scopophilic1997 · 8 months
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_876 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
Thank you for joining us on this magical mystery tour of vibrant artwork in Queens just a short distance across the river from the Empire State Building. We hope you've enjoyed the show.
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
Erik I swear to god
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blanddcheadcanons · 8 months
Don-El is not related to Kal-El at all. Not even a very distant cousin (he's not related in any way to Errok-El)
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thecircusfreaks · 1 year
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actually forgot this man is quite the snack lolol
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suzukiblu · 3 months
clark panic adoption
“So like, who all’s in the House of El, anyway?” Thirteen asks, which is still annoying but at least more productive than just staring at him like an idiot like Superman is. Match doesn’t appreciate it, obviously, just–it’s more productive. That’s all. “Aside from, uh, the obvious.” 
“It’s an old house, like I said,” Superman says, very slowly. “Thousands of years old, in fact. The founder of the original house was Erok–he was the first to take the name ‘El’, and his great-grandson Hyr-El is the common ancestor of the . . . surviving line. Bur-El was an archivist. His son Val-El was an explorer. Jaf-El was a prophet. Im-El was a scientist. Nox-El was an entertainer. Sul-El was an astronomer, and his son Hatu-El lead a revolt against the–” 
Match is aware that Superman has an eidetic memory, but had never previously realized that could be a character flaw.
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matt-murdick · 10 months
love the genderswapped!Superman but Kal-El wouldn’t become Kala-El, it would become Kala Jor-El since Kryptonian women’s surname is their father’s full name eg. Kara Zor-El, Lara Lor-Van, Wedna Kil-Gor, Alura In-Ze, etc.
(Personally bc I don’t like that, I headcanon that all Kryptonian minors use their father’s name as their surname, but they stop when they’re adults. Kara came to Earth as a teen so she never changed it, whilst Clark only learnt his birth name as an adult when the Fortress of Solitude called him Kal-El. We also have some evidence of pre-surname Krypton using patronyms so I think that makes patronymic surnames sensible. One example is Erok, son of Tommu, son of Rugad, son of Feln, who changed his name to Erok-El after he named his son Kal-El)
But also, comics are not consistant so fans don’t have to be either.
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dorka · 11 months
A naponta atlagosan kitoltott formanyomtatvanyok es urlapok szama sajnos az eveid szamaval egyre novekedni fog.
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es ha mar igy van, akkor miert nem lehet egy PDF-et kenyelmesen kitolteni. miert kell nekem meg mindig a nyomorek kurzorral balettozni az esetek 50%-ban, hat hogy lenne nekem erre idom, nekem urlapokat kell kitolteni!
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orange-s-mario · 11 months
this is going to be a long one
1. Kal-L/Clark Kent/Superman
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this guy is the actual golden age superman. This universe was basically were they put him since Earth-Two and Golden Age Superman stories; had some inconsistencies. 2. Kal-El/Sonn/Clark Kent. First he was Superboy, then he was Superman
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I love this guy. He's great. He feels alienated all the time and is also almost always going through it. He is NOT well at all. He also has a large dating life - mostly with women with L. L. initials; most notably Lois, Lana, and Lori. He also remembers Krypton due to supermemory. He is friends with the Legion of Superheroes (Original)
NON-CLARK DETOUR #1 3. Ar-Val, the tyrant Superman
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Kal handpicked a Kandorian successor after some tests, due to Clark losing his powers. It didn't quite go well and ended in tragedy for Ar-Val 4. Not a Superman but a "Skyman," Klar-Don, a predecessor to Superman
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He's basically just Superman on Krypton; Although it seems like he just has Flight due to his Flight Belt (the other Superman past lives only had one power; Erok the magnificent had a potion that made him have super-strength, and Skuldor had V-goggles which let him use X-ray vision). He works for the Daily World, he has a friend named Jol-Lar, there's a Lois, and a Perry. I like to think he's the ancestor of Vol-Don (a member of the Kryptonian lookalike Squad
-End detour
5. Kal-L/Superman
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This is Earth-Two Kal-L. He's basically golden age Superman with a few differences to make him standout from Earth-One Superman. He also married Lois, and met Lana again after he married Lois. There's also only 4 other survivors of Krypton. He's also great. also I want to give a shoutout to his "Mr. and Mrs. Superman" S logo.
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I just think it's neat
6. Clark Joseph Kent/Kal-El
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...he was literally born on this planet. At least at first. THIS GUY has THREE ORIGINS. First Man of Steel, then Birthright, then Secret Origins. Secret Origins adds Superboy back to his mythos. He has met all versions of the Legion, but was specifically part of "Original" Legion (Retroboot)
7. Steel 1 (the only Reign of Supermen character to NOT claim he was Superman)
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He's cool. Also when Christopher Priest was writing him, he was basing him off Dwayne Mcduffie, I just wanted to let you know that. He's had multiple origins as well, but I think the gist is that the new 52 beginning stuff happens first and then Death of Superman.
8. Eradicator... 2(?)
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HE WAS AN EGG. his lore gets pretty complicated, especially due to all the weird absorbing other people's consciousness parts; He was actually made by a different alien, but Kem-L made him a xenophobe. Or something like that. I think all Post-Crisis Eradicator appearances are the same guy? Apparently not; New Krypton Eradicator is a different one, but he DOES have the og's memories. So it's a David Conner situation. He can sense things from not the main universe being in the main universe. He changed and grew as a person because of Guy Gardner 8.5 Eradicator...3 ?
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(apparently not the same guy; this guy must have even more identity issues then post-david connor eradicator)
9. Superboy (Kon-El, later Conner Kent)*
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He also has two origins. His original origin links him to many Jack Kirby concepts and makes him one - a DNAlien, a metahuman made by genetically modifying human DNA. He was the clone of Paul Westfield (westfield is evil btw). Johns retcons this into a half-Luthor half-Superman clone (superman is good btw), who always is worried about turning EVIL due to EVILLL GENES. Anyways Young Justice (2019) revealed he was on gemworld during flashpoint so he survived. He's also met the legion (reboot) *He has referred to himself as Superman
10. Cyborg Superman (Hank Henshaw)
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he has Reed Richard's origins, except his crew doesn't really survive. He became a mass of energy and basically can't die. Much more of a GL villain, but has become a Superman villain again recently
-End detour
11. Kal-El/Clark Joseph Kent
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This Superman starts out as a Champion of the Oppressed like his golden age counterpart, then quickly gets into bigger and bigger ideas like a 5th dimensional being trying to sell out Superman. He also met a version of the legion that doesn't exist anymore due to saving him. He died and also maybe he got better (see Sideways) and also he fused with the post-crisis guy, leading to:
12. Superman Reborn (Kal-El/Clark Joseph Kent)
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yeah sure this makes sense. (it does not, Superman has a bunch of contradictions with just post-crisis and post-flashpoint) 12.5 Infinite Frontier Superman (Kal-El/Clark Joseph Kent... maybe also Sonn?)
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everything is canon now. How does that work with the various versions of Superman? It doesn't. This is where we are now. There really hasn't been much changes to Superman lore though. The biggest thing was probably Lex being a superhero in early metropolis. The one thing I'm pretty sure of is that this Clark has met all the legions
NON-CLARK DETOUR #3 13. Alexander "Lex" Luthor
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After Prime Earth Superman died, many people took to the skies to carry on his legacy. One of such people is Lex Luthor
14. Kong Kenan, the New Super-Man
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Kenan is imbued with the chi of Prime Earth Superman and gains superpowers, He develops and changes and grows as a person and learns how to use his powers as well as learns more about his family. Highly recommend New Super-Man
15. Denny Swan
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He was hit by a sentient bolt of energy that carried a mutated genome of Prime Earth Superman so he thinks he's Superman, He blew up.
16. Emperor Super-Man/Super-Man Zero
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A prototype Super-Man, also made by infusing him with the chi of prime earth superman; he was lab-grown
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govindhtech · 1 year
Enhance Your PC Starfield Graphics
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PC Starfield Tweaking Guide — Mods and Tweaks
After receiving positive reviews, Bethesda Game Studios’ new RPG debuted on Steam with 245K concurrent users today, including owners of the $100 Starfield Premium Edition until September 6th.
BGS games have always inspired PC modders, and Starfield is no exception. Even though the official modding tools won’t be published for a few months, the community has come up with several changes and proto-mods to improve the experience. We’ve included the most significant community improvements below.
Starfield doesn’t stutter like other current PC games, but its nature makes it hefty. Thus, performance optimisation should be sought wherever possible.
We haven’t verified reports that manually activating Resizable BAR for NVIDIA GeForce GPUs improves performance. This is the overall method if you want to attempt.
Bulwarkhd created a Performance Texture Pack to reduce VRAM usage by lowering the typical texture resolution from 2K to 1K or even 0.5K for those with a configuration near the minimal requirements.
In a recent post, Nexus Mods user Erok posted optimised graphic preset.ini files for Low, Medium, High, and Ultra to boost PC frames.
Starfield’s visuals are enhanced by Bethesda’s newest Creation Engine, which the makers claim is the most advanced technology in their game. The most notable changes from Bethesda games are the animations and Global Illumination lighting.
There are methods to improve the visuals even at this early stage of its public release. Many players noted the yellow/green tinge and high black levels first. Both may be part of the developer’s creative vision, but the gamma cannot be changed in-game.
The settings usually darken evenings. Depending on the ReShade setting, performance may drop by 5% or 10%. You may always use the ReShade option to deactivate shaders unrelated to colour fixes if you like.
Epiphany Absolute is developing the first Starfield HD Texture Pack mod. The author revealed that AI upscalers are doubling texture resolution from 2K to 4K. Of course, this effort is ongoing. Currently available upscaled textures: Aquatic, bladed, flowers, forest, rocks.
Epiphany Absolute posted another ship HD Texture Pack mod a few hours ago. The installation is identical. Remember that only Discovery, Hopetech, Pirate, Ship Common, and Starborn have been revised.
While playing Starfield, I realised that stealth is more harder than in prior Bethesda games. The devs may have overtuned NPCs”senses’
Thanks to two modifications, they may be adjusted. Zzyxzz’s ‘Better Out of Line of Sight Sneaking’ reduces foes’ hearing accuracy when you’re hiding behind obstructions. According to the creator, the game’s default setting is 0.4, but the mod lowers it to 0.33 like earlier BGS games.
Also, transfer SneakSoundLosMult.txt from the mod to the Starfield folder.
Gameplay Tweaks and Fixes by Ixion XVII reduces NPC view cone detection (from 190 to 170) and opponent visibility in exteriors (by 5%) in Starfield.
It functions similarly to the previous mod. StarfieldCustom.ini’s [General] section needs the following command:
Zzyxzz, who made the first mod in this area, also released a Less Spongy Enemies mod that decreases NPCs’ health gain when they level up. The default amount is 20, but this mod may change it to 15, 10, 5, or 0.
Quality of Life
Starfield, like other BGS games, is complicated. Sometimes that shows in the User Interface or other ways the game may be more accessible or responsive. Quality-of-life changes will aim to solve it.
First, how to enter the game faster. The ‘Undelayed Launching’ mod by Seb263 skips the Bethesda logo and health warning messages by tweaking StarfieldCustom.ini and adding a new file.
Increase the spaceship’s Field of View optionally. Again, adjust the value to your liking.
Want a more immersive interface? You need franchfroise’s ‘Immersive Tactical Hud’ mod. It eliminates opponent health bars, names, hip-fire crosshairs, compresses crosshairs and the level-up indication, changes the experience bar, and improves hit marks and crit notifications. Installation is same to above.
However, Stentorious’ Simple Compact Inventory adds 12 displayed items and an optional file to organise goods by Value:Mass ratio.
TomLikesGuitar added this option and a beneficial Value:Weight ratio sorting mod.
In both circumstances, extract the Data files into the main Starfield folder and check StarfieldCustom.ini:
Last but not least, McGuffin’s IconSortingTags adds additional icons to Starfield’s inventory and loot window to help players see what they have. Same installation process as above.
The iceberg is merely the tip. Stay tuned for years of coverage of the finest Starfield modifications and improvements!
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light-miracles · 2 years
📂 for Sandman
👀👀👀 Sandman my beloved.
Just as Dream 2 was born as a human named Daniel Hall, Despair 2 was born as a Kryptonian named Dara Erok-El.
Death's 2 little fishes in her place are Mazikeen's children. She's been in babysitting duty for the last millenia (Maze is an old friend)
Desire was Miranda Walker's 'teacher' in high school (they wanted to 'make sure' she didn't die before having children as Desire wanted, or that's what Desire tells themself).
Virginia Wolf is one of Despair's little mouses.
Hob and Dream have movies nights but Dream accidentally broke Hob's TV when he saw a Rings of Power's sneak peak.
Tolkien is Dream's new favorite writer (sorry Shakespeare he has a new fandom)
Delirium's flying fish is called Brother. She named him like that after one of her brothers but she can't remember who.
Desire is still fighting Dream over Alianora's custody.
Lucienne/Lucien was a fairy before being Dream's raven.
Death almost never has time to read/watch tv, so most of the knowledge she has about pop culture is because she takes a moment to ask writers about their work when they die.
Merv is Dream's favorite but he'd never say it out loud.
Eve misses Adam :'(
Eve is also Kirby Howell Baptiste. When Adam and Eve appeared on Earth, Death saw her, thought she was pretty, and imitated her form. It's been her favorite form since then.
Hob is friends with Swamp Thing. Once when they were all on the same room, Swamp Thing and Matthew started to fight about a woman named Abby. Matthew started to yell he had "stolen his wife as a Judas". Dream and Hob were very confused.
Death is also friends with Hob but Dream has never noticed because he's been seeing him just once every 100 years.
Hob loves Brazil.
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444namesplus · 2 months
Eek Ziuqo[11] Eel Huy[12] Eem Garha[13] Een E(n)[14], Uqoe[11], Sneha[15] (Gao elda "Xiem") Eer Garvant, Sneha[16] (Gao elda "Xiem") Eev Boun[15][17] Eez Cercy[17] Eg Wurn[5] Eh Nunvir[18]
Ehkwon Guinigi[15] Ehqek Garcohi[12] Ehjul Nustind12 Ehnien Weind[11][16] Ehrk End[14][5] Ehpal Rill[19] Ehst Et[11][5] Ehbuud Moer (harb)[20] Ehpod Kitvir[12]
El Qostpayor[12] Erok Ewoga[14][15] Ejon Ohar[12] Em Mean[20] Ehubuv Andord[11][16] Etmuni Etmuni[21] Ei An[5] Eis Zefker[18]
Tih Wnith[18] Tihneen, Tineen Werthy[11][16] Tihrok Nungir[14][15] Noun Cail (edj.)[14] Nol Cail (v.)[20] Nox Akun[22] Noyn Sgurn[15] Kiu Bjoo[20] Ma Frow, Fly, Muha[11][16] Maquus Marpaw[12]
Mak Egi[14] Maneev Gnint/Gninvid[12] Marog Nog[17] Mavoer Numbna[15] Marhuh Putzar[17] Masil Fnao[5] Mapouk Mald(ly)[14], Nish[11] Btenxen Skucvir[12] Bwou Noeity[12]
Bwouvoh Lusvir12 Bwouvoriu (car zar) lusvir's [5] Bwouvohhuer Lusvirlaad Bwot Noeiburel[16] Bpad Cnen[12] Bpam Xurth[12] Bpan Xurd[12] Bpankan Turl (met. "Xurd Qing")[11] Bdifuuk(pe) Fivagi(s) (elda e teketenhi zu Esecowo)[11]
Qael Tetorn[15] Qaen, Qaefuu Xeam[11][15] Qaefuk Xeaced [17][5] Qaer Tris/Tzaga[23] Qah Lesh[18] Qahhuen Tecemnor[11] Qalk Kfuke[24] Qoun Peop (v.)[23], Zierd[23] Qounhuer Peokur[20] Qovuk Daul (n.)[12] Qoxus Qocmevu (n.)[20] Qoy Pulga (Neigdubly Pulga)[25] Qoyni Qaodni[26] Qoyzu Wury[20] Qoz Puvi[11] Qowa [27]
Quu Qevu[15][23] Quul Inqoed (Gao elda "Quron") [18] Quun Fteosa[18] Quuv Wyrm[28] Quufen Sdolrow [14] Quron Qoed[11][17] Quros Qoedly[20] Quxuk Qoeth[17][5][29] Quxukgabuud Ond af buce (met. "Qoeth af buce")[11] Qur Quo[15][17] Xe Af (Gao elda "Ga") [5]/Emait[12] Xek Laind[12] Xev Dnicunqind,[14] Dnicun (nihi)[28] Xevah Dnicun[14] Xevahculz Dnicunszuvu[12] Xevahqiun Dnicunmarn (met. "Dnicun-Marn")[12]
Xevahkwoud Dnicunsneyor[20] Xevahpon E Dnicun voce [27] Dniel Pniy[12] Dteh Xe (v.)[11] Dtem Kuehi[11][18] Dtey Qud[15][5] Dpag Rord[12] Ddin Bwong[16] Ru Qofeir[12] Ru'il Cpawn[11] Rueen Qofeited[15] Ruseen Quslaxur[5] Run Gnihi[18] Rur Birga[30] Dveun Sviol[12] Dveupak Lirha[12]
Ok Zar[12] Oxuak Oech[12] Ondalun Novetch[12]
Oteu Inbul[12] Odifes Yoer[20]
Ohavoer Oxbunziush[12] Ovgor Gaedan[12]
Pued Dormth[12] Puel Tza[14] (gao elda "Min"; "Puel" us nass gummun tdun "Min") Pues Keer[18] Puesso Keernass[12] Puez Raun[17] Puh Car[23] Puhxen Fwoond[11] Puhneh Fromor20 Puhmeul Olf[5] Puhjoeen Farqovur[26] Punien Cartovu, moelth[20] Keum Puqo[18] Kel Kenil[12]
Ken Vell[14][15][23][29] Kenkanbuud Vell af Esezush (met. "Vell-Qing-Buce")[27] Kent Sdull[14] Key Gpaha[25] Keykpa Catest[12] Keyn Tivu[14] Miuk Qerpar[12] Mirok Osliku[23] Min Tza[14] (gao elda "Puel") Ca Fpast[18] Cad Wzan[14] Caquuz Laer[12] Canees Wpang[12]
Caroak Duint[12] Cavoer Cdurgi[12] Fwon Lat[5] Fwofu Oegirvuss[16] Fpad (Tittna)miold[5] Fpan Qin[14]/Tenevid[12] Fdil Opzacenil[12]/Vimtaniry[18] Rel Da[11] Ren Zuld[14] Renqoun Inrerl(od)[12] Rent Puul[11] Renje Puunad[20] Res Carhi[18]
Faef Glast[15][5] Faen Sjeqevo[18] Faer Innaesh/Tenaega[28] Fahpat Sviel[5] Fahfen Yuold[29] Famek Lovu(n.)[20] Gih Yos[12] Giun Avu[14][16] Giunhuer Avugalf[12] Cugol Cubmen[12]
Cul Oerth[16][28] Cuneh Stobmarn[20] Cult Gpaind[12] Culz Szuvu Cunien Yaing[11][20] Cuhay Temuha[5] Gnieg Gteon[20] Gnien Pait[12] Gnih Tittna[11][18] Gnih-Sayhuhpon Elly (met. "Tittna-Bpatzar Laxur")[30]
Gnihqenxel Stnijegim[16] Gnim Croid[20] Gnisiin Eitomn[5] Gwok Zech[11] Gwond Ceot[16][5] Gpa Maind[15] Gpariuk Welf[12] Gpan Kind[18] Gdith Notniyel[20] (gao elda "Fuhnsay") Zit Pur[18]
Duel Dund[18] Duelsit Zuich[5] Dues Zaelth[18] Dudwom, Duhdwom Qend[11] Duh Qend[28] Duhgen Ehe[5] Duhso Dteem12 Duhsiron Fughthute20 Dun [27]
Zaum Cargi[5] Zat Zate[16][5] Zavxu Bdijel[12] Zavxuniek Bdijemety[20] Zayv Ruty[11] Ri Yai[15] Rim, Rin Yair[15][23] Rind Vesh[12], Laku[15] Laf[31] Lafseh Sviequng[19]
Lafsehgakan Ranehi (met. "Sviequng af Qing")[11] Lafqiun Lace[20] Lawipan Ovumy[14][5] Lan Zaer[11] Larsit Jote[11] Larsijeh Tnipkud[16] Nun Zapa[11][18] Nunfaer Zapauc[20] Nuznih Zaerpen[14]
Uuz Uhi[18]
Un Husvir[12]
Unnus Husviry[13]
Tueg[31] Bar Oest[12] Koud Muan[25] Bol Insviedy[25] Boar(te) Murjel(s)[15][18]
Bot Huw[14] Kad Deoon[12] Kal Hun[14]/Hunqind/Nuhuns[12] (Gao elda "Juz")
Kan Qing[14], Meght[11] Kavoer Qingxem/Qingsrip[13] Kanvugabar Qings af tza Oest[12] Kanbuud Esezush (met. "Qing Buce")[27]
Seel Cdumloan[18] Seen Kyvu[18] Seez Lit/Kdukout[12][27] Seh Pwoqo[15] Peun Dor[14] Peuxiel Skywom[14] Pel(na) Scpall(s) (es un Olqor Scpall)[14] Penxev Dorwoar[17] Pest Vimkust[18] Pey Larga[12] Peyn Encol[12] Qium Veke[20] Qiun Marn[12] Qiur Crild[15][5] Qinmak Naeqor[12] Qinpin Sdurp [5] Qip Caad[20] Qipnien Ceel[20] Kro Find[18] Krov Zaed[5] Wi Un[5]
Wid Veold[14] Wiqaev Noer[16][5] Wifaen Bnaslungs (tdunks)[11] Wihg[31] Wil Cnig[12] Wiros Un wrich[20] Wiceyt Uszeo[14]/Nat roaga[12] Wivohwok Dorrord[12] Wiar Zemcer[18] Wipnien Mady[5] Winiev Gao[11] Wis No/Ete[14][15][29] Wilul Unvur, vetrin[20] Wibun Unzu[16] Knih Guld[18] Knifier Luckvuss[5] Knisxuvaer Qugaega[20] Kteh Nond[12] Kteun Zen[14] Kten Bteek[11][17] Ktent Bpapen[12] Kwoeen Qilnad[20]
Kwof Might[15] Kwou Qill[18] Kwoud Sneyor[12] Kwoun Sney[20] Kwoust Sjend[12] Kwouvaen Jurqoter[20] Kwouvah Jurqor[20] Kwol Bniha[12] Kworot Vameent[11] Kwon Guinigiais[12] Kpa Darhiter[12] Kpan Coczury[11], ven, gundeor[20] Kpangnih (Gteet) Coczury[11] Kpafuud Gundeopar[12] Kpalus Darpaw (Etarogoos, Tegtet, Loty)[11][17][5] Kdipouk Enciont[14][5] Gel Dan[14] Geneen Pwonhi[12] Genees Pwonhiss[12] Gen Muanmeght[25]
Neen Dont, Tedeost[16] Neer Dovir[20] Nees Meke[18][23] Neet Nest[12] Neh Hugocse[18] Nehvuy Meha[12] Nehvnien Jusvited[16] Nehsi Ermy[12] Nah Nast[12]
Naun Werld[14][15] Meuk[31] Meuv Vetzar[5] Meuvnih Quqefush[11] Mengnih Rong[11][14] Mer Werm[17] Ro Qohiuha[12] Rok Woga (v.)[25], Sky[16][18], sky[20] Ron Mist[20] Roast Duth[12]
Ros Us (Gumkivu veth atzar harbs car ptegant vinga: "us zallong", "us swern")[14][23] Rogau Yai ete[20] Rost Dos[14], Duha[11], Dus, Dud, Mote Rot Gteet[11][14] Rovaes Juluc/Dang[12] Joft Puhi[12] Jomvoer Valnay[12] Jon Naoch[5][18] Jov Vier[12]
Huer Virpar[5][18], es zefmix: -laad, -galf Huh Pull/Kell[5][29] Huhpuoniek Catehar[14] Huhneen Pulnan[20] Hul Mettna[17] Hulbuud Bwoof20 Ced Mepe14 Cey Caal[18] Ceyz Guce[12] ("zu noguce"/"guce zu no") Qed Royel[16][28] Qedxevah Elly20 Qedpat, qerun Royelty[29] Qeun Oyo[12]
Qeur Rath[20] Qeunied, Qenied Xear, xeardoy[16][20] ("qenied" us e tyta) Qeuniek Tarjel[23] Qenqun Efvir[20] Qenxek Kxuw, Kxuwn, Kxudobna[11] Qenxel Twock[20] Qenxenien Kxuwnadgiebna[20] Qer Elnagoenhi[18][29] Muh[31] Mun Qaighvir[20] Muvoh Mutzar[11] Muvohhan Thpaet af tza Werld (met. "Mutzar Vend")[11] Munih Cabis, tlaight, gunhintnibuan, etvinbuan[11][20] Mupa Grory[11][5]
Mupapeu Growoais[14][5] Mujeed Snudqor[14] Muthuh Smep[12] Muthunus Smepkury, Ojoluha[11] Ju Mo[16] Jul Stpang,[11][29] Sttength[28] Juneeg Sttength[11] Julduen Inmucong, incdungong, sbull[20] Jun Hun[12] Juvox Cdiol[5] Juz Cen[14] (gao elda "Kal")
Voek Oet[12] Voewi Oevin[12] Voekbuud Nogon20 Voel By[5] Voen Eny[15] Voer Zemqet[20] Voes Zuath[20] Voh Rery[18] Vohfahquxuk Vucpahunhir[12] ("Quxuk" ceefung "qoeth", "vohfah" huy no oxtnitanevid zu ceen "vexird") Vohqip Keod[11][15] Vohkwoun Hangienhi[12] Vohl Mecong[12] Vohnees Emeha[11], Meha Vohrot Lunanhid[14]
Voll By my[20] Voi An[14][16] Vox Cdiolty[12] Vuh Vuhar[30] Vul[31] Vuy Math[14] Fu Xut[5][23] Fud, Fuud Xu[12] Fuhnsay Notniyel[20] (gao elda "Gdith") Fuu Ut[11] Fuun Tzam[20] Fuktent Inbpapen[27] Fukwoun(vu) Gudord(s)[15] Ful Feud[20] Fuhuer Utgalf[12]
Fun Sbung[12] Fur Nunt[18] Fus Linxut[12] Fuvahwoun Gudordly (met. "Xut Swern")[12] Xuk Meo[14][5] (Ceefung meo math es e harb end xuin; "Zu meo xewn" end "Zu vill e meo") Xul Fpam[14][5] Xunsil Xubna[12] Xupak Miorhist[12] Xus Stwope[28] So Xuw[14][16] Soxun Anly[29] Sos Sjetoo[18] Sost Tzay[12] Soz Wut[14][5]
Abneen Ond (xuin)[5], Us ahar, Us onqod[13] Ad Sxuw[14][18] Arus Sxuwy[12] Apuel Tehiuha[20] Apun Goha[12] Agoum Arc[12] Ak Ris[14][5]
Aseez Gae[12] Al Es[14][5] Am Duur[12] An Slowot[25] (Qoscwonod es luqener zu "dail," wut ompty; mekenass) And Ro[12] Afuk Vega[11] Afuqiv Onmeghvincent[20]
Afuseen Vesxem[11] Ant Anhi[11] Awon Ohan[16] Adas Dace[12] Ath Arpdun[20] Av Tdist[18] Aponhay Ufery[20]
Raek Sduce[11][17] Rael Cao[12] Raer Emkibuan[12] Raez Puur[11][14] Rah Ell[14][16] Rahkrok, Rahrok Erpafanhi[11] "Rahkrok" us e tyta[27] Kul Wwovi[20]
Kuneen Wpavi[20] Kuyt Paga[12] Lonqaer Pneun(s)[12] Loniek Tasgass[20] Tafaen Huny[11] Tafaes Juch[12] Taak Sbunk[12]
Pniel Lut, fit[20] Pnien Test[12] Ppaqah Catezuld[12] Pdixien Nost[12] Pdixih Cuad[16]
Foh Ermur[28] Fohvoer Vandeush[12], Qofuel[11] Fohvoenin Us vandeuszad[20] Fohvoewon Vandeuszar[30] Foros Zuich[11]
Xath Mavu[12] Xathgacul (Werd Doll) Szuvu (met. "Mavu af Oerth")[5] Deothgacul Gnifuvi[19] Jauneen Maw (harb)[15][17]
Ho Meghtfung[18] Honees Zanild[12] Hosbuud Ppapzacy[11] Hoth Zumb[18]
Niel Zercoha, nest (v.)[20] Nien Efuhul[18] Nih Cuds[11] Nihcul Nigi[12] Nihcut Engir[12] Nith Wohar[20] Teun Paer[14] Tek Sza[12] Tel Xeqevobuan[11] Tevak Ficted[11] Teymeuk Nihi(s)[14]
Teyth Tteo[20] Wou Osganhi[18] Wouk Fana[12] Wous[31] Wofuk Hary[16][5] Pa(h) Tinenhi[18] Pak Za[14] Pan Niun[25] Pavoen Erczar[12] Pavoez Erpaw[12] Pavox Tegocent[12] Pafut Woval[14]
Pas Roha[IAL 2] Pat Werd(s)[11] Path Covu[25] Patjuneeg Werd af Tamor[11][13] Pavaen Donqor[12] Di Din[18] Dil Wzan[14] Dith Nigi[15], Birgas/Qamn16 Divaek Nihan[12] Diz Tzan[14]
Fixen Gniy (edj.)[12], roga (v.)[20] Fih Pdunzum[12] Fihro Moek[12] Fihho Ted[5] Fihhon Cwomdan[12] Fihpat Qeghty[11][14] Fihzevoer Colnegir(s)[12] Fihfet Puuth[26] Finien Mirst[11], Edouts[15][17] Ficouk Ficoar[14] Ga Af[12] Sduen Unslote[28] Slar Slar[21] Snul Zen[18] Luuv Mind/Caind[5] Lul Dail[12]
Lulnagaboar Murjel Dails[15] Luvok Mingir(s)[5] Lunrufahfen Inyuolqung[32] Luxun Unsvied[5] Luvaes Noest[11] Luxien Rost[29] Snan Fnash[18] Smumeun Rasluan[5] Da Darpaw[11] Dad Oxprout, qood, keet[20] Davoen Tird[12] Davoek Dnicun Pwoost(s)[26] Das Broad[11][5] Dasqer Broad Elnagoenhi[27] Dafiel Bnaod[17][23] Dat Wrivi[12]
Dav Slack[25] Davnihwan Cerhivory (n.), lercduga (n.)[20] Sraen Sriold[12] Sjeedvoi Inmaind[14] Sbun Fteo[14][16] Sbungarok Sky's fteoxem[20] Stdin Szurm[18] Stdinru'il Szurmcpawn[33] Stdinhuh Muinjeun[12] Ze Eur[18] Ze'im Bteeth[11] Zel Qay[14][15] Zenayk Tamor[14][34] Zenaykgakan Xeqefuan(met. Tamor af qings)[13] Zenvaer Noest(s)[12] Zesineen Tvemeght[20]
Jeepiseen Jemwool[14] Jemiur Triof[5] Jeh Rack[18] Jehpaquus Tteeczapais[11][5] Jehpacon Tteeczary[13] Viy Jena[14] Tduen[31] Tduern Anoquonhi[20] Tnu'im (Dnicun) Slait, Feuhi[12]
Tnur Aharrord[23][29] Tnurwo Rord[20] Buud Buce[18] Buuniz Fid[11] Bunvaek Jelk, Skuoch[11] Bul Tzate[20] Zufaet Etvimpt[5]
Zul Tdut[14] Zuar Unkerxu[18] Zucovoen Gaerczar[20] Zucot Gaerch[20] To Dumcer[12] Tom Xewn[20] Toz Bneqo[14]
Imiuk Tpall[20] Il Ovirfuty[18] Im Tven[20] In Air[12]Igad nass afvin tdun tza -i zefmix.
Inniek Hurwoegi, hurry, hurwood.[20] Insneed, Ivohxiel Ivunqung/Hieganass/Ovirvol[17][12][34]Insneed us tza mute gummun carm. Int Try[12] Is Nocate, un fpant af[17]Xut "nocate" chpaxurogolilly. Jaunen is quron: maw nocate tza qoed.
Ith Gumhund[16], Arqor[23] Iv Ar[15] Izvohfaer Inbwodnad[12], Ivunqung[11]
Vael Tiy[12]Es un "lald et tiy".[20] Vaet Smoer/Swete[12] Vaez Vier, wop[18]Xut necryhul viers. Vah Spwong[18] Vahqun Huuqon[12] Vahrok Zierquen[12] Vahwoun Swern[12] Vahdiqiv Gumcemunivi[5] Vahdikt Cemury[11][5] Vahxih, Vaxih Tdio[16] Vahsan Tdith[11] Had Bneck[12] Han Vend[28] Hanvugabuud Tza birtents af Buce[11] Hay Bit[14] Hayxe Gniss[20] Hayzen Srip[12]
Couk Qokeet[18] Coun Srivu[15] Coung Veng[18] Count Srivu[20] Counjees Srifung[12] Cour Dyung[30] Conqahlzaum Catehar[20] Coth Garkunt[12] Fe… Aptaluvi af…[12] Fetineen Inwerthy[20] Fed Ecu[14] Feqahqen Intecemnoted, carcutvin[20] Feqiun Inmarn[11] Fekwo, Fekwou Teszute[11][20] Fegel Ocol[12] Fegen Sduxew[14] Fel Larpar[12]
Feneen Untdiqor[17] Feqenxek Inkxuwn[11] Feqenxenien Ungumptezanlubna uqoe[11] Feson Ingaon[20] Fesoz Uncolubna[20] Fecusbuud Zerpwogad[20] Fes Cnew[20] Feth Veth[14][15]Slaild no efeuqod. Fetduern Qudanoquonhi[23] Sipeun Gumtit[5] Sil Qark[14] Sirom Qarkvuss[12] Siron Fught[12] Sin Zunzio[12] Sir Varor[28] Sis Furn[35]
Doh Zu[14] (math es ptetalubuan end harb unmifubuha carm) Dohl Wuuld/Cteevi[12] Dohneen Niuga[5], Wuult/Cteevid[12] Mon Wlaga[12] Mowod Pniuga[12]
Veux Tnip[25] Ven Dogi[12] We Wla[15][5] Wel Aek[20] Suld Wrirlvend, Fervix[11][18]
Suldga Fervix[20] Sunrun Tnihal[16] Sunrufuuk Tnihanar[11] Suth Ald[11]
Yeh Gaok[5][18] Yal Mite[18]
Yaros Fnece[20] Yawouk Hurch[12]
Yifen Culd/Culqon[12]
Xiem Sneha[18] Xiemnus Snehary[13] Xien Slait[12] (es un "yoll", xut "Dnicun Slait") Xih Mifuvi[18] Xihkwou Swerd[5] Xihnihqeuk Ficwomihi[12] Saum Thpaigh[11][14] Sayhuh Bpatzar(s)[11]
Sayhuhpon Gumrafuan20 Pou Slowot[18] Poul Dail[15] Pon Laxur[11] Pond Twoimph[12] Pondpa Twoimph's[12] Pipues Keerrel[11] Pinunfaer Zapaulilly[12]
Pik Must[15][16] Pil Must[29], Pimkio[18] Piar Nagind[18] Pipax Cteevi[20] Wa'i U[15][29] Wal (murjel) Feuhi[14][18] Wan Moetan[18]
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okayyeros · 2 months
Highlights from my notes app list of dreams
- Meat fruit bagel .
- A masnot, an opposite mascot
- “Tree with ratiti “ was in a production of Rocky horror
- Was back in that reoccurring mall location for a bit, “worked” at a Home Depot, the bus stop outside the apartment had a display of ornaments that was labeled “not Molotov cocktails”
- Went to church w my father (my father is Muslim)
- Being strapped to a rocket In the center of Lazy Town
- Ethel Cain died :(
- Talked a dragon woman out of killing me, also was an intern for Trixie Mattel
- [Elementary school] changed its name, I ended up off the highway in this one part of [hometown] that only exists in my dreams, I talked to this little boy 5/6 years old and we traveled together for a bit. I then met his older brother who was my age and rlly pretty and he started to help me find my way home as a thanks for watching his brother
- [my art prof] helped me set up an altar for Artemis
-Same dream as above discussed differences and safety of wormwood and mugwort and pulled out the scientific name of mugwort correctly
- Hung out in a pond, I think I hugged a polar bear but the mother recognized me because I used to be a polar bear. I also found a necklace that looked handmade and reminded me of Eroks (god)
Please note that these are all dreams I wrote down immediately after waking up, there ARE other dreams that have just haunted me that aren’t included on this list
This is also just a fraction of it bc this list is insane
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dannyhellman · 2 months
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Eric "Erok Hell" Messina is one of 74 contributors to JACKED TRACTS, a spirited satire of those notorious Christian comic tracts that thrilled & traumatized us as kids. Sign up now at the pre-campaign page so you won't miss our launch, coming soon at Zoop!
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gundembuca · 5 months
Olaylı Bucaspor 1928, Erokspor maçının Kritik pozisyonlarını Eski FIFA Hakemi Bülent Kökten Yorumladı
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21 Nisan Pazar Günü Buca Arena stadında oynanan Olaylı Bucaspor 1928 ile Erok Spor arasında oynan ve maçta hakem kararlarının öne çıktığı maçın kritik pozisyonlarını Eski FIFA Plaj Futbolu Hakemi ve Eski Hakem eğitmenlerinden Bülent Kökten yorumladı. Hakem Maçın 19 dk itibaren standart kararlar veremedi. Bülent Kökten Bucaspor 1928 ve Esenler Erokspor maçının hakem Erdem Mertoğlu maçın başında maça iyi konsantre olamadığı daha maçın 19 dakikasında yaşanan kritik Erok spor 'un yaptığı kontrol dışı faule tespit edemediğini ve ardından maçın 30 dk Bucaspor'un kullandığı hızlı taç atışı sonrası Erok spor'un ceza alanı içinde Bucaspor 'un 7 forma numaralı oyuncusu Ömer Şişmanoğlu'na arkadan ceza alanı içinde Erokspor 'un 3 forma numaralı oyuncusu iki eli rakibini ittirerek yere düşürmesi net bir faul 'du ancak hakemin hatalı açıda bulunması pozisyonu süzememesine etkin olmuş olabilir ancak yardımcı hakem burada pozisyon için yardımcı olabilirdi. Tabi Hakemin maçta standat kararlar verememesi maçın skoruna net bir şekilde etkisi oldu diyebilirim. Maçın 90 +7 dakikasında hakemin vermiş olduğu penaltı kararı ise hakemin maç içinde standart kararlardan uzak olduğunu gösteriyor Maçın 30 dk pozisyonun penaltı vermeyip 90+7. dk pozisyona penaltı kararı vermesi Hakemin maç içinde standart kararlarından çok uzak olduğunu gösteriyordu. Hakem Maçın 19. dk itibaren maçın zorluğunu ve ağırlığını kaldıramamıştır. Burada tabiiki MHK böylesine önemli bir maça çok daha tecrübeli deneyimli bir hakemi atamalıydı. #mhk #tff #futbol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsuhcHMcpj8 Bülent Kökten Kimdir ? Eski klasman hakemi, aynı zamanda Eski Hakem eğitmeni, IFAB futbol oyun kuralları kitabı çevirmeni, yine FIFA Plaj Futbolu oyun kuralları kitabının Türkçe çevirmeni çevrilen kitapları TFF 'de yayınlanmıştır. Aynı zaman ilk online Eğitim programı hazırlayarak hakemlere internet üzerinden eğitim vermiştir. Bülent KÖKTEN'in kariyerinde Ayrıca İlk Avrupa Plaj Futbolu Şampiyonlar liginde Final maçında görev alan ilk Türk Hakemi ve Avrupa Kadın Plaj Futbol Şampiyonlar ligine çağrılan ilk FIFA hakemidir
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Read the full article
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eumiart · 9 months
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Another Pathfinder character, though one for a campaign that never started. This is Erok, a Kobold Oracle and Harrower.
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