#ethnic trend
sedgr · 22 days
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muslimintp-1999-girl · 8 months
Everything hurts
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 7 months
Palestinian children from the family of Al-Hajj were found under the rubble of their home after being killed in the bombing of the Nsairat refugee camp, Central Gaza. 21.11.23
This is haunting. Remember that there are no resources to dig people up from the rubble. So civilians use their own hands to dig if they could, which in this case is impossible. So even if you're alive crushed under the rubble, there is no way to get you out. And if you manage to get out, there are no functioning hospital in Gaza except for one. Demand a ceasefire, this isn't normal and never will be.
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nyiiwest · 5 months
Israel wants to use nuclear bombs against Palestinians. Israel wants to use NUCLEAR FUCKING BOMBS AGAINST PALESTINIANS! This is not a war, this is a genocide. This is an act of hell on earth literally. Not only do nuclear bombs have a blast radius up to half a mile, it pollutes the sea, and the air around it for decades to come. Think Chernobyl. Not only would it wipe out Gaza completely, it would make Gaza uninhabitable for anyone, effectively destroying the climate even more in the process. Mind you Israel has already attacked Lebanon and Yemen with the help of the US, UK and Canada. This will not stop at Palestine. Share, boost, share on other platforms, call and email your representatives, protest, sign petitions, boycott. This isn’t a joke, this isn’t something that doesn’t effect you, this is not normal to be witnessing day in and day out, this type of violence is not fucking normal. Palestinians are human beings just like you and me, can’t say the same for the Zionists backing this.
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aidenknow · 8 months
Israel has already cut off the telecommunications in Palestine so I begging you please to speak out regarding the situation going on in Palestine while also mentioning about the atrocities committed by Israel. We cannot be silent about it now that communications are now cut off in Palestine and more air strikes are bombing to the point the place is in flames and more deaths are piling up right now.
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mycannibalromance · 2 years
i'm going to bed now but i do want to come back to this. if you're just now confronting the prevalence fandom racism wrt my chemical romance and the complete dismissal of ray toro, if you're realising, 'hey, shit, when i was 13 i was absolutely complicit in this whether i meant to be or not', you really have to think through what allowed you to dismiss him in the first place, because that is inextricably tied to your privilege as a white fan. the answer isn't really just to reblog other people's posts praising his talent or lusting after him - that's fine! god knows it's warranted! but doing that w/o actually confronting the casual racism that pervades alt communities is meaningless.
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mangopit · 2 months
am i tripping or am i seeing more youtubers change their thumbnails and video titles a few hours after uploading?
like it's not uncommon to see ppl use more clickbaity fake-drama video titles for algorithmic reasons, but lately and more specifically i've been seeing these L.A. youtubers upload videos with titles that are more... abrasive and somewhat problematic lol? and then some hours later it'll be updated to have more PC language. like either these major channels are suddenly forgetting how to not offend people or they're employing the "get clicks by being a certain acceptable amount of incorrect and reasonably mistaken" and it's leaving a bad taste in my mouth
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rapurnas · 3 months
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Kantha Stitch work on Pure Bangalore Silk Saree.
Blouse piece : Yes
Length : 6.3 m
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salora-rainriver · 2 years
Its really funny and weird how, of all the european pagan mythologies, greek is the one white ppl know the most of by far.
Like, of course it makes sense, greco-romans were hailed as the peak of civilization by white european elites at least like, twice in history, but it’s still really wild like. We’ll know the names of every olympian and what exactly their deal is, know like 20 different random greek monsters who only appeared in like One Story,
but then u ask abt the british isles, site of a people who would eventually colonize the fucking world, and its like “uhhhhhh theres morrigan? Also some fairies. Is morrigan a fairy? I think there were some tree worshippers. Some dudes put blue paint on their body and had big shields i think?” and a book’s gonna claim there was an irish potato god and you’re going to believe them bcs you’ll be so wrapped up in the potato famine thing that you’ll forget potatos were IMPORTED FROM THE ANDES MOUNTAINS.
And then like folks will be familiar with like 4 norse gods maybe 5, know some words like asgard and ragnarok, but ask them who fenrir is and theyll be like “Is he important?”
Also if you ask them about germanic mythos they will draw a fucking blank bcs even tho the general public are familiar with at least a few germanic mythos things, we completely stripped out the germanic origins from them when we called them generic “fairy tales.” Same for france and the iberian penninsula i think. Also dont ask me which fairy tales come from where bcs i am a prime example of this, i do not fucking know, i just vaguely remember that they came from certain places and then spread from there.
Oh And absolutely FORGET about anything east of germany fucking forget about it. The slavic regions have a rich mythos and even ppl who are pretty knowledgable abt the stuff i said above won’t know shit about it, case in point, me! Go ahead! I know a bunch abt celtic stuff and norse stuff and a lill bit of german stuff, but ask me to bring up ONE slavic story! The only thing my brain is cookin up is that one about the lindwurm, and even that one i cant remember if its actually slavic!
Now Think abt how many white people claim heritage from places in europe that arent greece and italy. Think about how little those same ppl know abt their ancestor’s prechristian stories and beliefs. Im hispanic i know like one thing abt pre-christian spain and its that they had a funny word for fairies (i don’t even remember the name!), just as an example. Like isnt that fucking insane? You’d think a buncha colonizing douches competing with each other to take over the world would put a bit more effort into educating ppl abt the ancestral stories that set these guys apart from each other, but no, not really. And like dont get me wrong its not like this doesnt make sense. It does. The roman empire and later christianity overtook like all these myriad cultures years before colonialism and white supremacy was even a pipe dream, to say nothing about the internal strife that happened in the iberian peninsula and the british isles.
But at the same time, in recent years there’s been massive pushes to recover this lost culture (especially in those british isles places that arent england), and even with this effort, so much is unknown to a fuckton of people who, i repeat, claim heritage from these places. (In fact, one of those efforts probably set us back bcs it got caught up in bullshit ideology and mysticism and grabbed stuff from totally different people to support a bullshit point. Looking at you, nazis.) and it’s just kind of insane. Overall this is just a peak example to me of the hollowness and artificiality of the concept of whiteness. The master race can’t even remember their own ancestors, and ancient history had to be wiped away or made generic in order to support the notion that these people have something in common, and thus, something setting them apart from everyone else.
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sedgr · 1 month
Unveiling the Trendiest Summer Party Wear Light Collection
Embrace the allure of summer nights with Vastrachowk's latest collection, meticulously crafted to elevate your seasonal wardrobe. As the warmth of the season beckons vibrant soirées and enchanting gatherings, our range of light and trendy party wear promises to make a lasting impression. From dazzling outfits that capture attention to elegant ensembles that radiate sophistication, each piece is thoughtfully designed to complement the spirited ambiance of summer celebrations. Whether under the starlit sky or amidst the glow of city lights, our collection invites you to embody elegance and charm effortlessly. Step into the essence of the season with Vastrachowk, where style meets the excitement of summer festivities.
Effortless Elegance:
Women's Straight Suit with Pant and Dupatta: 
Experience timeless elegance with our Women's Straight Suit featuring a refreshing summer update. Crafted from breezy fabrics and adorned with delicate prints, this silhouette embodies effortless beauty. The straight cut of the suit flatters all body types, offering both comfort and chic style. Opt for the pant for a comfortable and modern alternative to a skirt. Whether you drape the dupatta for a touch of elegance or leave it flowing loosely for a carefree vibe, this ensemble exudes timeless grace. Step into sophistication with our Women's Straight Suit with Pant and Dupatta ensemble, designed to accentuate your natural beauty and captivate attention effortlessly. Read More.................
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shaadiwish · 5 months
While the market is filled with designer brands, there are only a handful of labels who truly stand out for being one-of-a-kind! One such brand that ShaadiWish wants every modern bride-to-be to keep an eye on is Moledro.
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 7 months
What Saleh aljafarawi had to witness today is beyond comprehension. These children are alive, crushed by the rubble and the dead bodies of their loved ones but they're alive. God, their screams. Civilians have to dig up people from underneath the rubble using their bare hands. Today marks the 46th and every day a massacre is committed by Israel that's worse than the one before. Speak up, don't get bored or used to any of this, it isn't normal and never will be.
The worst horror movie wouldn't start to capture what gaza is going through right now. Trigger warning, if you can't look which I think you should, share it, let the world mark the horrors committed by Israel.
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pussydemolisher900 · 5 months
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I will be participating in Global Strike Week. I will be buying the rest of my supplies tomorrow and will not make a single purchase from the 21st to the 28th of January 2024 with the exception of SiM chips for the people of Gaza. I understand this isn't practical for most people so if you can't for whatever reason please still like and share the pro Palestine posts to clog social media trends.
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isimchi · 1 year
In the Sims 2 community there’s a certain maxis face preset that’s considered by many to be the ugliest preset, but literally it’s just a very non-Eurocentric face: it has the widest and thickest nose and lips of any of the other presets, and I also think it has the chubbiest cheeks/face.
I know there’s been modern criticism of Maxis’ lack of race and body diversity in CAS and a few other problematic instances in the Sims 2, but for the most part I think they remedied that in the later games.
When it comes to the sims 2 community though, it is disappointing to see these ideas about beauty still floating around today. No one can stop people from playing their games how they like, but imo at this age and point in time it’s worthwhile to at least question why you think certain features are funny or ugly looking.
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jphoenix124 · 9 months
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Inca Pattern - Killaq Tinkuy by
JPhoenix | TeePublic
Killaq tinkuy: Could be interpreted as a symbolic encounter with the Moon, representing duality, natural cycles, harmony, and spirituality in Inca culture.
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bookishmomsstuff · 1 year
R in Indian women fashion
An ever-evolving industry, the Indian women’s fashion segment is constantly influenced by varying trends that come and go. Not only attire but the material that is used also plays an important role in fashion trends. For example, there is a difference between a cotton saree and a chiffon saree. Each is different on its own, be it comfort, durability, and efforts taken to maintain. Gathered or…
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