#envy and jealousy
otaku553 · 1 year
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Thoughts on being aroace
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usually classical/shakespearean tragic protags have like one or two fatal flaws
then you get akechi
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sarahsinferno · 2 months
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I am a specter in the glass,
an echo of longing trapped
in the thin light of morning.
While I dissolve in the quiet of rooms,
a silence heavy with the weight of wanting.
Each moment you pass is a blade,
cutting through my stillness,
leaving a mark that never heals,
an unspoken confession of my hunger.
I am the hollow shell,
the empty gaze that follows,
burning with the cold flame
of what I cannot grasp.
In the mirror, the truth is unspoken,
a color I cannot name,
a shadow I cannot escape,
an endless loop of never enough.
Poem: Envy by S.T. 2022
Painting: Ophelia by Henri Lehman
Oil on canvas 1847-1847
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chloeworships · 2 years
They are jealous of your anointing and your gifts
Ok so who upset God??? 👀
Which Prophet, Pastor or Apostle is jealous of the gifts of another servant of God?
Who has accused this servant and prophet of needing to display more humility?
I was given this scripture and a song (please excuse the swearing in the lyrics).
This is what the Sovereign Lord says…
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Moses was given this special relationship with God because his calling demanded it. When God first spoke to me he was in a cloud ☁️ I will never forget it. I was todays year old when I learned that cloud was in fact God’s true form he uses when he speaks to humans, based on these scriptures 😱🤯🙊 “Then the Lord descended in the pillar of cloud and stood at the entrance of the Tabernacle”. ‭‭Numbers‬ ‭12‬:‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬
God gave Moses a special audience because he was humble and the LORD trusted him… why else would he be given this gift to see things others could not including the gift of seeing the LORD as a cloud? Do you know what Moses had to endure for him to be able to lead the Israelites out of Egypt 🇪🇬👀 Some of us had to walk through 🔥FIRE🔥 to get to where we are today and where we are going to tomorrow, why be jealous?
Also a Cushite is a modern day Ethiopian. Ethiopians are Black. Is someone speaking out against someone’s wife? Are you in an interracial relationship/marriage? You can clearly see here that Miriam could have been RACIST. Someone could also be talking about the appearance of someone’s wife or gf.
I’m going to leave detailed commentary on this scripture. It’s interesting because God spoke to me and said someone should speak to MARYUM and now he’s led me to this scripture. I didn’t go looking for it 💯
One thing to note is one of Moses wives was name Zipporah. In this song one the artists name is Zipporah. I mean COME ON?!?! That name is not common. I just can’t invent this stuff babes. I really can’t. I don’t have the time😂.
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I woke up one morning and heard the song playing in my ear as if I had my headphones on 🎧I hadn’t heard it in a longgggggg time bc, as some of you know, this mixtape was released over a decade ago (SN: I love this beat btw and this mixtape is a classic 😜)
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In the lyrics it also says something about spit and in the scripture God speaks of what would occur should Miriam’s father spit in her face: “But the Lord said to Moses, “If her father had done nothing more than spit in her face, wouldn’t she be defiled for seven days? So keep her outside the camp for seven days, and after that she may be accepted back.”‭‭ Numbers‬ ‭12‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT
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Think about how shameful and demoralizing it would have been if your father spat in your face? 🥺 This is what God did to Miriam and this is what will do to those who speak ill of you.
Someone is going to be punished for speaking against you. This could even be a religious leader or those in the church but it doesn’t have to be. This could simply be another servant of God. They will become sick 🤒
These individuals are jealous and envious of your gift. They themselves need to be humbled and that is surely what the LORD will do. They accuse you of being prideful yet it is their own pride that leads them to falsely accuse you. They are no different than the Pharisees
I was also shown the word “gossip”. The song mentions that too.
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The article breaks this scrip down beautifully and it’s a MUST READ. Based on this, you’ll know if this word is for you.
Who is the LORD speaking to? He is surely defending your name as he did for Moses. You will be VINDICATED and as the song says your doubters will have to pick their jaws up from the floor after they witness what God will do in your life. Like Miriam they will feel ASHAMED. When you speak against or disrespect a Prophet of the LORD, expect disaster to come upon you and SUDDENLY.
This commentary is DEEP. I LLAAVVVVEEEEE IT 🤩
PS. When others falsely accuse you, like both Aaron and Miriam, pray for them just as Moses did.
PPS. When God’s Spirit departs from you as a servant of his, all hell breaks loose. I’ve seen this happen and it also occurred to Samson when he chose to disobey God.
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The LORD is also saying, someone needs to apologize FACE to FACE for hurting you just as Aaron apologized to Moses.
If you are this person who needs to apologize, be clear about your transgressions, don’t beat around the bush or speak in riddles via social media. Don’t act cowardly. The apology has to be as LOUD as the disrespect was, perhaps then the LORD may have mercy on you as he did with Miriam and give you back your glory and success… Oh my didn’t God say speak to MARYUM!?
Yeah it’s time. If this person keeps delaying this conversation know that God has already spoken to them about putting their pride aside and apologizing.
Perhaps she is owed an apology. I’m hearing no success will come until this is done as the scripture says “So keep her outside the camp for seven days, and after that she may be accepted back.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭12‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬
https://bible.com/bible/116/num.12.14.NLT .
It’s reminding me of Beauty and the Beast. In order to regain his wealth and good looks, Beast had to humble himself and apologize to Bell for the curse to be broken and like Miriam, be accepted back into camp and most importantly, into God’s good grace 💛
Also, even though God may forgive us, there is always consequences for our behaviour. That cannot be avoided. God may forgive a murderer but that murderer still has to serve time. Let’s not forget that the next time we decide to hurt another. Forgiveness does not absolve you of the consequences. Justice will always be served when you trust in God to vindicate you.
PPPS: lol I was watching the Princess and the Frog and the movie spoke about Gumbo Soup 🍤, which is a Louisiana staple food, in the song it mentions that too. This might mean something to someone as the Frog prince was arrogant to the poorer Tiana because he felt she was of lesser value than he was when in fact HE was superficial and just as broke. He too needed to be humbled.
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Please understand the LORD and his Angels give me music just as confirmation just as he gives us movies and scriptures.
Pray about this message because it won’t be for everyone.
I had a visitation from the DEVIL 🤯 He showed me his true form which was a darkish grey blue.
Since God revealed his true form in the cloud, he wanted to reveal his true form to me as well. He is jealous of God and wants to be like God hence why he does everything God does but in the reverse. Hence why he tries to mock God. That’s another word I’ve been hearing in the spirit… reverse. Wow
He looked EXACTLY LIKE THIS but with slightly shorter horns👀 ⤵️ oh my
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What in the blessed name of Jesus….
I forgot to mention someone will be receiving a heartfelt apology 💌
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eurydicees · 7 months
*eye twitching* so happy for everyone in a movie theater in japan right now *fists clenched* i’m so happy for them *gritted teeth* so fucking happy and not at all seething with jealousy *muffled screaming as i bite down into my arm* so fucking happy
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hoshiina · 2 months
pairing: hoshina soushirou x gn!reader (no prns)
request: hiii idk if u take these kinds of requests but id like to see jealous reader (preferably if reader and hoshina are already in an established relationship and reader works in a different division, meaning they dont get to see each other much) like maybe he’s used to calling okonogi “my dear” and its the first reader heard him call anyone with a pet name like that and she starts to overthink and gets pouty/ sulky and hoshina doesnt notice it at first but when he does he starts teasing her which doesnt help HAHAHAHA if its ok can it be hurt/ comfort and end in fluff & HELLO!! can i request an angst to fluff with hoshina where reader thinks he likes okonogi more than him especially since he is against revealing him n reader’s relationship to the third division (for other reasons of course). hopefully this isnt too specific!! i hope u have a wonderful day:))
notes: hoshina calls the reader “darling”, hurt comfort, him accepting jealousy a valid emotion (very important to me i fear), so sorry i merged the reqs!! i hope this was satisfactory for both TY FOR THE REQ!, this is a twt thread i thought about while writing this, (l/n) mention in the bonus part
wc: 1400
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Oh, you hated when this happened. You hated when your heart started to tighten in this horrible way you knew well. You hated being jealous.
You hated how self centered it made you feel and how it ate away at your thoughts and feelings. It made you feel like your good thoughts were disintegrating to horrible ones. However, what you hated even more was how it meant you were doubting his love for you— and that was the last thing you wanted to do. You didn't want to doubt him, nor did you doubt him, but when the jealousy got to your head it was over. You were stuck in a loop.
To top it off, the cause of this all was truly harmless and hardly that big of a deal, but that's usually how most anxious thoughts start. They start little.
You were called to visit the 3rd Division to help with research on a field you were particularly knowledgeable on, and you happened to hear Hoshina's laughter from the operation room, so you went in to take a peek.
“It was not that funny,” Okonogi was saying to him, but Hoshina only continued to laugh.
“Yes, it definitely was,” he laughed. “I knew Kafka would forget about that hole in the training grounds again.”
“Why don't you remind him, then?”
“Comedic relief, of course.”
“Alright then.”
“Okonogi dear, you're no fun,” he said.
They said a few more things, but you couldn't seem to focus on their words. ‘Dear’? Was that merely a simple pet name? Or was there more to them than you initially expected?
Oh, the worries started to fill your head. And they were things you didn't want to be worried about— Okonogi was always so sweet to you when you popped by and you knew Hoshina loved you. The last thing you wished to do was doubt them, nor did you want to make things awkward around them. There were just so many things that you just didn't know about, being in a different division as him. You doubted they even knew you were dating, and the voice in your head would only get louder.
It was then that Hoshina saw you at the doorway and called over to you.
“Are you done with work?” he asked, his voice excited and hopeful. Your heart stung.
“Not quite yet,” you tried to sound disappointed, but for the right reason. “I’ll get going now.”
You walked away from the room as quickly as you could, seemingly naturally. You didn't want to be there and you didn't want to talk to him before calming down first— you were sure you'd say something silly if you spoke now.
Yet, immediately you heard footsteps behind you and a hand you knew well grab yours.
“Soushirou?” you asked, turning to look behind you.
“What's wrong?” he asked, his voice soft and visible concern in his eyes. “Do you feel unwell?”
Pang in your chest again.
“Not at all, nothing's wrong?” you said, but you could see the way he pursued his lips— the hurt in his eyes from how you wouldn't tell him what was troubling you. Gosh, why did you feel this way? Why must you feel much silly emotions.
“It's truly so stupid,” you said. “I'll tell you another time.”
“Alright,” he said, letting go of your hand. That one was your bad— you knew he wouldn't push you any further, even if he wanted to.
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Dinner that night was awkward. You weren't even that jealous, but the fact that you felt something was gnawing at your brain upset you. Not to mention the fact that you were keeping something from him made you feel even worse.
“How was your training?” you asked.
“Alright, I suppose,” he said. There was a horrible moment of silence. You weren’t sure what to say.
“I think I’m getting a hang of this new technique,” he finally continued, but you wouldn’t look up at him— you were afraid he wouldn’t look your way.
“I see,” you said. “That’s really cool… I’d like to see someday.”
“I’ll show you as soon as its better,” he said.
The rest of dinner felt… quiet. The two of you still talked throughout it but it was terribly different from the usual lively catch-up you’d have— it was heart-wrenching quite frankly.
So as you’d imagine, going to sleep was even worse. You subconsciously faced away from him and pretended to fall asleep quickly, hoping he’d sleep soon too. You hated what was going on, but you just couldn’t bring this up. You knew it was silly and you knew you’d forget soon enough. You’d probably regret making such a big deal out of it.
“Darling,” he said, and immediately you turned to face him. He was already facing you. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t feel like it… I’m sorry I pushed you.”
Gosh, you thought. You gulped. You wished he wasn’t so kind.
“You’re going to think I’m so annoying though,” you said, voice cracking in a way you didn’t wish for it to and immediately his eyes widened.
“Darling, what happened?” he asked, suddenly worried. “You could never be annoying to me.”
“I… heard you…” you started and he just listened— he waited. “I heard you calling Okonogi, ‘dear.’ And suddenly I—”
“I’m so sorry,” he said, without hesitation. “I hadn’t even realized I did that, it was completely by habit. I won’t anymore.”
You finally met his eyes and the way he looked so horrified he had made you feel bad was so prominent in his eyes.
“No, Soushirou,” you said. “I didn’t mean for you to have to change anything— I know so well that both of you are so sweet to me and there’s nothing going on. I just—”
“Darling, calm down,” he said, cutting you off. “You’ve done nothing wrong, why are you beating yourself up? This was my bad and that’s about it. None of this is you.”
“I—,” you said, taking a moment to collect yourself. “I hate to be jealous, Soushirou. I’m so sorry.”
“Why?” he asked and you paused to look up at him, utterly confused.
“Why?” he asked again.
“It’s such an… ugly feeling,” you said.
“Is it?”
“Is it… not?”
“What’s wrong with being jealous?”
“Because it’s like I’m doubting you or something… when I don’t at all.”
“I think that’s a different thing entirely, no?” he asked. “You can know in your head that I’m in love with you and still feel something else— they’re not always the same. A little jealousy is perfectly healthy, I think.”
“Oh…” you said. You wanted to say so much more but there was so much to process first. Your heart swelled with such warmth.
��I get jealous too. I hate when Narumi gets too close to you or bothers you when I’m not around,” he continued on. “But in my head I know you’d never do anything to hurt me and you’d stop him if he crosses a line. I’ll try to stop if that bothers you though.”
“No,” you said. “That sounds… nice. I’m rather… happy… you were a jealous actually. But I’ll make sure to keep some more distance between Captain Narumi next time.”
He laughed. “Sounds good. But you tell me if there’s anything more that bothers you okay. I’ll fix myself up.”
“I will,” you said and he kissed your forehead. “But Soushirou, I don’t mind much anymore. You can stay the way you are.”
“No, no, stop overthinking. You need to sleep now, you have an early morning tomorrow.”
“Yeah. You too Sou,” you said and he hummed.
Once you were certain he was asleep, you kissed his cheek and slipped your hand into his. You liked holding his hand when you fell asleep, but you weren’t sure if it made it harder for him to fall asleep.
“Thank you,” you whispered to him. “You mean the world to me.”
You lightly kissed his cheek, careful not to wake him up, but to your surprised he smiled. He squeezed your hand and without opening his eyes, “You missed,” he said.
He kissed you on the lips and you laughed, snuggling up against him. “You were awake.”
“I was waiting for you to hold my hand,” he said. “I like when we hold hands when we sleep.”
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From then on, Hoshina stopped calling Okonogi “dear” as much, and it’d only happen when it truly slipped out of him from force of habit.
“Vice-Captain, you’ve started dating (l/n), haven’t you?” she said to him one day while they were sorting through files.
“How... did you know?” he asked. The two of you had been dating for quite a while now, but he was more surprised she guessed you correctly.
“It’s terribly obvious you’re completely in love,” she said.
He blinked. And then he laughed. 
He’d have to ask you that night if he can share the news with everyone, properly, then.
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god-i-hope-so · 4 months
I'll take Tommy voicing his "jealousy"* 100 times and being good at communicating his personal frustrations instead of a guy who'd say nothing.
Tommy is showing a healthy way to communicate how he feels about Buck and what's in his life. So far it's never been in a fight but in a casual conversation, safe and respectful. We know what men not talking about their feelings does. It's catastrophic, for them and for people around them. The violence it creates is insane, and we all know that.
Haters will use that against him, of course they will. But Tommy probably learned the hard way that keeping your feelings unsaid is one of the worst things you can do to yourself and people you love. Showing this on TV in this kind of show is so important.
Once again Tommy's character is used to portray an adult man who wants to do good. He's open but has his own boundaries, he's respectful and follow cues when the other person seems hesitant, and he doesn't hide what he feels because not only he knows it's good to talk about it, but it creates a relatable moment. Now Buck knows he can talk about his family's situation with Tommy, he knows he can safely open up to him. He'll understand and will listen.
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betinh3 · 2 months
New oc is ready!!!!
The twin sister of Envy, Jealousy!💔🩵🪞
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A very possessive emotion, don't go near her sister👀
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Her relationships with the emotions:
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katrinthecat · 2 months
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Green line
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hermajestyimher · 2 months
Let's Discuss: Monitoring Spirits
Have you ever noticed each time you open your mouth prematurely to someone, that somehow things end up falling apart? Or how certain people seem oddly interested in what is happening in your life but are never willing to share nearly as much information about themselves as they request from you? Behind the smiles and seemingly happy faces of many people lies a sinister agenda: the desire to keep tabs on those they envy or perceive as threats. These individuals often gather information about your life, not out of genuine interest, but to find ways to create stumbling blocks in your path. Whether consciously or subconsciously, they seek to undermine your progress and sow seeds of doubt and confusion.
The Deceptive Facade
These monitoring spirits often disguise themselves as friends or acquaintances who appear supportive. They pretend to be friendly and interested in your well-being, but sooner or later, their true colors begin to show. You might notice their persistent questioning about your plans and aspirations, seemingly innocuous at first. However, you may also start noticing a pattern: each time you share your goals with them, things don’t seem to go as planned. Their presence might be followed by stagnation or unexpected setbacks in your life.
Look closely, and you'll see behind their fake friendly faces that their stares often reek of resentment and hidden animosity. They might offer insincere compliments or feign interest in your achievements, but their underlying motives are anything but supportive. Recognizing these subtle signs can be difficult, especially when you want to believe the best in people. However, discernment is your greatest tool in uncovering these hidden agendas.
The Power of Discernment
When you develop discernment, you gain the ability to uncover the lies and manipulations of these monitoring spirits before they can cause significant harm. Discernment allows you to see through the facade, distinguishing genuine allies from those who merely pretend to be in your corner. It empowers you to trust your instincts and make informed decisions about whom to confide in and rely upon.
Be cautious of those who pretend to be on your side but whose actions, when put to the test, reveal a disinterest in genuinely supporting you. Real friends and allies are those who celebrate your successes and are there to uplift you during challenges. They don’t use your vulnerabilities against you or harbor secret resentment.
Monitoring Spirits in Your Circle
Monitoring spirits can exist within your circle of friends, family, or even romantic relationships. Sometimes, the person you least expect is secretly hoping for your downfall. They may exhibit behavior that seems supportive on the surface but subtly undermines your confidence and progress. They might ask intrusive questions about your life, probing for weaknesses or areas they can exploit.
In romantic relationships, these spirits may appear as partners who seem loving and attentive but harbor jealousy towards your achievements. They might downplay your successes, subtly discouraging you from pursuing your goals under the guise of concern or practicality. Recognizing these signs is crucial to protecting your energy and maintaining control over your life’s narrative.
Protecting Yourself from Monitoring Spirits
To safeguard yourself from these negative influences, adopt a mindset of caution and self-preservation. Here are a few strategies to consider:
Keep Your Plans Private: Resist the urge to share every detail of your life with everyone. The less information these spirits have, the less ammunition they possess to use against you. Keep your goals and aspirations close to your heart, sharing them only with those who have proven themselves trustworthy and supportive.
Trust Actions Over Words: Pay close attention to the actions of those around you rather than their words. People with genuine intentions will show their support through consistent actions, not empty promises. Observe how they react during your successes and challenges—do they celebrate with you or seem indifferent?
Build a Supportive Network: Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you. Seek out friendships and relationships with those who have demonstrated loyalty and integrity over time. A strong support network will provide encouragement and guidance, helping you navigate life's ups and downs.
Develop Emotional Intelligence: Enhance your ability to read people and situations accurately. Emotional intelligence allows you to understand the motives and intentions behind others’ actions. It helps you respond appropriately and protect yourself from potential harm.
Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with those who exhibit monitoring spirit tendencies. Distance yourself from individuals who consistently undermine or question your decisions. Protecting your emotional well-being requires prioritizing your own peace of mind.
Practice Mindfulness and Intuition: Regularly engage in mindfulness practices, such as meditation, prayer, or journaling, to strengthen your intuition. When you’re in tune with your inner self, you’re better equipped to recognize when something feels off or when someone’s intentions aren’t genuine.
Ultimately, safeguarding yourself against monitoring spirits is about cultivating a strong sense of self-awareness and trusting your instincts. If you are a Christian it also involves having a deep connection to God so he can allow you to see past the physical and into the spiritual. By being mindful of who you allow into your inner circle and remaining vigilant against those who wish you harm, you can protect your journey toward success and happiness.
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biolumien · 3 months
Hiiii!!!! 😊👋 So I only just started Kaiju no. 8!!! New to the fandom and not a manga reader. Idk what’s going to happen in the next episode—all I know is that Hoshina better not d*e lol.
Anyways!!! Obviously I am a huge Hoshina fan/simp!!! I really like your blog and I have enjoyed your Hoshina fics!!!!!! 🥹 And since your requests are open, I wanted to know if I could perhaps make one??? 👉👈
If so, I was wondering if you could do something sort of related to your “say it!” fic??? Like where Hoshina (+ reader) somehow bumps into the ex from operations you mentioned in the fic??? And reader gets SUPERRRRR jealous (lord knows I would be especially if said ex was really beautiful and smart) and insecure. Maybe reader acts a bit distant/moody after the encounter but once Hoshina realizes what’s up he immediately reassures reader and let’s them know how much he loves/cares for them???
Sorry if this request is weird or doesn’t make sense to you, I’ve honestly just been thinking about a similar scenario ever since reading that fic of yours 😭😭 anyways thank you so much for your time 🫶❤️ and please never stop writing, your fics are beautiful 💖💕
notes: hihi; thank you so much for your request; i hope that this is okay; you sent this in before the most recent episode but hoshina's a fairly important character to the story of kaiju no 8 overall so he'll be alright... i combined this with a slightly different ask which also surrounded jealousy but with okonogi; it's very briefly mentioned though.
jealousy as the crux
soshiro hoshina x gn!reader no warnings should apply, i think. wc: 837
hoshina always maintained rather easy conversation with a lot of people—friendly conversation that sometimes got the better of your self esteem when he teasingly doted on okonogi or otherwise. 
you’d tried not to bring it up, to not bother him—because envy and jealousy like that was an ugly emotion, of course. it wouldn’t be right to burden hoshina with them–mostly because you weren’t even sure how he’d react. he was plenty envious on his own, you think–key point on think. but it might have been for more reasonable things, surely. like the envious desire to become stronger, or something noble like that.
nothing quite like yours. 
but stumbling on hoshina’s ex was never on your list of priorities at all. 
so the fact that she was here—was her name amaya?—only made you more uncomfortable. you barely knew anything about her other than the fact that okonogi spoke her name with strained reverence, cautious to never bring it up around hoshina. hoshina seemed to be uncaring of it all, even so–as if he couldn’t be bothered to remember. 
she was smoking indoors, her eyes tired and weary. 
hoshina didn’t seem to tense up when talking to her, which strangely irked you more. 
“hoshina,” amaya says, approaching hoshina with a raised eyebrow. she pats his shoulder, and he chuckles.
“you look well,” hoshina murmurs. 
“hm. well as i’ll ever be.” her eyes flit to you, her eyes narrowing. you felt uncomfortable under her gaze, as if you were some unique kind of insect to be pinned up in a collection. “this your new partner? they’re cute.”
“hm?” hoshina laughs. “aren’t they?”
the compliment doesn’t feel good, somehow, as it usually does.
“thought you said you wouldn’t date again,” amaya says, dusting off some ash off the tip of her cigarette, taking another breath before blowing it away from the two of you. “not that we really were.” she snorts. “you were too much of a coward last time.”
“hey,” hoshina says, sounding mock-hurt. “i figured we were better off as friends.”
“hm.” amaya exhales. “whatever you say.”
“i wish you’d sound more enthusiastic about this,” hoshina retorts, laughing again. it’s the same laugh he has when he talks to okonogi, that same doting laughter–but it also wasn’t anything special. it was the same kind of laughter he had when he talked to you, though perhaps it was tinged with more fondness when he spoke to you.
if there was anything hoshina was, it might’ve just been annoyingly consistent.
"it's hard to be enthusiastic surrounding you. your sarcastic energy exhausts me," amaya drawls.
you turn away from the conversation at this point–and yet you can feel amaya staring daggers into the back of your head. 
“i’ll let the two of you finish this up,” you say, and your voice sounds far more obviously strained than you’d like for it to be. 
hoshina was allowed to talk to other people. but why did amaya irk you so much? was it just the irreverent way she spoke, the way she seemed to be watching you so intently for no reason? what the hell was her problem? as you stormed off, your footsteps grew angrier as you continued to mull over it. no, seriously! what was her problem? 
but what was yours, being jealous in the first place? you were being irrational–worried because you wanted hoshina’s attention for yourself but of course it wasn’t right to worry this badly about it to the point that envy would turn your stomach like this, create the brittling sensation in your heart. it wasn’t right, and the fact that you knew it wasn’t right made the whirling sense of bad in you feel worse.
you rub your face roughly, trying to shock yourself into trying to just be fucking normal.
hoshina’s voice is quiet when you turn around, and his face is contemplative, brows furrowed in worry.
“are you done? talking to amaya?” you ask.
“for now,” he says. his eyes focus on your face, concerned now. “are you okay?”
the words die in your throat.
“i don’t want to be jealous,” you say weakly. “of whatever’s going on. but, i–”
hoshina’s hands are on your face before you can even finish your sentence, squishing your cheeks together.
“mm, i see.” hoshina blinks, humming. “why didn’t you just say so earlier?”
you blink.
“you’re not… mad?” you ask.
“mad?” hoshina raises an eyebrow, cocking his head. it looks cute. “should i be?”
“no,” you say. “i–or, i don’t know. maybe? yes?”
“which is it?” hoshina asks, a teasing smile on his face before his brow furrows a bit. “if you would have just told me earlier i could have easily just told you that there’s nothing going on between me and anyone else but you. i chose you. don’t forget that, okay?”
you blink.
“and i love you,” hoshina says, completely straightforwardly, with sure honesty. “don’t forget that.”
you nod, and he squeezes your face, leaning in to kiss you on the lips.
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ronniesbizzareblog · 2 months
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Jealousy or Louis
Envy's LITTLE brother [Is funny think that he is the little bro hdhfdhhdfhhdshdfjshfjf]
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ponchusjbonchus · 1 month
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inside out if it was me part TWO!!!!!!! i really like the idea of emotions boiling over and getting more intense and violent and greedy so im gonna do them for all of them
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typically-divergent · 2 years
i hate that i upset myself with such trivial things. do you think i want to be jealous of things that don’t matter? my envy makes me sick.
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lokijiro · 3 months
Whenever there's a ceremony for crown prince Thor, Frigga buys many presents for Loki in an attempt to make him feel as valued as his brother.
Thor cannot help but feel a tinge of jealousy as he watches his mother doting on Loki. He doesn't share that feeling with anyone; the ceremonies include great piles of gifts for the crown prince from all over the Nine Realms, and he is ashamed of his thoughts. And yet, the attention Loki receives feels much more personal to him.
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i-really-like-phrogs · 3 months
When someone else’s art is so good you physically can’t look at it because of artistic jealousy
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#Y’all do this to me on a daily basis I swear#I literally can’t follow some people because their stuff is so good it breaks my heart#I think the art world has a lot of envy and competitiveness that no one really talks about#Sure we’re all for self expression but so many of us are so used to being “the art kid” that anyone else taking or sharing that spot feels#like losing a peice of your identity.#I’ve had some artist friends who dealt with their jealousy by tearing others down or justifying their art by going#”Well you’re bad at ____ but I’m better at ____”#Or they would give unsolicited critique that was more like gently worded criticism than friendly advice to help someone reach their goals#And because of those experiences… I never want to become that person#I definitely get the surges of jealousy… But I very much try to remind myself that fellow artists are my friends-not my rivals#The people I feel the most envy for are often the people I hype up the most#And beyond that- nobody in the art community is trying to gatekeep information from you.#If you want to learn skills from other people- don’t hesitate to ask them. Most artists happily spill their brains for you in a conversatio#(Foolish artist… they don’t even know how many brain juices of theirs I’m absorbing-MWAHAHAHA)#(I’m gonna come come back stronger as an artist… And then I can learn and grow EVEN MORE BWAHAHAHA)#So anyway… Jealousy is a valid and very real thing… but what you choose to do about it can either hinder or help you.#That’s all folks#art meme#art
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