#ep 3 big city connections
18catsreading · 8 months
Charity: amazing. I'm going to excuse myself and go see that your paperwork is being collected.
Antiope: I can work with Preston on it. You don't have to bother.
Brennan: she gets up and walks out of the room and gets on her phone and you can kind of see, like -- actually give me a perception check real quick.
Aabria! Yeah! *Rolls a nat 20*
Brennan: 😮
Aabria: let's go
Becca: don't offer it if you don't want it!
Aabria: let's goo!
Sephie: come on Brennan, what are you gonna do?
Brennan: so there was a thing I wanted to give you and then I'm gonna give you the thing I didn't want to give you
All: yay!
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aangarchy · 7 months
Netflix atla live action review ep 1-3
So i was able to watch the first three episodes and i wrote down some thoughts. Strap yourselves in, it's gonna be a big post. There's a lot i don't like, but it's not all negative. So let's get the negative out of the way first, then we'll get to the positive.
The cgi is abhorrent. Especially the green screen stuff where a lot of movement is happening. I'm specifically referring to the scenes of Katara and Sokka in the canoe as well as the Omashu railing system, and anytime Aang is flying on his glider. The bending may be better than the original live action, but it's not good either. Bending for me was always gonna be impossible in live action. I never feel like there's any connection between the moves the actor is making and the cgi element. In animation it's much easier to make the two connect, but an actor is basically staring at nothing and moving their hands around a bunch, hoping post will make it look good. This show also fell prey to the "ball of water is consistently losing water and yet remains the same shape and size" trap. I think out of all the elements the airbending looks the best and the earthbending so far the worst. The Avatar state looked very janky as well, some shots looked like there wasn't even an actor there anymore and it was all animated. And not animated in a good way either, some of the movements were way to wobbly, reminding me of that weird broom flying cgi in the first harry potter movie where the character is flopping about awkwardly bc it's badly animated. The animals also look pretty weird to me, i can barely tell where Appa's face is most of the time. Also for some reason they have momo making monkey noises instead of lemur noises? Like he legit sounds like a chimpanzee? I wonder what that's about.
The costumes are very hit or miss. They're very bright and i've often seen them fit awkwardly on the actors. Suki's headband was practically sliding off of her head while doing a fight scene, and in Omashu an extra's headscarf literally slid off of her head as she walked out of frame. Don't even mention Bumi to me either, that guy looks absolutely insane to me and i mean that negative. I can't suspend my disbelief enough to pretend that's a real guy. I liked Suki's makeup however, and i really like how they did Katara's hair and outfit. We got our first glance at Ty Lee and Mai too, and i like that Ty Lee is basically a carbon copy of her cartoon outfit.
Some story choices are.... interesting. Some of them, i'm not sure whether i like them or not yet. I'm confused as to why they combined three different stories into the Omashu storyline. We have Bumi, Teo and the Mechanist, as well as Jet all piled up in the same city, and somehow Zuko is there as well. The Jet story happened way too quickly, and i'm confused as to why Sokka was so upset at Jet's betrayal when he hadn't even spoken to the guy at all, he didn't even know his name. I don't like the choice of having everyone split up in Omashu. There was a lot of focus on Katara and Sokka and Aang barely appeared. I will say i really loved the no bending fight Aang and Zuko had in Omashu. Such a shame that their choreography barely got any time to shine due to the fight scenes being edited like marvel movies to hide mistakes. This has me excited for the blue spirit episode though!
I don't like the way they revealed that Aang is the Avatar in the watertribe. Why is Gran Gran the one that immediately knows? Just bc she's old? I liked that Aang revealed it himself in the original, but in this one it's just Gran Gran telling everyone who he is and Sokka not even believing her.
Then there's the opening for the first episode. I have very mixed feelings. I like that they showed the bond between Gyatso and Aang, and i liked the way they switched between Gyatso's last stand and Aang falling into the water. I'm sticking to my guns however with saying that we didn't need to see the attack on the airtemples play out. I liked it being this mysterious event that happened so long ago it's become legend to anyone alive today. But now, as a viewer, we have more information than our main characters. It also took away from the emotional turmoil of Aang finding Gyatso's skeleton. In the original, there's still this slimmer of hope, are they really dead? Could some still be alive? Only for it to be ripped away then and there. Now the audience already knows Gyatso is dead, we know what Aang is about to find. They also didn't really linger on Aang's emotions after this, like at all? He buried Gyatso and basically went "alright where to next?"
There also seems to be a lot less bonding time, making the relationship between the characters in episode 1 and 2 very weird. Katara and Aang barely had one conversation in the first episode, and Katara was already talking about Aang changing her life and helping improve her bending after only one day. It feels very weird and forced. It gets better by episode 3, but it was definitely bad in the first two.
I'm gonna say it again but i'm mad about Sokka's sexism arc disappearing. Suki was angry at Sokka for just comparing her skills as a warrior to him, when she hadn't even seen him fight yet. She also starts out as being weirdly enchanted by Sokka just bc he's an outsider. He's not even attractive at all, and they're trying to sell him as some sort of heartthrob. I like their bonding time while they trained, but i don't like how immediately Sokka is hung up on her. He still needs to meet Yue, and idk about you but to me it would be weird for him to already like one girl, and suddenly jump to the next.
I'm not sure why Kyoshi is being Aang's main Avatar guide here? I always figured it should be the Avatar right before you that would do the job, so why did Kyoshi get to Aang before Roku? And why did she already give Aang the speech about saving the world? What else is Roku gonna do? I know we get the Hei Bai story in this show, so what's the point of the Hei Bai story when it doesn't lead to Roku's dragon coming to Aang to warn him about the comet? I'm not mad at this btw, genuinely just confused. I don't understand the point yet.
Onto the acting, once again very hit or miss. So far Gordon (Aang) has been one of the best. He's a very good representation of Aang's character, and i like that he brought out Aang's sassier side right away. Kiawentiio (Katara) so far has been really good too, and i like her chemistry with Gordon. I was prepared for Ian (Sokka) to be much worse than he ended up being, and a lot of jokes in the first episode did end up landing for me. Unfortunately the opposite is true for Dallas (Zuko), i was expecting his performance to be better than what it ended up being. It's not bad per se, but definitely less refined than i was hoping. Same for Paul (Iroh). I don't like the way he delivers some lines at all (especially the Jasmine Tea lines, it's way too forced, i don't actually believe he likes jasmine tea rn. In the original uncle barely mentions which tea he's drinking, and only once asks for jasmine tea bc it's his favorite. Otherwise he always just says "cup of tea" and never mentions the flavor. Idk why but the emphasis on jasmine tea really bothered me lol). I really liked Azula so far. Elizabeth brought a very cutthroat energy, which is precisely what i'd expect from a character like Azula. Daniel Dae Kim was also just everything i was hoping for and more. I'm hoping to see more of him (for his acting... no other reason.......)
Idk why but i was elated at seeing the cabbage merchant and hearing him say the line. Best moment of the whole show so far (and that's saying a lot i think lmao).
The music is very good. Some of the placement of the more dramatic music is a bit awkward? Like moments that i feel should have a low quiet melody seem to have a more dramatic flow which makes the scene lose emotional value to me. Maybe that's just my preference though. I like the nods to the original music throughout the show, especially for Kyoshi, the fire nation theme as well as the avatar theme, and then the exact same credits music as the original. I love the more epic/dramatic version of the avatar theme.
Overall, i am enjoying myself. I wasn't expecting greatness from this adaptation, and so far i'm remaining kind of neutral i think. It's not absolutely horrible, and i'm not cringing every five seconds. Of course it's never gonna compare to the beauty of the original animation. That's always going to remain untouchable to me. And this adaptation obviously does not come close at all. But it's fun, i guess, so i'm gonna keep watching.
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lunar-years · 1 year
i think i remember you mentioned how jamie’s love confession to keeley had nothing to do with how he felt about her romantically and i’d love to hear more of your thoughts on it. jamie’s so strange throughout the ep, and considering it’s right after the man city confrontation with his father, it’s probably not too far of a stretch to say he’s thinking about his own father’s death and having a bit of an existential crisis himself. i think jamiekeeley is cute btw and i’m all for ot3 roykeeleyjamie! just wanted to pick your brain about this. and apologies if you’ve never posted about this and i’m remembering the wrong user
Hi! I’m pretty sure this wasn’t me who said it (but never say never because I sure say a lot on here, lol). However you might have still seen it on my blog, because I think I responded to an ask recently with the same opinion!
Regardless, my personal view on it is that Jamie was definitely speaking romantically, BUT I’ve seen a bunch of people think otherwise and it’s fun to explore different viewpoints so I'm gonna talk about my opinions on the funeral episode anyway lmao :)
I think the funeral is soooo interesting because Jamie AND Roy AND Keeley are all acting kind of strangely. Even when we figure how why Roy is being so odd (Grandad Emotions), but there's still whatever is going on between Jamie and Keeley. Because like, yeah, Jamie definitely should’ve 1) realized his boss' father's funeral wasn’t the time nor place for love confessions and 2) probably not done it regardless because, yes, it is kind of out of pocket to tell your ex-girlfriend you’re still in love with her when she’s currently dating someone else (who just so happens to be your current football coach who just helped you during a very traumatic experience)…like ohhh Jamie. Messy!! But I love mess. So therefore I did love this. 🤷‍♀️ However…the topic is not necessarily as ~coming up out of nowhere~ as it first seems, I think. Importantly, Keeley is also acting weirdly!!
I was staring at this gifset recently and thinking many a Keeley thought, and to be honest I think feelings and big emotions were being stirred up again on BOTH sides at that event. It’s interesting (and I think rings true to other insights we've gotten into her character) that as soon as things get a little dicey with Roy, Keeley starts looking outside her relationship, either for people to confide in (as she does when she tells everyone but Roy about the problems she’s having with Roy in Headspace) or to reflect on what she no longer has but is suddenly wondering if she might miss and possibly still want (her contemplative looks at Jamie at the funeral, “you look nice Jamie” etc…. Maybe this is an unpopular take, but I think Keeley is also feeling some type of way that day, about Jamie in particular. And yeah I definitely think that has an impact on why Jamie chooses then to confess to her. He's sensing a different vibe between them suddenly and is reminded, I need to do this.
The other reasons in Jamie’s head imo are 1) Jamie is just generally very open about most of his feelings and I think he’s coming at it from, a 'you should tell the people you love that you love them!' place, right or wrong 2) as he later tells Roy, the funeral made him uncomfy!! and AS YOU SAY yeah i do think there's definitely an connection between that and his dad abusing him in front of the whole team, which has just happened very recently. PERHAPS he is already Not Doing Great, and watching his boss who he doesn't really know act Weird during the eulogy for her Dead Father has him extra off-kilter. 3) as we learn in s3... his dad disappeared after Wembley. No calls, no texts. Nothing. Now, we don't have categoric evidence that this is unusual, but to ME James Sr. doesn't seem like someone who typically leaves well enough alone. I can definitely see Jamie still being freaked out over this very big thing that happened that his dad has got to be incredibly angry about. Perhaps there is still a part of him very much waiting for the other shoe to drop! Which is to say, I do think you're right that there's an element of existential crisis going on here.
Also, while I do personally think Jamie's confession is romantic in nature, I do not think it is conditional in intent. Jamie isn't telling her with the expectation that she's going to dump Roy immediately and tell him that oh yeah, she loves him too. Like, Jamie isn't an idiot. I think he does at the heart of it just want to thank her and he's been meaning to thank her for a while because she means SO MUCH TO HIM that it all has to come spilling out as some point. And a part of that love is romantic, yes, but he also loves her in so many ways. I think Jamie is perfectly content to put it out there and let her set the terms of their future friendship/relationship. Most important to him is that she knows.
So anyway, sorry this got so long and that it isn't really what your original question was about (for anyone who thinks the confession wasn't about Jamie loving her romantically, please feel free to chime in/reblog and add your thoughts!) but in summation, I think: Roy being upset about other things (Grandad) causes him to stir a fight with Keeley -> The fight with Roy causes Keeley to re-evaluate some things and part of her focus undeniably lands on Jamie -> Jamie senses something has changed between him and Keeley and because of that, in addition to the lingering aftershocks of a recent very traumatic experience, confesses he's still in love with her at a funeral.
Which is to say, as I DO always say here at lunar-years, these three's stories have always been irrevocably intertwined since the beginning (regardless of the ot3 as a ship) and the funeral is another example of that. Also it is totally crazy that we never get an explicit follow-up to Man City until episode 11 of the NEXT SEASON and that is one of my biggest grievances on season 2.
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crisp-sweet-pink-lady · 7 months
General Thoughts on the rest of Berry in the Big City season 3
Now that my other viewing obligations are done, and because I got a snow day, here are my thoughts on the episodes from season three that went up on Paramont+ last week.
First off, either Paramont+ put the episodes up in a weird order, or the youtube uploads have been way off, because the unaired eps are all over the place. I know that the youtube uploads move eps around in order to air them in seasonally appropriate places, but when the past seasons went up on Netflix, the majority of the unaired eps were towards the end, give or take.
Anyway, on to the actual episodes themselves:
Relaxing by the Pool - Kind of surprised this one didn't go up on youtube back when the other pool ep did, since they're usually so good about keeping seasonal eps in the proper season. But season three did have a lot more summer episodes than usual, so maybe that's the reason why. I can also understand why this would be the one they'd skip, since it is *super* lackluster. It feels like a lesson they should have already learned. I did like Lemon lampshading the whole thing, though.
Donuts and Drawbridges - This was pretty fun. Feels a smidge stereotypical for only the guy characters to be the DnDers, but I can also buy all three having an interest in it for various reasons. Also, I think this is the first time Strawberry Beefcake has actually gotten a speaking role. At any rate, he's in the credits as Body Building Berry.
Night of the Sweet Tooth Fairy - A Lime/Blueberry clashing ep that's actually kind of sweet? Who would have thought? But it is definitely appreciated. This does raise the question of how old these girls are supposed to be, if Lime still had a baby tooth to lose...
The Berryville Trail - Just an okay ep, but more fun than the usual just okay eps, if that makes sense. I think having it be Raspberry-centric elevates it a bit. Now that the sleepover arc is over, it's been interesting to see which berries invite her and which don't, even if I know that the decision has more to do with what's needed for the plot of the ep than the actual friendships between characters.
Confectionary Decree Number 33 - Now this was a good ep. Pitting Raspberry against Cherry and Cheese, perfection. No notes.
The Berry Best Baker Competition - This ep just illustrates Crabapple Jam's ineffectiveness as an antagonist. She tries again and again to plant seeds of doubt in Strawberry, but in the end, her friendships are just too strong, as I'm sure we'll see in the season finale.
Bake the World a Better Place, parts 1 & 2 - Was that Crabapple Jam's endgame all along? Manipulating Strawberry so she could have an excuse to fire everyone just like that? Maybe so. But as I predicted way back when, her downfall was underestimating the many, many connections Strawberry has made over the past two seasons. And I do not buy her exit for a minute. Unlike the Pieman, she runs a food empire; she probably knows how to handle a PR snafu like that. But if it means we won't have to deal with her next season (assuming there is a fourth season), then I'll forgive it. Hopefully she takes Cherry and Cheese with her.
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salon-maiden-anabel · 10 months
Hypothetical Pokemon Chronicles 2 episodes and murmurs
Goh and the Symbol of Knowledge! Under recommendation of Professor Cerise, Goh travels to Cerulean City in the Kanto region to study under somebody who’s knowledgeable in various Pokemon. Much to his surprise that somebody turns out to be one of the Kanto Frontier Brains, Noland! What can Goh learn from him when it comes to high intensity battles where you don’t get to choose your own Pokemon? And what’s with that chill in the air?
-Goh meets up with Noland, after all his specialty is battling with numerous different species of Pokemon.
-Probably some lesson to do with Noland and Articuno, about non-caught Pokemon having just as much of a connection as caught ones!
-I think it’d be neat if they had a non-official battle y'know
A Battle Between Contest Royalty!
While May, Max, Serena, and Lisia travel around Hoenn together they have a surprise encounter while signing up for the next big contest: one of the Top Coordinators, Marina, is rumoured to be participating too! Will this be an exciting time to show off their skills, or will their nerves get to them? One thing’s for sure, this will be a contest to write down in history!
-GEN ¾ STYLE CONTESTS. Both battle and appeal sections. -I think May is the one to get to fight Marina in the final round, surpassing Lisia and Serena! May deserves to win <3
-Get to check in with Marina other than a cameo after all these years! See how her Pokemon have trained and see if she has any new team members!
-Have a scene of their companions/friends/rivals from their travels watching on the tv <3 [put Chaz in the anime watching Lisia’s section with Wallace, maybe cameo Brendan too he hasn't been seen since late gen4, idk abt Serena but may has drew Harley and Solidad! Maybe Norman and Caroline cameo. VINCENT AND JIMMY FOR MARINA!!!!!!!]
A Lumiose Mystery! Looker gets reports of a mysterious person stealing other civilian’s Pokemon at night across Lumiose City, deciding to investigate the happenings right outside the Looker Bureau! But just why does his young assistant Emma disappear at night, leaving behind her trusted partner Pokemon around the same time? Are they connected? Just what does this Essentia person have planned? And why does Mimi seem so determined to investigate?
-Emma and Mimi the Espurr debut! Loosely just the Essentia postgame X/Y plot in an episode
-That's mostly it if you know the plot You Know
Fight to the finish!
During his travels in the Sinnoh Region, Jimmy has to wait out before the next big tournament battle opens up. He decides to take his time sizing up the competition, little does he know Team Rocket is on the hunt for an elusive Pokemon nearby. Without his travelling companions by his side, he has to get help from some newfound friends to win! Can he, Lucas, and Brendan win against a returning and more powerful Atilla and Hun? Or will they be unable to stop their capture of the legendary Pokemon Enamorus?
-Some of the main characters we’ve seen have their own journeys in the movies and such! Return of Hun and Attila post-Ranger: Manaphy!
-Debut of Enamorus
A Time Space Conundrum! 
While enjoying some down time, Dawn and Zoey spend some catching up time together… But when a strange crack in the sky forms, can they work together to fight back the Pokemon that seemed to be summoned by the storm? And just what’s with these giant red eyed Pokemon?
-Get put into a space-time distortion in modern Sinnoh IDIOTS
-Quilava evolves into a Hisuian Typhlosion
-Would be interesting if Zoey also catches some sort of Hisuian ‘mon! Not certain on which tho
Tracey Sketches It All!
Tracey takes advantage of a much needed vacation, choosing to get a ticket for the Magnet Train to see the sights of Johto! While travelling, just what rare pokemon will he see? Thankfully, he started the journey with an empty sketchbook, so let's see what on the horizon he sets his eyes on!
-Travelling around Central Johto mainly! Taking some time to hang out and sketch both Pokemon and landmarks!
-Sketching lots of gen 1 through 4 mon!
-Later part of the episode has him encounter Celebi, who's happily snacking on some berries. 
-Gets a sketch of it done! With Celebi coming over to see it when it's done and trilling in excitement! It’s the final sketch in the book he brought, and he leaves with a big smile
Make Haste, to The Battle Zone!
Paul decides to head to Sinnoh’s Battle Zone to train himself before entertaining the offer of becoming one of Sinnoh’s many Gym Leaders. While lost on his way to the Survival Area he encounters a certain kid and his Pikachu among the mountains of route 225. Can they overcome their differences and make it to the Survival Area in one piece, or will they get turned around… Yet again!?
-Paul comedy of errors episode. Some scooby doo logic
-Ritchie and Paul get trapped in the mountains: the episode
-Reminiscent of DP046! Buck jumpscare near the later half though
The Knight and The Dragon!
Getting word of Iris’ rise to the champion title, Georgia takes it upon herself to train her team and challenge Iris to another battle. But this proves one hurdle; Her newly caught Doublade just doesn’t seem to want to evolve! Will some reluctant offered aid from Burgundy help, or is this a lost cause?
-Burgundy and Georgia weirdgirl rival-friends-would bite each other for a single chip-ness adventures (in unova)
-Reveal Georgia has since caught a Duoblade
-Evolve Doublade into an aegislash! The issue was…… Poor thing had an everstone stuck in its sheath it just couldn't get out.
some episode ideas post-journeys for a hypothetical Chronicles 2! Admittedly im not well versed on gen 6 or 7 anipoke charas at all so i cant really focus on them >_> anyways sillies
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olivieraa · 7 months
I'm 5 eps into Avatar and I'm very... mixed
Now Avatar is one of my most precious shows. For the longest time, Avatar and Sex and the city were my only shows. And then Stranger Things and Barry entered my life and they all became my top 4 (would love a fifth but Lost and OITNB ended so terribly)
These are non-animes ofc
Let's just say my Avatar weekend was planned months ago, and been getting through a few a day
By the end of ep 3 I had thoughts, and by the end of ep 5 I had basically the same thoughts
My biggest con with the show, bc I cant, currently, understand the motives behind it, is... why are they showing season 2 scenes??? And characters??
Like... season 1 of the animated series has 20 eps that are 20 mins each, and season 1 of the live action has 8 hour long eps. There is enough content from season 1 of the animated series to fill your show, no???
Like Ozai's reveal is season 3, but we knew of Ozai's casting quite early, and idk, I dont mind them showing him. But Azula? And Mei and Ty Lee? Why??
And the Owl??? Why??????????? Is it to make Toph the only big reveal/new character in season 2 or something? I've no clue.
But anyway. The bulk of the changes I actually dont mind. I think they did it in a way that flows well. However, they kinda cause something that is truly essential to the story to like... not happen.
So in ep 3, they go to Omashu. Instead of it being like in the OG, they decide to combine the Jet episode and the Northern Air temple episode, INTO the Omashu episode so that the 3 main characters go off and do their own thing. Aang with the wheelchair kid Teo up the mountain (tho they didn't fight off any firebenders which is a fave scene of mine in the show), Sokka with the mechanist talking about the blimp (accurate enough), and Katara off with Jet (accurate enough but would have liked their hideout to be up in the trees, would have been awesome scenery and also made more sense, y'know, being a hideout).
So what this created was separation, and the characters had just gotten to know each other by this point. With the show being only 8 eps, I kinda need to see them connecting more lol this show has a heavy friendship and love theme. Aang and Katara have literally only talked about waterbending every time they've spoke (and Aang has not waterbended once even tho he was an immediate natural at it, but whatever about that).
Again, I didn't mind that they made all these stories happen at Omashu, instead of one of them being Omashu, one of them being at the Northern Air Temple, and the other being in a pretty forest. Missed out on great scenery but, again, wtv.
The most important thing to me is that I need these characters to build their bond first and foremost. Then those changes would matter less.
Even the ep after that, the ep that Omashu should have originally centred around, was Aang meeting Bumi without Sokka and Katara. And instead of Aang and Katara in the love tunnel (since they're basically implying Aang and Katara are not gonna be a thing), they show Sokka and Katara's sibling love as a mean's of escaping the tunnel.
So we're at ep 3 and 4 by this point and they've been separated from Aang the whole time.
Changes from what I can remember off the top of my head (that I want to assume, are for a reason, so I'm not going to say they're changes that I hate, I just, currently, don't get them):
Aang is mildly playful, but defo not Aang level of playful. I'm not expecting him to go penguin sledding or ride the elephant koi, but idk........... something. Anything. It would have been fun if they made him play airball at least. I'm glad there was at least a brief BRIEF scene of them using the mailing system in Omashu.
There's no room at the air temple that shows all the past Avatar statues, which glow when Aang goes into the Avatar state which basically alerts the world he's awakaned. People just kinda........... learn he has awakened. Somehow. But Kiyoshi's statue on Kiyoshi island glowed and it led to a cool scene.
Again, Aang not knowing any waterbending. I wanna believe they've a reason for this.
Zuko doesn't have any moment where he shows any sorta, idk... respect or fear of Aang? Like he hasn't witnessed Aang show power enough to impress him
Zhao and Zuko didn't fight, another fantastic scene to show Zuko's character
Currently no pirates or foretuneteller, but may happen in the next
Iroh's dialogue is a bit... well... its different...
Changes I thought were fine:
Aang can sorta fly
Their discovery of Appa not being as dramatic was fine to me. Classic OG series moment of Sokka realising Appa could fly but I didn't mind them just getting straight to it
Aang not revealing he's the avatar but Gran-gran doing it instead
Aang already having the bison whistle given to him by kid!Bumi
The air temple backstory and Gyatso's speech to Aang not being in a flashback but in the spirit world
Zuko has a briefly important journal
The scroll being given to Katara by her gran instead of stealing it from pirates
Idk why Suki has a mother, she's not really relevant, but its fine
Azula shoots arrows, which is cool
Azula's reveal was half-cool and half-bad. I liked her in the scene, everyone else was an idiot. Did they think it would be that easy?
Aang and Iroh have had two scenes involving a prison together
Koh the face stealer was introduced early instead of during the North Pole eps where he tells Aang who the moon and ocean spirits are, which means he's going to find that out some other way in those eps.
Kioshi giving Aang wisdom before Roku
Katara and Sokka dont come down with a random illness which results in Aang looking for frogs and getting captured by Zhao and saved by Zuko
Scenes I really wish they'd kept:
Okay, this one was really important to me, bc it was the exact moment I fell in love with the show in 2005. Aangs first Avatar state moment.
In order, Aang playfully escapes some firebenders with some slick moves. An alert is made that he's escaped. Him and Zuko have a brief fight (Agni Kai music heck yeah), Aang escapes and attempts to jump off the boat with his glider, Zuko stops him and attacks Aang and then he falls into the ocean. Katara calls his name, he awakens his Avatar state and knocks out Zuko and the firebenders and then Sokka and Katara save him. And then Zuko and Iroh attack Appa and Aang redirects it.
Instead, Aang fights absolutely nobody. There's no alert that he's escaped but Zuko somehow knows?? Aang jumps off and successfully uses his glider and gets onto Appa. Zuko attacks and Katara uses BIG waterbending to save everyone.
Tumblr media
That moment adapted well could have sold this show for me.
In addition to that:
The "Avatar" test that proved to the Air Nomads that Aang was the Avatar. Instead they just kinda showed that he was more gifted than everyone else so that's how they knew.
The big change I think most people were a fan of:
Kiyoshi's appearance. Bad. Ass.
What I like:
Sokka and Zuko. I think the casting is fantastic for these two.
Appa and Momo.
People actually being burned alive. Idk, it shows the brutality more in this version
Azula has potential
What I h a t e:
Okay. Ep 1 31:38. This scene kinda shows a few things at once. Its just so… strangely written and acted by everyone except Sokka. Aang overacts (throughout the show), Katara underacts (throughout the show). The way Aang plays with the kids is odd. The way he doesn't even have any sort of reaction to seeing Katara for the first time sucks. Katara looks depressed most of the time and she just stands around a lot without a word to say. Tbh she doesn't even really know how to stand without looking awkward.
Katara did not give Aang her motivational and heartwarming speech at the air temple which basically told Aang that the three of them are now family. He just sorta… calmed himself down. All she did was call his name
Again, the lack of relationship these two have
Ozai continuously praising Zuko and Azula being insecure? So so SO early???
The season 2 stuff. There's enough to gather from season 1 so this makes no sense to me. They've basically shown the swamp ep already. And the swamp ep is where Aang first see's Toph, y'know, super important fan favourite character. Which means she's going to get a different introduction.
Uh, that's all I can remember off the top of my head (I just went to check that one timestamp, but other than that, this is all from memory).
I've one ep left and then the last two will be in the North Pole eps.
I know the one ep left before those two will feature Roku's appearance (hopefully on a dragon but prob not) and Zuko as the Blue Spirit as a combo ep, which I think is also combining the Sokka and Katara sick episode but instead of them being sick, they're about to be eaten by Koh (which makes him more menacing, something the OG show didn't do so I'm fine with this). I just hate that these characters are separated so much.
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grigori77 · 1 year
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 60
Sam is a giant dice again ... oh gods ... pricey book! Oh dear ... honestly this IS funny but it definitely is one of Sam's worst skits ... HOW is Matt a monster? Hmmmmm ... ankle monitor? Oh boy ... and it gets WORSE ...
So I can watch the first ep of CO on Thursday? Finally ... I was beginning to wonder ...
Pitch Pride shirt song! Yeah ... so Laura's still a bit bunged up then, I take it? Well she can still take it easy tonight, so there's that.
Yes ... the hole ... not a great home really ...
The flying plan is NOT gonna work, clearly ... yes. Better to walk.
STOLEN spells? Prism, you dark horse ... but yeah, a Scrying Scroll sounds damn smart ...
The little wooden house, yay! I remember that, it's adorable. :3
Laudna leading the way? Oh shit ... a Nat 20? Wow ... the Forest Witch indeed ... oh look, A ROAD!!! What do you know?
Andovaar ... Hearthdell? Hmmmm ... Othanzia ... double hmmm ...
The Outerwalk? Prism: "Don't you think that when roads get a name that's a BAD thing?" Ooof ...
The fan ... THE FAN!!! "Where are we?" Now we know ...
Pate and Mother ... are they SERIOUSLY setting up a familiar playdate? AAAAND Then they remember horny Pate ... yeah, too late ... XD
Aimee rolls BAD ... oh dear ... no, NOW what? Oh gods ... crossroads? Never good ...
GALLOWS?!!! Oh boy ...
Laudna: "Don't be an arsehole!" Pate: "Well thank you for the vote of confidence!" Laudna: "I know you, I MADE you!" Pate: "Yeah, good call."
Is it undead? Are there undead things here? Unmarked graves are NOT a good sign.
Pate is a little TOO enthusiastic about getting to dance invisibly on someone's grave ...
Coppery iron taste to the air? Oh for ... uh-oh ... s NEXUS?!!! NOW?!!! Not good at all ... yup, that's DEFINITELY the convergence ...
It's OVER THE TOWN?!!! That's REALLY not good ...
"Amplified Illusion magic" ... charming ...
Deni$e climbs a tree ... nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong with this ...
People? Marisha: "Are they shambling?" Oh gods, don't tempt fate right now!
So is it zombies or us it just a TOWN?!!! Oh xhit ... a Malleus Key? Is THAT what you're thinking? Hmmmm ...
Approach with caution ... smart. Group stealth check ... BAD ROLL, Em! Ouch ...
Quaint big hill town ... hmmm ... people are ... regular? Okay ... suspicious yokels, but still normal, at least ...
Very OLD old man, clearly ... Hender? Okay.
Persuasion check? Oof ... here we go ... 3? Ouch ...
The Stone Square? Okay ...
Nice deal for tobacco ... "City folk!" XD Hender's adorable ... oh, so he heard THAT then? Jerky! Yay ... "I ain't no charity case!" Whoa ... oh yes, info, then ... smart play ...
A herbalist? Okay then ...
An armourer? Hmmm ... or a LIBRARY?!!! Prism, girl ... this is CLEARLY the boonies ...
Laudna scrounging up the discarded tooth ... oh boy ...
Bor'Dor: "Let's go find Prolapse." Marisha: "Prolapse? Oh yeah, I heard Prolapse too." XD
Deni$e uses her cloak to hide her bling. Laudna does the same to hide all her ... deathliness. Utkarsh: "Necrosis?" Marisha: "Oh yeah!" XD
Exandrian Twin Peaks vibe ... yup ...
"Religious law enforcement"? Hmmmmm ... clearly the Dawnfather connection is ... suspicious ...
MASSIVE temple? Oh, well there we go, then. Now it's starting to make a little more sense, then.
"Temple heist"? REALLY?!!!
A little rouge and some flowers in her hair ... making Laudna look A LITTLE less like a walking corpse ...
Try the pub first? Probably smart. Or the shops first? Hmmm ... actually good point ... Prolapse first, then?
Innovar Apothecary ... "out for a few moments, please don't take anything" ... adorable ...
Ah, THIS is Proleff ... honestly he sounds thoroughly lovable. XD
Seriously, he is giving me massive Pumat Sol vibes and I love it ...
Ah, so there HAVE been other people from HERE who have vanished from the Solstice too ...
The temple folk have come here SPECIFICALLY for the Solstice? Hmmmm ... they wanted folk to be SAFE?!!! Oh, okay then ...
Masked ninja dudes ... oh yeah, that's NOT a good sign at all.
The Silvercall Mill ... big old money ... THEY built the temple.
Oh ... so there's a whole natural resource exploitation thing going on here? Hmmmmmm ...
The Knotburrow in the Archbloom Fields ... smart sneaky play, Prism!
The Rainmade Mill ... proper LOCAL firm, much more harmonious, clearly.
The Crossroads gallows and graves ... one time punishment but not for a long time? Now it's cursed? Hmmmmm ... yup. Zombies. Definitely.
Complicated king and queen competition is adorable ... AND a meat pie? No, please, no bear suits! O.O
"It's stained but functional." So thd pub IS safe ... and it's NOT a dry town ... result! XD
The elder. Abbadina. That's the way to go.
Healing salves, three or four ... and a very heavy laxative? Really, Bor'Dor?
Deni$e gives Proleff some fancy hair stuff ... XD And Bor'Dor tries to trade in jerky because he has no coin ... oof ... that and a favour? Hmmmm ...
Debating if this place is giving off full-on Wicker Man vibes ...
Ah ... ARE THERE any Judicators around? Hmmmm ...
Prism: "I listened to all of that and all I really heard was WOW all us wizards are fucking thieves."
Cerberus Assembly Top Trumps ... XD
Orym: "Predathos, the God Killer, basically Unicron ..." SNORT!
Yup. BIIIIIIIIIIIG big infodump ... yup, they have covered A LOT of ground.
This is SUCH a nice place, Matt, this description is GOLD. The Knotburrow ... very fitting name indeed.
Another elder, then ... would this be Abbadina? Oooh ... and she ALREADY KNOWS about the Solstice ...
HALF GIANT?!!! Awesome ... old but clearly also very COOL. She's FASCINATING.
Oh, nice gesture there, Orym! :3
Marisha gets WHISPERS!!! Yay!
Bor'Dor speaks giant? Wow!
Time for a break!
Nice place, homey. She's either a nice old lady or a very evil witch indeed ...
Prism: "Also, I'm looking for a Scry spell, to copy down. I'm willing to do dirty stuff ..." Emily INSTANTLY realises just HOW BAD what she just said sounds ... XD
Oh yeah, Abbadina is a seriously SHARP one ...
The hair ... the piece of Dariax' hair ... and scalp ... hmmmm ...
The Demithore Eidolons? Okay then ...
Orym, like always, being the super observant voice of reason. Sharp as usual. I love him.
And then Bor'Dor TOTALLY ruins the moment ...
And now Orym is inhaling pink pollen spores ... yeah, of course he is ... and now he's tripping out on memory lane ... oh, so she can see what he experienced through breathing in what he coughed out? Intriguing ...
Laudna really long windedly gives her point of view and makes another really good point in a roundabout way. "Please, don't ... poison me."
Wait ... what was SHE told about Predathos?
Persuasion? Roll high, Liam! 12 ... balls ...
I really honestly don't know HOW this is actually going ... is she gonna help? Or not?
The Sunderpeaks ... ah, so ... she wants the temple OUT OF HERE, then? Hmmmmmm ...
Ah, the Fairfroth Brewery ... okay ... secret meetings, then ...
Deni$e does have a point, IS Abbadina trustworthy?
Oh ... a Scry Well? Okay then ... but first, they need to prove themselves. Yeah ...
So she's been checking up on the missing folk? Okay ...
Emily gets Whispers! Cool ... oh, so that's GOOD, then? Apparently the Scry Well IS working. Nice ...
Orym convincing Pate to turn into a backpack after landing on his shoulder. XD
Two separate group stealth rolls ... here we go ...
Into the brewery, then ... and now they're being challenged IMMEDIATELY ... hmmm ...
Invisible Prism is being sneaky and eavesdropping ... yup, people are TENSE ...
80 odd people here? Blimey ... oh, nice, Proleff vouches for them, that's good.
Yeah, this place has been turning into a powderkeg for a while now, the Solstice was just the final straw ...
Oooh ... fancy staff masquerading as a walking stick? Cool ...
Wow ... Matt really hasn't got a CLUE what Abbadina's accent actually IS, has he? XD
Ah, so they're definitely gonna full on rise up against the temple, then? Hmmmm ... this could get complicated ...
Emily (as Prism): "I step up with the warriors. Even though I'm still invisible." XD
So it's a fight, then. Okay ...
Prism continues to speak up while she's still invisible, and it's causing some confusion. Prism: "Oh, somebody just throw some flour over me or something."
Flameguide Kiro? Hmmmm ... wizard type. Great. And AT LEAST 2 Judicators ... oof ...
Oh, so Flameguide means he's a serious senior cleric of the Dawnfather ... ahhhh ... lovely ...
Prism wondering if, since he's an Elemental, Ashton might have a connection to their revered Eidolons ... interesting ...
60 strong fighters, not counting our crew ... okay then ...
Oh, they have INSIDE MEN? Interesting ...
Is Bor'Dor thinking about Trojan Horsing his way in with a barrel of beer and some tobacco? Hmmmm ...
So try to get the relative innocents out before actually starting the fight? Yeah, might be smart ... and decent ...
Plans within plans within plans ... this could go on for a while ...
Abbadina: "We have among us experienced warriors ..." I'm sorry, I snorted at that one, I couldn't help it ... XD
Okay, so we have a ... SORT OF plan ... time to prepare ...
Oooooh ... slowly getting tense ...
And we're ALREADY going in? I was fully expecting Matt to call it a night before this ... hmmmm ...
Orym: "We're gonna talk our way through this until we can't anymore." O.O
Deception check? Hmmm ... go Utkarsh! 23? Fucking hell, man ...
Bor'Dor rolls the guard captain a fat chronic blunt ... XD
Utkarsh (as Bor'Dor doles out shares of beer): "I produce my bottle of laxatives ..." The table goes quietly nuts. Oh my fucking gods you sneaky little shit ... XD
Orym tries to talk sense with his silver tongue ... oh boy ... Persuasion Check, but with advantage ... 22? NICE ...
Shifty mist? Hmmmm ... Eidolons? Is THAT what this is? And here come the fighters ...
Prism is searching for the Flameguide through Mother using Manifest Mind ... smart ...
Meanwhile ... the demon summoning spell requires the blood of a humanoid killed within the last 24 hours ... Emily (whispered): "Fuck!"
Inside the temple, as seen by Mother ... so there's some kind of crazy furtive theological study going on right now? Interesting ... AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! And there's a Judicator! Crap!
Laying traps for when it all kicks off ...
Persuasion check for Bor'Dor ... 1? Utkarsh: "No, that's a TWENTY one ... no, it's a one ..."
Oh, is THIS the Flameguide? She's moody ...
Orym tries the silver tongue thing again ... talk good, Liam! Damn, boy really IS good at this ... Persuasion check ...
And Laudna casting Silent Image to help out ... sweet assist, Marisha!
AND Bor'Dor is also casting Enhance Ability on Orym TOO ...
Both rolls are 10 ... altogether a 15? Hmmmmm ... is that good enough?
Nuts ... it's not working ... crap ...
Laudna casts Mirror Image ... at thd same moment Orym speaks the signal phrase ... yup, here we go ...
It's all KICKING OFF!!!
Prism casts Magic Missile in the same moment Orym uses Seedling to snag the guard with a vine and throw him HARD into the wall!
Deni$e starts climbing the wall while Prism sets off her prepared spells ... now everybody's having to think fast in the moment! Oh boy ...
Oh, good point, half of these guards have gutfuls of laxatives too ... O.O
Failed persuasion check, the guy runs ... yup, so Bor'Dor just shoots him in the back with his crossbow ... AND he throws a dagger but it just pings off his armour.
Matt decides to set the scene ... BATTLEMAP!!! Sweet! Here we go ...
Ah, here come the villagers too ... angry mob time!
Oh sweet, DOUBLE MAP!!! Wow, interior too! Nice ... fuck this is gonna be a CHOICE scrap!
All set up ... Matt: "And that's where we're gonna call it a night!" AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Another cliffhanger ... figures ... snd I was totally expecting it this time ...
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shinehalley · 2 years
I'm on ep 3 of Penny Dreadful City of Angels and although I'm enjoying the series a lot (and I almost cried in both ep 2 and ep 3 I'll admit) there's something about the series that bothers me a little.
When I found out about the series' existence I imagined two possibilities for it to carry the name Penny Dreadful; 1. It takes place in the same universe as the original series or 2. It is a new unrelated series, but it carries some concepts that tie it with the first project in some way. So far I haven't seen how the City of Angels universe fits into the original series' universe in mythology so I was inclined to believe the second option was the right one and that's where my annoyance started.
Penny Dreadful has always been a series with a very noticeable concept, literature and classic monster movies. Yes, there was a big influence of gothic literature and the atmosphere that the Victorian era had in general, but the big link between the plots of the characters and the creation of the characters itself has always been literature and monster movies. The basic concept of Penny Dreadful, after all, was this. Therefore, a series that carries the same name but is not set in the same universe would naturally carry the same concept. Not in relation to literature and monster movies, but in connecting its characters and their plots to a basic concept.
There are times when I feel like I'm watching different series with different concepts and that the plots don't intertwine enough to give the feeling that all the characters are in the same space at the same time. I think this is down to the fact that Natalie Dormer's character is the link between most of the plots and having a single character playing that role makes it less believable that the plots really have a connection (although she is doing an amazing job playing different personas that fit very well in the context of the people she interacts with).
What I want to say, and I could have said it in a few words, is that I still don't understand exactly why “Penny Dreadful” is together with “City of Angels” when the series does not resemble the original neither in mythology nor in structure. I hope that with the passage of episodes this feeling will pass.
Anyway, I'm loving the series and the characters! The themes it tackles and the mythology it's building on are very interesting to watch and I would have swallowed the series in one go if I had the time. (And I've had a crush on Natalie Dormer since I saw her in Elementary so I'm loving getting a lot more screen time from her!!!).
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unsleepingtales · 1 month
I moved! And I spent all week simultaneously showing my partner around my city and packing so I saved this ep of nsbu as a treat for my first night in my new apartment. Tbh I’m absolutely exhausted, so reactions might be sparse. Nevertheless, onwards!
Oh Brennan is Bloody.
Alex looks so good. Like. Hi.
The hospital!!
Hey so Jacob’s dice are 100% cursed today.
Ooh the juice is radioactive
I love every single one of their suit ups
Oh come on
BRENNAN. God Brennan and Izzy are bats.
Oooooh jenniferrrr
They’re so cute
Love this place
Jack Manhattan sipping an appletiniiii
Ify Nwadiwe the man you are………
Dying to know if those are real cigarettes. Most likely they are not. But curious.
Brennan giving Ally a Dutch ex is diabolical
She’s HOT
Oh god that’s sad
I might fall asleep lmao
If attention was connection wouldn’t your life be different…….. god
Yeah I fell asleep lol it’s Saturday night now. Got home from work at 10:30 and all my roommates were watching a fantasy high out of context compilation on the living room tv so I immediately got some of the lasagna that was household dinner tonight and joined them and that was delightful. Then I did enough unpacking to have clean clothes for tomorrow. Now I’m gonna try and finish the episode but I’m gonna be so real. I might fall asleep.
(Fumbles in French accent)
Hey what??
Oh dear god
No yeah Rekha this one’s on you
“I shouldn’t take big breaths. I have small lung.”
He is SO affronted
Jacob and Rekha are such a duo
The pink room where people are normal 🙂
Aaaaaaa consent king
I can feel myself falling asleep
Night three trying to watch this episode. Seems like a very small drawback to liking the people you live with and spending your evenings hanging out with them is you have less time in the evenings to watch things on your own. Well worth it! But here we are.
I have cheese puffs and I have lightning going nuts outside and I have the last half hour of this episode! This is the life!
What are they doing
Ooh cool effects
Uh oh
Not Brennan maxing out the mics-
Alright! Great ep gang. Goodnight <3
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18catsreading · 8 months
Penny: I want to remind, just verbally remind Sam and Antiope, I've been telling you guys for years. I saw, that thing [the End of all Things] pegged you. I mean, like not, excuse me --
Antiope: what, what?
[overlapping exclamations and chatter]
Danielle: oh!
Katja: I thought we were maidens!
Penny: it's got tabs on you two
Antiope: that doesn't count
Katja: oh
Penny: its watching you, remember?
Sam: I don't think we would forget that
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nicholeota · 8 months
Jeffrey Epstein's court files unsealed, Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew emerge as big names
Court documents with names of people linked to sex offender and disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein were made public Wednesday (Jan 3). Former US president Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew – a member of the UK's royal family, as well as musician Michael Jackson and famed magician David Copperfield emerged as some of the big names.#Epstein  #EpsteinList #Epsteinadasi #EpsteinClientList EpsteinIsland EpsteinFiles EpsteinDocs A New York federal judge had earlier given orders for the release of the files as part of a lawsuit linked to Epstein's associate Ghislaine Maxwell. She has been serving a 20-year jail prison sentence for crimes which she allegedly committed along with Epstein. A total of 943 pages were released by the court. Some of the people named have been accused of wrongdoing and others present on the list are either potential witnesses or those making allegations.
New York Judge Loretta Preska, while giving orders for making the names public, said that many of those who have been named in the lawsuit were already identified in Maxwell's criminal trial and by the media. The judge said that no objection was raised by others over the release of the documents.
'Clinton likes them young'
Ghislaine Maxwell, in a deposition, talked about Andrew's visit to Epstein’s Island which is located in the US Virgin Islands. Epstein has faced accusations of abusing many girls on this island. “Were you present on the island when Prince Andrew visited?” the investigators asked Maxwell. Responding in affirmation, she said, “I can only remember once.” Speaking about whether any girls were present on the island at that time, Maxwell said, “There were no girls on the island at all. No girls, no women, other than the staff who work at the house.” In one of the documents, a deposition given by Johanna Sjoberg was also included. Sjoberg was allegedly procured by Maxwell for performing sex acts on Epstein. In her deposition, Sjoberg said that Epstein “said one time that Clinton likes them young, referring to girls”.
Also read: Explained | Jeffrey Epstein scandal continues ‘beyond the grave’. Here’s all you need to know
The files also included Maxwell's testimony which confirmed that Clinton had travelled on the private jet of Epstein but added that she was not aware how many times. In the early 2000s, Clinton travelled on Epstein's plane for humanitarian trips to Africa and the former US president also praised the sex offender, calling him a committed philanthropist.
Michael Jackson, David Copperfield's Epstein connection
Sjoberg added that Michael Jackson as well as David Copperfield visited Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion. “Did you ever meet anybody famous when you were with Jeffrey? she was quizzed. “I met Michael Jackson … at [Epstein’s] house in Palm Beach,” she said. When questioned if she massaged Jackson, Sjoberg said: “I did not.” Talking about Copperfield, Sjoberg said that he came for dinner at one of the homes of Epstein and “he did some magic tricks”.
Watch: Joe Biden to speak at Valley Forge about US democracy
Sjoberg further replied in the affirmative when asked, “Did you observe David Copperfield to be a friend of Jeffrey Epstein’s?”
“He questioned me if I was aware that girls were getting paid to find other girls,” she added.
Epstein contacted Trump?
The document further included testimony in which Sjoberg said that she was informed by Epstein that he would contact Donald Trump while on their way to one of his casinos in New Jersey. "Jeffrey said, 'Great, we'll call up Trump'," Sjoberg testified after it was said by the pilots that their plane could not land in New York and needed to be stopped in Atlantic City, New Jersey. However, no alleged wrongdoing of Trump has been revealed in the documents. In 2019, Epstein was indicted on federal charges of running a sex trafficking ring in which dozens of underage girls were allegedly abused by him. Epstein, while waiting for trial in the prison, allegedly died by suicide. Meanwhile, Maxwell was indicted by the prosecutors on sex trafficking charges.
0 notes
happymeishappylife · 2 years
Favorite Albums of 2022
1. Holy Fvck by Demi Lovato
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Favorite Songs: Substance, Eat Me, Freak (ft. YUNGBLUD), Skin of My Teeth, 29, City of Angels, Dead Friends I really appreciate the change in sound and the vulnerability that Demi has continued to show in music. While I can’t relate to their experiences, hearing them be so open and honest about the things in their life that have changed them, affected them, and troubled them is so incredibly moving and something I always gravitate towards so I found this album exciting. Plus as I’m getting into harder rock these days, the sound is soooo good and the beats and riffs they has to capture that style is so well done. Plus their voice is so incredible to match with it that I love it. They were great in concert too!
2. Midnights by Taylor Swift
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Favorite Songs: Lavender Haze, Anti-Hero, Snow On The Beach (ft. Lana Del Ray), You’re On Your Own Kid, Midnight Rain, Mastermind, Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve To me this was such a perfect follow up to Folklore and Evermore with the same sort of sound and storytelling, but adding in that signature Jack Antonoff synths and styles made this album fantastic. Plus I appreciate again the open honesty and vulnerability of that late night reflections that Taylor takes us on in this album. It makes for a fantastic mix of calm, soothing, and also reflective. Can’t wait to her live for the first time net year.
3. Mercury Act 2 by Imagine Dragons
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Favorite Songs: Bones, Sharks, I Don’t Like Myself, Take it Easy, Waves, Ferris Wheel, Sirens, Continual (ft. Cory Henry) I appreciated Part 1 of this album, but Part 2 really got me hooked more and made me feel like I was bag in the days of the first couple albums with the more lively pop/rock songs like Bones and Sharks, but again a great further reflection on the mental health and struggles we all went through, but especially the parts of Dan Reynolds that he has always been open about. Putting Part 1 and Part 2 together also feels like one big album and sound and isn’t disconnected so to me this was a great follow up and it was nice to get new music from them 2 years in a row. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
4. Anthem by Flogging Molly
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Favorite Songs: These Times Have Got Me Drinking, A Song of Liberty, Life Begins and Ends (But Never Fails), The Croppy Boy ‘98, This Road of Mine, These Are the Days I love this band so much and getting to see them again live this year was a treat and always is. But considering how many years its been since we’ve had new music, not only was this album a great surprise but honestly the whole album is amazing and sounds great. There isn’t a single song I don’t like and it just is that good old Irish rock that I love so much with the same old Flogging Molly sound I’ve loved for all these years. Plus having a song like A Song of Liberty come out right around the start of the Ukranian War which they dedicated to Ukraine helped to feel connected to that fight and feeling we all have of wanting to be free.
5. Viva Las Vengeance by Panic! At the Disco
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Favorite Songs: Viva Las Vengeance, Middle of a Breakup, Don’t Let the Light Go Out, God Killed Rock and Roll, All by Yourself, Do it to Death I was so excited to get a new Panic album, but I’ll admit, this one didn’t quite hook me as hard as Death of a Bachelor or Pray for the Wicked and that’s because this was trying out a new style. And I think he achieved exactly what he was going for with that fun 70s/80s classic rock sound. Most songs are a bop and fun to dance to, plus live the solos are great and his voice is better than ever. I honestly don’t know how he did it multiple nights. But I do miss some of those more punk rock sounds and lyrics though he still did those in concert too.
6. Love Ep by Jake Wesley Rogers
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Favorite Songs: Call it Love, Lavender Forever, Modern Love, Hindsight Until I saw Panic in concert, I had never heard of Jake Wesley Rogers, but wow! This guy was amazing live and his aesthetic and flare reminds me of Elton John and Billy Joel, with just as rich a voice. But also because he is openly gay, his songs about his life even sometimes describing harder times are so uplifting and so inspiring that I can’t wait to follow his career. I’m also going to see him on his first headlining tour next year and can’t wait to be back in that feeling. Definitely highly recommend!
7. Let Yourself Free by Fitz and the Tantrums
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Favorite Songs: Good Intentions, Sway, Let Yourself Free, Moneymaker, Good Nights, Steppin’ On Me Whenever I want a good pick me up and also a chance to just dance, I never can go wrong with Fitz and the Tantrums and this album really was a perfect addition to my music. Sway I played all summer and its catchy lyrics and sounds are always something that lifts my mood, but the whole album is meant to truly live up to its title of let yourself free, have a great time, and just have fun.
8. Paper Cuts by Mandey Harvey
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Favorite Songs: Masterpiece, Bought Myself Roses, Hold on Me, Something I Can Feel, Ritual, Slow Motion I’ve followed Mandy ever since she appeared on AGT because her story was so moving and I thought that even as someone who lost her hearing, her music and her voice were still fantastic. This album not only proved that, but was uplifting because most of it was about not giving up on yourself and loving yourself no matter what is going on in your life your struggles because you are worth it. And that is absolutely beautiful and a message I think we all need sometimes.
9. Give me the Future + Dreams of the Past by Bastille
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Favorite Songs: Revolution, Hope For the Future, Remind Me, Dancing in the Dark, Thelma + Louise, No Bad Days, Back to the Future, Shut Off the Lights When the first part of this album came out, Give Me the Future, I liked the vibe and the theme of the album a lot. I think Bastille does very well with this dystopian fatalistic romance vibe they have going that’s open about the terribleness of modern age and yet still understands how we all still have to live and enjoy technology. And because of that it makes you just want to run away and enjoy your life, ignore the awfulness around you to remind you there is still light in the world if you find the right people.
10. Human Overboad by James and the Shame
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Favorite Songs: Believe Me, Give a Damn, Where We’re Going, Only Thing, In Vain, Fruit, Old Letters Let’s be clear, I am not a country fan and I’ve never grown up with any religion. But surprisingly, I really found this album great to listen to and I’m so fascinated by the topic of spiritual deconstruction that I felt that this expression of it was a great story and opening into someone’s life and the struggles they are going through to figure out what’s next. And especially since this is Rhett McLaughlin from GMM, I was so impressed by the seriousness of it seeing as on their show both he and Link are pretty goofy. I’m curious if he’ll do another, but really I loved this album and it’s story a lot.
Notable Mentions:
11. 22 Make by Oh Wonder 12. Elsewhere by Set if Off 13. There and Back Again by Eric Nam 14. AM Gold by Train 15. Cleanse by Joywave 16. Forever Chemicals by Quiet Hollers 17. Higher by Michael Buble
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kakaewpeak · 2 years
The sims 3 late night review ign
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#The sims 3 late night review ign how to#
#The sims 3 late night review ign full#
#The sims 3 late night review ign portable#
#The sims 3 late night review ign professional#
You can place them on any lot type, even your own.
↑ TheSims3 tweet May I build subway stations by my own, on any lot in any neighbourhood? Even the ones I create in CAW? - Yes, they are basically a big object.
#The sims 3 late night review ign how to#
↑ 11.0 11.1 How to become a vampire and make vampire babies in The Sims 3: Late Night.↑ Gameguru interview at Prosims Russian ( English translation).↑ TheSims3 tweet will there be elevators?!! - Yes!.↑ 7.0 7.1 Urbania-Sims - Late Night: Press Presentation in Paris(French, translated by Google translate).
#The sims 3 late night review ign professional#
Shuffleboard, darts, bubble bar, new professional bars, 3 new instruments, HOT TUBS. ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 TheSims3 tweet We have a lot of new objects.↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 SimsNetwork - The Sims 3 Late Night Gamescom 2010.↑ 3.0 3.1 GameSpot - The Sims 3 Late Night Expansion Pack Impressions.↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 GamesCom 2010: Late Night preview at IGN.↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 SimCookie - Preview : The Sims 3 Late Nigth.Some have a Penthouse on the top floor instead. Skyscrapers - A new type of building that can have a few community Rabbit Holes within them or a Club.Subway - A new rabbit hole that takes you to other subway rabbit holes, similar to the holes made by Miners in Ambitions.Plasma pack - Small snacks served from the fridge to satisfy a vampire's thirst moodlet.Piano - Including a grand piano and a keyboard.
#The sims 3 late night review ign portable#
Keyboard - Portable version of pianos.
Garbage chute - For Penthouses instead of going down to take out the trash.
FX machine - Creates smoke, bubble, glitter, sparks, fire and snow effects.
Similar to food service trucks that are usually seen at or near construction sites in big cities such as New York.
Food trucks - A box van that travels around town selling different snacks.
It can only be stocked with digital fish.
Window-like Aquarium - Used as a room divider.
Air conditioner - Only decor, no function.
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#The sims 3 late night review ign full#
Sunset Valley is full of old biddies that pinch your cheeks and live in little cottages and Twinbrook is even worse.
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horseboneologist · 3 years
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Uhh umm does anyone else think that - maybe - Jon might have a hard time adjusting to life Somewhere Else? 😥
Text pulled / adjusted from ep 199
Hopefully tumblr doesn't scrungle the quality but y'all know how it is. Id below the cut
A three-page digital comic of Jon Sims from the Magnus Archives, done in muddy green and yellow tones.
Page 1:
Panel 1: Jon is sitting on public transport, looking down out the window with a distracted expression. He is a slim, medium-skinned, dark-haired man with slight pockmark scarring on his face and hands. His hair is cut short and has prominent grey streaks. he is wearing a brown calf-length coat, dark turtleneck, and dark pants. He has a dark shoulder bag on the seat next to him.
Panel 2: Jon looks up out the window with an expression like he's trying not to cry.
Panel 3: Jon looks away from the window and down, with an exhausted expression. The text box reads "It's a matter of guilt."
Panel 4: From Jon's pov, looking down at his own hands. His left holds his right and massages the burn scar with a thumb.
Panel 5: A low view of strangers sitting on a bench in the metro car. Only their feet and lower torsos are shown. Under the bench is darkness. One individual has purple shoelaces. The text boxes read: "It's like it was before." "Fear lurking at the edges."
Panel 6: A view from below of a young asian woman holding onto a handrail, with a cup of coffee in her other hand. She has long, pointed nails painted dark green. The text box reads: "It's not like bad stuff wasn't happening already."
Panel 7: Two young people are asleep in their seat. The man is black with bleached short dreads, and he is resting his cheek on his girlfriend's hair. The woman is white with light hair, dyed brighter green at the tips. She has facial piercings. She is leaning fully back on her boyfriend. His arm is around her, holding her in place. The text boxes read: "We can't take responsibility" "For the hypothetical actions" "Of hypothetical people."
Page 2:
Panel 1: A white man sits on a metro seat holding a bottle of dark soda. He is wearing a beanie and large headphones, and a pale jacket with a big furry collar. His wedding ring is purple. The text boxes read: "We all lived with monsters in the shadows" "And just got on with it."
Panel 2: Jon, viewed from the side. He has leaned his head back against the seat and is staring at the ceiling, with his hands in his lap. In this position, a scar is visible across his throat. The text box reads: "Until we didn't."
Panel 3: A young white girl is twisting around in her seat to look back at the viewer, at Jon. The text boxes read: "There has to be a chance" "It won't happen at all," "Right?"
Panel 4: The viewer is now in the pov of the girl, and Jon is staring directly back at her. His expression is distant and unhappy. The text box reads: "There's got to be a chance."
Panel 5: Jon is standing up to get off the train. He has slung his bag over his shoulder. He is still staring at the girl. The text box reads: "That they'll figure out something we didn't."
Panel 6: A view from above with Jon exiting the train. A few people are waiting for him to get off, their faces are not really visible. One man has gotten off before him and walks away. Jon looks up towards the viewer. Extending from a pillar next to the viewer's pov is a security camera, pointed at Jon, with a purple power cord. On the side of the metro traincar is a logo reading "Citi Web Transport" and an icon of an arrow-shaped web design. The border of the logo and the nodes at the web's connections are purple. The text box reads: "You've got to hope."
Page 3:
Panel 1: Jon's feet as he ascends a set of stairs. The text boxes read: "You can't let anyone else feel that." "That helpless, enormous guilt."
Panel 2: Jon leans against a wall outside the subway entrance. His eyes are closed and his hands are drawn up to his mouth to light a cigarette. The entrance to the subway is partially visible, with a tall streetlamp at the corner of the stairwell. The streetlamp has a narrow pole and wide, flat lantern. The lantern's windows are split into 8 segments, and the one nearest to Jon is purple, taking on the vague shape of an eye looking down at him. The text box reads: "You've got to hope."
Panels 3-6 are arranged as four quarters of a square, and have nearly identical images.
Panel 3: A closeup of the bottom of Jon's face and his hands. He has a cigarette in his mouth and is trying and failing to light a green lighter. The cigarette has a purple stylized eye design as the logo. The lighter goes -click- with purple sparks. The text box reads: "You can't"
Panel 4: The background is slightly paler. Jon's face is more in view. His eye is nearly closed and he looks distressed. The lighter goes -click- -click- with more purple sparks. The text box reads: "Let anyone else"
Panel 5: The background is slightly paler. The lighter goes -click- -click- -click- -click- -click- with more purple sparks. The text boxes read: "Feel that helpless-" "Enormous-"
Panel 6: The background is very dark. The lighter has a flame with a small -fssh-. The core of the flame is purple, as is the ember of the cigarette. The text box reads: "You've got to hope."
Panel 7: Four nearly identical images of Jon's hand holding the cigarette. The descend through the panel from top left to bottom right. His skin tone is adjusted to contrast to the background color, which is a swirl of grey-green that is pale in the center and dark at the corners. The cigarette is burning away and ash is building into a longer and longer tail. The ember is purple. The final hand holds a cigarette that is nearly all ash hanging off the end. The text boxes read: "It's a matter of guilt." "You didn't fix it." "You just passed it on."
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happy-lemon · 2 years
happy lemon’s no rules legacy.
The Rules: Make your own. Max their bladder if they don’t get to pee before the bus comes. Cheat their photography skills and let them decorate their house with family photos. Make instant best friends. Quit with confidence if you’re not feeling it anymore. Keep going if you’re deeply connected to your sims and you’d die for their dogs. 
The Generations: 👇
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Generation 0.5 - Winter (Greene) Hinata was the founder of my abandoned NSB legacy. She married Suzuki Hinata and they had Nara, who would have been G2, if I hadn’t gotten bored by everyone but Nara. Winter and Suzuki don’t show up in Nara’s official family tree, but they’re canon because of the “make your own rules” rule. 
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Generation 1 - Nara Hinata-Dean was born to chaotic, laissez-faire parents and carried that chaotic energy with her to college. Her adventures are pretty prominent on this here tumblr. Once she admitted she was in love with her best friend, Jeffery Dean, Nara found her calm. She was a deep sea diver in Isla Paradiso and a lifeguard in Sunlit Tides, but hit her career stride in Sunset Valley, where she became a professional author who achieved her LTW and wrote two masterpieces. Because her parents let her run wild, Nara and Jeffery made an effort to be move involved parents to their daughters, Kiko and Kana. She was an absolute legend and my all-time favorite sim.
Worlds - Isla Paradiso, Sunlit Tides, Sunset Valley
LTW - Nara ✅ Jeffery ✅ (world renown surgeon)
EP Focus - University Life
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Generation 2 - Kana (Dean) de la Cruz was sent to boarding school as a child and she loved every minute of it. She emerged from School of Peace and Love a full-blown vegetarian hippie nature girl who ended up marrying her best friend and kindred spirit, Noel de la Cruz, who was the sweetest cinnamon roll ever. She had several lifetime wishes that were derailed by life and children, but ultimately earned a lifetime wish of Swimming in Cash and promptly donated 2/3 of it to the development fund at city hall. Kana and Noel were relationship goals, and she was still flirting shamelessly with him on the last day of her life.
Generation 2 Spares - Kiko Dean*, who never married and had no children, but was super happy with a house full of cats.
Worlds - Sunset Valley
LTW - Kana ✅ Noel ✅ (celebrated 5 star chef)
EP Focus - Seasons
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Generation 3 - Daisy de la Cruz was the proverbial woman who lived in a shoe, but despite being a single mom to six kids (by three different men) she had life pretty nailed down. She maxed her painting skills as a teenager, maxed sculpting in college, and reached her Descendant of Da Vinci lifetime wish just before she got pregnant with her sixth child--oops! She waited until she was an adult with mostly grown children before she married her college sweetheart, Ben Trigger. She reached the top of the painter career before she became an elder, and spent time in the years before her death visiting Noelle in Salmon Woods. Her life path was really unexpected. Between her revolving door of love and her many, many babies, Daisy was a super entertaining generation.
Generation 3 Spares - Clementine (de la Cruz) Bernard, Lark de la Cruz, and Jonah de la Cruz (who died in a “freak meteor accident” at boarding school)
Worlds - Sunset Valley
LTW - Daisy ✅ Ben ❎
EP Focus - Ambitions
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Generation 4 - Noelle (de la Cruz) Luna’s life might not have been as chaotic or funny as the heirs before her, but she did a lot of living. She earned Visa Level 3 in all three countries, had a successful career as a nectar maker, and was an awesome mom to Mateo. No one--least of all Noelle--expected that her soulmate would be a random adventurer in China, but Alejandro (Alex) Luna turned out to be her perfect match. From the moment they met, they were a team. They supported each other’s dreams, raised a big-hearted son, and died on the same day. The calm of this generation was lovely and sweet.
Generation 4 Spares - Marin (Trigger) Kaufman, Mariel (Trigger) Martinez, Calliope Luxx, Clio Luxx, Donovan Taylor
Worlds - Salmon Woods
LTW - Noelle ✅ Alex ✅ (superstar athlete)
EP Focus - World Adventures
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Generation 5 - Mateo Luna was a loner who was homeschooled and grew up with mostly animals as friends--not unlike a Disney princess. When he was in high school he fell in love with Marzhan Koziyeva, a newcomer from Kazakhstan, who was ray of sunshine in his life. They married shortly after high school and were only separated by death. Mateo reached his lifetime wish of The Zoologist when he was still a young adult and never quite found a comfortable niche in the working world. He spent his final days in Sunlit Tides with Alexandra and her family. His generation was calm, which was exactly how Mateo liked things.
Generation 5 Spares - none
Worlds - Salmon Woods
LTW - Mateo ✅ Marzhan ✅ (rock star)
EP Focus - Pets (small animals)
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Generation 6 - If I had to choose only one word to sum up Alexandra Luna, it would be surprising. I never expected she would be so warm, clever, funny, lovable, and charming, but she was all of those things and more. Watching her evolve from a baby horse girl into an accomplished equestrian was really special (not to mention fun), and it was also lovely to see her let people into her life, especially Kekoa Solomon. She was a great wife and mom, who stuck around as long as she could--even sidestepping Fate once with a death flower--and made the Grim Reaper break the news of her passing to Fable himself. Alexandra's generation was one of my favorites.
Generation 6 Spares - none
Worlds - Salmon Woods, Sunlit Tides
LTW - Alexandra ✅ Kekoa ❎
EP Focus - Pets (horses)
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Generation 7 - Keahi Solomon existed in a perpetual state of ennui for reasons I could never explain...and neither could his traits. He started out as a lifeguard in Sunlit Tides, but became an unexpected father when he found a baby on his doorstep, left by his high school crush, who went on to marry someone else. Keahi raised his daughter, Fable, all on his own. After a brief stint as a firefighter, Keahi fulfilled his LTW of being a professional author. And he defied death by bringing the love of his life, Anna Beck, back from the grave. His generation was all about unconditional love, emotional intelligence, gruff wisdom, and wry humor. He was an ugly little duckling who became someone beautiful inside and out, and his generation has been unforgettable.
Generation 7 Spares - Malia (Solomon) Candelaria and Haoa Solomon
Worlds - Sunlit Tides, Bridgeport, Starlight Shores
LTW - Keahi ✅ Anna ❎
EP Focus - Generations
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Generation 8 - From her first breath to her last, Fable Solomon was a star. She was raised by a single father to be brave and feisty. Not only did she craftily matchmake him with her elementary school teacher, but Fable slapped the Grim Reaper for insulting her grandma. Fable began her career a sing-a-gram singer, but moved to Bridgeport for bigger and better opportunities. And it was there she fell in love with Ciaran Delaney, an AWOL grim reaper who would have rather died himself than reap her soul. Together they had twin daughters, Ava and Mara, and an unsuccessful career as a band. They moved to Isla Paradiso, where Fable finally sang her last song. Her generation was dramatic and larger than life, but also filled with sweet, special moments, and it was a delight to play.
Generation 8 Spares - none
Worlds - Sunlit Tides, Bridgeport, Starlight Shores, Isla Paradiso
LTW - Fable ✅ Ciaran ✅ (living in the lap of luxury)
EP Focus - Showtime
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Generation 9 - Mara Delaney was born a twin and is the opposite image of her dark-haired, light-eyed sister, Ava. Mara dabbled in the alchemical arts until The Toadification Incident in high school, and she realized swimming with sharks might be less hazardous to her health. She moved to Isla Paradiso to complete the Deep Sea Diver LTW that Nara Hinata abandoned so many generations ago. It was there she fell in love with Mason Shimada, a fellow diver who helped her recover from a shark attack, and together they had six kids. After achieving her lifetime wish, Mara realized that life on land never suited her and ate some kelp given to her by Triton King. If you're ever snorkeling near Mermaid Grotto, you just might catch a glimpse of Mara and Mason.
Generation 9 Spares - Ava Delaney
Worlds - Starlight Shores, Isla Paradiso
LTW - Mara ✅ Mason ✅ (surrounded by family)
EP Focus - Island Paradise
(Note: I know mermaids don't live forever, but for the sake of my stressed out save, let's pretend they do.)
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Generation 10 - At first glance Dylan Shimada looks like he might be all style, no substance, but his beauty is more than skin deep. Dylan is dependable, which might sound boring, but he gets shit done. Dylan inherited Noelle's calm, Mateo's generous heart, Keahi's quiet determination, and Daisy's unflappable nature in the face of chaos. Well, mostly. He made a dystopian mess of the future, which cost him his girlfriend, Zoya Melville. But when he remembered who he was and where he came from, Dylan made things right. He accomplished everything he set out to do, including maxing ten skills, visiting all three foreign countries, reached the top of his career, earning a college degree, experiencing all three futures and earning a statue in Legacy Park, making his wishes and freeing the genie, and having an heir-eligible child--in a very unorthodox way. I like to think Zoya will remember that Dylan is a good man and they'll grow old together, don't you?
Generation 10 spares - Erika Shimada, Noah Shimada, Heath Shimada, Mika Shimada, Hayley Shimada
Worlds - Isla Paradiso, St. Claire, Cape Garner
LTW - Made the Most of My Time ✅
EP Focus - Into the Future
Note: This is the end of the legacy. I wanted to continue for as long as the game would allow, but the save has gotten increasingly unstable. So, it's time to say goodbye, which is why I took the legacy full circle and gave Dylan a daughter named Nara. If you've been following along all this time, thank you. I appreciate you. xo ~Trish
*bold indicates spares who were eligible to be heir
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fleabaged · 2 years
What was your dream scenario for KE villaneve/plot-wise for the show post s2?
actually some buds and I way back when outlined a new s3 so if this seems… thought out… it’s because we’ve had these thots thinking before
Basically not totally scrap all of s3 ideas but reshape them.
Keep 2 person POV 🙄 give in! And not desexualize the whole series. Anyway here I go:
In the ep 1-3 range EVE: she’s still recovers off screen from the bullet wound, but start Eve on the run in legitimate danger from the 12. Remember when Raymond said “they will tear you apart for this” well i would actually use that. Hop from job to job, restaurant work, different cities, a scene where one of the 12 actually walks in and she escapes. Thick of the action for her! Cut to Niko working w police to try to find eve because he’s pinning Gemma on her and V perhaps. EVERYBODY is after eve. Eventually kenny comes to find her to actually help her- she’s motivated to find head of 12. BRING IN HUGO!! He’s pissed at eve but more pissed at the 12/ possible Carolyn connections. We have our kooky trio working together. MEANWHILE… she’s still thinking about V. ESSENTIAL 👏 ESSEENTIALLLLL she hooks up with another woman while she’s drowning her miseries at the bar for meaningless sex. Hoping it scratches her villanelle itch. Nopeeeee.
Ep 1-3 range VILLANELLE: we are going to START her with her “family” open with her IN RUSSIA (because there was no story to her finding her family she literally just showed up 😭). Doesn’t necessarily have to be her mother, but a brother or uncle or something connecting her to her past is all we need. She’s trying her best to play normal. She has a little farm gf or something. In line with her 2x04-2x06 arc of “oh shit I can feel things” villanelle will be experiencing actual grief over eve. Regret. Konstantin finds her in Russia, tells her eve is alive, tells her the 12 will successfully kill eve any day no matter where she hides-> that ass is on her way back to London. She probs kills her annoying whatever family thing she had going on. It’s a very She’s Back Baby, type of thing.
END EP OF 3 they would meet and confront and it would play out similarly to the bus- V finds eve wherever she’s working, they go out back in a private area, they smack each other around, eve pushes v against the wall for a heated kiss, smack again, end scene.
Then let’s have the 12 after v (in C plot of all this I still have Helene coming in as the Big Bad, just make her the clear leader of the 12 Christ almighty lmao, have Carolyn sort of circling her and shadiness happening and let’s say both their interests align w Helene wanting to find V and Carolyn wanting to find eve hence some boozing and shmoozing here)
EPISODE 5: ESSSSENNTTTIALLLLLLL villanelle and eve. Locked in some sort of safehouse together. At least 30 minutes of the episode. Just the 2 of them. Fighting, seething, silence, confessions, honesty, fighting again. And the best hate fuck on tv. They go into the safe house hating each other, they come out the other end United. Pure draw dropping acting. The best scenes of the series. It would happen HERE!
Then in the loose 6-8 it’s villaneve working together, nobody knows they’re in kahoots (except for Kenny and Hugo) but ESPECIALLY nobody knows they’re sometimes fucking now.
I want everyone to tell eve and villanelle that the other one will betray each other, I want somewhere in episode 7 to genuinely think they did betray each other for a minute, but they need to rely on their trust in each other to do something glorious in finale.
Just a reclaiming agency individually and together and then they ride off on a motorcycle or something and I don’t need a s4.
Ok I’m done now 😭
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