#erin bowman
razreads · 2 months
Just ‘cus someone makes a mistake in their past don’t mean they’re always gonna go on making that same mistake forever and ever. Folks can change.
Erin Bowman, Retribution Rails
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Matt Griffin's illustrated book cover for Erin Bowman's Dustborn.
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bookcoversonly · 4 months
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Title: Contagion | Author: Erin Bowman | Publisher: HarperTeen (2019)
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gidionkeep · 1 year
Dragon Book Cover Makeover: DUSTBORN
Dragon Book Cover Makeover: DUSTBORN
Every Monday, I’m going to turn over control of my blog to my grumpy dragon Windsor (probably not the best idea). He thinks more book covers need dragons on them, so he’s doing his part to give author’s books a makeover. For Windsor’s first selection, he’s taking on author Erin Bowman’s young adult dystopian novel Dustborn. You can learn more about Erin Bowman and her books at her website. To…
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bookishfreedom · 2 years
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Vengeance Road is a book that I wanted so badly to love. My grandpa is really into old westerns, and Ive spent a significant portion of my life on a farm, so it seemed to be right up my alley, but I just couldn’t get into it. I never really connected to the characters, which made it really difficult to get invested in the story. Objectively, I don’t believe this was a bad book, and maybe someday I’ll give it another try. But I was pretty disappointed by this book, and I didn’t even buy the sequel after reading it, which I almost never do. If I was the type to DNF, i probably would have with this one. Just never really hooked me.
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Retribution Rails
By Erin Bowman.
Cover art by Teagan White.
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books-and-cookies · 2 years
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* book 2 of the Contagion duology
* i looooooved book 1, and this was okay too, i just wasn't as invested
* i thought it was a bit long, although i didn't feel like it dragged
* good character development, good plot, but the surprise horror element of the first book was unfortunately lacking, which affected my enjoyment
* still one of the best scifi books i've ever read, so i definitely recommend it
* 4/5 stars
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madlovenovelist · 11 months
Book Review – ‘Stolen’ (#0.5 Taken) by Erin Bowman
If you want more backstory on Bree and her seaside town beginnings… here it is. Genre: Y/A, Dystopia, No. of pages: 104 Before Gray Weathersby uncovered the truth about Claysoot and the Laicos Project, a girl named Bree came of age in the coastal settlement of Saltwater—and made her own surprising journey to the world beyond its borders. In Stolen, discover the story of Bree’s life before she…
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ulrichgebert · 2 years
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Heathers hingegen, das vergnügliche High-School-Musical voll Mord, Selbstmord, Rufmord, sexueller Gewalt und Mobbing braucht keine Spezialeffekte und nur eine extrem unspektakuläre, kleine Bühne und verlässt sich total auf Talent und Hotness seiner jugendlichen Darstellerriege, um irgendwie auch wieder mehr Spaß zu machen, als es der Thematik nach eigentlich sollte.
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groveofsouls · 3 months
tag dump nine ft. general charas part four !!
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razreads · 19 days
Secrets are like bullets. Ditto the dark, personal stuff. Folks say they’ll take ‘em off yer hands, share the burden, but really they just load ‘em into their own weapons so they can use ‘em against you later.
Erin Bowman, Retribution Rails
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jolieeason · 1 year
WWW Wednesday: January 25th, 2023
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading?What did you recently finish reading?What do you think you’ll read next? Personal: I hope you all had a wonderful week last week. I haven’t had the best week. There is too much to put here. The Reader’s Digest version of everything is that people suck and need to learn…
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bookcoversonly · 5 months
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Title: Dustborn | Author: Erin Bowman | Publisher: Clarion Books (2021)
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everardentarchived · 2 years
tag dump ten ft yet more chara tags !!
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Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont defended the President Joe Biden’s decision to pause military aid to Israel.
Earlier this week, Biden’s administration paused the shipment of 1,800 bombs that weighed around 2,000lbs (907kg) and 1,700 bombs weighing 500lbs (227kg). In an interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett, Biden acknowledged the hold, saying the United States would not supply Israel with weapons if it attacked Rafah, where numerous Palestinian civilians have taken shelter amid Israel’s assault on Gaza.
Many conservatives criticized the move, including Ari Fleischer, the former press secretary for George W Bush.
“Biden has lost his mind. If he does this, he is helping Hamas to survive — and win,” Mr Flesicher posted on Twitter/X. “I’ll take Donald Trump’s mean tweets any day. None of them is as bad as Biden.”
But Ocasio-Cortez, who supports a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas and has criticised Israel’s approach repeatedly, defended Biden.
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“Biden has not ‘lost his mind.’ He is upholding the word of the US,” she said. “There are 1.3 million people in Rafah. You do not need to slaughter them to go after Hamas. Biden stated the US red line was Rafah. It would make us weaker & the world less safe to let Bibi, or anyone, cross it.”
In addition, Sanders criticised a tweet from Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s national security minister, who said that Biden loved Hamas.
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“This disgusting tweet comes from Israel's extremist National Security Minister, who was convicted by an Israeli court of racist incitement and supporting terrorism,” Sanders, who is Jewish and who lived in Israel during his youth, posted. “This is the government waging war against the entire Palestinian people. We cannot be complicit in Ben-Gvir's war.”
Both Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez voted against legislation to provide military assistance to Israel.
Elsewhere, Representative Jamaal Bowman of New York criticised his Democratic primary opponent George Latimier for opposing Biden’s actions.
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“My opponent refuses to stand with President Biden,” he said. “Make no mistake, this is George Latimer siding with his Republican megadonors over President Biden.”
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nellasbookplanet · 23 days
8 for the ask game
8: favorite queer fiction
Oh that's a good question, lets split it up by genre!
Fantasy: The Serpent Gates duology by AK Larkwood (disaster gays, wlw/mlm frenemies, really cool worldbuilding and plot), The Broken Earth trilogy by NK Jemisin (post apocalyptic fantasy world with slight scifi vibes, crimes against humanity, polyamory) & The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez (funky narrative experimentation, more disaster gays, gods, so much murder)
Urban fantasy: The Arcadia Project trilogy by Mishell Baker (scary faeries, disabled and bisexual protagonist, soulmates done in a unique and interesting way)
Science fiction: The Machineries of Empire trilogy by Yoon Ha Lee (so many war crimes, so many queer characters, math magic in space, possession), The Gates of Eden by Adrian Tchaikovsky (alternate timelines, cryptid hunting girlfriends, dinosaurs, the impending end of the multiverse)
Romance: One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston (timetravel, found family, pancakes) & This is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone and Amal El-Mohtar (more timetravel, enemies to lovers, epistolary, most beautiful prose you’ve ever read)
Horror: Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle (demons with fascinating lore, homophobic cults, autistic and lesbian lead) & The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling (caves in space, antagonistic romance, so much claustrophobia)
Young Adult: Contagion duology by Erin Bowman (space zombies, mind bonds, one sapphic lead, one with demiace vibes), In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan (portal fantasy, most bisexual and chaotic love triangle in history, elves with reversed gender norms, bastard boy protagonist) & Market of Monsters trilogy by Rebecca Schaeffer (aroace protagonists who commit murders together, monsters, Everyone Is Getting Worse)
Honorary mentions: when the angels left the old country, imperial radch, the murderbot diaries, the scorpion rules, sing the four quarters, to shape a dragons breath, xenogenesis
Bookworm ask
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