#especially not the highly venomous ones
sanguistra · 4 months
Reptile Expo Haul
mostly feeders tbh BUT
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Yes I did get a brown recluse. It's just a sling rn so hopefully i can manage to raise it to adulthood. It'll be difficult though.
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She's SO TINY.
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got this baby mexican fire leg that im pretty excited about also
as an adult they look like this if anyone's interested.
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Family photo with all my feeders too (horn worms, dubia roaches, waxworms and a box of 500 crickets). AND this awesome coffin shaped enclosure from Tarantula Cribs. Gonna move my Black Widow into it 😎
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bancaishi · 1 year
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fun fact: the chinese cobra is a highly venomous snake that can be very aggressive when cornered; however, it usually prefers to escape confrontation with humans when it can
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itislils2004 · 3 months
Haha ok I wanted to do this for a while actually, but I've been having trouble drawing (particularly continuing the comic) but I've decided to take it a little easy (again). And I just really wanted to write out my concepts and ideas of the bishops as followers!! so here is Heket & Leshy!! woohoo
Kallamar and Shamura
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Okay so although Heket is not hard of hearing she uses ASL to communicate !! In particular with the Lamb, since they're one of the few who also understand ASL. She is able to speak (at some degree) whenever the Lamb is present in the cult grounds and grants her (temporary) ability to vocalize (such things that the crown(s) have shown to be able to do before the bishops got dethroned). Despite this she prefers not speaking/communicating, since it still strains her throat. She prefers to keep to herself, and so she often goes (on her own accord) on expeditions.
Smaller character details:
•When trying to communicate with someone who doesn't know ASL, either the Lamb translates, Shamura, or she simply writes it down for whoever she needs to talk to. Which rarely happens.
•She lets a lot weigh on her shoulders than she lets on, constantly trying to help with the burdens of others she cares about, in an attempt to make their life easier.
•Most of her time is spent either outside or with Shamura. They simply sit in silence and just seek peace, and overall just checks on Shamura a lot.
•Heket actually thinks that Kallarmar is also an idiot alongside Leshy, but does not disregard that he has a TON of potential if he just stopped being so stubborn as well. They work together quite well.
The lamb is actually quite fond of Heket to a degree, her boldness and assertiveness when placing boundaries is something they admire, in a way. And they're often reminded of a handful of people from their past, hence why she might get special treatment.
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Alongside Heket, he's one of the most active members in the cult, and interacts with the Lamb a LOT. But he barely respects their boundaries and does not pay any mind to the damage caused by him. However he's not intentionally being foolish when it comes to his actions. He just doesn't realize what it can do unless he's explicitly told, to which he surprisingly listens very well. He's, SUPER expressive, he cannot hide his thoughts nor expressions well if at all, and although he lacks tact he's very honest, most of the time.
Smaller character details:
•His spikes on his "fur" are highly venomous, don't pet the worm.
•Yes, his little antennas are used for hearing, they often twitch whenever he hears the smallest of sound. He also twists them like they're TV antennas as if that'd help him hear more.
•Although his arms and legs don't have green fur, it's still fairly hairy, and has leaves EVERYWHERE, especially on the armpits and below his knees.
•Despite what I said earlier, the Lamb does not dislike, nor hate Leshy. In fact they're also quite forgiving with him, for more reasons than one. The Lamb surprisingly allows him to cross his boundaries, to an extent. They still find him quite exhausting when exposed to his overly energetic and unpredictable nature.
For him to navigate through cult grounds (and beyond) he leaves marks, little drawings/symbols to indicate what a place is, or simply a signal (each mark has a distinct meaning, which I already have covered).
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alphacentaurinebula · 4 months
Fanfic Recs!
Been on a reading spree so I thought it would be nice to rec a few of my favourite Good Omens fics
The Many-Venomed Earth (teen) - Gorgeous AU 1930s detective story where amateur sleuth Aziraphale must get Crowley off a murder charge. Yes that pun was intentional but actually this one is rated teen. I absolutely INHALED this fic and am halfway through the sequel - it's just brilliant.
Trial & Error (E) - Crowley on trial again - this time in Heaven, and the Supreme Archangel Aziraphale is the judge. AWK-WARD. Hilarious, angsty and hot, what more could you ask!
Half agony half hope (teen) - absolutely loved this one! Regency AU which basically uses the British class system as a replacement for Heaven, with a lovely bit of moral awakening, especially for Aziraphale. I’m a sucker for a good bit of history and there are some nice real historical events referenced within - part of said moral awakening - and really deftly done. highly recommend.
Jesus, Etc (Gen)- the very first Good Omens fic I read, in that desperate post S2 period where all I wanted was a funny, happy resolution for those ineffable idiots...and this one delivered!
A Narrow Escape to the Country (teen) - properly funny. Aziraphale and Crowley appear on a daytime househunting tv series. Hilarity ensues.
Married at first sight (teen)- another reality show, which I have not watched, but that did not interfere with my enjoyment of this fic. Fake marriage is like…my favourite trope. Give me more.
Muddle through somehow (teen)- oh wait, here’s some more! Fake marriage and fake kid and fake country cottage. The voices are spot on in this one!
The Grinder Logo Doesn’t Even Have a G in It (E) - You've almost certainly read this already and if you haven't you must. Post season 1 fic which manages to do footnotes RIGHT. Properly funny, extremely hot, and pretty flipping adorable. I loved it.
Slow Show (E) - AU. Who possibly hasn’t heard of this fic? But it is fantastic, and hot and romantic and gorgeous.
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yandere-kokeshi · 5 months
Warnings: yandere behavior, naga AU, and slight NSFW.
A/N: tell me if you'd like more of this wild woman + other characters. Enjoy <3!
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I can't stop thinking of Naga! Valeria.
She's a highly venomous Timber Rattlesnake, extremely territorial of her forest. Hisses at anyone, especially at Alejandro, who gets even close to the perimeter. She hates sharing, food is for her and her only; feasts on any animal, and humans she can find, and doesn't care about the wet or dried blood on her face, neck, and naked breasts. Her sharpen eyes only show beast, and loves a game of cat-and-mouse.
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So, when she smelled you — a mere human — she smirked. It was yet another game again, which she greatly enjoyed. But when she slithered near you, finding a rather large branch, she watched you from afar for fun.
She admired you from above — looking at a map in your hands, clothes torn and covered in dirt, scrapes on your knees, she smelled different in the air. You weren't any intruder, simply lost. And whilst most were dumb, maybe you were too, but she almost felt… pity?
Her nose scrunched, it— you were different. And she hated it.
The aura of you was different. Her forked tongue came out, tasting the air. And when she did, it hit her like a truck.
You're hers. It was the taste, smell, and pheromone that you gave off. And you were in her pocket. You were Valeria's, her beloved mate, whom she was gonna wreck and keep. There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and absolutely no one else to rely on. She can already imagine it — you, on the floor with her made-pelts as a bed, keeping still with her tail slithering around you and keeping tugged to her naked chest. And that's what she did. She took you, despite your biting and fighting frame — she began to like your feistiness. And now, you live with her, in a large cave who she calls home; keeping you close to her at all times.
Naga! Valeria, whose venom takes a turn on humans: becoming a highly addictive aphrodisiac. And she uses this to her advantage.
After keeping you in the luscious cave, trying to entertain you, you had run. And it angered her.
And now, it's left you being suffocated with her tongue and lips — her hands grasping at your neck to keep you in place. Her tongue goes deep, playing with yours, and purring when you gag. Right as she's done, rubbing her thick tail all around you, she licks her spit-covered lips with your sweet, sweet scent; she can't help but smirk and giggle at your obvious worried expression.
Of course, your lips sting — but not in a bad way. Your fingers graze at your almost-numb but puckered lips, before Valeria's fingers pull away your shaken fingers. When did you start shaking?
Oh boy, and when she touches you? Claws grazing right above your hips, bringing you closer to her warm embrace? You whimper. She purrs in your ear, rubbing her nose into the space between your neck and shoulder. "Someone excited?"
Even if you shake your head, denying it, the minute her claws go inside your pants and near your V-line, you collapse in her arms. Your arms tighten around her, head laying on her naked tits, breathing heavy now, and suddenly feel warm. Too warm for comfort.
She hisses a laugh — and before you know it, her pretty bottom-body is curled all around you like a log, looking down at you with pupils dilated; in a way of saying: "You're mine, whether you like it or not". She tightens her hold when you squirm, holding her claw underneath your chin to give you more kisses. Her tongue licking the salt on your mouth, and teeth gently nibbling your cheek when you heave in hot-breath.
It's only a matter of seconds when Valeria rips off your clothes, playfully biting your ears whilst grumbling on how, 'you don't need 'em clothes' and, 'I'm warm enough to keep you warm'.
By the end of the night — or dawn if you're good at staying up regardless of her relentless tongue, hands, and tail — you're sweaty, sticky, and heaving whilst Valeria snuggles herself into your hair. She draws shapes into your sides, easily threatening you with her silence.
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I've had a really rough end of July so if possible could you share some happy things about snakes?
Sorry you're having a rough time. I'm a similar spot but hey, we got this! And one thing you can always count on, no matter how tough things get? Awesome snake facts. 😎
Some of my favorite feel-good snake facts:
Did you know snakes can have friends? Garter snakes are very social by snake standards, and they have complex social relationships! They form friendships and consistently choose to hang out with their buddies!
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Boomslangs are gorgeous, highly venomous colubrids. They're beautiful, charismatic snakes!
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And when they're babies, they look like bobbleheads. Definitely some of the cutest babies in the snake world!
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Did you know that snakes save millions of lives every year? Snake venom collected at venom labs is used in the production of life-saving medications, especially cardiac and anti-convulsive drugs!
Saw-scaled vipers. Highly venomous, very grumpy...and absolutely adorable!
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Broad-headed snakes are currently some of the most endangered snakes in Australia, suffering from the effects of habitat loss. However, we're hearing lots of good news about them lately - zoo breeding programs are helping to increase genetic diversity in the captive population with hopes to release snakes into the wild, and plans to restore their lost habitats in the Sydney Basin are underway.
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This isn't necessarily a fact but I really love this picture of an egg-eating snake who is so happy to have found a yummy egg.
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Snakes can have heterochromia! It's most often seen in leucistic snakes, and they have one blue eye and one black eye. Almost every single one I've heard of (and the only one I've ever seen in person) have been leucistic Colombian rainbow boas.
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Black-tailed rattlesnakes are so beautiful, they always make me happy! They come in an incredible range of colors, from dark browns to dusky greys.
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Speaking of beautiful rattlers, speckled rattlesnakes can look like cookie dough ice cream!
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Hope things look up for you soon! Take care.
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
i keep on thinking about yan!neuvillette lately ever since i saw those posts you reblogged 😭🙏
yan!neuvillette who has you arrested and tried in fontaine’s supreme court. having secretly worked with the prosecutors to make sure that the odds are against you, he rules that you are guilty of a crime which you, in reality, didn’t commit — but the evidence was stacked against you, and the defence certainly had no chance in winning the trial.
after all, neuvillette was the chief justice of the supreme court. the highest position one could have in this nation, second only to the hydro archon herself. who wouldn’t trust his judgement, especially when it appeared that you truly were guilty of the crimes you were accused of?
yan!neuvillette, expected by society to uphold the law and help maintain peace and order within the nation as their reliable chief justice, but neuvillette knew how to keep his position and reputation secure while using his vast knowledge of all the ins and outs of the laws, and what loopholes there are and aren’t in order to bend things to his will — namely, your circumstances. nobody knew fontaine’s legal system better than he did; and you’re the only thing he’d bend the rules for.
the majestic ornate walls of gold within the opera epiclese have never felt so suffocating before.
and, as she always did with every trial, the hydro archon oversaw yours; but it appeared that all she cared for was excitement, seeking thrills and theatrical twists that belonged to the stage. it was made clear rather quickly that the last thing she would do was interfere with neuvillette’s verdict, evidently having long lost her interest in your case.
there’s nothing else to turn to. no one else to turn to. neuvillette had the highest form of authority that a citizen of the land of justice could hold, so even if you were highly dissatisfied with the result of your trial, there was no higher court you could appeal to. the decision of the supreme court was final.
yan!neuvillette who even gave periodical visits to you down in the prisons, much to your surprise and apparent confusion — you would’ve thought that any business with this man was over the moment the gavel was struck and the court adjourned. but whatever matters a man as important as neuvillette had to tend to in the prison, he certainly spent a good portion of that time speaking to you. even the prison guards were momentarily dismissed while he stood before the bars of your cell to hold brief talks with you.
yan!neuvillette who one day quite nonchalantly revealed that he was actually fully aware of your innocence during the trial.
does he truly hold the right to judge the crimes of others if he, too, is guilty of committing such injustices behind the scenes?
the sudden spark of realisation and anger in your eyes, that shift in expression that was a fire that burned so strongly, caused the slightest change in his otherwise neutral conduct. it’s something that made you so interesting to him. however, venomous insults began to spill out of your lips, ruining that momentary image. you should remember your current circumstances, he reminded you. you were in no position to be uttering such expletives towards him, of all people. and to think he was about to offer you a way out, a way to clear your name, perhaps..
but you only deserve such a mercy if you hold your tongue and cooperate with him.
the conversation continued no further that day — he walked off without another word, leaving you to your own thoughts.
- 🕯️
Mmmmmm, delectable as always nonnie! I love how we all agree that Yandere!Neuvillette is so unfair in all the ironic ways. Not only are you unable to oppose his unjust verdicts but also you cannot reason with his logic. Since we're still yet to see more of him, you know what would make him absolutely terrifying? If he had not even a shred of guilt for what he was doing. And seeing as how Focalors never really intervenes in the trials, we can guess who gives him all this power and self-assurance. All speculations thus far, of course.
Neuvillette seems like someone who values etiquette. That being said, I don't think he's someone who'd opt for physical punishments rather, he'd probably make you memorize all the ridiculous court etiquette of Fontaine. Especially if you misbehave, the tomes of Fontaine's constitution are waiting for you.
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Hey! Do you think you could write some NSFW headcanons for Widow, Mercy, Kiriko, Lifeweaver and Genji (gender neutral afab reader) please? Feel free to ignore if that's too many characters or if you just don't want to do it. Have a great day, and don't forget to drink water dear author!
Sure! I did my best, sorry they’re all so short. I just didn’t want a super long post 😅
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Widowmaker NSFW
She can quite literally take you out in ‘one shot’— you’re not certain how exactly she does it, but she touches you in all the right places in quick succession and finds exactly where you need her most in just an instant. You’ve lasted about thirteen seconds at most with this technique of hers, and it was quickly banned from the bedroom unless you asked for it
She’s a very hard biter, like she doesn’t realize she needs to be a bit more gentle. You often wonder if she thinks she’s actually going to inject venom into your bloodstream this way
Eerily quiet responses toward any pleasure, even if you’re doing everything right she makes it hard to tell if you’re doing anything at all. So she tends to be the one in charge, that way you don’t end up questioning your capabilities or doubting her reactions
A slowed heartbeat seems to increase her stamina, though. It’s only somewhat annoying, especially in addition to her lack of emotion toward intimate times. But you refuse to believe she’s not feeling anything at all, either— otherwise she wouldn’t be stepping on you ‘for fun’ unprompted, or initiating half of these encounters
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Mercy NSFW
An unpredictable switch— everything that happens in the bedroom is a flip on a coin based on what she’s feeling and when. You never know if you’re about to give or receive, but either way it’s extremely rewarding and it’s hard to discern any complaints out of a night with Angela
She is pretty vocal, makes the nicest noises and lewd sounds you’ve probably ever heard. She definitely sounds like an angel, and it’s worth every touch to hear her sound off while completely red in the face
Maybe a bit too in love with pegging you. As a doctor and being very knowledgeable about the body, she’s rather enthusiastic toward loosening you up and talking about safety before giving you the ramming of a lifetime. Certain recommended positions even relieved your back pains somewhat, to your astonishment
She highly prefers to schedule these exchanges, rather than doing them on a whim. She refuses the ideas of quickies or anything with risk— especially in communal/public areas. You’d need to absolutely guarantee no one will be walking in or she might not ever forgive you for the embarrassment
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Kiriko NSFW
Absolutely a brat, and we all know this. You’re not getting anything done without force or a trade, and she clearly relishes in those methods— always a “no” or a “why”, and then the “what will I get in return?”
Hugely into degrading and she’ll meet you halfway, criticizing your every move as if it doesn’t have her writhing in euphoria. She’s mostly in control of the sounds she makes, but when you get enough of a rise out of her the high-pitched noises are totally worth the struggle to get them in the first place. But she tries really hard to pretend like you don’t have an effect on her
She totally abuses her abilities to make you both finish faster, and especially against your will if you intended to take your time. Everything she does in bed is completely in spite of you— you’re fighting to earn the outcome you want, so hopefully you’re up for that kind of challenge
Her attitude is to make up for her low libido, and especially in her inability to last very long. She’s super sensitive, but she’ll never admit it. You’ll figure this out sooner than later though, and she’ll put up even more of a fight with a smirk on her face before you get anywhere near the brink of relief
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Lifeweaver NSFW
Undoubtedly has a preference for being on bottom, but absolutely more than capable of being a top if he’s in the mood for it.
He’s sort of a pillow princess, likes having all the work be done for him. Much more of a receiver than he is a giver, but only in intimate moments— he’s much more giving outside of private moments that heavily lack clothing
But he is extraordinarily talented with his mouth, and he knows this. Yet he won’t offer such services without being asked politely, which must include a ‘please’ or he may remind you of your manners. It’s all in good fun though, he likely wouldn’t have refused either way (please ride his face)
He makes a lot of sounds, though they’re always muffled by his hand or pillow— or you. He also super loves using rope for things, like being restrained, and shibari. He gets more excited when he’s trapped and vulnerable in front of someone he likes
And while he’s a gentle top, he makes sure to return every favor you’ve given him on the occasions he does take over. These sessions last significantly longer than when he’s on the receiving end— edging turns out to be a specialty of his. And along the way, he’s more than happy to remind you of your previously indulgent behaviors
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More Genji NSFW
Genji is still Genji, and even under all that metal he’s still pretty full of himself. So he totally, secretly, has a mask kink, and goes a bit feral when you wear his helm along with a lingerie or something else enticing (maybe even his hoodie lol). There’s just something about seeing his own visor on you that makes him want to pounce
I don’t imagine he’s super into wireplay/anything that has to do with his mechanics, but he’s not against it. He’s fine with it enough and appreciates you’d find these parts of him just as attractive, it just doesn’t get him going as much as other things do. He will happily indulge you though.
He’s dangerously easy to arouse. Drop one hint, playful or not (but only after the first few intimate exchanges) and he will find someplace to make it quick. Of course, he’s fluent in consent, so he’ll back off if you really were only joking. But otherwise you may often find yourself getting that super-enhanced-ninja special in the strangest secluded areas
And he makes it his job to make sure you cum before he does. On occasion he slips up, and if you’re competitive like that then it can be pretty 50/50. But he praises himself as a gentleman who treats his lover with the utmost care, and will deliver to you everything he has before taking you for his own pleasure
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blitzor0de0 · 2 months
The jealous St Peter prompt caught my eye. Especially the idea of him wrapping his wings around redeemed!reader, so I have a suggestion, instead of jealous St Peter, how about protective St Peter?
Maybe Lute confronts redeemed!reader and it gets ugly? The confrontation possible brings up redeemed!reader's pstd, maybe even making them think they were going to be killed again, only for St Peter to appear with Sera/Emily, and he just wraps his wings around them, blocking out the chaos around them, comforting them with soft words and kisses.
I have no excuse for not putting this out sooner I've just been refixating on obey me </3 but this was rlly fun to write despite writers block eating my ass
listened to way too much blur and gorillaz doing this
cw: ptsd, fluffy, I forgot how to write mid way through, reader is always going through it aren't they, biblical Peter, reader confesses finally, kiss!!! Emily cucking lowkey
word count: 1.5k
part 1 part 2 part 3
Safe & Sound (Saint Peter x Redeemed!Reader)
You were just minding your business, you swear you were! Delivering a parcel to Emily. But it wasn't supposed to go like this??
Backed into a wall in the Plaza, the package clutched to your chest. Your mind was swirling with emotions as your heartbeat rapidly increased, finding it harder to breathe.
Former lieutenant of the exorcists, highly feared amongst sinners, yet highly respected amongst the blind sighted angels. You had already known Heaven was a lie at that first meeting, seeing how all the higher ups hadn't a clue about the exorcisms down in Hell. If angels could fall regardless of their ‘sin’ why wouldn't a sinner be able to redeem themselves?
The logic of Adam and Lute was incredibly flawed, and since yours and Pentious’ arrival in Heaven, you had felt a murderous gaze upon you each time you left your home.
It wasn't difficult to tell it was Lute, but since Adam's death you could tell she was a little lonely despite trying to avoid her gaze at every chance you got. She was always quite outspoken in the few times you met her, but the quietness of the Plaza, and Heaven in general after Adam's death.. The silence was borderline deafening.
But today, Lute must've decided enough was enough, if she couldn't kill you, she would gladly find a way to send you back to Hell.
“You filthy scum.” She scowled, venom lacing her words. She wasn't secretive about this confrontation either, causing a small crowd to quickly appear around the two of you, mimicking a petty school fight.
But this wasn't a fight, it was a one sided dispute.
You couldn't bear to face Lute, her mask being too much of a trigger to stare at for too long, especially in a situation such as this. You opted for clenching your eyes shut, but this only infuriated the angel more.
“I have lost EVERYTHING because of you sinners… Adam. My job. My subordinates. My fucking arm. How did you do it, huh? You and that snake you both made it up here. What sort of magic did Lucifer pull, huh?”
You felt your mind spin, knees going weak as you fought to keep yourself upright, lip quivering as tears threatened to spill as you gained the courage to speak.
“..He didn't do anything. It was just as Charlie told you all… It's just rehabilitation, Sir Pentious sacrificed himself for us all, I just wanted to better my soul..” God you were about to cry, your voice was barely above a whisper.
“Bullshit.” Before Lute could threaten you further, some gasps and whispers emerged from the audience. You dared open your eyes, peering behind the Executioner to see the commotion, only to be faced with the two Serafim parting the crowd.
You gasped, causing Lute to finally turn around. With Adam gone, Lute didn't really get a ‘get out of jail free’ card, so the growing look of fear upon her features was evident.
Sera was quick to whisk Lute away as Emily held your arms gently as all you could do was crumble to the ground, tears finally being free to fall.
You couldn't exactly understand all what Emily was saying, everything seemed like ringing in your ears, but you appreciated Emily's attempt to ground you.
“Oh, Peter there you are!” Emily gasped, turning to face the angel who had a worried expression upon his face.
The ever so smiley angel for once held a look of disgust towards the crowd still whispering and murmuring about your fragile state.
“I got here as soon as I could.. Are they okay??” He seemed panicked, he'd never been in a situation like this, especially with someone he cared so much for. He couldn't think straight.
“I'm not sure..” The Serafim replied, “They haven't responded to me once, I'm not even sure if they can hear me at all.. You two are..” She hesitated, “close, you should deal with them, I'll see what I can do about the crowd..” She frowned, rubbing Peter’s shoulder comfortingly before grabbing the parcel and approaching the crowd.
Peter on the other hand unveiled his wings without a second thought, shielding you from the looks and whispers. Giving you a little bit of privacy was the least he could do right now.
“Hey.” He spoke softly, almost in a cooing manner, caressing your face as if you were made of porcelain.
In a room of a thousand people, you would be able to recognise every aspect of Peter’s being. His voice, his scent, his touch.. Everything. With the delicate caress upon your cheek, you'd be foolish to not know who it was, even in such a fragile state.
Still, you couldn't bear to look up at him. Though he had seen you in such a state before, your consciousness of the situation as opposed to your exhaustion from the previous time weighed on your shoulders.
To acknowledge his presence, you simply leaned into his touch. Your ears were still ringing, probably for the better since the whispers and chatter amongst the slowly dispersing crowd weren't doing you any favours.
Peter gently lifted your head up to face him, a soft, yet pained smile upon his face. You wanted to look away so desperately, but the way he looked at you so tenderly, you couldn't stand to pull your gaze away. A shaky “I'm sorry..” left your lips before you could realise it.
Peter gained a small sense of déjà vu from that, you always did seem to apologise for things that weren't even remotely your fault.
“Don't be silly. It's not your fault. You're safe now..Okay?” You nodded slowly, taking his words in. “Lute’s being dealt with by Sera and,” He glanced behind him “everyone else is more or less gone. You wanna stay here or move somewhere else?” Just at the thought of moving, an ache spread through your legs, the weakness growing once again.
“Here please.” You replied, reaching up to turn Peter's face towards yours, you needed his attention, his gaze, his essence. He smiled, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your nose.
“I thought she was going to kill me..” You murmured, finally regaining some stability. “I.. I couldn't do it all over again.. I didn't exactly think there was an afterlife in the first place.. let alone the possibility of dying twice.. I don't think God would approve of me dying a third time.. right?”
Peter grew silent, what could he possibly say to that. To be frank, when he was alive, he had a tumultuous relationship with his belief. Of course he believed in Jesus’ word, but he was also one of the first to betray him. Being disowned from Heaven before he had even passed. How he managed to get up there and still be held in such high regards by the Lord still surprised him centuries later.
Noticing his prolonged silence your eyes widened slightly, “That was a joke, I swear.. Peter..?”
Shaking his head he snapped out of his thoughts, “Oh! Of course it was, right!.. Either way, I think I'd be able to convince God to keep you around, I am an esteemed patron saint after all!” He winked.
After such a traumatic experience, you had cracked your first smile of the day which only caused Peter to mirror a smile right back at you.
“I feel like I'm always thanking you for looking out for me. You're so pure of heart, it's no wonder I fell for you-” You paused, realising what you said.
You and Peter had shared many intimate moments together, kissed on many occasions and even slept in the same bed together but you two had never established any actual feelings or relationship, until now it seems.
You panicked “Wait Pe-”
“I love you too.” He cut you off, stars in his eyes. It felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders as he finally confessed.
Your shoulders relaxed as you breathed a sigh of relief. “Cool.. Wait! No! Erm I love you, oh I'm such a mess just kiss me.”
With a laugh, Peter gladly obliged, pressing a small teasing kiss to your lips before indulging in all his sins with an intimate kiss.
You wanted to savour this moment forever, Peter's hands cupped your cheeks as he pulled you impossibly close, the scent of his lightly floral cologne infiltrating your senses, quickly changing from intimacy to desperation — fearing as if this kiss may be your last.
Neither of you wanted to part, continuously pulling away for a split second before either one of you pulled the other in for ‘just one more’.
Though, the unfortunate parting would come from an awkward throat clear from the younger serafim.
“Um..Guys.. Super! Happy for you two but.. You're still in public..” Emily smiled down at the two of you.
Flushed and breathless, the two of you blinked up towards her before her words finally dawned on you.
“Oh.. Oh my, Emily I'm so sorry. Um!! Peter let's go!” You rushed to stand, pulling Peter up with you who’s uniform looked a little dishevelled, bowtie lopsided as well as some hair stuck to his forehead. He was both literally and figuratively on Cloud 9.
Emily could only giggle at the sight of Peter, “I'm glad you're feeling better, have fun you two lovebirds.” She called out as you and your now boyfriendddddd departed.
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beybaldes · 11 months
i'd go back in time and change it, but I can't
summer sleepover masterlist
jamie tartt x gn!reader
summary : “why are you avoiding me?”
content warning : Jamie’s history of being a prick and cheater??, angst because idk blame the economy, hurt with super delayed comfort for reader, hurt with no comfort for Jamie, brief mention of Roy x reader but it has no impact on the story, bestfriend!colin because he’s my fave. I change the timeline. A bit to fit the plot.
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The first time you show your face at Nelson road again is when your hear the news of Jamie’s recall to Manchester City. He’s halfway across the country, and the boys were your friends first, so it’s weird to say you feel like you’re allowed to finally go back there.
When Jamie had called your relationship quits by fucking someone else in your apartment, in your bed, you knew you had to get away. You quit your job at the dog track, moved in with your favourite auntie and fucked Roy 3, or 4, or 12 times on the basis of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend.’ Altogether, it made for quite a good method at getting over Jamie.
Unfortunately, that method also included leaving everyone else at Nelson road behind.
The only person made aware of your departure had been Higgins, but only because he had to file the paperwork and send over your transfer form to the new company you’d been working for - everyone else was left in the dark until Colin came storming into the changing room on the following Monday morning.
“What did you do?” All heads turned to face Colin as he slammed open the doors, ignoring the concerned stares of his peers as his only focus was on Jamie.
“I want to say I don’t know, but I get the idea that’s not the answer you’re looking for.” Jamie’s mask broke for a second when he saw the genuine anger and upset in Colin’s eyes. They reminded him all too much of yours from only nights before. “But I’ve definitely not done anything to piss the likes of you off, mate.”
“I don’t know, boyo, I’d say cheating on your partner and forcing them to leave Richmond is enough to get a fella rilled up.” Venom laced every word that came from Colin’s mouth, and for a brief moment Jamie considered never pushing his buttons again incase this was the reaction he got.
“You fucking what?” Roy seethed, his head turning to face the Welshman from his seat on the changing room bench.
“Went to pick them up to come to work this morning and there was a ‘for sale’ sign outside their apartment. I spoke to Higgins about it when I got here and he said that they handed in transfer papers Friday night.”
“Transfer papers to where?” Roy asked, slowing rising from his place on the bench and moving to stand next to Colin, glaring at Jamie with just as much disgust.
“I don’t know! He won’t tell me.”
Jamie could feel every single pair of eyes in the changing room on him. He’d never once considered that you were at Richmond before he was. He’d never had to consider that before. Wherever he went he was Jamie Fucking Tartt, and that meant nothing else mattered; until now. Every person in this room had been your friend first, and it was highly likely they had liked you more then they’d liked him - especially considering he was a total prick, all of the time.
“Is this true?” Roy asked, and Jamie couldn’t place why. It was not like Roy had ever cared about your relationship when the two of you were together, so why care now?
All Jamie knew how to be was a prick, so a prick he was going to be. “What’s it to you, old man? You can finally fuck them, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“You fucking prick.”
Both Roy and Colin had lunged for him, and if it wasn’t for the fact the team needed his right foot, he wasn’t sure that Isaac, Jan Mass and Richard would’ve intervened. The three fought to hold the two back from throwing punches and kicks in Jamie’s direction and for a moment he considered letting them loose.
He deserved it, that was the one thing in this whole mess that he was sure of. If news had hit the changing rooms, it was only time before news hit the tabloid of his inability to keep it in his pants and who his new flavour of the week was. That meant it was only time before his dads contact lit up his phone screen with a two line message;
‘proud of you son, don’t let that whore keep you tied down. never do, us tartt’s.’
The disgust is coating is skin like dirt; he can feel you underneath his finger nails and he can smell you in his bed sheets, and he feels like he’s never going to be clean again. Definitely not when he knows everyone here is going to hate him a little bit more and his dad is going to say he’s proud of him.
The obvious decision to a hurt Jamie, then and there, is that if everyone is going to hate him anyway, he may as well give them justified reasons to. “You ever consider that the prick wants you to be mad at me? Huh? Why else would they ask you to pick them up from work today when they’ve already gone, yeah?” Jamie calls out to Roy and Colin as they are dragged away from the changing rooms. Jan’s hold on Colin lessens as Roy becomes more volatile and angry at Jamie’s words, allowing Colin to slip from his hold and cross back across the room, pressing a finger firmly into Jamie’s chest.
“Not that you ever cared enough about them to notice, but I’ve picked them up every morning for the past 3 years - long before you ever came here and long after too, if you hadn’t fucked everything up.” Jamie can feel his heart beating louder and louder with each word that’s punctuated with a jab to his chest. Roy’s calmed down, but only because his anger has melted into disappointment, and Jamie wishes he would just get angry again because he can’t stand the silence right now. “Quite literally too.”
“You fucking Welsh prick.” Jamie finds himself lunging at Colin and the changing room descends into chaos once more.
Your name had not dared even been thought in the changing room since, well, at least until today.
“Hey there darling, you looking for the press junket?” Ted lasso was standing behind you with his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans. His face softened when he took in the nervous demeanour; your eyebrows pinched, shoulders tense and hands wringing each other out. “Or are you here to see someone?”
“I’m here to see everyone, um, mainly Colin and Roy. To be totally honest, I’m a little nervous.”
“And why’s that?”
“I didn’t really say goodbye, I’m afraid they won’t want to see me again.” You weren’t entirely sure why you were spilling your heart out to someone you’d just met, but something about ted told you it was perfectly okay - the right thing to do, even.
“Well, if I know anything about those two - and I’d like to say I know a little - they are stubborn.” Your nervous demeanour had immediately returned, for the worse, and you couldn’t shake the fact this was a bad idea. “But, they care fiercely about the people they love. They won’t be mad, okay maybe a little at first, but the love they have for you will overcome it, even if it takes some time.”
“You’re right, I should just-“
Roy Kent was whispering your name so quietly under his breath that you’d have thought he was scared you’d shatter. And despite his hushed tone, the whole changing room had been silenced by it.
Colin repeated your name, louder then Roy had, and sprung from his seat, crossing the room in 3 long strides and standing at Roy’s side breathless. “You’re here.”
Ted had been right so far, no one had been openly mad at you: Colin looked like he wanted to wrap you up in a hug, and Roy, well, Roy looked like he wasn’t going to hit you which you took as a good sign.
“I’m here.”
You have two pairs of arms wrapping around you before you can get another word out and it’s like you’ve never left Richmond. Ted retreats into the coaches office and calls on Nate to catch him up to speed on what was happening and who you were; his jaw tightens and he wishes he had been able to get through to Jamie better but he knows that it’s too late now he’s back in Manchester.
Transfer papers are brought to Higgins office and he drags you up to see Rebecca, who greets you with a smile, your old job back, and an introduction to Keeley - the both of you immediately bonding over Jamie’s shitty behaviour while you’d dated and your love for Rebecca.
The rest of the season and summer passed by in a blur of good friends, good drinks and good times. Jamie didn’t cross your mind once and if it weren’t for the Mancunian shaped hole in your heart, then you would’ve forgotten he’d ever even been part of your life. Someone like Jamie wasn’t so easy to forget.
When August finally rolled around and the new season was starting up, you were extremely surprised to hear murmurs of Jamie coming back to Richmond.
In an instant the entire life you’d rebuilt from the ground up in Richmond had crumbled, and you were throwing clothes in bags and typing out a text to your aunt. Something landed in your bag with a crack and the reality of it all came crashing down on you. You uprooted your life for Jamie once, you weren’t going to do it twice.
When you showed up to work the next day Jamie was there and you walked right past him - and continued to walk right past him everyday for the first three months of his return to Richmond. Come Christmas, even Colin was trying to convince you to forgive Jamie, promising that he truly had changed and that he was finally someone worth knowing. Despite all your love for Colin, you couldn’t find it in you to forgive him. At least Roy was still on your side.
“He’d the prince prick of all pricks. People like him don’t change.”
And yet, everyone else seemed to think he had. Even Keeley, who’d been hurt by Jamie in the most similar way to you, had forgiven him and reformed a friendship with him. But you still couldn’t find it in you to do the same.
It had bothered Jamie to no end. He’d come back from Manchester desperate to be a new man, and while he knew that it would be hard, he was prepared for that. What he hadn’t been prepared for was seeing your face around Nelson road again. He avoided you at first, figuring you wouldn’t want to see him as much as he wanted to see you, and decided he’d wait for others to start warming to him first before he tried to talk to you again. People had warmed to him while the summer heat still filled the concrete floors of the stadium, and now the snow outside only reminded him of you.
He couldn’t place why you wouldn’t acknowledge him (as though breaking your heart wasn’t reason enough) because he was sure everything he did, every breath he took and every word he said since returning to the dog track had been a cry: ‘I’VE CHANGED, I’VE CHANGED, PLEASE NOTICE I’M NOT THE SAME PERSON I USED TO BE, I CAN BE BETTER, I AM TRYING TO BE BETTER.’
It all came to a head the last day at the dog track before the Christmas holidays. Practically everyone else had cleared out of the building, and with no upcoming football matches, had made a head start on going back home for the holidays. Jamie dragged his kitbag into the hallway and was surprised to find you at the water fountain, talking in whispers with Roy about something he couldn’t quite hear. He didn’t dwell on it, waiting for Roy to leave before making his presence known.
“Why are you avoiding me?”
Jamie made his presence know with his voice, startling you and causing you to restart filling up your water bottle. It was the same one you used when you were with him, he noted. “Fucking Christ Jamie, what happened to hello? How are you?”
“Hello would’ve been more appropriate 4 months ago when I came back, wouldn’t it?” Jamie kicked the tips of his shoes against the floor, finding a speck of dirt to focus on instead of your face. “But every time I try and say it to you, you run the other way. Thought I’d try a more direct approach.”
“By asking me a question you already know the answer to?”
“That’s the thing.” Jamie sighed, running his hands through his hair and absentmindedly making you think about him with that loving gaze you’d had when you were together. A part of you screamed he was different now, a louder, more insecure, part told you that he would always be capable of hurting you like that again. “I don’t understand why you’re avoiding me.”
The louder part was right, and so was Roy, people like Jamie don’t change. Even when you hope and pray and want them to. They just don’t change. “Un-fucking-believable.” You scoffed, folding your arms defensively across your chest. “You ever considered that it hurt when you cheated on me? That it absolutely ruined me?”
“But that was ages ago.” It wasn’t that Jamie was being a dick, he just truly didn’t understand. He was trying to change and he thought that was enough. Of course he regretted what he did, but the past was the past, and he wasn’t sure what he could do to fix that now it was behind him. “And I’m sorry that I did it, but I can’t change it. I would, if I could, but I can’t. So why can’t we be friends again?”
“Because accountability matters, Jamie.” The words felt like a dagger to his chest. He’d heard them before, in an all too similar context, and his heart was aching like you’d walked in on him in your apartment that night. He couldn’t tell you why he did what he did, and he knew that that was what you needed to hear the most - an apology and an explanation. Jamie knew he could only ever give you one, and that that would never be enough to fix the damage he’d done. “And you don’t get to fuck someone else, break my heart and then be my friend again. It just doesn’t work like that.”
You packed up your bottle into your bag, zipped up your coat and pulled your scarf tighter around your neck. “Don’t try and be my friend when we come back in the new year. Have a good Christmas Jamie.” And just like that, you’d slipped through his fingers again.
an : sorry there was such a delay in fics my lovelies, I’ve had a very busy week starting my new job (!!!!!!) and starting rugby training again now the season has begun (!!!!!!!) here’s a fic! More to come! Possible part 2 to this too? What do we think? Love you all! mwah <3333
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hrefna-the-raven · 5 months
Hot as Hades
Misc. masterlist - masterlist
Chapters 1 - 2 - 3
Warnings: none
Words: 1620
Summary: getting ready for the next date (this chapter will be a bit boring, sorry in advance)
Chapter 4 - Invitation
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"Whaaaaaaat-is-it-now?!", he bellowed, causing them to immediately fall into silence.
Pain and Panic exchanged glances, uttering unintelligible words to each other before one of them eventually took a step forward.
"Your most lugubriousness, we're sorry to disturb you but uhm you have a visitor."
"Guys this is the Underworld", Hades scoffed while conjuring himself a drink, "we constantly have visitors down here, like", his hand waved towards the never-ending stream of souls spiraling downwards past the window, "permanent visitors."
He sipped on his drink as he sunk back on his throne, already dismissing his minions' announcement under unimportant when suddenly the heavy stone doors of the throne room swung open, crashing into the walls on both sides.
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"Brother", Zeus swaggered into the room as if he owned it, grabbing Hades by the shoulder and pulling him into a tight hug.
The Lord of the Dead growled, squirming to free himself but failing.
"What brings you to my room of doom, Zeusy?", Hades grumbled, finally able to free himself out of Zeus' iron grip.
"Aw Hades, can't I just check on my favourite gloom from the tomb brother?"
"You rarely, no wait, in fact, never do so. And forgive me if this sounds a bit impolite, but I'm highly suspicious. Sooooo what in the undead are you doing down here?!"
Hades' voice cracked, his attempt to conceal his anger failing, his venom slowly seeping through his words. The night he spent with you was absolutely enchanting, from the delightful conversations to the shared laughter at each other's jokes. He could feel the intense desire you had for him, and he wouldn't forgive himself if he allowed anyone, especially his meddling brother Bolt Boy over there, to ruin it now. His gaze shifted towards his brother, who suddenly appeared overly interested in the table that still stood in the room, a physical reminder of the sweet memories he had created together with you merely hours ago. As if on cue, Zeus turned around, revealing a delicate sapphire belt held triumphantly in his hand. A self-satisfied grin spread across his face, growing more pronounced with each passing moment.
"Did you have a visitor?", Zeus asked, wiggling his eyebrows in a mischievous manner.
Hades' eyes widened in shock as he saw your belt dangling from Zeus' hand. He jumped up and snatched it away.
"None of your business", Hades snarled.
The last thing he needed was Mister High and Mighty snooping around his affairs. He knew Zeus too well, having experienced his meddling firsthand. The first time, it resulted in the rather involuntary responsibility of overseeing the underworld forever, the last time, it ended his relationship and, because it wasn't bad enough,Hades had to make constant, very conscious effort to forget all the instances where he got the blame for his brothers fuck ups. Therefore, he had no intention of divulging any information about you. At least in his scheming mind, he deemed you his which granted you the status of underworld business, and so solely his, business.
"Anyway, tomorrow, Olympus. Make sure to come, brother. It will be a grant gathering of everyone, oh and I've heard intriguing things about the lady you're with, I'm curious."
"Oh why don't you ask Aphrodite? I'm sure if things are being heard, she might want to add some details", Hades muttered.
"I don't know what you're talking about. It's all Greek to me", Zeus winked and vanished, leaving a frustrated Hades behind.
Wasn't it already enough that his brother had imprisoned him in the thankless task of ruling the underworld for eternity? Why did he have to endure Zeus invading the very space of his confinement as well? And for what? To invite him to...something, probably a party. And you were supposed to accompany him, an unspoken invitation, and by extension meet the other gods. Hades closed his eyes, his fingertips pressed into his temples, slowly massaging the growing headache away. He called out for his minions, his muscles tensing at the irritating shuffles of their small footsteps on the stone floor as they approached, giving him a nervous salute. With a snip of his fingers, dark smoke materialised into a wrapped package he had gotten earlier from the Fates, hovering in front of Pain.
"Bring this to her, tell her I'll pick her up at sunset and nothing more! Capiche?"
"Yes boss!", Panic replied a little too eagerly, snatched the package, and scurried away with Pain.
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As soon as you stepped into your house the following day after a tiring day at work, you sensed that something was amiss. It felt like the atmosphere had shifted, and there was an unfamiliar disturbance lingering in the air. As you passed through the kitchen, you instinctively grabbed a knife and cautiously made your way towards your bedroom. Carefully you pushed open the door, ready to defend yourself, but your steps came to an abrupt halt as you spotted two young boys energetically jumping on your bed.
"What in the-?"
"She's here, she's here!", both interrupted you and crawled off the bed, holding up a package.
"The boss will pick you up at sunset, wear this, nothing more!", proudly announced the boy with brown hair.
"That's not what he meant by saying that, you idiot!", the blonde one intervened, slapping the other one on the back of his head.
"Oh and how would you know what the boss meant? I was there when he gave the instructions!"
"Me too! Have you forgotten already?"
"You must be Pain and Panic", you sighed amused, giggling, finally putting the knife away and taking the package.
"At your service", both smiled, saluting you.
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"So this is from Hades?", you asked, earning an eager nod from the boys.
"Please tell him we delivered and only did as asked", Pain requested, transforming back into his original form.
"We mean like really really put in a good word for us, we don't wanna be maimed", Panic added.
And with that, they both disappeared. Intrigued, you opened the parckage and ran your fingers along the smooth black material of a gown. You let out a gasp as you slipped it on, realising that not only did it reveal a generous amount of cleavage, but the fabric itself was see-through, but it also was as if magic concealed certain parts of your body, so never too much was revealed. As you gazed at your own reflection in the mirror, a delightful warmth began to spread between your thighs. Your mind danced with thoughts of the upcoming evening and Hades' intentions, especially considering the revealing and seductive nature of your robe. You weren't left with much time to wonder when you felt the air shift and the Lord of the Underworld emerged from a cloud of dark smoke beside you.
"Hi babe, I'm a bit early so I figured I'd pick you up here since we've gotten to know each other a bit better yesterday, you know it's more personal and all", Hades strolled around you, his eyes scanning the room, "I must say I dig your style, simple and yet those small skulls and bones give this place a personal touch, thumbs up-", his gaze finally landed on you, "wow wow wow, babe, I uhm, it suddenly got super hot in here and it's definitely not me for once!"
You chuckled at the god standing in front of you, his eyes roaming over your form, dilated pupils and open mouth, unable to hide his burning desire and you could have sworn that his flames burned even hotter than usual.
"You sent the robe."
Your voice broke Hades out of his train of thoughts and brought him back into the present moment with you.
"The Fates picked it", he casually remarked, attempting to regain his usual cool demeanour, "and they weren't wrong when they promised me I wouldn't regret it. But something's missing, hm hm hm", Hades pondered, tapping his finger against his lips, his brows furrowing, "ah yes I know! Let me help with the final touch."
Your hair started moving on its own, swirling and twisting until it formed a chignon at the back of your head adorned with a small bird skull. The tips of the few long strains hanging down on the side of your face were tinted in an almost glowing shade of the same blue as Hades' flames. A silent wow left your lips as you caught a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror. The combination of the elegant hairstyle and the flowing robe draped around you gave you a shimmer of divinity and a smile danced across your lips as you turned around hugging Hades.
"It looks perfect, thank you", you whispered, your words barely audible as they sank into the soft fabric of his toga.
"So well, are you ready to start the night?", he asked anxiously, his hand nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
You nodded, though a hint of suspicion flickered in your gaze as you observed him.
"Then get ready to meet the family!", he spoke quickly, his arm encircling you tightly as he pulled you closer.
"Wait what?! Does that mean we're going to O-", you cut yourself off with a scream as your surroundings seemed to dissolve.
You closed your eyes, nausea pooling in your stomach while every muscles in your body tensed at the feeling of weighing tons and being weightless at the same time. Just as suddenly as it began, it abruptly ended again and when your feet felt steady ground underneath, you cautiously opened your eyes and gasped in surprise.
"Olympus", you murmured, blinking several times, half-expecting to find yourself back in your own home, awakening from a dream.
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Chapter 5
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rebelwrites · 5 months
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Sixteen: Give Me Your Goddamn Kutte!
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till the wheels fall off masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
Warning; Jax loses his shit
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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Juice kept quiet as Jax planted his hand firmly on his shoulder, he didn’t care if he was squeezing the muscle like it was a piece of paper ready to be tossed into the trash can. The whole club pulled their weight, paying their dues each month and making sure all the businesses are fit to make as much money as possible, yet for some reason Juice decided that he could be the one to slack off.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw the cutest sight, Elenor sitting on Nova’s knee whilst Charles had his arm wrapped around his sister’s shoulder and with the other hand he was helping Elenor color in whichever coloring book she had brought with her. He felt his heart flip watching the three of them together. The only thing was worried about was when Charles had to leave for the rest of the racing season, he knew it was going to not only break his sister’s heart but also his daughter’s as well.
Pushing the thoughts down, he tightened his grip on Juice’s shoulder, marching him into the kitchen. Jax was no longer playing around with the giant man baby.
This was his livelihood he was playing with now.
The moment they walked into the kitchen a heavy silence fell over the room as Juice backed himself into the corner, “you had so many fucking chances,” Jax growled, slamming his palms against the stainless steel counter, watching as Juice winced at the sound echoing around the room. “I stuck my fucking neck out on the line for you,” he paused for a moment taking in the guilty look that was taking over Juice’s expressions, “but you didn’t know that, did you?”
“No,” Juice muttered quietly, dropping his gaze down to his feet.
“The first time you fucked up Nova wanted me to kick your ass to the curb,” Jax snarled, gripping the edge of the worktop so tightly his knuckles were starting to turn white, “then the second time, I lied for you! Once again so Nova didn’t fucking chop your dick off, and this is how you repay me?”
Jax could feel his blood pressure rising, he knew his voice would be echoing around the room, no doubt everyone in the bar heard every word he was saying, but right now he couldn’t see past the rage, especially when Juice burst out laughing.
“Please tell me you aren’t fucking laughing right now?” Jax spat lunging across the room, wrapping his hand around Juice’s throat, slamming him against the stainless steel cabinets. “Look at me,” he growled, venom dripping on his every word. Juice ignored Jax’s demands, “I said fucking look at me you piece of shit. Fucking explain yourself.”
“I thought it was okay seen as Nova is suddenly swanning around with that fucking Formula One driver!” Juice snapped, narrowing his eyes at Jax.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me!” Jax roared, there was no way he was blaming his sister right now. “Nova fucking runs herself into the ground for this family and this club. If you have forgotten she was running the bar and the cafe for nearly the best part of a year. She hardly fucking slept, she lives off energy drinks and there were about three times she nearly put herself in hospital due to exhaustion and on the fourth time she ended up in the ER from the amount of caffeine she had, but we kept that quiet from you all because you didn’t need to know!” Jax paused for a moment, taking a breath, “oh, I forgot she's been the main carer for JT. So yes, I believe she is the one who deserves to have the summer off, maybe even fall in love, and I was the one to tell her to take a step back.”
Juice didn’t speak, the guilty look on his face had disappeared as quickly as it appeared, instead he was smirking. Jax couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed this before, the Puerto Rican was high right now. Without thinking he balled his fingers into a fist before raising his arm letting his knuckles collide with Juice’s jaw, “you are a fucking joke right now, showing up high and trying to bring down my sister.”
“Whatcha gonna do? Beat me?”
“I should fucking bury you!” Jax snarled, releasing his grip of Juice’s throat taking a couple of steps back, running his fingers through his hair, fixing a couple of strands of hair that had fallen out of place, “give me your goddamn kutte!”
Juice stared back at Jax in slight disbelief, but his movements were fast as he ripped off the well worn leather hanging on his shoulders, “do you know what Jackson, fuck you!” Juice snapped, launching the kutte on the tiled floor like it was a piece of litter to him. “Everything is about you and fucking Nova, neither of you fucking care about anyone else,” he seethed, narrowing his eyes at Jax, “she isn’t the only one trying to keep their head above water, running multiple businesses.”
He took a step closer to Jax, who was standing there in shock at the sudden outburst from someone Jax thought he knew, turns out he didn’t, “you are actually doing me a favor,” Juice scoffed, running his hand over his face, “I can actually work less to support myself instead of this stupid fucking club.”
“Juicy Boy.”
“Don’t fucking Juicy Boy me,” he snapped, glaring at Jax, “Nova has been looking for a reason to kick me to the curb, no one ever fucking checked on me, it was all about precious Nova! Do you know what screw you Jax and screw the club, all this means is I don’t have to keep providing everyone with weed at a heavily discounted rate meaning my goddam takings at my shop will double!” Juice was now pacing the room but suddenly stopped turning to face Jax with a wide smirk on his face, “plus I will get to keep all my own profits.”
Jax felt his expression drop, running his fingers through his hair. His stomach twisted into a tight knot as he realized that Juice was telling the truth.
“You forgot the shop was in my name, not the clubs, didn’t you?” Juice chuckled, as he made his way to the fire exit, “everyone is working themselves to the fucking bone for this club and for what? You don’t even see what's happening in front of your own eyes! Thanks for nothing, I guess, so much for the fucking brotherhood,” he spat before leaving Jax standing in the kitchen frozen to the spot.
His head was spinning, Juice had never kicked off like this before. Leaning against the stainless steel worktop Jax let out a strangled cry. This wasn’t what he needed on the day of the fundraiser but everything Juice said had struck a nerve with him, maybe he was right, maybe he was too focused on the Teller bubble to notice all the other things that were happening around him.
Did everyone feel like this towards him and Nova?
Were they all putting on a front around them?
“Fuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!” he screamed, turning towards the refrigerator letting his fist collide with the metal, not caring about the pain that seared through his knuckles, he kept punching the appliance trying to release the frustration building up in his body.
The music had been turned up to drown out the sounds of the argument of Jax and Juice but nothing could mask the painful screams that echoed through the building. Running my hands over my face I pressed a kiss against the top of Elenor’s head, “Ça vous dérange de la surveiller pendant que je m'occupe de Jax ? You mind keeping an eye on her while I take care of Jax?” I asked Charles and Pierre but keeping my gaze focused on behind the bar.
“Tout va bien ? Is everything ok?” Charles asked softly, running his fingers over the back of my neck.
“Not sure yet,” I sighed, taking a deep breath, “if you can just watch her whilst I go see if Jax is okay that would be great.”
“Of course, Sunshine,” Pierre teased, with a wide smirk on his face.
Rolling my eyes at him, I shuffled Elenor so she was now sitting on the leather sofa. “Why don’t you go show Charles and Pierre your fairy garden?” I asked softly, finally looking down at the sweet innocent girl.
“Wait, you have a fairy garden?” Charles exclaimed, making me smile. No one could doubt he was good with Elenor, “come on then, lead the way Little Bear,” he grinned, holding his hand out. My heart fluttered watching her happily take his hand along with the bright grin that appeared on her face at the sound of the nickname Charles called her.
Pulling the sleeves of Charles hoodie over my hands I slowly made my way towards the kitchen, there were no sounds of arguing anymore so that had to be a good sign right? Either Juice had left or Jax completely lost his temper and Juice’s body would be lying on the floor.
Taking a deep breath I pushed the door open, finding Jax slumped on the floor, his fingers tangled in his hair, tugging at his roots, “fuck, Jax, what happened?” I breathed, panic flooding my body, I had never seen him like this before.
In front of me sat the shell of the man I loved.
“Talk to me,” I whispered, crouching down in front of my brother.
“We fucked up Squirt,” he muttered, letting out a heavy sigh before pushing himself to his feet, storming out of the kitchen.
What the fuck was he on about?
How did we fuck up?
For once it felt like things were finally changing for the better, I was finally getting some sleep, everything felt like it was under control and I had finally met someone who made me feel so many emotions, who set my world on fire and I didn’t want to extinguish the flames. It was like always life had a funny way of kicking me to the ground, leaving me in the dirt.
Letting out a shaky breath I quickly followed my older brother, the moment I stepped through the fire escape I felt the warmth of the sun hit my skin making me rethink my choice of clothing this morning.
“Jaxy,” I hummed, dropping down to the floor joining him on the patio, “talk to me, what's going on?”
“You are gonna hate me for this,” he growled into the air, placing a cigarette between his lips before passing the packet to me, “we might have been too harsh on Juice.”
I practically choked on the first inhale of the cigarette, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Had Jax hit his head or something? “Please tell me this is some fucking joke?” I scoffed, resting my elbows on my knees, “he got in your head didn’t he?”
“Nova, just think about it. We have been so caught up with Pops, the whole messy divorce and custody battle with Tara. For the past year at least we have been fighting to keep our family from drowning,” he sighed, taking a long drag of the smoke. “We failed to notice that everyone else was working their fucking asses off for us, for the club. I think we need to hire more people, a lot more.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, Jax was willing to let random outsiders come in and work the businesses the club had worked so hard to build. I felt like I was losing control and there was nothing I could do about it.
The more I thought about it, the more appealing packing everything into a duffle bag, tossing it into the trunk of my beat up truck and hitting the road without a second glance. In the same breath I knew I was tied to this small town in the middle of nowhere, there was no way I could walk away from my family.
“We aren’t talking about this now,” I scoffed, pushing myself to my feet, “we have less than an hour before that bar is full of people wanting to take part in the annual fundraiser. So take a breath, beat the shit out of the garbage can or something but you need your game face on.”
“Nova,” Jax called out to me as tossed the cigarette butt into the metal bin.
“Not the time Jax,” I hollered over my shoulder as I moved around the building going to find Charles, Pierre and Elenor.
My head was spinning, I was happy enough to welcome Nero into the business with open arms because he was practically family but to welcome strangers in, well that was a different matter entirely. Taking a deep breath I made my way towards the one person that could drown out the voices, my worries and fears.
The warmth of the sun didn’t match the feeling that spread through my body as Charles smiled at me, I was falling hard for him. It was like I had jumped out of a plane without a parachute and the ground was coming at me faster than ever.
My stomach twisted into a tight knot the closer I got to him. Everything was suddenly clear, I was becoming addicted and my drug was Charles Leclerc.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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terrytheinsane · 8 months
Arachnophobia: A bedrock edition mod
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Hunstman spiders are active predators which spawn the same areas as wolf spiders (vanilla spiders) at a slightly less common rate. They behave mostly the same as wolf spiders, but are much faster and vary in size, larger huntsman spiders are more common in warmer climates.
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Cellar spiders (also known as daddy longlegs) are common cave dwellers that solemn move unless disturbed. Upon spawning they will seek out or build a web and lie perfectly still until another mob touches it. Their venom isn't lethal, but beware that they can easily trap you in silk if you don't pay attention to where you're going.
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The vinegaroon is a strange arachnid resembling a cross between a spider and a scorpion, they spawn in swamps and jungles in the dark. Vinegaroons are not venomous, but instead have the ability to spray acid projectiles from their abdomen. Real life vinegaroon acid is akin to vinegar (hence their name), but arachnophobia's vinegaroon sprays hydrochloric acid instead, and it can destroy some blocks.
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Jumping spiders are commonly found in densely wooded biomes and are typically docile to players. Though they have very little health, they hit hard for their size and are quite agile, they also specialize in hunting other spiders and deal twice as much damage to arachnids. Jumping spiders can be tamed by giving them spider eyes, they can sit on your head and will immediately pounce on any threat. Like frogs, jumping spiders have three variants based on the climate they spawn in.
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Whip spiders are cave dwelling arachnids which are not venomous, but they hit hard and they are absurdly fast. Whip spiders are highly aggressive and cannibalistic towards their own kind, but only sometime attack players unprovoked, every once in a while one will run up and punch you, launching you tens of blocks away. If a hostile mob is nearby, the whip spider will wave its "antennae", and will wave them more intensely if a particularly dangerous mob is near, just remember that the mob only has to be a potential threat to the whip spider, so it'll warn you if there's something less dangerous to players such as an iron golem.
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The harvestman (also called the daddy longlegs, a title it shares with the cellar spider) is a harmless omnivore arachnid that spawns in roofed forests and redwoods. Harvestmen can be mounted if you feed them a poisonous potato, and controlled with a special item. If a predatory arachnid is nearby, the harvestman will panic and flee, becoming incredibly fast when mounted.
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Neith is a powerful boss which can be summoned using a special eye rarely dropped by spiders, and alternates between melee, ranged and AOE attacks, and has the ability to control spiders. If you defeat Neith, she will reward you with a special armor which can be infused with the shed exoskeleton of an arachnid to gain their abilities, receiving both a buff and debuff (e.g. jumping spider armor allows you to jump super far, but it also makes you tiny).
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The tarantula is a huge spider that sometimes spawns in caves above y coordinate 45 and cannot be controlled by neith, as she considers them to be heathens. Tarantulas are territorial and solemn go far from their home, and prefer to hunt at night. They will attack any other mob and will defend their territory fiercely from other tarantulas, once it's day they retreat to their caves, their aggro radius is halved and they will warn you before attacking.
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One of serveral non-arachnids in the mod, moths are flying insects which commonly spawn at night in most overworld biomes and have a variety of biome specific variants, are frequently preyed upon by arachnids, especially web spiders such as the daddy longlegs. Moths are harmless although some variants are poisonous (they inflict debuffs if you hit them, but don't actually fight back), and will start to slowly die if they exist in the world for too long. Moths will often fly towards länterns, and will follow you if you hold one, they also have a rare chance to drop their wings which can be equipped.
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The wolf spider is literally just the vanilla minecraft spider, but remodeled. It's behavior has not been altered in any way.
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Like the wolf spider, the redback spider is the vanilla cave spider but redesigned.
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Emperor scorpions can be found in tropical biomes at night. They are not very fast, but are large and powerful and can use their shield-like pincers to deflect attacks.
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Deathstalkers are scorpions that spawn in arid biomes at night, especially in deserts. They are much smaller and weaker than emperors, but possess deadly venom.
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A massive semi-aquatic arachnid, the thunder scorpion is a force to be reckoned with. Thunder scorpions do not spawn naturally, and instead are found in a similar way to the sniffer, since like the sniffer it is also an extinct prehistoric species.
Thunder scorpions can be raised and will be docile towards whoever raises them, but to anything and anyone else they can become aggressive, they start out very small and grow very slowly, but over a long time will continue to grow and become an eventually unstoppable killing machine. The modern day atmosphere is much different from that of the thunder scorpion's original time period, meaning that fully grown thunder scorpions slowly grow weaker until they inevitably die.
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merakiui · 1 year
Hey I gotta interrupt your Sampo posting with Mermay update
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OMG YES OTL I am so ill for octomouche. I have written some octomouche before, namely here and here. But I am always ready and willing to discuss more of him!!! >:D
Octomouche who sinks your ship and spares you only because he thinks you're interesting (read: not annoying like other humans), and he keeps you tucked away in his underwater cave. But you keep complaining about how it’s cold and dark and how you’re so scared, and so it’s starting to annoy him. >:( but he likes you too much to get rid of you because you heal the lonely parts of his three hearts, so you’ll just have to learn to accept this situation. You will when he fills you up with lots of eggs!!!!
Octomouche in captivity. Aaaaa he hates the researchers, especially Dottore!! He’s always a hater for Dottore! The amount of researchers he’s yanked into the tank to drown or strangle is too many to count. He’s sneaky, so sometimes he’s close to escaping his confinements. But then he’s always mindful of the cameras and he knows he’s always being watched and listened to. It’s so troublesome. The researchers have this brilliant idea to help him get used to humans by allowing him to bond with one. You’re forced tasked with this mission (because no one else wants to step within a few meters of the tank of a venomous sea beast). It’s rough at first because he’s so averse to humankind, but eventually he’ll warm up to you. He’s such a temperamental mer, grousing over the times when you’re late (even if it’s by only a minute or two) or huffing about how you spent too much time talking to the researchers in the doorway before coming in to see him. He gets attached because you’re one of the few humans who isn’t downright terrified of him and you take the time to understand his perspective. You are his ideal human, but then he knows he can’t be with you in the way other humans can. He can’t walk on land. He’s confined to the sea. But that doesn’t matter to him. He’ll just drag you to his depths so you’ll never leave him. :)
Octomouche with a hunter!darling. >:) he’s been terrorizing fishing vessels for too long now and as a result your town’s fish hauls are getting scarce, along with the amount of people you’re losing each time a ship is sunk. You’re a renowned beast hunter and so the task falls to you to capture this deep-sea beast so fishing can safely resume. Octomouche hates it when humans intrude on his territory, but since it’s only you he supposes killing you would be too easy (and not nearly as satisfying). He’ll just have to give you a proper fright, one that has all of your equipment sinking and your boat being dragged out to sea until all you’ll see is blue on each side and vast, endless sky above. And just beneath the surface, a monstrosity lurks, waiting for you to use your puny human brain to think of a way out. :) the only way out is into his waiting tentacles, after all.
Octomouche who rules over an underwater kingdom and he takes you (an unfortunate peasant/servant mer) as his (forced) lover. You have no idea if he even likes you; he’s so mean to you. :( he’s only using you to hold all of his eggs so he’ll have plenty of heirs for the future because he’s deemed you suitable enough to carry such an important thing. You can’t deny him or protest because he has so much authority over you, and he’s threatened you with death in all horrific ways every time you’ve even hinted at disobedience. But secretly he can’t live without you because you’re the first real companion he’s ever had, albeit a forced one, and he’s grown too attached to entertain a life without you. <3 maybe he’ll whisper a fragile “I love you” when he’s fucking you next time, but you’ll be too sex-drunk to hear it hehe. And even if you do hear it, he’ll adamantly deny it and tell you you’re stupid for thinking stupid things about stupid (im)possibilities. (He is madly in love with you, but the rizz is highly threatening.)
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
In a Rut
Unhinged Werewolf! Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader
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Word Count: 7.6k
Warnings: HIGHLY Dub-Con, Territorial!Abby, Abby’s aggressive towards anyone who’s interested in you, Possessive behavior, Rutting, Knotting, Biting, Werewolf venom, Breeding, Rough sex, Masochism, Size difference, cervical penetration, talk of murder, Abby threatens Owen, pregnancy, running away
Summary: Your father is the leader of the WLF. Dating has been hard for you with him being so overprotective, so you don’t say anything when you’re crushing on Abby Anderson - his top fighter. Except, things spiral out of control when you go to help a sick Abby… only to find out she’s not exactly sick and you’re the last person who should be there.
Author Note: I use a few veterinary terms in here if you don’t recognize certain words. I’m including the definition of a rut for those who do not know -> Rut - an annual period of sexual activity […] during which the males fight each other for access to the females.
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The barking from the WLF’s dogs greeted you the moment you walked into the kennel. Ever since your father noticed your love for animals, you’ve been the resident dog trainer and veterinary assistant. Your mother passed away during your birth all those years ago, because her body had been too weak to make it through. It was unfortunately common in those first years after the outbreak. Doctors did everything they could for women with high-risk pregnancies, but with the hysteria and stress, there wasn’t much they could do.
You took after your mother in so many ways. The main thing was her love of nature and her sweet personality. Everyone in the WLF loved you and you weren’t short on anything you needed. You have great friends, an attentive crew, and - although overbearing sometimes - you had your father. A lot of people, especially those your age, didn’t have the luxury of saying that.
“Hey, Dixon!” Ruelle waves at you from the other end of the kennel, “You taking one of them out today?”
“Ruelle, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Y/n?” You groan, stopping in front of Poppy’s cage. The female Belgian Malinois was excited to see you standing there, barking and spinning in circles to show that she was ready to come out. You giggle at her antics, widening the neck on your leash so you can grab her.
“Until your father isn’t my boss?” Ruelle stands next to you, a bag of dog food in her hands, “Poppy’s happy to see you, huh?” She questions as you open the cage and leash her. Poppy immediately hops up onto her back legs to give your face a lick.
“It’s nice to see you too, Poppy.” You giggle, ruffling her fur as she drops back down, “I haven’t had the chance to play with her in a few weeks, so I’m just as excited. She is my dog after all. And, please forget that my father is your boss. Treat me like anyone else.”
“See, I can’t do that because you’re too cute. And if I was caught having sex with you, I’d probably be the dog food.”
“Why is sex the first thing you think of?” You snort, walking towards the field.
“It isn’t for you?” Ruelle gives you a playfully confused look, making you laugh, “Anyway, I’ve got to get back to feeding these puppies. Get lunch with me later?”
“You got it!” You wave to her and head out into the morning sun. Poppy is tugging you to her favorite area of the field that you call ‘the stretch’ since it’s a long section for the dogs to run back and forth. You open the cage and let Poppy off of the leash. She sprints down the stretch before circling around and coming back to you. You grin and grab a tennis ball out of the bucket, tossing it in your hand.
“You ready, girl?” You grin at your dog, “You ready?” Poppy barks, spinning in a circle.
“Catch!” You throw the ball, watching her sprint after it. You giggle to yourself as she comes running back, eagerly dropping it at your feet. You continue to play with her for a while, watching her cues to see if she’s tired or having any issues. At some point, you end up running back and forth with her just to have fun. You shriek when she tackles you, licking your face as you laugh and roll away from her.
“You okay there, Y/n?” You hear a very familiar voice call out. Your head snaps up and you see Abby Anderson grinning at you from the other side of the cage.
“Abby! Yeah, I’m- Ack!” You’re knocked over again, your dog whining that you’re not playing with her, “Poppy, sit!” You command her. She listens and sits down, and you get up off of the grass feeling a little embarrassed.
“Sorry!” You laugh flusteredly, approaching the gate, “Yeah, I’m all good. Poppy and I haven’t had time to ourselves in a while since she’s been in the field.”
“That’s good to hear.” The smile she gives you is blinding, “Is it okay for me to come in to say hello to her?”
“Yeah, of course!” You hurriedly, unlatch the gate and let Abby come inside. You had wished to be friends when she first arrived at the compound but your father was very overprotective. You weren’t allowed to talk with her or the others that came with her until your dad knew he could trust them. It didn’t help that you’d been dealing with a crush that started a few months after she got here. So, you were relieved when your dad gave you the all-clear, but you couldn’t because you were too shy. Abby was a really fun person, always making you laugh when you were around her, and it’s a bonus that she’s your age. She knew what it felt like to be a child born just after the end of the world. You admire how much she has done over the years, watching from a distance as she worked out and trained to fight infected and Scars. She only got more attractive as time went on with her gaining her muscular physique and becoming your dad’s top fighter. Although your positions made it hard to hang out, Abby made an effort to stop by and see you when she could.
“Alright, Poppy-!” Your dog is racing over the moment you give her permission to move. She runs around Abby, barking as her tail wags around like crazy. You giggle as she keeps trying to give Abby kisses, jumping up before running around and doing it again.
“Poppy!” Abby laughs, petting her and getting her to calm down, “That’s enough. I get it.”
“She really likes you.” You nudge her, “Are you sure this is your first time interacting with her?”
“Yeah.” Abby nods, watching Poppy run around, “I usually interact with Zeta, Alice, or Bear. Zeta is the one I’m assigned to, and Alice is Owen’s usual partner.”
“How has the field been lately?” You look at her, “I noticed that my dad has been sending you out often. Are things getting worse?”
“No. Things are good. I’ve just been feeling antsy so I go out on runs when I’m not scheduled to. It feels nice to get out of the stadium from time to time.”
“Y/N! It’s time for lunch!” Molly shouts from the kennel area. You bite your lip, not wanting to end your conversation early, but you’re hungry after the exercise. You whistle and Poppy comes trotting over, letting you put her leash on without a fuss.
“Ah, I’ve got to head to lunch and put Poppy back…” You awkwardly motion to the kennel, “We can talk when I’m free?”
“Yeah, I’ll catch you later.” Abby agrees, and you nod. She walks with you back to the kennel and waits while you put Poppy away. You say goodbye to her and head for the cafeteria, wondering what the kitchen crew has made. You’re happy to find out that it’s sandwiches, sliding into the line, greeting the cooks, and asking about their day. Once you get your food, you head over to your regular table where your friends are waiting for you.
“So someone was flirting with Abby today.” Jasmine says loudly while looking at you.
“I was not!” You protest, blushing, “She was asking me about Poppy!”
“Abby hasn’t shown any interest in Y/n romantically.” Aden rolls his eyes, “She’s still interested in Owen. That conversation was nothing but friendly.”
“Were you all watching?” You huff, taking a bite from your sandwich.
“Yup!” They chorus together, making you shake your head.
“We all know you’re crushing on her. It’s okay. A lot of people are but she can’t seem to look past Owen.” Ruelle sighs.
“Am I that obvious?” You pale. ‘Oh god, does she know?!’
“No, we just know you really well.” Jasmine pats your shoulder, “Don’t worry, Abby doesn’t know.”
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The whistling from the Scars makes Abby’s skin itch. The extra missions she’s been doing lately have been to take out any challengers, and what better opportunity than to use the Scars to her advantage? She would lure the Scars toward her target, allowing them to fight and get injured before jumping in and saving them. She tagged along on a run to the edge of WLF territory for one reason, and one reason only. Madeline. Another person who was trying to get closer to Y/n because they have a crush on her. Abby wouldn’t allow anyone to get closer to her girl now that she was single and Abby could move in on her. She had told Madeline to back off and warned her that if she didn’t there’d be consequences, and well… she didn’t.
Abby wasn’t above threatening people. Not when her future mate was involved. So she did what she had to do in order to get these humans to back off. Killing the Scars involved in the situation gave her an outlet for her pent-up frustrations, letting her shift and tear them apart as she forced her need for Y/n down. Her father's death left Abby as the only werewolf remaining from her pack. She thought that Owen had been the mate she was looking for, but she was wrong. When she officially met Y/n, her tail would have been wagging like crazy if she was in her werewolf form. Her scent, her voice, her personality, and the way she was so soft with Abby made her heart skip a beat.
Thanks to her enhanced senses, Abby was well aware of Y/n’s crush on her. The sweet scent that Y/n gave off around her made her head spin and her gums ache. Abby wanted to claim her, to mark her so that everyone knew that Y/n belonged to her, but she had to be patient. She worked hard to get Issac’s favor because of the rumors she heard going around about him disapproving of anyone his daughter dated. All she needed was the confirmation that he didn’t care about her being with his daughter and she’d jump at the chance. If she didn’t get it, well, she’d just have to take Y/n and leave. There was nothing tying her here. Not after the huge argument between her and Owen. Manny was her best friend - the only one outside of Owen who knew about her being a werewolf - but she knew that he’d stay here to look after his father and she respected that. Y/n was all she needed and she’d have her.
Madeline was rushed back to the compound and Abby smirked when the two of them made eye contact. She flashed her eyes at the girl, a horrified look twisting onto her face, and Abby knew she was no longer a worry. ‘Y/n should be working right now. She told me that she was working with the pregnant dogs today. It wouldn’t hurt to drop by and see her.’ Abby hums a happy tune to herself as she checks her weapons in and heads into the kennel. The dogs happily greet her as she strolls past them, overjoyed to see the Alpha back home safely. It put a smile on her face, reminding her of the first time her father showed her how their werewolf side interacted with other canines.
The sound of Y/n’s laughter puts a bounce in her step and she turns a corner to see an adorable sight. Y/n was sitting down with a litter of puppies that were climbing all over her. There was one in particular that she was pulling away from her face that kept trying to lick her. It made Abby’s heart melt and she bites her lip as she watches how tender Y/n is with them.
“Okay! Okay! Hold on!” Y/n giggles, “If you’ll let me get up, I can get your food.” One of the puppies starts nipping at her fingers, making her laugh more. ‘She’s so perfect.’ Abby sighs longingly. Y/n looks up and over at her, making Abby smile and give her a small wave.
“Abby!” Y/n brightens up, her scent immediately getting sweeter, “Could you grab the puppies’ food for me? They won’t let me get up… and I kind of don’t want to.” She coos picking one up and cuddling it. ‘She’s making this so hard on me.’ Abby groans internally but gets the food for the puppies and steps into the pen.
“I thought you were supposed to be with the pregnant ones?” Abby asks, sitting down next to her. The puppies start jumping on her, whining now that they smell the food and their hunger can’t be ignored by excitement.
“Oh! Sunny is whelping! Tilly asked me to take over for her since she’s one of the handlers.” Y/n’s eyes sparkle as she grins at Abby, taking some of the shredded chicken into her hands, “If we’re lucky, there’ll be three new additions...” Abby zones out, too distracted by watching Y/n feed the puppies and seeing how loving she is with them. ‘She’d be an amazing mother.’ Her mind drifts, thoughts of Y/n having her pups swirling around in her mind.
“Abby?” Y/n’s voice snaps her out of her thoughts. She shakes her head and notices that Y/n is blushing, clearly flustered about something.
“Sorry.” Abby clears her throat, “What were you saying? I uh… zoned out.”
“Oh, nothing.” Y/n shakes her head, “Do you want to help me around the kennel?”
“There you are, Abby!” Owen’s voice sounds out, making them look up. He had a frown on his face and Y/n awkwardly shuffles her position, no doubt having heard about the fight between the two of them.
“Issac’s calling for you.” Owen crosses his arms, “Said it’s confidential.”
“Oh, that conversation.” Y/n seems to sigh in relief, “He wanted to go over some things with you. He wouldn’t tell me what, as usual, but I guarantee you’re not in trouble. He’s probably going to request that you marry me if you keep making him so proud.” She jokes, but that strikes a chord in Abby’s chest. ‘If only that were true…’
“I’ll come back after if you still want my help?” Abby asks as she stands up.
“I’d like that.” Y/n smiles, “Tell my dad I want you back in one piece.”
“Will do.” Abby nods. She silently walks with Owen out of the kennel and makes her way into the main building. Out of nowhere, Owen shoves Abby into an empty room and slams her into the wall.
“Owen, what the fuck?!” Abby shouts, shoving him off of her.
“No, Abby! What the fuck are you doing?!” Owen shoves her back, “I don’t know what you’re trying to do with Y/n, but this has to stop!” Abby snarls, her eyes glowing as she grabs Owen and slams him into the wall. He chokes as she presses her arm against his throat.
“I’m not doing anything to Y/n, except being nice to her. But, I will hurt you if you come between us.” Abby growls, her body shaking from the force of it, “You and I aren’t friends anymore so, take this as your only warning.” She slams him against the wall one more time before leaving the room. ‘Maybe I will have a talk with Issac.’
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It seemed like Abby showed up at the kennel every free moment she had. You let her join you when you were training the younger dogs or doing things outside of the veterinary clinic. Abby complimented you on your skilled handling of them, saying that they must think of you as the alpha if they listen so well. You had stuttered out something and waved her off because that was too big of a compliment. You just spent a lot of time with them. Abby brought a different perspective to training from someone who’s out in the field with them. You admitted to her that you were impressed with how well the dogs listened to her. Even your more jubilant dogs listened to her commands, and Abby responded that she just understood them. Over time, you started noticing that the way Abby said your name made it sound like honey on her tongue. It sent shivers down your spine and didn’t help with your crush on her. Being in contact with her so often was torturous to your poor little heart. Your fingers would brush against each other when you handed her things or she’d touch your shoulder to get your attention. You’ve even had… intimate dreams about her that have you jumping for the shower first thing in the morning. You wanted to ask her out, but you were too shy to, especially after you heard Owen was with Mel.
Speaking of Owen, he was acting weird around you. Half the time it seemed like he wanted to say something to you, but decided not to last minute. There was one time he caught your friends teasing you about your crush on Abby and he looked like he got hit by a Scar. You felt your heart drop as he ran out of the kennel and it worried you. Especially when the next day, Abby didn’t show up to the kennel. You thought she might be out on a mission for your dad, but when you asked him he said no that Abby was in the compound. You panicked when a week went by and you hadn’t heard a single thing from her. So, when Manny showed up, you jumped at the chance to ask him.
“Y/n! Cómo estás?!” You hear Manny exclaim from the other end of the kennel and you give him a grin. Every time he came to collect a K-9, he had such high energy and made you laugh. The workers loved when he came in and you jokingly fight over who got to help him.
“Bein, Manny. Y tú?” You respond, putting one of the dogs back in its cage.
“Pretty good. I’m going out on a scouting run with Mel and Nora.” Manny chuckles, handing you his K-9 slip, “Your Spanish is getting better.”
“I only know like three words, but thank you.” You giggle, going to Bear’s cage, “Why are Mel and Nora going with you? Are you finally scouting out the other hospital?” You call Bear to the gate and get your leash out of your pocket.
“Yeah, we’re scouting out the hospital at the edge of the territory. The main one has almost been picked clean, but we have the bottom layers of that one to go through. Your dad wants the other one secured before we go down further though.”
“Is um… Is Abby going with you?” You ask, leashing Bear and taking him out.
“Abby? Ay, no.” Manny shakes his head, sighing sadly, “She hasn’t been feeling good this past week. She’s been locked up in our apartment with a fever.”
“Oh. It’s not bad, is it?” You frown, “A week is a long time to be sick with a fever.”
“It happened to her once when we were kids.” Manny shrugs, “Her father wasn’t concerned and she told me not to be, but I am a bit concerned about leaving her alone for three days.” You sign out Bear, waving for Molly to load their car with dog food. ‘Sick and alone for three days? What if she gets worse? What if she needs something and she can’t get it?’ You bite your lip nervously.
“I can check on her.” You offer, handing him Bear’s leash, “I don’t work too late tonight, so I can visit her after and see if her fever broke or if she needs anything.”
“Gracias, Y/n! You’re a real lifesaver!” Manny squeezes you in a hug, making you laugh.
“I just want to make sure she’s okay.” You smile, “I haven’t seen her since she got sick, so I’ve been worried.” You walk with him to the truck.
“Oh, that’s right! Abby has been hanging out with you these past few months.” Manny grins, “You’ve really helped her get over Owen. Not that Owen knows.” He chuckles.
“She’s talked about me to you?” You tilt your head.
“Si. She really enjoyed spending time with you.” You watch as Bear hops into the truck, waving at Nora and Mel, “I think she’d be happy to see you come by.”
“I’ll do that after my shift, then.” You give Manny a side hug, “Stay safe and watch out for those Scars. They’ve been pressing into our area more.” You frown. You were worried about the growing tensions between the two groups. Even your father seemed more out of it as time went on. You were hoping that the groups could come to some form of agreement, but you weren’t sure what your father would do. Abby had been going out a lot, even on unassigned missions, and someone was always coming back horribly injured. The memory of hearing about Madeline’s shattered arm still made you nauseous.
“Don’t worry. They can’t take me out.” Manny winks, hopping into the truck, “I’ll see you in a few days, Y/n!”
“Bye, Manny!” You wave, “Be a good boy, Bear!” You point at the Shepard who woofs in response. You leave and get back to work, still worrying about Abby but calmer than before. ‘I’m not the reason she’s gone. I thought Owen told her about my crush and she found it weird. Now I feel bad for not stopping by her place and checking on her.’ You sigh.
Time seemed to crawl as the day went by. The rest of the morning was spent training, then you had lunch and it was like your shift didn’t want to end. You joined the veterinarians in the clinic and assisted with surgeries, cleaning cages, and fixing up the surgical suite. They joked that you needed to be sedated because you were bouncing from chore to chore in a way to keep yourself busy. You had laughed and told them that you were looking forward to your shift ending. That only made them interested in why and they started throwing out their theories. When someone said you were going to hook up with someone in the compound, you blushed heavily and told them the truth. It didn’t help because that only made them coo at you and say that Abby was lucky she’d have a cute girl attending to her.
When your shift ended, you took your scrubs off and tossed them into the wash bin. You signed out and said goodbye to your team, and made the trek back into the compound. Some of the people hanging around jokingly cat-called you in your tank top and shorts and you stuck your tongue out at them. Being the boss’ daughter meant that people had to be careful with you. Everyone who was here from the beginning knew that he was overprotective, and anyone who dated you had been called into his office at some point. You found it annoying, but there wasn’t anything you could do about it. Sometimes you fantasied leaving Seattle and running away to somewhere else, but that would require you to find someone who wanted to do that with you in the first place. ‘Maybe Abby would want to? Pfft, probably not. She’s my dad’s favorite warrior.’
You stopped by your apartment, greeting Ruelle before showering and getting changed into something more comfortable. You were planning on being there for some time to make sure she ate, so you went with sweats and a comfy t-shirt. With a cheeky grin from Rue and a roll of your eyes, you left the apartment and headed for Abby’s end of the building. Since she was your father’s top runner, she was given a room in one of the more private areas of the compound. When you questioned your dad about it, he said that it was a good way to keep loyalty and reward it. If others see that Abby was getting better space, more access to things, and even your father’s confidence… that would encourage others to do the same. Manny was rooming with her because Abby requested it, and he was taking advantage of it from what you heard. ‘Here it is… and here we go…’ With a deep breath, you knock on the door, “Abby? It’s Y/n.” You wait for what feels like forever before the door opens, Abby partially hiding behind it. Your eyes widen when you see her. Instead of her hair being in its usual braid, it’s cascading down her back in long, messy blonde strands. Her face is flushed, her eyes dilated and slightly foggy, and her lips look swollen as if she’s been biting at them. All she was wearing is a t-shirt and a pair of boxers.
“Y/n.” Abby’s deep, husky voice makes your breath hitch, “I… didn’t expect you to stop by.” She glances down the hallway before making eye contact with you.
“Manny told me you were sick, so I wanted to come to check on you.” You smile at her, “If you’re okay with it, I’d like to hang out until you go to sleep. I want to make sure you have someone here with you in case something happens.” Abby stares at you for a moment, making you swallow nervously. She blinks and shakes her head, hesitantly stepping back into her apartment with an apologetic look.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. It’s not good for you to be here. Thank you for stopping by, but you should go.” Abby rushes out and goes to close the door.
“Wait!” You shout, slamming your hand against the door to stop her, “I don’t want you to be by yourself when you’re sick! Call me stupid, but I care about you and I don’t want you to-!!” You’re yanked into Abby’s apartment, taken by surprises as you’re whirled around and slammed into the door. ‘Holy shit!’
“Abby?!” You gasp, looking at her with wide eyes. She’s got you trapped between her and the door, staring you in the eyes with a hungry look.
“Damn it, Y/n.” Abby growls lowly, “You really want me to fuck you senseless, don’t you?”
“O-Owen told you about my crush?!” You squeak, feeling your face burn. Abby’s lips are on yours without a response, her arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you to her. It takes you a second to realize that she’s kissing you, but you’re kissing her back just as needily as you do. She lifts you off the ground, making you wrap your legs around her and you feel something press against your crotch. You’re carried over to her bed, breaking the kiss briefly so Abby can lay you down, and she’s on top of you the moment you are. You were a little embarrassed that a kiss was making you feel so hot, but her tongue in your mouth and the bulge in her pants rubbing against you was doing it for you.
You feel her hands at your waistband, tugging your pants and panties off at once and leaving you exposed to the cool air. You push her back and take a deep breath to get the air back in your lungs. In that short time, Abby takes off her shirt and has you salivating at the sight of her muscles and abs. She pulls you up and takes your shirt off, growling in appreciation at the sight. You let out a small groan as she rolls your nipples between her fingers, getting another growl from her. When you open your eyes, you gasp at the glowing gold that used to be Abby’s blue irises.
“A-Abby?” You stutter, grabbing her wrists, “What happened to your eyes?”
“I’m a werewolf.” Abby’s voice comes out rumbly, “And you have no idea how long I’ve been thinking about you like this. How long I’ve been trying to get you to mate with me.” She kisses your neck, making you tilt your head back.
“Mate?” Your eyes widen as she hums in response, too busy kissing down your body to give you a proper one, “Abby-” She huffs and looks up at you, making you swallow. Her eyes are dark with lust and you can see her impatience as she takes off her boxers. You’re not sure what sound comes out of your mouth as her penis springs free and you get an eyeful of it. ‘That’s not something a human has.’ You think in shock. Her penis is huge, definitely bigger than a normal human’s, and leaking strands of precum. It’s a soft pink as it pushes out of its sheath and your breath catches in your throat. ‘She wants to put that in me?’ You blush furiously.
You open your mouth to say something but Abby’s back to kissing you. This one was rough and desperate, meant to distract you from the impending intrusion and it almost does. Abby’s cock head is hot and very slick when it touches your slit and you’re aware of every inch as she pushes into you. She’s hot, making your pussy feel warmer than normal while easing the ache you had. A whimper leaves your lips as she stretches you out, moving a little to get a feel for you.
“God.” Abby groans, rotating her hips, “So soft. So wet. So breedable. I need to get my pups into you.” She mumbles by your ear, grabbing your hips in her hands. ‘Pups?!’
“Wait, wait, wait- Abby!” You gasp as Abby thrusts into you and hits your cervix. With a deep growl, Abby starts fucking you like you’re a bitch in heat. Her thrusts are punishing, driven by her instincts, and done with the purpose of breeding you. You couldn’t say that you didn’t like it because you absolutely did. It was pleasurable to you, especially as Abby groans out how you’ll be the best mate and she’ll take care of you and your pups. She had you digging your fingers into her thick muscles to support yourself as she drilled into you.
Surprisingly, your orgasm rose steadily and you were moaning out her name as the pressure became unbearable. A few more thrusts resulted in you cumming, your pussy squeezing her cock as tight as it can and making the pleasure spike. You let out a strangled moan it mixing with a shout as a sharp pain burst from within your abdomen. You feel Abby sink in deeper, startling you as something pushes against your slit, stretching you a tad wider than comfortable. The sting lasts for no longer than thirty seconds before whatever it was pops into you. Abby growls, opening her mouth and allowing you to see her large fangs before she’s biting into your shoulder. You scream as the spot where she bit you burns as if you poured hot oil onto your skin. A cool tongue bushes other the area but you thrash around as the burning feeling travels up your arm.
You weren’t sure how long you had blacked out, but when you came to you met Abby’s golden eyes. Your gaze went down to where you and Abby were attached in shock. ‘She knotted me.’ Your mind started racing as a deep blush crossed your cheeks at the realization. Abby intended on getting you pregnant and as you’re able to process what she said, it’s something that she’s been thinking about for months.
“Are you okay, baby?” Abby looks at you in worry, her hands rubbing your hips to get your attention, “You’re quiet.”
“...Why me?” You whisper, “Why mate me?”
“I fell in love with you.” Abby’s eyes soften, “I knew you liked me, but I wanted it to be your decision to approach me. And, honestly, what’s not to love about you?” She starts rambling about everything she likes about you and it has you in awe. The two of you talk for hours, too deep in conversation to realize that it’s okay for the two of you to move apart. You didn’t expect to get with Abby like this, but you talk extensively about what’s going to happen when you get pregnant - because Abby refused to think that you wouldn’t be getting pregnant. What were your plans? What future did you imagine? What kind of parent would you want to be?
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Two weeks later, you were early to the kennel so you could take Poppy out. Abby’s bite had turned you into a werewolf, causing her eyes to go red while yours presented gold. She had taken the time to explain everything and try to help you acclimate to the changes. You were surprised to find out that you could understand the dogs way better. Their whines, barks, growls, and even their silent cues. Poppy had freaked out, knocking you over in her excitement when she realized that you were like her. She did the same thing when Abby showed up and she connected the dots that you were mated. You had dissolved into giggles as she jumped between licking you and your mate and sprinting up and down the stretch. Zeta - Abby’s dog - did the same thing.
Poppy was sitting by the door when you got there and she yipped happily. You smile to yourself, opening the cage and taking her out. You were surprised by how affectionate Poppy was with you, especially when you were sitting down on the grass. She was quietly laying there with her head nuzzled against your stomach. It didn’t even occur to you that she was pointing out that you were pregnant until a week later. You woke up heavily nauseous one morning, too dizzy to get out of bed, and sobbed to Ruelle to help you to the hospital wing. She carefully supported you to the hospital where Nora was the one to receive you.
Nora asks you how you were feeling and you told her. She nods her head and writes it down before starting to question you. You go through them pretty quickly, but freeze when she asks if you’ve been sexually active. You slowly nod your head and she raises an eyebrow at your reaction.
“Y/n…” Nora says cautiously, “Could you be pregnant? When was your last cycle supposed to be?”
“Last week.” You smile sheepishly, “It’s consistent. No irregularities.”
“And you had unprotected sex within the last four weeks?”
“Yeah.” You say, your voice going up in pitch from embarrassment.
“Okay, I’ll have you take a pregnancy test.” She motions to the closed door to your right, “I’ll take a small amount of your blood, and I can test it here. Since you’re still feeling nauseous, you can rest until it’s ready.” You nod and she does what she says. You lay down and end up falling asleep only to be woken up by Nora softly calling your name. Thankfully, as you sit up, your nausea is gone so you’re able to focus.
“Your test result came back positive.” Nora says gently, “Do you know who the father might be?”
“Mother.” You correct her, your heartbeat picking up, “And yes, I do.”
“Who is it?” Nora asks, checking the bandage on your arm.
“...You can’t tell anyone, Nora. Please. Not even my father. Don’t even write this down in my records until it’s necessary.” You stress to her. Nora meets your eyes, concern in them as she puts her pen down.
“Okay. Confidential until you start showing, then.” Nora nods, “Tell me.”
“Abby.” You rub your hands onto your pants, “The mother is Abby.”
“Oh.” Nora blinks, “I can see why you want to keep this confidential… Okay, I can do that.”
“You’re serious?” You smile happily, relief flooding your system.
“I’m serious. Abby is one of my closest friends, and I can misdiagnose someone. Periods can be horrible for a lot of women.” Nora shrugs, winking at you. You grin at her.
When you leave the hospital wing, you pass Mel on the way in and give her a quick smile. She wasn’t your favorite person after some of the things your mate has told you. By the time you’re leaving, it’s almost lunchtime in your area so you head to the cafeteria to eat. You haven’t had anything since you woke up this more so you were starving. ‘I’ll be eating for two. This is… This is surreal.’ You think to yourself as you head down.
“Y/n!” Ruelle exclaims when you come inside. You wave at her and grab your food, pausing when you see Abby’s crew come into the cafeteria. Normally your mate’s scent would help you relax but nervous butterflies swarm your stomach instead. The moment your scent reached her, she’d be able to tell, and her finding out in front of a crowd is not what you planned. So, you rushed over to the table and squished yourself between Ruelle and Jasmine.
“Rue told us about what happened this morning.” Aden frowns, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I was really nauseous and thought I was sick. The nurse that helped me said it was just post-menstrual stuff.”
“Ugh, periods suck.” Molly huffs, “I’m so glad that mine is going to be over tomorrow.”
“Um, Y/n.” Tilly’s eyes widen, “Don’t turn around but Abby is walking this way!”
“What?” You blink, your mate’s scent flooding your nose before you feel a hand on your shoulder. You look up into her eyes seeing some red starting to creep in as she grins at you.
“Can we talk?” Abby’s eyes sparkle in joy, “Now?”
“Yeah.” You smile, getting up from the bench. Abby grabs your hand and leads you out of the cafeteria, down the hall, and ushers you into the empty music room.
“You’re pregnant!” Abby shouts, wrapping you up in a hug, “Oh, my god you’re pregnant!” She kisses you, rocking your body side to side.
“Surprise?” You giggle, “I found out this morning. I was going to tell you later, but I didn’t expect to see you at lunch today.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” Abby bites her lip, “They found him. Joel… The guy who killed my father. He’s living in a town called Jackson in Wyoming.”
“Oh…” You breathe out, nervous once again. You knew about your mate’s quest for revenge but you didn’t expect this to come around so soon. ‘I’m pregnant now. What is she going to do?’
“I’m conflicted now.” Abby sighs, “I’ve been planning for this revenge for years. But, you’re pregnant and now I’ll have a family to look after. If I go and kill this man… who’s to say someone else won't come back for revenge as I did. I just- I need to know why he did it. Why my father? He wasn’t hurting anyone.”
“Why don’t we go?” You grab her hands and look into her eyes, “Instead of the whole murder plan… Why don’t we talk to him and find out what happened? Because you’re right, you will have a family to worry about in nine months. And truthfully, I don’t want to stay here. Tensions between us and the Scars are getting worse, my father is losing his mind, and I don’t want to be here when everything goes to shit.”
“So we just waltz up to their front door and ask for him?” Abby raises an eyebrow.
“What was your plan going to be when you got there? Throw a molotov into the town?” You joke, making your mate roll her eyes.
“Are you sure that’s what you want to do?” Abby brushes your hair back, knitting her eyebrows in concern.
“It is. Besides, I’ll get to shift into my werewolf form and it won’t be in your apartment.” You kiss her cheek, “You deserve answers and I want to get the hell out of here.”
“Okay.” Abby nods, “How are we doing this?”
“Baby… I’m the daughter of leader of the WLF. You let me worry about getting things set up, and you just show up at the places I tell you to.” You smirk, making Abby blink in surprise, “We’re also bringing Poppy and Zeta, I hope you know that.”
“They’re part of the pack.” Abby huffs, “I’d never let you leave them behind.”
“Good.” You kiss her deeply, “Let’s get ready to leave this place.”
True to your word, you took care of it. You gathered everything that you’d need for the trip: med-kit, weapons, food, clothes, and a map. During the night, no one questioned you as you walked around or and you knew where to go to avoid people. The perks of growing up here and being able to see all of your dad’s plans made things easier. You had asked Abby if anyone else knew about where Joel was located and she said no. The informant was an ex-Firefly and she had made sure to kill the person after they told her. You had raised an eyebrow at that and she shrugged saying that she knew they didn’t have anyone else, which is why he was an informant.
You were ready to go in a week and then came the hard part of sneaking out. You gave no hints that you were leaving, and Abby was the first one to leave the compound with Zeta. She hitched a ride with some people going up to the News Station so she’d be close to the meetup point. No one would bat an eye at her heading out randomly, especially not with the high tensions going on. Your father had given her free rein, and you felt a little bad taking advantage of that. But, his mind has been consumed by the Scars. You knew that there’d be a war soon, and you didn’t want to be around when it started. You have a family of your own to protect.
The way you left was carefully planned. There was a group going up to the elementary school to visit the kids. You requested to join, saying that you wanted to bring some cheer with Poppy and they were happy to let you come. You spent the day there, talking with the younger kids and letting them play with your dog. Early in the morning, you pulled your bag from inside the truck - smirking to yourself at their stupidity - and left. The plan was to meet Abby at the highway gate and follow the road out. When you got there, your mate swept you off your feet and kissed you like you’ve been gone for years. She grumbled and complained that she was worried about you and she refused to split up again. You opened the gate as she did, slipping through and watching it fall shut behind you.
“Are you ready?” Abby grabs your hand, gently turning your face from the gate.
“Am I ready to leave my whole life behind to make a new one wherever that may be?” You grin at her, “Yes. I am.” Abby starts walking with you, Poppy and Zeta remaining as close to you as possible since you’re the pregnant one. You were nervous but you were also excited. Unlike Abby, you’ve never left Seattle. All you’ve known is that place while you heard that she’s been all over the country. Perks of being a Firefly when they were still active.
“I hope you know that I’m doing this because I love you.” You kiss Abby’s cheek.
“I know you are.” Abby kisses yours back, “You’ll really get a chance to see what being a werewolf is like. My dad and I used to run through any forests or woods nearby and go crazy. Hunting was the fun part. There’s no thrill like chasing a deer and then- I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”
“You are.” You chuckle, “But, it’s cute.”
“Are we really going to Jackson to speak with my father’s murderer?” Abby gives you a look.
“No, I just want to check out the place. I heard that they have great food.” You say seriously, making your mate snort.
“Thank you… for giving me another option. It wasn’t until I realized that I had something to lose that I… figured out revenge might not be the best approach.” Abby sighs.
“Well, now you’ll get the answers you need… and hopefully we’ll have a new place to call our home.” You smile at her.
“So really, what’s the plan?” Abby raises an eyebrow at you.
“Approach the gate and ask for a place to stay.” You shrug, “By the time we get there I’ll be… three months pregnant, maybe four if we go slow. Ask to spend a night or two, you request to talk to Joel and go from there. If we have to leave, there are thousands of houses we can stay in and make a home. Oh! We could have a farm! Let’s get a farm house!”
“A farm house?” Abby smiles in amusement.
“Yeah, you know I’m tired of the city life.” You joke, “We can raise goats or chickens, have a little garden and the girls would be excellent farm dogs.” You pause when you see Abby staring at you.
“What?” You tilt your head.
“Nothing. I’m just thinking how about many people I nearly killed to get to you.” Abby hums.
“We need to talk about that.” You huff.
“Do we?” Abby glances at you.
“Yes!” You poke her.
“It’s a werewolf thing.” Abby shrugs.
“You can’t pass everything off as a werewolf thing!” You whine. Abby stops walking, grabs your chin and kisses you.
“Sorry, baby… it’s a werewolf thing.” She repeats again, making you groan.
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vennsworld · 5 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Eyeless Jack Headcannons
TW: gore topics like organs, murder, etc.
sypnosis: just general headcanons i have of jack and how he interacts + voice claims
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(La Mishi Mishi story ver.)
Before the incident, he was 6’3. After, he became 6’6/6’7
Upon being possessed he not only became taller but stronger as well
He is stronger in stamina than he is physically though
Highly intelligent, I cant remember if in the story it said his major in college (?) but I hc that he attended college to enter the medical field, hence his knowledge on anatomy and his weapon of choice being a scalpel
Because of his career choice, he used to be empathetic but after incident he no longer trusted people/cared for them. Still barely trusts other pastas even after working with them for years.
Even though he’s not really empathetic anymore, he still treats wounds other pastas have. He wraps them in bandages and performs surgical procedures like sewing an open wound
INTJ personality
Quiet, really spends most of his time observing others
Doesn’t like looking at himself without his mask on, it gives him PTSD seeing his eyes/the tar. Barely takes the mask off
Stalks multiple victims and what they eat for days or weeks at a time. Not picky with kidneys but curious on how they are going to taste based on the victims diet
Prefers kidneys but he will eat more if he finds it necessary
Because of his sharp teeth and long tongue, he is a messy eater especially at his killings
Handwriting is similar to a doctors: really messy, short put, and italicized
Keeps a journal to upkeep with his medical knowledge, has diagrams in it incase he ever forgets. Also keeps a log of victims
Stalks family members/friends from college. Doesn’t plan on hurting them whatsoever, just misses them and knows it wouldn’t be the same
Very clean when it comes to his killings with precise slicing , cleans his clothes/himself up afterwards
If possible, likes to keep a sense of routine to feel “normal” ex: brushing teeth every day, showering
Speaks pretty formally + has a deep voice (voice got deeper after the incident)
Very dry and sarcastic humor
He OF COURSE has elf ears I love this detail in fanart
Hot tar melted the eyebag/cheek skin underneath his eyes, and where it was burnt the black tar lines have faded but are still visible
Doesn’t like loud noises or crowds (PTSD)
Impatient with unintelligent people, talks the most with Slenderman. Jack sees him as mature and business oriented, and vice versa
Doesn’t like to sleep, often has nightmares about what happened and prefers to kill/stalk during the night anyway
Similar to what he did in college, he still takes walks or sits outside to think about things
Skin is always cold, wears layers of socks and a turtleneck underneath his hoodie
-Voice claim:
Before incident: Mr Fox (Fantastic Mr Fox… still thinkin about this one though)
After: Venom (Venom)
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