#especially tumble
siennaditbot · 1 year
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Got an idea and just had to draw it today. I started around 11pm and it's now 2am. At least I somewhat finished it without really rushing it.
Anyway, wanted to draw Slushie and @hansuoddie 's OCs Yuki and Zuri fangirling over their partners, and the fun idea was to show the guys' side. The skunk bros would just chill and maybe talk a bit about their girls but Espio would feel a bit awkward, especially with the two being bad guys (see the kunai ready behind him lol)
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exilepurify · 1 year
it’s been four months since December 2022 and I’m still not over the fact that Reigen was apparently so haunted by guilt from that one time in S2E2 where he scolded Mob for eating too many french fries that it showed up in the super emotionally charged eyecatcher montage during the series finale.
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I wonder if reigen will ever find the closure he needs to free himself from the poltergeist of regret that obviously follows him around as a result of this incident. the confession incident really had reigen re-evaluating everything from the past three years.
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kinokoshoujoart · 2 months
is Rock/Romeo different in the japanese ds cute?
(as someone who isn’t fluent) yea in jp romeo sounds like less of a bastard and more like idk. idiot airhead spacey naive kid? the jp version also takes him much more seriously as a love interest option which stresses me out a bit but it’s also cute
for the english version of DS and cute natsume sometimes added some arrogant douchey scum bastard zaniness to romeo’s lines to idk i guess try and match rock? (who has different speech habits / “role speech” in JP compared to romeo) and of course natsume also just handled a lot of DS lines Weirdly or Not at all
for example
the wedding vow
JP:「もう一生離さないよ♡ 」| “For the rest of my life, I’ll never let go!♡” (cute)
Natume EN: “I’ll never leave you. Heh heh.” (troubling)
the divorce fakeout event you get if you neglect your husband (the entire thing)
JP: romeo thinks you hate him and he’s sad because you don’t communicate, and says goodbye.. he comes back and apologizes and admits he never wanted to leave, he just wants to stay together and you head to sleep (all’s well that ends well)
EN: romeock thinks you hate him and he says “is it my looks? my gorgeous looks can’t be fading already, can they?!” when he comes back he’s like “i know you can’t be tired of my looks already. it must just be a phase. well time for some beauty sleep” (who the fuck said you were allowed back in)
other than stuff like that, in general i’m finding a lot of events make slightly to very more sense in japanese because often it feels like each line of dialogue was either translated too literally into english or they didn’t have context, so that also applies to romeo’s heart and random events especially later events / events after marriage / rival marriage
the entire yellow heart event didn’t make proper sense to me in english compared to japanese but one small silly example from it where (probably) no context translation made the scene 10x funnier is when he has his dramatic confession
in JP he realizes he may have hurt you by joking around and making up stories to hide his feelings and apologizes profusely. protag shakes her head no with a heart over it to be like “it’s okay <3”
in EN he asks “Can you forgive me…?” and protag does the same gesture. like “NO <3”
also neither here nor there but his relationship with Louis feels a lot more familial in japanese. in english i wanted to kick him out the window during the child discipline event. in JP it’s more silly… (i still want to kick him out the window but more affectionately…) she overall sounds a lot more idk timid in EN but in JP she’s rougher and teases and scolds him a bunch (good👍). she and her two NEET cats children are a very cute family imo
overall i find natume’s odd additions to the game incredibly funny and enhance the experience in their own way (by making it worse) and i enjoy the more bastardly creature but i also think the more serious and soft romeo is sweet. he still has a lot of “what is wrong with his brain” moments in both en and jp he’s just more douchey in english
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vileacademyofficial · 2 months
are you. still accepting more interns?
we didn’t hire or accept intern we picked him up from the roadside. but no we are not
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journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
oooooh it is so very late at night and I am having #thoughts #emotional #notclickbait
thinking about how in the grand scheme of things IK is like. inherently the bravest being in the devildom
Mind You it's not even to do with the massive amounts of trauma she's been through, it's solely because she is a human
Humans lives are like a second long compared to these centuries (eons even) old demons- she knows virtually nothing in the grand scheme of things compared to them
And yet despite her knowing nothing (and being aware that she knows nothing and could die at any second) she still walks forward with little hesitance, trusting and learning and growing which is the bravest thing you can really do as a human (imo)
Even just the fact that she lives knowing she could die at literally any moment makes her braver than like. half the cast. because while yes they have all been through their respective traumas, they still live for HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of years, and every like. 200 years or so they'll maybe once think 'man i've been alive a long time' and continue on with their day
IK, as a human, looks around at just. the place she's in. and registers that virtually anything there could kill her and says 'yeah I could probably survive'
I honestly feel like it awes the others, especially given their lack of knowledge on humans. If I was a demon I'd be like 'shouldn't thinking about dying break your brain or smth' and here's this baby walking around like 'hey how many ounces of fucking cyanide could I chug before things start getting serious'
And I rewatched Finding Nemo recently and pictured this scene with Lucifer and IK and I think I severely dehydrated myself with how much I cried
IK: "He says to let go! Everything is gonna be alright!!"
Lucifer: "How do you know?! How do you know something bad isn't going to happen?!"
IK: "I don't!"
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this is us right now THAT'S OUR GIRL
for real though. it's like watching a baby bird fly for the first time. it's tiny and helpless and could be crushed in an instant in a predator's jaws, but it clambers out of the nest and jumps for the sky anyway, even if it could very well smash itself to pieces on the rocks below
one of my favourite genres of character tbh... i love that baby bird so dearly
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bunny-banana · 2 years
the reason why the "the Captain was killed by spies" theory doesn't work for me is the fact that I fundamentally don't believe our silly lil goose of a Captain was a particularly high priority on the Third Reich's hit list
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Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Pt. 3 - Pt. 4 - Pt. 5 - Pt. 6 - Best of
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cerbreus · 9 months
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i need you guys to look at my pretty pretty rocks 👀💕❤❤💕
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brainrot-radio · 1 month
I ain't ever block someone for having a bad take before but today,,, today is that day
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hansuart · 1 year
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these were suppose to be just doodles, but got a carried away again XD
poses were inspired by early concept sketches of Flynn Rider and Rapunzel :3
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queenofbaws · 9 months
gonna be real with you guys, playing bg3's got me staring dreamily off into space and thinking about them*
*hawke and varric
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starlightseq · 2 years
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As someone who loves enamel pins, I'm very sad there are no official enamel pins for the IDW Sonic crew, so I designed my own for fun. 
 IDW, SEGA, if you're out there...
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scarlett-vixen · 10 months
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Yeah you better fuckin follow him cause god knows he’ll get lost aldkskmss honestly this is the greatest thing Tumblr has done. Thanks for making a special tab just for my grumpy swordsman (and cats namesake) the tumblr gods did well
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kinokoshoujoart · 8 months
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i don’t think i’ve stopped thinking about that one body language analysis picture since i first saw it. so here
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greyias · 1 year
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Was doing some recording this morning for a video project, and as I'm wandering around with my little wee baby knight, I turned around at some point and just kept thinking to myself how gorgeous Tython is.
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Skimblegus Family Time--Tumble takes after Asparagus more and more the older he gets, but Teazer takes after Skimble a lot more than people give her credit for. They're both these very bright, clever, and relentlessly cheerful cats who try to put a brave face on things and hide when they're not at their best. But when they crash, they crash hard; it became a bittersweet source of reconnection after she was free of Macavity, especially since Teazer didn't realize her dad ever had bad days. She can basically only stand to be around her dads, Tumble, and Mungojerrie on particularly awful days, and Skimble's learned more from Asparagus about how not to just pack those emotions away to worry about later. Plus, you know she's feeling better when she and Tumble can start picking at each other again.
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I love it so much, and I love this little family <3
#Rumpleteazer#Skimbleshanks#Asparagus#Tumblebrutus#other headcanons#jellicles ask because jellicles dare#theimpossiblescheme#and of course because you and i share the braincell i had a very similar vein of thought#that teazer got told all the time how much like her father she was and she would scoff and do everything in her power to deny that#and she'd especially hate it when mungojerrie would say it because he usually did when he was annoyed with her and they were arguing#which became more frequent when they were with macavity#and skimble was so good at pretending everything was alright he turned it into an olympic sport#he broke down very rarely and when he *did* it was a sight#i also think he and teazer are a lot alike in that they will say things before thinking them through#particularly during high stress moments - and they can be downright nasty and say things they don't really mean#before their brains catch up to their mouths because they operate so *quickly* and so on the line with their immediate feelings#skimble has learned to tone it down over the years - teazer is still young and sometimes her mouth is too big#and of course when even tumble was hesitantly pushing his rope toy towards her and asking if maybe she wanted to play#even though they were way too old at the time after teazer came back you *knew* she was in a bad way#and he feels uneasy and stays relatively in her company (and his dads can sense that he feels bad but doesn't know what to do)#basically begging her to call him names or stick bugs in his ears or a worm in his bed or *something* because whoever this queen is#she isn't his step-sister and he doesn't like it#anyway many thoughts head scrambled - i love them so much thank you <3
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