#especially now they're not rushing to get things done before a strike
seawitchkaraoke · 4 months
"they should do D20 live again, the spread out filming schedule will make them less stressed" yeah? You think doing it live and then going home for a week and reading online all the things ppl think you're doing wrong with your character and the story wouldn't cause any stress? Okay then.
Like imagine if the finale had been live. Half the fans would pat themselves on the back that "they" convinced the ih to resurrect the ratgrinders and the other half would be mad at them for "caving" to audience pressure. And others would still be mad just like they are now that they didn't bring Kipperlily back too. No. Let's not do a live season actually.
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peqachy · 2 years
Summary :
ror/snv characters reactions to you winning your first battle. Obviously, this is based off the characters I like most right now and who is alive in the time frame of the one shot. I know it may seem rushed but I thought id would be good practice for different character's perspectives.
Featured characters :
Thor, Buddha, Shiva, Jack, and Sasaki
Warning :
contains mentions of grief
Thor :
He wasn't paying attention at first because, lets be honest here, no even the other humans looked convinced that you would stand a chance, let alone win, but you proved them wrong. You did more than win, you kicked major ass. You sustained the least injuries out of all of the human fighters and put on quite the spectacle too. Explosions, gun shots that almost broke the laws of physics, and a victory that left him more than curious about you. How would you fair against him? Your style seems to be stealthily planned strikes so he would have to be on his toes. It makes him wonder if he would have done better than the poor weakling pinned against you.
Buddha :
He wasn't surprised in the slightest, impressed yes, but not surprised. He got to know you a little when you briefly crossed paths an hour ago. He could feel your resolve, even if you seemed concerned for the valkryie helping you to victory. You were kind and it showed to the very end as you reluctantly used a technique you swore you would never use again. So to see you use it when you were out of options and then sob over the god you killed as they faded away he knew you were hurting from a sadness only you could understand. For that, he pities you greatly.
Shiva :
He wasn't sure what to think. You were tiny, sure, but to see you fight was like watching himself fight. Your moves were like his dance and just as deadly, hence your victory, but he's sure if he were to meet you he would get along with you without a hitch. He can see a kindness in you. From how you sobbed over the death of your opponent to how you told the humans that you despised them for cheering at the death of a god. That senseless death that could have been avoided shouldn't be praised, but the humans did not hear you. They continued their cheers and you continued to cry. Such a kind heart from a cruel cruel world. He almost wishes you had met him in his prime, back when humanity admired gods for their strength and strived to enjoy the simple things. He believes you would have like a life like that better than the one you led.
Jack the Ripper :
He wasn't watching at the beginning, too busy tending to his wounds to be bothered to watch the tournament's latest brawl, but the silence of the stadium eventually catch his interest. He wasn't sure what he should expect when he entered on of the viewing rooms, but he sure wasn't expecting to see a giant fighting a child. At least, that's how it looked from where he was looking. He had his comments on it, of course, as he sipped his tea. he thought you would die, especially after you displayed his favorite color as you ran from the monster hot on your heels, but then your color changed to one that he's never seen so vibrantly before. Next thing he knew, you had won against the odds to display such an agonizing color. He's never seen someone shine with the color you had. It was so close to the color he loves, yet entirely different. He thought it curious when your valkryie had to guide you off the arena ground to the infirmary where he's positive you're still crying. What a sad existence you live, just like him.
Sasaki Kyojirou :
Oh boy. That was his first thought as the battle began with you volleying bullets at close quarters with your opponent. He wasn't sure if you were going to make it. As he's seen, gods can dodge bullets from a divine weapon if they're fast enough and it looked like your opponent was no different until you grazed him with a quick shot, one where it was obvious you didn't aim and had hit him by mere coincidence. However, even then, he noticed how your eyes never changed. You remained calm and enacted your plan perfectly. Though it wasn't enough, he could see you hadn't given up yet. Even when you ran away from your opponent you never surrendered. You kept pushing forward with a resolve that never wavered. He found himself admiring it. Then, with a last ditch effort, you won, but he found it strange that you began to cry. You had won. You should have been happy to be alive, so why were you so sad? He doesn't understand it.
I hope this was okay. ,:)
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darrens-toyhouse · 4 months
Pretty in Pink, Rad in Red!
Estevan Aguliar and Rolando Correa both belong to @mrboogerlip
Another story featuring Estevan and Rolando? Let's goooo!! {I love them both sooo much!!!} However, this is just a story about Rolando and Milo!! Since they are two VERY different people, I decided to write a story about them hanging out!!
I plan on writing one for Estevan and Ethan sooner or later as they are also two very and I mean VERY different people. {Kinda surprised they're even friends to begin with...}
Enjoy! :>
He was wearing his Saturday best! A green and black jacket, completely unzipped, revealing his favorite baggy green t-shirt that he mostly wore when going to the gym, but decided hey, it was hot outside, so why not. Even if it did show a lot of skin.
As he effortlessly combed through his hair and gelled it out into it's unusual style, footsteps could be heard pitter-pattering towards him. He turned around and saw his boyfriend, his hands covering his eyes as he promised not to peak.
He chuckled softly to himself and walked over to his boyfriend, patting his head and giving them a quick kiss on the cheek.
"You can look now, Milo. I'm done!"
Through a warm, soft and sweet smile, he watched as Milo move his hands away, revealing two teary eyes and a cherry red face, seems he made Milo ever so flustered yet again! Yet he didn't know why he was so teary eyed...
"Bunny~boo, why are you crying?"
Through soft sobs and quivering lips, his boyfriend answered in a meak, childish tone of voice, pressing his hands against his cheeks, something he often did when slightly upset.
"Because you look so beautiful, Ethan!"
He then rushed up to hug his bear~bear tightly, letting out a childish whine as he did so. He truly did love him so much that it made him emotional.
Confused, a nervous smile appeared on Ethan's face.
He shrugged, "I wouldn't say beautiful. I mean I kinda just throw this together and-"
He looked back down at Milo who looked up at him with such sad eyes as if to say 'don't leave and give me all head-pats and cuddles NOW!'
Ethan sighed and gave his boyfriend another warm, soft, sweet smile yet underneath that smile was a touch of sadness. He knew Milo didn't like going outside for some odd reason and preferred to be cooped up in the house, watching tv or reading but sometimes he felt like he was being a bad boyfriend and a bad friend.
A bad boyfriend for enabling Milo's isolationism, which often lead to Milo feeling even more like a burden. Wallowing under the covers, in his own sadness untill Ethan comes back home.
And a bad friend for not letting the boys even see Milo. Last Halloween was especially bad, since it was Milo's birthday and they all wanted to bring gifts, celebrate, have fun. But couldn't, because the birthday boy wasn't even there.
Ethan tried his best to calm Milo down, telling his bunny~boo that he'd just be gone for a few hours and before the clock strikes 11:00, he'd hurry back home to give him all the cuddles, hugs, and kisses he wanted and maybe even a little creamy treat at the end of it!
But Milo simply shook his head and looked down at Ethan's chest, "But I don't want you to go!"
He put his head next Ethan's chest and started smothering himself, shaking his head no repeatedly while also wiping his tears in Ethan's shirt.
"M-Milo! Stop y-you're getting my shirt all wet!"
Ethan stuttered, his cheeks turing a bright pink as he turned his head away in embarrassment. Clearly this was the one option out of everything else that Milo chose to get Ethan to stay and even then it didn't work.
Watching his boyfriend clinging harder and harder onto his chest, Ethan's blush got brighter as he tried to control himself. As someone who was aware yet at the same time unaware of how extremely hypersexual he was, this just got him all turned on! He had to calm himself down before he made it out the door or else it would just make things so awkward!
Through slightly hushed breathing, Ethan spoke up, "M-Milo! C-come on, this is embarrassing! Estevan and Rolando are probably waiting for me right now!"
But Milo refused!
"Nooo, stay!"
As Milo whined and whined, Ethan reached for his phone, sitting on the bathroom sink, and frantically called for help. He knew he would be laughed at but he didn't care, what he did care about was getting Milo off of him.
Was the first thing Ethan said, covering his mouth a little as to not moan over the phone.
"Oh, hey Ethan! You alright up there?"
Replied Rolando who was sitting in the passenger seat chilling with his boyfriend, Estevan. They were both waiting for him and where wondering why was he taking so long to come outside? Normally, he'd be dressed and out the door by now.
Sweat ran down Ethan's face. He felt his body get hotter and hotter as Milo soon began to claw and clinging onto to chest even tighter than before. He really didn't want Ethan to leave him, it seems.
"I'm s-sorta in a little p-predicament right now, the front door should be o-o-OH~"
Immediately covering his mouth Ethan pulled the phone away before quickly hanging up. He sat his phone in his pant's pocket and tried his best to pull Milo off of him.
"M-Milo please l-l-let go! They're waiting for me outside!"
"Noooo! Don't gooooo!"
Whenever Ethan tried to pull away, Milo pulled back. It was always a struggle to break them apart. A struggle, indeed!
But not for...
"Nooooo! P-put me down!"
As Milo was lifted off the ground by, he looked down at Ethan with a sad, tear eyed face and started to reach for him, crying out to him before a familiar voice spoke up.
"You know, Ethan, we could've just hung out another day if we knew you and Milo were planning on, well, um..."
A nervous chuckle escaped Rolando's lips as he turned his head away, his cheeks turning a soft cherry red with embarrassment.
Ethan quickly shut him down, "We're weren't-"
But immediately stopped! He hide his face with his hands and groaned softly.
Estevan patted Ethan's shoulder before immediately dusting his hands off in disgust
"You're gross, Ethan."
Ethan retaliated, his cheeks turning pinker and pinker as the situation got more and more awkward.
With a slight stutter, he shouted out in an annoyed tone,"Y-you're g-gross, Estevan!"
Offended, Estevan hissed back, "Me? Gross? At least I have the decency to keep it private!"
Rolando's face got redder as he bit his lip, "B-babe you li-literally got caught with your pants down that o-one time...remember?"
And just like that Estevan stopped talking. His face turned a similar bright pink to Ethan's and he turned his head away.
The bathroom had began to grow ever so silent and the awkwardness from early was now completely tainting the air. Everyone was completely red in the face! Everyone...
"Bear~bear, don't leave me!"
Milo cries grew louder and more whinier as he reached for his bear~bear. He wanted his comfort and love but knew Ethan needed to be elsewhere!
To him, it was like Ethan was truly leaving him alone to die and wallow in this cold apartment where they did everything together! How tragic that his one true love was going to leave him alone! Oh no! How horrible!
Snapping out of all that embarrassment and awkwardness, Rolando finally spoke up again, in a slightly annoyed yet brash tone of voice. He rolled his eyes and put the much much shorter man, down.
"Stop being so dramatic, Milo..."
Milo's lips quivered as he turned to face Rolando and looked up at him with same sad eyes he had given Ethan earlier.
Only this time, those puppy-dog eyes didn't work!
As the cold-hearted, mafia man Rolando was, he was apathetic to Milo's cutesy~wootsy guilt tripping, but still, Milo was his friend.
He then groaned, looked down at Milo and then up at the other two adults in the room. While he knew, Estevan and Ethan didn't see eye-to-eye on...anything for that matter, he knew not only did Ethan need a break, but Milo clearly needed someone else to hang out with.
While he, Estevan and pretty much their whole entire friend group knew Milo refused to go outside for some odd reason, he could somewhat tell it was starting to take a bit of a toll on Milo's...mental health so to speak.
And so with the light bulb in his brain lit up, Rolando came up with an idea!
"Maybe, Milo and I should hang out instead?"
Estevan immediately interjected as if he knew were this was going. He would have to hang out...WITH ETHAN! OH NO!
"R-Rolando? Are...are you sure? Wouldn't it make more sense if Milo and I hung out instead? I mean it WAS your idea to pick Ethan up and take him out for ice cream and what-not!"
"Oh, I'm sure! Don't worry babe."
Rolando then paused, and with a smirk, flipped his hair and winked.
"Me and Milo, we'll be just fine, love!"
This just made Estevan blush even harder than before! The bad boy esque aura Rolando was setting off right now, it was just too much!
Estevan turned his head away and pouted slightly, while tugging onto his jacket, "If-If you s-say so, my love..."
And as the bathroom turned silent once again, Milo stepped forward to speak up but was immediately carried away by Rolando. Accepting his fate, Milo gave up completely. There was no use whining and crying now because like every introvert, every once in a while, he would have to come face to face with the outside world.
By the time, Estevan and Ethan had head out on their own little adventure, Rolando was stuck in the living room, flipping through channel after channel on the tv, while he waited for Milo to get dressed.
Getting up off the couch, Rolando sat the remote back down on the little coffee table and stretched, "Are you done yet, Milo? I feel like I'm going to start turning into bone by the time you-"
When Rolando turned around, he was shocked, not even shocked, surprised! It was almost like Milo had completely transformed into someone else! Sure, it was still Milo, no doubt about it. After all, no one had bigger thighs then him but it was like his whole demeanor had changed!
From annoying clingy crybaby to pretty in pink with a hint of sass!
Standing in a very mean girl eques manner, Milo batted his eyes and flipped his hair? Wig? I guess you could say both! Before doing a little girly pose, lifting up his skirt a bit so Rolando could see more!
"How do I look?"
Milo batted his eyes again. He really had to go all out, huh? Pink eyeshadow to match the pink crop top and skirt, he even painted his nails pink! On top of that he even wore pink high-heels!Everything he wore was so pink that it sorta hurt Rolando's eyes a bit, red would've totally been much better!
Rolando cleared his throat and answered with a straight face, "Like a girl."
Milo's eyes glistened, as he pulled onto his pigtails and asked in a cutesy~wootsy, innocent voice, "Am I a pretty girl?"
A quick pause.
Rolando hid his blush away by shifting his eyes elsewhere because truth be told, Milo did look absolutely pretty and..
N-not hot! That was for Ethan to think about!
But to Rolando, he looked so pretty, it was almost mesmerizing!
And yet he still said, "...No."
"N-no? B-b-but-"
Feeling his lips start to quiver and eyes start to water, Milo gulped up his sadness and shook it away once Rolando said this!
"No...You're not a pretty girl, Milo. You're ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE DUDE!"
Milo eyes sparkled and glittered with delight, he had never been called adorable but another person, besides Ethan of course, so this just made him blush a tiny bit with surpise!
Rolando gave Milo a quick wink and thumbs up.
"Yeah, litte dude!"
He then ruffled Milo hair's to which, as if a switch had immediately activated, Milo started to spin on his tippy toes with happiness!
As Milo continued to spin, Rolando stood back as he watched Milo then spun his way out of the opened apartment door.
Startled and scared that little dude-I mean Milo would get hurt, Rolando quickly rushed out of the door and down the stairs, shouting out,
"M-Milo!?! Be careful!"
But you couldn't stop Milo from spinning, once he started it was impossible to stop him!
"M-Milo, come back!"
As his friend ran and ran to save him from getting hurt, everything went black for Milo. The while world had turned into this empty void of nothingness and when he awoke, he was sitting to Rolando a cold, cold ice pack sitting on his right now badly bruised eye. And his knees were way more bandage up then usually.
Feeling the the cold, cold ice pack hit his eye, Milo immediately jolted back once again.
Rolando scooted closer and pressed the ice pack back on Milo's eye before giving him a weak and nervous smile in return.
"Well, at least you didn't die?"
Milo crossed his arms and pouted, "Aw man..."
Before the ice pack hit his eye once again. He let out a small hiss and covered his bruised black eye with his hands.
"Oh, you don't have to apologize, Rolando. It just hurts. Really badly..."
"Milo, of course it's going to hurt! You SPUN into traffic, little dude!"
Rolando then put Milo's hand over the ice pack so he could hold it himself and pulled out his wallet.
"You know, you gotta more careful, okay? Because If you did die, I don't what..."
A slow pause, Rolando looked down at Milo holding the ice pack against his eye, clutching his skirt tightly. He could tell Milo was trying really hard not to cry.
Rolando shifted his eyes to the hospital window, looking down at the ground below and in a quiet voice, finished his sentence, "I don't know what I would do..."
As his demeanor soon changed from strangely sorrowful to slightly worried, Rolando got up and looked through his wallet for some cash.
"Do you want anything from the vending machine while I'm over there, Milo?"
Milo's head sprung up. Curious as ever, he leaped off his chair, eyes sparkling and glittering just like before.
"Do they have choccy bars!?! They BETTER have choccy bars!"
Rolando blinked, "What?"
"Choccy bars!"
"You mean chocolate bars, right?"
A cute cat-like smile appeared on Milo's face as he nodded, "Mm-hm! Choccy bars!"
Rolando rolled his eyes. Of course Milo had to give everything a cutesy~wootsy nickname.
"I'll check, okay? Stay right here and don't move."
Rolando patted Milo's head and walked over to vending machine, pulling out a crispy clean and green 5 dollar bill and putting it into the slot yet as he waited and waited for the chocolate bar to fall, two little arms wrapped their way around Rolando's waist, pulling his back and making him jump with fright.
"GAK! M-Milo!?! What are y-you doing!?!"
Milo relaxed his head against Rolando's waist, I'm bored so hug."
Rolando blushed slightly with embarrassment and shock. He pointed to the chair that Milo had been sitting in and told him in a stern stutter to go sit down to which Milo immediately shook his head, no.
Rolando let out a harsh and annoyed groan in response, "Go sit down or I'm not buying you anything!"
And like a bratty child, Milo stomped his foot and shook his head once again.
"No! I'm bored!"
"Well, go text your bear~bear or whatever!"
"No! YOU wanted to hang out with ME so now you must suffer! Mwaha ha ha ha-CHOCCY!"
Seeing the chocolate bar in Rolando's hand, Milo reached for it, standing on his tippy toes as Rolando was way taller than him and pleaded, begged even!
He wanted-NO! NEEDED that chocolate bar as soon as possible!
"Choccy bar!"
Milo cried as Rolando teased him, waving the chocolate bar around as Milo then started to hop for the bar, trying his best to reach it.
"Give it!"
"Nope. I told you to stay put therefore this 'choccy bar' is mine now."
Milo watched in horror as Rolando unwrapped the chocolate bar before taking a huge bite out of it.
"Why would you-"
Milo's lips started to quiver, he pressed his hands against his now red cheeks trying his best to hold back his tears as he sniffled lighlty.
"Why would you do that, Rolando? That's mean!"
"Milo, you're so dramatic. It's just a chocolate bar. Pretty good too! Here."
Easily and swiftly snapping the chocolate bar in half, Rolando handed Milo a piece just so he didn't have to hear Milo's childish whines and sobs anymore.
As the two checked out of hospital, Rolando looked down at his watch.
"6:40 already? Man, time's going by so fast."
Well, you know, what they say, time goes by fast when you're having fun!"
Rolando then turned to face Milo and ruffled his hair to Milo's absolute delight.
"How about we get some ice cream? A little treat after you almost died...?"
A pint of laughter escaped both of their lips as Milo nodded in responses before skipping off, Rolando following right behind.
Walking or in Milo's case, happily skipping down the barren streets, Rolando soon came to a quick and steady stop. Cars speedily zoomed past him as the the green traffic light blinded his eyes, making it somewhat impossible to see. He looked to his left and then to his right only to see that Milo had disappeared once again and as he looked up at the road ahead of him, his jaw dropped.
Milo was just casually walking in the middle of the road like it was nothing!
Rolando screamed out in a panic Milo's name which altered the other man to turn around and give him a toothy grin as if he was absolutely oblivious to his surroundings.
As he hurriedly ran towards Milo, a white pickup truck blared it's horn before coming to a quick stop, causing a traffic jam in the middle of the rode.
"Milo, oh my god!"
Was the first thing Rolando shouted out as he ran towards Milo, who was playful sitting on the road playing with some worms he had found until he was then completely scooped up into Rolando's big beefy arms.
Rolando let out a sigh of relief as he examined Milo's body.
"Oh thank goodness, no scratches, no scars, no bruises!"
Shaking beyond belief, Rolando put Milo down before quickly steadily claiming himself down as he tried to hold his temper. He knew if he shouted that would just make Milo cry and he didn't want to see him cry.
In a straightforward yet secretly stressful demeanor, Rolando asked in a dreaded voice, "Milo, what did I JUST tell you five mintues ago?"
Milo simply shrugged, "I don't know."
"You...you don't know?"
Letting out a stressful sigh was the only thing Rolando could do. He was this close to scolding Milo but he knew he had to hold it together.
He grabbed Milo's hand and ran off with him, completely out of danger and as they ran and ran in a secluded and abandoned part of town, Rolando knew this would probably be the last time he would hang out with Milo again.
Once everything had cooled down and Rolando fully calmed down, they began to walk or in Milo's case skip and hop down the empty and cold desolate streets. Yet it seemed these streets were also very sketchy, to say the least.
Trash littered the ground, and colorful neon graffiti was spray painted on every building, which where falling apart at the seams.
To keep his friend safe, Rolando held Milo's hand as he knew the other man could not fathom how bad this area could truly be due to how innocent and naive he was. He probably thought the crude and gross graffiti were just really pretty cute pictures!
And that's why he needed to be protected.
To Rolando and everyone else in there friend group, Milo really did act like a child.
In their eyes, he was this small, innocent, pure yet overly-sensitive crybaby.
He clinged onto anyone who showed him kindness and when they were gone, he would cry out for them, because in his eyes, they were truly leaving him alone.
He got himself into unexpected danger and had to pulled away by those who cared about him and didn't want to see him get hurt. And when he was consoled and comforted, it made him confuse.
He didn't understand why other people had to leave him behind sometimes.
He didn't understand that he could also getting seriously hurt or worse.
It was eerie.
Too eerie.
How could someone be this naive to such a degree that it was borderline scary?
Letting go of Rolando's hand, Milo turned around to face his fellow friend, a wide toothy grin plastering his face as he hopped up and down excitedly just like a bunny.
"That was sooo fun! Can we do that again, Rolando?"
Rolando paused and stopped dead on his tracks. He gave Milo a borderline angered look yet he knew he still had to bite his tongue.
In a serious and enraged tone, Rolando let out a quick and direct, "No."
He then held Milo's hand again as they continued to walk down the trashed streets of nowhere.
Milo pouted, threw his arm to the side, and stomped his foot, "You're no fun!"
He stopped, let go of Rolando's grasp, and crossed his arms like a bratty child.
Was he being serious right now?
Rolando saved him twice and he didn't even say thank you, not even once!
Hell, his OWN life was probably in danger now because of what Milo had done! As a young man who was born into the mafia and was apart of a well-known mafia family, he had targets on his back, way to many to count!
No one understood that.
Not Estevan!
Not Ethan!
And definitely not Milo!
Feeling the rage slowly take over, Rolando clutched his fist and bit his lip. He turned around to face Milo and looked down at him.
"I'm mean? For saving you, again?"
"I guess. You're soo boring, anyway!"
"Boring? Again, for not letting you play in traffic? For not letting you die?"
Rolando paused. He was getting more and more frustrated by the second. He tilted his head and blinked. He couldn't bite his tongue any longer.
"Are you fucking serious!?! I saved you, twice! I probably have someone watching me now, waiting to strike because of you! Milo, this isn't a game!"
Milo thought for a moment but Rolando quickly shut him down before he could say anything else.
"Why am I trying to make YOU understand? You wouldn't get it anyway, you're just so, so...naive!"
"Yes! You're like a kid, it's embarrassing!"
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you are! This whole time we're been hanging out together you've been acting like nothing but a child! It's like you just don't...don't..."
Childlike laughter rang in Rolando's ears as he looked up at Milo who was laughing all of a sudden? Why was he laughing? Did he find this whole thing funny?
Or was this his own sick and twisted way of mocking Rolando for caring about him?
Milo wasn't that kind of person. Rolando knew that! Milo would never mock anyone in that way! He was just acting like an innocent child who just got scolded and found it funny to be told never to do that again.
Because, like a child, he didn't understand that people cared about him nor did he understand the consequences of his actions.
"Why are you laughing, Milo?"
Through slowly forming tears, Milo tilted his head as a smile crept it's way on his face as if forcing his demeanor to change on a wim.
He twirled around Rolando before replying in a fake joyous tone, "You're so silly, Rolando! Can we go get some ice cream now? I can hear the vanilla and rainbow sprinkles calling me!"
Rolando rolled his eyes. He grabbed Milo's hand and told him firmly and straightforward,
"Just hold my hand okay, and don't let go this time! And if you see a road please don't spin or twirl or hop, matter of fact just let me do the walking, okay?"
Milo nodded affirmatively, "Yes, sir!"
And as Milo allowed Rolando to lead the way, he looked back down at the road they had just walked passed, the one he had skipped through and just stared at it before slowly shifting his eyes over to the graffiti, then to the trash that littered the ground beneath their feet, and then back to the graffiti.
It made his stomach churn just seeing gang signs and crude art from long ago.
The city never changed.
And neither did he...
"Unicorn sprinkles?"
The two said in unison when Milo pointed at the small poster inside the ice cream parlor. He ran up to Rolando, stood on his tippy toes and tugged on his shirt, begging for unicorn sprinkles.
Rolando chuckled nervously as he awkwardly handed Milo his cup of vanilla ice cream with...rainbow sprinkles.
"It's already to later for that, little dude."
"B-b-b-b-but the tiny unicorns..."
Milo's lips immediately started to quiver like always, he sniffled then mumbled as he looked down at the vanilla ice cream in his hand and as soon as the tears started to show up, Rolando patted his head.
"Don't worry, Milo. I promise to get you unicorn sprinkles instead, okay?"
"...You promise?"
Rolando pulled Milo into a tight hug, getting a smidge of ice cream on his shirt. Not only was this hug a way of comforting his little dude, but it was also his way of saying 'I'm sorry', after he had yelled at him.
He knew, or at least he thought he knew Milo's reason for being so quiet on their long walk here after their talk was because he hurt him so the hug was something Milo definitely needed right now.
"Of course I do! Why wouldn't I promise you that?"
A cute and soft giggle escaped Milo's lips. He then grabbed Rolando by the hand so they could sit outside and enjoy the stress free moment.
Just the two of them eating ice cream and sitting on a nice cold bench outside, enjoy the warm weather as they planned on what to do next.
"Well, we go back to my place and watch Lottie and Donnie? It's my favorite show! I have a dvd pack of all 5 seasons including the 3 seasons spinoff!"
Milo's eyes sparkled with delight as he rambled on and on about some show Rolando hadn't even heard of!
Rolando let out a nervous and confused chuckle, "Oh, guess I haven't heard of that one!"
"Eh? Really?"
A frowned appeared on Milo's face. He tugged on his pigtails and sighed sadly, his eyes shifting elsewhere.
"Guess you also never hear! of Don't Drop your Juice either."
"Nope! Is that another show?"
Milo shook his head as he tugged his wig slightly off and pulled out something from under it.
It was a bright yellow dvd case!
And with a small smile, Milo handed the case over to Rolando.
On the front cover were two young men, their backs turned away from one another and in between them was the title itself, Don't Drop Your Juice In Da Hood.
The noticeably bigger and beefier man on the left was dressed head-to-toe in all black. From the open yet tangled up black business suit to the black dress pants and shoes, you would've thought he had just came home from a funeral the way he was dressed, and the disgusted, almost apathetic look he was giving the man on the right didn't help his case either.
On top of already giving off a very threatening aura, he also bore a scar on the right side of his face. A scar so visible, it was the first thing that Rolando's eyes locked onto and made him wonder immediately, how did he get such a hideous scar?
As opposed to his fellow friend or perhaps foe on the right, who had no such scaring on his face whatsoever, he also wore extremely bright and colorful clothing, a bright red jersey that clashed completely with not only his dirty and messed white shoes, but also his pair of black baggy pants too!
Rolando could also tell by the shorter and stubby man's facial expression, the tongue sticking out as he gave the other man a wide taunting smile, that he was, indeed, the comedic relife of the two.
But at least the two men on the front cover had one thing in common...
They were both holding a single, lonely gun in their hands.
The man of the left held his gun far away from his body, back slight hunched downwards as if he was getting ready to shoot the man on the right. Yet not only that, blood also covered tip of the man on the left's gun as if to indicate he had already shot someone before while the man on the right held his gun underneath his chin, as if to tease the other by doing it himself.
Rolando shuttered a bit.
It felt famailar.
Too familiar.
He turned his attention back to Milo and handed the dvd case back to him and shrugged slighlty.
"It looks cool, I guess."
"Really? I've been hiding the dvd in my wig just incase you wanted to watch it with me! I'd feel like you'd..."
Milo paused and fiddled with his fingers, eyes shifting towards the dvd cover itself, "You'd probably like it, you know."
Noticing Milo's glasses were sliding off, Rolando pushed them back into place, giving him an unsure look.
"I don't know, it doesn't really look like my cup of tea. I'm not really into, um, what kind of movie is it actually?"
"A dark comedy!"
"A dark comedy?"
Milo nodded, "Mm-hm! Well kinda, I don't really want to spoil anythin-"
"Does it at least have some action in it?"
For a moment, Milo shrugged.
A bit confused about Rolando's question, he tugged the dvd back into his wig and picked his ice cream cup off the bench, scooping up a spoonful of sprinkles and vanilla.
"I mean, yeah. It is a movie about the h-
"Then it's a deal!"
"You didn't even let me finish!"
Rolando chuckled lightly and patted the Milo's head until he looked over at his watch, 7:12 already? He looked at Milo and then back at his watch, he wanted to spend more time with his little dude, but it seemed time wasn't on his side today. Bummer...
"Hey, Milo, how about we head back to your place now, it's 7:12 and I figure Estevan and Ethan are probably waiting for us anyway."
Milo frowned, and as always, his lips stared to quiver, tears started to fill up his eye as his ice cream cup shook slightly in his hands. He didn't want Rolando to go! They haven't even get to watch their movie and he was leaving him behind, just like that!
As Milo begged him to stay, Rolando put his hands on Milo's cheeks and stuttered through tears. Seems Milo's crybaby-ness was getting to him too.
"Milo, d-don't cry! I'll be back, I-I-I promise!"
Milo sniffed. He looked up at Rolando with sad, little eyes and asked in a meak and usure tone, "Y-you promise?"
Rolando nodded instantly and sniffed, "J-just like I promised that I'd get y-you some unicorn s-s-sprinkles, little dude!"
He pulled his little dude into another tight hug and sobbed softly into his arms.
Milo, in return simply put his head on Rolando chest and whined out, "W-why are you c-c-crying, Rolando?"
"B-because y-you're crying!"
"I'm sorry!"
Rolando looked down at Milo who was completely buried in his chest and chuckled lightly.
He ruffed his hair lightly and through soft, meak sobs replied back in a calm yet stuttery voice,
"S-Sorry? For w-what?"
A slight pause as Milo lifted his head slightly up, his tears forming a little puddle on Rolando's red shirt. He swallowed his spit and muttered,
"For everything!"
Not knowing what to say, Rolando pulled Milo closer into his chest, and lightly rocked him in his arms as if he were a baby.
Their little journey was about end and neither of them wanted to leave the other just yet. They were having so much fun, talking, getting into accidents, eating ice cream.
And now just like...poof!
Rolando knew this would probably be the last time they'd hang out together anyway. Milo would, without a doubt, go back to his ways of hiding in his room, locking himself away, and never coming out ever again.
Rolando watched Milo curl himself into a sleeping position. He sighed despairingly and whispered to himself,
"You're suppose to be the cute one, Milo. Leave the reckless behavior to me, okay?"
Carrying a sleeping Milo in his arms, bridal style, Rolando chuckled to himself and shook his head.
"I thought you'd be heavier, given all that junk you got in your trunk, Milo."
He then sighed worryingly and shifted his eyes to the shops and stores around him. Their lights completely dimmed, the streets devoid of other people. It was strange, but it wasn't surprising. Ethan had told him and Estevan about walking around the city at night
He'd show them shortcuts on how to get back to the apartment and to never ever cross down any sketchy lanes, which was impossible to say the least. Every street looked sketchy and grime!
One of the shortcuts, a shortcut Rolando was walking through right now, was a small area that had a lot of thistles and bushes, several trees that blocked off the sun with their leaves, and a surprisingly small amount of houses, but just like everything else, it was ruined by decay, trash, and graffiti.
Several shoes were tossed up on power lines that hanged above them, swaying in the wind. Some of shoes however were becoming more and more visible as Rolando finally approached the makeshift sidewalk memorial, Ethan had told them about when describing the shortcuts he had take to get home when it was dark out.
The memorial itself however, clearly had seen better days.
He turned his glance away from the memorial once he suddenly felt Milo tear up a bit and squirm around in his arms.
In a hushed voice, Rolando whispered, "Hey, I'm right here. It's okay, you're almost home, Milo.
He then bite his lips and looked down at his watch, "Ethan's probably worried sick! It's 8:09 now and it's starting to get darker. Maybe we should've went with the taxi instead."
Passed more thistles, bushes and trees, Rolando finally made it to the apartment complex, with Milo still tucked away in his arms.
He rubbed his eyes with his free hand and left out a soft yawn as he removed the pink keychain, that Milo had trusted him with, around his neck and opened the front door, making it all the way to apartment 404 and opened the door.
As he flicked on the lights and shouted out hello, he realized Ethan and Estevan had not made it back yet.
"That's...strange? Guess we ended up here first huh, Milo?"
Rolando looked down at Milk with a small smile. His little dude was fast asleep, cuddled and curdled up against him. Nothing could wake him up now.
As he approached the bedroom and carefully laid Milo's sleeping body down on the bed, he tucked him in as neatly as he could and laid across from him.
With one last soft yawn and a warm smile to top it all off, Rolando caressed Milo's small and cold hand as he slept beside him, never letting it go.
And the last thing he said before drifting off to sleep right beside his fellow friend was simply,
"Goodnight, little dude."
Also again sorry if Estevan and especially Rolando are completely written out of character, @mrboogerlip I tried.
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theriveroflight · 1 year
Very slowly turns towards you. For the shipping requests… Laymitri and number 88 (I’m thinking at the end of UF, before Dimitri gets taken to jail). Turns away and disappears.
88. Hurry to the airport/train station before the other leaves town forever
Dimitri turns to see Hershel rushing up to him and his police escorts. He's no longer wearing his hat. Dimitri's not sure if he's ever seen that. It strikes him for more than just how unusual it is.
"Allow me to speak with the suspect, please?" Hershel asks. "I assure you I have no intentions of allowing him to escape."
The officers look at each other, probably assessing if they're permitted to do such a thing. Dimitri hopes they won't, just so he won't have to endure this conversation. He can't imagine it would be particularly pleasant to have a conversation with Hershel like this, and he doesn't want one of his last experiences as a free man to be something that digs up everything inside him and exposes it.
But they leave, retreating to just a few meters away -- out of earshot, especially with the chaos around them, but within view to remind Dimitri that this is not an opportunity.
Not that he would take it if it were.
"So she's gone, I take it?" Dimitri asks.
"For good this time," Hershel answers, looking down at the hat in his hands. "In some ways...it's best that she's gone. I wouldn't know what to do if she had stayed. My life has changed so much."
Any reply Dimitri has to that sounds thoroughly uncharitable when he says it in his head -- to Claire's memory, to Hershel, to himself.
"I had already said my goodbyes to her," he says. "It wasn't selfless to let you. Just fair."
"And I am grateful for that." Hershel looks at him. It strikes Dimitri as deeply vulnerable, more than it would be if he were wearing the top hat in this very moment. "I'd like to offer my apologies."
"What for?"
"For getting you into this position," he answers.
"I only have myself to blame for listening to Clive." Clive's been escorted away by now, having been considered a larger risk than Dimitri himself. "I let myself be consumed by my desires. I should’ve known better than to listen to a man who was barely an adult."
Hershel frowns. "Being emotional is certainly not a bad thing. I...do wish it were easier sometimes for me to be open about what I am feeling, but I don't even know how to open myself to my emotions."
Dimitri barks out a laugh. "I wouldn't worry about that too much, Hershel. It's not a bad thing, having what you do."
"I have been made aware of the man I could have been several times before." Something dark crosses his face. "None have done so quite as blatantly as you, of course. I have been forced to confront the possibility of turning from my current path to see despair instead of hope. But, most critically, you can choose the path of hope, Dimitri. Hope remained when nothing else would."
It sounds like he's quoting something, but Dimitri’s never been the type for literary analysis.
"I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with the story," Dimitri admits, "but I know a thing or two about hope."
Hope that Claire would return. Hope that Claire would be able to stay, in spite of the many possible pitfalls. Hope that they might be able to carve out a different past.
And now, here, with Hershel: a new hope.
A hope not to change the past, but to change the future.
"That's good," Hershel says with a smile. He looks up and affixes his hat in its place of honour atop his head. "I don't know if we'll ever see each other again, but I do hope you find a way to reacquaint yourself with it."
Dimitri nearly asks Hershel in that moment -- come visit me, see me in prison, don't leave me.
But this feels final, in some ways. Maybe this will be the end for good, or maybe it'll be an end wrapped in a beginning.
"We will," Dimitri says, with more certainty than he feels.
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joe-moi · 10 months
I really think it wasn't even for Fargo, if it was a work obligation. I think it's ST related, because the contract for Netflix, especially their biggest hit show, must be crazy. Like, pack up your bags the second we tell you to and come type of crazy. And with the strike prohibiting filming for so long, it wouldn't surprise me if they're rushing to the max now before the holidays hit and they've to stop again. I bet that if they could make them work on Christmas they would just to get it done faster
I think it really is just a hey we’re calling you and if you need to be here on Monday, you need to be here on Monday. For the entire cast. Because think about it, they are going to have to do all of their preproduction stuff pretty fast. wardrobe fittings and hair test and make up tests and maybe they need to do a chemistry read with somebody… Who the fuck knows. But it wouldn’t surprise me at all if it was stranger things. And that’s why they literally can’t talk about it. And also everybody could be on different schedules.
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fiveloml · 2 years
Hii first i love your writing!
I never really send requests so i apologize if it's nothing special, but what about Five having a thing with someone from comission who gets angry when he leaves back to 2019, and in the 60s comes back with Lila but in a younger body to take revenge on him, but thwir feelings win and there is a sweet partners to enemies to lovers moment 💗
five hargreeves x reader. “why did you leave?“ [ gender neutral reader. ]
─ ✧ being time traveling assassins can be messy, but your feelings for your work partner are even messier. especially when you want to kill him.
─ ✧ i'll write a part 2 of this . eventually. maybe i dont know LMAO but if you're interested in another part, let me know ( or want to be tagged if i do ) sorry for being dead for a few weeks lmao.
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“five! this is stupid, what on earth are you trying to do?! you might aswell let me stab you now since you're leading your family into a death trap.“ you hiss, grabbing his wrist before he could blink away.
“i have to save my family, y/n. i've told you this so many times!“ five snapped back, pulling away as he looked at the handler.
“your time is running out.“ she mouthed, a scarily wide grin on her face.
“and if that plan doesn't succeed?“ you say with a very big emphasis on the doesn't.
five looks back at you and sighs. “i'll make it. i'm sorry, but i need to get back to them. it was great working with you.“
in a blink, he was gone.
you stood there, letting out a scoff and shaking your head.
“i'll kill that bastard.“
[ timeskip .. ]
you and lila walked towards hotel obsidian, hands in your pockets as a small boy followed the two of you.
“are you sure they're here?“ you questioned lila. “yeah, saw the idiots all mumbling and fumbling to get through the front door.“ she replies.
“yeah.. definitely them.“
“i'm here to kill five. once i'm done, you're on your own.“ you muttered, looking at the knife in your pockets as lila chuckled.
“me? on my own? in that body of yours, you'll be taken in by an adoption center!“
you looked down at your 13 year old body, letting out an annoyed sigh and stared back at lila.
“i'll be fine..“ you continued to walk ahead as she quickly caught up, hand holding onto stan's.
“this is where we part ways, i'll look for diego and you can look for five.“
you nod your head and rushed away, entering the hotel and doing a quick search. noticing klaus, luther and diego sitting on a table with one figure turned away so you couldn't see his face.
however that annoying ugly haircut wouldn't belong to anyone else.
you watched quietly as five eventually stood up, deciding this was your chance to move as you casually walked after him.
once you were both in the quiet hallways and away from everyone else, five stopped and turned around.
“didn't think someone was already after me! what now?“ he says with jazz hands, a forced smile and clearly sarcasm in his voice.
“old habits die hard! not one day i don't want to put a knife through your torso.“ you laughed, pulling out your dagger as five's expression quickly turned into one of confusion.
“wait!-“ he barely avoided your attack as you aimed straight for his chest, you nearly trip but turned your foot to look back at him.
“i've waited so long to do this, i am not waiting any longer.“ you say angrily, trying to strike once again but five blinks behind you, grabbing your wrist and pinning you down.
“y/n?!“ he questioned, you struggle under his grasp as you writhe and squirm.
“yes, its me! now get off you scumbag!“ you quickly pushed him off you, turning the tables as he was now on the ground. you held onto your weapon and raised it into the air, preparing to stab it right through him, but you were stopped.
a hand, one that held onto your hand rather tightly as you looked up. “luther! have you lost weight?“ you said with an annoying smile, he lifted you up with ease as five got up.
“if i'm the scumbag, what does that make you?“ he huffs, dusting off his suit while you tried to get luther to release you, kicking and punching as luther was unphased.
“you're backstabber! an abandoning, ugly haircut having backstabber at that!“ you scowled, luther finally dropping you down onto the ground.
“thanks..“ five mutters, watching luther walk away as you gently rub your wrist.
“this is awkward.“ he inserted his hands into his pockets and looked down at you, tapping his right foot as you grumbled incoherent words.
“alright, enough moping on the floor. follow me.“ five hoisted you up as you didn't refuse or say a word, simply following wherever he went in defeat.
you found yourself in a room, one you assumed was five's due to the umbrella academy uniform hanging behind the door.
“for starters, how did you get here?“ he asks, leaning on the nearest wall with a cup of black coffee in hand.
“i've been with lila, and for some reason my body shifted to its younger self while we went to your timeline. it's pretty damn annoying considering now i'm a child in normal people's eyes.“
“well now you know how i feel.“
you chuckled at his statement. “yeah.. i remember asking the handler why she made me have a 13 year old as my partner.“
“well that '13' year old was better than you in every single aspect of assassination.“ he says with a smug smirk while you playfully roll your eyes at him.
“..why did you have to leave..?“ you whispered, five's smirk disappeared and a sigh in its place.
“it was lonely without you, you know? having to deal with lila alone wasn't very fun.“ you say with a dry chuckle, inevitably returning to the gloom you had from before as you looked down at your shoes.
“why don't you get the job done then?“
you looked up at five, handing out your dagger towards you with a blank expression.
“your family needs you, or whatever sappy bullshit. i'm not saying i won't try and kill you again, because i will. i just.. i dont't know. i hated you all this time but seeing you again..“ your voice trailed off, you knew that five brought you more comfort than anything in the world.. but you couldnt have him. he loved his family and nothing could beat that kind of love.
“i should leave, i don't want to be here any longer.“
you didn't bother to listen, walking out the door and resisting every urge to look back.
you couldn't have five, as a friend or as a partner. you were always just someone passing by in his life.
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haikyuu-sins · 2 years
Hiii~ can I request scenarios or headcanons ( whichever is easiest for you!! <3 ) about sanji, zoro and luffys reaction to where they're struggling in a fight/losing and their s/o comes along and yells out "don't touch my man!" then completely destroys the opponent? much love xx
Soooo Luffy’s turned out to be a lot more angsty than this ask originally wanted..sorry about that! Spoilers for Wano! Also Zoro’s is a little different just because personally, I don’t see him being okay with anyone coming in and defeating his opponent for him, no matter how hurt he is.
Characters: Sanji, Zoro, Luffy (One Piece)
Warnings: Blood, fighting (obviously), Wano Spoilers for Luffy
Genre: Angst
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Vinsmoke Sanji
Sanji panted heavily, his legs were beginning to give out and he looked around to see the rest of the crew fighting their own battles. How could he fight a woman? There was no way he’d ever be able to even put a finger on her. 
He could hear your voice ring out from behind him. The chef swayed from side to side, black spots began to cloud his vision. The woman was about to kick him straight across the battlefield before you whizzed past him. 
“Don’t you dare…touch him!” your haki coated fist collided with her stomach and her eyes were wide as she coughed up blood. This fight should have been easy for Sanji if it wasn’t for a woman being his opponent. She wasn’t particularly strong so you didn’t have a difficult time knocking her unconscious. 
Running to where he was now lying on the ground, you put his head on your lap and called out his name. “Hey look at me!” you patted his cheek a little and he opened his exhausted eyes. 
“My Y/N-swan came to save me~” 
You roll your eyes at him, “What choice did I have? I don’t exactly want to see you get beat to a pulp by someone you won’t even put a finger on.” 
Boy is he grateful for you. You’re barely able to hold him up and you take him back to the Thousand Sunny to patch him up. His wounds aren’t so bad that you need Chopper’s help, you’re able to clean him up on your own. 
“Oh Y/N-chan, what would I do without you~?” he nearly swoons as you give him a peck on the lips. 
“Get beat the hell up, that’s for sure.”
Roronoa Zoro
You look over to see that Zoro is down on his knee with both of his swords propped up in front of him to keep him stable. The unsteady rising and falling of his shoulders told you that he wasn’t in the best of shape. It wasn’t hard to tell he was struggling with this particular enemy which wasn’t customary for him. 
Seeing him in this state made your heart ache, knowing that there would be a good chance if you stepped in to help him, he wouldn’t be happy about it. He doesn’t want you to interfere with his battle. His battle is his own and so is yours. It’s not as if he wouldn’t hesitate to help if you were in trouble, but there’s something about finishing off someone else’s opponent that doesn’t sit right with him. This is especially because he’s a swordsman. 
When the man he’s fighting is about to strike him down and you go rushing over yelling out, “Don’t touch him!” four swords come together: the opponent’s, two of Zoro’s, and yours. Except Zoro’s is mostly stopping your sword which is his way of nicely telling you to back off. 
It doesn’t matter how hurt your boyfriend is, you knew that doing this would hurt his pride, but you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t sit and watch him get sliced into pieces while you were already recovering from fighting your own battle. 
This is exactly what you tell him when everything is said and done and you’re all on the ship. Zoro is in the infirmary where Chopper is scurrying around to get ointment and bandaging his wounds. 
You sit over in the corner while Zoro is giving you the silent treatment. The only thing that’s heard in the room is Chopper’s mumbling to himself, and him grinding up more medicine. 
Even Chopper could feel how awkward it is in the room and he just wants to get out, but of course his first priority is being a doctor and healing his patients. As soon as he’s done he hurries out with a sheepish “I’ll just let you two talk.. Eheh..” 
The door shuts and neither of you speak. Zoro’s eyes are trained towards the ground, even when you do begin to talk. 
“I’m sorry…” you start, “I know I shouldn’t have but I do know you would have done the same for me. I was just scared…I’ve never seen you like that and I’m not just going to stand there and watch you die. If I’m able to help you, I will.” 
“I didn’t need your help in the first place.” 
You roll your eyes at him. “Zoro, he could’ve killed you. Don’t be reckless and stupid and just accept help when you know you need it. You’re putting your pride as a swordsman above keeping yourself safe. You don’t think about how any of us would feel if something bad actually happened to you.”
“Did you ever think that my pride as a swordsman is important to me?” He thought back on his promise that he made to his late friend, Kuina. 
“I have. I suppose it’s more important than staying alive for the sake of the crew–for me. But that’s fine. If it’s that important to you, I won’t step in next time.” With that you stood from the chair and left. 
Zoro was never good with his words or emotions at times. He knows that he should be thankful, but his pride seems to always get in the way of expressing his gratitude–if that’s what it could be called. 
Monkey D. Luffy
Kaido was too strong, no one had yet to put a scratch on him besides the Elephant Gun Luffy dealt when he was in his dragon form. But it didn’t seem to hurt him in the slightest. Shinobu save the crews lives by using her abilities, and all you could see now was Kaido in his human form, swaying back and forth. 
Before you knew it, you were watching Luffy get defeated. You screamed out his name and no one was able to react with how fast you tore down the mountain to try and get to your beloved captain. With this sudden burst of adrenaline, you thought you could defeat anyone…this included the world’s Strongest Creature: Kaido. 
“No!” Your voice was hoarse from how much you were screaming and crying while you ran. You were out of breath, your knees and arms scraped up from how many times you tripped over your own feet on the way down. Just as he was about to land another blow to Luffy’s limp and helpless body, you managed to get under his kanabo. At this moment, you were scared for your life. If Kaido was able to defeat Luffy so easily, he’d be able to do the exact same to you, or worse. 
“Don’t…you dare…touch Luffy!” your eyes were burning from the tears running down your face, they blocked your vision but you just prayed to whatever God you could that you would make it out alive. 
Kaido laughed. He laughed right in your face thinking about how comical it was that you thought you were going to be able to protect anyone, let alone Luffy, who he was set on killing. 
Your bottom lip and chin trembled and your knees and elbows felt like they were about to break with the amount of force this man was putting on your haki coated arms. Though it amused him that you were brave enough, and possessed enough power to stop one of his attacks. 
“Please…” you begged him as your shoulders shook. “Please!” your voice broke but it did nothing to Kaido. He took no pity on you, why would he? 
Your body lies right next to Luffy’s, both of you a limp and broken mess on the ground. The next thing you see when you open your eyes is a jail cell. In the cell across from you, you see two blobs of color. One of them you could barely make out as Luffy. 
“Luffy?” you called out to him and he immediately perked up hearing his name. 
“Y/N!” there was a wave of relief that you could hear in his voice. “Are you okay?!” 
There was no denying how much pain you were in and you had no idea how Luffy seemed to be perfectly fine considering he almost died. “I don’t know…My head hurts… are you okay?” 
“He hurt you.” As soon as you said you hurt–that you were in any kind of pain, Luffy’s tone and demeanor changed in an instant. Your captain knew what you did for him, you also nearly died protecting him just to get hurt and thrown in this jail just like he was. He’d forever be grateful for it and all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around you and tell you that everything was alright. 
This was just more fuel that was being added to the fire. Now there was even more reason for him to bring Kaido down.
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Valentine's Collab - Day Six!
"Don't be stubborn! Try it!"
Early Valentine's gift as part of this great collaboration event together with seven other lovely authors, for Feb 13! Masterlist here, read them all, they're greaaaat~
Here's more sauce for motorcycle and tattoo artist Xiao brrttt, header by @Cut3knife on twitter.
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Customers are always right! A simple and straightforward philosophy in the world of commerce exercised and spoken like a mantra for many years.
Xiao takes this to heart in his business. He had never refused a customer on their choices when it comes to the design they pick. Even if it's a bad tattoo, even if they were high,
even if they were drunk off their assess, too.
He was silent and obedient if he was silently judging the customer, hardcore, in his head.
So, what is it about now that made him hesitate.
"Don't be stubborn! Try it!"
Your flushed face from one too many drinks swayed side to side as you giggled, his head lifting from the image to stare- squint at your intoxicated state.
Xiao is known as an Ink Master for his mad talent in generating designs AND copying requests to the dot. You are one of his frequent and loyal customer, maybe the most loyal one of all, who always asks for the most aesthetically pleasing designs you customize or combine from different designs into a bigger masterpiece.
That's the main reason he's very hesitant on your request, the thought making him look at the digital design displayed on your phone and cringe again at the image.
This is a dare, this is definitely a horrible drunk dare.
"You know this is going to be permanent, you can never erase this from your skin, (Y/N)." His repeated argument was made in a vain attempt as he watched you climb in his workbench, the artist's head snapping to the side when you suddenly started undressing your top without provocation.
"Come on, come on, it would be good! I trust you!" Your drunken stupor mumbles nonchalantly as you ever so slowly pass out from your hangover.
Well now he really can't do anything about it. Xiao sighs as he snaps on his surgical gloves, bashfully running his hand over your entire back in pure adoration before settling on your lower back, where he starts sketching the ordered design— with a few changes here and there as he knows you've always liked about his service.
When he thought he was finished, his hand moves again to redo a finer detail, scratching off the center portion into a totally different design. This would be— his boldest move yet, but it's going to be something you'd (hopefully) not berate him about. And all things were done.
As the tool starts in his hand, he realized that this body part brings immense pain you never had before in your trips. "Sorry," he mumbles as the needle punches at your skin.
You woke up with a scream.
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"Remember you can remove the gauze after five hours, nothing more, nothing less. Be very careful on irritations, especially since it's on your back," the ever so vigilant inker expertly recites the precautions without missing a beat as he locks the shop for the night. You were his last appointment for the day and the design finished just in time for closing.
You nod behind with a whine and groan as you fought the urge to scratch at the pain, the numbness lessening the full agony by half at this point.
You're most likely sober now, with light headedness here and there, with the urge to chug a whole liter of water as well as puke your guts out into the nearest bush.
Drunk you must be so proud of themselves.
"Sorry for whatever trouble I might have caused."
"I'm saying sorry in advance for whatever comes out on your back in a month or two."
You grumbled in response at his quip. The angle already makes it hard to make out for your vision, and the scabbing as well as peeling would also obscure the end result of whatever abomination you and him done to yourself. And judging by Xiao's interactions, it's not looking pretty good on your end.
Him revving up his motorcycle snaps you out of your self-deprication and you realized just how late it already was. You never reached after hours in this shop, "Thanks again, Xiao, I'm sure you did your best to make damage control for whatever horror I asked-"
"Are you gonna make me wait more or will you finally get on?"
With a gasp, your head turns to the sigh of the motorcyclist holding out a black helmet with neon accents tailored to your favorite colors. Whatever thoughts you had were erased as you rushed over to his side, bouncing on your tiptoes as you held out your hand for your designated helmet he keeps around whenever you needed a lift.
Xiao flips down his tinted visor to hide the unstoppable smile that creeped up to his lips at the sight of the adorable you. And to indulge, he took the long road.
It wasn't until 90 days later when you barged into his shop while Xiao was in the middle of inking someone, screaming incoherently with a flushed red face, with your hands lifting up to show the tattoo on your back to him.
It still had a few skin waiting to peel off naturally but the vibrant color of his work had started manifesting, the design in entirety easily recognizable in its condition:
A crying pepehands emoji tattoo with his words Xiao written in striking cursive in neon teal and black.
If you wanted him to ink over the pepehands for a more pleasing design, he'd be glad to do so for free.
But the mark of his name stays there. Permanently.
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Eheh, early Valentine's gift, dears. I switched. between three damn prompts before finally settling on this.
Special mentions:
@yellowflowre @kookieyachi @anormalguyreader @dandelion-dreams @lehra @starlynxx @reicandies @heiayen @xiaophilia @hanniejji
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murderousginger · 4 years
Faded Away
Angel on Fire Chapter 1
John Shelby x reader
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: They're criminals guys, they do bad things.
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(gif by @bonniebirddoesgifs)
You giggled as your best friend swung you around on the empty street. Isaiah, Finn and Michael walked behind you both and laughed in various degrees at your foolishness. 
"The girls are already mad," Isaiah said as he stepped forward and took your hand. He pulled you close before twirling you away from him. "We're in for a night, lads."
You laughed and spun with your hands outstretched as he did the same to your friend. 
"They're always mad," Michael scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "They're fuckin' winding up for the snow."
You stopped spinning and raced toward Finn, a mischievous grin on your face as you crashed into his arms. 
"There's no way you're a Shelby, Michael," you laughed as you pressed yourself into Finn. "You're far too dusty. You're a wet blanket."
Finn barked a laugh as he took your wrist and spun you back toward Isaiah. 
"You make no sense, (Y/N)," Michael scowled as he lit a cigarette. "Am I dry or am I wet? You can't make up your mind."
Your friend trilled a laugh. You rolled your eyes as she left Isaiah's grasp to cling to Michael. 
"You know our girl," she joked as her hand found his chest. "Always too busy with her own thoughts to make much sense. I don't think you're dry at all, Michael."
"That's because you'll wet him right up, won't you?" You said exasperated. 
Finn and Isaiah laughed as Michael coughed on his cigarette. Isaiah winked at you and lifted his arm. You ran into his side to claim his warmth as he pulled you close. 
"Be nice to little boss," he chastised before his tone lowered as if to tell you a scary story. "Too much longer and he'll be just like Tommy, and you wouldn't dare say such a thing to him."
The night was like most nights. You and your friend went with the Peaky boys to the Garrison under the promise of drinks and snow. You'd been doing it for years, long before Michael joined the little crew, and it was old hat by now. The boys liked the entertainment and needed you to parade their product and make a scene to attract customers. You got your drinks and snow free as long as you attracted attention. Sometimes Isaiah or Finn would give you a cut of their cash on an especially good night. There were worse things to do to get extra coin. 
"I don't take anything the bait says to heart," Michael said. "They're not much more than pretty wrapping to attract the men and put the girls at ease."
"But we are pretty," you pouted mockingly as you cocked your head back to see Michael. "You might not have a use for smart girls, but you have use for pretty."
Michael inhaled his cigarette, taking his time, making you wait for his response. Hang on it. He loved to make everyone wait on him like it was a sign that he was in charge of things. If everyone hung on his word, you'd all forget to breathe until he did. He'd become in charge of everything, including the air in your lungs. 
The smoke lifted from his mouth and into his nostrils before he exhaled it all away. 
"And your mouth is good reason to find better bait," Michael said evenly. His eyes were always so cold. You shuddered involuntarily as you lost eye contact with him and turned back around.
"Oh now, little boss," Isaiah pish-poshed. "You know (Y/N), she means no harm. Besides, these two fillies are the bread and butter of our nights."
Isaiah tucked you into his side with a squeeze, smiling down at you. You wrapped an arm around him inside his coat and squeezed back.
"You watch your hands, now," he joked. "I'm a respectable young man."
You threw your head back against his arm with a loud laugh and met his gaze nose to nose.
"Isaiah Jesus, your name might be holy but you are sinful as they come," you taunted, ghosting your lips across his. 
Isaiah mocked shock, good mouth agape as he shot a look to Finn who had sped up to walk beside you two. 
"Finn, did you hear what she said?" Isaiah said as his free hand clutched his heart. "She called me sinful. She's yours now, mate. My heart's done broke for the night."
He dropped his arm from your shoulder and playfully pushed you into Finn who caught your arm as you stumbled his way. 
"Striking out with everyone already, are ye?" Finn chuckled. "Not a good omen for the night."
"You know why Isaiah calls him 'little boss,' right?" You taunted, loudly whispering so everyone could hear. 
"Yeah, why's that, then?" Michael said, mouth tight as your friend hung on him.
"Shhhh," your scowled at him before turning your full attention to Finn. "I'm talking to a real Shelby." 
Michael scoffed behind you. 
"Yeah, Finn's a real asset to the company," Michael deadpanned. 
Finn's face grew tight. You quickly grabbed his chin and made him look at you. 
"Hey now, boss," you said lightly. "You pay no attention to Mr. Fancypants over there. You're more man than he'll ever be. He's just acting tough to make up for all those years in his perfect little village."
Finn's lip twitched and his face relaxed into a small smile. You playfully knuckled his chin and kissed his cheek.
"Enough now," Isaiah called as he took the lead of the group. "We're almost to the pub, just stop bickering and have a good time, yeah?"
You all toned in agreement. 
You felt a weight in your stomach as you reached the Garrison and saw the people pushing to fit in the pub. You had been going most nights every week for ages, on top of your day job at a desk, and honestly the booze and the drugs had started to lose its appeal. 
"Come on," your friend squealed as she dragged you through the doors.
The pub was packed, but the sight of the boys behind you cleared a path to a table. It's occupants stared at your group wide eyed before quickly tipping their hats and leaving their seats. Finn pulled a chair back for you and you playfully patted his cheek as you sat, your friend sitting across the table next to Michael. Finn and Isaiah sat with you in the middle, your back to the busiest part of the pub. The seat made you uneasy, vulnerable. 
You jumped as you felt a hand brush your shoulder. 
"Here ya'ar," Harry said briskly as he sat whiskey down for everyone and gave the boys beers as well. 
The table mumbled their thanks and the boys started a conversation you quickly tuned out. You looked around you to the other patrons, scoping out who could be reeled in for snow or smoke or even the bit of opium in Isaiah's pocket. 
Most were men tired from the long day of work, but there were pockets of young people with girls your own age that were out for a raucous night. You always focused on them. They usually had the money and the nights to lose. Asking the working men always felt like taking food out of their family's mouths, and the extra layer of scum from the thought sickened you.
"You don't have to go to scoping right away," Finn yelled down your ear to overcome the boon of voices surrounding you. "Relax. Have your drink. We're all friends here, are we not? No need to rush off right away."
You smiled thinly and nodded, looking back to the table. Michael had his arm swung around your friend's shoulders and she had taken his cigarette to smoke while he continued on some sort about the office. You only heard every other word from the roar of the pub, but he leaned forward to slap the table and the boys erupted with laughter, so you chuckled weakly along. 
Isaiah wrapped an arm around you absentmindedly as he went on with his story and you ran your middle finger around the rim of your whiskey glass.
"So Arthur sent me to collect from…"
You toned him out, thoughts swirling your head as you circled your glass. Did you want to drink? Should you? It would surely help with your nerves from the noise. But oh, being drunk had become so dull. 
"... And I said 'well we either take your eyes out your coin, you choose!'" Isaiah said as he rocked back in his chair and put his hands behind his head, his smile smug. 
"Give 'em protection and they don't even wanna pay for it," Finn scoffed. "Bloody ungrateful."
You gritted your teeth together before you gripped your glass and drank it down in one go. The whiskey coated your throat and burned down your throat to the brick in your stomach. It eased your muscles as you rolled your tongue against your teeth. I guess we're doing this again.
It might have eased your body, but the crowd felt louder, more invasive. Having your back to the door felt like wearing a target. You itched to move. You looked around the pub again, your hand idly on your glass as you skimmed the crowd. A set of eyes locked with yours. 
You smiled slowly, raising a brow in challenge. The young man smiled back. He wasn't ugly, nor was he entirely attractive. Just a random face in the pub to pull to the table to sell some tokyo. A little flirting might get you a drink from the deal. You tilted your head slightly, looking over to the bar and back to the man before you twisted back around to the table. You stood up with your glass, bent slightly to Isaiah's ear. 
"Got a bite," you said. "I'll be at the bar."
Isaiah nodded. 
"Feel him out and bring him 'round then, yeah?"
You stood up and made your way for two seats near the end of the bar, near the private Shelby room. You sat down on the one farther in, giving the man a clean exit if he was uninterested in what you were willing to offer. 
You held your breath until you felt someone stand beside you.
"(Y/N)," He nodded as he pulled out the chair and sat. 
"John," you replied, mimicking his tone but you couldn't help but lift a brow in surprise of the older Shelby boy joining you at the bar top.
You both were around each other enough to know of each other, but you rarely spoke. You stayed around the younger group and away from Tommy and Arthur. The oldest two were nice enough, but you knew their business and had seen when they decided not to be nice. Better to keep your head down and stick to the younger men who were still enamored with snow and tits. 
John lit a cigarette and watched as you ran a finger around the rim of your empty glass, not daring to turn to look him in the eye.
"You're not yourself lately," he said with an easy smile before he inhaled his cigarette. 
He pulled it from his lips and let out an exhale as he nudged you with his shoulder and offered it to you. 
"How do you know what I'm like?" Your finger froze on the glass before your hand fell to the side. 
You picked up your glass to drink, but at it down as you realized it was still empty. You slowly turned your head to look back at him.
"You're grinning gunpowder most nights, ready to blow at a moment's notice," John chuckled as his eyes roamed your face and down your body. "Lately you've been different. Not all checked in."
"That so?" You smirked as you took his cigarette from his hand and took a puff. You sized him up as your hand rested the cigarette on the counter. "Do you usually watch your little brother's pals this closely?"
John gave a short laugh. 
"You should see Tommy," he said. "He knows every dirty secret of anyone who so much as spends a night around a Blinder."
"Smokes and mirrors," you said before you brought the cigarette back to your lips and inhaled. "You didn't answer my question."
"So why'd you sit by me, then?" You exhaled with a curl of smoke. "Tommy making sure one of his brother's bait girls isn't stepping out of line?"
"Is that it?" John said as he took his cigarette back. "You like a boy that's not a Blinder and rather be with him most nights?"
You snorted. 
"There's no boy," you said incredulously. "Think me that foolish? Or that shallow?"
"Well if it's not a boy you aren't knocked up," John said as he smoked. 
"Not everything is sex and drugs, Shelby," you scoffed. "I know none of you believe that, but it's true."
"Who says we don't believe in more than that?" John said. "Sometimes we believe in guns."
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but crack a smile. 
"Ehhh, see?" John said as he nudged your shoulder. "There's still a bit of the old girl in there."
"The old girl is just getting sick of the same old thing," you mumbled. 
"What's that?" John frowned. 
Harry appeared, hastily wiping the bar as he set out a glass for John and refilled yours. 
"Sorry, sir," Harry rasped. "Night's a bit crazy. Makes me think we should hire another as help."
"It'sfine," John nodded at Harry as he wrapped his hand around his drink and turned toward you. "Now what're you on about?"
"I asked what you were after," you said louder. "You older ones don't bless us with your presence much."
"Not that much older," John grinned. "You're Isaiah's age, right? Six year age gap is nothin'."
"You know I'm not myself and my age," you said amused as you squeezed your glass, "but you won't tell me what you're after. Mr. Shelby, are you chasing after bait?"
John smiled, a mischievous glint in his eye. 
"Love," he said as smoke poured through his teeth. "I don't chase no one."
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traeumenvonbuechern · 3 years
June Wrap-Up
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1. Can't Take That Away (Steven Salvatore)
Carey Parker dreams of being a diva, and bringing the house down with song. But despite their talent, emotional scars from an incident with a homophobic classmate and their grandmother's spiraling dementia make it harder and harder for Carey to find their voice. Then Carey meets Cris, a singer/guitarist who makes Carey feel seen for the first time in their life. With the rush of a promising new romantic relationship, Carey finds the confidence to audition for the role of Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West, in the school musical, setting off a chain reaction of prejudice by Carey's tormentor and others in the school. It's up to Carey, Cris, and their friends to defend their rights--and they refuse to be silenced.
2. Sanditon (Jane Austen)
Written in the last months of Austen's life, Sanditon features a glorious cast of hypochondriacs and speculators in a newly established seaside resort, and shows the author contemplating a changing society with scepticism and amusement. It tells the story of Charlotte Heywood, who is transported by a chance accident from her rural hometown to Sanditon, where she is exposed to the intrigues and dalliances of a small town determined to reinvent itself - and encounters the intriguingly handsome Sidney Parker.
3. The Witch King (H.E. Edgmon)
Wyatt would give anything to forget where he came from—but a kingdom demands its king. In Asalin, fae rule and witches like Wyatt Croft…don’t. Wyatt’s betrothal to his best friend, fae prince Emyr North, was supposed to change that. But when Wyatt lost control of his magic one devastating night, he fled to the human world. Now a coldly distant Emyr has hunted him down. Despite transgender Wyatt’s newfound identity and troubling past, Emyr has no intention of dissolving their engagement. In fact, he claims they must marry now or risk losing the throne. Jaded, Wyatt strikes a deal with the enemy, hoping to escape Asalin forever. But as he gets to know Emyr, Wyatt realizes the boy he once loved may still exist. And as the witches face worsening conditions, he must decide once and for all what’s more important—his people or his freedom.
4. One Last Stop (Casey McQuiston)
For cynical twenty-three-year-old August, moving to New York City is supposed to prove her right: that things like magic and cinematic love stories don’t exist, and the only smart way to go through life is alone. She can’t imagine how waiting tables at a 24-hour pancake diner and moving in with too many weird roommates could possibly change that. And there’s certainly no chance of her subway commute being anything more than a daily trudge through boredom and electrical failures. But then, there’s this gorgeous girl on the train. Jane. Dazzling, charming, mysterious, impossible Jane. Jane with her rough edges and swoopy hair and soft smile, showing up in a leather jacket to save August’s day when she needed it most. August’s subway crush becomes the best part of her day, but pretty soon, she discovers there’s one big problem: Jane doesn’t just look like an old school punk rocker. She’s literally displaced in time from the 1970s, and August is going to have to use everything she tried to leave in her own past to help her. Maybe it’s time to start believing in some things, after all.
5. Between Perfect and Real (Ray Stoeve)
Dean Foster knows he’s a trans guy. He’s watched enough YouTube videos and done enough questioning to be sure. But everyone at his high school thinks he’s a lesbian—including his girlfriend Zoe, and his theater director, who just cast him as a “nontraditional” Romeo. He wonders if maybe it would be easier to wait until college to come out. But as he plays Romeo every day in rehearsals, Dean realizes he wants everyone to see him as he really is now––not just on the stage, but everywhere in his life. Dean knows what he needs to do. Can playing a role help Dean be his true self?
6. The Cruel Prince (Holly Black)
Jude was seven when her parents were murdered and she and her two sisters were stolen away to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, Jude wants nothing more than to belong there, despite her mortality. But many of the fey despise humans. Especially Prince Cardan, the youngest and wickedest son of the High King. To win a place at the Court, she must defy him–and face the consequences. As Jude becomes more deeply embroiled in palace intrigues and deceptions, she discovers her own capacity for trickery and bloodshed. But as betrayal threatens to drown the Courts of Faerie in violence, Jude will need to risk her life in a dangerous alliance to save her sisters, and Faerie itself.
7. Boy Queen (George Lester)
Robin Cooper’s life is falling apart. While his friends prepare to head off to university, Robin is looking at a pile of rejection letters from drama schools up and down the country, and facing a future without the people he loves the most. Everything seems like it’s ending, and Robin is scrabbling to find his feet. Unsure about what to do next and whether he has the talent to follow his dreams, he and his best friends go and drown their sorrows at a local drag show, where Robin realises there might be a different, more sequinned path for him . . . With a mother who won't stop talking, a boyfriend who won't acknowledge him and a best friend who is dying to cover him in glitter make up, there's only one thing for Robin to do: bring it to the runway.
8. Felix Ever After (Kacen Callender)
Felix Love has never been in love—and, yes, he’s painfully aware of the irony. He desperately wants to know what it’s like and why it seems so easy for everyone but him to find someone. What’s worse is that, even though he is proud of his identity, Felix also secretly fears that he’s one marginalization too many—Black, queer, and transgender—to ever get his own happily-ever-after. When an anonymous student begins sending him transphobic messages—after publicly posting Felix’s deadname alongside images of him before he transitioned—Felix comes up with a plan for revenge. What he didn’t count on: his catfish scenario landing him in a quasi–love triangle.... But as he navigates his complicated feelings, Felix begins a journey of questioning and self-discovery that helps redefine his most important relationship: how he feels about himself.
9. Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë)
Lockwood, the new tenant of Thrushcross Grange on the bleak Yorkshire moors, is forced to seek shelter one night at Wuthering Heights, the home of his landlord. There he discovers the history of the tempestuous events that took place years before: of the intense passion between the foundling Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and her betrayal of him. As Heathcliff's bitterness and vengeance is visited upon the next generation, their innocent heirs must struggle to escape the legacy of the past.
10. Ace of Spades (Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé)
Welcome to Niveus Private Academy, where money paves the hallways, and the students are never less than perfect. Until now. Because anonymous texter, Aces, is bringing two students' dark secrets to light. Talented musician Devon buries himself in rehearsals, but he can't escape the spotlight when his private photos go public. Head girl Chiamaka isn't afraid to get what she wants, but soon everyone will know the price she has paid for power. Someone is out to get them both. Someone who holds all the aces. And they're planning much more than a high-school game...
11. The Queer Principles of Kit Webb (Cat Sebastian)
Kit Webb has left his stand-and-deliver days behind him. But dreary days at his coffee shop have begun to make him pine for the heady rush of thievery. When a handsome yet arrogant aristocrat storms into his shop, Kit quickly realizes he may be unable to deny whatever this highborn man desires. In order to save himself and a beloved friend, Percy, Lord Holland must go against every gentlemanly behavior he holds dear to gain what he needs most: a book that once belonged to his mother, a book his father never lets out of his sight and could be Percy’s savior. More comfortable in silk-filled ballrooms than coffee shops frequented by criminals, his attempts to hire the roughly hewn highwayman, formerly known as Gladhand Jack, proves equal parts frustrating and electrifying. Kit refuses to participate in the robbery but agrees to teach Percy how to do the deed. Percy knows he has little choice but to submit and as the lessons in thievery begin, he discovers thievery isn’t the only crime he’s desperate to commit with Kit. But when their careful plan goes dangerously wrong and shocking revelations threaten to tear them apart, can these stolen hearts withstand the impediments in their path?
12. Weekend Girl (Alex Powell)
Ashley Kingston is a genderfluid university student with a major crush on attractive and charming Nolan. He seems just too perfect to be true. What happens when Ash meets Nolan while dressed as both a man, and a woman? And even more confusing, what happens when Nolan seems enamoured of both versions of Ash? A twisty-turny romance filled with fun and shenanigans.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Ninety-Two
Words: 4.3K
Warning(s): explicit language, sexual situations, violence, drug abuse, domestic abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil @crystalbaby12
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Vivian strikes again. 
My leg shakes with each tap of my foot as I impatiently wait for her to come through that door. I've been waiting for nearly forty-five minutes. 
Maybe I scared her off with pitching a fit over her not telling me about her miscarriages. But I had a good reason to be upset. Addict or not, I fucking deserved to know what the hell was going on.
"Where's your wife?" Amber asks me, glancing at her watch. 
"Hiding more kids from me, probably." I mumble and she raises her brows, staring at me for a moment. 
"While we wait for her, can you do me a favor?" She asks and I shrug. "Take a few minutes to try to imagine what having kids during the last four years would have been like with your drug addiction. Because you would still have a drug addiction--babies wouldn't have changed that." She points out. "Honestly," she adds. "Close your eyes, and take some breaths, and just use your imagination as to what having children during these last few years would have done to you, and to your wife.
I take a breath and close my eyes, deciding it probably couldn't hurt to try to wrap my head around being a dad right now, especially with as many as she lost...
...I feel Viv's weight shift from me, her eyes closed, a little hum comes from her when she turns her back to me but still keeps close, her feet tangled with mine, her lions mane of hair still spread out over my pillow as well as hers. Despite being half asleep, myself, I tighten my arms hold just under her ribs and pull her to me before my hand slides over her five-month pregnant stomach. 
I lull back to sleep, before I'm woken up merely minutes later by the sound of the baby crying and Vivian pulling herself away from me, putting her robe on to cover her naked body. 
She sighs under her breath, mumbling something, and I sit up. 
"I can go--"
"--No, I got it." She says, dismissively.
"Vivian, are you still pissed at me?" I ask. 
"You ditched me on our anniversary and stayed out all night smoking smack and partying with your moron friends."
"I offered for you to come out with us." I remind her.
"I'm pregnant and we have a daughter here, Nikki. One of us needs to remember that." She adds before stomping out. 
I roll my jaw and feel a spiteful twinge in my mind. 
Perhaps spiteful, perhaps wanting to chase away the guilt of ditching her last night…
I end up in the bathroom, chasing the dragon, curled under my high while hearing Vivian softly sing hymnals to the six-month old…
I assume she knows exactly where I'm at once she's done, because I hear her walk back to our bedroom and, when she usually comes to find me so she's not by herself, she doesn't come looking for me. 
"...No, you idiot, not that…" I say to myself, rubbing my forehead, scribbling out the line of lyrics I've been fighting to get out. 
The door of mine and Viv's bedroom is soon bursting at the hinges, allowing me to fully hear Pierce crying while Frannie and Johnny come rushing into the room, squealing. 
"Hey, hey, hey!" I stop them before they can crawl under the bed. "What's goin' on?" I ask them, slowly hiding the Jack bottle in my bass case.
I spent last night freebasing and I'm still trying to coax myself down. 
Frannie looks at me with sharp green eyes, her brown hair knotty looking from wallowing on the living room carpet earlier...Johnny, brown eyes and red hair, just puts his attention on the pissed off Vivian that's stalking her way in here with the baby. 
"Um," Frannie starts, trying to think up her excuse. 
"Francesca and Johnathan tried to tote Pierce off again." Vivian states, eyeing the two toddlers with daggers, and they slowly sink down to try to use me as a human shield. 
"He's a new baby, Viv, they don't mean any harm. They just--"
"--Okay, well maybe if you put the bass down and actually come in here and help me out, you can supervise them while they 'hold' him, since I'm trying to start on dinner." She states. 
I glance at the kids and then at her…
"Or you can stare at me like an idiot, too." She mumbles, going to shut the door as she says, "You have no issue knocking me up but won't help me with them once they're out."
 I roll my jaw and grab my bottle of Jack, putting my bass back. 
What the fuck? 
If it wasn't for me writing songs, the band wouldn't have new material, which would mean no new album, which would mean no money--not enough to support her and three fuckings kids, anyway, so she should be thanking me for still wanting to provide for my fucking family. Because anybody else with three kids in two years would be putting a bullet through their skull. 
"C'mon, guys," I say to Frannie and Johnny, and they follow me out, Frannie reaching up to grab my hand. 
I put old cartoons on the TV while Viv puts Pierce down to sleep once he's drifted off. 
On her way out of the nursery, I'm stopping her in the hallway, my hand grasping her arm in a tight hold, roughly tugging her into the guest bathroom, cracking the door. 
I've got her against the counter, hand around her throat, gasping little breaths pushing past her lips for a moment as I say, "if you ever talk to me like that in front of my fucking kids again, I'll give you plenty to bitch about." I promise her, lowly, and she just looks up at me and nods. 
"Now turn around." I say next and she glances at the door. 
"Nikki, we don't have tim--"
"--They're watching TV. Turn around." I repeat and she grins a little, licking her lips and turns to face the mirror. 
I'm unzipping my pants, yanking her shorts down and pushing her panties to the side before grabbing a fist full of her hair and sliding it in, tilting my head back and grinning as she makes little whimpers in an attempt to keep from being loud. 
We've mastered the art of 'a good time in a short time,' and once we've both had our release, I'm zipping my pants back up, and she's still bent over the sink, hands white knuckling the edge of the counter, hair in her face, bite marks on her shoulders, cum down her shaking legs, trying to catch her breath.
I kiss the place between her shoulder blades, the back of her neck, her hair, my hand getting her hair from her face to look at her in the mirror.
She's looking at me with a little smile, right before, "I'm pregnant again," comes out and shatters my post-orgasm buzz. 
My knuckles sting as blood rolls down my fist, glass falling onto the counter, sink, and floor, when I drive my fist past her and into the mirror. 
She just hangs her head and I'm getting out, feeling the walls of the bathroom caving in on me. 
"Daddy, what's wrong?" Frannie asks as I grab my keys and my jacket. 
"Nothing, Frannie. Daddy's going out, alright?" I tell her. "When mommy gets in here give her a big hug." I add, seeing Johnny's too enthralled with Charlie Brown to notice I'm even leaving. 
I kiss her head and I'm out the door before Vivian gets out of the bathroom. 
I swear the only thing keeping us together is the fact that when divorce is an unspoken thought for either of us, she gets pregnant. 
I'm twenty-seven years old and I have a two year old, a one year old, a two month old, and now she's fucking knocked up again?!
How the hell is that even possible? Don't chicks need like six months for their bodies to reset after popping kids out or something? Jesus I married a PEZ dispenser with a never ending supply of eggs. 
By the time I get to where I'm going, I already regret it. 
Incense, crack fumes and perfume suffocate me as soon as she opens the door in her bra and panties. 
Not necessarily in a sexy way--more so in a higher than a kite and disheveled type of way. 
Which is perfectly fine with me because I don't need 'sexy' right now. I just need to get outta my head. 
Despite that, though, clothes come off, we end up on the living room floor, and instead of smoking a cigarette once we're finished, we opt for more erasure. 
"She's pregnant again." I confess to Tansy  out of nowhere after breathing out some smoke, my mind getting pushed aside, the crawling of my skin starting to settle. 
Blue eyes look at me as I hand it over before her greedy hands snatch it. 
"What?" She asks me. 
"Vivian's pregnant." I repeat. 
"I am, too." She says it so seriously that I look at her for a second, before seeing the very corner of her lips tug for a millisecond. 
"You're bullshitting me?" 
"I'm bullshitting you." She says, giggling, and 
I start ranting about it, my words getting more and more jumbled and lost the more hits of the pipe I take, until I'm not even worried about Vivian due to the paranoia that ensues. 
I get home at 5:00a.m….the day after the next. How low do I have to be to continuously go her best friend and my own moronic self pity? I don't know. 
I shut the door to the house and put my shit down, nearly tripping when I try to take my boots off. 
I'm on Halcions and Jack, and I think they're starting to kick in because I'm fucking exhausted. 
I glance at the living room scattered with toys and rub my face. 
I get it: "Mötley Crüe, don't give a fuck, fuck precautions, fuck all of it," but come on, man.
 How the hell could you be so fucking reckless?
I walk into our room, the lamp on Viv's night side table on while she's got one long leg out of the covers, laying on her stomach, arms under her pillow, the covers falling just enough to cover the tops of her thighs and her ass, her back and the side of her chest peeking out, exposed. 
She looks fucking beautiful.
Oh, yeah, that's how the hell I could be so reckless. 
I go rinse off in the shower for a second to try to wash away Tans and the drugs...maybe even guilt….
When I'm done, I peek out of the bathroom to see that she's still asleep, and I turn off her lamp and crawl into bed, closing my eyes for a moment. 
I feel her move closer to me before her lips are pressing to my cheek, hands running over my chest gently before she lays down, throws her leg over my stomach, and rests her cheek on my chest. 
"Are you still mad at me?" She questions softly, and I let out a breath.
"I'm mad at myself, Viv." I mumble. 
"Oh." She replies quietly. "I would get on birth control but it wouldn't react well with my Nardil."
"You mean the Nardil you aren't taking anyway?" 
She's silent. 
"Honestly at a point where I don't even want to have sex anymore because you're gonna end up getting pregnant." I add, gruffly. 
"Oh, come on, Nikki." She scoffs, not believing me. 
"I'm serious, Vivian. I'm tired of being a fucking baby mill." 
"Oh you're the baby mill? You just get your rocks off and I'm the one carrying the thing for nine months but you're the victim here?" 
She sits up and glares at me. 
"Yes! I am!" I argue. "You have this weird thing with cum that I've always thought was hot but now I'm starting to realize you're just trying to boulder me down." 
"Nikki, you've made it very clear that marriage and babies aren't bouldering you down. You still go out and party and do your drugs and your day drinking--you were just gone for over a day...so I don't want to hear, 'you're bouldering me down,' because I'm not. If you wanna leave, then leave." She snaps.
I roll my eyes and she goes back to her side of the bed and turns away from me, before she snatches all the covers away from me. 
I'm too tired for it so I just pass out. 
"Nikki!" Doc is banging away at my door, making me snarl to myself before capping my needle and hiding it under my pillow. 
"What?!" I bark out, going to the door. 
I swing it open, naked, aside from stained underwear, to see Vivian and my whole litter of kids.
"S-Surpise!" Viv tries to keep her tone light and cheery for the five kids around her, our brand new girls in her arms.  
I don't know how to react except to shut the door in their faces and angrily get my shit together. 
I'm out of the shower and dressed in the next hour, taking the smallest hit from the needle I hid, just as a maintenance dose, before I'm heading to Doc's room--where I'm assuming he took them when they realized I wasn't coming back out. 
I knock on the door and Viv opens it, looking up at me. 
"Suprise!" I mimic how she greeted me earlier, and she scowls at me and goes to slam the door in my face, but I'm stopping it with my hand and shoving it open. 
"Daddy!" Frannie, Johnny, and Pierce come running to me and I'm getting down and letting them attack me, wrapping my arms around them. Pierce is nearly two, now, and he's nearly as tall as Frannie. 
Dannie is walking cautiously to me, smiling at me and I meet him halfway and pick him up, kissing his cheek as I go over to the little babies Doc's supervising, one a replica of me, the other of Viv…
I lean down and kiss both of them, making them smile and kick their feet, excitedly. 
I wasn't there with them when they were born. 
I go over to Vivian, who's got her arms crossed, her jaw clenched.  
"Does Daddy get a kiss from Mommy, too?" I ask. 
"Daddy doesn't have to fuss at mommy for having more babies anytime soon because daddy isn't gonna get to be in the same bed as mommy for a long time." She replies. 
"Mommy seems to forget that the last three babies weren't even made in a bed." I reply. 
"Do you guys wanna few minutes alone? I can get Fred, Emi and Donna down here to help me." Doc offers and I look at him. 
"That's out of character and nice of you." I state suspiciously. 
"Despite you being an asshole, your kids aren't." He shrugs and I roll my eyes. 
I kiss all of them bye for a couple hours, and put Dannie down before tugging at Viv's hand once Fred and the girls get here...I see Donna and feel guilty…one of the chicks I cheated on my wife with is taking care of our kids…
When we get to a new room--mines so out of wack I don't want Viv to pass out--we do what we do best and in the aftermath, small talk in between breaks of making out, Vivian drops the ball. 
"I know you've been seeing her." She tells me out of nowhere when my lips press to her neck, quietly. 
My body tenses up. 
"What?" I sit up and she does, too. 
"There's no need to be shocked that I found out--we both know you wanted me to find out. Why the hell else would you leave letters you two write back and forth with each other, out in our closet where you know I'd find them?"
I just look at her. 
"You and Tansy, Nikki." She states, tears in her eyes. "Why the hell have you done this to me, Nikki? She's my best friend?" 
Is she serious? 
I get out of bed and pull my pants on, ignoring her. 
"I'm not shocked, you know, I always knew you'd be a deadbeat husband and a deadbeat dad, just like your father." 
I start clapping slowly, really appreciating her performance.
"Bravo, Vivian, really, you should get a fucking award for those tears." I state, fed up. "It's gotta be theatrics because what sense would it make for you to be genuinely upset I've been hooking up with Tansy, when you and Robbin have been seeing each other for two fucking years, now?!" 
Her eyes widen, she looks like a deer in headlights...which just confirms it all the more to me. 
"How fucked up do you have to be to cheat on your husband with his fucking brother, while pregnant with his fucking kid?" I ask and she takes heavy breaths, obviously trying to get her temper under control. "Not to mention that I'm starting to question if Dannie is even mine being as he looks nothing like me." 
She's slapping the piss out of me, tears streaming down her face. 
I rub at the stinging hot skin of my cheek and roll my jaw, staring at her a few seconds, before shoving her back to the bed, grabbing her shoulders, getting in her face while shouting, "you stupid fucking bitch, I fucking hate, you ruined my fucking life!" 
She's sobbing now, her head turned, mascara staining her cheeks as I push myself off of her and trudge to the door. 
"Cheating on me for two goddamn years, you fucking whore, who the hell do you think you are?! I can have kids with anybody, I can have anybody I want, but I fucking chose you and this is how you repay me?! Fuck you! There's a million fucking yous out there!" I throw a bottle at her and it misses by a couple inches and she sits up, trying to stand up as I open the door. 
"I'm getting my fucking kids away from you, you fucking crazy cunt!" I call and she's rushing out, wearing my t-shirt to cover herself up, grabbing my hand and yanking me to a halt before I can start to Doc's room. 
"You're not touching my kids, Nikki, I swear to God I'll fucking kill you, don't touch my fucking kids! You're fucking stoned!" She threatens me and I turn. 
"Oh, you'll kill me?!" I bow up at her and she punches me, her ring cutting my cheek, before she's hitting me again. 
She goes for a third time but I block her and shove her down, kicking her as hard as I can in the ribs, knocking the breath out of her. 
"Don't fucking touch me, you fucking slut." I smear the blood from my cheek, banging on Doc's door as she crawls a few feet before managing to pull herself up, resting against the wall, coming towards me. 
The door opens and I see Emi with Pierce in her arms. 
I don't say a word to her, I just grab him and smile at him, bouncing him a little, as I say, "Frannie, John, c'mon!" 
Of course they come, not realizing what's happening. 
Until Vivian's trying to pry Pierce from my hands. 
"Let go of my baby!" She screams at me, trying to bat me away from him while he starts whining. 
She hits me with her closed fist in my ear and I lose it, punching her so hard she hits the ground, Frannie and John immediately start crying upon seeing their mother bloody and dismayed.
The door opens more to reveal Doc as Emi looks at me, horrified, pulling John and Frannie back inside before Doc's snatching Pierce from me. 
"What the hell is going on?!" Doc shouts as guests peek their heads out of their doors. 
It's as if my demons give me the reins back and split, leaving me to look down at my beat up wife, crying, hearing my traumatized kids crying out behind the door. 
I just stumble back, my back hitting the wall before I'm sliding down it to the floor, staring off as Doc continues to yell at me...
...I blink, being pulled back to reality, staring down at the floor of Amber's office.
I'm not sure if we had kids by then, if Viv would have stayed or left. I'm not sure why I imagined I would've been with Tansy and not Vanity, why she would have had an affair with Robbin and not Duff...maybe I knew, subconsciously, that us having children at that time would have changed the way everything happened between us.
"I guess it was for the best." I reply to her, finally, looking at her. 
"Everything happens for a reason." She assures me. "There is a reason she didn't have any babies in the past four years." 
"Okay, wise one, is there any reason she isn't here today?" 
"...Mom, and my brother Jon, my sister Carol, my brother Mark, my brother Bruce, my sister Joan, my other sister Claudia, and that's Matt--you know Matt," he glances at me and I nod, looking at the picture of the family, "And then there's me." He points to a toddler and I grin, looking at him. "My dad didn't wanna be in the picture, which I'm glad he wasn't because I would've cut him out if it, anyway when he left, so…" he shrugs, looking at it another moment. "Alright, let me show you to your room." He wiggles his brows and I giggle as he picks up my suitcase and leads me back down a hallway. 
"This is Joan's old room, obviously been redecorated because it's not covered in ABBA and Cher ." He mumbles. 
"I heard that!" Joan says from the living room. 
"No ya didn't!" He replies, smiling at me, putting my suitcase on the bed. "Everybody's coming over for dinner tonight so you have time to take a nap, get comfortable, whatever." He shrugs and I nod. 
"Okay." I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. 
"I'm gonna go help my mom and Joan start cooking." He adds. 
"I can hel--"
"--You didn't sleep at all on the way up here, Viv."
"Because I wasn't tired." I lie and he looks at me. 
"Take a nap." He tells me, moving the suitcase off of my bed. 
"Fine." I roll my eyes. 
"Love you." He leaves me, shutting the door and I get on the bed, getting comfortable, and wondering what Nikki's doing right now...he's probably shitting a brick. 
After an hour, the door is opening and Duff's squeezing my fuzzy sock covered feet, making me laughs and yank my legs away from him. 
I haven't slept, but I've rested enough that I don't feel as sluggish. 
"You stink." I wrinkle my nose when he lays beside me. 
"Onions." He replies. "Joan kicked me out for chasing her around with the raw chicken." He adds. 
"And now raw chicken juice is on my feet?" I ask. 
"No, I washed my hands." He assures me. 
"Okay." I chuckle, rubbing my lips together. 
"Who all's coming to dinner?" I ask, next. "Jon, Bruce, Claudia, and my buddy Andy." He informs me. "Matt's coming up to go out for breakfast with me, you, Andy, and Joan tomorrow morning, and later this week we're gonna have a barbecue and you'll get to meet everybody, including my nieces and nephews." He adds and I raise my brows. 
"That's a lot of people." I reply, raising my brows.
"Very big family." He agrees. 
"It's weird." I say next and he furrows his brows. "Not like that, just...I don't know I'm used to being the only child, no cousins, no aunts or uncles--well, aside from aunt Lily--Nikki's not real close to his family, so we just...we're not really big on family." I shrug. "Well, dad is, he's always wanted more kids and a big family, I think, but my mom didn't so he didn't press her about it since she was ultimately the one who'd be carrying them." I add. 
"Do you want anymore kids?" He asks me and I let out a breath. 
"I'm not sure…" I trail off. "...I'd like to, but I don't know. I haven't thought about it, much." I lie and he nods. 
"Do you want anymore kids?" I ask him. 
"I do at some point, I don't think Mandy wants to, though. She says being a step-mom at the age of twenty-five is enough." He tells me. 
"Maybe she'll change her mind." I say. 
"She didn't want any kids when we first dated, so I think the only reason she's even making leeway for a stepchild is because she loves me." 
"It says a lot about her if she's willing to do that, though. A lot of women would've left." 
"Yeah, she's cooler about it than I thought she'd be." He agrees. "What did Nikki do when you first told him?" 
"He cried." I admit. "Like, a lot." 
"That's understandable." He says lowly. 
"Yeah, it is." I nod. "He's okay with it, now, though. He's not mad at either of us. I think he's more upset with himself about the whole thing." 
It's quiet for a few minutes before I get up enough courage to ask him, "are you happy?" 
"What do you mean?"
"Like...you know...our break up, and then you and Mandy are engaged now and I'm pregnant…"
"Oh, yeah, yeah, no, I'm great, Viv." He assures me, sounding genuine. "I don't know, things are a mess and crazy right now but I feel like it's falling into place at the same time, you know?"
I nod, smiling softly…
…I bought it for that moment.
I realized he was lying to himself the next morning at breakfast when he told the waitress to bring him a screwdriver--a triple--and, "just keep 'em coming."
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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Daily life at the Mankai Dorms [Act 1]!
A/N: another one that’s been on the folder this ones from like May this is embarrassing 💀 i never post imfhshde ALSO this takes place during act 1 so no Chikage (🤢) and no university for banju!
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- Izumi and Omi wake up at 5:40AM weekdays, Izumi showers first while Omi organizes the kitchen, making sure to prep the space so he can start cooking early for the members.
- By 6:10 the two are ready (showered and all) and starting to cook breakfast, soon they’re joined by Sakyo for a while before he goes to take a shower (he mostly pesters Izumi about schedules and money poor Izumi).
- At 6:15, on the dot not a second late, Tasuku leaves to go on his morning jogs and Tsumugi is already working on the garden, he likes giving his plants a schedule and plays them music (mostly classical (though sometimes Homare insists his CD’s be played)).
- A few minutes before breakfast is ready, the remaining Uni students (read: Kazunari and Tsuzuru) are sitting at the table watching the news or are on their phones, Kazu is updating his followers about his schedule and Tsuzuru is texting his brothers about the weather so they make sure to bring a coat.
- At exactly 6:40 Sakyo wakes up the high school and middle school students and chaos officially ensues.
- Masumi and Sayaka are the first two to shower, since they have to arrive at 7:50 and their school is notoriously strict when it comes to schedules.
- Sayaka goes first and Masumi goes second, they wake him up a bit earlier than the rest because he tends to fall asleep standing in the shower and he can and will push everyone back by an hour give or take
- Yuki is next, followed by Muku, they have to arrive at 8:20 but both enjoy having a head start since they sometimes walk to school instead of getting a lift from one of the older members.
- By 7:15 1/2 of the boys are ready and breakfast is served, Izumi and Sayaka start organizing the bags and lunches. Sayaka insists on leaving notes for the lunches for everyone, it’s very cute and at first Itaru was very against it but he warmed up to the idea the more it happened.
- Taichi makes a run for the bathroom and gets ready quickly, he does take some time with his hair but Sakyo pulls him by the ear to sit down and eat because if he didn’t he would spend the whole morning gelling his hair.
- Tenma goes in next, nothing much happens with him, he’s rather chill, yes he’ll make a mess but he’ll (try his best to) clean but overall; Tenma is a good bathroom user 20/20.
- Then, Banri strikes; he takes 20 minutes (when he’s feeling nice) to get ready because he knows Juza’s classes start earlier than his, Juza gets pissed and knocks the door open and pushes Banri (who’s probably been done for 10 minutes but stays in to piss everyone off) out- it happens almost everyday and Sakyo tried buying an alarm clock but it ended up breaking after Juza threw it at Banri’s head one morning.
- By then it’s 7:35 and Taichi, Juza, and Tenma leave- Izumi hands Juza a big lunch and snacks as a sorry gift for Banri since he often misses breakfast because of the other boy.
- During the whole chaos, Itaru wakes up and gets ready to leave for work, he crams himself in after Juza leaves the bathroom- Itaru either gives the middle schoolers or the Hanasaki students a lift (not really the others since Hanasaki and St. Flora is on the way to his work).
- Izumi and Omi will give the boys their lunches and help them with their bags, this is also the time when Muku ends up freaking out about possibly forgetting something and Yuki needs to assure him there are no missing assignments or extra cardboard to bring to class.
- By 8:30 Tsumugi joins them in the kitchen as they clean the place up. Since most of the loud members are gone by then, it’s fairly quiet but you can hear Homare ranting about his latest poem if you strain your ear enough.
- After that, the rest (aka; Hisoka, Azuma, Homare, Tasuku, Tsumugi, Citron, and Misumi.) take their mornings slowly- Izumi will be out for the rest of the morning stuck in meetings while Sakyo bounces around town doing whatever yakuza do (idk I’m not part of the mafia).
- Omi and Tsuzuru head to classes alongside Kazu at 10:30, though sometimes the green-eyed boy will leave earlier if he’s going out with friends or has a project (art students things).
- Depending on the day, Omi or Izumi will arrive and make lunch or they’ll go out to eat at one of the cafes nearby (I feel like Veludo has many cafes and bars, it makes sense since it’s a hotspot for theater and art lovers so it’s only natural a lot of places would open up).
- Tasuku can be seen walking alongside Veludo helping other troupes, sometimes Tsumugi will join him; if you wanted you could probably play a game of how many theaters can you see Tasuku in a day (Citron once claimed he saw him at 30 but Tsuzuru doesn’t belive him).
- If not alongside Tasuku, Tsumugi will be preparing the work for his students and tending to the garden, though sometimes he enjoys going out into town and visiting cafes and flower shops. He’s well liked around the elderly women population, very good with old ladies.
- Citron will spend the rest of the morning outside of the dorms experiencing Japanese culture and/or helping the vendors in Veludo, if he wanted he could help the dorm save up a years’s worth of groceries with all the favors he’s done.
- By 12:00PM most of the members are outside of the dorms and, if she hasn’t arrived earlier us to shorter work days, Izumi arrives from her meetings (though there are the odd days she’s out for longer).
- At around the same time, Misumi will start his triangle hunt, comes back with gifts and then goes to work at a circus (he has a clown card and I’m sure he’d make a good acrobat or flexible man... I think) or whatever, sometimes the schedule will change depending on what’s around the area. No one understands Misumi’s schedule but he says it’s made to be as triangular as a schedule can be (I belive him).
- Hisoka and Azuma stay in the dorms until work starts for both of them which is often later than most, Homare comes back at this time from his meetings with publishers but will leave again. He likes going to museums and art expositions often, might take Azuma out with him if the silver-head isn’t busy.
- By then it’s 2:40-3:00 and Omi comes back, normally without Kazunari (who’s out with friends) or Tsuzuru (who’s working part time somewhere).
- Izumi and Omi will start making snacks for the students, first come the St Flora boys at 3:30, then Hanasaki high 3:45, and finally the remaining students at 4:00. Normally at the same time, Tsumugi will go to his students and start his classes.
- Misumi pops up, now done with his job, with some triangle gifts, he also manages to somehow cram some other part time job during his absence (like truck loading). It’s very weird but he brings in money so no one can really complain, he seems to enjoy it too.
- Sakyo arrives and makes sure the students (uni or not) have done their homework and lets them spend the rest of the afternoon practicing if they’ve got a performance coming up or doing whatever as long as they aren’t too noisy or do anything dumb (his wishes are almost never fulfilled).
- By the time all the students have worked to Sakyo’s standard (aka finished all of their homework for the next month basically), it’s 5:00 and Tsuzuru and Hisoka will come back home.
- Hisoka tends to work around the evening instead of early in the morning, it’s an odd time to work (especially since he works odd jobs mostly) but it keeps him busy and with a steady income.
- At 6:00 Kazunari and Tasuku come back, Tsumugi and Azuma will follow a few minutes later.
- By then, most of the dorm is back (excluding Itaru, the household desk worker), and practice starts with the whole troupe- depending on who’s practicing Izumi will make dinner with either Omi or Tsuzuru.
- Official full-troupe pratice starts at 7 and ends at 9 during weekdays, though it’s not rare to find people practicing during the day/outside of the schedule.
- Depending on if the Spring troupe has a performance or not, Itaru will arrive at 8 or 6, if it’s at 8 he’ll go straight to his room and play games, if it’s at 6 and he’s got a play he’ll head to the practice room and play mobile games during breaks; the grind doesn’t stop when your Itaru Chigasaki and there’s an event going.
- By 9:15 dinner is ready and the whole dorm comes together and eats like a family!!
- Once they're done it’s 10pm and the students are sent to their rooms to get ready to sleep unless they’re on cleaning duty (20-26 plates don’t clean themselves and Sakyo refuses to buy a dishwasher he says it’s too expensive), it takes 30 minutes to clean the place up and by 11PM Izumi and Sakyo are making rounds to make sure the high schoolers are in their room sleeping.
- By 12PM the whole mankai dorm is asleep, except Itaru who’s probably gaming… and Homare who could’ve gotten an inspirational rush at 1AM… or Tsuzuru while he works on a script… or Misumi who’s stuck trying to take out a triangle sticker out of some magazine he found.
- It depends on the day of the week, the moon cycle, and if Misumi prayed to the triangle gods.
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maxmagic · 5 years
~Giovanni and (Y/N)~
Giovanni x reader (platonic)
Warning: swearing
Genre : idk honestly
If there are spelling errors let me know
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It was a clear night sky. Jazz City was quiet , most people by know asleep or spending times with loved ones.
But no , not Giovanni . He was putting the last few finishing touches of his Banzai Blaster uniform . His last mission didnt go as planned and his suit suffered 'cuz of it . It wasn't that bad tho , only a few holes . But Giovanni knew how to knit , but not how to sew. He didnt want to bother Molly so late at night , so he decided to take it upon himself to fix the holes. After some effort and a bit of blood (clumsy boy pricked his finger) he was done .
Just then , he heard his window open . He turned around and it was (Y/N) , his faithful partner in crime and sometimes rival, who was also a Banzai Captain. They slipped in and let out a sigh "Yoo Gio, are you done or what? The night doesnt last forever you know !" "Geez , who put you in a bad mood ? You cant rush art (Y/N) . Sewing is a delicate act that needs a lot of concentration " Giovanni remarked . (Y/N) frowned and put their hands on their hip ."Just... hurry up and get ready, please. I'll be waiting for you on the rooftop with the crew." And with that the felt .
'Ugh , moody...'
Giovanni finally put his suit on and made his way to the roof. The wind blew gently , making his cape flow with the wind , adding extra flare to his long awaited entrance. "Minions and (Y/N) , tonight is a big night !! Tonight we do something so bad and evil , every one in this city will bow before us !!" Giovanni said with so much pride and energy. He stirked a dramatic pose , pointing to the city . "Tonight ... we rob the mall". The Banzai Blasters cheered at their captain , but (Y/N) wasn't having it. "Again Gio?? Didnt you guys get completely busted last time and my team had to get you guys out before the police arrested you all ??" She said , frustrated as memories from a month ago flashed by. To keep it short , it was a disaster. Giovanni stumbles a bit at their sudden remark . They never embarrass him in from on his boys. He quickly picked himself up and said " B-But this time , it's going to be different . Crusher found a way to bypass the security of the main doors , so they'll never see us coming . " "What about the mall cops ?" (Y/N) asked , wanting this to be over and done with. "Pffft , mall cops are nothing ", Giovani disregarded, " it's usually some old grandad with bones made out of toothpicks" . He puts an arm around (Y/N) and grins "Besides ... We are that Banzai Blasters !! Nothing can stop us , especially not the cops". To that , (Y/N) only rolled their eyes . They removed Giovannis hand from their shoulder and starts heading to the mall , carelessly jumping from building to buildings.
Giovanni let out a huff , but then his face softened. Was something the matter ? Were they upset ? He pondered about it for a bit , before brushing it off. I mean , if they were sad they'd tell him... right ?
Some time passes while they got to the mall. Through the whole trip , Giovanni was looking at (Y/N) . Looking up close , they seemed kinda mad . Giovanni felt his stomach turn a bit. He knew something was up , but ... He cant just bring it up out of nowhere! Then they'll be even more mad . Giovanni just signs and opens the door of the mall . While he was sulking , Crusher managed to unlock it and clear the censors . They all made their way in , the big hollow mall quiet and peacefull . Not for long lol. As soon as they entered , the Banzai Blasters rushed through every store and shop . Wrecking things and taking goods. (Y/N) was just sitting a bench , mumbling to themselves . They eminanted a dangerous aura , so thick and deadly someone could easily suffocate in it.
Suddenly they heard a crash and sirens went of . "Jesus Fuck , who sounded the alarms?!?!. They looked around and saw one of Banzai blasters managed to break a window and it sounded the alarms. "Crusher , you bumbass, I though you said you hacked the alarms ?!!"(Y/N) yelled , furious. "I-I only was able to shut of the security on the d-doors. They must h-have added ne-ew ones on the windows " Crusher stuttered out , kiss knees shaking . Giovanni rushed to the group an said "We have to get out of here !! The cops will be here any minute " . As he said that , the doors and windows rattled and a metal curtain dropped . Now they were really fucked . (Y/N) cursed under their breath . "Theres probably a hatch or something to get us out. Crusher , if we get arrest I'm fucking killing you ." They grab two of the Banzai blasters by the collar and drag them to a vent. "Quickly you shits, open the vent before I pummel you to the ground and leave you for the cops" (Y/N) yelled in a manner almost sounded like a lions road.
Thats it. That's the final straw. No one messes with Giovanni's Boys , even if it's a close friend. Giovanni taps (Y/N) on the shoulder and they turn around."Dont talk to my boys that way!! Only I get to do that " he said ,"You've been a real piece of work the whole night , but this is just being a dick . You okay? Did something happen?". Giovannis voice dulled to a more concerned tone ."I've told you before , I'm FINE." they say through gritted teeth. Just then a loud clang is heard. The two Banzai Blasters managed to open the vent . (Y/N) smiled and clapped their hands sarcastically "Great job, now MOVE.". They push away the two Banzai Blasters and make their way towards the vent . The crawl in and suddenly they're dropped at least 15 feet down . "Aw SHIT!" they cry out. That's going to leave a lot of bruises. They managed to fall on some wash cloths tho , so no broken bones. "ARE YOU OKAY" Giovanni yells down the vent. He could hear a quiet groan in return. "Aw hell... listen here boys . That vent must have lead to some painful stuff , so we dont go that way . You find another path and I'll scoop (Y/N) out of there." "But boss, what if you dont get out ? The police wil- "Dont be silly , Crusher . I am the great Giovanni Potage~! Nothing can stop ME" Giovanni strikes a confident pose , before crawling in the vent .
He also dropped the 15 feet and fell on his but. He cringed , but looked around for his friend. He could only see a small bluff in the corner of the small room . Then his heart broke as he heard sobbing . He rushed over to the blur, which of course was (Y/N) , big tears streaming down their face. "Hey hey , are you hurt ? Did the fall break a bone ?" . Giovanni scanned their body for cuts or breaks , but didnt find anything that looked broken. (Y/N) clutched Giovannis suit and sobbed , their face buried in his chest. They said a few words , but they were muffled by sobs and fabric. Giovanni only patted their head and gave them a big hug. For now he wasnt worried about cops or anything . He just wanted to help his friend.
After a while (Y/N) removed their face from Giovanni's chest , which was now stained with tears. Their sobs were now only sniffles and small hiccups. "Do you want to talk about it ? Giovanni said softly . He sat next to them and let his friend rant about their horrible day ..
"How your day must have really sucked, huh?" "Yeah... thanks for letting me went to you. I though I could tough it out for the day but.... guess not " (Y/N) said as they rubbed the back of their neck in shame. Giovanni gave them a side hug , and looked them straight in the eyes. "We've been friends for so long . It's like I've known you my whole life. You know you can always talk to me if you have problems . Besides, you shouldn't keep all your emotions bottled up . That's for chums". Giovanni smiled at the last line ."That's for chums" was a little inside joke they made from their first mission together.
(Y/N) smiled ."Thanks Gio ... really. I'm sorry I acted like such a douche . You're a really good friend ." Giovanni bashfully shrugged "I mean of course I am . I'm the great Giovanni ~ I
Just then they heard loud sirens .That's right. In all their bonding time ,they forgot they were running away from the police.
How will they get out of this situation??
Yep , got lazy with the ending . Sorry , but hoped you enjoyed
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silencecunt · 4 years
i finished KNY the other day and it's really all i have been able to think about. i read the whole manga in just about two days (it's only 205 chapters and they're relatively short so it was pretty easy) and i am just overwhelmed with emotion.
i understand a lot of people may be upset with how the manga ended--it's normal to feel like we are missing out on a lot of story possibilities bc frankly we are! gotōge, as far as i know, didn't want the series to end as quickly as it did, but certain unavoidable things popped up and they had to make that decision. it's fine to feel however u feel about it, but don't be upset with them bc i'm sure they're plenty upset about it themself.
i agree that the ending was rushed (bc it had to be), but i don't think the flow of events don't make sense. on the contrary! i think the way things happened do make a lot of sense. in my eyes, it's kinda obvious to see where certain things were pushed in order to transition to the last arc (nezuko suddenly being able to withstand the sun, for example). that isn't necessarily a bad thing and i know that this development would happen eventually. nezuko was, from the beginning, a different kind of demon. she was special from the first chapter on--not eating tanjiro, using sleep to recover rather than consume humans, remarkable strength, etc. i do not believe her developing to withstand the sun was "jumping the shark" nor do i think it was a cheap gimmick of any kind. i guess what i'm trying to say here is that, yes, i think it happened a bit abruptly and could have come later after a lot more development if the circumstances were different. seeing as they're not, it is what it is. i don't think it was done poorly, it just makes me wonder how it could have been better introduced if gotōge had more time.
having said that, it makes me think of how early we are introduced to muzan. he is the Big Bad, someone who no one else had seen before, and we meet him in chapter 13. this is part of why i don't think kny is all that rushed and the ending coming so soon isn't all that disappointing to me. now, granted, many manga introduce the Final Boss pretty early. BNHA introduced shigaraki in chapter 11, for example. but, with shigaraki, we see development in both his character and abilities. we watch as he comes into his own so he needed to be introduced early so horikoshi had time to see him mature. muzan, on the other hand, is more akin to all for one--someone who is borderline overpowered (i would argue muzan is overpowered, but i guess it makes sense considering he's lived ~1000 years, so one would get pretty fucking jacked after all that time plus demons get more powerful with the amount of people they eat soooo) and has posed as a threat to the heroes of the story for a Long Ass Time. i personally feel it would have been better had muzan not been introduced so early if the manga was allowed to be more fleshed out, as i'm sure gotōge planned/hoped. however, it works with how short the manga is. i don't really have a problem with it, it's just something i found interesting to think about and i haven't seen a lot of criticism on.
now, i am making a lot of assumptions on what gotōge had planned--perhaps they planned it to be shorter than i would have anticipated and the end just came a little bit faster than expected. perhaps they planned this to span for 400, 500, 1000 chapters. who knows? i am, after all, projecting my own thoughts on the pacing of the story and what would be appropriate. in my mind, i expected the series to follow tanjiro until he, himself, became a hashira. i would expect it to take hundreds of more chapters to reach that point before the final confrontation loomed on the horizon. i am in no way saying that that is the correct pace the story should have been at. again, it's just my thoughts. i would like to say i am in no way disappointed with how the story turned out. i don't think it was too rushed, i just feel like it's obvious there was more gotōge wanted to tell. we were only just (relatively speaking) introduced to the hashira and now all but 3 are dead. no doubt the quickness is elevated for me since i finished the whole series in 2 days, so things that spanned over years happened in a blink of an eye. however, i would argue that seeing the whole story in a short amount of time emphasizes just how short of a timeframe we are looking at (i realize there are timeskips, but i am speaking from a storytelling perspective).
rengoku dying quickly after being introduced is effective as a tool to show that even the hashira have trouble combatting the upper kizuki. this effectively conveys how much of a challenge the demon slayers have laying ahead of them. it was important to tanjiro especially to see how strong his opponents are. if upper 3 could strike down rengoku, arguably one of the most skilled of the hashira, single-handedly then muzan is a bigger threat than he could have anticipated. from a narrative perspective, this sets the tone to how much of an upward battle tanjiro was facing. it also effectively conveyed to the audience that tanjiro would not be the sole person to end the demons, that he would need help from his friends and peers to end things. this, in my eyes, is so important. yes, a part of me wanted tanjiro to be singularly responsible for muzan's defeat, but i know it wouldn't have been a good decision. when facing an impossible opponent, u have to rely on teamwork. this is something that has been conveyed from nearly the beginning. tanjiro wouldn't have made it to final selection had it not been for sabito and makomo helping him; he would have been overwhelmed and died on his first mission without nezuko; tanjiro wouldn't have been able to save kiyoshi (and teruko + shoichi) without zenitsu and inosuke there to kill the other two demons; he certainly would not have been able to kill the Spider Family by himself; etc. Teamwork has been the focus of the story from the beginning and rengoku's death reminded the audience that the demon slayers needed everyone they could in order to even come close to beating muzan.
still, seeing so little of the other hashira before they died is, understandably, disappointing. i wish we got to know them better, i wish we got to see the trio becoming tsuguko, i wish we got to see the five that passed final selection become hashira themselves, i wish i wish i wish. but it's okay that it didn't happen that way. gotōge still made me care about them in such a short amount of time. i sobbed when they died. genya hits especially hard. he and sanemi only just reconciled and then he died....and sanemi loved him so much. there was so much unsaid when he died and, as of right now, we won't get that resolution. again, not a bad thing. sometimes, while it hurts and you want to know, some questions are best left unanswered.
it hurts thinking about all the people who died. i am still getting choked up at just the thought. chapter 204 hurt me a lot--when nezuko smiled and sanemi saw genya....ouchie!!!! it hurts me so so much and i am so heartbroken and distraught over it. mitsuri and obanai dying in each other's arms, feelings still unsaid but it wasn't necessary bc they knew. they knew they loved each other so much. himejima seeing his orphans again and finding out they were just trying to protect him....and he spent so much time hurt by them running away.....god. it all just hurts so so much. i am so sad. i really don't have the words to capture how much my heart is aching. i fell in love with all the characters and i had to watch them die, watch as the ones they loved and loved them come to terms with their loss, and somehow i'm expected to be okay???? i'm not lmao i am heartbroken. i don't like things a normal amount so after i was done, i literally triggered a depressive episode. i hate it!!! i don't regret reading it and i think the story is beautifully done. the deaths were impactful and they meant something--i don't think anyone's death was unnecessary. they just....hurt. it's a beautiful story and i will recommend it to anyone who wants to try reading it (hopefully those people aren't reading this considering i spoiled uhhhh everything lmao).
thank you, gotōge, for sharing this amazing story. i loved it so much. it was a pleasure to read and i am so excited to experience it animated. seeing rengoku die in theaters will diagnose me with Sad Bitch Disease and i am ready 😌🙏🏻
especially thank you for this ❤️
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thisstableground · 5 years
Anything with Ruben' s sisters spending time with their brother even though they have nothing in common with him, but especially after Jamaica, they'll sit through the most boring rose clipping demonstration with gusto bc they're so happy to have him back
ohhh my heart! yes, definitely. they’ve always got on well as siblings, but also as siblings (especially with them being so much younger than him) the girls have very often gently - or occasionally not-so-gently - teased him about being a big nerd. they love him, but he’s a dork and he’s their brother and sometimes he’s really boring, sometimes he’s really annoying and a total know-it-all, so sometimes they make fun of him for it. that’s just family life.
but then he disappears, then he’s dead, and for two months there are all these conspicuous absences. the girls trying to go about their days without obsessing about where their brother could be, about where he’ll never be again, and it’s impossible not to think about him all the time.
mercedes has the radio on while doing dishes, just trying to drown out her own constantly repeating thoughts that ruben’s dead, he was hurt, he was alone, but the voices on the radio will suddenly strike up a little info piece about how spring is here, it’s the perfect time for gardening, everything’s all growing and flowering and he’s dead, mom moved all his plants here, he can’t look after them any more.
paola has to leave in the middle of science class and hide out in the nurse’s office because she bursts into hysterical tears looking at the periodic table poster on the wall, remembering the periodic table mug she got ruben for christmas when she was nine and how much he loved it, how he’d always use that one for his drink whenever he came back to mom’s for a visit and the last time he came back for a visit he didn’t even stay long enough to use it for his after-dinner coffee, because they were all encouraging him to go out on the town with the man who would eventually kill him.
and then the impossible happens and ruben comes home. things are supposed to be okay again and nothing is okay again. ruben barely talks about anything, barely looks at them, seems like he never really came back at all.
mercedes tries to take his hand and show him that look, we kept all of your plants, they’re all still alive, everyone’s still alive. ruben snatches his hand away from her, doesn’t even glance at the plants, says, “you should’ve just thrown them all out.”
paola sits in the living room with her school stuff, already fully aware she’s probably going to have to retake all her exams next year but she says “ruben, can you help me with my chemistry homework? i don’t really understand it.” he picks up the worksheet of questions, her genius brother who could have done this level of work in middle school, and looks at it like he’s reading hieroglyphics. eventually, quietly, he says, “neither do i.”
their mom says not to pressure him, not to rush him. their mom says that underneath it all he’s still the brother they remember, of course he is. they look at him, sitting on the couch wrapped in a quilt like it’s a shock blanket, staring blankly at the wall for hours on end, and they still love him, but they don’t recognise him any more.
so yeah, absolutely, when those familiar little ways he’d start one of his nerd-ass long-winded sentences start coming back through - “well, actually—” “did you know—“ “you know what’s fascinating?” they don’t tease him. not just because they’re still trying to work out the boundaries for teasing again, trying not to do or say any of the million things that make him crumple back in on himself and hide away in his room, but because both of them have now been given this terrible, weighty knowledge that it isn’t a guarantee that ruben will be there forever, that the odds of him coming back and of recovering were so, so miniscule. they might have never heard him give a lengthy monologue about soil alkalinity that nobody asked to hear again, and the way his eyes light up like a kid going to disneyland when he does. they might have never seen the funny way he waves his hands around like he’s trying to take off when he gets excited about some concept that’s way too deep for any of them to have even heard of again. they want to make the most of this miracle, for sure. 
he’s never the same brother they remember from before, he’s been changed too much to ever go back completely, but he’s still patient and clever and impossibly fucking nerdy, still their big brother who they love so very much. they just like seeing him happy. (even though he is sometimes so incredibly boring.)
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alteregowo · 7 years
Hi! I love Dan and Phil, individually and together, but I think they're not trying to hide a romantic relationship. Don't you think that after ten years, they'd finally come out if they were? I mean there are a lot of gay couples on youtube and it would not be that big of a deal today than it was in 2007. Just wanted to hear your opinion on that. Have a nice day!
before i answer, disclaimer: i have ADD and this post might get messy since i find it difficult to concentrate and phrase myself properly (and english isn’t even my main language!)
well, i’m not gonna try and force my own views down your throat or anything but let me ramble a bit about why i wholeheartedly believe dan and phil are in a relationship;
i think i’ll start with the very fact that they recently moved to their third shared home together. say whatever you want to say but if they were indeed just friends, considering they’re in their mid 20s and 30 dont you think they’d want to move out separately and get going with their lives? and dont you think they wouldn’t be so keen on making comments about keeping living together in the long run (or forever….  a forever home say whaaaat). 
now, you might argue with the good ol’ “but they benefit from living together regardless of relationship status��. fair enough. however, let me point out that it has became as clear as day especially in 2017 that they share a bedroom. i don’t know about you but i don’t think two strictly platonic friends who just moved into a duplex would want/ need to share a bedroom unless they’re uhhh mayhaps in a relationship and love to cuddle? i know a wild concept…….
and i’m sorry but if you want to argue against the shared bedroom fact with the shoebox phil claims is “his room” i have nothing to say but shake my head. no way phil actually lives in that room that has no windows and no space to move around and why is the entire room crammed in this one corner… where is the rest of the room……. and why is that room has no personal touch to it…. it’s literally just AmazingPhil props and things……… feels much more like a set to me than an actual bedroom. (also we saw phil’s mirror and hair straighter in the moon room aka “”dan’s bedroom”” which i think we can all collectively agree is simply “the bedroom”)
another thing that strikes me is how dan joins phil’s family vacations (especially in 2017) and how he seems to become part of the family much more than anyone who’s classified as “platonic” to phil would have. dan is just as much of a lester as cornelia is? dan joins the lesters just as much and as frequent as a spouse would. in fact, dan joins the lesters so much on their adventures that if im not wrong, the longest dan and phil spent apart in 2017 was not more than a weekend? that’s whack!
now these were just three things that were very prominent in 2017 regarding the belief whether dan and phil are in a relationship or not that were “behind the scenes”as in going on in their personal lives, kind of? i mean sure we see the  shoebox on AmazingPhil and the moon room in some liveshows and we get pictures from their shared vacations but now i will move on to what we see on screen across their channels
i’ll start this with a throwback to the boncas bc i think that damn speech is enough to debunk any “uwu platonic” argument, ever. i don’t think phil would have done THAT if dan didn’t mean a whole lot to him and i think saying the universe would rip in half in they go apart is a concrete proof that they themselves can;t and don’t want to imagine a life in which they are not joint at the hip. 
moving on to gamingmas, which i will forever find so significant?? they broke a lot of boundaries during that month regarding of invading personal space, a bit of a more mature humor (esp on phil’s account), casual touching and a whole lot of flirting and a lot less (almost none at all) looks straight into the camera to show they are aware this is filmed or to do a “wtf is this lol” kinda thing. gamingmas was a turning point. i will forever firmly believe they did all of that in an attempt to normalize this kind of behavior on screen (and it definitely worked!)
dan and phil continued the vibes of gamingmas well into 2017 and the casual touches, lingering gazes and flirting (as well as expressing affection towards males in specific) is now the normal running theme over at dapg to a degree where we don;t even lose our shit anymore. we joke and meme but nothing strikes us as overwhelming bc we are “used” to it, which i think dan and phil aimed for i genuinely think they wanted to get to this stage of showing more comfort and more intimacy on screen without everyone and their mothers going whack over “pHaN iS rEaL!!!!!1″ and for it all to come across as oh so casual and chill! 
so now you ask, “they go through all that why not just come out lol”
WELL, in my honest opinion, dan and phil will never officially come out as a couple. and you know what, maybe things would have been different if The Video didn’t leak and get spread around (twice, mind you.) but things happen and one thing lead to another and after all they have been through and how they were shaped as people and their experiences with guarding and protecting themselves and their privacy any sort of statement about whether or not they are a couple or just friends or even paid actors  (let alone labeling themselves and their sexuality bluntly) is highly unrealistic. so if you are waiting for a coming out video or whatever to convince you that won’t ever happen i’m afraid. 
dan and phil value their privacy and they have every right to do so.
so yes, maybe in the early days of 2009/10 they were very flirty all across social media and on camera and maybe just maybe you need to consider the few following things regarding why they stopped with that:
The Video leak. like honestly? can’t and won’t find any more justified reason to feel the need for privacy and shielding yourself and making comments on how ‘het’ you are  for instance just to brush off the most intimate thing imaginable that since has been glorified and memorized by millions(?) of people who were never meant to even know this video and that declaration of affection even exists. is it scary. and i fully understand the “no homo howell” phase and how awkward they appeared together on camera for awhile, very very proud of how far they;ve came esp in 2017 though. 
the radio show! is it a little tied to The Video leak since the second leak happened when the radio show was still fairly new but before they moved to london (into their second shared home coughs) they weren’t all that big, you know? but with the popularity of the radio show came the increasing popularity of their youtube channels and their followers/ subscribers count went up and up and their content became exposed to a much larger range of audience and these new audience/ fans were not familiar with the past (at least not at first glance) and dan and phil needed to leave “good” impression (not that being flirty and dumb wasn’t good impression but it wasn’t all that professional and now they’ve grown big enough to be in need of professionalism.)
these two things were a turning point to how dan and phil view themselves on camera and their content itself (phil sticking to the AmazingPhil PG persona) (dan with his struggles with creativity and integrity zzzz) and really, considering their story  (and how well known the early days are, and how dan and phil are aware to that…) it suddenly makes perfect sense why dan and phil aren’t in any sort of rush or need to ever come out.
however though, i think that the “post baking universe” as in the halloween 2016 baking video, the boncas speech, the european leg of tatinof, pinof 8, and gamingmas were a prep to this switch in dynamics we have seen in 2017 and that keeps very steady so far. feels as if late 2016 was so “wild” bc they were testing the waters and our reactions to see if they wanna pull through with this change. 
so, even if they will never officially come out, their dynamic both on and  off screen screams that they are literal boyfriends and they don’t need to spell it out for us to know and see. anyone who cares enough about their relationship status and look at their content with it in mind can very obviously and easily see how in love these two dorks are. same love from the early days of 2009/10 only now it has shifted into a steady, secure, safe, most wonderful thing and you can see that their love towards each other in filling their hearts with pure joy.
so yeah, dan and phil are definitely in a relationship and that doesn’t seem to change anytime soon, if ever at all.
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