#esp bc i don’t get to see them next semester. and then some of my friends will be graduated. and so i just won’t see them at school ever
callixton · 2 months
maybe i just need to start fainting dramatically in front of my friends to earn their sympathy
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
omg owo can i hear more abt chrysijacks modern college au bc IM INTERESTED. any autumn date outfit ideas for the modern au? if chrysijacks were deinks what would they taste like…
OKAY, so this is mostly just… general college au shenanigans, but with the added little bonus of magic being involved?? because i absolutely love meshing a normal environment with typical “i have to hide that i can see ghosts/i have magic in general” situations. THAT SAID. it’s not that magic isn’t normal in this universe! the fates are still well-known for being immortal and extremely powerful beings! it’s just that some people (like chrysi…) are trying to hide their magic from said all-powerful beings because they would like to escape college alive, thank you very much.
but most importantly, in this au, jacks is one of the most popular people in the college. all the fates are. they throw insane parties that are actually really high-end—think in official ballrooms, with gowns and suits and everything—and obviously anyone that can get to a party like that is extremely lucky. or extremely unlucky. it depends where in the audience they happen to be when a fate wants to play a fun little game.
SO ANYWAY,,,, mostly, chrysi and jacks interact (unfortunately) in their dance classes (chrysi’s legitimately thinking of dropping out of the class and taking it the next semester, purely to avoid jacks) and SOMETIMES in the local coffee shop. chrysi tends to view his flings with girls with contempt, esp since everyone knows about his cursed kiss (maaaaaybeeee i might edit his kiss so that it only makes girls fall into a deep slumber, but also: drama. so. yeah.) they are clearly not on good terms with each other.
of course, everything chrysi does to avoid jacks and the rest of the fates (due to her golden blood and her fear of them discovering her) comes crashing down around her when she and jacks have to work on a group project together. a dance. a romantic dance.
you see where this is going to go.
one thing leads to another, and there’s definitely a scene where chrysi ends up at one of the fated balls and jacks is also there (getting over his breakup with tella <//3 he can deal with it) and they definitely almost kiss during a dance. then they actually kiss later, in the gardens.
chrysi is immune to his kiss, which obvi shocks him!!! he’s like “um??? you’re my one true love???” and chrysi’s like “i don’t really care, i need to vacate the premises immediately, thank you!”
…… omg, this almost turns into a college cinderella au. whiiiiich would also be fun to explore.
anyway, jacks is a dance major??? details are uncertain about his actual major, but he actually cares about dance, and he can also be found in the library a lot more frequently than you might assume. chrysi didn’t even think he knew how to read.
chrysi herself is going into psychology, but then she changes her major to drama, but then she very quickly changes her major to history—which she’s actually enjoying a lot more than her other majors. she’s actually not rlly wanting to stick around for the rest of college though, since she knows she could be pretty successful freelancing as a paranormal investigator/exorcist/“psychic”, if you want to be basic about it.
it’s a lot of situational comedy (rlly, i was jst thinking abt college au in terms of them studying silently in a coffee shop, going to arcades, going to the beach…. i was reading a slice-of-life webtoon and wanted more ghosts and magic involved lskdjflskdjfslkjdfds. ALSO, OF COURSE SOMEONE IS TRYING TO RUIN CHRYSI AND JACKS’S RELATIONSHIP. BECAUSE POINTLESS DRAMA IS MY BEST FRIEND.)
autumn date outfits r as follows :3
chrysi’s looks something like either of these two:
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and jacks’s looks like these!
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jacks is boring.
as for drinks, chrysi tastes like cherry and strawberry as a drink! probably something bubbly and ice-cold!!! you’d have to drink it through a bendy straw also, because of course :3
jacks would be apple cider! also cold!!! or apple juice in general, since he’s like a toddler and only consumes apples and apple products <//3
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impulsivesuperrobin · 3 months
small-ish personal rant
sent 2 of my college friends a text before going on break bc i’ve been like a little paranoid they don’t view me as a friend anymore (i self isolated during a bad mental health spiral and they only checked up on me like 2 months into it just to see if they were good to complain at me about 1. something i can’t fix and 2. doing the dishes AND each of the few times we hung out/interacted briefly during it they were a little weird and distant) and they have not responded 🙃
it’s been half a day and i know for a fact they’ve been on their phones
atp i don’t even care! like i will be fine with either outcome because i’m capable of being mature about amicably ended relationships, but i would like to know so i don’t have to keep feeling weird in my own house! one of them lives with me and the other is literally over every single day! if they’re not my friends then i don’t have to keep worrying about it and feeling like somehow i’ve don’t something wrong! and if they do still want to be friends then great we can move on from this!
it just feels like they’re doing to me the thing they do right before they cut someone off and it’s pissing me off mostly. especially!!! bc they know i get paranoid sometimes!!!
actually, at first i isolated bc i was declining mental health wise, but then when i tried to get back to socializing they were kinda weird about it! and (imo) they’ve always kinda treated me like an auxiliary friend. i can count on one hand how many times one of them has invited me to do something with them and they’re so much worse at sticking to plans with me than they are with each other
to be fair, when they asked if i was okay (after two months of not) i lied and said i was bc they said they wanted to have an important conversation and i didn’t want to steer away from that but the conversation was literally the two of them being like “the room smells and we can’t tell where it’s coming from, you should do smth about that.” i had a bit of a breakdown in my own bedroom after that (idk if they heard any of it through the door/wall or wtv but they weren’t meant to). but then i tried to continue as normal and they’ve been ignoring me (so has another one of our mutual friends kinda and ik the three of them have been hanging out so idk)
i’m hoping to transfer next semester so it’s not like i’m going to see them much after this anyway but i really thought they were cool and i was hoping to keep some friends from this place (esp after we lost a lot of friends to various bullshit) so it’s kinda a bummer
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simonsrosebud · 3 years
what if kevin & dalton had been set up instead of meeting on their own?
(pls accept this as apology for not posting any kalton for MONTHS)
kevin doesn’t have a date to the banquet.
normally, it’s fine.  he’s taken allison or renee to the last few, as friends.  but this year, renee has something going on with gwen, their freshman dealer who is somehow only a year younger than himself.  and allison got scooped up by ricky, the other freshman dealer. 
“what happened to us being dates?  i thought it was unspoken?”
allison shrugs and pushes her hair behind her shoulder.  she has her arms crossed as she leans against the doorframe to kevin’s bedroom.  “sure, but ricky has a crush on me and it’s fun playing around with it.”
kevin sends her a look.  “ew, don’t look at me like that.  as if, he’s like a baby to me.”  kevin opens his mouth, but gets cut off.  “you could get a date easily, it’s fine, we’ll help.”
and she’s right.  later that afternoon she shoots a text to the team groupchat.
allison:  kevin needs a date, any and all genders welcome.  must be hot, good at socializing, and able to withstand his complete lack of care for them esp once he starts talking exy. 
allison:  i expect a nominee from each of you.  good luck soldiers.
and kevin’s going to kill that girl.
the freshmen don’t answer, of course.  all of their friends are freshmen, and they’re also just too scared to respond to the foxes sometimes.
aaron responds first, suggesting he just take one of the vixens.  neil chimes in by saying that marissa girl is fucking social alright.
kevin doesn’t get why allison can’t just set him up with one of her friends.  she has a strict rule against any of the foxes dating her non-exy friends, but it’s just an banquet. 
matt comes in last, but instead of the groupchat it’s just to kevin.
matt:  i have a friend named dalton.  he’s in his masters to become a professor but he’s chill. he’s nice and fun too, the best guy i know
kevin knows he shouldn’t be shallow, but...
kevin:  picture?
matt responds almost instantly.  a picture of his friend sitting across from him at starbucks on his laptop.  he looks caught off guard, like matt took the picture without warning.
is he with him right now?
kevin:  maybe.
he drops his head back and rubs his eyes.
an hour later, the door opens.  neil comes in first.  matt is on his heels, and someone else trails in behind him.  kevin sits up.
neil looks at him.  in french, he says, “i wasn’t a part of this.”
kevin stands, and responds back in french.  “you let him in.”  neil shrugs at that, and continues down to the bedroom.
matt nods at him with a smug smile.  “do you still have your psych 101 workbook?  i have to take it next semester and i don’t wanna buy it.”
kevin frowns.  is he not going to introduce his friend?  “uh, yeah.”  he turns to his desk and rummages through the drawers to pull it out.
“oh, this is dalton, by the way.  he’s a friend from sophomore year.”
there it is.  kevin turns back, book in hand, and nods at dalton.
dalton smiles, calm and charming, and tilts his head a bit.  “he’s lying.  i was his TA.”
kevin gives a smile.  it’s small and faint, and mostly fake.  he can’t help it.  he doesn’t care for small talk like this.  how old does that make dalton?
also, how did matt befriend his TA?  kevin’s never spoken a word to the majority of his own.
“can’t imagine having to deal with him in class,” he says, jokingly.
matt doesn’t defend it, just shrugs and moves on.  “hey, did you find a date to the banquet yet?”  he wiggles his eyebrows.  
kevin’s gonna kill him.  he stuffs his hands into his hoodie pocket so he can ball his fists.  “not yet, no.”
he nods, nudges dalton.  “kevin’s on the exy team, too.  he’s the only one without a date to the winter banquet this year,” he says.  “allison, remember allison?  she’s on a manhunt to find someone she approves of for him.”
dalton considers it.  “that sounds like allison.”
kevin refrains from frowning.  “have you met her?”
dalton has, just one time when he and matt went to a football game this fall and made a pit stop to matt’s room.  it’s also when he met neil, albeit very briefly.  neil had too much going on to give him the time of day.
“once, a month or so ago.”
when matt and dalton get into the car, dalton turns halfway in his seat to fully face matt.  “he doesn’t have a date?”  matt shakes his head.  “is he into guys at all?”
matt glances at him.  “yeah, he’s bisexual.”
dalton raises his eyebrows.  “um, hello?!  why didn’t you set him up with me?!”
matt frowns and shoots his friend a look.  “why do you think we just went over?!  i took psychology freshman year!”
dalton’s gonna kill him.  “but you didn’t say anything about me to him.”  matt rolls his eyes and waves him off, and dalton sits back in his seat.
“i know kevin, i know what i’m doing.”
he crosses his arms.  “you’re the worst wingman i’ve ever met.”
but low and behold, kevin texts matt a few hours after his visit.
kevin:  how do u know dalton would want to be my date to the banquet?
matt:  bc he literally told me so
kevin:  fine, ask him if he wants to go and i’ll take him.
when dalton climbs on the bus behind matt, it takes him only a moment to spot kevin and make his way over.
the banquet is five hours away, so the foxes and their dates are changing into their formalwear once they arrive.
dalton has joggers on, and a long sleeve henley that’s a size too big.  his collarbone hangs out as the collar hangs low.  he wears a soft smile, and pushes a hand back through his hair. 
he looks hot.
dalton looks even more hot dressed up in his suit.  he keeps at kevin’s side at first, and talks to both matt and dan from time to time.  allison even pops up once to inquire about him, since he wasn’t one of her picks.
dalton and matt seem to joke around like they’re best friends.  but he doesn’t ever remember matt mentioning him.
then again, if kevin had friends outside of exy, he may not introduce them to the foxes, either.
he finds his way back to kevin’s side at their table, where he’s talking to a trojan player.  after a while, kevin turns to him.  “you don’t have to stick by my side, if you don’t want.”  he almost feels bad.
dalton shrugs and smiles.  “what if i want to stick by your side?”  the way that kevin reacts shows that he wasn’t expecting that, and dalton’s smile turns shy.  “um, i don’t mind, really.  i’d feel bad leaving you alone.  i’m your date.”  he takes a sip of his drink.
“okay.”  it barely leaves kevin’s lips, but it’s enough to make dalton happy.
“you can even talk exy to me, if you want.  i can pretend i know how it works.”
kevin’s heart seizes.  “you don’t know exy?”
dalton grins.  “i’ve never even seen a game.”  he leans closer.  “teach me?”
so he does.  for the next half hour, they sit and kevin blabbers on, and dalton listens and asks questions.  and then they sidetrack somehow to talking about marvel movies and what they suspect will happen in the next spiderman movie.
dalton swears to die on the grave that peter parker is a bisexual icon.
“you can take that title, instead, though.”  his grin is cheeky.  kevin lightly kicks his ankle and rolls his eyes, but he’s heavily amused.
“what about you?  what are you?”
“gay,” he shrugs.  “not much to it.”
“did you… when you told people, how did they react?”
dalton’s head tilts just a bit, and his smile starts to fade.  “some people don’t like it, but it was fine for the most part.”  and after a moment.  “why, are you okay?”
kevin nods.  
dalton doesn’t believe it.  and he supposes he doesn’t know kevin enough to say that, but there’s something about the way kevin doesn’t verbally respond to it that sits weird in his head.
he props his chin in his hand.  “i told my roommates i was gay the first week of freshman year.  my roommate knew, but we had two suitemates, and one of them kinda stopped talking to me after that if he could help it.”  he flicks his eyes up to meet kevin’s.  “my uncle asks me at every family function if i’ve got a girl yet.  he’s known for seven years, now,” he says.  “and thanksgiving is now hosted at my house because my grandmother told my mother that i was unwelcome in hers.”
“i’m sorry.”
he doesn’t know what else he’s supposed to say, really.  he barely has family as it is, but he can’t imagine losing them now because of something so small.
but dalton just shrugs a shoulder.  “it’s okay.  think about it this way, if i was still in the closet i wouldn’t be your date right now.”  he cracks a smile.  always smiling.
that’s when kevin notices just how close their faces are.  and how he keeps glancing at dalton’s mouth.  he sits back.  not here.
dalton goes to the bathroom, and matt takes his seat.  “how’s it going with dalton?”
kevin frowns.  “fine, why?  did he say something?”
matt’s face is indescribable.  “no, but i see you guys getting all close and stuff.  just flirt with him, dude!  he obviously likes you.”
yeah right.  “i-i don’t think so.  he’s just here because i didn’t have a date.”
matt drops his head for a second.  “kevin, after you first met him he scolded me for not setting you two up.  he doesn’t watch exy, and he’s not here for the famous kevin day, just give him a chance.”  kevin looks to the side, where dalton’s on his way back talking with dan at his side.  they’re getting closer, so he talks fast and quiet.  he stands.  “don’t fuck this up, he’s hot and nice,” he whispers, and grins when dan slides into his side.
“we wanna dance.  boys?”  she looks expectantly at both kevin and matt.  matt doesn’t have a choice, but he’d never say no anyway.
dan pulls kevin up and shoves him lightly into dalton, who catches a hand on his waist.  kevin wants to squirm out of it, but not because he doesn’t like dalton, or dalton’s touch.  just because the idea of liking dalton scares him a bit.
but dalton lets go when he finds his balance.
“i don’t- i can’t dance.”
“yeah right, i’ve seen you at eden’s before.”
when he was belligerently drunk.
“you don’t have to.” dalton’s voice is soft behind him.
matt slides his gaze to kevin.  don’t fuck this up.
he turns.  how has his life come to this?  “no.  i will, if you want to.”
dalton grins, lopsided and happy.  “yeah?”
he hopes he doesn’t regret it.  “yeah.” 
so dalton takes him by the hand and leads him after matt and dan.  the majority of the foxes are in the midst of the crowd as well, but they don’t pay them any mind.  there’s enough people that kevin can pretend he’s at eden’s.
kevin is a terrible dancer.  dalton notices it right away and laughs.  when kevin gives him a look he says, “follow my lead.  just sway a little.  nod your head to the music,” kevin looks up at him while he dances, but catches dalton’s eyes instead.
he looks away and falls out of rhythm.  “sorry,” he mumbles.
“it’s okay.”  dalton gently takes kevin’s hands and puts them on his waist.  it feels illegal.  his hands feel like dead weights, he doesn’t know what to do.
is he blacking out right now?
but then dalton’s moving his hips and dancing, and laughing.  he’s having fun and kevin wants to have fun too.
he moves his hands from dalton’s waist to around his neck, and dalton hesitates with his hands near kevin’s hips until kevin nods.
dalton’s fingers dip into his hips.  his one finger taps along the beat of whatever song is playing, while he lightly sings along and bounces back and forth.
it’s dark on this side of the court with the exception of some colored lights darting around.  the designated dancing spot.
kenna is kissing jack in the crowd.
kevin looks back to dalton, singing with a smile plastered on his face.
no one would notice.
kevin’s fingers twitch against dalton’s neck.  but someone could.
he’s already out, but that doesn’t mean he’s kissed a boy in public yet.
he drops his arms.  “i need some air.”
dalton let’s go, “are you okay?”  but he just nods and takes off, off of the court and down the hall to the locker rooms.  the foxes have their things in the away men’s locker room.
kevin sinks down on the bench.  he plays with the bracelet around his wrist, courtesy of betsy in case he needs something to fidget with.  opposed to panicking, that is.
that woman is never wrong.
kevin likes dalton, that’s not in question nor is it really the problem.  the problem is that he doesn’t know what his problem is.  if it’s what people will say when they see that he truly is into men.
being told something versus seeing proof that it’s real are two different things.  he’s learned that, dealt with it more than once.  the last time it was the proof of the raven’s bullying and abuse.  being told that kevin and riko’s relationship isn’t what the fans fantasize it is versus then seeing proof that it isn’t anything that they thought, for example.
kevin had to deal with backlash like that for months after the raven’s investigation post championship game.  him being bi isn’t the same, of course, but he doesn’t know how to predict the behaviors of his fans.  he doesn’t know what they’ll support or not.
but he likes dalton.
one of the freshmen, eva, stands in the doorway.  “stop running 
you don’t have to be scared of people seeing you dance, you know.”
kevin frowns.  “i don’t care about dancing.”
“yeah, but you care about dancing with your date.”  they cross their arms and lean against the doorframe.  “no one cares.  half this team is a little gay, anyway.”
once they’ve changed for the night in the hotel room, dalton hesitates from where he stands by the bed.  “are you okay?  you seemed a little jittery all night, i just... i wanna make sure everything’s fine, i guess.”
kevin looks up, but doesn’t answer. 
stop being so afraid of everything.
he opens his mouth to say something, but he doesn’t know what he can say.
he sighs.
dalton’s standing there, arms crossed, concerned.  kevin swallows his fears as he makes his way across the room until he’s standing right in front of dalton, and slides a hand behind his neck to kiss him.
dalton hums, surprised.  after a moment he brings a hand to kevin’s chest, and there’s a second where kevin thinks hes going to be pushed away.  instead his fingers dig into his hoodie and he pulls kevin closer.
dalton’s smiling as kevin pulls away.  “about time,” he mumbles, and kisses him again.
the back of dalton’s knees hit the bed by accident, but he drops down to sit and gently pulls kevin by the strings of his hoodie.
kevin isn’t new to sex, so to speak.  he’s not the most experienced, but he’s had his fun.  it’s the only reason he’s confident enough to scoot dalton further back and kiss him into the mattress.
dalton wraps an ankle around the back of kevin’s knee.  he curls his fingers into his hair and leans his head back when kevin kisses down his neck.
they wake up to kevin’s phone blaring.  matt’s calling.
kevin only acknowledges the fact that he has his arm around dalton for a second before he checks the time.
they’re late.
wymack’s gonna kill him.
kevin sits up and shakes dalton as he answers his phone.  “hey you guys are awake right?  coach is pulling the bus around then we’re loading up.”
kevin’s out of the bed and throwing his shirt on, tossing dalton’s hoodie to him.  “yeah, we’re coming.”  dalton’s eyes go wide and that kicks him into gear as he realizes the situation.
they look a mess as they run around.  they’ve really only got one pair of clothes and their suits to frantically shove into their bags.  kevin pulls his sneakers on without socks and dalton’s got his on with the laces all undone as they jog down the hall.
at least they brushed their teeth.
dalton drops down to tie his shoes in the elevator, and when he stands kevin takes the liberty of carding his fingers through his hair.
he shrugs.  “bed head.”
dalton can’t help but smile.  “might wanna pull this up a little,” he mumbles, and that’s when kevin realizes that he’d accidentally put on dalton’s long sleeve henley.  the shirt he’d been wearing last night before it got dropped to the floor.
dalton pushes the shirt up so it’s not hanging lower on kevin’s collarbone.  he’s got a nice hickey that needs hiding.
“they’re never going to let this go,” kevin says.
dalton leans back against the elevator wall.  “i’ve got some juice on matt if you ever need.”
kevin smiles, just a little.  despite him worrying all during the banquet, last night was so good.  he doesn’t want it to end as soon as they step off of the bus.  he doesn’t want dalton to be a one night stand, he doesn’t think.
he takes a step forward and kisses dalton against the wall once more.  he pulls away when the elevator dings.
matt smiles to himself as he watches them come around the corner.  he tries to tame it, at least.
kevin and dalton are the last on the bus.  kevin’s spot in the back is open, so they go back there.  dalton toes off his shoes as soon as he sits down.
kevin is on the aisle side.  his chest skips when dalton’s hand lands gently on his thigh.  he doesn’t hate it.
it’s dinner time when they get back to a rainy palmetto.  dalton had fallen asleep on kevin’s shoulder a half hour ago, and jolts awake when matt whoops and shouts to get out of his way so he can run off the bus for the bathroom.
“sorry,” dalton says quietly, scratching his head and yawning into the back of his hand.
“i didn’t mind.” kevin stretches his legs and pulls his shoes on.
dalton’s car is in the gated stadium parking lot.  kevin walks him to it, head ducked because all he’s got on is dalton’s henley.  no one anticipated rain.
dalton turns after unlocking his car, and sticks a ripped off folded note into kevin’s palm.  kevin puts it right into his pocket for safe keeping.  “so are you gonna call me after this?”  dalton’s hair is falling wet over his  forehead.
he nods, mouths the word yeah but nothing comes out.  and dalton can’t help himself, so he takes a step forward and kisses kevin one last time, gentle as he hesitates with his fingers hovering over his cheek.
kevin’s  got nothing to lose at this point, so he curls his hand alone dalton’s neck and steps closer.
he only pulls away because the team is most likely watching, and someone whistles.  “i’ll call you,” he nods.  he shoves his hands into his pockets and ignores the rain as he watches dalton drive out of the parking lot.
he turns towards the maserati and sees andrew shakes his head.  kevin looks down at himself.  he’s halfway to soaked.  not ideal for such an expensive car. which leaves one option.
kevin slides into the front seat of his father’s car.
wymack can’t wipe the smug look from his face.  “so-“
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littlesciencebabies · 4 years
Why can't you tell him? :o what's the situation, the coronavirus? Or not being able to meet up? 🌻
hahaha yeah the situation is a bit Complicated to put it lightly lol
to put a long story short, he has a girlfriend and that’s the main reason i can’t tell him he’s really pretty
but for like more context because it’s not like i just decided to get a crush on someone who i knew was already taken (and i’m putting this under a read more because it got very long because the situation is A Lot lmao)
i first saw him perform with his improv group like the first week of school, i thought he was Very pretty, and me and my roommate decided to start going to their group’s open practices (mostly because of him but also because we needed to start Doing Things this year). then i found out me and him had a class together and that was great! as soon as i realized this was developing into a serious crush, i like stalked his social medias to find out if he had a girlfriend (because that’s what happened with the crush before him and it was Not Fun), there was no indication he did, so i wanted to try to flirt with him and all that but i was super nervous because i had never really actively done that before and also i thought he was out of my league for a hot minute.
so by the time i felt i was ready to actively pursue him (i.e. do more than just stare at him from across the room and talk briefly during practices or after class), i ended up seeing him with a girl after one of his improv shows, and it was very clearly a Romantic thing, so i felt pretty down and upset. but then like two days later at practice, i overheard him complaining about a date that he went on that weekend, so i was like “oh that could’ve just been a date, it doesn’t mean it’s his gf, but i’m gonna hold off and gather Evidence to make sure he’s single before i actively do anything.” 
so for the next month and a half, i was gathering evidence (i.e. seeing if there were any tagged insta posts or if any girl showed up at the other shows they put on, and the biggest one was seeing if any girl was around him at a party that he threw at his place that i was also attending). and essentially, i didn’t see any evidence of a gf (no one at the improv shows, no one at a formal that he was at, no one at his standup performance, and no one at the party!), so by the end of the semester, i was fairly confident that he was single, but it was also the end of the semester so i couldn’t do anything. like we were very friendly to each other and would always talk before and after class and during some practices (and at the time, i thought he was being a little bit flirty at some points), and i ended up getting his number in a very embarrassing way, but i wouldn’t have considered us Friends at that point, just like on the cusp of being friends.
so i decided that this current semester, i would definitely start being more forward, now that i like knew he was single. so i get back to campus, and before i could even see him in person, i saw that someone tagged him in an insta post, and it was definitely a girlfriend. so i went on her profile and saw that she had been posting pictures of them together since october, so it was the girl i saw him with at that first show but eventually discounted!! so it really fuckin hurt because i just got deeper in my feelings and was very certain he didn’t have a girlfriend (like she was not at the party he threw!!!!)
but instead of being super sad about it for a long time, i decided i was just gonna try and be his friend, because he’s genuinely such a cool person and we always got along really surprisingly well whenever we would talk, so i was just gonna try and be his friend and see him as a friend. now, the tricky part came because last year when a shockingly similar situation happened with a different crush and that one having a gf that i found out about, i was able to get over that guy within a handful of weeks after finding out. but with this current guy, that did not happen even though i was just trying to be a friend to him.
my feelings somehow got even more intense (and not in a sense of like “oh i can’t have him, that’s so hot”, like the fact that i couldn’t be with him made me really sad, but it was more like a “oh i’m getting to know you more and talking to you a little more, these feelings are evolving”). and it really sucked because now every time we talked, it really seemed like he was being a little flirty with me!!!! (which he obviously probably wasn’t, he does kinda have a naturally flirty personality, but it still hurt to have that happen when i knew i couldn’t do anything)
but anyways, my goal this semester was to become better friends with him so that by the time summer break came around, we would be able to text each other and still be in communication for those months where i wouldn’t be able to see him in person. so i was starting to get progress on that goal before spring break (the conversations we would have would be longer and more friendly), and i had a whole plan for after spring break where i would ask him to be an actor in my final movie for my film class and that would get us talking and texting more (and also had this idea that his character would get punched in the face and be bleeding and i would apply fake blood that i have to his face.......)
(also like a big thing is that i felt like i couldn’t text him, because the last time i did text him (which was at the end of fall semester), i asked him a question, and he never responded to it. and i don’t hold that against him, it was a weird question sent at the worst time possible, and the most likely thing is that he saw it, thought he was gonna respond later, then forgot about it, so i really don’t hold it against him, mostly because we’ve had plenty of great conversations after the unintentional ghosting. but it still felt weird to just text him, esp bc we weren’t That Close. so most of our interactions happened in person, one-on-one, which i had no problem with and actually prefer!!)
but then coronavirus happened!!!!!!!!! so none of my plan ended up going through!!!!!! the one time we’ve talked one-on-one since before spring break was me responding to one of his insta stories with a joke and him jokingly responding back!!!!!!!!! (and it might have been just a tad bit flirty, but then again what is flirting????) and then last night, he picked my suggestion during the zoom improv show but that’s almost basically nothing but i’m still gonna latch on to that for months until his birthday when i can text him happy birthday!!!!!
so uh tl;dr: got a crush on this guy, thought he might have a gf for a hot minute, did research for almost two months which concluded that he was most likely single, before i could even start to be more forward with my feelings, found out that he Did have a girlfriend, tried to just think of him as a friend, but my feelings only got more intense, then coronavirus happened and i’m not that close of friends with him where i could text him out of the blue, so what i’ve been reduced to is just pining for many months until i (hopefully) see him again in the fall
((also if you read all of this, i congratulate you, and if you are invested and want to know more, because there is more somehow, feel free to DM me, i am always down to talk about this lmaoo))
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jichew · 5 years
college!hyunsuk au♡part one
a/n: hello!!! this is my first fic on here so please go easy on me bc it’s kind of slow and long :,) I rushed it a bit bc i wanted to get it up before the last episode airs :/// also feel free to leave requests or just drop in to talk! i would love more ygtb mutuals! (also i was going to make this a full on lovers au but it got too long so i just left it like this, but if i get enough requests, i will be more than willing to make a part 2!)
so you’re a freshman at college(✿◠‿◠)
while you’re absolutely in love with what college has to offer,,,,you’re dreading the start of classes
esp when it’s your first semester and you have no idea how to navigate the campus
and that, my friends, is how you realize it will take 15 minutes to get to a 9 AM that starts in 10 minutes (a/n this is a true story lol)
and while you could easily just skip this class and call it a day, you are A GOOD STUDENT \\\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
so you double knot your shoelaces and run across that mf campus
thankfully, you make it right as the clock hits 9... though you didn’t realize that this was a 300 student general chem lecture
it really b like that sometimes y/n ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so you’re left to slide into one of the rows at the very back of the hall, which is thankfully empty
save for the mop of blonde hair that is passed out in the seat next to you
of course, you don’t have the time to pay attention to the boy beside you because you’re prof has already started lecturing
before you know it, class is over
surprisingly enough, at 9:50 on the dot, the boy shoots his head up, ruffles his hair, grabs his backpack and briskly exits the lecture hall room, sparing you a brief nod
if you weren’t stressed enough that you have 20 minutes to grab breakfast and run back across campus for class, maybe you would have taken time to notice how cute the boy was - but you have a class to get to
so fast fwd two days,,, you’re basically a pro at this whole college thing
or so you thought
you find your self double knotting your shoelaces again and running across campus to reach your 9 AM chem lecture again
at this point,,,you’ve accepted your fate and you dejectedly slide next to the passed out boy in the back row
so now that this is your second class, you’re prof is actually lecturing (and blondie beside u is still asleep)
after a grueling hour of basic chem review,   you have about three pages of notes
and it isn’t until 5 minutes before you’re dismissed that blondie finally takes the time to wake up
you resist the urge to giggle seeing his slightly frazzled state - hair puffed out, half lidded eyes and pouty lips (✿´ ꒳ ` )
and maybe you would have,,,if he didn’t hurriedly look over at you and ask if he could borrow your notes
and as much as you despise people who don’t pay attention in class and ask for other peoples’ notes ,,,,, who are you to resist those puppy dog eyes                    
so,,,, you reluctantly hand him over the notes
but not without giving him a piece of your mind \\\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
“don’t forget to bring them back next class,,,and maybe a coffee too so you can stay awake”( ◠‿◠ )
y/n, you really are too nice
so it’s finally friday,,,,but you have that cursed 9 am yet again
and while you’re able to make it early this time around, you willingly sit in the back row
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
and much to your surprise,,, in comes blondie, fully awake, an iced coffee in each hand
he moves into his seat beside you, setting down one of the coffees on your desk
“i don’t really know what girls like, so i just decided to get you the same thing as me! as a thank you for letting me borrow your notes”
speaking of notes, he quickly sets down his coffee and his backpack and takes out your notes, setting those on your desk as well
and this whole time, you’re just like,,,,,,,,, (●´ω`●)
and he’s staring at u with this goofy smile on his face like,,,,(๑・̑◡・̑๑)
if it were socially acceptable, you would have squished his little cheeks right then and there
but all you can manage to get out is a small smile, mumbling an “anytime” under your breath
and as much as you enjoy the company of another person in this large lecture hall,,,blondie talks a lot
but also you can’t bring yourself to mind bc he’s not all that bad at chem (and he looks cute when he talks with his lips all pouty but don’t tell him you said that(๑>◡<๑))
so it’s been about a month at college and you’re actually getting the hang of things this time
also,,,blondie has officially stopped falling asleep in class
surprisingly, you both have become quite the pair ٩( ᐛ )و
you learned that his name is hyunsuk, he’s a sophomore, and he’s part of a dance team (hence why he can’t help but fall asleep during chem lecture)
while you guys don’t interact outside of class, it’s nice to have someone to make small talk with in the morning
and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to boop his cute nose on several occasions (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
so while studies are great and all,,,,it’s been a month and you have done next to nothing besides stressing over classes and sleeping
so, your friends (yes y/n, you do have friends) decided to have a little gno to celebrate surviving a month of college
shimmying into a pair of black jeans, a cute top, jean jacket and some heels, you’re ready to TAKE ON THE TOWN
and like not to brag but u look hot
you really know how to strut your stuff y/n
so when ur friends were like gno!!!! you expected something cute like going to get dinner in the city or something
you did NOT expect to find yourself in a frat party
like,,,,,you’ve never been to one of those cheap high school parties much less a college frat party
so like,you’re kind of freaking out inside bc tight areas filled with sweaty bodies and the stench of alcohol are NOT your thing
( ˙-˙ )
your friend mina is like,,,
“come on y/n, it’s part of the college experience!!!”
but you’re like,,,
“the only experience i need is sleeping past my alarm” \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
nonetheless, mina resorts to dragging you into the house
so somehow, you guys make it to the kitchen
and while you’re still against the idea of being here, at least it’s slightly more breathable in the kitchen
while u can finally breathe, you also realize mina is GONE
u quickly scan the kitchen and thankfully find her ,,,,, w some tall dinosaur looking dude??
she motions you over so you slide through some bodies to make your way over to the pair
“y/n!!! this is my friend byounggon! he owns this place!”
“hey, you can call me gon!”
the dude does a little nod and smiles at you ,,, and then u notice how close him and mina are actually standing next to each other
her hand on his arm...the little smile he gives her...
and you’re like
“OH ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
“you know,,,i’ll leave you guys to hang out for a bit while i go explore the place”
but not so fast,,,you have friends who care about your safety :,)
gon is all like
“no wait! mina told me this was your first party so i’ll have one of my frat brothers watch over you”
he turns his head back calling out a name that’s unintelligible over the sound of the music playing throughout the house
“y/n! this is my friend -“
obviously you’re a bit startled to see the blonde boy in a setting that’s not the chem lecture hall
and maybe you’re even more startled by how good he looks - silk shirt, silver jewelry littering his ears and hair styled
and maybe he thinks the same with the way his eyes briefly glaze over your full body
but ,,,, mina and gon:??????
“you guys know each other?”
you’re the first to snap out of your reverie, hyunsuk’s eyes still glued to you
“uhh yeah we sit next to each other in chem lecture”
gon: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“ahhh...so you’re THAT y/n”
“THAT y/n”
“yeah, it means -“
(hyunsuk’s quick to interrupt when he’s about to get exposed (¬_¬))
“he means nothing lol”
anyway,,,gon’s like “yeah so we’ll leave you guys to it”
and you’re just looking back in dejection bc ur friends left u :,(((
when you turn back around hyunsuk has a bit of an apologetic look on his face
“first party?” he cocks his head to the side , puppy dog eyes waiting for an answer
“yeah,,,, i never really took you for the frat boy type”
hyunsuk does a little boyish smirk before saying
“there’s a lot things you don’t know about me babe”
and then he’s lightly grabbing your wrist and taking you to god knows where
the next thing you know, you guys are out on a balcony
and you’re like
\( ˆoˆ )/ fresh air!!!!
hyunsuk: (*゚▽゚*)
so you’re just like
staring at the sky
and u feel a little gaze boring into the side of your head
so you look over to see hyunsuk staring at you with his head cocked to the side
and he has this little smile on his lips
and you have no clue why he’s smiling but it makes your tummy do ~that thing~
but ALSO ,,, you’re trying to play it cool
so you cock your head back at him
and he stares at you for a little longer
“why are you giggling??”
he does a little shrug and looks over at you
“you’re cute”
lmao he really just had to take all your uwus
the moment kind of ends when you get a text from mina saying she went home w gon,,,
you both know what that means( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
but also now you don’t have a ride back to your dorm
i mean you probably guessed what’s going to happen now
gentleman suk decides to walk you back to your dorm
despite it being chilly, it’s still a nice walk
you both walk in a comfortable silence,, heads turned to avoid the other seeing the  little smile on each’s face
and you don’t say anything when you feel the tips of hyunsuk’s warm fingers entangling into your own
and he doesn’t say anything when you bid him goodnight with a kiss on the cheek
and you know that you have more than friendly feelings for the sleepy blondie in your chem class
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aliferous-ly · 5 years
Yayyyy Logan's birthday and also the busiest time of the year for me so I'm posting this for him (n giving him smth else but not posting bc y'all won't care about it lolz)
headcanon!!! bullet points !!!! we love that
anyway have some uhhhhh logince Cafe au
Slow burn style :3
Ok so Roman worked at Starbucks and he literally hated it. yes there were some good benefits but he considers their coffee spawn of Satan and therefore no longer works there and Instead works at a cute lil cafe
He makes the Best Coffee in the world some say he's magic
(is he?? that's up for u to decide)
Logan , tbh, doesn't love coffee that much. But Patton shows him this "absolutely adorable hole in the wall" and he loves the coffee creation he receives n falls in love with it
meanwhile Roman is leaning over the counter, just about swooning as this cute guy in a beanie gains this expression of utter delight merely from smelling his coffee
Emile: Roman u gotta work ik he's cute but there's other costumers
Roman: did u see the way he smiled?? did the sun get dimmer or is he just that bright???
So Logan's like well, it's closer than other cafes, the prices are better than Starbucks and also the coffee is better. They also make a killer hot chocolate too, and some teas, too
Roman's productivity levels go down exponentially whenever Logan walks in
While Roman is hyperaware of literally everything Logan does, Logan hasnt really noticed him past the initial "oh no he's hot don't mess up your order don't mess up your order don't mess up your order" mainly because Roman hasn't been doing the actual transaction bc he's so busy yknow, making the coffee
How often do u notice the person making it vs the person taking ur money? it's like that
HOWEVER Logan's good friend and also cousin Remy (moment of silence for Logan's childhood and also my new favorite cousin trope ever ) one day goes "HEY so my boy Virgil is in crew for Peter Pan and I think you'd enjoy it a lot and also this isn't an option ur going"
And Logan's like well, guess I'm going to the school play, cool
Our favorite drama nerd -- wait, Virgil. clarification, our favorite drama cast member is, surprise surprise, Peter Pan.
And the moment he gets on stage Logan is enraptured
The charisma, the crooked smiles, the way his eyes light up when he speaks ... Logan's gone.
Every so often Remy glances at him and cackles but Logan doesn't hear he's too caught up in the show
So the next time Logan goes in to get coffee he's blessed with some emotional whiplash because he can't tell Roman he saw him in Peter Pan without it being Weird because Roman is a principal cast member, he probably has tons of friends and dates, all of whom are better than Logan, so he keeps quiet
Meanwhile Roman Saw Logan in the audience and is like. waiting for him to say something maybe ? or maybe Logan didn't see him in the back, or recognize him w/o all the stage makeup on
Roman has to do the transaction, too, so cue two incredibly awkward college kids who know the other knows something but doesn't know the other knows something. essentially.
And everything goes back to the way it was
But now !!! Logan Notices ™️
So instead he drinks his weight in a drink he never particularly liked in the first place to spent more time around Roman who's really really pretty, holy shi
And Logan highkey wants to talk to him but talking to someone, esp when u have an infatuation with them (as Logan calls it) during their work hours when they can't say no or get away: big red flag. big no no
While Roman is too embarrassed to say anything and also he's been basically staring at Logan since day one and that's super creepy right
Emile: ur not like. using the good cream. for logan. when he never upgrades. are you???
Roman: nnnnnnnno never
Emile: bcos that's a whole fifty cents per drink hmmmm? :3c
Roman, sliding a five into the tip jar: I don't know what ur saying
So new semester starts right. And Roman n Logan end up in the same theater studies class. They sit next to each other bcos """"they don't know anyone else in the class""" (can u see the universe working to get these two morons together) (AKA me)
And Roman hears Logan mutter sassy comments under his breath and just snOrTs and Logan looks so surprised bcos normally nobody hears and/or cares enough to respond
So ofc Logan makes more of em just to hear Roman's laugh and they become like, partners in Arms in this class
Roman helps Logan thru the actual presentation aspects of the class while Roman learns from Logan going OFF with analysis
Logan: and honestly this probably doesn't matter but she speaks solely in simple sentences while he speaks in compound/complex/compound-complex which means she is more childlike and straightforward while he thinks too much
Roman, staring into his eyes and the absolutely hot expression he gets when concentrating: fascinating
Now at the coffee shop whenever Logan gets a to-go cup Roman writes something sassy on it
Cue the nicknames
S o . Many. Nicknames
And I want to post this now but I'm not done yet so TO BE CONTINUED
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caatws · 5 years
how to understand tv ratings (so you’ll be prepared for cancellation/renewal announcements)
as most of you know, i had an internship last semester where one of my duties for the company was tracking and analyzing tv ratings. while i’m no expert on this yet, i worked with way more knowledgeable ppl than me on this and learned a couple things about ratings that i definitely didn’t know before, so i thought i’d share some of it now that b99 is back on and we def don’t want a repeat of last year’s debacle.
(also, i’ll be tracking and analyzing b99′s ratings over on @b99bythenumbers this season, so if you’re at all interested in any of this stuff pls check it out! that blog is still under construction and stuff but as this season gets the ball rolling, that blog will come to life heheh)
ok, so i’m gonna break this up into sections to keep it as organized/straightforward as possible, so we gonna cover:
what are nielsen ratings & how do they work? (aka what do numbers like 1.2/5 mean)
b99′s ratings & viewership
nbc’s ratings & viewership
ratings as the be-all end-all for shows? (other ways to support b99) (esp if you can’t access american cable)
what are nielsen ratings & how do they work?
so nielsen media research is a company that’s been measuring data for entertainment for just over 70 years now. tho they got a start in radio, they’re arguably most known in the modern day for their measurement of american television programming, as the data they gather from these measurements (the infamous “nielsen ratings”) strongly influence broadcast networks (abc, nbc, cbs, fox, & the cw) and channels in their decisions to renew or cancel certain programs.
the way nielsen measures this data is through selecting various households with tv’s across the u.s. to monitor what they watch, who’s watching, how often they watch, etc. so it’s not something everyone in the u.s. gets to do, like they might just randomly hit you up and ask if they can use your data. if you say yes, they have to install a bunch of stuff to monitor all tv’s in your household. (if you find this at all kinda interesting, i’d recommend reading this interview with a nielsen family bc it’s kinda wild)
so, now onto the numbers. i’ll use b99′s initial ratings for 6x01 last night as an example
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the rating is the 1.2/5 number. the first number, 1.2, means that 1.2% of the 119.6 million households nielsen estimates to have television watched b99 (1.2% of households, not individual people). the second number, 5, is referred to as the “share”, and means that 5% of households watching tv at that time watched b99.
these numbers are “live + same day”, meaning they only include households that actually watched b99 live as it was on tv last night and people who watched it from their DVR the day it was aired live. (for example, i got home after the ep started last night but had set it to record, so i watched my recording as the ep was ending so if i was in a nielsen family, me watching b99 on my DVR the same night it aired would still count for their measurement of an L+SD rating.)
additionally, tho nielsen records a lot of data about different demographics and people of what age are watching what shows, the standard demographic used for these ratings is people aged 18-49, all genders.
the 3.56 is the total viewership in millions (aka the actual individual viewers).
my source for ratings: tv by the numbers (specifically above, their initial thursday 1/10 ratings)
b99′s ratings & viewership
back on fox, b99 had a pretty solid run for the first two or three seasons, until the ratings started taking a pretty steep nosedive in recent years that (unfortunately) kinda predicted and ultimately led to their cancellation. it’s important to look back on their past ratings as a show, because stability & improvement are major factors at play when networks are deciding to renew or cancel shows.
season 1 (2013-2014) ratings
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b99 had a rly solid series premiere, tho it pretty quickly couldn’t retain its rating, as the difference between 1x01 and 1x02′s ratings is pretty major. it got its big 6.89 rating (!!!) in february 2014 bc it aired after the super bowl. this season ended with way less viewers than it started out with, which isn’t Great.
season 2 (2014-2015) ratings
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overall, pretty similar numbers to s1, especially in the total season average. it had a few ratings above 2.0 which is Good, but those numbers didn’t hold steady. again, the season ended with way less viewers than it began.
season 3 (2015-2016) ratings
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b99 dipped under 1.0 for a large portion of this season. that’s Big Yikes. cancellation becomes Very Real Possibility.
season 4 (2016-2017) ratings
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this season’s average was less than 1.0.....cancellation is Very, Very Real Possibility.
season 5 (2017-2018) ratings
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nothing above 1.0 for an entire season....this show is Doomed, and i honestly can’t blame fox for canceling it from a numbers and business standpoint, considering this was just a continuation of the trend established in s4 with the consistently lower ratings. it’s....kind of totally rational that fox did what they did, especially when you see how b99 compared (in ratings) to other fox shows in the 2017-2018 season:
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as you can see fox just kinda took like the bottom half of its shows by rating and cancelled all of them...anything averaging under a 1.0 on fox just isn’t safe!!!
comparing to other shows (esp other sitcoms) on its network is another big factor in renewing/cancelling. tho there aren’t any other sitcoms suuuper similar to b99 on fox, enough comedies did better that b99 got the axe. which means we should probably look at
nbc’s ratings & viewership
and here’s their 2017-2018 season (in which they had the most viewers out of all the broadcast networks for the first time since like 2001 actually!!):
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already, b99 is off to a good start, its 1.2 initial rating pretty high for nbc, but what’ll rly matter is if they can hold this rating for the rest of season 6. like i said, stability and improvement are everything in tv world! if b99 can continue like this for the rest of this season, i think we’ll be in pretty good shape.
and, honestly, nbc rly is a good network fit for b99, with its history of popular and acclaimed sitcoms (seinfeld, friends, will & grace, etc.) and its long-running and popular crime procedurals (aka any law & order series ever), and b99 is basically a combination of the two.
ratings as the be-all end-all for shows? (other ways to support b99)
while ratings are of the utmost importance to networks and channels, it’s not the sole deciding factor.
another thing networks and channels look at, as we live in the digital age, is BUZZ. this basically is industry-speak for how much people are talking about and movies! the most visible example of this is getting a show trending on social media when it airs.
a good example of a show like this is the good place. tgp hasn’t gotten stellar ratings this season, but has already been renewed...because a lot of people talk about it on social media! it’s usually trending on twitter when a new episode airs, and its objectively high quality writing has won over a lot of industry folks’ hearts, so it gets a lot of buzz in hollywood as well (hint hint similar to how the “guardians of the nine-nine” contributed to the fight to save b99 last year).
so, here are some tips on how to maximize b99′s ratings & overall potential for renewal:
WATCH. IT. LIVE. or DVR it and watch it ASAP, as final ratings come out within 24 hours after new episodes air. obvi this only applies to amercans with access to cable/tv but clearly these are the people not showing up for b99 since the ratings were so low while the fandom was so big and loud
forgot to record it but still live in the u.s.? watch it on your cable provider’s “on demand” services (if they offer it), hulu, or nbc.com as soon as the new episode comes out the next day!!! while these numbers won’t be reflected in the actual ratings, it’ll still tell the network you care.
are you a young adult who attends college away from home aka your family’s cable? look into your family’s cable provider’s online services! my family’s cable allows me to access our DVR away from home and even watch some things on demand, which has been a lifesaver while i’ve been away at college the past couple years. if you can access your DVR remotely through your cable provider’s website, use it to record b99 and watch it ASAP!
TWEET ABOUT IT. tumblr is cool and valid and all, but let’s be real - everyone’s looking at twitter, because most industry professionals don’t know how the fuck to use tumblr. twitter is straightforward and straight to the point; they want to see it trending there. so pls tweet using #brooklyn99 when the episode is on live!!! you have 3 major chances to do this: 9 pm est (u.s. east coast), 9 pm mountain time (2 hours after east coast), and 9 pm pst (3 hours after east coast) every thursday night.
talk about it in real life! get friends to watch it! again, may not contribute to the actual ratings, but it’s still nice to get more and more people into the show to watch it in other ways and talk about it with other people they know.
i know a lot of these methods are mostly applicable to people in the u.s. and/or americans with cable, but it’s rly important that those of us who fall into those categories do our parts!! fellow americans, let’s yeet this wheat!!!! all b99 fans from all over the world, i believe in all of us!!!!!!
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nnegan13 · 5 years
I’m sorry to hear that you’re not happy with it! I loved the storyline, the beginnings of ele, eva and edo as children, the intense slow burn between incantava, ele’s crush, Ele developing her Ed, edo and ele’s evolving sexual tension, ele’s assult, her hospitalization, everything with ele’s mom and edo’s dad and Eva’s family UGH I was so looking forward to continuing this amazing journey and seeing what downfalls happens- 1/2
- next, will edo and ele finally get together? will there be a falling out in the brighis? will ele have ptsd? will ele relapse and be hospitalized again? will problems come up between edo and ele? omg too many ideas 2/2
hi! I’m so glad you like dsob! it hold such a special place in my heart haha, it was really the first fic I wanted to keep writing and liked posting and I would jump the gun sometimes and post the chapters before the chapters were ready to be posted haha. and because I jumped the gun so much, I am not satisfied with it atm! but don’t worry, the rewrites are hopefully gonna make it a lot better. dsob is really heavy, too, and it got me tapping into a lot of my emotions and while I really enjoyed writing it, it was also really emotionally draining and exhausting for me to write as well, so I wanted to take a step back from it. I feel like I’m in a better headspace now and better understand my writing process to come back to writing it now and I think everyone will benefit from it.
I promise edo and ele will get together, but we get to see them as friends again first, too (which I’m excited about, the tension is always so good, and bc the conflict makes their relationship more complex than before). as for the brighi’s and edo, it really can only go upwards from here. ele and her ED are more complicated, everyone’s fav Paige (@air-bison-yip-yip) made the fantastic point to me about the other health effects of EDs beyond weight loss and dry hair and lack of energy, and I think tying that into the narrative is something important. skam is about representing real life and so to explore some other real life implications of EDs (esp with how severe ele’s is in dsob) is something I’m interested in doing in this fic. I want to do it in a really respectful way as well and be sensitive to people that have EDs and so research on this end is really important to me, and that’s going to take some more time but I hope you can understand. as for more problems between ele and edo, there were some things that came up in-canon that I want to address in this fic (bc it kind of became my fix-it fic for the things in canon that I wanted them to touch on more that they didn’t) so there’s definitely going to be more conflict there haha. 
I hope this helps with some of the ideas you have! dsob is no 2 on my to do list right after the next college!au one shot. I would love to give an exact date for it, but my new semester starts on Tuesday so I can’t make any promises. the one thing I can promise is that its going to be better in quality and quantity haha :) 
and thanks for checking in on dsob, it really means a lot to me that people are still excited about it
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thedailystudy · 5 years
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TUESDAY JANUARY 29TH • day in the life of // spring semester, community college edition 
this is for day 7/30 day back to school challenge by @universi-tea for the daily routine prompt - i wasn’t super sure what to do with this prompt bc i don’t have a daily routine, but i really liked the day in the life post i did a couple years ago while i was in china so i thought i would do it again!
7:38 | i am not a morning person at all and my bf has insomnia so i often stay up a little later than i should just hanging out with him, so this wake up time is fucking awful. my class starts at 9, but i have to leave really early to drive to campus bc parking is a goddamn nightmare. learned that the hard way after being late to a ton of classes, i’m afraid. i usually dash out of bed and am driving within 30 minutes, so i just bring bring my breakfast and eat it in the car once i’m parked while listening to the new york times’ daily podcast #glam #luxurylifestyle
8:57 | first class of the day! i hate this class and the professor lmao (all the people i know who’ve taken him have had only awful things to say and now i see why) but it’s comparative politics, so a requirement for my major. just grinds a lil salt in the wound of waking up early
not pictured | my next class, which is exponentially more enjoyable - california state and local politics with a very knowledgeable, engaging, and organized professor
12:35 | that previous class ended at noon, so that’s when i go to the bathroom and fill up my water bottle and do some jammin’ on my planner. today i did a bit of running around campus to see a two professors during office hours to ask them to write me letters of recommendation. i get really nervous whenever i ask for things like this (i have anxiety about most things, esp social situations and like speaking/being confident), but thankfully both said yes and my fav professor told me i was ~SPECTACULAR~* in her class and i almost cried from happiness.
13:56 | i had a therapist appointment today and took this pic in the bathroom there! yay for unpacking and unlearning all the nasty shit inside our minds and reclaiming our brains and bodies to be our best selves 
14:38 | home now, and my baby girl luna is always very angry that i was gone for so long but happy to see me again. i played with her for a bit, had a (very) late lunch, and watched some try guys videos on youtube before leaving the house again
not pictured | our first polisci club meeting of the semester! we’re a pretty smol club and i’m the co-president - this meeting was just kind of brainstorming/planning, and we met with the new dean which was cooool
17:52 | went on a lil walk afterwards, bc my step count is so embarrassingly low it’s really quite sad. for real i can’t even hit 6k most days unless i consciously make an effort to run or walk. i’ve never been an active person and have never met a sport i didn’t detest, but i’m trying to get moving and be healthier :)
18:43 | i’m taking an online class this semester on political theory, so i did some reading for that once i got home. we’re graded on our posts on the discussion board, so i posted there and then got frustrated bc some guy replied to me like “i agree with X but i disagree on Y point” and i was like ?? bitch?? i had the factually correct answer it doesn’t matter whether u agree or not leave me alone if u have no insight (one of my biggest dislikes about school is all the people who talk just for the sake of talking and add no value to discussion)
20:07 | picking up my bf from his campus! (we go to diff schools) on tuesdays this hawaiian restaurant has a special on bbq chicken, so we went to get that and then headed home to eat and cuddle with luna. we watched the san junipero episode of black mirror which made me cry SO much, and then we watched a couple pokemon episodes (from the very first original season, indigo league) to pick the mood back up haha. tried to cut our cat’s nails too, but she would not let us get near her once she figured out what was going on
0:26 | bedtiiiiime! this is my bathroom #shelfie which made me realize how much skincare/makeup/beauty stuff i have.. which makes no sense bc i’m really fkin bad at that lmao
and that was my day yesterday! i had a lot going on, which is fairly unusual, so there was a lot less studying and moofing around time.
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seoulscenarios · 6 years
College AU! Han Jisung
i may have gotten a little carried away with the linguistics part,,, i studied a linguistics module and poured my own damn feelings into this lmao
-Major: Linguistics with TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
-Minor: Lyrical Composition,, though he kept pretty quiet about it
-Sports: none,,, he tried joining Hyunjin’s basketball team but he got cut from the team during tryouts for Naruto running across the court which was apparently against the rules
-Clubs: Jisung joined the dance club but gave up after two weeks bc Minho kept making him do all the difficult stuff lmao, is a part of the art club bc he likes to draw, esp characters, and design artwork for 3RACHAs posters/mixtape covers,,,, all the posters you see advertised around campus for the next 3RACHA gig, yeah those were designed by J.One lmao
-So,,, linguistics???
-Jisung honestly couldn’t tell you why he ended up majoring in linguistics when he first got to college bc it’s such a weird niche subject
-9 times out of 10 he ends up having to explain what the hell linguistics is to people bc they have no clue
-It’s the study of language
-So like you’re learning a language??
-No,,, I study how language is formed and used and structured
-……. So no actual language??
-Honestly Jisung is a bit sick of it tbh, like there’s only so many times he can explain what it is before he wants to explode with anger
-So whilst Jisung didn’t know why he chose linguistics at first, he soon realised that he loved learning about syntax, semantics and pragmatics behind language,,,, he just really loved it
-It also helped him when he was writing lyrics and more often than not, he ended up helping Chan and Changbin with their lyrics when they had an awkward phrase or there was no flow in the lyric
-It really did come in handy for the three of them when they were writing songs late at night and Jisung’s linguistic brain took over when he was checking lyrics
-However,,,, as much as he enjoyed linguistics he actually really despised it at the same time
-I mean,,, idk about you but linguistics is really really REALLY hard to learn and get your head around
-Like if you don’t get something, it makes learning and understanding literally everything else so difficult
-Jisung constantly had an IPA chart in his hand trying to learn the symbols for different consonants and vowels when he was trying to study
-Which,, was hardly ever bc linguistics revision made him want to CRY most of the time bc he couldn’t think of anything worse than writing out the correct pronunciation of sentences or annotate sentences with their different particle abbreviations or,,,, the actual worst which was learning the different phonological rules
-So yeah, Jisung was the literal definition of winging it when it came to his linguistic exams having crammed the night before and bouncing off the wall from 4 espresso shots he had just downed
-He wasn’t that stressed about the exam bc,,, well if everyone else finds it difficult they’ll just lower the grade boundary lmao
-Whilst Jisung seemed like a good kid during class,,,, most of the time was not
-Boy has a LOT of energy and spends most of class literally bouncing in his seat or constantly yelling to a friend across the room from him
-He was asked to leave a few times bc of class disruption and Jisung literally did the Naruto run out of class whilst everyone cheered him on bc of how distraught their teacher was at him
-They didn’t hate him, oh no, bc he was a kind hearted kid he just,,,, was a bit too much sometimes esp for a 9am linguistic class where everyone was literally dead on their feet and he was bouncing off the walls, yelling the answers out even if they were wrong
-He was a much appreciated addition to the class though bc otherwise,,, that class would be DEAD and no one would participate so they were just glad Jisung was there so they didn’t have to answer
-And you bet ur ass when he had to a presentation there were tons of anime references and bad slideshow transition bc that’s who Jisung is a person and he thought they were funny,,, tho the look on one of the examiners face made him slightly regret it but his other examiner was crying at the effects so u win some u lose some Jisung thought
-So alongside his linguistics major, he also took a TESOL path bc he learnt how to speak English so he wanted to help others learn how to
-He always tested out his methods on Jeongin bc,,, they lived together and Jisung literally locked him the living room so he could practice his teaching methods on him lmao
-Jeongin always protested and tried to run away to literally anyone’s house but Jisung just caught him in a hug,,,, and Jeongin could never refuse a hug even if it was from one of his most annoying hyungs
-Besides,,, it meant he got free English lessons without having to be taught by a stuffy professor
-Jisung was a very,, enigmatic teacher and the kind of teacher that would never make a class boring
-In fact, many of the students who signed up for English classes tried to request him despite the fact that u know,,, there were quite a few TESOL students who needed the students to teach as well
-But for the 1-1 sessions,,, Jisung was so oversubscribed that they literally had to redistribute the students so Jisung could get some damn rest,,,, I mean he tried to protest saying that it was fine but the professors were like JISUNG NO
-JISUNG YES he yelled, trying to redo his schedule so he could accommodate all the students before one of his classmates literally had to rip his planner out of his hands and another one grabbed his pen so he couldn’t write any of it down
-Poor baby,,, he just wanted to teach
-A lot of his students came out of their 1-1 classes extremely overwhelmed and had gone to his professor to ask if Jisung is always that enthusiastic and that maybe he should calm down on the coffee
-The gag? Jisung doesn’t even drink coffee unless he accidentally pulls an all nighter before an exam
-The professor just shook his head and was like,,, no that’s just Jisung
-O h
-Jisung wasn’t always the most well prepared for his classes though, preferring to have a very lax lesson plan and once he got called to the head of departments office bc apparently teaching the students English using Beyonce lyrics wasn’t appropriate no matter how much they seemed to enjoy it
-Jisung was offended bc,,, did she just insult Queen Bey just now?? He was going to argue but he didn’t want to get ANOTHER warning bc the last time he was called there was bc he showed his students The Bee Movie and one kid on the feedback form just quoted the opening monologue for his response to “what did you learn that helped improve your English skills?”
-Jisung just felt that learning English through academics wasn’t interesting and certainly wasn’t going to make anyone enjoy it or learn much from it so he liked to use a lot of songs and films and tv shows that had helped him learn English all those years ago
-He still went to Chan and Felix’s flat though just to make sure he could still understand English and that he was still able to English bc lbr here,,, English is extremely difficult
-Like even for Jisung, who lived in Malaysia in his childhood and could speak and understand English well, it’s still hard bc it’s not his native language
-Sometimes Chan had to look over his teaching notes and correct all the English on it bc Jisung had made them the night before and was clearly extremely tired bc it was a jumble of Korean and English that shouldn’t even be together and,,,, were those Zico lyrics in the corner???? JISUNG NO
-But yeah, Chan was very helpful towards Jisung bc of all the help Jisung gave to him when they wrote lyrics together so he was extremely willing to help Jisung with his English
-Heck, he even taught Jisung English once a week so Jisung would feel more comfortable speaking English with his students and his professors bc he wasn’t afraid of getting the answer wrong exactly,,, but still at the back of his mind was that lingering feeling of disappointment if he got it extremely wrong and everyone knew that it was wrong
-The English lessons chan gave to him was extremely useful and he felt even more confident when he went to teach bc he knew that Chan’s lessons would pay off
-You, however, were not a linguistics major
-You studied TESOL full time bc you really wanted to be an English teacher
-You used to volunteer at elementary schools whilst you were a high school student, giving out free English lessons to the kids
-Whilst you may not be as crazy as Jisung was when he taught English, you were still extremely charismatic and enthusiastic bc you had so much passion and love for it
-You met Jisung in a rather,,,, unusual fashion
-It was your first day of classes and you were running late bc you had a meeting with your academic advisor which should have only been a few minutes but ended up being way longer,,, you were polite enough to hear her out but honestly u just wanted to blast
-You didn’t want to miss your first TESOL class bc hello,, that was your damn major
-There was still a seat just by the door which you managed to grab before the professor could give you an evil glare for being late to class lmao
-You knew that this would be your spot for the duration of this module bc that’s just how seating arrangements worked,,, u choose one spot and suddenly it’s yours for the rest of the semester/year
-Unfortunately, you couldn’t make that class the next week bc you had doctors appointment during that particular class
-Which, fortunately, for Jisung meant there was one free space when he actually turned up to class that week
-He didn’t mean to not turn up the previous introduction class,, but honestly he kinda gathered he wouldn’t miss anything that he couldn’t find out from the information pack online or by talking to other students lmao
-So when he turned up the week and saw everyone else sat in their respective seats he sighed but spotted a spare one just by the door
-You weren’t there so, without thinking, he just went and sat in it pulling out his notes
-The third week of class comes round, and you arrive to class to see a boy sat in “your” seat and ur fuming bc hello,,,, did he not realise that the seat was already claimed by you
-You stalked up to it and placed your hands on the desk, tapping impatiently
-The boy looked up from his phone and pulled a headphone out, and you could hear a heavy beat with a melodic voice rapping over the top bleed out through the now free headphone
-“I believe you’re sat in my seat”
-The boy just looked at you confused from under his black bangs and beanie
-“But,,, I was sat here last week?”
-“And I was sat here in the first week which makes this MY seat so move it before I drop kick you outta this seat”
-The boy just laughed, before gathering his stuff and placing it on the empty seat next to you,,,, guess that person didn’t want to go to class this week
-(Plot twist: they did turn up albeit 10 minutes late and they realised,,, they lost their seat to Jisung forever and rumour has it the department had to steal a new table for the classroom)
-You just sighed, placing your bag heavily on the table whilst the other boy just sat there, tapping his fingers in time with the music
-Little did you know that this was going to be the beginning of your friendship with Jisung
-As the class started you couldn’t help but be drawn to the boy next to you as he bounced excitedly in his seat whilst your professor spouted some nonsense about how to teach the possessive case as easily as possible
-You couldn’t help but smile as Jisung yelled out nonsense answers to the questions asked by both professor and students, and you full on laughed as Jisung got into a friendly debate with the teacher and the teacher just gave up halfway through
-You caught Jisung’s eye as he sat back down in his seat once the teacher turned his attention elsewhere and he just grinned at you, seeing the smile that was playing around your mouth
-When the two of you were partnered up for a quiz that was going to happen next lesson and the class split off in order to delegate revision
-“I’m Jisung!” the boy, Jisung you now knew, burst out excitedly
-You laughed at his enthusiasm and he smiled at you, before introducing yourself
-“And I’m Y/N, pleasure to meet you Jisung”
-And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the beginning of a beautiful if slightly crazy friendship
-You see, Jisung brought out the loud, childish side in you especially during class whilst you had the ability to mellow him slightly when he got just a little too raucous when challenging a teacher or throwing out answers
-The two of you became extremely close friends, even hanging out with each other at the others flats
-You could be seen playing video games most days instead of studying or having Netflix binges when you should’ve been making lesson plans
-But it was all in good fun, considering you hadn’t failed any classes yet and you had a good social life as well
-Jisung introduced you to his friends and you were essentially one of them now
-Like, you frequently had the boys over in your flat even without Jisung being there
-You came back one day after class with Jisung in tow and found Seungmin and Hyunjin sat outside your door, pouting bc Changbin kicked them out of their apartment bc he “needed space to think for his new track and he couldn’t hear himself think over the sound of a law book being thrown at Hyunjin whilst he was playing overwatch so you NEED TO LEAVE BEFORE I DRAG YOU OUT” to which Hyunjin had replied with “can you even reach my neck?” and Changbin nearly tackled Hyunjin so Seungmin dragged him away before he would be looking for a new flatmate
-You just roll your eyes before unlocking your door and letting them in, knowing they feared the wrath of Changbin lmao
-I mean, they knew where everything was in the flat now so nothing was sacred
-But only Jisung knew where your secret stash of snacks were :’)
-True friendship
-Before you knew it, everyone but Changbin had turned up to your tiny flat for an impromptu movie night
-Chan and Woojin had brought along snacks and drinks, and a very disgruntled Jeongin who just wanted to sleep, whilst Felix and Minho brought more blankets and pillows and set up a pillow fort in front of your TV
-You watch in utter horror as popcorn ends up in every corner of the room before the film had even started bc Hyunjin was retelling his story of nearly being killed by Changbin that afternoon and they all retaliated by throwing popcorn at him
-The boys decided to watch a horror film, and you were less than thrilled
-You didn’t hate them,, you just hated the jump scares and sometimes you had to sleep with the light on just in case
-As you grabbed the drinks bottles from the kitchen, you navigated your way through the pile of boys that had accumulated on your sofa and floor placing the bottles on the floor next to the table
-Frowning, you couldn’t see any free spaces to sit on your sofa and you were slightly annoyed,,,, bc hello it’s your flat AND you sofa u didn’t care that you had guests they were your friends
-As you stood there trying to figure out where to sit, a hand wrapped itself around your wrist and you looked down to see Jisung staring up at you, gesturing to a space next to him
-Knowing there was nowhere else to sit, you begrudgingly sat next to him and Jisung smiled really widely as he felt the heat from your body next to his
-As the film progressed, you found yourself moving closer and closer to Jisung the more jump scares that occurred
-Safe to say, you whimpered quite a lot and at one point you buried you face into Jisung’s chest trying to calm down
-Jisung,,, was pretty concerned with you bc he didn’t know that you were scared of horror films so rather than laughing at you like he would do with the boys,,, he grabbed your hand and rubbed circles onto the back of it soothingly in an attempt to calm you down
-By the end of the film you were basically sat in Jisung’s lap and he had one arm wrapped around your shoulders and his other hand holding yours uwu
-You didn’t realise the film was over until you heard someone, who sounded suspiciously like Seungmin, cough and you practically leapt out of Jisung’s lap
-You didn’t see the smirks Hyunjin and Minho sent Jisung’s way bc you were too embarrassed to admit the fact you were scared and needed Jisung to protect you lmao
-Deciding the night was still young, the boys picked another film and at this point,, you were extremely tired
-The last film had worn you out emotionally and you found yourself drifting off during the second one
-As you did, you shuffled closer to Jisung bc he was warm and soft and you missed the warmth to be quite honest
-As you rested your head on his shoulder, your hand found his and entangled your fingers together before getting comfortable to watch the film
-Jisung was a blushing MESS at your actions tbh,,, like who allowed you to be so cute and play with his heart like this
-The smirks on Hyunjin and Minho’s faces only grew wider as Jisung sent them a panicked look
-You’ll thank us later was what Minho mouthed at him, before turning his attention back to the film that was playing
-Jisung could not find it in him to concentrate on the film, instead choosing to take in your features one by one
-The way your eyelashes rested perfectly on your cheekbones, how your eyebrows would furrow as you shuffled trying to get comfier and the feel on your fingers intertwined with his made his heart rate pick up and left him breathless
-I mean, Jisung had always acknowledged that you were attractive and when you ended up spending more time with him and you got closer,,,, he began to notice everything about you, and whilst sometimes he had trouble recalling what his friends told him sometimes,, he managed to always remember everything you said so clearly
-He gasped,, realising that he had maybe developed a tiny crush on you
-On the opposite side of the room you could see the victory gleaming in Minho and Hyunjin’s eyes
-U see,,, they already knew Jisung had a crush on you and they were just trying to get him to realise it so they could see the two of you happy together bc,,,, boy did they know how much you liked him as well
-Out of all Jisung’s friends, you had grown the closest to Minho and it was to him that you had vented everything about Jisung to,,,, he was just trying to figure out a way to make you realise you had a crush on him too
-Luckily,,, Minho needn’t interfere at all bc after the movie had finished both you and Jisung had fallen asleep and the rest of the boys had left to two you asleep on your apartment floor
-You woke up the next day feeling incredibly warm and extremely uncomfortable
-You rolled over only to encounter an obstacle,,,, cracking an eye open it looked familiar and you realised that your hand was entangled with someone else’s and all of a sudden the images of last night came flooding back into your head
-You clinging onto Jisung, him rubbing soothing circles onto your hand, holding his hand,,,, and then falling asleep
-What you didn’t realise through all this was that Jisung too was waking up
-It wasn’t until you were observing Jisung’s face that you realised his eyes were in fact open and he was staring at you with a soft smile on his face
-Groaning, you reached for a pillow behind you and threw it at him
-Jisung’s laugh echoed loudly in your ears before he launched a pillow at you
-Well,,, it was just a full on pillow fight after that for a good ten minutes until you had all the pillows and Jisung pleaded mercy
-“Fine, I win and you get to make breakfast instead” you conceded, hugging one of the pillows and Jisung begrudgingly agreed, trudging to the kitchen
-10 minutes later, he served you a plate of toast with different toppings and you couldn’t help but laugh bc you forgot how incompetent Jisung was in the kitchen
-As the two of you ate the toast, your eyes kept drifting to Jisung
-His messy hair was almost comical but you found it endearing somehow, and his face was kind of puffy from just having woken up but there was something so intimate about the scene that you kind of wanted to take a photo of how domestic you felt
-As you finished your slice, you took a sip of water admiring Jisung’s features when all of a sudden he made his way over to you
-He leant in and kissed the corner of your lips, before pulling away and smiling at you
-“You had something there”
-Um Y/N.exe has stopped working
-You were literally dying right now,, like wtf
-Why was he being so smooth all of a sudden
-Your brain just went into overdrive and the only logical solution you could think of was pretty damn crazy
-Your head and heart were both in agreement at the solution
-So you just stand up to meet him and grab the collar of his t-shirt and planted a kiss right on his lips
-He was,,, shocked to say the least but goddamn relieved that you reciprocated his feelings
-The two of you pulled apart and sat in silence for a few minutes,,, no one daring to break the silence
-“Soooo,,,, you wanna go on a date?”
-“Sure, let me get dressed and let’s go”
-So your relationship,, is definitely not unexpected and was met with great enthusiasm from the boys bc finally,, you had stopped pining
-We didn’t pine!!!
-Look,,, listening to both of you gushing about the other to me was SICKENING and can therefore be seen as pining good day to you
-You and Jisung was very high energy and mainly bc of Jisung bc he would not ! stop! Talking! 99% of the time and u were like,,, babe I love you but pls shut up
-And he would get all pouty which could only be solved if you kissed him
-One day Minho asked you how put up with Jisung being loud for so long and you were like,,, easy! There’s a trick, an off switch of sorts. Care to find out?
-Minho,,, was intrigued but also wary bc hello,,, this is Jisung we’re talking about
-You walked over to Jisung and tapped his shoulder whilst he was talking to Hyunjin about the killing streak he got on overwatch last night you just planted a kiss on his cheek and Jisung stopped talking and giggled shyly before kissing ur cheek back
-You sauntered back to Minho with a smug look on your face whilst Minho,,,, just had a very disgusted look on his face he knew he shouldn’t have trusted you to have a simple answer to his question
-One thing you didn’t know about Jisung was the fact he was part of 3RACHA
-Like you had heard of them,,, you just weren’t big on the campus social life tbh so most things like this kinda went straight past you
-You noticed, however, now you were dating Jisung was that twice a week would disappear for a few hours then occasionally on weekends he would go missing for the entire night
-Not that you were worried that he was doing anything bad bc you trusted Jisung wasn’t THAT stupid to get arrested or something (you hadn’t ruled it out entirely as this is Jisung we’re talking about, he would get arrested for disturbing the peace or something at 3am)
-You just wondered what Jisung was doing bc you were curious
-You waited a few weeks to see if he would tell you and when he hadn’t you just straight up asked him where he went
-He was a little startled, but rather than giving you an answer he just grabbed your hand and tugged you out of the door and towards campus
-“Jisung, babe, please tell me where we’re going” you panted as he weaved through the unfamiliar corridors of a building you had never been in before
-Without warning, he opened a door and pulled you into a,,,,
-Recording studio???
-“Babe,,, what is all this?”
-“I probably told you that I did lyrical composition alongside linguistics right??”
-“Briefly, you were pretty quiet about it to be honest”
-“Well, with Chan-hyung and Changbin-hyung, we uh, write songs and perform them sometimes”
-“Really?! That’s so cool”
-“You think so?” he asked you shyly, ruffling his hair nervously
-“HELL YEAH that’s amazing, could I maybe hear some of the stuff you’ve done?”
-Jisung smiled, slipping into a chair in front of the chair looking extremely professional and began clicking on stuff and bringing up a track
-He plugged in a pair of headphones and slipped them onto your ears, pressing play
-You heard his voice intertwine with the smooth melody and you were in awe at his sheer talent, like you were so shocked that your boyfriend could sing AND rap extremely well
-Jisung sat watching the expressions on your face as the song played, smiling as he saw the different emotions flash upon yourself
-When the song ended you flung yourself at him and began kissing him all over his face whilst he laughed at the sudden affection
-You leant in to kiss him deeply and he just leaned back in the chair pulling you closer to him
-The kiss probably would’ve got more intense if Chan and Changbin hadn’t walked in just in the moment and literally screamed at the fact their friends were tainting their recording studio (it wasn’t actually theirs but the music department graciously let them use it out of hours)
-You threw yourself off Jisung and were extremely red in the face, and Jisung had the audacity to grin at his hyungs
-Changbin just threw a pillow from one of the chairs at him, glaring at him as he took a seat in the other chair whilst Chan just glanced between the two of you
-“I’ll just get going” you said awkwardly, backing towards the door when Jisung shot up and pulled you from the door so he could walk you home
-I can’t believe I have to sit in this seat,,, it’s TAINTED changbin
-It’s your own fault
-???? How ????
-Idk,,, just your bad luck
-You and Jisung were an extremely clingy couple,,, like skinship central
-Jisung absolutely loved loved LOVED it when you would wrap him in a back hug bc it made him very happy and he just loved the feeling of your arms wrapped so securely around him and your hot breath tickling the back of his neck
-Seungmin had to have his law books confiscated whenever you hung out together bc he would just keep throwing them at Jisung whenever he would kiss you or show any affection
-Cue Jisung chasing after Seungmin to try and tackle him and plant a kiss on his cheek,,,, he succeeded but at what cost
-Seungmin nearly throttling him, that was the cost
-Despite the excessive skinship, you and Jisung wouldn’t change your relationship for the world
-You were just the loud, clingy couple that hyped each other up even in the most mundane thing
-Like,, you did a presentation for one of your classes and Jisung waited outside for your class to finish and when you left the class he threw confetti at you before screaming about how much his baby did him proud
-If this was literally any other couple the whole of campus would’ve been like wtf are they crazy but when they heard Jisung scream they were just like,,, ofc
-Hey Y/N u wanna go
-On a date with me./ OH YOU DO./ OHH
dating college jisung is just a big meme filled mess tbh
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dingyuxi · 2 years
hi!! it's the cdrama novice/why her anon (i'll sign off by z from now on!) and i've been watching more of you are my hero and LOVING IT!!! i'm about ~halfway~ through and so obsessed!! i think my favorite parts... idk if i have any i just overall enjoy the dynamics between all the characters! also started watching kinnporsche and plus & minus because of your posts and can i say once again THANK YOU FOR HAVING SUPERIOR TASTE! kinnporsche is without a doubt my favorite bl (w cherry magic being second) and ive um.. fallen in love w apo. also tmi but i'm going to do study away in fall 23 and recently found out apo attended the school that i'm applying for 🤯 small world fr! also also i got distracted from a non-rec, falling into your smile (2021) w cheng xiao.. but it's so average 😣 i mean i'll still finish it because i'm alr 27/31 eps done but dang... (i think i don't like it too because they've used the r word like 5 times throughout the drama??) also sh**ting stars the kdrama is so ??? idk if you've watched it but they did the stereotypically racist africa-as-one-entity and were sooo problematic w the typical yellow lighting and assuming africans don't have water.. i was shocked dramas still do that in 2022 :( esp since i was looking forward to lee sungkyung and kim yongdaes chem :/ ok i will stop rambling but i hope you've been well! and i hope you have a great week!! - z
hello, love!!! so so happy to hear that you’re enjoying yamh. the dynamics are so fun (and healthy) love how they said we will not be using love triangles for the main plot. instead we’re gonna give you three fantabulous couples. big brained of them there. i still have to start plus and minus but the friends to lovers aspect I was already in. kinnporsche is just hot ppl looking hot and doing hot things and lots of superior GAZES so we are living. ohhh yeah I didn’t watch that drama I’ve seen lots of gifs but was never really interested I think I watched a couple clips and I was like eh. YIKES not the slur being thrown around in there too…don’t feel like you have to finish tho I’ve gotten 90% of the way through some dramas and dropped them bc I realized I really couldn’t go on even with me ff 90% of the episode (most recently hello sharpshooter) (Slightly off topic but I keep waiting for xu kai’s drama she and her perfect husband to drop its air date I’ve waited basically what feels like a whole year) I’ve only watched the first episode of shooting stars at the moment and it was meh for me, I might see what happens in the second episode to see if I’ll continue. but yeah the whole Africa plot was weird and cringe and not necessary. Our blues is also a mess so will probably drop that too. i recently finished legally romance and under the skin with the encouragement from a friend and I enjoyed those two as well if you wanted more recs! I’ve been doing well tho! the next two weeks wrap up the semester for me so I’ll probably get busy again but I’ll survive. good luck with your applications for studying abroad!! hopefully you get in and you can say apo was your alumni
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musubiki · 6 years
Hc about conflictedshipping visiting another region? Sinnoh maybe???? Love your work ❤️!!!
(also this is where that one line of diaglouge in xy comes from. that one chick who tells you that green was there studying and only ever said smell ya later)
i was thinkin about giving them pokemon for this trip but. i think its better if their first pokemon come from prof oak later.
(gd i wish pom and vee were here for this that wouldve been amazing)
when they first got there leaf was worried that he was irritated he had to spend the whole semester with her there. he kinda scoffed and smirked at her and said something like “Are you kidding? I’d be angrier if you DIDN’T get the scholarship.” cuz they’re rivals. and he expects no less from her. he tells her something like its bad for his image if his rival isnt as good as him. he’s actually kinda happy that she’s there with him and he’s not gonna be all alone. 
this actually makes leaf really happy and kind of. sets the mood for the whole trip there
so they end up staying with this older couple who live in the heart of lumiose city and usually house the students every year. ofc they’re thrilled tho have leaf and green there. the wife owns a bakery/cafe and the husband works at the docks down in coumarine city. as a condition of them staying there, leaf helps with the bakery and green helps at the docks
when they first go there. they find out that. the kalos school doesnt require uniforms and theyre both kind of “???? so you just wear whatever??” greens perf fine with this but leafs kind worried bc she didnt bring THAT much clothes, so the couple takes both her and green shopping for kalos-style clothes. this is where leaf gets this outfit from and she LOVES IT shes adorable i love her so much
when green first sees her in it hes a little surprised because WOW what. “shes actually. kind of ok looking.” hes blushing shut up you idiot 
so they get to their new school and everyone intrigued by them oooo new transfer students whaaaat??? green right off the bat is all confident and doing his usual thing. winks at like 3 girls and they’re all fawning over him first thing.
but the school is very welcoming to them!! they get a lot of transfer student from all over the place so they have a lot of different people from different places!!
they actually have a pretty good time. a lot of the kids from school drop by the bakery just to. see leaf. same with the girls for green and business is good. amen. the couple is actually shook because they have so many profits
on weekends they get to go see kalos!!! its pretty.,. nice actually like esp traveling to like cyllage and laverre and anistar(leaf loves anistar city) 
and green is actually really enjoying theyre time there. it kind of feels like.,. dates.,. kind of.,. and he never voices it and STILL ACTS LIKE A JERK BUt.,. spending time with her here in kalos is actually kinda cool,,. we should do this more often, he thinks
they go to all the little cafes and explore that big mansion with the gardens, they actually get to go rollar skating around a couple times and ride gogoats like they live kalos life to the fullest
sometimes when they study at night he goes to her room and just chills with her on her bed (she has a huge bed and it’s really comfortable compared to his). they take turns reading the material out loud and leaf. really likes it when he reads she just lays there and stares at him and he. has a great voice shes dying a little here guys //
leaf always felt a little bit homesick. once when they were chilling in her bed she asked green if he missed home. he kinda sat there for a bit before answering with a “no, not really. it’s actually kind of nice to get away from everyone. there no real pressure to be anyone or do anything.” 
she wasnt exaclty sure what he meant but lowkey. he was actually talking. about her and him. because in kanto they’ve been rivals for so long it’d be weird to hang out with her and go see places like they do there. but no one in kalos really know them so hes just.,. ehuhhhhhh i dont wanna go home
okay ANOTHER THING THAT HAPPENED IN KALOS WAS THIS: at some point, one of the students at their school fell desperately in love with leaf and she. didn’t even like him at all. like he was just some persistent rich creep so yes. im doing this. no one can stop me. to get him to give up she asked green to pretend to be her boyfriend for like. a day or two just so he’d leave her alone. 
greens actually a little irritated by this and is kinda ehh at first because. he doesnt wanna fool around and then actually catch feelings by accident (he doesn’t want to temp god like this hes already enjoying their time together) 
but shes. desperate and so after a few more pleads he.,. agrees and she kind of feels bad. so she apologizes for dragging him into this and then. she asks him “Can…can you handle it?” she didn’t mean it as an insult or anything she MEANT ARE YOU COMFORTABLE ENOUGH TO DO IT
but what HE HEARD was a CHALLENGE so he just. stops. and turns to her. and he grabs her by her waist and pulls her REAL close to him and leans in and just “Can you?” with the widest smirk and like. the sexiest voice. and she just becomes this blushing terrible mess and shes stammering over all her words and he just fokijnff laughs because god. this is gonna be fun. 
fhjkf this is horrible okay so. the next day at school ofc hes true to his word so here we go. they pretend like theyre going out. and its the biggest scoop of the whole place. girls are crying, teachers are shocked. in the distance, sirens.
green is a pro at this bc he teases her enough as is, now he just needs to take it a little further and he’s actually enjoying the reactions he’s getting from her. like he can fuckin gently grab her hand and she turns into a mess like why did i ask him to do this i am an idiot
when they get home that night green is just laughing his ass off because she., is terrible at this and he cant believe it. she makes up some excuse and after some banter and making fun of her, green tells her that if she really wants this to look convincing, she gotta get better control over it. hes smirking the whole time. so she gets even more flustered and asks if he has any great ideas, to which he replies yes.
lets practice, he says. and she if confused and honestly a little scared. she asks how and he actually. sighs and sits down in front of her and for once, is actually smiling instead of smirking. so he adds a “Don’t freak out.” before,. gently taking her hands in his. 
shes trembling and takes a deep breath before lacing her fingers with his and this. actually turns into a nice kind of moment. the whole time hes watching her eyes. and he can see shes still nervous so he tells her. “How about we pretend like… we’re actually together for a while.” 
and shes blushing like hell because oh my god shes liked him for so long and this is so nice with him but it actually hurts a little that its not real
so he,. slips his hands around her waist and pulls close and presses her against him and slowly nuzzles his nose in her hair 
and hes. actually kind of enjoying this. 
and this feeling boils in the pit of his stomach as his lungs fill with the scent of her hair and it sends shivers over his skin and he feels his hands tracing over the small of her back and the warmth of her body on his and through the foggy blurry haziness in his head the only thought that comes out is ‘Oh no.’
and then BAM one of their caretakers slams the door open with a “Hey kids, dinner is ready!” and green IMMEDATLY grabs her arms and pushes her away and his face his red. She responds with a shocked quiet “Oh, I hope I wasn’t inturrupting-” 
and they BOTH CUT HER OFF STAMMERING AND STUTTERING WITH “No it wasn’t what it looks like-!” “We were just- uh- practicing-!” “FOR THE SCHOOL DRAMA COMING UP-” “YEAH-” and shes just. giggling and a little surprised with an “Oh! Could’ve fooled me!” before she leaves. 
and green and leaf are just standing there in awkward silence and leaf is rubbing her arm while green is rubbing the back of his neck and she leaves with a brisk “I-I think we should go get dinner-” before they both go downstairs
the next day it turns out that rich creep was too heartbroken from seeing her with green the day before that he transfered schools entirely, so oh, I guess we don’t need to keep up the act anymore, and green answers with a yeah, cool, and ignores the small feelings of disapointment and covers it up by going back to his usual snarky self 
he forces himself not to think about this for a long time because he doesnt wanna get caught up in the feels. Leaf, however, thinks about it all the time because it was really nice, but green doesnt bring it up and they were just pretending anyway hes just used to being a flirt it wasnt a big deal for him
(it was)
that was the first time theyd ever been that close and also. the last time until saffron
they have a lot of adventures here that i cant. fit it all here but they had a really good time
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produitivity · 7 years
guide to the first week of college
hey guys! i’ll be starting my sophomore year of college in just over a week (!!), and while i’m not new to the whole college thing, i will be new to my school this year as a transfer student, so i wanted to share these tips for y’all !
figure out where all your classes are beforehand - there’s nothing worse than being late on the first day, especially if you have small classes. don’t start off on the wrong foot! hopefully you’ll have some sort of orientation/tour that shows you the basics, but if you’re living on campus, you’ll likely be at school before the first day of classes - use this extra time to get familiar with campus and find out where all your classrooms are (not just the buildings, find the actual class if possible - some buildings are ridiculously complicated as far as room numbers go, trust me!). if you’re commuting to school, try to come an hour or so early to do this as much as you can (and you can also use time between classes to figure out where you’re headed!)
become friendly with the people around you - whether this be your roommate, the people sitting next to you in class, or the other people on your floor, it’s always nice to be on good terms with as many people as possible. make friends early - even if they don’t stick (and a lot of early friendships don’t), it’s nice to know a lot of people! get to know people in your classes, even though it’s harder to do this than it might’ve been in high school since often you just have the one class together. you never know when you’ll have to miss a class, and having someone to get notes from is such a relief (also study buddies !! super important !!)
wait until you’ve gone to class to buy textbooks - a lot of teachers will tell you that you don’t really need it, or that an older edition works just fine. whatever the case, it usually doesn’t hurt to wait to buy textbooks until you’re at school (plus, if you’re like me you may end up dropping the class you already bought 7 books for)
try out different study spots - there are so many places on a college campus to study: your dorm room, dorm lounges, library, student union, coffee shops, random class buildings, the quad - try them out and see what works best for you! a change of scenery can go a long way toward helping your productivity!
call your fam - they probably already miss you and with so much new stuff going on you’re bound to have lots to say - don’t get too caught up in the hustle and bustle of a new year!
get comfy with your dorm room - this is your new home for the year, make it work for you! it should be your happy place. figure out good storage systems. & try to have a good relationship w ur roomie(s)! 
keep ahead on homework - it’s easy to put it off when it still feels like summer, but come next week you’ll likely be drowning in work and lack of free time - do as much as you can as soon as you can, future you will thank you!
look into a job on campus - see how your class schedule plays out, and see if working on campus is a good idea for you. there are so many options and there are usually still a lot of openings by the first week, so take advantage of it now before all the positions fill up for the semester! (also from personal experience working in a dining hall is decidedly Not Fun, would not recommend), however
be kind to the maintenance workers and kitchen staff - as well as other workers on campus. usually they go unnoticed, but they’re (from my experience) so so kind when you take the time to say hi and ask them how they are. the kitchen staff i worked with in the dhall were some of the sweetest people i met on campus last year
keep your door open and hang out in your floor lounge - (if you have one) first week is prime time to meet new people, since everyone goes into it brand new. keep your door open and have convos with people who walk by (maybe have some treats and invite them in to share - everyone loves free food !). so many of my friends were made by “studying” (i use the term loosely haha) in the lounge
go to events - they’re probably free and often give out free food/goodies/t-shirts, plus they’re a good way to meet people and see what sorts of things you can get involved with on campus! esp if you have an involvement fair with clubs presenting, go and try to go to the first meeting of any club that sounds interesting to u! there’s no commitment to keep coming back if it isn’t for you, and you never know what amazing groups of people you could meet! i’d recommend only going to two or three clubs regularly though, any more than that can be a bit much (and try to balance fun with academic! - my last school even had a stationery club)
if you have any questions about college/that first week, please feel free to ask me! (also tag me in ur dorm room pics bc i love that stuff!) good luck w uni, frends!
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cancerbiophd · 7 years
My class is doing a mini research conference and my professor said that we would be graded on the questions we asked the presenter and how well they were answered. I'm worried because I've always been really bad at thinking critically and figuring out questions to ask, I was wondering if you had any advice or tips?
Hey there!
This is such a coincidence bc i just came back from my weekly program seminar and we’re graded on asking at least 3 questions to the presenters every semester. And it’s tough to think of something critical esp if one doesn’t know too much about the subject and if there are a bunch of other experts in the room aka professors, other grad students, etc. It’s intimidating and even though this is my 4th year doing this my heart still wants to gallop screaming out of my chest when i raise my hand. 
But i think i’ve picked up a few things that have worked for me, so lets see if they sound doable for you :)
Take notes. I always jot down major points during the talk, and sometimes as I’m doing so, questions pop up. Sometimes they get answered by the presenter on their next slide, but sometimes they go untouched, and I’ll ask those. Taking notes also gives you something to refer back to if you’re afraid you’ll ask something that was already stated, or if you forget what an acronym is. 
Relate everything back to what you know, and think about how it would work in that setting. That helps put things in context of something you understand, so may help your thought process. This is also how lots of professors and researchers think during seminars–not only are they learning new things and getting updates in their field (or outside their field), but they’re searching for new ways to tackle their own research problem. 
If part of the anxiety revolves around asking a question in front of lots of people, write down your question word for word. I did this in the beginning so I wouldn’t trip over my words and get even more flustered. I’ve even seen professors do this at large international conferences and they just read directly off their notepad. 
Be curious. I’m pretty sure your prof isn’t making you all do this bc they’re being mean; they want to give you the chance to practice thinking curiously. Relax your mind and let it wonder. Remember: the speaker (and the audience) knows that the presenter is the #1 expert on that subject in the room right now, and is the only person who is expected to know everything about it. So if you have a “So I’m just wondering…” question, go for it. Sometimes those turn out to be the most provocative, especially coming from a student, because we oldies who have spent years with our head in the same box sometimes forget to think about things with a fresh mindset. Some of the best, most tantalizing questions I’ve ever gotten were from undergrads and high school students. 
And be selfish with your curiosity. Don’t know something? Ask it! Who cares what everyone else in the audience thinks. This is your chance to pick the mind of an expert, so take advantage of it. Unless it’s regarding a fact explicitly stated by the presenter, there is no such thing as a stupid question. And think about the whole process as more of having a conversation with the presenter. Imagine if it was just you two at a cafe. 
And it does get easier with time as you learn more about your field and become more comfortable asking questions in a public setting. My 1st semester i reallllly had to work my noggin at coming up with a question; now, as long as I’m taking notes and actively thinking, I can pretty much come up with a question per slide. All it took was almost 4 years of practice :P
Here are some sample general questions that you may ask if the opportunity arises: (it’s biology heavy bc that’s what I’m familiar with):
“How do you hope your findings be implemented in the clinic/workplace/environment/etc etc?” Basically, what’s the real-world-application or significance of their project? This is especially good when the presentation is about something really “niche” and focused. 
Related, if the data presented are in vitro, ask about if there are any plans to move in vivo. If the data are in vivo, ask about if any clinical trials are in the future. Think about what their next step should be, and then ask if they’ve started, and/or what they predict will happen. 
“Why did you choose to use this model/cell line/protocol/etc over other alternative models/cell lines/protocols/etc?” In order to run a well controlled experiment, the model we use has lots of limitations. So everyone should have a justification for why they chose one particular model over another. 
Related, if the model they chose is missing a component (eg. an immunocompromised mouse model), ask them what they think that missing component’s role could be (eg. the immune system in said mouse model). Identify a missing puzzle piece, and ask if what would happen if it was added back. 
“Have you looked at whether your protein of interest/etc is involved in other signaling pathways?” (or vice versa). This is particularly applicable to biology where redundancy is the name of the game. The researcher may have only looked at one pathway or maybe only presented on one, but in reality there are always cross-talk and unexpected results. 
Particularly during seminars related to the abnormal (eg. diseases, environmental extremes, etc), think about the “normal”. For example, if a researcher is presenting a pathway that’s involved in cancer, you can ask them what role that pathway usually plays in normal physiology. 
And, how one abnormal relates to another abnormal. For example, “does osteoporosis increase the risk of bone metastases?”. Particularly relevant in biology and human disease bc patients will oftentimes have multiple illnesses. 
Always be on the look-out for correlation studies, and questioning whether there’s any causation. 
Related, given one result, think about what other factors may play into it. Kind of like a lawyer or detective solving a crime. Was it really Suspect A with Weapon A? How about Suspect B with Weapon X? Did the researcher really control for every possible variable (the answer is usually no bc it’s darn impossible to), and if not, what do they predict the role of that variable to be on their studies? 
Anyway, those definitely aren’t alll the questions you could possibly think of (especially if you’re in a field unrelated to biology), but they could give you a launching point of things to think about during the talk. 
I hope some of those pointers will work for you! Good luck, have fun, and remember: indulge your curiosity! 
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seokmingyu · 4 years
ohhh omg good luck!!! i hope u win🥺💞 lol no im 2 broke to collect pcs, i have a single svt album and its only bc my friend gifted it to me😭 wbu?? do u collect for any other groups? (omg speaking of, i saw tbz left n right cover :D u rlly manifested that shit!!!) omg a fansign !! i couldnt even imagine meeting svt in person😣🤢 were u able to go to ode tour?? omg orgo was such a pain if u passed it, u r def on the right track😖o thats weird?? my uni does class registration in like . april LOL
ioh i AGREE😭 last sem was so hard to finish online, i cant imagine living w parents who r also teaching😣most unis (including mine) r doing hybrid sems !! but i feel like they might just send us home mid-sem bc its not the safest to have kids on campus again lmaoo. anyway !! here r my this or that qs: 95z vs 97z , dk’s thighs vs shua’s biceps (this is a rlly important q 😌), happy ending vs callx3, china line vs america(?) line, ymmday vs ymmdawn, ofd japan vs yeoseodo, puppy gyu vs model gyu. lol ik i asked u a lot of qs, feel free to pick n choose which ones u wanna answer !!!! -🧸
i’m in the same situation! my friends have gifted me both versions of boys be, going seventeen and teen,age. with my own money i bought an ode and you made my dawn. i just checked my bank account and i realized i had more money in there than i thought i had?? that made me wanna get more albums tbh. i see so many pretty displays of seventeen albums like this one and this one and idk it’s inspired me SO MUCH to start collecting again you have no idea. but just a few weeks ago i was just trying to sell some of my photocards so i’m still conflicted. and HAHA seventeen fansigns costs $150+ which is insane but understandable. and i did seventeen! i went to the newark date. it was crazy because it was on the weekend after my first week of classes and i had to convince my parents that we don’t really get assigned anything important during the first week (but i did fail my first orgo exam because i was supposed to review some old concepts but lolol a story for another time). and so next thing you know i’m flying on a plane to a different state to see them,,, the things i do for men. were you able to see them? i really hope in the future they add a georgia date at least ugh where is the love for southern carats 😔🤙🏼. 
oo and my registration was a few weeks ago actually! i actually signed up for orientation in june, in hopes that corona was gonna be over by that time but i spoke too soon 🙃 as a result, i’m waitlisted for one class that i was supposed to take this semester ahhhh. but i wish us both a productive semester!!! 
for the this or that: 
95z vs 97z 
dk’s thighs vs shua’s biceps (i’m so biased but i refuse to look at joshua rn he makes me feel things)
happy ending vs callx3
china line vs america line (i wish joshua n vernon had more schedules together!! i love every little interaction. esp. when they speak to each other in english from time to time so they don’t forget english lmao)
ymmday vs ymmdawn (i love the songs on ymmday more but i had a falling out with seventeen during thanks/oh my era, so sadly i don’t hold any special memories for those periods🥺
ofd japan vs yeoseodo (is it bad that i haven’t watched the ofd japan epsiode?? omg i just heard abt hyung line being really mean and ik they’ve probably resolved from that but i can’t imagine sitting through it omfg), 
puppy gyu vs model gyu
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