the former country. 
Techno decides to kill the Withers to get Nether Stars, and while looking for a place to shoot, he finds Eret watching the chaos. He asks if he supports government, but answers the question for them. “There’s no need to risk your neck for a country you’re not even a part of.”
Eret then says that they’re just there for the Nether Stars, and Techno laughs. Techno kills a Wither, and Phil takes the star. 
Techno starts talking about how he wanted L’Manburg to be a chunk error, and decides to get rid of the water so the TNT can work. He mentions that he has the Trident back, and that he’s probably not going to ever get the Axe of Peace from Tommy. 
Dream continues blowing the country up, and Techno gives Phil his trident back. Techno tells Dream to nuke the entire area, but finds out that Ghostbur is close, and frantically makes him stop. He then remembers that Ghostbur is a literal ghost and can not die. 
Hbomb tries to tell Techno to blow up Manifold Land, but Techno refuses, saying that it isn’t really a country, and is instead just one person. 
Ghostbur arrives, and starts looking around the crater. Techno leaves to find a bell to be a sellout. He tells us that if he gets 5 million subscribers today, he’ll set up the second monitor. 
They talk about timezones and relax after the chaos. Techno attempts a triple kill but fails, and Manifold declares war on him. Techno threatens his house, so Manifold decides to not do that. 
Sapnap punches him, and Techno starts to spawn a Wither, but Sapnaps’ efficiency V Netherite shovel is enough to make Techno run in fear.
12320 Tommy gets struck by lightning. SO LONG, THESEUS! EVEN GOD HATES HIM! -techno
Sap tries to kill Techno with a Channeling trident, but Techno takes no damage and almost spawns another Wither, but decides to fly away instead. Sapnap goes mad with power, and tries to kill Ponk with tridents and wither roses. Techno sings the Manhunt music as Ponk runs from Sapnap and BadBoyHalo.
After exploring the wreckage and joking with the survivors, Phil and Techno go to their own VC and go back home. Philza is jumped by a baby zombie, but Techno manages to kill it and save him. 
13515He ties the stream together by chanting ‘2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate? Philza minecraft!! yeah!!!!’
They go inside to reorganize their chests, and Techno realizes that he still has two stacks of Wither skulls. Techno and Phil agree that the Withers they used were enough, and they talk about how the battle went. 
Phil gives Techno the Totem and the God Apple back. 
Techno also implies that if Phil dies, the destruction would be far, far worse, and his life is worth more than anything that had happened beforehand. They are best friends ur honor. 
While ranting about the government, Technoblade reveals that he still has the anvil used to execute him in his ender chest. Techno covers Tommys old home, and tears down the signs they used as a checklist. 
Looking at Em, Techno remembers the dogs he didn’t use to fight, and Phil brings up a Stasis Pearl Chamber as a way to teleport all the dogs back at the same time. They quickly build it, and Techno starts running to the remains of L’Manburg. 
He makes it to the dog cave without any trouble, and makes all the dogs stand. Philza teleports him back, and the dogs take some fall damage as they land with him. He puts the dogs into the house next to his, and Phil says that he’s going to build a kennel later. 
Phil reveals that Ghostbur was not happy with the whole ‘blowing up L’Manburg’ thing, and that Friend had died, and now, Ghostbur wants to be brought back to life. Phil is hesitant, and he doesn’t know if his memories will stay, if he could handle it, and other variables. 
20320 Techno finally shows Carl again, but doesn’t show where he’s hidden. He uses the intermission screen to hide his location from even the viewers, but Carl is fine. He puts him back in the display stable, but then moves him back, fearing his life. 
20630, Techno jokes about the Turtle Shell Helmets and it’s adorable. please go watch it. he then talks about the Sad-Ist animation for a few seconds, and talks about the fanartists in the community. He mentions making a playlist of animations and animatics, which would be really cool. 
He ends the stream ringing the sellout bell. 
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imadhatt3r · 2 years
> Last stretch of the game
> Makes sure to extinguish absolutely every option while talking to the Deserter, which probably takes about 30 minutes
> Phasmid check time
> Really high perception + col da ma ma daqua thought equipped
> 92% chance to pass the check
> Fails
> Restarts the game on impulse (I play on switch)
> Realizes that you will have to do the entire convo with the Deserter again
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maxbernini · 2 years
I saw someone on Twitter said that maybe they're planing to go with the Maya x june route to show that Maya can finally start a relationship from the ground with heatlhy roots. So in this ep she will kgnore as we saw but them in ep10 or t the end of e9 she'll look for her to apologize and be honest with her and to restart their relationship. As for Lola they will have that heartfelt talk theyre due and agree that while there's love, both of them need to move on and stay as friends
I mean is not that far fetched especially seeing all the routes they've taken. So it wouldn't be a surprise if they made them end up together. And as for people that said she doesn't have Instagram it really doesn't matter as next season 10 is gonna be about another person who is not close to maya so they could show their rs through maya's. Also for a love triangle she seems to be a lot more important that it shoul, they keep having her in her orbit like today's clip
listen. if they wanted to set june & maya up as endgame, they would’ve. they’d have given them some really unsubtle, sudden dialogue about Really Connecting™️ and it never being like this before etc. remember when bilal said that jo understood him in a way that no one else did, even though that wasn’t true because we saw them constantly argue, misunderstand and underestimate each other? we’d get stuff like that. but we didn’t! like…they literally had an entire week dedicated to their relationship, but it was framed as nothing more than friends having fun and casually hooking up and maya using that as a nice escape from her life; the episode is literally titled “great escape”, because the point was that june is essentially her dream gf (she doesn’t have to pick between activism and a partner! they’re both adults with adult responsibilities! they agree about everything!), but what’s going to happen when things get hard, like it did in maya’s last relationship? their most substantial convo was maya finally getting to rant about la mif & lola (which she needed to do, but she wasn’t even truthful lol) and everything else was just sex and flirting. not exactly soulmate material.
and now she’s ignoring june’s calls when she’s in a crisis. june admitting to developing feelings for her isn’t enough to snap her out of this depressive episode and give her hope (which, per the bilal convo, is apparently what she most needs rn, apart from therapy), and she’s not clutching to june like a lifeline either. if they were endgame, maya would’ve picked up the phone to show how they deal with their first crisis as a couple and navigate issues healthily. she didn’t. the only reason june was orbiting in this clip was to show that; maya ghosting her texts earlier was through social media content, so having it in the clip makes it canon for casual viewers. i think she’s going to keep ghosting june until late ep 9 / early ep 10, then she’ll apologize and they’ll stay friends. 
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mikiruma · 2 years
ok idk if anyone has any expertise on tablets but i need some help here because i got kind of an anomaly here. under the cut just for potential length/readability
for reference im using a huion kamvas pro 13 gt-133 (on the drivers page its kamvas pro 13(8192)) & the pen does not use a battery
the problem is that the pen started skipping around/lagging and not reading my inputs correctly.. last time i had this issue it was because the nib i was using was worn down, so naturally my first response was to change the nib. did nothing. i reset the tablet to its factory settings. nothing. i uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers, and even restarted the computer. still no effect. i unplugged the tablet all the way for two consecutive hours- hdmi, usb, the power adapter directly plugging into the tablet. when i plugged it back in it? still nothing.
the only progress i made was at one point i tried using the tablet without drivers (i had attempted this before on my siblings tablet, same model, but it just made the entire thing unusable that time.) miraculously i got it to work smoothly for 3 1/2 minutes before my inputs got ruined again. reinstalled drivers, again, 3 1/2 minutes of peace. uninstalled, same thing. that got tiring but i realized i could achieve the same result via simultaneously unplugging the usb and turning the tablet off, then plugging it in/turning it back on again. again for only a handful of minutes of smooth usage but its something. and yes, installing older versions of the drivers didn't work either. exact same problem.
the one thing i cant really place is how or why it started. i know its probably a problem with the software, as this only started happening a few hours ago with no immediately obvious cause. actually i guess the cause doesn't really matter, i just want to figure out how to fix this dang thing without mailing this off and not being able to draw for a month plus or spending $400 on a new one that will probably just have the same issue. i did buy this used but i bought it from a friend who had previously used it probably only 4-5 times at most, and not for very long each time, and i personally have been using it for maybe 6 months at most. (rough estimate- the most recent convo i can find with my friend about said tablet was from mid december 2021). and since i had a wacom before im no stranger to random unfixable issues suddenly sprouting up, but my tablets basically unusable & i have commissions i need to work on and idle hands i need to busy in clip studio or else my brain does. This
on the bright side, if this is anything like my technology luck then hopefully this goes away when i boot up my laptop again after work tomorrow, like most things that randomly decide to render themselves unusable for me when i need them. i'm sure i'm overreacting but in this moment i am very stressed out over many many many other things and this is the one thing ive deemed appropriate to get mad about in a public space so like. im going to feel real stupid when it does turn out to have the easiest fix in the world or if it "fixes itself" but as of right now this is the worst thing in the world bc i drew one thing today and was looking forward to drawing at least two or three things.
in short: im going to crawl in a cave until i quit having this specific brand of technology problem that can only be solved by shipping shit overseas or speaking to a Customer Service Representative or giving hundreds of dollars to people who make products that frustrate me
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