#ethel the ant
futurebird · 6 months
It's spring time in New York City!
It's spring time in New York City! Yesterday it felt as if the whole city had come alive. Tulips and daffodils bloom, the moss on the old stone wall caught droplets of morning due. On my way to the bus stop in the South Bronx I encountered a DeKay's brown snake on the sidewalk near the park, the cute little snake was sunning itself after a long winter underground.
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Gently, I picked her up (I had a look at the tail and I think it is a female) and moved her to a nice warm rock away from foot traffic. This is the first snake I've ever seen in NYC and it's my favorite species!
I’ve wanted to have a Dekay’s brown snake a a pet forever— I think a terrarium with Storeria dekayi and carpenter ants would be amazing— but if she now lives in the park I can go see her there.  Even better. She eat snails, slugs and worms and lord knows we have those over by that wall. I suspect there is one of NYC’s many secret buried streams and brooks under the wall in the park. It’s so moist all of the time.   Some of the local teens on their way to school and stopped to admire the snake. They were a little scared at first "oh no she's got a snake!" but I was able to tell them a little about the snake and how they are harmless and a sign that our little local park is doing well ecologically. 
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Later this same day I was walking down Park Ave. down on the upper east when out of the corner of my eye I spied an ant queen. I can always tell ant queens by the way they walk... or rather waddle. Looks like Prenolepis imparis, or the American winter ant. She was hustling along the side walk as if on her way to the Chanel store. Now she’s in one of my luxury ant condos— (but don’t tell her I’ve moved her out to the Bronx.)     
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I fed her a drop of sugar water which she accepted, now she is in my ant drawer snug in her test tube. I will post updates about this queen, and if she makes it. Over on Mastodon I asked for help naming her and we decided to call her "Ethel." I've never kept this species before, so I'm reading about their needs.
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Ethel is cute & round, settling in to her "Luxery ant condo" (It's a test tube.) She enjoyed a little sugar water, now she's in the darkness of the ant drawer. She looks very well-fed, so I think there is a good chance she will lay lots of eggs.
In four or five days I'll check on her again. Sometimes new queens just die. So, many don't like to name a queen until she has her first workers. But I'm cheering for this little urban ant.
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soracities · 1 year
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Clarice Lispector, Água Viva | Ethel Cain, "A House in Nebraska"
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pluviatrix · 2 years
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artblocked so here’s prev hero from @lemonlurkrr cheers xo
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sommerregenjuniluft · 3 months
Hope you’re doing well!! Take care :)
thank you love<3 been having a good few days so im just chillin at the moment hehe. been craving getting more tats a lot recently. there’s this artist that usually does a walk in once a month but she hasnt in june and in mai i was sick and april was something else so i havent felt the pain pleasure of needles in a while and i lowkey feel i’m addicted with the way i feel like i Need It again jdkkfkd PLS
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twinvictim · 10 months
19 (spotify thing) :3c
REALLY fell in love with most of this ep omg
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evidenceof · 2 months
regretful for the winnix ask please 🙏
aaa thank you for waiting and for the prompt, anna! <3 had this tumbling in my head for a while.
[ regretful ] for a kiss meant to apologise
happy/unhappy He peers through his car’s dashboard at the green of Dick’s farmland. It stretches on for miles into the purple orange horizon, broken and punctuated only by Dick's bright white house like a comma. When they talked about it in Eindhoven, Nix imagined a red barn; all hay and scattered livestock. Dick in jean overalls leaning on a shovel.  Nix doesn’t know what he was expecting. But it isn’t this: that both of them would be happy. Nix thinks, it only makes sense to be selfish when he’s unhappy. So it doesn’t make sense that he feels it now.
“It was good to see the boys again,” Dick says in that same way he does when he feels the need to fill a silence, when neither of them could sleep in a foxhole. Nix wishes he’d stop thinking about them in the war. 
“Lipton looked well,” is all Nix offers. Their first Easy Company reunion in thirty five years. He had gone because Dick had asked. His friend knew just as much and took over all the talking; the you-look-greats, the how-are-yous, and I’m-sorry-to-hear-thats. While Nix stood two steps behind Dick, realizing he hadn’t quite broken the habit. 
“You feel old yet, Dick?” Nix says now, staring ahead. Inside the big white house, he watches a light switch on through one of the windows. Someone would be waiting for Dick. It would be Ethel and it wouldn’t be Nix. Because he is here instead, in a car, engine stalled on the the Winters’ gravel driveway, clutch waiting to be put in reverse—to drive back home, to the airport, to California, to Grace, where he was happy. And it wouldn’t be Dick.
“The reunion felt like entering Toccoa again for the first time.”
“Major Winters? Nervous to meet his men?” Nix tries not to look back at the light in the house.
“My class As don’t even fit anymore, Nix.” Dick shakes his head when he laughs, but Nix hears the sadness in it anyway.
“Doubt any of ours do either. Hell you’re still a sight for sore eyes, Dick.” It’s takes a bit more maneuvering now but Nix manages to elbow Dick on the passenger seat. 
“And you’ve always been too kind to me, Lew. You know that?” The words sound like they're hooked to Dick’s throat, managing to get out but just barely. Nix had expected the novelty of the nickname to have dulled in time. But Dick’s voice rattles in odd places except in that one syllable. Even now, Nix knows it the only thing that sounded sure, and that makes him feel selfish.
“That all I was to you?” Nix looks at Dick and tries not to sound cruel. Tries not to resuscitate same unspoken conversation from ’45, that they tried to bury again in ’48. It's tense silence, strung up like a live wire that they chose to ignore, hoping it would die on its own. Neither of them wanted to be the first one to shoot the horse in the head. Depending on the day, Nix saw the hesitation either like hope or self-flagellation.
“Lew.” Dick is looking at him and doesn’t seem to notice when the porch light turns on. Lew stares hard at the front door, willing it not to open. They never seemed to have enough time, not in the war, not in peace time. “Are you happy?”
“Fuckssake, Dick.” Lew feels his face buzz at the question, like a million ants were crawling underneath. It feels like Dick is in his head. He doesn’t know why it hurts so much when he says, “Of course I am.” He doesn’t know why he chose right now to tear off the bandage of a gaping wound. He knew it was unfair. There would always be Section 8s. Hidden bars and clandestine hotels when Dick needed sun on a field, and Nix the expanse of the open ocean. Maybe he had hoped he’d forget. That he would be so happy, so, so happy he’d stop looking at Dick and thinking, “But I still wanted it to be you.”
“So am I. I'm happy.” And that hurts too. From the corner of his eye, he sees Dick reach out a hand and pull it back on his lap. Suddenly, they did feel old, straining against a conversation they had dodged when they were twenty-five.
“You think we retreated?” Nix turns to Dick again. Dick looks at him, and Nix didn't have to explain.
“We needed to give ourselves a chance to live.” Dick tries to say calmly. Nix almost sees him in ’44. M1 slung across his shoulder, red hair bright against the olive drab, giving the men a pep talk. Back then when they couldn’t allow themselves to imagine old age. “We had to try.” 
Nix only nods, staring at his lap. Dick’s hand is warm on his cheek and he’s almost forgotten what that felt like. He doesn’t know how he knows, but Nix is sure that Dick’s thinking of the same September afternoon in their last shared billet in England in ’45, when they talked about the future like they shared it. It was the only time Dick had held his face. Nix in turn had held his knee like he's doing now. When Nix boarded the troopship home, they had not said good bye and hoped that the lack of it counted as a drawn out promise, however tenuous.
It’s Nix who pulls away first because he knows Dick will wait for him until he does. Like he’s always waited for him. But he knows Dick has to go back to Ethel, and him back to Grace. Back to where they were happy. Even if it was a different kind.
“Maybe we’ll make it next time.” Nix's smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. It's Dick who moves closer, and presses a small kiss on his lips like an apology.
“I’d like that, Lew.” It comes out strangled. And Nix feels his teeth are getting punched in when Dick opens the car door to leave.
He doesn’t wait for Dick to enter the house before he drives away. It should be easier when you’re happy.
my winnix kiss prompt drabbles
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indigoesssence · 3 months
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⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ♱ . . . 🪵 .ᐟ
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗋𝗅𝗈𝗍𝗍𝖾 "𝗟𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗲" 𝖬𝖺𝗍𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗐𝗌 . . .
“And God, I've tried, but I think it's about time I put up a fight
But I don't mind 'cause that's how my daddy raised me
If they strike once then you just hit 'em twice as hard
But I always knew that in the end no one was coming to save me
So I just prayed and I keep praying and praying and praying
If it's meant to be then it will be I believe.” (Ethel Cain).
Advertencias: relato superficial de terapia de electrochoques; mención de esquizofrenia, traumas religiosos, terapia de conversión y lesbofobia internalizada.
La calidez del otoño se había ido y con ello el recuerdo de Laura Lee bautizándola al que le remitía el agua corriente del lago. Ahora aquel cuerpo de agua era un monstruoso bloque de hielo que se había tragado su fe junto a Javi. Pensar en aquel lago le ponía de mal humor, debajo de una gruesa capa de hielo estaba el lugar donde el renacimiento de su fe descansaba. Para ella era curioso pensar que encontrarse en medio de la nada e intentando sobrevivir junto a las chicas que le habían salvado la vida le había llevado a creer en Dios nuevamente. ¿Realmente lo había hecho si le bastó con que aquel helicóptero que piloteaba Laura Lee explotara para perder la fe de nuevo?
En realidad no era una sorpresa para ella que su convicción fuera tan débil como un trozo de papel mojado sosteniendo una piedra. Pues había crecido en un hogar católico donde la misa del domingo era una ceremonia obligatoria para sobrevivir. Donde antes de cada alimento tenía que agradecer por lo que estaba frente a ella. Aquello estaba tan grabado en su mente que siguió bendiciendo sus medicamentos y alimentos incluso después de que sus padres habían dejado de acompañarla durante las comidas. Antes del accidente, Lottie tenía miedo de aquellas pastillas y para poder tomarlas le pedía a Dios que le ayudaran con aquel diagnóstico. Le rogaba al Ser Supremo que le ayudara con los secretos que les ocultaba a todas sus amigas a excepción de Natalie, quien desde dos primaveras atrás conocía al menos uno de ellos.
Incluso en medio de la nada, antes de cada alimento, Lottie seguía teniendo sus minutos de súplica. Eran solo ella y Dios, nadie más. Incluso en aquel inhóspito lugar rogaba por no volver a donde los electrochoques eran el único tratamiento para sus males: “esquizofrenia” y “perversión de las conductas sexuales”. El primer recuerdo de aquella corriente eléctrica recorriéndole el cuerpo desde las sienes era de cuando tenía ocho años. La pelinegra había cometido el error de contarle a su padre que hablaba con un ángel, o al menos eso creía por la forma en que los describían en la iglesia. La pequeña Matthews le había jurado a su padre que hablaba con un ser superior y aquello le había llevado al Hospital Psiquiátrico Cristiano más cercano de casa (a dos horas en auto) para ser atendida por “delirio místico”. Una estúpida etiqueta para llamarla esquizofrénica a su corta edad.
Ella se maldijo cada día que le siguió a aquel por haber confiado en su padre, el hombre que llevaba una Biblia en el bolsillo del pantalón y de frente la máscara de buen padre que ocultaba la cara del hombre más cruel del planeta Tierra. “Estúpida Charlotte” se decía a sí misma cada que las luces parpadeaban indicando el momento exacto en el que su mente quedaría en blanco por un par de semanas. Le rogaba a Dios que cada intervención fuera menos dolorosa, que cada electrochoque fuera acertado y no tuviera que sentirlo. Lo hizo hasta que a la edad de doce años una segunda etiqueta fue agregada a su expediente: “detección temprana de perversión de las conductas sexuales”. ¿Sólo por haberle confiado a su madre que cierta amiga le parecía “bonita”? ¿Qué tenía de malo apreciar la belleza de su compañera de clase?
Con el diagnóstico llegaron las terapias de conversión (una más cruel que la otra) y en un principio Lottie no había comprendido lo que aquello significaba. Sólo sabía en el fondo de su corazón que estaba estrechamente ligado a aquellas noches en vela donde rogaba a Dios que la hiciera “normal”. Donde le reclamaba por darle dos males incurables, bastaba con tener esquizofrenia, ¿realmente tenía que sentirse emocionada por el roce de su mano con la de aquella amiga suya? —Por favor, Dios, deja de odiarme. Prometo que me casaré con un buen hombre y tendré un par de hijos que te servirán. Pero no me hagas ser una enferma.— Pronto lo único que sentía para con si misma era asco. A los catorce años la heredera de los Matthews dejó los deportes y se volvió una “señorita hecha y derecha”.
Etiqueta que no le sirvió para nada. Pues cada noche antes de que su medicamento para dormir surtiera efecto, Lottie lloraba desconsoladamente contra la almohada rogando con la voz desgarrada: —Por favor, quítame esta enfermedad.— Llevaba la mitad de su vida siendo tratada contra la “esquizofrenia” y ya había hecho paz con ello. Sin embargo, ¿por qué tenía que recibir electrochoques por sentirse plena al tomar la mano de una chica?, ¿por qué debía rogarle a Dios hasta dormir que su madre dejara de verla con asco cuando estaba al lado de sus compañeras de clase?, ¿por qué debía ser ella quien rogara por encontrar un chico que no le diera tanto asco como para poder besarlo y ser “normal”?, ¿por qué tenía que ser ella la hija de Dios maldita?
Miles de preguntas sin respuesta llenaban las hojas de su Biblia que abrió cada día durante dos años. La pelinegra paró al cumplir los quince. Aquel día había regresado al campo de fútbol y con ello perdió su fe en que Dios la haría normal. Puesto que al encontrarse entre aquellas adolescentes que le hacían sentir en casa olvidó (al menos por un par de años) que al verse en el espejo sólo podía pensar en que Dios y sus padres la odiaban por ser lesbiana. —¡Lottie!, ¿estás bien? — Aquellas tres palabras que salieron de los labios de Misty la hicieron regresar al presente. Entre sus manos había un plato improvisado con  lo que suponía ser sopa (hecha con el cinturón de cuero de Jackie). —Sí, sólo… olvídalo, todo bien.— Le sonrió a su amiga en un intento de borrar de su mente y su cuerpo todo el dolor que la palabra “Dios” invocaba en ella.
Comió en silencio pensando en lo que significaba “Dios” para ella en ese preciso momento. Ya no era sinónimo de salvación, ya no era nada para ella. Lottie dejó el plato a un lado y se levantó para ir a las escaleras que llevaban al ático. Jaló la cuerda que permitía bajarlas y subió a la parte más alta de la cabaña. Se acercó a la ventana y con su diestra delineó las grietas del vidrio que aún contenían su sangre. —No existes, no como ellos creen que lo haces.— Le dijo a Dios, negaba su existencia y le interponía a ella la de Eso. —Nos acepta a mí, a Van, a Taissa, a todas. Nos protege sin importar a quien amemos o lo que hagamos. Tú jamás nos hubieras brindado a Jackie o a Javi. Tú estás muerto para mí.— Su voz era rasposa y llena de rabia, estaba dispuesta a pelear con Dios para salvar a su equipo. Estaba dispuesta a olvidarlo para dejar que Eso fuera acreedor de toda su convicción (al menos no la había hecho llorar hasta dormir por odiarse a sí misma) y si Dios quería discutirle su decisión, Lottie estaría encantada de hacerlo frente a frente.
⠀⠀⠀٬ 🕯️ ’ 𓏲 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖻𝗒 ﹫𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗴𝗼𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀thanks for reading !
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sunflowhamato · 6 months
ROTTMNT Curiosities Part.3
The turtles honored Karai, and would talk to her whenever they needed guidance
Originally Karai would have been in 8 episodes (11 minutes) or 4 (22 minutes), she would help Donnie with his desire for recognition, Raph's anxiety, Mikey's aversion to family conflict, and Leo in his potential as a leader, as well as April letting him know that she is also a Hamato
The Rise movie takes place months after the end of the second season
The photo at the beginning of the movie was taken just before the Krang arrived.
If the series were renewed, they would touch on the theme that humans already know about them, addressing issues of misunderstood heroism to maintain their reputation as full-time heroes, and that some people hate them, as well as how they adapt to this new change
The crossover between the different versions of TMNT was never discussed, but it can happen (Although it is complicated to use two types of animation in the case of 2012)
2012 Leo and Rise Leo would get along badly at first, but would end up being great friends. The Mikeys would get along well from the beginning
There was a story to tell about Big Mom and Stinkbomb
The team never realized that there was no episode with the duo of Raph and Donnie (but they would if the series is renewed)
In the apocalyptic future it may be that Donnie is taller than Leo, and Raph is at least 6 feet, Mikey would have grown, but due to the use of the Ninpo on him he would become smaller
Mikey could be enough for multiverse episodes
In the series the invasion would not have happened like in the movie
Ron would like to see a Spin-off of CJ and Cassandra wandering the world and fighting the remains of Krang (Where Draxum could join)
There are Krang everywhere, there may be some good Krang
The Rat King could be the next villain, Shredder could return, Bishop could be a thorn like J. Jonah Jameson for the turtles, he would be like an ally, but don't trust the turtles (a few ideas if the series is renewed)
Baxter Stockboy would mutate, and become a man, but his voice and mentality would be that of a child
There were no plans for Beebop and Rocksteady
It could be that Mikey from the future communicated with his dead brothers
There are other hidden cities such as Tokyo, where it was thought that they would be
The prison dimension is to get rid of the villains
In terms of power with the Ninpo, Mikey is the strongest, followed by Donnie, Raph the next, and Leo is the one who depends the least on the Ninpo, he uses physical and mental abilities
CJ is around 20 years old or a teenager. Leo from the future would be in his early 40s. Young April is 18 just like Raph
The movie was already planned before they found out about the hiatus, it didn't change much since it was set a little far from the series, so it didn't receive many changes
Don Suave is attractive to any gender or orientation Leo has a little insomnia
Donnie's fear of beach balls started at a young age as seen in “Lair Games”
His favorite video game is “Crazy Copter”
The bounty hunters in the first episode are called “Garm and Freki”
Baba Yaga was planned to be introduced
Donnie is the team doctor
Ant and Andy had the idea that the turtles were of different species
Kids would put cereal before milk (haha, good tip)
In Origami Tsunami the test audience thought Leo was the leader
Kendra is Indonesian
Raph feels bad when he is alone, because his brothers are the strength he needs to survive.
Leo's hair reference in Bad Hair Day is because of the guy in the middle
A rivalry between Baxter and The Purple Dragons was thought of
A little HeadCanon that Donnie has a pumpkin-growing rivalry with a woman named Ethel Crabtree
Hypno is New Zealander
In Al Be Back, Raph was Raphy White in “Barry White”, his hair is similar to James Brown, Leo is a glam rocker in the vein of David Bowie, the New York Dolls or Sweet
“Othello Von Ryan”, is a reference to the strange Liz Taylor commercial in the 80s
Dale is based on Dale Malinowski
The boys' nickname is: Othello Von Ryan, Dr. Delicate Touch, Cool Teen Randall, Neon Leon and the Red Angel of Preventing Harm
Mikey knew that April's apartment upstairs was unoccupied, where he sent Draxum
Raph's hero names, he doesn't realize they spell his name R.A.P.H until later
If the series is renewed, several discarded episodes could return without a problem, and everything would resume from the end of the movie
There is a completely complete episode that Nick never released
If the series were renewed it would be at least another 3 seasons
The pitch process for an episode is organic, a writer has a pretty solid idea, people propose ideas, the key piece is finding the growth story not only of the story, but also of the character
The difficult part of the series was fitting the entire plot into 11 minutes for one episode, there were great things that were eliminated for this reason, the general opinion (from high ranks) was that action shows lasted 22 minutes to sell toys, while comedies got ratings
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
🕯️~ i would say i hope this is the last part of the masterlist, but i think ive learned my lesson. let’s just hope this is done quickly because im going to throw myself into traffic.
🫖~ also this list is subject to updates!! feel free to check this as you please for new works <33
📺~ some fandoms are rarely written for unless requested, so some fandoms have less works than others. however, it doesn’t mean that i won’t write for them freely, and feel free to request for them whenever reqs r open <3
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ 𝐬𝐤𝟖 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲
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🌿*♡∞:。.。 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
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-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ 𝐣𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧
itadori yuji sfw
accidental confession smau
they surprise you on v-day- part one
they react to you posting a thirst trap- part one
itadori yuji nsfw
u send an audio of u m4sturb4ting
do they eat 😺
nobara kugisaki sfw
they surprise you on v-day- part one
they react to you posting a thirst trap- part 2
nobara kugisaki nsfw
u send an audio of u m4sturb4ting
do they eat 😺
megumi fushiguro sfw
accidental confession smau
they surprise you on-v day-part one
they react to you posting a thirst trap- part one
megumi fushiguro nsfw
u send an audio of u m4sturb4ting
do they eat 😺
satoru gojo sfw
accidental confession smau
they surprise you on v-day- part two
do they eat 🐱- part 2
they react to you posting a thirst trap- part one
satoru gojo nsfw
u send an audio of u m4sturb4ting
kento nanami sfw
accidental confession smau
they surprise you on v-day
they react to you posting a thirst trap- part 2
kento nanami nsfw
u send an audio of u m4sturb4ting
do they eat 🐱- part 2
ryomen sukuna sfw
they react to you posting a thirst trap- part one
ryomen sukuna nsfw
u send an audio of u m4sturb4ting
do they eat 🐱- part 2
inumaki toge sfw
they surprise you on v-day- part two
they react to you posting a thirst trap- part 2
inumaki toge nsfw
do they eat 😺
maki zenin sfw
they surprise you on v-day- part one
maki kisses u in front of everyone
they react to you posting a thirst trap- part 2
maki zenin nsfw
u send an audio of u m4sturb4ting
pleasuring maki
do they eat 😺?- part one
suguru geto sfw
they surprise you on v-day- part two
they react to you posting a thirst trap- part 2
suguru geto nsfw
u send an audio of u m4sturb4ting
do they eat 🐱- part 2
toji fushiguro sfw
they surprise you on v-day- part two
they react to you posting a thirst trap- part 2
toji fushiguro nsfw
u send an audio of u m4sturb4ting
do they eat 🐱- part 2
yuta okkotsu sfw
they surprise you on v-day- part two
they react to you posting a thirst trap- part two
yuta okkotsu nsfw
do they eat 🐱- part 2
misc. characters featured in other jjk works
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. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐛
(i barely write for them sorry 😭😭)
haruhi fujioka sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
tamaki suoh sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
tamaki suoh nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
kyoya ootori sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
kyoya ootori nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
kaoru hitachiin sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
hitachiin hikaru
check other parts of masterlist!
mitsukuni haninozuka (honey) sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
takashi morinozuka (mori) sfw
check other parts of masterlist!
takashi morinozuka (mori) nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
misc. characters featured in ohshc works
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ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐰 𝐦𝐚𝐧
denji sfw
making out with them headcanons
taking care of a baby smau
denji nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
power sfw
making out with them headcanons
taking care of a baby smau
power nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
aki hayakawa sfw
making out with them headcanons
taking care of a baby smau
aki hayakawa nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
himeno sfw
making out with them headcanons
himeno nsfw
himeno distracts you while studying <3
kobeni higashiyama sfw
making out with them headcanons
kobeni higashiyama nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
makima sfw
making out with them headcanons
taking care of a baby smau
makima nsfw
check other parts of masterlist!
misc. characters featured in other csm works
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rcsaliinda · 24 days
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                                                                           i do it for my daddy and i do it for dale. i'm doing what i want and, damn, i'm doing it well - for me, for me.
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Se a vida de ROSALINDA ’ ROSE ’ RENALDI fosse virar um filme, AMERICAN TEENAGER de ETHEL CAIN com certeza faria parte da trilha sonora, tocando em seu aniversário de VINTE E SEIS ANOS e acompanhando-a durante sua rotina como ATRIZ DE MUSICAIS. Quem sabe até não justificaria o motivo DELA ser tão GENEROSA, mas ao mesmo tempo tão ENGANOSA? Isso eu já não sei, mas acho que DAISY EDGAR JONES ficaria ótima no papel!
BACKGROUND. grew up under yellow light on the street, putting too much faith in the make-believe. another high-school football team.
rosalinda nasceu como a filha mais velha de uma mulher apaixonada por duas coisas - telenovelas e a igreja. amelia fazia de tudo para criar as filhas depois que o marido recebeu uma proposta tentadora de trabalho em londres e as abandonou por um salário melhor, uma vida mais confortavel com a mulher que veio a casar anos depois , construindo a família perfeita.
foi talvez neste ponto que a mãe se entregou a bebida, ainda fazendo questão de ir aos cultos e forçar as filhas a se ajoelhar e rezar todas as noites, mesmo que já não fosse mais aceita pelas mulheres de bom nome da comunidade. rose, como preferia ser chamada, acabou crescendo uma cristã fiel e um tanto desequilibrada, andava com garotas populares e fazia coisas da qual deus ou sua mãe não aprovaria, mas ainda sim - acreditava piamente que ia para o inferno.
tudo tomou uma rota mais séria quando em seu último ano de colegial, ela e mais duas amigas tiveram que dar depoimentos falsos após testemunhar a morte da quarta integrante de seu grupo. aquilo podia ter destruído a vida delas, e rose tinha ambições longe da irlanda, e nas luzes brilhantes da broadway. uma chance que teve não muito tempo depois de ingressar na universidade, que prontamente abandonou assim como a família para fazer seu nome na cena artística.
funcionou por certo tempo, ela era reconhecida por pequenos papéis em grandes produções e foi em uma recontagem de romeo e julieta que teve seu grande estouro. foi por um ano, a face queridinha entre o público que apreciava musicais, até mesmo recebendo ofertas para cruzar para os telões. porém, antes que ela pudesse realmente aproveitar da fama e adoração, um escândalo de drogas envolvendo seu nome veio a tona. um grande distribuidor de hollywood foi pego e em sua lista de clientes, estava o nome da renaldi. se era verdade? isto era entre ela e deus, mas acabou afetando sua carreira ao ponto que teve de voltar a bray para viver perto da mãe e da irmã de novo, e esperar que todos esqueçam - como sempre esquecem - de seu suposto envolvimento.
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somos-deseos · 1 year
Voz de Isaiha en la cabeza de Ethel luego de haber sido drogada:
Te seguí adentro
Estuve contigo allí. Te invité
dos veces, lo hice
Amas demasiado la sangre.
Pero no tanto como a mi, no como a mi.
Te escuché, te vi, te sentí, te di.
Te necesito, te amo, te amo, te amo
Te escuché, te vi, te sentí, te di.
Te necesito, te amo, te amo, te amo, te vi, te amo,
te di, te amo, te amo, te amo, te amo Te amo. Te vi, te sentí, te amo, te amo.
Ethel Caín bajo los efectos de alguna droga
Sufre el lobo, arrastrándose hacia ti
Prometiendo un gran incendio, cualquier incendio
Diciendo que soy la elegida, me llevará
Estoy en llamas, estoy en llamas, estoy en llamas
El sufrimiento está cerca, acercándose a mí
Llamándome la elegida, hacia la luz blanca
Hermosa, finita...
Incluso el hierro todavía teme la putrefacción
Escondiéndose de algo que no puedo dejar atrás, de
caminar sobre las sombras, no puedo guiarme de regreso.
Abrochada en el suelo cuando la noche cae a la izquierda de papá y mamá que no vuelve a casa.
“Pobrecito dulce cordero de luto no hay nada que puedas hacer. Ya todo se ha hecho”
Que miedo un hombre como tu trae a una mujer como yo (muéstrame tu cara). Por favor no me mires así . Puedo verlo en tus ojos
Él sigue mirándome
Dime qué has hecho
Detente, detente, detente, haz que se detenga, detente, haz que se detenga. Haz que pare, ya he tenido suficiente.
Detente, detente, ¡DETENTE!
Palabras del predicador (Oraciones pregrabadas):
“Soy el rostro de la rabia del amor
Soy el rostro de la ira del amor. “Benditas”
Sean las Hijas de Caín, destinadas al sufrimiento eterno por los pecados de sus padres cometidos mucho antes de su concepción. Sean los niños, todos y cada uno llegan a conocer a su dios a través de algún acto de violencia sin sentido. Bendita seas, niña, prometida a mí por un hombre que sólo puede sentir odio y desprecio hacia ti.
No soy bueno ni malo, simplemente soy, y he venido a tomar lo que es mío.
Yo estaba allí en la oscuridad cuando vino tu primer periodo.
Estoy aquí ahora mientras huyes de mí todavía.
Corre entonces, niña.
No puedes escónderte de mí para siempre...
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whumping-valentine · 3 months
🦌 Fawn and Hunter - Part 12 🦌
"Anaira and Ethel"
Content: Vampire whumpee, werewolf whumper, kidnapping, restraints, threats, supernatural shit, lady whump (even though I actually hate that term but whatever. Why are women a separate category??? Fuck you)
2400 words
Hey hey, sorry about that cliffhanger last chapter, but cliffhangers and plot twists are my specialty! It's simply not my writing without long, wordy dramatics and throwing you for a loop. Also, apologies for taking so long. I think I'm overcoming my writer's block now so hopefully it won't happen again.
This is a direct continuation of the last part, so if you need to look back and read the ending it's here!
Hope you enjoy! 🐺🦇
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     Anaira didn't respond to her, simply squeezing her eyes shut as she tensed. Shit.
     “What do you think you’re doing here, huh? Feelin’ suicidal, are you?” Ethel said, nudging for an answer.
      “I’ll have you know I was trying to leave. You're the one making trouble where there's no need.” Anaira turned to her; Ethel's face was covered with her skull mask as always. She realized she was no longer wearing her own.
      “Mmhm. And what were you doing here in the first place if not causing trouble?” Ethel folded her arms, “Any other fang-toothed, sunburnt heathens out where they shouldn’t be?”
      “How am I supposed to know?”
     “They're your colony. Sounds like bad leadership to me. I know where every member of my pack is at all times.”
     “That sounds like a real cult to me. I’m trying to protect my own. You just want control.”
     “Trying to talk back to me on my own grounds, are you? Sorry, but that’s not gonna fly.” She yelled out, “Anthony! Agnes! Over here, NOW!”
     Anaira took off immediately without a second thought, leaving Fawn and Hunter behind. Ethel ran after her, while Fawn and Hunter were roughly tackled to the ground.
     “Ow, fuck!” Fawn exclaimed as they were jumped. One of them— impossible to tell who— sat on top of them. Their knees jabbed into their sides, and fingers tore into their shoulders as they were held down. “What the fuck!”
     “Sorry.” A feminine voice said, “Leader’s orders.” She looked to the other, “Ant, get the gun off them.”
     “Can’t you see I’m struggling here?!” He said, Hunter effectively fighting back against him, trying to push him off.
     “Anthony, it’s a human.”
     “A strong human! You got the weak one!”
     “Hey!” Fawn exclaimed at the insult, while Hunter chuckled. They managed to kick Anthony off of them, but before they could run, Agnes pounced them down face first into the snow, and quickly tossed their gun out of their reach. Before Hunter could even process what was happening, she slipped a pair of handcuffs around their wrists behind their back.
     Fawn tried to make a run for it, but Anthony pushed them down again. His hands firmly held down their upper back before he grabbed their wrists and wrangled them to their feet. Agnes was standing with her foot on Hunter’s back, holding a second pair of handcuffs waiting to be put on Fawn.
     Fawn struggled while Anthony held their wrists tightly behind their back, walking them over to Agnes, “H-hey! Look, we’ve- we seem to have been caught up in some wrong stuff here, we’re innocent and- we don't want any trouble! I’M innocent, actually! Take them, and not me! I didn't do anything! I swear!”
     The two ignored them, Agnes taking them off of Anthony as she cuffed them, “Oh, come on, please, I don’t wanna be double kidnapped, this isn’t fair! This is— mmhph!” They mumbled as cloth was shoved into their mouth, followed by duct tape, then a bag over their head. The same was done to Hunter, and the two were walked off to God knows where.
     Their captors' hands held tightly onto their upper arms, painfully digging their fingers into them, forcing them forward. It was hard for either of them to feel worried when the only thing they could think about were the sore pains. Their arms felt like they were actively in the process of bruising. Like their muscles were being ripped into.
     It wasn't too long before they felt themselves enter a building, the snow turning to concrete while their surroundings warmed. When they heard the doors shut behind them the harsh howling winds were replaced with pure silence. Their footsteps echoed off the seemingly large walls as they were led down a set of stairs. A metal door could be heard opening before both of them were shoved inside. The metal doors closed and the pair could be heard walking away, their footsteps fading back up the stairs until it was silent.
     Fawn struggled up onto their knees and vigorously shook their head until the bag flew off. They threw their head back to push their glasses back on their face and looked around. Hunter was sitting, and clearly angry by the situation (yeah who’s fault is that?).
     Fawn carefully stood to their feet and walked over to them, turning around to grab the bag off their head. They then walked in front of them and made a grabbing motion with their hands. Hunter leaned into them and Fawn pulled the tape from their mouth. They then walked behind them, got on the ground, and put their mouth to their hands, and Hunter did the same to them. They both spit the cloth out of their mouths and took a moment to collect themselves, sitting in silence.
     “Great going, Hunter.” Fawn said bitterly, “You just HAD to go looking for trouble, didn’t you?”
     “How the fuck was I supposed to know they were supernatural?!” 
     “Supernatural or not, you still went looking for a fucking cult. Honestly, I’m fucking embarrassed that out of everyone who could’ve kidnapped me, it was you. What the hell does that say about me? You’re fucking stupid!”
     “No, you see, my mistake was not killing you on the spot.”
     “Oh really? That was your mistake?”
     “Yeah, it was.”
     “Well MY mistake was apparently thinking going for a walk was a good idea! God, I just wanted to take a fucking nature walk! That’s all I wanted! God DAMNIT!”
     “Yeah, maybe don’t wander off the trail.”
     Fawn glared at them, “I will fucking strangle you!”
     “Good luck with that.”
     “I should’ve let you stay gagged. I didn’t have to help you, you know?”
     “Yeah and I didn’t have to help you, either.” Hunter said, “Yet we both still did.”
     Anaira was running as fast as her legs could carry her, fueled on pure adrenaline. She knew Ethel was faster and stronger than her. This was a hopeless chase. Though still, she persisted. If she could catch up with her colony back on the other side of the forest, they could all gang up on her. She just had to last a little while longer.
     She cursed herself in her head while she ran. It was such a risky thing to go out into Ethel’s part of the woods, and she knew that, of course she did. It just wasn’t fair what they took from them. It was originally theirs, but Ethel didn’t want them to have it. The blood rivers that ran through it were too good for them. Anaira’s colony was just so thirsty, so she risked it all. She would do anything for them. It’s not like any of them asked for this life…
     So then why was she leading danger to them?
     Anaira slowed to a jog, then a walk, then she stood, and collapsed to her knees in the snow. She hung her head low and closed her eyes.
     “Oh, so first you run away like a coward, and then you just give up?” Ethel said, “You’re such a pathetic fucking creature. Get up.” Anaira obeyed and stood to her feet.
     Ethel smirked under her mask, “Oh, what a day this is! This feels good. That’s right, get over here, you leech.” She grabbed the defeated vampire by her shoulders and roughly dragged her back to base.
     When they entered inside the building, all the other identically dressed pack members looked at Anaira, and whispers filled the quiet air. Some confused, others nervous, most excited. Anaira kept her head down in shame, while Ethel walked with hers held high in pride.
     She was led down a set of stairs into Ethel's quarters, where she was thrown onto a chair and tightly tied. Neither said a single word until Ethel tied the last knot and stepped back behind her.
     She chuckled darkly, “ So, Anaira. How's it feel?” She taunted, “To finally be caught? Oh, I always wondered how long it would take you to finally give up!” She put her hands on her shoulders, “I'm so glad today was that day.”
     Anaira took a breath and sighed to calm herself. She tried to shrug her off her shoulders, but Ethel just dug her fingers into them.
     “How do you think your colony is going to survive the apocalypse without you?”
     “There is no apocalypse.” She mumbled.
     “Do you think all of this end-of-the-word talk is nonsense?” Ethel said, “For once the conspiracy idiots are actually right. The gods are upset and it's time everyone pay.”
     “Can’t imagine why they'd be upset when some of us are raging beasts.”
     “Oh, so the bloodsucker is the one trying to take the moral high ground? If one of us is an unholy spawn against the gods, it's going to be the one who should be dead.” Ethel let go of her shoulders and walked in front of her, “We're obviously more connected to the gods than you are if we can feel it coming.”
     “I think you're crazy is what I think. There are no gods.”
    “And you wonder why they're upset.” Ethel stood with her hands folded behind her back, “How do you think it’s going to look when your colony finds out I captured their leader? Not good, is it?”
     “You don’t scare me. You think you scare me?”
     “I’m not trying to scare you. I asked you a question about your colony, I didn’t ask if you were scared.” her voice was calm and methodical, “You bats like to claim we’re nothing more than raging beasts. Which one of us seems to have better control of our emotions right now?” While her face wasn’t visible, a smirk could be heard in her tone.
     “I’d like to see you be all calm and collected if I were the one to capture and tie you up.”
     “Mm. I’m certain I would be.” She walked over to Anaira, bending over with her hands on her knees to get on her level, like she was speaking to a child, “Darling, have you forgotten all those times you’ve called me a beast?...” She lifted a hand and grabbed her chin, “Anaira, I would eat you alive during a full moon. And, if I recall correctly…” She whispered, “The next one’s tonight…”
     Bloody tears welled in Anaira’s eyes, her breathing accelerating.
     Ethel moved her gloved hand from her chin to her throat, “Or rather I should say…” She slowly squeezed, “Within the next hour…”
     “E-Ethel-” She choked. In a few quick seconds, Ethel removed her hand, pulled off her glove, and slapped her across the face. The impact echoed in the space, and left an immediate bright red mark. The impact was so harsh it disoriented her, making her dizzy.
     Red tears leaked down her cheeks as she squeezed her eyes shut, “What... what are you gonna do with me? K-kill me?” She forced herself to look at the masked woman, her unreadable features terrifying. 
     “I should.” Ethel responded. “I will. But for now, I’d like to keep you. Who knows if we'll need an offering or sacrifice during the apocalypse? You and your little friends will serve good bait if needed.”
     Anaira’s eyes widened, “You- you got Rudy?”
     “If you’re referring to one of those humans you so nobley left behind, then yes. What a good person you are, to take off without a second thought.”
     Anaira dropped her head in shame. Ethel scoffed a chuckle, “How pitiful.” She said quietly, and slowly left the room. When Anaira heard the door click shut she broke down into tears. She cried until she had nothing left in her.
     All alone in the cold, deafening silence, only hearing he own thoughts bouncing around her head. The chill ran to the bone. Her breath fogged like smoke in the air, and she shivered. Shivered from the cold, from fear, from the anger she had towards both Ethel and herself. Maybe the colony was better off without her.
     When Ethel finally returned hours later, she nearly knocked the door off of its hinges. She fell on her hands and knees and let out a crazed, wild laugh, and she said with a growl, “Guess who's turning! Oh, yes, you've never seen me turned before, have you? Oh, we're all turning tonight.” She crawled over to her, a strain in her voice, "How much damage do you think I can do with claws?"
     Anaira watched with wide eyes as Ethel started to transform right in front of her. She was growing wilder than an animal, the sounds purely unnatural. Her whole body grew, stretching out her clothes as her limbs distorted and grew fur. Her sharp claws scratched into the concrete.
     Anaira had to get out of here, and there was only one way that would be possible. Her powers were unlocked now that it was night. Though she was so low on strength… but she could do it. She could.
     She closed her eyes and focused her breath. It took so much concentration and power. She felt her weak heart beat with whatever little blood it pumped. Before Ethel could attack, she was engulfed in black smoke, turning into a bat, out of her bonds. She flapped her wings as hard as she could and flew her way through the halls while Ethel growled.
     She flew up the stairwell, and out an open window. Ethel completely knocked down the door as she ran after her on all fours. Anaira flew through the trees, disoriented from the dark, and the wind, and her low magic. She felt herself grow dizzy, and before she knew it, she briefly blacked out.
     Her frail wings gave out on her as she lost consciousness. When she came back to she was falling from the sky, and there wasn't a thing she could do about it. She collided in the snow, breaking her fall. She heard the crunch of snow and growling approach her.
     Ethel picked her up by the wings, pinching them together with her claws. She growled a laugh and held her up in front of her face, her mask perfectly fitting her muzzle. Her voice was almost an echo, an unnatural tone.
    “Oh, Anaira… when will you learn you can’t run from me?”
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Hell yeah back into the whumpy shit (just with different characters lol)
I really love vampire werewolf rivalries (and rivalries in general) so this shit is so fun for me. Also I can feel my alien phase returning which is good because, uh, aliens next part? 👀
(Also whumpy-wyrms you are the reason I felt motivated to buckle down and finish this so thank you 👍)
Taglist: @parasitebunny @whumpy-wyrms @fruitypinapple00 @otterfrost
Lmk in the comments if you want added or removed !
Thanks for reading !! 💕🦌
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made here, text/photos for ants so list under the cut
I would eat the thong out of her asscrack any day of the week and twice on sunday: 3 different pictures of Counsellor Florrick
NEED to be barefoot and pregnant in her kitchen ASAP: Quartermaster Talli, Mizora, Jaheira, Minthara
babygirl I probably wouldn't actually smash tier: Alfira (edit: I forgot to put Nocturne here)
pls steal my kidneys: Araj Oblodra
break my back immediately: Lakrissa, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Aylin, Isobel
objectively hot women I'm not into: Mystra, Orin, Nym Orlith, Kagha, Karlach, Ethel
comp het crush tier: Wyll, Minsc, Gale, Sorn Orlith, Barcus Wroot
irrelevant man/monster tier: exactly what it says, every other man/monster that was an option
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sugarandspite05 · 3 months
hiiiii ‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧
i’m becoming more active with tumblr so feel free to message me, i’d love to make some moots/friends!!
lots of diff interests so stuff will be kinda jumbled, but generally about music groups and media彡
𖦹worlds biggest solitudinarian and cream soda enthusiast😼💯
𖦹men with long hair🙂‍↕️
𖦹18 🇺🇸
fav genres: rock [folk, psychedelic, glam, indie] metal [alternative, gothic, r&b, funk, nu] + darkwave, shoegaze, synthpop
fav artists: paramore, the warning, wisp, type o negative, bad omens, ethel cain, florence+machine, pastel ghost, sleep token, the crane wives, halsey, nova twins, three days grace, elliot smith, iggy pop, the cure, paradise lost, adele
fav genres: historical & gothic fiction, poetry, psychological thriller, dystopian, sci-fi, anthology, black comedy, animation, religious/satire media
fav media: gotham, shameless, before i fall, sherlock, sound of metal, morel orel, madoka magica, violet evergarden, AOT, soul eater, ATLA/LOK, we are the ants, radio silence, bones and all, wwdits, the handmaids tale, asoue, black mirror, castlevania, phantom of the opera, the witch, the fl project, TWD, just dance
if you like similar things plz give me an excuse to yap about it 🙊
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dlupon · 10 days
En la estación correcta.
Los problemas eran numerosos en cuanto a la vida de Ethel se trataba. Si no estaba disgustada con la actitud de su hermana, lo estaría con alguna otra cosa. Le aliviaba un poco saber que su tía Agnes parecía ser similar a ella. No obstante, sentía un pequeño resquemor sobre la despedida que tuvo con su hermana, hubiera deseado que sea en una situación diferente, mas amorosa, a decir verdad. Todo esto cruzaba por su cabeza en tanto subía al tren.
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La llegada a la mansión fue veloz. Las maletas fueron desempacadas en un instante por el personal de servicio, y su tía Agnes fue de urgencias a la sala de estar mas pequeña de la casa, pues fue alertada de un altercado por parte de una de las empleadas.
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¿Para esto había vuelto?, pensó. Verdaderamente, para lo poco que recordaba, la mayoría de esos recuerdos eran altercados entre los dos individuos que hasta ahora se encontraban peleando, una riña sin fin que había notado que llevaban.
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-Niño, sabes bien que no me gusta esa actitud.- dijo tomándolo del brazo.- Y nunca te atrevas a darme la espalda. -¡No me toques!.- empujo al anciano.
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-¡Has colmado mi paciencia!, maldito mocoso malcriado.- dijo el anciano, arremetiendo contra Byron, quien callo al suelo, adolorido.- No puedo hacer nada con tus problemas, eres adulto, supera todo aquello de una vez. -Es suficiente, mi amor. No te preocupes, el niño entendió tu punto.- se interpuso Agnes, evitando que la pelea llegue a más.
Ethel comprendió de inmediato que debia huir de allí, la situación se tornaría aun peor si la descubrían fisgoneando y hasta ella podría terminar de la misma manera o peor.
Tarde aquella noche, cuando la luna alcanzaba su punto mas alto y comenzaba a alumbrar pesadamente el patio trasero, Ethel se encontraba algo inquieta por lo sucedido hoy. Si bien, le preocupaba el bienestar de quien consideraba su mejor amigo, incluso podría decirse que un hermano, aunque no fuera de sangre, no haberlo visto en al menos dos años la mantenía algo alborotada. Decidió ir a por un vaso de agua, con la esperanza de poder tragarse todas esas emociones de un sorbo, pero fue interrumpida por un quejido delante de ella.
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-¡Aaaj!- se oyó el quejido. -Has crecido un poco.- vacilo Ethel. Esperando una sonrisa que no recibió.- déjame ver eso. -No hace falta...-dijo, pero no fue escuchado.
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-Se ve bastante mal...-evaluó. -Esta bien. No es para tanto. -Pero si duele cuando lo toco...deberías ponerte hielo. -Ya. No quiero darle el gusto.
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-Déjame hacerlo. Se te ira pronto. -Ethel, esta bien. No es la primera vez. Descuida. -Solo estoy preocupada por ti, es todo. No apruebo para nada ese tipo de corrección de conducta. -Dímelo a mi...-bromeo, esta vez de mejor humor.
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-De todas modos, gracias. Siempre eres tan atenta conmigo...
Expreso Byron, con gran afecto en su tono, besando a su querida amiga en la frente.
El sueño luego de una situación tan amena hizo que Ethel cayera rendida en su cama. Al fin habían terminado la reforma de su habitación, por lo que ya se encontraba durmiendo plácidamente en ella.
La mañana llego rápido y con una visita inesperada, al menos para los mas jóvenes de la casa. La familia Leroy había arribado en Clrumplebottom state. Un golpecito en la puerta aviso de su llegada al viejo Herald y a la vieja Agnes. Sabían a que venían, puesto que, algunos días atrás, una carta había llegado anunciando que Claude, el único hermano de Herald, vendría a reclamar su parte de la herencia. Aun cuando esa herencia, venia de parte de su esposa Agnes, de quien había adoptado el prestigioso apellido. Para este punto, considerando que ellos no habían logrado engendrar ningún hijo y que su hija había muerto dando a luz a su nieto, no tenia nada con lo que defenderse ante este acontecimiento.
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Su hermano había llegado acompañado de su hija, Marguerite y su flamante esposa, Antoniette. Al verlas pasar por la puerta, instantáneamente se le ocurrió una idea brillante. Comprometería a su nieto con la hija de su hermano. Se comprende que no poseían ningún tipo de lazo sanguíneo y, a demás, le daría algo de tiempo para planear algo mas elaborado. En el mejor de los casos, no debería entregar toda su fortuna y su nieto, tendría algo para heredad.
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No le costo mucho convencer a su hermano. No podría encontrar un mejor matrimonio que este, y si lo hiciera, no heredaría su hija ningún centavo de aquello. Este trato le convenía de sobre manera, por lo que acepto rápidamente, exigiendo sus propias condiciones.
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-¿Porque sigues haciendo ese tipo de tratos sin consultarme?.- esbozo con enfado Byron.- Es mi vida la que estas arruinado. -Es por el bien de todos, incluso de esa niña.- intento manipular.- ¿Crees que el la dejara quedarse si no firmas ese acuerdo?, la enviara lejos, o la casara con algún viejo como yo. ¿Es lo que quieres para ella?
Byron pensó unos minutos lo que estaba diciendo. El señor ese no tenia ningún derecho. El que debia heredar todo era el, o en el ultimo de los casos, su preciada Ethel. Sin embargo, comprendía a su abuelo, la situación debió sobrepasarlo, decidió que aceptaría el trato.
-Solo mientras sea conveniente, no me casare con esa chica.- Culmino la oración, decidido. -Esta bien. Es el trato. -¡Ahora vete, y no vuelvas a entrar aquí!- exigió, señalando la puerta de su habitación.
La noticia no le cayo mejor a Ethel, quien sufría para sus adentro. No soportaba la idea de que su querido sea obligado a casarse, mucho menos aceptaba la idea de perderlo. Ni siquiera sabia aun si el chico sentía lo mismo que ella, y todas sus esperanzas habían ido de cien a cero en pocos segundos.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 10 months
five songs on repeat!
tagged by @kaaaaaaarf & @maliceofminds MWAH
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