#erudite spell
kindheart525 · 11 months
Who's the killer?
YES I’m so glad you asked! I had to do some more research into slasher tropes for this. One trope that a lot of slashers have in common is having a traumatic backstory of some kind, so I made a short list of some of my characters who have suffered the most and settled on
In this AU, the accidental curse she cast on Summer had an extra side effect where the dark magic spread to Iolite’s own mind and heart, subsequently corrupting her. Now she’s out to take revenge on others’ hearts after her own was broken and betrayed, which brings her to the group of protagonists that lead this story.
Brackish and Taffy both have a history of being careless with love, both romantic and platonic, which would remind Iolite of what Summer did to her. But on the flip side, even loving, stable relationships trigger her. She couldn’t bear to see Rainier speak of his lover so adoringly and faithfully, thinking of what she didn’t have. She was about to take out one half of the resident couple, YngSidian, before Obbi’s thoughtless missteps did the job for her. She took out Polly to make Yng suffer more, because not even platonic love is safe around her. Plus, to Iolite, Yng and Polly were both “raising children from the ashes of what was once real love” (having stepchildren from their partners’ previous relationships) which she couldn’t let stand. Of course, ignoring that neither of those previous unions were “real love” at all, but Iolite isn’t thinking rationally.
Erudite doesn’t have a love life so he was killed for being a little bit annoying and reminding her of Crash. And queerbaiting /JOKE
What became of Summer Beauty, you might ask? She and Iolite are “back together” and “married,” which would seem like everything that canon Summer would have wanted. But this Summer is imprisoned underground in the crystal caves, hidden from the world as scars keep growing on her body, with Iolite visiting her to vent and rant at her about her evil plans. And when Iolite is finally defeated, Summer is transformed into a lifeless crystal statue, all part of an extra curse Iolite cast to make sure that Summer can’t live without her.
In addition to these victims, Iolite has also taken down the entire Crystal Family and rules the Empire in their place. And when she’s eventually defeated, with nobody else to step up, Yngvlid takes over and attempts to restore the kingdom with help from her Yakyakistan connections. She becomes known as a warrior queen of sorts, but she’s hiding her own scars from her battle with the villain.
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serialreblogger · 2 years
Spelling was not standardized in Shakespeare's England
yes this is my point. william "sex jokes" "historical RPF" shakespeare is broadly upheld as the pinnacle of english literature, and zero percent of his works conform to any standardized spelling/grammar system
"shakespeare couldn't spell his own name" is shorthand for "the snobbery of ~english literature & canon~ is both self-contradictory and arbitrary in the extreme." & to me this means that anyone can create whatever they want and be just as good as any shakespearean sonnet. bc the only real qualifier for "good writing" is that somebody cared about the story they were telling, and the only real qualifier for "good reading material" is that someone, somewhere, wants to read it
no gods no kings no earl of oxford only a bunch of plays written in a drama club's groupchat and the people who keep investing them with meaning. there is no magic formula or golden standard. the only thing that gives any art any value is the people who choose to value it
#ask linden#this is about the title of my blog#shakespeare couldn't spell his own name and NOBODY CARES!#this is my point!#nobody *should* care! it doesn't matter!!#also that last line abt earls of oxford is in reference to the ''oxfordian theory of shakespeare authorship'' as the wiki page calls it#u can check that on wikipedia if ur interested but what it boils down to is that a bunch of academics have been up in arms since ~the 1920s#over the idea that The Venerable Shakespeare could have been some rube born to commoners#obviously plays so Erudite (& so uniquely appealing to the ''commoner'' demographic) could not have been authored by some paltry lowborn!#why that boy billy probably couldn't even write!#- which like. cmon man. u have about as much evidence as chemtrails here. and also like -#yeah there's a solid chance shakespeare wasn't super up on his penmanship! but that doesn't mean he wasn't capable of eloquence??#like in all probability a lot of shakespeare's work might not have been penned by him#& in fact it's not unlikely that at least some of it was quasi-crowdsourced as actors & collaborating playwrights weighed in#Richard Burbage probably had a lot to do with Hamlet's character work & writing!! we know this!!#we do not create in a vacuum!!! art written in a groupchat is not less valuable or artistic for having peer review built into it!!#shakespeare was just some guy. & he's also a symbol#arbitrary as that designation may be. but the old white men who chose their canon chose him as a patron saint#so i will go on insisting that if we're to know shakespeare we had better know him properly. foul mouth gallows humour bisexuality & all#shakespeare#literature#linden's originals#linden in the tags
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master-gatherer · 1 year
Spell check doesn't really come on when I'm writing tags on mobile, so if I misspell a $10 word please forgive me
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thatbloodymuggle · 3 months
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SUMMARY: a child of light and dark, you are the Night Court’s best kept secret. After decades spent in hiding, you yearn to stretch your wings. But you quickly learn that freedom comes with a price, as you find yourself trying to outfox the fox in his own den.
PAIRING: eris vanserra x reader
WARNINGS: none for now
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The Night Court was home to Prythian’s oldest and darkest secrets. Perhaps it was the rippling terror of the Court of Nightmares, or the nightfall darker than any other region, that granted it the ability to house so many enigmas. However, from the city of Velaris to the Ouroboros, each secret had its expiration date. As the old saying goes, there are no secrets that time does not reveal—and in an immortal world, time was a fickle thing. But few knew of the Night Court’s best kept secret.
She was the bastard child of Keir, the Steward of Hewn City, and Marjorie, a high fae librarian of the Day Court. Born from an unwilling affair between the two immortals, she was kept hidden from her father. For nearly two decades, Marjorie used every last drop of her powers to conceal her pregnancy and her child. The Day Court faerie knew that if her abuser ever gained knowledge of his child’s existence, it would be a death sentence. Marjorie raised her daughter alone. She grew up concealed among the infinite bookshelves of the Day Court’s libraries. She learned to read before she could walk, and speak in ancient tongues at the ripe age of five. Despite her haunting ability to sink into the shadows, a gift bestowed upon her by her ignorant father, she was a child of the Day Court, through and through. It wasn’t her spell-cleaving ability or the tendrils of light she could summon at her fingertips that made her a child of the Day; rather, it was her thirst for knowledge and sharp intelligence that even the Cauldron itself marveled. 
Morrigan, the third in command of the Night Court, was the first to find her. As the threat of Amarantha’s rise dispersed through the courts of Prythian, Marjorie knew she had to act quickly. Driven by the fear of her precious child landing in the hands of Kier, the librarian wrote to the only family she trusted to keep her daughter out of harm’s way. Despite the shock of her half-sister’s existence, Morrigan acted without hesitation. The third in command took her sister to the safety of Velaris without hesitation. Marjorie promised her weeping daughter that she would one day return; that they would meet again when all evil had been righted. But she knew. She knew in her heart that it would be the last time she would see her mother. Despite the terror that Amarantha’s invasion instilled in Marjorie, she died peacefully knowing that her pride and joy was out of evil’s grasp.
The inner circle of the Night Court was the next to learn of her existence. They were at first wary, due to the threat of war growing through Prythian. But the doe eyes identical to Morrigan’s were a window into the goodness of her soul. Rhysand didn’t need to tap into the cobblestone barriers of her mind to see her striking erudition, sharp tongue, and despite its intricacies, her pure heart. But time, in all its futility, was against him. As he travelled to Under the Mountain, where he would remain for the next half-century, she found solace in the library of Velaris. Although not as vast as her once home in the Day Court, she valued the wealth of literature and treated it with a level of admiration Clotho hadn’t witnessed in centuries.
When she wasn’t browsing through the rows and rows of titles, she found herself growing close with the other members of the Night Court’s inner circle. Amren took a liking to her quick wit. Azriel found himself drawn to the gentle curiosity, rather than fear, that graced her features when she first studied his scarred hands. Cassian admired the unrelenting fearlessness she carried from fickle debates to the training ring. And Morrigan found a piece of her heart she hadn’t known was missing since the day her father dropped her at the borders of the Forest House in the Autumn Court. She had found her sister. A sister not only bound to her by choice, but by blood. Through the constant fear of Rhysand’s absence and Amarantha’s rule, she was the silver lining; the flickering flame that wouldn’t go out, no matter how hard the winds of evil blew. 
Nearly a decade into her stay in Velaris, she began to grow restless. She had spent the first twenty years of her existence cooped up in the libraries of the Day Court. She appreciated the change of scenery that Velaris brought. But there was an incessant itch in the back of her brain she could not scratch. She had read thousands of books detailing the histories, landscapes, and people of Prythian. Yet she had never set foot into the vast world surrounding her. She was a caged bird, yearning to stretch her wings. So, she concocted a plan. Rhysand’s last ditch effort to keep Velaris safe only forced his inner circle to remain within the limits of the city.
She became Athena Ellesmere: a merchant and cartographer’s daughter, sent to each court to engage in tradings and research the vast lands and seas of Prythian. She forged relationships with citizens of each court—farmers, vendors, lower-level employees of the High Lords. She gathered intel on the inner-workings of each court, the sentiment of its people, and the status of Amarantha’s cruel grasp. She became an asset to the Night Court during the queen’s rule of terror. Upon Rhysand’s return decades later, she was officially inducted into his inner circle as the Liaison of the Night Court. During the war against Hybern, her role as a liaison was critical for reaching parts of Prythian the Spymaster’s shadows could not through conversation. Her fluency in literature and ancient tongues was invaluable in helping Amren crack the code of the book. Her allegiance to those who had saved her from certain doom at the hands of her father was unwavering. And when the famed Archeron sisters took residence in Velaris, she vowed to protect them as her Night Court family had protected her.
To Prythian, she was a merchant and cartographer’s daughter. To the inner circle, she was their best kept secret. But as the old saying goes, there are no secrets that time does not reveal.
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enha-doodles · 6 months
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Pairing : Tom riddle x fem!reader
Synopsis : you and Tom are academic rivals and hate each other , but is it your fault when that competitive asshole cannot handle one loss and seeks for revenge which leaves you in detention
Warnings : cursing , normal fighting ? Not proofread I'm sorry 😭
Note : my first ever Harry potter fic sksksk , I'm very excited for this one . This is also my first fic after like a year ? And I've improved a lot so I hope you guys like it <33
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In the hallowed halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where the echoes of centuries-old spells mingle with the whispers of ambitious young wizards, I stormed down the corridor, my footsteps echoing with determination. Clutched tightly in ny hand was the parchment that bore the results of the latest Defense Against the Dark Arts examination—a subject I prided myself on excelling in , but surprisingly this time I didn't get the highest grade , though i already have an idea who got excellent score - that asshole .
As I rounded the corner, my path intersected with none other than Tom Riddle , the brooding Slytherin prodigy whose mere presence seemed to cast a shadow over my ambitions. His dark eyes flickered with a smugness that ignited a spark of anger within me , knowing all too well that he had likely aced the exam and overstepped me .
"You're in the damn way, Riddle," i spat, my voice laced with disdain as i attempted to sidestep him. But Tom, ever the opportunist, blocked my path with a sly smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, (L/N), always using such unladylike words , maybe thats one of the reason why you seem to be below than me ," he taunted, his voice dripping with condescension.
Suppressing the urge to roll my eyes, I clenched my jaw, refusing to let him see how much his words affected me . "Unlike some , I actually don't care what people say and while we talk about my academic pursuits , it'd be better if you keep your insignificant opinion to yourself ," i retorted, my tone laced with venom. Our rivalry was legendary within the walls of Hogwarts, a constant clash of intellects and egos that fueled their disdain for one another.
With a sarcastic smile, I pushed past Tom, my resolve steeling against the inevitable confrontation that awaited the both of us in the days to come. For as long as we remained academic rivals, our mutual hatred would burn as brightly as the flames of Gryffindor and Slytherin.
Tom's voice echoed in the long and ominous hallway making me stop at my tracks . "Maybe you should work on yourself instead of just trying to prove your worth , which I may insist would be nothing less than my broom" That arrogant jerk . Thankfully there were almost no students around since it was time for another lesson . I could feel my rage burning , running through my veins as i stormed towards him and grabbed him by the collar of his stupidly perfect robe "You better learn to shut your fucking mouth riddle , I'm no patient woman and I would definitely not hesitate to show you just how much I have in myself , I'll have you fucking grovel at my feet" i seethed but it did not have much impact on Tom since all he did was let out a menacing chuckle "grovel at your feet ? You sure think highly of yourself , don't you ? And why are you mad , I was just being veracious . Perhaps you forgot I'm a prefect and could very happily take points from your pathetic house for the absolute insolence you are performing at the moment"
His word flowed through his thick British accent only making me more mad , they always seemed to cut through my mind and heart , his erudite personality provoking a desire withing me to just stab him with a dagger but I know better than to do foolish things so instead i let my grip loosen as I gave him a sickeningly fake smile , my hands straightening his collar as i whispered "you wouldn't dare riddle , you know I'm a prefect aswell" i continued with sweetness flowing through my words as if it was straight up sugar "I wouldn't mind deducting all of those points you earned in a month , I'll make sure they're gone in a fucking week , you know Dumbledore is on my side" i taunted him as i tightened his tie a bit to which he hissed and glared at me .
It was a known fact that tom was loved by the entire student body along with the professors but Dumbledore? No . he sure saw right through his facade something which I highly appreciate since I find it stupid just how naive people here are that they are fooled by his fake act but to be fair he is quite charmistic with his ways of getting things done in his manner , he just fabricates his personality so fucking well . Oh how I would love to disrupt and absolutely wreck his living . His fame , his knowledge, his charm , his everything , just him overall evokes an enmity within me , an deep seated anger upon how he could gain it all so easily while I work my ass off ? It was just not fair .
I took my hands off as i beamed at him my eyes forming into crescents "farewell riddle , hope you collide into a wall and have a concussion" with that i turned around smiling to myself as i felt a sense complacency wash over me , oh such a beautiful feeling to put him in his place , I'm going to have a good sleep tonight .
As she went away Tom stood there with a clenched jaw and hands formed into fists breathing heavily "that disdainful bitch" . The amount of anger he felt was indescribable at the moment , how could this little girl disrespect him , the future lord of the wizarding world , and go away as if nothing happened? She needs to learn her place and Tom will gladly be the one to do so . "Just you wait little girl , just you wait" he breathed out as he walked away sharply .
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It was now the next morning , I woke up along with hermione as we both freshened up and went at the great hall for breakfast . As we reached there we spotted our usual group - Harry , ron , fred and george . They are all laughing as we took our seats , I sat near Harry as hermione sat near ron . As they started bickering i side eyed Harry as we both quietly exchanged amused glances . To be honest everyone knew they liked each except those two idiots, sometimes I think they know it aswell but they just don't have enough courage to express it . It's honestly so annoying but we still do our best to make them realise their feelings .
I laughed as I heard Harry huff out "here comes the daily fighting , can a guy not have a break" I took a plate as I filled it with some food and continued the conversation "hey a girl needs a break aswell , I'm sure he doens't complain about mionie as much as she eats my ear off about ron" . Harry was about to say something when he suddenly stopped , his mouth open , eyebrows frowned into confusion as he looked somewhere. "What ? What happened?" I asked as I followed his gaze which stopped at the Slytherin table right where tom sat with his insatiable group of arrogant jerks "oh" was all i could say . Harry turned towards me as he asked "did you and Tom have another fight ? He seems to glaring at you since you entered . At first i thought it was just me but umm he's definitely mad"
All my friends knew about our rivalry since I'm mostly pissed off because of him and well let me inform you about an annoying trait of mine - I can't control my anger and cursing . I sighed as i continued eating answering him nonchalanly "I did but he started it , it was just the same I don't know what hit the nerve this time" Harry seemed a bit concerned as he leaned in a bit "just be careful I think he's coming for you this time , it seems as if you really hurt his pride" I let out a chuckle as I looked at tom "oh he can try all he wants but at the end he is the loser" i whispered as i smiled sarcastically at tom who only glared back .
We had finished eating as we stood up , ron and hermione still arguing "gosh ronald you make such gratuitous jokes" hermione complained as they walked forward , me and Harry still walking at a slow pace behind as we continued laughing . Suddenly Tom blocked our path with his annoying friends "well if it isn't the golden pair of our school , i must say you both suit each other perfectly , extremely dumb and pretentious" said his younger brother, mattheo . He is a spitting image of Tom just less cold and more talkative , also a complete manwhore - quite the opposite of Tom . I scoffed as I rolled my eyes "did the snakes loose their way ? You're slithering in the wrong den assholes"
"How amiable , aren't you darling" mattheo said as he stepped forward , a bit too much in my personal space for my liking . Before I can say something Tom interrupted "don't waste your time on trash Mattheo , we have better things to do" his sentence made me furious but i kept a cool face on "oh yeah , like licking snapes boot off for extra points?" My words sure made them offended as they all stepped forward but Harry came in between "if you guys may , we're getting late for class" with that he dragged me away as I flipped Tom off , oh how I loved seeing their pissed off face as I blew them a kiss only adding fuel to their rage .
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During the classes i could feel their burning gaze throwing daggers at my head . They were extremely influencial people maybe i shouldn't have said too much but I'm a gryffindor , it's in my blood . Damn this courage , this will be the reason of my death one day . This is all Tom's fault , he is simply so agitating ugh will be just let me live my life in any sort of peace ? If he's not at my neck all the time then his goons are , so fucking annoying. The classroom fell quite as the professor stepped in with the results of the transfiguration test taken a week ago .
As the professor stood at the front of the classroom, holding the parchment with the test results, the tension in the air was palpable. Every student leaned forward in their seats, anticipation coursing through the room like electricity.
When the professor finally began to announce the results, a hush fell over the classroom, broken only by the rustling of parchment. As my name was called out as the top performer, a ripple of whispers and murmurs swept through the room, followed by a round of applause.
You couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the recognition of your hard work and dedication. It was a validation of your efforts, a moment of triumph amidst the daily struggles of academic life at Hogwarts.
But as you basked in the glow of your success, you couldn't ignore the sharp gaze of Tom Riddle fixed upon you from across the room. His expression was inscrutable, but there was a glint of something dangerous in his eyes.
It was no secret that Tom Riddle was ambitious and competitive, always striving to be the best in every endeavor. Your success was undoubtedly a blow to his pride, and you could see the flicker of envy in his demeanor.
As the class continued, you couldn't shake the feeling of being under scrutiny, as if every move you made was being watched and analyzed. It was as though Tom's gaze followed you wherever you went, a constant reminder of the rivalry that simmered between you.
But despite the undercurrent of tension, you refused to let it dampen your spirits. You were determined to savor this moment of victory, to revel in the praise that had been bestowed upon you.
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As Tom Riddle seethed with jealousy over the your academic success , he knew he needed to devise a plan to bring you down. His mind teemed with thoughts of retribution, each one darker than the last.
One evening, as he strolled through the corridors of Hogwarts, an idea struck him like a bolt of lightning. He would orchestrate a situation that would land you in detention, a punishment that would serve as a fitting punishment for their perceived transgressions. It would piss you off but also lower your reputation in front of the professors.
Tom approached his brother, Mattheo, and his friend, Theodore, with a devious plan brewing in his mind. "I need your help," he said, his eyes glinting with malice. "I want to teach that insolent girl a lesson she won't forget."
Mattheo and Theodore exchanged a glance, intrigued by Tom's proposition already knowing who he's talking about . "What do you have in mind?" Mattheo asked, his curiosity piqued.
Tom outlined his plan, explaining how he intended to use Mattheo and Theodore to manipulate your emotions. "We'll have you bump into her and flirt with her," he said with a wicked grin. "But we'll make sure to push her buttons. She won't be able to resist reacting , you know how she is ."
Theodore nodded , eager to assist his friend. "Count me in," he declared, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
。    ✧    ⁺     。
As i navigated the bustling corridors of Hogwarts, lost in thought, i suddenly felt a collision jolt my from my reverie. Startled, i stumbled backward, nearly losing my balance. Looking up, I saw two figures looming over me , their expressions smug and unapologetic.
"Watch where you're going!" I exclaimed, my annoyance evident in my voice as I straightened myself.
Mattheo and Theodore exchanged a glance, barely concealing their amusement. "Apologies, love," Mattheo said with a smirk, his tone dripping with insincerity. "We didn't see you there."
I rolled her eyes, my irritation mounting at their cavalier attitude. "Sure you didn't," I muttered sarcastically, attempting to sidestep their path and continue on my way.
But Mattheo stepped in front of me , blocking my path with an infuriating grin. "Leaving so soon, sweetheart?" he teased, his tone laced with arrogance.
My patience wore thin as I tried to push past him, my frustration evident in my voice. "I have better things to do than entertain you two," i retorted, my annoyance palpable.
However, Mattheo and Theodore seemed undeterred by my dismissal, their egos bruised by my indifference. They exchanged a knowing glance before Theodore leaned in closer, his voice dripping with false charm. "Come on, don't be like that," he cajoled, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from my face.
I recoiled, my patience wearing thin. "Don't touch me," I snapped, swatting his hand away. "I said I'm not interested!"
But Mattheo and Theodore persisted, their egos wounded by my rejection. They exchanged a smirk before Theodore remarked, "Looks like she needs to be taught a lesson, eh, Mattheo?"
With a malicious glint in his eye, Mattheo nodded in agreement. "Oh, I've got just the lesson in mind," he replied, his voice filled with venomous intent as he stepped closer .
And with that, my patience snapped. With a swift punch to Mattheo's jaw, I silenced his arrogant words , I couldn't believe how absolutely disgusting they were.
The commotion attracted the attention of nearby teachers, who hurried over to intervene. Amidst the chaos, I found myself dragged to detention , the teacher's had asked what happened and with the witness of other students around it was proved that I started the fight. I was absolutely furious because I had a reason to do it but I was silenced by "I am utterly disappointed in you (name) I didn't expect this kind of behaviour from you. Detention for 3 days". My mind was reeling with anger - they hadn't even let me explain myself , just great .
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As i stormed into the dimly lit detention room, my eyes immediately locked onto Tom Riddle's figure, sitting calmly at his desk. Without hesitation, i marched over to him, my footsteps echoing with determination.
"What did you do?" I demanded, my voice cutting through the silence of the room. Tom glanced up, his expression unreadable as he met my gaze. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," he replied smoothly, his tone betraying no hint of guilt.
My frustration boiled over, my patience wearing thin. "Cut the act, Tom," i snapped, my voice tinged with anger. "You framed me, didn't you?"
A smirk tugged at the corner of Tom's lips, a glint of amusement dancing in his dark eyes. "Perhaps I did," he admitted casually, his gaze never wavering from mine . "But you shouldn't be so careless, (L/N) . You know what they say about stepping on snakes."
The mention of snakes ignited a fire within me , my temper flaring at his veiled threat. Without thinking, I lunged forward, my hand reaching out to grab him by the collar.
"You think you can intimidate me?" I hissed, my voice laced with fury as I pulled him closer. "I won't let you get away with this."
Tom's smirk widened into a sly grin as he met my gaze head-on, unfazed by my display of aggression. "And what do you plan to do about it?" he taunted, his voice dripping with malice.
Before I could respond, the sound of footsteps echoed through the room as the detention supervisor approached, breaking the tension between us . With a final glare, I released my grip on Tom's collar, stepping back to compose myself.
I huffed as I took my seat glaring at the back of his head while he talked smoothly with the professor keeping up with his facade , showing no remorse after framing me and worse threatening me to do more just because i overstepped him in a bloody test . A frustrated sigh left my mouth as he left with a mocking sly grin on his face and all I could do was roll my eyes and curse him "that asshole" .
。    ✧    ⁺     。
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ueidesign · 2 months
I’m curious as to your reasoning behind making Leona Wind/Euridition.
Does it have something to do with this?:
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And the fact that he canonically loves chess, is very strategic, and is extremely intelligent?
I would have thought, with Savanaclaw’s dorm motto, the Hunt path would work better… but if you chose to go with the above clip and a sand storm as his main attacking point, then Eurdition does work better since they do better against groups, right?
Forgive me if I’m way off I have never played hsr in my life this is the product of a quick amount of research to figure out elements and paths etc. so I knew the barest of bare bones so I could learn more and understand more about what you’re doing here with these because I love them 💀😅
Well, hello there ! ^^
Before i start yapping, i just want to say that i love how u ended researching about the paths and elements BECAUSE THAT IS TRUE DEDICATION OVER HERE
Also you are not far from my own reasoning :0 !
Let's start by the Path
If we want to choose based on the canon, it would be Tank (Book 6), similar to Vil's
However, i wasn't pleased with it .. it felt bland ?
even Idia himself forfeited the idea immediately cause it DOESN'T MATCH LEONA'S CHARACTERISTICS
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And i absolutely agree that the path needs to reflect a character behaviour and their skills !
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A small detail i liked is that Leona is not only physically strong, but even his magic power is in great shape !
He might be lazy... yes, but wasn't what started it was his hatred toward the way he got treated whenever he tried his best ?
In reality He is strong and well suited in the front lines
He even has the title of a "Sunset Warrior" back in his hometown, which is a title given to the strongest fighter !
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This leaves us with two options Destruction, The Hunt and Erudition
It is true that Leona's SP (Signature Spell) is a destructive one(turns everything he touches into sand), but unlike Malleus, his behaviour AREN'T that hazard !
This leaves us with The Hunt and Erudition
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Comparing the two to each other, i believe that the Erudition is the perfect choice
is because Leona is a character that was raised as a TRUE prince he did turn into a troublesome person and very difficult to handle, but those actions of his reflect how strategic he can be
Not to forget how he managed to avoid lots of trouble thanks to this talent
Another thing i love about Leona is that he might be ruthless, but his words are based on experience and silent observation. A LOGICAL ONES INDEED
He even went to a great length with cheating and abusing his power in order to achieve what he wanted (Book 2 accidents)
Point two is more related to his SP, which can injure those around him on a specific range
I think this is a great choice for him to be a multi targeted character or, more accurately, an aoe character
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Element choice
As u saw, i ended up giving Leona the Wind element and not physical
Why ?
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Because relating him as physical just because he is strong and well built didn't feel right
LEONA ALWAYS DID WHAT HE WAS TOLD he learnt to fight because he is the prince
he polished his skills because he is the prince
I'm not saying he doesn't like that. But why does it feel wrong? It is as if we are labelling it as his duty as the SECOND prince
Wait, let me give an example
Remember Jack Eidolons?
I gave Jack a physical element, compared to Leona. You can see how well deticated Jack is for working out and balancing a healthy lifestyle, but Leona ? He might have cared once but completely gave up on it later on
Not to forget that Leona is a beastman. his species played a huge role in this too.
Last but not least his SP gives a veryy strong feeling for wind
Since sand storms occur when there is a strong WIND to the point it starts lifting the sand grain off the ground and blows them in the air :> (thank u google)
Hope this helps clear everything
Btw !!!
i didn't consider the gif i inserted as a part of my reasoning because u absolutely shocked me with that detail, and I LOVE IT hellooo!!!???
Little note (and a reminder)
Feel free to drop me ur thoughts ! Or reply on this matter
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limonnitsa · 11 months
Sebastian and Muggle Studies HC
no matter how bright Sebastian is as a duellist and erudite at spells, he isn't really good at muggle studies and not so much well-rounded about muggles' life
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PART 2 ⬇️
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Howdy there!
I’m not sure what I’m feeling, but I sure am feeling. I finally did a proper intro !
Nicknames! I love them!
I use all pronouns, but I prefer he/it/neos. I just hope that you decide to be creative with it. If you want some help with neopronouns, this document by @/neopronounhaven could help!
Links and other blogs:
Pronoun page
@w-w-whumpupthejam (my whump writing blog)
@sanders-sidesing-posts (my very niche sanders sides gimmick(?) blog)
@squlaney (my squip oc blog. Im very proud of it)
Sanders sides
Be more chill (namely the musical)
The owl house
Gravity falls
The hatchetverse
Spies are forever
Percy Jackson
The world of Mr Plant
Welcome to the Table
Over The Garden Wall
Miniminuteman? Milo Rossi? Does he count??
The big three (Danny Gonzalez, Drew Gooden, Kurtis Conner)
Ride the cyclone
25th annual Putnam county spelling bee! Ask me about it. I dare you. Do it.
And more that I can’t pull from the top of my head…
What do I do?
I mostly write, but I also do some digital art, traditional drawings, watercolour, and more. I tend to write fictions, poems, and the like but I’ve been wanting to do some script and song writing :3
All my writing
The Ivory Isle
My Quizzes
Please be kind and respectful, I have a strict no asshole rule (:
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mobblespsycho100 · 3 months
Surya since you like both HSR and dungeon meshi what paths would the dunmeshi characters be :0
PAIGE I OWE YOU MY LIFE FOR THIS 🙏💞 . excellent question... enabling my brainrots... I will now cook (rubs my autistic hands together)
Laios: Destruction, Imaginary / Fire. I think he has to be either Imaginary or Fire path wise, leaning towards imaginary because smth smth golden / yellow smth smth. I just think destruction would fit him well based on pure vibes <3 lots of destruction characters have this deal of dealing w/ loss and also having a strong motivation for something (firefly wanting to live, dan heng finally facing his past etc.). If we're talking unplayable paths though I think Laios would follow The Hunt or even The Voracity (even tho im p sure the Aeon of Voracity Ouroboros is like . missing iirc? but like cmon. Laios is Thee Devourer™ I think it works !!)
Marcille: Erudition, Ice. "Wait why not fire she uses a lot of fire spells" yes I hear you . I think fire could also b a good element for her but I think ice fits with her lore in a sense . of like her fear of outliving everyone and her wanting to preserve others lives in a way. Erudition I pick cuz in canon she is like a big range/can hit a lot of enemies combatant in a way so AoE dmg dealer gameplay wise fits me thinks and also shes a scholarrr :3 thee academiccc. Lore / unplayable paths wise she might still follow the Erudition still or the Remembrance or even Preservation (but with The Architects not the IPC) me thinks.
Senshi: Abundance, Fire. I will not be taking criticism hes definitely abundance . he would be a healer. believe in me . also fire because cooking <3 NOT MUCH TO SAY HERE. even like outside of gameplay i still think he'd follow abundance . Ik theres this upcoming character (Jiaoqiu) whos a chef healer whos nihility fire but he has a diff vibe from senshi so like uhm yea
Chilchuck: Nihility, Quantum / Wind. this ones easy peasy to me like . chilled chuck on the path of nihility... he is such a goofy guy. i think quantum or wind would work as the elements for him because quantum entanglement debuff being this slow + stacking mechanic works for his kind of cautious guy whole thing while wind is like . uhh hes quick on his feet i suppose. Gameplay wise i think he'd be like increasing his own spd and delaying the enemies or like giving a vulnerability debuff mark ( reference to him using his bow and arrow to shoot at the ice golems weakspot but he doesn't really do any damage akhdkshd ). Outside of gameplay he still strikes me as a nihility guy or maybe he wouldn't be following a path ¯⁠\⁠_(•-•)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ idk
Izutsumi: Nihility or Hunt, Physical. Nihility again ! I just think it works for her ! but Hunt could also work !!! she would definitely be a dps type character I can't see anythin else. Nihility can also be dps even if their official role is debuffer . I picked physical because physical break causes bleed and uhh izutsumis claw scratches . scratch -> bleed. Yee. I love her a lot I think this works for her 🐱😎 . i feel like Izutsumi would actually be a pathstrider of the Trailblaze . like shes looking for her own path and wanting to be free and travel around tbh like . yeah . <3
Falin: Harmony, Imaginary. Touden siblings the imaginariessss realness. I feel like she would be harmony even though yeah her primary role is a cleric n she was the designated party healer but I feel like in rpg settings she would be a buffer for sure. I think the idea of a harmony character who can like switch modes after ulting (like oooh she transforms into chimera Falin in combat) would be super cool also. it would be pretty neat. She also gives me Robin vibes so like tbh ? hashtag . I'm always right. Lore wise she would also follow The Trailblaze <3 a wanderer wandering she is full of wanderlust . to me
Okay now I'm faced with a dilemma of doing like everyone else who I like or not but I've decided I'll just do . Kabru Toshiro and Namari and their parties I will not give extra explanations and just jump into it aight . ajhskahdjs
Kabru: Preservation, Physical. A combination that is not yet in the game (woah). I think he would be preservation because they're a really strong class and legit the rarest one also, kind of crazy how they're sustain but barring March 7th and Gepard (and even then March can be used offensively too) they can honestly b p neat dmg dealers / offensive buffers also. I think its really funny to assign guy who keeps dying to be the protector™ path also help ajahsjah. I picked physical because um . sword / weapons guy llalalala <3 . Unplayable paths wise I'd say he would bee . following The Remembrance :3<
Toshiro (Shuro): Erudition, Wind. Wind because I associate him with green too much . but also y'know who else is a wind dmg dealer . freakin Blade . So It Works (Guy who is making shit up) ‼️ I think he would be erudition because erm... well 👍 he's cool like that . i mean he could be destruction too . whatever idk anything. outside of gameplay he has the vibes of guy who is forced to be in the IPC LMAO
Namari: Nihility, Fire / Physical. Yeah we back in the nihility zone 🔥🔥🔥 honestly my excuse for this is that she gives me huge Luka vibes so NIHILITY IT IS and fire is also mostly vibes while physical is because punch punch . and she is the weapons knower™ ... but tbh outside of gameplay maybe she would follow the hunt. just vibes. she could be a galaxy ranger 👊💥
ok now here comes the rapidfire assignments
Kabru's party:
• Rin -> Erudition, Lightning. easy
• Dia -> Hunt, Physical
• Holm -> Abundance, Ice
• Mickbell -> Elation Nihility, Imaginary
• Kuro -> Destruction, Physical
Shuro's party:
• Maizuru -> Erudition, Quantum
• Inutade -> Destruction, Physical
• Benichidori -> Nihility, Lightning
• Hien -> Hunt / Destruction, Fire (but Lightning could work too)
Namari's party:
• Kiki & Kaka (I can't seperate the twins) -> Erudition, Imaginary
• Mr. Tansu Floke -> Abundance / Preservation, Ice
• Mrs. Yarn Floke -> Harmony, Fire (to contrast with mr tansu idk i think itd be silly <3)
The Canaries:
• Mithrun -> Destruction, Wind
• Fleki -> Nihility, Imaginary
• Lycion -> Destruction, Physical
• Cithis -> Erudition, Quantum (Enigmata follower vibes outside of gameplay)
• Pattadol -> Preservation, Ice or Erudition, Imaginary
• Otta -> Hunt, Fire
• Thistle -> Destruction / Preservation, Lightning
• Yaad -> Harmony, Quantum / Imaginary
• The Winged Lion -> Preservation, Imaginary
okay yeah thats it Me Thinks. (scuttles away)
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skyfumgus · 5 months
As a fun thought experiment and because I'm going crazy, I decided to figure how to classify holy quintet into honkai star rail :D
game wise, if I tried fitting the lore, I'm going to cry /J
( spoilers for madoka magica )
Okay so I believe mami would be erudition due to how she fights in madoka magica
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And magia record
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She would be a physical, due to the fact there really isn't anything else i think she would be, nor fits her.
Sayaka is an interesting case because she can heal herself,
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but I believe she follows the path of destruction, primarily because there are special characters that are able to boost their own abilitys, ( jinglin, clara, and blade ) without the help of harmony characters.
Not to mention, Sayaka is technically destroying herself when she becomes a magical girl, so it fits. She be an ice type considering there's no water.
I think kyoko would follow the path of the hunt, because during most of the series she mainly attacks one at a time.
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I find more footage but couldn't find her fighting more so.. however, she would be a fire type because of her transformation and because of her lore. And because it fits her.
Homura would follow the path of nhitlity ( I can't spell :P ) and be quantum because of her ability to stop time.
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I was really debating whether or not she was physical due to the fact she actually doesn't have any weapons besides the ones she stole. Which aren't magic. But then remembered the quantum break does extra damage when the enemy leaves, and that's kinda what homura does. So quantum, and nhitlity.
And finally madoka! I think she be a preservation and imaginary. Because her wish was to save all magical girls from their witch forms and because after she rewrote the world, the only ones that remembered her were homura, and her little brother, like she was from their imagination.
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And that's it! I refuse to try and do math to figure out how they act as playable characters and all that jazz, so I'm happy saying what I think they be, nothing more :3
And these are just what I think, playing HSR and watching madoka magica
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kindheart525 · 10 months
Mobid question here, how do Killer!Iolite's victims die?
Ngl I’m not a very morbid person (hence why I had to do so much research on horror tropes to write this AU because I had no knowledge of my own) but I still thought this was a fascinating question so I had @frostcorpsclub help me come up with the deaths!
I know more characters die than what’s listed here, but I decided to go with the major ones.
Trigger warning for mentions of gore, hanging, choking, eye trauma, decapitation, and generally torturous and horrific deaths
Obsidian: In a chase, her signature pink hair bow is unraveled/caught on something and Iolite uses shadow magic to hang her with it. It looks like an accident until looked into further.
Polished Antique: Iolite pushes him into his own family’s vault where he's crushed by tons of bits (a la Scrooge McDuck)
Brackish: Gets trapped and submerged in a pit of grain*, a fate that’s incredibly dry for somepony who devoted his life to being a swimmer and making mares w-
Saltwater Taffy: Iolite kills her with a curse; every time she says a bad word against another creature, her throat fills up with crystal. She’s killed as she tears into Iolite for killing her family members, choking on crystal shards and her own blood.
Erudite Spell: Having died alongside Taffy, he is afflicted with a similar curse, which also causes fatal crystal growths. It affects his hooves so he can't run for help, and his horn upon which the crystals grow down and slowly blind him, stabbing his eyes and penetrating his brain.
Rainier: Iolite captures him and keeps him around in a secret place (like Summer) because he actually gives good emotional advice and there's a tiny, tiny, tiny glimmer of her true self inside him. She curses him with a fate akin to bamboo torture*, except instead of bamboo it’s an apple tree that’s growing inside of and slowly hilling him. It’s the slowest and most agonizing death of all of them. It also parallels the trees that his grandparents once planted to symbolize their love, but with an extremely horrific and dark twist.
Crash Racket: Iolite decapitated him and put his head on a pike, which she showed to Summer to torture her. “Is this the type of head that was worth breaking my heart over, Summy?”
Summer Beauty: I’ve described it before but I felt it would be fitting to put the description here too. Iolite put a curse on her so that the instant she is killed, Summer will “self-destruct” and turn into a lifeless crystal statue, much like the famed Crystal Empress Amore. Through this, Iolite has ensured that Summer cannot live without her.
Iolite: She tears her wings in a hoof-to-hoof battle with Yngvlid before falling into a crystal pit where her heart is pulled straight from her body.
BONUS Crystal Family: They all die in a very Romanov-like fashion where they’re locked in a basement together and Iolite and (mind-controlled) Aurora fire shots at them. Yes, including the little filly.
*The links are to Wikipedia articles; no videos or graphic photographs.
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galeorderbride · 3 months
Through Blaze of Fire, I'll Find my Way (co-written chapter)
I contributed a piece for @hyperfixationstation128's fic titled above. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to co-write a chapter with you :)
This is Gale's perspective on the events of this chapter. Whereupon he witnesses Arcane enduring a violent attack and shipwreck, doing what he can to aid her. (Events set pre-game).
Once again, thank you @hyperfixationstation128 for asking me to do this with you, it was great fun!
WC: 1328
Rating: T
Chapter under the cut!
Living in the dock district meant there was never a dull moment out the window. Gale sipping coffee, tea or a glass of wine as he people-watched out from the tallest height of his tower. Late mornings perfect for a breath of fresh air after spending hours pouring over magical tomes, losing sleep where he shouldn’t. Easing the dark circles around his eyes so his mother wouldn’t catch on to his bad habits. 
Today, the tide was high, storm clouds blocking the rays of the sun trying to peek through. Rumbling thunder boomed in the distance, the scent of petrichor combining with the green tea Gale had prepared for himself that day. There would be no outside activities, not with the weather. Gale enjoyed those days, an excuse to lounge about in his tower, read with Tara and perhaps bake if he had the ingredients. His mother had been talking about how much she craved his honey cake. 
Until a shatter of lightning beamed from the midline of the sea, illuminating the horizon in a silver blade. From where he sat, the strike seemed to produce a large, wailing object floating in the crashing waves. An illusion, as he realised the giant form was a ship, wrecking shockingly close to the shore. Horrid whips of wind and salt water banging against the sides, cracking the wood and slicing the sails. His eyes widened in horror, unaware that he swore under his breath and Tara heard him. 
“Mr. Dekarios, what has you so startled to use such unbecoming language?” She asked, climbing up to the window seat and gazing out at the sea herself. Her hair raised against her spine and tail. “Good heavens! What kind of disaster is this?!” 
“Tara, I’m quite certain whoever is on that ship is in grave danger. Would it also be unbecoming to take a…closer look?” Gale asked, mischief laden in his erudite voice. 
Tara cocked her head to the side in contemplation, “Perhaps I encourage your nosiness too much, Mr. Dekarios. But I’d be a fool to stop you from seeing danger that you could help prevent.” 
An enchanted spyglass sat on his desk, a golden shine across the room via candlelight. Enhanced with magic that allowed one to view miles longer than any regular lens would allow. Gale grabbed the tool, pulling each layer out until fully extended, holding the scope to his eye. 
The storm was a disguise for the real fight, the spyglass showing a skirmish akin to a violent mutiny. Sailors thrashing everywhere against the rain, mixed with a desperate attempt to attack a certain individual being chased and dragged across the ship. Gale first assumed an abusive captain was getting his just desserts, but upon closer examination, he realised what was transpiring was much, much worse. A young woman, assaulted by a gang of reckless pirates for some reason or another. Chestnut hair blowing and sticking to her face in the wind, defending herself with something he never expected a pirate to wield: 
With the wave of her hands, droplets conjuring around her palms, Gale discovered that there was nothing natural about the thrashing storm. She caused the waves, pulling the water against the ship to knock down her attackers. The woman was a wizard, or perhaps a sorcerer. Either way, to see something so powerful was nearly a punch to his own ego. Nearly. 
He’d read about such spells before, modifying weather patterns and elements through the weave. They weren’t necessarily difficult to cast, but they were volatile. Chaotic, ready to betray the caster at a moment’s notice. Such was the nature of this incredible woman’s efforts. The waves smacked against the ship, knocking it back and forth enough to buy herself some time. He could see her through the spyglass, concentration breaking and rekindling, causing the waves to betray her, nearly drowning her in places. She retrieved command back quickly, even in the violence, but there was a lack of discipline. One that might lead to dire consequences. If not today, another, if she survived to see. 
The magic was a half measure, doing enough to distract the violent crew but not to take one man’s attention away. A haggard, older man he presumed to be the captain, as every other person did exactly what he said. Other than the unbridled sorceress sliding up and down the slippery deck, trying and failing to find her balance. The captain shouted at his men, Gale unable to hear what the words were. All he had was sight. Not that he had much time to speak, as a giant wave plummeted under the ship, jerking everyone up. The woman flew, her body slamming back against the wood. A blow so strong, Gale caught himself twitching in surprise. 
“Weave, save me! There’s a woman being assaulted on that ship, Tara!” Gale exclaimed. 
“Mr. Dekarios, I hate to make a terrible situation worse, but I have a feeling that’s a slave ship. If you are inclined to help the girl, you may want to act fast with those captors in mind,” Tara said, pawing at the window, her tail batting back and forth with anticipation. 
“That concentration of magic…by the gods!” Gale exclaimed, “Though I must admit, I’m a little afraid she might accidentally send those waves our way.” 
Gale thought for a moment, wondering how he could ever think to intervene from so far away. But as he watched the young woman struggling to survive her attackers, he knew he had to do something. Before her luck ran dry. 
“A slave ship, meaning most might be on the lower decks, locked up. I can’t see them but—perhaps an upcasted knock spell…” 
Flicking his hand forward, a light blue glow emanating from his fingers and winding all the way to the ship, the spell managed to sink through the circular windows of the lower deck. Even if he couldn’t get every lock, the ones he did free could do the rest. With the distance, Gale had no idea if the spell worked. Just because the weave within him touched the decks, didn’t mean they reached the destination. 
Tara and him waited with baited breath, breath shaking as he watched every angle of the ship he could. From the lower decks, up to the unoccupied wheel, up to the skirmish of crewmen being fought off with ever weakening magic. The woman was getting tired, flustered. She wouldn’t last for much longer. 
“Please,” Gale whispered. “Come on.” 
A few seconds went by, painful ones that tempted Gale to give up hope on him helping the poor woman and the slaves aboard. He wanted so badly to help. The thought of a woman’s violent death on his shoulders because his talents finally reached a limit…he couldn’t live with that. 
All of the sudden, a mob of slaves ran up from the lower decks. Far more than he expected, people of all shapes and sizes running at the crew with whatever makeshift weapons they could find. Pure elation ran through Gale’s heart, an excited laugh bubbling from him as he nearly jumped for joy. 
“Tara! Look at them all! Ha!” Gale exclaimed. 
“Goodness! Perhaps there’s a chance for the poor souls after all,” she said. 
In Gale’s excitement, he didn’t notice that the pandemonium led to the death of the captain, and much of the crew. Rain still showered over them, the ship crashing against the waves, threatening to throw everyone into the depths. That, he didn’t have much option to assist with. He hoped, with his distraction, she’d be able to do something with that powerful magic. 
Oh, did she ever. Summoning a picture perfect portal, enveloping the entirety of them off the ship. Just in the nick of time, as the ship cracked through the middle, breaking in a battering explosion of wood before sinking into the sea for good. The woman, the slaves, all of them were gone. 
But where?
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occultboyscout · 8 months
Is Witchcraft/Magic Real?
"Do you hear, you who so rashly accuse the art of magic? It is an art acceptable to the immortal gods, full of all knowledge of worship and of prayer, full of piety and wisdom in things divine, full of honour and glory since the day when Zoroaster and Oromazes established it, high-priestess of the powers of heaven. Nay, it is one of the first elements of princely instruction, nor do they lightly admit any chance person to be a magician, any more than they would admit him to be a king. Plato -- if I may quote him again -- in another passage dealing with a certain Zalmoxis, a Thracian and also a master of this art has written that magical charms are merely beautiful words. If that is so, why should I be forbidden to learn the fair words of Zalmoxis or the priestly lore. of Zoroaster?" ~Apuleius, Apologia
"Is Witchcraft/Magic real?" Sure! Or no. Who cares? Ask more interesting questions.
"I don't think magic is real." Okay cool! I'm not talking about magic then. I'm talking about philosophy, or poetry, or history. "I think magic is real." Awesome! Let's talk about ritual, and spells, and grimoires. It's all the same stuff. If the question you're trying to ask is "can ritual affect the physical world" that's a great question, I think so! Let's talk about it. If the question you're trying to ask is "can a person shoot fireballs out of their eyes" the answer is probably not. But if you ask "is magic real" you sound like the accusers of Apulleius, and their insistence on fish:
"You would have made out a far more plausible case by pretending that I made use of such things instead of fish, if only you had possessed the slightest erudition. For the belief in the use of these things is so widespread that you might have been believed. But of what use are fish save to be cooked and eaten at meals? In magic they seem to me to be absolutely useless." ~Apulleius
You do not know what I do. You do not know what I am. You do not know what you're asking me.
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localsya · 2 years
Hello! decided to ask you about Rennala!
What's your personal headcannon for her?
Also, Tarnished x Rennala? Yes/No?
Thanks if you can reply!
I think the fact i adore the most about her is that "Carian" is actually language! Its one of the sub languages that belong to the three of Anatolian Languages, as well as Romance languages are understood to be French, Iitalian, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian, Anatolian Languages encapsule Hittite, Luvian, Carian, Hieroglyphic Luwian, and Palaic!
Carians too were habitants of Anatolia (minor asia) current western asia! Many erudits used the greek phonetics to decipher Carian but in truly they are not the same language so the current translations are probably mistaken, i think accurate enough to be understood, but most still far from their actual true meaning.
Also the mistranslations in the name of the academy! In english we know it as "Raya Lucaria" as the original japanese is "魔術学院レアルカリア" , which means smt like " Magic Academy of the Real Caria" with "Real" being pronounced in Madrid Spanish, so a better approach would be "Royal Carian Academy"
Another cool hc is that i feel her hair is also loyal to her culture, very intrincate and complex braids to tie up her hair, once i made some explorations but nothing too srsn gughug, best example i think would be Alicent's hairstyle in hotd, but def a hairstyle that is extremely hard to achieve alone.
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About the usual long hair i always do on her, its mostly leaning to the aspects of feminity the moon entity presents in almost all cultures, since Carians too where known to be in minor Asia, i also took a bit from there, moon goddesses throughout Asia are always depicted with long hair as a sign of divinity, like Chang'e from China for example! -the short answer is that i just adore it-
old art cuz i havent draw her guhgu
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I THINK THATS MOST OF IT? KJSNGDF pretty sure i have some others that i cant think of rn tbh but ty ty sry for long ass rant -im not sorry at all-
annnd im not a fan of tarnished pairings tbh, im not a huge fan in general of the "everything spins around the main character" trope so for me at least its a huge EGH kfjgfd
smooching u blesssss
edit i corrected some spells mistakes dfgkjdfbngh
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ralndown · 3 months
it’s just that
i never used to be so scared of everything. i took a chance and woke up with this wedding ring on my finger. i owe you for fucking up your life. i just hope i can make it up to you. you’re the reason there’s a flutter in my heart. you’re the reason nothing ever falls apart in this house that we built for our family of three. i’m so impressed that you’re still in love with me. you’re the reason there is hope at every turn. you’re the reason that i feel the sickest burns when you lay out the facts of each case we discuss. i agree that it’s hard to disagree. you’re the reason there’s a stranger in our bed. you’re the reason we’re less fucked up in the head. and the time that you spend on remembering it all deserves more than the words you’re hearing now. you’re the reason you’re the person you’ve become. you’re the “hard-ass-inward-look-at-how-it’s-done” with each lie you’ve dismantled and replaced with truth. you’re the epitome of living proof. you’re the camera’s lens, the checkbook, and the key. you’re as piscean as one could hope to be. and the lighthouse of love that you shine day and night beckons homeward toward us wandering erudites. you’re the witchiest, the baddest of the bad. you’re the best defence the dark arts ever had and the spells that you cast can cure every disease. it’s an honour to be part of this dichotomy. you’re the common sense that cuts right to the core that made that sassy mess we both get to adore. and the love that we share is imzadi times twelve. there’s no chance that you’ll ever get rid of me.
there’s no chance that you’ll ever get rid of me
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fictionfixations · 13 days
asking people who know how to play moze
does moze work well with jade? ive been running him in divergent universe and its ok but it gets a little awkward if his turn is before jade and he e's cause then jade cant do her e on him
but he also works well with my main team
like okay so i have like two different versions of my main team that are kind of meshed together but they dont work well with each other but im trying to get an alternative (like im trying to save up for aven so i can use jade's e on him while still keeping main team but its looking pretty tight on skill point use and i dont have sparkle. additionally it gets awkward in auto cause jade kind of ignores preservation or abundance which is fair but also AAA)
like okay so theres
team 1: [character TBA, robin, il dan heng, lynx] team 2: [character TBA, robin, jade, lynx]
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so without support characters (characters from other ppl) its usually just il dan heng, robin, jade, and lynx, which dan heng isnt follow up nor erudition (hes very skill point hungry) so its kind of not the greatest team but its my most built team
like. okay so those characters excluding moze are built to the maximum without grinding for better artifacts, having 5 star light cones or having their signature light cone, and without max eidolons (none of the built 5 stars have eidolons)
the only actual difference i guess is that for some reason jade has lower atk then everyone excluding lynx? like. like even robin has more atk then her 💀
and also i feel like he works ok with both teams. idk if the ease is just because im in divergent universe so everything has like buffs and shit but im genuinely not seeing a difference. (then again im not good at figuring out team comps and what works best with what so im kinda stumped here)
still i cant really set the jade team on auto because since her e effect disappears with like each of her turns and if moze is either still in like his departed(?) state or his turn was before jade and he went back into departed then i cant redo the e
and like i guess thats not the worst in the world but the whole point is to use her e to build up charge faster for her follow attacks + with the points she accumulates herself (if wording is confusing its ally attack + jade's attack = faster charge for follow up attack)
idk maybe im just not good at using jade 😭
in all honesty feixiao (am i spelling that right) would be a better alternative for jade i think (i kind of forgot how she plays, which is dumb cause i literally just did her trial so uh)? or like yunli.
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