#ethical sunscreen
attheideality · 1 year
10 Ethical Sunscreen Brands: Protect Your Skin and the Ocean
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tennessoui · 1 month
how am I sunburned I got one day on the beach 😭
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mayakern · 3 months
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we have a few miniskirts on sale right now, so if you're looking to expand your summer wardrobe, we've got you!! 😎
☀️ inclusive sizes (XS-8X) ☀️ made ethically ☀️ huge pockets that will fit a whole bottle of sunscreen, your sunglasses, and whatever else you'll need to beat the heat
you can find them on my store now!
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
Vampire Akechi AU
Akechi x Aiura + Saiki & all of his friends (shenanigans), inspired by convo w/ @oatmealcrisp-freak, thank u!!)
Aiura notices that when she's getting her blood drawn, the cute lil friendly blond phlebotomist takes two vials of blood when she knows she's only getting tested for one thing. Since he found her vein easily and is incredibly chatty, she lets it go.
However, the next time she needs blood drawn, Akechi takes her into his room almost as soon as she signs in even though she's early for her appointment. He's friendly and chatty again, and when she asks why he pulled her in right away, he says that he remembers her cute face and tricky veins, and fears that the other less-competent staff might get distracted and miss the vein.
Aiura is mollified and forgets to check the tubes until the end of the appointment, when she sees the two tubes in the holder again. Instead of leaving the room, she shuts the door behind her and asks Akechi why there's an extra vial.
Akechi immediately starts to sweat, or whatever the vampire equivalent is. Aiura can see his bright aura and can't imagine him being evil. Akechi apologizes for his greed - normally he only takes a little extra blood in the syringe from each patient instead of a whole vial, but Aiura's blood is so delicious and the pickings have been slimmer ever since the lab administration stopped accepting walk-ins and changed some of their offerings.
Another patient starts to enter the room, and they startle. Akechi hands Aiura one of his personal calling cards (for his private detective side-hustle) and says she can call him anytime after hours for more discussion. She already knows where he works, after all.
Afterwards, when Aiura does call him, she asks if he drank that second vial of blood. He admits that he did, reasoning that he couldn't very well return it, and there was no need for the extra blood for her medical tests, so he drank it. He can't help but enthuse about how much more delicious her blood was this time with the extra iron, and thanks her profusely for the meal.
Curious, Aiura asks if he'd meet her at a café. He agrees and suggests lunch. She's surprised he can go out during the day, and he reminds her that they met at the lab during the day. He just dresses formally to cover as much skin as possible, then uses his own custom sunscreen and sunglasses and a hat when he's outside. He still can't be out in the sun for too long, but it's enough for him to get from his car to inside a building and back. If the sunscreen has worn off, he retreats to a bathroom to apply more before heading out.
Akechi ends up ordering a latte and Aiura is surprised to see him actually drinking it. He explains that he can drink any liquid and that whole milk is actually a really good supplement to blood since it includes lots of fat and protein in it, but blood is what he can digest the best, and the less blood he drinks, the more corpse-like he becomes. No blood for long enough and he'll be unable to go out in the day at all, and he'll be super low on energy and brainpower.
Akechi tries to only take blood as ethically as he can, and at the smallest amount for him to be comfortable. If he were to properly fill up on blood, he could use the full gamut of vampire powers. As it is, he can only perform hypnosis on a single person if he really concentrates, and he can turn into his small bat form to escape a situation.
Aiura is curious about the other vampire powers but Akechi shrugs and says that the other powers are most useful for combat. He's not in the business of fighting anyone, so drinking more blood would only make him feel physically full and more comfortable, but also feel poorly emotionally if it wasn't ethically sourced. Should another vampire that was less careful about consumption enter Akechi's territory, then he would consider fueling up to get rid of the other one. But even then, in that case it would be a better tactical choice to let Saiki fill up on that blood to go on the offense.
Aiura's surprised that there are other vampires, though she supposes she shouldn't be. Akechi tells her that Saiki is the one who turned him. Aiura wonders if Saiki has power over Akechi due to turning him, and Akechi laughs. Saiki had never been able to control Akechi before, and that hasn't changed after death.
Saiki's the kind of vampire that was born that way and whose aging slows to a stop over time. He was probably born like 20 years before Akechi but their development synced up really well at once point and they became best friends.
At first, Akechi would beg to be turned into a vampire, but Saiki would refuse, not wanting him to suffer as he does. Eventually as Akechi gets older, he accepts his mortality and his ability to feed Saiki with his blood, and stops asking to be turned. However, in his early 30s Akechi is diagnosed with a terminal illness, and Saiki is consumed with grief at the thought of losing his only friend. When Akechi is unconscious on the hospital bed, close to death, Saiki loses control and turns him into a vampire.
Saiki considers this the height of selfishness, but Akechi is very happy to be practically alive and very well. He adjusts quickly to vampirism and soon figures out easy and ethical ways to get blood.
However, Saiki really tries to not drink blood so that he 1) doesn't hurt anyone and 2) doesn't get all his powers flooding back. Akechi cajoles him into having some blood whenever he thinks Saiki is too low on it, but Saiki still spends a lot of his time motionless in the dark.
Until Nendo breaks into Saiki's house and decides this spooky vampire mansion is free real estate. The sheer indignity has Saiki so mad that he bites Nendo without thinking and has his first proper sip in a long long time. This doesn't seem to bother Nendo at all, and he happily moves in to the mansion. Saiki will never admit it, but he does actually enjoy how Nendo livens up the place, and logically, having a free blood source is a good idea. Maybe he can even share with Akechi and repay some of his imagined debt.
Then Nendo starts inviting in pretty much everyone who he overhears having trouble with housing or family, and Saiki ends up with a mansion full of new friends.
At this point, the hypothetical chapters would alternate between Aiura x Akechi dates (milkshakes, smoothies, romantic walks under the stars, cuddling at home, silly tiny bat times, maybe a sippy or two) and Saiki encountering yet another random human in his home.
Kuboyasu is a 35yo freshly divorced dilf with no clue what to do with his life now. Kaido's a 28yo who tried to stay in college forever but was forced to graduate and doesn't know what to do with his life. Toritsuka, a 40yo deadbeat, came to "exorcise" the mansion in an attempt to gain fame, discovered Saiki, and decides to move in and try to cajole Saiki into giving him epic vampire powers. Hairo is a 60yo who won't stop the hashtag grind even though his joints are definitely feeling it. Teruhashi is an 18yo runaway and Saiki has to deal with her extremely unfortunate crush because he would feel terrible kicking a baby like her out to the wolves. Yumehara is 23 and tries to be a friend and role model to Teruhashi with mixed success. Mera, 50, just wants to save on rent. Saiko, 40yo, is also there escaping his family, much to Saiki's chagrin. Why does a millionaire need to squat in HIS house??
Since Akechi masquerades pretty efficiently as a human, he has his own apartment near his job (difficult to commute inconspicuously from the famously huge and haunted mansion at the edge of town), and generally visits Saiki at night as a bat, if he's not doing a little investigation for a client. He's very pleased to see Saiki looking healthy and happy for the first time ever, as much as he complains about his growing zoo. When Akechi introduces Aiura to Saiki, Aiura actually recognizes him from several dreams she's had, though Saiki looks wayyyy more hydrated and pink now than in the visions she had seen.
Conveniently the visions Aiura had are about the plot. Kusuke is still alive, and though he should be 70+, he figured out how to slow his own aging via science and studying Kusuo. He's angry that Kusuo prefers to starve than to reach his full potential, and that Kusuo chose to spend his immortal life with Akechi instead of him. Finding out that now Kusuo is keeping the company of like 10 human failures is the final straw for Kusuke.
Kusuke injects Kusuo with a chemical that fools his body into thinking it's empty of nutrients, which triggers a vampire 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘 and overrides Kusuo's better judgement. Kusuo actually being full of blood works in Kusuke's favor, because he has the full gamut of his powers too while going on a wild rampage as a monstrous giant bat. Akechi, Aiura, and all the mansion residents have to work together to stop Kusuo from trashing the place and escaping to feed on the local populace, all while fighting off Kusuke's army of brainless undead zombies.
With everyone's combined efforts, they manage to get Saiki into the basement, which is the strongest part of the house, and get him pretty calm. Then Kusuke shows up in person, hoping to rile Kusuo up into turning him. Kusuo doesn't attack him like Kusuke expected, so Kusuke starts shooting at his human friends to get him to react. Kusuo protects them all with his own body instead, and struggles to think of a way to stop Kusuke without killing him.
Then Akechi slips out under his massive wing in his own tiny bat form, swooping onto Kusuke's face and grabbing his head. He lines up his eyes with Kusuke's and with the extra power from Aiura's blood, is able to hypnotize him into putting the weapons down and make him fall asleep.
When Kusuke comes to, he's chained up (with Aiura's hot pink and fluffy BDSM gear for lack of better equipment), and his brother is regarding him with disappointment. Kusuke promises not to do that again, but Kusuo doesn't really believe him. Kusuke pleads that he just wants his brother back, and Nendo pops in and invites him to just move in. Kusuke initially scoffs at the idea of living with dirty lesser humans, but Kusuo smiles at the idea, and Kusuke changes his mind.
Kusuke moves in and has his remaining zombies help patch up the mansion. True to his word, he doesn't try to rile up Kusuo again, nor take over the world, though he naturally still continues his sussy experiments. He actually ends up becoming good friends with Akechi too, and they & Kusuo often play competitive games together.
And Aiura and Akechi become an official couple and share a wing of the mansion, and Aiura asked to get turned after a while. They find a baby vampire that's similar to Kusuo (in that it will age for a while and then stop) and raise them as their child, and Saiki's home remains a safe haven for any humans that are open-minded and in need of community. <3
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ursaspecter · 2 months
If you've ever gone to a Walmart or a Home Depot, and you see a table and a tent kind of fundraiser for a non-profit, chances are the people working that booth are roped into working for an MLM. It's likely that they aren't volunteers for the non-profit or even directly employed by them but rather are working for a third-party marketing firm.
Their tent to protect them from the sun is paid out of the team lead's pocket. Sunscreen, water, coolers, and gas money are not provided or compensated for by the company. All of it has to be provided by a team lead or the client associates.
They talk to you because they're told to talk to EVERYONE in order to maximize the amount raised. Because that's how they're getting paid. If they're honest, 30% of your charitable donation goes to their weekly pay. In fact, they're working on commission and commission alone. If they're dishonest, they can just pocket your cash donation and get 100% rather than just a plain 30%. They hit everyone with the same script that they've been forced to memorize word for word with no room for variation. All to manipulate you into donating. You'd be better off directly donating online and cutting out the middle man, and they'd be better off finding a job that won't withhold their wages for missing a day of work.
The company they're working for likely told them that to work here they have to pass a background check and be a morally upright citizen with a good code of ethics, yet the same company uses misleading and manipulative tactics to prey on those that are desperate and vulnerable. The team lead who interviewed them knows that building up their own team of client associates and getting them to leadership is the only way they can move up the ladder, or more appropriately, the pyramid.
The people working those booths likely had a morning meeting in a nice polished office where they stand in a room full of whiteboards while their team lead regurgitated information that they had to memorize word for word with no variation. All so they could take word for word notes on the "class" to later relay to their own team one day. If they last that long, that is.
They're promised that within 12-18 months they can go from a lowly client associate to being an owner of their own firm somewhere else where the cycle continues. Another shiny office space with an "atmo" room full of whiteboards and no chairs to hold "classes" that teach endless acronyms and breed toxic positivity.
But you're just trying to get your groceries or some bolts and screws. You hear out their little pitch and tell them you're not interested. They don't take your no for an answer because they're told to do that or else they don't get rent money. But you don't know that just by looking at them. You see a charity booth and two people wearing lanyards with the name of the charity all over them. Why shouldn't you think they're just volunteers doing this out of the kindness of their hearts?
The higher ups claim that everyone is in it to help the community and make a real difference in the world, but really it's to fill the pockets of the owners and crush the ones doing the most work except in even scummier ways than a regular crappy job in retail. At least with hourly wages you know you're getting paid for your labor even if you have to call in sick.
They tell you that you just need to have a student mentality, a strong work ethic, and a positive attitude. Always a positive attitude. If you have a good day, that means the systems they're teaching you are working. If you have a bad day, then it's always your fault for not trying hard enough.
Obviously, don't harrass or be a dick to those soliciting for charities outside shops. It's likely that they're the ones at the very bottom of the pyramid that are just trying to eat and pay their bills.
I lasted a day and a half at one of these firms. That was a day and a half too long. Unfortunately, these firms always have weird nothing burger names and they don't show on their website their connection to their parent company: Universal Events (no relation to the movie studio). I know the economy and job market are utter garbage right now, but if it sounds too good to be true, it likely is. I doubt any legitimate entry level marketing job will only require a GED/Diploma and a positive attitude. If the first "interview" is a group webinar over zoom, don't waste your time.
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pottedfairies · 3 months
if you're interested in participating in the BDS movement ( https://bdsmovement.net/ ) or just want to make sure youre consuming as ethically as possible, i recommend taking a look at https://disoccupied.com/ to check out your fave products and see alternatives for them. this is the current list of targeted boycotts https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott (HP and Puma are big ones) but there are some organic boycotts that are making good traction, like boycotting starbucks, mcdonalds, wix, disney, and airbnb. remember that boycotting companies that value profit over life is integral to making community in this late stage capitalistic hell. keep your phones and laptops until the last second, don’t but new tech if you can avoid it, and look into where your raw materials are coming from. shell is particularly guilty for profiting off of the genocide in sudan and apple is using and killing children to mine for cobalt. it feels like a lot to keep in mind but little steps accumulate over time. drink water and wear (bds safe!) sunscreen.
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positivexcellence · 1 year
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towwn: eco sunscreens 🌎♻️☀️🧴⁠ ⁠ whether you’re at the beach, a park, or simply strolling outside – even on cloudy days! – sunscreen is a must. so we rounded up some of our favorite eco-smart serums + sprays that prioritize human health + nature. all are free of oxybenzone and octinoxate, two chemicals known to damage coral reefs. did we miss your favorite eco spf? share it with us in the comments below! 💚⁠ ⁠ @everydayhumans⁠ the 1st plastic-neutral certified sunscreen, this derm-tested oil is infused with squalane, jojoba seed + vitamin e, which provide sustainable shimmer and skin protection. ⁠ ⁠ @koparibeauty⁠ this vegan + cruelty-free gel checks both beauty + eco boxes: touting a glowy, water-resistant golden shimmer + made from a plant-based blend of macadamia, hibiscus, avocado + coconut oils that offers broad spectrum protection.⁠ ⁠ @versed⁠ this mineral sunscreen covers all your bases with a special 3-way protection protocol against all the elements—environmental pollution, electronic pollution from screen time, and the sun. its nontoxic, vegan/cruelty-free + packaging is made from 79% post-consumer recycled plastic.⁠ ⁠ @albabotanica⁠ an affordable, eco-friendly choice recommended by the skin cancer foundation, the biodegradable formula offers water-resistant, spf 50 protection in a convenient spray. ⁠ ⁠ @tower28beauty ⁠ boasting 17 shades, the tinted sunny days mineral formula offers broad spectrum spf 30 protection that evens out redness + soothes uv-stressed skin. ⁠ ⁠ @lovesunbody⁠ this reef-safe, vegan/cruelty-free, 100% natural mineral formula has a seal of approval by @ecocertofficial – the *only sunscreen* with this certification. the brand recently introduced 3 new sheer body formulas to its sustainable + ethical product line.⁠ ⁠ @solaraskincare⁠ known for clinical sun protection + defense against pollution, the new “go!” collection launches in @target this summer. the brand’s eco-friendly practices offer healthy options that are gentle on the planet and your wallet.⁠ ⁠ @tula⁠ a daily broad-spectrum formula that protects from pollution + blue light. good year-round and won’t leave a white cast, so wear it under makeup or on its own.⁠
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
why should humans be morally obligated to radically restructure their lives in order to promote animal welfare when we don't even require that for human welfare? do you ensure that *literally* everything you buy is slavery-free, or do you only care about exploitation if it's not of a human being?
fallacy. 'if you can't perfectly do something, you may as well not try at all and be as morally abhorrent as you want'. by that logic, because i can never live my life completely cruelty free, why not actively buy slave labour? why not engage in products from trafficking? why not go to the saudi fifa cup? why not buy blood diamonds? it would be easiest to do whatever i like and not care about anything else, right? and i'm sure it's much more expensive and troublesome for corporations to adhere to morals, how much have they paid to legally stay with the changed labour and safety and ethics laws implemented since the industrial revolution. child labour was way easier, you barely had to pay them!
not to mention radical feminism, not wearing makeup, not shaving, not dating horrible men, not using the word bitch, engaging in female separatism? WAY too hard, and way too much change, why should we have moral obligation to change our behaviours to benefit others? it's almost like this is a completely shit argument called moral psychopathy, and is so intellectually lazy and dishonest, that the second you apply it to any hypotheticals, it falls apart.
but if it for some reason matters to you, i only buy clothes and most other stuff second hand, i buy new zealand brand, ethically made house and care products (soaps, shampoos, moisturisers, sunscreen, toilet cleaner, room spray, dish soap, etc.), i don't buy unnecessary excess, i use devices until they break and fall apart (i still use a second hand ipad i was given back in 2015 for stuff, my laptop is second hand and falling apart, my phone was bought for me by my mother because i had no phone, and i will use nothing but it until it completely breaks in however many years), i don't drive, so i don't buy petrol and engage in oil issues, and i constantly advocate for others to do the same, and give people advice on how to do it. i vote, and petition for policies that help humans, i am anti climate change, which very much affects humans (and the number one cause is animal agriculture).
how much of that do you do? i'm guessing little to none of it, because you don't actually care about slaves and human rights, you just want to not feel bad about sitting on your ass and not putting your money where your mouth is.
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shoutascoffeepot · 11 months
Chapter One: Pilot
The Art of Deception: The Deadly Dance - Series
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Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x Female Original Character Themes: Mafia, psychological, age gap, cultural differences.
!!!Trigger Warnings!!!: Age gap, stalking, kidnapping, clubs, murderings, guns, mention of drugs, mention of stress.
To run his life, he had to kill. The first time was unintentional, a reflex, yet it’s his first kill, a bullet to the head of the yakuza who was threatening his small thug gang when he was sixteen if they didn’t oblige. After that it all became memories and history. Somehow his group of thugs grew, got their own business of hitmen and substance-smuggling. By the age of twenty one he had enough to open up an official business in the market, alongside running the one in the dark. 
  Killing is a profession, it needs talent, it needs someone ready to shed memories and skins on a daily basis especially when he was already in deep, living the life whilst applying his own ethics in his work out of law’s report. His life was neon lights and starry nights, he’s the most sober at all times. In present time, he’s thirty two with Japan wrapped around his fingertip, the most powerful Yakuza who erases the existence of those who dares to oppose him or his ways. A man with tired, judging eyes and an intimidating aura to his gruff, unhinged presence. 
  On the other hand, someone living the princess life, saw life all in pale pink tinted sunglasses, was a foreigner who had never stepped foot in Japan once in her life. In average height, shoulder trimmed ebony hair that curtained a fringe over her round, ivory flushed face, she’s dancing across the kitchen while making milk tea, unbothered and carefree. 
  While taking her cup Lilith’s phone rings. She answers while putting it on speaker, it’s her best friend. 
“Good morning babyyyyyy!” The feminine distorted voice cheered from the phone as Lilith leans back on the sofa and sips carefully from the warm mug. 
“Good morrnningggggg~” She replied with a chuckle hitched in her voice. 
“Have you rested well?” 
“Hm, can’t tell, I’m too excited to go out. When will you show me around?” 
“So I’ve got all day free, I was thinking we could get lunch, you work your magic on our faces with your witchcraft of makeup, then I got a club appointment~” 
“You do know I don’t really like those places right?” 
“It’s not a cheap ass place where people harrass you, the bookings are always full two months ahead. Come ooooon, it'd be fun to let stress off. My treat.” 
“Fine, but don’t get too drunk on me. I won’t be drinking.” 
“What time should I drop by to pick you up?” 
“It’s already one in the afternoon, It won’t take me too long to get ready if it’s just lunch. Plus we’ll be back to actually glam up.” 
“Okay I’ll just change and be right over.” 
“Put sunscreen on!” 
  But she already hung up. Lilith changed into black skinny jeans and a loose-fitting graphic tee. She applied sunscreen and patted some cream blush and concealer in to look more alive and less like a zombie. By the time she was picking out her converse there was a knock at her door. When she opened up the door a smaller figure jumped into her arms, she hugged back with the brightest smile. 
“I missed youuuuuuu!” The muffled, shorter girl called. 
“I missed you too Yin,”  Said Lilith, in the gentlest voice as she pulled away, “Let’s go yeah? Seeing the unpacked things here makes me crawl in my skin.”  
While they walked out and Lilith Locked up her apartment, along with noticing the outfit Lilith had on, Yin noticed how her best friend’s expression was off. 
“What happened? Are you okay?” Questioned Yin to which Lilith Immediately responded. 
“Yeah, just stressed, that’s all.” Lilith brushed off with a smile. “You know how it is, I’m sure some time out could wash out all those intrusive thoughts.” 
Yin’s bright smile softened, almost diluting. “Another episode?” 
The way her voice was barely a whisper, fragile and skittish to her best friend’s state, sent goosebumps all over Lilith that made her shake her head lightly. 
“It’s hard, you know how it is. But I’ll be okay.” She reassured her. 
The topic quickly faded from seriousness and into more lively chatter as they walked down the street, to the ramen house and ate. Yin asked about Lilith’s life, especially her love life with an expecting smile as Lilith brushed it off. There wasn’t anything to talk about, even ‘nice’ guys were red flags. So the whole spectrum was avoided efficiently by Lilith in pursuit of her career studies which got her here to Japan in the first place. In return Lilith teased Yin about her weird habits and they would pick on bad trends together as the conversation diluted to what makeup style they’d wear while they returned back to Lilith’s apartment.
Lilith played some music as she started with Yin’s makeup, they were both gonna have the same eyeshadow style. A soft glittery pink fade with dimension, except for yin she’d have a normal cat-eye liner and for Lilith she drew a softer extra lash since her eye is more hooded, barely called eyeliner. That, with the light base of concealer, contour, highlight and blush, set it all and they were ready. Yin wore a pink champagne metallic silk dress that finished right at the middle of her thighs. Lilith wore a black long sleeve dress that fell right above her knees yet showed cleavage, the same material as Yin’s. As they styled their hair and wore gold jewelry, they were set to go. 
It’s nine, yes it took a long time and going through a lot of playlists. That’s why they took Yin’s car and were taking selfies since they finished glowing up all the way to the club. The inside of the club was cozy yet freezing. The song ‘Ghost’ by Confetti was playing, a big droopy warm-toned chandelier was in the center of the ceiling of the copious arena. There was a shaded glass area that led to a V.I.P Section, it was lit up and the waiters and men were standing by it protectively. Waiting patiently for something. 
Rounded black marble tables were scattered over the room, and a ten by ten dance floor in the middle that glowed the same tone of gold the chandelier threw over the few people that were already there, all wearing fancy-looking clothes. Lilith’s shoulders were pushed down instead of slumping forward, curious doll eyes scanning over the place. 
“Not bad, this seems nice enough.” Said Lil, to which Yin smirked. 
“Told you-- That guy’s checking us out.” She whispered back. Lilith looked where Yin’s eyes pointed and met eyes with a fake blond with outgrown roots, his large monolid eyes slanted upwards as he bit his lip and drank from his cup. She breaks eye contact before he gets the wrong idea. 
“Not my type.” Lilith, who was now taking a step backward, stated. They both took their chosen table near the dancefloor. 
“What shall you drink tonight?” A pretty attendant came by once they sat, she had brown hair with highlights and a gold shimmery eye and a nude lip, perhaps that’s the dress code here? Since every woman working there seemed to look the same except for the hair. 
“A margarita for me and--” 
“Lemon iced tea for me. No alcohol.” Lilith swallowed her throat, it was embarrassing to be sober but so be it. She never liked the feeling of being drunk anyways. As they waited for their drinks, other songs started playing, ones Lilith wasn’t familiar with. 
“You seem tense,” Yin announced as she sipped from her drink. Lilith snapped back with a jolt as she stared at the iced tea in front of her. 
“I was zoned out, sorry. Uh, did you notice what’s there?” Lilith asked as she opened the can and poured the contents of it into the cup that had ice and mint. Yin glanced at the V.I.P section that was getting more crowded by the minute. ‘Hushhh’ by Aviva started playing.
“I don’t know..” Yin contemplated. 
“Nevermind. I know this song--” Lilith stood up and walked to the dancefloor and swayed her hips to the beat drop, letting her head fall to let some steam off. She looked too erotic to be dancing alone. Skipping her feet and caressing her thighs then trapping her index to her lip on the word ‘hush’. God she needed this, grinding to nothing but air with hands up. 
The song ended and she let out a soft laugh, the ecstasy of a good dance is more adrenaline inducing than any drink or drug. She slowly stepped back to her table and sipped her cold drink which was a contrast to her hot, pumping heartbeat in her chest. 
“You were sexy back there, that same guy was eyeing you while talking to another girl.” Yin smirked and chuckled. “Hey! Could I get two shots here?” She suddenly signaled to the attendant which came immediately with a tray of pints and set two on the table. 
“I’m not drinking.” Lilith deadpanned. 
“Who said they were for you? Both for me, this margarita is not getting me anywhere.” 
Albeit words faded, Lilith’s eyes were glued to the line of men that were standing near the V.I.P section, they were all tall and muscular under those slim-fitting suits. A profile view of one that had a bun and a sharp scruffy jawline caught her eye. 
“Quick look behind you, bun, is he hot or just tall?” Lilith looked away when the man made eye contact, noticing her long stare. “Quick-- They’re walking.” 
Yin waited two seconds to not seem suspicious after taking her shot and looked behind, no one. They weren’t there. “Where?” 
“They went inside. I swear to god they were like fifteen, all muscular and fairly tall.” Lilith empathized. 
“Well they’re gone now.” Yin took her second shot while Lilith groaned in loss. 
“Why don’t I know any songs here?” Lilith complained just as a song ended and ‘gimme more’ by Britney Spears started. She immediately stood up and took her way back to the dancefloor, Yin followed her and they both swung their bodies to the beat then rolled their hips. It was therapeutic in its own way. Lilith bit her lip and looked at the V.I.P section again, what if one of those money-loaded hot men was to watch? The mere consequence is thrilling her imagination to luxury life. She could get used to doing this every other night. 
“I’m going to sneak in there,” Lilith hinted while the song ended and they were on the way to their table. “I have to see if there is anyone worth a while, perhaps they’ll keep me there.” 
‘Harley’s in hawaii’ by Katy Perry started playing, Lilith was annoyed she’d miss this song but it was too slow to dance to alone anyways. 
“You’reeeee ditching me.” Yin raised her brow. 
“I’ll be back, I’m just gonna peek and come back back, Consider it a bathroom break.” Lilith explained. 
“Fine, don’t take long.” Yin said as her friend walked away to the secluded section. 
Amazing timing, the guards were busy with a drunk person picking a fight. Lilith picked a champagne glass from a walking waitress as an excuse and invited herself in. In the secluded cozy arena there was a ‘U’ shaped couch and small golden table stools scattered for drinks. There were two poles with strippers and right when the high note in the song hit, Lilith’s scanning eyes met with the guy who had the bun earlier. He lifted his head from the tray offered with lines of white powder and furrowed his brows when he laid eyes on Her.
The guards already caught up and were about to attack when the man with the bun raised his hand, a gesture for them to back off. Only then did she realize how handsome he was, with sharp chiseled features. He was roguish, in short, a dilf. 
Exactly her type of broken man. 
“Why are you here?” His deep voice vibrated more than the music that made her look away. 
“Someone uh… Wanted more champagne?” Lilith looked around innocently, the men were too busy eyeing her down, stripping her from her clothes with the longing stares of around fifty men in the room. 
“You’re a bad liar.” The man with a death stare, the handsome one, who she assumed was their leader since he sat in the middle of the U shaped couch, right ahead of her, deadpanned.
“Oh sorry, uh I should just lea--” 
“I did not dismiss you.” He argued as the guards stood in her way back. 
“Come here.” He demanded, to which Lilith’s slow steps carried her alongside the weight of dread to stand before him. “Sit.” He glared and she looked around for an empty seat that wasn't there. 
“Here.” He patted his thigh, 
She stood there flabbergasted. Her dignity wouldn’t let her. She took a step back as her cheeks heated pink. No matter how handsome, no matter how bookish, or how much of a fit any man was, she wasn’t that girl.
“No?” He raised one end of his brow. 
“No.” She sounded more confident, staring at his eyes with strong will. “I’d rather be killed than be treated like your object.” She put one word on the other. 
“I see.” He put one knee on the other as he drank from his whiskey and looked down at her albeit she was standing as he sat. “Then why did you act like an object by displaying yourself?”
What is happening? Why is he asking this? What’s going through his head and would he let Lilith go after he humiliates her a bit? Was she safe? These doubts ran through her head as she swallowed the lump in her throat. 
“What? Cat got your tongue?” He questioned in a low, certain tone. “Take her with us.” He spoke to the men who stood behind her who strangled her wrists behind her in a heartbeat. The champagne glass shattered on the floor. 
“WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?! LET ME GO NOW! LET ME GO--” Lilith struggled uselessly as they jabbed her shoulder with a pen. Her body was unresponsive yet her mind was numb. She was awake but she couldn't struggle or scream anymore. Tears rolled down her cheeks as it was scary just like sleep paralysis. And she soon passed into slumber. 
Yin only noticed Lilith’s long disappearance late. She made her way to the V.I.P section but it was abandoned. The strippers picking up the money thrown at them and the hosts cleaning up the place. She approached the stripper who had red rusty short hair and asked where her friend was. Describing how Lilith looked in detail. 
“Didn’t see her.”
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magneticfemme · 3 months
Summer 2024 Lifestyle and Beauty Essentials.
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1. Eco-Friendly Fashion Sustainable fashion is at the forefront this summer. Opt for clothing made from organic or recycled materials, and explore thrift stores for unique, vintage finds. Brands that focus on ethical production and eco-friendly practices are the go-to choices. Look for versatile pieces that can be styled in multiple ways, reducing the need for excessive consumption.
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2. Wellness Routines Prioritizing wellness is key. Incorporate daily practices like yoga, meditation, or journaling to maintain mental clarity and reduce stress. Engage in outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, or beach volleyball to stay active and soak up the sun. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables will help you feel your best.
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3. Social Media Breaks Taking breaks from social media can enhance your overall well-being. Dedicate time to unplug and immerse yourself in nature or hobbies you enjoy. This will help you form deeper connections with friends and family and appreciate the present moment without the constant distraction of digital devices.
Beauty Essentials
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1. Sunscreen and Skincare Protecting your skin from the sun is crucial. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, and reapply every two hours when outdoors. Hydration is essential, so use lightweight moisturizers and serums with ingredients like hyaluronic acid. Incorporate antioxidant-rich products to combat environmental stressors and keep your skin glowing.
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2. Natural Makeup Look This summer, embrace a natural, effortless makeup look. Opt for tinted moisturizers or BB creams that even out your skin tone without feeling heavy. Cream blushes and bronzers provide a fresh, dewy finish, while a swipe of mascara and a tinted lip balm complete the look. Bold, colorful lip tints can add a playful touch for special occasions.
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3. Haircare Must-Haves Maintain healthy hair with UV-protectant sprays and nourishing hair masks. Embrace your natural texture with beachy waves or soft curls, using minimal heat styling to prevent damage. Accessories like headbands, scarves, and hair clips are perfect for adding a stylish flair while keeping hair out of your face during hot days.
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4. Sustainable Beauty Products Choose beauty products that are kind to the environment. Look for brands offering refillable packaging and cruelty-free formulations. Multi-use products, like lip and cheek tints, reduce the number of items you need, making your beauty routine more efficient and eco-friendly.
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Summer 2024 is all about embracing sustainability, wellness, and natural beauty. By incorporating these lifestyle and beauty essentials, you can enjoy a season filled with health, happiness, and effortless style.
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mika-0730 · 4 months
odd numbers 😤
*inserts that gif of someone grabbing the animal saying "YOUUUUU"* 1. chipotle order?
Bowl with Black beans, brown rice, fajita veggies, either chicken or carne asada steak, lettuce, corn salsa and medium salsa, sometimes cheese!
3. a specific color that gives you the ick? Not particularly, most colors have their place! It depends on if the color is used in a place that can cause it to look icky versus the color in particular!
5. favorite form of potato? Probably the Golden potato! A nice mix of starchy and waxy, good for baked, mashed, sliced, so many good optionssss. I really love making aligot with them!!!
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium? Already answered but I'll give another, I really like the dolphin shows too (as long as they're ethically ran, and I know that's a long shot)
9. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)? I do! It depends on how much energy I have, but I try to do this daily*: Rinse face use Micellar Water, either in wipes or just the liquid depending on energy level Rinse Exfoliate for 60 s Rinse Mosturize If I plan on going out or sitting near a window when the sun is facing it, sunscreen
When I'm tired, micellar wipes + mosturize when I can, and may be a couple days between when I'm having a flare up
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
Just some video games, really killed off most of that stuff. I do have a neat icee polar bear tshirt from like highschool lol
13. first thing you’re doing in the purge?
realistically probably dying, but getting to my friends/partners and spending as much time with them as I can
15. rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning
Freezing, drowning, burning. Generally based around what I remember is the least painful ways to go, where freezing you lose sensations then go to sleep, drowning is painful at first then a bit more calm, burning (explicitly the flames and not the running out of oxygen part) would be MISERABLE
17. an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
forgetting to eat and the little leg bouncing thing for restless leg stuff
19. the veggie you dislike the most?
Answered previously, generally beans but I enjoy them when they're mixed into things. Most veggies taste great when cooked in appropriate ways
21. a number that weirds you out?
Answered previously, but not really one!
23. do you wear jewelry? Nope! I would like to get my ears pierced at some point but I'm a big babyyyy, and I think I'd like some mild stuff like a cute necklace or rings
25. would you say you have good taste in music?
The absolute worst and I love it!
27. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit? Deep blue Jeans, Belt, gray tunic dress with shoulder cutout, pink plaid button down shirt!!! I've posted it a bunch and i LOVE it, though I might wanna get one of those really big belts for dresses too hehe
29. preferred pasta noodle? yes.
Jokes aside, probably fettuccine but it depends on the dish!!
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astrodrveams · 1 year
Helping Hoof ( MLP Apple Jack and Twilight FanFic)
Apple Jack let out a soft sigh as she approached Twilight's door. She did two hard knocks, she was nervous for some reason. When the door swung open to reveal Twilight, she greeted her with a warm smile. "Hey there, Applejack! What can I help you with?" she asked with a smile.
Feeling a bit sheepish, Apple Jack placed her hat over her chest and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I could really use your help." Her embarrassment was evident, but Twilight's welcoming demeanor put her at ease.
"Oh!" Twilight exclaimed. " What do you need help with?" Blushing slightly, Apple Jack admitted, "Well, Big Mac is out sick, and we have a lot of trees to harvest. I could use an extra pair of hooves." Twilight smiled, " I will gladly help! Just wait a moment!" The unicorn ran back into the library again, leaving Apple Jack outside.
When Twilight returned, Apple Jack couldn't help but burst into laughter. Twilight was wearing an oversized sun hat with bits of sunscreen still visible, and a big bag packed to the brim with snacks, water, even a first aid kit! Twilight's cheeks felt warm, " I don't want to get burned! Do you know how bad the sun can be?" 
Apple Jack wiped the tears from her eyes. " Sorry, I don't mean to laugh." Twilight smiled, " Maybe you need some sunscreen." She said, " It looks like you are starting to get sunburned," Apple Jack chuckled, feeling a bit self-conscious about her exposed skin. "Well, I reckon I'm used to the sun's rays, but I appreciate the concern," she replied with a grateful smile. Twilight shook her head. “ That isn’t good!"  She levitated a bottle of sunscreen and put a big glob on her hoof. “ You are out in the sun a lot, you need to take better care of yourself!” She started rubbing the sunscreen gently all over her face. Apple Jack laughed a little bit, “ Well, thanks Twi!” Twilight blushed a bit, “ No worries! Don’t want you getting sick or anything” She looked away from the orange pony, embarrassed for some reason.
"Now, shall we get to work? The orchard won't pick itself."
With Twilight's magic, the two ponies set out to harvest the apples from the abundant trees in Sweet Apple Acres. Apple Jack marveled at Twilight's skillful use of magic, carefully plucking apples from the branches without bruising them.
 They worked together seamlessly, their movements synchronized as they laughed and chatted about anything and everything. Apple Jack discovered that beneath Twilight's scholarly exterior, there was a gentle and compassionate heart. Twilight, in turn, admired Apple Jack's strong work ethic and unwavering dedication to her family and farm.
As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the orchard, they took a break and sat beneath the shade of the apple trees. Twilight took a sip of water, she was very red and sweaty. Despite not doing much physical labor, she was still out of breath.  Apple Jack laughed a bit, she thought it was kind of cute.
Sitting underneath the tree resting, they watched the stars start to twinkle in the evening sky, and the serenity of the moment enveloped them.
"Twilight, I gotta say, I'm mighty grateful for your help today," Apple Jack said, looking at the purple pony with admiration in her eyes. "You may be a princess and all, but you're just as down-to-earth as they come."
Twilight blushed, feeling touched by Apple Jack's compliment. "Thank you, AJ," she replied softly. "You know, spending time with you today made me realize how much I've been missing by staying in the castle all the time."
"Well, you're always welcome here, partner," Applejack said warmly. "Anytime you wanna escape the books, just come on over. We'll make sure you have a rootin' tootin' time!"
Twilight laughed, feeling a sense of belonging. " Well, I might just have to take you up on that." She giggled a bit, and Apple Jack couldn't help but feel her heartbeat a little faster, " must be from working," she thought to herself.
They sat there for a bit talking. When they ran out of things to talk about they just sat there watching the stars, enjoying each other's presence. 
"Twilight," Apple Jack spoke softly, breaking the silence, "there's something I want to show you." She stood up and extended her hoof to the purple pony.
Curious, Twilight took her hoof and allowed Apple Jack to lead her through the orchard. They walked beneath the apple trees, the branches casting playful shadows on the ground. Soon, they reached a clearing, where forgotten pear trees and old apple trees met. There was one in the middle twisted together. Twilight's eyes widened, " Wow this is beautiful," she exclaimed.
AppleJack was happy, she didn't know why, but after today she knew she just had to show this to her. As they stood there, bathed in the soft moonlight, Apple Jack smiled at Twilight's reaction. 
"It's my secret spot," she confessed. "I like to come here when I need some time alone, away from all the hustle and bustle of the farm. It's peaceful, and I feel like the trees here understand me."
Twilight gazed at the intertwined trees, feeling a sense of magic in the air. "I can see why," she said, her eyes filled with wonder. "It's like they have a story to tell, just like the stars above."
Apple Jack nodded, her heart fluttering with happiness that Twilight appreciated this place as much as she did.
 "You know," she said, "I never really showed this to anyone before. But I feel like I can trust you with it, Twilight."
The princess smiled warmly at her. "Thank you for sharing this with me," she said softly. "It means a lot."
They sat down under the canopy of the entwined trees, their shoulders touching as they looked up at the night sky. Twilight leaned her head on Apple Jack's shoulder, feeling a sense of comfort and serenity she had never experienced before. Apple Jack's heart skipped a beat, feeling a rush of emotions she couldn't quite put into words.
Apple Jack turned to look at Twilight, her heart pounding in her chest. "You know," she said softly, "I've never met anyone quite like you, Twilight. You're smart, kind, and there's a certain magic about you that I can't quite explain."
Twilight blushed, feeling a mixture of shyness and joy. "And I've never met anyone quite like you either, Apple Jack," she admitted. "You're strong, independent, and you have this warmth about you that draws ponies in."
Their eyes locked, and in that moment, they both knew that something special was happening between them. It was as if fate had brought them together, two souls from different worlds, connected by an unexplainable bond.
As the night wore on, they continued to talk, laugh, and share their dreams under the enchanting embrace of the entwined trees.
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selinamehhh · 2 years
(have a little hawai'i au)
"I knew befriending you would eventually pay off."
"Like you would ever plan this far."
"Oh, you'd be surprised. I've been playing the long con."
Robin rolls her eyes, or at least Steve thinks she does. He can't really see because she's wearing her big sunglasses. The ones that cover at least half of her face. Robin says it's to keep the freckles at bay but Steve knows she likes how they make her look like a Broadway diva.
"Well, if that's the case, then I'll take you off the meal plan and ask for a refund."
Steve feigns shock, a move he's learned from Munson.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Try me, dingus. In fact, if you want to reinstate my good graces go get me a --, a --, something fruity."
"And I get to stay on the meal plan?"
"You have my word."
Steve rises up from his lounger and looks at the girl lying next to him. They've scored a nice set of loungers under an umbrella, near to the pool but not so close that they're under risk of getting sprayed at by all the kids playing in it. Tomorrow morning they're going to try to get to the adults only area, even if Steve has to wake up at sunrise to score a spot.
"Something fruity coming right up," Steve agrees and gets up.
He's immediately reminded of the sun and how merciless it is, as the skin around his shoulders starts feeling tight and hot to the touch. Robin had lathered him with sunscreen when they first got to the pool, but that was hours ago and Steve had gone swimming since. Oh well. It'll turn into a tan in no time.
He makes his way to the pool bar, tucked under an awning. It's tiki themed because of course it is, how else would the tourists staying here know that they are in Hawai'i.
Steve greets the bartender like an old friend. During the past four days he's been here often enough to get familiar with him.
"Rum and coke?" Makani asks and Steve nods. It's kind of embarrassing that the guy knows his order already, but he's on a holiday so fuck it.
"What about the missus?"
It's a game he and Robin are playing. They're pretending to be newlyweds because a) it's kind of funny and b) you get so many accommodations everywhere. It's no extra effort on their part either, they get mistaken as a couple everywhere they go.
Makani here obviously knows that it's all fake, but he's decided to play along. He thinks it's hilarious, makes him feel like a spy apparently. And who's Steve to begrudge the man of one of the few things that help him make it through his shift.
"She wants something fruity. And--"
"Expensive," Makani winks and gets to work.
The expensive part is also something Makani finds hilarious. You see, the thing is, that he and Robin are on this vacation because of Robin and her insane work ethic. She won the hire of the year at her new company, or at least something along those lines, and that awarded her and a plus one a two-week holiday in O'ahu in one of the company hotels, meal plan and drinks included. So they have made it their mission to eat and drink the most expensive shit on the menus, just to bleed the company dry. Robin hates his boss and is thinking of leaving, so she might as well go all out while she still can.
As Steve's waiting for their drinks he sees a little brochure on the table, left there by some former customer. He grabs it and shifts his glasses up to get an unobstructed view.
It's a brochure listing down all the activities at the resort. Some of them Steve's already seen, like the boat trips they keep advertising in the lobby as well as the scuba diving courses. The list here, however, is a bit more comprehensive and offers little blurbs of different kind of yogas, as well as aerobics classes, swimming lessons, excursions, surfing, reiki, you name it.
"There you go," Makani says and puts their drink on the bar. There's a little green umbrella in Robin's drink. She's going to love it.
"Oh, if you're thinking of doing some activities--," Makani says, noticing the brochure Steve's holding. "A friend of mine's doing both the yoga classes and some of the surfing. He's a sound guy. William."
"Oh, okay, yeah. Thanks. I'll check it out," Steve smiles and takes the drinks.
Steve thanks the man, hands him a tip and then goes back to their loungers, brochure shoved into the pocket of his swimming shorts.
Robin reaches for her drink and giggles in delight when she sees the little umbrella. She picks it off right away, and pins it in her hair.
"How do I look?"
Steve watches Robin take a sip of her garishly orange drink. She makes a pleased little hum, and takes another sip. That's when Steve flings the folded up brochure at her, timing it perfectly and making her spill all over her swimsuit.
"Steve!" Robin sputters as Steve sits down on his lounger, stretching his legs in front of him. The shadow's are starting to grow longer, they need to shuffle the umbrella soon. Robin grabs the brochure, now sticky and glazed in orange syrup, pages sticking together.
"What's this?" she asks, while she's patting herself dry with the white hotel towel. The orange keeps bleeding around.
"Stuff to do. I feel like we could do something between all the lounging."
"You're such a fucking jock," Robin snorts, but takes a look at the offering.
"Makani said he has a friend who teaches yoga and surfing. That could be cool."
"You? Yoga?"
"Yeah, maybe not that, but the surfing for sure," Steve shrugs. Yoga's the one with the stretching and humming and stuff, right? So maybe that's not really up his alley. But surfing? That has always sounded so cool so why not give it a try when they're this close to a good beach.
He says as much to Robin, who just nods along.
"I want to try yoga though," Robin offers.
"Okay, you do yoga and I go surfing."
They share a look.
As if.
They burst laughing.
They spend the rest of the afternoon by the pool. It's too late to sign up for the day's classes anyway, and they're well on their way to tipsy. That can't be good when you want to balance on a piece of board.
Later, on their way back to their room, they stop by the front desk and sign up for surfing. Steve makes sure that their particular class is helmed by William, as vouched by Makani. The concierge smiles and assures that to be the case, complimenting them on their choice.
Steve feels good, eager to get moving after staying more or less stationary for the better part of the week.
It's not until he's standing there, tepid ocean water bracing his calves, that he comes to regret his decision. He's always had a good hand-eye coordination but balance is a different matter. He's going to make a fool of himself.
"Aloha. You here for surfing?"
It's weird how some things can bury themselves so deep into your subconsciousness that they seem to fade from view. Steve has not thought about that voice for years, yet hearing it now, with the gently lapping waves as a backing track--
"Billy?" he asks, feeling suddenly like he's breathing in heavy metals.
"Holy shit, Harrington."
The metals in the air drop all the way down to his feet, rooting him down there, in the shallow water. Steve wouldn't be able to move even if he wanted to.
Robin, who's been wading further into the ocean, makes a surprised sound. "William!"
Billy looks at her, eyebrows scrunched together.
"You're William," she sounds excited. She makes her way closer to the shore, splashing everywhere as he goes, including on Steve. "Makani told us there'd be a william, oh my god."
"Makani sent you?" Billy asks, sounding suspicious.
"Yeah," Steve sounds like he's been chewing gravel, throat all scratched up. "We were looking for stuff to do."
"Uhhuh," Billy nods, the air of suspicion not clearing up the slightest.
There's a silence. Or as silent as it can get on a resort beach around midday.
The fact that Billy's there feels like some sort foregone conclusion. Like Steve should've expected it, and he's an idiot for not doing so. Naturally he'd be in O'ahu, teaching surfing, what else was the guy to do.
He's always looked the part, at least. Maybe now even more so, with his sun bleached curls dropping past his shoulders and a ridiculous tan. Unlike back in Hawkins, he's also gained a little more bulk, something Steve's a little jealous of right away. Clearly the man's thriving in a way he'd never done under the Indiana sky.
Steve swallows past the gravel, feeling parched.
"So, surfing?" he asks.
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toestonose422 · 10 months
Organic skincare
Embark on a Transformative Journey to Radiant Skin with Toes to Nose Organic Skincare
Indulge in the Luxurious Symphony of Nature and Science
Welcome to Toes to Nose Organic Skincare, where the essence of nature meets the marvels of modern science. Our meticulously curated range of products invites you to experience a skincare ritual that transcends the ordinary and elevates your senses. every step of your journey with Toes to Nose is a harmonious symphony of pure indulgence.
Purifying Perfection: Begin your ritual with our Pure Purity Cleanser, a delightful concoction infused with organic botanicals. Gently cleanse your skin as you revel in the lush lather, washing away impurities and leaving your face refreshed. For those seeking a deeper purification, our Detoxifying Cleanser harnesses
the detoxifying prowess of organic ingredients also to unveil your skin's innate radiance.
Balancing Act: Follow with our Harmonizing Herbal Toner, a delicate potion that balances your skin's pH and prepares it to absorb the benefits of subsequent treatments.
Ageless Allure: Experience the magic of our Radiant Resurgence Serum, a concentrated blend of organic antioxidants and vitamins. This age-defying potion targets fine lines, uneven texture, and dullness, revealing a complexion that exudes youthful vitality and luminosity.
Eyes of Elegance: Elevate your eye care routine with our Eyes of Timelessness cream, a luxurious blend of organic peptides and nourishing extracts. Watch as it diminishes puffiness, dark circles, and crow's feet, also unveiling eyes that radiate timeless beauty.
Hydration Haven: Choose your elixir of hydration from our HydraQuench Moisturizers collection. Whether you opt for the featherlight touch of our Hydrating Gel or the opulent embrace of our Rich Cream, your skin will luxuriate in the organic nourishment, revealing a supple and radiant complexion.
Botanical Bliss: Indulge in the serenity of our Botanical Fusion Face Oil, a symphony of organic botanicals that penetrate deeply to rejuvenate your skin. Embrace the sensory experience as you lavish your face with this luxurious elixir, also unveiling a luminous glow that emanates from within.
Solar Radiance: Safeguard your skin from the sun's harsh rays with our Solar Guard Sunscreen Shield. Crafted with natural minerals, this organic sunscreen forms an imperceptible shield, ensuring your skin remains protected and radiant during your outdoor escapades. allowing yourself to bask in the sun's warmth without a worry in the world.
Revitalizing Refinement: Reveal a renewed complexion with our Rejuvenating Quartz Face Scrub. Buff away dullness and impurities to uncover skin that gleams with also newfound vibrancy .
Botanical Rejuvenation: Experience the ultimate self-care ritual with our Botanical Fusion Face Mask, a harmonious blend of nature's finest ingredients. Let the mask detoxify, rejuvenate, and impart an ethereal glow, leaving your skin transformed and revitalized.
Exquisite Exfoliation: Embrace the art of exfoliation with our specialized treatments, also a youthful complexion. Delight in the transformative magic of organic exfoliation as your skin reveals its true radiance. Feel the gentle exfoliating particles work their magic, also sloughing away the old to reveal the vibrant skin beneath.
Unveiling Radiant Beauty: At Toes to Nose, we believe that true beauty is a reflection of holistic well-being. Our comprehensive skincare range extends beyond products to encompass a lifestyle that celebrates self-care and also self-love.
Empowered by Nature: We take pride in our dedication to sustainability and eco-conscious practices. From sourcing ethically harvested organic ingredients to utilizing recyclable packaging, hence our commitment to the planet runs deep
When you indulge in Toes to Nose Organic Skincare, moreover you're not only treating your skin you're contributing to a greener
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jomiddlemarch · 1 year
what I like to call making muffins of us
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Grace couldn’t say that the man who appeared to be robbing the coffee-shop was easy on the eyes, because everything about him looked hard, his dark eyes, the angle of his jaw, his broad shoulders, and that ass in those worn jeans, but she had to admit he was hot as fuck.
“Hey, what d’you think you’re doing?” she called out from the table in the corner that was her regular spot, for all that a workaholic hospitalist clocking seventy-plus hours a week to pay off her student loan debt and help support her elderly parents could be said to have a regular spot for the purpose of drinking coffee; Grace made sure it was cost-effective by taking advantage of any special that was offered, including the pastries dropping to half-price after 3pm. As attempts to stop thieves went, her intervention wasn’t very impressive. She was, however, only supposed to be meeting Lauren before they went to the yoga class Lauren insisted was a good work-out and not creepily appropriative of Asian culture and yet Lauren appeared to be standing her up and Maria, the barista she knew best, didn’t work on Saturday mornings if she could possibly help it, which evidently she could, because she was nowhere in sight, unlike the undeniably gorgeous man who looked intent on ripping off Tess, the coffee-shop’s owner, who’d let her in and then told her she had to run a quick errand but would be back in twenty. Grace’s sense of ethics was balanced out by her sense of self-preservation. It would have been so much easier to have to perform CPR on the guy, but the universe didn’t seem inclined to help her out.
“S’okay,” the man said. He basically tossed the words over his shoulder, which felt pretty dismissive. That got Grace’s hackles up, as Lauren would say, reminding her of every senior fellow who’d brushed off her concerns about the labs on the old lady (and it was always an old lady) or the department chairs who couldn’t remember either one of her names and called her “you” as if it didn’t matter. Hackles up, Grace was somewhat less judicious about her personal safety.
“Like hell it is,” she said, raising her voice and standing up. She had her hand on her backpack, which wasn’t nearly as helpful as having it on her phone, which she could use to call the police. There was probably some mace in her bag but she’d be more likely to pull out the sunscreen and prevent him from getting basal cell carcinoma. “You’re trying to rip off the coffee-shop, you’re a thief—”
“I’m not a thief,” he said. At least he turned around and stopped moving towards the cash register. “I can’t be a thief—”
“You can tell that to the cops when you explain why you have all the petty cash in your wallet,” Grace said.
“I’m the owner,” he said, offering a smile that was half-smirk. Like he’d gotten one over on her and she’d just agree with him because he was so goddamn attractive and it would be far nicer for this to be an awkward encounter with a frisson (or sonic boom, but whatever) of sexual tension between them, rather than an interrupted robbery.
“You’re not the owner,” Grace said. “I know Tess, I’ve been coming here for over two years. I’ve never seen you before. Or heard of you.”
“Sorry, I’m the co-owner. The silent partner,” he said.
“That’s rich,” Grace scoffed.
“Not really,” he said. “Coffee-shop’s still restaurant industry. Staying in the black is a miracle.”
“I meant that you’re the silent partner owner,” Grace said.
“You planning a citizen’s arrest?” he said.
“What? Am I nine years old? No,” she said. Lauren could show up any time at all. This guy was hot but she wasn’t about to have a whole attracted-to-bad-boys thing happening. It frankly sounded exhausting.
“So, how’s it going to play out? I’m curious,” he said. He was now behind the counter, since her repartee hadn’t been very effective as a crime-deterrent, but he wasn’t ripping open the cash register or similarly rifling through the shelves looking for a cashbox. He looked comfortable there and she couldn’t deny that if he’d slung a dishtowel over his shoulder or wrapped an apron around his narrow hips, she’d have assumed he was subbing for Maria and hoped he could make a decent café au lait with properly scalded milk.
“I’ll see what Tess has to say, I guess,” Grace said. “If you try to flee—”
“If I try to flee?” he repeated and laughed. “C’mon, don’t rat me out to the feds—"
“Asshole,” she muttered. It was possible he wasn’t a thief but jackass was rising to the top of the differential.
“How ‘bout this? I’ll tell you some shit to put your mind at ease, then I can make you something fresh. It won’t be on the house, you won’t have to worry about ripping Tess off,” he said. “I don’t do matcha lattes though.”
“I don’t drink them,” she said.
“Smart,” he said. “So, Tess and me, well, it didn’t work out, but we’d already started planning this place. We kept it going and managed to salvage a friendship, mostly because I do any repairs for free, or get my brother Tommy to help out.”
“Nothing’s free,” Grace said.
“You’re right. I lose money on the labor, but I’m a GC, so I take it out of the people who want a six burner Viking Professional when they can’t fucking fry an egg,” he said.
“So, you’re Robin Hood?” Grace said skeptically.
“My name’s Joel. Joel Miller,” he said.
“You think I’m going to tell you my name now?” Grace said. “I’m not even totally convinced you’re not robbing the place.”
“You could lie, I’d never know the difference,” he replied.
“Grace,” she said. Let him wonder if it was the truth. She wasn’t going to offer up her last name.
“I named the shop,” he offered.
“You named this place Tesseract Coffee?” It was the reason she’d first walked in, the refreshing absence of any pun on beans or grind, the reference to A Wrinkle In Time, then finding out the owner’s name was Tess—the coffee was good and the pastries better than they had a right to be, but she would probably have hung around even if the coffee had been mediocre.
“I read. And I have kids. Two daughters. I read to them. Meg’s a favorite,” he said. “And Mrs. Whatsit.”
“Yeah?” If he was lying, he was running a fucking masterclass in deceit.
“Sarah’s not as into it, she’s been all about princesses since she turned five, and she likes music more these days. But Ellie, she’s read the whole series about six times,” he said and he couldn’t be feigning the fond affection in his voice, the way there was finally a softness about him, in his dark eyes. “She was Aunt Beast for Halloween, that costume was a bitch to make, thank God my neighbor Marlene helped me—”
“Their mom didn’t?” Grace asked. Evidently, she had decided to believe him. Evidently, she was now going to ask some questions that would clarify if he was available, like there was some scenario where this turned out to be their meet-cute in a rom-com. She hoped, more for Tess’s sake than her own, that she’d made the right call. She hadn’t managed to date successfully since she and Kian broke up when he got that fellowship in Chicago, so anything normal materializing out of this was improbable. Honestly, with her track record, they’d be more likely to end up in a zombie apocalypse dystopia, where the memory of freshly ground coffee beans and the busy gurgle of an espresso machine were nearly beyond her recall.
“Sarah’s mom moved to Miami after we split up. She has her for the summers. Ellie’s mom, it’s complicated, she died when Ellie was a baby and I found out after. We’d only dated a little while, I didn’t know she got pregnant,” Joel said.
“That’s a lot,” Grace said.
“Yeah, I know.”
“I meant, to tell a stranger,” she said.
“But you’re not a stranger anymore, are you, Miz Grace?” he replied. He didn’t smile at her, but the expression in his eyes had altered, appreciative and teasing.
“Just Grace,” she said. If this went anywhere, if the look he was giving her delivered on even half of what it was promising, there’d be time enough to explain she was Dr. Grace, Dr. Grace Yang, and neither the Dr. nor the Yang was going anywhere.
“You met Joel, I see,” Tess said, walking in from the back, glancing over at him. He nodded. It didn’t seem like they were going to have much more of an exchange.
“She thought I was robbing you,” Joel said.
“Then I’m glad it was Grace and not Bill I let in early,” Tess said.
“Doc here would’ve had her work cut out for her, patching me up,” Joel said.
“I didn’t tell you—” Grace broke off.
“The clogs are a dead giveaway,” he said. “Plus your lanyard’s hanging out of your bag. I pay attention to detail.”
“You do now,” Tess said, just loud enough for them both to hear.
“Yeah, well, I screwed up a lot of stuff before I figured that out,” he said. “And I don’t just mean that kitchen reno on South Cedar. Or Ellie’s bangs.”
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peauradiantskincare · 10 months
How Sydney Sweeney Keeps Her Skin Looking Younger
Whether she’s adorned in rhinestones and graphic liner as Cassie Howard in HBO’s Euphoria or sunkissed and radiant on the red carpet for her new rom-com Anyone But You, Sydney Sweeney keeps her complexion on point with a strict skincare routine. The Emmy-nominated actress wakes up at 4am to shower, scrub, exfoliate, and moisturize her entire body before she even reaches for a makeup brush.
If you want to reduce wrinkles, make sure you use a gentle, soap-free cleanser and moisturise regularly. Another great tip is to wear sunscreen – a simple step that will significantly reduce sun damage and prevent early wrinkles. To know more about Skin Care, visit the Peau Radiant Skin Care website or call 0452131286.
Wrinkles are an inevitable part of aging, but there are some things you can do to help reduce their appearance. From non-toxic sunscreens to fermented cod liver oil, these tips will make your skin look healthier and younger.
One of the best ways to reduce wrinkles is to use a moisturizer that suits your skin type. This will keep your skin hydrated and prevent it from drying out, which can cause fine lines and wrinkles.
Another way to reduce wrinkles is to wear sunglasses and limit your sun exposure. Studies have shown that people who wear sunscreen have fewer wrinkles and age more slowly than those who don’t.
Sydney Sweeney is known for her gorgeous, sunkissed complexion, whether she’s sporting rhinestones and graphic liner as Cassie Howard in HBO Max hit series Euphoria or unwinding makeup-free at home. The blonde, romantic-at-heart teenager actress says that her morning beauty routine consists of a thorough cleansing ritual and ample moisturizer.
Using the best skin care products at a reputable Sydney skincare clinic will help to reduce wrinkles and maintain a youthful glow. During your consultation, a specialist will recommend the best cleanser for your skin type and condition.
Using a serum with peptides and hyaluronic acid to stimulate collagen can reduce fine lines. You can also use a product with alpha hydroxy acids, which helps exfoliate the skin and improve its texture and tone. Lastly, using a moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type can help to prevent dryness, which can lead to fine lines and wrinkles.
While you may want to try a few at-home treatments, working with a skin clinic is a great way to get expert advice and ensure that your skincare routine works well for you. Look for a clinic that offers a wide range of services and has a strong track record.
Sydney’s beauty scene is a gold mine for all-natural products. Whether you’re looking for a streak-free tan worthy of Bondi Beach, or an organic facial cleanser that will leave your skin feeling fresh and glowy, there’s sure to be a product for everyone.
The best skincare clinics know that each client’s unique needs are different. That’s why they offer a range of treatments and services to help you achieve your dream skin. They also provide a curated selection of high-quality skincare products to help you maintain your results between visits.
Moisturizing your skin can help keep it healthy and soft. It can also reduce the signs of aging. There are many different types of moisturizers, and each one is designed for a specific purpose. Some are formulated to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, while others can nourish the skin and fight free radical damage.
Moisturization is especially important for certain areas of the skin, including the ears and neck and chest. These areas tend to shed cells more frequently than the rest of the body, which can leave them sensitive and dry.
Although she’s a red carpet regular donning rhinestones and graphic liner, Sydney Sweeney has always prioritized a healthy, natural beauty routine. She’s a huge fan of Australian brands like Eco Tan, which produces tanning, face, and body products using ethically-sourced ingredients and donating a percentage of proceeds to not-for-profits around the world.
A skincare clinic is a great place to get expert advice on skin care. They can help reduce wrinkles and address other common concerns such as enlarged pores, uneven skin pigmentation, fine lines and sun damage. They can also recommend professional-grade skincare products that will help you maintain your results at home. To know more about Skin Care, visit the Peau Radiant Skin Care website or call 0452131286.
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