candyheartedchy · 2 years
4 for the kisses! :D
♡ @eternally-smitten
Gonna go with Gazpacho with this one!
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4. Awkward kiss
[Ask Game]
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raylex · 2 years
Your ships are just bursting full of love and it's adorable. I love how your inserts always have this sweet, lovestruck expression on their face when they're around their love! It gets to the point where I'll see one of your f/os outside of you posting about them and I'll think "of my gosh!! That's my awesome mutual's love!!!" :)
♡ @eternally-smitten
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AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! <3 <3 omg it means so much to me that you get reminded of me when you see them even outside of me posting about them HHHGHHHABNBNHNnmnghg😭😭💗💕
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Look!, warm embrace, and let's play a game for whoever is on your mind for the domestic f/o asks!
♡ @eternally-smitten
look!: do you have any common interests? Or has any of you got or tried to get the other on one of your favorite tv shows/books? Was it successful? Are they now the ones 'annoying' you to watch it with them?
Yes, we both like cooking, baking, watching movies/tv shows, & collecting.
warm embrace: bed & sleepy time! How do your f/os prefer to lay in bed? Snuggling all the time with you? Maybe hand holding? Do they sleep with one or two pillows [or no pillows]? Do they like to watch tv before going to bed or do they go to bed straight? Do they like having a tv on the bedroom or are against it?
He prefers to to lay on his right side & snuggling all the time with me. He sleeps with 2 pillows. He likes to watch TV with me before going to bed. He likes having a TV in the bedroom.
let's play a little game: do you like to play video games together? Or does one like to watch the other as they play? If the game is for only one player, do you like to take turns (maybe one of you is better/less scared/etc at a section of the game/a boss). What about board games? What do you like to play? Cards, uno, monopoly, dominoes? Who wins everytime? Are any of you competitive?
I don't play videos games but I do watch Keigo play video games. Yes, we do play board games & we like to play Monopoly, Uno & dominoes. Keigo wins most of the time & yes, I can be competitive sometimes when it comes to play games.
Hi Natalie! Hope you & your f/os have a wonderful weekend & thank you for the ask! 😊💛 @eternally-smitten
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seasideselfships · 2 years
Go On Take a Chance, Overture, and Big White Bed for Jonathan Byers!
♡ @eternally-smitten
P.S. thanks sm for being my new mutual! You seem super cool and have good taste in media! The Lost Boys is one of my favorite movies :)
@eternally-smitten thanks for the ask!!!
🎲Go On Take a Chance🎲 ~ Tell us about the most exciting thing you’ve ever done with your F/O! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​oh boy, most exciting? Exciting in a good way would have to be finally convincing him to run off with me for a weekend, which was probably the best weekend of our lives. We just drove off into the sunset and ate a bunch of junk and slept in the car. It was super fun, and I would definitely do it again if given the chance.
Exciting in a... less good way? That'd be the whole 'saving the world from monsters' part of being in Hawkins and being friends with the group we're in. We have done a substantial amount of monster battling. 🎶Overture🎶 ~ Tell us a few of your favorite/most important memories involving your F/O! Most important memories? Those all fall within the last few years. Being by his side after Will disappeared is high up on the list, considering he was there for his mom but didn't have anyone there for him, until I stepped up. Finding the monster in his pictures, going after it. Definitely a bonding experience that one. But I'd have to say, the best experience was prom. Jon didn't think that he was gonna go but he decided last minute to ask after being goaded by his mom. I agreed and it was the best best best night of all time together. 🛏Big White Bed🛏 ~ What’s your and your F/O’s dream home? Oh boy, probably somewhere in Hawkins. Bigger and better than Jon's place now. Space to grow the family, a big yard, y'know. Outside of downtown but not on the outskirts in the middle of nowhere. A happy, suburban life. We don't need anything big and fancy.
And np!! I love meeting new people and Tumblr is a great place to do it. TLB is one of my favorite movies too!!!
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idliketobeatree · 3 months
The lighting in the S1 1941 flashback is so painfully dark I was rewatching it on a 150% brightness and perhaps I am five years late, but how come I've never noticed that this
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is how Aziraphale gazes at Crowley before the "little demonic miracle of my own"???
This is him before the love realisation, just after Aziraphale miracled them both safe from the bomb exploding on the church with the Nazis. No heartwarming acts of service yet — best to his knowledge, Crowley was only there for moral support, because he "didn't want him to get embarassed". And his gaze is— I don't know what to say. Like it would kill him to look away. So fond, so immersed, "oh God, there you are", like hundreds of years have passed, not decades since they saw each other last. Books? What books? What air raid, what war?
Arguably the best part of the scene happens literal seconds after. If you pay close attention to the whole shot, you'll spot the brown satchel on the side. Which Aziraphale would notice earlier too, if he could focus on anything other than Crowley.
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teruel-a-witch · 9 months
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that feel when you just found out that your new crush has been obsessing about you too when up until this point you thought your feelings were unrequited.
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forestshadow-wolf · 7 months
Someone new by hozier is ghostsoap coded
Someone please tell me you understand what I mean.
like every day Ghost gets to see soap smiling and laughing and talking to people with his brilliantly beautiful eyes, and that laugh that could make even the coldest of hearts (his) melt.
and every day he gets to be amazed by how smart soap is. he gets to listen as soap tells him the latest news on that new explosive formula he's working on. and he gets to watch soap work out complicated formulas to calculate the needed about of c4 or semtex to effectively blow support beams but not bring down the entire building. every day he gets to work with soap as they practice their sniping skills, and he gets to watch bullseye after bullseye after bullseye puff with smoke.
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josephslittledeputy · 23 days
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Lucian & Celeste || Wes & Celeste || Sel & Sidra Endymion & Sparrow (W/hand & w/o. Couldn't decide which I liked more, so I just included them both lol) || Daryl & Hanna (TWD)
Tagged by the wonderful and lovely @inafieldofdaisies @carlosoliveiraa @marivenah to do this cute couple picrew, thank you!
Tagging @clicheantagonist @strafethesesinners @skoll-sun-eater @g0dspeeed @shallow-gravy
@adelaidedrubman @henbased
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coreancitizen · 1 year
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"It's your first time here, but you speak our language so well." "Well, I studied liberal arts."
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gideongrovel · 9 months
Oh my gosh happy birthday!! I hope that today has been fun and that you have been having a good time celebrating this special day with your beloveds!! ♡ 🥳
♡ @eternally-smitten
Thank you so much Natalie!! 🥰💖 Gonna be watching T/CM 2 later tonight to celebrate xD
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flynnsdoomangel · 1 year
Flynn Taggart😍💘
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I got the Helmetless Slayer mod🤭
He is such a beautiful handsome man🥺😌
I wanna smooch him🥺💖
Also, my goodness, the details😳I CAN’T with DOOM Eternal right now🥲This game is so breathtaking💗
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candyheartedchy · 1 year
You are genuinely so sweet and I am so happy to be your mutual! Your ship art inspires me to make my own :))
♡ @eternally-smitten
I’m happy to be your mutual too!! 💕 And thank you, you’re sweet as well! 🥺
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raylex · 2 years
1, 3, 5, and 7 for whoever you want! :)
♡ @eternally-smitten
hello natalie!!! hope you and your f/os are doing well on this fine halloween and thank u for sending an ask in!!! <3
i'll do these for pierre!! because i am listening to sea shanties. no correlation btw trust me on this one
1: Show us a favorite gif of your f/o!
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3: Tell us a favorite quote from your f/o!
I'VE TALKED ABOUT THIS SPECIFIC QUOTE ON HERE BEFORE BUT when you're fighting him on molonoth there's a point where he goes "so tenacious! je t'adore! our looting was so boring until you arrived, so merci for livening things up!" and IT MAKES ME SO. ?)=)="!?"?)!=""!?!?!? FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. I HAVE THOSE.
5: Give us a song you associate with your f/o / your ship!
WHAT kind of person would i be if i didn't go with a sea shanty for the pirate. i generally associate ANY and all sea shanties with him (and pete) but i'll go with santiana cause it's one of my favs >:)
7: What aesthetics do you associate with your f/o? Do you have a moodboard you can show us?
i don't have anything particular in mind for this! well. obviously anything and everything relating to pirates HAHAHA but other than that not much :)
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Hiii!! Hope you sre doing well! 2, 3, 4 and 10 for you and Miruko? 😊 - @starry-selfship
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Since I received 2 & 4 for Rumi/Mirko in multiple asks, I'm putting them in one ask. Hope you & your f/os have a wonderful weekend & thank you for the ask! 😊💛 @digitalheartbeat @incubusshipping @eternally-smitten
1. When they eat, are they a salt lover type of person or do they have a sweet tooth?
She's a salt lover type & she has a little bit of a sweet tooth
2. What's their go-to activity you both enjoy doing together?
Go for a walk
3. What nicknames/endearing compliments do you two give one another?
I call Mirko babe, love, honey bunny, & bun bun. Mirko calls me babe, bunny, sugar, & sweetie
4. Who is the night owl/morning person and why?
We're both morning people 'cause we have energy, most productive & active in the morning
5. What's a funny memory or interaction you both have had together?
It was when she said using rabbit puns to make us laugh together after we started dating
7. What flower/plant/etc reminds them of you and vice versa?
The flower reminds Mirko of me would be sunflowers. The flower reminds me of Mirko would be white lily
9. How do they like their favorite coffee/tea or meal? How do you like yours?
Mirko likes her coffee either French Vanilla or Mocha. For meals, she mainly likes her meals healthy. For me, I like my tea hot with either green tea or oolong tea. For meals, I mostly like any seafood with veggies
10. What thins do you both have in common/like to bond over?
We both love to exercise, we're the same height, we love to cook, & doing outdoor activities
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elmentalwish · 2 years
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oh hello there whats up beautiful
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crabbunch · 9 months
im this close to unironically shipping kagurin
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